------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Force II: Sword of Hajya Game Script Apathetic Aardvark sinenomine@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The kingdoms Gardiana and Cypress joined their armies to battle the evil Iom. A figure of royalty is being held by some minions, while four evil looking fellows are having a discussion on their plans. Warderer: We'll now offer a human sacrifice to Iom. Some of his minions have a man of royalty held near an evil alter. Warderer: To Iom our evil ruler, your servant, Warderer offers you the blood of royalty. Accept my offering! King: No! Stop! I'm still the King! I'll not stand for this. I demand you untie these ropes at once! Warderer: Quiet! You disgust me. Iom deserves Royal blood. You'll become one with our deity. You ought to be grateful. A flash of light occurs, the King is drawn closer to the alter. Warderer: Oh, truly evil Prince of Darkness. Accept our sacrifice. The King is pulled up high, directly over the alter. King: Stop! Spare me. Stop... Wa... The King is dropped into warm lava directly behind the alter. Warderer returns to the three people across the room. Warderer: So we were discussing Cypress... Barbara you start. Barbara steps forward. Barbara: Things are going according to plan. They're marching towards Iom not realizing that it is a trap. They think they can conquer us. What misguided fools! Warderer: What about the Gardiana Army? Barbara: Don't worry about them. They won't be ready when the Cypress Army leaves. Warderer: Yes, things are going as planned. Solo, what about you? Barbara steps back, Solo steps forward. Solo: Sir, the fort on the Alkiam Plains, is close to completion. We've also surrounded the fort with traps. All we need to do is wait for the Cypress Army. Warderer: Hmm... Good work Solo. Solo steps back, Warderer turns around. Warderer: Now all we need is the Sword or Hajya. How shall we do that? He paces around and thinks for a moment. Warderer: Gordon! Where is Gordon? Gordon, the apparent jester of the group runs from off the screen. Gordon: You summoned me sir? I'm at your service. Warderer: I want your opinion about Prince Nick of Cypress. Even if Gardiana is not ready by the time the Cypress Army leaves, would the Prince still come? Gordon: Not to worry, sir. He's a man of honor. Even though his right hand has turned to stone, he'll come. Warderer: Since his right hand is useless would he bring his sword? Gordon, here are your orders. After the Cypress Army leaves their castle raid it and bring me the Sword of Hajya! Gordon: Sir! As you wish. Gordon leaves the room. Warderer: Barbara and Solo go with him. Barbara: Yes, sir! Solo: Sir! Barbara and Solo teleport out. Warderer: By the way, Hindel, accept my condolences. Hindel: What do you mean? Warderer: Your younger brother. I hear he died at the hands of a lowly swordsman. Hindel: It couldn't be helped. Its said that if one is unable to protect oneself, one deserves to die. That's the law of the land. Warderer: You're absolutely correct. As I had assumed you are quite a man. What we need most is power. Power is the key. Haa, haaa, haaa! The main menu of the game appears. Press start! A very cute elf girl sits with a book open on her lap. Girl: In hopes to cure Prince Nick's right hand, the Cypress Army embarks on an expedition... Hmmm... What happens next? Oh, hi! Are you here to listen to the story? Let's read it together. The player selects start. Girl: What's the main character's name? I will call the main character the default name, Deanna, any instance of this word will be the reference to the main character. Girl: Deanna, what an interesting name. Please read the story to me. A scene begins with several troops near the gates of a castle. Gyan, a high ranking soldier and trusted friend of Prince Nick prepares to give a speech to his troops. Gyan: Today, Prince Nick and the Cypress Army will march towards Iom. In order to preserve the peace the Cypress Army must conquer Iom. Hurrah! Hurrah! Prince Nick comes outside of the castle, Mayfair is by his side. Gyan approaches them. Gyan: Prince Nick, if you are ready. Shall we proceed? Nick: Mayfair, take care of things in my absence. You're in charge. Mayfair: Prince Nick, please be assured I'll not betray your trust. She turns to Gyan. Mayfair: Gyan, take care of the Prince and look after yourself. Don't take any risks. Gyan: Thanks, I'll be careful. Nick: We must succeed... Nick and Gyan walk to the front of the army. Nick: ... in order to achieve true peace. There is no other way! Gyan: Lower the bridge. The bridge goes down, there's a small force waiting outside of it. Nick knows them. Nick: Natasha, what's the matter? Natasha: Prince Nick, come quickly. We heard some screams coming from the cliffs when we arrived. Dawn: This young man was lying there unconscious. Nick: Is he hurt? Bring him inside and tend to his wounds. Dawn: I'll take him. Dawn takes the young boy into the castle. Natasha: Well, Prince Nick, I guess it's time for you to go off to battle. Nick: Yes it is. What's the matter? Don't be so grim. This is for the good of Cypress. The battle is unavoidable. Take care of things while I'm gone. Now, move to the side! Natasha moves out of the way, the army departs Cypress. Natasha slowly walks into the castle. Natasha: Don't worry. I'll take care of things. Mayfair walks near her. Mayfair: The Prince and his party will be fine. They're stronger than you think. They'll be back, victorious. I know they will. Natasha: Yes, that's right. They'll be back. ---Chapter 1--- Prince Nick and the Cypress Army head towards Iom. Cypress Castle is still being guarded by a few troops. Amount them is Natasha. Mayfair comes out of the castle. Mayfair: Is everyone in their assigned positions, around the castle? Security and readiness is key. She walks to Natasha. Mayfair: Natasha are you alright? I'm worried, you've been doing double guard duty lately. Natasha: I'm perfectly alright. Don't worry about me. Mayfair: There is one thing, aren't you good friends with Deanna? He seems kind and gentle, but his shyness prevents other friendships. Stay close and be his friend, OK? Natasha: Sure. Mayfair walks over to Eric, who is a centaur. Mayfair: Eric, what a surprise! You're not fooling around today? Eric: What do you mean? I always pay full attention when I'm on duty. Mayfair: Well, I hope so. When you're with your friends something is bound to happen. Just remember, be vigilant and no fooling around! Mayfair goes back into the castle. Eric walks near the middle area of the screen. Eric: Relax, she's gone! He walks way off to the right side where some other people come into view. They are his friends, Jaha and Eric: Guard duty is such a bore! Don't you think so Jaha? Jaha: Yeah. We should've gone with the Prince into battle. Hey, Deanna, come join us. Deanna, who is guarding an area well away from Eric and Jaha overhears. Dawn is very near Deanna. Deanna: What? Dawn: Don't tempt him. You're not a good influence. Unlike you, Deanna is taking his guard duty seriously. Luke: Dawn, leave us alone. We're only having some fun. Natasha walks over to the crowd forming near Eric. Natasha: I knew it! You've all left your posts! Despicable! Jaha: Don't be so serious. Nothing is going to happen anyway. Famous last words, eh? Well, anyway, a bright light flashes and some enemies appear near a wall they punched out of the castle. Dawn: Look! It's the enemy! Another flash, another wall busted and more enemies to boot! Natasha: The enemy! Everyone to their posts! A battle ensues. Deanna and the Cypress force easily defeat the enemies. But, why did they send such a weak attack party? From inside the castle comes a scream. Mayfair: Ahhh! Thief! A thief emerges from the castle, Mayfair is close behind. Mayfair: Listen everyone! The Sword of Hajya has been stolen. It must be the work of Iom. The thief busts a hole in the castle wall. Mayfair: Look there! Someone is trying to escape. After him! Everyone pursues. Voice: I'll get him! He runs out the castle and jumps down a cliff. Deanna and company are close behind. Incidentally, the thief's name is Graham, but you don't know that yet if you're playing the game, but I feel it better to call him that. Mayfair: Look! There he is. Graham: Oh, no. They're after me. Now I've no choice. Dwarf! Dwarf: Yeah? Oh! A Cypress battalion! Graham! You've been followed! Go ahead. Leave this to me. Graham: OK. I'll leave things in your hands. Mayfair: Hurry everyone! Get that man! Deanna, Dawn and Eric jump down. Natasha stumbles down the cliff as Jaha and Luke climb down behind her. Dwarf: Wait a moment. If you're after Graham, I'm afraid you're out of luck. I can't let you go any further. My faithful followers. Attack! A battle ensues. Once the dwarf is defeated, the battle is won. Mayfair: Well done, everybody! But... we've lost him... We must retrieve the Sword of Hajya no matter what. She jumps down the cliff also, to the river which the battle was just fought around. Mayfair: Search every part of the kingdom. Further ahead is the Thames Village. We can gather information there. They go to the village. Mayfair: So, this is Thames Village. Let's question the villagers. We may find a clue to the thief's whereabouts. Deanna, come with me. They walk into a shop. Mayfair: Excuse me, I'd like to ask a few questions. Shopkeeper: Sure come in. We have some great merchandise. Please look around. Mayfair: No thanks. We'll come again. Shopkeeper: Thanks for stopping by. Mayfair: Well, that was interesting. Let's ask someone else. Mayfair walks into a few more buildings, then back to Deanna. Mayfair: I don't see anyone. They walk around some more. Mayfair: There's no one here either. This is strange. A man looks around a building at them. When he seems them, he runs. Mayfair: Hey, wait! Why are you running away? Man: If I talk to you, I'll... I'll place villagers lives in danger. Mayfair: Is it Iom? Man: Please, no more questions. Mayfair: The villagers are being held captive. That's why we don't see anyone. Man: Please... Mayfair: Is this true? We need to give him the Sword of Hajya in exchange for the villagers. Listen to me. Do you honestly think Iom will keep his promise? Man: There's no choice, if I'm to save them. Mayfair: There's another way. Join us. Together we can defeat them. Man: I believe you. Please save the people from Iom. Yes, please let me join you and help defeat Iom. His name is Slade, he's a healer, and he joins the Shining Force! Slade: Look! There's Graham, heading for the Albert Cliffs. If everyone's ready let's move. They leave town. Slade: At the base of those mountains lies Albert Cliffs. Let's hurry. Some enemies move in from the north end of the map. Iom Knight: The Cypress Army has arrived in Thames. Look, there's the traitor with the Cypress Army. He must be eliminated. A battle ensues, once the enemies are defeated Mayfair will start talking again. Mayfair: We must be careful or innocent people will suffer. Deanna, I want you to lead the group to the cliffs. They all make it to the cliffs. Mayfair: Hey, look over there. They spot Graham making his way up the mountain. Mayfair: At last we've caught up to Graham. Graham spots them from a higher point on the mountain. Graham: Oh, no. The Cypress Army! Could it be that they've broken through our defenses? A voice comes from further up the mountain, it is a pack of more enemies, led by a Death Archer. Death Archer: I've been waiting for you Graham. Dark Mage has been eagerly awaiting your return. Do you have the Sword of Hajya? Graham: Yes, I do. But the Cypress Army is right behind me. Death Archer: What? The arrogance! We'll take care of them here and now. Mayfair: Hurry! We must get Graham. A battle ensues. The Death Archer will eventually be defeated, though he will not be happy about it. Death Archer: You've defeated me, but you're too late. By this time Dark Mage will have the Sword of Hajya, and have dealt with the Thame's villagers. Ha, haa, haa! He dies. Mayfair: What's happening? C'mon, we may still get there in time. Things do not look to be going well for Graham. He's about to deliver the sword to Dark Mage, but seems to be in a bit of a dilemma. Graham: Let me go! This is not what you promised. Dark Mage: Don't be a fool! Give me the sword and I'll do as I promised. Graham: No! Release the villagers first. Then I'll give you the sword. Release the villagers. Dark Mage: So... you think you can tell me what to do? The army of the Dark Mage pummels Graham a bit. Dark Mage: You idiot! Hand over the sword or die. The Sword of Hajya is now in the Dark Mage's possession. Dark Mage: Now that I have the sword, you and all the villagers will die. Voice: Wait! Dark Mage and his army look around. They see Mayfair and the Shining Force approaching from the south Dark Mage: What? The Cypress Army! How did you get this far? Mayfair: You underestimate our strength. Graham, hurry, save the villagers. Graham runs into a nearby house. Dark Mage: No! Dark Mages army follows. Army Member: Dark Mage we can't escape! Dark Mage: In that case, we must destroy the Cypress Army. Another battle ensues. Eventually, the Dark Mage will be defeated. Dark Mage: We've failed. The Cypress Army has defeated us. But... The Dark Mage teleports away. Mayfair: Deanna, he's getting away. Someone stop him! Hurry! Mayfair is in a panic, everyone is franticly searching for the Dark Mage, who is about five meters away. Dark Mage: I'll not hand over the sword. Gargoyle, my servant. I summon thee. A Gargoyle flies onto the screen. Dark Mage: Gargoyle take this sword and deliver it to Sir Gordon. Dark Mage gives the sword to the Gargoyle. The Dark Mage promptly dies. Mayfair: No! The sword! The Gargoyle flies away. Graham runs out from the building he ran in before, takes aim with his bow and fires an arrow. A loud shriek is heard. The Gargoyle crash lands below. Graham: With everyone's help I was able to save the people of my village. Yet, I was manipulated by Iom and caused you trouble. Mayfair: That's alright. We don't blame you. Graham: Please, let me join in your efforts to find the Sword of Hajya. Graham, who is a ranger, joins the Shining Force! Graham: The Gargoyle was shot near King Emild's castle. Let's go find it. ---Chapter 2--- They have made their way into the valley near the mountain Graham shot the Gargoyle down from. Graham: This is strange... I could've sworn the Gargoyle fell around here. Eric: There's absolutely no sign of it. Mayfair: I see no evidence of the Gargoyle either. Graham: Could it be that someone from the castle four the Gargoyle and sword? From near the castle, an Elven boy seems to be annoying one of the soldiers. Elven Boy: Please wait. Soldier: My, you're a pest. Guards, arrest them! Elven Boy: No! We've done nothing wrong. Are these orders from the King? Or... Soldier: Or what? Maybe they're my orders? Given at my own discretion? Ha, haa! And what if they were? He sees the Cypress Army approach. Soldier: Finally what we've been waiting for. The solider raises the castle drawbridge. The elven boy is trapped inside the castle. Elven Boy: Wait! What do you think you're doing? The soldier reveals himself as a Dark Soldier, who was disguised in order to deceive people! Dark Soldier: Shush. We'll talk later. We've been waiting for the Cypress Army to arrive. Posing as Emild soldiers we're to attack the Cypress Army. But, we've miscalculated. But, if we defeat them. Gordon would forgive us. Let's massacre them. A battle ensues. Once victorious over the Dark Soldier, the castle drawbridge will fall back down and the elven boy will appear. Elven Boy: What's wrong? The defense officer... He was a monster. Are you the Cypress Army? You must have been surprised to find Emild possessed by monsters. Mayfair: A little. You must have suffered quite a bit from this experience. So, Iom set a trap for us here and waited. Elven Boy: What a dirty trick. They have no honor. I guess that's why they'd steal the Sword of Hajya. Mayfair: Well, it's over now. May we have the sword back? Elven Boy: The King of Emild has the sword. Please make yourself comfortable while I speak to the king. After a short break, they all make their way into the throne room of the castle. Elven Boy: Your Highness... These people of Cypress have arrived. King: Yes... have they come for the Sword of Hajya? Elven Boy: Yes, sire. King: People of Cypress. Is this sword the treasure you seek? He holds the sword up high. Mayfair: Yes, your Highness, that's the Sword of Hajya. There's no mistake. King: Very well then. Come, reclaim it. Deanna walks towards it, but something falls in front of him. The area shakes. King: Wait, I think I'll keep it instead, because I'm... actually... Gordon of Iom! Elven Boy: Oh, no! He's not the king! Then, where is the king? Gordon: King Emild kept getting in the way. He was sacrificed to Iom. Elven Boy: You've murdered our king. You won't get away with it. Gordon: But, I have. Anyone who goes against the mighty Iom will die. The castle shakes violently. It begins to break apart. Gordon stands in front of the throne enjoying the destruction. Gordon: This will show you the power of Iom. Our work here is done. Elven Boy: We'll not allow you to leave. Gordon: Ha, ha, haa! I'll leave while my servants keep you busy. Gordon moves the throne and jumps into a passage underneath it. Elven Boy: The king murdered... The castle in ruins. Iom! You'll pay for this. Deanna, let me join your group. The Elven Boy's name is Chester, he is an archer, and he joins the Shining Force. Chester: Let's get rid of these monsters and catch up with Gordon. The castle fills, rather instantaneously, with enemies. A battle will ensue. Once over, the Shining Force will make their way to the tunnel. Mayfair: Gordon escaped through this tunnel. Hurry, we must catch him! Woman: This tunnel leads to Portobello. Forgive me, I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm May, the royal sorceress. When the castle started crumbling, I came to save the king. Mayfair: I'm sorry to inform you that the king has been murdered. May: What? It can't be! Mayfair: The one who's responsible is a man named Gordon, who was pretending to be the king. He escaped through that tunnel. May: ... Oh, I got it... Now I know why the king was behaving so strangely. And you're going to follow Gordon's trail? Mayfair: Yes. We must get the Sword of Hajya back. May: To think that our kind and generous king was murdered! They will pay for this. Please, take me with you. May, who is actually only a mage, joins the Shining Force. May: This tunnel is like a maze. Follow me closely. They all jump down through the thrown and end up in a tunnel. May: Everyone here? Deanna, you're in charge while I go see what's ahead. May steps forward one step and looks. May: Who's there? Gordon: You followed me! Mayfair: That voice... Gordon! Don't look surprised. You'll not escape us. We'll follow you until we get the sword back. Gordon: So, you'll pursue me to the gates of Hades? Then, follow me if you dare! Gordon is joined by a slew of enemies. A battle with them all ensues. As the Shining Force gets near Gordon, a big surprise will be revealed. Gordon: They've fallen for our trap. Those Cypress idiots. Did they really think that I, Gordon, would allow them this far? As he says that, five zombies appear all over the tunnel. Gordon: Warderer, Cypress now has the sword. Don't let your guard down. Gordon is defeated, he drops the Sword of Hajya, which Deanna takes. Mayfair: Deanna we did it! We have the sword! Now, let's return to Cypress. The cave goes dark, an ominous voice is heard. Voice: It's too soon to claim victory. Ha, haa. You've already lost. Mayfair: Who are you? Are you part of Iom? Voice: I can't reveal my true name. Mayfair: What do you mean we've already lost? Voice: The Cypress expedition group has already fallen against Iom. Your Prince Nick has been taken hostage. If you want to rescue him, go to Portobello then cross the sea to Iom. Mayfair: You're lying! It can't be true. I won't believe you. Voice: Then go to Portobello and discover the truth! Now go and confront Iom with the Sword of Hajya. Mayfair: We'll go to Portobello and discover the truth. They head to Portobello to discover it is occupied by an army from Iom. Mayfair: Oh, no! It's Iom's men. Iom Troop: Look, the Cypress Army. Does this mean Gordon has failed? Defend Portobello. Don't allow them to take to the sea. Mayfair: They've spotted us. There's only one way out. A battle in the town of Portobello begins. Once over, Mayfair will question the leader of their army, a master mage. Mayfair: Tell me, please, has Prince Nick of Cypress been taken hostage? Master Mage: Yes it's true. He's being held at Algam. The fort there is impenetrable. Mayfair: So, it's true. Cypress can be defeated! The Prince is being held in the fort at Algam. Get in the boat. We're off to Algam. Little do they know the shipyards are occupied by Iom troops. They are immediately spotted. Arch Knight: So you've gotten this far, but you're not taking Iom's boat. Attack them! Don't let them near the ship! Mayfair: Deanna, there's Iom's ship. We must defeat them to get to the ship. The battle for possession of the boat begins. A long fought battle, Deanna and the Cypress crew eventually emerge from it victorious. Most of the crew gets on the boat. Mayfair: We've defeated Iom's army and taken their ship, yet something is wrong. The boat isn't moving! Why? Voice: There's a reason for that. Mayfair looks around. Mayfair: What? Who said that? Randolf: Hey! Mayfair. It's me, Randolf. I knew you'd come. Mayfair: Randolf and the Lady Sarah. You were with the Prince, right? Sarah: Yes, but we lost the battle at Algam fort! Randolf: Sarah, Claude and myself escaped. Save the rest for later. First let's get off this ship. Mayfair: Wait! Oops... it would appear the anchor was not firmly set. The boat takes off with most of the crew still in it! Mayfair: Oh, no. It's moving on its own! The members on the boat sail off, obviously with little experience in sailing boats. What will happen to them? What of Randolf and the other still on the shore? ---Chapter 3--- On the boat, no one has a clue how to steer it! Eric: What are we going to do? Jaha: We need to take control of this ship. If Natasha was here she could help. I wonder where they are? Chester: Instead of worrying about the others, we should think of ourselves. Perhaps this is one of Iom's traps. May: If so, we're in trouble. We must stop this ship! Voice: It's futile. A Dark Bishop appears on the deck of the ship, knocking most of the force out of the way. Dark Bishop: You fools. You guessed correctly. This is a trap! To separate you from your friends in Portobello. He teleports around the ship a bit. Dark Bishop: It's too late for you. He summons a few monsters and a battle on the boat begins. Although they are missing many valuable members of their Shining Force, Deanna and friends will succeed in the battle. Once over, a bird warrior, whom Randolf spoke of earlier, Claude, will fly next to the ship. Claude: Whew! I've caught up to you at last. I was ordered to follow them. Mayfair: You must be Claude. Randolf must've sent you. Is the group in Portobello OK? Claude: Don't worry! By now they're on their way to Iom! Let's also head for Iom. I'll accompany you. Claude joins the Shining Force, he's a sky warrior... or something. Claude: Fortunately, we're headed in the right direction. We'll land at the port of Demis. Then we'll head for Algam fort. They stop in Demis and buy supplies and such. They head out of Demis. The nearby ground has many chasms. Mayfair: Beyond this field lies Algam fort! Be careful, the ground here seems unstable. Claude: Yes, this area is volcanic with many fault lines. Proceed with caution. Sorcerer: Hey! Cypress. Yes, you. Did you think you've approached unnoticed? Idiots! We see your every move. Now prepare to die. You guessed it, another battle. All that talk of unstable ground and such, is what we call foreshadowing, or, eluding to something which will soon happen! Sorcerer: I can't believe that I've been defeated. Still, I'll not allow you to... Gasp! The Sorcerer dies, but the ground starts to shake. Oh my gosh, what could it be?! Oh, right, an earthquake. The entire party is engulfed by a new forming chasm in the earth. What will happen to them? While we wait to find out, the game shifts over to the party which was left on the shores, headed by Natasha. They're on their way to save Prince Nick. However, they're presently a ways away, near a cliff. Randolf: Sarah, are we close? Sarah: Yes, we're near the village. Beyond the village lies the fort. Let's hurry. They gaze up and see the fort, guarded, of course. Luke: What? You want us to climb this cliff?! Randolf this is ridiculous! If we climb this cliff we'll be sitting ducks. Sarah: Listen to me. The previous group was defeated because they were ambushed in the Algam fields. We must take the fort before Deanna's group arrives in the Algam fields. Randolf: If we're to help Deanna's group, we have no choice but to climb the cliff. Needless to say, they get attacked on the rock face. Once they win, a villager will come outside. Villager: The Iom soldiers have vanished! Did you defeat Iom's soldiers? Sarah: Yes! We're the ones. Villager: You've saved us. Our entire village would've been destroyed. We were hired to build Algam fort, but that was our downfall. We were to be destroyed to keep the fort's weakness a secret. Sarah: If that's true... Please help us. Tell us the fort's weaknesses. Villager: I'm not sure if I should. Sarah: We're the Cypress Army. We've come to destroy Iom! To accomplish this we must attack the fort. Villager: In that case, I'd be glad to help. I've also a debt to repay to Iom. Allow me to join your group. His name is Rohde, he is a gladiator and he joins the Shining Force. Rohde: Rest yourselves in the village, then we'll depart. They head into the village and stock up and rest. The force then departs. Rohde: The front of the fort is very strong yet from above it's weak. It we attack from above, we can't lose. Sarah: Quiet. Someone is coming. Some Iom troops come out from the fort. The lizard man and dark ranger have a chat. Lizardman: Just between us... I think King Warderer is cruel. Conquering countries just to make human sacrifices of their royalty to Iom! I heard that it makes Warderer close to Iom. Dark Ranger: Ha, haa. I've heard that the Prince of Cypress is to become the next victim. Sarah: What? Lizardman: Hey! Who...? The Cypress Army! A battle begins on the fort. Eventually, the sorcerer will be defeated. Sorcerer: Lord Solo the enemy has... gasp! The Sorcerer dies. Sarah: Solo? He's the fort leader. Find him! They enter the fort. It is very dark inside of it, the Shining Force can hardly see anything. Sarah: Where are we? I can't see a thing. Where's Solo? How do we get out? Voice: Are we having problems? Sarah: Who are you? You must be Solo. Show yourself, you coward. Voice: Solo? Ha, haa... We can handle you ourselves. If you insist on seeing Solo you must defeat us first. With the aid of Solo's powers this is where you'll die. Sarah: Solo's powers? Voice: Ha, ha... you can't see us, can you? But we can see you going to the other world! This fort is protected by Solo's power. Now, witness its power! A battle begins, though it is no normal battle. The Shining Force is frequently ambushed during it due to their poor visibility inside the fort. The leader of the enemies here, Wight, has a few words to say. Wight: I would've never anticipated defeat to... gasp! Sarah: Phew! That fight was tough. Let's hurry to Algam fields. We must catch up with Deanna. Meanwhile, Deanna's group is headed north in the underground caves. Coincidentally, they are heading towards Algam fields. Mayfair: Are you certain Algam fort is in this direction? Do these caves ever end? Wait! I hear voices up ahead. The voices are of course members of Iom's army. Led by a Hawkman, they are searching for the Cypress force. Hawkman: Listen up. The Cypress Army are in these caves. We must stop them here. Dark Bishop: Hawkman, over there! Hawkman: What? Oh, the Cypress Army finally arrives. Attack, my legion. They must not get any further. A battle ensues. During it, a great deal of the cave collapses. Mayfair: We're in trouble... this is a dead end. With the Iom army behind us we must find an exit. Oh. Look, light! It's coming from that hole in the ceiling. Voice: You've done well to make it this far. Mayfair: I remember that voice. Voice: Ha, ha... that's right. I'll lower a rope. Pull yourselves up. Mayfair: Who are you? Why are you helping us? Voice: I'll tell you later. Hurry, climb the rope. When you're ready, I'll reveal myself. Mayfair: He's gone! Come on, let's climb the rope. They climb up the rope. In the nearby fields is Natasha's party. Sarah: Hey! Look over there. It's Deanna and his group. Everyone runs to the center of the field, being reunited is happy. Poor Luke falls flat on his face. Luke: Ouch! Sarah: We've been worried about you. Is everyone here? Let's set up camp and plan our next move. They decide which twelve of the now fourteen of them will go into battle. Once decided, they leave camp back into the fields. Mayfair: It was in these fields that the Prince lost to Iom. But, this time, because of Sarah's help, we'll not be ambushed. So let's head for Iom Castle. Needless to say, there is an army in front of them. Sorcerer: Ha, ha, haa. The idiots. As we ambushed Prince Nick we'll ambush these idiots. Hawkman: Blast! Our other battalion has been defeated, we'll not be able to ambush them. Ghoul: What? Sorcerer: Arrrh! They knew our plans. Ghoul: We must inform Barbara and Solo. Hawkman: Yes, sir. Ghoul: Stall them. We need time to prepare for battle at Iom Castle. A large battle ensues. The enemies will all be defeated. Ghoul: Our effort here will not go in vain. Ballon will avenge our death! You will pay! The ghoul dies. Mayfair: What or who is Ballon? Does anyone know? We must be careful of a trap at Iom Castle. In the castle, Barbara and Solo look over the remains of the battlefield. Barbara mutters something to herself, which Solo overhears. Barbara: They've destroyed Solo's underground fortifications! Could Solo's power be weakening? Solo: What...! You doubt my power? Why not try me yourself. Solo and Barbara beat the hell out of each other for a bit, but Warderer shakes the entire screen and stops them. Warderer: Stop! Stop this pointless bickering. Barbara: It's not my fault Solo's a coward. Hindel: That's enough Barbara. Solo has years of experience which will still serve me. Solo: Umph! Hindel: By the way, what were the results of the revival experiment you tried on King Emild? Warderer: Ha, haa. It was a big success. He's been resurrected. But something else is bothering me. Hindel: What is it? Warderer: There's a traitor within the Iom ranks. Hindel: Do you know who it is? Warderer: I believe its... Barbara: Over there! The Cypress Army is here. Warderer: Solo! Are we prepared to entertain our guests? Solo: Ha, haa! Relax! Everything is ready! Warderer: Then we'll leave this to you. Everyone else follow me to the shrine. Mayfair: Look over there... Way in the back, that must be King Iom. Quick, After them. Solo: Ha, haa! I'll not allow you to go any further. With the help from the Death Balloon, I'll blow you to pieces. Solo and the remnants of his army challenge the Shining Force. In this battle is a hidden Character, Higins. If someone finds him, dialogue will occur. Higins: I'm Higins. I'm a Shinobi. I'd like to join your efforts against Iom. I'll await your return back at headquarters. Higins, the Ninja, joins the Shining Force. Voice: Cypress beware! Just ahead awaits the Death Balloon. The Death Balloon is a mine. If you don't disturb it you can pass it. Solo: Who said that? It's the traitor! So you're the one Warderer suspected. Show yourself. He's gone. It doesn't matter, Cypress can't avoid the air mines. Deanna and crew will prevail. Solo: I've been defeated... but I'll take as many of you... He charges Deanna. Solo: Ahhhhhhh! You.... Solo backs off quickly. Deanna: Huh? Solo: Now, I understand. You're the traitor. The traitor's name is... Solo dies. Mayfair: We've crushed Algam fort. Let's hurry after King Iom. Everyone heads after the bad guys... except Deanna, who stays behind. Mayfair comes back to see him. Mayfair: Nobody noticed... but I did hear it... I don't know why. Did you hear Solo accuse someone of being a traitor? Deanna, do you know who the traitor is? Leaving Solo behind, Warderer and his men depart. Having conquered Algam fort, the Cypress Army pursues the King of Iom. What will become of Prince Nick? Who is Iom's traitor? We are nearing the final battle between Cypress and Iom. ---Chapter 4--- Hindel and Barbara are escorting Prince Nick to the shrine with a lot of soldiers. Little do they know Solo has already fallen. Hindel: Hurry! We must get the Prince out of here before the Cypress Army arrives. King Warderer is waiting for you at the shrine. Ghoul: The Cypress Army! Sir Hindel, the Cypress Army is approaching. Hindel: Very well. Barbara. Take Prince Nick and go to the shrine. I'll await Cypress and greet them here. Barbara: I can't do that. Hindel: What?! Barbara: I have direct orders from Warderer himself. Not to take orders from you. Hindel: And why is that? Barbara: My orders are, if you act strangely, I must kill you. Hindel: What?! Barbara: Although, I should accompany Prince Nick to the shrine. What shall I do? Hindel: What should I do? Do you want me to come along with you? Barbara: My, you're being agreeable. That's good. I don't want to quarrel in front of everyone. Hindel and I will take Prince Nick to the shrine. The rest of you stay here and hold off the Cypress Army. Over to the west is the Cypress Army. Natasha: Deanna, are you alright? You appeared preoccupied with something. Are you worried about the prince? Mayfair: Look, they're taking Prince Nick away. Quick, follow them. A battle begins. Once over, a path to a town will be revealed. Gyan comes out from the town. Gyan: Hey! Mayfair. Mayfair: Gyan! You're alive. Gyan: They can't catch me. Mayfair: Prince Nick has been taken to the shrine. Gyan: We must rescue him. Mayfair: Come on, let's go. Gyan: Wait a minute. Look at everyone. They're all tired. Let's go to the village and allow everyone to rest first. Mayfair: There's no time for that. Gyan: They've taken the main road, but there is a short cut. We can arrive before them. Mayfair: What would I do without you Gyan. Come on everyone! They quickly rest in town and make their way to the shortcut, which takes them through a valley. Gyan: We must pass through this valley to reach the shrine. If we were to be ambushed here it would be fatal. Mayfair: We must take the chance, if we hope to reach the shrine before them. Oh look, a trap. A Demon Master and his troops are guarding the valley. Demon Master: Hey, Cypress. What's with the indecision? While you stand there Prince Nick is being sacrificed. Gyan: You animal. I'll break your neck. Demon Master [To Iom Army]: Listen up. Even if it should mean our lives, we must lure Cypress into the dungeon. A close quartered battle begins. Demon Master: I can't believe we've failed. We'll still succeed... if the resurrection works. Mayfair: What did he say? What about resurrection? It doesn't matter. We need to rescue the Prince. The scene shifts to the shrine, where Warderer and some other enemies await. Warderer: Has Prince Nick arrived? Iom wants his royal blood, now. The ground shakes violently. Warderer: Oh, evil one. Soon you will have the blood of a Prince. King Warderer, they've arrived. Barbara, Hindel and Prince Nick arrive at the shrine accompanied by some other enemies. Hindel: King Warderer, here's the Prince. Warderer: About time you got here. Barbara: Ah, Cypress has given us trouble. Warderer: Not again. Barbara: Please be assured that they will not trouble us any more. Warderer: Oh, the Ancient Valley! Good work, Barbara. Mayfair: Not so fast. Warderer: Who said that? Mayfair and the Shining Force arrive into the shrine. Warderer: The Cypress Army! It can't be! Mayfair: We've come for Prince Nick. Hand him over. Warderer: Never! He's intended for Iom. Barbara: King Warderer, I'll handle this. Go, take the Prince to the shrine. Warderer: Yes! Hindel, come with me and bring the Prince. Barbara, I'm counting on you. Warderer, Hindel and Nick enter the interior of the shrine. Barbara: Cypress, you now face an Iom General. You'll experience my wrath. The battle begins. Near the entrance is another hidden character, Rush. Rush: I'm Rush, a samurai. I've heard of the fanatical Iom and have come to fight. Allow me to join your group. I'll be at headquarters. Rush, the samurai, joins the Shining Force. The battle continues, soon Barbara falls. Barbara: I've been defeated! But, you still have to face Warderer and Iom's power. You can't possibly get the Prince back. Barbara dies, Mayfair walks over to Deanna in the main room of the shrine. Mayfair: Deanna, go after Warderer. Iom Soldier: Hold it right there. Mayfair: Oh, no! The enemy is behind us. Mayfair turns and sees a lone troop. Iom Soldier: I can't allow you to enter the shrine. I'll finish you here. Say your prayers. Ruth: Not so fast, Solo. A friendly soldier comes in behind the Iom Soldier. Iom Soldier: What? Mayfair: Look, it's Ruth from Gardiana. Ruth: Yes, Mayfair. I've made it just in time. Iom Soldier: This doesn't concern Gardiana. Ruth: Cypress is our ally. We've come to fight with them. Hurry, Mayfair. Save the Prince. Mayfair: Thank you. I won't forget this. Hurry, let's save the Prince. They hurry to the interior of the shrine, it's a very large room. Mayfair: *Pant, pant* What an enormous shrine. Quite. Keep looking. Wait, listen. I hear them up ahead. Voice: Cough, cough. The Cypress army. How far you've come! Mayfair: That voice, I've heard it before! Voice: *Cough, cough* Me...? I was Cypress' former ambassador, Walldol. Mayfair: No, it can't be. Walldol died. Walldol: You're absolutely correct. After defeat and death, my soul couldn't rest. I've come back from death to let you feel my pain and suffering. Another battle. Walldol will drop the Shining Sword, not that it is important, just thought I'd note. Walldol: I'm defeated! Even with all my power. Whoa! What's happening... I'm melting! Oh, King Warderer. Help! My body is melting away! Walldol dies... again. Mayfair: It's the fate of evil to end life this way. How horrible! There's little time, we must enter the shrine! In the depths of the shrine, Warderer has knocked Hindel to the ground. Warderer: I knew it was you! Hindel, I've raised you and looked out for you... you betrayed me. Warderer kicks Hindel. Evil Bishop: We almost allowed Prince Nick to escape. Once and for all, we must take care of Hindel. Warderer: No, I can't let him die without suffering. First we must sacrifice the Prince. Mayfair: I can't allow that. Warderer: Ughh! Not the Cypress Army again! They've defeated not only Barbara, but Walldol too! All my plans are ruined because of Hindel. Mayfair: So, Hindel is the traitor. But, why help Cypress? Deanna: Ahh, umm. Mayfair: What's the matter Deanna? Could it be that you know Hindel. Warderer: That's ludicrous. I can't participate in such prattle. I'll personally bring punishment to Cypress. Mayfair: Deanna, we'll talk later, but first lets get Warderer. A huge battle with Warderer's forces takes place in the burning lava pools known as the shrine. Warderer is powerful, but Deanna and the Cypress army are more powerful. Warderer: Grrr! You've even defeated me, the King of Iom! Yet, I'll be back. Warderer vanishes. Mayfair: Warderer disappeared! Where... Where did he go? Warderer reappears near the alter with Nick nearby. Warderer: I'm right here. Nick will be sacrificed and I'll regain my strength! And you'll be annihilated! Nick beings to float to the alter. Hindel: My dear King Warderer. Hindel gets up and smacks Warderer, Nick falls back to the ground. Warderer: Hmmm... Hindel, have you come to interfere again? Hindel: Who? Me? Prince Nick unties himself and runs towards the Cypress Army. Nick: Hindel, thank you. You've saved my life! Look at my hand. It's as you said. Nick's hand has returned to normal from the stone it was before. Hindel: People of Cypress, by defeating the evil Warderer his spells have been broken. Now hurry to your friends. Receive the Sword of Hajya. You must now use the Sword of Hajya to defeat Iom's power. Use the sword, and end this quickly. Nick: Yes, I understand. Mayfair: Prince Nick! I'm so glad you're safe. Nick: I'd like to thank all of you for saving me. Especially Hindel. Mayfair: Perchance, did Gyan know about Hindel? Nick: Of course he knew. But, we had to deceive the enemy. You must be Deanna. You look exactly like Hindel. Deanna: Ah, yes. Mayfair: What? Deanna and Hindel? Nick: He's Hindel's brother. Hindel owed Warderer and couldn't betray him. But, he couldn't forgive him for sending his brother into Cypress. Warderer: You'll die Hindel. Warderer casts a spell on Hindel which upends him right in front of the alter. Nick: No! Hindel! Warderer: There's no way I can win. But, I'll make Hindel the final sacrifice. Then I'll call on Iom to destroy all of Cypress. Nick: Hindel! Hindel! Hindel: Nick! Please, care for Deanna, my brother! Pl... ea... se... Warderer pushes Hindel into the nearby lava as a sacrifice and then commits sacrificial suicide by jumping in after him. The room shakes violently. A giant being, which can only be Iom rises from the lava. The final battle between good and evil begins. Iom is invulnerable to all attacks the Shining Force has, except for one, a physical blow from the Sword of Hajya. Once struck, Iom will be angry. Iom: Grrrr! How dare you do this to me! Before long, the once indestructible Iom will slide back into the lava. Warderer appears in the lava, where Iom was. Warderer: The power of Iom is fading. My strength is... leaving... me. It's cold... cold... Am I dying? Huh? Who's calling... who's calling me? Is that you, Iom? You're taking me to Hades? No! I won't go. No! Warderer drowns in the lava. Everyone from the Cypress Army who had been killed comes back to life. Nick: I suppose Warderer is dead. Iom seems to have gone back to Hades. But, Hindel will never return. Deanna: Uh... *gulp*... aahh. Sad music plays while Deanna paces around the area in which the alter once stood. Nick: Deanna, stop! Searching for him is useless. Hindel is dead. Suddenly, there is a huge earthquake. Nick: What in the world? The shrine is collapsing. Without Iom's power there's nothing to hold it together. Everyone, out! Now! Deanna: No! My brother! Nick: Deanna, you must leave this place. Natasha: Prince Nick we need to leave, hurry. Nick: I can't leave Deanna. He won't budge! Happy music plays! Natasha approaches Deanna. Natasha: Oh... Deanna... here... here... you poor lad. Deanna. You can't stay here with Hindel, you'll die. What do you mean you don't care! You coward. What about your friends? Do you think they'll not mourn for you? And me, what will I do? Natasha runs a ways off and cries. Deanna: I.... Nick: Do you understand Deanna? It's not just Natasha, everyone cares for you. Let's go Deanna! You must live for your brother, Hindel. Deanna: Yes, you're right. Let's go. They escape the shrine in time, before it collapses. The scene shifts back to Cypress Castle, where the original cast is on guard duty, again. Mayfair comes out of the castle. Mayfair: Everyone at their posts? That's good, very good! Jaha: Mayfair, what will become of Deanna? Dawn: Mayfair, it's not just Jaha, but everyone is concerned. Please tell us, will Deanna be leaving? Mayfair: Natasha.... She turns her back. Natasha: What? Mayfair: Prince Nick and Gyan are trying to convince Deanna to stay. But, it's a difficult decision Deanna must make. Eric: What decision? I thought we were his friends. Natasha: Remember, Deanna has been through a tough ordeal. He knows he's welcome to stay here in Cypress. Gyan comes out of the castle. Gyan: Mayfair... Mayfair: Gyan, any news? Gyan sadly shakes his head. Mayfair: That bad, huh? Gyan: The prince and Deanna will be out shortly. By shortly, Gyan meant immediately, because they both come out and Deanna pretty much walks out of the castle. Nick: You still want to leave? Are you sure you won't change your mind? I'll say no more. It'll be futile. I can't change your mind. People of Cypress, Deanna will be leaving us. Let us wish him luck. Gyan: It'll be lonely around here without you Deanna. Think of me and all your friends in Cypress once in awhile. Eric: We'll never forget you. Our brother raised in Iom. A brave warrior. Deanna walks to the drawbridge. Mayfair: Deanna, wait. Deanna stops and turns around. Mayfair: Natasha, do you have something to say to Deanna? When he leaves, you may never see him again. Natasha: Well... I... Nick: Natasha, follow your heart. She runs past the rest of the crew and trips falling flat on her cute face! Natasha: *sob* It's not fair... Leaving me like this. Don't you care about me? Deanna I'm going with you, I don't care what you say. Deanna nods his head and they walk off together. Jaha: This is getting too mushy for me, Deanna, don't forget we're your friends too. Deanna and Natasha leave the castle. Gyan: Prince Nick, will Deanna be alright? Nick: He'll be fine Gyan. He'll live courageously. And one day he'll return to Cypress. The end credits roll.