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So if we covered the entire game, and everything about it, we would have Version 1.00. Easy, eh? [:.Updates.:] SlyFox0080: 7/12/03: Sorry for not updating in a while. Got a lot done! Pilot Stats are up. INfo about the controls and the hexagons on the screen is also up! Mousemat21: 23/5/03 - finished BF storm, done up to blade liger. SlyFox0080: 5/27/2003: Got most of the options up, still have the shields to go. SlyFox0080: 5/26/2003: Finished the Zoid List, I think I got them all. V.024 is soon to come! SlyFox0080: 5-23-03: FAQ was added to GameFAQS. CheatCC has asked permission to use, and it was granted. Thanks for the support everyone. James Brennan-Craddock aka Jim, Bob, Mousemat: 22/5/03: Done Cannon Tortoise through half of BF storm, Done template explanation and Tricks gliding, EX, death and jumping. SlyFox0080: 5-14-02: Just got started, I have mousemat doing half of the mission help, I'll do the other half. I do not own zoids, Tomy Does, they made the game, I am only making a guide for it. DO NOT SAY I OWN ZOIDS. [:.Table of Contents.:] A. Zoids Versus Basics a1. Controls a2. FAQs a3. Tricks a4. Zoid List B. Mission Mode b1. Republic Walkthrough b2. Empire Walkthrough C. Battle Mode c1. Battle Walkthrough c2. Shop Items c2a. Zoids FAQ c2b. Weapons c2c. Options c2d. Sub Parts D. Versus Mode d1. Pilot Stats [:. A. Zoids Versus Basics :.] Zoids Versus was released in Japan on September 6, 2002. The game is mainly an action game, with some adventure parts in it. You take control of the zoid, and fight. It’s a good game. The six hexagons on the top left of the screen are the areas of your zoid's body: head, body, left and right front legs, left and right back legs. Green is normal, yellow is slightly damaged, red means heavily damaged. Now, pay close attention to your zoid when it's heavily damaged. If the head is damaged, your zoid will have trouble going straight. If your body is damaged, you'll take twice as long to fully recover your option gauge. If your legs are damaged, your zoid will have trouble turning and its speed will be decreased. Sometimes you can see sparks coming from damaged legs. At least, I think they're sparks? An the legs will wobble a bit when you run. Rev Raptor is a good example to use. {:. a1. Controls .:} (In battle) Control Stick-Move your zoid A Button-Fire weapon B Button-Jump (d-Pad)UP: partner will attack enemy that you currently have a lock on (d-pad)DOWN: partner will cover you (d-pad)LEFT: partner will keep a wide spread distance from the enemy. ^(use this when your partner's HP is low) (d-pad)RIGHT: direct attack CStick-Side Jump Y Button-Change Weapon X Button-Mini Attack R Button-Lock on L Button-Free View(un lock on) A+X-Special Start-Pause (Menu Controls) Control Stick-Change selection A Button-Select B Button-Back DPad-Change Selection CStick-Nothing Y Button-Nothing X Button-Nothing R Button-Nothing L Button-Nothing A+X-Nothing Start-Select (Garage Controls) Control Stick-Change selection A Button-Select B Button-Back DPad-Change Selection CStick-Change View of zoid Y Button-Nothing X Button-Change Color of zoid R Button-Nothing L Button-Nothing A+X-Nothing Start-Select {:. a2. FAQ .:} I can't read Japanese a bit? Should I still get this game? The game is mainly in English, believe me, I know no Japanese kanji myself. As long as you like zoids, get it. Is this game online? No. How many zoids are in the game? Look at the Zoids FAQ. Is (insert zoid here) in the game? Check the Zoids List. If it isn't on there when the final version of this FAQ is out then no. Can this play on my American Gamecube or my European Gamecube? No, it plays on Japanese cubes. A solution is either a)Get your cube modded and lose your warranty. b)Get a freeloader or action replay. c)Don't get the game. Your choice. ^_^ Is it coming to the US? Yes. Under a name Zoids: Battle Legends. Its coming November 14th. Where can I get it? Online. You can search ebay for it, or buy it at a store. I recommend japanvideogames.com How do I beat the game? What I call beating the game is getting every weapon and option and sub part for every single zoid. Then beat Mission Mode a few times. That's what I call beating it. So it makes the game last long. Ask your friend if he's got all of the zoids and 3 Ultra Z's. ^___^ Can I use this FAQ on mysite? Maybe, contact me and see. Have A question? Want to request something? Want a picture of a zoid in the game? Contact eisenlb@msn.com with the subject "Zoids Versus" {:. a3. Tricks .:} The Gliding Trick: With the hovering zoids (and the molga), running off a cliff/hill/small building will in you gliding away. Which is nice. Using the boost will let you cover more ground, and if you come up to an obstacle, jump over it as you would normally, otherwise you will just stop. This applies to obstacles far beneath you as well! Good places to do this are the snowy level (fly off hill and jump over near wall to evade enemy) and any level with a shear cliff-face (you can actually push up the cliffs if you find the right spot and persevere with different routes). The EX and Option Trick: So, you can't use your option while your EX attack is activated. Wrong? Well, no, not really. But if you hold down Z before you let rip with the EX, It'll turn on while the Attack is in motion. E.g: using the shield with any charging EX will result in a little more damage caused when you plough through the enemy. Using boosters while using a stationary attack like any of the CPC's will allow you to rotate the zoid (and thus the charged particle beam) significantly faster. Also, shields don't recognize CPC's as attacks, so have your's on while shooting your CPC will give you a bit of much needed defense, as you are pretty vulnerable at that point - especially if you miss! Another good one is depositing a land mine in the smoking debris of your foe, post EX (if they're behind you ie: you've charged through them). If you're lucky, It'll blow up as (/if) they recover. Even if it doesn't, It'll give them a reason to run away instead of retaliating! The Death and Option Trick: The same applies to when you're about to die. Hold Z down as the final blow is struck and, well, ya know. Not much point to this but hey, I'm in charge here! LandMine, CPC Trick: Want an easy way to get over 15,000 every battle? Well first off, you need an Ultra Sub Z, or I would recommend at least one. Now buy a Berserk Fury, or Storm Fury. Equip it with a land mine and go into battle. When the battle starts then stand still and let your land mine fill up. Once it does use it and run into it, doing damage to yourself! Now continue that until you have your special up. Now use your special and if done correctly, once you kill your opponents then you should get more money than usual. It works great on the Death Saurer if you don't have a partner. I've gotten 30k once! No Partner Trick: Your partner is probably the most dang annoying thing out there. Well why not get rid of him? All you have to do is when you are selecting you and your partner's pilot, select yours, and hit b when it goes to your partner's. It should say NO ENTRY beneath it. This gets you more money and adds some more fun to the game. {:. a4. Zoid List .:} These are all of the Playable Zoids, making a total of 34 Zoids. There are several color changes, which if you must "Can" appear as new zoids, right now I am only putting the zoid. I might include what zoid they can make when their color is changed. Cannon Tortoise Command Wolf Dibison Liger Zero Molga Berserk Fuhrer Berserk Fuhrer Storm Konig Wolf Blade Liger Shadow Fox LZ Jager LZ Schneider LZ Panzer LZ X Lightning Saix Gojulas Genobreaker Genosaurer Genosaurer Reese Custom Iron Kong Iron Kong PK-II Gun Sniper Snipemaster Sabre Tiger Dark Horn Dark Spiner Red Horn Rev Raptor Gojulas -?? - Hidden Zoids - Diablo Tiger Diablo Beta Cyclops Cyclops 2 Giga Gojulas [:. B. Mission Help .:] This section was developed for those who need a walkthrough through mission mode. Recommended for pilots who know how to use the game. If you are a first timer then you might have more problems then vets will. {:. b1. Republic Walkthrough .:} Coming Soon, in next version maybe. {:. b2. Empire Walkthrough .:} Pre Mission 1-As the game starts off you have 2 Zoids, a Rev Raptor and a Sabre tiger. I would use the Sabre tiger. To change your zoid go over to the left and click A on entry. you come up with a screen of a pilot and a zoid, go to the zoid, hit A, then select the Rev Raptor. Hit A to choose it and then B to exit. Once that is done go to settings. Equip the Missile Pod C in the 3rd Slot of weapons, the Protect armor you have for your Sub part, and for your option select the Boosters. Now go the Battle and you are against a Genosaurer. I know what your thinking, OMG IT’S A GENOSAURER! Do not worry, he has no weapons, except for his X attack. Mission 1-Turn on your booster and use your radar to locate him, switch to your Az-35 Cannon and fire as many times as possible. Use the giant crates for defense, and try to outmaneuver him. Use the c-stick to get out of the way. Continue running around, turning, shooting your cannon, then running again, until the Geno is dead. Once you do that a screen that tells you that you won, and you should hear a person say "Success". Continue to the next screen. -TALKING-I wish I could understand what they were saying... Pre Mission 2-If you completed mission 1 you should have received a molga. We don't need it right now. You might want to switch to your Rev Raptor. Add some weapons if you want, now that you have more. I recommend adding some sub parts, by now you should be able to fill up the spots. Once that is done proceed to the next battle. Misson 2-You are against a Cannon Tortoise and a Command Wolf, not very hard opponents. Hold down the a button when you are on your counter scythe and run past the enemy. Do a circle around them until they are dead. Make sure you stay in close for the cannon tortoise, use your speed to your advantage. Once you kill the cannon tortoise the command wolf should be after you. Run circles around him with your scythes out and he should be an easy kill. Once that is done proceed to the next screen. -Talking-Again, I wish I could read Kanji...*sigh* Oh well. Pre Mission 3-After beating Mission 2 you receive a Lightning Saix and a Red horn, along with some nice new weapons. For this mission I still recommend using a Rev Raptor, because it has blades, and it's fast. I even enjoy beating the Death Saurer with it. :p But be sure you have it's boosters equipped, that is what you need for this mission. Once you are done go to Battle. Mission 3-You are against 3 Gun Snipers, each with the default weapons. Not a pain. The first one is close to you, hold down the A button to use your Scythes, then run circles around the gun sniper. It might stun him, so retreat for a moment then go in again. Repeat until that one is dead. Now turn on your boosters and jet over to where the next one is. Use the same tactic as before, then jet over to the last one. Again, just run circles around him with your scythes until he is dead. Once finished proceed to the next screen. Pre Mission 4-You should receive a Genosaurer and some weapons. I would use your genosaurer. The next mission is a pain in the *rear end*. Its very annoying, so that might be the reason you are reading this. [:. C. Battle Mode .:] The Zoid VS Battle Mode is a 2 on 2 ( 2 computer controlled opponents against the player and a computer controlled partner ) tournament, ala the battles of Zero Century. For those of you who are looking for a faster way to get cash or a little more of a challenge, there's a code that allows you to turn off your computer controlled partner. After every match, you will still earn your partners half of the earnings, but since you don't have a partner in the game, no money will be deducted from his half for Zoid repairs. Money, that's right, you have to earn money in Battle mode to buy other Zoids, weapons, sub-parts, and sub weapons. Whatever Zoids you buy, and modifications that you make to them in the Battle Mode garage are the Zoids you use not only against the computer controlled opponents in Battle and VS Modes, but against your friends in VS Mode. A fair warning however, don't buy just any Zoid once you have the money, you must save enough money not only for the Zoid, but for a few modifiers as well. You have to remember that any and all Zoids that you purchase will be the stock form, and it's incredibly hard to take on the Death Saurer with a stock Zoid. In this part of the FAQ, it's my job to try and make Battle Mode a little easier, and hopefully help you understand it a little more, so strap down, engage your Organoid, and power your Zoid to full power!!! READY FIGHT!! {:. c2. Shop Items .:} Here is the section where shop items are. Some of the zoids don't have prices that will be fixed. =:. c2a. Zoids FAQ .:= NAME - Comment Default Stats: Cost: Price you buy it at. HP: Health Points DP: Defense Points SP: Speed The stats of the zoid you get before adding Sub-Parts. Note these numbers wont visibly change when you add said Sub-Parts. Yes, these stats seem a little lacking, and yes there are more of them. However, they - along with the mathematics behind their workings - are hidden deep in the game's code. I can't find them, therefore I can't explain them to you. Description: A description of how the zoid plays in Zoids Versus. Weapons Available 1. Weapons that attach to the zoid's slot 1 2. Weapons that attach to the zoid's slot 2 3. Weapons that attach to the zoid's slot 3 4. etc Only one weapon can be assigned to each slot, so make sure you choose wisely for each occasion. You will usually want as many different types of weapon as possible in your walking arsenal, which means a choice between Missiles, Cannons, Rifles, Gatling Guns, Blades and...erm...'Misc'. EX Attack description Description of EX attack. duh! Best option to use: Down to personal taste, this is mine. *REMEMBER - USE Ctrl+F TO SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT!* ============================================================================== CANNON TORTOISE - Probably the worst of the bunch! Cost: 15000 BP HP: 1200 DP: 0150 SP: 0060 Description: As you can see by the above stats, the Cannon Tortoise (in this game, anyway) is a pretty appalling little zoid! One of the two zoids you start off with in Battle Mode, its saving grace is its customizability. Also being of the hovering type, you can pull off the old get-somewhere-high-and-glide-away- tactic, as explained above. Its physical is a three movecharge, which works well at tripping foes up. Weapons Available: 1. LC ECP B-CANNON-The default cannon: once you lock on, fires a homing blue shell of energy at foe. 2. LC W HSA-CANNON-Four rapidly firing guns. 3. BIG B-CANNON-Larger, better version of LC ECP B-CANNON, sits on top, while it fires, you're stopped. Long range. 2. LR-RIFLE B -Four Gun barrels that aim straight ahead. 2. AD-MISSILE SET-Cluster of heat-seeking missiles launch at once, two straight ahead, 9 at angles on horizontal. 2. 8MISSILE POD C-Two sets of heat seeking missile launchers rapidly fire 2 missiles at a time. 2. WEAPON BINDER-Two lasers fire, Two missiles fire. Repeats. EX Attack: Big green energy ball shoots from LC ECP B-CANNON. Cannot move, but can rotate on spot. Best Option to Use: I dunno, the don't-use-this-zoid option? Failing that, the ever-trusty boosters. ============================================================================= COMMAND WOLF - Irvine's favorite, Not mine though! Cost: 17000 BP HP: 1700 DP: 0110 SP: 0068 Description: In my opinion, this zoid has been made a little weak for Zoids Vs. I know, I know, its supposed to be quite weak but even so! Its stats are quite low - its only a little faster than the Cannon Tortoise for crying out loud, but its definitely useful to start with. The Command Wolf's physical is similar to most of the wolves/foxes/ligers in the game: a variation of the slashy bitey attack. Note that with the Command Wolf, any gun bolted onto slot one has been put on a ready made turret; meaning the gun will try to aim at the target itself. Weapons Available: 1. AZ50mm WB-CANNON-Small (read weedy) double rifle. 2. 8MISSILE POD A-Two sets of 8 heat-seeking missiles launch simultaneously. 1. AZ250mm WLR-CANNON-Two Big green shells out of two big barrels. 1. LR-RIFLE A-A suprisingly powerful single barreled rifle. Use it. 2. AD-MISSILE SET-Cluster of heat-seeking missiles launch at once, two straight ahead, 9 at angles on horizontal. 1. DS-RIFLE-High powered slow-shooting rifle. Better known as the folding gun that sits on the Konig Wolf. 2. 8MISSILE POD C-Two sets of heat seeking missile launchers rapidly fire 2 missiles at a time. 2. WEAPON BINDER-Two lasers fire, Two missiles fire. Repeats. 1. BEAM GATRING UNIT C-Very large gatling gun that works very well on large targets. EX Attack: A glowing charge. Ragnarok bite I believe - you may have heard of it? Can use while running. Best Option to Use: I'd say the boosters again, they work really well attached to this Zoids legs. About double its speed. Oh yes. ============================================================================= DI-BISON - As Thomas would say: "MEGALOMAX!"....ahem. Cost: 23000 BP HP: 1900 DP: 0135 SP: 0064 Description: Oh yes, the old D-Bison: A fantastically powerful arsenal of many many guns, both powerful and reliable, A favorite among many. Not me though, but I can see its appeal. You see, I like smaller faster zoids, That specialize in close ranged attacks like, say, the Blade Liger...but I digress. The Di-Bison is a sturdy heavily loaded zoid - a smaller (faster!) alternative to the other heavy hitters like the Iron Kong and the Gojulas. Definitely one for those of you that like to cripple the enemy before they get close to you, though with its charging physical (that culminates in a kind of particle discharge from the 105mm 17A-CANNON, its not to be taken lightly once you get past its long ranged offences. An excellent Zoid to use against the Deathsaurer - you can make sure that all energy shells from the 105mm 17A-CANNON will hit whats intended then! Weapons Available: 1. 105mm 17A-CANNON-What I originally thought was the fabled Megalowmax...until I saw it's EX. Each one of the 17 shells homes in! Watch the ammo drain, though. 2. AZ 35-CANNON B-A triple shooting gun that rotates about roughly 20 degrees in total. 3. 8MISSILE POD A-Two sets of 8 heat-seeking missiles launch simultaneously. 4. LR PL-RIFLE-Decent quick firing double rifle, does its job nicely, you'll see a lot of these. Turreted. 3. MISSILE POD C-Two sets of heat seeking missile launchers rapidly fire 2 missiles at a time. 4. MISSILE-S-Rear firing (very strong) double heat seeking missiles. You're gonna get chased a lot in a slow zoid like this and this is where they come in very handy! 4. WILD WEASEL UNIT-More commonly seen on the Gunsniper, a very quick firing array of laser things! EX Attack: Megalomax. 'Nuff said. Just sit back and watch the fireworks (if any of them hit -_-). Best Option to Use: Since you'll end up being chased more than you'd like, I'd use the land mine - couple that with the MISSILE-S and the foe will think twice before getting close to you again! ============================================================================= LIGER ZERO - Ya know, the white one: the one with the thing in the thing? (Yes, bit of a private joke there, sorry). :p Cost: 45000 BP HP: 2800 DP: 0170 SP: 0080 Description: The Liger Zero: the ultimate in customization, a zoid for any occasion, the ability to change between three CAS variants whenever needed. Except you can't. They come as separate zoids. So what has the Liger Zero got left to offer? Well, It has excellent stats for the price it comes at making it a good choice for beginners with little cash to frivolously spend. Keep it and the Liger Zero will hold its own against stronger enemies, as you'd expect. It does lack customizability though (if thats even a word), ie: The range of available guns are pitiful, quite frankly. (Possibly a little harsh). Most of the guns that can fit on slot 2 are on a turret. Strong but hard to use physical of the firey claws variety - only a two hit combo. And no, you can't use the tail mounted gun, either. Hmmmmm. Weapons Available: 2. LR-RIFLE A-A suprisingly powerful single barreled rifle. 1. AZ208mm WS-CANNON-Shoots 2 bullets, reloads, does it again. 'Bout it, really. 1. AZ 35-CANNON A-Again, shoots 2 bullets, reloads. 2. AZ30mm RAL-VULCAN-I do like this gun. fastest firing gun in the game, just watch your ammo. 2. DS-RIFLE-High powered slow-shooting rifle. Better known as the folding gun that sits on the Konig Wolf. 2. AZ30mm WB GUN-Fast firing, needle like bullets which sound nasty. 2. AZ 3-LINEAR CANNON-Shoots three bullets, affected by gravity. 2. STA 80mm WB-GUN-Yet another double barreled gun. Red. EX Attack: The ever-popular Strike...Laser...CLAW! So hard to aim PROPERLY you'll pull your hair out. I've done it ooooh, twice since I got the game? Dunno how Bit Cloud does it so well. Best Option to Use: Again, the boosters work well. ============================================================================= MOLGA - Suprisingly OK'ish! Cost: 13000 BP HP: 1000 DP: 0092 (sheesh!) SP: 0040 Description: The other zoid you get free when you start Battle Mode, and - suprisingly - the one you should use in battle until you get a bit of money to buy a decent zoid (ie: one with legs). See, its main pro is in its diminuitive stature; its too damn hard for the (rather stupid) A.I to hit. As long as you keep moving and firing off the rather effective W STA MISSILE, you'll be fine. If you're still using it by the fourth or fifth battle, you will start to encounter problems staying alive for any more than a few seconds, however! The Molga's physical is almost cute, and pretty ineffective, the stats are predictably shocking and it can't jump for beans. (It also has trouble climbing inclines as well, which is odd for a caterpillar). 4 weapon slots, so thats good I suppose. Weapons Available: 1. W STA MISSILE-Decent double missile launchers - home in on target and have long range. 2. 20mm G-GUN-Double foward mounted rapid-fire machine guns. 3. HP D-ACID GUN-Shoots a wad of 'acid' at foe. Doesn't corrode enemy and affected by gravity: short range. 3. TRZ20mm LL-GUN-Fast 'needles' shoot in quick succession, pretty strong. On the molga its on a turret. 4. LR PL-RIFLE-Decent quick firing double rifle, does its job nicely. Turreted 4. AZ120mm G-CANNON-Long range cannon, shells home in. Like single gun from D-BISON'S 105mm 17A-CANNON. EX Attack: A firey charge attack, where the Molga spins and jumps a very long way (NOT just the perspective). Molga charges low, so aim needs to be considered so as you don't fly between the enemy's legs by accident - it has happened! Best Option to Use: Hey, I like boosters! But, the cloaking device also works well as the Molga is so small anyway. Sit tight and let them run past you, then release whatever you had planned. SlyFox0080's Note: I love this zoid myself. Fun to beat the Death Saurer with and brag to your friends. MUWAHAHA ============================================================================= BERSERK FURY - Or Fuhrer, whatever. Cost: 72000 BP HP: 3000 DP: 0189 SP: 0090 Description: These Tyrannosaur types need little introduction: extremely powerful and very fast and maneuverable. The Fury has two great big drill/claw things attached to its back - the source of one of the game's best physical attacks. The drills have an excellent reach, and the physical works particularly well when you are chasing someone down. The Fury doesn't have a giant complement of weapons, but what it does have is a good selection. Like the other Tyrannosaur types (Genosaurer, Genobreaker, Berserk Fury Storm Variant and Dark Spiner) it is a hard zoid to master. By all means buy it when you get the chance, but don't expect good results first time around! One of my favorites, and one I have 'trained' up to the maximum possible stats. Mine is Red ^_^ ! Weapons Available: 1. AZ185mm B-CANNON-Double strong long range homing energy beams. Wont hit anything close, though. 2. AZ 35-CANNON A-Shoots 2 bullets, reloads. 2. HP D-ACID GUN-Shoots a wad of 'acid' at foe. Doesn't corrode enemy and affected by gravity: short range. 3. 8MISSILE POD A-Two sets of 8 heat-seeking missiles launch simultaneously. 3. WEAPON BINDER-Two lasers fire, Two missiles fire. Repeats. EX Attack: The Almighty Charged Particle Cannon (or energy beam, or giant phaser, Kamehameha, whatever!) Three of them! Point is, although its not the most useful of all EX's - it’s a pain in the jacksie to aim if you don't know what to do - its damn fun! And very powerful as well - very useful against the bosses as they don't disable and fall when hit with a strong attack. And it looks so cool! The Berserk Fury and the Storm variant's versions of the CPC last a long time as well, the EX bar has fully recharged only a few seconds after it has finished the last one! Best Option to Use: Boosters, definitely! It works quite well with the shield as well (see EX and Option Trick, above). Or, if like me you really like using the CPC, use the land mines against yourself to quickly bring down your HP and activate the EX! ============================================================================= BERSERK FURY STORM VARIANT - Like a storm, only...not. Cost: 80000 BP HP: 3300 DP: 0210 SP: 0100 Description: So it has better stats overall than the normal Berserk Fury, and its one of the fastest zoids in the game as well. So you'd want to go for this one right? Not necessarily: The other Fury still has an edge with it's physical and EX attack, so it comes down to personal preference. The Storm Variant's physical is also a pretty nasty attack and has an effective combo. It also has a turret which fills any gap in the armory that the other Fury arguably has. Its worth noting that this zoid has the second-to-most HP in the game, but again, its not for beginners. Weapons Available: 1. LR PL-RIFLE-The gun of the genosaurer, very useful 1. AZ50mm WB-Cannon-Quick firing, accurate shots. 2. HP D-ACID GUN-Shoots a wad of 'acid' at foe. Doesn't corrode enemy and affected by gravity: short range. 2. AZ 35-CANNON A-Shoots 2 bullets, reloads. 3. 8MISSLE POD A-Useful pack of heat-seeking missles. 3. WEAPON BINDER-Two lasers fire, Two missiles fire. Repeats. EX Attack: Again a Charged Particle Cannon, this time only one. It lasts just as long as the regular Fury's (about six seconds) and again, you're riveted to the spot. Best Option to Use: I know I keep on saying it, but this zoid combines well with boosters (for the Storm Variant, its called the STORM BOOSTER, fact fans). Like a few others I could mention, this zoid was built for speed, so why not make use of that? ============================================================================= KOING WOLF - The One With the Visor Cost: 60000 BP HP: 3100 DP: 0171 SP: 0080 Description: You get what you pay for in this game. If you're prepared to splash out a bit on a stronger zoid, this is what you get. A lot of points in the Health and Defense area, this zoid does seem a little slow. The Koing Wolf has a medium range of weapons, but what it has got are useful weapons to fit in its two open slots. A favorite for many fans of the series, i think its been faithfully and fairly recreated for this game. Makes a cool howling noise when activating the EX as well! Doesn't slow down too much when running around with the EX on. Oh yeah, the Koing Wolf doesn't have a physical combo as such either, just repeats the same oh so popular slash. Weapons Available: 1. DS-RIFLE S-Extremely powerful (watch the ammo) accurate rifle that roots you to the spot (the Wolfster's visor comes down as well!) 1. DS-RIFLE-High powered slow-shooting rifle. 1. AZ30mm RAL-VULCAN-Fastest firing gun in the game, just watch your ammo. 1. LR PL-RIFLE-Decent quick firing double rifle, does its job nicely. 2. AZ 5MISSILE POD-Unusual horizontal firing missiles. Rapidly shoot out - if you continue to face at angles to the foe, the missiles will swarm in on foe from every direction. 2. WEAPON BINDER-I don't see the appeal of these: Two lasers fire, Two missiles fire, yadeyadeya. EX Attack: Ragnarok Bite again methinks. Powerful (its an EX, duh) charge where you glow purple. Best Option to Use: Boosters really speed up this zoid, but i reckon the cloaking device looks good on wolf/fox type zoids so you could use that if you want. Or, maybe the smokescreen. (Note: the smokescreen is rubbish). ============================================================================= BLADE LIGER - Probably the Best Liger in the World! Cost: 34000 BP HP: 2300 DP: 0145 SP: 0074 Description: I don't really know where to start with this one. If you've ever been to the Zoids Versus board at GameFAQs.com, you'll probably know I like this zoid. Or indeed, if you've ever chatted to me and the topic of zoids has come up then it is somewhat likely that the words 'blade' and 'liger' were in the next sentance somewhere. But enough about me, and more about why this zoid is popular enough to frequently appear in two animes. As you can see in the numbers above, the Blade Liger has distinctly average stats. It has few guns but four slots, a decent physical and is a nice colour. But what is it that makes it a contender? Well, if you havent already guessed (you fool) theres a clue in its name. LASER BLADE A is what the blades are reffered to in the game, and this liger is one in only a handful of zoids in this game which has them. Blades really can take heaps of energy out of the target, and coupled with the Blade Liger's waaaaay above average maneuvrability, you can slice through anything that takes your fancy. Another great thing about this zoid is the range of types of weapons, as seen below. (ie: the only quadruped to have a gun, blades, energy cannon and missiles). Weapons Available: 1. AZ WS-CANNON-Underpowered small gun, good for breaking up the rythmn. medium-short range. 2. LASER BLADE A-Blades. High powered close range strapped on glowing swords. 3. AZ HD B-CANNON-Dual homing energy balls with long glowing trails. Moves fast. 4. 8MISSILE POD A-Two sets of 8 heat-seeking missiles launch simultaneously. 4. WEAPON BINDER-Two lasers fire, Two missiles fire, repeats. EX Attack: Yet another glowing charge. Getting a bit bored of these to be honest, but its easier to aim than a glowing claw attack. Best Option to Use: People like to use the shield with this one, and it combines well with the blades to stun then hurt the enemy ahead. Or boosters to give the Blade Liger a bit of much needed speed. ============================================================================= =:. c2b. Weapons FAQ .:= Coming Soon. =:. c2c. Options FAQ .:= All Zoids in the game have a selection of 5 different options, I always keep an option on my zoid. You can only have 1 option on at a time, but thats fine, who wants 4 thrusters anyways? Ok, so I do, but still. This part covers the name, price, and what it does. Smoke Discharger - $15,000 - When used you hold it down, blasts smoke everywhere making it harder for your opponent to see you. Also an easy way to show someone who is in a cloak. Ion Turbo Booster - $2,000 - Boosters for the Liger Zero(THAT ONE ZOID). Makes him go fast. "Nuff said. Diablo Booster - $30,000 - Put this thing on him and watch the Diablos Go. Booster-PA - $20,000 - Boosters for the Panzer, makes him go a little bit faster, H Maneuver Thruster - $15,000 - Thrusters for the Fuhrer. Makes him go fast. L-Ion Booster - $5,000 - Boosters for the LZ Jager, makes him go ZOOM! Booster-GG - $7,500 - Boosters for the Gojulas Giga, makes him walk faster,yes I said walk. Assistance Booster - $8,600 - Boosters for the Command Wolf, go on his legs. Booster-GS - $2,000 - Boosters for the Gun Sniper. Makes it go faster. Booster-SM - $8,000 - Boosters for SnipeMaster, make him go faster. Thats what all boosters do.. -____- Booster-GE - $9,600 - Boosters for the Genosaurers. Makes them hover faster. Wing Thruster - $5,000 - Thrusters for the Genobreaker, go on his wing thingies. Booster-GJ - $10,000 - Boosters for the Gojulas, waalaa, I said it. Booster-CT - $8,000 - Boosters for the Cannon Tortoise. Hover faster. Booster-DB - $9,000 - Boosters for the Dibison. Makes it go faster. Booster-ML - $7,400 - Boosters for the Molga. Makes this cute bug go faster. Storm Booster - $2,000 - Boosters for the Berserk Fuhrer Storm. Booster-KW - $10,000 - Boosters for the Konig Wolf. Seeee?! Rocket Booster - $4,000 - Boosters for the Blade Liger, WOW. Booster-SF - $8,000 - Boosters for the Shadow Fox. This is getting boring. HG IT-Booster - $6,000 - Boosters for Schneider. I said it. Booster-X - $12,000 - Now that is a cool name. Boosters for the Liger Zero X Booster Pack - $3,000 - Boosters for the Lightning Saix, ZOOM. HM-Booster Pack - $12,000 - Boosters for both of the Iron Kongs. Booster-ST - $6,400 - Boosters for the Sabre Tiger. Booster-RH - $7,600 - Boosters for Dark Horn and Red Horn. Both Horns. MUWAHA Booster-DS - $10,000 - Boosters for the Dark Spiner. Booster-RR - $9,400 - Boosters for the Rev Raptor. Make it go fast. Stealth Charger - $50,000 - Makes your zoid invisible to the untrained eye. Your zoid is still on the radar, you just can't see it zoid-to-zoid very well. Land Mine - $35,000 - When used your zoid drops a mine, if a zoid runs over it then... BOOM. Does a good bit of damage. The Shields will be added sometime soon... =:. c2d. Sub Parts FAQ .:= All Zoids in Zoids VS have different abilities and attributes. By adding Sub-Parts to Zoids, you can add extra points to these abilities and attributes, however it is only possible to add three Sub-Parts to a Zoid. In this section, we will tell you the name of the Sub-Part, how much it costs, and what exactly it does, so you can make deside which works better with your Zoids. - Armor - Protect Armor - $4,000 - Adds 10 to defense T Protect Armor - $8,000 - Adds 15 to defense Super Z Armor - $18,000 - Adds 20 to defense Coating Z Armor - $50,000 - Adds 30 to defense Subtracts 5 from speed High Brid Armor - $100,000 - Adds 50 to defense Subtracts 20 from speed - Radar / Antenna - Scoat Radar - $2,000 - Adds 100 to Map WL Scoat Radar - $4,000 - Adds 200 to Map 3-D Radar - $8,000 - Adds 300 to Map Blade Antenna - $1,500 - Adds 100 to Lock On MB-Antenna - $3,000 - Adds 200 to Lock On Multi Radar - $6,000 - Adds 400 to Lock On WEM-Radar - $12,000 - Adds 200 to Map Adds 100 to Lock On 3-D M-Radar - $24,000 - Adds 400 to Map Adds 200 to Lock On - Speed - Z-Plug Alpha - $2,000 - Adds 2 to Speed Z-Plug Beta - $6,000 - Adds 4 to Speed Z-Plug Gamma - $12,000 - Adds 6 to Speed HGZ-Plug - $24,000 - Adds 8 to Speed HGZ-Plug Omega - $60,000 - Adds 10 to Speed - Agility - ZGR-Type A - $4,000 - Adds 3 to Agility ZGR-Type S - $8,000 - Adds 5 to Agility ZGR-Type R - $16,000 - Adds 10 to Agility Subtracts 3 from Speed ZGR-Type Z - $28,000 - Adds 20 to Agility Subtracts 5 from Speed - Generater - SB-Generater - $8,000 - Adds 5 to Options HG SB-Generater - $24,000 - Adds 15 to Options HB SB-Generater - $80,000 - Adds 25 to Options - Ultimate Sub-Part - Ultra Z - $990,000 - Equal to an Organiod System Upgrades all other Sub-Parts. [:. D. Versus Mode .:] Versus Mode is a mode where you can fight against a friend who uses the second controller. You can pick your Zoid, pilot, and the level you want to battle on. {:. d1. Pilot Stats .:} (credit to Zoid Eve) In Zoids VS, the Pilot Status is the indication of the added pilot's ability to the zoid he/she is riding. You could say these are added bonuses to the zoids abilities. They are as follows: M- melee (grapple attacks) - number added to the zoid's grapple attack power of each successful hit. R- ranged (firing attacks) - number added to the zoid's strike power of each successful hit. P- pilotage (piloting) - number added to the zoid's turning ability (maneuverability?) RANK determines the ability ranking among the 46 pilots available in the game. *names are according to Japanese pronunciation, not necessarily English spelling* Key: Name M(elee): status/rank R(ank): status/rank P(ilotage): status/rank PILOT DATA Aabain M: 31/23rd R: 23/23rd P: 5/24th Arubaan M: 36/16th R: 17/19th P: 4/27th Kirkland M: 9/38th R: 1/45th P: 1/38th Atolay M: 32/22nd R: 17/19th P: 7/15th Viola M: 23/33rd R: 17/19th P: 6/18th Galdo M: 40/9th R: 18/13th P: 6/18th Republic Operator M: 44/3rd R: 2/40th P: 13/2nd Republic Soldier B M: 30/25th R: 2/40th P: 3/34th Claudia M: 41/7th R: 13/26th P: 10/17th Zan M: 43/5th R: 5/37th P: 4/27th Shubaltz M: 36/16th R: 19/9th P: 8/11th Republic Soldier A M: 25/29th R: 20/7th P: 8/11th Chris M: 6/41st R: 6/36th P: 12/3rd Kari (Keri) M: 12/36th R: 2/40th P: 12/3rd Jack M: 24/31st R: 8/34th P: 9/8th Stora (Sutora) M: 28/27th R: 10/31st P: 3/34th Teeta M: 7/39th R: 22/4th P: 9/8th Empire Soldier A M: 40/9th R: 15/23rd P: 4/27th Toma M: 22/34th R: 16/22nd P: 12/3rd Herman (Haman) M: 40/9th R: 10/31st P: 6/18th Brad (Buraddo) M: 24/31st R: 13/26th P: 4/27th Empire Operator GA: 5/42nd FA: 24/22nd P: 1/38th Empire Soldier B GA: 30/25th FA: 15/23rd P: 7/15th Naomi M: 5/42nd R: 25/1st P: 6/18th Viper M: 36/16th R: 18/13th P: 4/27th Harry M: 7/39th R: 2/40th P:1/38th Ban and Feene M: 43/5th R: 4/38th P: 1/38th Beet M: 50/1st R: 4/38th P: 1/38th Fooma M: 33/20th R: 18/13th P: 1/38th Fran M: 40/9th R 8/34th P: 7/15th Vega M: 44/3rd R: 13/26th P: 3/34th Pierce M: 10/37th R: 13/26th P: 8/11th Hirutz M: 39/13th R: 20/7th P: 0/45th Blood (Buraddo) M: 25/29th R: 18/13th P: 5/24th Proishen M: 39/13th R: 19/9th P: 1/38th Max M: 33/20th R: 21/6th P: 6/18th Lize/Rize M: 5/42nd R: 18/13th P: 9/8th Libaiasu/ Ribaiasu M: 14/35th R: 18/13th P: 15/1st Leon M: 49th/2nd R: 1/45th P: 2/37th Regina M: 35/19th R: 10/31st P: 12/3rd Rayna M: 26/28th R: 19/9th P: 8/11th Reenon/ Leenon M: 3/45th R: 24/2nd P: 5/24th Raven M: 41/7th R: 19/9th P:6/18th Lazar M: 31/23rd R: 22/4th P: 4/27th Rosso M: 39/13th R: 12/30th P: 4/27th "Battle Over, Battle Over...WINNER IS...THE BLITZ TEAM!" Thanks for reading the first ever Zoids Versus FAQ! -Mousemat21, Slyfox0080, Bad Storm Check us out at the GameFAQs Message Boards! ::END:: "We don't cheat in battles, we make them more interesting" --Backdraft