****************************************************************************** X-Men: The Official Game Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.0.1 Author: MysticWeirdo ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** CONTENTS ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Unfinished 3. Game Basics 4. Walkthrough 5. Cerebro Files 6. Xbox 360 Achievements 7. LEGAL 8. Contact Information 9. Credits ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ****************************************************************************** I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder. X-Men the official game is based on the 3rd movie in the X-Men series. You'll play as three of the X-Men: Wolverine, Iceman, and Nightcrawler, each of with has their own unique powers. This game is available on several platforms. I'm basing this guide on the Xbox 360 version. ****************************************************************************** 2. Version History ****************************************************************************** Version 1.0.1 Oct 1, 2006. Update to legal and credits to allow achieve360points.com to host this guide. Version 1.0 May 23, 2006 Additional items added to Allies information in the HUD. Some spelling and grammatical corrections. Story mode walkthrough complete. All three danger rooms complete. Version 0.75 May 22, 2006 Changed description of Iceman's meter from boost to speed. Added strategy for second Ninja type. 10 more story missions complete Version 0.40 May 21, 2006 Initial Version of this Guide. 13 story missions completed. Rest of guide complete except for the 3 danger room mission walkthroughs. ****************************************************************************** 3. Game Basics ****************************************************************************** ========= 3.1 Menus ========= ------------------ 3.1.1 Profile Menu ------------------ The Profile Menu is the first menu you'll encounter on creating a save file. There are four save slots. Select a slot that says new to start a new game or a previously created slot to continue a game in progress. ------------------- 3.1.2 Welcome Menu ------------------- Select Mission, then it takes you to the mission tree. You can play the next mission in the story from here, or replay a mission that you've already completed. The Options button goes to the option menu which is covered below. Cerebro Files takes you to a list of items you unlocked, play the bonus Danger Room missions or change a characters costume from here. Credits played the games credit if you're interested in who made the game. ------------------ 3.1.3 Options Menu ------------------ Game play: Invert the axes for Nightcrawler, or the pitch for Iceman. Character: Change Characters' costumes for ones you've unlocked. Controller: View the controller layouts Video: Adjust the brightness and toggle subtitles. Audio: Adjust Music, SFX, and Voice Volumes ---------------- 3.1.4 Pause Menu ---------------- Continue: Resume playing the current mission. Restart: Start the current mission over. Options: Like the options from the main menu system, except that Character is not available, and you can only alter game play settings for the current character. Quit: Stop playing and return to the mission select tree. A summary of the mission objectives is also displayed. ======= 3.2 HUD ======= Top Left: Character's health is indicated by the horizontal bar, Wolverines health is a double bar, the black portion won't heal automatically. Wolverine's Fury Meter, Nightcrawler's Shadow Aura meter, and Iceman's Speed Meter are in the arc on the left. Healing indicators for Wolverine and Nightcrawler appear in the circle, item interaction indicators by appear here as well. Top Right: Boss health is indicated by the horizontal line. The arc on the right is a meter that may fill for some bosses to enable a special ability. Bottom Right: This is your radar display. Enemies indicated by red arrows, allies indicated by green arrows, objectives by white circles if nearby or white arrow for distant objectives. Bottom Left: Ally information. Colossus with have a health bar and Storm will have an energy meter for her lightning attack. On the Fire Serpent Level, the radiation level is displayed here. On the second mission against Multiple Man, the health of the bridge is shown here. ============ 3.3 Controls ============ The controls listed in this section are for the Xbox 360 Version. You can view the controls for other versions in the option menu. --------------- 3.3.1 Wolverine --------------- Block: Left or Right Trigger Extend or Retract Claws: Press Left Bumper Heal Serious Wounds: Hold Left Bumper between enemy waves Team Mate Action (Storm's Lightning): Click Left Thumb stick Move: Left Thumb stick Camera: Right Thumb stick Pause: Start Fury Mode: Right Bumper when fury meter is full. Quick Attack: X Heavy Attack: Y Knock Back Attack: B Jump: A Wolverine can do jumping attacks by pressing A and then X, Y, or B. Combos can be performed by pressing X one to three times and then Y. Evade: Block and move the left thumb stick. ------------ 3.3.2 Iceman ------------ Target Lock: Left Trigger Brake: Right Trigger Camera Lock: Left Bumper 180 Turn: Right Bumper Move: Left Thumb stick Look Back: Click Right Thumb stick Boost (Go faster) - A Ice Beam: X Frost Shield: Y Hailstorm: B ------------------ 3.3.3 Nightcrawler ------------------ Target Lock: Left Trigger Teleport: Right Trigger Shadow Aura (healing): Left Bumper Team Mate Action (Storm's Lightning): Click Left Thumb stick Move: Left Thumb stick Camera: Right Thumb stick Punch: X Kick: Y Teleport to Enemy: B Jump: A Jump Punch: A + X + X + X Jump Kick: A + Y + Y + Y Teleport Attacks: RT + X, RT + Y, RT + A + Y, RT + B + Y, RT + A + X Teleport behind enemies: LT + B or RT + B Pounce: A + A ====================== 3.4 Character Genetics ====================== Each of the character has five genetic factors that can be evolved five times each. The evolutions are earned by completing the story missions, higher difficulty levels earn more upgrades. --------------- 3.3.1 Wolverine --------------- Health: Increase Wolverine's Health Strength: Increase attack strength Blocking: Increases blocking effectiveness. Healing Factor: Increase the rate of healing light wounds. Fury: Increase the length of fury mode. There were only two mission that I needed to block on, and then only at the hardest difficulty. If you're going to neglect one of the factors then pass blocking over in favor of the others, all of which are equally important. Wolverine heals serious wounds in Fury Mode as well as light wounds. ------------ 3.3.2 Iceman ------------ Health: Increase Iceman's Health Ice Beam: Increase the power of the Ice Beam attack Hailstorm: Increase the power of the Hailstorm attack Ice Healing: Iceman heals faster Balance: Iceman will fall less often when you run into something Hailstorm should be raised as quickly as possible. Don't worry about Balance as much as the others. Ice Beam is only useful is a couple of early missions, you might want refrain in bumping it up more than once until the Hailstorm and healing are maxed. ------------------ 3.3.3 Nightcrawler ------------------ Health: Increase Nightcrawler's Health Brawling: Increase ground attack strength Precision: Increase jumping attack strength Relocation: Increase the attack chain following teleporting behind enemy Shadow Aura: Decrease the time it takes to charge the shadow aura I never used the jumping attacks, so you may want to neglect Precision if favor of the other attacks. A high shadow aura means you can heal more often but don't neglect your attacks. ================== 3.4 Combat tactics ================== --------------- 3.4.1 Wolverine --------------- The tactics Wolverine uses will depend on the enemy. Gunmen, Bazooka Men: run up to them and use quick attacks. Hydra solders with two glowing swords: use quick attacks. Hydra solders with short spears and energy shields: use heavy attacks to get through the shields Hydra solders with long spears: Use jumping attacks to stun them and finish them off with quick attacks. Wind Unit Ninjas - vulnerable to quick attacks with can counter there lunging attacks. Silver Samurai's Ninjas: keep moving until they teleport and land behind you after missing their attack. Take advantage of this by using quick attacks while their swords are still in the ground. ------------ 3.4.2 Iceman ------------ Lock onto enemies and fire a few hailstorms at them. I only used the ice beam to extinguish fires and freeze the Freon tubes. ------------------ 3.4.3 Nightcrawler ------------------ Teleporting to at enemy and immediately hitting with a series of punches worked well for more in most cases. ****************************************************************************** 4. Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** There are three points in the story where more than one character has a parallel storyline. You can select which of these to play first but you'll need to finish all of the missions for that character before you can proceed to the other character(s). This walkthrough will present these segments as the characters appear left to right: Iceman, follow by Wolverine, and finally Nightcrawler. There are very few checkpoints in these missions. If you run out of health you will likely be starting the mission over from the beginning. The levels can be played at three difficulty levels. Novice: The easiest level. Use this when searching for Sentinel Tech and Weapon X Files you may have missed the first time. Hero: The default difficulty level. You should generally stick to this when playing through the first time. The walkthrough with be based on this difficulty level for the most part, unless you get the same reward for completing the level on novice. Super Hero: The hardest difficulty level. Play through on this level after finishing the game on Hero to earn the rest of the mutation upgrades. I found most of the early levels to be trivial with the evolutions earned from playing through the game. The Silver Samurai and Sabertooth were the only levels that I needed to adjust my strategy for so I'll provide the strategy that worked for me on those levels. Except for the three tutorial missions there will be 5 Sentinel Tech and 1 Weapon X File to locate in each mission. Depending on the nature of the level there locations will either be specified in the walkthrough, or as summary list. ============================ 4.1 Act 1: Part 1: Wolverine ============================ ------------------- 4.1.1 Lady Liberty ------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-1, and Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Novice This is Wolverines tutorial mission, in which you'll be taught many of his moves. Since you can get 100% at Novice level this walkthrough is based on that difficulty level. You start off this mission facing Sabertooth. Text boxes at the bottom of the screen will tell you the moves that you can use. You'll start out using quick attacks. Hit Sabertooth a few times with them. Next heavy attacks will be suggested, switch to those and hit Sabertooth a few move times. Soon blocking with by suggested. Start blocking to block a few of Sabertooth's attacks. Evasion is suggested now. Do a few rolls. Resume attacking Sabertooth with quick and heavy attacks, blocking or evading if prompted. Keep up the attacks until you knock Sabertooth off the platform. You'll be presents with some notes on healing. Use the "Heal serious wounds" ability now until your back to full health. You'll follow Sabertooth down automatically. Now you'll need to fight your way through several gunmen to make your way around the building to Sabertooth. All your really need to do is use quick attacks against them, but be sure to try out the other attacks that get suggested. The knock back attack gets suggested it the second group of gun men. The head butt combo, a quick attack followed by a heavy attack is suggested at the second corner. The roundhouse kick, two quick attacks followed by a heavy attack is suggested shortly afterwards. After defeating the last gunman at the third corner, heal any serious wounds acquired before approaching Sabertooth. Your fury meter will appear as will Sabertooth's health. Just use quick attacks against Sabertooth to fill your fury meter up. If you want, you can block some of Sabertooth's attacks when you see him wind up. Activate fury mode once the meter starts glowing and start to rapidly use quick attacks. Don't use heavy attacks in fury mode, this jabs your claws into your enemy for a short time which could be better spent doing quick attacks. Repeat filling up the meter and using fury mode until Sabertooth is defeated. I suggest selecting Strength as the initial upgrade. ========================= 4.2 Act 1: Part 2: Iceman ========================= -------------------- 4.2.1 Liberty Island -------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-1, and Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Novice This is Iceman's tutorial mission, in which you'll be taught of his moves. Since you can get 100% at Novice level this walkthrough is based on that difficulty level. You'll start out need to fly through all of the Nav point, the blue circles, around Liberty Island. As you do you'll be told how to boost, brake, and do a 180 degree turn. Once you've go through all of the Nav point near the ground, fly up to the one that will have appeared near the face of the Statue of Liberty. Some jetpack soldiers have appeared as set several buildings on fire. Fly down to the fires and fire you Icebeam at them to extinguish them. You may want to brake once the fire is lined up so that you don't fly into it, either hurting yourself or overshooting the flames before you can extinguish them. It all there are 4 building with 9 flames to put out on the shores of the island. Once the flames are out, it's time to go after the Jet Troopers. They are marked by red arrows on the radar, so fly towards one of them. Fire your Icebeam at the first two soldiers to kill them. You'll be told about your Hailstorm attack now. Go after a third trooper. If you get hit you'll be told how to use your frost shield to protect yourself. Fire hailstorm at the trooper to kill him, and steer towards another one. You'll be taught how to "Lock On" the targets to increase the Hailstorm's accuracy. Lock onto three troopers and fire Hailstorm at them. After killing them, fly back up to the Nav point at the Statue of Liberty's face to complete the mission. I suggest Ice Beam as the first upgrade since you'll be extinguishing flames in Iceman's next mission. =============================== 4.3 Act 1: Part 3: Nightcrawler =============================== ------------------ 4.3.1 Alkali Lake ------------------ Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-1, and Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Novice This is Nightcrawler's tutorial mission, in which you'll be taught of his moves. Since you can get 100% at Novice level this walkthrough is based on that difficulty level. Head forward to the end of the water. Note that there are loose electrical wires in the water so do step into the water. You'll be told about the Jump command. Jump across the three floating boards to get to the other side of the water safely. Walk a bit further, up a bit of slope, and jump to grab the pipe in front of you. Jump to the ledge ahead. You'll need to take a running jump to make it to the need pipe. Jump to the next ledge. If you fall into the water at any point run back and try again. Head forward and you'll be told how to move the camera. After looking around, jump up onto the ledge ahead, and again up to the next ledge to the right. Turn right, back towards the way you came and jump onto the pipe. Follow the pipe until you're told to teleport. You'll notice a blue flame in the distance. This is where you'll teleport to, so do so. Follow the next pipe to the other end. Teleport to the vertical pole in front of you. Turn to face the next pole ahead and to the right and teleport to it. Turn back and teleport to the pipe. Follow this pipe to the other end where you'll be told about the jump teleport. You can try it out be jumping and teleporting to the pipe ahead, although it's not necessary here. Jump onto the walkway and proceed to the door. You'll need to interact with the panel to the left to open the door. Go through the door. Take out the first two guards with punch and kick attacks that you'll be told about. The next two use the jump kick and jump punch attacks. For the next two use the teleport kicks and punches. Activate Shadow Aura to heal your wounds. There another panel beside the one of the doors in the room. Interact with it to open the door. Go through the door into a hallway and turn right at the corner. Go down the hall onto a balcony in another room. Teleport onto the rail. Use the teleport behind enemy move follows be a series of punches or kicks. After defeating three enemies here, use the control panel to end the mission. The attack following the teleport behind an enemy will be a staple for Nightcrawler so I suggest the first upgrade be in relocation. --------------------- 4.3.2 Generator Room --------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, and Superhero-3. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero This is the first mission where you need to find 5 Sentinel Tech and 1 Weapon X File. All following missions with have these as well. I recommend doing this and most of the following mission on Hero difficulty initial and coming back later after you've earned some upgrades to take them on at super hero level. Teleport onto the pipe ahead of you. Don't jump down to the hall below unless you want to trigger alarms for so extra combat. Go along the pipe and teleport onto the pole at the other end. Teleport to the next pole and then to another pipe. (Sentinel tech 1/5) Head along the pipe and pick up the first sentinel tech by passing through the purple rectangle. These disappear after completing the mission and saving if you've picked it up so it won't be there on a replay unless you missed it the first time. Teleport to the next pipe and go along it to the other end. Teleport to the pole. You can teleport to another pole in the distance, bypassing a close pole. Teleport to the right end on the pipe ahead. Teleport across two more pipe. Go up the slope to the right on the last pipe and teleport to the railing on the walkway past it. (Sentinel tech 2/5) Jump down to the walkway below to get the second Sentinel tech. Teleport back up to the railing. Teleport onto a railing that leads toward a guard on a platform. Go along the pipe and teleport behind the guard and attack him. Use Shadow Aura if you get hurt. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Get the third sentinel tech on this ledge. Teleport to the pipe on the other side of this ledge. Follow it to another ledge with a guard. Teleport behind him and attack him. Again use shadow aura to heal if you get hurt. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Get the fourth sentinel tech on this ledge. Teleport down to the railing along the walkway on the other side of the ledge from the pipe. Teleport to the pipe. Go along the pipe and teleport to another one. Go up this pipe and teleport to the railing. Jump onto the landing. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Get the last Sentinel Tech beside the door access panel. Interact with the access panel to open the door. Go through the door and turn right. Teleport behind the guard and attack him a few times. Do the same wit the two guards there come in behind you. (Weapon X File) Get the Weapon X file by going through the blue rectangle in this area. Interact with the control panel below the monitor. Teleport behind the guards that enters the area, and attack him. Go back the way you came through the door. Cross the platform and teleport ahead to the platform in the distance. Teleport down and behind the enemy guarding the teleported control and attack them. Interact with the control panel to disable the first generator. Teleport back across the room, and then down and behind two more guards at the other control panel. After dealing with them, use the control panel to shut down the other generator. Turn left and head past the generator to the exit tunnel which is a bit to the right past the last generator. Use the teleport behind attacks to deal with the three guards in the hallway. Interact with the control panel at the end on the hallway to end the mission. If you did the mission on hero difficulty you have two mutation upgrades to spend as you like. Consider spending them on attribute you didn't the first time, perhaps Health and Shadow Aura. Once your mutations have been upgrade further you can use the same strategy to do this level again at Superhero difficult to get the last mutation for it. ============================ 4.4 Act 1: Part 4: Wolverine ============================ NOTE: You can choose to do 4.5 before this section as they occur at the same time with respect to the story. ----------------- 4.4.1 Alkali Lab ----------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, and Superhero-3. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero This mission takes place in a single small room. You'll be assisted by Storm, you can have her use her lightning attack to take out the enemies surrounding you, keep in mind that it takes some time to recharge it. (Weapon X File) Head to the front left corner to get the Weapon X File just left of where you start. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Head to the front right corner and get the first Sentinel Tech. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Head to the back right corner and get the second Sentinel Tech behind a metal wall. You'll need to fight several guards in this room. Quick and or heavy attacks will deal with first four. Keep fighting enemies until Storm siphons the energy from the rear left transform, which you should proceed to destroy. If you see a shield effect on an enemy, switch to a heavy attack to break through the shield. Summon Storm's lightning attack if you get into trouble. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) The third sentinel tech appears to the right of the transformed you just destroyed below the sentinel's head. Fight more enemies until Storm drain the front right transformer. Destroy the transformer. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) The fourth sentinel tech appears in the same spot and the third one. Fight more enemies until Storm drains the rear right transformer. Destroy it. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) The last sentinel tech appears where the previous two did. Again you'll need to fight some more enemies. When Storm drains the final transformer in the front left, destroy it to complete the mission. Spend the upgrades you've earned. Try to keep Wolverine balanced, with block lagging one or two behind. If you did this on Hero maybe choose Health and Fury. Come back later after you've earned more upgrade and redo the mission using the same strategy to earn the final upgrade for the mission. ------------------- 4.4.2 Holding Pens ------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, and Superhero-3. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Fight the two guards in the room. One of them is shielded so you'll need to use a heavy attack to break through it. Head into the short hallway on the right side of the room and u se a quick attack to destroy the control panel here, which opens the door in the room where you started. There will be a guard with a long spear in the room where you started. Use a jumping attack to stun him and finish him off with quick attacks. Go through the door. You'll meet a few enemies as you run down the hall. Remember to use jumping attacks against the ones with the spears and heavy attacks against the shielded ones. Go through the door at the other end of the hall. Go into the cell to the left, labeled Maverick. Use quick attacks to destroy the cracked wall and deal with the enemies inside. This will be a good place to retreat to heal up if needed later. (Weapon X File) Get the weapon X file in the area. Backtrack out of the cell to the main corridor. You'll need to fight several waves of enemies after you walk a little further. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Destroy the crates in the rear left corner of this corridor to reveal the tech. After you've defeated the soldiers the door to the rear left of the corridor will open up. Go through it. *CHECKPOINT* - If you die later on you will return here instead of the beginning of the level. Climb up the stairs, which turn 180 degrees to the right. Kill the soldiers at the top of the stairs and watch out for incoming fire from one with the bazooka. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Destroy the crates in the corner on the room with the soldiers. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Turn right through the opening labeled B2. (Don't go down the stairs labeled B1 yet). Turn right and deal with the two soldiers. Go down the hallway beside them. Go through the door into the security tunnel. Kill the five soldiers in the tunnel and get the sentinel tech from the other end. Return to the B2 entrance. Go down the B1 stairs. You'll be in another corridor with holding pens. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Destroy the crates near the bottom of the stairs to reveal the tech. Go into the cell to the right and break through the wall. Kill the soldiers inside. This will be a good place to retreat to for healing if needed later. Go back to the corridor and fight several enemies, using the tactics that worked against similar opponents earlier. Once you've killed them all go through the door at the other end of the hall. Fight your way down this hall. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Go through the opening to the right by the control panel. Fight your way down it to get the last sentinel tech. Return to the control panel. Destroy the control panel and go through the door to finish the level. Spend the upgrades you've earned, I've chosen Strength and healing factor. Come back after you've earned more upgrade and do the level again on Superhero to earn the last upgrade. --------------------- 4.4.3 Testing Center --------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-2, and Superhero-3. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You might want to do this level on Novice initially as it gives the same reward as Hero. You begin the mission in a testing room when you'll need to face several opponents. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Destroy the barrels near the door to the right. Remember to use jump attacks to stun opponents with long spears, and use heavy attacks against shielded opponents. Enter fury mode whenever it charges fully to take advantage of its healing and increase damage. Stay off the squares when the test goes to level two or you'll take fire damage. So will your enemies if you can knock them onto them, or otherwise get them to cross the squares. As they tend to head straight for you they may take themselves out of the action. Staying off the squares is doubly important at level seven as cages drop to hold you in place on the flames, destroy the cage with a heavy attack if you get trapped. Make sure to heal fully after the level sever trail is over before heading through the door that opens. CHECKPOINT - Head around the wall and destroy the crates, barrels and barricades to get to a couple of guards, which you can kill. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Destroy the barrels to the left of these guards to reveal the tech. Go around the bend to the left and destroy the barrels to get into the room. Kill the three guards here to open a door. Remember to use heavy attacks on the ones with shields. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Destroy the crates in the corner of this room to reveal the tech. Go through the door and run past the guards to take out the machine gun first and then finish off the guards with guns. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Walk into the last niche to the left to get the tech. Heal up fully before going through the door. Turn right and deal with the cluster of enemies. Make sure to use jumping attacks to stun the ones with the long spears. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Destroy the 5 stacked barrels behind the initial cluster of enemies to find the last sentinel tech. (Weapon X File) Destroy the chest to the left of the initial cluster of enemies and to the right of a door to reveal the weapon x file. Several waves of enemies will enter the room. Use similar strategies as previously against similar opponents. Use fury mode whenever it becomes available for its healing properties and damage increase. The mission ends after defeating the last of these enemies. Spend you're upgrade points, maybe on Fury and Block. (I know I said to ignore block but a boss is up next and blocking might help a bit there.) Come back after earning more upgrades and complete the mission on Superhero to earn the last upgrade using similar tactics. ------------ 4.4.4 Hanger ------------ Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-1, and Superhero-2. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You might want to do this level on Novice initially as it gives the same reward as Hero. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Turn around and get the tech on right side of the hallway behind you. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Go to the end of this hall and get the tech behind a pipe on the left side. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Across the hall from the previous tech a bit closed to your entrance point. Return to where you started. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) In the far left corner from where you enter. You're only enemy on this mission is Lady Deathstrike. Enter the vortex to the right of where you start to face her. (Weapon X File) Destroy the crate ahead and to the right of where you land. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Come towards the front of the screen and destroy the crate there. Use quick attack combos against Deathstrike and back away from her before she can attack. Block if she starts attacking before you have a chance to back off to minimize the damage you take. Repeat until your fury meter is full and go into fury mode. Keep attacking while in fury mode. Build up the meter again and use fury mode until you defeat her. Use the upgrade earned to raise one of the attributes, perhaps Healing Factor. Come back after earn more Mutations to get the last one here be playing Superhero using a similar strategy. =============================== 4.5 Act 1: Part 4: Nightcrawler =============================== NOTE: You can choose to do this section before 4.4 as they occur at the same time with respect to the story. ------------------ 4.5.1 Launching Bay ------------------ Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, and Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Colossus is accompanying you on this mission. You'll need to protect him from enemies to complete the mission. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Walk ahead from the start to get the tech. Teleport up to the beam over the pipe. Teleport forward over two more beams and then to railing above the opening to a lower level. (You'll be coming back to the lower level later in the level). Teleport across to the next railing. Teleport to the railing of the far side of the opening to the lower level. Teleport ahead to another railing. Teleport behind the guard and attack him. Teleport to the railing on the next lower level area and teleport to the raining above it. Teleport across to the next railing and teleport down to the railing on the lower side of the second lower level area. Teleport behind the guard here and attack them. Teleport onto the railing at the third lower level area. Teleport up the railing above. Teleport across to the next rail. Ignore the guard below and teleport up the second beam ahead of you. Teleport to the pipe. Jump teleport to the rail on the walkway ahead. Jump onto the walkway after Jason's spirit appear. Go through the doorway to the right. Deal with the guard on the catwalk to the right and then use the control panel on the catwalk to the left to let Colossus into this room. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Teleport to the nearby pole at slide down it. Teleport onto the ledge at the bottom on the other wall and get the Sentinel Tech by jumping on it. (Weapon X File) Turn toward the center of the room and teleport to the rail and get the Weapon X File on the catwalk to the left. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Turn around on the catwalk and go along in until you can see the third tech on another ledge above a generator on the outer wall. Teleport to the ledge and jump onto the tech to get it. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Teleport back to the center and go to the right and of the catwalk. Teleport over to a third ledge on the outer wall and go to the left side of it. Jump over the ledge to get the fourth tech there. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Teleport back up to where you entered, and teleport across two poles on the end of the catwalk where you dealt with a guard. Get the final tech there are return to the entrance of the room. Teleport onto the pole to the right just outside the room. Slide down and teleport behind the guard and attack him. Activate the switch here after finishing off the guard. Teleport back up to the pole and walk and go back into the room. Drop down to the left to help Colossus fight some enemies. Colossus will destroy the generator after the enemies are dealt with. Heal up using Shadow Aura. Work your way back to the third lower area you passed over on the way to this room. Take out the guards in the room. You may want to heal up again before activating the console. Return to Colossus and help him fight more enemies at the next generator. Repeat the process for the final two generators to complete the level, going one lower level further back each time. Spend the upgrades you've earned, perhaps on brawling, precision, and health. Return after you've earned more mutations and use the same strategy on Superhero. ------------------ 4.5.2 Dark Cerebro ------------------ Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, and Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero (Weapon X File) Drop to the floor and get the Weapon X File in the center. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Get the first sentinel tech while you're down here. (Sentinel Tech 2-5/5) Teleport up the rails on the perimeter of the round. Go around the room and get the remaining four techs. This is a boss fight against some sentinels. You're not able to hurt them directly but there are several drones in the room that activate their auto destruct when they get close to you. Teleport behind the Sentinel and wait for one or more drones to approach and activate their auto destructs. Teleport away before they explode and/or the sentinel finished charging. The sentinel will be destroyed when enough of the drones explode by it. When you're not on the sentinel back keep moving to avoid the sentinel's lasers and exploding drones. After destroy the first sentinel a second one appear, repeat the process with it. Two more appear after destroy the second one, deal with them in the same way. Spend the upgrade you've earned in this mission, perhaps choosing Shadow Aura, Brawling, and Relocation. Come back later after earning more upgrades to get the last on from the mission at superhero difficult, although it can likely be done using the above strategy now. ========================= 4.6 Act 2: Part 1: Iceman ========================= Note: 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 and be done in any order. ------------------- 4.6.1 Fission Plant ------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, and Superhero-3. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You'll be on a small island where a nuclear power plant is being threatened by Pyro, who is standing on the burning building in front of you. You may need to replay the mission a few times to find all of the collectables. (Weapon X File) Go past the burning building and get the Weapon X File beneath the piles between the two cooling towers. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) On top of the lighthouse near the cooling towers. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Under the bridge on the opposite side of the island from the lighthouse. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Between the small building by the burning build on the side with the bridge. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) At the base of the building, beside the reactor caps. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Under one for the electrical poles in the water behind the reactor caps. What you need to do here is line up one of the fires, brake and use the ice beam to extinguish it. Pyro will launch fire raptors (1 or 2 on novice or hero, 2 or 4 on superhero) after extinguishing each flame in an attempt to damage one of the cooling towers or the reactor cap. Boost in the direction of the red arrows on the radar, lock on to them and shoot them down with Hailstorm. Try not to get to close to Pyro or you'll get set on fire. Pyro will ignite more flame after extinguishing the first batch and again with the second. When you've extinguished the last flame and dealt with all fire raptors still flying the mission will be completed. If two many raptor hit a building you'll fail a mission, there will be two warning messages before the building is destroyed so don't worry about missing the occasional raptor. Spend the upgrades you've earned. Put at least one in Hailstorm, the other maybe in Ice Healing. Come back after you've upgraded your mutation levels to get the last mutation on Superhero, keep in mind that there are twice as many raptors to shoot down at this level by otherwise the strategy is the same. --------------------- 4.6.2 Coolant Tunnels --------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, and Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You're chasing fire raptor through the coolant tunnel off the rector. While in the tunnel segments you can lock onto them when you see them and shoot them down with Hailstorm. Go around a bend to the right. Go over the electric barrier and avoid the pillar in the center. Turn down, and avoid the pillar on the left side. Turn up and go between the two horizontal beams. Go left of an electric barrier, right of the next one, and left of a third. Turn up, avoiding a pillar which is just right of center. Straighten out and turn right, going over an electric barrier. Go to the right of a pillar and the electric barrier following it. Go to the left of the next pillar and right of the following one. Turn right and go under the electric barrier. Turn left and go under the beam and the electric barrier that follows. Go to the right of another barrier and two pillars following it. Go above a beam and between electric barriers above and below. Go over a beam while turn right. Go over two more beams and electric barrier. Turn down and straight out. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Avoid the pillar in the center and fly between the next two pillars to get the first sentinel tech, as you enter a larger area. A raptor has ruptured a cooling pipe ahead of you to your right. Fly at it and seal it with an ice beam, braking if necessary. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Fly past the pipe you just seals and get the second sentinel tech above the metal pipe in the far left corner. Turn around and seal the leak on the pipe to the left. Two more leaks with be made one on the lower portion of the pipe across from the one you just sealed and the other on the lower portion of the first pipe you sealed a leak on. Seal those and then two final leaks on the upper and lower portions of the pipes you've only sealed one leak on so far. Once the six leaks have been sealed, you can enter the next tube. Fly under an electric barrier and then between two pillars. Fly through the rotating rectangular gap in the bottom/bottom-right. Go to the right of the pillar at a left-hand turn. Go over a beam and turn right. Go to the right of an electric barrier. Turn left and go to the right of another barrier and through a rotating gap on the right side past it. Turn right and go through another gap on the right/bottom-right follow by only on the left. Turn left and go above a barrier. Turn right and go under a barrier. Go through a rotating gap at the top. Go left of a pillar. Go through another gap on the left. Go above an electric barrier and through a gap on the bottom. Turn left, going under a barrier and over the next one. Go through a gap on the left. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Get the third sentinel tech as you cross to the right side before going through the next gap on the bottom. Turn left and go under the barrier. Go over the next barrier, around a pillar, and through the gap on the left to bottom. Avoid another pillar in the center and go between barriers above and below. Turn up, going through a gap on the bottom. Avoid three pillars and go through a gap on the bottom. Go over the beam and through a gap on the bottom. Fly between the two pillars to enter the Freon tube room. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Fly ahead and to the right to get the fourth tech. Start freezing the blue Freon pipes with Icebeams, and shatter them with Hailstorms. Occasionally shoot an ice beam at the round door the raptors are flying into to prevent it from melting. Three Freon tubes are marked with which circles on the radar, use that to track down the one you've missed. After destroying all of the tubes a countdown time will start. The amount of time varies with the difficulty level. You have this long to make it through the final tube. You'll want to boost all of the way from here. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Keep to the left of the five pillars to get the tech there. Turn right, then down, then right again. Keep to the left of the pillars and follow the tube turning down through a Freon spiral. Go to the right of an electric barrier, left of the next one, and right of the third. Turn left and go to the right of the next barrier and left of the following one. Turn left and go through a second Freon spiral. Go through three rotating gaps. (Weapon X File) Instead of going to the left of two electrical barriers, go under them to get the weapon X file. Go to the right of a third barrier and to the left of two more. Go through another rotation gap and a third Freon spiral. Turn right, and go above a beam and below the next one. Go to the right of a barrier, under a beam, and to the left of the next barrier. Go under the next barrier, through a rotation gap, and over or under the next beam. Go through two more rotation gaps. Slalom through four pillars and go under a barrier. Go to the right of two more pillars and through the fourth Freon spiral. Go through two more rotating gaps and turn left toward the exit. Spend the upgrades you've earning. I highly recommend bringing Hailstorm up to three as it will be needed in the next mission. If you've followed my suggestion you'll have one left if you play on hero, perhaps put in into Health. You can come back later after earning the last mutation on superhero, but it should be possible now following the same strategy. ------------------ 4.6.3 Fire Serpent ------------------ Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, and Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero If you've put 3 points into Hailstorm, play this one on Superhero. Fly toward the head of the fire snake and hit the break one you're in range of Hail storm. Start alternately tapping the Lock-on and Hailstorm buttons to both wear down the fire snake and pick off a few of the raptors it spits out. When you get close to the snake, do a 180 and boost to the power line and do another 180. Repeat the procedure and there should be enough time to defeat the snake before the radiation reaches lethal levels. Dump a point into everything but hailstorm to bring them close to being in balance. Replay the level on novice a few times to pick up the Sentinel Techs and Weapon X File. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Near the top of the electric pole by the bridge, to left of where you start. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) By one of the pylons near the lighthouse. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) By the circular hatch on the building near the lighthouse. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Above the reactor cap (the dome). (Sentinel Tech 5/5) In a niche at the base of the building Pyro is on, on the lighthouse side. (Weapon X File) Do a 180 from when you start and go around the building in front of you to find the Weapon X File on the lower portion of its roof. ============================ 4.7 Act 2: Part 1: Wolverine ============================ Note: 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 and be done in any order. ---------------------- 4.7.1 Castle Gatehouse ---------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, Superhero-2. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Hero Basically this is a fight against a lot of enemies as the same type as you've face before. You'll need to use the same tactics as before: quick attacks are good for most enemies, shielded ones require heavy attacks, the ones with long spears can be stunned by jumping attacks. Use your fury mode whenever it charges fully to take advantage of the healing and extra damage. The battle takes place in two areas, the courtyard where you start, and the gatehouse to the right. Try to collect these items during the battle (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Destroy the trees beside where you start in the courtyard. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) In the corner to the left of the first tech. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Come forward into the screen from the second tech by some stairs. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Destroy some furniture on the far wall of the gatehouse. (Weapon X File) Destroy some furniture on the left wall of the gate house. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Destroy some furniture in the near right corner of the gate house. Enemies keep teleporting in on the round circles. Keep fighting them until they stop coming. A door will open in the gate house, go through it and fight the handful of guard in the hallway. Don't step on the squares of you'll take damage from the flames. The mission is complete after you defeat all of the guards and reach the other end of the hall. Completing the mission on Hero will have earned both of the available upgrades for the level so it won't be necessary to replay it on Superhero. Perhaps use the upgrades on Health and Strength. ---------------- 4.7.2 Zen Garden ---------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, Superhero-2. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Hero You'll be facing more typical enemy for most of this mission. You start of in the Garden Path. Go ahead to the corner of the building and deal with the enemies there. Go around the corner and deal with the enemies that warp in. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) There's a sentinel tech to the left here, be sure to pick it up. Go around the bend to the left and deal with the enemies at the gate. The gate opens after all of the enemies are defeated. Heal up and go through the gate. The objective in this area is to destroy the teleport nexus, the gazebo structure to the right. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Run through the nexus to get the second tech. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Run around the corner to the right past the nexus, the third tech is in the rear left corner near the next gate. You priority here should be to destroy the panels on the pillars of the nexus. It will be electrified for a while after you destroy each one so fend off the guards until its safe to take out the next panel. The guards stop warping in after the last panel is destroy. Kill the remain guards to open the gate in the area around to corner to right past the nexus. Follow the path as it turns left through the gate after healing up. The objective in the third area is the same, only its call a teleport matrix. (Weapon X File) The Weapon X File is in the corner straight ahead from the gate, by the tall rock. You can't see it so just run beside the rock. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) This is in the furthest corner from the Weapon X File, run to the left past the matrix and keep going left as the camera shifts. Take out the panels on the matrix pillar and fend of the guards as before. The electricity lasts longer than on the nexus and will go on and off. The guards will keep coming until you destroy all of the panels, so you may want to just try evading the initial four while you take out the pillars. Kill the remaining guards to open the gate to the stairs behind the matrix. Heal and go up the stairs through the now open gate. Fight past a few enemies of types you've faced before. A ninja (wind unit) appears at the end of the path. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) The last tech is just past where the Wind Unit appears. Quick attacks while take down the wind units. Completing the mission on Hero will have earned both of the available upgrades for the level so it won't be necessary to replay it on Superhero. Perhaps use the upgrades on Healing Factor and Fury. =============================== 4.8 Act 2: Part 1: Nightcrawler =============================== Note: 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 and be done in any order. --------------------- 4.8.1 Brooklyn Bridge --------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Nightcrawler is assisted by Storm on this mission. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Turn around and teleport to the scaffold to the on the bridge behind where you start. (Weapon X File) Teleport to the center of the bridge, the weapon X file is behind where you start. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Go along the center of the bridge to near where you start and jump (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Go further along center of the bridge. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) To the right of the second tech on a light. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) On a cross beam to the left at the far end of the bridge. After getting the techs return to where you starts. Start teleporting behind the Multiple Man clones and attack them. If you get hurt, teleport up to the higher parts of the bridge to use Shadow Aura. Use Storm's Lighting periodically to take out some of the clones. Now you'll need to start teleporting around the bridge in the direction of the white arrows/circles to when bombs have been planted. You'll need to use the teleport behind attacks and Storm's lightning to take out the clones guarding the bombs before interacting with them to defuse them. If you have time, use shadow aura to heal before defusing the last bomb in a group, keep in mind it takes 3-4 second to defuse the bomb. There are two bombs in the first three batches, one in the fourth, and three in the final batch. The mission is complete when the last bomb is defused. Spend the points earned, perhaps on Precision (I don't like it lagging behind), Relocation, and Shadow Aura. Come back after earning more upgrades to complete the level on superhero to get the missions last upgrade. ------------------ 4.8.2 Multiple Man ------------------ Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Look up and teleport to the light on the left (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Turn and teleport to the barrels in the corner. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Start teleporting clockwise around the perimeter, the third tech is on a pile of wood. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Go around a corner to the left from the third tech and teleport to another pile of wood. (Weapon X File) Look to the left from the fourth tech, the Weapon X File is on a winch. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) On the winch in the opposite direction as the Weapon X File from the fourth tech. After collection the Sentinel Tech and Weapon X File teleport Behind Multiple Man or ideally one of his clones and start attacking. Teleport somewhere when you get hurt and use shadow aura. You inflict more damage when attacking the clones so try to wait for some to spawn before attacking. You also take less damage in return when fighting them. The real Multiple Man has a glowing aura around him. Attacking him directly does minimal damage. The mission summary list "Protect the Bridge Disarm Active Bombs". Multiple Man may occasionally play a bomb on the bridge (health indicated in the lower left). If this happen try to defuse the bombs before them damage the bridge. If you can keep Multiple Man busy, he may not play any bombs. Spend the upgrades earned, perhaps on Health, Brawling, and Shadow Aura. Come back later after acquiring more upgrades to earn the final mutation by using a similar strategy on superhero. ============================ 4.9 Act 2: Part 2: Wolverine ============================ -------------------- 4.9.1 Warrior's Dojo -------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-3. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Hero All of the collectable are plainly visible in this single room mission. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Straight ahead in the center of the Room. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Back left corner. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) By a pillar on the left side. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Front left corner. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) By a pillar on the right side. (Weapon X File) In the rear right corner. Build up your fury by fighting the enemies. Quick attacks against most of them, the one with the energy shields will require heavy attacks, the ones with long spears can be stunned with jumping attacks. Don't let yourself get surrounded here. Go into fury mode when the meter is field and start attack the door and any enemy that come near your. There will be several wave of enemies after the shield comes down. Don't let yourself get surrounds and you can use you normal tactics to pick off the enemies one by one. Try to hold onto your fury attacks for the waves with 4 ninjas and the final way with 6. Otherwise try timing a quick attack to counter the ninja lunging attack. Completing the mission on Hero will have earned both of the available upgrades for the level so it won't be necessary to replay it on Superhero. Spend the upgrades, perhaps on Health, Strength, and Blocking. ---------------------- 4.9.2 Lady Deathstrike ---------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-2, Superhero-2. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Hero (Weapon X File) Rear left corner. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Destroy display case with mask on rear wall. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Destroy display case to right of first tech. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) To left of base of stairs) Use quick attacks against Deathstrike to build up your fury meter and run from her between your combos or block her attacks. Enter fury mode once you're charged up and keep attacking her. She'll retreat upstairs. Go up the stairs to deal with the soldiers. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Turn left when going up the stairs. Go behind the banister to the right at the top of the stairs to get the fourth tech. Work your way counter clockwise around the top defeated the enemies using tactics used against them in previous missions. (Sentinel tech 5/5) When you reach the corner on the other side of the stairs go into the corner behind the plant to get the last tech. If you break the window you should pick it up. Use fury early in the fight against the soldiers if possible so that there will be time for it to charge up again. Otherwise try to save it for Deathstrike, who will face you again after the soldiers are defeated. If necessary build up your fury meter with quick attacks again. Use fury mode and keep attacking her to finish her off. Completing the mission on Hero will have earned both of the available upgrades for the level so it won't be necessary to replay it on Superhero. Spend the upgrades, perhaps on Healing Factor, and Fury. -------------------- 4.9.3 Silver Samurai -------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-1, Hero-1, Superhero-2. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You'll want to play this on Novice the first time as it gives the same reward as hero. When fighting the Silver Samurai on novice level you can get away going toe to toe with him using quick attacks and fury mode. However this will not work when you come back to do the level again on Superhero, even with only two mutations remaining to be earned. The strategy presented here is what I used on Superhero. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Destroy the lantern in the far left corner in the left arm of this cross shaped arena. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Destroy the back right lantern in the rear arm. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Destroy the back left lantern in the right arm. (Weapon X File) Destroy the back right lantern in the right arm. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Destroy the near right lantern in the nearest arm to the screen. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) In the front left corner of the nearest arm to the screen. Hit the Silver Samurai with a series of quick attacks and start blocking. Repeat until he energizes his sword. Run from him until his sword loses its charge. Repeat the procedure until he retreats. A few ninjas will appear. Unlike previous ninjas, they have a teleport attack where they will appear above you to hit you from above. This is there undoing. Keep moving and they'll miss you, leaving them with their swords stuck in the ground and vulnerable to quick attacks. You should be able to use fury mode when the Samurai appears again. Use it and start attacking him. Keep it up and he'll retreat again. There's another wave of ninjas. They behave like the first batch. Defeating them should be enough to recharge your fury meter, if not charge it up using the strategy from the first part of the mission. Enter fury mode to finish off the Silver Samurai. Spend the upgrade, perhaps on health. Come back after earning all but two of the remaining mutation and use the above strategy to earn the remaining one from this mission. Wolverine's remaining two missions will only earn upgrades on superhero. You could go back now to earn the ones you missed on superhero, excluding this one as you'll want the upgrade from wolverines next mission first. ========================== 4.10 Act 3: Part 1: Iceman ========================== ---------------------- 4.10.1 Kowloon Highway ---------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You're racing the clock on in the first part of this mission, so you'll want to be boosting all the way. Whenever you see a sentinel, lock onto it at destroy it will Hailstorm attacks. You'll be chasing a sentinel at the beginning. Destroy it while follow the highway around a bend to the right, and then another to the left. Watch out for the support columns. The next turn to the left leads to an open area. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Get the first sentinel tech on the right side of this area. Destroy the sentinel here as you head into the tunnel on the other side. Go around a turn to the right, followed by turns to the left, and then right again. There will be another right and then a left. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) The second sentinel tech is around the next right in the center of the tunnel. The next left takes you into another open area. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Get the third tech in the far left corner of this area. Destroy the two sentinels that catch up to you as you enter the next tunnel. Turn right and destroy the sentinel at the next left. Destroy another at the right turn ahead. Destroy another at the next right. Turn left, right, and left again into another open area. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Get the fourth tech on the left side of this area. Destroy the sentinel here as you enter the next tunnel. Turn right and then left. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Get the last sentinel tech is just before the next left turn in the center. The final area is around a long right turn. (Weapon X File) Get the Weapon X File on the median as you go down the road. Race to the crossing street ahead before the clock runs out. Now you'll be turning about the way you can. Lock onto the sentinel that's fleeing from you and start firing Hailstorms at it. Keep boosting so that you don't fall behind. The mission will complete shortly after your destroy it. Spend the upgrades you've earned maybe on Health, Ice Healing, and Hailstorm. Come back after earning more mutations to get the last mutation on superhero difficulty using the same strategy. ----------------------- 4.10.2 Downtown Kowloon ----------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Follow this route to collect all of the sentinel tech and the Mutant X File. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Take the first right, the first tech will be under an enclosed walkway. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Keep going straight until you reach a dead end. Keep the building to your right and turn left twice in the dead end to find the second tech. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Turn right onto the street, and take the next right. Turn left at the harbor and get the third tech there. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Take the next left and go straight. The fourth tech is under anther walkway. (Weapon X File) Go straight as far as you can and turn left. The Weapon X File is on the left side of the street at the next intersection. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Head to the far right corner of this street to get the final tech there. All you need to do on this level is destroy 15 sentinels. There's a time limit for each one, which will reset when a sentinel is destroyed. The sentinels are marked by red arrows. Get behind one, lock on, and fire Hailstorms at it. You may need to boost to keep up with a sentinel, but don't over do it or you'll overshoot the target. Destroying 15 sentinels completes the mission. Spend the upgrades earned, perhaps on Hailstorm, Health, and Ice Healing. Come back after earn more mutations to get the last Mutation on superhero. Of course with Hailstorm max, you could probably do it now. --------------------- 4.10.3 Giant Sentinel --------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero I recommend putting this one on Novice the first time you play it to buy yourself enough time to collect the Sentinel Tech and Weapon X File, although I was able to do it on hero when writing this guide. You'll need to look out for these as you fight the sentinels, don't waste time going ahead (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Under track in center as you approach the giant Sentinels at the beginning. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) In the parking lot to the right as you approach the sentinels at the beginning. (Weapon X File) On the track at the turn in the road. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) In the parking lot and the turn in the road. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) In the parking lot past the turn in the road. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Under the track between the last parking lot and the crash site. Each of the giant sentinels has six power nodes on it, three of the front, and three on the back. You need to shoot of all of the power nodes to destroy the sentinel. To get the nodes in the back you'll need to get above the sentinel, lock on to the nodes, and fire Hailstorms at them. To get the nodes in front, you'll need to get a ways in front of the sentinel, do a 180, and then brake, lock on, and fire hail storms. You will take damage from the sentinels lasers so you'll want to try to get these done quickly, hopefully in one pass, more likely two. When you destroy a sentinel, another will take its place until you've destroy four on each side. Concentrate on taking the ones to your right at the beginning of the mission. Destroy the first one on the left after taking care of the first two on the right, and there should be enough time to take care of the last two on the right before the replacement on the left gets too close to the crash site. Keep in mind that the replacements start closer to the crash site than their predecessor did. The mission is complete after all 8 of the giant sentinels have been destroyed. Spend the point earn on perhaps Health and Ice Healing. If you did it on hero, perhaps balance as well. Come back later to earn the last mutation on superhero, although if you've followed my suggestions all of the essential factors are now maxed. The same tactics apply on superhero. Iceman has only one more mission, the sole mutation for which is only available on superhero. You could go back now to try his previous missions again on superhero before tackling his final mission. ============================= 4.11 Act 3: Part 2: Wolverine ============================= ----------------------- 4.11.1 Augmentation Room ----------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-0, Hero-0, Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Get a feel for this level by trying it on Novice first. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Near right corner. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Far right corner. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) By door on far wall. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Far left corner. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Near left corner. (Weapon X File) Behind center tank. This mission takes place in a single room. Wolverine is fighting his inner demons, which will keep appearing in ever increasing numbers. Quick attack combos will deal with them, although when you play on Superhero you'll find they block more after forcing you to switch target. Do let yourself get surrounded by the pack. Try to save your fury mode for times when there are a lot of them on the screen or if you've taken some serious wounds. Keep up the attacks until you've defeated all of the inner demons to complete the mission. After earning all but three upgrades try the level again on superhero to get the sole upgrade. ================================ 4.12 Act 3: Part 2: Nightcrawler ================================ --------------------------- 4.12.1 Master Mold Interior --------------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-2, Hero-3, Superhero-4. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero You start on a railing by a walkway. Teleport to the railing on the other side of the path. Teleport to the horizontal pole with the light on the end. Teleport to the horizontal pole past the conducting cable. (If teleport to the cable instead make sure the energy sphere isn't going to be where you materialize.) Teleport to the next pole. Teleport to the vertical pole. Teleport to the railing by another walkway. Jump onto the walkway and go through the tunnel. From now on there will be exploding drones, like the ones you used to destroy the sentinels in an earlier level. If one of them detects you, be sure to teleport to safety after it goes into self destruct mode. Teleport to the rail on the left side of the walkway. Teleport to the vertical pole. Time you'll teleport onto the conducting cable until after a pair of energy spheres passes, allowing you enough time to fix the exposed wires there. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) Run up the cable, doing a jump teleport over the energy spheres to get the first tech at the far end. Teleport down to the rail to the left. Turn back to face another conducting cable with exposed wires. Wait for an energy sphere to pass before teleporting to the exposed wires and fixing them. Teleport back to the railing and jump onto the walkway. A portal closed behind you as you enter the next chamber, leaving you trapped with a sentinel. Teleport onto its back and wait for some drones to go into self destruct mode beside it. Teleport away before the drones explode or the sentinel fully charges. Repeat until the sentinel is destroyed and another portal opens. Teleport over to the pole beside the open portal. Jump onto the ledge outside of the portal and then into the portal. Go through it into the next area. * CHECKPOINT * If and when you die after this point remember to collect all of the sentinel tech again. Teleport onto the pole ahead. Teleport to the next pole. Wait for the energy sphere to pass the exposed wire before teleporting to them and fixing them. Teleport to the horizontal pole to the right, doing a jump teleport if an energy sphere is almost on you. Teleport across two more poles. Turn right and jump onto the walkway. Teleport onto the vertical pole at the other end of the walkway. Teleport to the cable below after some energy sphere pass. Teleport to another vertical pole and climb up it. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Turn to face the horizontal pole with the second tech on it and teleport over to it. Turn to face the horizontal pole by the exposed wires. Fix them and turn down to teleport to the railing beside a walkway. Jump onto the walkway. You'll be in a large area where there will be three power nodes to destroy. Go to the end of the walkway. Wait for the electric sphere to pass on the cable ahead and do a jump teleport to it. You'll need to do two more jump teleports straight ahead and a third to the left. You'll likely takes some damage doing this. Teleport across the two poles to the railing around a circular area when the first power node is. Teleport to the inner rail and jump onto the path inside. Use shadow aura to heal if necessary, but move if any drones show up. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Go to the opposite side of this area and teleport to the outer rail to get the third tech. Go back to the path. Jump to get the attention of one or more of the stationary drones here. Teleport over beside the power node and wait for the drone to go into self destruct mode beside you. Teleport away and the node will be destroyed when the drone appear. Don't worry if you waste the drones, more will appear. Teleport to the outer rail on the side opposite the node. Teleport to the lower of two cables and then to the upper one. Teleport to the vertical pole. Turn right and climb up the cable. (Weapon X File) Follow the cable around a corner getting the Weapon X File in the process. You see a sentinel below you. Teleport onto the vertical pole, slide down, and jump onto the surface here. In order to destroy this sentinel, and a second that will show up soon, you'll need to run around the area and jump to wake up sleeping drones before teleporting onto the sentinels' backs. Teleport off when the drone go into self destruct mode. Keep moving to avoid the laser fire. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Go down the path from here after destroying the sentinel and pick up the tech at the other end. Wake up another drone and lure it over to the second power node. Teleport away when it goes into self destruct mode to destroy the node. Teleport to the cable leading away from this area. Teleport onto the pole at the other end and climb up it. Teleport onto the cable along the wall at the top and go to the other end. Teleport onto another pole and climb up it as well. Be wary as there may be drones at the top, slide down and teleport back to the cable if needed. At the top of the cable you're going to need to teleport to the rightmost conducting cable and do some jump teleports to avoid energy spheres as you cross the other two to the left. Teleport to a horizontal pole from the third. Teleport to another horizontal pole and onto to outer rail of another round area where the last power node is. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Go counterclockwise around the other rail to find the last tech under a Sentinel. Ignore the sentinels here. Attract the attention of one of the drones, lure it to the power sphere, and get away after it goes into self destruct mode. Head to the side opposite the node, teleport to the outer rail and then to the railing on the walkway that just opened. Jump onto the walkway to end the mission. Spend the points earned, perhaps on Health, Relocation, and Shadow Aura. Come back later to earn the last mutation on superhero. Nightcrawler has only one more mission, the sole mutation for which is only available on superhero. You could go back now to try his previous missions again on superhero before tackling his final mission. ========================== 4.13 Act 3: Part 3: Iceman ========================== -------------------------- 4.13.1 Master Mold Reactor -------------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-0, Hero-0, Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Get a feel for this level by trying it on Novice first. This will make it easier to get the pickups as well. You'll be racing against the clock during the first part of this mission. So you be boosting most of the way. Hazards to avoid are moving lasers, you'll need to aim for when the gaps will be when you get to them, red drones that hurt you if you get too close, and several sentinels which you can destroy be locking onto them and using Hailstorm. Avoid the lasers as you turn the first corner to the right. Lock onto the sentinel and destroy it with Hailstorms. Avoid the lasers in the slanted tunnel ahead. The tunnel turns left a bit and then right where there are more lasers to avoid. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) After the path curves right a way the first tech will be found where a string of red drones appears. These drone can hurt you if you're too close to them so get over to the right side quickly. There are more lasers around the turn the right and another batch of lasers where the path turns left. Destroy the sentinel and avoid two batches of lasers. Turn left and go through some more lasers. Keep right to avoid the string of drones during the right turn. There's another string as you go through the laser gauntlet, try to keep to the right for them as well. Destroy the sentinel at the end of the gauntlet. Turn left into area 2. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) Get the second tech near the floor in the wider portion ahead when the path jogs a bit the right, watch out for the drones. Avoid the laser and destroy the sentinel ahead. Keep right to avoid the drones in the turn to the right. Destroy the sentinel in this straightaway, and go through two batches of lasers. Turn to the left through an narrow tunnel. Avoid more lasers when the path widens again. Keep left to avoid the drones during the left turn past the lasers, although this means a sentinel on the right will take some potshot at you before you can destroy it. Keep to the bottom to avoid the next batch of drone. Destroy another sentinel ahead. Turn right through two more batches of lasers. Keep to the bottom center to avoid most of the damage from the parallel strings of drones on either sides, you may need to slow down a bit to avoid the two batches of lasers here. Destroy another sentinel as you turn to the left. Avoid two more sets of lasers and destroy another sentinel. Turn right. Thread the laser gauntlet into area 3 were two sentinels await. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Be sure to get the third tech floating in the center on the wider area at the beginning of area 3. Destroy the two sentinels as the path jogs to the right through two sets of lasers Turn right and then left. Destroy two sentinels in the laser gauntlet. Turn right again. Try to avoid the twin strings of drones (there isn't room between them, maybe to the right?) Destroy the two sentinels after a minor turn to the left. Turn right and destroy two more sentinels. Turn left into area 4. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Head straight through the drones to get the fourth tech. Turn left and then right to reach the final chamber. * CHECKPOINT * (Sentinel Tech 5/5) (Weapon X File) Head down in the reactor chamber to get both the final Sentinel Tech and the Weapon X File) Head back when you entered the chamber. Go around the chamber in either director. Skip the first nodes and then start destroy the nodes in sequences traveling below the electricity streams. When you destroy the last node, turn and go through the door beside you to end the level. Come back after earning the rest of the upgrades to complete the level on superhero to complete Iceman's mutations. You'll need to be more careful as the hazards do more damage at this difficulty. ================================ 4.14 Act 3: Part 4: Nightcrawler ================================ -------------------- 4.14.1 Telepurgatory -------------------- Mutations earned: Novice-0, Hero-0, Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Get a feel for this level by trying it on Novice first. Teleport behind the Demon and attack it. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) This tech is in the small area when you start. You should gather all of the tech and the weapon X file now before things become to hectic. You can see all of them from where you stand at the beginning. (Weapon X File) Face the rock wall and turn right. Teleport across two pillars and jump down to get the file. Teleport back across the pillars to get back to where you started. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) On the branch to the left of the rock wall I told you to face earlier. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Directly in front of you when you get the second tech. Teleport across some pillars to get there and then make your way back to the starting point. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Turn away from the rock wall at the starting point and teleport across a branch to another small area where you'll find the fourth tech. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Drop down to right of the fourth tech. This final tech is where you'll land. Head to one of the tall orange structure that are marked it white on you're map. Kill any demons that may be pestering you and heal up. Hit the structure a few time to bring down the shield to reveal an electrified memory bank. Several demons will materialize to protect the shield. Don't bother trying to fight them, they respawn ad infinitum. Just quickly teleport around to destroy the two guarding crystals marked on your radar. Note that you are able to use the teleport behind attack on the nodes which makes them easier to get to. Once they're destroy, you can deal with the demons, heal up, return to the memory bank, and interact with it to shut it down. Do the same with the last two memory banks, they will be four guardian crystal with the second and six with the third. You don't need to heal up for the third as the mission is complete when its disabled. Come back after earning the rest of the upgrades to complete the level on superhero to complete Nightcrawler's mutations. The same strategy will work but you'll need to be careful not to get double teamed by demons. ============================= 4.15 Act 3: Part 5: Wolverine ============================= ----------------- 4.15.1 Sabertooth ----------------- Mutations earned: Novice-0, Hero-0, Superhero-1. Minimum difficulty for 100%: Superhero Get a feel for this level by trying it on Novice first. This is the final battle against Sabretooth, and it will be quite a challenge. While on Novice you may be able to get away going toe to toe with him and entering fury mode as often as possible, on Superhero you'll need a better strategy, not to mention the rest of Wolverines upgrades, as well as a fair bit of luck. (Sentinel Tech 1/5) On the left side of the first area. (Sentinel Tech 2/5) On the right side of the first area. Work at Sabretooth with quick attack combo to raise you fury level. Block Sabertooth's attacks when you see him wind up. His rage meter rises as he takes damage. He'll heal some of his damage at the beginning of his rage. Keep attacking during his initial roar and block when he's about to attack. When he's in his rage block his attack, you'll still take damage but your fury meter will go up faster (or refill if your in fury mode). Enter fury mode when it becomes available, but remember to block his attacks to minimize the damage you take. You'll knock him down to the next level after he's gone through two rages and takes enough damage. Heal up before following him down. (Weapon X File) Visible to the back of the second area. (Sentinel Tech 3/5) Go to the right side of the second area. (Sentinel Tech 4/5) Come all the way forward into the screen. (Sentinel Tech 5/5) Go to the left side of the second area. Do this area the same as the first, except this time Sabretooth's second rage won't end. On the plus side he won't heal any more. Go into fury mode as soon as you can and just keep attacking and hope for the best. This worked for me after about 20 attempts on superhero, its may be a matter of timing of your final fury mode to coincide with his final rage. Come back after earning the rest of the upgrades to complete the level on superhero to complete Wolverine's mutations. The strategy provides is the one I used on Superhero. ****************************************************************************** 5. Cerebro Files ****************************************************************************** The Cerebro Files are locked by completing various tasks in the games. A danger room is unlocked by completing each of the three acts in the game. The costumes are unlocked by finding all on the sentinel files or Weapon X files on of the three characters. ================ 5.1 Danger Rooms ================ The danger rooms are bonus mission where you must get through a trail as quickly as possible. Each character has bonus missions. ------------------------- 5.1.1 Danger Room Iceman -------------------------- This bonus room is earned after completing Act 1. You'll objective here is to get through the obstacle course in 1:30. You'll want to boost most of the way, Turn left at the first corner. Keep for the check point ahead avoid the moving blocks, passing through these will knock a second off your time. Turn right and avoid more moving blocks as you go through the checkpoints. Watch out for the laser grid on the right side around the next left. Turn left again just past it. Avoid another moving block before the next left. Follow the checkpoint around a right hand turn ahead. Brake so there's time for the laser grid to turn off before proceeding. Follow the check points around another right turn. Go to the right of a laser grid and turn right, going to the left of another grid and right of the next one. Turn left and then right, avoiding the grids on the sides. There's a grid in the center at the next right, followed closely by a pair on either side and another in the center. Turn right just after them and then left, going over a grid and under the next one. Turn left, avoid the pillars and the grids to the sides. Avoid the flames on the right and turn to the left. Avoid more flames on the top and the bottom of this stretch. Turn left and avoid the flames on the right. Go under the obstacles and turn left. Make a couple of quick rights. Go under the grid and over the next. Turn right and avoid the grid to the center while making a quick left. Go between the grids and around another in the center. Turn left again avoiding the grid on the left side. Turn right going to the left of a grid and right of the next. Turn left again. Turn right and go through the grid if you have plenty of health to complete the course. You'll get a Fail if you took longer that 1:30, a pass for 1:01-1:30, and superb for 1:00 and under. There's no other reward. ---------------------------- 5.1.2 Danger Room Wolverine ---------------------------- This bonus room is earned after completing Act 2. You have 7:00 to get to the final of 4 rooms and to defeat the enemies in it. Stay off the red grids in the first room and stay away from the walls. What you need to do here is destroy the 4 generators when the shields lift on them. The order they're exposed is near left, far right, near right, and far left. Fight the enemies here only if they're in the way. Use the same tactics against them as in story mode. Go through the door into the second area once the four nodes are destroyed. There are six nodes in the second room. The order is rear right, front right, rear left, front left, middle right, middle left. Again deal with the enemies only if they're in the way. Go into the third room are all six nodes are destroyed. There are four nodes in this room. They're expose in this order: Front Right, Rear Right, Rear Left, Front Left. Go into the final room after destroy the last of the nodes. You'll need to defeat all of the enemies here, using the same tactics as story mode. The trial is complete after destroying all of them. Use fury mode when available to get through the enemies faster as heal some of your damage. You'll know you're on the last wave when 6 ninjas appear, hopefully you'll have a fury ready for them. You'll get a Fail if you take longer that 7:00, a pass for 6:01-7:00, and Superb for 6:00 or under. ------------------------------- 5.1.3 Danger Room Nightcrawler ------------------------------- This bonus room is earned after completing Act 3. This is the hardest danger room to get a pass on, there's no margin for error to allow for healing so it's critical that you avoid taking damage. You'll be going through a series of halls with electrifying floors. In the first hall all you need to do is perform running jumps across the safe platforms to reach the other side. The next hall is around a left turn. Teleport to one of the closest rails, jump teleport to the rail on the right and run along it. Jump teleport the the rail on the ledge and run to the end to jump off on the other side. Turn right to get to the third hall. Wait for the flame to turn off and quickly do four jump teleports to get across the hall. Turn left to get to the fourth hall. Teleport onto the rail. Jump teleport across three poles. Jump onto the same platform by the third pole and jump to the end of the all. Turn left to the fifth hall. Teleport onto a rail. Jump teleport onto the rail to the right. Run to its end and jump teleport to the rail in the distance on the left. Jump off its end to the other end of the hall. Turn right to the sixth hall. Do a running jump to the safe platform. Time a wall run (jump on the grid on the wall) to the next platform when the flames on the left are off. Do the same with the flames on the right to the next platform. Do a running jump to the falling platform and quickly jump to the end of the hall. Turn right to the seventh hall. Jump your way along the falling platforms to the other side. Turn left to the eighth hall. Jump to the safe platform. Time a wall run when the flames on the left are off. Time a wall run when the flames on the right are off. Jump teleport from the end to a pole on the left and jump to the end of the hall. Turn left to the ninth hall. Teleport onto one of the rail and run along it, doing jump teleports after the electric sphere. Jump off to the other side of the hall at the other side. Turn right to the tenth hall. Wait for the flames to turn off and quickly teleport across for bars jumping off at the other end of the hall. Turn right to the eleventh hall. Teleport onto the rail to the right. Teleport on to the rail over the brazier and jump teleport over the flames. Jump teleport from the end of the rail behind the flames on the rail to the left and jump from the end to the other side of the hall. Turn left to the next hall. Jump across the falling platforms. You'll need to do a jump to the side to allow time for the laser grids to turn off. Turn left to the next hall. Here you'll need to jump teleport across a series of poles when the laser grids go down to get to the end of the course. You earn a fail if you took longer that 2:00, a pass is 1:31-2:00 and Superb is 1:30. ============ 5.2 Costumes ============ There are two bonus costumes for each of the characters: Street Clothes, which is earned by finding all of the Weapon X files as that character, and Comic Costumes, which are earned by finding all of the Sentinel Tech as that character. ****************************************************************************** 6. Xbox 360 Achievements ****************************************************************************** There are 16 achievements in this game worth a total of 1000 gamerpoints. Xavier Institute 0 Points Complete Wolverine's tutorial mission Xavier Institute 0 Points Complete Icemans's tutorial mission Xavier Institute 0 Points Complete Nightcrawels's tutorial mission Danger Room 20 Points Complete all missions in Act 1 Danger Room 30 Points Complete all missions in Act 2 Danger Room 20 Points Complete all missions in Act 3 Secret Identity 110 Points Collect all of the Weapon X Files as Wolverine Secret Identity 70 Points Collect all of the Weapon X Files as Iceman Secret Identity 80 Points Collect all of the Weapon X Files as Nightcrawler Champion 110 Points Collect all of the Sentinel Tech as Wolverine Champion 70 Points Collect all of the Sentinel Tech as Iceman Champion 80 Points Collect all of the Sentinel Tech as Nightcrawler Evolution 120 Points Each all 25 of Wolverine's Genetic Evolutions. Evolution 125 Points Each all 25 of Icemans's Genetic Evolutions. Evolution 125 Points Each all 25 of Nightcrawler's Genetic Evolutions. X-Men 50 Points Get the rest of the achievements. ****************************************************************************** 7. LEGAL ****************************************************************************** This document is Copyright 2006 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Permission to host this document is given to the following: GameFAQs IGN achieve360points.com Sites that DO NOT have permission and never will: fuska.nu cheats.de CheatCC.com cheatindex.com supercheats.de This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission, except GameFaqs, IGN and achieve360points.com. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ****************************************************************************** 8. Contact Information ****************************************************************************** For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email: mystic.weirdo [at] gmail.com The most recent version of this guide will be on www.gamefaqs.com. Please check there before contacting me with additions/corrections. Please include X-Men FAQ in the subject of any email regarding this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** 9. Credits ****************************************************************************** Thanks go to the following: Activision and Marvel Entertainment Inc., for making this game. The following sites for hosting this FAQ: GameFAQs IGN achieve360points.com Thanks to the following for providing corrections: Jaden (extensive proofreading of the information in the 0.40 version) ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************