|=============================================================| Advance Wars (c)Nintendo, 2001 Release Date: 09.10.01 Platform: Gameboy Advance Suggested Retail Price: $34.99 Developer: INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Publisher: Nintendo of America (NOA) Last Update: 23/Sep/2001 16:25 PST |=============================================================| Advance Wars FAQ (c)Sam Gibson 2001, Unpublished work !Legal Info! This FAQ is distributed under the Open Content license (http://www.opencontent.org/) with the addition that you notify the author of any commercial redistribution, republication, or reproducation. *Version History* 23/Sep/2001 -=- V.0.2 - Update The Overview, Terrain Effects, and Units lists are all done. I also finished all the COs, however the data may not be 100% accurate on these just yet. Normal Campaign, S Rank walkthrough started as well. 20/Sep/2001 -=- V.0.1 - General Layout This is just putting together general info and fixing the basic layout. |=============================================================| ********** *Contents* ********** 1: Overview 2: Terrain Effects 3: Units 3.1: Ground Units 3.10: Infantry ~.11: Mechs (Mechanized Infantry) ~.12: APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) ~.13: Recon (Reconnaissance Jeep) ~.14: Tank ~.15: Md. Tank (Medium Tank) ~.16: AntiAir (Mobile Anti-air) ~.17: Artillery (Mobile Artillery) ~.18: Rockets (M.R.L.S.) ~.19: Missiles (Mobile SAM Launcher) 3.2: Aerial Units 3.20: Fighter ~.21: Bomber ~.22: B Cptr (Battle Copter) ~.23: T Cptr (Transport Chopper) 3.3: Sea Units 3.30: B Ship (Battle Ship) ~.31: Cruiser ~.32: Sub ~.33: Lander 4: Commanding Officers (COs) 4.10: Andy ~.11: Max ~.12: Sami ~.13: Olaf ~.14: Kanbei ~.15: Grit ~.16: Sonja ~.17: Eagle ~.18: Drake ~.19: Sturm ~.20: Nell 5: Campaign Mode Guide 5.10: Mission #1: "It's War!" ~.11: Mission #2: "Gunfighter!" |=============================================================| ********************* *Section 1: Overview* ********************* Advance Wars is a seemingly innocent and deceptively deep strategy game for Nintendo's Gameboy Advance. A souped up turn based strategy affair along with extremely well balanced units and maps as well as a comprehensive training mode and different character with unique personalities and strategic play make this game worth the price tag. Recieving rave reviews from players and pundits alike, this is a must buy if I ever saw one. Now that the formal butt kissing is out of the way... |=============================================================| ******************** *Section 2: Terrain* ******************** Section Summary: All terrain has a different movement cost for certain types of units. Terrain may also provide extra defence. This is key in many missions (and is outlined in the field training) Here is a quick run-down of how terrains effect units... Types of Units: Tires: Missiles, Rockets, Recons Treads: Tanks, Md. Tanks, Artillery, APC, AntiAir Infantry: Infantry (duh) Mech: Mechs (duh duh) Air: Fighter, T Cptr, Bomber, B Cptr Sea: Sub, Lander, B Ship, Cruiser, Trans Terrain Penalties to Movement: ------------------ Plains - Def: 1 ~Tires: 2 ~Treads: 1 ~Inftry: 1 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: N ------------------ Woods - Def: 2 ~Tires: 3 ~Treads: 2 ~Inftry: 1 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: N ------------------ River - Def: 0 ~Tires: N ~Treads: N ~Inftry: 2 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: N/A ------------------ Road - Def: 0 ~Tires: 1 ~Treads: 1 ~Inftry: 1 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: N ------------------ Mount - Def 4 ~Tires: N ~Treads: N ~Inftry: 2 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: N ------------------ City* - Def 3 ~Tires: 1 ~Treads: 1 ~Inftry: 1 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: N ------------------ Sea - Def 0 ~Tires: N ~Treads: N ~Inftry: N ~Mechs: N ~Air: N ~Sea: 1 ------------------ Reef - Def 1 ~Tires: N ~Treads: N ~Inftry: N ~Mechs: N ~Air: N ~Sea: 2 ------------------ Shoal - Def: 0 ~Tires: 1 ~Treads: 1 ~Inftry: 1 ~Mechs: 1 ~Air: 1 ~Sea: 1** *: Cities includ ALL structures, airports, sea ports, HQ's, and cities. **: Only Sea Transports can move here. Other ships can't. |=============================================================| ****************** *Section 3: Units* ****************** Section Summary: The 'Units' section is broken down into three major sub-sections: ground, sea, and air. Each sub-section contains the stats of the units in that class as well as a general overview of the strategy that the particular units should employ. |=============================================================| 3.1: Ground Units ----------------- 3.10: Infantry Cost: 1,000 Credits Movement: 3 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: no cost Weapon(s): Automatic Rifle Valid Targets: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, (low dmg) Cptr ========== Description: This is your run-of-the-mill regular guy. Cheap but doesn't pack much punch. They can capture cities by moving on top of them and selecting the "Capt" command. Useful mostly in groups for capturing cities to make money. 3.11: Mech/Mechanized Infantry Cost: 3,000 Credits Movement: 2 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 70/70 Ammunition: 3/3 Weapon(s): Automatic Rifle/Bazooka Valid Targets: ~Bazooka: Veh ~Rifle: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, (low dmg) Cptr ========== Description: This is basically infantry with anti-tank weapons. Good against lightly armoured vehicles, and of course capturing bases. Their low movement however makes it so that they -must- have an APC or transport Chopper to escort them around. The bazooka is automatically used against vehicles and the rifle against infantry. 3.12: APC/Armoured Personnel Carrier Cost: 5,000 Credits Movement: 6 Vision: 1 Weapon Range: N/A Gas: 70/70 Ammunition: N/A Weapon(s): N/A Valid Targets: N/A ========== Description: APCs are one of the key units in a successful army. Not only do they transport troops quickly from one location to another, but frequently the AI in the game will make it a point to attack APCs that happen to be in range rather than more dangerous units. This makes them pivotal to success against the computer in many missions. 3.13: Recon/Reconnaissance Jeep Cost: 4,000 Credits Movement: 8 Vision: 5 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 80/80 Ammunition: no cost Weapon(s): Mounted Machine Gun Valid Targets: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, (low dmg) Cptr ========== Description: Recon units are really only useful in stages with the Fog of War. However, they can be used as a cheap diversion against the AI and are also quite effective against infantry units. When using them in in maps with the Fog of War, 'jump' them from forest to forest scouting for other enemy units, that way they remain hidden. 3.14: Tank Cost: 7,000 Credits Movement: 6 Vision: 3 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 70/70 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Cannon/Mounted Machine Gun Valid Targets: ~Cannon: Veh, (low dmg) Ship, (low dmg) Sub ~M Gun: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, (low dmg) Cptr ========== Description: These are the backbone of any army. Good armour, average movement range and good attack damage all add up to one of the most useful units in the game. At a decent price, these things are easy to churn out one after the other in construction stages. Their only real weakness is their succeptability to indirect fire and aerial attacks. 3.15: Md. Tank/Medium Tank Cost: 16,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 1 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 50/50 Ammunition: 8/8 Weapon(s): Cannon/Mounted Machine Gun Valid Targets: ~Cannon: Veh, (low dmg) Ship, (low dmg) Sub ~M Gun: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, (low dmg) Cptr ========== Description: The heaviest armoured and hardest hitting weapons on the ground make this costly behemouth worth the hard earned credits. Almost unstoppable on the ground, this technological marvel carries a hefty price tag. A good mixture of these and regular tanks in your army will balance out the costs and demonstrate to you the destructive force that these puppyies' cannons are packing. Their only weakness is their lack of defense against air-born attacks. 3.16: Mobile AntiAir Cost: 8,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 60/60 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Flak Cannons Valid Targets: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, Cptr, Plane ========== Description: General purpose anti-air cannons. Their unique weapon can be turned on infantry or mechanized troops as well will great effect. Low armour makes them virtually inefective against any armoured ground unit. Essential in maps where air units may be present. 3.17: Artillery/Mobile Heavy Artillery Cost: 6,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 1 Weapon Range: 2~3 Gas: 50/50 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Long Range Artillery Cannon Valid Targets: Inftry, Veh, (low dmg) Ship, (low dmg) Sub ========== Description: Your basic long range unit. It can't defend itself when attacked up-close, but it a formidable power at mid-range. A nice unit when you can 'bottleneck' a mountain pass with one of your tanks and then pound away each turn on the opposing forces with it's hard hitting cannon. The major downside is their lack of ability to attack in the same turn that they have moved. 3.18: Rockets/M.R.L.S. (Mobile Rocket Launching System) Cost: 15,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 1 Weapon Range: 3~5 Gas: 50/50 Ammunition: 6/6 Weapon(s): Long Range Rockets Valid Targets: Inftry, Veh, Ship, Sub ========== Description: The more advanced and more costly advance over the Artillery. With longer range and more punch, these are essential to taking out enemy units before they can reach your troops. Extremely good when used in tandem in 'bottleneck' situations. Their tires are more succeptable to the weather and terrain conditions though, so their mobility is limited. They also can't fire after moving in a turn. 3.19: Missiles/Mobile SAM Launcher Cost: 12,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 5 Weapon Range: 3~5 Gas: 50/50 Ammunition: 6/6 Weapon(s): SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) Valid Targets: Cptr, Plane ========== Description: With one of the lowest defence ratings, the Missles are a hard unit to deploy efficiently. Be sure to keep them protected and you'll be rewarded with an instant kill on almost every air unit that strays your way. Their tires make for finiky transport, so don't use them near woods or in harsh weather conditions. |=============================================================| 3.2: Aerial Units ----------------- 3.20: Fighter Cost: 20,000 Credits Movement: 9 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Missiles (Air to Air Missiles) Valid Targets: Cptr, Plane ========== Description: Useful only in certain situations. Given it's distinct lack of ability to attack any ground unit these are better suited to taking out enemy bombers before they can reach your front line. Also good for taking out Battle Copters before they can reach your vunerable ground units. With their hefty price tag, you might consider using Anti-air or Missile units whenever possible. 3.21: Bomber Cost: 22,000 Credits Movement: 7 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Bombs Valid Targets: Inftry, Veh, Ship, Sub ========== Description: With the second highest price tag in the game, these are devastatingly effective units. They slice through any ground units (especially tanks) like a hot knife through butter. They are also a destructive anti-ship unit. Be cautious of Missile units and Fighters though, because they usually get an insta-kill off on these gigantic harbingers. 3.22: B Cptr/Battle Copter Cost: 9,000 Credits Movement: 6 Vision: 3 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: 6/6 Weapon(s): Air to Ground Missiles/Mounted Machine Gun Valid Targets: ~Missiles: Veh, Ship, Sub ~M Gun: Inftry, (low dmg) Veh, Cptr ========== Description: This is made one of the more useful units in the game due to it's plethora of valid targets and it's high attack power. The major downside is the extremely low defence (in a duel between two B Cptrs the attacker nearly always does more than 7 damage). The relatively cheap price tag and moderatly powerful punch should make this unit a staple for your air forces. 3.23: T Cptr/Transport Chopper Cost: 5,000 Credits Movement: 7 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: N/A Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: N/A Weapon(s): N/A Valid Targets: N/A ========== Description: One of the more useful units in the game. Many times in both Campaign and Vs. mode you can use these to get past enemy lines and capture their base. Especially useful on Fog of War stages when they don't see it comming. The downside of course is that it has no weapons and is therefore vulnerable to all enemy fire. These--like APCs--make good decoys in some situations. |=============================================================| 3.3: Sea Units ----------------- 3.30: B Ship/Battle Ship Cost: 28,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 2 Weapon Range: 2~6 Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Heavy Batteries Valid Targets: Inftry, Veh, Ship, Sub ========== Description: With the huge price-tag comes huge firepower. These can lay down the firepower with their twin batteries. They have the longest range of any unit in the game and pack a huge punch. These are especially effective in Fog of War stages where you can hide them in the reefs and pound away at ground forces. They remain vulnerable to submerged submarines and aerial strikes however, so use them wisely. 3.31: Cruiser Cost: 18,000 Credits Movement: 6 Vision: 3 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: 9/9 Weapon(s): Missiles (Surface to Surface)/A-Air Gun (Flak Cannon) Valid Targets: ~Missiles: Sub ~A-Air Gun: Cptr, Plane ========== Description: These are limited units, but still have their uses. If you have a Battle Ship, these are essential to protecting it from sub torpedoes. They are also powerful against air units. They themselves remain vulnerable to the powerful B Ship however. One thing that is traditionally overlooked about the Cruiser is their ability to transport Cptrs. They can hold up to two of either the T Cptr or the B Cptr. 3.32: Sub Cost: 20,000 Credits Movement: 5 Vision: 5 Weapon Range: 1 Gas: 60/60 Ammunition: 6/6 Weapon(s): Torpedoes Valid Targets: Ship, Sub ========== Description: The sharks of your army. Their special ability to submerge makes them invisible to your enemy unless he is right next to you. If you can control the seas with these guys and deploy your Battle Ships to pound the shores you will be almost unstoppable on many maps. 2.33: Lander Cost: 12,000 Credits Movement: 7 Vision: 1 Weapon Range: N/A Gas: 99/99 Ammunition: N/A Weapon(s): N/A Valid Targets: N/A ========== Description: Essential in many maps where you need to move your troops from island to island to remain successful. These act as the APCs of the sea and many times draw enemy fire. The most important thing to note about the Landers is that they can not only carry Inftry and Mechs but also other ground units. It also has a maximum capacity on two instead of one. |=============================================================| **************** *Section 4: COs* **************** Section Summary: This is a description of all of the COs in the game in addition to telling you how to unlock all of them. As with the units, I believe that all the COs are good in their own right, in their own situations. I will provide a description of what I think their pluses and minuses are and then let you decide for youself whether or not you like them. *note: to purchase COs go to the 'Battle Maps' when you've completed the requirements for any given CO.* |=============================================================| 4.10: Andy Specialties: Average all around character CO Power: Hyper Repair [repairs two health to all Andy's units] To Reveal: N/A Cost: N/A -=========- Description: Andy is the generic all around average guy that's prerequisite in every videogame since Street Fighter 2. He is actually a pretty good CO in his own right though. His power is one of the more useful ones since it not only heals your units, but makes them do more damage that turn as well. He's good in just about any situation but specializes in none. 4.11: Max Specialties: Naturally has higher direct attack power, but his indirect units have a shorter range making them almost useless. CO Power: Max Power [makes him do even -more- direct damage] To Reveal: N/A Cost: N/A -=========- Description: Max is your typical big guy with more brawn than brains. He really pumps out the damage, but the limitations on his long range units limit him to the situtations that he can be successful in. The best strategy with him is the 'blitzkrieg' tactic; hit them hard and fast with everything you've got...and hope they don't have anything left. 4.12: Sami Specialties: Her Inftry and Mechs are much more powerful than others. CO Power: Double Time [her Inftry and Mechs get +1 move and aren't affected by terrain] To Reveal: N/A Cost: N/A -=========- Description: Sami is one of my personal favorite characters. She not only has the best damn music, but her sexification is through the roof! She is, however, one of the more difficult COs to use efficiently. Due to the fact that her ground units are underpowered she must rely on her Mechs and Inftry. She is usually more useful on Fog of War maps with lots of cover in the form of mountains and woods. The other situation in which she's useful is when you're on a map with lots of factories (at least four). This makes it so she can pump out huge amounts of firepower--in the form of Mechs--with very little daily expense. Her CO power is regretably one of the worst in the game and only really useful in some situations. (Did I mention she has the best damn music?) 4.13: Olaf Specialties: Affected by the weather, better in Snow worse in Rain CO Power: Blizzard [causes the weather to turn to snow for one turn, his units also do more damage] To Reveal: N/A Cost: N/A -=========- Description: Nothing really special here. His CO Power really isn't worth anything except to get his attack power up. He's ugly and his music sucks. But seriously, if you wanna play Santa Clause be my guest. Oh and as a side note, he actually was dressed as Santa in the Japanese version. 4.14: Kanbei Specialties: All his units are more powerful, but they cost 30% more CO Power: Morale Boost [near as I can tell, this raises his unit's defense] To Reveal: Beat normal Campaign Cost: 50 Coins -=========- Description: Similar to Andy, in that he's useful in almost any situation. The only thing you really need to be careful of is owning enough cities to keep his production going. His CO power is really not that great given that his units already have astronomical stats, but it can prove useful in some situations. As an anecdote; Kanbei was dressed as a Samurai in the Japanese version of Advance Wars. 4.15: Grit Specialties: Naturally has a longer attack range, his infighting skills leave much to be desired CO Power: Snipe Attack To Reveal: Have Max as your CO on Mission 4, and clear that campaign Cost: 50 Coins -=========- Description: Grit is something like Max's archnemesis. Their powers are the antithesis of each other and they are rivals in the storyline too. Grit is one of the better COs for a number of reasons. His naturally longer range make the already deadly Rocket units even harder to deal with. He can 'bottleneck' on many stages and make it -very- difficult to get past by pounding away at your tanks that are attempting to break through the front line. In my opinion, he's a much better defensive play than he is when he takes the initiative. This may limit his options, but it can also bring some matches (especially in VS) to a standstill. As a brief sidenote, in the Japanese version Grit wore a cowboy hat. 4.16: Sonja Specialties: Her troops have a larger vision value, and her HP is hidden CO Power: Enhanced Vision [units vision increases, woods and reef are visible] To Reveal: Beat her Missions and then Campaign. To reveal her missions you must beat: ~Kanbei Arrives in 8 turns or better ~Mighty Kanbei in 10 turns or better ~Kanbei's Error? in 12 turns or better Cost: 60 Coins -=========- Description: Sonja is very similar to Sami in many ways. However she is -only- useful on Fog of War maps. All other maps make her powers (innate and CO) useless. On the plus side, she's hot and has awesome music like Sami. 4.17: Eagle Specialties: Strong air units that use less fuel, but weakend sea units. CO Power: Lightning Strike To Reveal: Choose Sami for the following battles in campaign ~Captain Drake ~Naval Clash ~Wings of Victory ~Battle Mystery Continue with campaign and beat the final mission. If all has gone well, Eagle will challenge you to another mission ('Rivals'). Defeat him and he becomes available in Battle Maps Cost: 80 Coins -=========- Description: Eagle is one of the more useful COs that you can buy. His power in my opinion is the best in the game, and if used in corralation with a well organized set of Bomber strikes, can turn the tide of any battle to your favor. His downside is minor, since his air units can take out any ship units besides submerged Subs which are useless against air units anyway. I highly suggest you attempt to reveal him. 4.18: Drake Specialties: Drake is the Poseidon of the game, his air units are weak though CO Power: Tsunami [damage all enemy units by one point] To Reveal: Select Andy for the following missions and beat campaign. ~Captain Drake ~Naval Clash ~Wings of Victory ~Battle Mystery Cost: 50 Coins -=========- Description: On water missions--especially those with Fog of War--Drake is unbeatable. His navy is second to none. His CO power leaves something to be desired, but is by no means the worst. The only caveat is that it can't kill any unit (meaning it won't wipe out units with just one health left). This should be your cap 4.19: Sturm Specialties: Like Andy, Sturm is good all around CO Power: Meteor Strike [damages units in the following pattern]: ----- | X | | XXX | | X | ----- To Reveal: Reveal and purchase all other COs up to this point Cost: 100 Coins -=========- Description: As the final CO in campaign mode he is quite a formidable foe. His Meteor Strike doesn't suck (to say the least). He can only be used in VS mode though, not War Room, so don't be too cheap ;) 4.20: Nell Specialties: Good luck, sometimes she'll do more damage than predicted CO Power: Lucky Star [increases her luck even more] To Reveal: Get all S Rank on the War Room maps and beat advanced campaign (may have to beat this with all S Ranks too) Cost: 80 Coins -=========- Description: Nell is the blonde woman who led you through field training. Her luck comes in handy in many situations but is too unpredictabe to be truly effective. As a sidenote, her sleeves were cut off in the Japanese version of the game. |=============================================================| ********************************* *Section 5: Camgaign Walkthrough* ********************************* Section Summary: This walkthrough right now is just for normal difficulty. I will finish the walkthrough for advanced mode when I finish getting all S Ranks on all the normal missions. To reveal War Room, Campaign, and Battlemaps as options from the main menu, beat the last mission of field training: "Fog of War" *note: difficulty of missions is based on a five star scale, five being the most difficult.* |=============================================================| 5.10 - Mission #1: Name: It's War! Difficulty: * Usable COs: Andy Opponent: Olaf -=========================- Your Units: ~Mech x2 ~Inftry x2 ~Artillery x2 ~Tank x2 ~Md Tank x1 ~AntiAir x1 ~APC x1 -=========================- Enemy Units: ~Mech x2 ~Inftry x4 ~Artillery x2 ~Rocket x2 ~Tank x3 ~Md Tank x1 ~AntiAir x3 -=========================- Getting S Rank: This mission is fairly easy to get S Rank. If you don't want a step-by-step way of doing it here's a brief bit of advice: Consolidate your forces in the lower-left corner and then spear-head through his forces and either capture his base or pick of the few survivors. Step by Step: -Day 1: Move your Md Tank to the right and attack the Tank that is in range (~90%). Move your northern-most Mech to the left to rest against the side of the screen. Move the southern-most Artillery directly behind your Md Tank and wait there. Load your other mech into the APC and then move it above and to the left of your Md Tank (make sure to keep it out of the range of the Rocket Launcher). Move your lower tank to the upper-left of your Md Tank, making sure that you keep him out of the Rockets firing arch.Move all your other troops down to join the southern front. End your turn. -Day 2: There are two possibilities here: his Tank in the north moved next to the mountains thus allowing your Mech access to attack him, OR, he will be one square down from there. If your mech can, have him attack the offending tank and then bring your Tank up from the south to finish him off. If not, just have your tank attack and move your Mech into position for next turn. Now that threat is out of the way and his Mobile Artillery is in range of your tank, but not close enough to hit you. Now back to the south...have your Md Tank move past the Artillery that has moved in front of you and attack the Rockets up to your right (~90%-100%). Now have the Artillery that you positioned behind your Md Tank attack the Artillery that you just ignored (~80%). Now hopefully the AntiAir unit from the north is now in range of the injured Artillery. Have his flak cannons finish off the lame unit. Have the Tank that was near your Md Tank attack the AntiAir unit behind the (former) Artillery (~70%). Move the rest of your units up to the front, just keep your Recon out of the AntiAir's sights. End your turn. -Day 3: He will have used his CO power, but [hopefully] none of his powerful units were in range to do any real damage. His northern Artillery should have moved in range of both your tank and your Mech. Attack with your Mech first and then finish him off with your tank. You now essentially own the north front and only have to pick off the measly two Inftry's that are trying to capture some neutral buildings. If he moved one of his healthy AntiAirs into range of your Artillery blast away at him. Move your Md Tank to up and to the right to attack the other AntiAir (make sure to stay out of the range of Olaf's Md. tank). Have your AntiAir unit take out one of the injured AntiAir units and have your Tank or your Artillery (if it's in range drop the other. If you took it out with your Artillery have your tank attack the approaching Mech (~60%). Whether you attacked him with the tank or not, attack with your Recon which should be in range (~60). Move the rest of your troops forward, making sure to keep your APC well protected. End your turn. -Day 4: Start attacking the two infantry in the north with your Mech and Tank (this should be an unlosable battle, so don't ask me how). On the southern front, have your AntiAir and Recon start taking out the remaining Inftry and Mechs. Now comes the tricky part...you want to move your Artilleries and the rest of your units up and to the right but make sure that all of your units stay out of the range of the Md Tank up there. The goal here is to take one hit from him NEXT TURN with your Md. Tank and then promptly use your CO power. That way both your Artilleries are in range and your can get rid of him in one turn. After you've positioned your troops the way you want, end your turn. -Day 5: Move in with your Md Tank and finish of the Rocket Launcher with just one health. Now the key to winning this portion of the battle is to find a unit that won't die in one hit that will act as a decoy and take one hit. This can be your APC (if it still has ten hits) or it can be one of your Artillery. Your choice, either way you need to keep at least one of your Artillery from being hit, and your Tank has to remain in range. Also, drop the Mech out of the APC this turn so that he can finish off the Md. Tank if you can't quite kill him otherwise next turn. Continue attack the Inftry in the far north and south with the units already positioned there. End your turn. -Day 6: Attack his Md Tank with your Artillery (be it one or both) (~40%). You have two choices here. You can either choose to attack him with your Md Tank and finish him off, or you can choose to use your other units and have your Md Tank move inside the firing arc of the Rockets in the north. I suggest taking out the Md Tank with your equivilent unit, and it shouldn't make a difference unless you are racing to beat it fast. About this time your CO power should have charged. Save it for next turn. If you can pull your tank away in the north, do so and head it toward the AntiAir that's trying to heal on one of the cities up there. When you're done, end your turn. -Day 7: Now use your power. You now have the upper hand. Move your Tank up and attack his Rockets. Move your Md Tank inside it's firing arc so that it's safe from retaliation. Move your Tank and Mech in the north over to start taking out the Tank and AntiAir that are waiting. Move up one of your units to take a hit from the Rockets. If your APC you can either sacrafice it or no, it's your choice. Other units that can be used as decoys are your Mech or one of your Artillery if it wasn't hit by the Md. Tank. After you've moved all your units you want to, end your turn. -Day 8: He will use his power again, but this time it should be naught but a minor inconvenience. You can basically take out his units however you want now, though I suggest attacking the Tank and Rockets from the top so that his units to the left are more accessable and you can finish the map next turn. End your turn when you feel you're done. -Day 9: Finish off his remaining units and reap your twelve coin bounty. Congrats, you got S Rank. 5.11 - Mission #2: Name: Gunfighter! Difficulty: ** Usable COs: Andy Opponent: Grit -=========================- Your Units: ~Inftry x2 ~Artillery x1 ~Tank x1 ~APC x1 ~Factory x2 -=========================- Enemy Units: ~Mech x2 ~Inftry x2 ~Artillery x2 ~Rocket x2 ~Tank x3 ~Md Tank x1 ~Recon x1 -=========================- Getting S Rank: Getting S Rank on this mission (as with any Grit mission) is more annoying than anything else. His CO Power not only increases his distance, but also his power. This stage in particular is frustrating because you're forced through a bottleneck and then have to defeat two Rockets, a Tank, and a Md Tank all within 3 days. Here's the basic strategy for those of you who want to do it on their own: keep a steady flow of infantry heading up to the northwest corner to kill his infantry and take over the towns. Don't build anything your first turn and build a Md Tank your next. Also, you're going to have to sacrafice AT LEAST one unit, so don't try making it a perfect win. Step by Step: -Day 1: Move your APC into the gap in the mountains. He's going to take one for the team next turn. Move your Artillery and your Tank to the upper-left, and to the rear of the APC respectively. Have one of your Inftry units start capturing the nearest building, and move the other one toward the river. BUILD NOTHING. End your turn. -Day 2: Move your now injured APC back to the town up and to it's left. Now attack the offending tank with your Artillery, and then with your Tank (in that order, so your Tank remains at full health). Move your Inftry closer to/across the river. Build a Md Tank. End your turn. -Day 3: Blast his Recon like it was a tin can on the fence. Move your Md Tank up. Start capturing the lower city on the north coast. Move your APC directly adjacent to the river and directly above your left-most factory (this allows you to ferry new troops faster across the river). Make an Inftry on the top factory and a Tank on the lower. End your turn. -Day 4: Move your fresh troop into the APC and then drop him in the ocean. Finish capturing the city with your other Inftry. Move your tank closest to the front line down and to the right of the mountain range (make sure to keep him out of range of Artillery), and then move your Md Tank to where your Tank previously stood. Move your fresh tank forward as far as he'll go. Move your Artillery down one square. Build an Inftry. End your turn. -Day 5: Basically you wanna continue pumping troops up north to take over those cities. Build another Md Tank this turn (you first one will most likely be blown to bits soon). Move him forward though and have him vaporize the Artillery in front of him. Build an Inftry and a Tank this turn. End your turn when you're done. -Day 6: Try and get all your tanks down against the bottom of the screen on the east side of the mountains (so you don't take heavy losses when he uses his CO power). Kill the tank that attacked you while trying to keep your tanks against the lower edge of the screen. Keep attacking his troops up north, but try and keep out of the range of his Rocket up there. Build an Inftry and a Tank this turn. End your turn. -Day 7: You get your CO power this turn, you can either use it this turn or wait until next, either way doesn't really matter. Again, keep attacking the north front. Move one of your surviving tanks up finish off the Artillery while staying out of range of the Rocket. Move your other Tanks toward the bridge, but don't go over and attempt to attack yet. Build a Md Tank or an Inftry and Tank if you need the Inftry support. End your turn. *note: start moving your APC over to your Tanks this turn, it'll need to take a hit and if you don't start moving him over now, you won't get him there in time* -Day 8: Continue fighting his troops and use this turn to consolodate your tanks for an attack next turn. If you want you can start moving your APC over there to take a hit for one of your tanks. End your turn when you feel done. -Day 9: This is the crux of this battle and will most likely determine whether you get A or S Rank, so be careful. I suggest saving before you do this, but it's your choice. If you haven't used your power yet, now would be a good time. Move one of your Tanks up and attack the Rocket at the top of the road. move all your other vehicles that you can fit up there up to and prepare to get hit hard :) If you have your APC up there, use it as a decoy to take on hit and run. Your Artillery can also do this. Build something and end your turn when ready. -Day 10: The most important thing to do this turn is damage his healthy Rocket. If you can do that, you've won. Have your Md Tank attack his from a defensable position if you can. If you have the extra units, kill his Rocket you hurt last turn. End your turn after moving your remaining troops up. -Day 11: This is pretty much you in control of the battle. Kill him however you can. -Day 12: Same thing as Day 11 if you need it.