¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ MONSTERS UNLEASHED -- COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH by Kaas ======================== aaaa Introduction ======================== Welcome to the complete walkthrough of Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. I noticed there wasn't a FAQ for this game yet, so I decide to write one. I hope you will enjoy reading it, and perhaps it can be useful if you're stuck in the game. This walkthrough will contain spoilers, so if you don't want those, stop reading now, or be spoiled forever... I always liked the Scooby-Doo cartoon, as well as the first movie. I haven't seen the second movie yet (the one this game was based on), but I think I will see it someday. Anyway, enjoy your game, as well as this walkthrough I wrote. As always, if you have something to ask about this game, or do you think you have something to add to this FAQ, or have you spotted a mistake somewhere, feel free to email me at Kaas(dot)Bink(at)GMail(dot)com. Please put Scooby-Doo in the subject line. ======================== bbbb Version History ======================== Version 0.5 - 2/13/2005 Submitted the walkthrough today, but it isn't finished yet. I will update this very soon, though. For now, there's the Introduction, Version History, Main Menu, Enemy list, Items, Walkthrough (up to 3.1), Passwords and Legal Stuff. Version 0.75 - 2/22/2005 Added the Controls Section, added quite a big bit of the walkthrough (up to 4.2), added some various little things and made a Content Section. Version 0.85 - 4/4/2005 Took me quite a while to start working on this again, but I will finish soon now I hope. I updated the walkthrough (up to 5.2), enemy section and some small tidbits. Version 1.0 - 5/10/2005 Finally finished the walkthrough. It's as good as complete. ======================== cccc Content ======================== Use control+f to search for what you need. Simply type in the code found before the sections to go to that section. aaaa - Introduction bbbb - Version History cccc - Content dddd - Main Menu eeee - Controls ffff - Enemies gggg - Items hhhh - Walkthrough hhii - Area 1 - Coolsville Criminology Museum hhjj - Area 2 - Wickles' Manor hhkk - Area 3 - The Faux Ghost hhll - Area 4 - Old Tyme Myning Towne hhmm - Area 5 - Monster Hive iiii - Mini Games jjjj - Passwords kkkk - Legal Stuff ======================== dddd Main Menu ======================== After the small introduction movie, the title screen will appear and you'll need to press the Start button to enter the Main Menu. In the Main Menu are a few options. Use Up and Down on the Control Pad to choose between the options and press A to select them. The B button will bring you back to the title screen. START GAME Well, this should be pretty obvious. You can use this to begin the game. PASSWORD Again, pretty logical. As you advance in the main game, you'll get passwords which you can enter here. ?????? When you first start the game, this mode isn't open yet. Beat the game to unlock this mode. It's called MINI GAMES, and in it you can play four mini games: Sneaky Shaggy (as seen in section 3.1), It's All Downhill (as seen in section 3.4), Circuit Mania (as seen in section 4.1) and Pedal To The Metal (also seen in section 4.1). Check the Mini Game section for how to play these games. ?????? When you first start the game, this mode isn't open yet either. I haven't found out yet how to unlock this. OPTIONS Here you can change some game-related stuff. MUSIC TEST - You can test out 27 different types of music here. Just press Right and Left to browse and A to hear them. SFX TEST - Same as above. SFX stands for Sound Effects. There are a total of 91 different types of SFX to hear here. MUSIC/SFX - You can use the Control Pad to toggle the MUSIC/SFX on or off. TEXT - Here you can toggle the text on or off. ?????? - This option isn't available when you first start the game. It appears after you've beat beat the game, but they're only just the credits, nothing special here. ======================== eeee Controls ======================== The controls for this game are easy to learn, and even easier to master. Everything you need to know to beat this game is explained in the Tuturiol. I'll put the controls here too, just to make it easy for you. + : Pressing left and right on the Control Pad will make your character move to the left and right respectively. Pressing up will make you enter a door (when you're standing right in front of it), or make your character move up (only during the Follow Section of the game). Keeping up pressed will cause the screen to scroll up, making you see what's up there sometimes. Pressing down will make your character duck (you can move left and right while ducking); keeping it pressed will cause the screen to scroll down, giving you a glimpse of what lies down there sometimes. Tap left or right twice, then hold it down to run. You can jump further if you jump while running. Also use these buttons to navigate in the game's menus. A : Press it to make your character jump. Holding down the button will make your character jump higher than just tapping it. Pressing A is also used to confirm something in the menus. B : Press B to attack. Scooby attacks by running forward, Shaggy attacks by pushing with his butt and Daphne will attack by swinging her sword or hitting with her fists (depending on which level you're playing). Press B in the air to hit enemies while you're in the air. Also, when you're running with Daphne, press B to do a flying attack. Pressing B is also used to go back a screen in the menus. R : Press the R button to throw stuff. You'll be able to throw stuff beginning from level 3.1. Shaggy can throw Green Goo, Scooby can throw a Magnifying Glass. Hit monsters with these items to defeat them easier (and with easier I mean it takes less hits to defeat them). L : Not used. Start : Brings up the PAUSE Menu. In here you can choose between Continue, Retry, Exit, Password and Objective. You can also see how many Scooby Snacks you have collected in the level, your Courage Meter and your Retries (these three can be found to the left of the screen). Select : Not used. ======================== ffff Enemies ======================== Bosses aren't described here, as they are explained when you encounter them. Only the regular enemies will be described. RAT: They're pretty annoying creatures who run around aimlessly. One hit destroys them. They can be found in the first, second, third and fourth area. BAT: They simply fly around a bit. Hit them once to destroy them. They are found in the second, third, fourth and fifth area. WIZARD: They're found in area 3 and 5. You'll need to hit them three times to defeat them, but if you manage to hit them with the Green Goo first, they'll only need to be hit once to be defeated. They'll fire a pellet at you, you can dodge it by pressing Down to duck. CLOWN: They're found in area 3 and 5. You'll need to hit them three times to defeat them, but if you manage to hit them with the Green Goo or the Magnifying Glass first, they'll only need to be hit once to be defeated. They are standing on a ball which they'll kick at you, so be carefull. Dodge the ball by simply walking away from it (they keep inflating new balls, so take them out fast). HUNCHBACK: A pretty big guy with huge hands who jumps around. Just walk away to dodge him, then throw some Green Goo at him. Hit him once then to destroy him. Without the Goo he'll take three hits before dying. He can be found in area three and five. RED SAMURAI: Also found in the third and fifth area. He's a red guy with a helmet and a sword, who swings at you with it. Just dodge his attacks four times by walking away and he'll fall down and die. Look out for his falling head, as it can still damage you. You can also hit him once to destroy him, but you'll probably be hit by his falling head then. If you throw a Magnifying Glass at him before hitting him, you won't have to worry about his falling head. GREEN GHOST: Found in the third, fourth and fifth area. He's a green ghost with chains who flies around. He has no real attacks, but can disappear sometimes. He'll re-appear again, sometimes behind you. He cannot be destroyed. SKELETON: Also found in area 3, 4 and 5. Looks like a skeleton (obviously), and just walks around. He keeps swinging at you, and isn't really slow, so take care of him quickly. Three hits to defeat him, but only one hit if you've hit him with the Magnifying Glass first. THE EYE: Found in area 3 and 5. It's an eye on two white legs. It jumps around. Hit it twice to defeat it, but be aware, as it will not die, but only lie down for a second. It will get up again and come after you. They are very annoying, especcially when you're near a cliff. LIZARDMAN: Found in area three, four and five. An odd man dressed in green clothes. He has red eyes and walks with his hands towards you. Look out for his acid spitting ability (even if it has a lousy reach). He can walk pretty fast sometimes and lung towards you. Three hits to take him out. MEDICINE MAN: Found in area 4 and 5. Has a brown mask, green shorts and a big knife, which he spins around to hurt you. He takes three hits to die, but only one if he's been hit with the Magnifying Glass. ======================== gggg ITEMS ======================== Scooby Snacks: They look like a golden/yellow coin which usually floats in the air. Rings a bell? Anyway, collect all the Snacks in a level to gain another try, which basically is just another life for Scoobs. In the top-right corner is a counter which keeps track of how many you have collected and how may are in the level you are playing. Box of Scooby Snacks: This is a green box filled with delicious Scooby Snacks. Just take these to complete the level. Emblem: It's a square just as the ones under your Courage Meter. Take one to get another try! Book: Take this item in level 2.2 to complete the level. Yellow Note: Take this floating Yellow Note in level 2.3 to complete it. Carrot: It floats in the air and replenishes your Courage Meter. It restores three bars of lost Courage. Hamburger: This beefy snack floats in the air and replenishes your Courage Meter when you eat it. It fills the Courage Meter completely. Fire Extinguisher: Can only be used in a certain bossfight, and only by Scooby. You can hit the boss with it. Press R to use it. ======================================= hhhh Walkthrough ======================================= After you've chosen "Start Game" in the main menu, the game will begin. Good luck, and have fun! Let me explain how I wrote it down. Every level starts with a small introduction, then an objective, then comes the actual level you'll have to play through. After you finish the level an after-level scene comes, then you're given the new password. A section in this walkthrough looks like this: <---- begin of the introduction text <---- the actual introduction <---- end of the introduction OBJECTIVE: text <---- the objective of the level text text text text <---- this is the walkthrough for the level <---- beginning of the little scene after each level text <---- the scene after the level Mystery, Inc. leads reporters, including the beautiful television reporter, Heathrt Jasper-Howe, through the Museum. They pass glass cases that contain monster and ghost Costumes of former foes. FRED: Mystery, Inc. is proud to donate the Costumes of all the criminals we've unmasked in the past. DAPHNE: There's the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt Ghost over here. And the Skeleton Man, and even the Pterodactyl Ghost. After the Introduction Scene, you'll be greeted by Velma. VELMA: Welcomes to the Tutorial. Just follow the instructions and you'll be ready to play. Start the game by helping Scooby-Doo through level 1. Tutorial: To make Scooby-Doo walk, press Right or Left on the Control Pad. You can make Scooby run fast by tapping twice quickly Right or Left on the Control Pad. After these instruction, you finally gain control of Scooby. Simply press Right on the Control Pad to make him walk to your right. After a few seconds of walking, the Tutorial will continue. Tutorial: To make Scooby jump, press the A Button. Every time you see a Scooby Snack, make sure to take it. If you get all the Scooby Snacks in a level, you'll earn another try. After you gain control again, walk towards the Scooby Snacks (these are the yellow, floating things in the air) and press the A button to jump and get them. Make sure you get them all. Once you get close to the door, the Tutorial starts again... Tutorial: To enter a Door, move Scooby directly in front of it and then press Up on the Control Pad. You gain control of Scooby again, so take the remaining Scooby Snacks and walk towards the door. Stand in front of it and press Up on the Control Pad. After you've went through the door, go up the stairs. Make sure to collect all the Snacks you see! When you get close to the ladder, the Tutorial kicks in again. Tutorial: To help Scooby climb a ladder, move him directly in front of it. Then press and hold Up on the Control Pad. When you regain control of Scooby, do as the Tutorial told you and climb up the ladder. In the new area, take the Snacks and keep walking until the Tutorial comes. Tutorial: There is a large hole in front of Scooby. Run to gain speed and jump over it. Okay, the first small problem. Take the remaining Scooby Snack first, then go back a little. Press Right twice and hold down the button to run towards the hole. When you're near the edge, press A to jump. You should now be over the hole. Keep walking towards the right. Tutorial: There is an arrow pointing above. Press and hold Up on the Control Pad to see what you have up there. Okay, press and hold the Up button. You'll notice the dangling lamp, so you'll want to avoid it. Softly press the Right button to walk to the right, pausing after a bit of walking. Keep approaching the area above the lamp until it falls down. You should be able to let it fall down without getting hit. If you are hit, don't worry about it, as it only does a small amount of damage to your Courage. Keep walking to the right. Tutorial: There is an arrow pointing down. Press and hold Down on the Control Pad to see what you have down there. If you press down on the Control Pad, you'll notice a few Scooby Snacks there. Drop down and get them all. Keep walking to the right until you see the ladder (make sure to collect every Snack! You should have 20 now). Press Up to climb up the ladder to the new area. Tutorial: When Scooby needs to pass through a crawlspace, press and hold down on the Control Pad. Once Scooby is crouching, move Left or Right on the Control Pad to make him crawl. Do as you're told and collect the two Snacks on the way. You'll come across a Wooden crate next. Tutorial: Press the B button to break the Wooden crates that are in Scooby's way. Press B to break the crate, then crawl to the next area. Just walk towards the ladder to continue. Let's meet the first enemy in the game, the rat. Tutorial: There's a good change you'll meet up with a rat or two. When you do, press the B Button to strike it. If you press the B Button while jumping, you'll butt-bounce on the rat. Remember that whenever you get hit by a rat, your Courage will decrease. When the Courage Meter on the upper left of the screen runs out, you lose a try. Once you regain control, press and keep the B Button down to defeat the two rats. That wasn't very hard, now was it? Tutorial: A box of Scooby Snacks has appeared. Always grab the box of Scooby Snacks to complete a level. The Tutorial is over and you're ready to play. Good luck! Of course, take the remaining six Scooby Snacks first, which will give you another try (if you listened to me when I said you should take them). Walk to the right and notice the green floating box of Scooby Snacks. Jump to take them and finish the first level! Scooby will even do a little dance for you... Narrator: Shaggy and Scooby are terrified when they pass the Pterodactyl Ghost display. Velma: Relax, you kooks, they're just costumes. Shaggy: Velma's right. If you look at t close, they're like totally fake. Narrator: The Pterodactyl's face doesn't look like a Costume at all. It's real! Suddenly its eye blinks. And with that, the Tutorial is completely done. You'll be given a Password which you should write down, or you can simply look at my Password section in this FAQ. ============== Section 1.2 ============== Narrator: The Gang continues to give their tour through the Musuem. Lightning strikes. All the lights go out. Wind, rain and a strange cloud of white smoke rush in through the open window. Daphne notices that a flapping curtain covers a glass display case. She yanks the curtain aside - - It's a real Pterodactyl Ghost! Daphne: It's curtains for you birdbrain! Quick, Shaggy and Scooby, tie it up with the Curtain Rope. OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby find the Rope. Watch out for the flying Pterodactyl Ghost! Finally, your first real level. In this level, you need to find a Rope. Sounds easy, but there's a catch. The flying Pterodactyl Ghost will fly around and annoy you. He has two attacks. He will alternate between them; first he shoots at you, then he'll fly down towards you. He keeps doing this, in this exact order. This can help you prepare for the attacks. In his first attack, he'll fly on the corner of the screen and fire two pellets at you. If you're hit, a bit of courage will be taken off your Courage Meter. You can see he's about to shoot when he leans back a little. If he tries this attack, walk back a little and jump over the pellets. Another way to dodge this is to simply walk forward so the pellets will go over your head. The other attack is a bit harder to dodge. He tries to swoop down and hit you with his wings. Again, when you're hit your Courage Meter depletes a bit. The best way to dodge this is to duck and crawl forward. He should miss you by a hair. Both attacks do the same amount of damage; a single block (your Meter is divided in 6 blocks in different colors). Use these tactics to dodge his attacks and go to the right. Take the Snacks and jump on the floating platform for some more Snacks. Keep going to the right (taking all the Snacks) to reach an open door, which you should enter. You should have 16 Snacks by now. In the new area you need to go to the right (but be on the look-out for the flying Pteroactyl Ghost). Take the three Snacks you see floating. The windows in this room will break when you get near then, so be sure to jump over the broken glass or you'll get hurt. Collect the Snacks in this room and take the carrot near the end if you need it. Now enter the door. You should have 28 Snacks by now. In the new room, just keep on moving to the right while dodging the Pterodactyl Ghost. At the end, use the platforms to make your way up to the top. Keep collecting the Snacks and take the carrot at the top if you need it (you'll need to run and jump to be able to reach it). Go to the right and drop down where the Snacks are. At the right you'll notice a small path, so crawl down and go to the right. Take the eblem for an instant other try! Now go back and go to the left. Just keep falling down wherever you see the Snacks and you should make it just fine. At the bottom, go to the right for another door which you should enter. You should have 48 Snacks by now. Look out for the Pterodactyl, as he's upgraded his moves. When he flies near the ground, look out for his return, as he now turns around and do it again in the same swoop. Keep going to the right here. Get every Snack to get another try. At the end you'll find the Rope you were looking for! NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby tighten the Rope around the curtains that were covering the Pterodactyl Ghost. SHAGGY: We did it! You can let go now! NARRATOR: Daphne and Fred let go of the curtain and stand back, revealing the Pterodactyl Ghost. But wait, Shaggy and Scooby hadn't tied the curtains around the Pterodactyl at all. They had tied their own wrists to the Pterodactyl's leg instead. SHAGGY: Oops. SCOOBY: Ruh oh. NARRATOR: The Pterodactyl Ghost screeches loudly, then flaps its wings and flies up into the air with Shaggy and Scooby still attached to its leg. This concludes this level. You are given a new Password, so you can write it down or look in the Password section later. ============== Section 1.3 ============== Narrator: The Gang spots an Evil Masked Figure at the open window. A black hood covers his eyes and he wears a cape. He motions for the Pterodactyl ghost. EVIL MASKED FIGURE: Come, my pet! Bring me my prize! Narrator: The Pterodactyl drags Shaggy and Scooby along with him. FRED: We have to save Shaggy and Scooby! VELMA: As usual. OBJECTIVE: Help Daphne rescue Scooby and Shaggy. Avoid the Pterodactyl Ghost! You're now playing with Daphne. She's basically the same as Scooby, but she has a cool sword. Just press B to attack with it. Also, the Pterodactyl Ghost is back to annoy you. He has the same moves as the level before, but he now shoots four pellets instead of two. In the beginning, just go to the right while making sure to pick up all the Snacks. Be carefull, because the Pterodactyl is still around. When you see the door at the end of the hallway, enter it. You should have six Scooby Snacks by now. Go to the left in the new area, but watch out, as there are two rats up ahead. You can kill them with your sword. Also, pick up the Snacks. Go up the ladder at the end of the hallway. Jump of to the right at the top of the ladder and continue to the right. Keep jumping for those Snacks. At the end, you can drop down and take the carrot if you need it. Keep going to the right (there's one more rat, so look out) and enter the door. You should have 20 Snacks by now. Keep going to the right, while avoiding the Pterodactyl and collecting the Snacks. At the end, jump from platform to platform to go up and go left at the top (take the lower route as it has some Scooby Snacks). Continue to the left and use the platforms again to proceeds to the top. Take the Snacks and continue to the right. Enter the door. You should now have 41 Scooby Snacks by now. From the start of this area, just keep running to the right. You should get all the Scooby Snacks this way too. When you see the arrow pointing to the right, you can jump up for an hamburger. Keep going to the right to move on. You should have 47 Snacks by now. In the new room you can jump from platform to platform to collect the final Scooby Snacks. There's also an emblem at the top for another try. The box of Scooby Snacks (also known as the exit of the level) is at the end of the hallway. NARRATOR: The Pterodactyl grabs the Black Knight Costume and the 10,000 Volt Costume. Daphne tries to catch up with it, but it escapes and flies through the open window. Daphne leaps through the air and slashes the Rope, freeing Shaggy and Scooby. They fall to the ground and land hard into a pile of Costumes. Heather Jasper-Howe watches on. She turns to the news camera that follows her wherever she goes and says - HEATHER JASPER-HOWE: It was a disaster today as Shaggy and Scooby cause major damage to Coolsville's most impressive tourist attraction. This incident has left us all wondering if the Mystery, Inc. Gang are really the heroes we think they are! NARRATOR: Scooby finds his way out of the pile of Costumes. SCOOBY: Rouch! Rat rurt! NARRATOR: Then Shaggy appears. SHAGGY: Like, what just happened, dude? This is the end of the level. You get another password now. ============== Section 1.4 ============== NARRATOR: The Evil Masked Figure leaps onto the Pterodactyl's back. EVIL MASKED FIGURE: Mystery, Inc. this time you'll be the ones who'll be unmasked. The world will know what buffoons you truly are! OBJECTIVE: Help Daphne fight the Pterodactyl Ghost. Okay, time for a good fight! It's not very hard; you need to hit the Pterodactyl 10 times with your sword. The Pterodactyl Ghost has three attacks this time. Lucky for us he's pretty easy: he shoots pellets, throws a whirlwind or swoops down to hit you. Pellet-shooting: The Ghost shoots 6 pellets this time, and they're pretty ahrd to dodge. You can see when he's shooting, as he hovers a bit in the corner with his wings open. When he hovers, sprint towards him and you should be able to dodge him if you keep running. You can also jump up near him and hit him before he can fire. Whirlwind: If you see the Pterodactyl hovering on the same height as you are, he's gonna throw a whirlwind at you. It's pretty easy to jump over, so just press the A Button when he moves his wing in a throwing way and you should be fine. You can also walk towards him and hit him with your sword before he can throw the whirlwind. Swooping: It looks about the same when he's firing pellets, so it can be a bit confusing. You'll know when he's going to swoop down when he moves up a little bit, just before flying down. Just press Down to duck and he should miss you. You can also stand still and hit him when he's near you; if you hit him, you won't be hurt. Use these techniques to dodge and/or attack the Pterodactyl Ghost and hit him whenever you can. There's a hamburger in the beginning and at the end of the area. Just jump on the platform to take it. After 10 hits the Ghost is down. When he's down, take the box of Scooby Snacks which appears on the middle platform. NARRATOR: Velma examines the Pterodactyl's display case and discovers a secret hatch. VELMA: Jeepers! A secret hatch! The real Pterodactyl Ghost came through here. FRED: And then he stole two Costumes - - the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt Ghost. But why? Yay! Another level finished! Write down the password (or look in the password section) and press A to continue to the next area. ======================================= hhjj Area 2 - Wickles' Manor ======================================= ============== Section 2.1 ============== VELMA: Old Man Wickles' Ancestral Manor. NARRATOR: Mysrey, Inc. steps onto the front porch. Fred rings the doorbell. A loud spooky voice rings out. DOORBELL VOICE: You're tresspassing on Wickles' Manor! Get off this property! DAPHNE: That's mean. Who would have a doorbell that says that? NARRATOR: Fred rings the doorbell again. DOORBELL VOICE: Leave now or pay the price, you meddling kids! SHAGGY: Man, the doorbell, like, said we're gonna pay a price! NARRATOR: Fred rolls his eyes. FRED: Shaggy, what could possibly happen to us by pushing a doorbell? NARRATOR: Fred pushes the doorbell again. This time the porch opens up beneath them. The whole Gang yelps as they fall down a dark chute. They land with a loud thud! OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby escape from Wickles' Manor. You control Scooby this time instead of Daphne. Go to the left, making sure to pick up those Snacks. You'll notice a new enemy, the Bat. The bat is nothing special; either hit it once to kill it or just walk past it. Walk out of the screen at the left to go to the new area. You should have 9 Snacks now. Keep walking to the left, but look out for the rats who come out of the boxes. Kill them or simply jump over them. Keep walking and destroy the few bats you find. At the end of the hallway is a door you should enter. If you got all the Snacks you should have 24 now. Go down the stairs but look out for the two bats. When you're down, there are a few rats, but they're easy to kill. You'll then come across a few crates which you should smash in a certain way. Smash the first two crates, then jump on the third one. Smash the next crate and continue to the left. There's a bat there, so look out. There's also a carrot to heal you a bit. Enter the door. You should have 36 Scooby Snacks. Kill the rat you see and go to the left. Thing are bit tricky here, but the best way to do this is as following: wait until the bat is near you then kill it. Run a bit then jump on the wooden floating platform (and collecting the Snacks). Stand in the middle of it and it will crumble. You will fall down and collect the other Snacks. Kill the rat and the bat you see and go to the left. When you see the ladder, wait for a second for the rat to how up and kill it. Go to the left, kill the rat you come across and continue to go to the left. You'll find a carrot and an emblem there, so take them and go back to the ladder. Go up the ladder, kill the bat and take the Scooby Snacks. The wooden platform to your left will crumlbe when you step on it. There are also some Snacks right under the middle of the platform, so jump in to take them (it might take you a few tries; go back up via the ladder). If you didn't cross the platform the first time, take a running start and jump over the gap. Kill the bat and the rat and take the floating Snacks. Keep going to the left and enter the door. You should have 56 Scooby Snacks by now. There are some Snacks hidden in the lower area of this area, if you want them you should drop down and collect them, then get back up jumping across the platforms (be carefull, as the red platform crumble when you touch them). Look out for the bats who are flying around here. There's also a carrot in the left bottom of this area. The exit door is located in the top left area (right after the hamburger). You can get their by taking the ladder in the left bottom area and going to the left once you've climbed it. You should have all the Snacks when you enter the door. Just walk to the left and take the box of Scooby Snacks. WICKLES MANOR HALLWAY NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby pretend to be courageous detectives. They're going to prove that they're worthy of being part of the Gang. Shaggy holds up a Magnifying Glass. SHAGGY: All right, Gang. Let's, like, split up and look for Clues! NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby jog off on their own. Velma, Fred and Daphne are surprised by Shaggy and Scooby's sudden bravery. You get another password now, so write that down and continue by pressing A. ============== Section 2.2 ============== NARROTAR: Daphne spots glowing footprints on the floor. DAPHNE: Footprints that glow? What do you think somebody stepped in? FRED: Maybe Scooby's been eating glow sticks again. NARRATOR: Fred, Velma, and Daphne follow the footprints to a dusty old Library. OBJECTIVE: Help Daphne search for Clues in spooky Wickles' Manor. This time you control Daphne again, but your sword is gone. You hit things with your fists though. Anyway, go to the right, take the Snacks and kill the rats. Take the door you see at the end of the corridor. You should have 12 Snacks by now. Just keep walking to the right, killing the rats and bats as they appear. Look out for the 3 falling lamps halfway the corridor; make sure they don't hit you. Collect all the Snacks and go down the ladder at the end. Kill the rat at the bottom of the ladder and go left. Look out for the white vases, as they fall when you get near them. Kill the bats and the rat and enter the door. You should have 27 Scooby Snacks by now. Kill the bat and the rat and go to the right. Keep killing the rats and bats and taking the Snacks and you should make it just fine. Enter the door on the end. You should have 40 Snacks by now. Take the hamburger and the Snacks and keep walking. You'll fall down a trap door. Kill the rat and the bat you find down there. Go to the right and enter the door again. Now take the hamburger and go to left, but jump over the trap door this ime (you can see it because it's a bit darker than a normal floor). Kill the rats and enter the door at the end. You should have 51 Snacks by now. Go up the stairs you see in front of you. Jump up via the floating platforms, but look out for the bats. When you make it up, take the carrot and go right (look out for the bat). Drop down by the ladder and kill the rat. Keep going donw while taking all the snacks and enter the door. You should have 60 Snacks by now. Take the hamburger and kill the rat. Go right, kill the bat and keep going. There are some more rats and bats there, so look out. When you're behind the fence, you can jump up the platform for some more Snacks. Keep going to the right via the floating platforms, and you'll find a platform with Snacks. Drop down at the end for some more Snacks and an emblem, then enter the door. You should have all Snacks by now. Go left and climb up the second stairs you see. Take the Book to complete the level. WICKLES' MANSION LIBRARY NARRATOR: Velma picks up a Book and turns to the first page. Daphne looks over her shoulder. VELMA: It's an old Book used by secret societies in the mid-nineteenth century. NARRATOR: Inside the Book are the names of all the people who ever owned it. DAPHNE: Look! J. Jacobo! He was the original Pterodactyl Ghost! FRED: Maybe he gave this Book to Old Man Wickles before he died. NARRATOR: Velma continues to flip through the pages, She finds something else - - VELMA: Here's a list of ingredients to create your own carbon-based organic composite predators. In other words, it's an instruction manual on how to make - - FRED: Monsters! DAPHNE: Monsters! VELMA: Monsters! DAPHNE: Like the Pterodactyl Ghost at the Museum. FRED: I hope Shaggy and Scooby are also finding exciting Clues. You are now given a new password, so write it down and press the A Button to continue. ============== Section 2.3 ============== WICKLES' MANOR HALL NARRATOR: Scooby enters wearing sunglasses and a Wizard's hat. His arms are full of other cool stuff he ahs found around the Manor. He dumps it all onto the floor. SCOOBY: Rues! SHAGGY: Dude, these aren't Clues. They're just things you want to take home with you. OBJECTIVE: Help Shaggy find Clues in Wickles' Manor. All right, this time we're playing with Shaggy. From the beginning, take the three Snacks to your left, then go to the right and leave the area (go past the door you see). You're now in front of a big staircase. Walk over it and kill the two rats. Smash the crates that are blocking the way and continue going right. Enter the door. You now should have 18 Snacks. Go left, but look out for the falling lamps. Enter the first door you see. Look out for falling vases and take the Red Key at the end. Go back through the door, take all the Snacks and kill the few rats you come across. Now drop down and continue walking, this time to the right. Look out for more rats (and later some bats) to come and attack you. Drop down at the end and take the hamburger at the the far right. Go left, kill the rats, take the Snacks and enter the door. You should have 45 Snacks now. Look out for the rat and the bat, kill them and enter the first door you see. You can crawl to the right for an emblem, then go to the left. Kill any rats and bats you come across and continue to the left. Look out for the white/blue vases, as they fall down when you get near them. There are also two lamps hanging at the ceiling which are gonna drop down. Take the carrot at the end and hit the machine. NARRATOR: Shaggy hears something moving... Well, that's a good thing. Go back and enter the door. Now keep walking to your right. Take the carrot and all the Snacks you see, but look out for those pesky rats and bats. You'll see a strange, blue door, but you can't enter it yet, as it is locked. Continue to the right and you'll come across a strange, red door, but don't enter it yet. First, keep going to the right to find an emblem. Now go back and open the red door with your key. You should now have 66 Snacks. Go to the left, kill the rats, take the Snacks and climb up the ladder. At the top, jump off to the right and take the blue Key. Go down the ladder, enter the door and go to the left to enter the blue door. Kill the rats and take the yellow note. Good job, you finished the level. WICKLES' MANOR HALL NARRATOR: Shaggy notices a Note stuck to Scooby's foot. SHAGGY: Wait, like, what's this? NARRATOR: Shaggy grabs the Note and reads it. SHAGGY: The Faux Ghost - Tonight. We found an actual Clue! We are detectives, Scoob! NARRATOR: Scooby and Shaggy do a little "Clue Dance" When they hear something approaching them, they freeze. Scooby jumps into Shaggy's arms, shaking with fear. SHAGGY: It's like, the Black Knight Ghost. NARRATOR: The Black Knight Ghost starts to chase them. They scream and run for their lives. You get a new password, so write it down and continue. ============== Section 2.4 ============== NARRATOR: The Black Knight Ghost prepares to fight Shaggy and Scooby. FRED: Yo, metalhead! NARRATOR: Fred, Velma, and Daphne appear in the doorway. Fred holds a sword and shield. FRED: Bring it. NARRATOR: The Black Knight Ghsot thrusts his shiel into Fred's face. Clang! FRED: He brought it, all right. NARRATOR: Fred falls unconscious. The Black Knight Ghost's sword comes down towards him, but a metal lance blocks it. He looks over to see Daphne holding the lance. Meanwhile, Velma quickly flips through the pages of "How To Make A Monster" to try to defeat the Black Knight. VELMA: Hold him off! Maybe there's a formula in this Book to help defeat the Black Knight Ghost. OBJECTIVE: Help Daphne defeat the Black Knight Ghost. Okay, time for another bossfight, this time against the Black Knight Ghost (BKG). You're controlling Daphne again; her weapon is a metal lance this time. The BKG has a few attacks. He can hit the ground with his sword, causing a shockwave to travel across the floor. When he does this, jump over it or run away from it. If you touch the BKG you'll get hurt too. Another attack of the BKG is a simple thrust forward with his sword, but it's easy to dodge by walking away. Sometimes he'll jump towards you. The best way to beat him is simply hit him as often as you can (try to corner him and keep pressing B to easely defeat him). If you're having trouble surviving, there are three hamburgers which completely refill your Courage Meter (located at the left, the middle and the right of the area). Hit the BKG ten times to defeat him. When you defeat him, you'll need to press buttons as fast as possible to flip the pages in the Book. The Buttons you'll need to press are random, so just pay attention. You'll need to flip through 30 pages, so you'll probably need to defeat the BKG 3 or 4 times to complete this. WICKLES' MANOR BALLROOM NARRATOR: Velma continues to read from the Book, trying to figure out the Black Knight Ghost's weakness. She's got it! VELMA: "If I follow these directions, his weakness should be... " NARRATOR: Velma looks up to see the Black Knight Ghost about to attack her. She pulls back and kicks him between the legs. VELMA: ...right about there. NARRATOR: He then collapses to his knees and in a very low voice says - BLACK KNIGHT GHOST: Mommy. You get your new password again, write it down, remember it, do whatever it is you do with those passwords. ======================================= hhkk Area 3 - The Faux Ghost ======================================= ============== Section 3.1 ============== FAUX GHOST - DANCE FLOOR NARRATOR: The Faux Ghost is the club where all the villains that Mystery, Inc. have unmasked in the past go to hang out and dance. It's filled with freaky criminals and thugs. Scooby and Shaggy enter in disguise. The band plays a groovy song. Scooby gets up on the dance floor and does a little dance. Others at the Faux Ghost notice Scooby's cool moves. But suddenly, Scooby's wig flies off. It lands in one of the villain's bowl of soup. Shaggy covers his face in fear. A Tough Guy shouts out, TOUGH GUY: That's Scooby-Doo, the meddling mutt who helped throwed us in jail! SHAGGY: No Dude. Like, he's just wearing a mask. NARRATOR: The Tough Guy isn't buying Shaggy's story. TOUCH GUY: And you're Doo's beatnik best pal, Shaggy Rogers! OBJECTIVE: Help Shaggy escape from the Faux Ghost. Press the R button to throw Green Goo at the monsters to make them easier to knock down. NARRATOR: Beginning with this stage, Shaggy is able to throw the Green Goo by using the R Button. Let's hit the monsters with the Green Goo. Okay, we're playing with Shaggy again, and he has a new move. Throw the Green Goo by pressing R to make killing monsters a lot easier. If you hit them with the Goo first, you won't have to hit them not as much as usually. Anyway, just go to the right. Throw some Goo at the wizard and hit him to destroy him. Do the same with the clown and the other wizard and enter the door. Be sure to take the 12 Snacks before you go up the ladder. On the roof, go left and destroy the Hunchback guy. There are two ladders to go down; first go down the first ladder where you can find some Snacks, a rat and a carrot. Don't fall of the edge, as you'll die from it. Go back up the ladder, then go down the second ladder. Look out for the bat down there, then take the Snacks and jump across the gap (a running start here is very usefull before jumping. Go up the new ladder. Kill the Red Samurai there and walk past the door (ignoring the ghost). Go down the ladder for some Snacks and a wizard. Take the Snacks, go back upstairs and enter the door. You should have 30 Snacks now. Kill the wizard and go to the right. Kill the Hunchback and take the Snacks. Drop down to enter a room filled with enemies. There's a rat on the floor, as well as a Hunchback and a wizard. There's also a clown on the table. Destroy or evade them, take all the Snacks (you'll need to jump via the platforms to reach the upper right corner, where there also a carrot to be found). Also check out the right bottom corner for some Snacks and a carrot. When you're done (ie. have 60 Snacks), go to the bottom left to exit the room. Kill the wizard and keep walking. A hunchback will jump out of the window, so be ready for him. Keep walking and a Red Samurai will jump out of the next window when you've past it. Kill him and keep walking (take the carrot if you need it). Look out for the two bats and the rat. Also, another Red Samurai will jump through the window. The next window has a Wizard coming through it. Destroy them and keep going. Take the last Snacks and take the box of Scooby Snacks to complete the first part of this level. NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby leap over the bar and jump down a trash chute. Shaggy and Scooby land in a giant trash bin. They dizzily poke their heads out of the huge pile of garbage. They suddenly notice Old Man Wickles and they follow him. After the scene you don't get your new password as you're used to, but a new level starts. It's a bit new, you'll have to follow Old Man Wickles! I think it's pretty nice to have some diversion in a game! OBJECTIVE: Help Shaggy follow Wickels. But make sure Wickles doesn't spot Shaggy. Good luck! Press the B Button to make Shaggy walk faster. Stay out of the yellow area, as that is the area Old Man Wickles (OMW) can see. He'll turn around every now and then, so be careful. Once OMW has left the screen, you only have 3 seconds left to also exit the screen, or he'll escape. This level is divided in 5 different areas. I made some simple maps for each area below to help you out. The O is where you begin, the ='s are the road, the X is where you should stand to be safe, the X is where OMW will turn around and the 1 is the exit. Basically, what you have to do here is run from safespot to safespot, as indicated on the little maps. AREA 1 When you gain control of Shaggy, go to the top of the screen and stand next to the cactus. OMW will turn around and look. If you're standing next to the cactus, you won't be spotted. When OMW starts walking again, just follow him and exit the screen, as he won't turn around again. ================S O========================X= === === === === =1= AREA 2 Follow OMW and go up the stairs in front of the house. At the end of the path OMW will turn around, but you'll be safe in front of the house. When he continues walking, stand right aboce the cactus, as he'll turn around again. =O= S === =X========================= ====S====================== === === =X= =1= AREA 3 Immediately go to the small road at the right, next to the house, as OMW will turn around at the end. Now run down (with the B Button) and follow OMW. Go past the first water and go up to the safe spot. You should be in time, because OMW is about to turn around. Don't go around the corner yet, as OMW will turn around once more. Now you're safe to follow him to the end. =O= ===S ====1 === === === === === === === =X= === === === S === =X=========X=S=== AREA 4 Things are getting a bit tricky here, as their are three doors which will close in time (indicated by the | on the map). If you aren't past them when they close, you will fail the level, because you won't be able to get to the end of the screen. Keep moving and go down a bit for the first safespot. OMW will go up around the pillar, so you should go down around the pillar. After OMW has turned around for the second time, go through the second door and go down around the second pillar. OMW will turn around one more time, then you can safely exit the screen. Hurry up though, as the door will close. ===== ===|====X O==|S = = X|=======|= ==S==|=======|1 =====|======X|= =====|== S= ===== == == = ======= ======= AREA 5 In this area, instead of the doors, there are trains. Once OMW has passed a certain point, trains will block the pathway, so you'd better hurry up. Anyway, keep standing on the wooden platform, as OMW will turn around almost instantly. Walk forward a bit and wait for OMW to turn around again. Keep waiting, as he'll turn around again. Now keep following him and stand in the safespot between the two iron pillars. After OMW has turned around again, go up and a bit to the right, but not to the end of the path. When OMW has looked back, run to the safespot at the right of the orange barrel. Wait until he looked again, then run down and stand at the left of the orange barrel. Wait until OMW has looked once more, then exit the screen. ====X== =====S= =S == ===== == X= O=S=S == =S ======== == =X==X==X == SX == =X== == X1 After this, you will get the message you've completed the level and earn a rank, based on how well you did. You'll also earn some emblems for some extra tries. OLD TYME MYNING TOWNE NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby follow Wickles to the Old Tyme Myning Towne. They hide behind two tumbleweeds so Wickles can't see them. SHAGGY: This is the oldest part of the city. It's been deserted for a hundred years! Wickles has led us into, like, a terrifying Ghost Town! SCOOBY: Roast Town? SHAGGY: That's right, dude. NARRATOR: Scooby screams. Wickles hears the scream and looks back, but he doesn't see them. He whispers to himself. WICKLES: There's no one there. Just those durn bushes yowling at me again. NARRATOR: Wickles enters the nearby Abandonded Silver Mine. You finally get your password, so write it down and press A to continue. ============== Section 3.2 ============== ABANDONDED SILVER MINE NARRATOR: Shivering with fright, Shaggy and Scooby follow Old Man Wickles into the Abandoned Silver Mine. SHAGGY: Dude, did you see that? It looked like a guy with an eyeball for a head! SCOOBY: Ro. SHAGGY: It was, like, probably nothing. NARRATOR: Shaggy lights a match holds it up. The Skeleton Man is standing there smiling at Scooby and Shaggy. It blinks its huge eye. SCOOBY: Ruh oh! OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby find his way out of the Old Tyme Myning Towne. Use the R Button to throw the Magnifying Glass to shrink the monsters and make them easier to knock down. NARRATOR: Beginning with this stage, Scooby-Doo is able to throw the magnifying glass by using the R Button. Let's hit the monsters with the magnifying glass. All right, we're in control of Scooby again this level. Take the three Snacks and go to the right. Keep going up on the roof (jump from roof to roof) and try to get as high as possible. Take all the Snacks and jump down when you see the carrot (watch out for the Skeleton). You'll land in the middle of two Hunchbacks, so be carefull! After defeating them, go to the right where you'll find another Hunchback. Defeat it, take the Snacks on the platforms. Look out for the red platforms, as they will fall down when you step on them (you'll land between some enemies). Keep walking is the advice there. Don't worry if you fall down; the platforms respawn. Take the Snacks and walk out the screen (you should have 28 Snacks now). You'll immediately encounter a new enemies, the Eye. Kill it and take the carrot. Once you're on the moving assembly line, take the Snacks and start running. You'll need to make a big jump to the next platform, or else you'll fall into some spikes. Make it to the platform one way or another, look out for the bat and jump on the moving platform. Jump off at the new platform and keep going to the right until you find the ladders (look out for another bat and a skeleton). Go up the ladders and go to the left. Keep going (you can't go wrong here), but look out for the two Eyes. Jump on the platform you see at the end and wait until you're brought up, then jump off to the left for a carrot. Take it and jump across to find a Skeleton for you to defeat. Jump on the red platform, but look out as it will fall down again. If you happen to fall down, just go to the left again to find the platform to bring you back up. Go to the right, but watch out for the three bats you'll find there. Take the Snacks and keep going. Jump over the hole with spikes in it, kill the Eye and the Skeleton and go to the next screen. You should have 54 Snacks now. Look out for the bat who'll come swooping down. There's a Skeleton on the pipes, so kill it, take the Scooby Snakcs and go to the right by running and jumping over the spikes. Run and jump over the new set of spikes, but look out for the two Eyes waiting for you at the other side. You can go up the ladders here to collect three Snacks, then go left by jumping on the moving platform and jump off again at the end for three more Snacks and another try. Then take the final Snacks at the right of the level and take the box of Scooby Snacks to finish this level. ABANDONED SILVER MINE NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby run and trip over a chain on the ground. They both go flying into a rack of tools. One of them is actually a lever. A wall suddenly slides open, revealing an ancient-looking elevator. They crawl into the elevator, out of sight from the Skeleton Man. You now get your newest password, so write it down, then press A to continue. ============== Section 3.3 ============== MONSTER HIVE NARRATOR: Velma, Daphne and Fred arrive at the Monster Hive. They hear an explosion and run to see what's happening. They discover Scooby ans Shaggy still inside the elevator hiding from the Skeleton Man. They're covered with black soot from the explosion and shaking with fear. Velma stands by a huge hole where an iron door has just been blown off. The Gang walks into an enormous room. They see that Costumes from the Museum are hangin there. Velma notices that the iron door has old text written on it and reads it to the Gang. VELMA: "Beware who enters the Monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive." DAPHNE: This must be where the Evil Masked Figure turned the Black Knight and the 10,000 Volt Ghost Costumes into real monsters. FRED: I don't know who's behind this, but we need to find a way to shut down this Monster-Maker for good. NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Scooby and Shaggy crawl out of the elevator and slowly creep along the wall, trying to escape the Mine. As they do this, they stumble upon the Control Panel that the Evil Masked Figure uses to make his monsters. But, Shaggy thinks it's a light switch and turns it on. Suddenly, the Costumes come to life as real monsters. There's the Giggling Green Ghost, the Miner 49er, the Cotton Candy Glob and the Tar Monster! VELMA: Quick! Disconnect the Control Panel! FRED: We gotta get out of here! VELMA: Bring the Control Panel with you! OBJECTIVE: Help Shaggy escape from the Monster Hive. All right, we're back to playing with Shaggy. Just keep walking to right, taking all the Snacks you see. Look out for the enemies here; you'll come across a few bats, a Hunchback, 2 Red Samurais and three copies of the new enemy, Lizardman. It can be pretty though getting through this area, so I suggest picking the enemies off one by one, and use your Green Goo. Luckily, there's a hamburger at the end of the screen. Take it and enter the red door thingy. This next area is a bit tricky. There are quite a lot of Eyes, a lot of Skeletons and there are two giant black balls swinging from the ceiling. I suggest just to keep moving fast, trying to take all the Snacks and run as fast as possible past every obstacle. Again, a hamburger awaits you at then end of the screen. Take it and follow the arrow (by pressing up). You should have all Snacks by now. Bossfight!! Actually, more like a lot of enemies fight. Notice the number 30 on the right bottom of the screen? Do you also notice the four machines spitting out Skeletons? That's right, you'll have to defeat 30 Skeletons! If you're low on health, just go up the ladders at both sides of the screen for Hanmurgers (two on each side). If you destroyed more than 20 Skeletons, there'll come Green Skeletons. They're exactly the same, except they're green, can throw bones at you and take one more hit to die than their white counterparts. You can buttsmash the bones away, but it's still very annoying. The Green Goo doesn't work on the Green Skeletons. There's no real strategy for this fight. I just walked around at the bottom, smashing every Skeleton I saw. It is wise to go for hamburgers when you're low on health. If you happen to die, you don't have to start with 30 Skeletons, but you continue with how many were left when you died, which makes this a pretty easy fight. Once you're done with the fight, wait for the box of Scooby Snacks to fall down in the middle. Then take it to finish the level and to watch Shaggy dance. UNDERGROUND LABORATORY NARRATOR: The Evil Masked Figure appears on a walkway and calls down to his monsters who are surrounding Scooby and the Gang. EVIL MASKED FIGURE: Stop them! Destroy the city if you have to, but get me that Control Panel! With it, Mystery, Inc. can destroy everything I have set out to do. NARRATOR: Daphne, Fred and Velma evade the monsters and run toward the Mystery Machine. Yay! Another password for the collection! Anyway, just write it down.. ============== Section 3.4 ============== OLD TYME MYNING TOWNE ALLEY NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby jump out of the window and into an alley. Scooby lands on top of Shaggy. The Skeleton Man jumps out of the window after them. TOP OF HILL NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby reach a dead-end. They stand at the top of a hill. They're trapped. Shaggy spots some Old Trash Cans. He grabs the Lid off of one of them and places it on the edge of the hill. SHAGGY: Come on! NARRATOR: Shaggy jumps onto the Lid and pushes off, riding it like a snowboard down the hill. Scooby sees the Skeleton Man coming and grabs the other Lid. OBJECTIVE: Help Shaggy slide down the hill on the Trash Can Lid. Watch out for trees and falling objects. Again a change of genre. After the following of Old Man Wickles comes this odd minilevel. The general idea is to slide down the hill as fast as possible, without getting hit by rocks and trees. The Skeleton Man will follow you, so you'd better hurry up, because when he touches you, you'll lose health. Press B to jump and use the Control Pad to steer. It's a bit difficult, but just avoid the Skeleton Man, rocks and trees and you'll be fine. The controls are extremely odd here, as pressing "left" sometimes causes you to turn left, but sometimes causes you to turn to the right. Don't bother with the Scooby Snacks in this level, as they're near impossible to collect. You'll get a rank at the end. BOTTOM OF HILL NARRATOR: The rest of the Gang pulls up in the Mystery Machine just in time for them to slide into its open door. DAPHNE: You guys okay? SHAGGY: Sure. As long as you define "okay" as "in total agony." FRED: To Headquarters! DAPHNE: But that'll be the first place the monsters will look for us! VELMA: I know where to go. NARRATOR: Fred puts the pedal to the metal and the van screeches off. You now get another password, so write it down. With this you've completed Area 3, and we're moving on to the next area. ======================================= hhll Area 4 - Old Tyme Myning Towne ======================================= ============== Section 4.1 ============== MYSTERY, INC.'S OLD CLUBHOUSE NARRATOR: The van screeches to a halt and Velma jumps out holding the Control Panel. She heads toward the Gang's Old Clubhouse. The rest of the Gang follows her. VELMA: All we have to do is rewire the Control Panel, bring it bacl to the Monster Hive and we can -- FRED: --reverse the current! Therefore reversing the Monster-Making process! DAPHNE: We plug it back in the Base -- VELMA: Pull the Lever -- DAPHNE: And instead of creating monsters, we destroy them! OBJECTIVE: Help repair the Control Panel by connecting the two points with the pieces of wire to make a circuit. Press the R button when you're done to test what you've built! Okay, it looks like they had to made up for the horrible board level, so they put in this fun section. The idea is to connect the two yellow wires by placing the pieces at the bottom in the Panel. The current can't go through the brown block already in the panel, so you'll have to built around those. Select the piece you want to use by pressing A when it's highlighted, and place it in the Panel by presing A again. Press R when you're done to go to the next puzzle. I'll just put ASCIIs of possible solution, but there are more correct ways. Mine just earns you an A-ranking ;) The more blocks you use, the higher your ranking will be. On the left is the beginning situation, on the right a possible solution. The X is the brown piece already placed in the beginning, around which you'll have to built. 1 is the wire where you ened to begin, 2 the wire you need to reach. I also put the pieces used seperate below, to make the ASCII a bit clearer. ++ dd kk s s r iii c p 333 777 u ff aa rrr d k sss rrr i cc g p p 7 u ff a r r r c ppp Puzzle 1 ____________ ____________ |_|_|X|X|_|_| |k|k|X|X|_|_| |_|_|X|X|_|_| |k|_|X|X|+|+| 1|_|_|X|X|_|_|2 1|+|+|X|X|d|d|2 |_|_|X|X|_|_| |_|r|X|X|_|d| |_|_|_|_|_|_| |r|r|r|s|_|s| |_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|r|_|s|s|s| Puzzle 2 ____________ ____________ |_|_|_|_|X|_|2 |_|_|_|_|X|c|2 |_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|p|_|_|c|c| |_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|p|g|p|c|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|p|p|p|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_| |i|i|i|_|_|_| 1|_|X|_|_|_|_| 1|i|X|_|_|_|_| Puzzle 3 ____________ ____________ |_|_|_|_|_|X| |a|a|r|r|r|X| |_|X|_|_|_|X| |a|X|r|_|r|X| |_|X|_|_|_|_| |_|X|7|7|7|_| 1|_|_|_|X|_|_| 1|3|3|3|X|7|u| |_|_|_|X|X|_|2 |_|f|f|X|X|u|2 |_|_|_|X|X|X| |_|f|f|X|X|X| This level isn't completely over yet, as there's another minigame to complete. MYSTERY, INC.'S OLD CLUBHOUSE NARRATOR: Fred, Daphne and Velma spot one of the monsters approaching the Clubhouse. It's Captain Cutler's Ghost! FRED: The Monsters found us! We'll have to take the Control Panel with us and head to the Monster Hive! NARRATOR: As Fred drives the van out of the woods onto a city street, Captain Cutler's Ghost chases them. Then Velma looks out of the window and sees the Pterodactyl Ghost swooping toward the van. VELMA: Jinkies. Tweeties back. FRED: I'm putting us in cruise. Shaggy, take the wheel! SHAGGY: Me? But I left my permit at home! OBJECTIVE: Take the Wheel of the Mystery Machine and escape from the Pterodactyl Ghost. Running into other cars will make you lose your cool. Okay, another minigame level. This one is pretty fun, but also pretty difficult. Just use the Control Pad to steer to leftright, up and down. In the first area, watch out for trees and rocks, in the second look out for cars. The Pterodactyl Ghost will swoop down and try to hit you; if you see this, just move up (or down) to avoid him. In the second area you'll come across a big truck. Look out, as it'll start driving from left to right and back. It's pretty random, so just stay out of its way. After a while the Pterodactyl Ghost will hit his head and the level will be done, after which you'll receive a ranking. THE OLD TYME MYNING TOWNE NARRATOR: The van skids to a halt. Velma grabs the Control Panel out of the van, while the rest of the Gang gets out. FRED: All right, Gang. The Monster Hive is right up there. Let's go and plug this baby in. NARRATOR: Suddenly, the Black Knight Ghost appears. BLACK KNIGHT GHOST: You'll go nowhere, knave. FRED: Take the long way round! I'll hold him off! VELMA: Come on! NARRATOR: The 10,000 Volt Ghost appears. It creates a fence of electrical currnets that prevents the Gang from entering the Hive. DAPHNE: You guys go! I'll take care of Sparky! Finally you're given the new password, so write it down. ============== Section 4.2 ============== OLD TYME MYNING TOWNE NARRATOR: Daphne punches at the 10,000 Volt Ghost. It roars back. DAPHNE: Taste the pain, Mr. Glowy-Ugly-Thing. OBJECTIVE: Help Daphne fight the 10,000 Volt Ghost. Touching it will only hurt you, so try kicking or punching things at it instead. Okay, we're fighting another boss with Daphne. You don't have your sword handy this time, you can only kick and punch. This boss comes in three stages. In every stage you'll have to hit him two times with a falling object. In the first stage he has two attacks, in the second and third he has three attacks. The attacks increase in speed after each battle, so beware. Carrots to heal yourself are placed before each fight. If you don't need them, leave them, as you can always run back to get them! Just walk to the right (leave the carrot) until the monster appears. Now walk back a little and the fight can begin. You cannot touch the monster, because he's made of electricity (if you touch him you'll be hurt). He only has a few attacks, and can disposed of very easily, if you know what you're doing. If you need health, you can always take the carrots at the beginning of the fightd. His first attack will be the appearrance of little white/blue bubbles in the air. You can anticipate this attack a bit, because the screen will turn dark when this attack is happening. Once the bubbles have solidified (after about two seconds), they'll hurt you when they touch you (and causing two bars of damage). Just stay in one place (a safe distance from the monster) and wait until the attack is done. If a white/blue bubble appears where you are standing, just walk a bit to the right or left. The attack will last about 10 seconds. After the attack, he'll shoot a yellow, homing bubble at you. Dodge it by jumping or ducking, then dodge it again as it keeps coming back after you. A good way of evading this attack is by being close to the monster and ducking when it fires, causing him to miss you. When the bolt comes back just jump over it. Walk a bit to the left after you jumped over it, and it should drop down before it reaches you. The bubble takes away one bar of health every time it touches you. It keeps coming after you until it falls on the ground (after about 8 seconds). You should be standing pretty close to the monster when this happens, as the arrows appear where you are. After this attack, it's your change to hurt him. You'll notice the three arrows on top of the screen. Objects will drop down from there, so stand next to an arrow and kick or punch the object when it falls down (be quick though, as they fall pretty fast). Don't let the objects hit you, as they cause one bar of damage. If done correctly, the object will hit the monster and do a lot of damage (about half his health). Repeat these steps one more time to defeat the monster. Go back to take the carrot if you haven't already (or take the carrot you see to the right and keep walking. Looks like ol' 10,000 Volt Ghost isn't defeated that easily... He has a new attack this time around. He starts with shooting two lightning bolts from the sky (each causing one bar of damage). Just keep running around to evade them, then prepare for his next two attacks (the same as the previous fight). Hit him two times with the falling objects to defeat him. Walk to the right, take the carrot if you need it and keep walking until the monster appears (again...). He has the same three attacks as before, only they are happening faster after each other. Also, his lightning bolt attack has now three bolts in it (run around to evade them). He starts with making the white/blue bubbles appear, then he'll shoot the lightning from the sky. He'll repeat these two attacks both, then shoot the yellow homing bolt at you. Then it's your turn again, so hit him with a falling object. He'll change his pattern now, starting with the three lightnings from the sky, then the appearance of the white/blue bubbles. He'll repeat this once more, then fire the yellow homing bolt after you. Then you can hit him again with a falling object to finish him off for good (we hope...). After the fight, walk to the right and take the box of Scooby Snacks to finish the level. OLD TYME MYNING TOWNE NARRATOR: The 10,000 Volt Ghost and the Black Knight Ghost have now cornered Daphne and Fred in the Mystery Machine, when Daphne spots something in the back. DAPHNE: Honey, in this, our last moment, I really want to connect with you -- NARRATOR: Fred looks at Daphne as if to say "What the heck?" But she's really just trying to tell him something without actually saying it. DAPHNE: -- like when we were young, and you wore that jumper. FRED: Me, in a jumper? DAPHNE: And we'd watch cable together -- NARRATOR: Fred finally notices Jumper Cables in the toolbox. Fred's eyes widen. Now he gets it. As the ghosts approach, Fred quickly grabs the Cables. He tosses one end to Daphne. She hooks her end up to the 10,000 Volt Ghost as Fred hooks his end up to the Black Knight ghost, and... both ghosts gulp, realizing what is happening. The electric current quickly moves towards them. And with that, we receive another password. Write it down (do I even need to tell anyone that?). ============== Section 4.3 ============== SMALL SHACK NARRATOR: Daphne hands Scooby and Shaggy the Control Panel. It's up to them to place it in its Base and activate it. They shiver with fear as they step out of the Shack. SHAGGY: Think we can make it, dude? SCOOBY: Ro. SHAGGY: Me neither. NARRATOR: Shaggy looks at his best pal with affection. SHAGGY: I just, like, want you to know, Scoob, that you're, like, the grooviest friend ever. NARRATOR: Scooby's eyes well up with tears. SCOOBY: Roo are too, Raggy. NARRATOR: Shaggy is touched. He reaches out and scratches Scooby behind the ears. Then Scooby reaches out and scratches Shaggy's ears, too. They both smile. Shaggy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Scooby Snack. SHAGGY: Our last Scooby Snack. Halfsies? NARRATOR: Scooby nods. Shaggy snaps it and they pop it onto their mouths and make a run for it. OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby get through the Old Tyme Myning Towne. On the bottom of the level are two lizardmen, so be careful. Remember you can still throw your Magnifying Glass and you should be fine. Just walk to the right and when you're blocked by a wall, go up the ladder. Kill the Skeleton on the platform and jump on the moving platform to the left. Jump off it at the next platform and continue moving to the left (look out for another Skeleton). Go up the ladder at the end and move to the right at the top. You'll encounter a new enemy; the Medicine Man. There are actually two of them on the roof, so defeat them and keep moving. Jump down where the Snacks are (climb back if you missed some) and you'll land next to the wall which blocked you before. Go to the right, destroy one crate and defeat the bat you see. Take the Snacks you see and keep moving. You'll encounter a Lizardman, so defeat him and continue to the right. Go up the ladder you find at the end, climb it and go left again. Defeat the two skeletons, take the Snacks and go up the next ladder. Don't go through the door yet, but defeat the two Medicine Men first for some Scooby Snacks and an emblem for another try! Now go through the door (you should have 30 Snacks now). You'll notice the screen starts shaking sometimes, well, don't worry about that but look out for the Red Samurai you'll immediately encounter. Keep moving, go across the assembly line, defeat the second Red Samurai and take the carrot if you need it. Defeat the two Eyes, go across another assembly line and you'll find out just why your screen was shaking. Pillars are moving up and down from the ceiling, and when your trapped between one and the floor, you'll be dead. To avoid that, just wait until the pillar is moving up, then move towards the next assembly line and jump on it. Wait until the new pillar is moving up, drop down to the floor and crawl (move while ducking) towards the right. Now go through the door (with 48 Scooby Snacks). This time you're not allowed to fall in the holes, as you will when you do. Just take a small running start to jump form platform to platform. Then jump on the moving (upwards) platform. You can stay on it to find a hamburger to your left, or jump to the right on the other moving (downwards) platform. Before you're jumping to the right platform, be sure to be high on the upwards moving platform, because you need to be high enough to reach the next floor. When you made it, just ignore the Green Ghost and go through the door (you should have 57 Scooby Snacks). Take a running start and jump to the next platform. Now be careful for those rolling barrels, as they'll hurt you on contact. Just jump over them and keep going to the right. There's a Skeleton and a hamburger waiting for you there. When you're done, go through the door (66 Snacks now). Defeat the Lizardman, take the Snacks and continue to the right. Defeat the Red Samurai, take the Snacks and fall down into the sewer. There, you should be going to the left, but be on the look-out for bats, rats and Skeletons. Drop down at the end again and go to the right. Look out for the bats here, as you ened to jump from platform to platform again, and they can be very annoying when you're trying to do so. The best thing is to defeat them first. Evading is also possible, as they'll keep flying to one side (simply ducking works most of the time; after a few moments they will be gone). Then, take a running start and jump from platform to platform. Take the carrot after the second platform and keep moving. Crawl to the next area, where there are bats waiting. Evade or defeat them and jump form platform to platform again (don't forget your running start, or else you are likely to fall in a hole). Defeat the rat you see at the end and climb up. Jump off to the left, take the Snacks and defeat the Skeleton. Defeat two more rats and climb up the ladder. Jump off to the right, defeat the Lizardman and take the Snacks you see. There's one final Red Samurai to take care of, after that, you're free to take the remaining Scooby Snacks and the box of Scooby Snacks to complete the level! OLD TYME MYINING TOWNE NARRATOR: A large shadow falls over Shaggy and Scooby. They look up to see a Giant Bearded Man with a pickax. SHAGGY: The Miner 49er. SCOOBY: Ra Riner Rorty-Riner! Hurray, we get another password! Do with it as you please. I write them down. ============== Section 4.4 ============== OD TYME MYNING TOWNE NARRATOR: The Miner 49er breathes fire at Shaggy and Scooby. It just barely misses them. MINER 49ER: A bit frightened lads, eh? NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby run around another corner. The Miner 49er chases them. As he rounds the corner, he's surprised to see Shaggy holding Scooby up like a weapon. Shaggy is pointing Scooby's butt straight at the Miner 49er. SHAGGY: Dig this, bro. It's real gas. OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby defeat the Miner 49er. Stay away from his flaming breath! Okay, it's time for another boss fight! This time we're fighting with Scooby, and his Magnifying Glass weapon doesn't work. He's pretty hard to beat, but we'll try anyway. You'll need to hit him 20 times. There's a carrot on both sides of the room, and you'll probably need them. The first thing to look out for, is the Miner's fire breath. He spits fire at you, and ducking it at close rang won't help. It's extremely hard to jump over, so the best thing to do to protect yourself from it, is to walk/run away from it and duck. The fire goes up after a few seconds, so you'll be safe at long distance. Another way to dodge his fire is to jump on the pipe at either side of the room and jump up to the red platform. He can't reach you there, and it gives you a nice spot to attack him. He will add a few techniques after a while. He'll continue spitting fire every now and then, but he also starts throwing it! He'll throw three fire pickaxes every now and then, but they're fairly easy to dodge. Look out for the fire start where they land though, as it'll burn for a few seconds. Another technique you'll come across is his spinning around. He holds out his axe and comes spinning at you. He doesn't go very fast, but while he's spinning, he's invincible! Just walk/run away from him and you'll be fine. His last attack consists of his fire breath again, but this time it goes up and down instead of straight-forward. Evade it by moving away from him. The best way to defeat him is to use a hit-and-run technique. Stay away from him, and move in right after he attacked to counter-attack. After you've hit him, run away again. Just stay on one side of the room, and when the Miner comes too close, move to the other side of the room via the pipe and the red platform. You'll also notice the Miner panting sometimes, he's tired then and you can attack him more easily. But he won't be tired for long, so get your shot in and run away. If the Miner is using his first fire breath, just run towards him when he's done breathing it, hit him and run away (you'll be right in time to dodge his new fire breath). If he's throwing the fire axes, you should be close by to hit him, because the axes won't hurt you when you're close to him. If he starts spinning around, just walk with him, but make sure you don't touch him. If he stops spinning, just hit him once and run away. His last fire breath is very hard to dodge, so I suggest you just hit him if you're close to him, or run away from him if you're at a distance. If you follow these tactics, the Miner 49er won't mine again! After he's defeated, Scooby'll do a little dance. OLD MYNING TOWNE NARRATOR: Just as the Miner 49er breathes fire at Scooby and Shaggy, Scooby pulls on his tail and farts. The fart shoots the Miner's flame back toward him and engulves him in flames. But the Miner 49er is relentless. He holds up his pick. MINER 49ER: We can make this easy or hard, lads. Take... Your... Pick! NARRATOR: Our heroes scream and run away. Yay! We've earned another password, so write it down. ======================================= hhmm Area 5 - Monster Hive ======================================= ============== Section 5.1 ============== ABANDONED SILVER MINE NARRATOR: As Scooby and Shaggy run away from the Miner 49er, they look back. They see that he's far behind them now. SHAGGY: All those years of running away in fear have, like, finally paid off! SCOOBY: Rep! NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby turn toward the Abandoned Silver Mine. SHAGGY: The Monster Hive is straight through there! OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby escape the Miner 49er and make it safely through the Old Tyme Myning Towne. Okay, we're still playing with Scooby and it looks like a "normal" level here. The first thing to do is get rid of that Hunchback you'll immediately come across. Just throw a Magnifying Glass at him and hit him once to dispose of him. Now jump on the wooden platform and keep jumping to the next one (making sure to have a small running start. Don't fall down, as there's nothing there but two Lizardmen. Look out for the Hunchback on the last wooden platform. At the last platform, jump to the right and press up near the ladder in the air to climb it. Climb to the top and jump on the small platform at the top. Jump to the right and land where the Snacks are. You should land on a purple/pink barrel. Jump down and hit the Eye twice to take it out (temporarely). Just keeping dropping down and hitting the Eyes, and take the carrot and the Snacks you see. When you're finally at the ground again, take the Snacks and take out the Lizardman. Keep walking to the right. There's another Hunchback, a Lizardman and a Medicine Man there, as well as a few Snacks. You know what to do with those... At the end go up the small wooden stairs and go through the door. You should have 24 Scooby Snacks now. As soon as you go through the door, you'll be attacked by an Eye and a Red Samurai, so be carefull. Jump on the assembly line, but look out for more Eyes there. Also, 3 out of 4 lamps will fall down (only the second won't), so dodge those. At the end of the line there's another Red Samurai to take care of. You'll also find a Hamburger to restore your Courage. take it and go through the new door (with 30 Scooby Snacks in your possession). Walk to the right to find a wooden platform in the air (I always wonder how these things stay aloft...). Don't fall in the blue hole, as you will die if you do so. Jump on the floating platform and it'll move to the right. Dodge the bats and the Green Ghost (ducking is very useful here), but make sure to take those Snacks. If you get touched by an enemy, change are you'll fall in the hole, so be carefull. Jump off at the end and take the carrot. Destroy the Hunchback and proceed to the right by jumping on the wooden platform. To the right is another blue hole, so climb up the ladder instead. Jump off at the top and destroy the Medicine Man. Keep walking the pink pipe, destry the other Medicine Man and climb down the ladder at the end. Don't go left, as there's the hole, but go right and defeat the Medicine Man. Keep jumping on the wooden platforms and destroy the Lizardman. Take the Snacks and the Hamburger and go into the tunnel (you should have 60 Snacks by now). There's a Red Samurai there to greet you, so throw a Magnifying Glass at him and take him out. Keep walking and jump on the moving steel platform. Look out for the bat and jump to the right, where you'll find another moving platform. From there, jump to the non-moving platform and wait a little. You'll notice rocks falling in front of you, so wait until a rock has just fallen before you jump to the other side. Look out for the Medicine Man at the other side (hit him whit a Magnifying Glass first, then try to hit him in your jump). To the right you'll see another assembly line, but it's filled with Eyes, so look out. Dodge them as best as you can, and go to the end of the line. At the end, jump to the non-moving platform with the Medicine Man. Look out for him, as he can make you fall in the depths. Look out for falling rocks, and jump, when the coast is clear, to the new platform, and then to the assembly line (there's another Red Samurai there). Kill the Samurai, but look out, as this assembly line moves the wrong way. So keep walking to the right to avoid falling. Destroy the new Samurai and jump on the moving platform at the end. Jump to the next platform, let it move up and jump at the top for an emblem (yay! another try!). Jump to the next platform and jump to the other side. Dodge the Green Ghost you'll see there and go up the ladder at the end. You should have 78 Snacks here. Take the carrot to the left if you need it and follow the arrow to the right. Destroy the Lizardman and look out for the bat. When the wooden floor changes to a steel floor, make sure not to stand on the wooden boards too long, as they will fall down. Simply run across to get past them. Drop down and destroy the Lizardman only to arrive at a new assembly line, again filled with those annoying Eyes. Look out for the blue pipe in the air, as rocks will fall out of it. Jump across to the next assembly line, over the spike pit. Same story here (except the line moves in the oppossite direction); look out for Eyes and the blue pipe in the air. Take the box of Scooby Snacks at the end to complete the level. ABANDONED SILVER MINE NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby jump into the Abandoned Silver Mine. They quickly lock all the locks on the door. When they're finished, they hear a roar behind them. They turn to see the Cotton Candy Glob. Shaggy and Scooby can't believe their eyes. It's huge! They're terrified. COTTON CANDY GLOB: You should have never locked those locks! Now you're stuck in here with me, the Cotton Candy Glob! NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby instantly stop sobbing. SHAGGY: Cotton... Candy... Glob? COTTON CANDY GLOB: Yes!! SHAGGY: Man, I think You're stuck in here with Us. NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby start licking their lips. This time it's the Cotton Candy Glob who's terrified. You'll get a new password here, so write it down. ============== Section 5.2 ============== UNDERGROUND LABORATORY NARRATOR: Daphne, Velma, and Fred race into the Underground Laboratory. FRED: I don't see Shaggy and Scooby anywhere! DAPHNE: Poor guys are probably terrified! NARRATOR: Suddenly the elevator doors open. It's Scooby and Shaggy. Scooby burps loudly. SHAGGY: This is like the greatest day of our lives! Finally, a monster we could really sink our teeth into! NARRATOR: Shaggy and Scooby crack up. Fred grabs the Control Panel from Shaggy. FRED: Come on! We have to hurry! NARRATOR: Fred leads the way. The rest of the Gang follow him into the Monster Hive. OBJECTIVE: Help Scooby find his way out of the Monster Hive. Move to the right, where you'll find two platforms on a red scale. Simply jump on one to start it. The two platform will go up. Try to collect the Snacks, but look out for the water from the pipes, as you will get hurt from them. Jump from platform to platform to avoid the water. Jump off to the right when you see the red arrow. Take the Snacks and go through the door (with 17 Snacks). Duck and crawl, and wait for the pillar to move up. Then quickly crawl across and go up the stairs. Look out for the two rats there, but also for the saw on the red railing just above you. Duck when you see it coming. The best approach is to kill the rat, then wait for the saw. Once it goes back, follow it and take out the other rat. Then duck and wait fot the saw to pass, after which you're safe to go. Next is a moving platform, and again, a nasty saw on a railing. Wait for the saw to return to the right, jump on the first platform, quikcly jump across to the non-moving platform (look out for the Medicine Man, try to hit it in your jump). Then wait for the saw to move to the right again before jumping to the next platform. On it, grab the emblem for another try and jump to the next non-moving platform (which also has a Medicine Man, so be careful). This time, awit until the saw goes to the left of you, then jump to the next platform. Quickly jump on the assembly line, but make sure to dodge the bat. Throw a Magnifying Glass at the Clown and take it out. Look out for another bat and make your way to the right. It's another pounding pillar, so wait until it moves up, then quickly move the right (make sure to dodge and crawl). Take the carrot and enter the door (with 38 Scooby Snacks). Take out the two Skeletons on the assembly line, then continue to the right. You'll see four ladders there, but they lead nowhere. Underneath them are spikes, so what you need to do is jump from ladder to ladder. Simply climb up, then jump and move to the right whilst pressing up. When you reach the fourth ladder, jump off on the platform with the three Snacks (make sure you don't hit the up-and-down moving saw on the rail). Underneath you is a Lizardman, but he can't harm you up there. Jump towards the Scooby Snacks you see floating to the right. Under the Snacks is a moving assembly line, so keep moving to the right to avoid the Lizardman. He'll follow you eventually, so be careful. To the right is a Skeleton, so take it out. Once you reach the end of the line, you'll come across some more floating platforms. Keep jumping up to climb to the next floor. At the top right of the screen is an hamburger, so take it if you need it. To the left you'll see a Lizardman. Wait patiently until it falls off the edge, then jump to the left platform. At the top is a lamp, which spits energy bolts. It'll fire in three directions: straight down, and diagonally to both sides. You can tell it's about to shoot when it starts glowing brighter. Dodge those bolts and defeat that nasty Wizard. At the end of the platform you'll see another one of those moving saws. Wait for it to move down, then jump across (don't fall down, as you'll be at the beginning of the screen again), where things will get tricky. Quickly defeat the Skeleton (simply press B very fast to keep hitting it). When you move to the left, look out for a Green Ghost and another one of those firing lamp. Immediately after the lamp is another firing lamp, a Wizard and a Lizardman. This part is very hard to do, all I can do is tell you to be careful. Or, if you have enough energy, run straight through it all. However you do it, go through the door at the end (with 65 Snacks). Great, just what we needed. More lamps. This lamp also has a Wizard in the vicinity, so take good care (a Magnifying Glass works well here). After you've taken care of it, jump on platform, then on the moving steel platform to the right to continue. Now jump to the right on the white, scientific platform. Don't stand still here for too long, as bolts will shoot down where you are standing. The best way to do this, is before you jump on it, wait until the moving platform is pretty high. Then jump on it, keep jumping to the right while taking the Snacks, then jump to the right moving platform. Next up is a new scientific platform. Repeat the steps, but instead of jumping to another moving platform, you'll have to jump to another scientific platform. Use the same tactics again, and jump to the moving platform on the right. Then jump to the right and take the Box of Scooby Snacks to complete the level. MONSTER HIVE NARRATOR: The Gang enters the Monster Hive. FRED: We have to put this Control Panel in its Base, before -- NARRATOR: Suddenly, the Green Ghost flies out of one cavern. Then the Miner 49er runs out of another cavern. The Skeleton Man appears from still another. they surround Scooby and the Gang. Fred looks around at the menacing monsters. FRED: -- before this happens. Hurray! Another password! Write it down, mash it, stick it a stew. ============== Section 5.3 ============== MONSTER HIVE NARRATOR: The Evil Masked Figure suddenly appears beside the monsters that now surround Scooby and the Gang. EVIL MASKED FIGURE: Don't let these fools put the Control Panel back in its base! Destroy them, my pets! FRED: Fred sees the Control Panel Base. He starts to run, then realizes he can't make it -- because the floor has now become sticky tar. He's trapped! The Tar Monster is behind him, laughing. Fred looks over at Daphne. FRED: Keep away, Daphne! NARRATOR: Before Fred is completely engulfed in tar, he tosses the Control Panel to Daphne. She avoids the Green Ghost as she catches it. DAPHNE: Velma! NARRATOR: Daphne then flings the Control panel to Velma. Velma leaps up and catches it, but lands in a puddle of tar. As the tar rises up over Velma, she throws the Control Panel to Shaggy. VELMA: Shaggy! It's all up to you now! OBJECTIVE: Helps Daphne. Shaggy and Scooby work together as a team to hold on to the Control Panel and keep it away from the monsters. Okay, we're playing with Daphne this time. Simply keep moving to the right, destroying the monsters you see. Watch out for the green pits, because when you're standing in them, you'll lose energy (run, then jump over then). After two Medicine Men and a Hunchback, you'll come across a giant black ball. Wait for it to move to the right, then quickly follow it. Look out for the Skeleton you'll immediatelly see, then defeat the Hunchback a few steps further. Keep moving to the right, and you'll see another big black ball swinging from the ceiling. Just repeat the trick I just told you, and watch out for the Skeleton again. Go up the pink (?) stairs at the end (you should have 21 Snacks now). DAPHNE: It's up to you now, Shaggy. Surprise! You're playing with Shaggy now! First off, take the carrot if you need it, then defeat the Hunchback. Jump or run over the crumbled floor quickly, before it collapses under your feet (if you fall in such a hole, you'll be dead immediatelly). Dodge or defeat the bat, then jump across the hole in the floor. Defeat the Red Samurai, then jump over another hole in the floor (who built this place anyway?). Look out for crumbled floors here, so walk carefully. Defeat the Medicine Man and the Red Samurai and keep moving to the right. Another crumbled floor here, this time with a bat and a Hunchback. Take care of them and keep walking. Jump over the new hole and defeat the two Skeletons until you come across a blue ray. Time your movements right so you won't get hit (but make sure to take the emblem for another try). Jump over the hole and defeat the Medicine Man. Jump over the next hole and take out the Skeleton. Take the hamburger if you need it and go down the ladder (with 48 Scooby Snacks). SHAGGY: Scooby, it's all yours now, man. Like, good luck, dude. Surprise, surprise! It's Scooby time! And we've got a boss on our hands, too! It's a purple monster! Actually, although he looks pretty impressive, he fairly easy to beat. First of all, the monster needs to be hit 20 times. However, by using the Fire Extinguishers found at left and right side of the screen (just jump on the platform to find them) you can hit him for four points by using it just in front of him (by pressing R, just like the Magnifying Glass). The best thing about these Extinghuishers, is that they just keep appearing. You'll never run low on them! If you're running low on health, there are two Hamburgers to be found, in the topright and the top left corner. Also, if the monster is close on your tail, you can flee via the main platform to escape to the other side (reach it by jumping on the platform at the side, then jump on the the big platform). The monster has a few attacks to watch out for. Simply touching him will take a bar of Courage. He will also stomp the ground sometimes, which causes purple slime to come out of the ground were you are standing. Just walk around to avoid this. Sometimes he bends over, which causes four purple balls to fly out of his back; the first one will fly the farthest away, then the distance will slowly decrease. They will hurt you when they hit you, but they will also still be alive on the floor for some more annoyance (they even move around, usely in your direction). You can easily defeat them by hitting them, though. The monster won't shoot new balls if there are still old ones around, luckily for us. He won't appear at the main platform in the centre though, so you should be safe there. After you've hit him a few times (if he has less than 10 hitpoints left), he'll gain some new moves. He can now just dissappear and appear somewhere else after a while, so keep paying close attention. You don't want to find him somewhere you thought you were safe. He can also jump around and land on you. He can now also be at the platform, so look out. Use these tips above to avoid his attacks, heal when necessary and use the Fire Extinguishers. You need to use them five times, or less times if you try and hit him too. I'd suggest to stick with the Fire Extinguishers. You should be able to beat him in a few tries. MONSTER HIVE NARRATOR: Shaggy watches as Fred, Daphne, and Velma are completely covered in tar. Terrified, Scooby backs against a wall where he discovers an old Fire Extinguisher. Shaggy looks down to see his own legs being covered in tar now, then his arms and neck. He can't move. EVIL MASKED FIGURE: Ha! Soon Coolsville will be destroyed! My evenge will be final. And there is nothing Mystery, Inc. can do about it! NARRATOR: Suddenly, Scooby tiptoes over to Shaggy and sprays him with the Fire Extinguisher. The tar suddenly freezes, cracks and shatters away. Shaggy's free! SHAGGY: Like, frostbite never felt so good! You get another password, so jot it down or don't. Your decision. ============== Section 5.4 ============== MONSTER HIVE EVIL MASKED FIGURE: You still can't get past my creatures! SHAGGY: Oh yeah? Go long, Scoob! NARRATOR: Shaggy throws the Control Panel to Scooby. Scooby runs and leaps over the attacking monsters. He isn't scared. He's determined now and catches the Control Panel! OBJECTIVE: This is the final level. Help Scooby defeat the Evil Masked Figure. Okay, we've finally arrived at the final level! In it, we must defeat this Evil Masked Figure. First, there's a small cut-scene, in which the Evil Masked Figure (EMF) appears, after which the showdown begins! The first thing you should be aware of, is the fact there are two Hamburgers in the level. If you're low on health, there's one at the left and the right side of the level. The second important thing to know is the return of the Pterodactyl Ghost (which we've first encountered in level 1.2). The little, green dinosaur will fly around at the top of the screen, and hurls some kind of projectiels at you. You should dodge whatever he throws, and also dodge his swoop attacks; ignore him for the rest. You cannot kill him, as he's just some kind of sidekick. Another important factor is the fact that when you die, the EMF keeps his current hitpoints. This means that if you've managed to hit him 5 times, then die, the EMF will still have 10 hitpoints when you return. Also, the Magnifying Glass doesn't work on the EMF (obviously). Let's look at the attacks of the EMF. As I said before, don't touch him. One of his attacks consists of two firebolts, which he'll hurl in the air. They're coming for you, so run away when you see them coming. His second attack can be seen when pulls some kind of remote control out of his pocket. With the mere push of a button, he summons two gray rails with moving saws (remember those?) on them. They're pretty hard to dodge too, so when you see the remote control, try to hit the EMF and thus disrupting his attack. The rails can either appear low or high, or at both heights at the same time (they dissappear after a few seconds though). After a few hits you'll see his third attack (although it's not really his): little bolts from the ceiling. Three little bolts shoot down at you from the ceiling in a fixed pattern; try to figure out this pattern quick, to make it easier to dodge them. They shoot in three directions: straight down, and diagonally in both sides. The three bolts always come from straight above a platform (also note that the middle bolt can't get through the platform). Now for the defeating of the EMF. He's actually pretty hard to defeat, and by far the hardest boss in the game. First of all, don't ever touch him without attacking, because you will be hurt. Second of all, you'll need to hit him 15 times. Thirth, you can't just hurt the EMF. You'll just run straight through him, and he'll simply use his cape and dissappear. What you'll want to do, is get him in the middle of the screen. This can be done in two ways: simply waiting and avoiding until he shows up there, or hitting him when he's on a platform (you'll get hit, then quickly hit him again while invincible). Sometimes he'll keep waiting while on a platform, so resort to technique nr 2 if he does that. There, in the middle, you'll need to hit him, then he will split up into three EMF's (!), but don't worry; there's only one real one, the one that doesn't blink. Find the non-blinking one (you can usually see which one it is when he splits up: just look real carefully where the solid version goes) and attack him. Now repeat this 6 times, after which the following happens. Evil Masked Figure: I'll show you my real power. Well, threatening as it sounds, the only thing that happens is there are now three containers coming down (well, you still have the old attacks of the EMF to deal with, of course). Too bad they are filled with monsters. Expect Hunchbacks, Medicine Men, Red Samurai, Lizardmen and Wizards to come out of it. Also, the Pterodactyl Ghost is gone now. Just continue doing what you were doing, keep avoiding the monsters (there won't come out new monsters if there are still one or more around) and you should be able to defeat him by hitting the solid version of the EMF 9 more times. He gains no new attacks here. MONSTER HIVE NARRATOR: Scooby holds the Control Panel above the Base. The Evil Masked Figure and the monsters just stare. They're stunned. EVIL MASKED FIGURE: No! No! No! You're just a stupid dog!! You can't do this to me!! Who do you think you are? SCOOBY: SCOOBY! SCOOBY: DOOBY! SCOOBY: DOO! NARRATOR: Scooby places the Control Panel in the Base and hits the Activation Button! EVIL MASKED FIGURE: Noooooooooo! NARRATOR: The Gang comes out of the Abandoned Silver Mine to face reporters and photographers. Behind them, policemen lead the Evil Masked Figure away in habdcuffs. REPORTER: Mystery, Inc., do you know the identity of the Evil Masked Figure? You will now be asked to enter the code from Scooby-Doo 2, the movie. The code is SD2, so enter it. The screen will say "YOU'RE RIGHT" and the scene will continue. If you've got it wrong, the screen will say "YOU'RE WRONG". VELMA: Well, if our hunch is correct, the Evil Masked Figure is... Heather Jasper-Howe, the reporter who has been trying to ruin Mystery, Inc. from the beginning. REPORTER: But why did she do it? VELMA: Because Heather Jasper-Howe is actually -- NARRATOR: Velma grabs Heather's hair, and pulls off her face -- it's a Mask. Underneath, she's -- VELMA: Dr. Jonathan Jacobo, the original Pterodactyl Ghost! Dr. JACOBO: I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids and that dog of yours! If you didn't enter the correct code, you'll see the "regular ending, which goes like the following: NARRATOR: A dark cloud passes overhead. The Evil Masked Figure takes off its mask. The Gang stares in disbelief. VELMA: That's impossible. It can't be you. Now could... FRED: ... you be in two places at once? DAPHNE: There's got to be some kind of mistake. NARRATOR: Shaggy turns to Scooby and says: SHAGGY: Hey Scoob, like, do you see what I see? NARRATOR: Scooby smiles sheepishly as he watches the now unmasked Evil Masked Figure walk slowly away in handcuffs. Scoob lifts up his paw and nervously waves good-bye. He says in a shakey voice: SCOOBY: Rye Rye. Great work, we've finished the game! Now you can sit back and watch the credits, as the Gang walks around in them while you're being treated to some nice backgrounds of the game. You can press Start anytime to return to the Title Screen. ======================== iiii Mini Games ======================== How to unlock: Simply beat the game once to open up the Mini Games option (you can find it in the main menu, where the first question marks were), There are four minigames to choose from, Sneaky Shaggy (as seen in section 3.1), It's All Downhill (as seen in section 3.4), Circuit Mania (as seen in section 4.1) and Pedal To The Metal (also seen in section 4.1). You've all played them before, so you should know what to do. Sneaky Shaggy This game is the same as the minigame you played in section 3.1. Use the Directional Button to control Shaggy as he chases Old Man Wrinkles around. Make sure he doesn't spot you by hiding behind walls and other obstacles. Press B to run. the difference with the game you played earlier is that this time around, you can choose the difficulty. On three stars (the highest difficulty, OLW will even walk back to you! Look at section 3.1 for the lay-outs of the 5 levels and more info. It's All Downhill I hate this minigame. The controls are horrible, as is the speed of your character. Anyway, first choose the difficulty (I couldn't even finish the easy level...), watch out for falling rocks and the Skeleton Man. I have nothing much more to say about this mini game, except good luck with it. Circuit Mania In this mini game, you'll need to connect the red button to the electric lamp on the other side of the screen. You do this by using the Tetris-like blocks you see at the bottom. Select a block by using the Directional Button, then press A to select it. Move it to the desired position with the Directional Button, then press A again to place it on the screen. Press B to cancel. To erase an already placed block, select it again at the bottom of the screen, then press B. You're now able to move it around again and place it somewhere else (or press B to put it back into the inventory). When you made a path from the Red Button to the lamp, press the R button to release the current and light the lamp, after which you'll advance to the next level. Once you completed a level, you can select it again in the Stage Select at the beginning of the game. There are new blocks in the minigame, the Bomb Block and the Positive and Negative Blocks. A Bomb Block blocks the way to the lamp, and must be destroyed to continue. You can destroy it by sending some current through it. The other two blocks are basically teleports. You can send current through the Positive (+) Block, and it will appear at the Negative (-) Block. Seeing as this mini game is bigger than the one you played in the story mode (it has over 30 levels), I won't give a detailed solution for every puzzle, as it's not really a part of the main game and it would take up way too much room in the FAQ as well. If you really can't figure out a puzzle, just email me and I'll tell you the answer (but you should really try it yourself first, as the puzzles aren't very hard). Pedal To The Metal You can choose between two modes here: Story and Score Attack. The Story game is the exact game as detailed in section 4.1, so look there for the information. The Score Attack is a bit different, as there are way more vehicles on the road, as well as holes and roadblocks. The idea is to collect as many Scooby Snacks as possible and to live as long as possible to get the highest score. ======================== jjjj Passwords ======================== CBBCBBBB - Tutorial done. BDBFBBBC - level 1.2 done CDBFBBBD - level 1.3 done LBCKBBBF - level 1.4 done MBC3BVBC - level 2.1 done LDGYCVBC - level 2.2 done MDGYFVBB - level 2.3 done LBB?TVBB - level 2.4 done MBB7KVBL - level 3.1 done 4DB7KVBL - level 3.2 done SDB7KCBL - level 3.3 done 4BG7KCBL - level 3.4 done SBG7KCBL - level 4.1 done 4DG7KMBL - level 4.2 done SDG7KMB4 - level 4.3 done 4BBY3MC4 - level 4.4 done SBBY3MF4 - level 5.1 done 4DBY3MK4 - level 5.2 done SDBY3MT4 - level 5.3 done ======================== kkkk Legal Stuff ======================== This walkthrough, and all it's content (including the ASCIIs), is Copyrighted, 2005 by Jaap van Zon. This walkthrough is only allowed on www.gamefaqs.com. No part of this walkthrough can be used without proper quoting and/or recognition. Any person(s) found violating this copyright is/are punishable by law and will be to the fullest extent. If you see this walkthrough on another site, please alert me.