------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse for the Sony PlayStation 2 | | | | Wolverine Character FAQ | | | | Current Version 1.0 | | | | Faq Writer | | | | Steve Sanchez | | | | E-mail address: juarezshirley@hotmail.com and steveramon11@hotmail.com | | | | "Lets take this joker down!" -Wolverine | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Table of Contents ----------------- 1.) Introduction 2.) Who is Wolverine? 3.) Why use him? 4.) Strengths/Weakness' 5.) Skills 6.) Unique Weapon 7.) Party Members 8.) Building Him 9.) Max Stats 10.) My Wolverine 11.) Secret Move 12.) Using Wolverine 13.) Skins and costumes 14.) Version History 15.) Credits 16.) Contacting me 17.) Legal stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome to the FAQ! Since there were no FAQS for Wolverine I decided to make my own. In this FAQ I will tell you his strengths, weakness', skills and other attributes. I'll list some other general information too. But lets forget my talking and lets move on to the guide! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) Who Is Wolverine? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real name: James Howlett Names he goes by: Logan, Wolverine, Death Mutant Ability: Regenerative healing, doesn't age, Adamantium claws, superhuman strength, stamina, reflexes and senses Arch nemesis: Victor Creed code name Sabertooth Wolverine has many pasts and different storylines. He truly is a complicated character and is probably the most popular X-Man. He has had his own spin-offs and comics and is usually a main character. If you want more information about Wolverine, you can check out the link below for all his bio's and such. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolverine_%28comics%29 Wolverine got his powers in many different ways and such. Wolverine got his adamantium skeleton from William Stryker from Weapon X. He bonded adamantium to bone and gave Wolverine his claws. In another story, he killed a few family members and dramatically had these mutant powers in him already. For more in-depth storylines, go to the link above for pictures and bio's. Wolverine is like an animal. He has superhuman, enhanced senses like hearing and smell. He also doesn't age and looks in his 30's at all times. His regenerative healing factor allows him to heal from his wounds fully. And his claws are razor sharp blades which are used as his main, deadly weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) Why use Wolverine? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reason I chose to do a guide on Wolverine was because he is my personal favorite. Wolverine also looks cool and has lots of cool, different skins and costumes to collect. This is really just my own biased opinion but you should read on for why you should use him. Since this is an RPG, party members are separated into there own category. In this game, here is how I divided the character groups. -Tank/Fighter -Magician -Speed Wolverine is one of the tank/fighter characters. Now he's no Juggernaut or anything but he is a pretty good character to have on your team. But why you ask? Wolverine has close range attacks but they are strong. He is one of the more faster tank characters, and he has good skills. He or Juggernaut should be in your party as they can clear a room pretty fast. He also has a great offensive unique weapon and should is just an all round great character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.) Strengths/Weakness' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I will list the reasons why you should use Wolverine and why you should not. Either way, you should at least consider him. ********* Strengths ********* Wolverine is one of the more faster tank characters and is strong. This helps clear rooms faster. He is also a good AI character and should be set to aggressive. He has great passives and good mutant abilities. Wolverine also has a really good far range attack which can K.O. ******** Weakness ******** Unfortunately, he only has that one far range attack. He also has some attacks that cost him too much EP than he can handle. He also has a few bad passives. But his allies should make up for the lack of his close range attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.) Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of that moves Wolverine has, and I will also rate them. If you want even more description, press L2 on the skill and you will get a brief description. -------------------------- Feral Slash Type: Melee Rating: 5.5/10 Level one: +300% physical damage, 40 knockback-10 EP Level MAX: +990% physical damage, 245 knockback-92 EP This skill is very useful in the first act as it kills many enemies with one attack. But later in the game it becomes useless. -------------------------- Claw Flurry Type: Melee Rating: 6/10 Level seven: +210% physical damage, one second stun-16 EP Level: MAX: +500% physical damage, three second stun-84 EP Claw flurry is very useful in the first and beginning of Act II. It lacks good damage but the stun does help a bit. ------------------------- Bloodlust Type: Melee Rating: 5/10 Level 14: +440% bleed damage for three seconds-44 EP Level MAX: +640% bleed damage for three seconds-92 EP This move is a waste. It too lacks damage. Use the Feral Slash more often than this. ------------------------- Eviscerate Type: Melee Requires: Level 21, Claw Flurry Rating: 9.5/10 Level 21: +675% physical damage, 50% damage for 4 seconds-42 EP Level MAX: +1250% physical damage, 78% damage for 4 seconds-120 EP Although this eats up your EP, this attack is strong. This move usually kills enemies in 1 or 2 shots in the later acts and is good to use against bosses. ------------------------- Lethal Lunge Type: Melee Requires: Level 28, Bloodlust Rating: 8.5/10 Level 28: +575% physical damage, 25% KO, 40 knockback-40 EP Level MAX: +900% physical damage, 80% KO, 620 knockback-84 EP Lethal lunge has good physical damage, but its KO percentages is what makes this move really shine. Once this is max you'll be doing many KO's and for good EP. ------------------------- Claw Frenzy Type: Melee Requires: Level 28, Eviscerate Rating: 8/10 Level 28: +340% physical damage, 10% speed for 3 seconds-44 EP Level MAX: +540% physical damage, 17% speed for 7 seconds-92 It doesn't give you a big boost, but the speed helps a lot. You'll be going around at faster speeds and better strength that you'll be taking out rooms much faster. ------------------------ Berserker Fury Type: Radial Rating: 8/10 Level 15: +650% physical damage, hits 3 enemies-1 xtreme token Level MAX: 1450% physical damage, hit 10 enemies-1 xtreme token This move is just raw strength. It has good damage and it hits 10 enemies. This is a pretty good xtreme power. ------------------------ Rude Awakening Type: Boost Rating: 10/10 Level 20: resurrected with 10% of max health for 180 seconds-1 xtreme token Level MAX: resurrected with 75% of max health for 300 seconds-1 xtreme token This move is awesome! Being resurrected for a few minutes is great. This is good for boss battles and once this is at max level you'll be back but for 5 minutes! ------------------------ Berserker Rage Type: Boost Rating: 8/10 Level one: 40% defense, 10% speed for 13 seconds-32 EP Level MAX: 180% defense, 85% speed for 55 seconds-304 EP This really eats up your EP but it does raise you defense and speed greatly and for pretty good time. ------------------------ Scream Type: Debuff Requires: Level 14, Berserker Rage Rating: 5/10 Level 14: -20% enemy defense for 2 seconds and causes them to run-84 EP Level MAX: -62% enemy defense for 6 seconds and causes them to run-308 EP Although the defense of enemies goes down, it causes them to run and by the time you reach them the effect wears off. This also uses too much EP. ------------------------ Block Type: Ability Rating: 7/10 Level 7: 100% EP for each damage blocked Level MAX: 50% EP for each damage blocked I really never thought this was good. It is an average skill so you can use it if you want. ------------------------ Claw Master Type: Passive Rating: 10/10 Level one: 5% damage, 1% critical chance Level one: 50% damage, 8% critical chance This passive is awesome! All of Wolverine's passives can be increased at level one! This means if you add enough skill points to these in the beginning you can get major boosts! ----------------------- Enhanced Senses Type: Passive Rating: 7/10 Level one: 10% attack, 5% defense Level one: 85% attack, 75% defense and reveals hidden enemies This passive isn't really that good but it is pretty useful. I suggest putting only a few skill points into it at first. ----------------------- Strong Willed Type: Passive Rating: 8/10 Level one: 5% to all resistances Level one: 47% to all resistances This passive is great! All of his resistances go up for each element/status. I suggest to level this up before Enhanced Senses. ----------------------- Regeneration Type: Passive Rating: 10/10 Level one: 1.0% of max hp every six seconds Level one: 6.0% of max hp every six seconds You may not notice it but in a minute you'll get 10% of your health back! Trust me, this starts to add up and when you max this out, you'll get 36% of your health back! ----------------------- Might Type: Ability Rating 10/10 Level one: Lift heavy objects and damage walls, increase object damage This is a 10 because all you need is one skill point to max this out. Plus, you get to pick up bigger objects, which is fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.) Unique Weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't know what Wolverine's unique weapon is or what it does, than this is the section to see. I will also say where you can get it. ----------------- Fists of Weapon X Type: Gloves Attributes: 250 ATK, 125 DEF, +10 Strike, 50% to all physical damage Location: Go to the Danger Room and make sure you have the X-Man Class. To get Wolverine's Danger Room disc, search in The Temple of Sekmeht in Act 5. This is one of the best unique weapon out there. These will greatly increase Wolverine's strength. I suggest equipping these once you get them. Add this withsome other equipment like damage ones or strike and Wolverine will become a true tank character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.) Party Members ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section I will list teams with Wolverine strategically to give you tips on how to get the best of him. But you don't have to use these set ups. Remember, any team can successfully go through this game. --------------------------------------------------------- Code Name: The Tanks Members: Wolverine, Juggernaut, Iron Man and Nightcrawler This party is for all out destruction. The first three are for raw power and Nightcrawler is to get around faster for them. If you are stuck on a tough boss I suggest leveling these guys up and using Iron Man's Motion Amplifier for a good strength boost. Add in some xtreme tokens and everyone will die! -------------------------------------------------------- Code Name: All Rounders Members: Wolverine, Magneto, Nightcrawler and Iceman. This one is more for puzzles. Iceman and Magneto will get you through the game while Wolverine and Nightcrawler will do the offensive work. -------------------------------------------------------- Code Name: Wolverine's Revenge Members: Wolverine, Iron Man, Magneto and whoever First off, have Iron Man use Motion Amplifier to do a boost on strength. Then have Magneto use Supremecy to boost skills. Have Wolverine use Claw Frenzy to boost his speed and power and use EP items, you'll need them, trust me on this. Have Wolverine unleash Eviscerate on his enemies. You'll take lots of damage! Make sure to have all the skills above max out for a better effect. -------------------------------------------------------- Code Name: Wolverine Build Members: Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X, and Cyclops. This party is to make Wolverine level up to get stat and skill points. Make sure you have a few points in Magneto's and Xavier's Leadership skill. This will add up and then use Flawless Tactics with Cyclops. You will be getting much more experience so start taking out the enemies! You can also try these combinations with Wolverine to gain a little bonus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age of Apocalypse: +100% attack rating Any 4 heroes with AoA skins Bruiser Brigade: 20 Energy gained per knockout Juggernaut, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue Dark Past: 5% damages inflicted goes to health Rogue, Deadpool, Gambit, Wolverine New Avengers: +15% max health Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Bishop New X-Men: +15% max health Nightclawler, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Sunfire, Bishop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.) Building Wolverine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are wondering how to decide to use your stat and skill points then keep reading to find a good way on how to make Wolverine the ideal tank. For stat points, I have two ways on how to use them. The first way is having the game automatically spend them for you which isn't a bad thing. I suggest doing this early on. My way is simple. Since Wolverine is a tank character, you need to build him just like that. Put one stat point into body, focus and speed. Then make sure to put two stat points into strike. Soon this will start to add up and Wolverine will exceed and have the ideal tank stats. When you come across stations for strike, don't use it on Wolverine. But Wolverine needs strike, right? Wrong, Wolverine is already given more stat points into strike so he doesn't need these. Use other stations for Wolverine, just not strike. For skill points, let the game automatically spend them for you to even him out. When you are about level 30 take it off. You should be in Act 4 or 5 by now so you should have a fair amount of techbits. Go to the shop and select the option where you can distribute all your skill points over again. Since you have a lot of skill points, just spend one on Feral slash, Claw Flurry and the other ones to get Lethal Lunge, Eviscerate and Berserker Rage. Lethal Lunge, Eviscerate and Berserker Rage are the three mutant powers you should use for the rest of the game. Make sure to put skill points in the following skills: -Lethal Lunge -Eviscerate -Berserker Rage -Claw Master -Berserker Fury or Rude Awakening -Might and Regeneration If you don't have enough go continue in the current level to level up or buy skill points to get more. If you have done the following things it means Wolverine's stats should have more in striking and he should have skill points in the following skills above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.) Max Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, although the max stat is 255 for each and every character it can be exceeded. By the use of Danger Room courses you can have a permanent increase. For Wolverine here are the stats. --------- Wolverine Body: 293 Focus: 255 Strike: 320 Speed: 293 These are the stats I got, but they may not be the same for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.) My Wolverine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, you may not think my Wolverine is perfect, because he's not. In this section, I'm going to show you my attributes and such so read on. Wolverine Level: 65 Body: 207 Hp: 1171 Focus: 70 EP: 630 Strike: 247 Damage: 69-190, 190-229 Speed: 89 ATK: 946 DEF: 1037 Current Mutant Powers: Rude Awakening Berserker Rage Eviscerate Lethal Lunge Skills Max: -Eviscerate -Claw Master -Berserker Fury -Regeneration -Claw Master -Enhanced Senses -Might Current gear: Heroic X Guard 104 DEF, +75 Damage Fists of Weapon X 250 ATK, 125 DEF, +10 Strike, 50% to all Physical Damage Super Nanofiber 367 DEF, +53 Damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.) Secret Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have another tank character such as Colossus, Juggernaut or Rogue, go near Wolverine and press [] to do some move that does little damage. Its pretty cool so try it out. If you find anything like this feel free to e-mail me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.) Using Wolverine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolverine is a great character who needs to be used properly. Read below to see a few tips and such on how to do just that! Wolverine: Since Wolverine is a tank character he needs to be used like one. When using him, you should go right into your enemy! When doing this, you should let the other characters stay back and let them use far ranged attacks. I suggest using your best skills like Eviscerate, Lethal Lunge etc. etc. If you run out of EP try not do weak attacks or heavy attacks. You should do combos like knockback and trip to get them off guard. To take down rooms of a lot of enemies I suggest using Claw Frenzy to get your speed and strength up which is a big deal and help to taking out crowds of enemies. When fighting bosses you should again, use your best skills while the far ranged magicians or fighters do far ranged attacks. If you have other tank characters on your team set them to aggressive. If you have an xtreme token, put Wolverine's Rude Awakening xtreme in case he dies so you can get your tank back in action! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.) Skins and Costumes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a save in act three or by using the cheat, you will get all of Wolverines costumes and skins. I will do a little description for each. Ultimate Wolverine: Wolverines basic costume, he wears blue clothes with a few markings on them. Old School: Wolverines yellow tights with blue stripes on it. And his black eye covering thing. Old School other version: Same as above except with brown stripes. Hairy Wolverine: Blue tights with Wolverines face showing and his spiky hair. Agent Wolverine: Army colored clothes and jacket. Tech-Wolverine: Wolverine with a white muscle shirt and belts with electronics on them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.) Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 4th, 2006-Just started the FAQ today! September 5th, 2006-Added the Who is Wolverine? section and the Why use Wolverine? section. September 7th, 2006-Added the strengths, skills and unique section. September 8th, 2006-Added the party members, my wolverine, max stats and the building wolverine section. September 9th, 2006-Secret move, using wolverine, skins and costumes, contacting me and legal section were added. September 10th, 2006-Added a few more things. September 12th, 2006-Corrected some errors and finished! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank Marvel for making another great game! The people who made this site, for, uhh, making this site! I'd like to thank the reader for reading this! And my friend for bringing me into the X-Men even more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.) Contacting me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions comments or concerns, feel free to e-mail me at the address' below. If you have any questions that are in the guide then I won't answer them for you as it is already found in the guide. If you have any things like strategies, errors and such, you can e-mail me and I will add it to my guide and I will add you in the Credits section. My e-mail: juarezshirley@hotmail.com or steveramon11@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17.) Legal Things ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is for personal use only. Please do not take this or parts of this guide without my permission. Thank you. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by there respective trademark and copyright holder.