******************************************************************************* Game Name: XGRA (Extreme-G Racing Association) Platform: Xbox/Gamecube/PS2 Faq Version 1.0 By Gary Ireland GameFaqs Tag: QATester Email: g_e_ireland@yahoo.com.au Date: 29/10/2003 ***************** TABLE OF CONTENTS ***************** 1) Introduction 1a) Version History 2) Controls 3) To Begin 4) The Menu 5) Season 2080 5a) Invitation Class 5b) Sub Sonic 5b.1) Fobos All Stars 5b.2) Inoca Burn Off 5b.3) Twilight All Weather 5b.4) Jentor Pure Race 5b.5) Denser Exotic 5b.6) Fobos Destruction 5c) Sonic 5c.1) Heel Burn Off 5c.2) Inoca Ex Weather 5c.3) Jentor Endurance 5c.4) Patriot Fall out 5d) Super Sonic 5d.1) Fobos Championship 5d.2) Twilight Endurance 5d.3) Jentor Ex Weather 5e) Ultra Sonic 5e.1) XGRA Global 6) Courses 7) Characters 8) Bikes 9) Secondary Weapons 10) Race Types 11) Contracts 12) Contract Rewards 13) Copyright *************** 1) INTRODUCTION *************** Welcome to the future. It is the year 2080 and extreme racing is here to stay. This the 4th title in the futuristic Extreme-G Racing games. The first 2 appeared on the Nintendo 64 and number 3 appeared on the Playstation 2. XGRA is available on all 3 next generation consoles. From the reviews I have read about this game, they are all the same on each system apart from the load times and a few graphical touches. The version this FAQ is based on is the X-box. It would have been the Gamecube version, but it isn't available in Australia as yet. As I beat this game in just under 5 hours in my first sitting, I am going back through it again writing this FAQ and trying to better my score as I only beat the required overall points by 12, which is cutting it a little fine to say the least. Overall it is a fun game, and if you don't think it's fast in the first few classes wait till the last one, your always breaking the sound barrier and on these courses, it makes it one bumpy ride. ******************* 1a) VERSION HISTORY ******************* 29/10/2003 1.0 - Finished FAQ and submitted final version. 27/10/2003 0.9 - Completed 'The Menu' Spell check and general layout cleaned up. 25/10/2003 0.8 - Completed :Race Types :Contracts :Contract Rewards 24/10/2003 0.7 - Completed :Courses :Characters :Bikes :Secondary Weapons 22/10/2003 0.5 - Completed Ultra Sonic 21/10/2003 0.3 - Completed Sub Sonic Class - Started/Completed Sonic Class - Started/Completed Super Sonic Class - Started Ultra Sonic 20/10/2003 0.1 - Set up layout of FAQ - Completed Invitation Class - Started Sub Sonic Class *********** 2) CONTROLS *********** Left + Right - Steer Up + Down - Control the weapon targeting L Trigger - Air Brake R Trigger - Accelerate A - Fire Primary Weapon B - Set and Fire Secondary Weapon X - Cancel/Discard Secondary Weapon Y - Change View Start - Pause The controls should be basically identical on the other consoles I'm assuming as all the controllers have the basic set of buttons. On the PS2, the only difference would be: A = X B = Circle X = Square Y = Triangle *********** 3) TO BEGIN *********** Step 1: Select New Profile or Load Profile if you have previously played. Step 2: Enter your name. Use left and right to move the cursor and up and down to enter your name. Step 3: Select your music type. Dance/Rock/Mix Step 4: The game will now create a save game file. *********** 4) THE MENU *********** 1. Season 2080: This is the main part of the game. You goal is to make enough points to progress through the classes to beat the game. 2. Arcade : Up to 4 players can race in this mode. As you unlock courses and race types, they will become available here. 3. Time Trial : Race the courses with no other bikes and try to beat course times. 4. Gallery : This opens up as you complete contracts in the game. It has screen shots and drawings of XGRA in the making. 5. Options : This is where you find the standard stuff, music, sound and controller options to play with. ************** 5) SEASON 2080 ************** To begin the Career Mode, select "NEW CAREER". Select your driver. Welcome to 2080!!!! On the pre-race screen you will have these options. RACE : This takes you to the race. WORKSHOP: This allows you to adjust the "Down Force", "Ride Height" and "Airbrake Power" of the bike. Use the sliders to adjust each option. SAVE : Can save the current progress of the game. If you save and turn off the machine, it will begin back here. QUIT : Quits out of the championship ******************** 5a) INVITATION CLASS ******************** To progress onto the next class you require 12 points. Point System - Invitation Class 1st - 10 2nd - 8 3rd - 6 4th - 4 5th - 3 6th - 2 7th - 1 8th - 0 The courses you will be racing are: Vostok Peaks Mining Dome Recator These will all be run over the course of 2 Laps. RACE 1 of 3 Conditions: Normal Track: Vostok Peaks Race Weather: Overcast Contract: None RACE 2 of 3 Conditions: Normal Track: Mining Dome Race Weather: No Weather Contract: None RACE 3 of 3 Conditions: Normal Track: Reactor Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: None Overall Points. The points you earn from each race go to your overall total. These points continue into each class, so it helps if you do well early on as you will need the points for the later faster classes. Congratulations you have now opened Sub Sonic Class. As a reward you get the following tracks. CLASS REWARD: Anomaly 17 Hellas Ridge Dunroths Folly Scavenger City Mining Dome ************* 5b) SUB SONIC ************* To progress onto the next class you require 192 points. Unlike the first class, you now can choose which bike you want to race. Each bike has slightly different handling and different primary weapons. You now have the option of racing 6 different types of races. Each group of races has its own rules. You can race them in any order. With this new class, it also introduces the Contract system. On each of the races there is a secondary goal then just finishing first. Complete enough of the contracts and the team rewards you with extra weapons and gallery pictures. Note: Where it says a person to beat or a sign to destroy, these are based on if you use the "Palus Team" bike as each team has different bikes they want you to destroy. 1. Fobos All Stars 2. Inoca Burn Off 3. Twilight All Weather 4. Jentor Pure Race 5. Denser Exotic 6. Fobos Destruction Point System - Sub Sonic Class 1st - 20 2nd - 16 3rd - 12 4th - 8 5th - 6 6th - 4 7th - 2 8th - 0 ******************** 5b.1 Fobos All Stars ******************** Each of these races will be 2 Laps and will be using the "Speed Limited" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Dunroths Folly Anomaly 17 Reactor RACE 1 of 3 Conditions: Speed Limited Track: Dunroths Folly Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Beat 3 Bikes RACE 2 of 3 Conditions: Speed Limited Track: Anomaly 17 Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat Gekko in the Race RACE 3 of 3 Conditions: Speed Limited Track: Reactor Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Get a best lap time. Lap time required: 1:43:00 If you have successfully completed any of the contracts you will get rewards. See section "11) Contract Rewards" for more information as to what you can unlock. ******************** 5b.2) Inoca Burn Off ******************** Each of these races will be 1 Lap and will be using the "Burn Off" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Scavenger City Mining Dome Vostok Peaks RACE 1 of 3 Conditions: Burn off Track: Scavenger City Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Get a best lap time Lap time required: 1:07:00 RACE 2 of 3 Conditions: Burn off Track: Mining City Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat 3 Bikes RACE 3 of 3 Conditions: Burn off Track: Vostok Peak (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Reach a high speed of 690 MPH ************************* 5b.3 Twilight All Weather ************************* Each of these races will be 2 Laps and will be using the "Extreme Weather" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Hellas Ridge Dunroths Folly Torre Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Hellas Ridge Race Weather: Dust Storms Contract: Destroy 2 bikes Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Dunroths Folly (Night) Race Weather: Heavy Rain Contract: Beat 4 bikes Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Torre Race Weather: Heavy Rain Contract: Destroy 4 Scarecrow sponsorship boards ********************* 5b.4 Jentor Pure Race ********************* Each of these races will be 2 Laps and will be using the "Peace Keeper" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Anomaly 19 Vostok Coast Anomaly 17 Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: Anomaly 19 Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat the Scarecrow rider Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: Vostok Coast Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Get a best lap Lap time required: 1:07:00 Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: Anomaly 17 Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat Gekko in the Race ****************** 5b.5 Denser Exotic ****************** Each of these races will be 3 Laps and will be using the "Endurance" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Scavenger City E.R.F Unit Vostok Coast Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Endurance Track: Scavenger City (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Beat the Scarecrow rider Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Endurance Track: E.R.F (Unit) Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Destroy 3 Scarecrow sponsorship boards Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Endurance Track: Vostok Coast (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Beat 4 bikes ********************** 5b.6 Fobos Destruction ********************** Each of these races will be 2 Laps and will be using the "Warmonger" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Arabian Rift E.R.F Unit Dunroths Rift Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Warmonger Track: Arabian Ridge Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy Gekko Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Warmonger Track: E.R.F Unit Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Kill at least one rider Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Warmonger Track: Dunroths Rift Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy the Scarecrow Rider Congratulations you have now opened Sonic Class. As a reward you get the following tracks. CLASS REWARD: Anomaly 19 Vostok Coast Torre ********* 5c) SONIC ********* To progress onto the next class you require 408 points. You now have the option of racing 4 different types of races. Each group of races has its own rules. You can race them in any order. 1. Heel Burn Off 2. Inoca Ex Weather 3. Jentor Endurance 4. Patriot Fall out Point System - Sonic Class 1st - 30 2nd - 24 3rd - 18 4th - 12 5th - 9 6th - 6 7th - 3 8th - 0 ****************** 5c.1 Heel Burn off ****************** Each of these races will be 2 Laps and will be using the "Burn Off" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Torre Anomaly 19 Mining Dome Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Burn Off Track: Torre (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Get a record race time. Race time required: 3:47:00 Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Burn Off Track: Anomaly 19 Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Reach a speed of at least 800MPH Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Burn Off Track: Mining Dome Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Get a best lap time Lap time required: 1:15:00 2. Inoca Ex Weather ********************* 5c.2 Inoca Ex Weather ********************* Each of these races will be 3 Laps and will be using the "Extreme Weather" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Dunroths Rift Reactor Arabian Ridge Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Dunroths Rift (Night) Race Weather: Heavy Rain Contract: Destroy 4 Scarecrow sponsorship boards Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Reactor Race Weather: Heavy Rain Contract: Beat 5 Bikes Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Arabian Ridge Race Weather: Storm Contract: Beat Gekko in the Race 3. Jentor Endurance ********************** 5c.3) Jentor Endurance ********************** Each of these races will be 4 Laps and will be using the "Endurance" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Outlands Anomaly 17 Hellas Ridge Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Endurance Track: Outlands (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy Gekko Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Endurance Track: Anomaly 17 Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat Gekko in the Race Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Endurance Track: Hellas Ridge (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Get a best lap time Lap time required: 1:32:00 ********************** 5c.4) Patriot Fall out ********************** Each of these races will be 3 Laps and will be using the "Warmonger" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Arabian Ridge Vostok Coast Torre Race 1 of 3 Conditions: Warmonger Track: Arabian Ridge Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy 4 Scarecrow sponsorship boards Race 2 of 3 Conditions: Warmonger Track: Vostok Coast (night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Kill at least 2 riders Race 3 of 3 Conditions: Warmonger Track: Torre Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy the Scarecrow rider Congratulations you have now opened Super Sonic Class. As a reward you get the following tracks. CLASS REWARD: E.R.F Unit Arabian Ridge Dunroths Rift *************** 5d) SUPER SONIC *************** To progress onto the next class you require 792 points. You now have the option of racing 3 different types of races. Each group of races has its own rules. You can race them in any order. 1. Fobos Championship 2. Twilight Endurance 3. Jentor Ex Weather Point System - Super Sonic Class 1st - 40 2nd - 32 3rd - 24 4th - 16 5th - 12 6th - 8 7th - 4 8th - 0 ************************ 5d.1) Fobos Championship ************************ Each of these races will be 3 Laps and will be using the "Peace Keeper" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: E.R.F Unit Scavenger City Dunroths Folly Anomaly 19 Race 1 of 4 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: E.R.F Unit Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat Gekko in the race. Race 2 of 4 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: Scavenger City Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Reach a speed of at least 655MPH Race 3 of 4 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: Dunroths Folly Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Beat Gekko in the race. Race 4 of 4 Conditions: Peace Keeper Track: Anomaly 19 Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Get a best lap Lap time required: 1:36:00 ************************ 5d.2) Twilight Endurance ************************ Each of these races will be 4 Laps and will be using the "Endurance" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Vostok Peaks Dunroths Rift Mining Dome Hellas Ridge Race 1 of 4 Conditions: Endurance Track: Vostok Peaks Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy 5 Scarecrow sponsorship boards Race 2 of 4 Conditions: Endurance Track: Dunroths Peak (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Kill at least 3 riders Race 3 of 4 Conditions: Endurance Track: Mining Dome Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Destroy the Scarecrow rider Race 4 of 4 Conditions: Endurance Track: Hellas Ridge Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy Gekko ************************ 5d.3) Jentor Ex Weather ************************ Each of these races will be 3 Laps and will be using the "Weather Challenge" racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Outlands Vostok Coast Reactor Arabian Ridge (Even though it says Outlands on the first screen) BUG!!!! Race 1 of 4 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Outlands Race Weather: Heavy Rain Contract: Beat 6 bikes Race 2 of 4 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Vostok Coast (Night) Race Weather: Snow Contract: Get a record race time Race time required: 4:38:00 Race 3 of 4 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Reactor (Night) Race Weather: Heavy Rain Contract: Reach a speed of at least 800 MPH Race 4 of 4 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Arabian Ridge Race Weather: Storm Contract: Beat Gekko in the race. Congratulations you have now opened Ultra Sonic Class. As a reward you get the following tracks. CLASS REWARD: Outlands *************** 5e) ULTRA SONIC *************** To complete the game you require 1142 points. There is only one league in Ultra Sonic. You now have the option of racing 7 different types of races. You can race them in any order. 1. Vostok Peaks - Extreme 2. Mining Dome - Endurance 3. Outlands - Normal 4. Dunroths Rift - Burn Off 5. Torre - Speed Limited 6. Anomaly 19 - Normal (Even though it says Peace Keeper) BUG!!! 7. Arabian Ridge - Normal Point System - Ultra Sonic Class 1st - 50 2nd - 40 3rd - 30 4th - 20 5th - 15 6th - 10 7th - 5 8th - 0 ***************** 5e.1) XGRA GLOBAL ***************** Each of these races will be 4 Laps and will be using the one of each type of racing conditions. The courses you will be racing are: Race 1 of 7 Conditions: Extreme Weather Track: Vostok Peaks (Night) Race Weather: Snow Contract: Destroy 6 scarecrow sponsorship boards Race 2 of 7 Conditions: Endurance Track: Mining Dome Race Weather: No Weather Contract: Beat Gekko in the race. Race 3 of 7 Conditions: Normal Track: Outlands Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Win the Race. Race 4 of 7 (3 Laps) Conditions: Burn Off Track: Dunroths Rift Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Beat Gekko in the race. Race 5 of 7 Conditions: Speed Limited Track: Torre (Night) Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Destroy Gekko Race 6 of 7 Conditions: Normal Track: Anomaly 19 Race Weather: No weather Contract: Get a best lap time. Race time required:129 Race 7 of 7 Conditions: Normal Track: Arabian Ridge Race Weather: Clear Skies Contract: Kill at least 4 riders. "Congratulations Game Complete". This is all it says after you have gone through all those races. ********** 6) COURSES ********** The courses are split into areas, each area has 2 tracks. Deep Space E.R.F Station ------------------------ Track 1 : Mining Dome Circuit Location: Asteroid in the Erika Division Distance: 8.9 km Track 2 : E.R.F Unit Circuit Location: Asteroid in the Erika Division Distance: 8.5 km Scavenger City -------------- Track 1 : City Circuit Location: Sea of Okhotak Distance: 7 km Track 2 : Outlands Circuit Location: Sea of Okhotak Distance: 9.1 Vostok ------ Track 1 : Vostok Peaks Location: Southern Indian Ocean Distance: 11.8 km Track 2 : Vostok Costal Location: Southern Indian Ocean Distance: 10 km Santarem -------- Track 1 : Reactor Circuit Location: Amazon Basin Distance: 7.8 km Track 2 : Torre Circuit Location: Amazon Basin Distance: 10.9 km Deep Sea Anomaly ---------------- Track 1 : Anomaly 17 Location: North Atlantic Ocean Distance: 8.3 km Track 2 : Anomaly 19 Location: North Atlantic Ocean Distance: 12.1 km Dunroth ------- Track 1 : Dunroth Folly Location: Columbia Distance: 10.4 km Track 2 : Dunroth Rift Location: Columbia Distance: 10.7 km Araxes ------ Track 1 : Arabian Ridge Location: Araxes Tholus Mars Distance: 11.2 km Track 2 : Hellos Ridge Location: Araxes Tholus Mars Distance: 9.1 km ************* 7) CHARACTERS ************* There are 9 characters in the game, these are descriptions of the characters from the manual of the game. NAME : Gekko AGE : 19 HEIGHT : 5ft 9in HAIR : Spiky EYE COLOUR : Blue SEX : Male BIRTH PLACE: Neo Tokyo, Japan HOBBIES : Street racing GOALS : To win the XGRA for the honour of NEO Japan. NAME : Inferno AGE : Unknown HEIGHT : 6ft 3in HAIR : None EYE COLOUR : Yellow SEX : Male BIRTH PLACE: Unknown HOBBIES : Demolition GOALS : To gain enough exposure by winning an XGRA championship to tell the world of the injustices done to him. NAME : Jesuit AGE : 19 HEIGHT : 5ft 11in HAIR : Black EYE COLOUR : Brown SEX : Male BIRTH PLACE: Nu Los Angeles, USA HOBBIES : Gang cyber bike racing GOALS : To prove to NU L.A. that he is the number one rider on the planet. NAME : Mark IV AGE : Unknown HEIGHT : 6ft HAIR : N/A EYE COLOUR : Red SEX : N/A BIRTH PLACE: Neo Tokyo, Japan HOBBIES : Taking part in Hunter TV Games GOALS : To ruin Jakar's career. NAME : Katerina AGE : 21 HEIGHT : 5ft 9in HAIR : Female EYE COLOUR : Blue SEX : Female BIRTH PLACE: Murmasnsk, Russia HOBBIES : Military Strategy GOALS : Exceed her grandfather's own ambition and win the world championship of the greatest sport known to man. NAME : Romulus AGE : 29 HEIGHT : 5ft 9in HAIR : N/A EYE COLOUR : Brown SEX : Male BIRTH PLACE: South Africa HOBBIES : Computer system hacking, technology GOALS : To earn enough money to set up his own technology company, specialising in security system hacking. NAME : Diva Phalon AGE : 22 HEIGHT : 6ft HAIR : Yes EYE COLOUR : Green SEX : Female BIRTH PLACE: Monstegur, France HOBBIES : Dancing and Singing GOALS : To gain exposure through the XGRA in order to further her modelling career. NAME : Jakar AGE : 29 HEIGHT : 6ft HAIR : Black EYE COLOUR : Brown SEX : Female BIRTH PLACE: Cheltenham, United Kingdom HOBBIES : Racing and tuning vehicles GOALS : To win all major motor sport championships. NAME : Barry Elson AGE : 29 HEIGHT : 5ft 9in HAIR : Oily Brown EYE COLOUR : Grey SEX : Male BIRTH PLACE: Austin, Texas HOBBIES : Visiting strip joints and building vehicles GOALS : To win his third championship as a Pit Chief. ******** 8) BIKES ******** There are 8 bikes in the game. Some unlock the further you progress in the game. Name : Terranova Weapon : Cannons Sponsor : Fobos Handling: Powerslide Name : Vixen Weapon : Energy Weapon Sponsor : Inoca Handling: Tight Name : Palus Weapon : Bombs Sponsor : Twilight Handling: Hybrid Name : Starcom Weapon : Electrical Sponsor : Denser Handling: Tight Name : Talon Weapon : Cannons Sponsor : Heel Handling: Tight Name : Manta Weapon : Energy Weapons Sponsor : Jentor Handling: Hybrid Name : Scarecrow Weapon : Rockets Sponsor : Patriot Handling: Hybrid Name : Templar Racing Weapon : Rockets Sponsor : Phase One Handling: Tight ******************** 9) SECONDARY WEAPONS ******************** At the start the game you have 4 weapons (1-4), but as you progress and complete contracts you unlock more weapons to use on the other bikes. 1. Vampyre : Sucks the energy off other races. 2. Mines : Drops mines behind the bike. 3. Accelerator : Increases the speed of the bike when going over speed pads. 4. Invincible : You can't damage for a short period of time. 5. Rapier : A laser protrudes from either side of the bike. 6. Ammo : Refills your ammo to full 7. Shield : Refills your shield to full 8. Double Hit : Doubles the damage of the primary weapon 9. Overlord : Produces a wall that damages any bike it hits 10. Daethstrike: Death from above, destroys any bike in one hit ************** 10) RACE TYPES ************** There are 7 race types you will encounter through the Season 2080. Once you complete a type you will have access to it in the time trials and arcade options. 1. Normal : This is a typical race with no restriction on conditions. 2. Endurance : This adds 1 lap to normal amount of laps for that class. 3. Peacekeeper : No weapons are allowed in this type. 4. Speed Limited : You can't use the speed ups or secondary weapon 'accelerate'. 5. Extreme Weather: You are bombarded by different types of weather effects. 6. Burn off : This reduces the number of laps you have to complete. 7. Warmonger : Turrets are added to the courses, but they can be destroyed. ************* 11) CONTRACTS ************* 1. Beat X Riders : Be ahead of the number of riders stated to claim the contract. 2. Beat X in the race: Be ahead of the character mentioned to claim the contract. The rider will be the one with the "Red Arrow" above them. 3. Best Lap Time : Complete one of the laps under the specified time. 4. Best Course Time : Beat the course in under the specified time. 5. Reach a high speed of xxx MPH : Break the speed mentioned to get the contact. 6. Destroy X bikes : Destroy the number bikes mentioned to get the contract. 7. Destroy x xxxx sponsorship boards: Destroy a certain number of a type of sponsorship board to get the contract. ******************** 12) CONTRACT REWARDS ******************** Gallery ------- 1. You may now view characters in the gallery 2. You may now view tracks in the gallery 3. You may now view bikes in the gallery 4. You may now view addition material in the gallery Secondary Weapon ---------------- 1. Secondary Weapon Full Ammo 2. Secondary Weapon Rapier 3. Secondary Weapon Full Shields 4. Secondary Weapon Double Hit 5. Secondary Weapon OverLord 6. Secondary Weapon Deathstrike Regeneration ------------ 1. A new regeneration node, onboard battery systems have been flashed. Once you have earned all the gallery and secondary weapons, this is the only reward you will get for completing contracts. Even though it is good having faster regeneration on shields and weapons, later on you might be better going for 1st or 2nd to get the points to complete the game. ************* 13) COPYRIGHT ************* Copyright 2003, Gary Ireland This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Sites: www.gamefaqs.com *******************************************************************************