X-Men Legends 2 Equipment Guide ############################################################################# Table of Contents ############################################################################# 1.0: Version History 2.0: Basic Equipment ---2.1: Belts ---2.2: Gloves ---2.3: Gear 3.0: Equipment Modifiers ---3.1: Prefixes ------3.1.1: + Attack ------3.1.2: + HP ------3.1.3: + HP per Knockout ------3.1.4: + EP per Knockout ------3.1.5: + Damage Reduction ------3.1.6: + Minimum Damage ------3.1.7: + Maximum Damage ------3.1.8: + Mental Damage ------3.1.9: + Electricity Damage ------3.1.10: + Energy Damage ------3.1.11: + Radiation Damage ------3.1.12: + Damage ---3.2: Suffixes ------3.2.1: + Defense ------3.2.2: + Body ------3.2.3: + Focus ------3.2.4: + Strike ------3.2.5: + Speed ------3.2.6: + EP ------3.2.7: + Energy Resistance ------3.2.8: + Radiation Resistance ------3.2.9: + Mental Resistance ------3.2.10: + Elemental Resistance ------3.2.11: + All Resistances ------3.2.12: Enemy Defense Bypassed 4.0: Unique Equipment ---4.1: Character-Specific Equipment ------4.1.1: Wolverine ------4.1.2: Storm ------4.1.3: Iceman ------4.1.4: Rogue ------4.1.5: Gambit ------4.1.6: Colossus ------4.1.7: Sunfire ------4.1.8: Bishop ------4.1.9: Jean Grey ------4.1.10: Nightcrawler ------4.1.11: Cyclops ------4.1.12: Magneto ------4.1.13: Toad ------4.1.14: Scarlet Witch ------4.1.15: Juggernaut ---4.2: Non-Exclusive Equipment 5.0: Character Specific Rare Items 6.0: Legal Junk 7.0: Contact Info 8.0: Special Thanks and Credits =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 1.0: Version History -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= 0.1: Most basic equipment listed with modifiers; all (?) unique equipment listed 0.1.1: Changed section 5.0 0.2: Added to some lists, changed some ranges, added one credit Final: Updated everything, added 5.0, removed Coming Soon =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 2.0: Basic Equipment -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= This section details unmodified equipment such as Bands or Gear. This kind of equipment is typically found early in the game, and isn’t incredibly useful long-term. I suggest replacing it ASAP. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2.1: Belts -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- As you may have determined, Belts are pieces of equipment which fit around the waist. Basic Belts only increase Defense, which is generally useful for everyone (particularly melee and short-range fighters), as it makes the equipped character more likely to dodge or block incoming melee attacks without devoting skill points to Speed. Below is a list of different belt types: Belt Type: Min. Gain Max. Gain Waistband: 3 6 Belt: 9 14 Coil: 18 23 Tech-Coil: 45 53 Nanobelt: 63 72 War Belt: 85 98 X-Guard: 98 141 Utility: 105 149 Defender: 114 159 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2.2: Gloves -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Like Belts, the Gloves should be fairly obvious. They go on the hands. If this concept surprises you, you’re probably a lost cause. Basic Gloves give only an Attack boost, making them pretty much useless for any character not using melee attacks. As such, they are the first things that should be replaced with enhanced equipment to make it suitable for anyone. The following is another list, this one describing various types of hand coverings: Glove Type: Min. Gain Max. Gain Bands: 3 8 Gloves: 5 15 Mitts: 8 20 Wristbands: 10 24 Sheaths: 16 35 Gauntlets: 20 45 Bracers: 35 65 X-Gloves: 45 75 Fists: 55 85 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2.3: Armor -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Armor is what it sounds like. Body armor. If you can’t figure this one out on your own, you probably shouldn’t be out unsupervised. Like Belts, it only raises Defense in its basic form. Also like Belts, it’s useful for all characters. Still more like Belts, there is a list. Behold: Armor Type: Min. Gain Max. Gain Gear: 8 11 Suit: 21 24 Outfit: 45 48 Nanogear: 102 117 X-Armor: 122 136 Uniform: 158 172 Nanofiber: 361 467 X-Uniform: 369 474 Aegis: 383 489 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 3.0: Modifiers -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= This section details how the equipment in XML2 can actually become useful. It can also be very highly customized, if you’re lucky enough to find exactly what you’re looking for. You will notice a pair of significant changes compared to Section 2. Now, I must list what each modifier does, and I will list pros and cons of each type of modifier. This is going to be the largest part of the guide, due to the sheer number of different modifiers. Luckily, many of them do the same thing, so I won’t need to explain absolutely everything. I’m tired of this paragraph. Let’s move on. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 3.1: Prefixes -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Prefixes are modifiers that are placed before the equipment type, such as Terrific Bands. Like the different equipment types, prefixes are split into groups which do the same thing, with stronger versions appearing later, and typically, on stronger base equipment. Most of these modifiers enhance offensive capabilities, such as Attack or Damage. They also seem to follow a pattern. You’ll see what I mean. Let’s go on to yet another list. Slightly different from before, though: 3.1.1: + Attack 3.1.2: + HP 3.1.3: + HP per Knockout 3.1.4: + EP per Knockout 3.1.5: + Damage Reduction 3.1.6: + Minimum Damage 3.1.7: + Maximum Damage 3.1.8: + Mental Damage 3.1.9: + Electricity Damage 3.1.10: + Energy Damage 3.1.11: + Radiation Damage 3.1.12: + Damage <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.1: + Attack >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> The simplest Prefix, these simply increase the Attack rating on Gloves, or add it to Belts and Armor. Like basic Gloves, only melee fighters will see any benefit. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Terrific: 5 15 Impressive: 16 30 Fantastic: 31 45 Wondrous: 46 60 Dark: 61 75 Primal: 76 100 Superb: 101 130 Excellent: 131 175 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.2: + HP >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Another simple Prefix, the HP gain is useful for all characters, as it increases survivability and reduces the need for stat points to be allocated to Body. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Abnormal: 2 5 Genetic: 6 15 Spliced: 16 30 Extreme: 31 50 Deviant: 51 75 Mutated: 76 100 Evolved: 101 140 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.3: + HP per Knockout >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Instead of giving you a “permanent” HP boost, these act as healing items. Every opponent that falls by the wearer’s hands/claws/visor/etc. adds HP to his/her total. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Absorbing: 1 2 Healthy: 2 3 Consuming: 4 5 Vital: 6 8 Sapping: 9 12 Healing: 13 17 Devouring: 18 25 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.4: + EP per Knockout >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Unlike HP, EP is most useful for ranged fighters. This is great for them, as every kill gains a bit of EP. With a high regeneration rate to begin with, energy users may never want for energy. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Draining: 1 2 Fortified: 2 3 Perpetual: 4 5 Absolute: 6 8 Energized: 9 12 Immense: 13 17 Infinite: 18 25 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.5: + Damage Reduction >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Damage Reduction equipment reduces the damage the wearer takes. This is the only real defensive boost any prefix gives. Luckily, it’s a good one. Reducing damage taken always help. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Flawless: 1 2 Towering: 3 5 Supreme: 6 9 Optimum: 10 14 Ultimate: 15 20 Zenith: 21 30 Legendary: 31 45 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.6: + Minimum Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> This is nice for dealing more consistent damage, but basically every other prefix is better. Use only if you have no other option. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Divine: 1 2 Angelic: 3 5 Mythical: 6 9 Celestial: 10 14 Abstract: 15 20 Puzzling: 21 30 Complete: 31 45 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.7: + Maximum Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> +Max Damage is a bit more useful than +Min Damage, as it deals more damage. Because there is also a larger range, the weaker strikes occur slightly less frequently. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Industrial: 1 2 Avenging: 3 5 Technical: 6 9 Wired: 10 14 Geared: 15 20 Engineered: 21 30 Robotic: 31 45 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.8: + Mental Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> +Mental Damage adds damage of the mental type to all attacks. Hence, mental resistant enemies will not be affected by the extra damage as much. These are best used on characters with Mental Damage enhancing abilities, such as Jean’s Mental Mastery. These are also useful for melee characters when fighting physical resistant enemies. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Psychic: 5 10 Visionary: 11 10 Telepathic: 21 30 Sentient: 31 40 Cerebral: 41 60 Astral: 61 80 Eternal: 81 110 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.9: + Electricity Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Like +Mental Damage, these are best used on certain characters, namely those with Electricity Damage enhancing abilities. Enemies with elemental resistance (though uncommon) won’t feel it as much. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Seasonal: 5 10 Astonishing: 11 20 Incredible: 21 30 Elite: 31 40 Goddess: 41 60 Master: 61 80 Superior: 81 110 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.10: + Energy Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Much like the last 2, this is best used on melee characters or those with Energy Damage enhancing abilities. Overall, +Mental and +Electricity are slightly better, as there are more energy resistant enemies. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Uncanny: 5 10 Accurate: 11 20 Inspired: 21 30 Nemesis: 31 40 Unstable: 41 60 Tingling: 61 80 Godly: 81 110 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.11: + Radiation Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Unlike Mental, Electricity, and Energy Damage, Radiation Damage occurs over a set amount of time. These items have a set damage amount, dealt over a set interval. Very useful, as there numerous “ticks” of damage. A +Damage item of any sort adds the damage to each tick. This combination doesn’t work with damage over time (DOT) attacks. Prefix: Damage Duration Glowing: 5 2 Seconds Emitting: 15 3 Seconds Fusion: 30 4 Seconds Atomic: 60 5 Seconds Nuclear: 120 6 Seconds Uranium: 240 7 Seconds Plutonium: 480 8 Seconds <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.1.12: + Damage >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> These are fun. A simple un-typed damage boost, which is very useful for most physical power users such as Nightcrawler and Wolverine. It’s also very useful for melee characters, especially those with melee-enhancing abilities and powers, such as Gambit and Iceman. Prefix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Marvelous: 3 5 Amazing: 8 15 Fabulous: 20 27 Astounding: 30 40 Super: 45 60 Heroic: 61 80 Epic: 81 110 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 3.2: Suffixes -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, the suffix is at the end, after the base equipment, as in “Belt of the Hero.” These are the opposite of Prefixes, in that they enhance defensive capabilities and stats. They’re generally useful for everyone. Enjoy being invincible. 3.2.1: + Defense 3.2.2: + Body 3.2.3: + Focus 3.2.4: + Strike 3.2.5: + Speed 3.2.6: + EP 3.2.7: + Energy Resistance 3.2.8: + Radiation Resistance 3.2.9: + Mental Resistance 3.2.10: + Elemental Resistance 3.2.11: + All Resistances 3.2.12: Enemy Defense Bypassed <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.1: + Defense >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Adds defense to Gloves, or augments Defense for Belts and Armor. Like Belts and Armor, just plain useful all around. While there are better choices, this is always good. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Honor: 5 15 of Defense: 16 30 of Security: 31 35 of Justice: 46 60 of Courage: 61 75 of Warding: 76 100 of Safety: 101 130 of Webbing: 131 175 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.2: + Body >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Extra Body means that you can take more punishment. Like most Suffixes, this is good for everyone. For ranged fighters, this is better than +Defense items, as the enemy shouldn’t be close enough to use melee attacks. For short-range and melee fighters, it’s a toss-up. Extra healing is nice, but not getting hit is also nice. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Body: 1 2 of Stamina: 3 4 of Physique: 5 8 of Vigor: 9 13 of Form: 14 19 of Being: 20 27 of Atlas: 30 40 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.3: + Focus >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Like the +Body items, a simple stat boost is all you get. These are useful for basically everyone. Melee fighters typically don’t have many points in Focus, and therefore a low EP regeneration rate. A boost to Focus will help regeneration to use powers more often. Ranged fighters use lots of energy to begin with, so extra Focus is always nice. A note: the lower the total Focus is, the smaller the Regeneration rate increase will be. In fact, at low levels, there may not be a visible increase at all. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Focus: 1 2 of Thought: 3 4 of Sense: 5 8 of Aptitude: 9 13 of Intuition: 14 19 of Vision: 20 27 of Intellect: 30 40 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.4: + Strike >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Only useful for melee fighters and anyone using boosted melee powers. Energy users should look elsewhere. Another note: the lower the total Strike is, the smaller the Melee Damage increase will be. In fact, at low levels, there may not be a visible increase at all. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Striking: 1 2 of the Brute: 3 4 of the Beast: 5 8 of Strength: 9 13 of the Titan: 14 19 of Torment: 20 27 of Power: 30 40 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.5: + Speed >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> +Attack and +Defense are good. Speed raises both. Logically, +Speed items must be as good as +Atk and +Def combined, right? Right. Higher chance to hit with melee attacks, higher chance to dodge incoming melee attacks, and more stat points to use elsewhere. Luckily, these seem to be among the most common suffixes. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Agility: 1 2 of Swiftness: 3 4 of Quickness: 5 8 of Symmetry: 9 13 of Finesse: 14 19 of Action: 20 27 of Speed: 30 40 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.6: + EP >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> More Energy is always nice. These are similar to +Focus, but with no gain to your EP regeneration rate. Stick with +Focus just for that fact, unless there is a significant difference in EP gained. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Survival: 2 5 of Change: 6 15 of Science: 16 30 of Legend: 31 50 of Evolution: 51 75 of Mutants: 76 100 of Myth: 101 140 <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.7: + Energy Resistance >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Many enemies fight with energy attacks at range, so is this the second best +Resistance equipment to have, in my opinion, and the best resistance to have period. The resistance simply blocks a certain percentage of any damage of that type. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of the Hero: 3% 6% of Olympus: 7% 15% of Poseidon: 16% 25% of Ares: 26% 40% of Hades: 41% 50% of Apollo: 51% 60% of Zeus: 61% 70% <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.8: + Radiation Resistance >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Due to fact that there is a fair amount of radiating enemies, this comes in handy. It’s not quite as useful as energy resistance, but it is still good. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of Shielding: 3% 6% of Cooling: 7% 15% of Cover: 16% 25% of Diffusion: 26% 40% of Refuge: 41% 50% of Ash: 51% 60% of Wonder: 61% 70% <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.9: + Mental Resistance >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Not a whole lot of Mental Damage enemies, so this isn’t too useful for most of the game. You should be able to find something better. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of the Mind: 3% 6% of Echoes: 7% 15% of Calm: 16% 25% of Serenity: 26% 40% of Peace: 41% 50% of Sanity: 51% 60% of Balance: 61% 70% <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.10: + Elemental Resistance >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Like Mental, there aren’t many enemies with this damage type. Find something better. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain of the Moon: 3% 6% of Dust: 7% 15% of Earth: 16% 25% of Bone: 26% 40% of the Sun: 41% 50% of Essence: 51% 60% of Strife: 61% 70% <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.11: + All Resistances >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Needless to say, this incorporates all 4 previously mentioned resistances. They’re harder to find and the percentage is typically lower, but it covers a wide range of attacks types. Pair it with high Defense to block melee attacks, and you have a piece of equipment suitable for any and all characters. Suffix: Min. Gain Max. Gain Nature:* 2% 5% of Shadow: 6% 9% of Mystery: 10% 14% of Secrecy: 15% 25% of Harmony:# 15% 25% of Seclusion: 25% 35% of Immunity: 35% 40% * Not a typo on my part. Unique among suffixes by not including the word “of.” Most likely an error within the game. # For some reason, only the highest-level enemies will drop this. I can’t explain it. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 3.2.12: Enemy Defense Bypassed >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Incredible for melee fighters, useless otherwise. It allows the equipped character to hit with melee attacks regardless of their Attack or their opponents Defense. With this, absolutely no Speed is needed, unless you want to dodge incoming melee strikes. This frees up a ton of stat points for Body and Focus. Yes, Focus. You’ll still need the occasional attacking power, and the defensive powers take tons of EP. Suffix: of Precision That’s the list. Fun, huh? =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 4.0: Unique Equipment -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= Unique equipment is just that. Extremely rare outside the character-specific equipment from Danger Room challenge missions, consider yourself lucky just to gaze upon it. Sadly, I am not so fortunate, so most of my current info about non-DR items is secondhand. If there is a mistake, don’t blame me. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4.1: Character-Specific Equipment -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- This stuff is easily obtained from the Danger Room for completing the characters Challenge mission. I will be sure note which class each disc is in, and where it can be found. 4.1.1: Storm 4.1.2: Wolverine 4.1.3: Iceman 4.1.4: Rogue 4.1.5: Gambit 4.1.6: Colossus 4.1.7: Sunfire 4.1.8: Bishop 4.1.9: Jean Grey 4.1.10: Nightcrawler 4.1.11: Cyclops 4.1.12: Magneto 4.1.13: Toad 4.1.14: Scarlet Witch 4.1.15: Juggernaut <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.1: Storm >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> X-Man Class. Found in Act 4 -> Apocalypse’s Tower -> Tower Engineering Goddess Mantle: Armor: 600 Defense, +75% Elemental Resistance, +50 Electricity Damage With Lightning Mastery, this can add decent amounts of damage to melee and wind-based attacks, and make lightning attacks quite potent. It’s also very good defensively, helping to make Storm an effective tank on a long-range team (not that anything should survive long enough to make it to melee range). Too bad it’s so late in the game. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.2: Wolverine >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> X-Man Class. Found in Act 5 -> Temple of Sekmeht Fists of Weapon X: Gloves: 250 ATK, 125 DEF, +10 Strike, +50% to Physical Damage Very good offensive equipment. All of Wolverine’s mutant power attacks are boosted melee attacks doing physical damage. The Strike makes all of his attacks do more damage, which is enhanced even more with the physical damage boost. A pair of +Damage items (typed or not) can make Wolverine a great fighter overall and one of the best boss killers in the game. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.3: Iceman >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Sophomore Class. Found in Act 3 -> Core -> Core Interior Cryogenic Booster: Belt: 100 Attack, 300 Defense, Double Cold Damage, +25 Body Extremely useful. The extra cold damage means you can divert skill points into passive abilities, as the powers are stronger. With cold mastery, ranged attacks can do massive amounts of damage for little EP. With Cold Combat, melee attacks can become among the best in the game. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.4: Rogue >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> X-Man Class. Found in Act 4 -> Platforms -> Third Radar Array Platform Touch of Death: Gloves: 125 Attack, 100 Defense, +8 EP per Knockout Not as useful as some of others. Basic equipment can give these boosts. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.5: Gambit >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Sophomore Class. Found in Act 2 -> Elemental Tomb -> Water Room Nanocore Staff: Gloves: 250 Attack, 100 Defense, +50% Energy Resistance, +25 Energy Damage Somewhat useful. Try to find something better. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.6: Colossus >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Senior Class. Found in Act 4 -> Sewers South Regenerative Plating: Armor: 700 Defense, +15 Body, +5 HP Regeneration, +25% All Resistances Very good. The Defense boost helps him dodge melee attacks, the Body adds HP, the HP regeneration is obvious, and the resistances help him become one of the best walking punching bags in the game. Sadly, that’s about the only thing in the game he does better than Juggernaut. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.7: Sunfire >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Junior Class. Found in Act 3 -> Infinite Factory -> Assembly Factory. It’s inside a Cryogenic chamber on the upper level. Essence of the Corona: Belt: 50 ATK, 200 DEF, +50% Radiation Resistance, +60 Radiation Dmg over 5 seconds Decent Defense. High Radiation Resistance and Radiation Damage can make his fairly potent attacks even better, whilst protecting him from the second most common non-physical damage in the game. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.8: Bishop >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> X-Man Class. Found in Act 5 -> Ancient Labyrinth Phase Pistol: Gloves: 225 ATK, 125 DEF, +50 Damage Pretty simple. The way you feel about +Damage is the same way you’ll feel about this. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.9: Jean Grey >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Junior Class. Found in Act 3 -> Infinite Factory -> Engineering Touch of the Phoenix: Gloves: 250 ATK, +25 Focus, +50% Mental Resistance, +8 EP per Knockout A nice shot of Focus (for comparison, all 5 tech stations combine for 30), as well as decent EP per Knockout will keep Jean firing off attacks for ages. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.10: Nightcrawler >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Senior Class. Found in Act 4 -> New York South Side Quantum Swords: Gloves: 175 ATK, 125 DEF, +9% Move Rate Uhh...yeah. Well, it’s better than it sounds, as the extra speed fires off Teleport Frenzy faster. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.11: Cyclops >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Sophomore Class. Found in Act 2 -> Jungle Canal Accelerated Visor: Gloves: 250 ATK, +9% Move Rate, +25 Damage A Defense boost would have been better than Attack. Other than that, a great item. The damage boost and move rate means that in the same amount of time, Cyke can fire more attacks with more power. It’s value goes up even more when you consider how early you can get it. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.12: Magneto >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Senior Class. Found in Act 4 -> Apocalypse’s Tower -> The Pantheon Advanced Magneto Helmet: Armor: 50 ATK, 600 DEF, +75% Mental Resistance Not nearly as useful as it looks, due to the overall lack of mental damage you’ll face, especially so late in the game. The Defense boost is very nice, though, if you get him in crowds a lot. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.13: Toad >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Junior Class. Found in Act 4 -> Perimeter Platforms -> 2nd Platform Amphibian Scales: Armor: 50 ATK, 500 DEF, +50% Knockback, +9% Move Rate Good Defense, and the Knockback could be useful. The best thing going is the move rate. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.14: Scarlet Witch >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Junior Class. Found in Act 3 -> Madri Temple -> Madri Cloisters Orb of Chaos: Gloves: 100 ATK, +25% chance of a critical melee hit, Absorbs 29% of Damage and turns it into EP, +14% All Resistances A good gain to all resistances, a nice high critical chance with melee attacks, lower damage, and free EP all in one. <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 4.1.15: Juggernaut >><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<> Senior Class. Found in Act 4 -> Brain Trust (via Sewers West or Holding Pens) Cyttorak Enhancer: Belt: 200 ATK, 200 DEF, Immune to Slow, +9% Move Rate OK Attack and Defense. Again, the move rate increase is the best part, more so considering Jugg’s limited speed. The immunity to being slowed down is useful in some areas. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4.2: Non-Exclusive Equipment -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Simple list, arranged by lowest required level, then in whatever order I damn well please. _____________________________________________________________________________ Apocalypse's Bane: Belt: 75 ATK, 125 DEF, +9% Mental Resistance, +9% Energy Resistance, +9% Elemental Resistance, +9% Radiation Resistance. Level 25 The list makes it look impressive, but it’s really only +9% All Resistances. There are better options. _____________________________________________________________________________ Exodus Cloak: Armor: 50 ATK, 400 DEF, +60 Radiation Dmg over 5 sec. Level 25 A solid choice for some characters, mediocre for others. Also possible to find enhanced equipment with similar stats. _____________________________________________________________________________ Vindicator's Gauntlets: Gloves: 150 ATK, 50 DEF, +50%% Physical Dmg, +25 Max Dmg. Level 25 [redundant % typo appears in-game] Not quite as useful as the Hammer of Nimrod, but still good. _____________________________________________________________________________ Eric the Red's Armor: Armor: 500 DEF, +30% Energy Resistance, +30% Elemental Resistance. Level 30 Not too bad. Very nice Defense and strong increases to a pair of resistances. _____________________________________________________________________________ Wendigo's Fist: Gloves: 200 ATK, 100 DEF, +15 Body, +5 HP Regeneration. Level 30 Good for staying alive, and that’s about it. _____________________________________________________________________________ Xavier’s Dream: Armor: 700 DEF, +5 EP per Knockout, +29% Mental Damage. Level 30 Strong Def is nice. The high +Mental Damage helps everyone, especially Jean with Mental Mastery, and the extra EP can’t hurt. _____________________________________________________________________________ Hammer of Nimrod: Gloves: 250 ATK, 50 DEF, +50%% Bleed Damage over 5 seconds, Double Physical Dmg. Level 35 [redundant % typo appears in-game] This is one of the best pieces of equipment in the game for anyone with boosted melee powers, as the Double Physical Damage seems to affect the melee damage first (thus pushing up certain powers), followed by the damage from the powers themselves. Example: Wolverine’s Eviscerate does +1250% of melee damage as physical damage. With melee attacks doing 50-60 damage (let’s say), that would come to 675-810 damage. This item doubles the melee power to 100-120, thus giving Eviscerate 1350-1620 damage, which is then doubled to 2700-3240. Over the next 5 seconds, anything still living will take 1350-1620 damage. That averages out to 270-324 damage per second, and a total 4050-4860 damage per hit. Mwuhahahaha. _____________________________________________________________________________ Webslinger: Belt: 225 DEF, +20 Speed, +10 Striking. Level 35 Not bad for melee fighters, as its 30 free stat points that can be used to enhance Strike even further and/or raise Body/Focus. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 5.0: Character-Specific Rare Items -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= These are confusing. They have a wide range of prefixes and a handful of suffixes. Neither has a relationship to the stats of the item. In fact, the only thing I can say for certain is that each can raise an offensive power by 1-3 points. I will close by saying that the few points added to a power, with a little Attack and/or Defense, is nothing compared to, say, an Epic Aegis of Immunity. This is the extent of this section. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 6.0: Legal Junk -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= This guide was created by homemakerguy. All information was supplied by homemakerguy unless otherwise specified. Do not claim it as your own. It is allowed to be posted only at www.gamefaqs.com; any other sites currently have no permission to use this. Feel free to copy and/or print this for private use, but don’t sell it unless you give me the money. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 7.0: Contact Info -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= gamefaqs board name: homemakerguy E-mail: sharkopath@yahoo.com Feel free to e-mail about anything not in the guide, equipment combination ideas, and anything that looks wrong in general. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 8.0: Special Thanks and Credits -==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-= Majestros: for all unique equipment, unless specified below. Stalin Man of Steel: for Eric the Red's Armor. truking: for Vindicator's Gauntlets. timbolicious: for Webslinger. Chibi_Flash: for Wendigo's Fist. Philippe Ross: for Xavier’s Dream. PatrickRThomas: for explaining the usefulness of +Radiation Damage items. boogiepop@.com: for providing definitive stats for everything. I owe you big time. all your base are belong to us: what the...? www.gamefaqs.com: for allowing this guide to be seen by all the land. Copyright 2005 Logan Morris