--------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | | --\ /\ - - --- --\ --\ \ | | /--\ --- --\ /--\ | | | | |-/| | \ \ / |- |-/ |-/ /-\ |\ | | - |- |-/ \--\ | | | | | \/ / / --- | \ | \ / \ | \| \--/ --- | \ \--/ | | | | | | | | ------- ------- | | | | | --- -- -- ----- | --- ----\ --- ------ | | | | | | |\ /| | |--- / \ | | / | | | | | | | | \ / | |--- | | | |--/ | |--- | | | | | | | \/ | | | \ / | \ \ | | | | | - --- - - ----- --- --- --- -- --- ------ | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- F O R T H E G A M E B O Y A D V A N C E V e r s i o n 1 . 0 M a d e B y S t a r F i g h t e r s 7 6 Welcome all to my walkthrough on a game that is nowheres near as good as the series, called Power Rangers Time Force (based off the hit TV series) for the Gameboy Advance. I hope this walkthrough helps out as much as possible. Below is nothing but spoilers on the game (and possibly the TV series), so if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour and hit the Back button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need some help, please scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as your Spoiler Warning! ----------------- |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ----------------- SECTION 1: Intro A: Version Guide B: The Story Of Power Rangers Time Force C: What Is Power Rangers Time Force D: About This Walkthrough E: Control Configuration F: Special Attacks G: Introducing The Time Force Rangers SECTION 2: Walkthrough A: Before The Walkthrough B: Level 0 - Force From The Future C: Level 1 - The Old Wild West (Level 1-1 through Level 1-3) D: Level 2 - The Spanish Inquisition (Level 2-1 through Level 2-3) E: Level 3 - When In Rome (Level 3-1 through Level 3-3) F: Level 4 - The Sands Of Egypt (Level 4-1 through Level 4-3 G: Level 5 - Day Of The Dino (Level 5-1 through Level 5-3) H: Level 6 - The End Of Time SECTION 3: Important Stuff A: Items B: Enemies C: Bosses D: Codes SECTION 4: In Conclusion A: What's To Come B: Special Thanks C: Final Words ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SECTION 1: |INTRO| ----- ------------- A: |Version Guide| ------------- Version 1.0: Just finished making the walkthrough for the game, and submitted it to GameFAQS (05/11/07) ------------------------------------- B: |The Story Of Power Rangers Time Force| ------------------------------------- Taken from the insrtuction manual for the PlayStation version: The year is 3000 AD and the evil villain, Ransik, has taken over a prison complex. All of the inmates are monster criminals, who were shrunken and frozen for safekeeping in seal Cryo-Canisters. Now, with all of his inmates under his control, Ransik travels with them to the past in a prison ship in ortder to escape the harsh judicial system. The villains first stop in the year 2001, then they continue traveling even further back in time to steal ancient priceless Artifacts and cause mayhem - hoping to change the course of history. But the Time Force Power Rangers are not far behind! Ordered to pursue the prison ship and battle the villains, the Rangers fight their way through time to recapture the villains and return them to be punished for their crimes in the 30th century. Go Time Force Power Rangers! -------------------------------- C: |What Is Power Rangers Time Force| -------------------------------- Power Rangers Time Force is based off the hit TV series by the same name. This is the 9th Season of Power Rangers, which is also based off it's Japanese counterpart, Mirai Sentai Timeranger. Does this game fall in with the TV series? From what I can tell, it starts off just like "Force From The Future Part 1", however it kinda goes off in various directions after that point. Oh well, enjoy it just the same, I suppose ^_^. ---------------------- D: |About This Walkthrough| ---------------------- Several times throughout the walkthrough I will probably repeat myself. A few times would possibly be necessary, such as a Boss guide, as well as a few other things. Sometimes I do this without even realizing it, and sometimes I do it to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for on this walkthrough. This guide, like others, is described on how I played/beat the game. You have your methods as do I. This is just my way of doing it. I hope this helps out in anyways possible. --------------------- E: |Control Configuration| --------------------- These are the basic controls for the game: LEFT & RIGHT D-PAD = Allows you to move left or right LEFT & RIGHT TWICE D-PAD = Allows you to dash left or right DOWN D-PAD = Allows you to crouch down and scrolls down a bit UP D-PAD = Scrolls up a bit 'A' BUTTON = Allows you to jump 'A' BUTTON + UP D-PAD = Allows you to jump slightly higher 'A' BUTTON TWICE = Allows you to double jump 'A' BUTTON TWICE + UP D-PAD = Allows you to jump much higher 'B' BUTTON = Allows you to punch and kick 'A' BUTTON + 'B' BUTTON = Allows you to jump and punch 'R' BUTTON = Allows you to use the Chrono Saber 'L' BUTTON = Allows you to use the Vortex Blaster SELECT BUTTON = Allows you to switch between Rangers START BUTTON = Allows you to pause the game These are the basic controls for the Time Force Megazord: LEFT & RIGHT D-PAD = Allows you to move left or right DOWN D-PAD = Allows you to crouch down UP D-PAD = Does nothing 'A' BUTTON = Allows you to jump 'B' BUTTON = Allows you to use your sword 'A' BUTTON + 'B' BUTTON = Allows you to jump and use your sword 'L' & 'R' BUTTON = Does nothing SELECT BUTTON = Does nothing START BUTTON = Allows you to pause the game --------------- F: |Special Attacks| --------------- When your Special Energy Meter is full, you can pull off one of three Special Attacks. Listed below are those attacks: 1. FULL BODY SHOCK: Press the 'B' BUTTON to charge up your body, then press it again to release the energy, destroying all monsters on the screen. 2. TIME STRIKE: Press the 'B' BUTTON to charge up and after that, press the 'R' BUTTON to shoot out and energy arrow that will destroy everything in your path. You must have the Chronosaber to pull this off. 3. VORTEX BLAST: Press the 'B' BUTTON to charge up and press the 'L' BUTTON to cause a massive explosion, destroying everything insight. You must have the Vortex Blaster to pull this off. Keep in mind that while you are charging up, you can be attacked which will cancel out the charge up. ---------------------------------- G: |Introducing The Time Force Rangers| ---------------------------------- These are the Rangers you can play as. You can switch between them by pressing SELECT. Here they are: 1. Red Ranger STATS: Life = 4; Attack = 3; Special = 2 2. Blue Ranger STATS: Life = 3; Attack = 2; Special = 4 3. Green Ranger STATS: Life = 5; Attack = 1; Special = 2 4. Yellow Ranger STATS: Life = 4; Attack = 5; Special = 2 5. Pink Ranger STATS: Life = 4; Attack = 2; Special = 3 6. Quantum Ranger STATS: None, but is stronger than the other 5 Rangers. 7. Time Force Megazord STATS: None Please note that the Quantum Ranger can only be activated by collecting a Quantum Morpher. If you happen to switch to another Ranger while as the Quantum Ranger, you will lose the ability to play as the Quantum Ranger until you find another Quantum Morpher. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- SECTION 2: |WALKTHROUGH| ----------- ---------------------- A: |Before The Walkthrough| ---------------------- 1. Before you emailing me asking, you can not unlock/play as the following: Fire Battle Red Ranger, Mega Battle Quantum Ranger, Time Force Megazord Mode Blue, Time Shadow Megazord, Shadow Force Megazord (Mode Red or Mode Blue), Trans Warp Megazord or Q-Rex (aka Quantasaurus Rex) Megazord. DO NOT e- mail asking me about this. 2. In Level 0, you will notice the Red Ranger taking out the Cyclobots easily. This will not be the case the other levels, because (if you have seen the TV series), the Red Ranger of the future is much stronger than the 21st Century Red Ranger. 3. Throughout the levels, there will be tons of items scattered about. I will not describe how to get all the items, as they are not totally necessary to complete the levels. For that, I will only talk about the items you collect along the way. You wanna go after the others, go for it, you'd be on your own if you do. The only exception to this will be Ranger Icons, Quantum Morpher, Chrono Sabers, Vortex Blasters and Time Stoppers. ------------------------------- B: |Level 0 - Force From The Future| ------------------------------- Here we go, the first level, well sorta. This level is pretty much a prolouge to the game, as well as a tutorial. This level could easily be similar to "Force From The Future Part 1" from the TV series. So with that, let's get started! You start off on the 3rd Floor. Go right and take out the first Cyclobot, then go right a bit more to pick up the LARGE HEALTH BOX. Keep going right and go through the tube, which will drop you down to the 2nd Floor. There is a TIME STOPPER on the otherside of the tube, but I have no idea how to get to it. Once here, head left, take out the Cyclobots along the way and you will come across SMALL ENERGY BOLT, then a SMALL HEALTH BOX after that. Circuit will tell you that Ransik tore up the place badly (duh). At the otherside, drop through the tube, leading to the 1st Floor. Once here, take out the Cyclobots, then Circuit will tell you to catch up to Ransik quickly. After that, pick up the LARGE POWER BOLT, continue going right all the way. Head through the entryway, and a cutscene will take place. If you have not seen the TV series, the following cutscene will be a rough spoiler for it: Ransik takes out the Red Ranger and the other Rangers shows up. Ransik then says that in order to take over the future, he will take over the past, and teleports away. Circuit will tell you to go through the time portal and capture him, and that you'll be able to find a replacement Red Ranger in the 21st Century. After this, the story of the game will appear. With that, you have completed this level! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- C: |Level 1 - The Old Wild West| --------------------------- C I T Y O V E R W O R L D : You are now in the 21st Century. Pick up the RANGER ICON to activate the Red Ranger for this time period. Now Circuit will tell you that Ransik will need money to carry out his plans. He will also say that his sensors is picking up someone breaking into the bank. Now when you play these city stages, here is alot of power-ups scattered about throughout the entire area. You don't need to collect any of them (unless you really want to), so for these stages I will just tell you what you need to do. With that, from where you pick up the RANGER ICON, just go left taking out Cyclobots and collecting any HEALTH BOXES along the way. Eventually you will come across the bank. Once there, Circuit will point out the obvious, which is the monster known as Dymonbac is there robbing it. With that, Dymonbac tells you he will get his riches elsewheres. With that, you will be teleported to the old west. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 1 - 1 : Welcome to the old west! Circuit will warn you about the dangers ahead of you, and tells you to get the Chronosaber to help you out, so get that right away. This first part is a bit of a maze like area, so below is a nice ASCII map of the entire layout for this level: ______ ___ ___________ _____ _______________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |=| | | |=| _______ ___| | __/ | |=| ____ | | |=| |___ | | | |___ |___| | | \ \ |_____| | === \ | \_ |START \______| |____| \______ |______ | | | |______ |_________| | | | \_______ ___________ | | | | | \__________________| | | ______________| |__________________________________| | | | |______________ _________________________________________| |XXX| Now you don't have to cover every single spot in this particular level, so I will just describe how to get through here, and to the next level. With that, get the Chrono Saber (which you probably have already done lol), and head straight a bit taking out the Cowboybot. You should be at a 4-way intersection, but just jump over that and continue heading right all the way to the other end. Along the way, collect the SMALL HEALTH BOX (there will be a Cowboybot here). Keep going after that and you should be at a mine cart. Jump over that and keep going right, down the short hill, taking out more enemies and collecting the SMALL HEALTH BOX. Keep going after that until you reach the otherside. There will be a LARGE POWER BOLT and a LARGE HEALTH BOX along the wall. Get those, and jump up to the left, then jump up the other platform. Now jump left into the wall, and you'll see that it's a fake wall, which leads to a secret room. In here is a RANGER ICON, LARGE HEALTH BOX and another TIME STOPPER. Get those (except for the Time Stopper, as you already have one) and head back to the lone platform. Now jump to the upper right platform, and continue following the path. More Cowboybots will be in the way, so make sure you take those out and go right. You should be at a ledge now, and once there, jump over the gap and land on the next ledge (there's a couple LARGE HEALTH BOXES in the sky if you need them). Keep going right and you will be in LEVEL 1-2. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 1 - 2 : Circuit will tell you the Dymonbac is in the bank at the otherside of this town. Now there is two ways to get through this level, either on the ground or on the rooftops. If you take the rooftops, there are tons of goodies up there (including some TIME BADGES), but there is also some Cowboybots. On the ground level, there are a few power-ups and the same amount of trouble. Whichever way you take, make sure you get to the otherside, where there is a barn like structure. Now if you entered the barn from the top, just wait a moment for people who took the other way to catch up ;). Head into the barn to the otherside. There will be a blue Cowboybot (which is a bit more tougher) and a SMALL HEALTH BOX. At the otherside, jump up to the left and follow the platform to the leftside (where the top opening is). Jump up above the opening to get a TIME BADGE, then head to upper right platform and follow the path. Head to the otherside of the upper platform and you will see another opening (above that is a SMALL HEALTH BOX hidden in the corner, you can't see it, but it's there). At the opening, go out it and jump to the upper rooftop on the right. Up there is a RANGER ICON and a QUANTUM MORPHER. Get that, so you can become the Quantum Ranger. Continue along the rooftops, at the end of the farthest right rooftop, jump over to get 2 LARGE HEALTH BOXES and a LARGE POWER BOLT. After this, you will drop down to the lowest level. At that point, head right a bit and Circuit will tell you that Dymonbac is just ahead. With that head right to Level 1-3. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 1 - 3 : Right away, Dymonbac will tell you that he will destroy you for interfering. At that moment the boss fight will begin. But first off, ignore the boss and head to the rightside of this area and jump up. There will be a RANGER ICON waiting for you. Now for the boss! BOSS # 1: DYMONBAC An easy boss, his main attacks are phsyical ones, which include swinging his tail at you (from a distance) and slashing at you when he's up close. He can also be rather quick and on you. To defeat will be simple. Assuming you have saved a TIME STOPPER from the previous level, use that right away to freeze him and start attacking with normal attacks. As soon as that wears off, use your Special Attack (doesn't matter which). If he is still standing after that, just hit him a couple times and he will be down. And with that, he will grow. Circuit tells you to use the Time Force Megazord Saber to completely take him out. There is really no point of making a boss guide for this one, since it's extremely easy. All you have to do is attack him enough times until your Special Attack Meter is full. Sure you will take some hits, but you'll still be able to pull this off easily just the same. After that, the megazord will perform it's finishing attack which will fully destroy Dymonbac. Doing this will complete this entire level! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- D: |Level 2 - The Spanish Inquisition| --------------------------------- C I T Y O V E R W O R L D : Once again, you are back on the City Overworld. Circuit will tell you that you must find Ransik and bring him back to the future. He will also tell you that another one of his monsters is robbing the Jewelry Store. So now we know where we must go next. And with that, head left. You will have to fight a few Cyclobots, but there is no health items along the way. Still it won't be so hard. Eventually you will come across the Jewelry Store, and when you do, you will see Mutaneer! He will notice you and take off. You will now be teleported to what looks like a Spanish Fort. Circuit will tell you that you are in the 1700's and that Mutaneer is here to steal the gold. Now you must find him! --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 2 - 1 : Circuit will tell you about the Vortex Blaster ahead of you. A bit of trivia for you, in the TV series, these are called V- Weapons, and when all 5 V-Weapons combine, they form the Vortex Blaster ^_^. Now before getting it, jump into the wall and you will get a TIME BADGE. Now with that, collect the VORTEX BLASTER. Now, you are on the Main Floor, so head right, and you will come across a couple Piratebots. They are as tough as Cowboybots, and have bombs for weapons. Take them out, and keep going right, taking out more Piratebots. Get to the archway, look up and you'll notice an opening. Jump up to it and you'll be on the Rooftop. Jump left from ledge to ledge (if you fall in between them, you will fall onto the Main Floor). Along the way is a SMALL POWER BOLT and SMALL HEALTH BOX and at the otherside is a RANGER ICON. Now head back to the Main Floor. Once here, continue heading right, taking out more Piratebots. Pass the second cannon is an open wall, and above that is a crack in the roof. Jump up through the crack to be on the Rooftop again. Go left to find a SMALL HEALTH BOX and LARGE POWER BOLT, and to the right is a TIME BADGE and at the far rightside of the rooftop is a TIME STOPPER (get that!). Now head back down to the Main Floor. Continue going right and at the other end, drop down to the Basement. Go right and there will be a weak wall which leads to a LARGE HEALTH BOX. Now go left, and follow the long path to the otherside, taking out Piratebots and collecting various power-ups. At the otherside, there will be a weak wall in the upperleft side, which will lead to a LARGE HEALTH BOX. After that, drop down to the bridge, which this is the Sewers. Head right, and follow the path all the way to the otherside. Now this can be tricky with the Piratebots in the way, because you will have to do some platform jumping. Don't be afraid to use your Vortex Blaster if need be. As for power-ups, a LARGE HEALTH BOX halfway through this. Now once you are the otherside, you will see some posts sticking up. Jump up on the highest one, and then jump up to the upperleft, where you will land on a ledge. Once you do that, jump above that to the higher ledge. Head left a bit and jump up for a RANGER ICON and a QUANTUM MORPHER. Now at the ledge, jump up to the right to get 2 LARGE HEALTH BOXES and a LARGE POWER BOLT. You will drop down all the way to where the posts were. Once there, head right and you will be taken to LEVEL 2-2. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 2 - 2 : Circuit will tell you not to jump in the water, or else. Ummm, DUH! Anyways, you start off on an island. Now head just a bit to the left and drop down (don't worry it's safe), and you will land on a platform. Down here, you will see a CHRONOSABER and LARGE POWER BOLT. Now with that, jump back ontop of the island, and head right, jumping from platform to platform, taking out any Piratebots that is in your way. Throughout this level, there are some platforms that you can jump up to (you may have to double jump), which will have some power-ups. If any are of importance, I'll point it out. Keep going and you will see a large overturned boat. Get to the rightside of it, and you can carefully jump into the boat. Inside is a LARGE HEALTH BOX and a TIME STOPPER (hidden). Now head back out of this boat and keep going right. Carefully make your way to the second overturned boat (along the way is a SMALL HEALTH BOX). Once at the second boat, you can drop down into the opening, and when you do, go to the leftside to get a QUANTUM MORPHER. Now back on the boat, keep going right taking out Piratebots. Eventually you will come across a pirate ship. Jump onto it, and go to the first Piratebot. From there, double jump upwards to the upper platform (there is another Piratebot here). Jump over to the right to the next platform, which will have a RANGER ICON on it. And if you keep going along these upper platforms, will be a CHRONOSABER (but you won't need it, hopefully). Keep going right, taking out Piratebots, and there will be a platform which has a LARGE HEALTH BOX, LARGE POWER BOLT and QUANTUM MORPHER. Get those if need be, and head right, which will take you to LEVEL 2-3. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 2 - 3 : And once here, Mutaneer comes charging at you, telling you that he's ready for you. But before we get started, head to the rightside and jump up for the RANGER ICON. There is also 2 LARGE HEALTH BOXES as well, but don't get it yet. With that, we can begin this battle! BOSS #2: MUTANEER For this battle, Mutanner has some sword swinging attacks as well as an attack which will shoot boulders at you. The only tough thing about him is his high Life Meter. So what can we do to take him out, well you have one advantage and that's the higher platform, which you can use to charge up your special. To take him out, use your TIME STOPPER first and knock him down a bit, then use your Special Vortex Blaster Attack which will knock him down further. After that, he should have just a little health left, so just use regular attacks on him. If your life is getting low, use the LARGE HEALTH BOXES. After a bit, you will be able to take him out! But don't think it's that easy, he will now grow! Once again, no need to tell you how to defeat him, because he will be easy (he uses the same attacks as before). After getting your Special Meter up the full point, you'll be able to defeat him completely. Doing this will complete this entire level! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- E: |Level 3 - When In Rome| ---------------------- C I T Y O V E R W O R L D : Once again you are back in the City Overworld. Circuit will tell you that there is a disturbance at the Sports Arena, so head there now! You should be standing outside of the Jewelry Store, so just simply head right, taking out any Cyclobots along the way. Power-ups along the way is 4 SMALL HEALTH BOXES. At the other end of the City Overworld, you will find the Iron Sinnator. He will tell you that you won't stop him. And with that, you will be transported to Ancient Greece. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 3 - 1 : Nothing really noteworthy happens when you start off, so let's get going. From the starting point, head right, jumping over the river spikes. Chances are when you jump over it, you will land on an upper platform. When you do, just keep jumping upwards, until you reach the highest point. When you do, there will be a long upper platform area. Head left and you will find the Chronosaber. Now head right, following the platform. Take out the Centurionbot and keep going right, jumping over any gap you see (ignore any power-up along the way). This will take awhile to get through *twiddles thumbs*. For a landmark, you should be at a point where there is a LARGE HEALTH BOX and a Centurionbot directly in front of you. Just past that, walk a few few until you get to a ledge. When you do, jump upwards onto the roof type area above you. When you get ontop of the roof, head left ALL THE WAY to the otherside. Good news is, no enemies, bad news, it's a long-ass walk (don't worry, it's worth the journey). Once at the other end, jump up to collect a RANGER ICON, TIME STOPPER, LARGE HEALTH BOX and VORTEX BLASTER. After that, now head back right all the way. After about 30 seconds of just running, you will eventually be at the ledge from before. Now just drop down all the way to ground level. You might wanna lean a little to the left when you are dropping down because you will be greeted by a few Centurionbots. When you are on the ground level, towards the left is a SMALL HEALTH BOX. There are more items if you go left, but they are not important so just ignore them. Now, from the Health Box you got, head right, take out the enemies and keep going (collect the SMALL POWER BOLT and SMALL HEALTH BOX). You will come to another area where you can jump up platforms (just like earlier in this level). Jump up them and you will be at another upper platform area. Up here is a Centurionbot and a SMALL HEALTH BOX. On the rooftop of this area is a TIME STOPPER and a QUANTUM MORPHER. While still on the rooftop, head right all the way, and at the ledge, jump right into the coliseum. There are multiple "floors" you can be on, while on the coliseum, so from top to bottom, this is what items are there (if any): None, SMALL HEALTH BOX, none, RANGER ICON, LARGE POWER BOLT, SMALL POWER BOLT. Also on the ground level is some Centurionbots. Circuit will tell you that Sinnator is now in the coliseum, so go after him. With that, head right which will take you to LEVEL 3-2. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 3 - 2 : You are now inside the coliseum, and it might get a little confusing, so I decided to draw up a nice ASCII map of the layout to give you a general idea of what's ahead of you. This area can be rather tough, so you need to be really careful. ________________________________________ With that, from the | | starting point, | ______ ____________________ __| head right, get the |___/ _____| |_______________ __| |__ LARGE HEALTH BOX ____| | | | and jump over the | _ _ _ __ | | === | acid pits. Take out | | | | | | | | | ==| |__ | the Centurionbot |________| |^| |^| |^| | | __| __| and get the SMALL _______________________| ==| | |__ POWER BOLT. Now | | | | keep going right |=== _ ==| | === | taking out enemies |BOSS / |____________________| |__ | and collecting |____/ _______________ __| __| power-ups. Once you | |=| |__ make it to the |_______________|=| | otherside, there ______________________________| === | will be a TIME |START | BADGE, but ignore | _ _ _ __ ___________| that for just a |____/ |^^| |^^| |^^| \_____/ moment. Instead jump up on the platform above you, then jump to the left wall, which is an invisible wall (there is a Centurionbot) in there. With that, keepg going left and you will find a QUANTUM MORPHER and a LARGE HEALTH BOX. After that, head back to where you see the TIME BADGE and get that. Now from that point, jump upwards from platform to platform until you reach the highest point. Now be careful because there are some spikes along the walls, which will make the journey more tricky. There is also a Centurionbot and a LARGE HEALTH BOX along the way. Once you reach the top, you will see a LARGE POWER BOLT. Get that (if you can), then head left, taking out any enemy along the way. You will come to a gap in the floor. Drop down that and lean to the right a bit (don't worry about the leftside, nothing of importance is over there). Now jump right across the gaps (don't land in them because there is spikes down there) and at the otherside is a Centurionbot. Take it out and keep going right down the step. Drop down past the step, all the way to the bottom level. Along the way down is a TIME BADGE, and at the bottom level is a SMALL HEALTH BOX. Now there is a RANGER ICON within the wall (to the left of the Time Badge), but I dunno how to get it or any other item that's in there, sorry! Anyways, you should be on the bottom level, and with that, head left, jump up on the pillar and keep going left, jumping across the pillars (it's safer than walking in spikes). After 4 pillars, you will see a steep slope, which is where you need to be. As you make it down the slope, jump to the left (over the spikes). Just to the left of the spikes, jump upwards and you will see an upper platform. Up there is a LARGE HEALTH BOX and a TIME STOPPER (and a Centurionbot). Get those, and drop down, taking out more Centurionbots. Circuit will remind you that Sinnator is just ahead, so head left to LEVEL 3-3. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 3 - 3 : In this area, head left just a bit, and Sinnator will come out at you, basically saying he's gonna kick your butt. No Ranger Icons this time, but there is a VORTEX BLASTER in the upperright corner, and spikes on both sides of the area. Now let's just get to the boss fight. BOSS #03: SINNATOR For this boss fight, Sinnator will shoot missles at you, as well as drop bombs on you. Both of these will do little damage to you. He will also do alot of phsyical attacks to you. This will be rather easy actually, if you haven't used your Time Stopper. First off, use your Time Stopper and start hitting him. After that wears off, jump to the upperleft side for a TIME BADGE. Now use that and keep fighting Sinnator. Now use your Special Attack on him. This should take alot of energy out of him, so with what's left, just use physical attacks on him. If you are able to max your Special Attack Meter again, use that. A couple more hits after that and he will be defeated! But guess what, that's not all. Sinnator will grow, so it's time for another simple megazord battle. After poking at it for awhile, you will be able to take it out with your saber. After that, he will be destroyed and you will have completed this level! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- F: |Level 4 - The Sands Of Egypt| ---------------------------- C I T Y O V E R W O R L D : Well, you're now back in the City Overworld. Circuit will tell you that someone is breaking into the Museum, stealing stuff, so you best hurry to the Museum. You should be at the Sports Arena, so just head left all the way to the otherside of the Overworld Area. There are more Cyclobots than before, so be careful. As you make your way to the otherside, there will be 4 SMALL HEALTH BOXES along the way to help you out. Once you make it to the Museum, Circuit will tell you that Dark Queen is the one stealing the artifacts. After that, you will be transported to the Egyptian Empire. Circuit will say that Dark Queen is planning on stealing the treasures found here, so you must stop her! --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 4 - 1 : To let you know now, this level is rather tough, atleast moreso than the last few levels. From where you start off at, you will be greeted by some Egyptianbots, which are tough. After that, jump upwards and to the right to pick up the Chronosaber and head right to the wall. An Egyptianbot will be waiting for you, so carefully take it out and jump up onto the rooftop. Keep going right, passing up some more enemies, and eventually you'll get a SMALL HEALTH BOX. After that, keep going right and along the way, you'll come across two more SMALL HEALTH BOXES and a SMALL POWER BOLT. There are more Egyptianbots as well, and they will gang up on you very quickly. After all of this, you should be at the far right wall. So what now, see the lowest rooftop (where the Power Bolt was), well jump up on that, then jump left to the next rooftop, and then left again to the third rooftop (where an Egyptianbot is). Walk to the wall on this rooftop, jump up and above there is a LARGE HEALTH BOX. Now go to where that power-up is, and head right along the upper rooftops. At the second rooftop will be a TIME BADGE, LARGE HEALTH BOX and a TIME STOPPER. Get those and this next jump is tricky. At the edge where you got these power-ups, jump up and to the right to grab a QUANTUM RANGER, TIME BADGE and LARGE POWER BOLT (this may take a couple times to get). Chances are you will drop back down to the ground level, which if you do, a LARGE HEALTH BOX will along the way down. Assuming you are on the ground level, head back onto the rooftops (don't drop off or you'll have to start over), and keep going left across the rooftops. Many power-ups can be found along the way, so collect them if need be. Enemies are also around, so be careful. After a long journey of rooftop hopping, you will finally be at the otherside. Here Circuit will tell you that Dark Queen is on the move! But before we move on, jump directly up from there to get a RANGER ICON and a LARGE POWER BOLT. Now head left which will take you to LEVEL 4-2. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 4 - 2 : Circuit will tell you that Dark Queen is making herself at home in the Valley Of The Kings and to look out for various traps. Now this part can be done many ways, most of which I won't cover (as I am only going after the main power-up items). You are more than welcome to explore this area if you want, but you'd be on your own. So with that, from where you start off at, jump directly upwards to get 2 LARGE POWER BOLTS, a TIME BADGE and a LARGE HEALTH BOX. Now head right along the ground to see a SMALL POWER BOLT. After that will be a pit, but don't worry, it's safe to jump in. In here is a LARGE HEALTH BOX, and if you drop down to the floor and head left, you'll find a CHRONOSABER, VORTEX BLASTER, TIME BADGE and TIME STOPPER. Now as I said, you can explore as much as you want of this area, but if you want a quick route to the boss, follow me. From where you got all of those items, head right and stay in this secret passage. You will come across some spike traps, which are easy to avoid, and several power-ups, including LARGE HEALTH BOXES and SMALL POWER BOLTS. And of course, there are more Egyptianbots too. I know this may look tough, but really, this is an easy path honestly, just don't touch the spikes. When you come across two SMALL HEALTH BOXES, jump upwards and you will see 3 openings. The right opening has a RANGER ICON, and after that, jump up through that opening and to the right, and you will be above ground. Now head right (taking out the Egyptianbot) and head to the otherside. You will be greeted with a CHRONOSABER, LARGE POWER BOLT and a LARGE HEALTH BOX. Now drop down into the opening below that, and then head right leading to LEVEL 4-3. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 4 - 3 : Upon arriving here, Dark Queen will pretty much tell you that you will be history, so let's get ready for a boss fight! Before the fight though, jump to the upper right corner to get a RANGER ICON (hidden in the pillar). Now we can begin the fight! BOSS #4: DARK QUEEN This fight is a bit tougher than before. Dark Queen will shoot out 8 laser beams at you, so make sure you avoid them. She will also do some good physical attacks as well as blocking. So what to do, simple. Use your Time Stopper first, and get in some good hits. After that, charge up and use your Vortex Blaster Special Attack to knock down alot of life. After just keep attacking it. Once the Special Attack Meter is full, use another Vortex Blaster Special Attack. If need be, there are LARGE HEALTH BOXES in the remaining corners. This will take much more work than the previous bosses, but after enough you will be able to defeat her! But once again, after taking Dark Queen out, she will grow, so you will have to use the Time Force Megazord once again. Now this time the fight will be a bit more difficult, but you should be able to get through here pretty fairly. After finally defeating Dark Queen, you will have completed this level! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- F: |Level 5 - Day Of The Dino| ------------------------- C I T Y O V E R W O R L D : After taking care of the problems in Ancient Egypt, you should be standing right outside of the Museum. Circuit will call out to you for help, that, well, you just gonna have head to the Clocktower to see for yourself. With that, head right, and you will notice that there are Cyclobots everywhere. Try to take out what you can along the way (there will be a SMALL HEALTH BOX to help you out) and as soon as you get to the Clocktower, you will see Chillakrush standing at the foot of the building. He will tell you that if you want to see Circuit in one piece, to follow him. Of course you do so, and Circuit manages to escape. However he said you have walked into a trap and now are in the prehistoric era, and that Chillakrush plans on keeping you here. So let's stop him now! --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 5 - 1 : We start off this level with a Raptorbot in front of you. Take it out to get an idea of hard it will be take these out. Now from where you start off at, jump up into the trees to get a Chronosaber. Now this area is rather straightforward with lots of jumps to make, so let's get going. Head to the edge here, and drop down to the right (it's safe). You will see a LARGE HEALTH BOX and another Raptorbot. Above that is a tree branch, which you need to jump up on. Up there, jump up to the right to another branch then up to the left to get a TIME STOPPER. Back to the previous branch, then jump up to the right and you'll find a VORTEX BLASTER. From that branch, you should see a QUANTUM MORPHER on the lower right branch, so get that to become the Quantum Ranger. From there, jump to the left and you will land on a hillish area, where a LARGE HEALTH BOX sits at the top of it. Continue going right from there, jumping over the pits and taking out enemies. At the highest point of the hillish area, start heading down the hill towards the right (there should be a SMALL HEALTH BOX on a branch). This next part will be a bit annoying, you need to jump across several small platforms. Along the way will be some Raptorbots, as well as a LARGE POWER BOLT, a LARGE HEALTH BOX and a RANGER ICON. Don't be afraid to use your Vortex Blaster to take out some enemies from a distance. At the otherside of this jump on the solid ground, then double jump upwards at the tree to reach the high up branch, where a SMALL HEALTH BOX is. Back down on the solid ground, continue going right up the small hill and on the otherside of this hill, you should see a TIME BADGE. Get that, and continue going right, taking out enemies. You should soon be on a hill that's going downwards to the right. Jump over the pit and there will be a tree with a LARGE HEALTH BOX on a high branch. After that, and you will come across a few more small platforms, which you need to jump over. Along the way you will see a VORTEX BLASTER. At the otherside of these platforms is some solid ground, and a tree. Jump up where the tree is to find a LARGE HEALTH BOX and SMALL POWER BOLT on the left branch and a QUANTUM MORPHER on the right branch. After that, get back to the solid ground and Circuit will tell you that Chillakrush is on the move. So head right and you will be in LEVEL 5-2. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 5 - 2 : Circuit will warn you about the icy slopes and platforms, so be careful. Now for this section, you need to make your way upwards. Starting off, double jump where you are standing, and you can get a LARGE HEALTH BOX, a QUANTUM MORPHER and a RANGER ICON. After that, head right, jump across all the pits. Now make sure you stay generally on the lower level until you reach the otherside. As for power-ups, a SMALL HEALTH BOX, a LARGE HEALTH BOX and a SMALL POWER BOLT can be found. Where you found the Large Health Box, you can see on the bottom platform a TIME STOPPER and a TIME BADGE. After that, get to the platform above those items (a Raptorbot would be there). On that platform, jump to the upper hillish platform on the left (you will see a VORTEX BLASTER and a TIME BADGE on the right). Now on this hillish platform, head left jumping from one platform to another, collecting power-ups and taking out enemies. Like before, stay generally along this area, until you reach the otherside (a Raptorbot will greet you there). This time, jump to the upper hillish platform on the right, and repeat the process across these higher platforms. At the otherside, jump directly up for a SMALL POWER BOLT and a LARGE POWER BOLT. Now turn around and head back left along the highest platforms there are. These are small platforms, and with Raptorbots on them, can cause a problem. Get to the otherside of this, collecting various power-ups. Once at the otherside Circuit will tell you that this is it! You should notice a QUANTUM MORPHER just below that, but ignore that unless you want to climb the mountain again. Anyways, head left past Circuits speech and you will be in LEVEL 5-3. --------------------------------------------------------------- L E V E L 5 - 3 : Here we go, another boss fight! Now this might be considered as the final boss, and I will explain why after the fight. For now, Chillakrush will come at you and tells you the same thing the other bosses have told you, that you are finished. Before the fight though, head to the upper right corner to get a RANGER ICON. Now onto the boss fight. BOSS #5: CHILLAKRUSH This guy has a large Life Meter, so be ready. His attacks will be slamming his giant hammer down, sending out a small shockwave (nothing to worry about), as well as start beating you with his hammer. What do you do, use your Time Stopper first, and start whacking the guy down. After that a bit, use your Vortex Blaster special ability to take a little more damage down. Now jump to the upper left corner and there will be a TIME BADGE, so you have a little bit of protection. After that wears off, you should have your Special Attack Meter full, so use another Special Attack. Repeat this last part as many times as it will take to finish off Chillakrush. If you need it, there are two LARGE HEALTH BOXES in the remaining corners. After enough, Chillakrush will be finished. Or is he finished? Now he will grow, so another megazord battle is upon us. He's just as tough as Dark Queen is, so just finish him off the same way as other megazord battles. After awhile he will be finished, and you will have completed this level! --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- H: |Level 6 - The End Of Time| ------------------------- Now here's the problem with this level. Ransik will teleport in, thinking Chillakrush has finished the Rangers off, only to see that the Rangers are victorious. After that, Ransik tries to escape but the Rangers capture him, and that's it, game over. You can fight him but to do that, I'm not totally sure how you can do that (as in what you have to unlock). However, there is a code where you can actually fight him in a megazord battle (why couldn't this happen in the TV series?!), which I will mention in a moment. What will happen is that Ransik says you may have finished his monsters off, but now you must fight him. And that you shall, in the future no less. BOSS #6: RANSIK (use code 8QSD) Now this one might give you some trouble. His attacks including slashing at you with his sword (and he will come at you fast), shoot thick laser beams as well as throwing tons of bombs around as he spins around. For you, step back and when you see an opening, go up to him and start attacking him like crazy. You will take alot of damage due to his attacks, but if you keep being persistant, you will defeat him. And with that, Ransik will tell you that he will get his revenge on you. After that, sit back and watch the credits (how boring). Now if you know how to fight Ransik without needing the code, please let me know and I will credit you. But with that, I congradulate you on beating Power Rangers Time Force for the Gameboy Advance! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- SECTION 3: |IMPORTANT STUFF| --------------- ----- A: |Items| ----- These are the items that are found throughout the game. 1. HEALTH BOX - These items are blue squares with red crosses on them. The large ones will refill all of your Life Meter, while the small ones will refill a small portion of it. 2. TIME BADGE - These look like the Time Force Badges. Grabbing one will make you invincible for a very short time. 3. POWER BOLTS - These bolts will fill up your Special Energy Meter. The larger ones will fill it up all the way and the small ones will fill up a small portion of it. 4. TIME STOPPER - These are stop watches, that when you use them (press UP D-PAD and 'B' BUTTON) will freeze enemies for a short period of time. 5. RANGER ICONS - These look like Ranger Icons. Collecting one will revive one fallen Ranger. If all of your Rangers are still active, these will then act as a continue icon. 6. CHRONO SABER - These twin sword like weapons, which can help you when fighting various enemies. These aren't as strong as phyiscal attacks are. 7. VORTEX BLASTER - These long ranger weapons can shoot enemies from a distance and take them out much easier. These will use up your Special Energy Meter. Also known as V-Weapons in the series. 8. QUANTUM MORPHER - These are similar to the Quantum Morpher that's seen in the TV series. Pick these up and you will become the Quantum Ranger, which is more powerful than the other Rangers. ------- B: |Enemies| ------- These are the enemies you will come across in this game. 1. CYCLOBOTS: These are the only enemies you will find in all levels. Not that hard to take out. They will carry guns that they will shoot you with. 2. COWBOYBOTS: These are only in Level 1. Slightly more tough than the Cyclobots. They have whips which they can hit you with from a distance. The blue ones are much tougher. 3. PIRATEBOTS: These are only in Level 2. These are slightly more tough than previous enemies. They will throw bombs at you from a distance. 4. CENTURIONBOTS: These are only found in Level 3. These are pretty tough, more so than Piratebots, and will throw spears at you from a distances. 5. EGYPTIANBOTS: These are only found in Level 4. These are extremely tough and will launch powerful energy bolts at you. They will take alot to take out. 6. RAPTORBOTS: These are only found in Level 5. These are just as tough as Egyptianbots, and will jump fast and far at you. They will take a bit more to take out than Egyptianbots. ------ C: |Bosses| ------ These are the bosses that are in this game: BOSS #1: DYMONBAC (from Level 1) An easy boss, his main attacks are phsyical ones, which include swinging his tail at you (from a distance) and slashing at you when he's up close. He can also be rather quick and on you. To defeat will be simple. Assuming you have saved a TIME STOPPER from the previous level, use that right away to freeze him and start attacking with normal attacks. As soon as that wears off, use your Special Attack (doesn't matter which). If he is still standing after that, just hit him a couple times and he will be down. BOSS #2: MUTANEER (from Level 2) For this battle, Mutanner has some sword swinging attacks as well as an attack which will shoot boulders at you. The only tough thing about him is his high Life Meter. So what can we do to take him out, well you have one advantage and that's the higher platform, which you can use to charge up your special. To take him out, use your TIME STOPPER first and knock him down a bit, then use your Special Vortex Blaster Attack which will knock him down further. After that, he should have just a little health left, so just use regular attacks on him. If your life is getting low, use the LARGE HEALTH BOXES. After a bit, you will be able to take him out! BOSS #3: SINNATOR (from Level 3) For this boss fight, Sinnator will shoot missles at you, as well as drop bombs on you. Both of these will do little damage to you. He will also do alot of phsyical attacks to you. This will be rather easy actually, if you haven't used your Time Stopper. First off, use your Time Stopper and start hitting him. After that wears off, jump to the upperleft side for a TIME BADGE. Now use that and keep fighting Sinnator. Now use your Special Attack on him. This should take alot of energy out of him, so with what's left, just use physical attacks on him. If you are able to max your Special Attack Meter again, use that. A couple more hits after that and he will be defeated! BOSS #4: QUEEN DARK (from Level 4) This fight is a bit tougher than before. Dark Queen will shoot out 8 laser beams at you, so make sure you avoid them. She will also do some good physical attacks as well as blocking. So what to do, simple. Use your Time Stopper first, and get in some good hits. After that, charge up and use your Vortex Blaster Special Attack to knock down alot of life. After just keep attacking it. Once the Special Attack Meter is full, use another Vortex Blaster Special Attack. If need be, there are LARGE HEALTH BOXES in the remaining corners. This will take much more work than the previous bosses, but after enough you will be able to defeat her! BOSS #5: CHILLAKRUSH (from Level 5) This guy has a large Life Meter, so be ready. His attacks will be slamming his giant hammer down, sending out a small shockwave (nothing to worry about), as well as start beating you with his hammer. What do you do, use your Time Stopper first, and start whacking the guy down. After that a bit, use your Vortex Blaster special ability to take a little more damage down. Now jump to the upper left corner and there will be a TIME BADGE, so you have a little bit of protection. After that wears off, you should have your Special Attack Meter full, so use another Special Attack. Repeat this last part as many times as it will take to finish off Chillakrush. If you need it, there are two LARGE HEALTH BOXES in the remaining corners. After enough, Chillakrush will be finished. BOSS #6: RANSIK (from Level 6) (use code 8QSD) Now this one might give you some trouble. His attacks including slashing at you with his sword (and he will come at you fast), shoot thick laser beams as well as throwing tons of bombs around as he spins around. For you, step back and when you see an opening, go up to him and start attacking him like crazy. You will take alot of damage due to his attacks, but if you keep being persistant, you will defeat him. ----- D: |Codes| ----- These are some codes you can use to access any level on Normal Mode. If you have any codes for Easy and Hard Mode, email me them and I will give you full credit (please note that Level 6 is just a boss fight with Ransik): EASY NORM HARD -------------------- Level 0 | ---- | HBLD | ---- | Level 1 | ---- | KD4Q | ---- | Level 2 | ---- | CNGF | ---- | Level 3 | ---- | FLLF | ---- | Level 4 | ---- | HDSF | ---- | Level 5 | ---- | KGNF | ---- | Level 6 | ---- | 8QSD | ---- | -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- SECTION 4: |IN CONCLUSION| ------------- -------------- A: |What's To Come| -------------- What's to come, who really knows. And with this game, it could be anything. So with that, this FAQ is gonna be open for anyone to add their comments. -------------- B: |Special Thanks| -------------- I dedicate this to all Power Rangers fans out there alike. You guys are what made the show the success it is today. ^_^ Personal Thanks To: Exo-Squad: Simply because of his confidence and belief that I will be very successful at this stuff ^_^. On-line Thanks To: To GameFAQS: For hosting my walkthroughs, as well as many more ^_^. To Kyto & ReyVGM: For the code for Level 6 aka the final fight with Ransik ^_^. To the people from alt.fan.power-rangers: You guys are my first Power Rangers family (since Power Rangers In Space), and I just wanna take a moment to say it's been a blast knowing you all for the last 9 years ^_^ ----------- C: |Final Words| ----------- TIME FOR, TIME FORCE! Now this series was kick-ass! Great storylines and zords, not to mention it was known as a dark series for Power Rangers because of the storylines. Loved every bit of it. This game however, a really tough game, but I enjoyed writing an FAQ for it. This as well as In Space, Wild Force, S.P.D., Mystic Force, and Operation Overdrive are part of the list of my favorite series. And of course I will continue watching Power Rangers until it ends completely (who knows when that will be). I hope this walkthrough helps you out in any way possible. Ok, I'll make this quick and simple. This walkthrough is my work. This FAQ can only be hosted by GameFAQs.com, GameSpot.com, IGN.com and Neoseeker.com. Anyone else, well guess it will have to depend on my mood. You can use whatever info you want, so long as you give me credit and don't alter anything. I perfer you to email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com if you're gonna do anything with this walkthrough. Failure to comply with this, and I will be mad, among other things. ;-). If you have questions, comments, or see something I may of missed, email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com and tell me what it is. I will give you full credit for doing so. Not much left to say, except, thanks for using my walkthrough! ^_^ Email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com Copyright (C) May 11th, 2007 Mike Leatherwood AKA StarFighters76 Power Rangers Time Force (TV Series) copyright (C) 2001 Saban Entertainment Power Rangers Time Force (Game) copyright (C) 2001 THQ