Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom (NA Version) Shopping Guide for Nintendo GameCube Unofficial In-Depth FAQ/Guide, ver. 1.0 by Michael Click (gamer012@yahoo.com) This document Copyright 2004 by Michael Click (gamer012) Web page: http://www.geocities.com/gamer012/index.html All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ********************************************************************* Revision History: ver. 1.0 (6/17/2004): The list is in place. Everything should be done. If I left anything out or made mistakes, please e-mail me and let me know. --------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright laws. This document Copyright 2003 by Michael Click (gamer012) All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This In-Depth FAQ is exclusive to GameFAQs. It may NOT be hosted on any other site. If you are interested in using parts of it for a guide of your own, please write to me at: gamer012@yahoo.com If I do not send a reply, DO NOT assume that you have permission. Also, altering my guide to make it appear that I gave you permission to put it on your site is infringement and fraud! Don't do it! Please report any piracy to me via e-mail. ********************************************************************** *NOTE: To buy items in places where shops never seem to open, you must build a Trade Union in that town first. This forces the shop to open and stay open for as long as you are in that stage.* Sample: -Mission Name- Town Name: Item For Sale 1 Item For Sale 2 Item For Sale 3 Anyway... Shopping List for Yugi's Scenario --------------------------------- -Fury of the Empire- Dhina Farm: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Watthu: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Shadow Spell Croethe: Dark Energy Dragon Treasure Violet Crystal Dhithton: Black Pendant Dragonic Attack Electro-Whip Phothwo: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Book of Secret Arts -Strategy- Yortsun: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Phagttuon: Shadow Spell Blue Medicine Germ Infection Dyethruo: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Battle for Tsughut- Telenoes: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn I Thuvak: Monster Reborn Magic Jammer Power of Nature Rowerul: Book of Secret Arts Black Pendant Dark Energy Kthujan: Mage Power Dragonic Fury Sword of Dragon's Soul Ghuashyene: Enchanted Javelin Snake Fang Hinotama -Turbulent Waters- Tsughut: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Jokhan: Sparks Laser Cannon Armor Dark Energy Van-Lova: Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow Electro-Whip Thor-Mount: Legendary Sword Cyber Shield Laser Cannon Armor -Badlands- Researcher Guild: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Tower Pegasi: Deal of Phantom Sword of Dragon's Soul Enchanted Javelin Tower Sirius: Multiply Cocoon of Evolution Legendary Sword Tower Deneb: Dragon Treasure Quick Attack Polymerization Tower Centari: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Crucial Battle- Chitthun: Legendary Sword Red Medicine Monster Reborn Nua-Tua: Monster Reborn Magic Jammer Black Shield Phostenn: Call of the Grave Super Rejuvenation Dragonic Fury Dyovann: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Nyuaghulla: Silver Bow and Arrow Violet Crystal Solar Shine Tet-Ran: Dragon Capture Jar Hinotama Black Shield Kardhiys: Polymerization Destruction Punch Blue Medicine -Refugees- Beyzon: Deal of Phantom Red Medicine Yami Craw Valley: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Break Free- Buizlluin: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Ce-Reizo: Sparks Hinotama Metalmorph -Counterattack- Riz-Phonn: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Ru-Ma-Pann: Black Shield Swords of Revealing Light Spellbinding Circle Seirauna: Legendary Sword Dark Energy Beast Fangs -Spellcaster- Tower Centari: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Tower Deneb: Sparks Polymerization Hinotama Researcher Guild: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Super Rejuvenation Tower Sirius: Metalmorph Legendary Sword Dark Energy Tower Pegasi: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Phantom Blast- Chitthun: Legendary Sword Red Medicine Monster Reborn Phostenn: Call of the Grave Super Rejuvenation Dragonic Fury Nua-Tua: Monster Reborn Magic Jammer Black Shield Nyuaghulla: Silver Bow and Arrow Violet Crystal Solar Shine Tet-Ran: Dragon Capture Jar Hinotama Black Shield Dyovann: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Kardhiys: Polymerization Destruction Punch Blue Medicine -For That Special Someone- Craw Valley: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Beyzon: Multiply Polymerization Gift of the Mystical Elf -Scorched- Tsughut: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn K-Su-Yan: Blue Medicine Mesmeric Control Monster Reborn Y-Su-Wak: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Betrayed- Makhad: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Jakhud: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow Ruthum: Magic Jammer Violet Crystal Dark Energy Phedon: Deal of Phantom Snake Fang Quick Attack -A Lost Cause- Shadow Forest: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Twin Rivers: Dark Energy Book of Secret Arts Dragon Capture Jar Sunny Plane: Red Medicine Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy -Secret Power- Khatoghu: Legendary Sword Legendary Sword Legendary Sword Jenonnva: Power of Nature Metalmorph Dian Keto the Cure Master Charte-Goallua: Multiply Multiply Multiply Phyo-Rente: Dark Energy Dark Energy Dark Energy -Face-Off- Bustonn: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Jark: Dragon Capture Jar Magic Jammer Shadow Spell Shyi-Hagou: Yami Germ Infection Destruction Punch Castle Rightarm: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow Castle Leftarm: Sword of Dragon's Soul Enchanted Javelin Dragonic Attack -Banishment- Pleasure Town: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Dhorminouth Town: Power of Nature Raimei Black Shield Turret Front: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Book of Secret Arts Vestoara Gate: Cyber Shield Electro-Whip Blue Medicine Tower Southern: Dragonic Fury Mage Power Mesmeric Control Kaepe Town: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Black Pendant Sygh-Varths Gate: Super Rejuvenation Red Medicine Monster Reborn -Hallowed Land of Ishtar- Kaepe Town: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Ishtar Gate: Deal of Phantom Legendary Sword Polymerization Home Land: Blue Medicine Shock Shell Multiply -Dream World & Dark Spirit- All places sell the same thing: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Shopping List for Kaiba's Scenario ---------------------------------- -Bandits- Telenoes: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Dyethruo: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Book of Secret Arts Yortsun: Red Medicine Blue Medicine Monster Reborn -Surrounded- Enno: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Kardhiys: Silver Bow and Arrow Shadow Spell Electro-Whip Dyovann: Dark Energy Power of Nature Violet Crystal Tet-Ran: Yami Magic Jammer Black Shield Nyuaghulla: Dark Energy Power of Nature Violet Crystal Phostenn: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Chitthun: Beast Fangs Book of Secret Arts Black Pendant -Framed- Beyzon: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Craw Valley: Mesmeric Control Gift of the Mystical Elf Spellbinding Circle Vrauson: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow -Lord of the Forest- Rhudbann: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Buhr-Tos: Red Medicine Solar Shine Chaos Blaze Rottenhub: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow Saxzoss: Sparks Raimei Dragon Capture Jar -Lord of the Plains- Stangords: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Phozex: Red Medicine Blue Medicine Shock Shell Khuthamonn: Monster Reborn Shadow Spell Electro-Whip Biskas: Mage Power Dragonic Fury Snake Fang I-Zerua: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Black Pendant -Sever the Supply Line- Norvey: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Sweit: Quick Attack Polymerization Super Rejuvenation -Full-Scale Offensive- Van Lova: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Jokhan: Dragon Treasure Book of Secret Arts Power of Nature Tsughut: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Thor-Mount: Enchanted Javelin Shadow Spell Silver Bow and Arrow -Crucial Battle- Bustonn: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Shyi-Hagou: Electro-Whip Beast Fangs Cyber Shield Jark: Black Pendant Dark Energy Violet Crystal Castle Rightarm: Swords of Revealing Light Gift of the Mystical Elf Super Rejuvenation Castle Leftarm: Dragonic Fury Snake Fang Cocoon of Evolution -Aid From Afar- Maryah-Denn: Red Medicine Blue Medicine Monster Reborn Seirauna: Dian Keto the Cure Master Legendary Sword Mesmeric Control Ru-Ma-Pann: Deal of Phantom Destruction Punch Germ Infection -Going the Distance- Tsughut: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Van-Lova: Polymerization Mirror Wall Magic Jammer Jokhan: Swords of Revealing Light Spellbinding Circle Hinotama Thor-Mount: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Raid- Craw Valley: Mesmeric Control Gift of the Mystical Elf Spellbinding Circle Vrauson: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Bandits, Again- Rhudbann: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Buhr-Tos: Shadow Spell Book of Secret Arts Silver Bow and Arrow Rasixthen: Blue Medicine Monster Reborn Shock Shell Saxzoss: Silver Bow and Arrow Beast Fangs Legendary Sword Rottenhub: Cyber Shield Snake Fang Super Rejuvenation -Dragon Lair- All places sell the same items: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn -Guidance- Bustonn: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Jark: Black Pendant Dark Energy Violet Crystal Shyi-Hagou: Electro-Whip Beast Fangs Cyber Shield Castle Rightarm: Swords of Revealing Light Gift of the Mystical Elf Super Rejuvenation Castle Leftarm: Dragonic Fury Snake Fang Cocoon of Evolution -Surprise Attack- Anker Hill: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Twin Rivers: Dark Energy Book of Secret Arts Dragon Capture Jar Sunny Plane: Red Medicine Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy -Face-Off- Enno: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Phostenn: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Chitthun: Beast Fangs Book of Secret Arts Black Pendant Kardhiys: Silver Bow and Arrow Shadow Spell Electro-Whip Dyovann: Mesmeric Control Gift of the Mystical Elf Spellbinding Circle Tet-Ran: Yami Magic Jammer Black Shield Nyuaghulla: Dark Energy Power of Nature Violet Crystal -Banishment- Pleasure Town: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Dhorminouth Town: Cocoon of Evolution Germ Infection Snake Fang Vestoara Gate: Cyber Shield Beast Fangs Legendary Sword Turret Front: Yami Magic Jammer Black Shield Tower Southern: Raimei Dragon Capture Jar Power of Nature Kaepe Town: Sword of Dragon's Soul Enchanted Javelin Polymerization Sygh-Varths Gate: Silver Bow and Arrow Laser Cannon Armor Book of Secret Arts -Hallowed Land of Ishtar- Kaepe Town: Blue Medicine Red Medicine Monster Reborn Home Land: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Shock Shell Ishtar Gate: Deal of Phantom Legendary Sword Polymerization -Dream World & Dark Spirit- All places sell the same items: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Shopping List for Joey's Scenario --------------------------------- -Outnumbered?- Riz-Phonn: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Ru-Ma-Pann: Hinotama Swords of Revealing Light Blue Medicine Seirauna: Shadow Spell Electro-Whip Mage Power -Quick Attack- Craw Valley: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Beyzon: Legendary Sword Silver Bow and Arrow Black Pendant -Pursuit- Chelyumn: Blue Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Ce-Reizo: Red Medicine Blue Medicine Monster Reborn -Minion of Darkness- Research Guild: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Tower Deneb: Mage Power Germ Infection Multiply Tower Pegasi: Blue Medicine Super Rejuvenation Snake Fang Tower Sirius: Polymerization Quick Attack Yami Tower Centari: Sparks Hinotama Cyber Shield -Thrashing- Van Lova: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Jokhan: Destruction Punch Mesmeric Control Sword of Dragon's Soul Thor-Mount: Cyber Shield Dragonic Attack Electro-Whip Tsughut: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow -Reversal- Craw Valley: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Beyzon: Raimei Hinotama Dark Energy -Master Plan- Castle Leftarm: Book of Secret Arts Black Pendant Dark Energy Castle Rightarm: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow Nonnber: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Shyi-Hagou: Power of Nature Dragon Capture Jar Raimei Bustonn: Mesmeric Control Snake Fang Germ Infection Jark: Yami Magic Jammer Black Shield -Impostor- Rottenhub: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Buhr-Tos: Dragonic Attack Sparks Hinotama Saxzoss: Red Medicine Monster Reborn Super Rejuvenation Rhudbann: Gift of the Mystical Elf Multiply Deal of Phantom -Invincible Imperial Guard- Ru-Ma-Pann: Red Medicine Goblin's Secret Remedy Monster Reborn Riz-Phonn: Legendary Sword Beast Fangs Silver Bow and Arrow Seirauna: Dark Energy Book of Secret Arts Black Pendant --------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS First of all, I must give a lot of credit to Kazuki Takahashi for creating one fantastic series of anime and manga. I also want to thank Konami Computer Entertainment for making and releasing this game, as well as printing the OCG. CJayC/Gamefaqs for the ideas in the copyright section. ultron from the GameFAQs Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom message board for saving the list I made. Without you, I would have had to start all over again (as I had thrown out my original notes for this FAQ). Thanks a lot! The readers of this guide.