Zoids Full Metal Crash Story Mode Walkthrough By KAndrw **************************************************************** Note - this game can be played without any japanese knowledge, but being able to read katakana will greatly increase your enjoyment. It's relatively simple to learn, and I seriously recommend giving it a try. **************************************************************** ------ Act 1. ------ You meet a girl (Meer) outside the base, and she will be wearing either a uniform or a white top. Remember which one. A big guy with red hair (Eingang) meets you, and then starts asking questions about the girl you saw, such as: Hairstyle - long/short/ponytail (short) Clothing Eye colour How big is something - small/medium/large What extra thing is she wearing - hat/glasses/? (hat) It's not clear what effect getting the questions right has on the game. Then to the System menu. Selecting the first option takes you to the lounge, where Eingang asks you whether you are ready to fight in the 53rd battalion of Guylos. If you answer no (the three character response), you have a practice fight against a Command Wolf. If you answer yes (two character response), you skip the fight and return to system. Selecting the 4th option takes you to Plato in the hanger, where you choose what zoid you want to use. After selecting the zoid, you have a practice battle, then decide whether to keep (the first option) or select again (second option). After choosing your zoid, you return to the system menu. The other options are just dialogue. Choose the last one to visit Berettsa and Meer and fight a practice battle against a Greenhorn. After all options have been chosen, an alert is sounded and you fight a Command Wolf. ------ Act 2. ------ The act starts in the hanger with Eingang, leading to a practice battle against an Iron Kong. After the battle, back to system. Only the fourth option involves more than dialogue - Berettsa asks a question. If you answer no (second option), she looks sad, then cheers up. Not clear what consequences there are from this question. There is a battle against a Disbison, then you meet Schnell. After some talking, fight Schnell in Murasame. ------ Act 3. ------ Meer asks for coffee, then Gaitz comes on screen. There is a 'moving very quickly' effect, then a battle against a Saber Tiger. dialogue with Meer, then battle a Darkhorn. Eingang looks like he's on crack, then they discuss how Berg (you) seems to be flipping out. Then battles against Iron Kong and Saber Tiger. ------ Act 4. ------ Smoking ruins, Jeannie says something about Liger Zero Jäger. Battle Liger Zero Jäger. Schnell takes down Eingang, then you battle Schnell in Murasame Liger. Schnell's backup arrives, and Eingang sacrifices himself to let everybody else get away. All the girls aboard the Ultrasaurus say something sad about Eingang, then an alarm sounds and there is a transmission from Glorie. Berettsa leads everybody down a tunnel to a Whale King. While Harris prepares the Whale King for takeoff, you battle against Berserk Führers. After three fights, the Whale King lifts off. Thanks to Plato lifting a blox E-shield and installing it on the Whale King, the Berserk Führers' charged particle beams cannot damage the Whale King. ------ Act 5. ------ Three options, each of which triggers a different path - A, B or C Note: From this point onwards, the System menu includes a new first option - to go out on patrol and search for treasure. This involves meeting a shadowy figure and fighting four battles. If you win all four, a new Part is unlocked for purchase in the core game's Shop. From Act 6 onwards, winning the battles will often unlock a new pilot. Also, you only get to make three choices each time you get to the System menu, before the game moves forwards - I'll refer to this opportunity to make three choices as a 'System phase'. --------------------- Path A, Act 5 cont... --------------------- This is Berettsa's preferred path. System phase, then encounter a Gustav under attack in the desert. Battle a red-haired woman (Parfait) in a Dibison. By resucing the Gustav, Noah is unlocked. Go to Offin city, and talk about an Organoid system. Then fight Parfait and her partner Grell in an underground cavern. After beating them, they will ask to join you - DO NOT SELECT THE FIRST OPTION. The second option welcomes them to your party, at which point they will be available as pilots in the core game. Glorie comes on screen, then battles against an Elephander, an Iron Kong and finally Glorie in a Berserk Führer. -------------- Path A, Act 6. -------------- Noah advises that you go search for Tornado in Handeru. During the System phase, Narke can be unlocked by patrolling. Murasame Liger appears on screen, damaged. Dialogue with Schnell, then travel to Handeru. ========= COLLISEUM (The Colliseum is also in path B, and plays out identically) From the fountain in Handeru, there are three options to explore. Each results in dialogue, then returns to fountain. The third one involves a black-haired man and a purple-haired woman. After all three options have been chosen, a fourth option, "Colliseum" appears. Select this, then select the first option ('enter') to enter the Colliseum championship. Choose one of the Zoids on offer (a modified Iron Kong, modified Command Wolf and modified Saber Tiger are always present, other zoids appear later). There are four matches, then a dialogue with a mysterious figure. A final battle with this figure, and then she is unmasked as Tornado. The Colliseum can be played multiple times, each time unlocking a new Part. Upon leaving, Tornado and Asso join you. ========= From the System phase, Ost and Ririe can be unlocked by patrolling. -------------- Path A, Act 7. -------------- Battle against three Genosaurers, the pilots of which talk about Organoid system. Glorie in a Genosaurer is stopped by Eingang's timely return in a Deadly Kong. Schnell appears in the Murasame Liger. He talks about its power, then gives it to you. You have a choice of customising it or leaving it be. Battle two Genosaurers and a Genobreaker, then a cutscene with Gaitz. Battle Schnell in blue Genobreaker. When defeated, he thanks you (he was being controlled?) Finally, fight against Gaitz in a Sturm Tyrann. **************************************************************** Finishing Path A unlocks Deadly Kong and the three Liger Zero armours. It's possible that only one or two of the armours are unlocked if Berettsa's quest (whatever that is) if not fully completed. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** **************************************************************** --------------------- Path B, Act 5 cont... --------------------- Talk to people about Eingang's death. Plato and Berettsa talk about Tornado in Handeru, and then travel to Handeru. Colliseum (see Path A). Battle against 2 Berserk Führers, then Glorie in a Berserk Führer. -------------- Path B, Act 6. -------------- Base in Felsen, three options. Options B and C are optional - each involves a series of battles and results in part of the base blowing up. Option A involves a longer series of battles (10 rounds if B and C have not been completed, 6 if they have), culminating in a battle against Schnell. Travel to some ruins, and battle a Saber Tiger. During the System phase, Narke can be unlocked by patrolling. Travel to a base, a dialogue with Kamp, the base commander. Talks about Guylos and Rudolf. During the System phase, Ost and Ririe can be unlocked by patrolling. Travel to a city, battle against Elephander. During the System phase, Norden can be unlocked by patrolling. -------------- Path B, Act 7. -------------- Crater. Battle against Genosaurers, Genobreaker and Berserk Führer, then Gaitz in a Deathstinger. **************************************************************** Finishing Path B unlocks Deathstinger. Murasame Liger Shinobi Custom may also be unlocked - I think it's only if the Base at the start of Act 6 is completely destroyed. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** **************************************************************** --------------------- Path C, Act 5 cont... --------------------- After a system phase with everybody talking about Eingang, travel to a ruined village where you meet a boy called Mut. Battle against an Iron Kong and Iron Kong mk 2, then to an underground base with an old man (Denke), possibly Mut's grandfather. System phase, then to a base of some sort - battle against Darkhorn, Iron Kong and Elephander. Dialogue with somebody called Kanpu who talks about Rudolf. Back to the underground base. There is an emergency - possibly a power breach - then he talks about Deathstinger. Glorie on screen. Battle against Saber Tiger, Elphander CT and Berserk Führer. Cutscene with Glorie, then battle him in Berserk Führer. -------------- Path C, Act 6. -------------- During the system phase, visit the lounge (second option) to have Mut join as a pilot. If you choose the third option, Berettsa will (I think) ask how you're working out with Meer. Gaitz is attacking Offin city. Battle against Elephander, Iron Kong and Berserk Führer. -------------- Path C, Act 7. -------------- Fiery base. Battle against five Genosaurers, then dialogue with Glorie. Eingang returns, then Meer is attacked by Gaitz in a blue Genobreaker. Schnell saves Meer, then talks to Eingang about power. Gaitz appears in a Deathsaurer. Schnell gives the Murasame Liger to you to pilot against the Deathsaurer. **************************************************************** Finishing Path C unlocks Deathsaurer and Deadly Kong. Meer can also be unlocked as a subpilot for Story mode. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** ****************************************************************