FAQ/Walkthrough Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom Platform: Gamecube by LegacyWeaponX Version 2.72 Version History: 11/24/03 - First Version. List of all monsters and items with locations of rare items and most monsters. Also includes monster types, along with some information on campaign missions and the second challenge mode. 12/01/03 - New Version, added location of Lava Battleguard and Moisture Creature, two very sought after monsters. 12/09/03 - Fixed annoying mistakes, most of them I think. 12/16/03 - Fixed more mistakes, added movement type to monster list, added location of Mirror Wall, changed Hard to Find Monster Section to FAQ, added more FAQs. 12/20/03 - Fixed more mistakes. Added attacks to monster list. Added Yugi Campaign Walkthrough and Walkthrough Intro. Added more to everything. Added Controls and Game Info. Reformatted everything. Added Final Campaign Walkthrough. 01/01/04 - Happy New Year!! Fixed more mistakes. Added more attacks to monster list. Added to Yugi Campaign Walkthrough. Added secrets section. Added Monster Locations by Mission section. Added Kaiba Walkthrough. Changed stuff. 01/02/04 - More corrections, added Joey's campaign. 11/21/04 - I realize I haven't updated in a long while, but this game is dying. Still, there are some minor additions and changes, nothing major. Also added some sites that are authorized to use my FAQ. 10/13/06 - This probably doesn't deserve its own version, but I edited my email address so that I don't get spammed. Authorized sites to use this FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.ign.com www.cheats.de www.cheatcc.com www.cheatplanet.com www.supercheats.com dlh.net www.freewebs.com/deoxysfan Any other sites with this FAQ do not have my permission. Contact me directly, don't contact them. And is it only me, or does the former darkmagician92's FAQ look extremely similar to mine? Also, if you wish to use my FAQ, give credit to LegacyWeaponX or animeking922. Contact me at: animeking922[at}yahoo{dot]com Contact me only if there is a question that is not answered in my FAQ. Absolutely no asking about Moisture Creature is allowed. Also, any questions that are answered in this FAQ will result in you being marked as spam. Finally, if something is not answered in the FAQ, then it is either in the Item FAQ, explained in the game itself, in the instruction manual, or is so unimportant that I don't feel it necessary to explain. Sorry for any inconveniences this creates. ~^*~^* Copyright ~^*~^* +++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 2003-2006 LegacyWeaponX. This FAQ is for personal use only. Do not steal it, as that is against the law. If you would like to use this FAQ on your website, magazine, etc, please email me first, and I may or may not give you permission. ~^*~^*TABLE OF CONTENTS*^~*^~ ----------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Game Info 3) Controls 4) Secrets 5) FAQ 6) Fusions and Class Changes 7) Monster Info 8) Monster Locations by Mission 9) Item List 10) Walkthrough Intro 11) Yugi Campaign Walkthrough 12) Kaiba Campaign Walkthrough 13) Final Campaign Walkthrough 14) Joey Campaign Walkthrough 15) Challenge Mode Walkthrough 17) Thanks/Sources 18) What to Expect for this FAQ =============================================================================== *~==~==* Introduction *~==~==* First off, thanks for choosing to read my guide. This is my first FAQ, so if something isn't right, please email me and tell me to correct it. I recently fixed a bunch of mistakes, but more will surely appear, so if you catch one, email me. Also tell me what you want for the next edition of my guide. This FAQ will hopefully end all the questions about what monster is where and why you can't find it, where this item is, why you can't beat something... you get the idea. I am assuming you know how to play already, and if you don't, read the instruction manual. I also assume you know that there is a third story, Joey's, after beating the first two. Also, as far as monsters go, if you miss them, you can always replay a story by loading the game and choosing a story after you finish your current one. There are many people on the message boards who ask repetitive questions. I don't want my email blocked off because of people who don't look at my guide first. Please, check here, and if you're sure it's not here, email me. I currently have no info on attacks or the first challenge mode, or abilities. If I read any emails that are ignorant and rude, I will ignore any further emails. If I direct you to this page, please look here before you email me about the game. Also, do not email me stupid questions or annoying questions (or comments) such as (these aren't real, just examples): Why doesn't Yugi start with Dark Magician? I know Bickuribox has a special, but you don't have it listed! Find it and tell me! Your guide is horrible! You said [blank] was here! It isn't! Where is it? If you do ask any similar questions, I will mark all further emails from you as spam. Questions not relating to the game but relating to Yu-Gi-Oh! are fine. No questions asking "Should I buy the game?" either! Oh, one more thing to add. This is NOT the card game. It has nothing to do with the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG game whatsoever. It is a strategy RPG with turn based battles. Just for common knowledge, the card game Magic: The Gathering (which I play) has sued Yugi for the term "Magic Cards". As of now, they are referred to as "Spell Cards". This game is unaffected by that, but if you email me about the card game, use correct information. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Game Info *~==~==* The game is divided into many parts. This focuses on mission info. I hope it helps to clear some things up for the game. Be sure to read it BEFORE reading the Walkthroughs. If you need anything else cleared up, email me, and I will post it here. You should have read the instruction manual. Read it, and then read this to clear things up. - Battle scores are only used if all monsters run out of AP before one team is vanquished. - With swap mode on, monsters will switch places after a battle. The winner keeps going. The loser waits for five seconds and keeps going. If the loser was wiped out, he vanishes, and appears 5 game hours later at the main base. - With swap mode off, the loser goes back to where he/she was before, the winner keeps going. If the loser was wiped out, he vanishes and regenerates 5 hours later. - Combo special attacks require AP from all involved. - Levels, items retrieved, gold, etc. are carried over even if you lose. - All monsters in a team will gain exp even if they fused, didn't fight, etc. However, the more they fight, the more exp they gain. - There are three campaigns, Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey, which is unlocked after Yugi and Kaiba's are beaten. - After approximately 5 hours after enemies are defeated, they come back at half health. - The last level of Yugi and Kaiba's campaigns feature a battle with their rival's god. - After playing either Yugi's or Kaiba's campaign first, no matter what you play next, you must fight the god at the end twice, both times being stronger than usual (not Joey's). - Losing conditions almost always include losing you Main Base or Main Character. - Winning condition almost always include liberating the enemy Main Base. - Objectives are given at the beginning of mission, so pay attention. - Losing purposely is useful sometimes, as your monsters and marshals retain their levels. - The level of enemies monsters depends on how many campaigns you have beaten: Lv. 1: Whichever campaign you start with, all your monsters and enemy monsters are level 1-2 in the first mission. Lv. 31: After your first campaign (Yugi/Kaiba), you can choose either one again. No matter which you pick, enemy monsters in the first mission are level 31-32. Lv. 61: After beating both Kaiba's and Yugi's campaign, you play any of the three. The lowest level monster you start with at the beginning and the lowest level monster in mission 1 is 61. Lv. 91: After beating Joey's campaign, no matter whose you play next, the lowest level monster in mission 1 is 91 (this is extremely hard, so I suggest playing Kaiba's and Yugi's a couple of times before Joey's). - Whichever monster is your lead monster (A button position), his/her/its movement type will be your movement type for the campaign. - Remember that the more hearts a base has, the more cooperative it is, and the faster your teams heal. The levels are (from 5 to 0): Subjugated, Cooperation, Peaceful, Disfriendly, Defiant, Rebellious. - Also, the number of stars a base has, the more your monsters stats increase when enemy teams attack you base. 4 is the highest, 1 is the lowest. - Equipment --- very useful. They are: Anti-Ground Cannon - These take away about three-fourths of a ground team's full health. Red bar must be fully charged, enemy must be in range. Anti-Air Cannon - These take away about three-fourths of a flying team's full health. Red bar must be fully charged, enemy must be in range. Barricade - These raise your monsters stats even higher when battling in your base. Watch Tower - These double the range of Cannons. Healer - Enables the healing command. Very useful. Healing does cost money, though. Trade Union - Trader will always be in the base. Supply Unit - Enables replenish command, allowing you to restock items for gold. - During battles, your monsters may gain levels, AP, attack, defense, LP, abilities, attacks, and their and your marshal's compatibility orb may change colors to better match each other. - The defending marshal of a base is the last one that entered. If you want a specific marshal to fight, send him/her out, then back in. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Controls *~==~==* There's been a high demand for controls. Here they are: Main Menu: Start: Go to Game Selection Screen Game Selection Screen: Control Stick: Highlight Game A: Select Game Here, you can choose New Game or Load Game. Then, continue on to pick Story Mode or Challenge Mode. Loading Challenge Mode is available after beating all three stories. Dialogue: A: Continue dialogue World Map Screen: Start: Start Mission A: Go to Marshal Select Screen Y: Options Z: Save This is the only place you can change options and save. You can change the sound and the Swap Mode. Swap decides what happens after fighting an enemy. If you turn it on, after losing, you switch places and wait five seconds. If turned off, you go back to where you were before. Marshal Selection Screen: I will now explain in detail what to do. Use the control stick/pad to highlight a marshal. You can now view the marshal's data. Press A to enter the Team Selection Screen. Press B to exit to World Map. Press X to select or de-select a marshal. You cannot de-select marshals with a "GO" mark in red. There are must use marshals. Press Y to view info for a marshal's monsters. Use the Control stick/pad to highlight a monster and view its info. Use L/R to change special info displayed, Battlearts, Abilities, and Items. Press A to focus in on the special info displayed. You can still use L/R to change this. Press B to exit out of each screen. Team Creation Screen: Now things get complicated. Press Left/Right on Control Stick/Pad to select a position. Press A to go to monster catalog. Select a monster with the Control Pad and press A, replacing the current monster in that position. The front position is that of the lead monster, the one you see in the Field. In the monster catalog, hit A to select. Up and down on the Control Stick scroll, while the control pad selects. L/R changes display type, which are numerical, alphabetic, type, level, LP, attack, defense, AP, and Compatibility. Hit X to display secondary information. Hold X and then press L/R to change secondary info displayed. Press B to exit monster catalog. In the Team Creation Screen, hit X to remove a monster from a team. It goes back to the catalog. Press Z to equip items. Here, you can press up/down on the Control Stick to scroll, and use the control pad to select. Press A to equip. Press X to use Class Change items. Press B to exit item selection. Whenever your cursor goes over something, such as an item, an ability, an attack, etc., an info box appears to tell you about it. Attacks in yellow have info boxes, white attacks don't, they only damage. In this screen, you can't press Y for info, but by highlighting a monster, you can still view its info, and press L/R to change special info. However, you cannot zoom in on special info. Field Controls: After pressing Start on the Map Screen, you begin the mission. Scroll through any dialogue, but pay careful attention to the Objectives Box. This shows you the winning and losing conditions. Press A to continue. Press A in the field to select a monster, a base, etc. When selecting a marshal, use the control stick and press A again to set movement. When selecting an enemy base or marshal, you can view its info. When selecting a friendly base, you can view the info. You can also choose a number of commands. They can only be used if a marshal is present. They are: Team Command: Move a stationed team. Equipment: Build various Equipment. See Campaign Info. Replenish: Replenish items if Supply Unit is built. Cannot replenish gods. Costs gold. Trader: Buy items if Trader is in. Trader is always in if Trade Union is built. Healing: Heal monsters if Healer is built. Costs gold. Press Y to view info on a team. This works like info in the Marshal Select Screen, except you must press Y again to view monsters. Press Start to Pause the game, but you cannot do anything when the game is paused. Press Z to go to Icon Mode. That's a whole new story. When two marshals meet in the field or a marshal enters an occupied base, a battle begins. That is also another story. Moving the C-stick zooms the camera and also shifts it. X changes cursor size. Icon Mode: Use the Z button in the field to enter Icon Mode. Note that this does not pause the game. Start still pauses. You can now use Left and Right on the Control Stick/Pad to select P (player), E (enemy), or C (base/castle). Highlight one, then use Up/Down to select a marshal/base. If a marshal has a red "X" over him/her, he/she is out of commission. They will come back in the main base after 5 hours of game time (see next Section). Additionally, the local map enlarges. The selected monsters monsters appear below the map, and the marshal picture appears to the right of the marshal icons, below the info icons. With a friendly marshal, press A to move them to an marshal's current position, or any base. Press X to select multiple marshals, press A while highlighting a selected marshal to choose a target. Press Y to view info. Press Y again to zoom in on a monster selected with the control stick/pad. This mode does not zoom on special info. Press R to focus on one marshal, L while focusing to stop. X-selected marshals appear to the right of the marshal picture. With an enemy marshal, press Y to view info, then Y again to view monsters. L/R do the same things. A does nothing, and you cannot move them. Selecting a base is different. All you do is view the base info. Press Z again to return to 3-D mode. Battle Controls: Battles are turn-based. There are many controls. Start displays the current score of the marshals. A is attack, and you must choose which monster to attack by hitting A, Y, or X. Z is special attack. C-stick moves the enemy status window. Y lets you view info on the monsters. X lets you use items. L is escape. R is defend. B is wait. L/R is Zoom In/Out respectively. I don't believe I missed any, but if I did, tell me. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Secrets *~==~==* Here are some tidbits of random information that must be unlocked or such. - Pressing up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, in an empty area of the field gives you 537 gold. - After playing Yugi's and Kaiba's campaigns, Joey's is unlocked. - After beating all three campaigns, a second challenge mode is unlocked. - After beating either the Yugi/Kaiba's campaign once, then playing either one again, you must fight not only DarkNite with a level 1 god, but also his alter- ego, NiteMare, with a level 99 god. Not that many secrets, are there? There are several glitches in the game. - When finding Gamma the Magnet Warrior, it says you find Gamma, then says that Alpha the Magnet Warrior joins your party, even though Gamma does. - This only happened to me, but in Hollowed Land of Ishtar (Yugi), after my first battle, a giant something covered half of my screen, and all the colors went wacky, such as land disappearing and water becoming tan, while everything else was screwed up. The battles were unaffected, and it went back to normal after the mission. The thing that covered my screen had strange writing on it. - In Dragon Lair, after beating Buster Blader, both Icon Mode and the map said that the Lord of Burrow was where Buster was, but he wasn't. If you have any other glitches, tell me and I will post them here. =============================================================================== *~==~==* FAQ *~==~==* Q: Why can't I find baby dragon? I can't find it in the mountains southwest of Beyzon in "Refugees" (Yugi's campaign)! A: Go to where the mountains are beginning to align with the river with Joey! You must go with Joey! Q: Where is Cosmo Queen? A: Cosmo Queen is a fusion of Mystical Elf and Dark Elf. I don't know why the computer gets them, probably to make the game harder. Q: Where are the Gemini Elves? The one in Yugi's campaign won't join me! A: Find the one in Joey's campaign in "Minion of Darkness". She is in Tower-Deneb. Q: Where is King of Yamimakai? A: Play Yugi's story for a second time, and you get him and the Reaper of the Cards by beating Darkness. Also, if you have changed Dark Magician into Magician of Black Chaos, you will get Dark Magician, then the next time you play this mission, you get the two monsters Q: How do I get the Blue Eyes White Dragons? A: Beat the Kaiba Mission, "Dragon Lair". Q: Where do I get Moisture Creature? A: Yes! This location has been emailed to me, and has been confirmed by me and many other people. Look in my monster list. Q: Where do I get Lava Battleguard? A: Finally! Thanks to Fan of Everything on the GameFAQs Message Boards, we finally know. Put Swamp Battleguard as your lead monster in Kaiba's mission "Raid". Move along the mountains edge, which are just to the right of the river and south of Beyzon. Somewhere along the way, Lava Battleguard will appear and talk to his little brother, Swamp Battleguard. He will then join you. Q: How can I put the pieces of Exodia together and where are they? A: Exodia isn't in this game, neither is Exodia Necros, neither is Dark Necrofear. Q: What is [monster]'s [attack/ability]? A: I will have that section up soon. For now, check challenge mode. It has all the monsters but Moisture Creature and fusions. Q: When does [monster] learn [attack/ability] A: I don't know. Please, check the first challenge mode to find that information. Check the challenge mode section. Q: I still can't find this monster. What do I do? A: Check at least 3 times. Make sure you followed my directions. Then, email me or ask someone else. Q: Where can I find [item]? A: You'll have to wait a bit for my complete item location list. Most of them are pretty common. Just check. Q: Why is my monster so slow? A: Monster speed depend on compatibility and just which monster it is. Q: Why is my monster's circle so small/big. A: Depends on which monster it is. Dragons have big circles. Spellcasters often have circles their size. Q: How do I summon gods without that crystalline field? A: You can't. That was probably a last minute change. Q: When will I be able to use gods and fusions in my teams? A: You can't. You must use the item/fuse them. Q: What are the stats of [monster]? A: I don't know. It will depend on level, compatibility, how you trained them, items... too many things. The beginning stats will change, so there's no need for those. Q: What are the AR codes? A: I don't think codes are necessary for this game, since everything has been found. If you want them, look in The Camel's topic on GameFAQs. Q: What are the movement types? A: W, walking/ground, F, flying/aerial, and S, swimming/sea. Q: What does the movement type P stand for? A: There is no such thing. Q: What do the movement types do? A: They help determine a monster's speed in the field, and what cannons they are affected by. Flying is usually faster, Walking is usually in between, and Swimming is relatively slow. Walking is affected by Anti-Ground Cannons, Flying is affected by Anti-Air Cannons, and Swimming is affected by no cannons. Q: Can I replay a mission? A: Yes, but you must first beat the current campaign, then load the campaign that holds the mission you wish to play. Q: Do fusions/class changes last forever? A: Fusions last one battle. Class changes never wear off. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Fusions and Class Changes *~==~==* Class Change items are hard to find. I will include where they are in my items section. Black Luster Ritual: Gives the power of Chaos to Dark Magician and Gaia the Fierce Knight Call of the Grave: Changes Zanki and Crawling Dragon into the undead Cocoon of Evolution: Forces Larvae Moth through a metamorphosis Metalmorph: Metalizes Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon and Zoa To use class change items, go to the item select screen. Select the item and press the "X" button to use it. The monsters that can go through class changes and what they become are as follows: Dark Magician + Black Luster Ritual = Magician of Black Chaos Note: You cannot use Black Luster Ritual on Dark Magician #2 Gaia the Fierce Knight + Black Luster Ritual = Black Luster Soldier Crawling Dragon + Call of the Grave = Dragon Zombie Zanki + Call of the Grave = Armored Zombie Larvae Moth + Cocoon of Evolution = Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Zoa + Metalmorph = Metalzoa Red Eyes Black Dragon + Metalmorph = Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon Some monsters can also use the item polymerization to fuse into a stronger and bigger monster. These last until the end of the battle. All you do is equip a monster able to fuse with a polymerization in the monster select screen. They can be used once per mission, and as always, you can equip more, and they will all be replenished after a mission. If there are two monsters, you will have to hit the corresponding key to select one. If there are three, it is automatic. The fusion monsters are: Summoned Skull + Red Eyes Black Dragon = Black Skull Dragon Blue Eyes White Dragons --- Azrael + Ibris + Djibril = Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Gazelle the King of the Mythical Beasts + Berfomet = Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast Mystical Elf + Dark Elf = Cosmo Queen Wing Eagle + Mavelus = Crimson Sunbird Gaia the Fierce Knight + Curse of Dragon = Gaia the Dragon Champion Sanga of Thunder + Suijin + Kazejin = Gate Guardian Meteor Dragon + Red Eyes Black Dragon = Meteor Black Dragon Mystic Horseman + Battle Ox = Rabid Horseman Baby Dragon + Time Wizard = Thousand Dragon Two-Headed King Rex + Thunder Dragon = Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Magnet Warriors --- Alpha + Beta + Gamma = Valkyrion the Magna Warrior =============================================================================== *~==~==* Monster Info *~==~==* I will format my monster list like this, in alphabetical order: Monster Name --- Monster Number Monster Type Campaign/Story Monster is found in Detailed description of location/what I did to find it Movement type (W/F/S) A-attack/normal attack A-attack effect (if any) Z-attack/special attack (if any) Z-attack effect (if any) V-attack/God vs. God (Obelisk the Tormentor only) V-attack description. Let me make this clear. The V-attack only exists when Obelisk faces another god. His special becomes normal, his V becomes special, and his normal attack disappears. All monsters have normal attacks. Some normal attacks have extra effects. Some monsters also have special attacks. Normal attacks will be listed. Normal attack effects will be listed under them. Special attacks will have a Z to indicate it. Those abilities go under them as well. Remember that all normal attacks do damage. Also, whenever "opponent" is written in this section, it means the monster your monster is attacking. Do not email me asking for the level any attack/ability is learned. I will have that up later. Whenever you use an item to upgrade a monster, you can no longer use the original. If this happens, play through the campaign again after you beat it, then get the monster again. Same goes if you miss a monster, so don't worry. Alpha the Magnet Warrior --- 168 Machine Yugi Mission: "Dream World". Joins your party after liberating Memory-Bridge W Magnetic Sky Sword Inflict heavy damage on machine monsters Ansatsu --- 062 Warrior Yugi Bakura starts with him W Misty Ninja Slash Aqua Dragon --- 024 Dragon Yugi Mission: "Scorched". On the east coast, north of Tsughut S Aqua Breath Aqua Madoor --- 045 Spellcaster Joey Tea's team starts with him W Aqua Pressure Z - Tidal Wave Deal damage to all enemies Armored Lizard --- 093 Beast Kaiba Mokuba starts with him W Battle Arts Claw Armored Zombie --- 130 Darklands N/A Use Call of the Grave on Zanki W Skull Shredder Paralyzes opponent Axe Raider --- 060 Warrior Joey Joey starts with him W Crushing Axe Black Skull Dragon --- 009 Dragon N/A Fuse Summoned Skull and Red Eyes Black Dragon F Meteor Flare Good chance of decreasing opponent's Action Points Baby Dragon --- 014 Dragon Yugi Mission: "Refugees". After rescuing Tea, send Joey over to the mountains southwest of Beyzon where the mountains are almost at the point where they begin to align with the river. You MUST SEND JOEY! F Fire Breath Barrel Dragon --- 161 Machine Kaiba Mission: "Bandits Again". Joins your party after defeating Bandit Keith. F Blast Cannon Shot Basic Insect --- 086 Beast Kaiba Weevil starts with it W Soldier Spike Z - Insect Fire Cannon Inflicts damage on all enemies and requires Insect Cannon Armor Battle Ox --- 068 Warrior Joey Mission: "Outnumbered?". Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann. W Axe Crusher Beast of Gilfer --- 152 Darklands Yugi Mission: "Badlands" In the mountains between Researcher Guild and Tower-Deneb. Seems to span across all the way to the plains between Tower-Pegasi and Tower-Deneb. W Gilfer Flame Z - Gilfer Soul Raises own attack Beastking of the Swamps --- 097 Beast Yugi Bakura starts with him W Swamp Mist Poisons opponent Beaver Warrior --- 069 Warrior Yugi Shimon starts with him W Rodent Sword Berfomet --- 153 Darklands Kaiba Mission: "Hand of Fire". South of Ru-Ma-Pann. NOTE: I found it when I was walking a small bit in from the northeastern edge of the forest, not that close to Ru-Ma-Pann. F Plain Dash Beta the Magnet Warrior --- 169 Machine Yugi Mission: "Secret Power". Found after liberating Phyo-Rente W Electromagnetic Punch Inflict heavy damage on machine monsters Bickuribox --- 146 Darklands Kaiba Pegasus starts with him W Abyss Crown Big Insect --- 085 Beast Kaiba Weevil starts with it W Ant Acid Blackland Fire Dragon --- 006 Dragon Yugi Mission:: "War Campaign". Joins your party after you beat the mission W Flame Gale Black Luster Soldier --- 052 Soldier N/A Use Black Luster Ritual on Gaia the Fierce Knight W Chaos Blade Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon --- 004 Dragon N/A Fuse together the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons F Ultimate Burst Z - Ultimate Burst Deal damage to all enemies Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Azrael) --- 000 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins you after liberating Burrow. F Destructive Burst Stream Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Djibril) --- 002 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins you after liberating Burrow. F Destructive Burst Stream Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Ibris) --- 001 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins you after liberating Burrow. F Destructive Burst Stream Buster Blader --- 076 Warrior Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Directly northeast of Den. You'll meet him by straying west a bit when going from Dragon-Gate to Den. W Ruin Ray Inflicts massive damage to dragons. Castle of Dark Illusions --- 139 Darklands Kaiba Mission: "Banishment". Far south of Pleasure Town in the forest. F Reef of Darkness Z - Dark Vanishing Mist Blinds all enemies Celtic Guardian --- 059 Warrior Yugi Yugi starts with him W Faerie Blade Slash Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast --- 081 Beast N/A Fuse together Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts and Berfomet. W Chimera Impact Dash Enemy unable to dodge Cosmo Queen --- 039 Spellcaster N/A Fuse together Dark Elf and Mystical Elf. W Shadow Master Crawling Dragon --- 012 Dragon Kaiba Kaiba starts with him W Flame Blast Crimson Sunbird --- 083 Beast N/A Fuse together Mavelus and Wing Eagle. F Soaring Sun Enemy unable to dodge Curse of Dragon --- 007 Dragon Yugi Mai starts with him F Shadow Flame Inflict heavy damage on beasts Cyber Commander --- 158 Machine Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Directly northeast of Den. You'll meet him by straying west a bit when going from Dragon-Gate to Den. W Overdrive Spray Z - All Out Charge Power up all team monsters Cyber Saurus --- 172 Machine Yugi Espa Roba starts with him W Left Arm Cannon Cyber Soldier --- 157 Machine Joey Joey starts with him W Flamethrower Dancing Elf --- 115 Spirit Yugi Tea starts with her F Elven Arrow Enemy unable to dodge Z - Screen Mist Blind all enemies Dark Chimera --- 142 Darklands Kaiba Labyrinth Ruler starts with it F Absolute Shadow Dark Elf --- 040 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Spellcaster". Joins your party after rescuing Tea. W Magic Cannon Z - Word of Spirit Stealing Decrease attack of one enemy monster Dark King of the Abyss --- 143 Darklands Kaiba Marthis starts with him W Inferno Trial Z - Oblivion Stare Deal damage and lower attack of all enemies Dark Magician --- 033 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Badlands". Joins your party after beating the mission. W Dark Magic Z - Dark Burning Magic Powerful Dark Magician Girl Combo that does massive damage to all enemies Dark Magician #2 --- 050 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "A Lost Cause". Joins your party after beating the mission. W Dark Magic Z - Dark Burning Magic Powerful Dark Magician Girl Combo that does massive damage to all enemies Dark Magician Girl --- 034 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Counter Attack". How she joins is unclear. She should join after Ru-Ma-Pann and Seirauna is liberated. It is almost certain Dark Magician must be somewhere in someone's team who is in the campaign. It may also be a time limit, and if the campaign is won before that time, she joins automatically. W Murky burning Dark Plant --- 120 Spirit Kaiba Marthis starts with it W Bad Breath Poison opponent Dark Rabbit --- 078 Beast Kaiba Pegasus starts with it W Spinning Dynamite Punch Good chance of lowering opponent's Action Points Dark Witch --- 114 Spirit Yugi Tea starts with her F Midgard Volt Dharma Cannon --- 159 Machine Joey Jusell starts with it W Cannon Fire Dragon Piper --- 047 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Secret Power". South of Jenonnva. W Witch Probe Paralyzes enemy Z - Check Release Reverse all status changes Dragon Seeker --- 148 Darklands Joey Mission: "Outnumbered?". Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann. F Dragon Carnage Inflict heavy damage on dragons Dragon Zombie --- 131 Darklands N/A Use Call of the Grave on Crawling Dragon. W Withering Whisper Poison opponent Dunames Dark Witch --- 123 Spirit Kaiba Ishizu starts with her F Valhalla Arrow Z - Justice Flash Deal damage to all Darklands monsters Dungeon Worm --- 090 Beast Joey Tristan starts with it W Worm Blaze Poison opponent Embodiment of Apophis --- 124 Spirit Joey Malaikura starts with it W Guardian Blade Enchanting Mermaid --- 116 Spirit Yugi Mission: "Turbulent Waters". East of Van-Lova. S High Tide Z - Flood Storm Deal damage to all enemies Fairy's Gift --- 110 Spirit Joey Malaikura starts with her F Faerie Arrow Enemy unable to dodge Z - Healing Grace Heal all team monsters Feral Imp --- 135 Darklands Yugi Yugi starts with it F Shadow Claw Fiend Kraken Beast Yugi Mako starts with it S Skid Breath Blind opponent Flame Cerebrus --- 117 Spirit Joey Mission: "Quick Attack". South west of Beyzon where the mountains are beginning to align with the river. Same place as Baby Dragon. W Abyss Fire Flame Swordsman --- 054 Warrior Yugi Joey starts with him W Flaming War Sword Z - Salamandra Fortress Whale --- 154 Machine Yugi Mission: "Scorched". On the east coast, north of Tsughut. S Whale Hail Gaia the Fierce Knight --- 058 Warrior Yugi Mission: "Face Off". Exact Center of the lake. W Spiral Shaver Gaia the Dragon Champion --- 016 Dragon N/A Fuse together Gaia the Fierce Knight and Curse of Dragon F Gale Force Charge Enemy unable to dodge Gamma the Magnet Warrior --- 170 Machine Kaiba Mission: "Framed". Northwest of Beyzon, all the way north, just east of the river. W Hyper Magnetic Wave Inflict heavy damage on machine monsters Garoozis --- 066 Warrior Kaiba Mission: "Sever the Supply Line". Directly east of Norvey in the forest. W Crushing Axe Gate Guardian --- 108 Spirit N/A Fuse together the Gate Guardian Pieces: Sanga of Thunder, Kazejin and Suijin. W Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts --- 080 Beast Yugi Tristan starts with him W Leopard Claw Gemini Elf (Kachua) --- 048 Spellcaster Joey Mission: "Minion of Darkness". Automatically joins your party after liberating Tower-Deneb in search of her sister. W Magic Ray Enemy unable to dodge Z - Gemini Double Radiation A combo attack with both Gemini sisters dealing heavy damage to all enemies Gemini Elf (Lora) --- 049 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Crucial Battle". Found after liberating Dyovann with Gemini Elf (Kachua) in your team. W Light Arrow Enemy unable to dodge Z - Gemini Double Radiation A combo attack with both Gemini sisters dealing heavy damage to all enemies Ghoul with an Appetite --- 134 Darklands Joey Jusell starts with him W Acid Mist Giant Mech Soldier --- 166 Machine Yugi Espa Roba starts with it W Machinery Cutter Giant Red Seasnake --- 098 Beast Kaiba Mission: "Full-Scale Offensive". Go to the west coast of Thor-Mount, and then go directly north. S Aqua Breath Giant Soldier of Stone --- 118 Spirit Yugi Tristan starts with him W Stone Splitter Sword Giltia the D. Knight --- 051 Warrior Yugi Joey starts with him W Soul Spear Z - Celestial Punishment Inflict damage on all Darklands monsters Gyakuteno Megami --- 112 Spirit Yugi Tea starts with her W Starlight Shot Enemy unable to dodge Z - Reversal Benediction Power up all team monsters Hane-Hane --- 111 Spirit Yugi Mission: "Fury of the Empire". South of Croethe in the forest. W Hack Attack Z - Turnover Tornado Deal damage to all enemies Harpie Lady (Airo) --- 102 Beast Yugi Mai starts with her F Scratch Crusher Z - Triangle Ecstasy Spark A Harpie Lady combo attack that inflicts massive and colorful damage to all enemies Harpie Lady (Keraino) --- 104 Beast Yugi Mission: "Banishment". Found after liberating Kaepe-Town. F Scratch Crusher Z - Triangle Ecstasy Spark A Harpie Lady combo attack that inflicts massive and colorful damage to all enemies Harpie Lady (Ocupete) --- 103 Beast Yugi Mission: "Break Free". Far south of Buizlluin, southwest of Ce-Reizo. It is south of the area where the desert becomes narrow, she will appear as a mysterious wanderer if another Harpie Lady is in you team. F Scratch Crusher Z - Triangle Ecstasy Spark A Harpie Lady combo attack that inflicts massive and colorful damage to all enemies Harpie's Pet Dragon --- 019 Dragon Yugi Mai starts with her W Giga Saint Fire Hercules Beetle --- 087 Beast Kaiba Weevil starts with it F Scissor Boomerang Hitotsu-Me Giant --- 067 Warrior Kaiba Kaiba starts with him W Sledge Hammer Horn Imp --- 037 Darklands Yugi Fizdis starts with him W Grapple Talon Hunter Spider --- 092 Beast Joey Tristan starts with it W Hunter Claw Illusionist Faceless Mage --- 037 Spellcaster Joey Jusell starts with him W Perplex Hex Paralyze opponent Z - Eye of Bewilderment Paralyzes one enemy Insect Queen --- 109 Spirit Kaiba Mission: "Bandits, Again". Found between Rottenhub and Buhr-Tos. You must go south when you are exactly in between the two towns. Be careful not to finish off Bandit Keith before getting the monster. W Queen's Inferno Breath Z - Royal Jelly Power up all team monsters Invitation to a Dark Sleep --- 042 Spellcaster Joey Mission: "Raid". Found in the mountains west of Twin-Rivers. Directly west of Twin-Rivers. W Sleep Wave Paralyze opponent Z - Word of Hypnosis Paralyze all enemies Jellyfish --- 095 Beast Yugi Mako starts with it S Bound Thunder Inflict heavy damage on machine monsters Jinzo --- 167 Machine Yugi Espa Roba starts with him W Psychic Wave Z - Cyber Energy Shock Confuse all enemies Judge Man --- 057 Warrior Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins your party after liberating Lair. W Hammer of Justice Kairyu-Shin --- 023 Dragon Yugi Mako starts with him S Aqua Breath Z - Tidal Wave Deal damage to all enemies Kaiser Dragon --- 005 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins your party after liberating Lair. F Photon Stampede Kanan the Swordmistress --- 063 Warrior Joey Mai starts with her W Precisioin Slash Kanikabuto --- 099 Beast Yugi Fizdis starts with him S Carnack's Bubbles Z - Bubble Breath Deal damage to all enemies Kazejin --- 106 Spirit Joey Mission: "Invincible Imperial Guard". Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann. W Hurricane Strike King of Yamimakai --- 141 Darklands Yugi Mission: "Badlands". When replaying Yugi's campaign, get him by beating Darkness. Only if you don't get Dark Magician (in case you Class Changed him). W Wave of Darkness Kryuel --- 151 Darklands Kaiba Mission: "Banishment". Far south of Pleasure Town in the forest. S Savage Shadow Slash Z - Dark Laser Blast Deal damage to all enemies Kuriboh --- 138 Darklands Yugi Yugi starts with him W Needle Sprinkler Z - Multiple Spine Shoot Requires Multiply and damages all enemies Labyrinth Tank --- 155 Machine Yugi Mission: "Secret Power". Between Phyo-Rente and Myilluno. W Labyrinth Drill Larvae Moth --- 088 Beast Kaiba Mission: "Bandits, Again". Found between Rottenhub and Buhr-Tos. You must go south when you are exactly in between the two towns. Be careful not to finish off Bandit Keith before getting the monster. W Cocoon String Poison opponent Launcher Spider --- 163 Machine Kaiba Mission: "Bandits Again". Joins your party after defeating Bandit Keith. W Missile Launcher Z - Missile Blitz Deal damage to all enemies Lava Battleguard --- 055 Warrior Kaiba Mission: "Raid". Have Swamp Battleguard as the lead monster of a marshal. Move the marshal along the edge of the mountains east of the river and southwest of Beyzon. After conversing with Swamp Battleguard, he joins you. W Wild Spike Z - Barbarian Double Impact Smash open the Earth with this combo assault with Swamp Battleguard Lord of D. --- 041 Spellcaster Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins your party after liberating Burrow. W Dragonsoul Summons Enemy unable to dodge Machine King --- 165 Machine Yugi Mission: "Secret Power". Joins your party after liberating Jenonnva. W Machine King Blaster Z - Machine King Command Force Power up all team monsters Magician of Black Chaos --- 035 Spellcaster N/A Use Black Luster Ritual on Dark Magician. W Ultimate Silence Z - Dark Burning Magic Powerful Dark Magician Girl Combo that does massive damage to all enemies Magician of Faith --- 032 Spellcaster Kaiba Ishizu starts with her W Rainbow Blast Z - Resurrection Revive all incapacitated team members Man-Eater Bug --- 091 Beast Yugi Mission: "Fury of the Empire". South of Croethe in the forest. W Mince Mixer Mavelus --- 082 Beast Joey Mai starts with her F Heat Wave Z - White Hot Flames Deal damage to all enemies Megazowler --- 021 Dragon Kaiba Rex Raptor starts with him W Dino Impact Metalzoa --- 156 Machine N/A Use Metalmorph on Zoa. W Giga Break Cannon Meteor Black Dragon --- 011 Dragon N/A Fuse together Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Meteor Dragon. F Supernova Blaze Enemy unable to dodge Meteor Dragon --- 013 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins your party after liberating Den. F Flame Meteor Midnight Fiend --- 144 Darklands Kaiba Bonz starts with it F Poison Twin Claws Poisons opponent Z - Laser Slicer Deal damage to all enemies Millennium Golem --- 119 Spirit Yugi Mission: "Secret Power". Joins your party after liberating Myilunno. W Thousand Volts Moisture Creature --- 122 Spellcaster Kaiba Mission: "Sever the Supply Line". Send Kaiba to Sweit. Once there, build a Anti-Ground Cannon and a Watch Tower. Now, send Kaiba southeast so that the dust cloud under his monster is directly on the circle. It must be extremely close. Now, follow the circle going from south to east, making sure the cloud is on the line. Eventually, Moisture Creature will show up. He is a moving roaming monster. Alternately, stay in the southeastern area of the circle and don't move a muscle. He should come eventually. W Sterilize Beam Enemy unable to dodge Z - Micro Protein Supply Raises own attack Monster Tamer --- 064 Warrior Joey Tristan starts with him W Mountain Piercing Whip Z - Beast Commands Power up all team monsters Mountain Warrior --- 070 Warrior Kaiba Mission: "Sever the Supply Line". Directly east of Norvey in the forest. W Assault Blow Mystic Horseman --- 075 Warrior Yugi Mission: "Fury of the Empire". South of Croethe in the forest. W Paralysis Scythe NOTE: does not paralyze Mystical Beast Serket --- 125 Spirit Joey Mission: "Master Plan". Joins your party after defeating Odion W Relinquished Eater Z - Tribute Soul Raises own attack Mystical Elf --- 029 Spellcaster Joey Tea starts with her W Crystal Shards Inflict heavy damage on Darklands type monsters Z - Fanaticism Power up all team monsters Neck Hunter --- 149 Darklands Yugi Mission: "Badlands". Found in the mountains west of Researcher Guild, spanning all the way to the area between Tower-Pegasi and Tower-Centauri. W Hunting Slice Obelisk the Tormentor --- 174 Spirit N/A Use the Soul of Obelisk to summon this mighty behemoth. W Destruction Flash Z - Omni Hand Crusher Deal massive damage to all enemies V - Almighty Hand Impact Deal massive damage to all enemies Octoberser --- 096 Beast Yugi Mission: "Turbulent Waters". Found between Tsughut and Thor-Mount. S Poseidon's Spear Z - Tidal Wave Deal damage to all enemies Orion the Battle King --- 113 Spirit Kaiba Ishizu starts with her W Orion's Anger Z - Moonlight Extinction Inflicts damage and lowers attack of all enemies Panther Warrior --- 074 Warrior Yugi Mission: "For that Someone Special". Joins your party after Mai defeats Joey. W Swift Panther Slash Parrot Dragon --- 018 Dragon Kaiba Pegasus starts with him F Hot Tunes Penguin Soldier --- 101 Beast Yugi Fizdis starts with him W Spinning Sword Slash Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth --- 089 Beast N/A Use Cocoon of Evolution on Larvae Moth. F Ultimate Hurricane Z - Phosphorous Poison Poisons all enemies Phantom Dewan --- 126 Darklands Kaiba Bonz starts with him W Spellbind Paralyze opponent Pumpking the King of Ghosts --- 132 Darklands Joey Mission: "Invincible Imperial Guard". Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann. W Zombie Breath Poison opponent Z - Zombie Energy Infusion Power up all Darklands monsters on field Queen of Autumn Leaves --- 121 Spirit Kaiba Mission: "Bandits, Again". Found between Rottenhub and Buhr-Tos. You must go south when you are exactly in between the two towns. Be careful not to finish off Bandit Keith before getting the monster. W Chilling Winds Confuse opponent Rabid Horseman - 072 Warrior N/A Fuse together Mystic Horseman and Battle Ox. W Hypersonic Axe Blade Reaper of the Cards --- 140 Darklands Yugi Mission: "Badlands". When replaying Yugi's campaign, get him by beating Darkness. Only if you don't get Dark Magician (in case you Class Changed him). W Soul Eraser Confuse opponent Red-Eyes Black Dragon --- 008 Dragon Yugi Mission: "Phantom Blast". Joins your party after defeating Joey. F Dark Fireball Z - Dark Flame Wave Deal damage to all enemies Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon --- 160 Machine N/A Use Metalmorph on Red-Eyes Black Dragon F Shadow Mega Flare Robotic Knight --- 164 Machine Yugi Joey starts with him W Blitz Fire Z - Overdrive Random Blast Deal damage to all enemies Rocket Warrior --- 173 Machine Joey Joey starts with him W Boost Sword Z - Rocket Boost Attack Attack and lower the attack of one enemy monster. Rogue Doll --- 031 Spellcaster Joey Tea starts with him W Glaring Chaos Inflicts heavy damage on Darklands type monsters Ryu-Kishin Powered --- 145 Darklands Kaiba Mission: "Hand of Fire". Joins your party after beating Malaikura. F Powered Beam Saggi the Dark Clown --- 036 Spellcaster Kaiba Kaiba starts with him W Shadow Swoop Sanga of the Thunder --- 105 Spirit Yugi Mission: "Break Free". Directly west of Ce-Reizo far over in the mountain peaks. W Thunder Point Blast Sea King Dragon --- 025 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Full-Scale Offensive". Go to the west coast of Thor-Mount, and then go directly north. S Aqua Breath Seiyaryu --- 003 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins your party after liberating Hall. F Shining Plasma Enemy unable to dodge Z - Fusion Force Ray Deal damage to all enemies Sengenjin --- 073 Beast Joey Mission: "Quick Attack". South west of Beyzon where the mountains are beginning to align with the river. Same place as Baby Dragon. W Giga Crusher Serpent Night Dragon --- 010 Dragon Joey Mission: "Raid". Found in the mountains west of Twin-Rivers. Directly west of Twin-Rivers. F Shatter Good chance to reduce opponent's Action Points Shadow Ghoul --- 133 Darklands Kaiba Labyrinth Ruler starts with it W Split Maze Shadow Specter --- 127 Darklands Yugi Shimon starts with him W Cemetery Plague Poison opponent Silver Fang --- 079 Beast Yugi Mission: "War Campaign". In the forest between Jakhud and Makhad. You'll meet him along the way. W Wild Sonic Storm Skull Knight --- 038 Spellcaster Joey Mission: "Invincible Imperial Guard". Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann. W Reaper Blast Enemy unable to dodge Z - Lightning Break Deal damage to all enemies Slifer the Sky Dragon --- 175 Spirit N/A Use Slifer's Orb to summon the thunderous power of this tyrannical beast. F Thunder Force Wave Z - Thunderbolt Summons Deal massive damage and lower the attack of all enemy monsters. Slot Machine --- 162 Machine Kaiba Mission: "Bandits Again". Joins your party after defeating Bandit Keith. W Plasma Laser Cannon Spike Seadra --- 026 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Full-Scale Offensive". Go to the west coast of Thor-Mount, and then go directly north. S Spike Shoot Z - Battery Blast Deal damage to all enemies and inflicts heavy damage on Machine monsters Stuffed Animal --- 077 Beast Yugi Bakura starts with it W Big Bite Suijin --- 107 Spirit Yugi Mission: "Scorched". On the east coast, north of Tsughut. W Raging Waters Summoned Skull --- 136 Darklands Yugi Mission: "Badlands". Joins you after defeating him at Tower-Pegasi. W Dark Lighting Inflicts heavy damage on Machine monsters Swamp Battleguard --- 056 Warrior Joey Mission: "Outnumbered?". Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann. W Wild Smash Z - Barbarian Double Impact Smash open the Earth with this combo assault with Swamp Battleguard Swordsman from a Foreign Land --- 065 Warrior Yugi Tristan starts with him W Purple Blade Z - Mystic Linear Slice Deal massive damage to one enemy Swordstalker --- 053 Warrior Joey Mission: "Raid". Found in the mountains west of Twin-Rivers. Directly west of Twin-Rivers. W Dark Slash of Resentment Z - Malice Pass Raises own attack Tao the Chanter --- 044 Spellcaster Joey Malaikura starts with him W Ultimate Unity Good chance of reducing opponent's Action Points Z - Forbidden Elements Spell Lowers Action Points of all enemies The Illusory Gentleman --- 043 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Badlands". Found in the mountains west of Researcher Guild, spanning all the way to the area between Tower-Pegasi and Tower-Centauri. W Spectral Mist Blinds opponent Z - Ice Storm Deal damage and lower attack of all enemies The Snake Hair --- 129 Darklands Kaiba Bonz starts with her W Stone Eyes Paralyze opponent The Winged Dragon of Ra --- 176 Spirit N/A Use the Eye of Ra to summon this enormous flying leviathan. F Almighty Blaze Cannon Z - Almighty Blaze Nova Deal massive damage to all enemies Thousand Dragon --- 017 Dragon N/A Fuse together Time Wizard and Baby Dragon. W Thousand Point Breath Z - Thousand Point Breath Deal damage to all enemies Three-Headed Geedo --- 150 Darklands Kaiba Mokuba starts with it W Razzle Dazzle Good chance of lowering opponent's Action Points Thunder Dragon --- 027 Dragon Kaiba Mission: "Dragon Lair". Joins you after liberating Nest. F Shock Blast Inflict heavy damage on Machine monsters Tiger Axe --- 071 Warrior Kaiba Mission: "Lord of the Plains". Joins you after you defeat him after you liberate Khutamonn. W Tiger Grasp Time Wizard --- 030 Spellcaster Yugi Mission: "Spellcaster". Joins your party after liberating Researcher Guild. It also turns the clock back one day when it joins you. W Time Magic Paralyze opponent Z - Haste Spell Increases Action Points of all team monsters Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon --- 028 Dragon N/A Fuse together Thunder Dragon and Two-Headed King Rex. W Thunder Flare Discharge Inflict heavy damage on Machine monsters Z - Charge Raise own attack Two-Headed King Rex --- 020 Dragon Kaiba Rex Raptor starts with him W Dino Flame Uraby --- 022 Dragon Kaiba Rex Raptor starts with him W Wild Bite Valkyrion the Magna Warrior --- 171 Machine N/A Fuse together the Magnet Warriors: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. W Magnet Saber Inflict heavy damage on Machine monsters Water Girl --- 046 Spellcaster Kaiba Marthis starts with her W Water Tornado Wing Eagle Beast Joey Mai starts with her F Sky High Assault Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 --- 015 Dragon Yugi Mission: "Strategy". Go north of Dyethruo with Yugi and the beast joins your party. F Fireball Zanki --- 061 Warrior Kaiba Labyrinth Ruler starts with him W Shredder Zarigun --- 100 Beast Kaiba Mokuba starts with him S Club Scissors Zoa --- 147 Darklands Kaiba Mission: "Banishment". Far south of Pleasure Town in the forest. W Soul Hunting Blow Zombie Warrior --- 128 Darklands Yugi Shimon starts with him W Skull Spark =============================================================================== *~==~==* Monster Locations by Mission *~==~==* This is what everyone wants, so here it is. The organization will be: Campaign ------ Mission #: Mission Name Monsters How to Acquire Mission #: Mission Name Monsters How to Acquire And so on. If monsters appears in a group, I will separate them with "/" instead of ",". I will not include monsters acquired by new marshals. If I miss any, please tell me. These are very short descriptions. For full descriptions, see Monster Info. Yugi Campaign ------ Mission 1: War Campaign Silver Fang, Blackland Fire Dragon In the forest between Makhad and Jakhud, acquired after defeating Etos Mission 2: Fury of the Empire Mystic Horseman/Hane-Hane/Man-Eater Bug Forest south of Croethe. Mission 3: Strategy Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 North of Dyethruo - go with Yugi Mission 4: Battle for Tsughut None Mission 5: Turbulent Waters Octoberser, Enchanting Mermaid Between Tsughut and Thor-Mount, east of Van-Lova Mission 6: Badlands Summoned Skull, Illusory Gentleman/Neck Hunter/Beast of Gilfer, Dark Magician Tower-Pegasi, Between Tower-Pegasi and Tower-Centauri, after beating mission Mission 7: Crucial Battle Gemini Elf (Lora) In Dyovann, must have other elf as leader Mission 8: Refugees Baby Dragon Edge of the mountains southwest of Beyzon where it begins to bend Mission 9: Break Free Sanga of Thunder, Harpie Lady (Ocupete) Mountains directly west of Ce-Reizo, Southwest of Ce-Reizo having other Harpie Mission 10: Counter Attack Dark Magician Girl Comes at some time during the mission, wait until she comes. Mission 11: Spellcaster Dark Elf Defeat Tea Mission 12: Phantom Blast Red-Eyes Black Dragon Defeat Joey Mission 13: For That Someone Special Panther Warrior Defeat Joey with Mai Mission 14: Scorched Fortress Whale/Suijin/Aqua Dragon North of Tsughut along the coast Mission 15: Betrayal None Mission 16: A Lost Cause Dark Magician #2 Defeat Arkana Mission 17: Secret Power Machine King, Labyrinth Tank, Dragon Piper, Beta the Magnet Warrior, Millennium Golem Liberate Jenonnva, between Phyo-Rente and Charte-Goallua, betweem Phyo-Rente and Myilluno, liberate Phyo-Rente, liberate Myilluno Mission 18: Face Off Gaia the Fierce Knight Center of the lake Mission 19: Banishment Harpie Lady (Keraino) Liberate Kaepe-Town Mission 20: Hollowed Land of Ishtar None Mission 21: Dream World Alpha the Magnet Warrior Liberate Memory-Bridge Mission 22: Dark Spirit Obelisk the Tormentor Summon him from the item acquired by defeating DarkNite and Nite/Mare with a marshal with the Master of the Egyptian Gods ability Kaiba Campaign ------ Mission 1: Hand of Fire Berfomet South of Ru-Ma-Pann Mission 2: Bandits None Mission 3: Surrounded None Mission 4: Framed Gamma the Magnet Warrior Northwest corner or mountains north of Beyzon Mission 5: Lord of the Forest None Mission 6: Lord of the Plains Tiger Axe Khutamonn Mission 7: Sever the Supply Line Garoozis/Mountain Warrior, Moisture Creature East of Norvey, see Monster Info Mission 8: Full-Scale Offensive Giant Red Seasnake/Sea King Dragon/Spike Seadra North of west coast of Thor-Mount Mission 9: Crucial Battle None Mission 10: Aid from Afar None Mission 11: Going the Distance None Mission 12: Raid Lava Battleguard Edge of the mountains south of Beyzon - you must have Swamp Battleguard as the lead monster. Mission 13: Bandits, Again Insect Queen/Larvae Moth/Queen of the Autumn Leaves From exactly between Buhr-Tos and Rottenhub, go south Mission 14: Dragon Lair Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Azrael/Djibril/Ibris)/Lord of D., Buster Blader/Cyber Commander, Thunder Dragon, Meteor Dragon, Seiyaryu, Judge Man/Kaiser Dragon Liberate Burrow, between Dragon-Gate and Den, liberate the following: Nest, Den, Hall, and Lair Mission 15: Guidance None Mission 16: Surprise Attack None Mission 17: Face-Off None Mission 18: Banishment Zoa/Kryuel/Castle of Dark Illusions Forest south of Pleasure Town Mission 19: Hollowed Land of Ishtar None Mission 20: Dream World None Mission 21: Dark Spirit Slifer the Sky Dragon Summon him from the item acquired by defeating DarkNite and Nite/Mare with a marshal with the Master of the Egyptian Gods ability Joey Campaign ------ Mission 1: Raid Serpent Knight Dragon/Invitation to a Dark Sleep/Swordstalker Directly west of Twin Rivers far in the mountains Mission 2: Outnumbered? Swamp Battleguard/Battle Ox/Dragon Seeker Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann Mission 3: Quick Attack Sengenjin/Flame Cerebrus Edge of the mountains southwest of Beyzon where it begins to bend Mission 4: Pursuit None Mission 5: Minion of Darkness Gemini Elf (Kachua) Liberate Tower-Deneb Mission 6: Thrashed None Mission 7: Reversal None Mission 8: Master Plan Mystical Beast Serket Defeat Odion Mission 9: Impostor The Winged Dragon of Ra Summon him from the item acquired by defeating DarkNite and Nite/Mare with a marshal with the Master of the Egyptian Gods ability Mission 10: Invincible Imperial Guard Kazejin/Skull Knight/Pumpking King of Ghosts North of Ru-Ma-Pann =============================================================================== *~==~==* Items *~==~==* Finally, we're done the monster section and we're moving onto items. The item section will explain what kinds of items there are, what they do, how to use them, the amt. of times they can be used, what kind of item they are, what level (for magic) they are at, the price for buying (which is from the guide and a bunch are wrong), and that's it. I'll try to correct the guide's mistakes. If and item has a star next to it, I give a location at the end of the section and consider it rare, since it is found in few places. As far as I know, all items that say "disables all special powers" in the game, it means that the item confuses them. Magic ---------------- Due to lack of knowledge of magic, I will now give a lesson on the magic ability. Some monsters have the capability of learning magic. Different monsters have different magic levels learned. These will never be increased. For example, Dark Magician Girl learns level 4 magic. It will never increase to level 5. There are five levels of magic. Magic items also have levels, and there are five as well. Each level of magic allows the monster to equip and use "magic" items of that level and lower. For example, Dark Magician Girl can use magic items of levels 1-4, while Summoned Skull can only use magic items of level 2 or lower, because he learns level 2 magic. Since the highest level of magic is 5, monsters with level 5 magic can use all levels of magic. Several monsters also learn Magic Craft, which increases the effect of magic. The items are divided into sections, then listed alphabetically. Potions: These are used for increasing life/making barriers, etc. Polymerization: All monsters involved are removed from battle and the fusion monster replaces them. Lasts until end of battle. Will be replenished/can use the replenish command. Name------------------# Uses----$Price----Description-------------------------- Blue Medicine 7 200 Restores small amount of life points to one monster. Dark Energy 7 400 Raises attack of Darklands type for one battle. Destruction Punch 2 800 Forms Barrier B (reflects half of damage given by enemy back) around one team monster. Dian Keto the Cure 1 1800 Restores all monsters to full health, Master in and out of battles. Dragon Capture Jar 3 650 Paralyzes all Dragon monsters in battle. Dragonic Fury 3 600 Raises Dragon monsters' attacks in battle, also confuses them. Goblin's Secret Remedy 6 200 Cures all status changes of one monster. Monster Reborn 1 750 Revives and restores half health to a fallen monster. Polymerization 1 500 Fuses two or three monsters together in battle. Power of Nature 4 750 Raises attack and AP of all spirit monsters for one battle. Red Medicine 3 500 Restores full health to one team monster Riryoku* 1 --- Absorb two team monsters' health to boost one monster's attack in battle. Snake Fang 6 450 Poisons one enemy in battle. Super Rejuvenation 6 500 Allows one team monster to gain health automatically in battle. Violet Crystal 4 750 Increases the attack of Night-Adept monsters for one battle. Equipment: These items are equipped onto monsters to increase abilities or attack, or decrease enemy abilities or attacks. There are one of each and are automatically put into effect. Name-----------------------$Price----Description------------------------------- Beast Fangs 500 Raises attack of Beast-type monsters by 500. Black Pendant 900 Raises attack and damage against Spellcasters of Darklands-type monsters. Book of Secret Arts 600 Raises attack of Spellcaster-types by 500. Cyber Shield 700 Raises attack of any Harpie Lady by 500. Deal of Phantom 800 Raises AP of monster by 1. Dragonic Attack 4000 Dragon equipped with this will never miss. Electro-Whip 900 Used by any Harpie Lady, allows attacks to paralyze enemies. Enchanted Javelin 500 Raises damage done by to Darklands-type monsters by Spirit types. Laser Cannon Armor 750 Raises attack by 500 and enables special attacks for Basic Insect. Legendary Sword 500 Raises attack of Warrior-types by 500. Multiply 900 Raises attack by 1000 and enables special attacks for Kuriboh. Shock Shell 400 Raises attack and of Machine-type monsters and allows their attacks to confuse enemies. Silver Bow and Arrow 800 Raises accuracy and attack by 500 for Spirit and Warrior monsters. Sword of Dragon's Soul 500 Increases damage done to Dragons by Warrior monsters. Magic: Magic can only be used by team members who have a magic ability. The level of the ability must be higher or equal to the magic level. The highest magic level is 5. I have checked all of these myself, and the guide, to fix its mistakes. If you find any more, tell me. Name-----------------Lv.---# Uses---$Price---Description----------------------- Black Shield 3 5 1200 Forms a C Barrier (halves damage done) around one team monster. Bless of Moonlight* 3 4 --- Increases attack and AP of all Night-Adept monsters for one battle. Chaos Blaze 3 2 1500 Increases attack of Darklands- type monsters, also confuses them Dragon Treasure 4 6 700 Increases attack and AP for Dragon-types. Final Flame* 4 1 --- Inflicts heavy damage on one enemy monster. Germ Infection 2 5 200 Poisons all enemies. Gift of the Mystical 3 3 1200 Restores a great amount of life Elf points to all team monster. As far as I've seen, restores up to 3500. Gravity Bind* 4 2 --- Reduces attack and AP of all enemy monsters. Hinotama 2 5 400 Inflicts damage on all enemies. Mage Power 2 3 600 Increases attack of Spellcasters, also confuses them Magic Jammer 3 3 800 Confuses all enemies Mesmeric Control 3 4 800 Lowers all enemy monsters' AP and attack. Mirror Force* 5 3 --- Forms Barrier B (reflects half of damage given by enemy back) around one team monster. Mirror Wall* 4 3 1500 Forms Barrier A (reduces attacking enemy's attack by 100) around one team monster. Quick Attack* 2 3 900 Raises AP of all team members. Raigeki* 5 1 --- Inflicts massive damage to all enemies. Raimei 4 5 500 Inflicts damage and paralyzes all enemies. Shadow Spell 1 5 450 Paralyzes one enemy. Solar Shine 2 7 600 Undoes status changes of monsters. Sparks 1 3 500 Inflicts small damage and decreases AP of one enemy. Spellbinding Circle 3 4 1200 Lowers attack and AP of one enemy. Swords of Revealing 3 3 900 Paralyzes all enemies. Light Yami 3 5 1000 Blinds all enemies. Class Change: These items upgrade monsters to stronger forms. For a list of affected monsters, see the Class Change/Fusion section. All class change items can upgrade 1 monster only. I have given one or two locations, but that does NOT mean it can only be found there. Name-----------------------Location-------------------------------------------- Black Luster Ritual Beat Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's campaign. Call of the Grave Yugi's Mission: "Crucial Battle". Build a Trade Union in Phostenn. Cocoon of Evolution Yugi's Mission: "Badlands" in Tower-Sirius, and Kaiba's Mission: "Crucial Battle" in Castle- Leftarm. Build Trade Union. Metalmorph Yugi's Mission: "Break Free". Build a Trade Union in Ce-Reizo. Gods: Gods are summoned from items. They will take the place of all three team monsters for the battle. Name------------------# Uses---Description + Location-------------------------- Eye of Ra 1 Summons Winged Dragon of Ra. Beat Marik in Joey's story (Mission: "Imposter"). Slifer's Orb 1 Summons Slifer the Sky Dragon. Beat Dark Nite and possibly Nite Mare in Kaiba's story. Soul of Obelisk 1 Summons Obelisk the Tormentor. Beat Dark Nite and possibly Nite Mare in Yugi's story. Locations: Locations of items marked with a * Name-----------------------Location-------------------------------------------- Riryoku Beat Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's campaign. Bless of Moonlight Liberate Myilluno in Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's side. Final Flame Liberate Jenonnva in Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's side. Gravity Bind Liberate Charte-Goallua in Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's side. Mirror Force Liberate Phyo-Rente in Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's side. Mirror Wall Purchase a Trade Union in Van-Lova in Kaiba's mission "Going the distance". Quick Attack By a Trade Union in Sweit in Kaiba's mission: "Sever the Supply Line" Raigeki Beat Mission: "Secret Power" on Yugi's campaign. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Walkthrough Intro *~==~==* This is just some notes on what to expect. First, read the section above. Please, as it will make the Walkthroughs so much easier to understand. These Walkthroughs are based on my experiences. The order I went through the game was Yugi-Yugi-Kaiba-Joey (covers all stories; really, it is Yugi-Yugi- Kaiba-Joey-Yugi-Kaiba-Kaiba, but that doesn't matter). Also, I want you to know that I only trained my MAIN MARSHAL. If that doesn't suit you, just follow my guide but attack in waves. If it does suit your, or doesn't matter, follow my directions and you will succeed. The layout of my Walkthroughs will be: Mission #: Mission Name Mission Notes - Such as "Enemies begin to regenerate in this mission" or "Enemies use fusions" Objectives (Added later) - Winning/Losing Conditions New available marshals - Marshals who you can now use Must bring Marshals (Added later) - Marshals you must bring are highlighted with a red "GO" mark. You must bring them; you have no choice. Team Assembly - Tips on assembling teams - If I say no change, it doesn't matter who you bring. Bases and Items (items added later) - Cooperation is hearts, which increase healing speed. Abbreviated HP by me (healing points). Gold is the gold acquired by liberating. Items is items sold with/without trade union. Size is stars, which increases stat bonuses. F/E/N is Friendly base, Enemy base, or Neutral Base. Base names with a (F) or a (E) next to them means Friendly or Enemy Main Base. Later, items acquired by liberation will also be listed. - The Main Base currently means that if it is lost, the other side wins. If you take out the (E) base, you win, if the (F) base is taken out, you lose. Usually, the main base will recover enemies in 5 game hours. I will later indicate with a * if it doesn't. Enemy Marshals - The first one listed is the "boss" of the level Strategy - Step-by-step battle plan The AP/BP/LP of marshals will be listed in a section I will add later. It will also include tips for leveling up. By popular demand, I have made a new Monster Locations by Mission section, and the roaming monsters acquired section has been deleted. For now, I have reduced the amount of information I give so I can finish the basic strategy faster. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Yugi Campaign Walkthrough *~==~==* After starting Yugi's campaign, you see a brief story about what happens. When you become trapped in the game, one of your marshals, Shimon, explains the rules to you. Listen carefully. Then, begin team assembly. I suggest you do nothing to change your teams. Yugi's team is currently the strongest. I'd keep it this way, even though the compatibility orbs don't match. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 1: War Campaign Notes: This is your first mission. It is simple. At the end, you receive your first items. New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Yugi Master of the Egyptian Gods Celtic Guardian, Feral Imp, Kuriboh Shimon None Zombie Warrior, Shadow Specter, Beaver Warrior Fizdis Discount Horn Imp, Kanikabuto, Penguin Soldier Team Assembly: For this mission, bring only Yugi and Shimon. Fizdis is weak, and you have no time now to train her. Don't change the teams just yet. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Jakhud (F) -- 2 5 F Ruthum 500 1 4 N Phedon 500 1 4 N Makhad (E) 700 2 3 E Enemies: Name------------Location-------Monsters---------------------------------------- Etos Makhad Blackland Fire Dragon, Basic Insect, Swordsman from a Foreign Land Officer Makhad Larvae Moth, Zarigun, Hitotsu-Me Giant Strategy: Shimon will explain your battle plan. Follow these instead. 1) Send Yugi to Phedon, then Shimon to Ruthum. Make sure Yugi arrives first. 2) Wait until the Officer arrives at Phedon. Blow him away with Yugi. Send Yugi back to Jakhud if you want a roaming monster. Otherwise send him strait to Makhad. 3) Send Yugi from Jakhud to Makhad. Meet Silver Fang along the way. Defeat him and he joins your party. 4) Finish Etos with Yugi. Blackland Fire Dragon defects to your side. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 2: Fury of the Empire Team Assembly: Get rid of Kuriboh in Yugi's team and replace with Blackland. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Dhinn-Farm (F) -- 2 4 F Watthu 350 1 4 E Croethe 400 1 3 E Phothwo 800 1 4 E Dhithton 400 1 4 E Ashton (E) 700 1 4 E Strategy: 1) Liberate Watthu with Yugi. 2) Find the roaming monster in the forest. 3) Liberate all the bases except Ashton for gold and experience. 4) Liberate Ashton. Tristan joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 3: Strategy New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Tristan Constructor Gazelle, Giant Soldier of Stone, Swordsman from a Foreign Land Team Assembly: No change. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Yortson (F) -- 2 4 F Phagttuon 450 1 3 N Dyethruo 400 1 2 N Telenoes (E) 800 2 2 E Strategy: 1) Since Dyethruo will explode at 9 p.m., send Yugi to the mountains directly north of Dyethruo. Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress will join you. You must use Yugi. 2) After getting Winged Dragon, send Yugi back to Yortsun. Prepare for the weak attack. 3) After all the enemies get whooped, send Shimon to Phagttuon and Yugi to Dyethruo. 4) Send Yugi to Telenoes and show Granus he's no match for your power. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 4: Battle for Tsughut Team Assembly: You may want to bring Tristan. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Telenoes (F) -- 2 5 F Rowerful 350 1 3 E Kthujan 400 2 3 E Ithuvak 600 1 5 E Ghuashyene 400 4 3 E Tsughut (E) 900 4 3 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi just out of Telenoes, then back in. Wait for the moving marshals and defeat them. 2) Send Shimon to Ithuvak. Bakura should appear. Wait awhile for Bakura to deactivate all the enemies' defenses. Make sure you move Shimon back to Telenoes before he gets to the base. 3) Send Yugi to liberate Ithuvak, then Ghuashyene. 4) Send Tristan to liberate Rowerful, then Kthujan. 5) Send Yugi to finish Kepulia at Tsughut. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 5: Turbulent Waters New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Bakura None Ansatsu, Beastking of the Swamps, Stuffed Animal Team Assembly: Bring everyone, since you have no other choice. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Tsughut (F) -- 4 4 F Jokhan 600 1 1 N Van-Lova 400 1 1 N Thor-Mount 400 1 1 N Gigan-Syip (E) 800 2 2 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi to Jokhan. There, hold off and defeat the moving enemies. 2) Send Tristan or Bakura to Van-Lova, then east to find Enchanting Mermaid. 3) Send Yugi to Tsughut, then to Thor-Mount, and you will meet Octoberser along the way. 4) Send Yugi to liberate Gigan-Syip. Mako will now join you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 6: Badlands Notes: If you miss any monsters on this mission, restart it. New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Mako Navy Kairyu-Shin, Fiend Kraken, Jellyfish Team Assembly: Bring Yugi, Shimon, and any other marshals. Have at least four. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Reasearcher Guild (F) -- 2 3 F Tower-Deneb 300 2 1 N Tower-Pegasi 300 1 1 N Tower-Sirius 300 1 1 N Tower-Centauri 300 1 1 N Air Shrine (E) 400 1 0 E Strategy: 1) Quickly send Yugi to Tower-Pegasi. Send Bakura to Tower-Sirius. When Yugi arrives at Tower-Pegasi, he fights Summoned Skull. Defeat him and he joins you. 2) Wait at Pegasi for the enemy marshals. Defeat them. Now, send Yugi to Tower-Centauri. You may want to build a Healer at Pegasi to heal. 3) Along the way you fight a band of monsters. Defeat them, then liberate Centauri. 4) Send Shimon to Tower-Deneb. 5) When Shimon is almost there, send Yugi to Air Shrine. Defeat Darkness, and Dark Magician will join you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 7: Crucial Battle Notes: If the enemy has any cannons, have a weaker team set them off, then have a stronger team defeat the marshal. New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Joey Constructor Flame Swordsman, Robotic Knight, Giltia the D. Knight Mai None Harpie Lady (Airo), Harpie's Pet Dragon, Curse of Dragon Team Assembly: Get rid of all of Yugi's monsters and give them to Shimon. Put Summoned Skull, Dark Magician, and Illusory Gentleman on Yugi's team. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Chitthun (F) -- 2 4 F Nua-Tua 350 2 2 N Phostenn 400 4 1 E Kardhyis 350 2 1 E Tet-Ran 400 4 1 E Dyovann 600 2 3 N Nyuaghulla 400 4 1 E Enno (E) 900 4 0 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi just outside of Chitthun to the west, then move him back in. Defeat any moving marshals. 2) Liberate Phostenn with Yugi. Then send Yugi to Nyuaghulla. Send Shimon to Phostenn. 3) Send Bakura to Nua-Tua. Around now, Joey should appear. Send him to Nyuaghulla following Yugi. 4) Send Yugi to Tet-Ran. Send Joey to Dyovann. Send Tristan to Nyuaghulla. Shimon will probably have to face some enemies now, but with Yugi's star team, he'll do fine. 5) Send Yugi to Kardhyis. Mai should appear around now. 6) Finish Haysheen with Yugi. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 8: Refugees Notes: Scott is now in control. This level is terribly hard. Do exactly as I say. Also, enemies learn how to fuse. New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Tea Healer Dancing Elf, Dark Witch, Gyakuteno Megami Team Assembly: No change. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Craw-Valley (F) -- 2 4 F Beyzon 400 1 3 N Vrauson (E) 800 2 1 E Strategy: 1) Send Tea north some. The enemies will soon collide. Now, send Tea north some more. Send Tea northwest. Now, go west. Now, use icon mode to bring Tea to Craw-Valley. 2) Before Tea gets there, send Joey southeast to where the mountains bend. There, Baby Dragon joins without a fight. Also, send Yugi out of Craw-Valley, making sure not to block Tea's path. 3) When Tea arrives, send Yugi back into Craw-Valley. Get ready to fight. If Joey has gotten Baby Dragon, send him to Beyzon. 4) After Yugi defeats the marshals, send him to Beyzon. 5) Defeat Rare Hunter in Vrauson. Alternately, move Joey to Craw-Valley, have all five marshals in Craw-Valley and you win. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 9: Break Free Team Assembly: Make sure you bring Mai. Don't change her team at all. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Buizlluin (F) -- 1 3 F Ce-Reizo 500 1 1 N Chelyumn (E) 600 2 2 E Strategy: 1) Send Mai to Ce-Reizo and Shimon to the mountains directly west of Ce-Reizo. 2) Defeat the enemies with Yugi. 3) Send Mai south of the narrow desert path to where it begins to open up. Harpie Lady (Ocupete) will join you there. 4) Shimon should be at his location now. He should meet Sanga of Thunder, who will join you if you win the fight. 5) Liberate Chelyumn with Yugi and defeat the coward Atensa. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 10: Counter Attack Notes: If for some reason Dark Magician Girl doesn't join you, restart the mission. Team Assembly: Take Curse of Dragon off of Mai's team, and give her Harpie Lady (Ocupete). Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Riz-Phonn (F) -- 2 3 F Ru-Ma-Pann 800 1 2 E Seirauna 1000 2 1 E Maryah-Denn (E) -- 4 1 E Strategy: 1) Make Yugi defending marshal (move him out, then back in). 2) Defeat the moving marshals. 3) Send Yugi to Ru-Ma-Pann, and then Seirauna. Sometime around now, Dark Magician Girl should join you. 4) Send Yugi to finish Scott in Maryah-Denn. Scott takes control of some of your friends. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 11: Spellcaster Notes: Joey, Tea, and Bakura have been kidnapped. Also, the guide recycled a previous map, so the Bases and Enemies info may have errors. Team Assembly: Take Illusory Gentleman or Summoned Skull off of Yugi's team and replace Feral Imp in Shimon's team with him. Give Yugi Dark Magician Girl. Bring 1-2 extra marshals, such as Mai and Tristan. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Tower-Centauri (F) -- 1 0 F Tower-Deneb 300 1 0 N Tower-Pegasi 300 1 0 N Tower-Sirius 300 1 0 N Researcher Guild 400 2 3 N Air Shrine (E) 300 2 1 E Strategy: 1) Send Shimon to Tower-Pegasi and Mai to Tower-Deneb. Send Tristan to Tower- Sirius. 2) Fend of the marshals with Yugi. 3) Send all marshals except Shimon back to Tower-Centauri, and send Yugi to Researcher Guild. 4) Yugi meets Time Wizard at Researcher Guild, and he turns the clock back one day. 5) Liberate Air Shrine with Yugi. Tea is freed and Dark Elf joins your party. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 12: Phantom Blast Team Assembly: Bring everyone. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Chitthun (F) -- 4 1 F Nua-Tua 450 2 2 N Phostenn 500 4 1 E Kardhyis 450 2 1 E Tet-Ran 500 4 1 E Dyovann 750 2 3 N Nyuaghulla 500 4 1 E Enno (E) 700 4 0 E Strategy: 1) Make Yugi defending marshal, make sure he gets sent out on the west side. Defeat the moving enemies. 2) Send Tristan to Phostenn to set off an event. Kaiba destroys all opposing cannons now. Make sure Tristan goes back to Chitthun. 3) Send Yugi to liberate Phostenn. Then, send Shimon to Phostenn and build a Healer and an Anti-Ground Cannon. 4) Send Yugi to Nyuaghulla and Tristan to Nua-Tua. Send Tea to follow Yugi. 5) Send Yugi to Tet-Ran and Mai to Dyovann. Shimon may have to fight more enemies now. 6) Send Yugi to Kardhyis. 7) Attack Joey. Red Eyes Black Dragon joins you. Joey escapes. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 13: For That Someone Special Notes: Joey must be defeated with Mai. Team Assembly: No change. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Craw-Valley (F) -- 2 4 F Beyzon 350 1 3 N Vrauson (E) 700 2 2 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi to Beyzon, followed by Shimon, then Mai. 2) After the moving enemies are defeated, send Yugi to Vrauson followed by Mai. 3) Attack Joey until he has one monster left with low LP. 4) Finish Joey with Mai. Joey is freed. Panther Warrior joins your army. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 14: Scorched Team Assembly: Bring 3-4 marshals. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Tsughut (F) -- 4 1 F K-Su-Yan 100 2 0 N Y-Su-Wak 100 1 0 E Telenoes (E) 100 2 0 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi north along the coast to find a band of roaming monsters. They join you after defeating them. 2) Send Yugi back to Tsughut, and send someone to K-Su-Yan (not Shimon). 3) Defeat the enemies with Yugi. If Yugi doesn't make it in time, beat the first few with Shimon. 4) Send Yugi to Telenoes and Shimon to Y-Su-Wak. 5) Defeat Strings. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 15: Betrayed Notes: This is the hardest mission in Yugi's campaign. Not because the enemies are difficult though. Team Assembly: Replace Summoned Skull in Yugi's party with a Harpie Lady. Make Harpie the leader. You could also use Ansatsu or Dancing Elf. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Makhad (F) -- 2 1 F Phedon 100 1 4 E Ruthum 100 1 1 E Jakhud 100 2 0 N Strategy: 1) Send Yugi using icon mode to Jakhud immediately. 2) Yami Bakura moves his troops out almost immediately. You'd better move fast. If you don't get there fast enough, you lose. 3) Now, at Jakhud, defeat Yami Bakura. Bakura is freed. Espa Roba joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 16: A Lost Cause Notes: This has nothing to do with the mission, but the guide listed Espa Roba as female, another reason why it's so bad. For those who don't know Yu-Gi-Oh!, Espa is male. New marshals: Name--------Skill------------------------Monsters------------------------------ Espa Roba None Jinzo, Giant Mech Soldier, Cyber Cyber Saurus Team Assembly: Put Summoned Skull back on Yugi's team. Bring Yugi and Shimon only. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Shadow Forest (F) -- 2 0 F Twin Rivers 850 2 0 N Sunny-Plane 850 2 0 N Anker-Hill (E) 1000 4 1 E Strategy: 1) Send Shimon to Sunny-Plane. Build a Barricade and Healer at Anker-Hill. 2) Defeat the enemies, then heal. 3) Send Yugi to Twin-Rivers. 4) Send Yugi to Shadow Forest and defeat Arkana. His Dark Magician #2 is at level 99, with Raigeki magic. This will be a tough fight. However, at this point, you should definitely have your Dark Magician at level 40 already. His special attack is a combo with Dark Magician Girl. Use it wisely. After beating Arkana, Dark Magician #2 joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 17: Secret Power Notes: You get tons of rare monsters and items here. Team Assembly: Do NOT put the Dark Magician #2 on your team. Well, you can, but you shouldn't. He is too weak right now. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Khatoghu (F) -- 1 0 F Charte-Goallua 1200 1 0 E Jenonnva 1200 1 0 E Phyo-Rente 1200 1 0 E Myilluno (E) 1200 1 0 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi to fight Shadi at Jenonnva. Machine King joins you. 2) Send Yugi directly south to find Dragon Piper. It may be Labyrinth Tank, and if it is, Dragon Piper is where I say Labyrinth Tank will be. 3) Send Yugi to Charte-Goallua. 4) Send Yugi to Phyo-Rente. Beta the Magnet Warrior joins you. 5) Send Yugi to Myilluno. Along the way, Labyrinth Tank joins you. After defeating Shadi, Millennium Golem joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 18: Face Off Team Assembly: With the Black Luster Ritual you got in the last level, transform Dark Magician into Magician of Black Chaos. It is not applicable with Arkana's Dark Magician. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Bustonn (F) -- 2 2 F Jark 350 1 0 E Shyi-Hagou 350 1 0 E Castle-Leftarm 450 4 0 E Castle-Rightarm 450 4 0 E Nonnber (E) 700 4 0 E Strategy: 1) Make Yugi defending marshal. Defeat the two enemy marshals. 2) Send Yugi to Jark. 3) Send Yugi to Shyi-Hagou. 4) Send Yugi across the lake to Castle-Rightarm. In the center of the lake, you meet Gaia the Fierce Knight. Defeat him and he joins you. 5) Send Yugi to Castle-Leftarm. 6) Go and defeat Kaiba. Kaiba is tough. Attack with Dark Burning Magic continuously. He will fuse right when one of the Blue Eyes' is getting low on LP. You may have to retreat, so be careful. You may want to send Shimon in, weaken one of his Blue-Eyes until he fuses, escape, then take out the last dragon with Yugi. 7) Kaiba tells you that Mokuba has been kidnapped. You now try to get him back. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 19: Banishment Notes: You will need a balance of Aerial teams and Ground teams to thwart cannons. Team Assembly: See Notes. Bring everyone. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Pleasure Town (F) -- 2 1 F Vestoara-Gate 500 4 0 E Turret-Front 500 4 0 E Dhorminouth-Town 700 2 0 N Kaepe-Town 700 2 0 N Tower-Southern 500 4 0 E Sygh-Varths Gate 500 4 0 E Sygh-Varths (E) 1800 3 1 E Strategy: Remember, use weak team to activate cannons. 1) Make Yugi defending marshal and defeat the moving enemies. 2) Send Tristan to Dhorminouth-Town 3) Send Yugi to liberate Vestoara-Gate, Turret-Front, and then Tower-Southern. 4) Send Mai to Kaepe-Town. 5) Set off the cannons at Sygh-Varths Gate if necessary, then send Yugi to liberate it. 6) Mai, at Kaepe-Town, will meet Harpie Lady (Keraino). She will join you. 7) Send someone to set off the cannon at Sygh-Varths if necessary. Defeat Scott. Keep at his Cosmo Queen until you win. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 20: Hollowed Land of Ishtar Team Assembly: No change. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Kaepe-Town (F) -- 2 0 F Ishtar Gate 300 2 0 N Home-Land 600 1 0 E Ishtar (E) 800 3 0 E Strategy: 1) Send Yugi to Ishtar Gate and someone to Home-Land. 2) Have Yugi defeat the enemy marshals. 3) Send Yugi to Ishtar and defeat Odion. Mokuba has been freed. You now enter Ishtar. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Missions 21 & 22 - See Final Campaign Walkthrough On your second time through this campaign, replace Illusory Gentleman/Summoned Skull, whichever one Yugi has, with Dark Magician. You will get him again if you changed Dark Magician in your first campaign into Magician of Black Chaos. This is not Dark Magician #3, just the normal Dark Magician. You cannot get another of Magician of Black Chaos, however. By the end of this, MoBC and DMG should be at level 99. DM should be around level 50. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Kaiba Campaign Walkthrough *~==~==* Like in Yugi's campaign, you here a brief story, and then Marthis and Haysheen, one of your marshals and your emperor respectively, explain what to do. Scroll through quickly and begin team assembly. Take all monsters out of Kaiba's team and replace them with Yugi's team. The orbs may not match, but it'll work out. If you did as I said and played Yugi's campaign a second time, your monsters are at level 99, and this will be a breeze. Yugi's team should have consisted of Magician of Black Chaos, Dark Magician, and Dark Magician Girl. All but Dark Magician should be at lv. 99. I recommend you give Mokuba Shimon's monsters. This should make Kaiba's campaign much easier. Let's begin, shall we? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 1: Hand of Fire Notes: As easy as Yugi's first mission, only easier with your new monsters. Team Assembly: Given above. Bring Kaiba and Marthis only. Strategy: 1) Send Kaiba to Ru-Ma-Pann. When he is halfway there, send Marthis to Seirauna. 2) From Ru-Ma-Pann, send Kaiba south a bit to find Berfomet. 3) Go back to Ru-Ma-Pann, and wait for Jusell's arrival. 4) Finish Malaikura in Riz-Phonn, and show the Black Dragon Squad what the imperial forces are made of. You'll learn more about them later. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 2: Bandits Team Assembly: Bring all marshals. Strategy: 1) Send Kaiba to Dyethruo and Mokuba to Yortson. 2) Wait at Dyethruo for Bonz's arrival. 3) Defeat Bonz. 4) Defeat Bandit Keith. Bonz joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 3: Surrounded Team Assembly: Bring all four marshals. Strategy: 1) Make Kaiba defending marshal and await enemy attack. 2) After beating the enemy marshals, send Marthis to Kardhyis, Kaiba to Phostenn, and Mokuba to Tet-Ran. Keep Bonz at Enno. 3) Liberate Phostenn and Chitthun with Kaiba. Mokuba should take Tet-Ran and Dyovann. Keep Marthis at Khardyis. 4) Send Kaiba or Mokuba to Nyuaghulla. 5) Send Kaiba to Nua-Tua for a showdown with Pegasus. 6) Pegasus has a secret meeting with you. Marthis finds out. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 4: Framed Notes: Marthis has betrayed you. You can no longer use him from this point on. Team Assembly: Bring as few marshals as possible, but at least two. Strategy: 1) Make Kaiba defending marshal. Defeat the moving enemies. 2) Send Kaiba to Craw-Valley. 3) Send someone into the mountains north of Beyzon to find Gamma the Magnet Warrior. 4) Destroy the traitor Marthis. Pegasus and Labyrinth Ruler join you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 5: Lord of the Forest Team Assembly: Bring Pegasus and Mokuba (and Kaiba of course). Strategy: 1) Send Pegasus and Mokuba to Saxzoss and Buhr-Tos. 2) Defeat the enemies with Kaiba. 3) Send Pegasus/Mokuba from their liberated towns to Rottenhub. 4) Send Kaiba to Rasixthen and defeat Weevil. He joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 6: Lord of the Plains Team Assembly: Bring as few marshals as possible Strategy: 1) Make Kaiba defending marshal and defend against the moving enemies. 2) Send Kaiba to liberate each base. 3) At Khutamonn, you meat Tiger Axe. He joins you if you defeat him. 4) Liberate Rhuninn-Grahd. Rex Raptor joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 7: Sever the Supply Line Team Assembly: Bring 3 marshals. Strategy: 1) Send Kaiba east of Norvey to find Garoozis and Mountain Warrior. 2) Send Kaiba to Sweit and follow the instructions to find Moisture Creature located in the Monster Info section. If you don't want Moisture Creature, send Mokuba to Sweit. Most people still use Kaiba to find MC, so just to be sure, do it too. 3) Once you find MC, send Kaiba to liberate Runinn-Zhamhud ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 8: Full-Scale Offensive Team Assembly: Bring Kaiba, Mokuba, and Pegasus. Strategy: 1) Send Mokuba to Tsughut and Pegasus to Jokhan. 2) When Mokuba gets to Tsughut, send him to Thor-Mount. 3) Thrash the enemies with Kaiba. 4) When Mokuba is nearing Thor-Mount, he will meet a band of roaming monsters. Defeat them and they join you. 5) Send Kaiba to liberate Gigan-Syip. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 9: Crucial Battle Team Assembly: Bring two marshals. Strategy: 1) Make Kaiba defending marshal and defeat the enemies coming toward you. 2) Send Kaiba to liberate Jark, then Shyi-Hagou, then Castle-Leftarm 3) The enemies should have come back now. 4) Send Kaiba to liberate Castle-Rightarm, and finally Nonnber. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 10: Aid from Afar Team Assembly: Bring 2 - 3 marshals. Strategy: 1) Make Kaiba defending marshal quickly. Destroy the surrounding enemies. 2) Send Kaiba to Riz-Phonn. Depending on how long it takes to defeat your enemies, Yugi comes. He comes at a set time (forget when). After defeating all 6 enemy marshals and liberating both side bases, attack Rare Hunter. 3) After winning the battle, Scott takes Mokuba hostage. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 11: Going the Distance Team Assembly: Bring three or more marshals. Strategy: 1) Send Kaiba to Jokhan, and two people to Thor-Mount and Van-Lova. 2) Wait at Jokhan until the enemies arrive. 3) Send Kaiba to liberate Gigan-Syip. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 12: Raid Team Assembly: Bring 3-4 marshals. When going through a second time, make sure that one team has Swamp Battleguard as the leader. Strategy: 1) Send two marshals to Craw-Valley and Vrauson. 2) When both above bases are liberated, send Kaiba to Beyzon. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 13: Bandits, Again Team Assembly: Bring as few marshals as possible. Give Mokuba's team to Bonz. Strategy: 1) Immediately send Bonz to the forest directly in between Buhr-Tos and Rottenhub, while avoiding the enemies. Build a Healer. 2) Have Kaiba slaughter the enemies, but not Bandit Keith. 3) Finish all of Keiths monsters except one. Hold that one off. Heal if necessary. 4) Once Bonz gets to the area between the two bases, send him directly south. Defeat the roaming monsters. Make sure you take out at least one of them, and that you stay alive. Defeating just one monster can give you 10,000 points, and if you don't die, you win. 5) Crush Bandit Keith for all the suffering you went through to get the monsters. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 14: Dragon Lair Team Assembly: Bring Kaiba and Pegasus only. Not that you can bring more... Strategy: 1) Send Kaiba to Den. Along the way, you meet roaming monsters. Defeat Cyber Commander, and then try to stay alive. 2) Liberate the enemy bases one by one, otherwise, you can't even get into Burrow. 3) Liberate Burrow. Tons of monsters join you during this mission. The Blue- eyes do too. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 15: Guidance Team Assembly: No change. Strategy: 1) Send Kaiba to Nonnber. Defeat Lumis along the way. 2) Liberate Nonnber. Ishizu Ishtar joins you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 16: Surprise Attack Team Assembly: Bring three marshals, Kaiba, Pegasus, and Ishizu. You won't believe how powerful her monsters are! Strategy: 1) Send Ishizu to Twin-Rivers and Pegasus to Sunny-Plane. 2) If you feel confident, send Kaiba to Shadow Forest so you don't waste time. Otherwise, wait at Anker-Hill. 3) Liberate Shadow Forest ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 17: Face-Off Team Assembly: Bring 4 marshals, Pegasus, Ishizu, Kaiba, and Bonz (still Mokuba's team). Strategy: 1) If you want experience, wait at Enno until Yugi's forces come. Make Kaiba defending marshal. 2) You could choose to just head to Yugi. 3) If you wanted the experience, send Pegasus to Phostennm then Chitthun. 4) After Kaiba defeats the first few marshals, send him to liberate everything else. After liberation of Tet-Ran, send Bonz there. 5) Send Kaiba to Nua-Tua. Defeating Yugi should be a piece of cake. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 18: Banishment Notes: Remember to set off cannons. Team Assembly: Bring 5 or 6 teams. Strategy: 1) Make Kaiba defending marshals and wait for the enemies. Send Ishizu south into the forest for roaming monsters. 2) After defeating the enemies, immediately send Kaiba to Vestoara-Gate. If Yugi is found there, then it's game over for you. 3) After liberating Vestoara-Gate, send a weak marshal to Dhorminouth-Town. Since Ishizu should have the monsters now, send her back to Pleasure-Town. 4) Liberate the rest of the bases with Kaiba setting of cannons as needed. 5) Liberate Sygh-Varths. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 19: Hallowed Land of Ishtar Team Assembly: Bring at least 2 marshals. Strategy: 1) Send someone to Home-Land and Kaiba to Ishtar-Gate. 2) Have Kaiba defeat the enemies. 3) Liberate Ishtar. Enter the sacred temple. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Missions 20 & 21 - See Final Campaign Walkthrough =============================================================================== *~==~==* Final Campaign Walkthrough *~==~==* The Final Campaign is in both Yugi and Kaiba's Campaign; they are the last two levels. They are exactly the same, except for one roaming monster and the dialogue. Mission 21 (Yugi)/20 (Kaiba): Dream World Notes: There is no time limit. Yugi's Team should match my Challenge Mode team as well as possible, replacing the other Dark Magician with Illusory Gentleman or Summoned Skull, whichever one you didn't give to Shimon. Kaiba should have the same thing, possibly having the exact same team as the challenge mode team. Team Assembly: Bring as few marshals as possible. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- System Gateway (F) -- - - F Memory Bank A-1 500 - - E Memory Bank A-2 500 - - E Battery Connect 500 - - E Storage Device 500 - - E Memory-Bridge 500 - - E Terminal Bus (E) 500 - - E Strategy: 1) Pretty simple, really. Send Yugi/Kaiba to liberate the bases one by one. 2) At Memory-Bridge, Alpha the Magnet Warrior joins you, but only in Yugi's Campaign. 3) Liberate Terminal-Bus last. Beware of Gate Guardian! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 22 (Yugi)/21 (Kaiba): Dark Spirit Notes: Again, no time limit. Also, Scott's monsters remain the same level no matter how many campaigns you have played. Team Assembly: No change. Bases: Name------------------Gold---Size---HP---F/E/N---Items------------------------- Terminal Bus (F) -- - - F South-Bridge-S1 500 - - E South-Bridge-S1 500 - - E North-Bridge 500 - - E CPU (E) 2000 - - E Strategy: 1) Be careful while going around CPU with Yugi/Kaiba to liberate other components (not really bases anymore). 2) After liberating all components, liberate CPU. 3) Scott is easy. Too easy. He talks of a Dark Spirit. Unfortunately, he isn't lying. 4) Depending on which campaign you are playing, you must fight a different god monster. Shutting down all the other components weakens it, so make sure you do that. Yugi fights Obelisk, and Kaiba fights Slifer. If this is your second campaign (doesn't matter if it is same or different as your first), you fight the god twice. The God Battles --- Dark Nite (battle 1): Obelisk is very strong. Keep attacking with Yugi's team and you will prevail. The cheating way is to attack with two monsters and then Escape, as the gods always attack last. In this battle, Obelisk is at level 1. Slifer is weaker than Obelisk, but with his ability, he is so much more useful. Be prepared to retreat. If you played Kaiba's second, you have a god up your sleeve. Summon it to watch the gods clash. Obelisk will gain his V-attack. Nite Mare (battle 2): If you have played a campaign already and are replaying it or playing another, The Gods reappear, controlled by Nite Mare, an alter-ego of Dark Nite. The god will become level 99, and shutting down other components does not affect this one. If you didn't use the god you have already with the first one, use it here. After this, you have beaten the campaign. Have you tried everything to beat a god? Fought him 10+ times, and still lose? Try this cheating strategy: Make sure your monsters have lots of AP. Then, fight with the first 2, then retreat, and continue, as the god always attacks twice. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Joey Campaign Walkthrough *~==~==* Finished both Kaiba's and Yugi's Campaign? Then here's your just reward: Joey's Campaign! You are now Joey, leader of the Black Dragon Squad (remember the first mission of Kaiba's campaign?), a band of honest thieves, severing Supply Lines everywhere to help the resistance. You begin, unlike the other campaigns, in the Black Dragon base. Jusell, a member, explains to you the rules, which are skipped over, since you know them already! The monsters you get here are really, really, strong. I suggest that you still give the Dark Magician team to Joey. The other teams are incredible. This shouldn't be too hard. Only 10 missions, after all! Bon voyage! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 1: Raid Team Assembly: Joey should have Yugi's team, and Jusell should get Joey's team. Malaikura can keep his team. Strategy: 1) Send Jusell to the mountains west of Twin Rivers. Far in the mountains directly west of Twin Rivers reside roaming monsters. 2) Joey should be defending marshal, while Malaikura can go to Shadow Forest. 3) Once the enemies are finished, and you acquire the monsters, send Jusell to Anker-Hill and Joey to Twin Rivers. Finish off Nephel. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 2: Outnumbered? Team Assembly: No change. Strategy: 1) Send Malaikura to Ru-Ma-Pann. After defeating the marshal there, go north to encounter roaming monsters. 2) Make Joey defending marshal and defend against the enemies. 3) Send Joey to Seirauna, then liberate Maryah-Denn. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 3: Quick Attack Team Assembly: No change. Strategy: 1) Immediately send Joey to Beyzon and Jusell to the mountains south of Beyzon, where the mountain bends (remember Baby Dragon?). 2) After acquiring the monsters and liberating Beyzon, head straight to Vrauson. Hurry, or reinforcements will come at noon. Tristan will join you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 4: Pursuit Team Assembly: Again, no change. Strategy: 1) Send Jusell to Ce-Reizo and make Joey defending marshal of Chelyumn. 2) After defeating the enemies and liberating Ce-Reizo, defeat Odion. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 5: Minion of Darkness Team Assembly: That's right! No change! Strategy: 1) Send Jusell to Tower-Deneb and Malaikura to Tower-Sirius. At Deneb, Gemini Elf (Kachua) joins you. 2) Once Jusell and Malaikura get to there respective bases, send Jusell to Tower-Centauri and Malaikura to Tower-Pegasi. 3) When all bases are liberated and all enemies are defeated, send Joey to crush Marik in Air Shrine. 4) Mai meets up with Joey, but Marik and his army escapes. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 6: Thrashed Team Assembly: Bring Mai and Tristan. Oh, and everyone else. Make sure you equip Mai's to fusion monsters with Polymerizations. Strategy: 1) Send Jusell to Jokhan. Make Joey defending marshal of Van-Lova. Send Tristan to Tsughut and Mai to Thor-Mount. 2) Mai and Tristan are more than able to take out the marshals at the bases. After Joey is done with the other enemies, send him to Gigan-Syip. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 7: Reversal: Team Assembly: No change. Strategy: 1) Hurry and use icon mode to send Tea who is in Beyzon, to Craw-Valley. 2) When Tea arrives, send Joey to Beyzon. 3) After defeating all the other marshals, send Joey to Vrauson. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 8: Master Plan Team Assembly: Bring everyone. Otherwise known as no change! Strategy: 1) Make Joey defending marshal. 2) After defeating the two moving enemies, spread out. Send Malaikura to Castle-Rightarm, send Jusell to Castle-Leftarm, send Mai and Tea to Shyi-Hagou. Send Joey to Jark. 3) After liberating all those bases, send Joey to Bustonn. After beating Odion, Mystical Beast Serket joins your army. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 9: Imposter Team Assembly: Bring Mai, Joey, and someone else. Strategy: 1) Send Joey to Saxzoss, Mai to Rhudbann, and Tea to Buhr-Tos. 2) After the bases are liberated, time to have some fun. You can attack Marik with anyone, they're all more than strong enough to beat his dragon. Just make sure Joey finishes him off. This is what I think is the easiest battle ever. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mission 10: Invincible Imperial Guard Team Assembly: Bring Joey, Mai, Tea, and another marshal. Strategy: 1) Send marshals to Riz-Phonn and Seirauna. Also, send someone strong (not Joey) north to encounter roaming monsters. 2) Wait at Ru-Ma-Pann for the enemies, then attack Kaiba. 3) You've done the impossible, and beat Kaiba. But too bad. Kaiba has destroyed the Black Dragon Squad Headquarters. Jusell and Malaikura apparently go back to the Maryah-Denn Plains to face Kaiba later in his mission, Hand of Fire. Joey, Mai, Tristan, and Tea split up to find Yugi. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Challenge Mode Walkthrough *~==~==* Challenge Mode offers no prize that has yet been discovered. Many players choose to ignore it altogether. However, though there is not a purpose that has been discovered, I feel it necessary to make this walkthrough anyway. Challenge Mode is a series of battles in which you try to get the highest score possible. You must choose a story, a marshal, the monsters, and their items to create your team. There are two types of challenge modes. For both, you must pick a marshal, three monsters, equip them with items, and then fight. The first one, available from the beginning, consists of seven tough fights against set opponents. To play challenge mode, select new game and then challenge mode. Your data will not be deleted, so don't worry. You will then be asked to pick a story, then a marshal, monsters, and their items. Choosing the story doesn't affect monsters, just which marshals there are. There are 5 levels of difficulty, each with monsters at different levels. They are: Super Hard - Lv. 1 Hard - Lv. 30 Normal - Lv. 60 Easy - Lv. 80 Super Easy - Lv. 99 All enemies will be at Lv. 40. Super Easy is useful for finding what abilities monsters will learn. This first challenge mode features all non-fusion, non-class change, and non- Moisture Creature monsters. It features three of almost every item, but not the gods or class changes. I just found out that Dark Magician #2, Skull Knight, and Sengenjin are also absent from that list. I have not actually done this first challenge mode type. I have, however, played the second type. This is unlocked after beating all three campaigns, Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey. I have beaten this. This campaign features all the monsters you have in your file. Select Load Game, then Challenge Mode. You can then pick a story. Choosing the story doesn't affect monsters, just which marshals there are. I have a composed a walkthrough for the entire series of now 10 battles. That's right, three more than before. The team I used was: Yugi (Lv. 80) Magician of Black Chaos (Lv. 99) -Gift of the Mystical Elf -Swords of Revealing Light -Eye of Ra Dark Magician (Lv. 99) -Gift of the Mystical Elf -Monster Reborn -Slifer's Orb Dark Magician Girl (Lv. 99) -Gift of the Mystical Elf -Red Medicine -Soul of Obelisk The battles are: 1st battle - Labyrinth Ruler: monsters at lv. 60 Sengenjin Lava Battleguard -Legendary Sword Swamp Battleguard -Legendary Sword 2nd battle - Weevil: monsters at lv. 65 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Basic Insect -Insect Cannon Armor Basic Insect -Insect Cannon Armor 3rd Battle - Labyrinth Ruler: monsters at lv. 70 Sanga of Thunder -Polymerization Kazejin -Polymerization Suijin -Polymerization 4th Battle - Tea: monsters at lv. 75 Gyakutenno Megami -Quick Attack -Mirror Force Gemini Elf (Kachua) Gemini Elf (Lora) 5th Battle - Mai: monsters at lv. 80 Harpie Lady (Airo) Harpie Lady (Ocupete) Harpie Lady (Keraino) 6th Battle - Kaiba: monsters at lv. 80 Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Azrael) -Polymerization -Dragonic Attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Ibris) -Polymerization -Dragonic Attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Djibril) -Polymerization -Dragonic Attack 7th Battle - Yugi: monsters at lv. 90 Magician of Black Chaos -Book of Secret Arts -Gravity Bind -Raimei Dark Magician #2 -Book of Secret Arts -Raigeki Dark Magician Girl -Book of Secret Arts -Book of Secret Arts -Quick Attack 8th Battle - Yami Marik The Winged Dragon of Ra (Lv. 99) 9th Battle - Dark Nite Slifer the Sky Dragon (Lv. 99) 10th Battle - Nite Mare Obelisk the Tormentor (Lv. 99) Congratulations! You beat the (second) challenge mode! It is also useful to note that when you summon or fight a god, the gods owner doesn't gain any more battle points, so you don't necessarily have to defeat the god. =============================================================================== *~==~==* Thanks/Sources *~==~==* Thanks to Nintendo and Konami, of course, for making this game. Thanks to Levi Buchanan and Prima for making the Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom strategy guide. Lastly, thanks to all the cooperative, helpful people on the GameFAQs Message Boards, especially Diaboromon, ultron, Kith D, Mr Phantom, Fan of Everything, Aegis327, and nova phoenix. Also, thanks to gamer012 and risingson15@yahoo.com for information on items at each base! =============================================================================== *~==~==* What to Expect for this FAQ *~==~==* When I get the time, I'll find the special abilities of the monsters. I will also add the items to the bases list, and when I have time, finish everything for all the walkthroughs. Possibly, I will also give the prices for all equipment for each mission. That's really all I can think of now. I'm open to suggestions, so if you want something, email me or start a new topic on the message boards. Due to the new FAQ that's been up for so long, I will not make an Item Location List. Please do not ask when I will be done. I haven't played this in a while, so you may not see an update. Of course, if you are reading this, I have updated... =============================================================================== Copyright 2003-2006 LegacyWeaponX