========================================= Wario World Boss FAQ Version 1.0 By kirbyparufo ========================================= 1. Introduction 2. Updates 3. Bosses 4. Contact ============================================== 1. Introduction ============================================== This is a FAQ about how to defeat the bosses in Wario World. Included are all of the attacks they use, multiple strategies to defeat them, and other information. This guide does not cover the "minibosses", as I feel that they are just normal enemies. The names for the bosses are taken from the official website. ============================================== 2. Updates ============================================== Version 1- FAQ Completed. ============================================== 3. Bosses ============================================== This is how each boss section will be set up: Health: The number of Skulls (think Wario's hearts) a boss has. After Wario knocks out a boss and picks it up, he can Piledrive, Wild Swing-Ding, or Mega-Throw the boss to damage it by 1 Skull. Attacks: A rundown of each attack the boss uses. At the end of each attack description, I will post either (1/2) or (1). This indicates how many hearts of health the attack does in damage to Wario. Damage changes: How the boss's attacks change after it is hurt. Strategy: How to defeat the boss. Difficulty: Rated on a scale of 1 to 10, a personal opinion on how difficult each boss is. There are also a few terms you should know going into this guide. Dash Attack: Used by holding the B button or pressing the R button (The R button is generally better to use). The Dash Attack is an attack that Wario can use to damage bosses until they become knocked out. However, I think that it is better used to evade attacks. It is risky to use the Dash to attack bosses anyway, so don't use it unless I note to do so. Punch- A normal attack used by pressing the B button. It can be used to knock out bosses. Punching three time quickly performs a Mega-Punch that knocks out enemies and bosses faster, but it is a slower combo than just using two quick punches from behind, waiting a second and repeating the process. When I say to attack a boss, use the two-punch combo unless otherwise noted. Ground Pound- After jumping with the A Button while Wario is still in mid-air, press R to use a Ground Pound. The attack damages bosses, but like the Dash Attack, is not recommended unless otherwise noted. Hyper Suction- Not a attack, but by holding the L button and moving around, Wario can suck up coins, which counts as collecting them. Wild Swing-Ding- One of Wario's three attacks that can truly damage bosses. After picking up a boss, rotate the control stick either clockwise or counterclockwise to start spinning. The boss grabbed by Wario is released automatically after many spins, and is then damaged. You can end the spinning early by pressing B, but the Boss will not take damage unless Wario was glowing Blue when they were released. This is the slowest of Wario's damaging moves, and for that reason should be the least used of your three damaging moves. Piledriver- One of Wario's three attacks that can truly damage bosses. After picking up a boss, jump and press R while in the air. Wario then Piledrives the picked up boss into the ground. This is the quickest of Wario's three damaging moves, so use it often. Mega-Throw- One of Wario's three attacks that can truly damage bosses. After picking up a boss, hold B until Wario starts to glow blue. When he is glowing blue, release B to throw and damage the boss. This move is faster then the Wild Swing-Ding, but slower than the Piledriver. Pick up- To pick up a boss, you must first knock it out with normal attacks. When you see birds flying around its head, stand next to the boss and press B to pick it up. The same applies to enemies, except the small ones that die after any attack. Objects can also be picked up. Jump- Press A to jump. Glue Globe- A sticky object that is orange-brown. If Wario touches one, he will automatically stick to it. These items play important roles in 3 fights. Knock out- When Wario is knocked out, he is unable to move for a brief period of time. When a boss is knock out, they are unable to move for a brief period of time, and they can also be picked up. Throw- After picking up an enemy/object/boss, press the B button to throw whatever you are holding. This usually doesn't damage bosses, so don't use it. However, throwing an object into a boss usually knocks them out, so keep that in mind. ---------------------------------------------- 3.1 Reptilian Goliath ---------------------------------------------- Health: 3 Skulls Attacks: The Reptilian Goliath has 2 attacks. He use an attack where he slams his two big, metal fists at Wario if you are directly in him. Just attack him from behind and you won't even see this attack being used. This attack flattens Wario for a short period of time if it connects. (1/2) The second, much, MUCH more dangerous attack is only used while you are beating up the Reptilian Goliath. The Reptilian Goliath glows reds, and then runs towards Wario, punching madly. When the Reptilian Goliath has 2 or 3 Skulls remaining, this attack is easy enough to avoid. But when the Reptilian Goliath has only 1 Skull remaining, watch out. The Reptilian Goliath runs faster than Wario can with 1 Skull remaining, and even I get hit by the attack sometimes. To avoid this attack, run around in a somewhat small circle. The Reptilian Goliath has to slightly slow down to turn, which allows you to barely outrun him. The Reptilian Goliath is invincible during this attack. This attack burns Wario for a short period of time if it connects. (1) Damage Changes: Every time the Reptilian Goliath is damaged, his movement speed slightly increases, and both of his attacks increase in speed (his mad charging attack greatly so). Strategy: As the first boss in the game, the Reptilian Goliath is pretty easy. Punch him from behind until he turns red. When he turns red, you will have to avoid his avoid his mad dashing attack (covered above). This attack speeds up every time he loses a Skull. When you knock him out, Piledrive him or throw him of the cliff to damage him. When you defeat him, he spits out a bunch of coins, which you should collect with Wario's hyper suction. Difficulty: 2/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.2 Big Scorper ---------------------------------------------- NOTE: You can fight the Big Scorper again in Pecan Sands. Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: The Big Scorper has 4 attacks, although 2 of those 4 attacks are just twists on the weaker two. The first and most often seen attack involves the Big Scorper shooting spiked balls at you. Wario hops in pain if hit by one. (1/2) The second, more dangerous attack is used when you approach the Big Scorper. It will use its scythe-like claws to attack. If the attack connects, Wario will be knocked out for a short period of time (1). The third attack involves drastically speeding up the sand flow in the pit so Wario gets sucked in. The Big Scorper goes into the center of the pit during this attack and spits a lot of spiked balls quickly. If you get sucked into the center of the pit, expect to take damage. To avoid getting sucked in, quickly jump upwards while the sand is sliding down, or stand on one of the bits of rock in the four corners of the square area you are in. The Big Scorper is invincible during this attack. The spiked balls cause Wario to hop in pain if he is hit by one. The Big Scorper itself does no damage. This attack is only used the second and fourth time you damage the Big Scorper (1/2) The fourth attack is the same as the second one, except the Big Scorper is invincible while using it, the attack is quicker, and it and only performs the attack the first and third time it is damaged. Damage Changes: Every time the Big Scorper is damaged, its movement speed slightly increases, and all of its attacks increase in speed. In addition, immediately after being damaged the first and third time, it will use a quick claw striking attack. The second and fourth time it is damages it will use its "spinning suction spiked ball" attack. Both attacks are covered above in more detail. Strategy: The Big Scorper is about as hard as the Reptilian Goliath. To follow the Big Scorper, follow to trail of sand it leaves while it travels. Use a three punch combo to damage him (he doesn't need to be picked up). You will face either his "spinning suction spiked ball" attack, or an attack where he tries to attack you with his claws. Both attacks are covered above in detail. After the Big Scorper is defeated, use Wario's Hyper Suction ability to pick up the coins it spits out. Difficulty: 2.5/10 ********************************************** 3.3 Dinomighty ********************************************** Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: Dinomighty has a much wider variety of attacks than the previous two bosses, and some of the later bosses have less attack variety than Dinomighty as well. Altogether, Dinomighty has 5 attacks. The attack you'll most often see involves Dinomighty jumping and creating a shockwave when she lands. You have to be out of range of the shockwave (easier said than done) or jump over it to avoid taking damage and a short knockout for Wario (1/2). In the odd event that Dinomighty lands on you after the hop, Wario will be damaged and flattened for a short period of time (1). When Dinomighty is down to two Skulls, she performs the attack three times in a row, which leads to three shockwaves and opportunities to be squished. Dinomighty also uses this attack immediately after taking damage from a Piledriver, using the same numbers of hops as she normally would. The second attack has Dinomighty's eyes glow red, after which she shoots out her tongue. If Wario is right near the area the tongue shoots out, he will be knocked out for a short period of time and take damage (1/2). If you grab onto the Glue Globe attached to her tongue, you will be lifted up, giving yourself a good opportunity to jump off and Ground Pound her head to knock her out instantly. If you stick on the tongue for too long, you'll be swung onto the ground, be knocked off the tongue, knocked out for a short period of time, and damaged (1/2). The third attack is only used while Wario is nearby. Dinomighty makes a SMALL hop and attempts to flatten Wario. If you get away in time, you'll be pushed away be a non-damaging shockwave. If you don't get away in time, Wario will take damage and be flattened for a short period of time (1). Her fourth attack, again only used while Wario is nearby, has Dinomighty walking around trying to flatten you. When she has 4 or more hearts, she stomps twice. If she has 2 or less hearts, she stomps around five times. If you are crushed by her, she stops stomping, and Wario gets flattened and takes damage (1/2). Her final attack is only used when you hang onto the Glue Globe on her tail for too long. Dinomighty will swing her tail onto the ground, knocking you off, knocking out Wario for a short period of time, and damaging him (1/2). Damage Changes: After Dinomighty is damaged and has 2 or less Skulls, she speeds up and her hopping and stomping attacks change a little. Strategy: Dinomighty is a lot easier than she looks. There are three main ways to knock her out. You could stick to standard punching, but this is long and dangerous, as it leaves Wario open to her two close-range attacks. You can get on the Glue Globe on her tail or tongue, wait for Dinomighty to raise you over her head, and Ground Pound her head for an instant knockout. However, if you hang on her tongue for too long (and 7 times out of ten, but not always, this applies for her tail as well), she'll slam you to the ground and Wario will take damage, or you could misguide the distance and Ground Pound too early or late, and leave yourself open to an attack. The easiest way to beat Dinomighty, in my opinion, is to throw one of the six pillars at Dinomighty. If it hits, she will instantly be knocked out. Even better, if you hit her foot with a pillar, Dinomighty will hop into the lava around the arena in pain (in a comical fashion if I may say so myself), take away one of her own Skulls, and drop a TON of coins into the arena. Collect the coins quickly with Wario's hyper suction, and move out of the way when Dinomighty hops back into the arena. If you don't hit her in the foot, or knock her out some other way, you will have to damage her with one of Wario's big attacks. I don't recommend using the Piledriver though. If you use the Piledriver, Dinomighty will hop back up when she recovers and use her hopping attack normally. All of her attacks aren't too dangerous overall, but are covered above. Difficulty: 3.5/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.4 Brawl Doll ---------------------------------------------- Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: The Brawl Doll has 3 attacks. The first attack has the Brawl Doll swiping its wings twice, attempting to hit Wario. This attack damages Wario on contact (1/2). You won't see the second attack until the Brawl doll is down to 2 Skulls. The Brawl Doll makes a series of dives at Wario (4 with 2 Skulls, 5 with 1 Skull). If Wario is hit, he will be knocked out for a short period of time and take damage (1). The third attack is only used when the Brawl Doll is damaged. It flies out of reach and fires a series of energy blasts. The amount of energy blasts and their pattern get tougher to avoid each time the attack is used. It is quite hard to avoid. The energy blasts damage Wario (1/2). Damage Changes: The Brawl Doll's wing attack and movement speed increase every time it is damaged. The Brawl Doll's energy beam attack changes every time it is damaged. The Brawl Doll starts to use its diving attack when it has 2 Skulls remaining. Strategy: The fight against the Brawl Doll is hard, but quick. Pick up a pillar in the arena you are fighting in immediately after the fight's cutscene ends and throw it at the Brawl Doll. This will knock out the Brawl Doll immediately. Pick up the Brawl Doll and Piledrive it. After this, the Brawl Doll will perform its energy blast attack. Attempt to avoid it. Follow the above strategy twice, but the third time that you pick up the Brawl Doll, don't do anything to it until the pillars you destroyed regenerate. After they regenerate, proceed with the strategy until the Brawl Doll is defeated. Just make sure you perform the strategy quickly, and the only damage you'll take is from the energy blast attack. One last thing. NEVER attempt to grab a pillar during the energy blast attack. Difficulty: 5/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.5 Clown-A-Round ---------------------------------------------- Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: The Clown-A-Round only has 1 attack. Every once in a while, the Clown-A-Round will get onto its giant ball and move across the tightrope to the opposite platform. It will then throw its ball onto the platform it isn't on. The ball makes a big explosion upon landing that knocks out Wario and damages him (1). There are two ways to avoid this attack. The Clown-A-Round's ball has, depending on its Skulls remaining, up to 4 Glue Globes on it. If you jump onto one of the Glue Globes, you'll follow the Clown-A-Round to the next platform. There is another method of avoiding the attack. On each of the two platforms there are two balconies on opposite sides. Standing on either of the two balconies lets you avoid the attack. Keep in mind that if there are any of the Clown-A-Round's heads on the platform you are on, they will try to get onto one of the two balconies too. The heads could potentially push you off into the pit, damaging Wario (1/2). To avoid this, continuously punch the Clown-A-Round's heads until the explosion is over. Although not technically an attack, the Clown-A-Round will throw sets of two heads at you throughout the fight. These heads can perform a charging attack to hit Wario for damage (1/2). Damage Changes: The Clown-A-Round becomes faster every time it is damaged. Also, one Glue Globe is removed from the Clown-A-Round's ball every time it is damaged. Also, if you attempt to beat up the  Clown-A-Round when it has 2 or less Skulls, it will likely flee the first time. Strategy: The Clown-A-Round is a simple boss. Just beat up on it with a three-punch combo to knock it out, and than Piledrive/Wild Swing-Ding it into any heads it may have thrown into the arena to create many coins. After doing that, follow the Clown-A-Round onto the next platform by hanging onto a Glue Globe on its ball. Repeat the process until it reaches two Skulls. At that point, beating up on the Clown-A-Round once will cause it to run away. Follow it and beat it up for good to take away another Skull, then repeat this process one more time to defeat it. Difficulty: 1/10 ********************************************** 3.6 Dual Dragon ********************************************** Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: The Dual Dragon has 3 attacks. All of its attacks can be used by both of its heads. The first attack is used when you approach one of its spiked tails(?) on either side of the arena you are fighting in. The Dual Dragon raises up the tail(?) and strikes you, causing Wario to hop around in pain if this attack connects (1/2). The second attack is... odd. One of the Dual Dragon's heads will spit out a bunch of Glue Globes. After a LOT of them are in the arena, the head (or sometimes the other head) will inhale them. If Wario is on a Glue Globe and is sucked up by this attack, he will be eaten, and spat up while knocked out for a short period of time, and Wario will also take damage (1). The third attack is the key to beating the boss. One of the Dual Dragon's heads will spit (a lot of) fire, while the other head moves out of the way. To avoid this part of the attack, stick on the bottom half of the arena's platform. However, when the Dual Dragon has 3 or less hearts, a bunch of small fireballs come out of the stream of fire and fall onto the bottom half of the platform. This part of the attack is very hard to avoid. The main stream of fire does damage (1) and burns Wario, while the fireballs only damage Wario (1/2). Damage Changes: All of the Dual Dragon's attacks speed up as it loses Skulls. The Fire stream attack also starts spitting out fireballs once the Dual Dragon has three or less Skulls, and more fireballs appear from the stream as the Dual Dragon loses Skulls. Strategy: The key to defeating the Dual Dragon is to use the Fire Stream attack to your advantage. You have to beat up one of the Dual Dragon's two heads until it lies down, and hope the other head decides to use the Fire Stream attack, at which point the unconscious head gets toasted, and the Dual Dragon loses one Skull. Just beware of the Glue Globe attack and the fireballs that come out of the Fire Stream attack when the Dual Dragon has 3 or less Skulls. Difficulty: 4/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.7 Winter Windster ---------------------------------------------- Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: The Winter Windster has a total of 5 attacks. The first, most common attack is used while the Winter Windster is flying around. It will drop 2 large stones in an attempt to hit Wario. Wario becomes flatted and takes damage if one of the stones fall on him (1/2). The second attack will usually lead to damage for the Winter Windster. The Winter Windster blows ice-cold air at Wario. If the air connects Wario will become frozen (wiggle the Control Stick rapidly to break out of the ice). The Winter Windster will then jump off of its cloud and attempt to smash Wario with its head. If that part of the attack connects, Wario will be knocked unconscious and take damage (1). In the more likely scenario where you break free of the ice before this can happen, you can damage the Winter Windster yourself, although it will still try to attack you. The third attack is just a generic energy beam attack. The Winter Windster will just fire a few beams down from the sky. If Wario is hit by one, he will take damage (1/2). As the Winter Windster loses Skulls, it will fire more energy beams. The fourth attack is quite easy to avoid and escape from. If at any point the camera zooms in on the Winter Windster, it is trying to perform this attack. The Winter Windster's eyes glow red, and if Wario is facing him, the Winter Windster will fly into him. The Winter Windster will make Wario hover until he is over the spike pit surrounding the arena. The Winter Windster then drops Wario, and Wario takes damage and hops around in pain (1/2). To avoid the attack altogether, don't look into the Winter Windster's eyes when they are glowing red. If you do look into its eyes, wiggle the Control Stick rapidly to force the Winter Windster out of Wario. The final attack you won't see often. The Winter Windster hops into one of the lava pits in the arena and starts spinning, creating shockwaves that must be jumped over. As the Winter Windster loses Skulls, shockwaves in sets of 3 are added into the attack, and the total number of shockwaves also increases. Damage Changes: As the Winter Windster's number of Skulls decreases, its attacking and movement speed greatly increase. During its generic beam attack, it fires more beams when its number of Skulls is lower. During its Lava Pit Shockwave attack the number of shockwaves increases, and shockwaves in sets of 3 are added into the attack. Strategy: The Winter Windster has good variety in its attacks, but that is about it. There are three times you can attack the Winter Windster. The first is after breaking free from the ice after the freezing attack. Just use a standard combo to knock out the Winter Windster and than Piledrive drive it to damage it. The second time that the Winter Windster is open to attack is right after its Lava Pit Shockwave attack. It hops out of the lava pit and shakes. After this, beat it up with a standard combo. The third, hardest way to damage the Winter Windster is to throw one of the stones from the stone-dropping attack into one of the lava pits. After a short time, that lava pit explodes, and if the Winter Windster is above it, it will take damage and fall to the ground. This method is not recommended, as it is long and leaves Wario vulnerable to attacks. Difficulty: 3.5/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.8 Spideraticus ---------------------------------------------- Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: Spideraticus has 5 attacks. The first attack you will see at the beginning of the fight and every time you damage Spideraticus. Spideraticus jumps, creating a shockwave that must be jumped over. This shockwave is slow and easy to jump over, but knocks out and inflicts damage to Wario if it connects. When Spideraticus has 3 or less Skulls, it will jump a second time and create a MUCH faster shockwave that you will need to jump over. This shockwave has the same effect as the first shockwave if it connects (knockout and damage) (1/2). The second attack is about a generic as it gets. Spideraticus, after the shockwave attack, will shoot out energy beams at Wario. The energy beam(s) follow Wario a little bit, so a simple step to the side won't let Wario escape them, but a Dash Attack is overkill. Spideraticus fires 1 generic energy beam with 5-4 Skulls left, 4 generic energy beams with 3-2 Skulls left, and 9 with 1 Skull left. The energy beams move faster as Spideraticus takes damage. If Wario gets hit by an energy beam, he takes damage (1/2). The third attack is usually usable for Wario's benefit. Spideraticus shoots 5 Glue Globes out of its mouth. If you do nothing, Spideraticus will eventually pull the Glue Globes back in and perform the next attack. What you probably want to do is jump on a Glue Globe, though. If you hop onto a Glue Globe, Spideraticus will pull them back in, one by one. When you're close enough to Spideraticus, jump over its back and Ground Pound it to knock it out instantly (and create a lot of coins). Be warned: The first 4 Glue Globes reel in slowly enough, but you'll need good timing avoid being eaten if you're on the 5th one. Regardless of which one you're on, stay on too long and Spideraticus will spin Wario and around in its mouth, knocking Wario out and causing damage (1). If you follow my strategy, you will never see the fourth attack. If you do not jump onto a glue globe (or jump on and then jump off) Spideraticus will use this attack. Spideraticus turns around and shoots web onto Wario. Spideraticus then attempts to reel Wario in. If it does so successfully, Spideraticus will pounce on Wario, knocking him out and causing damage (1). This attack can be used to your advantage though. While Spideraticus is attempting to reel Wario in, you can Dash Attack in the direction opposite to Spideraticus to reel IT in. You can then proceed to punch it to knock it out, but be aware that Spideraticus can lunge at Wario to knock HIM out. The fifth attack is used only when you are foolish enough to attempt the fight Spideraticus in its web. Spideraticus will lunge at Wario, knocking him out and causing damage (1). Damage Changes: Spideraticus' attacks speed up as it loses Skulls. In addition, Spideraticus fires 1 generic energy beam with 5-4 Skulls left, 4 generic energy beams with 3-2 Skulls left, and 9 with 1 Skull left. Spideraticus also creates an extra shockwave, faster shockwave during its jumping attack when it has 3 or less Skulls left. Strategy: Very, very, VERY easy for a boss. Jump over the shockwave(s) during its first attack, avoid the beam(s) during its second attack, and then ride one of the Glue Globes Spideraticus spits out during its third attack until you can Ground Pound its back to knock it out. Mega Throw it and quickly get out of its web and repeat the process 4 times to defeat it. Difficulty: 1/10 ********************************************** 3.9 Red-Briefs J ********************************************** Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: Red-Briefs J has a bunch of attacks and one attack you must you against him to defeat him. In total, Red-Briefs J has 6 attacks. You should NEVER be hit by Red-Briefs J's first attack. While Red-Briefs J walks around, fire comes out of his hooves on his feet... or something. If Wario gets hit by the fire, he will take damage and become burned and hop around in pain for a short period of time (1/2). To avoid the attack, just don't stand next to him. The second attack is the key to taking Red-Briefs J down. Red-Briefs J glows orange and quickly dashes towards Wario. If he hits Wario, Wario takes damage and is knocked out for a short period of time (1). However, if you avoid getting hit, Red-Briefs J will have to stop short at the edge of the arena and will lose his balance. At that point, you should have Wario Ground Pound the center of the arena (NOT on any areas under which you can see lava). After that, Red-Briefs J will fall into the lava, spit a lot of coins into the center of the arena, and take damage. Every time Red-Briefs J is damaged, the attack speeds up, you will have less time the Ground Pound the center of the cage, and most importantly, Red-Briefs J adds an additional dash to the attack. The third attack is generic. Red-Briefs J fires... fire at Wario. If Wario gets hit by the fire, he takes damage and hops around in pain from the burn for a short period of time (1/2). Just run around to avoid the attack. As Red-Briefs J loses Skulls, he fires more... fire. Red-Briefs J's fourth attack is hard to avoid. Red-Briefs J hops up high and later crashes down. To avoid this attack move around quickly, but make sure Wario is still in the center of the arena. If Red-Briefs J lands on Wario, Wario becomes flattened and takes damage (1). If Wario is not on the center of the arena when Red-Briefs J and is hit by lava that comes through the grating, he will hop around in pain from a burn and take damage (1/2). Red-Briefs J's fifth attack is surprisingly easy to avoid. Red-Briefs J hops into the air, spins around, and crashes into Wario. If this attack connects, Wario gets knocked out and takes damage (1). Running should be enough to avoid this attack. Red-Briefs J only uses his last attack if he has 1 Skull left, or if you attempt to beat him up. Red-Briefs J glows pink and spins rapidly towards Wario. Run along the outside of the arena to avoid this attack. If it connects, Wario is knocked out for a short period of time and takes damage (1). Damage Changes: Red-Briefs J's attacks speed up as it takes damage. In addition, Red-Briefs J fires more fire at Wario during its firing fire attack as Red-Briefs J takes damage. Every time Red-Briefs J is damaged, he also dashes an additional time at Wario during his dashing attack. Red-Briefs J also starts to regularly use his spinning attack when he has only 1 Skull remaining. Strategy: To beat Red-Briefs J, you must Ground Pound the arena (the center, unless you like taking damage) after he is done with his dashing attack and is wobbling on an edge of the arena. When Red-Briefs J isn't damaged, he only dashes at Wario once. He dashes 1 additional time at Wario for each Skull he is missing. One last thing: NEVER, EVER, EVER try to beat Red-Briefs J up normally, as he will counterattack. Difficulty: 6.5/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.10 The Mean Emcee ---------------------------------------------- Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: The Mean Emcee has 2 attacks. During the Mean Emcee's first attack, the Mean Emcee spins his cane. If Wario is hit by the cane, he is knocked out for a short period of time and takes damage (1/2). Just run away (or beat up the Mean Emcee from his opposite side) to avoid taking damage. The Mean Emcee uses his second attack occasionally if you are beating him up. The Mean Emcee curls into a ball and tries to spin into Wario at breakneck speeds. If the attack connects, Wario gets knocked out and takes damage (1). Damage Changes: The Mean Emcee's attacks speed up when it takes damage. In addition, the speed of the cup game increases, and the enemies that come out of the cup you chose if the Mean Emcee wasn't inside change as well: No Skulls Lost- 3 Magician Dogs 1 Skulls Lost- 6 Magician Dogs 2 Skulls Lost- 2 Straightjacket Vampires 3 Skulls Lost- 2 Straightjacket Vampires 4 Skulls Lost- 3 Ninja Birds Strategy: Since the Mean Emcee is such an easy and simple boss, I've put together some steps to beating him instead of a traditional strategy: 1. Beat the Mean Emcee up until he flees into a cup. 2. At this point, you'll need to play a cup game. Guess which cup the Mean Emcee is in and hit it (once the cups stop spinning). 3. If you're wrong, enemies come out. If you're right, the cup lifts up to reveal nothing. Repeat steps 1-2 if you're wrong. 4. Hit the raised cup with a jumping punch to knock the Mean Emcee out of the cup. 5. Damage the Mean Emcee and repeat 4 times to win. Difficulty: 1.5/10 ---------------------------------------------- 3.11 Ironsider ---------------------------------------------- Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: Ironsider has 2 attacks. The first is a standard shockwave attack. Ironsider leaps up, and when it hits the ground it creates a shockwave that must be jumped over. If the shockwave hits Wario, he'll be knocked out and take damage (1/2). If Ironsider lands on Wario, he'll take damage and become flattened (1). When Ironsider has 2 or less Skulls, he'll create more shockwaves, and add a quick shockwave in at the end of the attack. The Second attack is much harder to avoid. Ironsider spits out a giant stream of fire while slowly spinning. To avoid the fire, you must either Ground Pound into the dirt in the arena (not the square stones) or run around the fire while far too close to Ironsider. Obviously, the first choice is preferred. If Wario is hit by the fire, he takes damage and hops around in pain from a burn (1). Damage Changes: The speed of Ironsider's fire stream attack speeds up as it loses Skulls. In addition, when Ironsider has 2 or less Skulls, it adds a bunch of shockwaves into its shockwave attack, the one at the end being faster than normal. Strategy: Ironsider is simple, but hard. To defeat it, beat up and pick up one of the giant stone hands in the arena and throw it at Ironsider to take away one of its Skulls and create a bunch of coins. This is much easier said than done though, as there are three hands that attempt to hold you in place until Ironsider attacks. The hands are also destroyed by its fire stream attack. If you ever see Ironsider preparing for the attack, throw the hand quickly or get rid of it. Difficulty: 7/10 ********************************************** 3.12 Captain Skull ********************************************** Health: 5 Skulls Attacks: Captain Skull has 5 attacks, including the most dangerous attack in the game. The first attack has Captain Skull firing a bunch of cannonballs at Wario. The cannonballs damage Wario if he is nearby when they explode (1/2). In addition, when Captain Skull has 2 or less Skulls, touching a cannonball while it is blinking red in the air damages and burns Wario (1/2). The second attack is a generic ray gun attack. Captain Skull shoots out 1 to 7 ray gun blasts that travel in a straight path. If a blast hits Wario, he takes damage (1/2). The third attack is similar to the second. Captain Skull fires a bunch of ray gun shots that home into Wario. These blasts are harder to avoid than the regular ones, but still can easily be avoided by running. If one of these blasts hits Wario, he takes damage (1/2). The fourth attack is used if you attempt to beat up Captain Skull when he has 2 or less Skulls. Captain Skull curls up into a ball and hurls himself into Wario. If this attack connects, Wario gets knocked out and takes damage (1). The fifth attack is the most dangerous attack in the game. Captain Skull fires a HUGE cannonball towards Wario. When the cannonball lands on ground, it explodes with a HUGE blast radius. You pretty much have to flee the platform you are on to avoid this attack. If Wario gets blown up, he takes damage and gets knocked out (1). Damage Changes: Captain Skull and his attacks become much quicker as he loses Skulls. He fires more cannonballs during his cannonball attack, and when he has 2 or less Skulls left, the cannonballs will burn Wario on contact while in the air. Captain Skull fires more energy blasts of both varieties as he loses Skulls. When Captain Skull has 2 or less Skulls and you attempt to beat him up he will use his rolling attack. As Captain Skull loses skulls, he will use his giant cannonball attack more frequently. Strategy: Captain Skull isn't quite as you'd think. Beat him up until he has 2 Skulls left. At that point, throw a barrel at either side of the ship at him or throw one of the normal cannonballs he shoots at you at him to knock him out. The only attack you REALLY need to look out for is his giant cannonball attack. As soon as you see it charging up, run like mad to another area. Difficulty: 5/10 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 3.13 Black Gem /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Health: 10 Skulls Attacks: The Black Gem has 3 attacks. For its first attack, the Black Gem shoots a beam from its eye that creates a line of fire that can't be passed for a short while. Whether Wario touches the beam or the line of fire, the result will be the same: A burn and damage (1/2). The second attack is used when the Black Gem has trapped you inside 2 walls of fire from its first attack, but you still have a good bit of walking room. The Black Gem fires fire out of its eye at Wario. If Wario is hit by the fire, he gets burnt and takes damage (1/2). The third attack is used when the Black Gem has trapped you inside 2 walls of fire from its first attack, and you have little room to move around. The Black Gem goes on the ground and makes lots of shockwaves that must be jumped over. If Wario is hit by a shockwave he is knocked out and takes damage (1/2). Damage Changes: As the Black Gem loses Skulls, its attacks speed up. Strategy: While 10 Skulls of health is a lot, this boss fight is very simple. You have to break open 5 green crystals to free 5 Spritelings around the arena. Doing this knocks out the boss, so you can then damage it. Repeat 9 times to win. For a laughably easy win, run a bit and stop shortly before you think the Black Gem is going to use its beam attack. Once it does, dash quickly to pass the beam before it can trap you with it. Run around and break the Spritelings this way, and the Black Gem won't even be able to hit you! Difficulty: .5/10 with strategy listed above 3/10 without strategy listed above ============================================== 4. Contact ============================================== You can email me at kirbyparufo@hotmail.com with alternate strategies, typos, or any general info you may have found. Please do not send hate mail.