------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advance Wars - Game Script v1.0 (04/17/2005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ writer: Aaron Paul Madriñan (Aeon17x) e-mail: snoocete@yahoo.com _______________ Version History\______________________________________________________________ 1.0 (04/17/2005) - First release. ____________ Introduction\_________________________________________________________________ This article here would be the written record of all the unskippable dialogue and actions of the characters in the game. Provided that there is demand for it, this custom FAQ will also include other miscellaneous chat which you wouldn't normally encounter in the game, and can only be accessed by doing something special (or stupid). That's pretty much it. If you think I've missed out on something and you know what it is, kindly let me know and I will do the necessary corrections. Now, that was quick and easy, on with the scripts! ___________ Game Script\__________________________________________________________________ If it is your first time through the game, CO Nell will greet you on the opening screen. Nell : Welcome to Advance Wars! Please enter your name. You input your name. For identification purposes, any actions performed by the player (i.e. you) would be indicated with 'Candidate'. Nell : Is this correct? :: (Yes) It's nice to meet you, Candidate. I'm Nell. I'm a CO in the Orange Star Army. Is this your first time playing? :: (Yes) Very well, let me explain a few things briefly. There are several different modes of game play. The Vs. Mode is for multiplayer battle on one Game Boy Advance. To play Advance Wars on multiple systems, link up with friends and try the Link Mode. And then there's Field Training. If you're playing for the first time, you should start in Field Training. Would you choose Field Training on the Mode Select Menu, please? In Field Training, I can instruct you on game controls and overall battle strategy. Once in Field Training, please complete the missions in order from top to bottom. The first lesson is on Troop Orders. Let's start here! -¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯ Field Training -¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯ ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 1 - Troop Orders ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : Basic troop movement and attack controls are explained here. First, let me brief you on the situation. We're in this large nation here, Orange Star. The country to the east is Blue Moon. The two countries have been bitter rivals for years. Border skirmishes had died down recently... until that madman Olaf... Oh, excuse me. I mean, uhm... The Blue Moon CO, Olaf, suddenly ordered an invasion of Orange Star. So, the Alara region is now held by Blue Moon forces. Candidate , you have been given a mission. You are to drive Olaf from Alara and secure it for Orange Star. I will be your support. Let's move out! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : The Alara region is quite remote. That's why Olaf hasn't deployed many That's why Olaf hasn't deployed many troops to the area. You yourself have two infantry units under your command. These orange units are yours. These blue units are the enemy. They belong to the Blue Moon Army. Defeat the enemy forces to complete this mission successfully. Well, let's issue some orders. The cursor is used to give commands. The + Control Pad moves the cursor. First, let's command this infantry unit. Would you place the cursor on the infantry unit, please? The action you just completed is called selecting. You'll see this term often, so do your best to remember it. When you select a unit, the area around it will become highlighted. This area represents the selected unit's range of movement. First, let's approach the enemy with this unit. Try moving the unit to this space. Move the cursor here and press the A Button. After a unit moves, this menu will appear. Select Wait, and then press the A button to confirm the command. The unit's color changed, right? This indicates that the unit can't receive any more orders this turn. Don't worry -- you'll be able to use it again on your next turn. OK, now use the same controls to move this infantry unit. Move it as close as possible to the enemy. Both of your units have finished their movements for this turn. When you've finished giving orders to your units, you must End your turn. Press the A button on an empty space to display the Map Menu. Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Eh? Orange Star Army units have moved into the Alara region? Hah! They won't last long. My troops there will make short work of them! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It looks like Olaf has noticed our arrival. His infantry units are heading this way. Stay calm. If we proceed with caution, we'll be fine. Now it's time to order this infantry unit to Fire on the enemy. Please select this unit. Infantry units must be next to the enemy to Fire on them. Move your unit here. Do you see the Fire command on the menu? Please select this command. This is the cursor you will use to select which enemy unit to attack. There is only one unit you can engage now, so press the A Button to Fire. You scored damage on the enemy! Do you see the numbers on the units? This indicates the units' HP (hit points). All units begin with ten HP. But, as they take damage in battle, their HP will decrease. When a unit reaches zero HP, it will vanish from the screen. Notice that your unit has more HP than the enemy unit. This is because the unit that attacks first generally has the advantage. Waiting to be attacked is not a good strategy. You should pick your battles and always Fire first. If you Fire on this unit again, you should defeat it. So, now order your remaining infantry unit to engage the enemy. Congratulations! There is only one enemy unit left to deal with. If you stick to your battle plan, you can finish it off, too. Select End from the menu and continue on your next turn. Blue Moon / Day 2 ----------------- Olaf : What are those fools doing? If I were in the field, they wouldn't be suffering such humiliation! Cursed Orange Star Army! I will defeat it! I will! Orange Star / Day 3 ------------------- Nell : It's your turn again. You have a two-to-one advantage. This battle is yours to win! But, wait a minute. This unit took damage in the last battle, didn't it? Units lose some of their firepower when damaged. So it's better to Fire on the enemy with an undamaged unit. Go ahead and order your undamaged unit to attack. This is how the A button is used to select units and issue commands. If you make a mistake and want to change orders, use the B button. It's key that you remember this. Now that the enemy unit is damaged, this infantry unit can finish it. Move in and Fire on it! After you have defeated all enemy units: Nell : You've defeated all of the enemy units! Your mission is a success! Keep up the good work! Olaf : What? Inconceivable! That land was mine! How did they lose it so easily? Grrr... Next time, victory will be mine! Nell : Congratulations, Candidate! You won! Now you will see the rank that your strategy has earned you! Speed is based on how quickly you won, while Power is based on how well you concentrated your attacks and overcame your enemies. Technique is based on how many of your own troops were lost. You'll earn a rank for each map you clear, so you can compare your scores to your friends'! Good luck on your next campaign! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 2 - Terrain Intel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : This mission focuses on defensive terrain cover. Enemy forces have been spotted in the Alara Mountains. Their HQ is in another area, so we believe this is a covert attack. A covert attack ... that sounds like something Olaf would try. Your goal is to take out these units. You've been given four infantry units to carry out this operation. Let's go! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Hmm? The enemy has deployed some mech (mechanized infantry) units. This could be trouble... Mech units have more firepower than your standard infantry do. You won't be able to defeat mech units in direct combat. So you'll have to use the terrain to give you some defensive cover. I'll explain about terrain features as we go. Select this infantry unit, please. Let's review what we've learned so far. Order this infantry unit to Fire. Excellent! OK, select this infantry unit next, please. Do you notice anything different? Up 'til now, the highlighted movement are for infantry was three spaces. Well, in the mountains, it's less. Movement cost is double here. This means your movement rate will be half of that on the plains. Do you think that means you should avoid mountains? That would be a very serious tactical error. Mountains offer advantages that compensate for movement cost. You'll understand once you Fire on the enemy. Go ahead. Engage the enemy and Fire! Now compare the HP of the two infantry units you used to attack. The last unit took less damage than the first unit, didn't it? This is because of another terrain feature called defensive cover. You attacked the enemy from the mountains, right? Defensive cover in the mountains is this number here... a four. The defensive cover on the plains is a one. The higher the defensive cover rating is, the less damage you'll take. Is that clear? Good! I knew you were a quick study. Go ahead and Fire on the remaining infantry units. Select End when you're finished. Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : So you've spotted my troops, have you? That's pretty good. But this time... heh heh heh... things will be different! You'll learn what it means to face mech units! I'll just keep watch from back here. No need for me to actually be in the field. I'm still in charge, though! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It's your turn. Mech units really pack a punch, don't they? But if you'll notice, one infantry unit took less damage than the other. Do you know why? It's because of superior defensive cover. Remembering this is vital. You should also keep in mind that movement cost differs between units. For example, mech and infantry units have different movement types. So, their respective movement costs in mountains are two and one. When you need intel like this, place the cursor on a space and press the R Button. This works for terrain features, as well as for all unit types. So, for intel on unit movement type, cost, etc., remember the R Button. Well, I'll leave the rest of this battle to you. They may have mech units, but you have superior numbers! Focus on what you've learned: use it well, and victory will be yours! Orange Star / Day 3 ------------------- Nell : Oh, one more thing. If at any point during the battle you need to stop, there's a way to save. Saving will prevent you from having to start the same mission over again. Please go to the Map Menu now. Place the cursor on an empty space and press the A Button. There's the Save command, right? This will allow you to Save your progress during a battle. Use this whenever you need to take a break from a mission. I'll let you decide whether or not to save at this point. OK, just a little more work here, and you should defeat Olaf. Don't let your guard down, though. Good luck and move out! After you have defeated all enemy units: Nell : You've done it! These units really were on a covert operation. Thanks to your planning, our troops took minimal damage. Keep up the good work! Olaf : Aargh! Another failure! After all of my careful planning, another botched mission! Grrr... Next time, I will prevail! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 3 - Base Capture ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : Capturing bases is the focus of this mission. Our current mission is to storm the Spire Hills. If successful, we should be able to drive that pompous, old... I mean, we should be able to force the Blue Moon forces to withdraw. If you remember, we faced two mech units in the last battle, right? In response, you've been given command of two mech units, yourself. Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : This area is crucial to the defense of the Alara region. This explains the four enemy tank units deployed and waiting for us. Fortunately for us, those tanks can't cross the mountains. So let's take care of business here first and deal with them later. Let's secure some bases by capturing the local cities. Select this infantry unit, please. Would you move it here? Do you see the new menu command, Capt (Capture)? Please select this command. This city is now half-captured! It takes at least two days to Capture a city. Order this unit to Capture again next turn to secure an allied base. Oh, I almost forgot... Don't move a unit that's in the process of capturing a city. If you do, you'll have to begin capturing it all over again. The same is true if the capturing unit loses all of its HP. Do your best to protect units trying to secure new bases. OK, now let's move this mech unit. Go ahead and select it, please. Only infantry and mech units can capture new bases. Remember this when deploying into unsecured areas. Move the unit to this position, please. Now, go ahead and move the rest of your units close to the cities. Select End when you've finished moving. Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : What? Enemy forces have appeared again? Those cowards! Attacking my most remote units... How typical! But wait... I have some tank units deployed there. Ha ha ha... Crushing those infantry and mech units will be a piece of cake! Fight on, my local troops! This time, you shall be victorious! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It's your turn. First, you should always start by completing the Capture of cities. Please select this infantry unit and press the A Button. Now, this city is yours! It's the same color as your troops, right? You can now use it as a base. So, now you can see that these cities are under enemy control. By the way, gray cities are neutral. Let's get back to discussing bases. If you put a damaged unit in a base, it will recover some HP each turn. You will also receive 1000 G per day from each city you Capture. These funds are crucial for restoring HP to your units. Funds are also used for other purposes, but I'll explain those later. OK, now use this mech unit to Capture a new base. Would you please select this unit? Now, here's a problem for you. Two cities are within your movement range. One is neutral and one is hostile. Which one should you Capture first? :: (Hostile) Yes, that's the correct choice! Of course, capturing either one of these cities is a plus for you. But if you secure the enemy city, you also reduce your foe's funds. Oh, yes. There's one more thing you need to know. Look here to see how long it will take to secure the city. The Capture Number is now ten. When this number is reduced to zero, the city is secure! An infantry unit has ten HP, so it takes two days to Capture a city with a Capture Number of twenty. A damaged unit has less HP, so it'll take longer for it to Capture a city. So now you know how to Capture cities, right? I'm going to let you make all of the command decisions from now on. Would you like some advice on how to proceed? :: (Yes) Naturally, you can win this battle by defeating all of the enemy units. However, the enemy tank units are extremely powerful. Fighting them head-on is not an advisable strategy. I suggest waiting by your bases and taking out the infantry and mech units first. Avoid the tank units as you try to Capture the enemy HQ. The weakness of tank units is that their treads won't allow them to move through mountains. Place the cursor on a unit or terrain and press the R Button for more valuable intel. One last thing... Don't let the enemy Capture your HQ. You will lose if this happens. That's all. Good luck! After you have captured the enemy HQ: Nell : Outstanding! You've reclaimed the area and forced Blue Moon to withdraw! There's one more thing I have to tell you. You receive funds by capturing cities, right? Well, once you clear a map, you lose those funds. Sorry! Good luck on the next battle! Olaf : Unbelievable! We've been forced to withdraw? What's going on? What were the tank units doing? Those useless fools! I'll take direct command next time. Grrr... I'll show you! I'll show you all! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 4 - Unit Repair ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : This mission will explain the Join command and discuss basic strategy. I think that creep Olaf... I mean CO Olaf is starting to take us seriously. But all of our commanders are caught up in other campaigns. So there's no one available to lead the Orange Star Army against him. Candidate, it looks like it's up to you to defend Orange Star. Let me brief you on the current mission. Our troops en route to the Lost Fortress have been waylaid by Olaf. It's up to you to join up with them, beat back Olaf and secure the area. We need the Lost Fortress! Move out! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Olaf has his bases covered. It looks like he understands the importance of holding this area. Almost all of our units heading for Lost Fortress have been eliminated. There are only two tank units left of the original contingent. We must repair them in order to have any hopes of winning here. So first, let's pull those two units back here and patch them up. Will you select this tank unit, please? To repair a unit, just move it to an allied city or a secure base. This tank unit can make it to this city. Please move it here. Good. That's right. This tank unit will now recover two HP for every turn it stays here. Okay. Now, let's withdraw this tank unit, too. Would you select it, please? I'd like to repair this unit now, but there's no safe place within its movement range. There's nothing we can do about that. Let's get it as close to a city as possible and begin repairs next turn. Would you move it here, please? That's right. Thank you. But we can't stop there, can we? The unit's still vulnerable to attack from the enemy's tank unit. Place the cursor on a unit and press the B Button to check its attack range. The area it can Fire upon will appear in red. Well, what to do now? How about giving it a little assistance? Let's deploy other units around it to prevent it from being attacked. This tactic is called building a defensive wall. Our available units are... This mech unit should do nicely. Move it here to create a defensive wall. There! Now the unit is safe from enemy attack. Enemy units can't cross allied lines and vice-versa. You can see why a defensive wall is such an effective strategic tool. This mech unit will come under fire, but it should be able to hold a turn. Since we have two mech units, we should be OK for two days. So, move the mech units up, and then deploy the infantry as you like. Press End when you're finished. Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Ah ha! The Orange Star forces have arrived. It looks like the group that's been giving me such trouble, too. But... they don't even have one decent tank unit with them! I've nothing to fear from these ragged fools. Prepare to be routed! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It's your turn. The enemy is closing in, but... the tanks need more time for repairs. Even regaining two HP per day, we're not going to be ready in time. It looks like we'll have to Join these two units together. Please select this tank unit. Great! Put the cursor here and move to this spot. Select Join from the menu, please. You did it! The units have been merged! When two units Join, they combine their HP. Of course, now there's only one unit, but... I know that two units may seem better than one at most times, but running around with low HP is very risky. I recommend using Join when you feel it's necessary. I'm going to leave the rest of this mission to you. Do you want some strategic advice? :: (Yes) The tank unit will have full HP and be ready to go on the next turn. First, use your mech and tank units to destroy the enemy tanks. If your mech units take too much damage, use Join to merge them. If you can just get rid of Olaf's tank units, you'll surely win. As long as you keep your HQ from being seized, you can't lose. You can also win by Capturing the enemy's HQ, but it'll be faster to defeat all of the enemy units. Good luck! After you have defeated all enemy units: Nell : The Blue Moon forces have retreated! Capturing this area was vital to our strategy. You did a great job! Keep up the good work. Olaf : Nell? So, she does have her hand in this! That explains why this little group has been such unexpected trouble. This is unforgivable! Next time, I will give them a display of true might! Mark my words! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 5 - APC ABCs ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : This mission focuses on the Supply, Load, and Drop commands. My superiors in Orange Star are pleased with your work, Candidate. I'm also happy to say that the enemy troops aren't deployed ahead of us. Look at this! An artillery unit has been assigned to your command! Used correctly, this unit'll strengthen your battalion. No doubt about it. But, it sounds like it's seen a lot of action on the front lines, and... Well, I guess we'll get a look at it when we reach the battle- field. Oh, and I've received one more bit of information. You've also been given an APC unit to use. This one is fresh from the factory, so don't worry about its condition. OK, let's get moving! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Well, it's good to see that we have an artillery unit, but... it's out of ammo. And it's almost out of fuel, too. It can't Fire without ammo, and it can't move without fuel. In this condition, it's useless. But don't worry, I think we'll manage just fine. We just need to supply the unit using a transport unit. When you Supply a unit, you fill its ammo and fuel to the maximum level. For intel on a specific unit, select the unit and press the R Button. OK. Will you select this unit and move it here, please? The Supply command appears in the menu, right? Select that command, please. Great! Now we've given the unit both ammo and fuel. This is how transport units supply allied units in adjacent spaces. This time, we gave supplies to only one unit, but transport units can also provide supplies simultaneously to any unit adjacent to it. Oh, yes. You can also Supply units by placing them in allied bases. And, as I explained before, in addition to supplies, bases also provide HP. So, use bases when you can. But when you can't, use transport units. Now that the artillery unit is ready to go, let's use it and Fire! Would you select it, please? Thank you. Now, press the A Button again to display the Command Menu. Select Fire, please. This is why we have artillery units: Indirect Fire! Indirect Fire is the term used for a long-distance attack on the enemy. This technique allows units to Fire without fear of counterfire. Now that that's clear, go ahead and deploy the rest of your troops. Hmm... It's only a matter of time before the enemy infantry attacks these allied bases. Let's see what we can do to protect them. I think a single tank unit might barely suffice. Please move the unit here. On second thought, protecting these bases with a single tank unit may be a little tough. The enemy also has tank units nearby, and... I think it would be wise to move a mech unit up as close as possible. Please move this mech unit to this point. The remaining units are yours to deploy as you see fit. Would you like some strategic advice? :: (Yes) There are neutral cities below us, right? It would be serious trouble if they were captured, so let's send these infantry units down there. I think we can Capture the cities and engage the enemy at the same time. But watch out for the enemy artillery. If you don't deploy your troops carefully, the enemy will attack them. Oh, I almost forgot. Wouldn't you like to know how far your units can Fire? Do you remember how we checked an enemy unit's attack range? Check your own troops' attack range the same way. Place the cursor on a unit, then press and hold down the B Button. The area displayed in red indicates the unit's attack range. OK. When you've finished deploying all of your units, select End. Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Grrr... Curse you, Nell! Looks like you're bound and determined to get in my way! I'll have my troops swat you like a fly! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It's your turn. This doesn't look good. Enemy units are closing in, and our mech unit won't arrive in time to help. But don't panic! There's a way for us to help that mech unit move a bit faster and farther. Please select this mech unit. OK. Now move the unit here, please. The Load command is in the menu, right? Please select that command. You've now loaded the mech unit onto the transport. Transport units can carry both mech and infantry units. This effectively increases the movement range for these units. You won't go wrong using transport units to carry troops. Let's move this unit. Would you select it, please? Please move the unit to this space. Do you see the Drop command in the menu? Please select this command. After selecting Drop, you'll need to choose where you want to unload. This time, please unload, here. Use the + Control Pad to select the drop point. That finishes the Drop command! Unloading ends the turn for both the transport and the unloaded unit. This is a much faster way to reach distant objectives, right? So, transport units can Supply all units as well as carry infantry and mech units. But there is one thing you need to remember. Transport units carry no weapons, which means they cannot Fire. For more intel on transport units, place the cursor on one and press the R Button. From this point on, the army is yours to command. Would you like any strategic advice? :: (Yes) First of all, you need to protect these two cities. You should deploy a tank unit to this city in front of the bridge. Next, I would advise moving this artillery unit near here. Oh, and there's one more thing about artillery units I need to tell you. Artillery units are powerful long-range weapons, but they're weak in direct combat. They also can't move and Fire in the same turn. Anyway, once you take care of the enemy tank units, you shouldn't have any problems winning this battle. To win, seize the enemy HQ or wipe out all the enemy troops. It's up to you. Do your best, and good luck! After you have defeated all enemy units: Nell : Did you get a feel for deploying artillery units? You're doing well. Now get going, and keep up the good work. Olaf : Grrr... Next time, blast it! Next time! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 6 - Tank Ops ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : This is a chance for you to show me what you've learned. Are you ready? An entire company doing recon in the Coral Lagoon are has been lost. The Coral Fortress is surrounded by mountains, so it's hard to imagine that there are many enemy units there. Still, an entire company is gone, so... The point is, we can't afford to lose that territory. Time to get going! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Medium tanks?!? Olaf got his hands on some of those, too??? That explains what happened to the recon units that vanished... Even with your units, I don't know if we can win. You don't win battles with just a show of force, though. You know that by now, right? I'm going to leave this one up to you. Do you want any strategic hints? :: (Yes) For the time being, you can ignore the medium tanks. Just be sure you don't move into their attack range. Do you remember how to check a unit's attack range? Move the cursor onto the unit and hold the B Button. Now for your strategy... First, take out the enemy units between the rivers. Try to make the most of your tanks, mech units, and artillery. Now, send some infantry to secure the neutral cities below you. The river will protect you from all but the enemy's infantry, so don't worry. I'll give you some more strategic hints after you Capture those cities. Good luck! Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Ha, ha, ha! I see you've failed to notice my new weapons, Nell! You'll soon tremble before the power of the mightiest ground forces ever! After you have captured the enemy bases at the lower right of the map: Nell : You've managed to get this far. Now, I'll give you some advice for the future. It's not impossible to stop medium tanks with artillery, but it's tough. Instead, try to stop the medium tanks from crossing the river. Then try to Capture the enemy HQ. If the tanks do get across... Well, like I said, concentrate on the enemy HQ. Capture the HQ or defeat all enemy troops to win! Good luck! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Nell : Honestly, I thought you were done for this time, but you did it! But now that Olaf has Md tanks, our current tactics won't suffice. I'll have to ask central command to send us some, too. Keep up the good work! Olaf : What?!? Even my medium tanks are defeated??? THAT NELL!!! Hmm... But it doesn't look like she has any medium tanks ready to use... Ha ha ha! I'm sure I'll enjoy our next encounter! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 7 - Copter Tactics ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : It's time to introduce air units. It appears we have a problem. Orange Star has hit a snag in its Md tank development program. On the other hand, Blue Moon seems to have more than enough tanks... I think it's safe to assume that they have mass production capabilities. I pulled some strings and had some B copters and T copters sent down from the front lines, but that doesn't give you all that much more firepower. Nevertheless, let's make good use of them. I'll give you more details once we reach the staging area. Let's move out! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Olaf is one shrewd guy. Look at the units he's deployed. He's always one step ahead of us. I didn't think he'd have any air units. I guess I underestimated him again. But, as I suspected, he has deployed a number of medium tanks... A frontal attack would be reckless. As always, we need to defeat all enemy units or Capture their HQ. But, looking at all of Olaf's units, I think we have only one true option. We must Capture the enemy HQ! First, can you select this infantry unit? The enemy HQ is right below you. But infantry units can't cross seas. It might be possible to march there, but with all of those enemies... This is where transport copters come in handy. Do you remember APCs? Like APCs, transport copters can carry infantry and mech units. But, also like APCs, they have no weapons and can't Fire. OK, go ahead and Load a unit onto your transport copter. Good! You Loaded your troops! Now select the transport copter. Now look where it can move. That's right! Transport copters can move over seas. Plus, the Movement Cost is the same over all terrain types. OK, let's move it down here. Now Drop the infantry. This is the only place you can Drop troops now. Do you know why? Infantry can't move on the ocean. You can only Drop infantry on terrain they can move across. Don't forget that. You should check to see on which terrain you can Drop infantry. You remember how to check terrain... right? Move the cursor onto the terrain, and press the R Button to check it. Give it a try. OK, now let's test the battle copter's capabilities. Select it! The battle copter is an air unit, just like the transport copter. This means terrain doesn't affect its movement range. Air units aren't affected by terrain bonuses, either. Which makes sense, since they're always flying. As for attack power, well... you should check it out for yourself. This tank is in the perfect spot! Test your B copter! Fire!!! Aren't they powerful? Battle copters are even effective versus tanks! Plus, with their superior movement capabilities, they're easy to deploy. Now, let me tell you a little more about your new copter units. As you know, they're both air units. All the other units you've used up to this point have been ground units. Since air units are always flying, they use fuel every day. The battle and transport copters use two fuel units per day. Don't worry about remembering that exact number, though. Just keep in mind that they burn fuel every day. Now you know all you need to know about these new units, right? I'm leaving the rest up to you. Do you want some strategic advice? :: (Yes) Pay careful attention to the enemy battle copters and medium tanks. All we have that can go toe-to-toe with them are our Battle copters. So, play it safe, and keep them out of attack range until necessary. Other than that, don't forget to Capture the enemy HQ tomorrow. I'm sure Olaf hasn't considered the possibility that it could be Captured early on! Good luck! Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Ha ha ha! I see Nell hasn't deployed any medium tanks! Go, my troops! This time nothing can stand in the way of our victory! After you have captured the enemy HQ: Nell : I kind of wondered about this before, but Olaf typically makes terrible use of his units... It doesn't matter how good your units are if you don't know how to use them. Anyway, let me tell you a little more about those new air units. Even if you land them on allied cities and HQs, they won't recover HP or be supplied with fuel or ammunition. You haven't seen any yet, but you can only resupply units at airports. If they run low on fuel or ammo, you can restock them with an APC, just like land units. Now, keep up the good work! Olaf : What in the... My HQ has been stormed! Nell, you troublesome little... You saw that you couldn't survive a frontal assault, and so you pull this out of your hat! Grrr... This isn't over yet! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 8 - Air Assault ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : This mission deals with air units, fuel consumption and anti-air defenses. Good news! Orange Star's Md tank development team has succeeded! Plus, you've also been given some new and improved anti-airs! Now, let's discuss the current operation, Candidate. An entire company has disappeared on its way to the front lines. It was made up mostly of Md tanks and tanks, so this is serious. It may mean that they ran into an air squadron complete with bom... No, that's not possi... Forget it. It's nothing. I'm sure I'm just reading too much into the situation. Well, time to get moving! Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Ha ha ha! Nell! Mobilizing your troops again, are you? Well, you're too late! Fly, my masters of the sky! Finish off these surviving troops, then destroy that meddlesome Nell's units! Olaf's air units move in and finish off Nell's units in the front lines. Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : I see my fears were well founded. He's got bombers... and fighters, too. This is bad. All of our units that were deployed here have been decimated. If we don't stop Olaf here, he'll push onward and cause even more damage. This is a major turning point! We must be strong!!! First, let me tell you about a new unit which has been assigned to you. You've seen plenty of medium tanks, so you know how to use them, right? Against other ground units, they're practically unstoppable. But -- as you've just seen -- they're helpless against bombers. OK. Now, let's look at the anti-air unit. Let's see what it can do! Select this one, please. This battle copter is in the perfect spot! Attack it! That's what anti-air units can do! You can see how overwhelmingly powerful they are against air units. Plus, against ground units, mech and infantry in particular, they're more effective than tanks. However, tanks will defeat them in head-to-head combat. Now that you understand anti-air units, I'll let you take command. Do you want some strategic advice? :: (Yes) Watch out for fighters, bombers, battle copters, and medium tanks. It appears the fighters and bombers don't have much fuel or ammunition. I was nervous at first, but we may get through this after all! With air units, you have to watch how much fuel they have. I already told you that copters use two fuel units per day. The other air units -- fighters and bombers -- use five per day. If they run out, they crash, and the units are lost! Try to make the most out of this intel. Let's talk more on strategy after the bombers and fighters are gone. Good luck! Orange Star / Day 4 ------------------- Nell : OK, now for some more strategy. First, the battle copters... The simplest thing to do is to use your decoys. Use them to draw the copters toward your anti-air units and Attack. If you can take out the battle copters like that, then the fight is ours! As for medium tanks, try to trap them and pound away with your artillery. Once that's accomplished, you'll be in complete control. If your air units look low on fuel, you can resupply them with an APC. I told you that already, didn't I? Well, anyway, the rest is up to you! Good luck! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Nell : Well, we've learned that Olaf has readied his bombers and fighters. The fact that he had no clue about keeping them supplied saved us. Good luck in the next battle. Keep up the good work! Olaf : We forgot to refill the fuel tanks? What are you fools thinking??? Is is that hard to refuel an aircraft? Augh!!! Just wait until next time! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 9 - Air Defense ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : Rockets and missiles are included in this briefing on indirect combat units. My superiors have really been dropping the ball lately. The enemy already has fighters and bombers, but it appears that we don't. But, I did arrange to have some experimental missiles assigned to you. And I also got you some rockets. With all you've done, Candidate, it's the least they could do! It seems that the enemy always has superior units deployed. I apologize. Anyway, it's time to move out! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : You've assembled a pretty well-balanced army. It looks like the enemy bombers have plenty of fuel and ammunition this time. If you don't take them out, they'll do lots of damage to your units. But since they're across the sea, you can't easily attack them. This is where missiles come in handy! Let's see what they can do! Select this unit. Missiles can Fire on air units from a distance. Units that are three to five spaces away fall within their range. Press the A Button to open the Command Menu. That's right! Fire! See! Missiles can even take out bombers! Since they don't engage directly, like anti-air units, they don't take damage. However, they can't Fire right after moving. Your main focus is to draw units within their attack range. It's smart to use them in conjuction with anti-air units. Now, let's test our rockets. Select this unit. Rockets are basically powered-up artillery. They have the same attack range as missiles -- three to five spaces. Now open the Command Menu. That's good! They don't do as much damage as missiles, but it's not too shabby. The greatest advantage of indirect combat units is that they don't take damage. But as with artillery, they take heavy damage from direct attacks, so you have to protect them. One more thing about the missiles and rockets... Their movement is classified as tire movement. This is similar to tread movement, but the difference is clear on flat terrain. Select terrain or a unit and press the R button for more details. I'm going to leave the rest up to you. Do you want any strategic advice? :: (Yes) First, try to take out as many enemy units as you can with your anti- air units and your missiles. If you surround your missiles and rockets to protect them, the enemy will move in to attack. If you can take the units around the HQ with your rockets, the battle will be yours. You can send troops in to the HQ by transport copter or surround it and slowly work your way in. Do it however you like! Good luck! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Nell : Well done! Keep up the good work! Olaf : Augh!!! I never had a chance this time! NELL!!! Just wait until next time! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 10 - Dogfights ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : I wonder how fast can you clear this air and indirect combat unit section? Hey! More good news! We've finally got bombers and fighters ready to go! Three units each! You've only got them for this mission, but... It seems Olaf's troops have appeared on the far shore. Your job is to get over there and take them out in one fell swoop! Let's get moving! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Apparently, we're just in time! We were able to prepare our troops before Olaf's troops came ashore, so all we need to do now is attack! It's always smart to check your data. You know which units can Attack which units, right? If you forget... Just check the unit's data. You know to move the cursor to the unit and press the R Button to check its data, right? OK! Good luck! Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : What's this?!? They found my landing forces? Augh! There's no way around it! We'll have to make due with what we've got! After you have defeated all the enemy units (in my case, three days): Nell : What?!? You cleared this map in three days? Incredible! I'm really impressed that you've developed your skills so much! Keep up the good work! Olaf : Augh!!! How could my landing forces be defeated?!? Now I'm in trouble! Just wait until next time! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 11 - Naval Forces ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : Naval units are the topic of this briefing. You've got a tough mission on your hands this time. There are two units that require aid or they'll be destroyed. One of these is a T copter, which we've discussed before. The other is a lander unit. This is a naval unit you haven't seen yet. You need to protect these units and secure the land on the far shore. This is the mission that's been entrusted to you, Candidate. Unfortunately, I was unable to get any bombers or fighters this time. But I did arrange for other units I think will be necessary to our success. I'll explain about these other naval units once we arrive. Time to get moving! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Protect your transport copter! ...Easier said than done, huh? It looks like it's almost done for... This cruiser is very effective against air units. And it's so close! If you leave the copter here, it'll be destroyed immediately. Hurry up and get it out of there! Can you select it? At first glance, it doesn't look like there's anywhere it can pull back to... But there is a way to save it! Move it here! Load it! Now the transport copter can't be attacked. That's right! You can put transport copters onto cruisers. If you Load it, it'll be safe as long as the cruiser isn't destroyed! You can also Load battle copters onto cruisers. Cruisers can hold up to two units at one time. And by loading units, you resupply those units with fuel and ammunition. You have a battle copter, too. You should try it sometime. Now, let's test the attack power of the cruiser. Select it! Cruisers engage enemy units directly. You might be surprised by the kind of units they can attack. They can only Fire on air units and submarines. As for right now... You can Fire on this sub. Let's attack! Cruisers are very effective against subs! And like I said earlier, they're also effective against air units. Since they can only attack certain units, they are a bit limited. Once you learn their intricacies, thought, you'll be glad you have them! But learning that right off the bat is pretty hard. If you forget which units they can Fire on, press the R Button. The ever-helpful R Button! If you remember that, you'll always be able to get the intel you need. That took longer to explain than I thought it would. Well, let's move on to the next unit's capabilities. Next is the battleship. Can you select this unit? Battleships attack from a distance, so, don't move it... Just open the Command Menu. Now choose Fire! Did you notice that it has a large attack range? That's right! Battleships have an attack range of two to six spaces! Rockets have a range of three to five. You may think it's only a little larger, but it's quite a big difference! You'll understand better as you start to use them more. That's all on battleships for now. Now on to submarines. Select this one, please. Submarines use direct-fire to engage the enemy. They can only Fire on other naval units. I think this unit should do for now. Fire! As you can see, subs can inflict heavy damage! Subs also have other distinct abilities, but I'll tell you about those later. You've seen a lot of new units here, but this is the last one: the lander. You remember APCs and transport copters, right? You use landers in basically the same way. Like the others, they can't attack. Let's try this one out. First, select this infantry unit. Now just Load that unit into the lander. You've Loaded it! So, landers and T copters are basically the same. That's what you're thinking, right? Actually, there's a big difference. You can load two ground units at a time onto a lander! Landers carry land units, and cruisers carry copters. That's what I said, right? Now, let's try to Load a medium tank. What do you think? Pretty handy, isn't it? But there's one thing you have to pay attention to... On this map, you can only Load units onto a lander at a shallow shoreline. Eventually, you'll be able to do this at a port, but there aren't any here. Just be careful, because it's not like you can Load just anywhere. Next let's try to Drop the troops. Move it over here. It's just the same as Loading units. You can only drop them at ports and shallow shorelines. You can drop infanty here and here. But wait a second... There's a medium tank on this lander, too, right? Medium tanks can't move in the mountains, remember? So, you can't drop Medium tanks in the mountains. If you're going to Drop both units at once, you'll have to think about it... Which terrain can you Drop them on? Can you Drop the infantry here? OK, now Drop the other unit. You can only Load and Drop at ports and shallow shorelines, so pay attention to where you can Drop when you're carrying two units. If you can just remember this, you'll have no trouble using Landers. So, did you get all that? Oh, there's one more thing I have to say about sea units in general. Like air units, sea units use fuel every day. Battleships, subs, cruisers, and landers all use one unit of fuel per day. If they run out of fuel, they'll sink, and you'll lose them. If you want to resupply them, select an APC and choose Supply -- the same as with other units. To recover its HP, you need to move this unit to a port. Unfortunately, there aren't any ports nearby. Well, you can do as you like with the rest of the units. When you're done, choose End. Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : So, we've got a naval battle on our hands, eh? If Nell hadn't taken out my air units, victory would be so much easier... But they can't use most of their troops, so that puts us on equal footing. To battle! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It's your turn. Let me tell you one more thing about subs. Can you select one? Even if a sub is within an enemy's attack range, there is a way to avoid being attacked, so let me show it to you. Can you press the A Button and open the menu? Now choose Dive! That's right! When a sub Dives, it can only be attacked by cruisers and other subs. Plus, since submerged subs can still attack this is very useful. But there is one thing I have to warn you about, and that's fuel. When a sub Dives, it uses five fuel units per day. That's about a one-day supply. If it runs out of fuel, it will sink, so watch your fuel closely. I'll leave the rest up to you. Good luck! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Nell : This was a very strategic point for Olaf to attack Orange Star. Thanks to you, we managed to block his assault! Thank you! Keep up the good work! Olaf : I never expected them to make it this far... Augh!!! Just wait until next time! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 12 - Climate Status ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : This mission focuses on climate and CO Powers. Before we move out, I need to brief you in detail on CO Olaf. Olaf used to be a CO in the Orange Star Army. In fact, he was my superior. His strong character and skill with the troops make him an invaluable CO. This is what brought him to Blue Moon's attention. Not only did he switch allegiances, but then he attacked Orange Star... He's a wretch! Just a little more, and the Blue Moon Army will be forced to retreat! Let's go get 'em! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : I have a bad feeling about this. It looks like Olaf... has been waiting for us. If we let him use his power, there'll be trouble. Let's take him out all at once! I'm going to leave this one up to you! Good luck! Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Ha ha ha! I've been waiting for you. Now I shall unleash my power! Heavens, hear my cry! BLIZZARD!!! Olaf uses his CO Power, Blizzard. Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : It's Olaf's CO Power! This is what he's been waiting for... We've been caught in his trap! Every CO has his or her own special power -- a CO Power. When Olaf uses his CO Power, a huge snow storm drops in. It's devastating! But I can't use my CO Power right now. I'm sorry. There's one more thing... Olaf is very adept in the snow. It's this power that caught Blue Moon's eye. Snow lowers the movement range of all units. See this plain, here? Infantry used to move across it at a cost of one movement unit. In snow, the cost increases to two. Olaf has a unique advantage here... His troops can move through snow without any adverse effects. This has turned into a rough battle. But it should stop snowing after a few days. Just be patient and try to hold out until then. Blue Moon / Day 4 ----------------- Olaf : Huh? The snow stopped!!! Augh! I don't have enough time to build up my power again... But... I must have put fear into their hearts! Go, my soldiers! Don't give them time to regroup! Defeat them all! Orange Star / Day 5 ------------------- Nell : You held out long enough! The snow has stopped! You'd better watch out, though... Olaf still has plenty of units. You must regroup! Orange Star / Day 6 ------------------- Nell : It started raining! This is a real blessing! Rain slows movement a little bit. More importantly, rain punishes Olaf. He'll be brought to a virtual standstill! You have to move now! Take him out in one swift blow! Blue Moon / Day 6 ----------------- Olaf : What's this? It's started raining??? Augh!!! Our spirits will have to carry us! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Nell : Each CO has a unique special ability. In Olaf's case, he works well in snow, but he's susceptible to rain. Regardless of that, you were great this time! If you can win the next battle, then I'll have taught you all I can. I think the next battle will be our last one together. Keep up the good work! Olaf : Even my trap didn't work... If... If I don't win soon, they'll get back all the land I went to the trouble of capturing. Augh!!! Just wait until next time! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 13 - Fog of War ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : Fog of War is the topic of this briefing. Finally, we've arrived. Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : What a terrible view! The surrounding area is almost completely hidden. This phenomenon is known as Fog of War. When it is present, units can only see a limited distance. Check each unit's vision range ascertain the distance it can see. Look at this infantry unit. See the bright squares around it? This is the unit's vision range when Fog of War is present. On this terrain, the unit's vision range is two. The other lit areas are around your HQ, your cities, and other positions. They're lit to lead you to them. The areas around neutral cities or enemy positions aren't, though. They stay dark until you draw close to them. See this city? It's dark, so you don't know what's there. Well, I guess you should try to Capture it. These cities looked the same when they were dark, didn't they? When checking a city's allegiance, I suggest approaching with caution. Would you select this mech unit next? Infantry and mech units have special abilities. That is... Well, maybe you should see for yourself. What do you think? The vision ranges of infantry and mech units increase in mountains. When you have a larger vision range, it's much easier to spot enemies. Oh, yes. Did you notice that this areas here is still dark? That's because you can't see into the woods until you're adjacent to them. You can see into this forest because your mech unit is right next to it. By the way, reefs are the same. They remain dark until you're next to them. Let's go back a moment. There could actually be something in this forest. Why don't you send a unit to scout it out? This is the perfect chance to use your new unit -- the recon unit. Select it, please. Let me explain what this unit can do. The recon unit has a vision range of five squares! And unlike infantry and mech units, it can see anywhere! The one thing to be aware of is that it's not a very powerful unit. It can handle infantry, but you should avoid engaging any other units. Let's send the recon unit over to investigate that forest. There's a rocket unit here! This is the danger of Fog of War. If you had tried to enter the forest, you'd have encountered an enemy... You would have been stuck, unable to do anything. Be extra careful when moving into areas that have cover. Now, another thing on the subject of forests and reefs. This time, the enemy was using the terrain to conceal its troops, right? Well, you can do the same thing! Using the terrain to hide is a good strategy. Of course, you'll be spotted if the enemy moves next to you, but... Did you get all that? I told you before, if you need intel, use the cursor and the R Button. Press the R Button, then use the + Control Pad to read the intel. This is the way to check out different terrains, including woods and reefs. I'm going to leave the rest of the battle to you. Good luck! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Olaf : So, they've taken back most of the Orange Star territory... I'll concede this day, but the real battle is yet to come! Nell : Well done! You've finally driven Olaf off! This will be the last thing I have to say... Thank you for listening to all my advice up to now. However, I won't be able to join you after this. You'll have to lead on your own, Candidate. Let me introduce you to your new partner, Andy. Andy! Come here! Andy : Nell! What is it? From now on, you will be known as 'Advisor' instead of 'Candidate'. Nell : This is Advisor . Advisor will be giving you orders from now on. Say hello. Andy : Oh! Hello, Advisor. So you're Orange Star's first advisor. Nice to meet you! Nell : Be prepared, Andy can be a bit of a wiseacre. He's still young, but his abilities are top notch! I think he'll make a good partner for you, Advisor. Well, good luck! There's nothing left for me to tell you. Congratulations, graduate! Well, Advisor, you've been promoted from a candidate to an advisor! I give you this to mark your advancement! Congratulations! Nell gives you a card. Nell : As you complete battles, your rank will rise. This is a special card that allows you to check your ranking at any time. Congratulations! Epilogue of Field Training -------------------------- With this victory, we've reclaimed a portion of Orange Star. But this is just the beginning. Olaf still has troops deployed within our borders. Advisor, you and Andy will command our forces against Olaf. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The secret mission in Field Training becomes available after you have completed all the other FT missions. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 14 - Special Intel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nell : What a surprise! Are you here for my Special Intel briefing? This mission is for commanders who want a little extra knowledge. This is special intel that may just give you the edge in combat. Let's get started! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : This is where I'll teach you some new commands and other useful tidbits. Some of it may overlap with other things I've taught you, though. So, if you'd like to skip this lesson, just reset the game. To reset, press START, SELECT, and the A and B Buttons at once. I'm going to begin now, OK? I'll explain a few things we haven't touched on yet. I hope you'll try them all out. :: (You select the terrain and bring up the menu.) On this menu, I've already told you about End and Save, right? Let me tell you about the rest. Choose any one you like. The Unit command shows you a list of all your units. Press up and down on the + Control Pad to choose a unit. Press the A Button to move the cursor to that unit's position. But that's not all! You can also use the Unit command to change unit order. Look at this... Do you see Type, HP, Gas, and Rds (Rounds) all lined up here? Right now, the cursor is on Type. You can press left and right on the + Control Pad to choose a menu! Try it out. In the Options Menu, you can listen to background music or Yield. You can also Exit the map. This menu changes depending on the mode you're playing. In Field Training, you only see the three options I just mentioned. But in Campaigns, you can also turn the animation on or off here. Oh, and let me explain about Yielding. If you're stuck in a situation you can't win, choose this command. You can also reset, but if you Yield, I'll give you a little hint to help you. But that's only in Campaigns and in Field Training. That's it, so why don't you choose something else? :: (You select the Base.) Ah, yes, the deployment menu. Your bases are where all of your land units have been deployed. The number next to each unit is the cost of deploying that unit. If it costs less than your total funds, you can deploy that unit. Also, because there are so many land units, they might not fit on one page. Use the + Control Pad to scroll to the very bottom of the page. That's right. You can use the units one day after you deploy them. Just remember that the units wait the first day you deploy them. You'll probably wonder what units you should produce first. Which one was the easiest to use in your Field Training? Focus on those first, then slowly deploy others. :: (You select the Airport.) OK -- airport deployment... Airports are where you'll deploy your air units from. The number next to the unit is how much it costs to deploy that unit. If it is less than your total funds, you can deploy the unit. Use the + Control Pad to select a unit. You can't use them on the same day you deploy them, though. :: (You select the Port.) Oh, port deployment... Ports are where you'll deploy your sea units from. The number next to the unit is how much it costs to deploy the unit. If it is less, than your total funds, you can deploy the unit. Use the + Control pad to select a unit. You can't use them on the same day you deploy them, though. :: (You select the Fighter.) Have you ever known there were enemies nearby but still run into them? There's actually a way to get around that... I'll show you how to do it right now. You've selected a fighter, right? When you want to move it over here, you just move the cursor in a straight line and press the A Button, right? But right now there's an enemy here that you can't see. If you move in a straight line, you'll run into it. But pay attention to the red line that appears when you move the cursor. It follows the cursor's path. Do you know what this means? This actually shows your unit's movement direction. So, your unit follows this path when it moves. If you move the line over this way, you'll be fine. Just move the cursor like this! Try it out yourself. Move it over here. That's it! This is very handy in Fog of War situations, so keep it in mind. There's one more thing I want you to watch out for. It's about the special rules of engagement in Fog of War situations. Have you ever chosen to cancel your move instead of choosing Wait? If you do that a lot, be careful. In Fog of War situations, you still use fuel when you cancel a move. If you do it too many times, you could run out of fuel. That's it for now. Come back again for more help! :: (You select End from the menu.) If you End, then your extra lessons will end. Is that OK? :: (Yes) Thanks for listening! I hope I'll see you again soon. -¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯ Campaign -¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯-_-¯ ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 1 - It's War! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Olaf : Orange Star forces? Here so soon? But, wait... something's not right here. Nell wouldn't leave Orange Star's capital city unguarded. Which means... A new commanding officer? Ha, ha, ha! Excellent! I've lost a few battles lately, but no more! An Orange Star Army without Nell is no match for me! Time to teach this raw recruit what war's all about! --- Andy : I'm Andy! Pleased to meet you, Advisor. Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Advisor! Andy! Do you read me? Andy : Nell? Is that you? Is this a transceiver? Nell : That's right, Andy. I'll be using it to contact you from here on out. As this is your first real command, I wanted to check up on you. Andy : No worries here! This is going to be easy! Nell : Oh, Andy! You're nothing if not enthusiastic. Let me give you a few words of advice. First, let's talk about your CO Power. You can use your CO Power when the Power Meter is full. The meter fills up gradually over the course of battle. Once it's full, you... well, I'll cover that when the time comes. Oh, I also have to tell you about the Terms of Victory. The Terms of Victory explain what you need to accomplish to fulfill a mission. Do you see Intel on the Map Menu? Select it and you'll see three new menu items: Terms, Status, and CO. If you select Terms, I'll explain what you must do to win on that map. You should also take a look at the other two items when you have the time. There's a lot of useful intel in there. OK, Andy. You listen to Advisor and do your best! Good luck, Advisor! Take care of Andy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Here you must capture the enemy HQ or defeat all the enemy units. Officer Dossier - Andy [Orange Star] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" Olaf [Blue Moon] - Strong in the snow, weak in the rain. A solid CO of above-average ability. - BLIZZARD. Causes it to snow creating favorable conditions for his units. - Plans often go awry, but he's deadly serious. [^_^ Hit] Warm boots [-_- Miss] Rain clouds "I will teach you the true meaning of power!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 2 ----------------- Olaf : Let the winds of war bring snow! Olaf uses his CO Power, Blizzard. The moment Andy's Power Meter is full, Nell calls in. Nell : Advisor! Andy! Do you copy? Andy : Nell? What is it? Nell : Your Power Meter is full! Andy's CO Power lets you repair all damaged units, right? Do you know when it's best to use it? Andy : Um... No, I don't. Nell : Well, I guess I'll have to tell you. Since you're able to repair all of your units, you should use your Power when you have damaged units. Oh, and one more thing. When you use your Power, all of your units will be a little stronger for that turn. Don't forget what I just told you, OK? Is that clear? Andy : Not really. But that's OK. I'll just let Advisor decide. Nell : Oh, well... I guess that'll have to do. Advisor, you're in command. Good luck! After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Olaf : I lost again! Who in the world are you? Andy : My name's Andy! I'm the CO. This is my advisor, Advisor. Olaf : Advisor? We needed no advisors when I was in the Orange Star Army! Hrumph! Be that as it may. Advisor! Andy! It takes a lot to best me. I'll remember your names. Mark my word! Andy : Hey, grandpa. Who are you? Olaf : Who am I, you ask? Throughout Orange Star I was known as... Andy : Nell's papa? Olaf : That's right, Nell's... What? No! That's what I get for being nice to children! No respect! Grrr... You just watch yourself, little boy! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 2 - Gunfighter! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves deeper into Orange Star country. Olaf : Grit! Grit! Where's Grit? Grit : Easy there! I heard you the first time, O bearded one. Olaf : Bearded one? Why you... Grit : A slip of the tongue. My apologies, commander. Olaf : Enough! Just get ready to move out! Now, listen. Orange Star forces have been deployed where I anticipated. Their commanding officer is an untested youngster, but he's not alone. He's working with an advisor, Advisor. So don't let your guard down! Our contingent in the area has some indirect combat units for you to use. Now get going, Mr. Sharpshooter! Grit : What? You want me to go personally? Like, in person? Olaf : Why you lazy, no-good... What do you think a commanding officer does? If you don't get moving... Grit : All right. Keep your beard on. I don't much like the idea, but I'm going. Olaf : Gone at last... He's an impudent rogue, but he's also the best marksman I've ever seen. Those Orange Star fools will never know what hit them. Perfect! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! --- Andy : Ok! Here I go! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Advisor! Andy! Can you hear me? Andy : What's up, Nell? Nell : You've been given the authority to use bases to deploy new units onto the field. Advisor hasn't received instruction on how to do this, but you're up to speed, right, Andy? Andy : Well, um... Nell : Oh, my. Well, let's go through it again. First, place the cursor on a base and press the A Button. A list of units will then be displayed. Use the + Control Pad to scroll through the list, and press the A Button to select the unit you want to deploy. Units that you can't afford will appear in gray. Don't forget that. Each day, you'll receive funds from all of the bases you hold. You'll have to make do with that amount. Remember, you can't deploy new units and move them on the same turn. Hope you got all of that. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - To win here, capture the enemy HQ or defeat all the enemy troops. Good luck and move out! Officer Dossier - Andy [Orange Star] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" Grit [Blue Moon] - Distance weapons have an extended attack range. However, direct combat units are weak. - SNIPE ATTACK. Increases the range and firepower of distance weapons. - Laid-back style masks dependability. A peerless marksman. [^_^ Hit] Cats [-_- Miss] Rats "What's the ruckus?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Grit : Possum spit! This area wasn't Blue Moon's to begin with. Blue Moon is just plain greedy. That's what it is. Fightin' for these folks just don't sit well with me. Well, I'll guess I'll just mosey on out and see what happens. Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Nell : Advisor! Andy! Pick up now! Andy : Yeah, Nell. We're here. What's going on? Nell : We've learned that Grit is the opposing CO! Grit is an indirect-fire expert whose attack range is larger than normal. Plus, his range gets even bigger when he uses his CO Power! Make sure you check Grit's attack range throughout the battle. Andy : Understood. Hey, Nell... How do you know so much about this guy? Nell : Well... we used to be... friends. Um, that's all I had to tell you. Nell out. Andy : Huh? Nell was sure in a hurry. I wonder what was wrong? Blue Moon / Day 7 ----------------- Grit : Sorry 'bout this. But, you've left me no choice. Grit uses his CO Power, Snipe Attack. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Grit : Hey there, Junior! And what was your partner's name again? Advisor? Andy : Stop calling me Junior! I have a name! It's Andy! Grit : Well now! That's the spirit! Y'all are new to the Orange Star Army, right? Andy : Yeah, so? Hey! How'd you know that? Grit : Well now, that's 'cause I'm Grit! I was beholden to Orange Star not too long ago, myself. So, I'm pretty familiar with most of the military types. Well, y'all beat me this time. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other on the flip side. So long, Advisor! You too, Junior! Andy : ....Stop calling me, Junior! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 3 - Air Ace! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves southwest to an island off the coast of Orange Star. Meanwhile, the Green Earth CO Eagle is speaking to an unknown identity. Eagle : Hmmm... What have we here? Orange Star forces, if I'm not mistaken. And, of course, I never am. I had heard that the Blue Moon Army ruined them, but... How interesting. I think I'll entertain them for a while. --- Andy : What's that? Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Andy : Didn't Nell say this area was empty? As in, no enemies? Nell : Advisor! Andy! Come in! Do you copy? Andy : Nell! There are hostile forces here! Nell : So it seems. But those... those aren't Blue Moon troops. I'll see what I can find out. Hold your positions! We have some bases you can use here as a last resort. Advisor! Watch over Andy, OK? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or defeat all the enemy forces to win. That's your mission, Advisor! Officer Dossier - Andy [Orange Star] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" Eagle [Green Earth] - Strongest firepower in the skies. But flounders at sea. - LIGHTNING STRIKE. Non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. However, their ratings are lower than normal. - An ace pilot who's as tough as nails. [^_^ Hit] Lucky goggles [-_- Miss] Swimming "Do you really want to challenge me?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 3 ------------------- Eagle : Are you fool enough to believe you can withstand two of my attacks? Eagle uses his CO Power, Lightning Strike. Orange Star / Day 4 ------------------- Nell : Advisor! I've got it! I know who you've encountered! Those are Green Earth troops! Rumor has it that there's an independent battalion roaming about. I believe you've found them. Watch out for their air units. They're supposed to be brutal! Andy : You're too late, Nell. Nell : What? Does that mean you're already under attack? Well... Um... Good luck! Andy : Nell left us! She ran away... After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Eagle : I... I lost? Huh? It's you! Andy! Andy : Yeah, but... who are you? Eagle : Don't play dumb with me, boy! I'll never forget what you've done! Andy : Huh? Eagle : So, continuing to feign ignorance, eh? Very well, but the next time we meet will be our last! Andy : Hey! Wait up! He's gone. What was that all about? Who in the world is that? ______________________________________________________________________________ Prelude to Mission 4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Max joins the party. Max : Sorry to keep you waiting! Andy : Who are you? Max : I'm Max, a CO in the Orange Star army. I was ordered to join you and Advisor, so here I am. Andy : A new CO, huh? What's so special about you? Max : You get right to the point, don't you, pal? I'm the king of direct combat. Need someone to mix it up? I'm the best! When I really get rolling, Max Force boosts my firepower even higher. Andy : Cool! Max : I'm not saying I'm perfect, but why focus on the negative, right? Hey, Advisor! It's time to choose a CO for the next battle. Use the + Control pad to make your selection. You now have to choose which CO will you use for the next mission. [Northeastern route] Andy : I want to check this place out! It's my turn! :: (Yes > go to A missions - to be included in the next update) [Eastern route] Max : This route looks tough! Here I go! :: (Yes > go to M missions) ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 4M - Max Strikes! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Well, Max. You're here to help, too? Max : How you doin', Nell? Now that I'm here, what's the kid gonna do? Nell : Oh, Max. You haven't changed a bit. But I must tell you, Andy's quite a capable CO. If you're not careful, he may just pass you up. See you later. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Win by capturing the enemy HQ or by defeating all the enemy troops. I'm counting on you, Advisor! Officer Dossier - Max [Orange Star] - Direct combat units have high firepower. Distance units are weak and have small attack ranges. - MAX FORCE. Increases all abilities of direct combat units. - Dependable and brave. Over-protective of Sami and Andy. [^_^ Hit] Weight training [-_- Miss] Studying "Now it's my turn!" Olaf [Blue Moon] - Strong in the snow, weak in the rain. A solid CO of above-average ability. - BLIZZARD. Causes it to snow creating favorable conditions for his units. - Plans often go awry, but he's deadly serious. [^_^ Hit] Warm boots [-_- Miss] Rain clouds "I will teach you the true meaning of power!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Olaf : Ha ha ha ha ha! Behold! Gaze upon my beautiful army! Orange Star may match me in numbers, but I have so much more power! Grit : But you're not very well balanced... What if the enemy send its subs under? That'll stop you cold. Olaf : Battleships at sea! Bombers in the air! Is there anything more I need? No! Nothing at all! Attack! Attack! Attack! Grit : Well, as long as you're happy, Boss. Olaf : The spirits of winter have blessed my army! Olaf uses his CO Power, Blizzard. Orange Star / Day 3 (optional) ------------------- Max : See if you can handle my best shot! Max uses his CO Power, Max Force. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Max : How's that? What do you think of that power? Andy : Cool! There's no way I could do that much damage. Max : Yeah! That's right! Andy : As long as I didn't use my indirect combat units, that is. Max : Oooh... you... Nell : That's exactly right. Max doesn't use indirect combat units because he's clumsy. Max : .... Nell : And your range of fire is small, too. That's life threatening, isn't it? Max : Ha! I'll do just fine without relying on those units. Nell : I wonder about that. Anyway, excellent work, Max! Now you two work together and try to get along. Max : You heard the lady. Let's stop fighting and do this, Andy. Andy : I think she was talking to you, Max. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 5M - Sniper! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves east-northeast into Blue Moon territory. Olaf : Grit! Where is that fool? Grit : I'm right here. What are you bellowing about now? Olaf : Bellowing? Let me tell you something, you... Grit : My apologies, exalted commander. I am at your service. Olaf : That's better. You just remember your place. Now, listen closely. Those units we saw earlier have advanced further into our territory. This is your chance to redeem yourself. Do what needs to be done. Grit : Riiight. So, I should wait here and... Olaf : Wait? What do you mean wait? Advisor's troops are... Grit : Oh, OK. Understood. If duty calls, your humble servant Grit'll answer! Olaf : If I didn't know better, I might think you weren't taking this seriously. --- Max : This'll be as easy as falling out of bed! Here I go! :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Max : Fog of War... Andy : What's "Fog of War"? Max : Please tell me you're joking. See that gray stuff blocking your vision? That's Fog of War. Now, I wonder where the enemy troops are hidden. Andy : How do we find 'em? Max : Well, recon units have a good vision range, so let's send them out first. But if we leave them out in the open, they'll be sitting ducks. Our safest bet is to leapfrog from wood to wood. Units hidden in woods are almost impossible to spot. Andy : Boy, that seems pretty simple. Max : You just don't know enough to realize the danger, Andy. If we can hide units in the woods, then so can our opponent. If we're not careful, hidden units will blow us away! All right. Let's move out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Defeat all the enemy forces or capture the enemy HQ to win here. Officer Dossier - Max [Orange Star] - Direct combat units have high firepower. Distance units are weak and have small attack ranges. - MAX FORCE. Increases all abilities of direct combat units. - Dependable and brave. Over-protective of Sami and Andy. [^_^ Hit] Weight training [-_- Miss] Studying "Now it's my turn!" Grit [Blue Moon] - Distance weapons have an extended attack range. However, direct combat units are weak. - SNIPE ATTACK. Increases the range and firepower of distance weapons. - Laid-back style masks dependability. A peerless marksman. [^_^ Hit] Cats [-_- Miss] Rats "What's the ruckus?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 2 ----------------- Grit : Looks like I need to get serious! Grit uses his CO Power, Snipe Attack. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Grit : Howdy Max. Long time, no see. Max : Grit? Is that you? I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around lately, and now I know. You're working for Blue Moon! You traitorous piece of gar-- Grit : Aww, Maxie. Don't be like that. I got my reasons for doin' what I do, you know? Man, I'm getting out of here before you get started preachin' again. See y'all down the road! Max : Hold it, Grit! Dang! He got away. But what's he doing with Blue Moon? ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 6M - Blizzard Battle! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves northeast. Olaf : Blast! We're running out of opportunities. Grit : I don't see the need to get so worked up. It's not like this was Blue Moon property to begin with. Olaf : What did you say? After all my work and planning? Grit : It's common theft, man! Nothing more, nothing less. Olaf : Why, you insolent little... Grit : Whoa! Hold on chief! Don't you think it's time to move out? Like you said, the Orange Star troops are knocking on our door. Olaf : Grit! You're pushing your luck! Don't go anywhere, you understand? I'll deal with you when I get back. --- Max : Let's take it to 'em! :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Advisor! Andy! Max! Can you hear me? Andy : What is it, Nell? Nell : I've learned that this is a vital deployment point for Olaf. If we can drive him from the region, we may just cripple his army! Max : Really? This may be where we can end this conflict with Olaf! Nell : That's right! You just need to capture as much property as possible, and fast! The first army to secure twelve properties will win this battle! Stay alert and good luck! Max : Let's see... Yep, we've got bases for deploying troops, and... OK! Understood. Let's go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - The army that captures 12 properties first, wins! Get moving! Officer Dossier - Max [Orange Star] - Direct combat units have high firepower. Distance units are weak and have small attack ranges. - MAX FORCE. Increases all abilities of direct combat units. - Dependable and brave. Over-protective of Sami and Andy. [^_^ Hit] Weight training [-_- Miss] Studying "Now it's my turn!" Olaf [Blue Moon] - Strong in the snow, weak in the rain. A solid CO of above-average ability. - BLIZZARD. Causes it to snow creating favorable conditions for his units. - Plans often go awry, but he's deadly serious. [^_^ Hit] Warm boots [-_- Miss] Rain clouds "I will teach you the true meaning of power!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 4 ----------------- Olaf : I will not be defeated! Olaf uses his CO Power, Blizzard. After you have captured 12 properties: Olaf : Grrr... Not again! He will not be pleased with me if this losing streak continues. Grit! Grit : Yep. Olaf : Get out there and stop that cursed Orange Star Army! Grit : Easier said than done, Boss. You didn't leave me anything to work with. Olaf : Don't get saucy! Rally the troops and do something! I have to go and pay him my respects. Don't fail me, Grit! Grit : Well, I'll be a... Olaf just tucked his tail between his legs and ran away. Where does that leave me? Guess I'll mosey on down and clean up his mess. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 7M - History Lesson! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves south. Max : It looks like we'll be facing Grit next. Andy : Grit... Is he the guy who keeps calling me junior? Do you know him or something? Max : Yeah, you could say that. He, Nell and I used to be friends. He was always a tough one to figure out, but this Blue Moon stuff... Andy : Nell knows him, too? Why is he working for Blue Moon? Max : That's something I'd like to ask him myself. That's why you've got to let me face him, Andy! Let me take care of Grit! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Max : Reefs here, woods there, hiding places everywhere... Man, this place was made for Grit and his indirect-combat units. I really just want to rush in and get to stompin', but... The smart thing to do is to use the terrain and creep up on 'em. Yep, that's the best plan. Let's move out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or defeat all the enemy forces for victory! Officer Dossier - Max [Orange Star] - Direct combat units have high firepower. Distance units are weak and have small attack ranges. - MAX FORCE. Increases all abilities of direct combat units. - Dependable and brave. Over-protective of Sami and Andy. [^_^ Hit] Weight training [-_- Miss] Studying "Now it's my turn!" Grit [Blue Moon] - Distance weapons have an extended attack range. However, direct combat units are weak. - SNIPE ATTACK. Increases the range and firepower of distance weapons. - Laid-back style masks dependability. A peerless marksman. [^_^ Hit] Cats [-_- Miss] Rats "What's the ruckus?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Grit : Well, here I am again. This whole thing don't sit well with me, but I guess I gotta stop foolin' around. I figure the best way to stop these boys is to take out their lander. Yeah, that'll keep them from movin' those ground troops around. Reckon I'd best get started. Blue Moon / Day 2 ----------------- Grit : Well, here goes. Grit uses his CO Power, Snipe Attack. Orange Star / Day 3 (optional) ------------------- Max : There's no way I'm losing to you, Grit! Max uses his CO Power, Max Force. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Max : OK, Grit! Now you're going to answer some questions! Why in blazes did you go over to Blue Moon? Nell : Grit! Max : Nell? What are you doing here? Grit : Hey there, Nell. It's been a long time. Nell : Max. Would you please leave us alone for a minute? Max : Yeah... Sure... Nell : You look well. I was worried. Grit : Yeah, I'm doin' all right. How about you? You and Max getting along all right? Nell : So that's the reason you left Orange Star. You sensed Max's feelings, and because he's your friend, you... Grit : Whoa! Hold on, now. Let me set you straight. I did what I did 'cause that's who I am, darlin'. I go where I want to go, and stay where I want to stay. That's it. Nell : Oh, I... Grit : See you later, Nell. Take care. Nell : Grit... Goodbye. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 8S - Sami's Debut! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sami joins the party. Sami : Sorry I'm late. Andy, Max... and special advisor... Advisor, wasn't it? Andy : Who are you? Sami : My name is Sami. I'm the Special Forces commander. I was supposed to join you earlier, but my last mission ran long. Well, better late than never, right? I'm an infantry and mech unit specialist. My units can seize and secure new bases faster than any other CO's. My transport units are top of the line, too. Don't hesitate to deploy me and my troops as you see fit. I'm ready for action! Andy : Looking forward to working with you, Sami! Sami : That's the spirit! Oh, I've got some information, too. Word is that Olaf's forces are marching toward Yellow Comet. Let's go get 'em! ...Wait a minute... who's that? This terrain is made for me! Do I have the command? :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Andy : Hmm... I think I've seen those guys before. Do you remember them, Advisor? :: (Yes) Sami : Those look like Green Earth troops. I've heard they have an independent battalion around. Maybe this is it. They're supposed to be really tough. Especially the air units. Max : Outstanding! Advisor, Sami, you both know your stuff! But how did you get this intel, Andy? Andy : I ran into 'em once, and... Sami : Hey, you survived, didn't you? That's pretty impressive, Andy. Max : Even with Advisor's help, that's good work! Way to go, kid! All right, let's roll! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Defeat all the enemy forces or capture the enemy HQ to win here. Either way will work! Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Eagle [Green Earth] - Strongest firepower in the skies. But flounders at sea. - LIGHTNING STRIKE. Non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. However, their ratings are lower than normal. - An ace pilot who's as tough as nails. [^_^ Hit] Lucky goggles [-_- Miss] Swimming "Do you really want to challenge me?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Eagle : The Orange Star Army... Andy's troops. This time, I won't be beaten by Andy and his ilk. I shall crush them with one stroke! Green Earth / Day 3 ------------------- Eagle : I will pull no punches! Eagle uses his CO Power, Lightning Strike. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Eagle : I, Eagle, beaten by Andy, again? Sami : Who are you calling Andy? Eagle : Eh? Sami : I think I'll take offense at your mistake. Do I look like a boy to you? Eagle : Who are you? Sami : The name's Sami. I'm an Orange Star CO. Eagle : I... I lost to... a girl? Sami : You're careless. That's why you keep losing! I don't think you're ready for war. You need to go back to basic training! Eagle : Excuse me, Orange Star CO... Sami? Sami : Yes? Eagle : I would like to apologize for my behavior. It was inappropriate. Sami : Oh, OK... Eagle : I vow by my lucky goggles that the next time we meet, I will do better. Now I will take my leave. Farewell. Sami : Wait, wait a minute! No one said you could leave. Come... He's gone! He seems like a pretty decent guy, after all. Now it's on to Yellow Comet! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 9 - Kanbei Arrives! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves into the Yellow Comet continent. Kanbei : Hmm? Like a plague, here comes the Orange Star Army! Not content with their own lands, they've come to steal mine! Never, I say! Never! Kanbei's Imperial Forces shall drive them back! --- Andy : I don't know what's going on, but I'll do my best. Max : Darn! I hadn't planned on crossing into Yellow Comet... Well, here goes. Sami : If we could just negotiate... I think it's too late for that, though. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Sami : Oh, no... I was just planning on passing through Yellow Comet, but... Kanbei's Imperial Forces spotted us before we even crossed the border. Andy : Kanbei's Imperial Forces? Sami : Uh-huh. They're supposed to be the best-trained troops around. The high equipment costs and salaries must make them hard to maintain. [if Andy is your CO] Andy : The best trained, huh? This should be fun! Sami : I don't think you'll have any energy left for fun, Andy. C'mon, show me what you can do! [if Max is your CO] Max : I've heard of 'em before! Kanbei's supposed to be the reason no one messes with that little country. Even so, there's no way he's gonna beat me! Hey, Advisor! Let's go get 'em! [if Sami is your CO] Andy : The best trained, huh? Boy, Sami, you have all the fun! I wish I was going instead of you. Sami : I doubt if this is going to be all that much fun, Andy. Ready, Advisor? It's time to get busy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or vanquish all the enemy troops to win. It'll be a tough battle, but you can do it! Officer Dossier - Kanbei [Yellow Comet] - Strong offensive and defensive abilities. Deployment costs are very high. - MORALE BOOST. Increases firepower and defensive ratings for all units. - Fashions himself a modern samurai. [^_^ Hit] Sonja [-_- Miss] Computers "Show me your warrior spirit!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Comet / Day 2 -------------------- Kanbei : Kanbei's Imperial Forces will show you the meaning of true power! Kanbei uses his CO Power, Morale Boost. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Kanbei : Preposterous! So many of Kanbei's forces defeated in such a short time? Withdraw! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 10 - Mighty Kanbei! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves deeper into Yellow Comet territory. Kanbei : What shall we do, Sonja? Sonja : Well, what are the current battle conditions, Father? Kanbei : What? Sonja : I asked about the conditions, Father. Kanbei : Well, I... Uhm... Sonja : Oh, Father. This is so typical of you. Gathering thorough intel is the key to victory! What were you planning to do without even basic information? Kanbei : Basic information... well, yes... Sonja : Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. I suppose I'll share my intel with you, Father. The enemy troops are deployed here. It doesn't appear to be a very large force. Kanbei : Is that so? Then I'll just crush them with superior numbers! Sonja : Well, yes. You could do that. But first... Kanbei : It is decided! This time Kanbei will be showered with glory! Sonja : Wait! Wait! Father! You've got to remember to deploy in an area with secure bases. If the enemy seizes them before you arrive... Father? He's gone. Oh, Father. What are you trying to prove? --- Andy : Kanbei's army is so cool! Max : That Kanbei is one tough cookie! Sami : We can't get careless. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- [if Andy is your CO] Andy : Hey! Where's the rest of the army? Nell : I'm sorry, Andy. There was an error, and preparations weren't completed. But there are bases for deployment. You know how to use them, right? Andy : Sure, I'm OK! Nell : Well, then, there's no problem! I'm counting on you, Andy! You too, Advisor! [if Max is your CO] Max : Hey, Nell! What's with this small battalion? It's like you're asking me to lose! Nell : I'm sorry, Max. There was an error, and preparations weren't completed. But there are bases for deployment, right there. Max : All right! I've got permission to request for my own units, right? Nell : That's right. You can deploy any unit that you deem necessary. Do you remember the procedure? Max : Hey! Don't treat me like a fool! Of course I remember! Nell : Oh, Max! You're so fun to tease! I'm counting on you, Max! You too, Advisor! [if Sami is your CO] Sami : There aren't many units here. But then, there must be some bases around here. Right, Nell? Nell : Right as always, Sami! Nothing gets by you. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what to do, right? Sami : No, I don't have any questions. Nell : I'm counting on you, Sami! You too, Advisor! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Rout all the enemy units or capture the enemy HQ for victory. I know you can do it, Advisor. Officer Dossier - Kanbei [Yellow Comet] - Strong offensive and defensive abilities. Deployment costs are very high. - MORALE BOOST. Increases firepower and defensive ratings for all units. - Fashions himself a modern samurai. [^_^ Hit] Sonja [-_- Miss] Computers "Show me your warrior spirit!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Comet / Day 2 -------------------- Kanbei : Cut them to shreds! Kanbei uses his CO Power, Morale Boost. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Kanbei : This is beyond comprehension! Regardless of the odds, Kanbei should never lose this many units! Withdraw! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 11 - Kanbei's Error? ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves southwest. Sonja : They're pretty good, aren't they? You can go on and on about their superior number of bases, but they really just outlasted you, Father. Kanbei : But Sonja... Sonja : Father! Stop that whining! You're the Yellow Comet commander for goodness' sake! Kanbei : Yes, you're right... I am. What should I do? Sonja : Well, first of all, we obviously need to match their number of bases. Kanbei : Of course! Kanbei must have bases, too! Sonja : Yes, but we also... Kanbei : It is decided! Kanbei shall secure bases near the enemy! Sonja : Father? Ohhhh... gone again. Doesn't he realize that the proper location of bases is just as important as numbers? --- Andy : My units haven't lost yet! Max : The front line is where I'll win this battle! Sami : This map calls for some strategic maneuvering. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Andy : Kanbei's got us surrounded! Max : On top of that, we have to seize properties to win. Looks like things are gonna get rough. Sami : But look! This time we have an airport! Andy : What's an airport, again? Max : Airports let us deploy air units! Plus, damaged planes and copters can go there to recover HP. Andy : Oh, OK. Got it! That's cool, but isn't that Kanbei's base right there? Sami : Don't worry about that one. Take a close look. That base deploys ground units, right? Well, it's out in the middle of nowhere. It's completely useless! Let's ignore that one and Capture some other bases and cities. We need to Capture fifteen properties to win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - The army that captures 15 properties first, wins! Get moving! Officer Dossier - Kanbei [Yellow Comet] - Strong offensive and defensive abilities. Deployment costs are very high. - MORALE BOOST. Increases firepower and defensive ratings for all units. - Fashions himself a modern samurai. [^_^ Hit] Sonja [-_- Miss] Computers "Show me your warrior spirit!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Comet / Day 1 -------------------- Kanbei : Oh, ho ho ho! Look what I have found! A base for Kanbei's troops! I shall deploy a mountain of troops! Yellow Comet / Day 2 -------------------- Kanbei : Come back when you've matured some! Say, in ten years!!! Kanbei uses his CO Power, Morale Boost. After you have captured 15 properties: Kanbei : By my sword! What a horribly useless base that was! And I was defeated in such a short time! Was that base in a poor location? ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 12 - Divide & Conquer! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves southeast into an island off the Yellow Comet continent. Sonja : Father, you're impossible! Do you know why this keeps happening? You never let me finish what I'm trying to tell you! Kanbei : Uh... Sonja : I will admit that your Imperial Forces don't generally lose, but... Let's just blame the enemy for being too strong this time. Kanbei : Hmm... Sonja : This time, I'll take command. Kanbei : Sonja! Kanbei will not allow his daughter to be placed in harm's way! Why, if the unthinkable were to happen... Sonja : Father, you hush! There's something I need to investigate. And, I need first-hand intel to formulate a strategy. Kanbei : But, but... Sonja : Ok, Father, take it easy. How's this? At the first sign of danger, I'll retreat. Ok? Kanbei : You must promise to avoid unnecessary risks. Understood? Sonja : Of course, Father. I'll be back. --- Max : Hey! Where is everybody? Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- You are forced to use Max for this mission. Max : Andy? Sami? Hey, Advisor! I can't find Andy or Sami! The two of them have disappeared! Huh? What the...? I'm surrounded! Are those Yellow Comet troops? Man, I've been set up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or rout all the enemy forces to clear this map. Get a move on, Advisor! Officer Dossier - Max [Orange Star] - Direct combat units have high firepower. Distance units are weak and have small attack ranges. - MAX FORCE. Increases all abilities of direct combat units. - Dependable and brave. Over-protective of Sami and Andy. [^_^ Hit] Weight training [-_- Miss] Studying "Now it's my turn!" Sonja [Yellow Comet] - Units have great range of vision. Keeps unit HP hidden from enemies. Is plagued by constant bad luck. - ENHANCED VISION. Extends vision range of all units. Shows enemy units hidden in woods, reefs and other areas. - Kanbei's daughter. An intel gathering genius. [^_^ Hit] Computers [-_- Miss] Bugs "Brains are the key to victory, not brawn." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Comet / Day 1 -------------------- Sonja : CO Max and Advisor, right? I'm here to evaluate your combat prowess. Yellow Comet / Day 3 -------------------- Sonja : This will get me all the intel I need! Sonja uses her CO Power, Enhanced Vision. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Sonja : Max, you have underdeveloped indirect-combat skills. You compensate for this weakness with a predilection for direct combat. In areas where you can attack with multiple units, you're a titan. Max : Wha...? Sonja : In tight quarters, though, you tend to become a target for indirect fire. Try pulling your foe out into wider terrain: you'll like the results. Or is strategy your department, Advisor? Max : Who... Who are you? Sonja : It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sonja. I'm a Yellow Comet CO. I've taken the liberty of separating you from your companions. So, now... Max : Hey! (yawn) What the...? So... sleepy... Zzz... Sonja : Sweet dreams, Max. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 13 - Sami Marches On! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves into another island of the Yellow Comet continent. Sami : Advisor! I finally found you! Max! What are you doing sleeping? Wake up, you big lug! Sonja : You're wasting your breath. I've seen to it that he'll be asleep for quite some time. Sami : You... Sonja! I might've known! Splitting the three of us up... This was all part of your strategy, wasn't it! Sonja : Of course. Brilliant deduction. I've got Andy secured in a nice, safe place, too. If you want him back, you just have to get past me. The first person to secure sixteen properties on this map wins. Got it? Good. Ready, set, go! Sami : Hey! Come back here! Sonja! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- You are forced to use Sami for this mission. Sami : This is just perfect! Set up by that little brat again! Advisor, she didn't get you, too, did she? Oh, good. That's a relief. We'd be lost if you got knocked out, too. Oh, great. Fog of War... This is Sonja's forte. Well, we have to cross the water here, so we must protect our landers. We'll have no chance of victory if we can't transport our troops. Let's try and use the reefs for cover as we go. I think Sonja's forgotten that I'm an infantry troop specialist, though. If we need to capture properties to win this, then it's as good as done! Get ready, Sonja! We're comin' for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - The army that captures 16 properties first, wins! Move out! Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Sonja [Yellow Comet] - Units have great range of vision. Keeps unit HP hidden from enemies. Is plagued by constant bad luck. - ENHANCED VISION. Extends vision range of all units. Shows enemy units hidden in woods, reefs and other areas. - Kanbei's daughter. An intel gathering genius. [^_^ Hit] Computers [-_- Miss] Bugs "Brains are the key to victory, not brawn." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Comet / Day 1 -------------------- Grit : Nice to see you again, Sonja. Sonja : Grit! Did you discover anything? Grit : Nope. Not a darn thing. I was able to follow His Beardedness, but... I think Olaf himself has been tossed by the wayside. Sonja : Oh... Grit : Maybe Olaf'll realize that he's been used. That'd be nice. He ain't such a bad guy, you know? Let's move on to somethin' else now, Sonja. Don't you think you're taking things a tad bit too far? There's a whole mess of folks after you, darlin'. Like all of Orange Star. Sonja : Really? Actually, I don't think I've done enough. This is invaluable intel that I'm gathering. I must continue! Grit : Well, if you're that determined, I guess I ain't nothin' else to say. I'll go see what else I can find out. Sonja : OK. Thanks, Grit! Yellow Comet / Day 3 -------------------- Sonja : Now to learn all about Sami and her troops! Sonja uses her CO Power, Enhanced Vision. Orange Star / Day 5 (optional) ------------------- Sami : You're in trouble now, Sonja! Sami uses her CO Power, Double Time. After you have captured 16 properties: Sonja : My, oh, my! You're much stronger than you used to be, aren't you? Sami : Of course I am! Sonja : But your basic abilities haven't really changed at all, have they? In an area with lots of properties to capture, your skills are adequate. But you're still poor at indirect combat. In straight-up battle, you'd move your infantry in and seize the enemy HQ. That's what you're best at, isn't it? Sami : Ha... You're as good as ever at breaking everything down and analyzing it. But what are you doing, Sonja? Why did you attack us? Sonja : I can't... I can't tell you, yet. You'd better look over there. Sami : Huh? That's Andy! How did you...? Sonja : I told him I had some new tools for him, and he followed me like a lost puppy. Sami : (sigh)... Sonja : He should be waking up anytime now. Bye-bye. Sami : Come back... She's gone. Great. Sonja... You'll pay for this! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 14 - Sonja's Goal! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves into another island of the Yellow Comet continent. Sami : Andy! Are you okay? Andy : ...hmm... Sami : Andy! Andy : I'm... so... groggy... Sami : Wake up! Andy : Huh? Oh... morning, Sami. Sami : Unbelievable! Here I am, working my tail off, and you're sleeping! Why am I the only one who's taking these things seriously? Sonja's been leading us around by our noses like a bunch of sheep! Oooh...! She makes me so mad! Ever since we were classmates, she's been the Queen of Strategy. Now here I am, losing units left and right, and my allies are all sleeping! Get up and get moving, Andy! It's up to you. You've got to go! Andy : Boy... Sami's scary when she's mad. Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- You are forced to use Andy for this mission. Andy : I've got to battle Sonja? I really don't want to. Sami : If you mention that she gave you new tools again, I'm gonna thump you! Andy : Yikes! Sami : Do you have any idea what I had to go through? New tools! Hah! Oh, and don't expect any sympathy from me if you lose! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Rout all the enemy units or capture the enemy HQ for victory. You're in command, Advisor! Officer Dossier - Andy [Orange Star] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" Sonja [Yellow Comet] - Units have great range of vision. Keeps unit HP hidden from enemies. Is plagued by constant bad luck. - ENHANCED VISION. Extends vision range of all units. Shows enemy units hidden in woods, reefs and other areas. - Kanbei's daughter. An intel gathering genius. [^_^ Hit] Computers [-_- Miss] Bugs "Brains are the key to victory, not brawn." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yellow Comet / Day 1 -------------------- Sonja : This is the last test... Show me what you do, Andy! Orange Star / Day 2 ------------------- Andy : Um, Advisor? What's the deal with Sonja and Sami? Do they not get along? :: (Yes) Yeah, I thought so. In that case, who knows what'll happen if I lose. Let's do it, Advisor! Yellow Comet / Day 2 -------------------- Sonja : Hmm... Not bad. Not bad at all. Sonja uses her CO Power, Enhanced Vision. Orange Star / Day 3 (optional) ------------------- Andy : I can't lose now! Andy uses his CO Power, Hyper Repair. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Sami : All right, Sonja! Now I want some answers! Why have you been attacking us? Sonja : All in due time, Sami. But first, Andy. Andy : What? Sonja : You don't have any weak points. Andy : Well, of course not! Sonja : But you don't have any special strengths, either. Andy : Huh? Sonja : Ha, ha. But that in itself is your strength. Don't you think Andy's easy to work with, Advisor? And if things start getting rough, Max and Sami are there to help out. All you need to do is have Advisor choose who fights each battle. If you do that, there's no one who can best you on the field of battle. Sami : Hey! Don't ignore me! Sonja : Sami. Sami : Yeah? Sonja : Very soon you and your friends are going to face an unimaginable foe. Take care of Advisor, and Andy, too. Sami : How do you...? Sonja : That's not your concern. See you again, Sami. Sami : Hey! Hold it! She's gone again! She didn't really tell us a doggone thing! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 15S - Captain Drake! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves into the Green Earth continent. (Editor's note: I will use Sami for the next four missions to unlock a secret mission after the final battle, so the Andy and Max scripts will have to wait for the next update. I will still include what the other two have to say at the start of each mission, but that's it.) Drake : Blow ye winds o' the mornin'! Blow ye winds hi ho! Eagle : Drake! What are you doing all the way out here? You've got to get into position! Drake : Morning, Eagle. Wouldn't you rather just sit and bask in the sun a while? Eagle : Are you insane? The Orange Star Army is on the move! Drake : Oh, is that so? Eagle : Is that so? Drake, are you... Drake : Be cool - everything's under control. No need to rush. I've got everything set up. Now, doesn't this sun feel good? Oh... He's gone. Ah well. I guess I'd better get under way before Eagle gets his feathers any more ruffled. Eagle : Drake always finds some way to sidetrack me. He's absolutely peerless in naval combat, but sometimes I wonder... --- Andy : This looks like the place for me! Max : This is right up my alley! Sami : Hmm... this could be a tough nut to crack. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Max : Blast! Right after Yellow Comet, it's on to Green Earth! We're just trying to pass by. Why does everyone keep attacking us? I'd never heard of any bad blood between our countries. Sami : I'm as puzzled as you are. Regardless, we're facing CO Drake... This is going to be rough. Andy : What do you know about him? Sami : I've heard that he's virtually unstoppable in naval combat. His armada is supposed to be a real powerhouse. Andy : If he's that good, I want to challenge him! Sami : That's Andy for you, Mr. Happy-go-lucky. Anyway, I think we need to secure bases as we move through this area. I won't feel safe unless we're able to do that. Yes, I think fifteen properties should be enough to secure our victory. Let's get movin'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - You need to capture a majority of the open properties to win. That means you need to capture 15 properties. Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Drake [Green Earth] - The sea is his domain. Naval units have top firepower and movement. Air units are weak. - TSUNAMI. Strikes all enemy units for damage. - A relaxed and carefree swashbuckler. [^_^ Hit] The sea [-_- Miss] Heights "Slow down, matey. What's the rush?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Drake : Now's the time. I need to know if Orange Star was behind that blackhearted act. Anchors, away! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Sami : Feeling confident, Advisor? :: (Yes) Great! You're in command! :: (No) This terrain makes it difficult. Without a doubt, we've got to use our landers to move troops to the middle. We need to be aware of tanks and battleships when unloading. If not, they'll blast away as soon as we unload our troops. Ready to march, Advisor? Green Earth / Day 4 ------------------- Drake : I'm a tough old sea dog! Drake uses his CO Power, Tsunami. After you have captured 15 properties: Drake : A job well done! You've beaten me. Andy : You're a Green Earth Co? Drake : That I am. I wanted to find some answers here, but all I've netted are more questions. I'll be seeing you again, lad. Andy : You were so close... Sami : That Tsunami should be against the rules! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 16S - Naval Clash! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves deeper into Green Earth territory. Drake : By Neptune's beard, that was a rough battle! Eagle : Come on, Drake! We'll be beaten again if you don't get moving! Drake : Quit your jabbering and look around, Eagle. Only fools sail onto uncharted waters blindfolded. Eagle : What are you talking ab...? Drake : Orange Star did not attack Green Earth. Eagle : But, we saw... Drake : We saw what we were meant to see! And this goes beyond the battles in Green Earth. This entire conflict has been orchestrated from the beginning. Eagle : But how... Drake : Quiet! Now, if I'm right, we'll have to turn the tides on our mystery foe. The best way to test my theory is to battle Orange Star again. Eagle : You mean... that wasn't Andy? --- Andy : I'll take this route. Max : Send me this way. Sami : If it's up to me, I'll go here. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Advisor! Sami! Do you read me? Sami : Yes, Nell. What is it? Nell : It's about some units you're using. We need you to protect your landers! Orange Star is experiencing a shortage of them! If you lose those units, you'll lose this battle. Sami : Landers? We have two of them. Do you mean protect both of them? Nell : Yes, both of them! Sami : Understood. We'll do our part. You can count on us! Nell : I knew I could. Thanks Advisor, Sami. Andy : Psst, Advisor. What's up with Sami? Have you noticed she acts differently around Nell? [if Yes] Andy : You think she's looking for a promotion? Sami : Hey, you! You're playing with fire, Andy! Andy : Let's lay low a bit. OK, Advisor? [if No] Andy : Oh, OK. I guess it's just me. Max : Yo, Andy! Sami's givin' you the evil eye! Andy : I've gotta stop thinking. It just gets me in trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or defeat all of the enemy units to win. If the enemy destroys either of your landers, you lose. Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Drake [Green Earth] - The sea is his domain. Naval units have top firepower and movement. Air units are weak. - TSUNAMI. Strikes all enemy units for damage. - A relaxed and carefree swashbuckler. [^_^ Hit] The sea [-_- Miss] Heights "Slow down, matey. What's the rush?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Drake : Let's see. All I've got to do to win is to send those landers to the bottom of the sea. That'll keep 'em from comin' ashore! Up and at 'em, mateys! Green Earth / Day 2 ------------------- Drake : Is this what you had in mind? Drake uses his CO Power, Tsunami. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Drake : Curses! I've been defeated. Time to hoist sail and flee! Sami : I won... somehow. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 17S - Wings of Victory! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Drake : Aye, like I said, that's a rough opponent. Doesn't this old sea dog deserve some smooth sailing now and then? Eagle : Drake! Listen... About our earlier conversation... Drake : Ahoy there, Eagle. It's time for you to test the waters. Battle Orange Star yourself and see if my theory holds any water. Eagle : I think you're right. --- Andy : Eagle? Let me take him! Max : I'm always ready to go! Sami : I've got to get the job done this time! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Sami : Eagle! Why do you keep harrying us? Eagle : It's you again... Sami. Sami : Well, excuse me for getting in your way! Listen, will you just explain to me why you won't leave us be? Eagle : It... It has nothing to do with you. Bring out Andy! I want to settle this now! Sami : No! Absolutely not! I'm in command now. You can't ask for Andy unless you get by me first! Eagle : Don't do this, Sami... I won't hold anything back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Rout all enemy units or capture the enemy HQ for victory. This is a tough opponent, but you can win! Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Eagle [Green Earth] - Strongest firepower in the skies. But flounders at sea. - LIGHTNING STRIKE. Non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. However, their ratings are lower than normal. - An ace pilot who's as tough as nails. [^_^ Hit] Lucky goggles [-_- Miss] Swimming "Do you really want to challenge me?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Eagle : I don't want to fight Sami, but... it looks like I've got no choice. To the skies! Green Earth / Day 3 ------------------- Eagle : I don't want to harm Sami, but what choice do I have? Eagle uses his CO Power, Lightning Strike. Orange Star / Day 5 (optional) ------------------- Sami : Eagle! Enough is enough!!! Sami uses her CO Power, Double Time. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Sami : Start talking, Eagle. I'm listening. Eagle : Very well... I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you all about it. All about how Andy attacked my homeland, Green Earth! Andy : Huh? Eagle : The look on his face during the assault... I'll never forget! Never! Sami : Eagle! Stop it! Eagle : Stop what, Sami? Sami : Look who you're accusing! Andy couldn't pull off anything that complicated. You suspect this kid who has his hands full just getting dressed? Andy : Um... Excuse me? Eagle : Well, it's not really a face that shines with intelligence. Andy : Hold on a... Sami : Exactly! Andy spends the entire day not thinking of things! Andy : All right, that's... Eagle : If you put it that way, it's hard to imagine Andy pulling it off. Andy : You guys are mean! Eagle : But I'm not completely convinced. I still suspect you of something! If I find you're lying to me, Andy, you'll curse the day you were born! Sami : He's not such a bad guy... But, boy, is he stubborn. ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 18S - Battle Mystery! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Eagle : I saw his face! That had to be Andy, but... Sonja : Hello, Eagle. Eagle : You... you're Sonja from Yellow Comet. What are you doing here? Sonja : It wasn't Andy who attacked you. It was someone else. Eagle : Do you know something about all of this? Sonja : Yes, I do. I'll tell you who's pulling all of our strings if you'll follow me. Eagle : But I... Drake : I know what you're worried about. Go ahead and go with her. Eagle : Are you sure it's OK? Drake : I'll take care of Green Earth for you, don't worry. That's what shipmates are for, right? Eagle : You have my gratitude, Drake. Drake : I like the idea of getting a close look at the Orange Star Army. I'll meet you again later. Watch yourself, Eagle! --- Andy : I really like battling Drake! Max : Yeah, I'll take care of this! Sami : That Tsunami's so annoying! :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Nell : Sami! Advisor! Do you read me? Sami : What is it, Nell? Nell : We have a problem. A recon force we sent into Green Earth has been ambushed! Sami : So, we need to perform a rescue mission, correct? Understood. Nell : That's right. Specifically, we need you to save this infantry unit. Nell points to an infantry unit on the other side of the map, surrounded by Green Earth forces. Nell : Eight days, Sami! If you can protect if for eight days, we'll take over. I know you can handle it, Advisor. Sami : You have a question, Advisor? :: (No) There's nothing special about my behavior! Nothing at all! :: (Yes) My attitude towards Nell? What do you mean? It's not like I'm sucking up or anything. I'm just polite because she was ahead of me in school. That's all! Let's get back to the task at hand! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - You need to protect your infantry units for eight turns. I know you can do it, Advisor! Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Drake [Green Earth] - The sea is his domain. Naval units have top firepower and movement. Air units are weak. - TSUNAMI. Strikes all enemy units for damage. - A relaxed and carefree swashbuckler. [^_^ Hit] The sea [-_- Miss] Heights "Slow down, matey. What's the rush?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Drake : Let's take stock: anti-air and md tank units on the ground... cruisers to prevent escape by transport copter... All right! Everything's shipshape. There's no escape for that unit! Time to make a big splash and give Eagle some cover. Green Earth / Day 2 ------------------- Drake : Here goes! Drake uses his CO Power, Tsunami. Orange Star / Day 4 (optional) ------------------- Sami : This should wrap things up quickly! Sami uses her CO Power, Double Time. After you have kept the infantry safe for 8 days: Drake : Same old shanty! I just can't beat you guys. Sami : So that's the reason... ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 19S - Andy Times Two! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sonja leads Eagle into Blue Moon. Eagle : who is that? Sonja : Olaf's invasion of Orange Star is where all of this began. During the attack, Andy was seen leading sorties on several countries. You saw him yourself, didn't you? So... doesn't all this strike you as exceedingly odd? Eagle : Well, now that you mention it... Sonja : You see what I'm getting at? It would've been impossible for Orange Star to launch multiple offensives while trying to repel Olaf's attack. That's the anomaly I wanted to show you. Eagle : Impossible! I'm getting angrier by the moment! Sonja : It seems that our mystery foe has the ability to create human clones. I think it's safe to say that we've encountered several copies of Andy. Eagle : Blast! This is terrible! Sonja : I have some more stones to overturn, so I'll be going. What are your plans? Eagle : I won't leave this madman on the loose! I'll find him and crush him! Sonja : It's up to you then, Eagle! Hail the Prince of the Skies! Good luck! --- Andy : Someone's already fighting! I've got to help! Max : The enemy has been sighted! Sami : I wonder if Eagle's okay. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Sami : Eagle! Eagle : Who? Oh, it's you. Sami! Sami : Who is that? Is that... Andy? Andy : What the...? Sami : Huh? Two Andys? What's going on? Eagle! Can you explain this? Eagle : Ah, yes. That's a clone of Andy that our enigmatic foe somehow constructed. Starting with Green Earth, he's attacked several countries. Sami : So this is why everyone's been picking fights with Orange Star! I don't know who that guy is, but he's got me steamed! Look out, bozo! Here I come! Eagle : Hey! Hold on a moment! The green units are my troops! Let me handle all of the enemy air units. It'll give you time to push straight ahead and storm the foe's HQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or rout all the enemy units to win, Advisor. You will lose if both your and Eagle's forces are defeated. Good luck! Officer Dossier - Sami [Orange Star] - Infantry and mech units are superior. Movement range is high for transport units. - DOUBLE TIME. Increases movement range for infantry and mech units. Their movement cost on all terrain becomes 1. - A graduate of special forces training. Has a strong sense of duty. [^_^ Hit] Chocolate [-_- Miss] Cowards "Ready for duty!" Eagle [Green Earth] - Strongest firepower in the skies. But flounders at sea. - LIGHTNING STRIKE. Non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. However, their ratings are lower than normal. - An ace pilot who's as tough as nails. [^_^ Hit] Lucky goggles [-_- Miss] Swimming "Do you really want to challenge me?" Andy (clone) [Black Hole] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Eagle : I'll make him suffer for fooling Eagle. Black Hole / Day 1 ------------------ Andy : Maelstrom, come... All who oppose me... Destroy! Power mode... access Hyper Repair... initiate... Andy (clone) uses his CO Power, Hyper Repair. Green Earth / Day 2 ------------------- Eagle : If you think this clone is getting the better of me, think again! Eagle uses his CO Power, Lightning Strike. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Eagle : We've won... for the time being. Sami : Here they come again! Max : Cripes! There's no end in sight! Eagle : You don't have time to waste around here. Leave this to me and go! Sami : I'm staying, too! Eagle : No, Sami! You have to go as well! Sami : No! Even you can't stand against this horde! Eagle : You have no idea how powerful a foe awaits your friends. They can't face him alone! Go, Sami! Go! Sami : I understand. Watch your back! Eagle : Ha! They'll soon find Eagle's no easy prey! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 20 - Enigma ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves back into Green Earth. Sonja : Grit! Grit : Howdy, Sonja! How y'all doing? Sonja : I've finally got our foe by the tail. I need you to convey some intel to Andy and his friends. Grit : And what are you gonna be doing in the meanwhile, darlin'? Sonja : I need to survey the situation. Don't worry, I won't do anything foolish. Father warned me to take care. Grit : You wouldn't be trying to pull the wool over my eyes, would you? Sonja : Of course not. You'll go, won't you? Grit : Well, I reckon I have to. Stay put now, I'll be right back. Sonja : Grit's always been more useful than me... (sigh) --- Andy : There's no time! Let's go! Max : Time to bring it! Sami : Eagle... Be careful. :: (Yes) Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Andy : Who's that? Max : I guess that's our mystery foe. Andy : If we beat him, do you think my clone will vanish, too? Sami : Yep. I don't think there's any doubt about it. We're counting on you, Advisor! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Rout all the enemy units or capture the enemy HQ to win. Keep up the good work. I know you can win! Officer Dossier - Sturm [Black Hole] - ??? - METEOR STRIKE. ???? - A riddle within a shadow, revealing nothing. [^_^ Hit] ??? [-_- Miss] ??? .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Hole / Day 1 ------------------ Sturm : Hmm. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Max : Was that... it? Sami : It looks like it's finally... Grit : Andy! Andy : Hey, it's Grit! Long time, no see. Grit : No time for that now, Junior. I found the snake's hidin' place! Max : Huh? Then this isn't... Grit : That's just the tip o' the ol' boy's tail. Hurry! Sonja's in danger! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 21 - The Final Battle! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Advisor's army moves into the island of the Black Hole army. (Editor's note: Your team in the Final Battle is determined by your actions during the Campaign -- this script details only one of the many possible scenarios. Look at the other FAQs for more info.) Sonja : So... you're the one behind all this chaos. Do you have a name, or should we just call you Disaster? Sturm : My name is... Sturm. Sonja : Well Sturm, we've finally hunted you down. Time to pay the piper, as they say. Sturm : Hunted down? Me? You've done nothing but enter the door that I opened for you. Sonja : What? Sturm : Did you think I didn't notice you, little girl? You and your pathetic strategy games! Is that all you're good for? Sonja : What? But... that's... you couldn't... Are you saying you've known all along? Sturm : You've made one stupid mistake after another... Did you imagine yourself a match for me? You conceited fool! It's time to put an end to this farce. Time to pay the piper, was it? Sonja : ... I'm sorry, Father... I've broken my promise... --- Andy : Quick, Sonja's in danger! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Grit : Sonja! Sonja : Grit? I'm so sorry. Take everyone and run... The enemy... Sturm... He's much more powerful than I'd imagined... Everyone's going to be... Andy : This 'Sturm' is the one who did this to you, right? Sonja : Andy, please... You've got to get away. Andy : Who's running away? That guy's goin' down! Grit : Andy's right. There ain't too many people who get on my nerves like this bozo does. We can't let him go! Advisor! I'll lend you a hand! Eagle : So that's the face of the enemy. Sami : Eagle! You're OK! Thank goodness. (sigh) Eagle : Sami, we'll talk later. First, we must destroy him! Advisor, wasn't it? I'm yours to command. Andy : All right, everybody! Let's move out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - Capture the enemy HQ or defeat all the enemy units to win. Work with your allies to rout Sturm! Officer Dossier - Andy [Orange Star] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" Grit [Blue Moon] - Distance weapons have an extended attack range. However, direct combat units are weak. - SNIPE ATTACK. Increases the range and firepower of distance weapons. - Laid-back style masks dependability. A peerless marksman. [^_^ Hit] Cats [-_- Miss] Rats "What's the ruckus?" Eagle [Green Earth] - Strongest firepower in the skies. But flounders at sea. - LIGHTNING STRIKE. Non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. However, their ratings are lower than normal. - An ace pilot who's as tough as nails. [^_^ Hit] Lucky goggles [-_- Miss] Swimming "Do you really want to challenge me?" Sturm [Black Hole] - ??? - METEOR STRIKE. ???? - A riddle within a shadow, revealing nothing. [^_^ Hit] ??? [-_- Miss] ??? .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blue Moon / Day 1 ----------------- Grit : I never shoulda left her alone... Green Earth / Day 1 ------------------- Eagle : This is getting interesting. I was losing my edge fighting that darned clone! Black Hole / Day 1 ------------------ Sturm : Those fools... Their troops are all amassed right there... Bwah ha ha... They've played right into my hands! They'll rue the day they dreamed of opposing me! Orange Star / Day 2 (optional) ------------------- Andy : There's no way I'm losing! Andy uses his CO Power, Hyper Repair. Black Hole / Day 2 ------------------ Sturm : Here's a taste of my power! Sturm uses his CO Power, Meteor Strike. Green Earth / Day 5 (optional) ------------------- Eagle : You monster... you've gone too far! Take this!!! Eagle uses his CO Power, Lightning Strike. Blue Moon / Day 8 (optional) ----------------- Grit : Think you can handle this? Grit uses his CO Power, Snipe Attack. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Sturm : Nooooooooooo! So close, I was so close... I underestimated the strength of these worms! I... I've been beaten! My dream of world conquest... I vow that I will return! When that time comes, I will challenge you worms yet again! --- Grit : I do believe we've reached the end of a long, dusty road. Goodness gracious! If it ain't my old friend -- big, bearded Olaf. Olaf : Is that you, Grit? What have I done...? I never realized Sturm was... Grit : Don't get all long in the face now, Olaf. Everything turned out all right in the end. And Boss, you still got a lot of work to get done. Olaf : You... you're right. Grit : Blue Moon's treated me well, and I'm in her debt. Well, what else can I do? What do you say? Can I help you rebuild her? Olaf : Hm? Do you mean you would forgive me my misguided deeds? Grit, you... you... (sniff, sniff) Grit : Maybe it was worth Sturm foolin' him just for this. Olaf : Did you say something? Grit : Nope. Not a word. Let's say we get movin' on down the road. --- Andy : Yeah, this time we really won! Sami : And Sturm's army is gone for good, too. Eagle! Thanks for your help! Eagle : No thanks are necessary. After all, much of your hardships were caused by my earlier mistake. Sami : Facing you in combat was really a tough struggle. There was absolutely no margin for error! Andy : Yeah, but it was a ton of fun! Eagle : For me as well! Why not? Hey, Andy! I think I'd like to take another shot at you! What do you say? Are you up for the challenge? Andy : Another battle? You know it! Let's go! ______________________________________________________________________________ Mission 22 - Rivals! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Eagle : Andy! I wanted to face you one more time. Let's go! Andy : I'm ready! Orange Star / Day 1 ------------------- Andy : There aren't many units here, are there? Nell : That's right. Do you know what to do? Andy : Sure! I just use these bases to deploy whatever troops I want! Nell : I guess there's nothing left for me to teach you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terms of Victory - You must rout all the enemy units or capture the enemy HQ to win. Officer Dossier - Andy [Orange Star] - No real weaknesses. Ready to battle whereever and whenever. - HYPER REPAIR. Restores 2 HP to all units. - A brash and energetic boy wonder. [^_^ Hit] Mechanics [-_- Miss] Waking up early "If it needs fixing, I'm your man!" Eagle [Green Earth] - Strongest firepower in the skies. But flounders at sea. - LIGHTNING STRIKE. Non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. However, their ratings are lower than normal. - An ace pilot who's as tough as nails. [^_^ Hit] Lucky goggles [-_- Miss] Swimming "Do you really want to challenge me?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Orange Star / Day 5 (optional) ------------------- Andy : How's this? Andy uses his CO Power, Hyper Repair. Green Earth / Day 6 ------------------- Eagle : Here I come, Andy! Eagle uses his CO Power, Lightning Strike. After you have defeated all the enemy units / captured the enemy HQ: Eagle : I lost again. You're a tough one. Andy : That's 'cause it's not just me! Advisor's my strategic planner! Eagle : Oh, that's right. Orange Star is using strategic advisors. That way, the commander can just concentrate on the combat itself. That's an impressive system. It's why I couldn't match you in battle. Andy : I don't know why, but when we work together, we're really strong! Eagle : Yes, indeed. This was your day in the sun. But... Andy : Hey! Let's fight again some day. Eagle : Yes, let's do that. Until we meet again, Andy. See you again, Advisor. Next time, I won't lose! >> THE END EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Hiroshi Yamauchi PRODUCER Takehiro Izushi DIRECTOR Toru Narihiro SUPERVISOR Kentaro Nishimura SYSTEM PROGRAM Takanori Hino SYSTEM SUPPORT Takafumi Kaneko A.I. PROGRAM Chikara Yamamoto PROGRAM SUPPORT Makoto Katayama DESIGN MAPS PROGRAM Mitsuru Matsumoto FIELD TRAINING DESIGN Ryuichiro Koguchi CHARACTER DESIGN Ryo Hirata GRAPHIC DESIGN Makoto Shimojo MAP DESIGN Ryo Hirata Sumiko Miki SOUND COMPOSER Taishi Senda BATTLE ANIMATION Ryo Hirata Ryuichiro Koguchi Sumiko Miki GRAPHIC SUPPORT Masahiro Higuchi Sachiko Wada Maki Takemori SCENARIO SUPPORT Masayuki Horikawa ART DESIGN Taeko Kaneda ART WORK Fujiko Nomura Kiyomi Itani TECHNICAL SUPPORT Kenji Nakajima Kenji Imai LOCALIZATION Tim O'Leary Bill Trinen Nate Bihloorff LOCALIZATION MANAGEMENT Jeff Miller Leslie Swan TESTING AND DEBUG Michael Kelbaugh Todd Buechele NOA Debug Staff Super Mario Club SPECIAL THANKS Minoru Arakawa Manabu "Mike" Fukuda Ryoichi Kitanishi Kozo Ikuno Toshiyuki Nakamura Masahiro Nakamori Toshio Sengoku Yusuke Kitanishi Toshitaka Muramatsu Motomu Chikaraishi Ryota Kawade Koichi Kishi Shigeyuki Asa Sachio Kurita Chie Kawabe Hitomi Nakano Tokuko Hirose Rumiko Matsumoto Masao Yamamoto Takao Nakano Mitsuaki Sakamaki Ryuta Kaimoto Toshihiro Toza Yoshihito Ikebata H. Fukushima T. Komada J. Hanai M. Hirose K. Ibata T. Inoue N. Maeda Y. Mizuno M. Mori A. Nakatsumi R. Nishimura A. Shirai H. Takizaki K. Uchida M. Ueda Y. Ushijima Y. Yagi E. Yanai T. Yuasa All rights, including the copyrights of Game, Scenario, Music, and Program, reserved by NINTENDO. ______________ Special Thanks\_______________________________________________________________ - CJayC, for creating and maintaining the best damn site on the Internet, GameFAQs. May I be of service to this great undertaking of sharing knowledge to fellow video gamers for years to come! - Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, for creating one of the best strategy games on the GBA, and continuing the legacy by spawning more sequels. - The people of GameFAQs World Asia: Philippines, for being such nice people to talk to. - God, for uh... everything. And the lack of stuff that does harm to me and my friends. - Matthew Emirzian, for that insanely useful AW strategy guide of his. - The veterans of the GFAQs Advance Wars board, for helping out people every chance they can. For now, that's it -- thanks for reading this stuff I wrote. Good day to y'all! ___________________________________________© Copyright 2005 Aaron Paul Madriñan