_______________ |WWE | |Wrestlemania | |XIX | |THE HURRICANE | |_______________| by CI254 ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TABLE OF CONTESTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Intro to The Hurricane II. Historic Moments. III. Move List. IV. Legal Information and Credits ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTRO TO THE HURRICANE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stand in the back! There's a Hurricane coming through! The Hurricane is and forever will be one of the WWE's greatest cruiserweights, even if he's on the wrong brand. He should be on Smackdown, but whatever. The Hurricane makes his Hurrileap to his third WWE game, WWE Wrestlemania XIX. His first WWE game debut was WWF/E Wrestlemania X8 for GCN, then WWE Smackdown: SYM for the PS2. With Wrestlemania XIX's new attribute system, Hurricane is tough to use, especally against stronger opponents such as Big Show. If you'd like to read about the Hurricane, check out the Historic Moments section, if you just want his movelist however, go to the Move List below. Name: The Hurricane Real Name: Gregory Shane Helms Height/Weight: 6'0"/191 lbs From: Raleigh, North Carolina Class: Cruiserweight Trademark: Hurrichoke Slam/Eye of the Hurricane/Vertebreaker Strengths: Basic-Jumping Weaknesses: Attack-Joing Locks *Submissions* ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HISTORIC MOMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section includes titles won by Hurricane, major moments in the WWE, or anything else worth noting. I'm leaving out his progress in WCW, sorry. WWF European Champion WWF Hardcore Champion WWE Cruiserweight Champion WWE Tag Team Champion w/ Kane ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOVE LIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -LEGEND- A means A button B means B button [N] means no direction [D] Means Any Direction [<] means Left [>] means Right [^] means Up [v] means Down [S] means Special [ToT] means Top of Turnbuckle [AA] means At Apron [AV] means After Victory Fighting Style -Fighting pose: Male 02 -Ring In Style: Normal -Ring Out Style: Normal -Apron to Ring: Normal -Turnbuckle Climbing: Normal -Special State Rising: Normal -Reversal Style: Cruiser --- Standing -Striking --Light Striking [N]: Punch-R --Light Striking [D]: Toe Kick 01 --Combinattion 2nd: Punch-R --Combination 3rd: Punch-R --Combination 4th: None --Combination 5th: None --Combination 6th: None --Combination 7th: None --Combination 8th: None --Combination 9th: None --Combination Finish [N]: Full Swing Punch --Combination Finish [D]: Missile Dropkick --Heavy Striking [N]: Full Swing Punch --Heavy Striking [D]: Missle Dropkick -Front Grapple --Light Front Grapple [N]: Snapmare --Light Front Grapple [^]: Snap Suplex --Light Frong Grapple [v]: Small Package --Light Front Grapple [<]: Neck Breaker --Light Front Grapple [>]: Arm Drag --Front Grappled Striking [N]: Punch-R --Front Grappled Striking [^]: Headlock Smash --Front Grappled Striking [v]: Shoulder Thrusts --Front Grappled Striking [<]: Elbow Smash-L --Front Grappled Striking [>]: Elbow Smash-R --Heavy Front Grapple [N]: DDT --Heavy Front Grapple [^]: Super Kick --Heavy Front Grapple [v]: Hurricanrana --Heavy Front Grapple [<]: Shoulder Arm Breaker --Heavy Front Grapple [>]: Russian Leg Sweep -Rear Grapple --Light Rear Grapple [N]: Sleeper Hold --Light Rear Grapple [^]: Face Crusher 01 --Light Rear Grapple [v]: Backslide Pin --Light Rear Grapple [<]: Shin Breaker --Light Rear Grapple [>]: Falling Neck Breaker --Rear Grappled Striking [N]: Punch-R --Rear Grappled Striking [^]: Elbow Strike for Backhead --Rear Grappled Striking [v]: Elbow Strike --Rear Grappled Striking [<]: Elbow Smash-L --Rear Grappled Striking [>]: Elbow Smash-R --Heavy Rear Grapple [N]: Abdominal Stretch --Heavy Rear Grapple [^]: Back Drop --Heavy Rear Grapple [v]: School Boy --Heavy Rear Grapple [<]: Backhead Crush --Heavy Rear Grapple [>]: Russian Leg Sweep --- Running -Striking --Running Strike [N]: People's Diving Clothesline --Running Strike [D]: Flying Body Press -Grapple --Running Front Grapple: Head Scissors 01 --Running Rear Grapple: Face Crusher --- Ground -Striking --Down Strike [Facing Up]: Stomp 01 --Down Strike [Facing Down]: Stomp 01 --Running Down Strike [Facing Up]: Elbow Drop --Running Down Strike [Facing Down]: Elbow Drop -Down Grapple [Upper] --Down Grapple [Facing Up]: Chin Lock --Down Grapple [Facing Down]: Headlock -Down Grapple [Side] --Down Grapple [Facing Up]: Ground Punches --Down Grapple [Facing Down]: Mahistrol Cradle -Down Grapple [Lower] --Down Grapple [Facing Up]: Leg Drop to Groin --Down Grapple [Facing Down]: Knee Breaker --- Flying -Turnbuckle --Attack to Standing Opponent [N]: Flying Body Attack --Attack to Standing Opponent [D]: Flip Attack 02 --Attack to Downing Opponent [N]: Diving Body Splash --Attack to Downing Opponent [D]: Diving Body Splash -Running --Diving Attack to Outside [N]: Baseball Slide --Diving Attack to Outside [D]: Summersault Plancha --Springboard Attack: None -Apron --Attack to Outside: Vaulting Body Press --From Apron to Outside: Asai Moonsault --Attack from Top Rope [Stand]: None --Attack from Top Rope [Down]: None --- Irish Whip -Striking --Irish Whip Strike [N]: Full Swing Punch --Irish Whip Strike [D]: Missile Dropkick --Pull Back Strike [N]: Hammer Throw Shoulder Thrusts --Pull Back Strike [D]: Hammer Throw Clothesline -Grapple --Light Irish Whip Grapple [N]: Monkey Toss --Light Irish Whip Grapple [D]: Arm Drag --Heavy Irish Whip Grapple [N]: Back Toss --Heavy Irish Whip Grapple [D]: Hurracanrana 02 -Others --Leap Frog: Turnbuckle Dodge 02 --- Turnbuckle -Striking --Turnbuckle Strike: Missile Dropkick --Turnbuckle Lower Strike: Stomp 01 --Running Turnbuckle Strike: Clothesline-R --Running Turnbuckle Lower Strike: Gun Packet -Front Grapple --Light Front Grapple [N]: 10 Punches --Light Front Grapple [D]: Shoulder Thrusts --Heavy Front Grapple [N]: Superplex --Heavy Front Grapple [D]: Tornado DDT --Turnbuckle Lower Grapple: Stomping and Knee Trample --Top of Turnbuckle [Front]: Throw -Rear Grapple --Light Rear Grapple [N]: Face Slam to Pole --Light Rear Grapple [D]: Shoulder Thrusts --Heavy Rear Grapple [N]: Sky High Back Drop --Heavy Rear Grapple [D]: Sky High Back Drop --Top of Turnbuckle [Rear]: Tree of Woe Stomp --- Double Team -Front Moves: Double Choke Slam -Rear Moves: Back Drop & Neck Breaker -Sandwich Moves: High Angle Neck Breaker -Irish Whip Moves: High Time -Front Turnbuckle Moves: Double Throw -Rear Turnbuckle Moves: Neck Breaker Bomb --- Taunt -Taunt [^]: Hurricane Coming Through! -Taunt [v]: Hurricane Coming Through! -Taunt [<]: Hurri-pose -Taunt [>]: Hurri-pose -Taunt [S]: Ahhhhhh! -Taunt [ToT]: Taunt 01 -Taunt [AA]: Clapping Hands 01 -Taunt [AV]: Taunt 22 --- Others -Grapple --Grapple to Apron: Suplex --Grapple from Apron: Sunset Flip --Rope Down Grapple: Rope Guillotine --Reversal Attack [N]: Elbow Stomp --Reversal Attack [D]: Dragon Screw --Testing Power: Toe Kick -Attack From Edge --Grapple at Edge: Choke Slam --Attack from Edge [Stand]: Flying Body Attack --Attack from Edge [Down]: Diving Body Splash --- Specials -Special 1: Vertebreaker [Grapple, Front Grapple] -Special 2: Sumo Choke Slam [Grapple, Ex Front Grapple] -Special 3: Eye of the Hurricane [Grapple, Rear Grapple] -Special 4: None -Special 5: None -Special 6: None -Special 7: None -Special 8: None ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGAL INFORMATION AND CREDITS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWE WrestleMania XIX is a trademark of TH*Q Inc. & Yukes. WWE and all related properties are a trademark of Titan Sports. The author is making no profit out of this guide. Respect to the WWE and TH*Q. This guide copyright 2003 CI254, aka: Patrick Christman. This guide may not be copied, altered, or distributed without the author's consent and permission. You may not Sell this PERIOD. Idiots =) Credit goes to: CI254: For making this. WWE: For giving us what we love, some of the best Pro Wrestling around. TH*Q: For Publishing the game. Yukes: For making WWE WMXIX for GCN fxsoundxf: Part of Hurricane's Bio Kickass Andy: Helping me with the rest of the bio.