April 8, 2002 Version 1.1 This FAQ is made by ^Å^ Email: crimsonhaley@aol.com SYLVAN TALE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH by Crimson Haley Table of Contents I. Versions II. Intro III. The Walkthrough IV. Legal Stuff V. Credits VI. Notes I. Versions 1.0 - Completed the faq on Feburary 21, 2002 1.1 - Fixed some errors, added versions and notes section. II. Intro Wow... my first FAQ to type! Mainly because this is a kewl game, nice short rpg for anyone to enjoy. It’s best compared to zelda/alundra type of action rpg. SYLVAN TALE is for SEGA Game Gear in ‘95, and I saw that GameFAQs didn’t have this when I was stuck at some key points of the game. But of course, I figured them out just by something so simple I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of them in the first place. And it also makes me wonder about the other gamers out there that is stuck on this game like I was. So I’m dedicating my time and knowledge on this game how to get through the game simply painless and fun as possible. :) By the way, this game is available on rom and there’s a 100% complete translation patch by Aeon Genesis Translations. III. The Walkthrough 1. Introduction You play as a guy named Zetts (not FFVII’s enemy reference lol) being lured by the light in the tree, and found to be whisked away to Verda and was ordered to collect the 6 droplets from the 6 fortresses scattered about to save the land of the Sylvalant children. You start in the circle of flowers in Verda... You go north and your guess is right, there’s something there. It’s inaccessible for now but do make note of this spot covered by ivy leaves. 2. Verda Go south. Enemies are seen! Slash them with your “Seed” sword, enemies also leave behind a healing item but not as often you would want them to. A cherry heals the minimal hp, two cherries heals mediocre hp, an apple which can be picked up and stored as an item heals half of your hp max. And finally, a pineapple restores completely of your hp bar. Unfortunately this cannot be picked up as an item for storage. Keep going south. You arrive in a small village. Go right, you also see something that is covered by ivy leaves but is inaccessible for now. Also make note of the bare tree on the right to it. Go south, you also see another entrance of a house being blocked by ivy leaves. Here, talk to everyone you meet, their messages change after a certain event (*such as collecting a droplet from a fortress), one house has 3 books laid out to inform you helpful hints on item, push & pull, and dash. 3. Cliffside When you are finished here, go west of the town. Either entrance will lead you to the cliff side. There are 3 things to be noted here. Face like rock entrance in the center, another entrance at the top right of the cliffside map covered in ivy leaves, and a treasure chest containing an orange that adds hp to your hp bar! To get it, go all the way to the top left, kill the two hairy plants, and jump down from the LEFT cliche. Just slash at the chest, and retrieve it. Jump down again, and go right and north, hit the two switches on either side of the entrance to open it. 4. Flame Labyrinth a. First Floor Go right. Be careful, you cannot bypass a skeleton, so be sure to try to get past the flames on the right side of the flaming spot. When you step on the switch, it turns off the flames around you. “Talk” to the skeleton to your left, you get a clue about how to get past the hot passage south of you. The hot passage prevents you from crossing... so go left past the entrance. The enemy here is a flaming eyeball, try to attack it ASAP, well as soon as it shows its eye, it’s vulnerable to your attack. You see a passage going south, BEWARE as soon as you step on those yellow switches the statues before you will shoot out its fireballs. Try a dash to outrun them. Another flaming eyeball, go right and south. b. Second Floor Flaming eyeball here... go left and check the skeleton. Go north to see what it’s talking about... You see an upright flame holding a crest out of reach. Make note of this location. Go back south and go right past the entrance. Notice the dark marks on the ground and the right one has a switch that you can’t step on. Go north and push the block toward the switch on the ground. Forgot how to push? It’s the other button other than slashing. Anyways, doing this allows you across that hot passage above! Go there. c. First Floor, right section As soon as you across the once hot inaccessible passage, kill the flaming eyeball here, and notice the two holes on either side of the south passage ahead of you. Go the right hole! d. Second Floor, right section You land on the switch below with a hard thud. Accomplishing this, the flame that held the crest is gone! Go left and collect the crest! Go back to where you across the hot passage. e. First Floor, right section This time, go past the holes to the south! f. Second Floor Another section of the second floor. Kill the 3 flaming eyeballs here, be careful here... Making way to the spot where it has a depressed pad formed of a fire crest you have. Forgot how to equip? Press start button, select the right option (*the bag) select the crest. It should show on the square next to your hp bar. Touching the depressed spot of the crest prompts you to insert the crest you are equipped with to open way to a new passage leading north. BEFORE you go north, SAVE!!! Yep, next is the boss! If you feel you are not ready, go kill some more flaming eyeballs for the cherries and other healing items to replenish your hp bar. g. Fire Boss It reminds me of ifrit from the final fantasies. Except he turns into a flaming tornado and spins around the room. Just dodge the flaming top until he stops and shoots the flames in 4 directions, crosswise and diagonal wise. and turn blue. This is where you can hit him at least twice. And move away as quickly as you can. As you hit him, he spins faster and faster. Hope you have an apple to spare to replenish your hp in the meantime. He leaves behind a red droplet. And also you learn the hundred-slice technique. 5. Cliffside, Fortress Entrance Go back to the village of Verda! 6. Town of Verda Talk to everyone again, and now try that new one hundred-slice technique on the ivy leave covered entrance of one of the houses! Go inside and grab the lamp! Try the other ivy-covered entrance north of the village. 7. Cave north of the Village DASH past the first part of the entrance, you can get hit by the falling boulders in the area if you stick around long enough that is. You find a rock that you can push and pull. In another area, you check the skeleton giving you a clue about a special armor you can use to get past the shoot flames up ahead. Exit the cave here for now. Go west of the village again; go north into the cliffside. Go northern right of the cliffside and do the technique on the ivy leave covered entrance leading to another area of a drier cliffside area. 8. Cliffside 2 The enemies here are real nasty. Especially the jumping plant man-eater. I would just avoid it if I were you. If you go north on the left, you will find a ledge with a chest that is out of reach for now. And if you go to the right of the north, you will find another ivy leave covered entrance to a Turtle Altar. 9. Turtle Altar a. Room with spikes and 3 switches You will notice as you enter, the screen is pitch black. That is why I advice you to go back to the village of Verda to collect the lamp first. Equip the lamp to see a few spaces around you. Of course, you can’t see anything yet because the ground is dark... walk north until you see the spikes on the ground. Walk around them carefully. They take off your hp by each step by second. There’s 3 floor switches in the area. Be sure to press them. When you find them all, head north and past the now depressed blockage. b. Second room As soon as you come in here, DASH past the laser shooting stones to the north and right. When you see the first yellow blob, make a left. Get the chest here containing an orange! Go back right and then north. c. Room with dogities I’m not sure of the name but it reminds me of them for some reason lol. Anyways, I hate these things, there’s about 6 of them playing in the floor with you. Hit them all to open up a passage. d. Room with 4 switches Like you did at the entrance, just DASH as soon as you can and run clockwise around the room as you step on the switches and get the heck out of there. Depressing the switches deactivated an electronic blockage on the left side of the passage. Go back all the way down until you reach that fork where you took a right dodging the laser shooting stone on the left. DASH past that stone to the left and to the north. e. Room with 3 eyeballs These guys are unique and you can be sure you won’t see these guys again. They are just there for a nuisance getting past the section. Go straight north. f. Electronic Blockade The two laser shooting look alike stones are now deactivated and you can pass to the north. g. Turtle Slab YAY! Your first seed transformation is a turtle. Upon retrieving it, you exit the dungeon. Isn’t that nice? lol Go to your start menu, and select the character head option, select the new turtle option. And you are a turtle! Downside of this transformation is it’s so slow... it cannot attack yet. But it’s shell like armor is what you need for now. Remember that cave in the village with the skeleton clue saying if there’s an armor that could get past the flames? This is it, the turtle shell. Go back to the village; talk to the book reading girl first for a clue to what you’re going for next. 10. Cave north of the Village Verda Go to where the shooting flames are. Select the turtle transformation option. You notice the slash button as a turtle will make you go into your shell. When the flames are down, walk onto them quickly and go into the shell mode. The shooting flames will shoot you up! Go ahead and switch to your normal character mode. Kill the flaming eyeballs here and go north. Passage to the left is to let you exit the cave. 11. Autumn Land I don't know what else to call this place, it’s fall looking color lol. Anyways, the enemies here are those little blue moving things on the ground. When close, they can reach out and snap at you! So watch out. There’s nothing on the right side for now. Go left and north until you see a temple. To the right of the temple is a ledge you cannot reach yet. 12. Ann’s Labyrinth This one is pretty straightforward north. But this is a really annoying labyrinth so watch out. I advice you to save before going north onto the bridge. Once you go north onto the bridge, there’s an annoying blob or something that pushes you further north rushing you to your death. So, I advice you to DASH for all you can. You will have to get past the 3 spinning chain mails or morning stars whatever you call them. The first two you can dodge by going to either direction farthest from them. But the third, you will be bound to be hit either once or twice. Second hurdle is the spiky floor triggered by switches. One of the switches won’t trigger it, and the other one will. And there are two lines of spiky floors. After THAT, you get these two rock shooting guns on either side of the wall. If that’s NOT even all, you got the most annoying hurdle to overcome. Fortunately at this point, the annoying blob pushing thing will die or stop or malfunction. This hurdle includes a lot of patience and timing. You step on a switch to slow down the running conveyer belt just enough for you to dash to make it across to the next switch before the belt starts running faster than usual! This is real annoying... But I wish you best of luck here. If that’s not even bad, you got the spinning blades moving across the path. There are about 3 switches here, and one of last two switches is a false one. The left one speeds up the belt, the right slows it down. So when you make the final stretch just go straight. SAVE!!! I hope you saved before going through the entrance north. Yep, you got the boss. 13. Boss - Ann She will turn into a blob and separate into 4 smaller ones. Hit them once and they will go up. I recommend you stay in a corner, their moves are very unpredictable. As soon as you hit the last one, move around the room, her shadow will follow you and hit the ground and bounce to the middle. When she goes to the middle, BE sure to be on either left or right side of her. That way she cannot hit you with her pellets. Hit her until she turns to a blob the 4th time; MOVE out of the way. Repeat the process. You exit the dungeon automatically (thank GOD for that too) and get rift key! Remember that first location early in the game that has the ivy leave covered entrance in the tree? Go back there. 14. Verda’s Giant Tree Yep, the kids of Verda village are playing outside once more! :) Talk to them before venturing further. Select “sure” to play and go after it! Go to the right! You enter into a secret area! Talk to the old man about Queen Rui and get the life powder! YEP, go back into the village and go to that bare looking tree to the left of the cave of the village. Equip Life Powder and touch it! “Talk” to it again to get the orange! :) Finally, now go to the entrance of the giant tree, clear the ivy leaves with your one hundred-slice technique. Go inside and equip Rift Key, go up to the platform! 15. Giant Tree of Flora You were whisked away to another land. You can always go back by equipping the key and stepping onto the platform. Anyways, go south. Flora is a HUGE place, so I’ll try to name each area by description. 16. Mole Temple Area Another 4 shooting flame area to use your turtle shell armor to shoot you up with. Go north into a cave to acquire another transformation! The mole has an ability of clawing away rocks. You can attack with using your claws as well. Too bad the mole can’t dash. You’ll be using the mole transformation in the next area. Unfortunately, you cannot talk to people while in a transformed state. Anyways, from here go south. Beware of the enemies here. You can avoid them if you want to. Only when they are in a blue state that they’re vulnerable to your hits. 17. Village of Flora To the left, you see another dried up tree! Use the life powder and get the orange! After talking to everyone, you will learn that the sleeping girl will give you clues to what to do next like the book reading girl in Verda. To the top right of the village, you will notice tree stumps block the passage. It’s inaccessible for now, but get out your mole transformation, and chip away those rocks and go in there and talk to the other moles. You can only understand them in that transformed state of a mole. You’ll learn of its another mole ability, a spin-dig ability that you won’t acquire until later and the other mole gives out free apples. This is important to remember. If you already had one in your inventory, he won’t give you one. Anyways, exit the mole cave and go south to another boulder-blocked cave. This cave is a temple to another transformation! The merman ability gives you ability to swim in water. You can attack while swimming with a pitchfork. The other two southern passages on the left are blocked with pointy stones are inaccessible for now. From the merman ability cave, go south. 18. Lake of Flora Merman is one ability you don’t have to equip yourself to. Just jump into the water and you are a merman in an instant and same thing applies leaving the water too. In here, there are 4 places to go. First, go to the west and check out the weak dam. To the south is a waterfall, which you will fall from. Of course if you want to get back, you will have to make a round trip back. I’ll go into detail later. For now, let’s check out the island in the middle. The other harbor passage leads to another fork to other areas. 19. Lake Labyrinth a. Entrance Go up left. Hit the switch. Go back down, right and up thru the new open doorway. b. Room below filled with water You will encounter another batch of real nasty enemies. I hate these guys with passion. They shoot out 3 pellets in a row. You will always be bound to be hit while trying to kill the darn thing. I found out later they’re actually squids. You don’t see their legs until you are in water... You already encountered the crabs but they’re no problem. It’s the nasty squids you would want to try to avoid or kill ASAP. In the floor filled with water, you will notice something is flickering at the bottom... you will get to it later... to the right is another friggin squiddy, do a dash and try to kill it fast. After the squiddy you just killed is a crack on a wall. Transform into a mole and scratch at it. c. Two switches and one block Push the block to the left. Go south. d. Two friggin squiddies and a pull lever Kill the squids and pull the lever. Watch what happens on the left. Go back to the floor with filled water to collect the yellow crest! Go back to the floor with two switches and a block. Push the block to the right switch and go up. e. Crest room Equip the crest and touch the depressed plate resembling the shape of the crest. Passage to the north opens. SAVE! f. Boss - Clam It looks like a clam, I don’t think this one is a problem, just attack it when it’s showing it’s eye. And when its mouth is open, do a one hundred slices to kill the homing bubbles instantly, making his attack defective heh. Soon, he turns into an eye and ping-pong around the room. I recommend you just stay where you are and try to attack it as it coming at you from all directions. He then turns into an orange droplet lol. And also your turtle has a new ability! His super dash can crush those pointy rocks that blocked the two passages you saw in the village of Flora. His super dash is also his weapon of attack. It’s useful when you are trying to avoid attacks but yet at least attack from a distance. It’s also useful getting across some lines of spikes without being hit. 20. Village of Flora Go to the southern left most exit. 21. Electronic Clouds In here and make your way around to the right. You will encounter new enemies; they’re electronic emitting clouds. No problem here. 22. The Garden Make your way to south. Talk to the flower girl and her mother inside the house. You will learn of their hardships... and if you go left, you will stumble into a Jungle Labyrinth. Unfortunately, without a sense of way to go, leave this place for now. Go to the north. 23. Path of Snakes You already have encountered a snake in the first area of Flora, they make chase as soon as you approach them. Make a quick work of them, and near the entrance of this place feel your way north to go even further under the darkness... then go right, walk a few paces south then right. The chest here contains a pineapple... Go back to left and down, and then go right and south to exit this dark place. 24. The Dam AHHHH, two squiddies right next to each other... what a nightmare... but try to kill them soon as possible to make your way south. Go right until you see the weak log that is holding up the water. Turn into a mole and scratch at it and watch what happens. As a merman, swim to the left. 25. The Garden Jump onto the harbor to dry yourself off, make right and get the chest that contains an orange! Go up, left, and jump down. Talk to the flower girl again, she will give you flowers! That’s NOT all, go talk to the old lady, and she’ll move allowing you to go into the room and get the compass! Oh happy day! :) At this point, you got a lot of places to conquer and visit regarding the new items and accessible places to go. For right now I think you ought to collect the other transformations and other necessary items that is required in the later labyrinths. First of all, remember the quiet boy whose flowers died? Go visit him! 26. Village of Flora Go northwest from the Gardener’s house, around the electronic clouds area, to the northern most house. Equip the flowers and talk to the sister and then to the boy. Select “Sure” and then talk to the sister again. Talk to the boy as you follow along. He opens up the passage to the north! 27. The Mouse Cave You get the transformation ability of a mouse! Not only he’s SO fast (*DASH all the time lol) and attacks too, he also has a magnet ability to attract certain stones to move towards you! OR you move toward it! OR move along with it lol. You won’t get this ability until later though. But this is the best ability thus far. Unfortunately, being a small lightweight character, you won’t be able to trigger switches by stepping on them. But who cares, this little guy can pack a wallop if you let it lmao. Also only as a mouse, you could go thru them little mouse holes. So back to the Gardener’s house, go left. 28. Jungle Labyrinth Like the old lady says, listen to the compass and watch its pointer to find out which way to go. After a couple of similar areas, you will run into a man commanding you to give him the seed. Talk to him twice, and the guy literally will whack you. Give him some of YOUR whacking and he’ll back off lol. What a sap. The next area is similar to the Path of Snakes but bigger. 29. Serpent Path Go right and walk straight up north to find a chest that contains another orange! I see something on the left, but I tried to feel thru a path but apparently there isn’t any so I conclude there’s nothing there. So go ahead and proceed to north. 30. Man down Heh that sap had it coming lol. He is trapped under a boulder that fell on him. Transform into a mole and scratch at him... err at the boulder lol. What a jerk, not even was going to thank you. BEFORE you hit the darn switches turn into a mouse. So you can be quick enough to dodge the falling boulders so you won’t be crushed like that sap we rescued earlier. Okay, the trick to the switches are, there’s 4 combinations of them. Two on, two off, left on and right off, left off and right on. The determination of the 4 leads to determined area. Leaving as it is leads you to a dead end. Turn the left one on leads you to an area with 3 yellow blobs. Take the orb. Turn the right one on leads you to an area with path of snakes like with 4 blue blobs on the way. Get the orb at the end. Turn both of them on takes you to an area with floor pads and 2 bats. Turn into a mouse to get the orb. Go back in leaving it as it is, SAVE!!! 31. Boss - Heart, Shield, Gauntlet, Helm What an oddity... but I made a quick work of this boss by using the turtle’s super dash over and over. Only when it exposes its heart. DO NOT attempt to attack it when it’s using its shield. In other words, try to super dash at it when it turns on the flames. His shield won’t be able to hurt you or the flames either. That’s what so great about this ability at this point. You get the yellow droplet and the mole learns the Spin Drill ability! Goodness, there are a lot of things to catch up on. I would like for you to finish up the ends in Verda but I think we will tackle the Waterfall Labyrinth first. But first, from the Gardener’s house, go south. 32. Big Brother’s Cave Go inside and turn into a turtle and use super dash ability to get across the spikes without being harmed. Talk to the brother. Then equip the flowers and talk to him again. He’ll give you a comb. Let’s go back to Verda! 33. Village of Verda Go to the southernmost house, and talk to the lonely sister. Equip the comb and talk to her again. She’ll give you a real nifty item called Grapes and will give you another anytime when you are out of stock. Grapes restores your health back to max after you die, but BE SURE to have it equipped first! While we are here, go to the cliffside 2! 34. Cliffside 2 Remember that ledge that has the chest that was out of reach? Now that you got the spin drill ability, check out that dark green spot at the northernmost part of the area. Spin n dig it! You find yourself falling to another area below! 35. Secret Cave As a mole, scratch at the rocks on the wall. Turn into the mouse and go thru it, feel your way around! There’s two exit mouse holes and one of them was fake to trick you and give you a hard time. The real one is further left. Go south leading outside! Get the chest that contains an orange! But we’re not done here yet, go right and go thru another entrance of Cliffside 2. Another chest! It contains a floating stone... I can hear you saying... what in the heck is a floating stone or what in the world does it do? You’ll find out in a few, jump down from the ledge and go back to Flora! Go back to the Lake of Flora. From there, go south. You find yourself falling... 36. The Waterfall If you go left, you will reach a dead end. Go north and turn into a Mole to claw away them rocks. Go inside the cave behind the waterfall. 37. Waterfall Labyrinth a. Entrance Equip a lamp. Turn into a mouse and go left and then north. Don’t bother going all the way left, there’s nothing there but lines of spikes. Going north, you’ll find a little mouse hole. Go through it. b. Mouse Hole You will meet residents of this mouse hole, talk to them. Yep, you will find out the hourglass is needed to proceed further into this dungeon. But go back right and go further north. Turn into a Mole and scratch away the first rock you see on the right against the wall. Yep, it’s another mouse hole! Turn into a mouse and go through it. The chest contains two cherries. Anyways for now, exit the dungeon. Go right of the Waterfall. 38. Turtle Area This is the fork I telling you about earlier if you took the other harbor from the lake of Flora. It’s the northwest of this area. If you go north, you will go to the poisoned pond. Nothing you can do there yet. Anyways go to Lake of Flora and go the first harbor to go back into the Village of Flora. This time, go to the west passage that was blocked by two pointy stones. 39. Another fork North is a dead end, keep going left. 40. Desert You’ll encounter a new enemy, them ghosts that spin around as tornadoes. You can dodge them! Also be aware that the sand like conveyer belt is like a running current, walk around them if you can. Anyways, skip the cave you see here, and keep going south. 41. The Floating Sand Palace If you go right from the entrance, and stand before the 4 pillars and then equip the floating stone, you see the transparent Tai mal like palace floating there! Freakin’ kewl lol! You go inside and it’s a BIRD transformation place! Turn into a bird, and you can fly! Just press your slash buttons repeatedly to fly nonstop. :) But that’s all he’s good for though... no attack, no other uses to be found... Just good for dodging. Exit the temple, and go south of this area to find a chest that contains an orange. Now we’re done with this place, go north and go into the cave we went past earlier. 42. Desert Labyrinth a. Floor One Turn into a mole and spin n dig that odd colored tile. b. Floor Two Kill the claws, and push the left south block. Go north, DASH past the spinning chain mails and get the chest that contains a cherry. Go back south to the block area. Go to the right of it and spin n dig that odd colored tile. c. Floor Three There’s that odd looking thing in the middle of the quicksand. I think it’s a sandworm and it’s undying too... anyway, go past it to the left and pull the lever. There’s nothing up ahead so go ahead and go in the middle of the quicksand. d. Floor Four Kill the claws and go north and right and step on the switch to make a bridge across. Turn into a mole and scratch at the crack in the wall. Go through it, and go left and north. Ride on the current that is going north. Use bird transformation if you don’t feel like going thru this lol. Get the chest at the end containing an orange. Go bit south and make a right. Yep another friggin sandworm in a quicksand. Pull the lever you see of the wall. Sink into the quicksand. e. Floor Five Go right dodging past the moving spikes and get the chest that contains the hourglass!!! Go left past the spikes, go south past some more moving spikes... go right and kill the claws. And walk into the sand fall. It’ll suck you up to the upper floor of the dungeon. Keep on going up using the sand falls, and we’re DONE here. Now onward to the Waterfall Labyrinth! 43. Waterfall Labyrinth If you don’t remember how to get here from the desert, just go right and use the far right south exit of the village and go to the far south exit of Lake of Flora. Then go left of the waterfalls and go up and right, use the mole’s claws to destroy the rocks blocking the way to the cave behind the waterfall. a. Mouse Hole Talk to the residents of the mouse hole, after all events do change what people do say... well most of the time lol. b. Waterfall Caves 1 If you got the chest already, you can skip this part, if you haven’t... turn into a mole and scratch at the rocks at the wall and turn into a mouse and go thru it to get the chest that contains two cherries... anyway, go left. Stay as a mouse, equip the hourglass. Stepping on this switch isn’t necessary. Being a mouse is enough to trigger the hourglass symbol pad here. Go north and right, the rocks on the walls are nothing here. Anyway, when you get to the part where there are lines of spikes, use the turtle’s super dash ability to get past this. Go left, then go north, the rocks on the walls are nothing and to the left is a dead end. Anyway, the rock on the wall at the north dead end is real mouse hole. Turn into a mouse and go through it. c. Waterfall Caves 2 AHHHHH!!! That darn squiddy is there! I would just run past it. There’s nothing to stay around here for anyways, so make left dodging their pellets. Turn back to normal to push the metal rolling boulder. It rolls back when you stop pushing it and out of the way. Anyway, you will be able to get out of here don’t worry. On your left, you see the dark colored rocks, they make way for you when you go past them to get the chest that contains two cherries. Don’t go right yet... go north and run past the squiddy here, and dive into the water. Make left and south going through a tunnel. Hit the switch you see there. Now go back to the right, there’s a squiddy at the end so be sure to DASH at it and hit it fast. Use the mole’s claws to claw away the rocks on the wall to reveal a mouse hole. Go through it and hit the switch to get the crest. If you want to get out of the dungeon just go south and jump down but you got another squiddy to fight out of lol. Go back to the water, and swim to the dock where the plate resembling the crest shape. Equip the crest and activate the passage. SAVE!!! d. Boss - Armor Man I don't know what else to call him lol. He has 3 type of weapons. One is a flexible arm with a knife, and a chain mail or a morning star, and then he has a homing star that follows you until it hits you. Rather really easy boss. I used turtle super dash ability. Way too easy lol. Anyway, you got the green droplet, and the mouse has the magnet power! Yay! And as usual you exit outside but! Go back in! Go talk to the mouse residents once again, especially the elder. Equip the Life Powder and talk to him. He added his formula to make it a purifying water potion! NOW you can go to the poisoned pond! The potion is still good for them bare rotting trees to grow oranges later. :) But let tie up the final loose end in Verda. Remember Autumn Land? It got those stones that the mouse can transport by magnet power now. Go back to Verda, and go into the Cave in the village. I know it’s a LONG way there but don’t worry it’s definitely worth it! And besides don’t you need another grape? *_~ 44. Autumn Land If you don’t remember how to get here, just read the earlier part of the FAQ. Anyway up to speed, as a mouse face the stone across and press the other button and hold it until you move across! Get the chest that has an orange. Go south. 45. Autumn Caves 1 You’ll run into 3 flaming eyeballs and another new REAL nasty enemy. This guy is a machine ball with a spinning chain mail. The real nasty ones are the ones that move towards you! Make your way south. 45. Autumn Caves 2 More flaming eyeballs and the far east north wall has a rock that reveals a mouse hole. Go through it. Another friggin flaming eyeball... Go up... 46. Autumn Caves 1 BLUE chest... how kewl. It’s indestructible too; in other words, you can always put back what you took from it. But I don’t see why one would want to do so anyways... open it and find out! HALF received damage taken from now on! NOW this is a true gem lol. Did I tell ya this is worth it? Heh! Now go all the way back to Flora. We ARE DONE with Verda. Make your way back to the poisoned pond. 47. Poisoned Pond First turn into a mouse and magnet yourself across to the isle where the laser shooting stone is. And as quick as you can, go north and face west and transport yourself over there. Now at the edge of the harbor at the north of the area... if you fall in, the merman will take in FAST damage so be careful. As you are near the water, equip the purifying water potion and watch what happens. Swim to the right and get the chest that has another orange! The next harbor only leads you to the jump off to exit the area. Swim to the island in the middle and go in the cave. 48. Swamp Labyrinth Heh, I still don't know how I found it but I found it by dumb luck... at least I’m typing this FAQ lol so don’t be mad rofl. But you notice that the labyrinth has only 4 rooms and they are all connected to each other in a square like area. And I assume a lot of people had a hard time finding and being frustrated wondering where’s the boss area. That entrance was hidden actually and I just kinda ran into it lmao! Anyway, from the first room, kill the crab, go left, kill the bats or avoid them if you want to. Then go north, kill the squiddy here. Then press on north, the door appears. And then you got the boss. This is the shortest labyrinth ever. Boss - Some green wizard... Wait until he finishes spinning and be sure to dodge his 3 floor line water attacks. Then hit him hard. Then he does this duplicate enemy trick, the only real way to tell the difference is his red gem he wears. The others don’t have the red gem, and if you hit the fake one, you retrieve damage anyway. So it’s like keep an eye out lol. After 3 tries, he’ll send a whirl water attack. Which is dodge able half of the time. Rather mediocre boss I say. You get a blue droplet and the merman can dive to deeper waters. What? You don’t know he could? Heh what do you think of those darker spots of water were? Heh. So that’s back to Lake of Flora. On those dark spots of water, press the other button and you find yourself underwater! 49. Underwater Plenty of enemies here. Crabs and squiddy with legs! Swim around and you will notice this odd looking stone slab thing. Poke it with your pitchfork, and the door opens nearby. Swim up and there it is! 50. Underwater Cave Two squiddies here, after a quick work of them, dive up. And you got another labyrinth! 51. Gol’s Labyrinth This labyrinth has fewer enemies, but it has a lot of things that can hurt you. Like spikes, electric balls, and electric ball emitting wall statues everywhere... >.< it’s real nasty labyrinth. Be sure to have a grape and an apple handy. You’ll be using the mouse ability a lot to move the metal balls by magnet power. a. First Floor You see a square being rotated by two electric balls, when you can magnet the metal ball onto the switch. It’s the pull like method, not push mind you. Anyway, moving on... dodge the next 3 electric emitting statues. To the left is a chest that contains 2 cherries but I’ll tell you right now that it is NOT WORTH it. Try and kill the machine ball with the rotating chain mail and see if that’s worth the darn hp. I would avoid it. Head north. Beware, there’s an electric ball-emitting statue ahead of you facing your direction. I’ll call them ebes for now. And beware of the spike to your left. To the far left, it’s a dead end. Up ahead is an inactivated floor pad plan. Call it IFPP for now lol. Anyway, what you do is step on every single tile to activate it without turning back or missing any nonstop. Neat puzzle I’ll say... I just love puzzlers! :) Even I had solved Resident Evil: Nemesis’s Water Equalizer puzzle on my own lmao. Other best puzzle games were Lufia II and Alundra. First IFPP order Walk up to the first square and do a run around clockwise starting left. Then the step up method until you are facing the top spike, make a right, up, right, right, down and you got the rest... the passage opens! b. Second Floor Magnet the ball past the ebes to the switch. GAH, to the north is another machine ball with a rotating chain mail... I swear these guys are so nasty... at least this one isn’t moving toward you. Magnet the ball near the bar and go north. To the left is a dead end. You see a track and a moving metal ball moving back and forth. This is where you as a mouse attach yourself to the metal ball. When it comes close, magnet it and HOLD until you reach to the far left spot. Another square like area rotated by the two electric balls with a switch and a metal ball. Put it in the appropriate position and head south. Second IFPP order This time you got the annoying ebes to slow you down. If you mess up that’s okay, make a right and jump down for a chest that contains an orange. Go back up. Here’s what I did; I did a run around clockwise starting up. But when you make the bottom right haul, make a snake method which is something like left, up, left, down. Left then left, left, up, right, right, up, up, right (you should be facing the eastern most spike. From there, go up, right, up, left and you got the rest! Passage opens. c. Third Floor Make way to north and kill the machine rotating chain mail ball. Move the metal ball to the switch and then move the outside metal ball with you past the ebes. Once you make it past, stand on the left far as you can and get the ball closet to you as you can. Go south and face the ball and bring it to you close as you can and then face the ball from the left and bring to you by a pace. Then face the ball from the north. Finally you bring it to the switch. Another square being rotated by electric balls. But no switch to worry about. Head north, and presto, you meet the Queen Rui for the very first time! But under dire situation though. She’s being held hostage by Gol. Don’t go north by either side of the jail, there’s only ebes. But you can talk to her thru the jail! This is where I learned of his name... Zetts... and it makes you wonder how does she know his name... Anyway make a right and go north. Ahh another IFPP. Third IFPP Order Here’s what I did. Step on the first square and go up. Do the snake method to the left. Then as quick as you can go all the way up and right dodging the ebes. Wait until the right ebes shot one out, and make a vertical opposite C direction like right, right, down, left, left, then left again. Go down, time the ebes. Then make a snake method to the right down. And you got the rest! A passage opens! d. Fourth Floor This is one spiny area lol. Do a grab and hold on the metal balls, let them move you until you are right above of another metal ball below you, let go and grab a hold of the ball below you and it’ll move you to the next one. Precise timing is needed here. Anyway, the right hole leads to the floor below. The left hole leads to the boss! e. Boss - Gol Use the mouse to help the battle a bit. He’s fast enough to dodge the 4-ball ring attack and fast enough to dodge her when she’s a spider. I had beaten her when I only got hit like once lol. Anyways you get another Rift Key. So that means back to Giant Tree of Flora. There’s nothing else we need to do in Flora. So let’s head to the new lands called Sylva! 52. Giant Tree of Sylva Go south and if you go right in the next area, you will see a “tower” but you couldn’t reach the doors yet. I advice you to avoid this area for now. Go further south. 53. Path of Serpents Real confusing area. Most of the time you feel your way around, there’s a chest and 2 passages in this area. Let’s get you the chest. Make a few paces south from the entrance and make a right as soon as you see another area, make a right again and south for the chest that has an orange. Okay go back to where you started. Go south a few paces and make a left toward that little dot, then up/right to the pencil like area, walk up then left. Keep following the path. I lead you to a secondary passage... 54. Plains Yep, another bare rotting tree! Use that purifying water on it to receive an orange. Okay, go back. 55. Path of Serpents From where you are, follow the path down, when you see a snake, that’s a path to another area right/down. Kill the snake. Follow the path to the right. Another snake at the end shows you there’s a path a few paces up/right then down. From there, go down and left. Left into a little patch area and left into another area. Keep going left following the trail then up. You found the other passage! 56. Plains Make a left; there’s nothing for you to do to the north yet. Go down. 57. Plains 2 Follow the path, there’s no one in the house yet but go past the house to the right. 58. Graveyard Heh I know what you’re thinking. Ahh another chest! lmao! I’ll lead you to that chest in a bit. For right now go thru the graveyard and talk to the two girls... Talk to them twice. Now you have the amulet for the tower. What it does is pretty complex right now, but let’s explore this area first. If you make a left under the chest area, it’s a dead end. 59. Plains 2 Go back to where you see those white stones blocking the way. It took me a while to figure this out... anyway, see the 3 stones in a row west of the stone blockade? Move the one in the middle by pushing it. Then go south! Heh, now make a right and get that chest that contains two cherries... there’s more to do! Make a left and keep going left past the doorway. Go up the stairs and go north. 60. Plains Go past the doorway you see here because you will need to move the stone that is blocking the way. Past the two stones, push the one that WOULD block the way further north, and then push another down. Then push the lower left block to the left. Now pull the block back to where it was, thus allowing you go further north. Go back down to the doorway. 61. The Three Trees Keep doing north. Keep going right, then go south! You found another bare rotting tree to purify! :) Alrighty now go back to the next area of Giant Tree of Sylva! 62. Tower Ugh, I SURE hate this guy blocking the way. I would just avoid him; he’s not worth the loss. Don’t go to the first doorway but upstairs. Kill the one that is blocking the way. Before you go through the second doorway, SAVE! Equip the amulet, then walk to the next doorway! 63. Boss - Skeleton Head Hit him in the face and watch what happens... there’s nothing you can do here unfortunately... just slowly submit and die. ;_; 64. Queen Rui But it’s NOT over! Someone (*that sap lol) saves you! And you find yourself high in the clouds and talking with Rui! Really neat scene. She explains deeper in detail about what’s really going on. She gave you hints of who you really are! How kewl... ;_; 65. Awakening You wake up in bed with like 1 hp lol. Talk to the girl twice to heal fully! And you go outside... you were about to attempt to attack the blue blob BUT you don’t have a weapon! Awww... lol that seed WAS your weapon ya know. Anyway, do what Rui says, go back to the three trees area and raise the amulet high to open the way to the final droplet! 66. The Three Trees You make north and around. Get on that sandy patch area to raise the amulet. The door appears at the lower left of you. You can go south and push the lowest block to the left and go from there. Watch out for those nasty man-eaters! 67. Final Droplet Dungeon Since you cannot attack anything, you just have to push and pull stuff. Thankfully the flaming eyeball would stop when it is near you. Pull the rock over the switch. Then you got another rock nearby to push and pull a long ways to the all-shooting flame area. Another switch is needed to be stepped on, another rock is seen nearby. Push that onto it. Go through the passage north. The next area looks just like the transformation temple except it holds the final droplet! Now that you got all the droplets, you also got the Water Prism! Now the seed is restored! Yay! Now you can attack! Leave this place and keep going right. Kill the flaming eyeball and turn into a turtle to boost yourself over. Okay, you see there’s two stairways leading north and the left south passage is just to leave the place by jumping down. Go left stairs first. a. Left Tower Go down and you see this HUGE boulder blocking the way. Even your mole’s claws can’t destroy it... and well... just PUSH and PUSH with all of your might. That sap appears out of no where and begins to help you too! You both managed to move the rock! Head right, up the stairs, and SAVE! Jump into the hole. b. Boss - Ann Yep, her again lol. Use the SAME technique you used to beat her last time. Except her blobs are faster moving now and she doesn’t appear human form but this huge blob. When she’s that huge blob, just use your 100 slices to keep her busy. She won’t be able to attack when you are attacking her. Just be sure you are facing her eye. And you got Wind Prism! :) To exit, push the lower block down. Go back to the two stairs and take the right stair. c. Right Tower Heh, you got more electric clouds here. Go north and jump down. Push the lower right block to get to the chest nearby that contains the final orange! Push the lower left block to get out. This TIME, go up the stairs again and SAVE! Turn into a turtle! THEN jump down! Lmao! I can imagine a LOT of people got stuck on this part. I was for a while until I saw how the turtle crash bad when jumping off lol. It broke the floor below leading you to the boss. d. Boss - Gol Yep her again lmao. And like before, using the mouse is good here. He’s fast enough AND small enough to dodge the 4-ball attack and them tiny spiders later... BEAT her up for calling your mother a whore! Really that was cold that she said that. Don’t even bother killing the little spider walking back and forth. Just concentrate on dodging the 4-ball ring. And hit her when you get the chance. Watch out for the tiny spiders. Finally you got Light Prism and also you can do a super slash now. Try it! Slash and hold until you turn blue. You’ll need this to defeat the skeleton head boss and the final boss. To exit, push the left block. Head back to the tower where you last died in. 68. Tower Head up to the stairs to the top doorway. Equip the amulet like before and head to the doorway inside. a. Boss - Skeleton Head Wait until he makes his first grab at you. Then run at his head and then do that super slash. You’ll see it broke his skull exposing his brains. NOW do the 100 slices! He couldn’t keep up if he wanted to lol. Go up stairs, and you saw that part of the tower sank a floor down, giving you access to that other doorway below that was out of reach before! SAVE! This is it! The final battle for all of Sylvalant! If you don’t have an apple or a grape, just go to Verda and talk to the girl for the grapes and the mole in Flora for an apple. Really necessary to have them in stock! Fortunately, you can leave the tower after defeating the Skeleton Head. And come back for Moa. b. Final Boss - Moa He’ll appear but he won’t attack but he moves towards you. So what you do... you slash and hold and then super slash. What it does was a slash seems to immobilize him until that super slash comes. You should be able to pull that off at least twice before he pulls the outside forces. But it’s the outside forces you really want to worry about. He sends you those homing balls 3 times in a row. As normal, they’re somewhat hard to dodge, only if you don’t know where to go. You will get these homing balls in order of attack wise, X, Cross, X. So in other words, you dodge by going crosswise, diagonal wise, then crosswise. Dodging them as a mouse is effective but attacking Moa as a mouse doesn’t seem to do anything good. Next he sends a 4-ice attack; it comes in from both directions in multiples... you can dodge these by staying at the bottom. Finally, he then sends 3 vertical line shots of electricity. All three are somewhat easy to dodge so it’s not really that a worry but if you are bad at controls it might... I have a gravis gamepro pad controller for this computer, and so... good luck! 69. The end! Rui didn’t finish! I know she was going to say my... son! LMAO! I hope yall enjoyed this game! I know I did! :) Email me at Crimson Haley@aol.com if you have any questions or even corrections of this FAQ but I doubt I’ll even bother to correct it lol. ~.* 70. Secrets YES, there’s a secret! For the longest time, I thought there’s another doorway in the village of Verda right south of the bare rotting tree. If you look closely at the door that supposedly opens to the final droplet before you did with the amulet, you can tell it shapes like a door by it’s lines in the rocks. There’s that line of a doorway in wall of the rocks in village of Verda... I always thought that grapes girl is going to open it for me lol. If anyone knows about this secret let me know!!! Thanks! IV. Legal Stuff This document property of Crimson Haley. All rights reserved. Copyright February 21, 2002 by Crimson Haley. This document may not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without written premission from the document's copyright holder, and may not be uploaded, downloaded, or transfered to your hard drive. Failure to abide by this legal contract will result in a lawsuit in which you may be sentenced to serve a term in prison for copyright infringement as well as paying out compensation to the document's owner. This document may not be edited in whole or part, unless given premission by the document's copyright owner. This legal notification applies to international copyright laws and will be extremely well carried out by the authorities, copyright holder, and citizens. V. Credits Thanks to GameFAQs for prompting me to make this FAQ lol and thanks to SEGA for making this great game and also Aeon Genesis for translating this game and making it possible for all of us to understand it as we enjoy playing this game! Here are the credits I found with the patch. Thanks guys! THE SYLVAN TALE TEAM Gideon Zhi - Project leader, lead romhacker Shih Tzu - Scriptwriter, Romhacker, script opinions MO - Translator SPECIAL THANKS Akujin, Jair - Script opinions. Dave of Gaijin - Helped get the game dumped :) VI. Notes Wow... dude it pays to credit to the right guys! :) I got an email from one of the members of the Sylvan Tale Team and he offered his thanks for my appreciation on this action/rpg. The fact that I covered nearly everything made their job worthwhile! :) He then also offered his notes and thoughts that on this faq/game. I was more than happy to do so! Here's it is! Hey, cool! Nice job on the FAQ. Oh, I should introduce myself first. I'm Shih Tzu; I helped get the Sylvan Tale dumped and later helped with the translation, mostly with script editing and miscellaneous translations like the items and Forms. I was going to write a FAQ myself, but I kept on putting it off. It definitely could use one, too...a few of those so-called puzzles are just random. Kinda makes up for the shortness of the game, I suppose. Congratulations on finding all the secrets, too! I couldn't even do that (Gideon Zhi had to tell me where to find the Floating Stone, and I forget who first found the Comb). I'm really overjoyed that people like this game--it makes all our work (and my and Dave's financial investment in dumping it in the first place) worthwhile! While I probably won't ever write a FAQ for it (knowing me it'd just go on and on anyway), there are still lots of things I'd like to write up about it, especially some of the behind-the-scenes translation things. There were (small) sections we had to cut out, intriguing lines in the script that never showed up in the final game...that kind of thing. I've also got some small extra translations of character profiles and such from the manual (they're also at http://www.smspower.org/, where the game was first released)> If I sent you an extra section or two, would you like to include it in your FAQ? If not, I can always write it up anyway and send it to GameFAQs as a separate document. Either way, I made a couple of notes on your FAQ as I skimmed it, some of which might be useful to add in a later version. - Yeah, I -hate- those squid things. And the floating spike orbs near the end. And yeah, I love the Mouse Form as much as you do. =^^= His attack, though, is among the weakest. I don't think any of the Forms have attacks nearly as strong as Zett's, especially the Hundred Slices. - If you find the secret Bird Form, it can be used to skip one dungeon. The Bird can fly and thus doesn't require the Hourglass to get through the Waterfall Labyrinth, so the Desert Labyrinth becomes optional. Other than that, the Bird's a bit of a disappointment, IMO. Nothing like the cathartic freedom of the Bird in Wonder Boy III, for instance. Oh well. - A small thing...the elderly gardener's actually a man, although you might only be able to tell from the picture in the manual. His name's Sol (or Soru, or however you want to romanize it). - In Flora, Sad Boy's sister actually has a different line if you talk to her before you talk to her brother. Which was annoying, as no one does that (including me the first time), and the line took up so much space in the ROM. It's in there, though, so I couldn't delete it, but I ended up truncating it severely. It still says mostly the same thing, though. (There were other miscellaneous trimmings all over the script, but I was just wondering if you'd seen this one.) - The Swamp Labyrinth can also be solved with the Compass, I think. If I recall correctly, it beeps in the room with the secret door and points north, but only if you have it equipped. I found it the same way you did the first time and someone had to tell me later that the Compass worked. - The main difference between versions 1.00 and 1.01 of the patch is that for the initial 1.00 release, I cut Garcia (your "rival")'s ** line about the switch puzzle after you break the boulder for him, figuring the space could be better used for other lines. After hearing from at least three players who didn't notice the switches and got stuck there, I realized I'd screwed up, but fortunately I also determined that certain lines I'd left in were unused, and so I managed to cut those and squeeze Garcia's clue back into the space that was freed up. Yay for...er...success. - The often unreadable cursive world titles are my fault. I'd worked them up in case we could stick them on the map screens, but those screens' graphics are compressed, so we can't change those without hacks beyond the scope of our abilities. (Even Gideon's.) But people on the team seemed to like the cursive deals, so we ended up using them on the save screen and when you exit the Tree. But some have said they're hard to read...ah well. - In the original Japanese version, both items and forms had descriptions alongside their names. There was no space to feasibly include the descriptions, so we had to cut those, but I could knock off quick translations of those if anyone likes. - I honestly don't know what's up with the "door" in town in Verda that can't be opened. My only guess is that it was something once planned and then cut from the game, much like the snatches of unused script left in the ROM. Anyway, thank you so much for enjoying the game! I really appreciate it, and I assume so does everyone else who helped with the project. And I'm really impressed that you found pretty much everything there is to find; for a short little GG game, it sure rewards off-the-path exploration. If you'd like to include a couple of sections of my notes, just let me know! It'd take me some time, as I'm busy with schoolwork as well as other translations (watch for my first solo project, Magical Doropie!), but I know I'd do it eventually. Thanks again! --Shih Tzu **Editor's Note, that sap I mentioned earlier in the faq where he whacked you and got crushed under the boulder and saved you from Gol and helped you to push that big boulder. That's GARCIA! Now I know his name! lmao Anyway I suggested to use his email that included the notes for my FAQ, I thought it's great enough info that covers pretty much everything I would like to know about this game! :) How about that folks? Doesn't it pays to credit the right guys or what??? :) Thanks for the notes Shih Tzu!