***************************************************************************** Wave Race Blue Storm FAQ For the Nintendo Gamecube Version 1.0 (Last Updated 11/27/2001) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2001-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Controls 4. Overview 5. Game Modes 6. Characters 7. Courses 8. Stunts 9. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 10. Credits 11. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (11/27/01): At last this is complete with all courses listed, as well as all the secrets added! If there's anything I'm still missing or should change, be sure to let me know! Version 0.9 (11/25/01): I just added information on all the Expert courses, except for the last one since I haven't yet accessed/beat it. Next update will definitely include that, making the guide complete at that time. Version 0.7 (11/25/01): Information on the Advanced courses is now added, as well as a few more secrets and little things here and there. Expect this to be complete with the next update! Version 0.4 (11/24/01): The first version of this FAQ. It includes everything else except descriptions for the Advanced/Expert versions of each course. That will be included with the next update, though! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= One of the Nintendo GameCube launch titles was the sequel of sorts to the wave runner game on N64 known as Wave Race. This new game is just excellent, with GREAT graphics, sound, etc. There are all new tracks and characters, as well as the ever-fun stunts you can perform in competitions or just to impress someone! There are also weather conditions that can affect each course when you race on it, since the waves can be higher and things will be much rougher on a rainy day than on a sunny and clear day. But anyway, this is definitely a good pick as a GCN launch title, and it's sure to keep you busy playing for a while! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Stick: Move player during race, move cursor on menu screens Control Pad: Toggle on/off the map in Free Roam mode Start: Pause game, bring up submenu A: Accelerate, confirm selection on menu screens B: Crouch down while racing, cancel selection on menu screens C Stick: Change camera angle Y: Crouch down during race X: Use turbo when available during race Z: Same as X L: Lean to the left during race R: Lean to the right during race ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Buoys ----- In each regular race, there are red and yellow buoys placed throughout the course. You must go around each one to make it through the race; pass yellow buoys to the left and red ones to the right. Each one you successfully go around adds one notch of power to your meter. After 6 buoys are successfully passed, you can use a turbo boost to get ahead. If you miss a buoy, your power goes back down to zero, and you'll be forced to retire if you miss 5 buoys. In the harder levels, buoys are usually closer together and harder to get around quickly, so be prepared if you want to make it through each race successfully! Stunts ------ As with the previous Wave Race game, this one wouldn't be complete without the inclusion of stunts! There are several different types of tricks you can perform (see the Stunts section of this guide for more details); most are easy but some are a little more complex. You can score lots of points in Stunt Mode depending on how well you pull off any of the stunts. The Back Flip and Barrel Roll stunts give the most points, I've discovered (up to around 1700 points each). Doing stunts in a regular race is useful as well, since each time you successfully do a stunt, you gain a couple notches on your power meter. That can really help if you need just a little more power to get a turbo, and boost ahead of the competition! Waves and Weather Conditions ---------------------------- As always, there are waves (why wouldn't there be, especially in water)! The degree of those waves is determined by the weather conditions on the course being played. There are 5 weather conditions: Clear, Partly Cloudy, Partly Rainy, Rainy, and Stormy. In a clear day, the waves aren't too bad to maneuver around. However, in a rainier day, the waves are higher and rougher, and you may have a hard time getting around some of them quickly. When playing in the Championship Mode, you'll have a 3-day forecast of what the weather is on the current day in the race, as well as the following 2 races. That way, you can choose what courses to play in which types of weather (what weather conditions occur on what days is totally random). ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Game Modes -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Championship ------------ Here's where the bulk of the game takes place. You race against 7 other computer-controlled players on a series of courses in a tournament of sorts. In the start, you must play and complete the Exhibition course (Dolphin Park); then you can play the Normal (5 Days) mode. During those 5 days (in this example), you can see what the weather will be for the day you're on, as well as the next 2 days in the game competition (each race takes 1 day). That way, you can pick whatever course you want depending on the weather for the day. Also, after each race, you are awarded points according to what place you came in. You must have a certain amount of points in order to continue later in the competition. Here's a list of how many points you receive for each rank: 1st Place: 12 points 2nd Place: 10 points 3rd Place: 8 points 4th Place: 6 points 5th Place: 4 points 6th Place: 3 points 7th Place: 2 points 8th Place: 1 point In each mode (Normal, Advanced, Expert) a new track is opened up. For instance, you race on the 4 original tracks in Normal Mode, plus a new one (Arctic Bay). Then in Advanced mode, you race on the original 4 + Arctic Bay + another new one. That applies to the Expert Mode as well. It takes alot to win in the higher/longer competitions, so you better be prepared if you want to win! Time Attack ----------- Obviously, you can race on any track here to set a time record. You race alone on any track you previously unlocked in Championship Mode here, and you can choose what weather conditions to race in on each course (provided you raced in that particular condition in Championship Mode). After a race, you can save your ghost data for that course, as well as your time records, to a memory card. However, you can only have one course worth of ghost data saved at any one time in a file, so if you have existing ghost data and save new data from another course, the original data will be deleted, so be careful! Stunt Mode ---------- You can race on any course you've already unlocked in this mode. You can choose from Normal, Advanced, or Expert difficulties here (the higher the difficulty, the worse weather conditions you'll have to deal with). You race only one lap, and you can perform as many stunts as you can, as well as ride through rings, in order to rack up the highest score. Be quick though, or you'll run out of time if you don't go through a Checkpoint, so you don't have time to linger and cheat to get points! Multi-Player ------------ As the name implies, you can race with up to 3 other human players in this mode. You can participate in races on any unlocked course on any difficulty setting, with just you and up to 3 other players racing against each other. Also, you can compete in Stunt Mode here, where whoever gets the highest points at the end wins. Free Roam --------- You can race on any unlocked course, as well as Dolphin Park, without any boundaries here. You have to stay within the actual course though, or a timer will appear; if you don't get back in within 5 seconds, you'll be forced to retire. This is good for getting the hang of a particular course before doing the real race in Championship Mode, though. Tutorial -------- Here, you can learn all of the controls, jumps, and stunts of the game. Each thing you learn here is preceded by a demo, then you'll have the chance to try performing the trick yourself. If done correctly, a checkmark will appear in the box next to the trick's name, so you know if you did it or not. If you can complete all tricks in Basic and Advanced mode, you'll open up Trial mode here, where you can race one lap in Dolphin Park and practice any stunt you learned. Options ------- Tweak with the game settings here, obviously! Not really much more to explain about that, since it's so obvious what it's for! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Characters -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Each character has 5 performance categories listed below, from 1 to 6; the higher the number, the better. Top Speed determines your peak speed, Acceleration shows how fast you can speed up, Handling shows how well you can turn, Stunt shows how well that person can do tricks (less time is needed to do a stunt for those with higher numbers here), and Power shows how well a player fares when hitting an obstacle. Ryota Hayami Crew Chief: Jack Top Speed: 4.5 Acceleration: 3 Handling: 4.5 Stunt: 3 Power: 4 David Mariner Crew Chief: Ray Top Speed: 6 Acceleration: 1.5 Handling: 2 Stunt: 2 Power: 5 Akari Hayami Crew Chief: Kyoko Top Speed: 1.5 Acceleration: 6 Handling: 3 Stunt: 5.5 Power: 1.5 Nigel Carver Crew Chief: Terrence Top Speed: 3 Acceleration: 4 Handling: 6 Stunt: 4.5 Power: 3 Ayumi Stewart Crew Chief: Robin Top Speed: 4 Acceleration: 3.5 Handling: 4 Stunt: 3.5 Power: 3.5 Rob Haywood Crew Chief: Doug Top Speed: 5.5 Acceleration: 2 Handling: 2.5 Stunt: 2.5 Power: 6 Ricky Winterborn Crew Chief: Russ Top Speed: 2 Acceleration: 5 Handling: 3.5 Stunt: 6 Power: 2 Serena del Mar Crew Chief: Luis Top Speed: 3.5 Acceleration: 4.5 Handling: 5.5 Stunt: 4 Power: 2.5 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Courses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =========== Normal Mode =========== Lost Temple Lagoon Description: The first course you can play on is obviously the easiest, especially in the Normal Mode. The buoys aren't too hard to follow around, and the path is very straightforward with no tight turns to deal with. Basically anytime is good to use turbos in this easy course, and so it's not too hard to win here! Southern Island Description: Well, the difficulty gets ramped up a little bit with this course. The path is not hard to follow either, but there are more obstacles to deal with this time around. There is a ramp about halfway through, which you can go up to jump over the dock (only in Lap 1; in Laps 2 and 3 you can simply ride under the dock). Also, in Laps 2 and 3, the water gets shallow enough to expose a ship in the first half of the course. You can go up the ramp in front of it, then jump over it, so that's no real problem for you. Aspen Lake Description: This course is about the easiest of the Normal Mode tracks, in my opinion. There are next to no waves for the most part (except in rainy conditions), which makes it very easy to maneuver. Besides the rocks in the beginning of the lap, there is nothing really stopping you from going full speed through the entire course. Near the end, there are several wood boards that stick out of the water, but you can plow through them if you're going quick enough and have a strong enough character. Ocean City Harbor Description: Finally, we're at a rather difficult course in this game! The buoys are more tightly placed this time, and there are much tighter turns to deal with as well. In the first half of the course, there is a yellow buoy all the way out in the open, and as soon as you go around it, you must make a u turn to continue along the course, so that may be tough for some. Also, crates float in certain areas of the water, so be careful to avoid those. In the 2nd Lap, a crane drops a giant metal crate into the water which can block your path as it floats, so be careful not to crash into it! The water gets shallow with each lap as well, and the ship at the beginning moves further out, so be ready to go around it quick enough and still make it through the buoys! Arctic Bay Description: The last course to play in Normal Mode is pretty tough when compared to earlier levels, but it's still not too bad. There are many icy areas where you'll slide across them at a slower speed, as well as tight turns around large ice walls. About halfway through, a giant ice chunk falls into the water along the edge of the course, which sends huge waves to that area of the course, but you won't have much trouble getting through that. There are several ramps you can go on, too, so you can do tricks and get turbos to fly through the wider sections quicker! ============= Advanced Mode ============= Lost Temple Lagoon Description: The first of the advanced series of courses is still pretty easy, but more difficult than the Normal Mode ones. You take a more scenic route this time through the lagoon. There's a ramp you must jump near the start, then a tight couple of turns to get around the buoys. There's a long straightaway after that to boost if you like. In the actual temple area, you can follow the path around, or you can go straight through the low wall and follow the path left and right, then across the sand bar for a quick shortcut. This course will get you used to the ramped up difficulty of the courses yet to come. Southern Island Description: As with the easier version of this course, it follows the same exact path as the previous one. This time around, the buoys are placed a little differently, causing you to pass through some obstacles in order to get them all. The area before the ramp has several wooden boards sticking out of the water, so be careful to avoid crashing into them. The ramp is further away from the dock this time, and you can't really make it over the dock, but you can dive under it. Simply go up the ramp and perform a short dive (see the Stunts section for details); you should make it under the dock for a nice shortcut. Also, the water gets more shallow with each Lap, and that reveals a ship you can jump over via ramp near the start, so be ready for that. Other than that, this course is just as simple as the first version of it. Aspen Lake Description: The same path is followed in the Advanced version of Aspen Lake as in the easier Normal one. This time, the buoys are more tightly placed, causing you to maneuver quicker to get around them all. Watch out for the giant areas of land above the water in the beginning, because you can easily mess up the entire race there! Also, in the end area, there are a bunch of wooden sticks coming out of the water, but you can plow through those if you move quick enough. Ocean City Harbor Description: This version of Ocean City Harbor takes a slightly different path than the previous one, too. In the first area, you go left through the tunnel instead of straight ahead. Further ahead, the path leads between two ships that seem to be getting closer to each other as you pass, so be careful when passing there. There are several ramps around, which can be annoying since they may slow you down (look at how close they are towards the end of the lap). In the 3rd Lap, there's a ramp that surfaces in the beginning of the course, so use a turbo and go straight ahead onto it and over the boundary. Then, just follow the path and you'll cut a few seconds off your time easily! Arctic Bay Description: Again, the path in Arctic Bay is a bit different, but it's really not too hard either. Some of the turns may be tighter, but it's nothing you can't handle at this point. Try not to ride on the ice whenever possible, since it slows you down if you do. About halfway through the course, past the ship, in Laps 1 and 2 giant ice chunks fall from the cliff, bringing huge waves to that area, so be careful! Anyway, there are many good straightaways for you to boost on, so it won't be too hard to catch up and/or win in this course! La Razza Canal Description: This is simply the hardest course in the entire game, even in its easier form in Advanced mode! The turns are VERY tight, and there is hardly any room for messing up throughout a race here. However, this can be a little less hard for you, especially if you practice racing on it in Time Trial mode several times beforehand. Anyway, there are no real obstacles besides the gondolas grouped together in some areas, but you can crash through those with no trouble at all. When you're coming up the east side of the course (see the map), you'll encounter a sharp left turn under a silver bridge; go left around the fountain to save some time there. Besides that, use turbos in the wide straightaways where you can get around the buoys easily, and you shouldn't have too much trouble. Just practice alot and you'll be fine! =========== Expert Mode =========== Lost Temple Lagoon Description: The longest and toughest version of Lost Temple Lagoon is actually pretty simple when you get to playing it. The buoys are obviously more tightly placed, and the turns can be tough at times, but it's nothing you can't maneuver around. There are a couple of straightaways (particularly at the end/start of the lap) that you can turbo through if you like. There are more good and straight areas than there are turns, so your only problem (if you want to call it one) should be getting around all the buoys, and that's not bad either. Southern Island Description: Personally, this would have to be the easiest course in the Expert mode. It takes a somewhat different path around the island, but the buoys aren't too hard to get around if you take it easy and maneuver around them tightly enough. As with the previous versions of this stage, the water gets more shallow with each Lap. In Lap 1, about halfway through, avoid the wooden sticks and go up the ramp before the dock, then dive down and under it for a quick shortcut. In Laps 2 and 3, you can just avoid the ramp and pass right under the dock safely. The wooden boards before that point will be higher up and blocking your path, so be careful! Aspen Lake Description: Now THIS is a tough one to race through! The path is totally different this time around, and there are MANY rocks which obstruct your path for much of the race. I HIGHLY recommend you take it easy in the first half, and make sure you get around all the buoys correctly, without hitting the rocks. Take some time to practice the course in Time Trial so you get used to the layout, and you'll get better at it after a while. There is a small shortcut you could try in the beginning of the lap though; to the right of the ramp, you can ride under the dock if you can get around the ramp for a quick shortcut. Ocean City Harbor Description: As with the previous version of this course, there are LOTS of ramps around here. Also, the buoys are placed in such widespread areas that you'll really have to maneuver quickly and efficiently in order to reach them all. The path itself is not very misleading with any tight turns; it's just the ramps and buoy placement that prove to be your worst problems. In the beginning area of Laps 1 and 2, giant crates are dropped into the water, which can block your path in a way, as well as make large waves in that area. You can just ride over those floating crates, so it's no big deal. Arctic Bay Description: This version of Arctic Bay can either be considered as hard or easy. It all depends on how good you are at making quick turns and not crashing into walls and such along the way. The path is pretty straightforward, and in the first half, you ride through a thin sheet of ice into a cave, then out the other end. The buoys can be a pain in some spots, but I do consider this to be one of the easier courses in this mode, so you can handle it. La Razza Canal Description: Just like the Advanced version of this course, it's still going through tight turns within a city's canals. This is one of, if not, THE hardest course in the entire game! The turns are just too difficult at times, most causing you to slow down quite a bit just to get through. There are a couple good straightaways here and there, and the buoys aren't very hard to get around, but it's still a pain in the neck to race through here. Strongwater Keep Description: For the very last course in Expert mode, I was truly not expecting such an easy course! The course is VERY quick to get through, with a simple path and the buoys not the least bit hard to get around! It's just a quick and easy course with no obstacles in the water at all, except for the walls bordering the path. There is a shortcut you can take, though. Halfway through the lap (the southeast area of the course map), you'll see a ramp in front of a wall. Go straight onto it and use a turbo to make it over, then continue straight along with a quick jump to get ahead if needed. Also, in Laps 2 and 3, you can enter the front gate of the fortress since the arrow sign will move out of the way. Just follow the path through here and out the window, then turn right and continue onward. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Stunts -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are many different stunts and tricks that you can perform in Wave Race, just like the original one for N64. Here's a list of all stunts and how to do them (quite a few are harder than they sound, so be patient and you'll get it right): ============== Running Stunts ============== Handstand --------- How to do: Down, then Up (stay in this position by holding Up) Description: A handstand is done on the handlebars of the wave runner. Backwards --------- How to do: Rotate Control Stick clockwise (stay in this position by holding Down) Description: Ride the wave runner backwards. Standing -> Somersault ---------------------- How to do: Rotate Control Stick counterclockwise, then Down (stay in this position by holding Up) Description: Your character stands up and does a somersault forward, then sits on the front of the wave runner. Bullet ------ How to do: Hold B, then press Down, then Up on the Control Stick (stay in this position by holding Up) Description: Your character dives onto the front of the wave runner. Flip Sub -------- How to do: Hold B, then rotate Control Stick clockwise (stay in this position by holding Down) Description: Your character will do a flip and move the handlebars straight up, then steer while in that position. Cowboy ------ How to do: Hold B, then rotate Control Stick counterclockwise (stay in this position by holding Up) Description: Your character will roll onto the front of the wave runner, and ride it like a cowboy/girl. ============== Jumping Stunts ============== Short Dive ---------- How to do: When in the air, hold L and R until you hit the water Description: Your character will dive into the water and stay under for a short period of time. Long Dive --------- How to do: When in the air, press Down, then hold Up until you hit the water Description: Your character will dive into the water and stay under for a long period of time. Right Barrel Roll ----------------- How to do: When on the jump ramp, press Left, then Right Description: Your character will do a horizontal roll to the right in the air. Left Barrel Roll ---------------- How to do: When on the jump ramp, press Right, then Left. Description: Your character will do a horizontal roll to the left in the air. Back Flip --------- How to do: In the air, press Up, then hold Down to flip Description: Your character will do a vertical flip in the air. Superman -------- How to do: When on the jump ramp, hold B, then press Up, then Down Description: Your character will do a Superman-type pose in the air (feet and legs in the air while holding the handlebars). Right Can-Can ------------- How to do: When on the jump ramp, hold B, then press Left, then Right Description: Your character will kick your feet out to the right in the air. Left Can-Can ------------ How to do: When on the jump ramp, hold B, then press Right, then Left Description: Your character will kick your feet out to the left in the air. Nac-Nac ------- How to do: When on the jump ramp, hold B, then rotate Control Stick clockwise Description: Your character will raise their left arm and right leg in the air. Heel Clicker ------------ How to do: When on the jump ramp, hold B, then rotate Control Stick counterclockwise Description: Your character will jump up and click their heels in front of them in the air. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Access Tsunami Zone ------------------- In Dolphin Park, there is a hidden "tsunami zone" that you can access if you're quick enough to reach it in time. Straight ahead from the starting point, you'll notice a small island of sorts; look beyond that and you'll see a circle of buoys in the distance. Gain speed and get behind that island, then as soon as you leave the course, use a turbo and hold B (to avoid being slowed by waves). Use turbo again ASAP as you ride straight to those buoys. If you get within the circle before time is up, you'll be in an area with massive waves, and you can ride around as long as you like in there, too! Password Entry Mode ------------------- To unlock the Passwords section, in the Options menu, hold X + Z + Start simultaneously. You can then enter a password to unlock further secrets. Race with a Dolphin in Free Roam Mode ------------------------------------- To race atop a dolphin in Free Roam mode, you must first unlock the Passwords option listed above. Then, enter the password: "DLPHNMOD". You'll then be able to race with a dolphin on any course you choose (data cannot be saved in this mode, however). Title/Loading Screen Tricks --------------------------- On the title screen, you can move the icon that says "Press Start" by simply moving the Control Stick. Also, on loading screens, you can move the bubble around with the Control Stick as well. Unlock All Weather Conditions in Time Trial ------------------------------------------- To be able to choose any weather condition on any course in Time Trial mode, you must first complete the Expert circuit in Championship mode. Unlock Arctic Bay ----------------- To unlock the Arctic Bay course, you must first play and complete it in the Normal Championship mode. Unlock Expert Championship Mode ------------------------------- To unlock the Expert (7 Days) Championship Mode, you must first complete the Hard Championship Mode. Unlock Hard Championship Mode ----------------------------- To unlock the Hard (6 Days) Championship Mode, you must first complete the Normal Championship Mode. Unlock La Razza Canal --------------------- To unlock the La Razza Canal course, you must first play and complete it in the Advanced Championship mode. Unlock Strongwater Keep ----------------------- To unlock the Strongwater Keep course, you must first play and complete it in the Expert Championship mode. Unlock Trial Option in Tutorial Menu ------------------------------------ In order to unlock the Trial option, which is the "???" in the Tutorial menu, you must complete all jumps, stunts, and controls (Basic and Advanced). Trial mode allows you to race for one lap alone in Dolphin Park, where you can perform as many tricks as you can before the finish. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com): For several of the secrets listed in this guide. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2001-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. I no longer accept emails regarding this FAQ. Thanks for reading! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=