/WWE Day of Reckoning 2\ -WWEShop.com FAQ- )Created by: Matt "The Doc" Briner( )Last Updated: September 9, 2005( V1.0 =I) TABLE OF CONTENTS= I) Table of Contents II) Updates III) FAQs IV) Introduction V) List A) Arenas B) Weapons C) Snapshot Expression D) Moves 1) Taunt 2) Moves Template E) Appearance 1) Base Model 2) Hair Style 3) Iris 4) Mask 5) Body Tattoo 6) Upper Wear 7) Bottom Wear 8) Common Pattern 9) Footwear 10)Hand F) Gear G) Entrance Template VI) Credits & Contact Info VII) Copyright & Disclaimer =II) UPDATES= V1.0 (September 9, 2005): Created the FAQ and wrote entire list of items. FAQs will be added as soon as I get them. If you have a question, smack me one at ganondorf2001@msn.com. =III) FAQs= Once I actually GET some frequently asked questions, this section will be up and running. COMING SOON =IV) INTRODUCTION= Welcome, one and all, to The Doc's WWEShop.com FAQ. In case your short term memory lasts all of four seconds, this FAQ deals with the WWEShop.com feature in "WWE Day of Reckoning 2" for the GCN. You should know this, seeing as how you clicked all those links to get here. Unless someone gave you the address, in which case, nevermind. At WWEShop.com in this game, you can buy a number of items to enhance your wrestling libido and make CAWs (or CAS', if you prefer). Earning money is much easier than the last two WWE romps on the GameCube. In "DoR2," you can earn money simply for winning a match in Exhibition mode ON TOP OF earning cash in the Story and Training modes. To earn money in the Training modes, complete the Trials as fast as you can while making as few mistakes as possible. The faster you go, the higher your rating. The higher your rating, the more money you get. Earning money in Story mode works just like in Exhibition mode. Basically, it boils down to how long it took you, how many Specials you used, and how powerful the last move you used was (based on the move's ranking--see the move descriptions in Create-A-Wrestler mode). In toto, WWEShop.com will cost you $30,280. Not the easiest of feats, but it's easier than the $537,000 in "WrestleMania XIX." No wonder that game sucked. Then again, many think THIS game sucks, too. Oh, screw it. At least SOMEONE'S doing a FAQ for it. =V) LIST= Here now, painstakingly compiled by me, is a complete list of all items at WWEShop.com. It is simply a list of items and their prices, but if you're good, I may add descriptions in the future... )A: ARENAS( Playing through Story Mode the whole way through will unlock every arena in the game except for these four, which don't appear in Story Mode in the first place. For those who care, "Judgment Day" and "The Great American Bash" are "SmackDown!"-exclusive Pay-Per-Views, and "Bad Blood" and "Taboo Tuesday" are "RAW"-exclusive. In real-life, the shows are more-than-likely horrible, but for those who are in this just for closure, here's the tally. "Judgment Day"---------$500 "Bad Blood"------------$500 "Great American Bash"--$500 "Taboo Tuesday"--------$500 =========================== TOTAL----------------$2,000 ARENAS TOTAL--$2,000 )B: WEAPONS( These items have one singular purpose: Use them to beat the living crap out of your opponent. Sledge Hammer------$100 Fire Extinguisher--$300 Steel Pipe---------$100 Trash Can----------$200 Brass Knuckles-----$150 Crutch-------------$100 ======================= TOTAL--------------$950 WEAPONS TOTAL--$950 )C: SNAPSHOT EXPRESSION( Feeling blue? Feeling pissy? Who cares? Just buy these. Normal 02-------$25 Normal 03-------$25 Normal 04-------$25 Smile 02--------$25 Smile 03--------$25 Smile 04--------$25 Anger 02--------$25 Anger 03--------$25 Anger 04--------$25 Pain 01---------$25 Pain 02---------$25 Pain 03---------$25 Pain 04---------$25 People's Champ--$25 =================== TOTAL----------$350 SNAPSHOT EXPRESSION TOTAL--$350 )D: MOVES( A pretty big misnomer. See, no actual MOVES are available--actual MOVES are only unlockable if you get your CAW's Attributes. Don't have them high enough? Huh, sucks to be you, doesn't it? Besides, this isn't a CAW FAQ. Let's move on. ^1) Taunt^ When making your CAW, you may notice that the number of Taunts you have to choose isn't as big as it normally is. That's because the creators of this game hate you. If you don't see the one you want, you'll have to make a trip, but if you don't have $2,975, I can't guarantee you'll get what you need. Just Bring It!---------$125 Ready for Rock Bottom--$125 Scream-----------------$125 Ready for Gore---------$125 Me, Baby! Me!----------$125 Gunz-------------------$125 What Now?--------------$125 Psycho-----------------$125 Footwork 02------------$125 Texas is No. 1---------$125 3D!--------------------$125 Table!-----------------$125 Push Up & Kiss---------$125 Rock Out---------------$125 1-2-3 Suck It!---------$125 Ready for the Worm!----$125 You Stink---------------$75 Superfly----------------$75 Breakdance--------------$75 Flame Blade-------------$75 Feet Stomp 02-----------$75 Magician of Arabia------$75 Wild Dance--------------$75 High Foot Stomp---------$75 Jumping-----------------$75 Being Pulled------------$75 Booty Shaking-----------$75 Beast Dancing-----------$75 Hand Shakes-------------$75 =========================== TOTAL----------------$2,975 Taunt Total--$2,975 MOVES TOTAL SO FAR--$2,975 ^2) Moves Template^ Say you make a CAW. You've spent hours--days even--perfecting his move list... then in your first match, you realize you've matched your opponent's moveset hold-for-hold. Chuck your controller across the room, go out, buy a new one, then buy his move template so that doesn't happen again. Batista-----------$300 Big Show----------$300 Booker T----------$300 Carlito-----------$300 Chavo Guerrero----$300 Chris Benoit------$300 Chris Jericho-----$300 Chris Masters-----$300 Christian---------$300 Eddie Guerrero----$300 Edge--------------$300 Eugene------------$300 Heidenreich-------$300 JBL---------------$300 John Cena---------$300 Kane--------------$300 Kenzo Suzuki------$300 Kurt Angle--------$300 Muhammad Hassan---$300 Orlando Jordan----$300 Paul London-------$300 Randy Orton-------$300 Rene Dupree-------$300 Rey Mysterio------$300 Ric Flair---------$300 Rob Van Dam-------$300 Shawn Michaels----$300 Shelton Benjamin--$300 Snitsky-----------$300 Tajiri------------$300 The Hurricane-----$300 Triple H----------$300 Undertaker--------$300 William Regal-----$300 Christy Hemme-----$150 Stacy Keibler-----$150 Torrie Wilson-----$150 Trish Stratus-----$150 Bret Hart---------$500 Hulk Hogan--------$500 Mankind-----------$500 Steve Austin------$500 The Rock----------$500 ====================== TOTAL----------$13,300 Moves Template Total--$13,300 MOVES TOTAL--$16,275 )D: APPEARANCE( The meat and potatoes, as they say. You'll be spending the bulk of your time and the bulk of your dough in this wing of the shopping center. ^1) Base Model^ ...Don't ask. I have NO IDEA what the point of these things are supposed to be. I guess they're supposed to make your journey easier, but I always pick the ones with less clothes. ... THE CLEANEST SLATE! DON'T JUDGE ME!!! Male Type 07----$100 Male Type 08----$100 Female Type 07--$100 Female Type 08--$100 ==================== TOTAL-----------$400 Base Model Total--$400 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$400 ^2) Iris^ In case you want a guy who was born in a sewage treatment plant or something. I never got these things. Large Red 01-------$25 Large Red 02-------$25 Large Purple 01----$25 Large Purple 02----$25 Large Yellow 01----$25 Large Yellow 02----$25 Large Orange 01----$25 Large Orange 02----$25 Large Silver 01----$25 Large Silver 02----$25 Small Green 01-----$25 Small Green 02-----$25 Special Red--------$50 Special Purple-----$50 Special Yellow-----$50 Special Orange-----$50 Special Silver-----$50 Special Gold-------$50 Special White------$50 Special Lizard 01--$50 Special Lizard 02--$50 Special ESP--------$50 Special ESP2-------$50 ====================== TOTAL-------------$905 Iris Total--$905 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$1,305 ^3) Mask^ For the Jushin Liger in all of us, eh? Actually, these are specialty masks. They really are quite elaborate in design. No Liger, though. [Sad face]. Chain Coif--$175 Ninja Hood--$200 Turban------$150 Armor-------$150 Android-----$200 ================ TOTAL-------$875 Mask Total--$875 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$2,180 ^4) Body Tattoo^ Not the most extensive extra list, but...aw, screw it. Both Arms 02---------$50 Combination Body 02--$50 Tribal Body 01-------$50 Sutra Body-----------$50 Left Arm-------------$50 ======================== TOTAL---------------$250 Body Tattoo Total--$250 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$2,430 ^5) Upper Wear^ Freaky shirts, basically. The majority of them are, supposedly, to make a female CAW look more sexy. If you're into that kind of thing, I mean. Maid-------------$100 Football 01------$100 Baseball 01------$100 Tanktop 04-------$125 Decoration-------$125 Carnival---------$125 Bondage----------$150 Leather Vest 01--$100 Military Jacket--$100 Sailor Suit------$125 Santa Claus------$125 Football 02------$175 Armor------------$150 Android----------$150 ===================== TOTAL----------$1,750 Upper Wear Total--$1,750 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$4,180 ^6) Bottom Wear^ Pants. ...*shrug* Pants. Basketball------$125 Jeans Loose 02--$100 Jeans Broken----$100 Jeans 60's------$100 Apron Skirt-----$100 Skirt 01---------$75 Bondage 02-------$50 Bondage 03-------$50 Baseball---------$75 Football Pants---$75 Carpenter-------$100 Ninja Wear------$125 Sumo Tights-----$125 Armor-----------$150 Android---------$150 ==================== TOTAL---------$1,500 Bottom Wear Total--$1,500 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$5,680 ^7) Common Pattern^ OK, these are all trademarked designs that you can emblazon on your CAW's shirt if you think it's too plain. None of them have real DESCRIPTIONS, so I'll give you what they are in a gist. They're all cheap, at least. Eddie Guerrero "Survivor Series 2004" Art--$25 Batista "Survivor Series 2004" Art---------$25 Rey Mysterio "Survivor Series 2004" Art----$25 Triple H "Survivor Series 2004" Art--------$25 Eugene Logo--------------------------------$25 "IN JBL WE TRUST"--------------------------$25 Chain Gang Logo----------------------------$25 HBK Knees Logo-----------------------------$25 "Survivor Series 2004" Collage Poster------$25 "100% BABE"--------------------------------$25 Undertaker Logo----------------------------$25 "AMERICA NEEDS A HERO"---------------------$25 Y2J Logo-----------------------------------$25 Eddie Guerrero Collage---------------------$25 "Stone Cold" Skull-------------------------$25 "Stunner Inc." Skull-----------------------$25 Holla! Holla!------------------------------$25 "Backlash" Logo----------------------------$25 "Judgment Day" Logo------------------------$25 "Great American Bash" Logo-----------------$25 "Vengeance" Logo---------------------------$25 "Summerslam" Logo--------------------------$25 "Unforgiven" Logo--------------------------$25 "Taboo Tuesday" Logo-----------------------$25 "Survivor Series" Logo---------------------$25 "Armageddon" Logo--------------------------$25 "Royal Rumble" Logo------------------------$25 "No Way Out" Logo--------------------------$25 ECW Logo-----------------------------------$25 ============================================== TOTAL-------------------------------------$750 Common Pattern Total--$750 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$6,430 ^8) Footwear^ It's gotta be the shoes! A-and the socks. And the fins. Western Short 02--$50 Western Long 02---$50 Baseball Shoes----$25 Magician----------$75 Loose Socks-------$50 Leg Warmer--------$75 Fin---------------$50 Plaster Cast------$25 Armer-------------$50 Android-----------$50 ===================== TOTAL------------$500 Footwear Total--$500 APPEARANCE TOTAL SO FAR--$6,930 ^9) Hand^ Finally, an assortment of gloves in shapes and colors that no hand can leave the arm without. Open Finger Gloves--$100 Boxing Gloves-------$100 Brass Knuckles-------$50 Baseball Gloves-----$100 Mr. Socko------------$75 Armor----------------$50 Android--------------$50 ======================== TOTAL---------------$525 Hand Total--$525 APPEARANCE TOTAL--$7,455 )E: GEAR( Yes, worship me! Worship me and my...gear. Yep, for the weirdest, stupidest, coolest, or all-around just-plain- complete CAWs, you gots ta have this. Mental Note: Never say "gots" again. Crusher Hat--------$25 Baseball Cap-------$25 Sun Visor Clear----$25 Helmet Football----$25 Helmet Baseball----$25 Head Dress---------$25 Head Gear----------$25 Wig Front Curl-----$25 Wig Ponytail Curl--$25 Mustache-----------$25 Long Beard---------$25 Mask Ice Hockey----$25 Mask Horror--------$25 Eye Mask-----------$25 Sunglasses Heart---$25 Sunglasses Rock----$25 Goggles Pilot------$25 Pendant------------$25 Corsage Rose-------$25 Horn Cow-----------$25 Horn Bison---------$25 Bandanna-----------$25 Mantle-------------$25 Shield Knight------$25 Ear Rabbit---------$25 Ear Bat------------$25 Ear Robot----------$25 Ear Thorn----------$25 Wings Angel--------$25 Wings Bat----------$25 Buoy---------------$25 Backpack-----------$25 ====================== TOTAL-------------$800 GEAR TOTAL--$800 )F: ENTRANCE TEMPLATE( Finally, some pre-made entrances for those wrestlers who are no longer on the WWE payrole, but WWE thought were cool anyway. Yes, God knows I need reminded of Brock Lesner except for EVERY DAY. Template 22--$75 Template 23--$75 Template 24--$75 Template 25--$75 Template 26--$75 Template 27--$75 Template 28--$75 Template 29--$75 Template 30--$75 Template 31--$75 ================ TOTAL-------$750 ENTRANCE TEMPLATE TOTAL--$750 >>>GRAND TOTAL--$30,280<<< ********* =VI) CREDITS & CONTACT INFO= Special Thanks To: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.; THQ; Jakks Pacific; Yukes>>>For making the game GameFAQs>>>For sponsoring this FAQ Me>>>For typing it up (Modesty is dead. I killed it. You're welcome.) You>>>For reading it =VII) COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER= This FAQ is the sole property of its author (Matt Briner) and cannot be copied by anyone without direct permission by the author. This FAQ is only to be used in the pages of GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com). If it is found anywhere else, please notify the author as soon as possible. All character names are trademarks of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. This FAQ is copyright 2005 Matt Briner.