__==__==__ X-Men Legends 2 __==__==__ For the Microsoft XBox, Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo Gamecube, Sony PSP, and PC. ATTENTION: This guide is written using the XBox version, so PSP and PC users may not find everything they need in this guide. And I am only including the XBox controls. ATTENTION: www.gamefaqs.com will ALWAYS have the most recent update to this FAQ first and may be the only site that I even update this on. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1B. Copyrights 2. Update/Change Record 3. Controls 4. Complete Character List 5. Skills List and Build recommendations 6. Main Story Walkthrough 6A. Act 1 6B. Act 2 6C. Act 3 6D. Act 4 6E. Act 5 7. Danger Room Disc Locations and List 7B. Danger Room Hints & Tips 8. Sketch Book Locations and List 9. Homing Beacon Locations and List 10. Data Disc Locations and List 11. Trivia Answers 12. Easter Eggs 13. Items List 14. Cheats/Codes 15. FAQs 16. Credits 17. Contacting Me _______________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction| Hello fellow gamers. My name is Michael M. This is my very first public walkthrough. If you notice any spelling mistakes, please let me know. Any information you would like to contribute is also welcome. Just e-mail me and enter the game title in the subject line. I am 17 years old at the time of this, my first entry into this FAQ. Since this will be an in-depth guide for the entire game, I will be making updates and changes often. If there is something specific that you need to know that I haven't yet posted in here, then feel free to drop me a line. I am writing this guide starting at the end of the game to the beginning. The simplest way to use the directions in this guide is to keep the camera angle behind your team (their backs toward you) at all times. This means, after every turn, center the camera angle behind your team. _______________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1B. Copyrights| The following websites have permission to post this guide. www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com gamerhelp.com www.supercheats.com _______________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Update/Change Record| Thursday, October 6th, 2005: Started the guide. Act 1 Trivia Questions completed. Controls, Introduction, Credits, Contact info, Character List, Apocalypse FAQ, Lady Deathstrike FAQ, Grizzly FAQ, and Mr. Sinister FAQ completed. Bishop, Cyclops, and Deadpool skills/build completed. Danger Room course "Defend 402" FAQ completed. Friday, October 7th, 2005: Iron Man's skills completed. Zealot FAQ completed. Iceman, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Jean Grey, and Rogue's skills completed. Act 1 Mission 1 completed. Monday, October 10th, 2005: Dead Zone and Cerci Caverns walkthroughs completed. Tuesday, October 11th, 2005: Areas 1.0, 1.05, 1.10, and 1.15 complete. Abyss FAQ, Garokk FAQ, Sauron FAQ, and Omega Red FAQs completed. Wednesday, October 12th, 2005: Colossus, Juggernaut, Magneto, Professor X, and Scarlet Witch's skills completed. Act 2 Trivia completed. Act 3 Trivia completed. Sunday, October 16th, 2005: Area 1.25 completed. Monday, October 17th, 2005: Storm, Sunfire, and Toad's skills completed. Area 1.30 completed. Tuesday, October 18th, 2005: Area 1.35 completed. Thursday, October 20th, 2005: Copyrights started. FAQs started. Danger Room disc locations started. Team combinations completed. Friday, October 21st, 2005: Skins updated thanks to prime12345 for minor details, but details nonetheless. Saturday, October 22nd, 2005: Updated contact info and FAQs. Monday, October 24th, 2005: Finished Act 5's Homing Beacon locations. Updates to Danger Room disc locations. Tuesday, October 25th, 2005: Finished Act 4's Homing Beacon locations. Updates to Danger Room disc locations. Area 5.05 complete. Defend Havok Danger Room mission updated. Credits updated. Copyrights updated. Wednesday, October 26th, 2005: Act 3 Homing Beacons complete. Sunday, October 30th, 2005: Danger Room disc locations updated. Area 1.15: Temple of Anubis completed. Area 1.10 complete. Sunday, November 6th, 2005: Fixed a typo in Section 12. Thanks to MysticFox1 for notice. Act 2 Homing Beacons completed. Future update releases are uknown at this time. I am making one final, large, update over this weekend. It will not be the final update, however, I cannot give any kind of an estimate as to when I will have time to update it any further. Thanks for the support and thanks for using my guide. Friday, November 18th, 2005 - Monday, November 21st, 2005 (release of the XBox 360!!!) Updates to Danger Room Disc locations. Sunday, December 4th, 2005: NEW Section added. XBox Cheats entered and some cheats verified. Tuesday, December 6th, 2005: PS2 Cheats entered with none verified. Wednesday, December 7th, 2005: PSP Cheats entered and some cheats verified. Friday, February 24th, 2006: FAQs update. Friday, April 7th, 2006: Area 4.10 done. ___________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Controls| Left Thumbstick = Move Character Right Thumbstick = Rotate Camera/Change Camera Angle A Button = Light Attack/Throw B Button = Smash Attack Y Button = Jump/Special X Button = Action/Pick Up/Throw White Button = Use Energy Pack Black Button = Use Health Pack D-Pad = Change Character Start Button = Pause Back Button = Character/Level Up Menu Right Trigger = Press in conjunction with A, B, X, or Y to use Powers/At Character info menu, press to cycle through your team. Left Trigger = Call Allies Combat; Triple Hit = A(x3) Knockback = A, B(x3) Pop-Up = A(x2), B Trip = A, B, A Stun = B, A, B(x2) Pull and Hold Right Trigger + Y Button = Xtreme Power (Unlocked at Character Lv. 15) A Button = Power 1 B Button = Power 2 X Button = Boost/Power 3(must assign a power instead of Boost if you want that) __________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Complete Character List| These characters are unlocked from the beginning; Bishop, Colossus, Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Jean Grey, Juggernaut, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Sunfire, Toad, and Wolverine. These characters must be unlocked; Deadpool: Simply beat the game. Iron Man: Collect all 4 Homing Beacons in Acts 1-5, then go through the Portal that appears by Beast/Forge for every 4 Beacons. In the Secret Area, you must defeat all the enemies then collect a piece of Iron Man's Armor(4 in total, 1 per Act). The secret portal in Act 5 takes you to Iron Man himself and he joins your team IF you have all the pieces of his suit. Professor X: Must complete ALL Danger Room missions. These characters are in the game, but are un-playable in Story Mode; * indicates that character is not playable at all, even in the Danger Room. *Angel, *Apocalypse, *Archangel, *Beast, *Blob, *Emma Frost, Grizzly, *Havok, Lady Deathstrike, Mikhail, *Mr. Sinister, *Mystique, *Sabretooth, The Stepford Cuckoo, *Vindicator, Zealot. ______________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Skills List| * denotes main power/ability **Thanks to prime12345 for clarification on the following character(s) skins; Colossus, Juggernaut, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Storm, Sunfire, and Toad. NOTE: All of the skins marked 'Xtreme' are just my name for them, I think they have an Xtreme vibe to them, so that is the reason for the name. I do not read, nor have I have even seen Xtreme X-Men, so I can't confirm if they are in fact from the Xtreme X-Men series. Bishop - Bishop is best as a Ranged character. He is best in a Support role, staying away from enemies and attacking from afar. He has nothing that helps get past any inanimate obstacles that you will encounter (i.e.; fire, massive blocks, etc). *(Beam) Bio Beam Maxed out: does 217-242 Energy damage, costing 140 EP *(Projectile) Plasma Blaster MAX: 195-217 Energy dam/second with 4 sec stun, costing 126 EP/sec (Melee) Sapping Strike MAX: 195-217 Energy dam and reduces victim's damage for 6 sec, costing 126 EP *(Projectile) Full Auto MAX: 117-132 Radiation dam, costing 142 EP/sec (Projectile) Rapid Fire MAX: 121-135 Radiation dam over 3 sec, costing 144 EP (Radial) Bombardment MAX: 85-96 Energy dam, 180 EP (Radial) Bio Blast MAX: 95-107 Energy dam with 19% chance for Deadly Strike, 198 EP (Xtreme Radial) Big Bang MAX: 279-309 Energy dam (Xtreme Boost) Super Conductor Entire party spends no EP and takes no Energy DMG for a time. MAX: lasts for 45 seconds (Boost) Absorption MAX: 50% Energy DMG as HP gain, +160% DEF, +20%(PR), 55sec, 480 EP. Absorbs a percentage of Energy DMG as HP gain and boosts Physical Resistance. (Boost) Energy Fury MAX: +48% Energy DMG, +160% ATK, 55sec, 516 EP. (Passive) Energy Combat Adds Energy DMG to all Melee Attacks. MAX: +260% DMG *(Passive) Gun Mastery Increases Damage and Critical Hit chance with all Gun attacks. MAX: +50% Gun DMG, +8% chance for Critical *(Passive) Power Trip Increases Movement Rate, Defense, and Energy Resistance. MAX: +213% DEF, +31% MOV, +52% Energy Resist *(Passive) Mutant Master Increases EP Regeneration. MAX: +199% EP regen. When leveling-up Bishop, his main attributes are Focus, then Body if you plan to use him mostly as a Ranged character. Otherwise, focus on putting points into Focus-Body-Speed or Striking, Energy Combat, and Power Trip. His powers cost a lot of EP to be effective, so Invest in Mutant Master and Gun Mastery. Bishop has 3 skins. They are (note: all skins are listed in order they appear, from default to final skin before back to default.) : Astonishing, classic Blue and Yellow---the Gray variant, and AoA. Cable - REAL NAME: Nathaniel Summers Cable is a character EXCLUSIVE to the PSP version. Cannonball - REAL NAME: Sam Guthrie Sam is a character EXCLUSIVE to the PSP version. Colossus - Melee 'tank' REAL NAME: Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin Colossus is best used as a Tank/Melee Character, for he has no Range values and his Melee damage is very massive so it is a waste to try to use him for range. Colossus, once he has full Might, is useful for breaking walls and moving massive blocks to get to objectives/extras. *(Melee) Iron Fist MAX: +820% Physical DMG (378-626), 305 knockback, 76 EP. (Melee) Uppercut MAX: +820% Physical DMG (378-626), 76 EP *(Radial) Thunder Clap MAX: +525% Physical DMG (257-425), 144 radius, 86 EP. *(Melee) Massive Strike MAX: +875% Physical DMG (400-663), 30% chance for Deadly Strike, 80 EP. (Radial) Bounding Smash MAX: +400% Physical DMG (205-340), 620 knockback, 109 EP. (Charge) Siberian Express MAX: +925% Physical DMG (421-697), 620 knockback, 100 EP/sec. (Xtreme Radial) Demolition MAX: +1450% Physical DMG (636-1054)) (Xtreme Boost) Unbreakable Makes Colossus invincible and increases DMG for duration. MAX: +100% DMG, 45sec. (Boost) Steel Skin MAX: 71 Physical DMG absorbed, 304 EP. (Boost) Roar MAX: 55sec, +16 to all 4 stats, 308 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/DMG blocked. (Passive) Brawler MAX: +160% ATK. Increases Attack *(Passive) Galvanize MAX: +127% DEF. Increases Defense (Essential for any Colossus build) *(Passive) Metallurgy MAX: +47% to all resistances. Increases Resistances (Essential for any Colossus build) *(Ability) Might MAX: Allows lifting of Massive objects. Increases Lifting Strength (Essential for destroying objects quickly & easily) *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. With Colossus, it is best to put all of his points into Body/Health for starting, so that he gains more HP each time he levels up. He should have at least 650 HP by level 40. His other Primary attribute is Striking, usually gaining Damage for only 2 skill points. (Others typically cost 3-4 pts per Damage increase) He has 7 skins. They are; Ultimate(steel), Astonishing, AoA, Uncanny/classic, Roman/Egyptian, Xtreme(?), and Ultimate(human). Cyclops: Ranged character REAL NAME: Scott Summers *(Beam) Optic Beam MAX: 195-217 Energy DMG, +100% Attack Speed, 126 EP. (Beam) Optic Slam MAX: 117-132 Energy DMG, 620 knockback, 140 EP. (Radial Debuff) Optic Flash MAX: 56-65 Energy DMG, 4sec stun, 12ft range, 164 EP. (Trap) Auto Turret MAX: 79-89 Electricity DMG, 26sec, 82 trap HP, 168 EP. (Beam) Fusion Beam MAX: 272-302 Radiation DMG over 3sec, 132 EP. (Beam) Focused Beam MAX: 140-157 Energy DMG, 166 EP *(Beam) Polarized Beam MAX: 130-146 Main Energy DMG, 105-118 Split Energy DMG, 152 EP. *(Xtreme Beam) Optic Rage MAX: 308-339 Energy DMG (Xtreme Boost) Flawless Tactics MAX: +200% Exp earned for 45sec (Boost) Tactics MAX: +90% DEF, 55sec, 504 EP. Increases DEF of the entire party for a time. (Boost) Command MAX: +3 to all learned skills, 55sec, 516 EP. Affects entire party. *(Passive) Defense Grid MAX: +50% chance to dodge incoming Projectile Attacks. *(Passive) Visor Upgrade MAX: +50% DMG to Visor Beam Attacks, +8% Critical Chance. (Passive) Leadership MAX: +9% Critical Chance, +92% Combo XP *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen For Cyclops, put your points into Focus and Body (3/1). His powers cost a lot of EP, so pour your points into Leadership so that you can level him up as quickly as possible. Then focus on Visor Upgrade and Mutant Master to increase your damage, therefore reducing the amount of times you will need to use your powers. Then focus on Optic Beam and Optic Rage for the most damage. Polarized Beam is very useful to help keep enemies away in Danger Room missions and for combos. Scott has a total of 7 skins. They are; Ultimate, Astonishing, AoA, classic, Uncanny/90's, street, and Xtreme(?). Dark Phoenix - Ranged Character Dark Phoenix is a character EXCLUSIVE to the PSP version. Deadpool - Melee REAL NAME: Wade Wilson *(Melee) Rupturing Jab MAX: +1120% Physical DMG(501-830), 53-61 Bleed DMG over 4sec, 94 EP. (Special) Teleport MAX: 60ft range, carry allies, 50 EP (Projectile) Dual Shot MAX: 134-150 per bullet, 6% trip chance, 104 EP/sec. *(Melee) Butterfly Kick MAX: +950% Physical DMG (431-714), 94 EP *(Charge) Blade Cyclone MAX: +750% Physical DMG (349-578), 128 EP/sec. (Xtreme Blast) Nitrogen Blast MAX: 279-309 Cold DMG, 8sec Freeze, 12sec Slow, 25% slow. (Boost) Wisecrack MAX: -75% ATK, -75% DEF, 21sec, 384 EP. Taunts enemies to get them to fight. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/DMG blocked. *(Passive) Regeneration MAX: 6% of max HP every 6sec *(Passive) Stealth MAX: +130% DMG, +15% Critical Chance. *(Passive) Weapon Mastery MAX: +50% Sword/Gun DMG, +8% Critical Chance. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen Deadpool's main focus is on Melee attacks, so you should put your points into Body, Focus, and then Strike. His main Powers for large damage are; Regeneration, Stealth, Weapons Mastery. He has 2 skins, one without his mask on. Gambit - Ranged and Melee REAL NAME: Remy LeBeau *(Projectile) Card Shuffle MAX: 117-132 Energy DMG, 7 cards, 140 EP *(Melee) Staff Assault MAX: 117-132 Energy DMG per attack, 140 EP. (Trap) Ace of Spades MAX: 169-189 Radiation DMG over 4sec, 5 card(s), 142 EP. *(Radial) Staff Slam MAX: 82-93 Energy DMG, 12ft, 170 EP. (Trap) Full House MAX: 130-146 Energy DMG, 6 card(s), 152 EP. (Special) Detonation MAX: 214-238 Energy DMG, 430 knockback, 140 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) 52 Pick Up MAX: 282-313 Energy DMG. (Xtreme Boost) Prince of Thieves MAX: 200% Health and Energy drops, 400% techbit drops, 45sec. (Boost) Energy Form MAX: +108% ATT, +109% DEF, +109% movement, 55sec, 504 EP. (Boost) Energy Fury MAX: +48% Energy DMG, +160% ATT, 55sec, 516 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/Damage blocked. *(Passive) Energy Combat MAX: +260% Energy DMG to all non-power melee attacks. *(Passive) Evade MAX: 50% chance to dodge melee attacks. *(Passive) Card Mastery MAX: +50% DMG to all card attacks, +8% critical chance. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +100% EP regen. Gambit is good for both Range and Melee, but excels slightly more in the Melee area. For Melee, focus on Body-Focus-Strike. Primary skills; Staff Assault, Staff Slam, Detonation, Energy Combat, and Evade. For Range, focus on Focus-Body. Primary skills for Range build; Card Shuffle, 52 Pick-Up, Card Mastery, and Mutant Master. Remy has 4 skins. They are; (?), AoA, Ultimate, and Uncanny. Iceman - Ranged and Melee REAL NAME: Robert "Bobby" Drake (Beam) Slow Beam MAX: 195-217 Cold DMG, 25% slow, 12sec slow, 126 EP. *(Projectile) Ice Shards MAX: 117-132 Cold DMG, 7 shards, 140 EP. *(Beam) Freeze Beam MAX: 195-217 Cold DMG, 6sec freeze, 126 EP. (Charge) Ice Slide MAX: 198-220 Cold DMG, 245 knockback, 50% slow for 4sec, 130 EP/sec. NOTE that you may also activate this power by pressing the Y Button in mid-air, the same goes for teleporters and Flyers. (Radial) Arctic Burst MAX: 82-93 Cold DMG, 25% slow, 11sec, 170 EP. (Projectile) Cold Crush MAX: 140-157 Cold DMG, 117-132 Explosion DMG, 25% slow for 3sec, 166 EP. (Blast) Ice Pillar MAX: 130-146 Cold DMG, 6 pillars, 152ep. *(Xtreme Radial) Cold Snap MAX: 279-309 Cold DMG, 8sec freeze, 25% slow for 12sec. (Xtreme Special) Ice Sidekick MAX: 45sec, 100% of Iceman's max HP, 125% DMG. Creates a minion to fight along side party for a time. (Boost) Ice Armor MAX: 91 DMG absorbed, 14-19 Cold DMG inflicted on attackers, 50% slow for 3sec, 504 EP. (Boost) Ice Gloves MAX: +47% Cold DMG, +2 ATK, 55sec, 516 EP. (Passive) Ice Combat MAX: +260% Melee DMG as Cold DMG. *(Passive) Cold Mastery MAX: +50% DMG to all cold attacks, +8% critical chance. *(Passive) Piercing Cold MAX: 76% chance to pierce. Increases chance of pierce when using Beams and Ice Shards attacks. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen The best way to build Iceman is for Range specialization. Put your points into Focus-Body-and every so often put a couple into Strike. Focus on Freeze Beam, Ice Shards, Cold Snap, Cold Mastery, Piercing Cold, and Mutant Master. He has 4 skins. They are; Ultimate(iced), AoA, classic, and Ultimate(human). Iron Man - Range and Melee REAL NAME: Anthony "Tony" Stark *(Beam) Uni-Beam MAX: 195-217 Energy DMG, 126 EP. (Projectile) Plasma Charges MAX: 7 charges, 117-132 Energy DMG, 140 EP. *(Blast) Disruptor Shock MAX: 105-118 Radiation DMG, 4.2sec stun, 164 EP. (Trap) Auto Turret MAX: 198-220 Fire DMG(?), 82 turret health, 26sec, 130 EP. *(Projectile) Repulsor Rays MAX: 121-135 Energy DMG, 144 EP. (Projectile) Gamma Bolts MAX: 130-146 Radiation DMG, 4sec bolts, 6 bounces, 152 EP. (Blast) Tractor Beam MAX: 85-96 Victim DMG, 69-79 surrounding enemy DMG, 180 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Concussive Overload MAX: 92-104 Energy DMG, 92-104 Fire DMG(?), 92-104 Radiation DMG, 117-132 EMP DMG(Robots only). *(Xtreme Boost) System Override MAX: 75% of max HP, 300sec. Allows Iron Man to revive himself. (Boost) Energy Shield MAX: 87% DMG, +160% DEF, +21% Physical DMG, 13sec, 504 EP. *(Boost) Motion Amplifier MAX: +150% ATT speed, +193% ATT, +700% Melee DMG (80-128), 55sec, 32 EP. *(Passive) Auto Medic MAX: 6% of total health every 7sec. *(Passive) Mark VIII Upgrade MAX: +50% Energy DMG, +9% critical chance. *(Passive) Environmental Suit MAX: +47% to all Resistances. *(Ability) Might MAX: Allows lifting of Massive objects. *(Ability) Flight MAX: 3 EP/sec *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. Iron Man can be a great Melee focused hero or a Ranged combatant. For most builds it is important to focus on the following; Body-Focus-Strike, Uni-Beam, Repulsor Rays, Motion Amplifier, Might, Flight, Mark VIII Upgrade, Auto Medic, Environmental Suit, and Mutant Master. Tony has 3 skins. They are; classic(?), 90's(?), and War Machine. Jean Grey - Ranged Support *(Special) Telekinesis MAX: Massive objects, 195-217 Mental DMG at lift, 79-89 Physical DMG at impact, 128 EP/sec. (Projectile) Psychic Spike MAX: 195-217 Mental DMG, 128 EP. *(Radial) Psionic Boom MAX: 79-89 Mental DMG, -50% DMG reduction, 15sec, 170 EP. *(Radial) Memory Wipe MAX: 82-93 Mental DMG, 75% chance to confuse, 173 EP. (Blast) Dark Phoenix MAX: 85-96 Mental DMG, 50% of foe's max HP as Physical DMG, 6 blasts, 156 EP. (Trap) Mental Guardian MAX: 214-238 Mental DMG, 26sec, 82 guardian HP, 142 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Phoenix Force MAX: 279-309 Mental DMG, 50% chance to convert for 34sec. (Xtreme Boost) From the Ashes MAX: Resurrect 1 ally with 100% HP. (Boost) Mental Vortex MAX: 55sec, 512 EP. All allies turn 20% DMG inflicted into EP. (Boost) Calming Presence MAX: +339% EP Regen, 10sec, 512 EP. (Boost) Psychic Fury MAX: 47% DMG as Mental DMG, +160% ATK, 55sec, 520 EP. (Passive) Psionic Combat MAX: +360% Mental DMG. *(Passive) Telekinetic Net MAX: 50% chance to dodge. *(Passive) Mental Mastery MAX: +50% DMG to all Mental attacks. *(Ability) Flight MAX: 3 EP/sec. *(Passive) Mutant Mastery MAX: +199% EP regen. Jean Grey works best as a Support character. Points should go into Focus and Body. Skills that should be maxed out quickly are; Mutant Mastery, TK, Mental Mastery, Telekinetic Net, all 3 Boosts. Jean has 5 skins. They are; Ultimate, Dark Phoenix, AoA, Marvel Girl, and Phoenix. Juggernaut - Melee 'tank' REAL NAME: Cain Marko *(Melee) Thunder Punch MAX: +820% Physical DMG (378-626), 3sec stun, 76 EP. (Melee) Brutal Blitz MAX: +341% Physical DMG (181-300), 98 EP. *(Radial) Arcane Fist MAX: 79-89 Energy DMG, 100 EP. (Charge) Bullrush MAX: +875% Physical DMG (400-663), 620 knockback, 96 EP/sec. *(Melee) Widowmaker MAX: +1100% Physical DMG (492-816), +78% DMG to self, 4sec weaken(self), 100 EP. *(Melee) Crimson Rage MAX: +925% Physical DMG (421-697), +10% Physical DMG (45-75), 7sec, 84 EP. Multi-punch attack, building up DMG with each hit. *(Xtreme Melee) Crimson Devastation MAX: 279-309 Energy DMG, 6sec stun. (Xtreme Boost) Path of Destruction MAX: 45sec. (Boost) Cyttorak Shield MAX: 57% DMG, 55sec, 304 EP. (Boost) Cyttorak Transfer MAX: 49% DMG transferred, +20% DEF, +20% Strike, 55sec, 308 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/DMG blocked. (Passive) Precision MAX: +160% ATK. Increases ATK. (Passive) Cyttorak's Folly MAX: 66% chance to steal. All Physical attacks have a chance to convert 15% of inflicted DMG as EP gain. *(Passive) Balanced Form MAX: +127% DEF, +50% attack speed. *(Passive) Critical Strike MAX: +33% Chance for Critical. *(Ability) Might MAX: Allows lifting of massive objects. Juggernaut functions best as a tank/Melee combatant. Pour your points into Body -Strike and every so often put some into Focus for his Powers. Cain has 4 skins. They are; classic(green variant), classic, AoA, classic(without helmet). Magneto - Ranged support REAL NAME: Erik Lehnsherr *(Special) Levitation MAX: Massive objects and enemies, 195-217 Mental DMG at lift, 79-89 Physical DMG at impact, 126 EP/sec. *(Beam) Magnetic Shell MAX: 195-217 Energy DMG, 7.0sec, 126 EP. (Projectile) Metal Spikes MAX: 121-135 Physical DMG, 5 spikes, 142 EP. (Trap) Shrapnel Sentry MAX: 6 shrapnel piles, 130-146 Physical DMG, 156 EP. *(Radial) Magnetic Grasp MAX: 82-93 Physical DMG, 170 EP/sec. (Blast) Magnetic Blast MAX: 85-96 Energy DMG, 53% chance to confuse, 12sec, 180 EP. (Debuff) Death Trap MAX: 150% DMG mirrored as Physical DMG, 55sec, 180 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Metallic Mayhem MAX: 279-309 Energy DMG. (Xtreme Special) Metal Minion MAX: 45sec, 100% of Magneto's max HP, 125% of Magneto's Melee DMG. (Boost) Polarized Shield MAX: 67% chance to block all incoming attacks, 55sec, 504 EP. (Boost) Supremacy MAX: +3 to all skills, 55sec, 504 EP. *(Passive) Magnetic Deflection MAX: 50% to block missile attacks. *(Passive) Intimidation MAX: +127% DEF, -31% Physical DMG taken. (Passive) Leadership MAX: +9% critical chance, +92% combo XP. *(Ability) Flight MAX: 3 EP/sec. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. Erik has 3 skins. Ultimate, Ultimate(no helmet), and AOA. Nightcrawler - Melee REAL NAME: Kurt Wagner (Melee) Divine Blades MAX: 195-217 Physical DMG per attack, 94 EP. *(Special) Teleport MAX: 60ft range, carry allies, 50 EP. (Melee) Teleport Attack MAX: +500% Physical DMG (246-409), 115 EP. *(Melee) Piercing Strike MAX: 272-302 Bleed DMG over 4sec, 98 EP. *(Melee) Teleport Frenzy MAX: +375% DMG (195-323), 5.2sec stun, 6 attacks, 140 EP. *(Melee) Sword Whirlwind MAX: 85-96 Physical DMG per attack, 134 EP/sec. *(Xtreme Melee) Master of Chaos MAX: +1450% Melee DMG (636-1054), 10 attacks. (Xtreme Boost) Disappearing Act MAX: +15% DEF, +50% XP, 45sec (Boost) Worship MAX: -37% EP cost, 13sec, 384 EP. *(Boost) Shadow Master MAX: +180% DEF, +80% ATK, 55sec, 384 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/DMG blocked. (Passive) Sword Mastery MAX: +50% Sword DMG, +8% to Critical chance. (Passive) Teleport Mastery MAX: +50% DMG, +8% to Critical chance. (Passive) Uncanny Reflexes MAX: 50% chance to dodge incoming Melee attacks. (Passive) Leap of Faith MAX: 100% chance within 60ft. Chance that Nightcrawler will rescue friends from death as they die within range (once per minute). Does not occur while player is controlling Nightcrawler. *(Passive) Critical Strike MAX: +33% chance for critical with all Melee attacks. Nightcrawler excels at Melee combat, but does not function as well as others in a 'tank' role because of his health. It’s best to put most of your points into Body-Focus. But, don't neglect Strike. He is best with very high DEF and EP. As you can see, his powers take a lot of EP, so you will need to strongly build up his Focus. Especially since he does not have Mutant Master to increase his EP regen. He as a total of 5 skins, New X-Men is his default---so that is counted as the first. His include; Ultimate, Astonishing, AoA, classic, and Xtreme(?). Professor X - ranged support. *(Melee) Cleave MAX: 93-148 Physical DMG, 30% chance for deadly strike, 126 EP. *(Blast) Crushing Ego MAX: 79-89 Mental DMG, 34-40 bleed DMG over 4sec, 164 EP. *(Special) Psychic Storm MAX: 82-93 Energy DMG primary DMG, 63-72 Energy DMG chain DMG, 170 EP/sec. (Xtreme Special) Psychic Shock MAX: 75% of HP restored, 33sec resurrected enemies. Resurrects nearby fallen allies and enemies. Resurrected enemies become allies for a time, then expire. *(Boost) Telepathic Link MAX: +34% DMG for all attacks, +160% ATK, 55sec, 516 EP. *(Passive) Reveal Intent MAX: +118% DEF. *(Passive) Clairvoyance MAX: +50% movement speed, -24% DMG taken. (Passive) Leadership MAX: +9% critical chance, +92% combo XP. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. Charles has 2 skins, New X-Men and AoA. Rogue - Melee 'tank' *(Melee) Smash MAX: +820% Physical DMG (378-626), 620 knockback, 76 EP. (Debuff) Bedazzle MAX: -52% ATK & DEF, 21sec, 304 EP. (Special) Power Theft MAX: +550% Stolen Power DMG, 55sec steal, 5sec stun, 76 EP. *(Radial) Energy Overflow MAX: 121-135 Energy DMG, 84 EP. (Charge) Torpedo Strike MAX: +850% Physical DMG (390-646), 80 EP (Melee) Tremor MAX: +370% Physical DMG (193-320), 5sec stun, 110 EP. (Xtreme Charge) Manic Slam MAX: 279-309 Physical DMG, 100% DMG as EP, 15sec stun, 10sec without powers. (Xtreme Boost) Reflective Aura MAX: 45sec duration. (Boost) Heal MAX: +4% HP/sec, 55sec, 308 EP. (Boost) Southern Shout MAX: +28% MAX HP & EP, 120sec, 304 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/Damage blocked. (Passive) Hardened MAX: +100% DEF. (Passive) Prism Shield MAX: +60% to Resistances (Passive) Critical Strike MAX: +33% chance for Critical. (Ability) Might MAX: Allows lifting of massive objects. (Ability) Flight MAX: 3 EP/sec. Rogue specializes in Melee combat, put her points into Body-Strike-Focus. She has a total of 3 skins. Her 2nd is Astonishing, 3rd is AoA. Sabretooth - Melee 'tank' REAL NAME: Victor Creed Victor is a character EXCLUSIVE to the PC version. Scarlet Witch - Ranged support REAL NAME: Wanda Maximoff (Boost) Misfortune MAX: 480% DMG reflected, 155 EP. *(Projectile) Hex Bolt MAX: 195-217 Energy DMG, 128 EP. *(Radial) Combustion MAX: 195-217 Physical DMG, 126 EP. *(Special) Reality Shift MAX: 198-220 Energy DMG, 20% chance to change enemy into a crate with something inside, 130 EP. (Projectile) Hex Locked MAX: 5 hex-bolts, 121-135 Energy DMG, 30% chance for deadly strike, 146 EP. (Projectile) Hex Explosion MAX: 140-157 Initial Energy DMG, 117-132 Explosion Energy DMG, 170 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Anarchy Assault MAX: 279-309 DMG, 50% chance to convert, 34sec conversion. (Xtreme Boost) Revitalize MAX: +25% max HP, 45sec. (Boost) Probability Syphon MAX: 55sec, 512 EP. Each party member absorbs 20% DMG inflicted as EP gain. (Boost) Amplify Luck MAX: +20% DMG, +13% chance for critical, 55sec, 512 EP. (Boost) Heal MAX: 4% HP/sec, 520 EP. *(Passive) Scarlet's Touch MAX: +10.0% chance for critical on all attacks. *(Passive) Deflect Missiles MAX: 50% chance to block missile attacks. *(Passive) Hex Mastery MAX: +50% DMG, +9% chance for critical when using hex-bolt attacks. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. Wanda has 3 skins. (possibly) 90's Avengers, (possibly) 90's Avengers variant, and classic. Storm - Range REAL NAME: Ororo Munroe *(Blast) Lightning Strike MAX: 195-217 Energy DMG, 128 EP. (Trap) Funnels MAX: 117-132 Wind DMG per funnel, 7sec, 0.9sec stun, 142 EP. (Debuff) Blizzard MAX: 117-132 Wind DMG, 75-86 Wind DMG/sec over 11 seconds, 142 EP. *(Radial) Electric Shock MAX: 79-89 Electricity DMG, 169 EP. (Trap) Whirlwind MAX: 79-89 Wind DMG/sec for 11 seconds, 174 EP. *(Blast) Chain Lightning MAX: 127-143 Electricity DMG/sec, 101-114 Electricity DMG/sec per chain, 9 chains, 155 EP/sec. (Debuff) Static Charge MAX: +131% DMG, 55sec, 166 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Raging Tempest MAX: 279-309 Electricity DMG. (Xtreme Boost) Will of the Goddess MAX: +25% max EP, 45sec. (Boost) Whirlwind Armor MAX: 91 DMG absorbed, 17-22 Wind DMG, 55sec, 512 EP. (Boost) Storm Shield MAX: +47% to Energy and Fire resist, 55sec, 520 EP. (Passive) Elemental Combat MAX: +260% as Electricity DMG. (Passive) Wind Mastery MAX: +50% DMG, +8% chance for critical. *(Passive) Lightning Mastery MAX: +50% DMG, +8% chance for critical. *(Ability) Flight MAX: 3 EP/sec *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. Ororo has 6 skins. Ultimates, Uncanny, AOA, classic, street, and Xtreme. Sunfire - Range REAL NAME: Shiro Yoshida *(Blast) Ignite MAX: 195-217 Fire DMG, 126 EP. (Special) Flamethrower MAX: 117-132 Fire DMG/sec, 12ft range, 140 EP/sec. (Projectile) Atomic Charge MAX: 263-291 Radiation DMG over 6 seconds, 26 EP. *(Blast) Fiery Geyser MAX: 79-89 Fire DMG, 620 knockback, 164 EP. (Projectile) Blazing Barrage MAX: 114-128 Fire DMG, 7 fireballs, 142 EP. *(Melee) Flame Sword MAX: 201-224 Fire DMG, +71% chance for critical, 132 EP. *(Projectile) Inferno MAX: 130-146 Fire DMG, 53-61 Fire DMG/sec, 152 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Super Nova MAX: 72-82 Fire DMG, 121-135 Radiation DMG. (Xtreme Boost) Rising Sun MAX: +100% DMG, 45sec. (Boost) Flaming Fury MAX: +48% Fire DMG, +160% ATK, 55sec, 516 EP. (Boost) Ion Shield MAX: +2 DEF, 21-26 Fire DMG/sec, 55sec, 504 EP. *(Passive) Fire Mastery MAX: +50% DMG, +8% chance for critical. *(Passive) Elemental Combat MAX: +260% as Fire DMG. *(Passive) Ionize MAX: +47% to all Resistances, +100% resistance to Fire DMG. *(Ability) Flight MAX: 3 EP/sec *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. He is best used as a Ranged attacker. Points should be spent on Focus then Body, followed by some Strike every so often. Shiro has 3 skins; made-for-the-game skin, classic, AoA. Toad - Melee REAL NAME: Mortimer Toynbee *(Melee) Hammer Kick MAX: +820% Physical DMG (378-626), +86% ATK, -18% Enemy DEF, 7.0sec, 94 EP. *(Melee) Tongue Strike MAX: +820% Physical DMG (378-626), +96% ATK, 4sec stun, 94 EP. *(Projectile) Mucous Spit MAX: 198-220 Physical DMG, 8sec, 96 EP. (Melee) Tongue Lash MAX: +510% Physical DMG (251-415), +152% ATK, 108 EP. *(Projectile) Noxious Spew MAX: 140-157 Radiation DMG, 66-75 split Physical DMG, 114 EP. *(Charge) Leap Attack MAX: +550% Physical DMG (267-442), 620 knockback, 104 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Tongue Whip MAX: +1450% Physical DMG (636-1054), +216% EP. (Xtreme Boost) Plunder MAX: 300% Potions dropped, 200% techbits dropped, 45sec. (Boost) Secretion MAX: +52% movement speed, +87% DMG, 55sec, 376 EP. (Debuff) Taunt MAX: -52% DEF and ATK, 21sec, 384 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/DMG blocked *(Passive) Spit Mastery MAX: +50% Spit DMG, +9% critical chance. *(Passive) Tongue Mastery MAX: +50% Tongue DMG, +9% chance for critical. *(Passive) Critical Strike MAX: +33% chance. *(Passive) Mutant Master MAX: +199% EP regen. He is best used as a Melee combatant. The best way to build him is Body, then Strike and Focus. Mortimer has 3 skins; Ultimate, Ultimate variant, AoA. Wolverine - Melee 'tank' REAL NAME: James Howlett *(Melee) Feral Slash MAX: +990% Physical DMG (447-742), 245 knockback, 92 EP. (Melee) Claw Flurry MAX: +500% Physical DMG (246-408), 3sec stun, 84 EP. *(Melee) Bloodlust MAX: +640% Bleed DMG over 3sec, 92 EP. *(Melee) Eviscerate MAX: +1250% Physical DMG (554-918), +78% DMG taken for 4sec, 120 EP. *(Charge) Lethal Lunge MAX: +900% Physical DMG (410-680), 80% chance for instant kill, 620 knockback, 84 EP. (Melee) Claw Frenzy MAX: +541% Physical DMG (263-436), +17% ATK speed for 7sec, 92 EP. *(Xtreme Radial) Berserker Fury MAX: +1450% Physical DMG (636-1054), 10 targets. (Xtreme Boost) Rude Awakening MAX: Revive with 75% of max HP, 300sec. (Boost) MAX: +180% DEF, +86% ATK speed, 55sec, 304 EP. (Boost) Scream MAX: -62% DEF, 6sec, 308 EP. (Ability) Block MAX: 50% EP/DMG blocked. (Passive) Claw Master MAX: +50% DMG, +8% to Critical chance. (Passive) Enhanced Senses MAX: +80% ATK, +75% DEF, Reveals hidden enemies. (Passive) Strong Willed MAX: +47% to all Resistances. (Passive) Regeneration MAX: 6% of max HP every 6sec. (Ability) Might MAX: Allows lifting of Heavy objects. Wolverine is a melee 'tank' character. Put your points into Body-Strike-Focus. James has a total of 6-7 costumes. They include (in order they appear); Ultimate, Astonishing, AoA, classic Brown and Yellow, Weapon X, street, and Xtreme(?). X-Man - Ranged character REAL NAME: Nate Grey Nate is a character EXCLUSIVE to the PSP and PC(?) version(s). _________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Main Story Walkthrough| __________________________________ 6A. Act 1: Genosha| Area 0.5: Prison Outpost Go straight down the only hallway there is. Then take a left at the end of this hall. There will be a short battle in this little enclave. Go straight, and turn right at the end of this short hall. Now follow this hall to a big room. You'll encounter some Prison Guards here. Defeat them, then use Magneto on the console to deactivate the force field. Now continue down the only hallway you haven't been through yet. Since this mission is extremely straight-forward, I will only write the directions to finish it. Follow hall to left, then straight till end. Follow hallway as it turns to the right. Straight, then turn right into a room. This room contains some crates and Prison Guards. Now go back to the previous room for the exit. The end of your first mission. Area 1.0: Sanctuary This is your Genosha safe-house like haven. Area 1.05: Dead Zone Go straight forward all the way to the far edge. Use Magneto, Jean Grey, or Iceman to build a bridge if you wish. Otherwise, simply go straight from the start and follow the right side of the island. You will happen upon some enemies that are placed near a bridge-like pathway to the next island. Going straight across the bridge, turn left after getting across. Now just keep going forward until you come upon a metallic cave-like structure. Inside, you will find Tech Station of Strike. When you are done in this structure, leave it and continue the way you were heading before that minor detour. You will eventually find Blink surrounded by some bugs. Kill them then talk to her and you have finished this island. You will appear on the 3rd and final island of this area. Go straight until you come to a hole. Jump over it or go around it to find a Homing Beacon. After collecting the Beacon, go into the hole. Area 1.10: Cerci Caverns From the start, head straight forward. You will come to a large clearing. On the left is the path through the rest of the caverns. Before heading down the path, Collect the Security Code from the middle of this room. You will then come to a room, which has water in it. On the right of this room, is the exit of this room. There isn't anything other than XP here, so when you are finished, head down the path to the right. In the clearing shortly after the one you just left, you will find a Danger Room disc. After collecting the disc, go ahead and continue through the Caverns. Now you should be in a large room with a path that is surrounded by pits. There will be a fork off to your left. Follow it, and at the end, you should find some enemies. After defeating them, use a flyer or bridge-builder to get across the gap to collect a Homing Beacon. Now, simply Continue down the paths to the end of the Caverns. Area 1.15: Barren Cliffs Go straight forward and you will find a Data Disc. After grabbing the Disc, go to the left and continue across the bridge. You will encounter Grizzly, this is not a fight, yet, that's later. Follow the left path and stay to the right of this path. At the end of it, use Flight to get up to another section of land. Continue straight up this path and at the end there is a Weapons Cache. Now backtrack to where you encountered Grizzly. Then just continue along this path. There you will find Security Codes at the end of the bridge. Just follow the paths and you will pass an Xtraction Point on the way to the Desolate Mesa. Area 1.20: Desolate Mesa Go straight. On your right the is a Radar Array. When you are done with that one, continue straight until you come to a corner. In this corner you will find a Comic Book and a Tech Station of Focus. Now continue to the right and there will be a Sketch Book on your left. After getting the Sketch Book, either go down the left or right, either way, you will end up in the same place. ***** BOSS BATTLE: Grizzly The best strategy for defeating Grizzly is to start off very strong, unleashing power combos quickly. After that, you can either use Energy Packs to keep punishing him for a fast victory, or slowly deal punishment as your energy regenerates on its own. Either way, it’s very likely that you will beat him easily. Area 1.25: Cerci Burrows From the beginning, head straight forward. In the 3rd room in which you have to defeat Drones, there is a Tech Station of Speed. Now continue through to a T section. Go to the right, and you will find a Sketch Book and some more Drones. Then backtrack and go through the other part of the T section. In the final room, you will happen upon a Homing Beacon which will be dropped after the final Drone has been killed. Area 1.30: Larvae Chambers Go straight and you will find the first Egg Cluster. Destroy it and continue on. Follow the twists and curves as you make your way through the cave. You will come to a 3-way intersection. Take the left and follow the path to the 2nd Egg Cluster. After destroying it, continue past it to a Tech Station of Health. Now resume your journey by going along the road, staying to the left. Soon you will come to an opening and straight ahead from the doorway, is the 3rd Egg Cluster. Then turn left and you will find a Comic Book. Go right from the Comic. Follow along the path and you will happen upon an Xtraction Point. After activating it continue along until you get to another intersection. Go to the right and you will find the final Egg Cluster and the Entrance to the Queen's Lair. Area 1.35: Queen's Lair From the beginning of this area, follow the path until you come to a 3-way intersection. First, head to the left and you will come to an opening. In this room there is a Data Disc on the small island-like platform in the middle of the room. This room also contains a Queen. Now after you are finished here, go down the right path (the opposite way which you came from just a few moments ago.) There is a room on your left, ignore it for the moment and continue along the surrent hall. Follow it until you get to another room. Here you will encounter Zealot's ambush. After Zealot has been "taken care of", go back to the room that you passed on the way here. In this room you will find a bunch of webbing and egg piles. Ignore or destroy them, it doesn't matter what you decide. Exit this room and follow the connecting hallway to another Queen's room. In the next room you will discover an Xtraction Point. When you have finished with the XP, continue through to the next room, in which you will battle Zealot. ***** BOSS BATTLE: Zealot Pretty much just lay into him with everything you have. It shouldn't be difficult to defeat this pathetic loser. Area 1.40: Genosha Seawall From the Queen's Lair, you will come to a very large room with your mission objectives in it. You must destroy the Dirigible Moorings (the tall structures marked with red arrows/x's. DO NOT change the camera angle in this room...) I recommend having any character from the Brotherhood on your team because you will need someone to open a door to a room containing a Homing Beacon. This Beacon is the 4th and final Beacon for this Act. (IF you have been collecting the Homing Beacons along the way in the order they are listed.) Anyway, after destroying the Moorings, head straight forward and then after exiting this large room, turn right and follow the corridor until you come to a console. Use a Brotherhood character to activate the console and retrieve the Homing Beacon from the room that opens. Backtrack along the corridor and take the 1st door on your right then the next door in this room. You will come to a 4-way intersection, take your left and then take the door on the left to find a Tech Station of Energy. Backtrack to the intersection and turn left. You will come to a room where Blob is holding a wall from exploding. You must push the object against the wall to hold it for him. Then you must de-activate the bombs in the corners of the room, you can use either someone who can fly or a ranged character to de-activate them. Area 1.45: Southern Habitats ***** BOSS BATTLE: Lady Deathstrike The best way to battle Lady Deathstrike is with mostly range, and possibly one Melee-based character. She will try to go to the second level of the room to heal herself. All you will need to do to stop her is attack her. Do it as quickly as possible to prevent her from restoring much health, making the battle shorter. Area 1.50: Northern Plaza Area 1.55: Grand Hall To the left of the entrance you will find Pyro and an generator that you must destroy. To the right, is an external generator and in the room to the right, you will find a Tech Station of Body. Once you have finished collecting and destroying those things, head straight from the starting position. On the second ledge on the left of the hallway use a flyer and you will find a Sketch Book and a Data Disc. Now continue to the end of this hallway. On the right, behind some rocks, after the symbol in the middle of the room, you will find a Weapons Cache. On the left, in front of the Xtraction Point, is the console for the doorway. And that is all for this area. Area 1.60: Genosha Council ***** FINAL BOSS: Abyss This is a multi-tier battle, easiest with melee characters. This battler is very self-explanatory. Once you get onto the blimp to battle him, use the bombs he throws to damage HIS blimp. But be careful that you have a clear line of fire to the blimp, if there is someone in your way, you will end up damaging yourself. ______________________________________ 6B. Act 2: Savage Land| Area 2.05: Jungle Canal ***** BOSS BATTLE: Garokk Garokk has a decent ambush set up for your team. Get in close and surround him, he is weak in close combat. He can still move away at an incredible speed, but he can only do that periodically. You should not have a problem defeating him. Area 2.10: Jungle Ruins Area 2.15: Jungle Pass ***** BOSS BATTLE: Sauron When Sauron is flying around, RUN around in zig-zags/circles to avoid his attacks. DO NOT waste your energy on attempting to attack him in the air, it is useless. Just wait for him to land and unload power combos and don't stop pounding him until he begins flying again. Then repeat the process and you'll be just fine. Area 2.20: Nuwali Shrine Area 2.25: Nuwali Corridors Area 2.30: Elemental Tomb Area 2.35: Nuwali Gateway Area 2.40: Beyonders Sanctum ***** BOSS BATTLE: Omega Red Omega Red has very low Health, at least for a character of this magnitude. But he can easily kill your team if you go into it unprepared. He loves to use his area-of-effect attacks. They have a decent range and hurt badly if you have several characters in Melee combat at once. You should have 2 Xtreme points by now, so just unleash them at the beginning of the battle and your set. Offense is, by far, the best way to take this boss down. Area 2.45: Mikhail's Warship ***** BOSS BATTLE: Mikhail _________________________________ 6C. Act 3: Canada| Area 3.0: Core Interior Area 3.05: Core Security Area 3.10: Core Reactor Area 3.15: Core Control ***** BOSS BATTLE: Sugar Man Area 3.20: Factory Entrance Area 3.25: Engineering Area 3.30: Genetic Processing Area 3.35: Fusion Core Area 3.40: Assembly Factory Area 3.45: Central Processing Area 3.50: Madri Antechamber Area 3.55: Hall of Knowledge Area 3.60: Madri Cloisters Area 3.65: Madri Conclave Area 3.70: Divine Sanctuary Area 3.75: Meditation Chamber Area 3.80: Monastic Citadel ***** BOSS BATTLE: The Stepford Cuckoo ________________________________________ 6D. Act 4: New York City| ________________________________ 6E. Act 5: Egypt| Area 5.05: Ra's Mouth With the Exit to Avalon at the bottom of the screen. Go North and take the first left. Then follow it North and you will be in a large room with one boat-looking thing on a ledge on both sides of the room. Behind the one on the left, you will find a Data Disc. Use a flyer to get to it. Behind the one on the right, there is a ledge with some potions in it. Continue North and you will encounter Mr. Sinister. ***** BOSS BATTLE: Mr. Sinister Mr. Sinister is invincible unless you use one of the Nullifiers before attacking him. Do not bother fighting Beast, Mr. Sinister will just keep resurrecting him. Mr. Sinister is a very easy fight if your team is at least level 40 by now, which they SHOULD be. After the Boss battle, head South make a bridge, and cross it. You will find a Tech Station of Health as well as a Homing Beacon. Area 5.10: Ancient Labyrinth With the Exit to Ra's Mouth at the bottom of your screen, go North and take the 1st left. Follow this hall until you come to a T-section. Go left and crash through the walls to get to the Temple of Anubis. Area 5.15: Temple of Anubis With the Exit to Ancient Labyrinth at the left-side of the screen, go right & take the first Southern turn. Keep heading South until you come to a Tech Station of Body. Continue right, along this same hallway. Eventually it will curve into the room which contains the Sun Mirror. Destroy all of the statues, they must be destroyed in a certain order. You will now what the order is, because you will see a red mark above the next one you need to destroy. Area 5.20: Ancient Labyrinth Area 5.20: Temple of Sekhmet Area 5.25: Hall of the Dead ***** BOSS BATTLE: The Living Monolith Area 5.30: Temple of Anubis 2 This is the final area of the game, it is also where you will battle Apocalypse. ***** FINAL BOSS BATTLE: Apocalypse By the time you get to Apocalypse your team should be at least level 50 in Normal mode. If they are, then you shouldn't have any problems. First off, do NOT use your Xtreme point EVER in this battle until near the end, using them in the beginning or middle will just waste them. Ok, now onto the battle. I have used Magneto, Cyclops, Iceman, and Wolverine for my entire first play through. This battle has four "segments". Segment 1: Apocalypse will start off attacking your team, use your powers, NOT XTREME POWERS!!!!! To take him down, when you've done enough damage, he'll teleport away. Segment 2: He'll appear in the device. Take one of your characters and get into the device after he gets out, you will be given powers. Now attack Apocalypse until he is down to about 15% health, then recharge your new powers and run away! Run down one of the long hallways (using Quicksilver's Speed power). When you get to the end of a hall you will find an oval shaped machine with a shield around it. When Apocalypse appears next to it to stop u, kill him. When he is gone, destroy the machine using the area effect power that you should still have from the device. Once that is done, repeat the process to destroy the next one. Segment 3: He will awaken his Four Horsemen, NOW use your Xtreme points and combos to take out his Horsemen FIRST! He can't be killed until ALL Four Horsemen are defeated. Segment 4: Once all of his Horsemen are defeated, all you need to do is defeat Apocalypse himself and You have beaten the game! ___________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Homing Beacon Locations| ACT 2: Savage Land (DO NOT move the camera from the position first described with each Beacon's location to find it easily and quickly.) Beacon 1 - Jungle Canal: With the Exit to Avalon on the left side of the screen. Head right and follow the path North then left. Go into the cave in the upper- left corner of your screen. The Beacon is in here. Beacon 2 - Jungle Ruins: With the Exit to Avalon at the bottom of the screen. Head North and turn right, follow this path and you will find a Weapons Cache and the Beacon. Beacon 3 - Jungle Pass: With the Exit to Jungle Ruins at the top of the screen. Head South and go into the cave on the right side. The Beacon is in here. Beacon 4 - Nuwali Shrine: With the Exit to Jungle Pass at the top of the screen. Head right, through the doorway and you will be in the room with the Exit to Nuwali Corridors, head South in this room. Destroy the walls until you are in the next room. This room contains a DR disc. Continue South and follow the hall as it turns left, then North. Here is the Beacon. ACT 3: Canada (DO NOT move the camera from the position first described with each Beacon's location to find it easily and quickly.) Beacon 1 - Core Interior: With the Recall Beacon at the bottom of the screen, go left and destroy some wall. In this room, you will find the 1st Beacon. Beacon 2 - Core Reactor: With the Exit to Core Security at the bottom of the screen.... Go right and then North until you get into the 2nd Control Rod room, go through the door on the left side and use a flyer to fly over the water on the right. Beacon 3 - Genetic Processing: With the Exit to Factory Entrance on the left side of the screen. Go straight and take the first pathway on the left. Follow it all the way to the end and the Beacon is on the right. Beacon 4 - Assembly Factory: With the Exit to Factory Entrance at the bottom of the screen. Go straight and go into the room at the end of this hall. The Beacon is on one of the tall crate stacks. Use a flyer to get it. ACT 4: New York City (DO NOT move the camera from the position first described with each Beacon's location to find it easily and quickly.) Beacon 1 - Main Gun Platforms: It is on the final platform in this area. It is opposite the Teleporter to Radar Array Platforms. Beacon 2 - Sewers South: First be sure to have Storm in your team. Now, with the Exit to X-Mansion at the top of the screen, head South (towards the bottom of the screen). Then go East(right), North and you will see a fan, and inside the fan is the Homing Beacon. Go right, South, right through a door, then North through the last door in this small room. Go through this room and you will be in a room with a trench of water in this shape: ___ | | _____| |___ | | |_________ | | | | | | | |___| Go left and through the door. There is a door in this room, it is behind the object on the left. I don't recall exactly what you need to do to the object, but I know that it is either breakable or movable (with Might/Levitation). Once past the door, go left then South and create a bridge at the gap. Take Storm across the gap and use one of her offensive powers on the Generator to shut it off. Now, backtrack all the way back to the other side of the fan to collect the Beacon. Beacon 3 - New York South Side: With the Exit to Sewers South at the bottom of the screen, the roof on your left, after the car in the street, has the Homing Beacon on top of it, the fastest way to get it is to simply fly up there. Beacon 4 - Holding Pens: With the Exit to Sewers West at the left side of the screen, head right and go North (Up) at the end of the hall. Keep going North until you get to a/the room in which you will be/where ambushed. The Beacon is in the tiny connecting room between this room and the far North room that has/had the console for completing an objective in it. ACT 5: Egypt (DO NOT move the camera from the position first described with each Beacon's location to find it easily and quickly.) Beacon 1 - Ra's Mouth: First off, make sure you have a flyer in your group that also has Levitation or Might. (skill level must be high enough to move/levitate Massive objects) Now, with the Exit to Avalon at the back of your team (at the bottom of the screen) go straight and take the 1st right. Then left, straight and take the 2nd left. You will be in a large room, standing on a ledge. Use your flyer to fly towards the screen to another ledge. Move the boulder and go left. You will be in a room and in the center of it is the Beacon. Beacon 2 - Ancient Labyrinth: First of all, have someone in your group that can move Massive objects. Now, with the Exit to Ra's Mouth at the bottom of the screen, go straight and take the very 1st right. Go down the steep stairs and go up the other set of stairs to the right. Follow this corridor and go straight. You will pass the Entrance to the Temple of Sehkmet on your right. At the end of the current corridor, take a left and there should be a door at the top of the screen. I do not remember if you can get through this door or not, so here is an alternate route from this location: Continue to the right of the screen, through a door and you should be in a room with 4 wooden bridges. You need to fall down and go the left side of the pit. There is a wall that you need to destroy to move on. You need to destroy more walls until you reach a room that has a Sarcophagus (which is a trap) and a Danger Room disc. You need to continue to the right side of the screen. You will come across a Tech Station of Energy. Continue past it once you have used it. There will be a room to your left that holds an Xtraction Point in it. Pass that turn-off. There should be either a destructible wall or a door in front of you. Get through it and you will be in a room with 2 boulders, each blocking your way to a different wooden bridge. Move them with either Levitation or Might and take them both. One of them has the lever that you need to use to open doors. The other one takes you to the 2nd Beacon. Beacon 3 - Temple of Anubis: With the Exit to the Ancient Labyrinth to the left of your screen, go right then up at the first available hall. At the end of this hall, you will be in a room that contains the Beacon in the middle of it. After taking the Beacon, the ground around you will collapse, don't worry, you won't die from it. Beacon 4 - Temple of Sehkmet: With the Exit to the Ancient Labyrinth on the left of the screen, go right. At the 3rd upwards enclave, there is the 1st Canopic Jar. At the 4th downwards enclave (immediately after the 3rd upwards enclave) you will find the 2nd Canopic Jar. Now continue to the right until you get to a 4-way intersection. The upwards hall has the 3rd Jar and a Tech Station. The downwards hall has the 4th Jar and a Data Disc that is hidden behind a breakable wall. When you have finished with the jars, return to the 4-way room. Go down the right hall, it will fork, the upwards path takes you to the Jar container. The right path takes you to the Beacon if you have a flyer or bridge builder. ________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10A. Danger Room Disc Locations| Disc 1 Setting 102: Throwing - In the Cerci Caverns, out in the open. If you don't see it you must need glasses. no offense.. Disc 2: Moves 103 and 104 - In the Queen's Lair. The room in which you encounter Zealot's ambush. It is under some eggs. Disc 3: Qualifying Exam 100 - In the Northern Plaza. In the same room that also has a prisoner and a console. Disc 4: Challenge: Cyclops - In the Jungle Canal. From the Xtraction, face downwards (into the Jungle Canal, along the pathway.) Follow this path and stay to the right and you should be able to find this disc easily. Disc 5: In the Nuwali Shrine, in a corner, easy to spot--on the way to the torches to disable the traps. With your back to the area you just came from, the disc is on the left side of this map. Disc 6: In the Elemental Tomb. In the chamber with the water skull. Disc 7: Challenge: Iceman - In the Core Interior. Follow these directions EXACTLY. (In order for these directions to work for you, you must have the camera facing away from the area you just came from.) Right, left, left, up. There should be a room on your right, if there is no door, you should be able to break the wall. Disc 8: Assault 303 - Core Security. On the right side of this map. The first right section, not the second. Disc 9: Challenge: Phoenix - Engineering. With the Exit to Factory Entrance at the bottom of the screen, go straight and go through the door on the right. It is in the next room. On the ledge in front of you, fly up there to get it. Disc 10: Destroy 304 - Madri Antechamber. On the right side of the first room in the temple. (First room when starting with the Exit to Weapon X Facility at the bottom of the screen.) Disc 11: Challenge: Scarlet Witch - Madri Cloisters. In the 3rd room along the circular path. Disc 12: Qualifying Exam 300 - Meditation Chamber. Pretty much right out in the open. It is really sad if you can't see this one. Disc 13: (Don't Remember) - Main Gun Platforms. It is on the 2nd platform, on the Northern side of the platform (a pathway to the East and West, the Weapons Cache to the South). Disc 14: (Don't Remember) - Radar Array Platforms. This disc is on the final platform in this area. On one of the balcony-esque ledges. Disc 15: Challenge: Colossus - Sewers South. With the Exit to X-Mansion at the top of the screen, head South and go right. Now head North until you get to a room with a fan in it. Inside the fan you will see a Homing Beacon (If you haven't yet collected it) Head right and follow the hallway. Take the first door on the Northern side of the screen. Along the left side of this room, you will find the DR disc. Disc 16: Challenge: Nightcrawler - New York South Side. With the Exit to Sewers South at the bottom of your screen. Go North, then right along the monorail tracks. Get across the tracks and continue to the far North-Western corner. (Far Upper-left corner) Disc 17: Survival 404 - New York West Side. With the Exit to New York South Side on the right side of the screen. Head left down this street, at the end of it look near the Southern wall for this disc. Disc 18: Defend 503 - Holding Pens. With the Exit to Sewers West on the left side of the screen. Head right and go North. Follow this until you reach a very small room with this disc inside it. Disc 19: Teamwork 403 - Stockade. With the Exit to Holding Pens at the bottom of your screen. Head straight, then right and follow the long hallway until you can go North again. Go North and turn left, then North again. In the room with the Entrance to Brain Trust on the Northern side of your screen (top), there is a room on the left side, which contains the Disc. Disc 20: Challenge: Juggernaut - Brain Trust. With the Exit to Stockade at the bottom of your screen, head North into a room with the Weapons Cache. The room containing the disc is on the right side, near the Control Panel and Lenzir. ____________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10B. Danger Room Hints & Tips| Defend 402 Mission: Defend Havok. The easiest way to complete this hellish mission is to QUICKLY use your character to kill any enemies near him, while pushing him up the steps into a corner. Then have your character (I used Cyclops at Lv 53/54 with others around Lv 54) stand directly in front of Havok to keep ranged attacks from hitting him. And be sure to have Polarized Beam for the easiest time keeping the enemies at the bottom of the steps. Sean C. (nyboi630) wrote; After dying several times, I found that Scarlet Witch's Heal ability heals not only your 4 team members, but Havok as well. So if you just keep using that, you can last the full 2 minutes easily. I'm playing the Xbox version, so I don't know if it works in other versions too. Nightmare 501 - Deathstrike Mission: Defeat Lady Deathstrike All you need to do, is do exactly what you did the first time. However, this time she will NOT use those machines to regenerate, so there is no need to be concerned with that. Nightmare 502 - Sauron Mission: Defeat Sauron Follow the same instructions as Nightmare 501 Nightmare 503 - Sugarman Mission: Defeat Sugarman Same as above 2 Missions. Nightmare 504 - Bastion Mission: Defeat Bastion Same as the above 3 missions. Nightmare 505 - Stryfe Mission: Defeat Stryfe Same as the above 4 missions. ______________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. Trivia Answers| ACT 1: Question: Answer Sabertooth's archenemy is: Wolverine. In the video game X-Men Legends, Iceman had a crush on: Alison Crestmere. Juggernaut first appeared in: X-Men #12. As a young man, Gambit wed an assassin named: Bella Donna Bordeaux. What is Victor Creed's codename: Sabertooth. Forge has been romantically linked to: Storm. While growing up in an orphanage, Cyclops was bullied by a boy named Nathan, who was really: Mr. Sinister. What is true of Colossus in his armored form: Even his eyeballs become steel-like. Beast was born a mutant because: His father was exposed to a massive amount of radiation. What is Apocalypse's true name: En Sabah Nur. Before joining the X-Men, Angel was a crime fighter who worked under the name: Avenging Angel. Abyss is able to: Pull enemies into an inter-dimensional cavity in his chest. Blink's real name is: Clarice Ferguson. What is Lorna Dane's code name: Polaris. Blob is originally from: Lubbock, Texas. Grizzly worked for which team: Six Pack. Why does Lady Deathstrike hate Wolverine: She thinks he stole her father's work on Adamantium. Quicksilver's mutant power is: Superspeed (Better known as Hypersonic Speed) What is Polaris's mutant power: Magnetic Manipulation. Blink's protector is: Sabertooth. Which X-Man saved Polaris from Mesmero: Iceman. Before joining the Brotherhood, Blob worked at: A traveling circus. What color hair does Polaris have: Green. Quicksilver and his sister were raised by: Gypsies What secret project did Wolverine and Sabertooth both belong to: Weapon X. Cable, Domino, Grizzly, George Washington Bridge, Hammer, and Kane form what group: Six Pack. Blink is able to teleport: As far away as the moon. Zealot is the bitter enemy of: Magneto. Quicksilver's real name is: Pietro Maximoff Sabertooth made his debut in which Marvel comic book: Iron Fist. Jean's psychic powers awoke when: Her friend was hit by a car. Juggernaut frequently partners up with which of the following mutants: Black Tom Cassidy. Who did Sabertooth have a son with: Mystique. What is Lady Deathstrike's real name: Yuriko Oyama. Who are the children of Magneto: Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Which Marvel hero's comic did Mystique first appear in, in 1978: Ms. Marvel. Lady Deathstrike's father developed a process for: Bonding Adamantium to bone. Abyss works for: Apocalypse. Where is Genosha located: The Indian Ocean. Professor Xavier attended which university: Oxford. On average, if Rogue touches a mutant for one minute, how long does she retain that mutant's powers: 60 minutes. Which of these mutants can't fly: Wolverine. What time-traveling team of mutants does Blink belong to: Exiles. Who here is not a mutant: Juggernaut. What group of criminals did Lady Deathstrike join after her attempt to kill Wolverine failed: The Reavers. Blob is able to generate: A gravitational force that makes him immovable. What X-Man did Polaris have a relationship with: Havok. Forge was contracted by the U.S. government to develop a way to detect an alien race known as: Dire Wraiths. Who is Sabertooth's son: Greydon Creed. Beast was born in: Dunfee, Illinois. Act 2 Questions Angel is: Extremely wealthy. Wolverine made his debut in 1974 in which comic book series: Incredible Hulk. In the video game X-Men Legends, what was the name of the base Magneto had in orbit of Earth: Asteroid M. Which of the following X-Men was at one time Apocalypse's Horseman Death: Wolverine. Destiny belonged to which super villain team: The Brotherhood. Garokk was originally: A British sailor. In the video game X-Men Legends, who was the first playable character at the very beginning in New York City: Wolverine. How many fingers does Nightcrawler have on each hand: Three. Who is Ka-Zar's wife: Shanna O'Hara. Which person is Mystique not connected to: Mikhail Rasputin. Which X-Man was involved romantically with Magneto: Rogue. Joseph is a clone of which mutant: Magneto. Iceman's real name is: Bobby Drake. Who is not a member of the Brotherhood: Lupa. As a boy, Nightcrawler's hero was: Errol Flynn. Who served alongside Cable in his mercenary group, Six Pack: Domino. What is Bishop's mutant power: Absorb energy and rechannel it. Ka'Zar's father came to the Savage Land in search of what: Anti-metal. What are Forge's Powers: Inventing new technology and mystic powers. Ka-Zar was originally named: Kevin Plunder. Colossus' brother Mikhail first appeared in Uncanny X-Men number: 285. What evil villain is also known as Cain Marko: Juggernaut. Heather Cameron is known as which X-Man: Lifeguard. Magneto first appeared in 1963 in X-Men number: 1. What name does Magneto go by: Erik Lehnsherr. Mikhail is the brother of: Colossus. Colossus first learned he could turn into metal when he: Saved his sister from a runaway tractor. In the video game, X-Men Legends, what was the code name of the young woman the X-Men saved in New York City from Blob and Mystique: Magma. Bishop is a time traveler from which century: 21st. What is Omega Red's real name: Arkady Gregorovich. Nightcrawler was once the leader of which of the following groups: Excalibur. Pyro's real name is: St. John Allerdyce. Approximately how old is Apocalypse: 5000 yrs old. What is Sauron's real name: Karl Lykos. Shanna at one time: Worked at a zoo in New York City. Death, War, Pestilence and Famine together form what group: The Four Horsemen. What is Pyro's mutant ability: He can control fire. What is Sunfire's real name: Shiro Yoshida. Ororo Munroe's X-Men code name is: Storm. Omega Red's arm coils are made from what material: Carbonadium. Toad first appeared in: X-Men #4. Where is the Savage Land located: Antarctica. Who is Mystique's best friend: Destiny. The Savage Land is protected from freezing temperatures by: Alien technology. Mikhail Rasputin has been: A Russian cosmonaut. Nightcrawler grew up working in a circus as: An acrobat. What animal protected Ka-Zar as he grew up in the Savage Land: A Sabretooth tiger. What was Shanna known as in the Savage Land: Shanna the She-Devil. Garokk was ship wrecked in the Savage Land in what time period: 1400s. Bishop has a sister named: Shard. Act 3 Sunfire's sister's code name was: Sunpyre. Wolverine wound up killing the father of this woman he loved: Mariko Yashido. What Hellfire Club leader first appeared in X-Men number 129 in 1980: Sebastian Shaw. Storm was once the leader of which of the following groups: The Morlocks. What is Heather Hudson's Alpha Flight code name: Vindicator. Who oversaw the Weapon X program during Wolverine's transformation: The Professor. Who is not a member of Alpha Flight: Prism. Cyclops' father is the captain of a spaceship named: Starjammer Which super team was Wolverine originally intended to lead: Alpha Flight. Who is the leader of the team known as the Hellions: Emma Frost. Who is Heather Hudson's husband: Guardian. There is speculation that Professor Xavier's father at one time: Was part of the Weapon X project that worked on Wolverine. Havok's real name is: Alex Summers. What is James MacDonald Hudson's Alpha Flight code name: Guardian Which of the following X-Men has also been a member of The Avengers: Wolverine. Who saved Apocalypse as a child: Baal. The process of bonding adamantium to Wolverine's bones would have killed him if not for: Wolverine's healing power. What super hero team does Heather Hudson belong to: Alpha Flight. What is Sebastian Shaw's title in the Hellfire Club: Black King. Toad is from: England. Ororo Munroe, better known as Storm, first appeared in 1975 in which comic book: X-Men Giant-Size #1. Where did Juggernaut find the Ruby of Cyttorak: Korea. Jean Grey's main powers are: Telekinesis, Telepathy. Which super team does James MacDonald Hudson belong to: Alpha Flight. Sebastian Shaw belongs to which New York social club: The Hellfire Club. Apocalypse first appeared in X-Factor number 5 in: 1986. Who headed the facility failed Weapon X experiments, like Deadpool, were sent to: Dr. Killebrew. Cable founded which team comprised mostly from former Xavier school students: X-Force. The leader of the Brotherhood is: Magneto. What is Sebastian Shaw's mutant power: Absorb and rechannel energy. Who did Apocalypse kidnap and raise to be as cruel as he is: Stryfe. Who tool control of Iceman's body and discovered his powers were greater than he realized: Emma Frost. Who is James MacDonald Hudson's wife: Vindicator. Sugar Man is originally from a timeline where: Xavier is dead and Apocalypse nearly rules the world. Magneto once raised a mysterious city from the ocean in what part of the world: The Bermuda Triangle. Who was not a subject of the Weapon X project: Shard. Betsy Braddock is known as which X-Man: Psylocke. Scarlet Witch's real name is: Wanda Maximoff. Rogue first appeared in which 1981 comic book: Avengers Annual #10. Before turning to crime, Pyro was a: Writer. Who were students of Emma Frost: The Stepford Cuckoos. The Weapon X facility is located in: Canada. Infinite soldiers are clones created by: Mister Sinister. Sugar Man is a traveler from which alternate reality: The Age of Apocalypse. Sunfire is a member of Japanese super hero team known in English as: Big Hero 6. After escaping from the Weapon X facility Wolverine was discovered and befriended by: James and Heather Hudson. What is untrue of Guardian: Is a mutant. What does Rogue absorb when she touches someone: All the above. While working for the government in Dallas, Texas, Forge had a penthouse known as: Eagle's Nest. What color is Beast's fur: Blue. _______________________________________________ 12. Easter Eggs| Skins; You will unlock more skins at the end of each Act. Age of Apocalypse skins are unlocked at the beginning of Act 3. Unique Teams; "Special Ops": +5% DMG given: Bishop, Deadpool, Nightcrawler, and Gambit. "Bruiser Brigade": 20 Energy gained per kill: Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, and Rogue. "Heavy Metal": +10 to all stats: Colossus, Juggernaut, Magneto, and Iron Man. "Family Affair": +5 health regen: Magneto, Professor X, Juggernaut, and Scarlet Witch. "Forces of Nature": +10 to all Resistances: Storm, Iceman, Sunfire, and Magneto. "Old School": +15% max Energy: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Magneto, Toad, Professor X. "Double Date": 20 health gained per kill: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, and Gambit. *"New X-Men": +15% max Health: Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop, Colossus, and Storm. *"Femme Fatale": +5% life leech: Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Storm, and Jean Grey. "Brotherhood of Evil": +5% XP: Juggernaut, Toad, Scarlet Witch, and Magneto. "Energy Corps": +5% DMG given: Gambit, Bishop, Cyclops, and Iron Man. "Dark Past": 5% DMG inflicted goes to Health: Rogue, Gambit, Deadpool, and Wolverine. "Agile Warriors": +5% XP: Nightcrawler, Toad, Deadpool, and Sunfire. "New Avengers": +15% max Health: Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, and Bishop. "Raven Knights": +60% techbit drops: Iceman, Professor X, Iron Man, and Deadpool. "Age of Apocalypse": +100% ATK rating: Any 4 characters w/AoA skins. *credit to Tony Strickland (pratzstrike) for reminding me that I haven't finished this section. Thanks. ________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14. Cheats/Codes| XBox Version * = Verified Code **Credit to Tips & Tricks #130 *Unlock All Skills (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start. (NOTE: Gives 1 point to all Skills that do not already have a skill point invested in them. Also removes the lvl requirements for skill advancement) *Max Stats +97 skill pts (Enter at the Team Management screen) Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start. Unlimited Xtreme Meter (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Start. (NOTE: may also be entered during gameplay) Get 100,000 Techbits (Enter at the Equipment Purchasing Menu) Up(x3), Down, Right(x2), Start. *Super Speed (Enter at the Pause Menu OR during gameplay) Up(x3), Down, Up, Down, Start. (NOTE: Re-enter to disable) Unlock All Characters (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Right, Left(x2), Right, Up(x3), Start. Unlock All Skins (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Down, Up, Left, Right, Up(x2), Start. Unlock All Comics (Enter at the Review Menu) Right, Left(x2), Right, Up(x2), Right, Start. Unlock All Danger Room Modes (Enter at the Main Menu) Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start. Unlock All Screens (Enter at the Review Menu) Right, Left, Right, Left, Up(x2), Down, Start. Unlock All Cinematics (Enter at the Review Menu) Left, Right(x2), Left, Down(x2), Left, Start. Unlock All Concepts (Enter at the Review Menu) Left, Right, Left, Right, Up(x2), Down, Start. ----------------------------- PS2 Version (Will not be personally verified) **Credit to Tips & Tricks #130 Unlock All Skills (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start. (NOTE: Gives 1 point to all Skills that do not already have a skill point invested in them. Also removes the lvl requirements for skill advancement) Max Stats +98 skill pts (Enter at the Team Management screen) Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start. Unlimited Xtreme Meter (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Left, Down, Right, Down, Up(x2), Down, Up, Start. Get 100,000 Techbits (Enter at the Equipment Purchasing Menu) Up(x3), Down, Right(x2), Start. Super Speed (Enter at the Pause Menu OR during gameplay) Up(x3), Down, Up, Down, Start. (NOTE: Re-enter to disable) Unlock All Characters (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Right, Left(x2), Right, Up(x3), Start. Unlock All Skins (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Down, Up, Left, Right, Up(x2), Start. Unlock All Comics (Enter at the Review Menu) Right, Left(x2), Right, Up(x2), Right, Start. Unlock All Danger Room Modes (Enter at the Main Menu) Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Start. Unlock All Screens (Enter at the Review Menu) Right, Left, Right, Left, Up(x2), Down, Start. Unlock All Cinematics (Enter at the Review Menu) Left, Right(x2), Left, Down(x2), Left, Start. Unlock All Concepts (Enter at the Review Menu) Left, Right, Left, Right, Up(x2), Down, Start. ----------------------------- PSP Version *All Comic Books (Enter at the Review Menu) Right, Left(x2), Right, Up(x2), Right, Start. *Unlock All Skills (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Start. (NOTE: Gives 1 point to all Skills that do not already have a skill point invested in them. Also removes the lvl requirements for skill acquisition, but does not remove the lvl requirement for advancement in each skill) Unlock All Cinematics (Enter at the Review Menu) Left, Right(x2), Left, Down(x2), Left, Start. *Unlock All Characters (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Right, Left(x2), Right, Up(x3), Start. *Get 100,000 Techbits (Enter at the Equipment Purchasing Menu) Up(x3), Down, Right(x2), Start. *Level 99 Characters (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Start. Super Speed (Enter at the Pause Menu or During Gameplay) Up(x3), Down, Up, Down, Start. NOTE: To disable the code, just re-enter it. *Unlimited Xtreme Power (Enter at the Team Management Screen) Left, Down, Right, Down, Up(x2), Down, Up, Start. ________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15. FAQs| *Q: I have gotten to Act 5 and there aren't any techbits!!! What is wrong???? A: I don't know, I am 90% sure that this is a glitch in the game. I have no idea what activates/deactivates this. If anyone has any info, please email it to me so that I may post it in this guide **UPDATE: I have just read an email sent to me this February. According to the email, there are also no items dropped by enemies and Forge doesn't carry any items. *credit for bringing this to my attention goes to gsr547. **credit to nbuchen Q: I am in Act (insert Act number here) and I need to backtrack to an area in a previous Act. How do I do this? A: Go to any Xtraction Point and activate it. Select the "Xtract" option and you will see a menu listing all the Xtraction Points you have activated so far in the game. Press left or right to cycle through the Acts. Then simply select the Area you wish to return to. Q: Do the Danger Room discs and/or Homing Beacons carry over into your next game? A: No. ___________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16. Credits| This walkthrough is dedicated to my mother and father. Without you I would not have become the man I am today. Thank you and I love you. The Instruction Booklet included with the game. (Contributed the Controls) The Official guide from BradyGames. (Contributed aprx 45% of the information.) Various sites and my own first-hand experience playing the game. (Contributed 55% to the guide.) _________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17. Contacting Me| E-Mail 1: spdnightcrawler@aol.com Personal Webpage: www.myspace.com/mike_ross_from_michigan I play on City of Heroes & City of Villains frequently, however do not contact me on CoH/CoV for help on another game. ALL of my toons' names start with mhr & end with 75. (ie. mhrBlaster Chick75, mhrArcher Dude75, etc) I play on Triumph 99.9% of the time. Also....If you need help with any of the following games, I can provide help for them if you ask; Gamecube Pokemon Colosseum Resident Evil 4 PlayStation 2 Commandos 2: Men of Courage Grand Theft Auto 3 Grand Theft Auto 5: San Andreas Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Narc Tekken 5 Tenchu: Fatal Shadows XBox The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition (Soon) Fable Gladius (Soon) Halo 2 Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Hitman 3: Contracts Jade Empire Max Payne 2 Midnight Club 2 Ninja Gaiden Predator: Concrete Jungle Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 Ultimate Spider-Man XIII X-Men Legends