XIII (PS2 Version) Enemy/Boss Guide By Save Some FACE -----~-----~-----~ 1. Introduction -----~-----~-----~ Hello, welcome to my sixth guide, this one is an Enemy and Boss guide for XIII. Whether you’re stuck on a certain boss or just looking for an interesting read, this guide will help you either way. XIII really amazed my young self. I was really wowed by the story and the game’s ending remains the best I have ever seen. While it pales in comparison to Timesplitters and co., this is still a decent first-person shooter that is well worth a look if you see it pretty cheap. Also, this guide contains SPOILERS, mainly for the boss section. I have covered up the conspirators’ names in the Contents, but I will not do this when I come to describe them. Caution advised if you have not completed the game. -----~-----~ 2. Contents -----~-----~ 1. Introduction 2. Contents 3. Legal Information 4. Version History 5. Enemies -5a. Friendlies -5b. Mongoose Thugs -5c. Navymen -5d. SPADS -5e. The Conspiracy 6. Bosses -6a. The Assassin -6b. Last Stand -6c. Shack Showdown -6d. The Madman -6e. Number XX -6f. Number XI -6g. Number VII -6h. The Helicopter -6i. Number IX -6j. Number V -6k. Conspiracy Showdown -6l. Number III -6m. SPADS Showdown -6n. Final Boss 7. Credits 8. Outroduction -----~-----~-----~-----~ 3. Legal Information -----~-----~-----~-----~ This guide is Copyright (C) 2006-7 Save Some FACE. You can use this guide for your own or others’ personal use, copy and paste it, and print it out, even use it on your own website as long as you acknowledge that I am indeed the author of this work. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademarks and copyright holders. -----~-----~-----~ 4. Version History -----~-----~-----~ 1st March 2007 – Version 0.25 - Started the FAQ. Completed Introduction, Contents, Legal Information, and the Friendlies section of the Enemies. 2nd March 2007 – Version 0.31 – Completed the Mongoose Thugs section of the Enemies. Started the SPADS section. 8th March 2007 – Version 0.50 – Completed the whole enemies section, and did the first four bosses. 9th March 2007 – Version 1.00 – Completed the guide. -----~-----~ 5. Enemies -----~-----~ The enemies form the bulk of the gameplay within XIII. You will spend most of your time and get most of your entertainment from shooting and murdering these guys. Some of them are unfortunate fellows, having their bodies broken, burnt, wrecked, and generally mutilated by your bullets, crossbow bolts, knives, or rockets. There are four main types of enemy, which I have categorised for your easy reading. There are multiple enemies in each category, all of which are listed and any special strategies to defeat them are included. Basic information concerning each category will also be placed at the start of said category. Let’s go then! O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O 5a. Friendlies O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O These are people that, though hostile to you, should not be killed; only ‘neutralized’ as the game puts it. If you do kill them, the game will end because even though they can shoot at you thinking you’re a bad guy, you know what you doing and only the stupidest of players will not realise it’s not in your best interests to kill FBI Agents and the like. To ‘neutralize’ the enemies, you must not use guns at all. You should physically throw objects (not knives though!) or use your fists. If you’re a decent player, you can use a manoeuvre called the judo chop from behind, which is one hit knock-out. That’s badass. Last but not least, you can also take these people hostage, though that’s not recommended except for one part of the game where you are prompted to do so. To do that, press X from behind to grab them, maybe take your gun out for added effect. You can press X again to knock them out, and from there you can pick up their unconscious bodies though that won’t do you much good! O~O~O~O~O Citizens O~O~O~O~O Appearance - Varies These people only appear in the bank level and hardly get in your way. They are actually not hostile to you (though perhaps a bit rude), and you generally shouldn’t attack them with your fists unless absolutely necessary. To shoot them is murder in cold blood. O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Police Officers O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, Beige Shirt, Brown Pants and Hat The arm of the law isn’t very long in XIII. These guys are generally only armed with 9mms and .44 Specials, and because you’re a skilful young fellow, you can dodge in and weave out before delivering a few choice punches to the face. Or you can just hit them with a chair…Or judo chop…Or use a hostage…Just don’t kill them! O~O~O~O~O~O~O FBI Officers O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, Blue jacket with yellow FBI lettering on back, Blue Jeans, sometimes a blue hat These guys are very similar to the Police Officers, with the same weapons. Some of them are even cowards, although most will act hostile to you if the Mongoose’s thugs don’t kill them first. After all, you are their prisoner. The usual neutralization methods apply – fists to the face, just no bullets. O~O~O~O~O Soldiers O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, Green military uniform The G.I. men are slightly harder. They all carry Assault Rifles, and if threatened, will not hesitate to use them. Usually, however, if they spot you (they only appear in the final levels), they will run to the nearest alarm, shouting along the way. If they press it, it’s game over for you. So, considering there’s quite a few of them as they are protecting a military base, the best tactic is to use weapons such as chairs and brooms to knock them out instantly – just rush them, hopefully you’ll hit them before they get a chance to react, let alone run. If you’ve been spotted accidentally or botched your physical blows, then immediately chase after the soldier – it doesn’t matter who sees you, this guy is your priority – and attempt to judo chop him as he will have his back to you when pressing the alarm. If you can get some punches in on the way then your chances will be improved, but try not to panic if he does run because your judo chop will never fail you. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O 5b. Mongoose Thugs O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O These are mercenaries working for the Conspiracy’s assassin, The Mongoose. They’re unpleasant men who aren’t afraid to kill anyone in the way of their target or objective. However, other than their ruthlessness, they are mainly amateurs having had no military training, or teamwork training. Despite them dogging you for most of the first half of the game, they never seem to improve and are only a threat in numbers. Their ranks are varied, but you can be assured you can kill every last one, as they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same to you. O~O~O~O~O~O Denim Thug O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, wears the latest light blue denim fashion, also has blond hair This guy has a vicious streak in him, even for a common thug, and often carries a Shotgun. He seems to have fairly high accuracy, but other than that, he poses no threat. Okay, he doesn’t have ‘fairly high accuracy’, everyone has the same accuracy, I was just looking for something to say, alright? O~O~O~O~O~O Orange Thug O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Black, bald, wears large orange jacket and green pants A particularly taunting thug, this guy has a little more health and takes more time to take down than the average hooligan, but he’s all bark and no bite, really. Welcome to Kansas, Dorothy!? O~O~O~O~O Chav Thug O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, wears black hat, orange jacket This guy thinks he’s something, but is probably the most average thug around. He’s entirely inconspicuous and not at all noticeable, except perhaps when you examine his badly shot up body. Oh yeah, it’s the Chav Thug. What do you do again? O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Environmentally-Minded Thug O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, wears purple shirt with recycle symbol on it The most sensible and tame thug around, and for the same reason he only appears once in the first level. This guy uses knives because bullets may chip the nearby cliffs, or something, and he is also something of an acrobat. Unfortunately, environmental campaigners deserve about as much sympathy as a rabid dog would give your cat, so waste no time in killing him. O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Four-Eyes Thug O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, wears green jacket and beige trousers, brown mushroom cut and, obviously, glasses Appears as The Assassin in the first level, but from then on is relegated to basic thug with a fetish for shotguns. He’s the guy everyone pushed around and dunked sour milk on in high school, or something. Feel free to taunt him with these childhood memories as you blast him up. O~O~O~O~O~O~O Bearded Thug O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, green jacket, light blond hair and beard Not badass at all, though he thinks he is because he’s often a sniper. Grandpa’s…just basic. You don’t see him that much, to be honest. Here goes text text text. Doobdedoo. Yeah, he doesn’t take much to defeat. O~O~O~O~O Cape Thug O~O~O~O~O Appearance – Caucasian, long black hair and slight beard, wears distinctive brown/green cape Yeah this guy is badass; a cape makes you badass automatically. But he’s pretty average as are all the Mongoose thugs, I just feel like listing them all so you can see who they all are. Is that all the Mongoose thugs done? I think so. Like you needed to know all that. O~~~~~O~~~~~O 5c. Navymen O~~~~~O~~~~~O These appear in the harbour and submarine levels. While lacking in the health department, they’re fast, acrobatic guys and can do fair damage if you’re not ready. Also, one of the levels in which they appear is a stealth level – treat them as you would like a Soldier in this, as that is what they are equal to – only lacking in the gun and health department. O~O~O~O Sailor O~O~O~O Appearance: White hat and shirt, blue striped trousers The Sailor is not at all dangerous. In fact, a quick burst from an Assault Rifle or Miniguns will put a quick end to his hopeless life. Hapless, foolish, and practically paralytic, the only time you should fear the Sailor is in the stealth levels, where they have an annoying habit of popping up out of nowhere to conveniently spot your ass. They’re bad fighters and pretty much nothing to worry about when it’s time to get your guns out though. O~O~O~O~O~O~O Navy Soldier O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance: Blue navy uniform with matching hat A more accomplished fighter, this guy is actually a guard of the submarine and often has an Assault Rifle that he is fairly accurate with. His health though, is not something to write home about. Much like the Sailor, he can be taken out with a short burst from the rifle. If they’re in groups, take cover or just blast your way through quickly and effectively. O~O~O Diver O~O~O Appearance: Dark blue gimp, with a yellow oxygen tank The only enemy in the game to use the Harpoon Gun. So why not use your harpoon gun on them? It can take them out in one shot, and if you’re really badass, swim up near them and use alternate fire to stab them…Ouch. They generally work in groups and are more pests than dangers as their attacks are not very powerful. If you’re accurate you should take them out fairly quickly and be done with it. Now to move onto some real enemies… O~~~~~O~~~~~O 5d. SPADS O~~~~~O~~~~~O Or spazzes as I like to call them. The SPADS come in around a quarter of the way through the game and stay with you consistently throughout from there. The SPADS are an elite army of soldiers commanded by Colonel MacCall. Did you know that XIII, Steve Rowland, used to be a Captain in the SPADS? Yeah, I’m up with all the latest gossip. So these guys are pretty dangerous in numbers, and aren’t afraid to unleash some nasty automatic bullets into your ass, so you have to be careful when facing these guys. They can also take a fair bit of punishment, so never underestimate them. Because the SPADS all look very similar, I won’t list their appearance or list the different variations. All you need to know are that most are of Caucasian descent, they wear beige and dark green clothing usually (or beige and white in the snow levels), and can often be spotted with red berets. O~O~O~O~O~O~O Basic Soldier O~O~O~O~O~O~O The Basic SPADS soldier is still more accurate than any Mongoose Thug with an Assault Rifle or Shotgun, and can take just a little more punishment than any of them. Headshots work very well, especially with a Sniper Rifle or Crossbow, trust me, it’s usually a one-hit kill. Otherwise give them some good consistent punishment with whatever gun you have and they should go down quick. If they’re in numbers, use cover. If you have no cover, run around a lot…while shooting, of course. O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Light Armoured Soldier O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Generally you should use the same tactics as you would on a Basic Soldier, except avoid the headshot if he’s wearing a helmet. What to do if he’s wearing both body armour and a helmet? Got any Grenades or Assault Rifle grenades? Try and get him in a group and let one loose. Otherwise you should go for his legs or just shoot lots at his helmet – after all, these guys only wear light armour that doesn’t take too much punishment. O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Heavy Armoured Soldier O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Now these guys are quite a different story. Quite a lot rarer than other SPADS but very heavily armoured and difficult to take down, you should really go for the legs on these guys lest you be one to take a lot of lead around your body. These men mean business and you can waste a whole magazine on destroying their helmets or heavy armour – in fact, don’t shoot at their chests at all because you will be wasting ammo on that sort of armour. Ideally they are in a group that you can use some sort of explosive on, but if not use the usual strafing, dodging, and firing tactics. O~O~O~O~O~O~O SPADS Captain O~O~O~O~O~O~O Differs considerably in appearance to the first few types of SPADS – he wears a red beret and green camouflage suit. Fortunately, while he is a good marksman, he doesn’t take long to kill at all and is generally a nice sight because he often carries Medkits. Mmm, medkits. In a shootout with many SPADS, you should kill the captain first as not only is he the most dangerous with a weapon, but also the most beneficial should you kill him. O~O~O Blake O~O~O Blake is a normal SPADS soldier. There’s just one thing though. He’s mad. Mad? Well, if you call calling Colonel MacCall a ‘pinhead’ mad, then I guess he is. He is found in the cell adjacent to the one you wake up in, in Plain Rock Asylum. Laughing manically, with a chatterbox mouth and uselessly reciting military shouts, you can leave him to die in misery, or put a quick end to his life. He won’t fight back; he is locked in a cell after all. Poor Blake. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O 5e. The Conspiracy O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O The Conspiracy…yes, the shady group of men and women who are the primary antagonists in XIII. They’re the elite of the game, though the basic enemies are only featured in the second third, with the SPADS taking the reigns once again in the finale. These people are not to be taken lightly. They’re trained, ruthless, and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Be prepared for their quick wits, sharp aim, and deadly manner. O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Conspiracy Agent O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance: Caucasian, male or female, grey suit These people are generally the bodyguards and elite henchmen of the twenty Conspirators. They usually carry quite but deadly weapons, such as Miniguns and Crossbows, and most often lacking armour. Nevertheless, they take quite a few bullets to go down, and in some stealth levels, you really need to unleash some automatic rifle bullets into their brains to prevent them from pushing an alarm. If you can’t get a one-shot-kill headshot in with a crossbow or sniper rifle, don’t let up with the automatic weapons, mainly their own Miniguns, or even Kalashes. The agents aren’t in the position they are for nothing, so watch out for their fast demeanour and careful aim. O~O~O~O~O~O Conspirator O~O~O~O~O~O Appearance: White robes, pointy hood, almost like a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Known to carry a purple bag too. When I say ‘Conspirator’, I mean those you meet in two of the final levels. Faceless hooded men and women who form part of the XX (though interestingly I’ve counted more than twenty) but you never get to see who they really are. Otherwise there would be no point to this FAQ, as there would be only half the bosses. Usually they wield a Kalash, but aren’t afraid to go for a sniper rifle and work in groups. While they aren’t really prepared for fighting, they’re at least armed and take quite a bit of punishment before going down. In groups, they’re deadly so don’t go in complacent. And that’s all the regular enemies of the game done. Now shall we move on to the real men? The bosses? Yes, I think we should. -----~-----~ 6. Bosses -----~-----~ XIII has quite a few bosses. Some are publicised and hyped up well, while others you could mistake for normal enemies. Nevertheless in my perfectionist ways I have decided to include all that I could identify. What follows is arguably your most comprehensive guide to the bosses of XIII on the whole internet. Go on then, read it. FINAL SPOILER WARNING – I will mention the conspirators’ real names here. Use caution when looking at their sections. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 1 – The Assassin O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 2/10 Appearance – Caucasian, green jacket, beige trousers, glasses, and mop-top hair The Assassin appears at the end of the very first level to test your knowledge of the game’s basics. Armed with a .44 Special, he is much like the henchmen you’ve already faced in time to take down, but he’s distinctive at this stage, and the fact that the game mentions him as such warrants his appearance as the first boss. The only real difficulty here is something that may catch out first-time players – the assassin cunningly hides behind a small shack which may surprise you if you are unaware of where he is. Experienced players will know to use the vehicle for cover, or alternatively, run right at him and shoot his face off. Either way, take his key once he’s dead and unlock the vehicle to complete the level O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 2 – Last Stand O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 3/10 This is where Jones and Carrington are trying to fix the Helicopter at the end of the ‘Emerald’ series of levels. Hoards of SPADS rush at you in order to attempt to foil your escape. Jones behind you has a health meter but to be honest I’ve never seen her get hit much, especially if you take down the SPADS on sight. The difficulty of this battle lies in the direction the SPADS come from. That coupled with the terrible conditions of night and snow can make visibility difficult. You should either rely on your Assault Rifle, replenishing your ammo by visiting the bodies of SPADS you have killed, or use the handily placed mounted machine gun near the helicopter. While this gun is powerful, its recoil is ridiculous and the gun is more of a hindrance than a help sometimes. Still, it mows down SPADS pretty fast so it’s your personal preference. After a short while or after a set amount of SPADS are dead, Jones and Carrington will magically fix the helicopter and you can make your escape. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 3 – Shack Showdown O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 6/10 A considerably harder stand than before. This takes place after Kim Rowland has run off, leaving you behind in her shack, which is where you should stay in times of need. First off, you should take all the supplies in the shack, including the M60 placed where Kim indicated in the flashback. This weapon is powerful and will be your friend. Keep Medkits close at hand before you turn and face the hordes of Mongoose Thugs attacking you. Some will come right to the door of the shack and attempt to blow you away, or fire at you through the windows. These are your immediate concern, and their supply generally never ends. Some thugs hide in the background of the trees and cliffs that you cannot reach, but these are pests and can be taken down with a good Kalash burst or other automatic gun. Halfway through the battle, a helicopter with thugs inside will arrive. One of these guys is a very good marksman and will shoot and hit you when you leave the shack. Unfortunately, by putting him in your line of sight, you put yourself in his line of sight. Be quick as soon as you hear the helicopter arrive and make sure to shoot down all men inside or you could soon find yourself bogged down and running out of ammo. Eventually it’ll fly away and you can finish off the remainder of the Mongoose’s forces. They won’t give up until quite a few more have been killed, but you’re at the easy end of the battle at this point. Someone will decide to use an RPG and blows the left side of the shack to pieces once you’ve defeated enough. You should escape through the hole left behind before an unfortunate avalanche buries you… O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 4 – The Madman O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 3/10 Appearance – Caucasian, bald, orange asylum suit You get a clue to the presence of this particularly violent inmate after the electric chair room. A guard lies dead following a long trail of blood, at the end of which you have to climb into a vent. At the top, the inmate will assault you with a shotgun. He can be startling at first, but keep your cool despite your inevitably poor ammo supplies and take him down like you would any normal henchmen. I only include him here as he is the only inmate who actually displays violent tendencies. Then again, he could be just the same as you – a falsely imprisoned man trying to make his escape. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 5 – Number XX – Edward W. Johansson O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 6/10 Appearance – Caucasian, typical doctor attire – white jacket and suit, and stethoscope The first fairly dangerous boss you will come across. Our mad doctor Johansson (listen to the conversation before the battle…weird eh?) may not be able to use guns, but is actually quite capable with knives, and more importantly, with a syringe. This syringe will not only slow you down, but also make you drop your current weapon so you have to pick it up again, once the effects have worn off. It goes without saying then, that you should continuously run backwards from this maniac who will spend most of his time trying to inject you. Try to run backwards in a circle around the operating table lest you be caught in a corner. Repeatedly pump him full of shotgun bullets and try to get some .44 Special headshots in if you can. Once those two are out of ammo and if he’s still not dead, use your less powerful weapons to finish him off. If that still doesn’t work, there are knives next to the patient’s corpse, although it is unlikely Johansson will be able to survive until then after all that punishment. When he uses his knives, you can take a breather and simply strafe out of their way while you get some good shots in as he is mostly stationary. He’s not that hard, especially once your panic sets in from his almost rabid way of attacking you. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 6 – Number XI – Colonel Seymour MacCall O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 7/10 Appearance – Caucasian, green military camo attire, sunglasses, pinhead This guy is a real boss for real men. He’s such a man, he tells XIII to ‘drop [your] weapons’ to ‘talk about this’ before opening fire on you. WTF??? I mean…yeah, that’s badass. MacCall will spend most of his time hiding behind the military barracks in the back of your arena. You should spend the time hiding behind the crates nearby to wait for him to come out, as you don’t want to be on the receiving end of his M60. It hurts. A lot. When he does come out and play, immediately fire off your Assault Rifle grenades to do massive damage, then play battle of machine guns, ducking and firing, waiting for him to appear before opening fire. To be honest, it’s a straight-out gun fight that depends on your skill as a marksman. If your grenades miss or you panic and miss your shots he’ll potentially annihilate you, especially in the hardest difficulty. Taking cover works well as if you are out in the open you WILL take a lot of damage from that all-conquering gun. In fact, the cover is the only real thing that will help you in this battle, as well as regular medkit healing…but remember, sometimes the best form of defence is offence. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 7 – Number VII – Admiral Franklin Edelbright O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 5/10 Appearance – Caucasian, White navy attire with suiting hat, and medals While the torpedoes look dangerous, they are not explosive at all. Now, straight after the Admiral makes his honourable speech about ‘rather dying than telling Number I [I’ve] failed’, two Navy Soldiers will burst in. Fortunately, they appear to be so close that they might as well be hugging, so a quick burst from your Assault Rifle should slaughter them both. Now turn your attention to the Admiral. He wields dual Miniguns, and is a fair Marksman. However, he does not use the layout of the arena – rows of torpedoes – to his advantage, especially seeing as his Miniguns do not stand a chance against the monster that is your Assault Rifle. The Admiral is outgunned here, especially if you have and can use grenades to your advantage. He isn’t very hard to kill at all. We salute you, honourable man. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 8 – The Helicopter O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 7/10 Appearance – It’s a brown helicopter. Well, the one boss fight where you’re allowed an RPG and it’s also the most tedious. Blah. Basically, the Helicopter has two attacks – its guns which aren’t actually that accurate or damaging, and rockets which you should actually take shelter from if you can. Now the Helicopter is actually very speedy and agile, so much so that your RPG, the sole weapon that does damage, always misses except at one point…When he’s about to fire his missiles. What you need to do is run around, dodging the bullets but at the same time keeping an eye on him, then when he stops and is ready to fire, you fire off a damaging rocket right in the middle of his vision. KABLAM! Great! Well done! Now stop admiring your direct hit and run away because he may now have fired rockets off at you, which are very powerful and deafening. Not only that, but you may have to do it three or four more times before he finally goes down! Sigh…The only redeeming feature here is that he never changes his attack pattern. The main tactic I recommend in this battle, aside from not standing still, is always keeping your target on him. Follow him around like you would an amazingly hot girl, only taking your eyes off to get some drinks…or, rather, extra rockets and a medkit or two. Once you get used to it, it’s pretty easy. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 9 – Number IX – Jasper Winslow O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 4/10 Appearance – Tubby Caucasian man, wears expensive green suit When you first approach Winslow from above, he will be asking an agent for a lighter to burn some important documents. Sensibly, the agent replies that she doesn’t smoke, but that shouldn’t stop you putting a quick end to her life straight after – despite her low health she’s probably more dangerous than Winslow. After this conversation, or after you’ve opened fire, Winslow will run away. If you haven’t already, kill the agent, then drop down on to the snooker table and attack him repeatedly. He really can’t do much to defend himself at all and is a poor fighter with the shotgun, especially if you keep your distance. That and the fact that he can’t hide makes this an easy battle against an arrogant and corrupt man. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 10 – Number V – Clayton Willard O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 5/10 Appearance – Slim Caucasian man, wears expensive blue suit Willard, however, is somewhat more quick-witted. As soon as the FBI Agent stops talking to you, he is shot dead by this guy and you’ll have to chase him around the building. He’s armed with a Kalash and can harm you pretty well, so caution is advised. The fact that you have no real ‘power’ weapons like the trusty assault rifle makes this battle more tedious than difficult. While Willard is not to be taken lightly, he’s simply not as good in a gunfight as you should be and only his speed is his saving grace – it might be tough to get a shot in which is annoying with low ammo and poor weapons. It’s probably best to get in close here, as Willard does not wield a shotgun like Winslow – a good headshot with the .44 Special can hurt him badly and some good Minigun punishment works well too. Eventually he’ll go down. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 11 – Conspiracy Showdown O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 5/10 Time to take down the last of the Conspiracy (except for Number III, II, and the ever-elusive Number I). This takes place at the end of the cliff level, which I won’t describe as you are rarely attacked by a group and the Conspirators are poor fighter. After the final, long zipwire ride you should be confronted by a number of conspiracy agents. They aren’t very hard to kill as they all come from the same place. Eventually, Amos will radio you telling you he’s trying to get near with the helicopter but he can’t. Oh, it seems there are three conspiracy helicopters with agents on them. Two have two agents on them, and one has a solo agent in. They happen to be far away too. What you have to do is kill the agents on the helicopter so it will fly away. It doesn’t help that, while the Helicopters do hover, they move around a little so a crossbow headshot takes skill, and the agents are slightly better marksmen and women than usual. It’s probably best to take out the lone guy first, with the Kalash or Miniguns, as the automatic weapons are the best chance you have of hitting them. Then move on to the other helicopter, perhaps using burst fire with the Kalash to reduce the recoil. Of course, if you want to showboat, you could use the crossbow, but this isn’t recommended unless you’re pretty good. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 12 – Number III – General William Standwell O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 9/10 Appearance – Caucasian, blue military suit with matching hat and medals, notable eyepatch You knew this battle was coming from the start. First, however, you have to deal with a lot of SPADS coming from all four corners. It isn’t fun, or pretty, as they all have assault rifles and could well be descendants of Robin Hood. Once you’ve taken down five or six, Standwell will emerge from the President’s capture room. This battle is pretty much like the MacCall one. Except, you have very little cover, and Standwell moves very fast even though he is carrying the almighty M60. This time, it is you who is outgunned. So this battle relies on skill, ammo conservation, and accuracy. It goes without saying that if you stand still you will be shot dead. Therefore, you must keep moving, preferably as far away from Standwell as possible. If he gets in close, every bullet will hit you and you can be torn apart in a matter of seconds. This battle is intense, and in realistic mode is arguably the hardest battle in the game. You just have to be a good player at this point – luck won’t get you through. Be thankful you have the Assault Rifle, as its grenades can take off a fair chunk of his health, then just pummel him with it. It’s the only weapon you should be using really, as nothing else stands a chance against the M60. Keep moving, firing accurately with the rifle, and use what little cover you have to take him out. It’s your biggest challenge so far so you shouldn’t take it lightly. An all-out hectic gun fight, it’s all about firepower and accuracy, and if you have neither of the two…well, good luck. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 13 – SPADS Showdown O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 6/10 Felt I should include this here. You’ll know it when you see it, as you can see hordes of SPADS working on computers and patrolling the area. Fortunately, they won’t notice you until you do something really obvious. Open the central doors and take out the first one you see with a well-placed headshot. From there, it’s chaos. These are the last of the SPADS that will openly fight you and there’s lots. Armoured, no-armoured, captains, the whole lot. I recommend running into the central mainframe room, despite how out in the open it is, and slaughtering all the guys around. From there, look up and take out some captains who will inevitably be hanging around shooting at you cheaply. If there’s one on ground level, pick up his medkit once you’ve killed him. Keep moving or you can be shot to pieces fairly quickly, taking out anyone and everyone you see. When it’s quiet, you can advance to some stairs in the corner of the room, where you will face yet more SPADS who are annoying as they have a sight advantage. Continue ascending to see the apparent (and slightly camp) Number I, Calvin Waxx, frantically trying to call Standwell. Too bad Standwell’s dead. Rather than reveal the identity of his superior, Waxx kills himself. He would have been a bad fighter anyway. An inspection of his body reveals ‘Number II’…Bah, Number I is still free. O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Boss 14 – The Mongoose O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O~~~~~O Difficulty – 9/10 Appearance – Caucasian, bald, Brown trenchcoat, Vulture-like appearance No, The Mongoose is not Number I. This assassin who has hounded you throughout the game, though, is a suitable final boss, and will not go down easy. I feel this battle is set up perfectly, from the creepy sound of the door closing…there’s someone else in here…to the witty speech he makes before he opens fire. At first, it’s just you and him. He’ll be a wuss at first and hide behind one of the five rockets, then come out from a random side and open fire, a la Wild Dog at the end of the first Time Crisis. Now you can either shoot him when this happens, though he will be shooting at you too, or shoot the rocket to release some gas to momentarily choke and therefore paralyse him. From there you can open fire big-time with the M60, or the Assault Rifle (grenades). Just don’t go in too close, otherwise you will be choked too. After a lot of frolicking around with this, the rockets will start to descend, leaving the Mongoose without cover. SPADS will then attack from above, though Jones will arrive and shoot them. You needn’t worry about her, so just concentrate on the Mongoose. This part of the battle is far more mobile, as not only does the Mongoose hide between descending rockets, but bodies of SPADS with armour and medkits will fall from the battle above, so you can collect your treasures. Just be careful of the edge though, if you’re near it – it’s very easy to get carried away and fall to your death. It’s recommended you use solely your Assault Rifle from this stage on. The M60 is just too slow to keep up with the Mongoose, and the large recoil doesn’t help much. The Mongoose will still hide, and surprise you, but you can sneak up on him too and get some good shots in. This part of the battle is much less restricted than what you experienced at the start, so press your firepower advantage against the Mongoose’s dual Miniguns. That’s not to say he isn’t accurate though – he is. Eventually, the Mongoose will decide it’s time for an all-out gun fight and will simply attack you head-on - no time for hiding and cowardice. He will be low on health at this point, so whip out your preferred weapon and blast him away. Once you’ve defeated him, he will fall down the nearest silo, still pondering your identity, falling to his death…seemingly. You’ll have to play the final level to discover Number I’s identity, and The Mongoose’s true fate. It’s not like I’m gonna spoil undoubtedly one of the greatest game endings ever, is it? Find out for yourself. -----~-----~ 7. Credits -----~-----~ Myself – Duh. CJayC and Sailor Bacon – Running GameFAQs, best help site on the web by far. The Offspring – Still listening to these guys hard. You – For reading and/or using this guide. -----~-----~-----~ 8. Outroduction -----~-----~-----~ It’s been a good experience writing this guide. Finally finished the trio of Enemy/Boss guides I had planned. XIII is one of my all-time favourite games and one of the few I’ve really been truly addicted to. It’s amazing, enthralling, and shocking all at the same time. It’s been a pleasure to write this sort of guide to its many enemies and bosses and I hope I have done this underrated game justice. I may have a Plot Analysis planned… Thank you once again for reading. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------