-<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- __ __) (, ) | / /) /) /) , /) /) // | /| / ___// // _ (/ // _(/ // |/ |/ (_)(/_/(_(__/ )__(_(/_(_(_ // / | /) // (/ __// _____________________________,||||} / ______/ ____________________________.||||}_/ _/ _____/ / ^/ \_/ FAQ/Walkthrough >>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>==<<==>>== For Sega SMS Version Final By Chris Zawada User: antseezee E-mail: chris@z-wad.com Website: www.z-wad.com Created: 01/09/05 Last Update: 03/10/11 Copyright 2011 Chris Zawada -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- Author's Note ---------------------------- Many platform games out there try to innovate their own styles of gameplay, ranging from typical "save the princess" themes, to more creative "bloody vengeance" ideas. Either way, the themes usually work, and help appeal the gamer. Wolfchild was an early platform released for the Sega Master System in its late years which features a creative storyline, with above average gameplay. Tossed into the role of a half-human/half-animal hybrid, you must rescue your father and prevent an evil empire from ruling the world with semi- mutated hybrids. OK, so it's nothing like your modern "I'm gonna kick some ass" Duke Nukem game. Either way, Wolfchild was a fairly colorful game that felt like a solid platformer, although it was rarely recognized until it hit the Sega CD system later on. Will you morph into some hairy freak, or simply get shot down like every other celebrity in the past generation? Contributing/Feedback ---------------------------- If you have any contributions, feedback, or strategies you'd like to have added to the guide, contact me via e-mail or on GameFAQs. I'll be more than content to add your segment of information, and will also provide credit. If you have any questions you'd like added to the Common Questions section, ask. I simply don't have the time to sit around thinking of questions. Provide me with what you want to know! Updates ---------------------------- =03/10/11= vFinal Final update. =01/09/05= v1.0 Finished the FAQ. Wasn't too challenging of a game, and only lasted five levels. =01/09/05= v1.0 Started the FAQ. Estimating to finish this either by the end of the day, or tomorrow. Trying to help out the guys responsible for creating the SMS Completion Project. ============================ - Table of Contents - ============================ 1) Introduction 2) Game Basics > Controls > Powerups 3) Game Modes > Description of each 4) Walkthrough > Stage 01: Wolfship > Stage 02: Forest > Stage 03: Ancient Temple > Stage 04: Laboratory > Stage 05: Inner Core 5) Codes 6) Common Questions 7) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines 8) Proper Credits -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 1) Introduction - ============================ What do you think of when you see characters morphing into various creatures/forms? Probably not Wolfchild. Hell, you're probably thinking about X-Men, or Spiderman. Well, Wolfchild is one of those games that if you play it, would think it's an awesome idea. Basically, you're the son of a genetic scientist, who is kidnapped by an evil empire to develop a mutated army to destroy the world. However, little do they know that you (the son of the kidnapee), have the power to morph into a powerful cybernetic wolf, and seek out a mission of vengeance to help rescue your father. You must traverse the enemy territory, destroy the core of operations, and rescue your father. From a glance, Wolfchild seems great with a storyline. Unfortunately, the SMS is not the most advanced system ever. Because of this, there are often framerate issues noticeable throughout the game. Combine that with somewhat slow character movement, and it only frustrates the situation. Regardless, the game features encompassing levels, eight different stages, and powerups which allow you to morph into a wolf form capable of launching projectiles. If you want to continue your progress at another time, you only have to jot down a simple 5-letter code which can be re-entered the next time you play. Wolfchild has all of the helpful ideas that we'd love to see in some other past platformers, it just doesn't go overboard in the presentation department. It's just another side scroller tossed into the backjar of the human brain. Here's a brief excerpt from the instruction manual (credit to Core Design): The evil organization CHIMERA wants to use a half-man, half-animal army to destroy the world. To meet this goal, they have kidnapped a genetic scientist. However, they didn't count on the scientist's son, Saul. In order to save his father, Saul will have to become a half-human, half-wolf creature as he explores eight levels spanning five different worlds. A variety of mutated animals and humans fill each level. Luckily, you'll have a number of high-tech weapons with which to eliminate the bad guys. Help Saul become the WOLFCHILD and save his father. ---------------------------- _____________________ ##### GAME INFO ##### //////////|\\\\\\\\\\ Players: 1 Developer: Core Design Released: 1993 Rarity: rare Special Features: Password continuation Cover Art on box: - Shows wolf splitting open the picture of a human in half -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 2) Game Basics - ============================ The SMS controller is fairly simple to understand thanks to the A & B layout. It has similar relations to the Sega Genesis controller, if you've played that system before. The only difference is that turbo buttons are never used, and there's no C button, meaning the controller layouts are much simpler. KEY representation for each button: A = A button (black) B = B button (black) Control Pad = directional pad (black) START = start button (gray) ______________ /Game Controls/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Down - crouches Left/Right - moves left/right A - jumps B - attacks A + Down - switches weapon types B + Down - uses incineration bomb - Crouching is an essential part of dodging enemy projectiles during the game. You'll use it frequently, so get use to it. Jumping can be aimed by holding left/right along with performing the move. Attacking depends on your form. Along the way, you'll find powerups with switch you into your Wolf form. In your human form, you will just do a melee punch attack that does minimal damage. It's effective, but has VERY limited range, meaning you must be close to your target. In Wolf form, you will launch a projectile that shoots straight forward. It does increased damage, but has no special tendencies. There are variations of the projectile, based on powerups you get from the ground. Some will curl like a boomerang, or have a larger attack radius. You have unlimited ammo. If you pick up another weapon type, that has limited ammo, press Down + A to switch to another weapon. This is great for saving your best weapons on the bosses. _________ /Powerups/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Before you can jump right into the action, there are various powerups that can be collected along levels, along with some life bars that must be essentially understood. [ LIFE BAR ] - upper left corner >> Displays your current life with gray bars. When you pick up a heart powerup, gain life, and it fills the remaining teal bars, then you will turn into your Wolf form with a teal life bar. If that life bar runs back down, then you'll be back to your human bar with gray life. Your # of lives are displayed by a small # to the right of the bar. [ WEAPON BAR ] - lower left corner >> Shows what current weapon you have selected. This is only available after morphing into Wolf. If you pick up a powerup for a weapon, it will fill your weapon bar with energy to represent limited ammo. There are several different weapon types. [ HEART ] - powerup >> Replenishes life, and gives ability to upgrade into Wolf. Looks like large, bright red heart. [ PLASMA ] - weapon powerup >> Gives you Plasma-shot powerup to Wolf form. Launches a green power disc which does more damage than traditional shot. [ BOOMERANG ] - weapon powerup >> Shoots greenish-blue disc that curls downward near the end of the shot. [ INCINERATION BOMB ] - weapon powerup >> These powerups look like large capsules. When used by pressing B + Down, they release a bright flash which kills all enemies on screen. [ CHECKPOINTS ] - continuation powerup >> Represented by a large down arrow capsule. These leave a checkmark to restart if you die. -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 3) Game Modes - ============================ Many side scrolling platformers often toss in a few modes to help keep gamers busy. Some of the more "classic" side scrollers didn't. Wolfchild was fortunate enough to be generous, and help make the game more replayable with a nice password continuation system. There are no additional co-op game modes, or secret levels. You can basically just play through the game on endless requests. ___________ /Start Game/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Creates a new adventure for you to start from. You will begin on the first level each time, but passwords are handed out based on your score/status after completing each level. _______________ /Enter Password/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Allows you to enter one of the given passwords, which unlocks all LEVELS up to that point. You can then use the third game selection option to pick which level you'd like to continue from. The best part is that the password is only 5 letters. Most other games would require a hunch-funch of letters and numbers scrambled. Many times, the font was out of whack that you could not determine O's from 0's. _______________ /Start Stage ##/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After you input the password, it will unlock the last stage ## you were on, from which you can continue your quest. Many side-scrolling platformers were never this generous, and would force you to beat the game in one sitting. Core Design preferred to differ. -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 4) Walkthrough - ============================ Obviously, this is the most sought-after section of any guide. Most people may be stuck at a boss, or confused as to where to go. This section will briefly describe each of the eight levels, how to complete the game, along with provide passwords if you want to continue from my spot. ____________________ /Stage 01 - WOLFSHIP/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You'll be dropped off onto the initial platform of the enemy ship. Start off by going right, and you'll encounter your first enemy unit. Thankfully, this lone soldier is an idiot. Hold down to crouch under his bullet, or hop over it. Then, run up, and punch him for the kill. Continue right up the stairs, duck under the shot, and dispatch of him. Now, hop left onto the pole ledge, and continue hopping over the left ledges. You'll find the Wolf form powerup Heart right near the end. Get it, and now you can launch projectiles at enemies, rather than being forced to get in close. Hop back up, going from pole to pole. Dispatch of two more mutants, then grab the P-powerup for a plasma shot. It's slightly more powerful. Now, continue hopping up the poles. Reach the upper right, dispatch of the last opponent, then leap to the right roof with a light pole sticking out. Grab the small heart powerup. Run to the right, then wait for the spaceship flames to cut in half before dropping down. At the bottom, a man will start tossing barrels down the hill at intervals. Hop over them, climb the stair slightly, and hit him in the head a couple of times. You can conserve your Plasma ammo by pressing Down + A to use your default laser. There's another Powerup up ahead, and it's the boomerang shot. This will arc downward on each shot. Jump to the ledge, and you'll find a mini- turret boss. The man will keep rising/lowering with his shots. Hop over the blast beam, then fire a shot at him. I found it best to get close, wait for the low shot, then shoot away at him standing since you don't take damage when you touch him. If you lose your Wolf form, just do the same, but melee attack, and ensure that you hop over the low beam. Move to the right, hop down, and pick up the energy powerups. You should be a Wolf again. At the dead end ahead, you'll run into an enemy boss. Basically a fairly simple enemy. The man moves at random locations in a set radius, and will launch spinny projectiles. Sometimes they'll move straight on, while others will be shot diagonally. Just hop over them and fire your projectiles. When he gets very high, run under him, and get behind him. He can now NOT hit you. He never turns around, which should make him extremely easy to kill. Just stand behind him and fire away. You can do the same strategy if you lose your Wolf form as well. Must be a programmer's glitch, hehe. ^^ PASSWORD: WX9F2 __________________ /Stage 02 - FOREST/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You'll be warped to a mossy ledge. Quickly jump straight up and snatch the powerups. You'll now be a wolf. Drop down to the right. Go right, and watch out for the pokey onion bulb. Drop down again, and nail out the spitting flower. Continue to the right, and jump over and down again. You'll fall down a large pit onto another heart. This time, go right, and two onion bulbs should be popping out of the ground. There's also an alien, and a dropping alien from above. Nail the stationary guard, then hop over, kill the one who hops down, then go right. Walk into the wall, and you'll find a secret path with some powerups. Go back to the left, up the hill, and into the left secret path. Hop over the bulb. Grab the life, head back to the original spot, and go down the hill. Wait for the second bulb to squat down, then RUN down the hill. Drop onto the egg sacks, and kill the guard to the right. Hop over the tree stump on the right, go through the tunnel, and pop out on the other side. Dispatch of the three guards in this area; some are above you. Go all the way up, and jump onto the mini-elevator. Once it reaches its peak, hop to the right and nail the alien. Go through the secret tunnel, and jump onto the elevator. JUMP across to the opposite elevator. If you do not, this elevator will plummet, and you'll have to go left, and back up to make it back to where you were. Once across, the elevator will take you up to the next tree ledge. Hop up to it, then hop above, and dodge the two sticky bulbs. Go left, get the powerups, and eliminate the flower pod. Once up top, go left, and take out the guards. Move towards the top. Go left through the secret tunnel, but watch for the exploding flower pod. Now, hop all the way down to the left. Jump onto the first elevator, then the second, and finally the third. Reach the top ground ledge. Move right, and take out the two guards on the ledge. Now, hit the elevator on the right to the top, then go left, and nail out the guards. Watch for the slippery ledge that falls. Go across and now hop onto the above diagonal ledge above your current spot. Go right. The next part is tricky. Three onion bulbs will pop up, but there's an invisible guard at the top of the hill who shoots at an arc. Try your best to jump across as quick as possible, and dispatch the guard. You'll find two more guards across, and it may be difficult if you're a human. Move to the right, and start to progressively drop down. Dispatch of the guards using melee attacks by timing their shots. You'll notice a lizard down at the bottom, past the three green spikes. Continue right. Drop down, and dispatch of the next two guards. Drop down the shaky ledge in the floor. Drop down at an angle though, otherwise you'll go into four sharp spikes. Rush the man on the right. Go through the right tunnel, then jump onto the elevator, and onto the ledge. Be quick as it will drop. Jump up and dispatch of the scrolling aim hybrid. Go back to the plummeting elevators, and drop down. While in mid-air, scroll to the right to avoid the spikes. Do the same for the next, except scroll to the left. Once done, drop down, and dispatch the two guards to eternal hell. Drop down, get the heart, and down the bluish stone ledge to the checkpoint. Now, when you drop into the stone pit. It looks like this: ___________________ | | X marks where the boss will warp to. He does it in a | | clockwise motion. The boss will warp, but face the LAST | > __X__ > | direction you were at, before appearing. The idea is to | | jump over his teleport spot by timing your jump when |__X__ __X__| he's off-screen, so you land on his other side, and | < __X__ < | can lay down some melee attacks. If you have wolf form, |___________________| you can shoot when he appears, but it's much more difficult as a human. It's easiest to hop over at the bottom X spot, because you can drop down from the above ledge. He will always shoot down diagonally from his mouth, so don't worry about upper shots. ^^ PASSWORD: FD4RM __________________________ /Stage 03 - ANCIENT TEMPLE/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= When you start off, there will immediately be a boulder behind you rolling your way. Jump ASAP to avoid it. Then go left. Hop left over the pit. Watch for the bug pit on the roof. It'll toss down two catepillars. Go left, and an egg sack will release parasites. They're fairly hard to hit, so quickly rush down the ledges and go right. Duck under the enemy projectiles. Nail the guard, and grab the heart to become a Wolf! Go back to where the parasites were released, and move left. Hop over the pit and continue onward. Go slow in the bug pit, hop over the rock, and shoot the guard. You may lose your form if hit by the rock. Move up, and again, you'll have more bugs that stick out of the wall to deal with. Nail the Dragon Fly, and watch for the spike projectile. Jump down and head right. Jump over the red beetle in the floor, along with the ground projectile. Knock out the guard, then hop over the spikes and next floor projectile. There's another heart, along with falling rock to avoid. There's a Dragon Fly to deal with in this narrow bug tunnel. Run away if it fires at you, otherwise rush if it turns around. Run ahead, and hit the checkpoint. Watch for another falling rock near the heart, along with the centipede that shoots projectiles. Crouch punch it. Another red beetle in the floor and falling rock are about to greet you. Go right and jump down. Once at the bottom, two centipedes to your right will lay down fire. It can be fairly tough to avoid. Proceed left, and dispatch of the two standing guards. You'll find a reward of powerups after them. Stand onto the snail elevator along the left for a temporary boost. Jump across the edge of the ledge for the heart (and hopefully Wolf form). Drop down, and immediately take out the left guard. Jump across the left pit, and hit the next Dragon Fly. Run across. Jump onto the Grasshopper, and it'll boost you up. Leap over to the right. Annihilate the guard, and grab the Wolfchild life up. Take out the next opponent. Drop down the pit, and you'll fall all the way to the bottom. Go right, and cremate the annoying Dragon Fly. Hop onto the grassy elevator, then go right, and slide down the hill. Take out the lone target at the bottom. The floor is STICKY, so be careful when sliding down. Hop over the four spikes. You'll find some powerups ahead. Try to slide crouch under the buzz saw, otherwise you'll have trouble. Get more of the powerups. Now, hop down, and proceed left. There will be a series of buzzsaws that periodically pop up and down from the floor. Just time your runs past them. Watch for the mobile ones. Just follow them behind, along with the dual ones. When you reach the five upper ones, run halfway, crouch, then run when they go back up. Pick up the powerups. Again, nail the two stones blocks on the floor, and grab the full heart. Run past the next part and duck under the ceiling mobile saw. Again, you'll have to do some multiple crouches/runs to get past the alternating saws. There's nothing tricky though, and you shouldn't take any damage. Hop off the ledge to the left, avoid the saw, and hit the enemy to your right. Grab the heart powerups. Jump over the saw, and hit the crouching guard. Enable the checkpoint and take out the remaining tango. Jump over the four saws, eliminate the lone guard, and continue right. If you want to get the last heart, run PAST the saws; don't jump. If you jump, it places you on the high ledge. Jump over to the right down below. Slide down the hill, and you'll meet another Dragon Fly & Spike Shooter. Jump over the spikes, and use a powered shot to eliminate the Fly. Grab the empty heart, drop STRAIGHT down below, and you'll blast away some rocks. You'll get a one-up for your nifty work. Go up, then left. Slide down the left hill and jump onto the small platform. Run across for MANY powerups, then nail the two guards below yourself. Two more guards are near the next hill. Jump onto the grasshopper, eliminate the peak guard, then hop behind the saw. Run to the left. When you drop down the pit, wait till you hear a gunshot first. Otherwise you'll get pelted at the bottom. Drop down and hit the guard. Now, on the next grasshopper, there's an annoying crouched guard above. Get the straight projectile, and shoot him, or hop over the projectile as he fires when you're in range. Drop down to the left. You'll be in an isolated pit with a giant spider in a web to your left. The spider has three attacks. One consists of a WIDE double shot that splits diagonally up and diagonally down. This is easy to avoid, just stand in the lower right corner of the room and shoot away at the spider. The second attack is a narrower double shot, which can easily hit anyone in the far side. You MUST be close to the spider, otherwise you're always hit. Finally, it's third attack is a web wall which hits in a straight wall path from the spider. I found it easiest to run up to the spider (after losing Wolf form), and just punch away in the lower left corner of the room. Duck when it shoots, stand and punch. If you have projectiles, keep firing in the lower right corner, but you'll eventually be hit. ^^ PASSWORD: VGK6S ______________________ /Stage 04 - LABORATORY/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Move right and a jetpack guard will lower from above. Melee him twice for the silent kill. Hop up the steel ledges and melee the guard. Go right and drop down. Hit the two stationary guards, drop left, drop right, and continue to the right. You'll find two more aliens to your right. Watch for the upper arc shooter. Hop onto the pilons. Climb the stairs to your left, and you'll have three more alien hybrids waiting for you with pistols that should be taken out. You'll reach the top, and there should be two guards under the floor that can shoot through. Watch for crossfire as you hobble over to the upper right ledge. Reach the next two beam areas by using the metal support beam to crossover and up. Take out the jetpack guard from above, then grab the checkpoint powerup. Nail down the boxes for some points, then hit the arc shooter at the end of the hall. Proceed right and drop down. There's an annoying lead pipe which shoots electric plasma shots out. The problem is that it fires at a rate of 3, takes a short interval and repeats. I couldn't figure out how to not take damage at this part. Just take the damage and run through. If you need some powerups, you'll find a bunch of capsules along the floor. Once above, kill the lizard mutation that pops out of the tank. Run through the wall along the left. Jump up the three vertical beams, crouch, and wait for the arc shot. Now, rush the shooter and knock him out. Now, hop onto the elevator, rise, and jump punch the waiting guard above. He's smarter, and will fire when in proximity. The jump-punch should finish him off quickly though. Kill the next two alien lizards that pop out. Now, jump onto the beams to reach the area above, but only destroy the first two boxes. Use the last as a shield against the water fountain. Grab the heart, and start to sprint. Sprint and hop over any oncoming projectiles but don't slow down. One of the spickets will launch shots from behind your position, with a constant projectile on your arse. When you reach the next set of boxes, crouch, and progressively move on. A checkpoint powerup is inside one of them. Nail the arc guard near the boxes. Now, slide down the hill, and ignore the guard on the ledge. Take out the two arc shooters along the pit ledge, then climb the steps slightly, and jump-punch the ledge guard. Run up the stairs, and avoid the fire from the bottom guard. Grab the heart, run left, and hop down the pit. Go right and hop down. You'll hit some spikes. Drop down till you see a lone box. Meanwhile, you'll be taking fire from the left/right sides. Go right, take out the guard, and get some powerups. Now, go back left and hop down. Go down the stairs and take out the green guard. Take out the black guard on the left; run down the next set of stairs. Eliminate the two Black guards to your left. Drop down the small hole. Duck under the shot and punch this alien hybrid out. You'll reach another checkpoint along with two heart powerups. Run through the wall, and you'll land on a large lift. This time, the elevator will rise, but there will be occasional green spike columns above you. Start off by going to the far right, then move back to the left. Shuffle back and forth. Three jetpack guards will drop from above. Melee them down. Suddenly, a jetpack guard will grenadier the place with explosives. Get on the far RIGHT to avoid the explosives. Now, more spikes will rain down on you. Again, another series of 3 guards will drop down from above. Use the same strat as before. Now, QUICKLY run to the far LEFT to avoid another raindown by the jetpack. Suddenly, the mission will end. WHEW! ^^ PASSWORD: J8TPR ______________________ /Stage 05 - INNER CORE/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Again, you'll start off in some cybernetic core full of wonderous surprises. Start moving left. Punch the solid block wall away. Knock off the guard on the platform with a jump punch. You'll have 8-9 launch boosters on the ceiling to deal with. They fire at random intervals, but never in the same spot twice. Sprint across, but go under the last fired one for cover. Knock out the guard on the other side, and proceed up the elevator. There will be a series of 4 more guards to your right to deal with, ranging from the upper/lower ledge. Grab the heart at the edge of the room, and then jump up past the serpent torch. Run left now. Use the decreased platforms to crouch and take over from overhead fire. Take out the two guards up top. Drop down, run across the flame boilers, crouch, and eliminate the crouching guard. Jump up onto the sliding platform, and it shall move left. Take out the enemy, and make sure to pick up the powerups. Jump back down, go right, and run off the ledge. Fall down below. Now it gets tricky. Time your jump after the projectile flies over, and don't hit the spikes to your left. Get rid of the guard. Do the same for the second guard, and proceed off the ledge. Run right, making sure to duck from rear projectiles. Proceed through the secret wall. Now, jump over the shooting lizard, but don't go up to the second one. Run to the RIGHT of the lower one, and you'll hit ANOTHER secret wall. Make sure to duck from the backfire. Pelt out the boxes to free the way. Finally, you'll hit six more boxes and an elevator at the end. Hop on. Duck when you reach the top, wait for the projectile to miss, then jump-punch him. You will find a checkpoint near the top. Drop down to the right, and start to avoid the spike shooters. Make your way to the bottom, ensuring the mobile guard is taken out. Head right, and through the secret wall. Drop down, and proceed left. There will be engine boosters above your head. Do the slow walking as you did in the Ancient Temple level, to avoid being hit by the energy blasters. Watch for the alien hybrids that shoot horizontally across. Duck under, move slow, and wait for the projectile to drop. There are three aliens to take out. Reach the end, and you'll get another Heart. This should be enough to be a Wolf by now. Drop down through the boxes. More spike shooters are ready to greet you. Duck, but be quick. Proceed right and head through the secret wall. Immediately duck to avoid an enemy below from shooting you. Fire back, and grab the partial heart container. The next pit to the left has flames on the bottom that will kill you. Time your jump onto the alternating platform so you land when the first one is SOLID STONE. Now, just jump to the next, and next platform. They will alternate on an ODD pattern, which makes it easy. Don't try hopping seconds. Head left through the secret wall, eliminating boxes and tangos that get in your way. It should be easy now with the Wolf form. Drop down, head back to the right through the wall, and dito. When you reach the bottom ledge, go right through the secret wall, hit the enemy, and run. You'll find a Powerup and Checkpoint ahead after the last enemy. Head all the way back left, and you'll have another series of alternating platforms. Do the same as before, reach the secret wall, then jump onto the next three alternating ones. Once you reach solid ground, go left, take out the two targets, but don't go where the serpent shooter is. Stay on solid ground and jump across the pit hole. Jump down the pit, fall through the box, and kill the opponent to your right. Move right. Cut a left back under the railing, blow up the boxes, and take out the guard. Grab the 1UP powerup. Move back to the right, grab the powerups, and hit the checkpoint. Drop down towards the right and kill the two guards to your right. Move towards the right, and there will be several ledges. Hop up them to the top. Take out the three guards near the top. Move right, jump down, and pick up the next checkpoint powerup. Move into the next room, and a boss scene is about to take place. The room looks like this: ______________________ | | X marks where Draxx will warp to, starting from | | the upper right X. The idea is to get as many hits |_X_ <_X__| or shot projectiles you can on him. By now, you | ^ | should still be in Wolf form. The boss will shoot |_X__ < _X_| energy projectiles out at random locations, but they | ^ | NEVER go to an extreme upper or lower diagonally. |_________X___| He looks at the last place you were before warping in. You'll have to either jump over him from the upper ledges, or get in close on the lower. He is almost impossible to hit on the two upper ledges. When he starts warping below, jump over and behind him, and continue to crouch punch. His shooting intervals are random, so sometimes you'll get lucky when he spurts out 8 while turned around. *After defeating the boss, we're warped to a scene of what appears to be an elder man sitting on a small boat along with Wolfchild. If you press A, a game message is shown congratulating you on Draxx and his Chimera Organization being defeated. Kal (your father) is safe and the mutations have been destroyed. If you press A again, you'll see the ending credits. Only a handful of people made this game, so the budget was surely tight. You'll also get a GAME OVER screen with a message saying Mission Successful, and your HiScore being displayed. My highest score was 48200.* ^ There's nothing unlocked for beating the game; just a simple high score. . / V\ THE / ` / << | END / | / | / | / \ \ / ( ) | | ________| _/_ | | <__________\______)\__) -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================= - 5) Codes - ============================= Unfortunately, there are no additional codes for Wolfchild besides the level passwords. There's no invincibility or maxed out Wolf form you can enter by the touch of a password. To be quite frank, the game is cheap, and made cheaply. Regardless, I'd like to thank Gamewinners.com for confirming my passwords (you receive them after beating a level). Just making sure they were right. { LEVEL 2: WX9F2 {{ LEVEL 3: FD4RM {{{ LEVEL 4: VGK6S {{{{ LEVEL 5: J8TPR -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 6) Common Questions - ============================ )) Gameplay (( ---------------------------- << How is this game from a platforming standard? >> - To be honest, I'd say it's average. The game has fairly beautiful graphics for a simple SMS platformer that was pretty much unheard of. Even the enemies are clearly drawn into scale, with muscular arms, and the environments full of vibrant colors. Unfortunately, level design is cluttered at times, with twists and turns. The worst part of the game is the actual gameplay, since it's fairly slow framerate. Saul moves with slow speed, forcing you to often feel restricted. Not to mention the gameplay AI is fairly stupid. Most of the enemies can only shoot over you, and only later on will you encounter enemies who have the ability to "shift" aim near your vicinity with the good old 8- directional joystick. The game lacks excitement, as there is NO in-game action music. Just blankness and sound effects from your opponents are heard. Not to mention it only consists of five levels, you'll be in human form for the most part due to some challenging environment aspects. It simply grows old fast. I'd rate it a 5/10. << What other systems was Wolfchild released for? >> - The SMS version of the game is actually a downgrade when compared to the other titles. Wolfchild was also released for the SNES and Genesis, along with the GameGear, and Sega CD. It actually has a fairly large release list, with the better versions on SNES/Genesis consisting of eight levels. There are plenty of more powerups, enemies to encounter, and so on. Core Design did fairly well on the SMS version, but it felt too cheap to even bother playing through. It gave me some entertainment for an hour or so. << How rare is this game? >> - This version of the game is extremely rare. It was released in North America, but as you know, the NES pretty much pushed the SMS out of business. Because of this, and the overloading of Genesis releases, the SMS carts got pushed out completely. Most versions can only be found on eBay, and in certain instances only from European sellers. Of course, the game itself can go fairly cheap because nobody wants to play it! -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ========================================================== - 7) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines - ========================================================== This FAQ/Strategy Guide/Walkthrough is my own published work, and copyrighted by Christopher Zawada. Whatever you do, DO NOT edit this FAQ in any way. DO NOT steal anything from this FAQ. If you want to use some information in your own guide, simply ask me. If you want to place this guide on your website, either link to the GameFAQs game page, or download the file and place it on your own web server. Basically, you can post this on your website as long as its in ORIGINAL form, and not linking directly to GameFAQs. Aside from that, all proper credit is due when necessary. Also, don't even think about selling FAQs. Trying to prosper off of other people's work will get you in big time trouble (coming from an eBay seller myself). This is a list of the current known sites that host my FAQs: - http://www.gamefaqs.com/ - http://www.ign.com/ - http://www.neoseeker.com/ - http://www.cheatcc.com/ - http://www.cheatplanet.com/ -<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>- ============================ - 8) Proper Credit - ============================ I'd like to thank the following people for their help in making this FAQ possible: )) CJayC (( for constantly updating GameFAQs, and dedicating his entire life to it. Takes a lot of effort to keep a site going this long. )) Rootsecure.net (( for providing an ASCII generator which I used to create the title. Very nifty, useful as always, thanks. )) ASchultz & Masamune3 (( for the SMS Completion Project. It's the main reason I even bothered to FAQ this game. )) Gamewinners.com (( for confirming my password codes that I received during the game. It would be a shame to release incorrect passwords. "Some people make sacrifices to make other people happy." - Chris Zawada "Frrrrreeeeeeeeeeeddddoooooooooommmmm!" - William Wallace, Braveheart