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Thanks... | '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' __________ .__ .__ \______ \_________.__. ____ | |__ |__| ____ | ___/ ___< | L/ ___\| | \| L/ ___\ | | \___ \ \___ \ \___| Y \ \ \___ |____| /____ >/ ____|\___ >___| /__|\___ > __ \/ \/ \/__ \/ .___ \/ / \ /¯¯\___________| | __| _/ \ \/\/ / _ \_ __ \ | / __ | \ ( <_> ) | \/ |__/ /_/ | \__/\ / \____/|__| |____/\____ | \/ \/ < ASCII art created by vinheim 2010 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychic World FAQ/Walkthrough ----------------- Version Lucia Last updated: 05/27/10 ------------------------ Authored by: vinheim Email: vinheim@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Homepage: http://vinheim.webs.com - -- Video Walkthroughs: http://youtube.com/vinheimk -- ----- This document Copyright 2010 Alexander Paul Kleinheider ----- --- Psychic World Copyright 1988 Sanritsu --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---vinheim-----------------------------------------------------------miehniv--- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------- Table of Contents ------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To navigate much easier through this guide, I added the search system, which works just by following these simple steps: - Highlight the "Section Code" of the section which you wish to go and copy it (CTRL+C). - Press CTRL+F to bring up the search sub-menu. - Paste (CTRL+V) the "Section Code" and press ENTER twice to be where you wanted to be. Just like magic! My Section Codes were made as precise as possible, and I also prefer this method instead of having you scroll 30 min through this huge guide looking for the section you want to go. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~~~~~> Section <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Section Code <~~~~~~ 1] Introduction..................................................[sx100] 1.1] Contact Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx101] 2] Game Basics...................................................[sx200] 2.1] Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx201] 3] In-depth Walkthrough..........................................[sx300] 5.1] Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx501] 5.2] Volcanic Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx502] 5.3] Ice Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx503] 5.4] Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx504] 5.5] Fortress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[sx505] 4] Closing.......................................................[sx400] 4.1] Credits.........................................[sx401] 4.2] Last Words......................................[sx402] =============================================================================== ================================== END OF ToC ================================= =============================================================================== /\ /\ /\ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ )( 1] Introduction ( ) sx100 )( ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ \/ \/ \/ Sixth FAQ written for the SMS Completion Project. Check out the sites here: - http://selmiak.bplaced.net/sms/ - http://glacoras.net16.net/SMS_CP/ This game is actually really fun for an SMS game, but the best part of this is the music. It has some really kickass themes for the areas. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ 1.1] Contact Rules ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-.sx101.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= '-----' Any critics, suggestions, spelling mistakes, contributions are welcome, so please send them at the following e-mail: --> vinheim@gmail.com <-- I always reply to all the mails I get, since feedback is the best reward of all. Also, if you want to request to host this FAQ in your site, please ask permission first, so I can always keep track of where my FAQ's are. The only site that is allowed right now to host this FAQ is: - www.gamefaqs.com I also have MSN and AIM, but please, if you add me, do NOT start bombing me with IM. If I have the time, I'll chat to you, since I'm always busy writing FAQ's and making some research for my job and school, but please keep it polite, 'k? Anyway, here they are: MSN: xander_may_cry@hotmail.com AIM: vinh3im Ask politely and I'll add you. I don't have YIM, so start mailing me to make one just so you can chat with me. /\ /\ /\ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ )( 2] Game Basics ( ) sx200 )( ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ \/ \/ \/ Only controls for the Game Basics section of this game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ 2.2] Controls ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-.sx202.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= '-----' o------------+----------------------------------------------------------------o |- D-pad | = Move | |============+================================================================| |- 1 button | = Use Weapon | |============+================================================================| |- 2 button | = Jump | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | | = Keep the button presses and press down to enter the weapon | | | selection submenu | |============+================================================================| |- Pause | = Pause the game | o------------'----------------------------------------------------------------o /\ /\ /\ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ )( 3] In-depth Walkthrough ( ) sx300 )( ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ \/ \/ \/ The story is pretty simple. One day, the twins Cecile and Lucia where working at a Lab where an explosion takes place and Cecile is kidnapped. Now you set out on a mini journey to rescue her. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Area #01 - Prairie sx301 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Being the first area of the game, it's rather easy and straightforward... well, just like most of the game. Get a feel of the controls, kill the first enemy and run all the way to the right. When you get to a Restoration upgrade (the cross), grab it and go right. When you get to the end of this first part of the area, 3 flying enemies will come down and attack you. Kill them if you want and proceed right to the next part of this area. As you start, you'll see a Restoration upgrade under the ladder. Grab it, return to the top to the ladder, kill both enemies on the ledges and time your jumping to cross over. When you see 2 enemies running around a Health Pack, use your Invincibility attack to grab it without taking damage. The upgrade at the bottom is a ESP pack. It replenishes your ESP. Go right, jump on the ledge, climb the ladder and jump to the ladder to the right. 2 more flying enemies, appear as you land on the ladder. Take care of them, 3 more flying enemies appear as you go right. If you fall in the lava, use your Invincibility attack ASAP and cross over to the other side. Before going up the ladder, grab the Psionic Blast upgrade (your main weapon), go up the ladder and go right to the next part of the area. There's a sub-boss here. Pretty easy. Simply go right next to it and shoot it until it dies. Yes, that's how easy it is. If you stay right next to it, it's attacks won't be able to hurt/reach you. Afterwards, grab the Psionic Blast upgrade and proceed right to the next area. Yay, waterfalls! Nothing much to do here, so simply go right, kill the enemies that pop out of the water and the flying enemies. Now move on to the next part of the waterfalls. Go all the way right, kill the enemies that pop out of the water and go up the ledge when you get to it. There's a Health Pack here, grab it and from this fork, go left and time your jumping correctly to find a Psionic Blast upgrade and the Restart attack, which lets you restart the area from the beginning. Return to the fork, and go right this time to reach the next part of the area. Kill the enemy on the ledge in front of you then kill the 2 flying enemies. Keep going right, grab the Restoration upgrade, grab the Health Pack when you get to it and go right to the next part of the area. Nothing much in this part, simply grab the Psionic Blast upgrade, go to the far right, 3 flying enemies appear. Kill them and proceed right to get to the... --=======------=======----=-=----===-----===-----------====----=-------===----- ~-~ BOSS: CHIMAERA ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Strategy: Haha, probably the toughest boss in the game. He shoots fireballs from the top of the screen in a random pattern. The best thing to do is to use your Restoration attack, approach it and shoot it nonstop. When you see your Restoration is about to end, use it once again to not take any damage. After a little shooting, it'll go down. ==-------======-------====-=-====---=====---===========----====-=======---===== After the boss is defeated, you'll receive the Ice Blast, which is, as the name implies, an Ice gun. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Area #02 - Volcanic Area sx302 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- This area is easy too, and there are forks in the path, unlike the previous area. Start by going right and dropping down all the way to the bottom. Down here, kill the enemy down here and grab the Explosion weapon go up the first ladder (not the one at the far left). Kill the enemy, grab the Health Pack and go up the next ladder. Jump over the gap to the left and grab a Restoration upgrade up here. Now go right and follow the path up to the next part of the area. Up here, go left, kill the enemy down here and grab a Restart upgrade. Now go right, follow the path to the next part of the area. Up here, there are 2 paths. Follow the top one to get an Ice Blast upgrade and the bottom one for a Psionic Blast upgrade. Now return all the way to the bottom of the area (where the 2 ladders are). Jump over the gap, climb up the stairs, and enter the door. Be really careful in this area. You'll see some red platforms crossing from right to left. You must jump from platform to platform until you can get on the ladder. Once you've grabbed it, kill the rock-throwing enemy on top, grab the Explosion upgrade and proceed to the next part of the area through the door. Now we're in a room with a floor filled with lava. I recommend you use your Restoration attack and pass through the lava floor. Every enemy down here gives a large Health Pack, so you won't be needing HP. When you get to the right side of the area, before jumping on the ledge to the right, follow the upper path (the ones that disappear after you stand on them) to find a Restoration upgrade, then drop down and enter the door. Here's the sub-boss of the level. As you start, use your Restoration attack, stand on one of the upper ledges and use your Psionic Blast to take it out. It'll take you a Psionic Blast upgrade. Now go left and enter the door. Another easy part, even though it can be a little tedious. There are 4 points in the roof where lava drops down. Jump across the ledges, grab the Explosion upgrade and jump across the small upper ledges across to the left and into the door. There's another sub-boss in here, just like the previous one. Kill it the same way as before, grab the Psionic Blast upgrade if possible and to grab the upper right Ice Blast upgrade, drop down into the lava and jump across from down here. Now drop down, use your Explosion attack to kill all the enemies and proceed to the left. In this next room, as you drop down, run to the left, go up the ladder, kill both enemies and enter the door. Jump over the gaps in here and, just like before, drop down and start running to the right. Watch the roof to see 3 points where lava drops. Every set of 3 dropping lava, a small flame is passing across the floor. Jump it. Do this 5 times, climb up the ladder and enter the door. In this room, those red circles across the room is fire. You need to destroy them by using your Ice Blast or use Restoration to run across it and enter the door at the upper left side to get to... --=======------=======----=-=----===-----===-----------====----=-------===----- ~-~ BOSS: DEMON ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Strategy: One of the easiest bosses in the game. As you start, run to the right and stand right next to him. It'll shoot a fire beam from the eyes and move in a certain pattern. When this happens, crouch and wait for it to start disappearing. Once it starts disappearing, stand up and it'll start going up and down. You start jumping and shoot it in the stomach. Rinse and repeat until it dies. ==-------======-------====-=-====---=====---===========----====-=======---===== Grab the Fire Shot when it drops it and you'll end this level. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Area #03 - Ice Field sx303 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Ok, probably the longest and most annoying area in the game. Well, we're already through half of the game. A slime drops down from the ceiling on the second ledge. Kill it and grab the Health Pack. Now go right and watch out when you reach some spikes because the floor disappears and you'll fall down into them. When you cross the 3 sets of spikes, go up and cross the disappearing floor to the left. Melt the ice blocks and if you go all the way to the right, you'll find the first upgrade for your Fire Shot. Return to where the disappearing floor started and go right. Kill the enemy down here and looks like there's a dead end, but the truth is that you need your Ice Blast to create some ice blocks. Look in the background for a lighter blue section. When you shoot one of these lighter sections, 1 square will be frozen. You need to create some sort of "bridge" to make your way up. Kill the enemy up here, make sure to kill the enemy at the top because the bridge disappears. On the other side, kill the green slime and as you go right, kill the enemy and you'll find a slippery floor. You cannot move while you're on it. To turn around, simply jump and press the other side to move on that other side. Jump up and grab the ladder, kill the enemy up here and go left to find only a Bonus. Return up the ladder and go right this time. Go down the ladder when you get to it and grab the "Cricket" Gun. Seriously, it's a Lightning gun. Return up the ladder, kill the enemy on the right side using your Explosions before proceeding because the floors here disappear. The upgrade on the upper right is for the Fire Shot and the lower left one is for your Psionic Blast. Now go to the right and go up the ladder to the next side of the area. Use Explosion to take care of all the enemies in the area at once. Now jump your way across the spikes using the platforms and go up the ladder at the end. Kill the 4 slimes on the left side, melt the ice blocks on the right side and grab the Ice Blast upgrade. To get up on the ladder, make sure you melt the ice blocks and leave them like this: ___ | | ___|___| X = Melted ice blocks | | | |___|___| | X | X | |___|___| | X | X | |___|___| | X | X | |___|___| Follow this path only to find a shortcut to the top. But it's more of a pain so follow the path. Return to the bottom and go left and up the ladder. As soon as you get up here, make 3 ice blocks right next to the ladder, jump on them, face left and create another 2 ice blocks. Jump on top of these 2 and jump to the right to grab the ladder. Once you're on top, we need to cross to the other side using our Ice Blast and creating a bridge. Start by shooting the lowest left block, jump on it and make your way to the top. From here, duck and shoot to freeze the ice block below you. Keep doing this until you get to the other side. When you get to one block on top of another, melt the top one and keep going right melting only the lower one. Enter the door at the end. Now we have a sub-boss in this room. Like most of the sub-bosses, it's pretty darn easy. It shoots an ice needle on the bottom, then one on top and then starts chucking out ice blocks. Jump over the first needle, duck under the second one, and jump over the ice blocks. Then it goes underground and reappears somewhere else. Just attack it and use Restoration to make this battle even easier. Pick up the Fire Shot upgrade and go up the ladder. Use Explosion to save some time and kill all the enemies in the area (5 slimes). There's a Fire Shot upgrade in the upper right side. Start by freezing the lowest ice block and make your way up. Now go left from the entrance, kill the enemy down here if you haven't already and freeze some more ice blocks to create some stepping blocks to get to the ladder going up. In this room, simply jump on the ladder to the left, the on the one on the upper right to get to the next room. In here, simply freeze one ice block on the left side, then one on the right side and so on until you reach the ladder that takes you to the next room. Use Explosion on the enemies in this room, freeze the first ice block (on the bottom to extend the ledge) and jump your way across the platforms to the right side. Melt the ice blocks at the end and you'll be in a fork. If you go S, you can get a Restoration upgrade and a Fire Shot upgrade. Don't go down. It's just a waste of time and HP. Go up the ladder and you'll be in another fork. Go up the first ladder and up here you can get an Explosion upgrade, as well as a Fire Shot upgrade and a ESP Pack. Return down the stairs and go up the right one. Follow the path completely to find just a Fire Shot upgrade. Return to the fork and melt the ice blocks on the right side to get to the next room of the area. This area is filled with slippery floor, so jump on the first ledge you get (the top one). If you go left, you'll find an Ice Blast upgrade. Keep jumping from ledge to ledge towards the right side and enter the next room. Use the Explosion once again and proceed to the right (beware of the floor that disappears). When you get to high wall, use your Ice Blast to create a bridge to the top. If you go to the left, you'll find a Fire Shot upgrade. Go right and you'll see a Explosion upgrade make a bridge to grab it and drop down. make another bridge to get to the ledge on top and before dropping down the right side of it, melt the line of ice blocks right in front of you. Drop down, start jumping and melt the other line of ice blocks. Now make your way around this area and step on the disappearing floors to make them disappear and enter the door at the bottom to find a... --=======------=======----=-=----===-----===-----------====----=-------===----- ~-~ BOSS: TORTOISE ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Strategy: Pause the game as you start and look at the background. Freeze the ice blocks and make your way to the top of the area so you can avoid Tortoise's attacks. Shoot it using your Fire Shot for a quick kill. As for his attack, he only spits a beam of "fire" that melts all the ice blocks you've done and damages you. ==-------======-------====-=-====---=====---===========----====-=======---===== Once it dies, pick up the Sonic Wake attack and proceed to the next area. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Area #04 - Ruins sx304 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Ok, the music in this stage is awesome, probably the best of the SMS generation, in my opinion that is. Anyway, you'll be using Explosion a lot in this stage, simply because you don't need to use ESP that much and there are a lot of enemies in each area. So let's start, go to the lower left corner to find a new move, the Levitation device. We can now levitate by just activating it. You'll only levitate a very short time right now, but grab 3 more Levitation devices and you'll be levitating a lot of time. Anyway, once you've gotten this, step on the black/red blocks and shoot the brownish blocks on the right with the Sonic Wave. Ignore the ladder and go right. Step on the red waves and these will elevate you. Now you'll see 2 brown blocks sustaining a fire pillar and 2 more brown blocks below. Destroy these 2 lower blocks and grab the upgrade. Now return and destroy the top 2 blocks to make the fire pillar fall. Now go up the ladder and destroy the brown blocks on the right side to make the fire pillar fall. Go to the top of the ladder and go left and grab the ESP recovery. Now go right and use the Levitation device to cross over the fire pillar. Now use the Levitation device to cross over the gap and enter the door. Not a hard room this one is. Run to the left and drop in between the walls... Note that you can cross over the spikes by quickly running across. ... and quickly move to the right to avoid falling on the spikes below. Next there are some iron balls dropping form right to left, so time your jumps, go up the ladder at the end to get to the next area. This is the first area that implores you to use Explosion, so do so. Once done that, use the Levitation device to get to the top, then use the Levitation device once again to cross over the gap and grab the Sonic Wave upgrade. Now drop down and use the solid area to wait for the green "gem" to move to the right side to use the black and red blocks to drop down. Once you get to the bottom, the gem should be on the left side of you. Quickly run to the right side and go up the last ladder to grab your second Levitation upgrade. Return to the bottom and go up the ladder on the left and enter the door at the top. Wait for the top gray enemy to move to the right, as well as the green gem so you can use the waves to go over the wall to the left. Kill the enemy down here and proceed right to the next area. These 2 enemies are a severe pain in the ass, so use Explosion to get rid of them. Beware that the ghost needs an Explosion and several shots to be killed. Now use the waves to get the Levitation upgrade and proceed right to the next segment of the area. Kill both enemies that are here (really easy to take care of) and use the waves to get the upgrade. Proceed right to the last segment of the area. Use Explosion as you get inside and use the waves to replenish your health. Now proceed right to the next area. Pretty simple. Use Levitation to get the upgrade at the top and from here, use Levitation once again to get to the right side and destroy the brown squares. Now drop down the black and red squares and at the bottom, kill the purple enemy and use Levitation to reach the door. Run to the left while you avoid the spinning blades (DO NOT jump or you'll probably get hurt). Once you reach the next area, use Levitation to get a Levitation upgrade. Now cross the iron balls and follow the floor to get another upgrade. Now we have a sub-boss. Easy peasy. Just use your Restoration and equip your standard weapon and shoot like crazy. He'll go down in a matter of seconds. Now use the door to the top left, but before using it, equip your Sonic Wave as you'll have to destroy some brown blocks ASAP. Once you've destroyed the blocks, use Explosion to kill all the enemies and jump upwards following the little ladder to enter the door. There's another sub-boss in here, so use the same tactic as before. Now, in this next area, follow the lower path, destroy the lower 2 blocks, grab the upgrade and destroy the rest of the blocks. Proceed to the next area. Kill all 3 enemies in here and use the red and black blocks to get to the next area. Once down here, kill the gray enemy up here and grab the upgrade. If you want the Levitate upgrade, grab it while you evade the gems. Now destroy the blocks on the bottom and enter the door. Down here, go right, kill the purple enemy and use the waves to go up. Follow the path and when you go up the second waves, drop down the hole right next to them to find a Levitate upgrade. Now simply follow the path until you get to the next area. Another easy area. Pass the iron balls to the left, equip your Sonic Wave and then use your Levitation device to destroy the brown blocks on top so you can grab the health path and the ESP one. Now go right, destroy the blocks and kill the 2 purple enemies and the ghost one. Grab the upgrades they drop, return before the iron balls and follow the floor all the way to the right to drop down and get to another area. Easy. Kill the 2 enemies down here and use the waves to get to the door. To evade the gems, use your Levitation device. Now this room's the BITCH! Use Explode to get rid of the enemies and now time your jumps so you can go in between the spiked balls. Proceed killing the enemies and when you reach a narrow passage, use the lower part to avoid the gem. If you want, use Restoration and move your ass out of here. Now enter the door at the end. As you appear, quickly use Explosion to get rid of most monsters and then enter the upper left door to reach... --=======------=======----=-=----===-----===-----------====----=-------===----- ~-~ BOSS: MECHA ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Strategy: OMG, the bosses in this game are pathetic. Anyway, he has no attacks, besides the moving spiked balls moving around the room. The barrier in front of it hurts you as well, so get as close as possible and use Levitation and your Sonic Wave to attack him over and over. It'll literally take like 4 seconds of shooting, no kidding. ==-------======-------====-=-====---=====---===========----====-=======---===== Grab the Health recovery once it dies and you'll be now at the final stage, the... -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Area #05 - Fortress sx305 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- For the last stage, this one is pretty tough. As you start, start running to the right and use your Restoration. There'll be some spikes moving to the left from the right side, so if you can jump over them, do so, if not, that's what you used the Restoration for. Once in the next area, you'll see 3 areas together that are different from the rest of the floor. Some spikes will come out from the middle one, so either use your Restoration to avoid the damage of use Levitation. Be careful because there will also be spikes dropping down from the ceiling. The next area is also one of the toughest ones. This may be cheap, but it's the most effective way, as well as the fastest one. When you get to the beige platform, it'll disappear as you touch it, and there's also spikes on the ceiling. What to do? Use Restoration and run through the fire pit. If you hear it fading away, use it again and again until you reach the safe side on the right side. Enter the door at the end. Ok, you have to make sure to do things right, otherwise you'll have to return to the beginning of the stage. First of all, use Explosion to get rid of the highly annoying enemies. Once done that, go up the ladder and you'll see 2 lines of brown blocks (the same ones as in the previous stage). Crouch and use the Sonic Wave to destroy the blocks as far as possible. Once done that, drop down to where the lower ladder is and shoot as well with the Sonic Wave to destroy the blocks you can. Now go down the ladder to the next area. Use Explosion to get rid of the enemies and before dropping to the bottom, destroy the blocks on the left side to unblock the ladder. Now drop down to the next area. The arrows in here point in the direction you'll be pushed by the arrows, so crouch to avoid the fire, drop once you get to the next fire area, use Levitation at the end of the area to get to the ladder. Now go all the way to the top (2 screens). Destroy the blocks with the Sonic Wave and enter the door blocked by all the blocks. Once again, one of the best areas to use Explosion. Do so. Not much to say about this area since you only have to follow the path since you've already killed the enemies. When you get to some red arrows pointing in the wrong direction, just cross them jumping and enter the door and enter the door at the end. Now we're at the hardest area in the entire game. You'll see fire on top and on the floor. There are safe spots where you can resupply your ESP. What you need to do is to Levitate your way across the whole area while taking a rest in the ESP pits and using Levitate once again. Now you'll be at a sub- boss (once you reach the next area that is). Pretty simple. It only walks in one direction at a time and jumps. That's it. Hit it and hit it hard with whatever weapon you have. Now this is the part that I have no idea what's with it, but here's how I did it... IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THIS FASTER, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP. Thanks =) I'll give you only directions in this paragraph and I'll give you sub-bosses "strategies" later. First go right and kill the enemy. Return and go down. Now go left and kill the enemy. Return to the previous room and go right to kill another enemy. Return to the previous room and go down. Down here, go left, kill the enemy and return to the previous room. Now go right, kill and return to the previous room. Go down once again, go left and right to kill both enemies and go down. Go left, kill the red Behemoth and a door appears. Use it. Sub-bosses strategies: -- Girl with Sword in red dress. Pretty simply. She is pretty similar to the robot you previously destroyed. She'll only walk in one direction and she'll shoot 3-4 bullets and start swinging her sword. That's it. Use your Standard weapon to kill her. -- Red Behemoth. Doesn't do much. It simply shoots some arrows in front of it. Crouch to evade. Use Standard weapon. -- Robo Gogo Once again, not a hard fight. This one simply moves left and right at a high speed, then it raises itself after a little while and shoots 2 arrows to both left and right, then lowers itself and restarts the cycle. Use the platform in middle of the room to jump over it when needed. -- Flying Mecha Probably the toughest of the enemies here =P. He moves around in the air and shoots missiles either down or left or right. That's it. Use Standard weapon to take care of it. After the door, another Robot sub-boss takes place, so take care of it. Use the Sonic Wave on the blocks on the upper right part of the room and grab the resupply. Now enter the door to get to the last area. Run all the way to the left and enter the door. You'll trigger a scene. Once it's over, prepare for the last... --=======------=======----=-=----===-----===-----------====----=-------===----- ~-~ BOSS: CECILE ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Strategy: Ok, the last boss of the game. She'll stay put and start shooting. Take out your lower weapon (the electric gun) and shoot her to stagger her (a little bluish force field will appear). Pass to the right of here and use Levitation to go up to the next side of the battle. Wait until the electrified spirals turn off to pass through them. Follow the path completely while destroying the blocks. Once you get next to the big red area, crouch until the spirals are off and shoot at the red spiral on the left. Shoot it nonstop (inside) until the red area disappears. Now take your Fire Shot and use Restoration to avoid damage and shoot the red brain-thing until you destroy it. ==-------======-------====-=-====---=====---===========----====-=======---===== That's the end of the game. Watch how Lucia and Cecile reunite and... uh oh! Time to kill Knavick. You'll be flying upwards and without weapons, so wait until he finishes his attack and throw a kick at him... literally. Do this over and over until you see the credits. Nice game, really nice game. /\ /\ /\ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ )( 4] Latest Update ( ) sx400 )( ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ \/ \/ \/ = Version Lucia (May 27th, 2010) - Completed the Walkthrough. /\ /\ /\ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ )( 5] Closing ( ) sx500 )( ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ \/ \/ \/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ 5.1] Credits ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-.sx501.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= '-----' 1. People - Games and TrulyDexterous: For starting the SMS project (alongside me and several other writers). And Games for the website, as well as Selmiak for the newest one. - All those of the SMS and NES Completion Projects. - Gbness, Mighty Oracle, Super Slash, PeTeRL90, Truly Dexterous, warfreak, IceQueenZer0, BSulpher, Da Hui, DBM11085, Snow Dragon: All those who I consider online friends. These guys are really cool and I always have a blast talking to them on AIM, MSN and the FCBS. They all inspire me in writing more and more FAQ's. Note that all these fellows are FAQ writers as myself, so I thank them too for supporting me in my FAQing. - Raul and Eduardo: Just for being my best friends and always being there for me, in the good and bad moments. - You: For having the patience of reading through the whole guide. 2. Internet sites - www.gamefaqs.com: For hosting my guide. - www.supercheats.com: For hosting my guide. - www.neoseeker.com: For hosting my guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ 5.2] Final Words ~-~ ~-~ ~-~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-.sx502.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= '-----' A FAQ that is still in progress but soon will be completed and it'll totally kick ass. A little list of my FAQ's, so make sure to check them out whenever you are stuck with any of the following games. 1. Tales of Symphonia (GCN) DONE 2. Jericho (360) DONE 3. Tales of Legendia (PS2) [In progress] 4. Tales of the Abyss (PS2) DONE 5. Devil May Cry (PS2) DONE 6. Tales of the Abyss Enemy Database (PS2) DONE 7. Jericho Monster List (360) DONE 8. Jericho Achievements (360) DONE 9. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS) [In progress] 10. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) DONE 11. Lloyd Irving Character FAQ (GCN) [In progress] 12. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (PS2) DONE 13. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition (PS2) DONE 14. Pokemon Platinum (DS) [In progress] 15. Soma Bringer (DS) [In progress]. Might take this one down, but still unsure 16. Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) 17. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS) DONE 18. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) [In progress] 19. Tales of Eternia (PSP) 20. Sands of Destruction (DS) DONE 21. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 (PSP) DONE 22. Dante's Inferno (PSP) DONE 23. Dante's Inferno Judas Coins Locations (PSP) DONE 24. Dante's Inferno Boss FAQ (PSP) DONE 25. LittleBigPlanet (PSP) DONE 26. Mimana Iyar Chronicle (PSP) 27. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Demo FAQ (PSP) Please check these games if you have any doubts in one future. So, with all this said and done, I bid you farewell! _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _ _ _ _ ____________(_)_____| |________(_)______________|·| \ \ __ __ _ _ __ | |__ ___ _ _ __ ___O O |·|_________ \ \_(_ \/ _) | '_ \| _ \ / _ \ | '_ ' _ \_____|·|xxxxxxxx|| \____\ /_| | |_| | |_| | __/ | |_| |_| |____|·|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \/ |_|_| |_|_| |_|\___)_|_| |_| |_| |·| ¯ © Alexander P. Kleinheider [vinheim] 2010. Contact: vinheim@gmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯