WWE Day of Reckoning 2 - Character FAQ =========HBK, Shawn Michaels========== Author: Devyus Version: 1.0 Date: 21/Dec/05 Email: deviuslore@gmail.com ---------Note------------------------- I don't mind if you use this guide on your side, but at least do not change it and keep the author's name and credit, do not claim as yours. Any matter with that, e-mail me. -------------------------------------- ========== .index ========== 1 - Version History 2 - Who's Shawn Michaels 3 - HBK Stats 4 - HBK Moves 5 - Credits 6 - Contact me =================== 1. Version History =================== Version 1.0 - 21/Dec/05 - Main guide - Who's Shawn Michaels, HBK Stats, HBK Moves, Credits, Contact me ======================== 2. Who's Shawn Michaels ======================== Shawn Michaels a.k.a HBK, Heartbreak Kid is a way popular WWE Wrestler, he was in the very first match I saw, a bit before Wrestlemania 21 in a Street Fight against Edge, as a "newbie" to what was going on, I supported Edge, but it didn't take too much until I turned myself a HBK fan. Here follows the HBK's profile: --- Name --- Name: Shawn Michaels Nickname: HBK - Heart-break Kid --- Personal --- From: San Antonio, Texas Height: 6 foot 1 / ~ 1,85 m Weight: 225 pounds / ~ 102 kg --- WWE Career --- Finishing Move: Sweet Chin Music Career Highlights: 3x WWE Champion 1x World Heavyweight Champion 2x Royal Rumble Winner (1995, 1996) =============== 3. HBK's Stats =============== Overall: 89 Strength: 7 Speed: 8 Durability: 8 Counter: 8 Charisma: 8.5 Submission: 8 =============== 4. HBK's Moves =============== Basic ----- - Figthing Style - Fighting Stance: Male 01 - Ring in Style: Normal - Ring out Style: Normal - Apron to Ring: Normal - Turnbuckle Climbing: Normal - Rising Style: Hard Spring - Leap Frog: Turnbuckle Dodge 01 - Reversal - Reversal Style: Cruiser - Reversal Attack: A - Elbow Stomp A + (C. Stick) - Snap & Roll - Testing Power: Test of Strength Flip - Taunt - Taunt - Up: Heartbreak Dancing - Down: Heartbreak Footwork - Left: Heartbreak Pose - Right: Heartbreak Pose - On turnbuckle: Taunt 05 - At apron: Guts Pose - Special: A+B - I can Dig That! - After Win: Shawn Michaels Standing -------- - Strike - Light: B - Punch R B + (C.Stick) - Toe Kick 01 - Combination 2nd: B - Punch R - Combination 3rd: B - Punch R - Combination Finish: - B - Hard Back Chop - B + (C. Stick) - Full Swing Punch R - Heavy: B (hold) - Hard Back Chop B + (C. Stick) - Flying Forearm Attack - Front Grapple - Normal: A - Hammerlock A + Up - Scoop Slam 01 A + Down - Jaw Breaker 01 A + Left - Neck Breaker A + Right - Arm Drag - Running: A - Neck Breaker - Catched Grapple: A - DDT A + Up - Suplex A + Down - Manhattan Drop A + Left - Inside Cradle A + Right - Russian Leg Sweep - Catched Strike: B - Punch R B + Up - Headlock Smash B + Down - Shoulder Trusts B + Left - Elbow Smash L B + Right - Elbow Smash R - Weapon Attack (Chair): A - DDT to Weapon - Weapon Attack (stick): A - Couple of Strikes Ground ------ - Facing Up - Strike: B - Stomp 01 - Running Strike: B - Elbow Drop - Down Grapple Upper: A - Sleeper Hold - Down Grapple Side: A - Mounted Punches - Down Grapple Lower: A - Figure 4 Leglock - Facing Down - Strike: B - Stomp 01 - Running Strike: B - Elbow Drop - Down Grapple Upper: A - Headlock - Down Grapple Side: A - Mahistrol Cradle - Down Grapple Lower: A - Knee Breaker Flying Attack ------------- - From Turnbuckle - Stand: B - Missile Dropkick B + (C.Stick) - Flying Body Attack - Down: B - Moonsault Splash 02 B + (C.Stick) - Moonsault Splash 02 - From Ring - To outside: B - Vaulting Body Press - Running to outside: - Y, B + (C.Stick) - Baseball Slide - Y+(C.Stick),B+(C.Stick) - Diving Body Press 01 - Spring Board: A + (C.Stick) - None - From Apron - To Outside: B - Double Axe Handle - To Inside Stand: B - None - To Inside Down: B - None - From Edge - Stand: B - Flying Body Attack - Down: B - Heart Break Elbow Drop Irish Whip ---------- - Strike - Normal: B - Back Elbow Strike B + (C.Stick) - Sidekick 02 - Pull Back: B(hold) - Schoulder Thrusts B(hold)+(C.Stick) - Clothesline - Grapple - Light: A - Leg Scissor Take Down A + (C.Stick) - Back Toss - Heavy: A(hold) - Thesz Press Knuckle A (hold) + (C.Stick) - Hurracanrama 02 Turnbuckle ---------- - Strike - Normal: B - Full Swing Punch R - Lower: B - Stomp 01 - Running: B - Clothesline R - Running Lower: B - Running Knee Attack - Front Grapple - Light: A - 10 Punches A + (C.Stick) - Shoulder Thrusts - Heavy: A(hold) - Superplex A(hold)+(C.Stick) - Superplex - Lower: A - Stomping & Knee Trample - On Turnbuckle: A - Throw - Rear Grapple - Light: A - Face Slam to Pole A + (C.Stick) - Shoulder Thrusts - Heavy: A(hold) - Super Back Drop A(hold)+(C.Stick) - School Boy - On turnbuckle: A - Super Back Drop Others ------ - Grapple - To Apron: A - Throw into Inside - From Apron: A - Guillotine - On Ropes Front: A - Rope Guillotine - On Ropes Rear: A - Rope Guillotine - From Edge: A - Throw - Double Team - Front: A - Double Flap Jack - Rear: A - Double Knee Breaker - Sandwich: A - Striking Combination - Irish Whip: A - Double Back Body Drop - Front Turnbuckle: A - Double Throw - Rear Turnbuckle: A - Double Impact Special ------- - Slot 1: A + B - Side Kick - Slot 2: A + B - Sweet Chin Music - Slot 3: A + B - Sweet Chin Music - Slot 4: A + B - Heart Break Elbow Drop - Momentum Shift: A + B - Low Blow 01 =========== 5. Credits =========== Devyus aka Ricky5011: made the guide GameFAQs: Hosting the guide WWE/THQ: Made the game (As long as some other companies) Shawn Michaels: inspiration ============== 6. Contact Me ============== Okay, I don't mind if you contact me via e-mail... You can ask me stuff about the game, and I'll try my best to work it out, please, do not spam me, or all your e-mails (including future ones) will be totally ignored. Please just e-mail me about this game or discuss any event of WWE.