******************************************************************************* Worms 3d Faq written by Rob Painter ******************************************************************************* Table Of Contents ******************************************************************************* i. Version History 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Controls 3.0 Weapons 3.1 Weapons 3.2 Utilities 3.3 Rumours 4.0 Walkthrough 4.1 Training 4.2 Campaign 4.3 Challenges 5.0 Multiplayer 5.1 Worm Pot 6.0 Prizes 6.1 Levels 6.2 Weapons 6.3 Challenges 6.4 Schemes 6.5 Voices 6.6 Wormpedia 7.0 Questions 8.0 Legal 9.0 Credit ******************************************************************************* i. Version History ******************************************************************************* 0.01 06/11/03 Decided to write the faq made a start 0.50 09/11/03 Completed training and campaign missions so posting half the faq to help people out 1.00 10/11/03 Everything complete at last ******************************************************************************* 1.0 Introduction ******************************************************************************* Welcome to my Worms 3D FAQ Hope you find this useful and if you find a better way of doing things or a mistake email me and i shall change things and give credit were it is due This FAQ will ruin the game for you. My advice is try and complete the game without it use it only as a reference for the aspects you cannot do. Just Following FAQ's ruins the game there meant to be played yourself Before you do anything watch the credits for a story of the game (trust me) any way enjoy and remeber poking is fun!!! (poking the worms into the water) ******************************************************************************* 2.0 Controls ******************************************************************************* In-Game [D-pad]----------- Changes trajectory ------------------ Moves blimp view target [Left analogue]--- Moves Worm/target in blimp view [Right analogue]-- Moves camera/angle and rotation in blimp view [Triangle]-------- Change worm ------------------ Drop fuse weapon while using utility [Square]---------- Jump - Press once for foward ------- Press twice for backflip (holding foward for front flip) -------- Hold for virtical jump ------------------ Changes Girder Size [x]--------------- Fire [Circle]---------- Opens weapon menu [R1]-------------- First person view [R2]-------------- Blimp view [L1]-------------- Raises girder ------------------ Changes Fuse Time [L2]-------------- Lowers Girder Menu [Left analogue]--- Move cursor [x]--------------- Select [Square]---------- Back ******************************************************************************* 3.0 Weapons ******************************************************************************* Here are the weapons in alphabetical order for you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Airstrike-----------Drops a volly of missiles each doing 30 damage Banana Bomb---------Like a cluster bomb each bomb can do 75 damage Baseball Bat--------Does 30 damage good for hitting into the water Bazooka-------------55 damage on direct hit Blowpipe------------You get one shot and it poisons enemy (crate only) Cluster Bomb--------Inital grenade does hardly any damage but it splits each smaller bomb can do 25 damage Concrete Donkey-----Garden ornament of DOOM does lots of damage and plows through the landscape (crate only) Doctors Strike------Drops a series of medical crates (crate only) Dynamite------------Can do 75 damage for a direct hit Earthquake----------Shakes the landscape making everything slide about Fire Punch----------Does 30 damage and sends worms flying GasCanister---------Poisons enemys Grenade-------------Can do 45 damage on direct hit Holy Hand Grenade---The daddy of all grenades does 100 damage for a direct hit Homing Missile------A bazooka shot that can lock on Homing Pidgeon------Smarter than the homing missile and can do 75 damage Landmine------------Drop and run my wiggly friend LotteryStrike-------An airstrike that drops lottery tickets each doing anywhere between 1 and 49 damage MadCow--------------Mad cows can be sent up out 5 at a time each doing 75 damage *Mega Mine----------Not seen this myself but i think its a super powerful mine (if anyone can confirm this for me id be greatful) (crate only) *Ming Vase----------Again i havent seen this either but it should be the same as the ones in the previous games shattering causing major damage (again can someone confirm this rumoured weapon) (crate only) Mortar--------------A cluster bomb that you fire out of a canon Nuclear Bomb--------Makes the water rise and all worms get poisoned Old Woman-----------Slow moving and dangerous can do 75 damage PetrolBomb----------Leaves flames around the impact, quite powerfull Prod----------------The ultimate embarrassment being poked into the water but so much fun Sheep---------------A bouncing destruction machine can do 75 damage *Sheep Strike-------Another rumour but it is used by boggy pete in one mission so .... (can someone confirm for me) Shotgun-------------2 shots each doing 25 damage very usefull StickyBomb----------A grenade that sticks to people doesnt bounce (crate only) SuperSheep----------Can be controled and flown around the landscape very usefull Uzi-----------------Does 50 damage VikingAxe-----------Takes half the enemys health away ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2 Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Binoculars----------Help you see across the landscape BridgeKit-----------A nice kit of girders for you to use (can place more than on girder at once) Change Worm---------You can change which worm you control Crate Shower--------Showers crates on the land lots of them Crate Spy------------Can see whats inside the crates Double Damage-------All damage is doubled Double Turn Time----Your remaining turn time is doubled Freeze--------------All your worms are encased in ice and you cannot be injured till its your turn again Girder--------------A sturdy platfrom for your worms to walk across Jetpack-------------You can fly your worms around the land *Laser Sight---------Shows you exactly where your shot will land (needs confirming) Low Gravity---------You can jump higher, all weapons fly further Ninja Rope----------Used to scale the landscape Parachute-----------Help you fall long distances and not get hurt Quick Walk----------Walk faster Redbull------------It gives you to be low gravity and quick walk in one Scales Of Justice---Makes things more even by averaging out the health of all the worms Skip Go-------------Skip your go Surrender-----------Give up Teleport------------Can teleport to anywhere on the map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3 Rumours ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Rumours i havent confirmed Mega Mine Ming Vase Sheep Strike Laser Sight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.a Confirmed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ive had alot of emails confirming the red bull thanks guys Thanks to Phillip Brooks Rob Adams Dennis (bigestN) Dave A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******************************************************************************* 4.0 Walkthrough ******************************************************************************* Rite here is a walkthrough of all the aspects of the game. Not complete yet but im working on it The walkthrough is layed out in an easy to read and follow fashion The step number is down the side and the instructions of waht to do are next to it E.G. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.0.1 Example ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Scroll down [2] Find the level you want [3] Read Gold requirements : What is needed for gold UNLOCKED : What you win for getting gold Easy!! But if there is no definate tactic i'll just put some words of advice ******************************************************************************* 4.1 Tutorial ******************************************************************************* An easy set of missions to get people who havent played before confident playing the game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1.1 Mission 1 : Atlantis Training Facility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Follow the trail of health crates around the area [2] Jump on the low wall for the last few crates [3] Go over to the small pillare below the weapons crate and back flip up and collect the crate [4] Shoot the targets with your shiney new bazooka (aim at the top of the T shaped structure for the best height) [5] Now for the part everyone misses. Walk down the slope you are on and off the end keep walking in this direction and you will see a path below you. Drop down onto this and follow it to get to a cave. Go inside and you will find and easter egg!! [6] Come out of cave and make your way up to the sea plane UNLOCKS : Atlantis Training Facility [level] (Must get the easter egg for this) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1.2 Mission 2 : Down in the dumps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Collect the crate and use the dynamyte to kill the worm [2] Collect the crate and use a 2 second fuse and land the granade in the tyre to kill the worm [3] Again use a 2 second fuse and aim for the other tyre again [4] Collect the last crate and aim in exactly the same place as the first time [5] You've guessed it aim for the other tyre again and there all dead UNLOCKS : Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1.3 Mission 3 : Return to chateau assasin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Collect the crate and shoot the worm with the homing missile [2] Jump up to the roof and get the crate and airstrike the worm [3] Collect the crate and shotgun the 2 worms [4] Collect the last crate and send your wooly friend to kill the worm UNLOCKS : Return to chateau assasin [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1.4 Mission 4 : The mighty Kong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Get the utility and put a girder so you will be able to jump across [2] Get the crate and jet pack up to the next crate [3] Parachute down to the utility [4] Ninja rope up to the plane with the worm on (i normally aim at kong) [5] Fire punch worm into the water UNLOCK : The mighty king [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1.5 Mission 5 : Test Tubes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ no real tactic for this just kill the worms there isnt any timit and the AI is very dumb so enjoy the slaughter UNLOCKS : Test Tubes [level] Pro [scheme] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1.6 Mission 6 : The driving range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is just a weapons testing course so just have fun and blow stuff up. It cannont be compleated so dont worry about it to much ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thats all the training complete time to go onto the main missions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******************************************************************************* 4.1 The Campaign Missions ******************************************************************************* This is the bulk of worms 3D one player each mission is different and here's how to do them in gold standard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.1 D-Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Just take all your worms up the beach to the cliff face take a few shots at the worms ontop with the bazooka or homing missile and wait fot the jet pack to drop [2] now fly your worms up and kick come worm ass Gold Requirements : Just be fast its hard not to get it on this level UNLOCKS : Deathmatch challenge 1 [challenge] D-Day [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.2 Crate Britain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Run/jump your way across the level to the utility this is possible in the first go and the course is linear so its not hard [2] Use the jetpack to fly over and collect the important crate Gold Requirements : Complete in 3 turns or less UNLOCKS : Boggy Pete [wormpedia] Crate britain [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.3 Grave Digger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Collect all the crates on the level [2] Round the back of the house there is a crate on a small grave blow this for another easter egg and continue collecting [3] Put grenades on the 1st and 3rd grave on the left and the 3rd and 4th on the right. They all have either halo's or wings on the graves [4] Collect all the crates in the 4 open graves Gold Requirements : Dont open the wrong graves UNLOCKS : Horror [voice] (easter egg only) Horror Theme [wormpedia] (eater egg only) Grave digger [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.4 A leak in the Vegitable patch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Collect the teleports and teleport onto the top of the spade (highest point) [2] Teleport 2 other worms onto the fence [3] Knock off all the high up worms into the water using shot gun or bazooka [4] Just wait till the water rises and all the enemy dies Gold Requirements : 3 worms alive and speed (not sure the exact time) UNLOCKS : Shotgun challenge 2 [challenge] A leak in the vegitable patch [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.5 Ice ice maybe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Drop down and get the crate in the side of the mountain then jump/run and get the next crate and hide behind the trees so you cant be hit [2] Get the next crate and jump over to the fridge and hide behind it [3] Jump up and cross the wires to the switch. If you run out of time freeze to save being shot off into the water Gold Requirements : complete in 4 turns or less UNLOCKS : Ice ice maybe [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.6 When Analids collide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Get the first worm up top and move him over and fire punch "J" into the water then hide by the wall near were he once stood. [2] Bring you worm round the house and fire punch "Capt'n Harsh" into the water then hide behind the house so the worm on the other island cant see you. [3] Get your third worm up and stand near were "Capt'n Harsh" once stood and use the bazooka to blow "freq Nasty" into the water. again trying to hide from the final enemy [4] Bring worm 1 up from down the bottom (there are some ledges by the bridge to cut time) and cross the bridge with him. Dynamite on the head of "normal" he should die but if he doesnt mop him up with the shotgun Gold Requirements :All worms alive complete in 5 turns UNLOCKS : When analids collide [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.7 Rum Deal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Jet pack around and collect all the crates in one go Gold Requirements : Complete on first go UNLOCKS : Jetpack challenge 1 [challenge] Spadge and music [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.8 Earn your crust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Drop off the roof and shoot your bazooka between the worm and barrel on the bridge this should send him flying into the water [2] Jump over and fire punch the worm at the bottom of the windmill into the water [3] Jetpack across and fire punch the worm at the end of the bridge into the water [4] Jetpack around the back of the windmill and collect all the crates land on the roof and punch Boggy Pete into the water Gold Requirements : All worms alive complete in 4 turns UNLOCKS : Earn your crust [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.9 Apple core island ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Run/jump round and collect the utility and hide [2] Run/jump to get the next utility and then jetpack up and get the crate must be done in 2 goes for gold (thanks to carnaged25 for this tactic) Gold Requirements :Complete in 2 turns UNLOCKS : Apple core island [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.10 Helter Skelter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Climb up the tower till you collect 4 bazookas From the top Shoot the worm, jamie, into the water with one shot [2] Climb around the top and shoot off gorgia in one shot as well [3] Parachute down to last worm and shoot him of from closer range. [4] If last worm didnt drown do it again and kill him 4 turns 4 shots 3 kills.... Gold Gold Requirements : Comeplete in 4 turns UNLOCKS : Helter Skelter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.11 Take me cherry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Get the first worm as far as you can the utility crate is a good place [2] commit suicide with the next 2 worms [3] Collect the crate with the first worm and use the homing missile on the enemy. This level has to be done in 4 turns for gold Gold Requirements : Complete in 4 turns UNLOCKS : Take my cherry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.12 In space no-one can hear you clean ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Jetpack to spaceship with the crate on and poke the worm off here [2] Jetpack directly opposite and poke this worm off into the water not onto the planet which is veey easy to do [3] Jetpack down to the right and poke the worm off the rocket [4] Fly over and stand under the worm towards the back off the rocket and firepunch up and it should catch him and send him flying Gold Requirements : Complete in 5 goes (might be 4 cant remeber) UNLOCKS : Jet pack challenge 2 [challenge] The lost missions.. [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.13 Shiver me timbers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] collect the crate and the utility inside the mouth of the huge skull go down onto the beach and firepunch the worm in the dingy into the water and try and jump back to the beach as this is a very dangerous place to be [2] climb up to the top of the island and stand touching the fallen palm tree opposite typhoid and shoot him into the water with a well aimed bazooka [3] Climb up and take a shot at the pirate next to the house hopefull knocking him into the water but if not its not the end of the world [4] use the captain to place a big girder (make big with square) so he can get across to the main island [5] Drop down and collect the utility on the beach and place a grenade behind him to knock him hopefully into the water but dont worry if not he'll die soon enough [6] Shoot the worm that was near the house if he survived to kill him if not kill the lower one [7] If any worms are left mop them up or just skip a go [8] Get to the jetpack (apears after 3 utilities have been collected) and fly onto the boat NOTE... the worms on this level will move sometimes so if they do use your imagination its not the end of the world just try and drown them as quickly as possible Gold Requirements : I did it in 8 turns but I think 10 is allowed but aim for 8 UNLOCKS : Shiver me timbers [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.14 Falling for you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Parachute down and collect the first crate then prachute down to the next plane get the crate and wait here [2] Parachute down as before collecting the next crate now down to the boat collecting your weapons and take a shot at the worms with the small time remaining [3] shoot the highest worm first some good aiming is required [4] Shoot the worm on the left of the boat [5] shoot the worm on the right of the boat (these 2 can be done in any order) Gold Requirements : I did this in 5 turns and got a gold UNLOCKS : Parachute challenge 1 [challenge] The worm story [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.15 Crop Circle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This level is nasty it tires to trick you and makes things hard [1] place 2 big girders so you can climb up onto the space ship [2] Climb up and place dynamytes next to all the worms so they fly off and die ....easy Gold Requirements : can be done in 6 turns UNLOCKS : Crop circle [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.16 Tree Village Trouble ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] parachute across to the worm on the tree by foward flipping and opening chute at them top of the jump and gliding over. Hide behind it and then skip go (good trick to know for longer paragliding) [2] Jump across and climb the tree it is possible to get to the utility but its fine if you dont [3] Poke the worm over the rope and into the water [4] Get the utility if you havent. Parachute over and get the last 2 crates and then fire punch the worm on the lower hut into the sea [5] Ninja rope over to the last worm and baseball bat him away Gold Requirements : complete in 5 turns and have both worms alive UNLOCKS : Tree Village trouble [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.17 Movie Mayhem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Go across and poke the worm on the top with you into the water [2] Drop down and fire punch the worm off the space ship and get him as close to the water as possible [3] get down safely (parachute is best) and poke one of the 2 worms near the water into it [4] Poke the worm next to him and drown it [5] Shoot the director with a bazooka or something powerful [6] mop him up with a shotgun Gold Requirements : Speed!! i think its under 5 minutes or 6 goes plus have all your worms alive helps UNLOCKS : Shotgun challenge 3 [challenge] Enough in-jokes? [wormpedia] Movie mayhem [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.18 Worm and the beanstalk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] You have to collect all the targets in the first run and land in the boat [2] Time for near suicide with the last 2 worms. Jump off and wait for the parachute to deply then cancel it so you just drop (its a good idea to aim for the boat) as your falling open the weapons menu and when you get near to the boat select the parachute and it will open and you can glide the small way to the boat and this takes all the time off the mission and gives you the gold time. I advise you to practise this before going for the mission properly as this is the key to the gold medal Gold Requirements : Get all the targets in the frist run. Safely drop (see above) your worms to the boat UNLOCKS : Parachute challenge 2 [challenge] Addiction 2? [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.19 Schools in for summer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The worm in front of you as you start can be killed easily. Shot gun him off the egde into the mine below him then polish him off with the second shot [2] Go for the leader as he has the more powerful weapons. He will kill you fast if you leave him alive. Use your dynamyte on him as soon as possible the finish with a bazooka [3] Rocky (worm on purple thing) can be fire punched into the water for an instant kill [4] Use your holy hand grenade on gripper (just leave it at his feet and run) [5] The worm on the slide can also be punched into the water Gold Requirements : This is a time one I did this in 6 turns and lost one worm UNLOCKS : Brightside [wormpedia] Schools in for summer [level] Now for the easter egg re-enter the level and see the 2 basketball hoops you have to throw a grenade (or cluster) through each. When both are done a message will appear confirming you have done it. so keep at it. When this is done just commit suicide and you will get the easter egg UNLOCKS : Madchester [voice] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.20 High Stakes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] With your first worm take him as far as the jump before the gates it is important you dont take him down yet. Turn around and give 1 shotgun blast to all the undead you disturbed do not kill them just injure them because they come back if you kill them. Injuring makes you life easier later [2] Take your second worm as far as the gates (when you have to jump over the gap from the high platform equip the parachute just in case its too far) then injure any awaken dead [3] Take van wormsig as far as you can try and get him as close to the top as you can [4] Skip go with the next 2 worms or injure any more zombies you missed [5] Climb up and baseball bat Dracuworm with van wormsig [6] Mop up the injured jombies with shotguns (see why we did it now) Gold Requirements : My stratagy takes 8 turns if all your team is alive you'll get gold UNLOCKS : Super sheep challenge 1 [challenge] High stakes [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.21 A quick fix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This level has to be done twice to unlock everything unless you want to get the easter egg on your first try and risk getting gold [1] Collect the crate infront of you then jump onto the keyboard and do a virtical jump on each of these letters in this order T E A M 1 7 this will give you another easter egg now get round the back of the moniter [2] Collect the last 2 crates with mines in them and get into the back of the moniter and place the first mine [3] Get inside the moniter and place a mine on one of the live connections (dont worry a map is coming) [4] Get the other worm inside and work as a team placing mines [5] When all have been placed jump on the switch outside Place the mines like this moniter ------------------- B=o=B=2=B=1=B B - bulb = = = = = - wire o 3 o o o - connection to be ignored = = = = 1-6 - where the mines have to go and in what order B=4=B=o=B=o=B = = = = o 5 o o B=o=B=6=B=o=B Gold Requirements : This took me 9 goes and i got a gold UNLOCKS : French Lover [voice] (easter egg) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.22 All cooped up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] send your first worm to get the weapons its possible to get them both in your first run. [2] Next send your second worm into the base by using the bridge to the left of the coop. once there use the newly acquired bazooka on the worm in the tree hopefully knocking him off into the water and hide below the worm below the tree. [3] Next send your third worm in to the camp and poke the worm on the other wooden platform into the water (there is one angle where this is possible its easy to spot) and hide just below where he was to prevent yourself being blown off. [4] Bring your first worm all the way from the post box to the camp (use the lower bridge to your right) and poke the worm nearest the water off. [5] then blow/poke the other worm into the water [6] If any survived anything wipe them out Gold Requirements : All about speed ive got gold with one worm left but i did it in 6 turns UNLOCKS : The sally army [wormpedia] All cooped up [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.23 The trial of the damned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Collect the utility and use the girder to get to the next island [2] Make your way across the rope and jump to the next island [3] jump across the small platforms, round the crypt and jump onto the bones cross the backbone and drop off before you reach the end [4] cross the small bones and jump onto the tree then jump to the next isle [5] Get passed the instrument of death and jump across and fall into the blue swirly thing Gold Requirements : Complete in under 6 minutes i think. Its hard to fail this one UNLOCKS : Lightside [wormpedia] Darkside [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.24 Showdown at the OK corale reef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Jump off boat and jump up the street, get across the bridge and poke the worm there into the water [2] Jump 2nd worm off the boat and plant a dynamyte near the worm under the archways hopefully killing him as this makes a nice hole for him to fall into [3] run round and get as close to the worm on the walkway as possible because your gonna shotgun him into the new hole soon (do it this go if you have time) [4] backflip up and get the "special crate" i dont wanna spoil it for people and fire punch the worm into the water [5] Mop up any survivors on the street if not use the crate contents on the worm on the roof [6] shotgun the worm on the walkway into the water [7] Use the contents on the crate on the roof worm if not already done [8] Kill the last worm if he survived Gold Requirements : Do it very fast before the timer reaches 10 minutes i think and have all your worms alive UNLOCKS : Lightside and Darkside [wormpedia] Showdown at the OK corale reef Now restart the level to get an easter egg. Use the blimp view. See there is a crate on one of the rooftops. This is the easter egg. Collect it and kill all your worms. you can fail and will still get it. UNLOCKS : That angular chap... [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.25 Plaice Holder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Collect the bazooka from inside the lighthouse and kill the worm in the cage [2] Get the new utility crate Jet Pack and get the crate in the shark [3] Now jet pack over to the hut and get the crate there [4] Run/jump back over to the lighthouse and backflip and vertically jump your way up the side of it [5] Place a large steeply angled girder so you can climb up it then jump to the roof [6] Parachute over to the billboard and hide as close to its support as you can (if not inside) and wait for the quake [7] Hopefully you will survive then backflip up and get the crate on the billboard Gold Requirements : speed is the key not sure of the time but its quite easy to get UNLOCKS : Super sheep challenge 2 [challenge] Chatter [wormpedia] Plaice holder [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.26 Hook, Line and skimmer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Get the crate on the beach then the one on the island and shoot the worm to the right of pinkbeard. you only have to hit the island not the worm as there all rigged to explode. Also learn how to harness the wind on this level its the only way to get gold so practise [2] Get the crate and shoot the worm on the blimp [3] Back to the beach and get pinkbeard [4] Shoot the last worms island Gold Requirements : I think your allowed 6 turns to do this UNLOCKS : Sniper [scheme] Pink Beard [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.27 Nobody rides for free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Walk under the flags and jump over to where the worm closest to you is. Jump up the stairs and up the ride to the left jump quickly and get top the first crate on your first turn [2] Follw the roller coaster collecting the utilities and get as far as you can (the mine in the dip is a good marker you'll know it when you see it) [3] Jump up and get the mine in the carrage and then parachute down and put a mine inside the booth next to the worm here then jump over and hide behind the nearest ride [4] Backflip up into the ride and collect the third mine and run and place one in the booth of the worm nearest the start [5] Run over and pay for the last ride (the ferris wheel) by putting a mine in the last booth Gold Requirements : Complete in 5 turns my method is the only way i think UNLOCKS : Grandpa [voice] (easter egg complete without destroying any of the booths) Nobody rides for free [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.28 Hold until relieved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Run up the bridge and baseball bat the worm here off the bridge and stand in the middle of the target [2] Climb up the house nearby and firepunch your wiggly foe into the water and stand on his target [3] Climb up to the gun emplacement (there are steps round the back) and claim this target any way you want just get the worm off it [4] Ninja rope over to the boat and fire punch the worm and take his target [5] Soon with all 4 targets yours the timer will count down. Just stay on the targets and defend yourself (by killing the enemy) until the time runs out Gold Requirements : Follow my simple steps to success and the gold is yours UNLOCKS : Jet pack challenge3 [challenge] All action [scheme] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.29 To boldly go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] READ ALL OF THIS FIRST YOU DONT HAVE TIME TO MESS ABOUT ON THE LEVEL Jump to the robot. Backflip onto his hand and up the orange thing. Flip onto the spaceman and jump up him. Jump to the flag. Jump to the robot arm. foward flip onto the top of the chair. Jump to the satalite and across it to the spaceship. Jump across the platforms onto the thing that looks like a weight. backflip up onto the next platform.Then the next. Backflip up into the ship and get the crate. Gold Requirements : Just be fast if you dont get the gold try again UNLOCKS : Sinking BnG [scheme] Worms 3D prototype [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.30 Beautiful balloon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] This is hard but possible. Get the parachute ready. Frontflip and open chute at top of flip and you can glide and land on the bottom plane. Take a shot atthe plane opposite you at the bottom and hide behind the worm. DONT shoot the plane above you it is cover [2] Teleport up to the top right plane just behind the worm [3] take out one of the planes if you can (not one with worm on) [4] commit suicide [5] Should have 2 worms now on planes one at the top one at the bottom Take out the other plane (not the one in the middle) [6] Take out the middle plane from below this should blow up 2 planes [7] Blow up the plane you are on and you win Gold Requirements : Be fast not sure of the time but its a hard one to get UNLOCKS : Concrete donkey [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.31 A good nights sheep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Jump up to the crate and get it then jump over to where your other worm is. At some point on this journey open your parachute just for a second this is very important as it will deselect it. I repeat you must deselect your parachute. Jump over to the pink circle on the wooden bridge, enter first person view and look at the gates. Make sure the gate is directly central then release the sheep, i should jump over all the gates and explode helping the worm to sleep [2] Parachute down and get the crate and jump up to where your other worm is and stand on his head and repeat the aiming and releasing of the sheep [3] Get the last crate and repeat the same thing .....easy The only rule for this level is to always deselect your parachute on the crate run Gold Requirements : complete in 4 turns or under i think UNLOCKS : Super Sheep challenge 3 [challenge] A good nights sheep [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.32 Beefcake Breakfast Brawl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Use the low gravity and backflip up onto the shelves. Stand on the lowest food (i think its yogurts) and backflip up onto the beam above you. [2] Collect the crates on the worksurface and petrolbomb the worm off the edge [3] Jump and run around the beams (in a S shape for best spead) collect the utility and then baseball bat the worm off the beam [4] Drop down the plug hole and collect the greanades and then use the last low gravity to jump up onto the shelves. If you have time drop a grenade to send the worm up here flying if not dont worry [5] Use the contents of the utility to protect yourself by making a box around you [6] Drop a grenade behind the worm and send him to the fishes [7] Just hide till the water drowns the worms Gold Requirements : Not sure but this method gets gold i think its about 10 turns UNLOCKS : Sticky Wars [scheme] Bridge Kit [weapon] (must have collected it from the beams) Fakes and april fools [wormpedia] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.33 Costa Del Danger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !!-----MINE DISPOSAL-----!! For efective mine disposal run at a mine. When it starts to beep jump away from it and get out of the blast zone IMPORTANT!! IF THE WIND IS STRONGER THAN 3 WHEN YOU START THE LEVEL IN ANY DIRECTION START AGAIN THIS WILL MAKE THINGS ALOT HARDER [1] Blow the Mine to your left and jump behind the small villa and get the mine there [2] Jump back round the villa and get the mine on the beach then get the one on the diving board [3] Backflip onto the yellow striped parasol and then onto the awning. Virtical jump on here to set of the mine on the balcony now fall off the awning and flip up onto the next one round then fall off that one [4] Run round to the beach and set off that mine now flip onto the next awning and virtical jump again and run [5] Jump across the beach setting that mine off and flip onto the last awning and virtical jump again BOOM [6] Run round the back of the building and equip your parachute. Move the camera so its facing the back of the building (making you look almost 2D against the building) Stand by the tuft of grass and backflip You should land on the pipe. Turn around and backflip again. Repeat this up the pipes to the top. [7] Jump into the roof and the second you hear the beep of the mine jump out of the roof and parachute over to the next roof [8] Set of this mine and jump onto the rope connecting the buildings. Climb this onto the middle building [9] DONT set off this mine yet. Climb down the other rope and set that mine off. Back up the rope and equip parachute. [10] Set off the mine the parachute to the last building and set of that mine jump off the roof (parachute if you wish but it doesnt matter you wont die) Gold Requirements : I think its before the timer reaches 5 minutes but it may be a bit more. Just be fast UNLOCKS : Parachute challenge 3 [challenge] Costa Del Danger [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.34 Ragnorok and roll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Jump across the magic bridge and get the crates. Back on land get the 2 crates and poke the worm to the left of the house off [2] Shotgun the other worm on this island and hide behind the house [3] Back around to where the first worm was and cross the islands and poke the worm into the water and collect the utility [4] Parachute down and shotgun/poke the worm infront of you off the edge and hide in the gully [5] Kill the other worm here in the same fashion [6] Climb down the tree and jump onto the oar and up into the boat. Dynamyte one of the worms and get as close to the other worm and he should skip his go [7] Dynamyte the other worm ...or baseball bat him....just kill him basically Gold Requirements : Before the timer reaches 5 mins left UNLOCKS : Ragnorok and roll [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2.35 Alien Juice suckers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (if you loose worms on this level skip that step because i always loose a few so im writing all possibilites) [1] Collect the teliport and use it to get to the hut with all the weapons [2] Ninja rope up onto the tower behind this worm and take a shot at the 2 aliens on the nearest flying saucer [3] Ninja rope over to the crashed saucer and collect the utility then poke the worm into the water [4] I always loose this worm but if he is still alive take a shot at the worm on the pylon [5] Collect the weapons and jetpack up to the highest flying saucer and baseball bat the worm here [6] Use any of your weapons to try and knock off either of the worms on the flying saucer (not homing missile or super sheep) [7] Homing missile or super sheep the worm on the pylon [8] Take a shot at the worm on the land (if this worm is still alive) [9] Parachute over and drown 1 (or 2 if possible depending on state of land mass and shotgun ability) [10] Take out any surviving worms with your next few goes.... its hard to give a tactic because it changes so much on this level If your this far you should be skillful enough to do it Gold Requirements : Complete in under 10 minutes i think Worms aren't important UNLOCKS : Super Villan [voice] Alien Juice Suckers [level] Thats all the campaign missions complete well done ******************************************************************************* 4.3 Challenges ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.1 Shotgun Challenge 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Targets appear all over the landscape and you have to shoot them for extra time. The unsteadyness of the shotgun makes this quite hard. Here are the location and order of the targets to help [1] On the Bridge [2] Turn left and its on the purple things ear [3] Left again and down and its on some cherries [4] Right a bit and its on the end of the yellow reed [5] Right again and on the purple things nose [6] Right and on its hand [7] Left and on the purple things nose again but lower [8] Far left and on the flowers [9] Just below the last one [10] Right and down, its on the cherry by the island just above the water [11] Right and on the Purple things hand [12] Right and on the purple things head [13] Just below and to the right of 12 [14] Far right and ontop of the high reed [15] Right and down ontop of the cherries [16] Right and on the purple things hand Then it repeats back and starts at number 2 Just practise this one and you will get it I got 6 runs through this and got a time of 7.53 Bronze Time: 3.01 Silver Time: 4.30 Gold Time: 7.05 UNLOCKS : nothing :( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.2 Shotgun Challenge 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This time the tagets are falling but its not to different if you got gold on the first. They only fall from 6 places 4 planes in the middle and 2 high ones either side. This is not that hard and the pattern is not complicated so you shouldn't find it to hard Bronze Time: 2.07 Silver Time: 2.24 Gold Time: 3.34 UNLOCKS : Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.3 Shotgun Challenge 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To start this level jump across the bridge and up the slope to the left of the fence. At the top there is a hole in the fence this can be seen my the shadow stand in here. The targets appear in groups of 3 on each side of the fence. Shoot 3 turn, Shoot 3 turn etc... Here are the target locations [1] Below the Flower [2] Just behind the last one [3] On the flower TURN [4] On the red flower [5] On the leaves of the red/blue flower [6] On the red/blue flower TURN [7] On the fork [8] On the leaf [9] At the bottom of the fork TURN [10] On the blue flower [11] Again on the blue flower [12] On the red flower TURN [13] On top of the fork [14] On top of the fork [15] On the island at the bottom Turn [16] On the red Flower [17] On the leaf of the blue flower [18] On the red/blue flower Turn Bronze Time: 2.01 Silver Time: 2.57 Gold Time: 3.10 UNLOCKS : Mad Cow [weapon] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.4 Super Sheep Challenge 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just fly the sheep around the level collecting the targets its not hard just follow your radar and if you dont get gold try again and learn the order of the targets Bronze Time: 2.13 Silver Time: 3.34 Gold Time: 5.06 UNLOCKS : Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.5 Super Sheep Challenge 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Same as the first super sheep challenge but some slightly more techinical flying. Just dont collect the crates and get a good line for the part that flies through the huts Bronze Time: 1.34 Silver Time: 2.35 Gold Time: 4.04 UNLOCKS : Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.6 Super Sheep Challenge 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Again quite easy. A short time to get gold just fly around and get the targets the only hard target is inside the crane sojust get a run up and good aim. Thats all the advice you need really Bronze Time: 1.11 Silver Time: 1.34 Gold Time: 2.28 UNLOCKS : Super Sheep [weapon] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.7 Jet Pack Challenge 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just like the supersheep but in a jetpack just fly around and collect the targets. Fuel isnt a problem practise makes perfect as they say Bronze Time: 2.07 Silver Time: 3.18 Gold Time: 4.09 UNLOCKS : Jet Pack Challenge 1 [level] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.8 Jet Pack Challenge 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A slightly more technical flight that before but not really to dificult. If you cant get gold practise it will help in the long run Bronze Time: 1.16 Silver Time: 3.14 Gold Time: 4.09 UNLOCKS : Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.9 Jet Pack Challenge 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You start off on a high platform and have to parachute into the base. This is the only diference to the other missions. One target can be hard to spot its inside one of the huts!! If you got gold on the last 2 this should be a walk in the park Bronze Time: 1.14 Silver Time: 1.31 Gold Time: 2.24 UNLOCKS : Earthquake ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.10 Parachute Challenge 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quite tricky this. Its hard to explain exactly how to do it. Ill just give you some tips. [1] If a target is a long way below you use the drop technique you used in "The worm and the beanstalk" mission (look up to 4.2.18) [2] You can use the jetpack to collect targets just be ready to quickly open the chute when it runs out [3] Be fast and practise at this it took me a fair few tries to get the gold Bronze Time: 1.20 Silver Time: 3.30 Gold Time: 5.07 UNLOCKS : Nothing (this sucks they should have put prizes for all the challenges) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.11 Parachute Challenge 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok I cheat on this level. They should call it Jet Pack Challenge 4. You get given far to much jetpack fuel so parachute down the first time then jetpack up. you should have about 27 fuel left this is plenty to fly back down collecting all the targets and land on the jetpack again. just repeat this and it makes things so much easier Bronze Time: 1.29 Silver Time: 3.02 Gold Time: 4.19 UNLOCKS : Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.12 Parachute Challenge 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This one is just like "The worm and the beanstalk level" if you got gold on that you can get gold on this one. The only differnce is you have to jet pack back up to the top when you get to the bottom Bronze Time: 1.07 Silver Time: 1.22 Gold Time: 2.18 UNLOCKS : Banana Bomb [weapon] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.13 Deathmatch Challenge 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move, opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Jet pack onto the roof of the hut and baseball bat the worm into the sea [2] Parachute onto the shark and poke the worm there into the water [3] Parachute down and fire punch the worm on the steps towards the sea [4] Use the worm in the hut to place a dynamyte by the worm you havent attacked [5] Use your remaining turns to hunt down and kill the remaining worms Should be pretty simple from here Bronze Time: 8.31 Silver Time: 7.08 Gold Time: 6.34 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 2 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.14 Deathmatch Challenge 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move, opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Ninja rope onto the iceberg and fire punch that worm into the sea [2] Ninja rope up onto the funnels and poke one of the worms into the drink [3] Ninja up to the worm on the mast at the back of the boat and baseball bat him off the ship [4] Jet pack over to the ship and poke one of the worms off [5] Drown the last worm Bronze Time: 8.18 Silver Time: 7.36 Gold Time: 7.08 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 3 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.15 Deathmatch Challenge 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move, opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Run over and poke the worm near the water into it and hide behind the ferris wheel support [2] Go over and jump onto the rollercoaster where it dips. climb up and poke in a worm [3] Cross the bridge and climb the stairs onto the roller coaster. Follow it to the left and u'll reach a worm. Can you guess what were gonna do to him?? POKE HIM (I have an unhealthy obsession with the poke dont I?) [4] Baseball bat the last worm on the ground into the sea [5] Jet Pack up onto the ferris wheel and fire punch the worm off [6] He should be within reasonable shot gun heath so stick a dynamite on his head for good measure Bronze Time: 8.32 Silver Time: 7.40 Gold Time: 7.01 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 4 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.16 Deathmatch Challenge 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move,opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Jump out of the start place (equip a parachute for saftey) and baseball bat the worm near the beach ...over it [2] Teleport up to the same roof as the enemy that just attacked [3] Move closer then bazooka either of the awning worms [4] Bazooka, uzi or shotgun the same worm (whatever will kill him) [5] Pick on the other awning worm till he is dead or its the worm on the roofs turn [6] When your on the roof get the worm up here into the water asap [7] Jet pack up onto the roof of the dark blue building and pick on the worm there [8] Airstrike the worm on the middle building (aim the airstrike from inland because sometimes the worm will get blown off the building this way into the water) [9] Mop up the survivors if there are any Bronze Time: 12.27 Silver Time: 11.30 Gold Time: 10.29 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 5 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.17 Deathmatch Challenge 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move,opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing (do these in the order easiest for you) [1] Dynamite the worm nearest you into the water [2] Use the blocks in the hut get to the roof and fire punch the enemy into the water [3] Poke the worm in the middle of the ice into the water [4] Baseball bat the worm near the snowman into the water [5] Drown the worm at the bottom of the mountain [6] Air strike the worm on the mountain so he flies into the sea or if your fast and dont have airstrikes climb and poke him off Bronze Time: 10.50 Silver Time: 10.30 Gold Time: 9.15 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 6 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.18 Deathmatch Challenge 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move,opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Parachute down and firepunch the worm off the boat [2] Climb onto the roof and shotgun either of the worms off the edge [3] Come out the building onto the roof and poke the worm into the sea [4] Ninja up onto the bridge and baseball bat the worm into the sea [5] Drown the worm you didnt before on the roof [6] Kill anyone still alive Bronze Time: 8.00 Silver Time: 7.00 Gold Time: 5.24 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 7 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.19 Deathmatch Challenge 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move,opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Parachute down to the left and shotgun the worm into the water then do the same to the one on the cloud above him [2] Drop off the roof and fire punch the worm over the fecne and to death [3] Parachute to the worm on the bridge (very important to para. or you wont get back) and poke him into the water [4] Climb up the clouds and poke the worm into the water [5] Jet pack onto the sand timer and baseball bat the worm into the sea [6] The last 2 worms are easy to kill just get to them and poke them into the sea Bronze Time: 9.00 Silver Time: 8.18 Gold Time: 7.26 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 8 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.20 Deathmatch Challenge 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move,opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Teleport up to the building on the hill. Aim at the 2 worms to the front of it [2] Get over to the other island (parachute the last bit its too high to jump) and do some damage to the worms [3] Do the same with this worm but poke the 3rd worm up into the water [4] Use the worm up top to drown the worms up there and use the other 2 worms to drown the worms down the bottom easy as pie Just keep on at this one it can be a little bit tricky but practise makes perfect Bronze Time: 10.27 Silver Time: 10.01 Gold Time: 9.34 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 9 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.21 Deathmatch Challenge 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move ,opportunities arise and disappear, so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing [1] Shotgun the worm, infront of you as you leave the hanger, twice into the water [2] Parachute over and poke the worm off the tower to the right of the bunker. This should drown him [3] Ninja up onto the crane and poke the lower worm [4] Baseball bat the worm off the submarine [5] Virtical jump and scale the crane and poke the worm off [6] Jet pack up and dynamite the worm on the roof [7] There are 4 worms left now. They have probably all moved about but from here on its not that hard so use your initiative and kill them quick Bronze Time: 14.03 Silver Time: 13.06 Gold Time: 12.10 UNLOCKS : Deathmatch Challenge 10 [challenge] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3.22 Deathmatch Challenge 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the deathmatches change. Worms move opportunities arise and dissapear so these are only rough guides to the deathmatch. you can do your own thing Plenty of time on this one, the hard part is staying alive!!! [1] Climb all the way up to the top and then shoot down on the worm on the small concrete building [2] Go round to the right and stand behind the worm and shoot at the worm in the tower [3] Shoot down on any worm in a tower or on a ride car [4] Pick off worms from the bottom with this worm [5] Pick off the worms from the top from the cover of the tower roof This level changes so much the basic tactic is to have one worm at the top killing and one worm at the bottom killing Bronze Time: 22.05 Silver Time: 20.40 Gold Time: 19.25 UNLOCKS : Nuclear bomb ******************************************************************************* 5.0 Multiplayer ******************************************************************************* Most of the multiplayer option is very straight forward but here is a quick run through of the more complicated parts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Wormpot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Wormpot is basically a random option generator to add variation to your games. You pull the leaver and options are randomly chosen or you can choose them yourself Here is a run-down on all the options and which reel they are on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Reel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Nothing : Nothing [2] Power explosives : All explosives are slightly stronger [3] Power Cluster : All cluster weapons are slightly stronger [4] Power Animal : All animal weapons are slightly stronger [5] Power Firearms : All firearms are slightly stronger [6] Power hand-to-hand : All hand-to-hand weapons and slightly stronger [7] Super explosives : All explosives are super powered [8] Super Cluster : All Cluster weapons are super powered [9] Super Animal : All Animal weapons are super powered [10] Super Firearms : All firearms are super powered [11] Super hand-to-hand : All hand-to-hand weapons are super powered [12] Crates everywhere : Crates are constantly placed on landscape [13] x2 damage : All damage is doubled [14] Crate Drop only : You start with no weapons, race for crates [15] Max fall damage : Increased fall damage [16] Energy or enemy : All worms are poisoned but there is health [17] Wind effects weapons : The wind effects every weapon [18] Max health drops : Helath crates are always dropped giving 100 [19] No retreat, No surrender : No retreat time after shot, no surrender [20] Specialist worms : Each worm has a certain set of weapons to use [21] Worms only drown : The only way to kill a worm is to drown it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Middle Reel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Nothing : Nothing [2] Power explosives : All explosives are slightly stronger [3] Power Cluster : All cluster weapons are slightly stronger [4] Power Animal : All animal weapons are slightly stronger [5] Power Firearms : All firearms are slightly stronger [6] Power hand-to-hand : All hand-to-hand weapons and slightly stronger [7] Super explosives : All explosives are super powered [8] Super Cluster : All Cluster weapons are super powered [9] Super Animal : All Animal weapons are super powered [10] Super Firearms : All firearms are super powered [11] Super hand-to-hand : All hand-to-hand weapons are super powered [12] Crates everywhere : Crates are constantly placed on landscape [13] x2 damage : All damage is doubled [14] Max fall damage : Increased fall damage [15] One shot one kill : All worms start with 1 health [16] David and Goliath : One worm has 250 health per team rest have 50 [17] Sticky mode : Friction is set to high makes it hard to move [18] Slippy mode : Friction is set to low, you slide about alot [19] Wind effects weapons : The wind effects every weapon [20] Max health drops : Helath crates are always dropped giving 100 [21] No retreat, No surrender : No retreat time after shot, no surrender ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right Reel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Nothing : Nothing [2] Power explosives : All explosives are slightly stronger [3] Power Cluster : All cluster weapons are slightly stronger [4] Power Animal : All animal weapons are slightly stronger [5] Power Firearms : All firearms are slightly stronger [6] Power hand-to-hand : All hand-to-hand weapons and slightly stronger [7] Super explosives : All explosives are super powered [8] Super Cluster : All Cluster weapons are super powered [9] Super Animal : All Animal weapons are super powered [10] Super Firearms : All firearms are super powered [11] Super hand-to-hand : All hand-to-hand weapons are super powered [12] Crates everywhere : Crates are constantly placed on landscape [13] x2 damage : All damage is doubled [14] Max fall damage : Increased fall damage [15] Wind effects weapons : The wind effects every weapon [16] Max health drops : Helath crates are always dropped giving 100 [17] No retreat, No surrender : No retreat time after shot, no surrender ******************************************************************************* 6.0 Prizes ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 Levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Atlantis trianing facility : Easter egg on Atlantis trianing facility [2] Return to Chateau Assasin : Pass Return to Chateau Assasin [3] The Mighty Kong : Pass The Mighty Kong [4] Test Tubes : Pass Test Tubes [5] D-Day : Gold on D-Day mission [6] Crate britain : Gold on Crate britain mission [7] A leak in the vegitable patch : Gold on A leak in the vegitable patch mission [8] Grave digger : Gold on Grave digger mission [9] Ice ice maybe : Gold on Ice ice maybe mission [10] When Analids collide : Gold on When analids collide mission [11] Earn your crust : Gold on Earn your crust mission [12] Apple core island : Gold on Apple core island mission [13] Helter Skelter : Gold on Helter Skelter mission [14] Movie mayhem : Gold on Movie mayhem mission [15] Shiver me timbers : Gold on Shiver me timbers mission [16] Take me cherry : Gold on Take my cherry mission [17] Crop Circle : Gold on Crop circle mission [18] Tree Village Trouble : Gold on Tree Village trouble mission [19] Schools in for summer : Gold on Schools in for summer mission [20] High stakes : Gold on High stakes mission [21] All cooped up : Gold on All cooped up mission [22] Showdown at the OK corale reef : Gold on Showdown at the OK corale reef mission [23] Plaice holder : Gold on Plaice holder mission [24] A good nights sheep : Gold on A good nights sheep mission [25] Nobody rides for free : Gold on Nobody rides for free mission [26] Costa Del Danger : Gold on Costa Del Danger mission [27] Ragnorok and roll : Gold on Ragnorok and roll mission [28] Alien Juice Suckers : Gold on Alien Juice Suckers mission [29] Jet pack challenge 1 : Gold on Jet Pack Challenge 1 mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Bridge Kit : Beefcake Breakfast Brawl mission collect if from the beam [2] Mad Cow : Gold on Shotgun Challenge 3 [3] Super Sheep : Gold on Super Sheep Challenge 3 [4] Earthquake : Gold on Jet Pack Challenge 3 [5] Banana Bomb : Gold on Parachute Challenge 3 [6] Nuclear bomb : Gold on Deathmatch Challenge 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.3 Challenges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Shotgun challenge 2 : Bronze on A leak in the Vegitable patch [2] Shotgun challenge 3 : Bronze on Movie Mayhem [3] Super sheep challenge 1 : Bronze on High Stakes [4] Super sheep challenge 2 : Bronze on Plaice Holder [5] Super Sheep challenge 3 : Bronze on A good nights sheep [6] Jet Pack challenge 1 : Bronze on Rum Deal [7] Jet pack challenge 2 : Bronze on In space no-one can hear you clean [8] Jet pack challenge 3 : Bronze on Hold until relieved [9] Parachute challenge 1 : Bronze on Falling for you {10] Parachute challenge 2 : Bronze on Worm and the beanstalk [11] Parachute challenge 3 : Bronze on Costa Del Danger [12] Deathmatch challenge 1 : Bronze on D-Day [13] Deathmatch Challenge 2 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 1 [14] Deathmatch Challenge 3 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 2 [15] Deathmatch Challenge 4 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 3 [16] Deathmatch Challenge 5 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 4 [17] Deathmatch Challenge 6 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 5 [18] Deathmatch Challenge 7 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 6 [19] Deathmatch Challenge 8 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 7 [20] Deathmatch Challenge 9 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 8 [21] Deathmatch Challenge 10 : Bronze on Deathmatch Challenge 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.4 Weapons schemes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Pro : Pass Test tubes training [2] Sniper : Gold on Hook, Line and skimmer [3] All action : Gold on Hold until relieved [4] Sinking BnG : Gold on To boldly go [5] Sticky Wars : Gold on Beefcake Breakfast Brawl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.5 Voices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Horror : Easter egg on Grave Digger mission [2] Madchester : Easter egg on schools in for summer mission [3] French Lover : Easter egg on A quick fix mission [4] Grandpa : Easter egg on Nobody rides for free mission [5] Super Villan : Gold on Alien Juice suckers mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.6 Wormpedia entries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Boggy Pete : Gold on Crate Britain [2] Horror Theme : Easter Egg on grave digger [3] Spadge and music : Gold on Run deal [4] The lost missions.. : Gold on In space no-one can hear you clean [5] The worm story : Gold on Falling for you [6] Enough in-jokes? : Gold on Movie Mayhem [7] Addiction 2? : Gold on Worm and the beanstalk [8] Brightside : Gold on Schools in for summer [9] The sally army : Gold on All cooped up [10] Lightside : Gold on The trial of the damned [11] Darkside : Gold on The trial of the damned [12] Lightside and Darkside : Gold on Showdown at the OK corale reef [13] That angular chap... : Easter egg on Showdown at the OK corale reef [14] Chatter : Gold on Plaice Holder [15] Pink Beard : Gold on Hook, Line and skimmer [16] Worms 3D prototype : Gold on To boldly go [17] Concrete donkey : Gold on Beautiful balloon [18] Fakes and april fools : Gold on Beefcake Breakfast Brawl ******************************************************************************* 7.0 Questions ******************************************************************************* COMING SOON!! ******************************************************************************* 8.0 Legal ******************************************************************************* This FAQ is copyright (c) 2003, Rob Painter Worms 3D copyright (c) 2003, Team17, Sega You may not distribute this for profit. You may not edit or alter the contents herein without the permission of the author. For now, the only site allowed to post this FAQ is: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ ******************************************************************************* 9.0 Credit ******************************************************************************* Me Robajob for writing this Carnaged25 for his input into levels 9 thanks