___ __ __ __ / _ \ \ \ / \ / / / /_\ \ \ \ / /\ \ / / / _____ \ \ \/ / \ \/ / /_/ \_\ \__/ \__/ __ __ __ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ \ \ / \ / / / _ \ | \ | \ / \ / \ | \ / || \ \ / /\ \ / / / /_\ \ | _/ | _/ | | | | | | | |\ \/ /|| \ \/ / \ \/ / / _____ \ | |\ \ | |\ \ | | | | | | | | \__/ || \__/ \__/ /_/ \ \ |_| \_\ |_| \_\ \___/ \___/ |_| |_| ____ _ _ _ ___ _____ / ___\ | | | | | | | _ \ | ____| | | | | | | | | | | | \ | |___ | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | ___| | |_| | | | | | | | | |_| / | |___ \____/ \____/ |_| |____/ | ____| Advance Wars War Room Guide. This is made by Lars, but I haven't done much of it I got help from many others. If you got anything I don't have email me lbarl1@yahoo.com. If you don't have all the maps in War Room you can by them at Battle Maps for some Advance Wars coins. You get Advance Wars coins for completing Campaign missions or completing War Room missions. ===================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ===================================================================== 1. General Knowledge 1.1 Difficulty Meter Explanation 1.2 Requirements Explanation 1.3 Advance Wars 2. Version History 3. Strategies 3.1 Spann Island 3.1.1 CO Max S-rank 999 points 3.1.2 CO Sami S-rank 999 points by day 3.2 Moji island 3.2.1 CO Max S-rank 3.3 Duo Falls 999 points S-rank 3.3.1 CO Sami 999 points S-rank 3.3.2 CO Max S-rank 3.3.3 CO Max S-rank day by day 3.4 Sole Harbour 3.4.1 CO Max S-rank 3.4.2 CO Grit S-rank day by day 3.5 Pivot Isle 3.5.1 CO Andy S-rank 3.5.2 CO Max S-rank 3.6 Land's End 3.6.1 CO Max S-rank day by day 3.7 Kita Straight 3.7.1 CO Max S-rank 3.7.2 CO Grit S-rank day by day 3.8 Point Stormy 3.8.1 CO Max A-rank 3.9 Ridge Island 3.9.1 CO Sami S-rank 999 points day by day 3.10 Mial's Hope 3.10.1 CO Sami S-rank 3.11 Bounty River 3.11.1 CO Grit A-rank 3.11.2 CO Eagle B-rank day by day 3.12 Toil Ferry 3.12.1 CO Eagle S-rank day by day 3.12.2 CO Max S-rank day by day 3.13 Twin Isle 3.13.1 CO Sami S-rank day by day 3.14 Dire Range 3.14.1 CO Sami B-rank 3.15 Egg Island 3.15.1 CO Sami S-rank day by day 3.15.2 CO Grit S-rank day by day 3.16 Terra Maw 3.16.1 CO Max A-rank 3.17 Stamp Island 3.17.1 CO Sami S-rank 3.17.2 CO Eagle S-rank day by day 3.18 Rivers Four 3.18.1 CO Max A-rank day by day 3.19 Ring Islands 3.19.1 CO Drake S-rank 3.20 Last Mission 3.20.1 CO Sami S-rank 999 points 3.20.2 CO Max S-rank 999 points 4. Tips & Tricks 4.1 Formations 4.1.1 Flying Column 4.1.2 Circled Wagon 4.1.3 Leapfrogging Units 4.2 Tips 4.3 Tricks 4.4 Units Tactics 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Sea Units 4.4.3 Indirect Units 4.4.4 Ground Units 4.5 Winning a map 5. Secrets 5.1 Unlocking War Room Characters 5.2 Making War Room Flash 6. Other Things 6.1 Do you got something? 6.2 Contributors 6.2.1 Contributors 6.2.2 Removed contributions 6.3 Legal ===================================================================== 1. G E N E R A L K N O W L E D G E ===================================================================== This general knowledge of how this guide and the War Room in Advance Wars works. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Difficulty Meter Explanation --------------------------------------------------------------------- * - This is a VERY easy level, it's not hard to get 999 points either. ** - This is a easy/normal level, but if you want S-rank you will have to think. *** - This is a normal/hard level, can be difficult. **** - Very hard only experts gets good ranks on these. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Requirements Explanation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please e-mail me (lbarl1@yahoo.com) if you know any requirements that are not posted (technique or power! Power - How many units you have killed. Technique - How many units can be killed. Speed - How many days you spent on the map. For every day extra, unit not destroyed, or unit killed/not built your meters at the screen after you finished the battle will go down, if they are at max you will get 999 points 999-950 S-rank 12 coins 949-850 A-rank 8 coins 849-700 B-rank 6 coins 699-500 C-rank 4 coins 499-300 D-rank 3 coins 299-000 E-rank 1-2 coins I'm not quite sure about the points/rank/coins system please confirm/unconfirm --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3 Advance Wars 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- If any of you reading this guide has got hold of a catridge of Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising please note that this guide and the strategies within are made for the first Advance Wars and will probably not work as well on the sequal because the COs have been tweaked to close perfection... If you're wondering, yes, the original War Room maps are available in the sequal with additional ten maps. Maybe I'll make a seperate guide for the sequal, eho knows. ===================================================================== 2. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ===================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0: 06.16.03 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates are now changed with the newest one being on top, and not the opposite. Changed the layout Added loads of YoYoYoshi's strategies (formerly known as MarioKartYoshi) Changed the whole apperance of the guide, so that it would be easier to read. Added notes about Advance Wars 2. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4: 08.20.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Power and Technique rating on Spann Island and Ridge Island from Vigama. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3: 04.09.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added all speed S-ranks 999 requirements by ericku. This can now be found on three sites. Look at the bottom of the page. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2: 02.08.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Moji island s-rank strategy, Sole Harbour S-rank strategy, Egg Islands 999 S-rank. Fixed the "War Room" at the top, and added "Guide". Added requirements for S-ranks (999 on some) (Thanks for the idea Kesuki). Please help me out with the ones you know Added Tips & Tricks, Units. Check it out it might have something you don't know, but it's pretty general. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1: 02.06.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Duo Falls S-rank 999, Kita Straight S-rank Land's End S-rank and Twin Isle S-rank all from Kesuki! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0: 01.27.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Stamp Island S-rank strategy, Egg Islands S-rank strategy, Terra Maw A-rank strategy, Dire Range B-rank strategy and Rivers Four A-rank strategy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.3: 01.18.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Ridge Island S-rank Day by Day strategy, Bounty River Grit B-rank and explanations to the difficulty meter. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2: 01.06.02 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Added Land's End strategy, Pivot Isle Andy strategy, difficulty meter, days and ranks in MarioKartYoshis (now known as YoYoYoshi) strategies and Tips & Tricks. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1: 12.20.01 --------------------------------------------------------------------- First version. ===================================================================== 1. S T R A T E G I E S ===================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.1 Spann Island =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:* Opponent: Olaf Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Any two enemy units destroyed in one turn. Technique: 1 unit destroyed, 2 if you make 8-10 extra infanties Speed: 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Spann Island: CO Max S-rank 999 points --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Pygmyhippo CO: Max Rank: S Days: 10 Points: 999 Make 3 infantry first day and a tank the next. use your northern most infantry to capture the lone upper city and the infant. beneath captures the two top ones. use your bottom one to get the nearby southern base and the other one east. Do not worry about the little island south east! This is crucial to remember! Make a recon then make as many tanks as you can each day. use them to blitz artillery and block bases and kill things as they are made. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 Spann Island: CO Sami S-rank 999 points day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Lars CO: Sami Rank: S Days: 8 ------ Day 1: ------ Build 4 infantries. ------ Day 2: ------ Move top infantries to top cities and capture. Move bottom right infantry to city between mountains and capture. Move bottom left infantry under city left of small lake. ------ Day 3: ------ Continue capturing cities. Capture city left of small lake with infantry. Build two recon units at lower bases. ------ Day 4: ------ Finish capturing city with infantry. Move recon units as far east as they can go. Move infantry on right city up the road North east. Move infantry on city between mountains east. Build APC on top base. Build APC on right base. Build Infantry on left base. ------ Day 5: ------ Capture city with infantry 1 west of city. ROUTE 1 999 points: Attack artillery with infantry on road. ROUTE 2 950+ points: Move infantry east. Load left north infantry in top APC and move 1 north then as long as it goes east. Load left infantry on base in APC and move all the way east. Move infantry on city west of APC. Attack infantry on road with recons from road and plains. Build tank from south east base. ------ Day 6: ------ Finish capturing city with infantry Move APC 2 under base and drop infantry under base. Move APC north west under mountain and drop infantry east Move tank one north then east all the way. Move damaged recon unit west tank, if it's still there. Attack infantry/mech on base with good recon. Move infantry south under tank. ROUTE 1: Attack artillery again. ROUTE 2 Move infantry east. Build a tank. ------ Day 7: ------ Capture enemy HQ with infantry. Move your units east, west, south and north of enemy base enemy base to protect your infantry (Don't attack anything around the HQ). Attack infantry/mech with tank then infantry on city. Move new tank were the last one were last round. Build four infantries from bases. ------ Day 8: ------ Try to kill as much as possible. Build Md. tank, mech and infantry from bases. Finish capturing enemy HQ. 999 points if you were lucky or 12 coins. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.2 Moji Island =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponent: Grit Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1 Moji Island: CO Max S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Miles A. Matthias CO: Max Rank: S Days: 15 I took a day or two more than allowed or it would have been a perfect 999. ------ Day 1: ------ Create 2 infantry and an APC in the base below your HQ. ------ Day 2: ------ Move your infantry from your right base into the APC, move the APC as far right as it can go into the forest and unload (he should be able to start capturing the base next day). Move your other infantry along the left road. Create more infantry and another APC, this time on the base left of your HQ. ------ Day 3: ------ Move your infantry from your right base into the APC and move it as far down the road as you can (do not unload it, you're taking this one down towards the base by the bridge), and move your other infantry down the road. Keep your other APC 3 spaces away from your infantry who should be capturing the base in the forest, so when he's done you can reload and transport him the other direction. Create 2 recons for moving down the road. -------------- Next few days: -------------- You'll spend the next several days capturing cities. The goal is to clog up the bridge so they can't get past it, but use recon to chase away distance units. You need a rather large force of tanks and 1-2 Mid tanks by the bridge. In the forest, Create a Mid tank first (it moves the slowest through the forest), then a tank, then an Anti-Air, then tanks from there on out. By day 9-10 you need to have several tanks by the bridge and at least the Mid tank and one tank at the edge of the forests (avoiding distance range). Grit would build more artillery than rockets luckily and station those by the bridge. Use recon to keep them at a distance until you have enough units to storm the bridge. When you do, use an empty APC or a tank to move everything in range. Load up your other APC and keep it out of range. If you have a lot of money (and space) to spare, you can build another APC and load it up. Next day, take out as many units as you can, avoiding missile fire when possible (he should have a rocket towards the back that will shoot something of yours, probably your Mid Tank). Attack anything in range with your units from the forest (probably infantry), but keep them out of the rocket's range by his HQ. --------- Clean-up: --------- Be careful what you put in range of the missiles. Try for a capture win (probably faster if you play your cards right) but you may not have a choice but to go for elimination. Don't use your CO power until you can take out several units in the process (mainly it should be used the day before you can wrap up the map, if for nothing else for power). Rid Grit of his missiles ASAP if you can avoid their range; before his CO power would help more. I completed this map in 15 days in a situation where I could have won by capture or elimination (I used elimination since I wasn't sure of the scores). 15 days does not give you a perfect speed score though. I'm not sure now lenient the Technique score is since I didn't lose many units, so do as much damage as fast as you can, but don't keep too many units in a position where they can be slaughtered by the few Mid tanks Grit may have built. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.3 Duo Falls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponent: Kanbei Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.1 Duo Falls: CO Sami 999 points S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Sami Rank: S (999) Days: 6 Send infantry on transports to mad-rush the HQ, with a fighter and battle copter to back them and get full speed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.2 Duo Falls: CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Max Rank: S Days: 13 Start building infantries and one APC, get the APC with an infantry to the base, and use others to get the ones near your base. save up money and build an air fleet of about 3 bombers with maybe 1 or 2 fighters to kill copters. You should also make some a-air and tanks and occasionally a md tank. Move your air fleet with a loaded t copter. Kill off kanbei's units in the middle. If you can destory his a-air and other units that may mess you up. When you get to his base he we be distracted in the middle. The only thing that might be in his base could be a tank, a-air, or b copter. Most of them should have moved into the middle. Capture as normal. If you can get your bombers to fight in the middle while you capture his hq. Just kill most of the enemies in the middle to get full power. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.3 Duo Falls: CO Max S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Kesuki CO: Max Rank: S Days 13-15 ------ Day 1: ------ Build 1 APC (SE factory) build 3 Infantry ------ Day 2: ------ Load the APC with the Southwest infantry move the APC 3 north/up, 3 east/right drop infantry east/right (or north/up) Move the other two Infantry 3 east/right each and use the one to capture a city Build APC at NorthEast/UpRight and AA at NorthWest/UpLeft factory ------ Day 3: ------ Finish capture, the Infantry you dropped last turn should capture the northeast city on the north side of the road (not the northwest city because the infantry that just captured a city is in range of that city) Load the APC with the infantry next to your NE base and use the just built infantry to capture the city there. Move the AA NE along the road. Move the loaded APC 1n,5e and drop the infantry south in the forest there. Build Medium tank ------ Day 4: ------ Finish city captures, use the Infantry in the captured city to capture the neutral city 3 north/up, Use the infantry in the forest to capture the factory 3S. Move APC 4 west/left,1 south/down. Move AA 6 east/right. Move medium tank 2 north/up, 3 east/right Build tank ------ Day 5: ------ Save. Finish Captures. Load APC with the infantry on the SouthWest/Down/Left city by your factory move the APC by the forest just east of the river and drop the infantry there again. move the other infantry 2e onto the river. Move AA 2 east/right, 4 south/down. Move medium tank 5 east/roght. Move tank 2 north/up, 4 east/right. (optional) Build 2 B-copters. ------ Day 6: ------ If you didn't build the B-copters there is a chance that Kanbei will move his b-copter in range of your AA If you're no good with B-copters you should try to get this 'lucky move' and build a bomber instead (when it won't interfear with building medium tanks a few turns later) Personally I have little difficulty S-ranking, so I will play without the 'lucky' move from here on. Start the 2 city captures you can. Move both B-copters 6 east/right. Move AA 3 south, 3 east/right. Infantry on base 2s, other infantry move in range of APC. Move Med. tank 1 east/right and 4 south/down. move tank 5e,1s. Build Medium tank at East factory(new) ------ Day 7: ------ Finish captures. Check ranges. Load APC move loaded APC onto forest south of newly captured city (within b-copter range) Move AA onto a forest due south of APC. Blockade road with Med tanks but stay out of artilary range. Use tank to blockade B-copter from infantry on forest Move B-copters behind medium tanks out of B-copter range. Build Medium Tank at East Factory. ------ Day 8: ------ Laugh at Kanbei's military formation I count 5 confirmed kills for me and zero kills for Kanbei next turn. Kill 1, AA kills the b-copter that attacked APC on forest. Kill 2 Medium tank on city kills AA on road. Kill 3 Med. tank from factory kills Artillary. Kill 4 B-copters kill Infantry capturing city. Kill 5 Med. tank on road kill AA on plain. Medium tank wait on south city All infantry move south one on forest goes 2s,1e Move APC onto city near river (the one outside his rocket range) Build Anti-air or medium tank your choice at east base. If you build an AA you may choose to build a T-copter and infantry or mech at the southeast factory/airport or a B-copter or if you didn't build b-copters before (because you don't like them) you can build a bomber. ------ Day 9: ------ Use wounded B-copter to wound an infantry (leave it over the water though.) Use AA to kill his B-copter. Use full B-copter and tank to kill infantry south of Rockets. Use medium tanks to kill South infantry, rockets, and wound the tank on top of airport. Move APC up to next city in range, Start 2 city captures. Move whichever unit(s) you opted to build last time east. move remaining infantry 3s (just south of factory) build your favorite Max unit at east base (mine are Med. tanks but I always try to have 2 AA ) ------- Day 10: ------- Laugh at Kanbei using his power up. Use intel to ensure you've lost 0 units and save. Finish captures. Kill wounded tank with tank, kill T-copter with AA. Kill 9hp infantry trying to city capture with AA and wounded b-copter (Anti-Air should use the east forest so it's in a good position.) Check range on his AA and use your medium tanks to kill his infantry and wound his mech. move the other medium tank onto the city. move B-copter over the sea close to Kanbei's HQ but out of AA range. Move units east. You can Probably stop building at this point too, but If you find yourself short build air units. ------- Day 11: ------- You have max force but I prefer to save it for the final blow to Kanbei. Kill his wounded AA with your farthest away unit (mine was my secondary AA) Kill his wounded Mech with your wounded tank. Use farthest med. tank to kill nearby artillery. next farthest to kill APC and nearest to kill farther artillery. Use AA and wounded b-copter to kill infantry he built. block his factory but leave his airport open (if you have 2 full AAs) use B-copter to kill T-copter. Seriously this fight is over STOP BUILDING you loose points for building at this point. ------- Day 12: ------- Do any captures, use an AA to kill his b-copter and capture his airport and stuff I combine my wounded B-copters and move stuff forward. be careful about how you kill off his stuff you want to loose the least amount of life from your units as possible. ------- Day 13: ------- I generally break down and "maxforce" by this turn even though I can't kill him yet You need to kill him today for a Perfect 999 S-rank though. Day 14 If you did it right you were Just able to kill him today. for a 990-point S-rank! If you were a better tactician than I was you killed him a turn before for a 999 S-rank! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.4 Sole Harbour =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Drake Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4.1 Sole Harbour: CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Max Rank: S Days: 18 Points: 985 Build infantry to capture cities southwest and east. Send middle tanks, regular tanks, and a few rockets as well as infantry to capture cities and the eastern port. Keep on making middle tanks to attack. Once you defeat those, go for the win by capturing the enemy HQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4.2 Sole Harbour: CO Grit S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Miles A Matthias CO: Grit Rank: S Days: 22 What made this funny was I used an incredibly basic strategy and got an S-Rank out of it. Hey, it works, why complain I guess. One Thing I will say, either this mission is very harsh on the technique score, or Drake's CO power counts against it, because I lost two units, APCs, and that's it. I never even took any other real damage save Drake's CO and it wasn't perfect. At least the speed's rather lenient. ------ Day 1: ------ Create an APC in the base second farthest from the road, infantry in the others. ------ Day 2: ------ Move the far infantry into the APC, drive it down towards the western cities (unload when it will put your infantry close enough to start capturing the next day. Start capturing cities with the other infantry. Create the same units again. ------------------------------- Day three and from here on out: ------------------------------- You'll be making NOTHING but rockets (with one exception, will get to later). Continue to capture cities with your infantry (using your APCs as faster transports) until you get to the forest. Don't head into the forest, nor should you head to the northern cities. When making your rockets, do NOT move them into range of enemy vehicles, especially tanks, and again don't go into the forest or move up north yet. The goal is to create a ton of rockets and get them right outside the forest so they can take down anything coming through it. If anything's in range, kill it, rather than moving your units. You need to build up your CO power. The destroyer he'll build to the south is an exception, leave that alone for a while since it won't do anything. The other key to this mission is APCs. Because you can't always have your missiles on cities, you'll need to refuel ammo, so have at least 2 APCs around, and if you ever have less, spend a day and build more rather than missiles. Also towards the beginning of the mission when you don't have a lot of missiles to deal damage with, his units will get near yours and you need something to take the damage away from your missiles. They make great blockades and decoys, but if you're going for S-Ranks you should already know that. Drake's CO power is the biggest annoyance on this level. It weakens your Missiles and slows down the pace. For this reason I keep as many Missiles on cities for repairing, and get others repaired when possible. Using this guide he'll have to deal with it at least 4 times while only getting 1, maybe 2 CO powers yourself (I finished the mission using my second), so be prepared. When the North clears and you can protect the path from anything getting up there, get an infantry to capture the Seaport ASAP (He may not make anymore units even if you don't capture it, but best not to chance it) and destroy the Sub he created. Also destroy the destroyer at this point. From there, it's just killing off anything he creates and avoiding damage to your Missiles (VERY IMPORTANT!!!) As a last note, I took 22 days on this mission because I wanted to be a bit conservative, I don't suggest taking any more than that, or you risk losing the S-Rank and having to settle for an A. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.5 Pivot Isle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponent: Eagle Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed:15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5.1 Pivot Isle: CO Andy S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: z_osu CO: Andy Rank: S Days:13-15 The basic strategy is to build 2 infantries and an APC. Ignore the center isle, since it's completely useless in this mission let Eagle waste time taking it over. Move the infantry and APC (carrying the other infantry) to the factory below ASAP. Day 2 create a tank and infantry. Move all troops below and try to capture factory and city. Day 3 create anti air gun. Day 4 one more anti air gun + infantry. Day 5 you should have factory below and you'll meet the wave of Eagle first troops from his base. Just continue to crank out tanks anti air in the factory below (do not produce anything at your old base anymore) and move your troops east. Eagle should be distracted capturing the middle isle. So after you clear out the wave of enemy on the bottom of the path to Eagle's base should be clear. Load you're APCs with infantries and move everything you have towards Eagle's base. Create a medium tank and block the bridge from the middle isle, since Eagle doesn't have bombers at this point he can't do anything about it. At this point your infantry should be capturing his base, his 4 factory around base should be occupied by your APC, 2 anti-airs and a tank and surrounded by other troops you brought. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5.2 Pivot Isle: CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: The True DMage CO: Max Rank: S Days: 12 Build a couple of APCs and infantries, and while your infantries capture the base/air etc, use your APCs as cannon fodder. Build an anti air at your base for defense, and rush his HQ with some tanks, an anti air and a medium tank, along with the infantry to capture it (an APC for drawing attacks it nice to). You want to do this while he is still concentrating on the "pivotal island". Using that strategy, I got a 997 S. I might have got the 999, but messed up a bit on the positions during the raid. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.6 Land's End =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Olaf Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.6.1 Land's End: CO Max S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Kesuki CO: Max Rank: S Days: 14-15 Points: 960 ------ Day 1: ------ Build APC (west) 3 Infantry ------ Day 2: ------ Load east infantry into APC. North Infantry move 3w South infantry move 3s. APC move 2n,4w Drop Infantry west. Build nothing. ------ Day 3: ------ start the 2 city captures that you can. Then load the APC with the other infantry. Move APC 1w,3n Drop Infantry west. Build medium tank at North or west base. ------ Day 4: ------ Finish captures. Begin base capture. Move Med. tank up the road. move APC back and build an infantry at the north base. ------ Day 5: ------ Olaf should have retreated with his med. tank Save, otherwise reset. Finish Base capture. Move medium tank up the road. move infantry towards cities (2) move the other one up the road and position APC 3 away from it up the road. Build AA (south) and Recon (west) ------ Day 6: ------ Start City captures (3). Load APC. AA Kill T-copter. Move Med. tank up road (2 west of base) APC moves up road, drop west. move recon up road. Build med. tank at new base. ------ Day 7: ------ Yet another lucky save point If there is a Tank 1 N of the forest Save. Finish Captures (3). Move infantry 2w,1n. AA kill infantry. Medium tank wounds B-copter from west. Other Med. Tank moves onto road outside Rocket range. (check range first). Move APC onto forest square north of a Med. tank and 3n of an infantry. Move recon up road. Build AA at base that is next to a B-copter. If you're short on money build a tank instead -- This can happen if his B-copter hits your med. tank with a lucky blow. ------ Day 8: ------ With AA kill B-copter (B-copter should be north of forest.) ?9 HP med. tank (if it took a HP damage wounding B-copter) should kill the APC from the south. Other med. tank kills Rockets from west. Start city capture (east city.) Load APC then move 5w and drop west. Move recon onto City. move Infantry 2 n to road, other infantry 2w,1n. Move AA up road and rest on a city. Build recon at 'seaside' base. Build APC at south base. Build recon at N base With Tank Medium tank kills the AA in front of Rocket within the rocket's 'blind spot.' Load APC move 5w drop infantry w. Form blockade with Tank and medium tank the tank rests on city medium tank 1e,1s on T-intersection of road. Recon rests on city w of tank. Capture West city (out of B-copter range) move Infantry 1 N to Mountain. Move AA up road rest on city. move remaining inf. 1n,2w Build Tank at Seaside base APC at West base. ------ Day 9: ------ Finish captures. Start Base Capture. Load south APC, move up road. AA kills baited B-copter wounded Infantry rests on city 2n,1e. Wounded Med. tank kills rockets. Other kills AA on base. one Tank wounds or kills Artillery from south other kills APC from east. Recon wounds Infantry capturing city. Build AA east base and at seaside. ------- Day 10: ------- Snow day... but to what end? Max's Victory! Luck is again on your side if a Mech loaded T copter is 2e of your base Save. Lets use our AA to kill that loaded T-copter 2e of seaside base. Move south AA 1s,2e. Anti-air on seaside is used to kill the Infantry trying to capture a city. Finish Base capture. Wounded medium tank kills the tank on the road. Full med. tank wounds his med tank to 2hp. your power meter is full and I recommend tripping it now even though only 5 units can benefit. Use tanks and recon to kill his infantry. Make sure the recon and tanks are in a formation like Tanks n and south of road recon west on road and med tank 2 east of recon and other med. tank west of recon. Load wounded APC and move as far up the road as it can go. move south APC up the road. Build AA at north base and tank at Seaside. ------- Day 11: ------- south AA kill B-copter. wounded tank kills wounded artillery on base. Far Med. tank kills Artillery from north other tank kills wounded tank from east. Recon should wound Mech. move the rest of your units up but DON'T cover his bases. build Med. tank at seaside. ------- Day 12: ------- Olaf should have built a tank and AA NOT a Med. tank. save. It took a bit of luck but we're close very close to a 975 point S-rank. your wounded APC should move 1s,1w of his 'healing' med. tank. behind it your 8hp recon. your med. tanks should kill the AA he built. your anti-air should move as far east. your tanks should Wound his tank to 1 hp or preferably kill it and kill his 5hp mech. Move some units forward. near your HQ place an AA on the forest by your HQ leave the other one on the city it's on and build an new one south. ------- Day 13: ------- Snow day 2. you should be able to block his north base with your infantry. your recon should wound his artillery. move your AA forward. Kill anything he built. kill his loaded APC. move stuff forward. unload your other APC and move units forward. Kill his t-copter and infantry. ------- Day 14: ------- If you're lucky you can destroy everything he built today. then you get a 975 point S-rank this is depend on how many times you left 1 hp units of his on the factories. If not you start capturing his HQ and defend your infantry from any threat. ------- Day 15: ------- Capture his HQ for a 960 point S-rank. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.7 Kita Straight =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:**** Opponent: Drake Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7.1 Kita Straight: CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Max Rank: S Days: 23 Send infantry through APCs south to capture factories and ports while defending against Drake's invasions. Once you've secured the territory, send in landers to the eastern half of Drake's island with middle tanks and infantry while defending the sea with a few battleships. Work your way west after sending in more and more troops through landers, weakening Drake until you can take out his headquarters. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7.2 Kita Straight: CO Grit S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Kesuki CO: Grit Rank: S Days: 25-29 I'm only going to give you the first 15 days because that's all you need IMO. Some things to keep in mind while playing as grit. Don't use your CO power unless you've positioned your units for maximum kill zone. This is a long battle but grit should only get his CO power twice, and Drake should only get his 2-3 times. Use intel to watch where drake's CO is at. Grit's strength on this map is speed and technique. Once you've got enough ranged units build some Medium Tanks and get his power filled. I consider 5 battleships, 5 rockets and 3-4 artillery 'enough' ranged units it's amazing how fast you can get this, if you time your CO power usage to overlap with drake when his units are flashing. The second best time is when his meter has tripped on his turn, and if that happens it's almost always better to use your CO power than to 'wait'. ------ Day 1: ------ Build 1 APC and 1 infantry. ------ Day 2: ------ If you're trying for a 999 point s rank you'll want to save here, you'll need to reset a few times to make sure Drake plays the right moves for a 999 point. If you're just going for 950+ you don't need to save. Load your APC move it 3e,2s. Build lander (east) and 2 infantry at the east side. ------ Day 3: ------ Load Lander and go 6s. Capture city. Move APC 1n,1w. Build 2 infantry and 1 APC The eastern most base should be an Infantry and the one that is 1n,1w of that should be the APC. the western most base isn't used to build. ------ Day 4: ------ 999 point players should start watching what Drake builds and making sure it's a. expensive and b. ineffective against grit. Ranged units and landers are the ideal, subs other than the first one are your bane. Finish capture. Move lander into neutral port and drop infantry, if you drop one south that one must begin capture on the port next time otherwise it's not important which infantry does. Load APCs the one father back should go as far as it can and unload south. The other APC should go to the maximum movement range of the dropped infantry and drop within range of a city. build 1 infantry and 2 Artillery. ------ Day 5: ------ Start Captures of 3 Cities and 1 port(move lander 1w,5n.) Load southern APC, and move 3s and drop infantry south. Move remaining infantry 2s,1e and position north apc 2e,1s of that position. move Artillery as far along road as they go. Build Artillery at eastern most base. ------ Day 6: ------ Finish captures (4) Start Base Capture. Load North APC, move 2s,4e drop south. Move the other APC 2s,2e. Move Artillery along road. Move lander to port. build nothing. ------ Day 7: ------ Finish base capture, Start 2 city captures. Load 2 APCs, North APC drives 5s and drops East or north, the other one drops next to it and drops south. Move Artillery to the spot 2N and 3N and 3n,1e of the newly captured Base Build Cruiser at West Side seaport (new capture) ------ Day 8: ------ Finish captures(2). Start capture of port and use west infantry to start a city capture. The other infantry that can capture should attack the infantry capturing a city south. Load APC and move it to the southern most city block, drop on infantry. Move artillary into spaces 1s an 1e and 2w of new base . Recharge Artillary 1s of base with remaining APC. Move cruiser 1w. move lander 6s build battleship at west port. ------ Day 9: ------ Use 1e Artillery to kill his 7 hp infantry, then Finish captures (2) start captures (4). Wounded Cruiser(8/7hp) wounds to 1 or 2 hp Drake's Sub. Battleship wounds medium tank. North APC moves 2 west to city within Med Tank fire range. Artillery 1s moves 2s,1w, Artillery 2w moves 1w to city. South APC recharges Artillery in forest, but stays out of med. tank range. move lander 4s. Build rocket at central base. ------- Day 10: ------- Finish captures (3) 2/3 capture (1) start capture (1). Move unwounded APC to city near east side seaport and load infantry. Use artillery on forest to wound/kill Med. tank. Move Battleship 2w,3s. move 7hp cruiser to port. Move rockets and artillery towards southwestern shore. Move lander 2s,1e. move wounded APC to SW city. I Build a cruiser at east side sea port, to combat any subs he may build in future turns. ------- Day 11: ------- From this point on Drake is pretty chaotic, sometimes he'll try send 1 unit up at a time sometimes 2 units but in any case he's pretty easy. What you're looking for is that he sends up expensive units that you can pulverize while still in the landers. you're also watching out for subs. Finish Captures(2) start capture(1). Wound tank with artillery. load west APC (mine is full hp) move to blockade tank from damaging your rocket. Position artillery and rockets for maximum coverage of the south western coast--avoid drake's rocket range though. Position lander out of sub and rocket range, but towards drake. Make sure Battleship is out of sub attack range but don't attack. Move east cruiser south then Build lander at east port load APC and move infantry in loading range. Drake should be at a hair shy of CO power just where you want him. ------- Day 12: ------- What you're looking for here is that your rocket is at least at 9 hp. Finish city capture. Kill his tank and medium tank with artillery today, and wound a transport of his with another one. Move your Rocket onto your southern most city in range of his rocket. You can ignore his rocket in preference for a lander this turn. It's lucky to get the lander to 2 hp. Move your west side cruiser near your B-ship. Move lander out of rocket range. I move my east side cruiser onto the reef. Build a B-ship at your eastern port. ------- Day 13: ------- Use Battleship to wound his rockets. use cruiser and land units to form a blockade, my blockade went as follows from west to east Bship,cruiser,10hp artillery,(jags along coast)Infantry, APC, Infantry, Infantry, lander. My rockets wounds his rockets(to 2 hp), my battleship wounds his AA, and I put my Lander 1n,1e of my cruiser. my wounded artillery rest on cities one on the southernmost city next to my rockets. The other artillery should be on the eastern city in it's block. build artillery at central base. ------- Day 14: ------- This day takes a little luck. you should have enough to build a battleship and a rocket, this won't happen if the anti-air attacked your rockets. Save your power and Don't trip drake into his CO power, just kill his landers and wound his sub and do clean up. You should be able to land 2 loaded APC and an infantry on his continent as well. Move your cruiser into the shadow of his 3hp rocket. move your east side Battleship in range of his seaport. If you have a choice between destroying a 1hp lander with 2 infantry or a 3 hp rocket take the 3 hp rocket. Build a Battleship on West side, and a rocket at your central base. ------- Day 15: ------- Drake is close enough, use your CO power now. You should be able to destroy a lot. Don't unload your APCs. If you have an artillery that can't fire load it in your transport. also load any 10 hp infantry. you should be able to start capturing the east seaport on drake's island too. You have a huge money advantage over Drake. You must finish Drake off by your day 25 turn (before you 'end' day 25) if you use a HQ capture for a perfect 999 point score, or by before day 26 for victory by destroying all his troops. and you need to kill 5-6 units with direct combat to get max power. It's pretty easy from here though. I have two branches from day 5 this one is better suited for 999 point s-rank, if you can't S-rank from here the other branch from day 5 might be a little easier to S-rank with, but you'll have lower speed or power because of all the Rockets built early on. The other strategy I also only wrote out to day 11 because my power was so low that I only got a 956. You also have to get 'lucky' if you are the first sub he builds will go after the lander near your HQ ignoring the Battleship ------ Day 5: ------ Start Captures of 3 Cities and 1 port(move lander 1w,5n.) Load southern APC, and move 3s and drop infantry south. Move remaining infantry 2s,1e and position north apc 2e,1s of that position. move Artillery as far along road as they go. build nothing. ------ Day 6: ------ Finish captures (4) Start Base Capture. Load North APC, move 2s,4e drop south. Move the other APC 2s,2e. Move lander to port. Move Artillery along road. Build Rocket at eastern most base. ------ Day 7: ------ Finish base capture, Start 2 city captures. Load 2 APCs, North APC drives 5s and drops East or north, the other one drops next to it and drops south. Move Artillery the the spot 3N and 2N of the newly captured Base, move Rocket along road 5 spaces. Remaining Infantry moves 1e,2s. Build Cruiser at northwest port. ------ Day 8: ------ Finish captures(2). Start capture of port and use west infantry to start a city capture. The other infantry that can capture should attack the infantry capturing a city south. Load APC and move 2w of enemy infantry and drop south onto city. Move north artillery 1s of new base and move the other artillery next to it. Move rocket 5 spaces along road, build rocket at new base. Recharge one of your Artillery with remaining APC. Move cruiser 2 south of lander. ------ Day 9: ------ If sub surfaced next to your port attack with cruiser. Move rocket on road 5 spaces along road. Move one APC onto a city (forest for 999 point wanna bes) within range of medium tank that was dropped (he shouldn't have dropped an AA if he did you won't get a 999 point S-rank.) The remaining APC should recharge the rocket that just came down the road. Move newly built rocket 2s and build a new rocket. Use an Artillery to kill his 7 hp infantry and move the other on on a forest 1 space away from Med. tank range as far s,w as possible. Finish captures (2) start captures (4). ------- Day 10: ------- Finish captures (3) 2/3 capture (1). use artillery and rocket south of mid island base to wound/kill medium tank. Move infantry towards cities, move rockets along road, move other artillery to southwest of island. If you're going for 999 points you should have enough to build a Battleship now. If not I recommend building a cruiser at the east side seaport. ------- Day 11: ------- Finish capture, kill sub Build Battleship at west side port, move wounded APC out of artillery range move full life APC into it's range (on city) weaken tank with Artillery. Start city capture, move infantry towards cities, leave road open. Move Rockets and artillery towards south-western shore. leave cruiser in port. Do obligatory city captures. Make sure you didn't loose an APC and try to reposition units for maximum repair next turn. Build lander at east port. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.8 Point Stormy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Olaf Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8.1 Point Stormy: CO Max A-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: BH Panzer CO: Max Rank: A Days: 20+ What you should do is create two Anti-Air units near your HQ, because Olaf will keep sending infantry on Transport Copters, or even a bomber or two. Also, once you've reached the eastern end of the map, start cranking' out Medium Tanks, Bombers, and Infantry on APCs. I also highly recommend Anti-Airs to go along with that force. Also watch out for when Olaf uses the Blizzard Power =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.9 Ridge Island =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Grit Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Any two units destroyed in one turn. Technique: 1 unit destroyed, 2 if you make 10-12 extra infanties Speed: 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.9.1 Ridge Island: Sami S-rank 999 points day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Sami Rank: S Days: 7 =-=-=- Day 1: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Build APC in northwestern base, infantry base below it. -------------- Opponent Grit: -------------- Build four infantries. =-=-=- Day 2: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Load infantry into APC, move APC 2E 5N onto a plain. Do not drop infantry. Build two recon. -------------- Opponent Grit: -------------- Move infantry. Build two infantries, APC, and a rocket. =-=-=- Day 3: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Move APC southeast just above blue city. Drop infantry onto blue city. Move both recon northeast. Build infantry and APC. -------------- Opponent Grit: -------------- Move everything, build tank and artillery in southeastern bases. =-=-=- Day 4: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Load infantry into APC, move APC two below BM HQ between artillery and tank. Move eastern recon and attack blue infantry to 4 HP. Move western recon just to the west of the recon. Move infantry at OS HQ into APC, and move it same as 1st APC 2nd day but drop infantry east. Build two recon in the same bases...always should be western two. -------------- Opponent Grit: -------------- Capture city with infantry, attack loaded APC with small tank, move units, and build medium tank. =-=-=- Day 5: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Move damaged APC 1W 3N, drop infantry north. Move eastern recon southeast onto northern blue base. Move other recon near BM onto western blue base. Use infantry next to other APC to attack other infantry. Send APC to the eastern double city. Move recons up. Build recon in NW base, infantry in all other three. -------------- Opponent Grit: -------------- Finish capturing city with infantry, captures another city in the south with infantry, destroys damaged APC with small tank, attacks other APC with medium tank, moves units, and builds a recon and an artillery in SE bases =-=-=- Day 6: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Capture HQ with infantry, attack recon with both recons. Load infantry to the left into APC and move it just north of the western base and drop infantry onto western base. Use rest of units to attack. Build three infantries and a recon, this time in eastern base. -------------- Opponent Grit: -------------- Capture cities with infantries, attack infantry with small tank, build a rocket. =-=-=- Day 7: =-=-=- ----- Sami: ----- Do whatever damage possible, finish capturing HQ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.10 Mial's Hope =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponent: Eagle Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.10.1 Mial's Hope: CO Sami S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: LoZDude985 CO: Sami Rank: S Days: 8 Move infantry forward with t copters and capture cities with infantry on the ground and beware of battle copters that eagle will make so they don't shoot down your copters w/infantry in them... build some anti air units and use them to shoot down battle copters, t copters, and bombers that will try to take out infantry units near the bridge by the airport and base... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.11 Bounty River =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Sonja Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.11.1 Bounty River: CO Grit A-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Grit Rank: A Days: 35 Create lots of infantries and three APCs. Use three infantries to capture southern cities while your other infantry capture northern cities. Build a few battleships, one cruiser, and three landers. Build a few middle tanks and infantry to place into your landers once you beat back submarine advances, using infantry to block the shoal areas so no one can invade. Add battleships and rocket power, as Grit is awesome with them. Now continue your small naval combat force, which would still overwhelm Sonja, since her CO power is useless. Now invade the land sticking out, and move east. Once you reach the enemy HQ, capture it! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.11.2 Bounty River: C-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- Use this if you don't have Drake or Grit. See secrets section if you want them. By: Pygmyhippo CO: Rank: C Days:30+ Make an APC and infantry to capture bases to the east. Ignore southern bases. Once you get the seaport make a lander with men another one with MD tanks and a battleship. Advance with the battleship and the landers following. make a sub to cathch up to the battleship and clear the way of subs. continue with ships (don't use cruisers) until you capture the port on the overhanging peninsula. from there get a base and overwhelm. It has flaws cause I only got a C-rank but oh well. Hint: Put APCs on the shoals on your island. you can refuel your ships AND prevent enemy landers. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.12 Toil Ferry =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Grit Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: 0 Speed: 17 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.12.1 CO Eagle S-rank day by day =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= By: YoYoYoshi CO: Eagle Rank: S Days: 16 Send infantry to secure properties east of the HQ, then send infantry through transport copters to capture the northwest island and the island east of it. Send in a few fighters and many bombers, as well as a lander with infantry to fight for the eastern island, and take control of it. Once you're ready, send in all your bombers to overwhelm the little land troops on Grit's eastern land. Use lightning strike if needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.12.2 Toil Ferry: CO Max S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: COAndy (http://www.marioworldhq.cjb.net) CO: Max Rank: S Days: 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! THIS ONLY WORKS ONCE! IF YOU CAPTURE THE HQ, NEXT TIME YOU PLAY, GRIT WILL PLUG UP THE HQ WITH TANKS AND ROCKETS, SO IF YOU MESS UP, DON'T SAVE! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Day 1: ------ Build two infantry ------ Day 2: ------ Build a transport copter, and a infantry. send the two infantry capture citys, and the airport, and the harbor, and the rest of the citys. ------ Day 3: ------ Build another transport copter, and a infantry. continue capturing propierities. ------ Day 4: ------ Continue building transport copters and infantry, and loading them into one another. Keep going untill you have 5 transport copters filled with infantry. ---------- Next days: ---------- When you have 5 transport copters and infantry in them: You should have captured most of the properties by now. Save up for a bomber. Send your transport copters all the way north, AND STAY IN FORMATION! ALWAYS HAVE YOUR COPTERS CLUSTERED AS CLOSE TOGETHER AS POSSIBLE! When you have a bomber: Go after landers and infantry on the middle island, to build up your power rating. Wacth out though, Grit may build a fighter, so start saving for a fighter. Send your copters all the way to the right, and, as always, keep them in tight formation. When you have a figher: Partroll the area for copters and fighters and bombers, shoot them down when you have the chance. Build battle helicopters from now on. Next Turn: Move your copters to the enemy HQ, dropping the infantry on the bases, and one of them on the HQ. Use your battle helicopters, fighters, and bombers to wreck havoc on anything south of the area. REMEMBER: LEAVE THEM IN THE SOUTH AREA OF THE MAP, DO NOT ENGAGE ANYTHING UP NORTH, UNLESS ITS A ENEMY BOMBER! Start capturing the enemy HQ, but grit probably attacked it with a long range weapon, so capture the HQ, then combine the infantry with a fresh one. Attack rockets and mechs, if grit has any in the area, but do not leave the bases open. Make sure to have a copter or something sit on them. Now repeat the above step for 1 or 2 days, and walla! You get a 999 point score! NOTE: YOU CANT LOSE A SINGLE UNIT TO GET A 999 score, so if something gets into trouble, combine it with a another unit, or retreat! You can always heal that unit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.13 Twin Isle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:**** Requirements for S-rank 999 Opponent: Kanbei Power: Technique: Speed: 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.13.1 Twin Isle: CO Sami S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Kesuki CO: Sami Rank: S Days: 9-12 For a really quick win you need a little luck -- Kanbei should build all his tanks on the left side and send the only one he built on the right side across to the left behind the mountain range. ------ Day 1: ------ Nothing ------ Day 2: ------ Build APC (south) and Infantry (north) ------ Day 3: ------ Save Send APC and Infantry SE to a forest. Build Infantry ------ Day 4: ------ Kanbei sent the tank he built west behind the mountain range, if not restart. If he built a Medium tank or tank on the east side Restart. Move your APC to the east side on the plains outside his range. Start building mechs and Artillery ------ Day 5: ------ you can probably only move your APC a little it's okay though keep cranking out mechs and capturing nearby cities. ------ Day 6: ------ Kanbei sent the tank he built west behind the mountain range, if not restart. If he built a Medium tank or tank on the east side Restart. Move your APC to the east side on the plains outside his range. Wow -- He just Ignored your APC what an idiot. move it in range of his east factories and drop your infantry east. If you haven't got an artillery yet you'll want one. you should have at least 2 mechs too. ------ Day 7: ------ Okay your infantry was dropped next to his factory, but does he build anything? NO does he move any tanks in? NO. take over his factories to teach Kanbei a lesson and use the APC to block the other one. Oh what does he think he's doing sending an artillery and a tank into your territory anyways? Hit his tank in the artillery's blind spot make sure your artillery is on your HQ and build some mechs -- outside the artillery range. ------ Day 8: ------ Finish off his tank and his Artillery if you can Finish taking his factory Build more mechs. ------ Day 9: ------ Well you Could take his HQ now but you only killed 2 units so far you're better off going to day 12 and trying to kill 6 of his units. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.14 Dire Range =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Eagle Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 14? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.14.1 Dire Range: CO Sami B-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Richard Sanderson CO: Sami Rank: B Days 11 Build an some APCs and load them with infantry. Send them to the right and capture the bases half way along the east-west road. Defend your territory by building units there, your opponents forces will advance along that road from the right. At the same time, and as early as possible build one T-Copter and load it with an infantry unit. Move it as far as it will go every turn toward the enemy HQ, dodging any fighters and B-Copters that get near you. Once you get near the HQ you may find a few units lurking about, but these will ignore you and move off along the north-south road on the east side of the map. Once all is clear (or before if you're brave!) land your copter and capture the base! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.15 Egg Islands =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:*** Opponent: Drake Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: 6-7 Direct combat units with kills (or 2 med. tanks 4 tanks and an AA -- not 100%) Technique: 5 infantry must be alive This is an ultra cheap strategy for an 11-day 999 point S-rank you don't even care what units he builds It's THAT cheap. Speed: 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.15.1 Egg Island: CO Sami S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By Kesuki CO Sami Rank: S 999 Days: 22 ------ Day 1: ------ Build 2 infantry near west sea port. ------ Day 2: ------ Build Lander at west seaport and load infantry. ------ Day 3: ------ Lander 1 moves 2w,5s, and drops one infantry. Build Lander and 2 infantry from west port area. ------ Day 4: ------ Capture base, Lander one moves 7s. lander 2 loads infantry and then drops them from shoal 5w of port. Build nothing. Note: you don't have to play my way for 999 This is just easier to repeat, although I think I saved it after 'combining' units or something as I'm not getting full power this way. It isn't really dependant on what drake builds or where he moves it. ------ Day 5: ------ Finish capture, retreat the infantry on the other base, and send the south one to capture the city 2 south. Move lander 2 5e to port. Move lander 1 5s,2w. Build a rocket at your western base and an infantry near your transport. ------ Day 6: ------ Finish Capture. If you see any unit in range of the rockets make it sorry. Attack the infantry near your new base with the infantry there. Move lander 2 3e,4s. Move lander 1 7w or 2w. Winners don't get hit by battleships. Build Rockets on home island. ------ Day 7: ------ Position Rockets so that his mid. tank is blasted if it tries to follow your units. Move lander 1 7w. Use lander 2 to either a. psudobait a battleship to keep it from your base on the mainland or b. to drop units on the neutral Island. move infantry out of harms way, build a tank. ------ Day 8: ------ Make his medium tank sorry. Make his full like AA sorry. Kill Infantry (1 confirmed kill) Move lander 1 7 west. move lander 2 towards HQ/continue baiting battleship. Capture cities if applicable. ------ Day 9: ------ Drop infantry in range of HQ if possible. Kill his Anti Airs (3 confirmed kills). use rockets as border patrol. make sure his med. tank (1 hp) can't run far. finish captures. ------- Day 10: ------- Kill his AA and med-tank (5 confirmed kills) start HQ capture and continue rocket brigade. Build a tank or medium tank. Start HQ capture (if applicable) ------- Day 11: ------- Go ahead kill 2 things. I know you want to. Finish HQ capture (or start it). Don't forget to build infantry you need 6 or seven total for max technique. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.15.2 Egg Islands: CO Grit S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: MewtwoSama CO: Grit Rank: S Days: 22 ------- Day 1: ------ Build two infantry on eastern bases, 1 on an eastern base ------- Day 2: ------- Build lander on west port, load with two infantry send other infantry to HQ ------- Day 3: ------- Send infantry to NE Australia and drop 1 on base, other to south, build Rockets on east most base ------- Day 4: ------- Send lander back to port, begin capture or port and base, move rockets 1N,2W ------- Day 5: ------- Move lander as far east as possible and load infantry, finish captures, build more rockets on west most base ------- Day 6: ------- Move new rocket 1W, move base infantry 3S, move port infantry to base, move lander 1E,5S and drop off infantry ------- Day 7: ------- Move forest infantry into city and begin capture, move base inf. to forest next to city infantry, over on New Zealand, begin capture of base and move lander 2N,5W next to reef, build a battleship on Australia port ------- Day 8: ------- Use rockets to kill infantry on your base, shoot anything with your battleship, move your forest infantry E to sea ------- Day 9: ------- Use weakened lander to save wounded inf. on Aus. Move NZ inf. 3E. Use battleship and south Rocket to kill infantry invading your base, then build an Mid. tank there. Use the other rocket to kill biggest threat to your MD tank. finally, build an APC and another infantry with west bases. -------- Day 10: -------- Laugh if you see land units attack your battleship. NZ infantry should start capturing cities moving southward. Move your lander straight north (should be north of a rocket). Ready your fresh infantry to board it. Build a 3rd rocket and recharge your rockets with APC. shoot what you want with your other units. From here on, defend your MD tank with your long range units. Load your lander, use the APC to fuel it and send it along the North coast. Keep capturing cities on New Zealand. 1st priority is to build another battleship to attack Drake's battleship (build it out of range and attack with CO power). Attack any subs that come north, but don't kill them. 4 units or less will do laughable damage to your battleships. Towards the end, build Rockets on New Zealand. Around day 20, your CO meter should be full again, but save it for the day you capture Drake's HQ. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.16 Terra Maw =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:**** Opponent: Sonja Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 19 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.16.1 Terra Maw: CO Max A-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: MewtwoSama CO: Max Rank: A Days: 26 That after about 40 tries was my best score. I don't think Max can pull an S-rank. Capture the nearby factory first. build anti-air on day two The day Sonja builds her first battleship save. Do random stuff until you see her ship go straight North. If you're lucky she MIGHT go south of your island, but most of the time she goes straight towards your HQ. She'll send a steady stream of copters to your HQ. I kept 2 anti-air nearby. When your inf. are near the port, she'll send her battleship to get you. Distract her with a supply of APCs. You can try to use artillery to take the battleship out. You'll need an invasion force to take the airport. I used 3 MD tanks, 3 anti-air, 1 artillery and a bunch of APCs. When the airport was mine, I had about $40000 to spend. I built a bomber, T copter, then Jet, in that order. At the port, I built a sub, then a transport. That was enough to stop Sonja's navy. My bomber took out her anti-air boat, my sub and artillery took out her battleship. My lander was attacked at a reef (sometimes it wont survive, i.e. save at the reef) Next turn, I used Max power to injure her sub. By then it was running low on fuel, so it didn't bother to finish my lander off. When I invaded, I had to keep resetting until the only threat to me was some missiles. Take advantage of their firing range. You can land or attack under its range. In the meantime, I had my original MD tanks hold off the eastern end of my island. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.17 Stamp Island =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponents: Kanbei and Olaf Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 14? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.17.1 Stamp Islands: CO Sami S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoyoYoshi CO: Sami Rank: S Days: 14 Send transport copters to capture the island east of your island, and capture the two islands south of your island, while sending fighters out so no CO can reach the central island. Capture the central island while defending attacks from Kanbei against the island east of your main island. Now use bombers to get through both enemies, attacking quickly. If you have a lot, you can overwhelm them and win without HQ capture. It's that easy! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.17.2 CO Eagle S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Lars CO: Eagle Rank: S Days: Around 15 ------- Day 1: ------- Skip/Build Nothing ------- Day 2: ------- Build one bomber ------- Day 3: ------- Move bomber east. Build infantry, t-copter and b-copter. ------- Day 4: ------- Load infantry to t-copter and move it east with b-copter and bomber ------- Day 5: ------- Build fighter on south base, move air units east ------- Day 6: ------- Build an other fighter on south base. Move fighter south-east and bomb APC on Kanbei's HQ with bomber Move t-copter and b-copter east. ------- Day 7: ------- Destroy APC on HQ with bomber. Move infantry in t-copter to HQ, move b-copter to a base. Move fighters to destroy Olaf's air units. ------- Day 8: ------- Capture Kanbei's HQ with infantry, destroy new unit with bomber and b-copter ------- Day 9: ------- Finish capture of Kanbei's HQ, you will now have his bases. Now start to build a lot of bombers from little island and Kanbei's HQ island. Start killing to get the power score up. Continue to use your two fighters to kill Olaf's air force. I killed all of his units. I you don't load t-copter with infantry on day 11-13 and move south towards Olaf's HQ and capture it, have bombers guard the t-copter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.18 Rivers Four =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:**** Opponents: Grit and Max Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.18.1 Rivers Four: CO Max A-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Kesuki CO: Max Rank: A Days: 23 ------- Day 1: ------- Save prior to building it makes resetting faster... Build 3 Infantry 1 Recon (recon at NE factory) ------- Day 2: ------- Move the Recon as far NE as possible (end of the road). Move the north infantry 3 east and the other two south to the river ignore the city for now you want the factories south of the river. Build 4 infantry ------- Day 3: ------- cross the river with two infantry send the other old infantry 3 more east ignore those cities you'll get them soon send the SW Infantry to capture the city by your HQ. Move the other three as far east as they can (almost a Tetris L shape formation) send the recon on top of the factory Build a tank at your NE factory ------- Day 4: ------- Blue Max should have kept his tank near his base If not you're hosed. If he did Save then use the recon to attack it from the forest south of it your infantry should move as follows. Finish the city capture, start getting the two south factories the one in the forest should go 3 north and the Tetris formation should become a bracket where that infantry was positioned start the capture of those cities move your tank to the spot east of the end of the road. Build a tank at your NE factory ------- Day 5: ------- Blue max should have kept his tank back again if so save. Infantry should finish captures and start on the factory on the road to blue max. The infantry that is in the forest should move 1s2e the one in the city should cross the river south. Use one tank to kill Blue Max's APC and move the other one where it is. Build a recon at NE base ------- Day 6: ------- Finish Factory capture and start 4 city captures north side you should have an infantry ready to move 1s2e and south side one ready to go 2s Move your new recon 4 east. Combat moves are pretty simple wound his AA in with your tank (staying in the rockets no-fire zone) and use your recon to kill his 2 hit infantry move your other tank to the plain near your factory there Build a tank on the south side ------- Day 7: ------- Finish all captures. Combat moves are to kill(or wound) Blue Max's rocket with a tank then use your recon and wounded infantry to kill his infantry. You should be able to use the forest to wound max's tank to 1 hp without taking any damage on your tank. Your second recon should be moved as far southeast as it can go. You should move the infantry nearby 3 east On the south side move your tank one east and your infantry 3 east. Build one medium tank at your north-central factory (on the road to Blue max) ------- Day 8: ------- On the north side Blue max just wasted his overdrive if you were lucky his rocket survived and just drained his cash pretty hard you want to hit his rocket with your 1 hp tank so that you can make sure he Never has the cash to build a medium tank, without losing too many HP from your medium tank If you're really lucky he's using 60% of his daily income on unit repairs this is going to really hurt him and let you kill him by day 13 leave your south formation alone except moving an infantry off a city that Isn't in grits rocket range you want to get hit by a rocket to ensure you can use a power up next turn. Wound Max's APC with your tank and his infantry with your recon. Block grit's northward incursion by capturing cities and factories and moving your recon in place to repel his infantry. Kill max's tank with your medium tank. Today you build a medium tank and an APC the medium tank at your North central factory and the APC at your NE HQ factory. Start capturing that other neutral city and send your 4 or 5 hp infantry to heal ------- Day 9: ------- Let blue max heal again this time he should be using 72% of his income 'healing' and use the shadow of his rocket to kill his full life tank and move towards his base. Finish captures and use your recon to hit grit's infantry. On the south side move your wounded infantry out of the line of fire and move your tank into it killing an infantry build a medium tank and leave a full life infantry where it will draw grit's tank fire safely. Move APC towards max -------- Day 10: -------- Grit should build an infantry not a rocket on the factory closest to you Save if this happens. Save your max force because it's more needed on day 11. On the north side my basic strategy is pretty simple kill his AA (with 8 hp med. tank) and kill his mech with my full med. tank I use my tank to cripple his mech on a factory. then I weaken his rocket with my 1 hp tank from the road and I move my empty APC as far east the infantry is of course that 8 hp one I put it on my factory and by next turn it'll be ready for action. I move my 7 hp recon into the shadow of the rocket so it can be used for rocket cleanup next turn. in the middle area I use my recon to wound the infantry in front of it and move the wounded infantry back and use the one on the factory to wound the one in the river (in front of it) On the south side I try to move my infantry out of harms way as well as the wounded tank and use my medium tank to kill one of his tanks and build a second medium tank I also send the full HP infantry south across the river -------- Day 11: -------- If Max builds an Anti-air SAVE this is the best possible thing! Max Force! Combat South side I send my wounded infantry north use my new medium tank to kill his infantry and my wounded medium to kill his wounded tank. In the center I use my recon to make sure grit can't get a foot hold and finish sending my 6 hp infantry to heal and use my 10 hp (from the north) infantry to capture that last neutral city. The other infantry kills/wounds grits 6/7 hp infantry North side I use my medium tank to kill the AA he just built and the full HP mech I use the recon to clean up the 5hp mech and use my 9 hp tank to wound the infantry he built I then the 1 point to finish the kill. -------- Day 12: -------- South side I like to move a medium tank on the city in range of grit's rockets so I know what grit will do with it I put my wounded tank on the city that isn't in range of grits weapons and build TWO medium tanks down south North Side if he put his tank in range of you kill it and his rockets too if he's running scared ignore them. And focus on making sure that your infantry can capture his HQ uncontested and that max is unable to wound you. From this point he's officially out of the game, because you have a half captured HQ of his and he has nothing that can touch you... I try to make sure that I'm still good in the central by moving wounded infantry and building a mech. From this point on there is no challenge in winning, only in getting a good rank, I recommend saving on turns you know are 'golden' and trying again and again until you can figure out a way to win with Zero unit loss, within the 20-22 day S-rank time limit for this map =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.19 Ring Islands =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponents: Drake and Sonja Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.19.1 CO Drake S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Lars CO: Drake (If you have him see Secrets section If you don't have him use Olaf if you don't have him see Secrets section). Rank: S Days: 16 This one is really easy. First go for drake with on lander and couple infantries sail it towards his HQ and drop them when you get there and capture the HQ. Now you will get loads of money. You should already have started sailing your lander towards Sonja's HQ. Capture some bases and build loads of medium tanks and battleships to get your power-score up. Then capture the HQ around day 13-15. You can also sail two landers almost simultaneously to each sides and capture both HQs for a B (Because you don't kill any units, but does it in max speed and don't loose any units. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.20 Last Mission =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Difficulty:** Opponents: Eagle and Sami Requirements for S-rank 999 Power: Technique: Speed: 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.20.1 Last Mission: CO Sami S-rank 999 points --------------------------------------------------------------------- 999 Points By: YoYoYoshi/LoZoDude CO Sami Rank: S Days: 16 Build four infantry on the first turn, then immediately build a transport copter and all the infantry you can on the 2nd. Send your transport copter east a few turns to Eagle's enemy HQ while avoiding the fighter and anti-aircraft. Once you reach the HQ, capture it. In the meantime, capture all the bases near your HQ with infantry. After you capture all of Eagle's bases and buildings, use your superior power to build more bombers, one fighter, and the rest mid-tanks with a few anti-aircraft. LoZoDudes words of advice: Here's how to do it much quicker. Once you have all of Eagles cities and bases to just destroy a few units for power and just try to capture Sami HQ... you don't need to build tons of units to destroy Sami's... just distract her with t copters and mech units while you try to capture her HQ I finished the level in 8 days with an S-Rank (this is a very easy level)... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.20.2 CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- By: YoYoYoshi CO: Max Rank: S Days: 15 Build four infantry on the first turn, then immediately build a transport copter and all the infantry you can on the 2nd. Send your transport copter east a few turns to Eagle's enemy HQ while avoiding the fighter and anti-aircraft. Once you reach the HQ, capture it. In the meantime, capture all the bases near your HQ with infantry. After you capture all of Eagle's bases and buildings, use your superior power to build more bombers, one fighter, and the rest mid-tanks with a few anti-aircraft. In the south, use a mid-tank, a few infantry, and one a-air. Use the same in the north and capture back the bases the enemy Sami took over. Move west in all directions, using mid-tanks as the front line and bombers to aid the attacks along with anti-aircraft. Once you continue your movement west, use your northern line to take the HQ with a transport copter with an infantry or mech. ===================================================================== 4. T I P S A N D T R I C K S ===================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.1 Formations =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= These formations are from the official Advance Wars website. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1.1 Flying Column --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tank* *Artillery* *Rockets* *APC* The first formation called a flying column backs a Tank/Mid. Tank with two indirect units and an APC. The tank/Mid. Tank takes the enemy fire, while rockets and artillery clear the way. Use the APC to refuel as needed --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1.2 Circled Wagon --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tank* *Tank* *APC* *Infantry* *Infantry* Once a unit is surrounded on all four sides it can be attacked only by either eliminating a guard unit or using long range weapons. Using circled wagons is a handy way to protect APC's missiles, rockets and even your bases and HQ You can also surround an enemy fighter with four ground units or an enemy ground unit (not Anti-Air) with four fighters --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1.3 Leapfrogging Units --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Mid. Tank* *Recon* *Blank* *Blank* *Recon* Don't get ahead of yourself while advancing. Make sure speedy units, like recons, stay in range of other units for protection. If you leave an unprotected unit in the open, it will be destroyed in a matter of moments =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.2 Tips =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use the L button to see if you got any units you haven't moved. --------------------------------------------------------------------- * A+B+Start+Select restarts your game and deletes all NOT saved data. --------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.3 Tricks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't want opponent to build more units place a strong unit on top of the base and then he can't build anything on that base. --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also capture your opponents bases. --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you capture a HQ when there are more then two players you get all that teams bases and money, so when there are a map with three COs go for one HQ, the strongest CO first then you get a lot of money to battle the other opponent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.4 Units Tactics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4.1 General --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy different units! When playing against Grit or in Fog of War you should have recons because they are fast and has good vision range. Battle Copters are good against Mid. Tanks so use them wisely, and watch out for them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4.2 Sea Units --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub attacks Battleship. Battleship attacks Cruisers. Cruisers attacks Subs. Battleships can also attack subs, but when they are dived they can't be attacked by indirect combat units. Subs can also attack Cruisers, but they usually loose more than they gain. Cruisers can't attack battleships. Cruisers are good against air units and can be very dangerous because they are hard to kill, need battleship or other indirect unit. Battleships costs 28 000 and it can take a while to save up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4.2 Indirect Units --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rockets should have an APC with them to refuel with rockets, they get empty fast. Indirect units should be behind a line of Tanks/Mid. Tanks/APC/Mechs (while playing with Sami). You know that Max isn't very good with indirect units but you should by some on or two artilleries, only 6 000, just keep them safe they can be usefull. Unless you really need a rocket I think two artilleries are better (at least with Grit) They only have one square less attacking range and is a lot cheaper only 6 000 compared to rockets 15 000. Two for 12 000, 3 000 extra for you! Missiles can be useful, but they only work against air units and gets fast useless, you might want to go with anti airs instead, unless you are Grit. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4.3 Ground Units --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sami is pretty good if you have a lot of mechs, but you should have a couple of APCs to refuel (only 3 rockets) Mid. Tanks are good but buy different units! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.5 Winning a map =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are several ways of winning a map: --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can rush to the HQ as fast as possible, this will give you good speed and technique score but you will have low power score if you don't kill any units. --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can take your time and kill all of your opponents units but your speed score will be low. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== 5. S E C R E T S ===================================================================== All the secrets are confirmed by myself except the last one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.1 Unlocking Commanding Officers (COs) in War Room and vs. mode =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drake: Finish Captain Drake, Naval Clash, Wings of Victory and Battle Mystery with Andy Costs 50 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Grit: Finish mission four with max. Costs 50 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kanbei: Complete campaign. Costs 50 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonja: Finish Kanbei Arrives! in 8 or less days, Mighty Kanbei! in 10 or less days and Kanbei's Error? in 12 or less days. Costs 60 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Eagle: Finish Captain Drake, Naval Clash, Wings of Victory and Battle Mystery with Sami. (You will play Rivals against Eagle after The Final Battle.) Costs 80 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sturm: By all the other COs except Nell. Costs 100 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nell: Finish Advance Campaign. ( Unlocked after beating campaign mode once, then bought for 1 coin at Battle Maps.) Costs 100 coins --------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2 Making title screen flash (only War Room related) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can make "Records" flash if you complete all of the War Room maps, --------------------------------------------------------------------- if youget rank 1 you make "Rank" flash. --------------------------------------------------------------------- When you have both of the above flashing,"Stats" flash. --------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to make "War Room" flash if you get S-ranks on all 20 missions, Confirmed by MewtwoSama --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== 6. O T H E R T H I N G S ===================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.1 Do you know something? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you got any good strategies that I don't have e-mail me (lbarl1@yahoo.com) them and I will probably include them. I will give you full credit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.2 Contributors =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks to all contributors!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- YoYoYoshi: Duo Falls: CO Sami 999 points S-rank Duo Falls: CO Max S-rank Sole Harbour: CO Max S-rank Kita Straight: CO Max S-rank Ridge Island: Sami S-rank 999 points day by day Bounty River: CO Grit A-rank Toil Ferry: CO Eagle S-rank day by day Stamp Islands: CO Sami S-rank Last Mission: CO Sami 999 points Last Mission: CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kesuki: Duo Falls: CO Max S-rank day by day Land's End: CO Max S-rank day by day Kita Straight: CO Grit S-rank day by day Twin Isle: CO Sami S-rank day by day Egg Island: CO Sami S-rank day by day Rivers Four: CO Max A-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pygmyhippo: Spann Island: CO Max S-rank 999 points Bounty River: C-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- MewtwoSama: Egg Islands: CO Grit S-rank day by day Terra Maw: CO Max A-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Miles A Matthias: Moji Island: CO Max S-rank day by day Sole Harbour: CO Grit S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- LoZDude985: Mial's Hope: CO Sami S-rank Last Mission: CO Sami S-rank 999 points --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The True Dmage: Pivot Isle: CO Max S-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- z_osu: Pivot Isle: CO Andy S-ran --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- COAndy (http://www.marioworldhq.cjb.net): Toil Ferry: CO Max S-rank day by day --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- BH Panzer: Point Stormy: CO Max A-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Sanderson: Dire Range: CO Sami B-rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ericku: All speed requirements. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Vigama: Power and Technique rating on Spann Island and Ridge Island. --------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.2.1 Removed contributions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= These strategies were removed from the guide to make way for new ones, I still want to thank the people who sent them in. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bublim: Ridge Island --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- DeathscytheH2: Bounty River --------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.3 Legal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You can print this guide for own use if you want to it's now about 35 pages long. Not sell it. All this is copyrighted Lars and the contributors. Do not copy anything from this whiteout my or contributors permission. This Walkthrough is currently only on: Http://www.GameFAQs.com: The latest version can be found here. Http://www.advance-wars.de: Jorg's German site. No URL: Luke Herbold's site If you want this on your site or found it elsewhere e-mail me at lbarl1@yahoo.com