Game: Aero the Acro-Bat System: Game Boy Advance Genral FAQ and Walkthrough Submitted by: noodleboy1 Email: Last Updated: June 3, 2003 Version: 1.01 ############################################################################## AERO THE ACRO-BAT This game was first released on the Sega Genesis and Super Nintento systems. It has gotten a little bit of an overhaul by Metro 3-D and ported to the Game Boy Advance. The classic mascot is back! Aero the Acrobat dazzles you with amazing feats of bravery in his mission to stop the evil Edgar Ektor. As Aero you blast out of cannons, dive through hoops of fire and hang onto speeding roller coasters to protect the circus park for the fun-loving spectators. But danger looms as you defy psycho circus performers and fairground freaks in the quest to save the show from disaster.* * From Metro 3-D ############################################################################## CONTENTS I. Versions & Thanks II. Menus III. Controls IV. Equipment V. Items VI. Enemies VII. Walkthrough VIII. Bonus Rounds IX. Ending ############################################################################## I. VERSIONS, COPYRIGHT & THANKS ############################################################################## v 1.0 - Initial/Full General FAQ and Walkthrough v 1.01 - Cleaned up some errors and mistakes Added Copyright This FAQ is copyrighted to noodleboy1FAQs, Inc and cannot be used in any part without my permission. Email me and I will probably let you use it, unless your site supports the following things: Hentai, Don Kees or Kobe's Ranch. If your site promotes or tolerates any of those, do not even bother emailling me. Thanks to William Walker for his Genesis FAQ for some info on the items and general reference info. Special thanks to Shaq for giving everyone inspiration to live life to the fullest. ############################################################################## II. MENUS ############################################################################## 1. TITLE SCREEN: The only thing to do here is press 2. MAIN MENU: A. NEW GAME: 1. Choose a game from the 3 games saves. 2. Select (3) Letters and/or Numbers to make up your save name press to select and to go back if you mess up. B. CONTINUE: 1. Select from the (3) saved games to continue. C. OPTIONS: 1. Music: When highlighted, you can control the volume from 1 - 100, similar to a television, where 1 is low and 100 is high. 2. Effects: 3. Brightness: Control the brightness from 0-4, where 0 is dark and 4 is very bright 4. Credits: You can view the credits by selecting this title. 5. Reset Saved Data: You can erase your saved games by selecting this title. Note that by electing to reset the saved data, it erases all games that are saved. 3. PAUSED MENU: A. Music: Same as above B. Effects: Same as above C. Brightness: Same as above D. Continue: Select to continue your game E. Quit: Let's you exit the game and back to the Title Screen ############################################################################## III. CONTROLS ############################################################################## 1. D-pad: A. -> moves Aero to the right B. <- moves Aero to the left C. moves Aero up ladders D. moves Aero down ladders and also makes him duck 2. button - When equipped with a star, Aero can shoot it using the button. If Aero does not have a star, this button is idle. 3. button - Jump while Aero is on the ground and when Aero is in the air. To while in the air, press while pressing or . When holding you will spin upward diagonally in the direction that Aero is facing. When holding you will spin downward diagonally in the direction that Aero is facing. 4. button - While on the ground, hold and a direction on the D-pad to view a little further in that direction. While airborne, hold to hover for about 3 seconds. While on a tightrope, you from below the rope by pressing to get back up, press . While on a ladder, press to slide to the bottom. 5. button - Brings you to the PAUSED MENU (see MENUS section). ############################################################################## IV. EQUIPMENT ############################################################################## 1. Balloons: (Yellow) When Aero jumps on them, they rise to places he cannot usually get to. 2. Blocked Ring: Bounce or Jump through this ring (3) times to unblock it. 3. Bubble Machine: Push this machine to where you want the bubbles that Aero can ride, to come out. 4. Cannon: This let's Aero shoot up to places he cannot usually get to on his own, like the Bubble Machine, it can be moved. Press to hop in and watch the status bar to the left, press when the bar is at the height you want to launch Aero. 4. Catapult: Like a see-saw, jump on the side without the stone and launch it, get to the side the stone vacated and wait to be propelled by the stone. Keep going back and forth to get the desired height. 5. Checkpole: A save point in the game. 6. Diving Board: Jump of this board to a pool below, hit the pool or you lose a life. 7. Elevator: Get on the elevator to go up, once it reaches the top, get off and it will return to the ground. 8. Fiery Ring: Go through it carefully, hit the sides and you will get damage. 9. Gate: These are One Ways, once you go through you cannot go back through it. 10. Ring: A circus ring that Aero must jump or fall through in most cases. 11. Saws: Hazards that cause damage when hit. 12. Spikes: Hazards that cause damage when hit. 13. Star Platform: Blue platforms that crumble after being jumped on, when the stars on the front rotate to one, it can only be jumped on one more time until it crumbles. 14. Trampoline: Jump on these to propel Aero, can be on the ground and the side of walls. 15. Warp Stars: These usually begin and end the Act, but sometimes they get Aero to places he cannot reach alone within Acts. ############################################################################## V. ITEMS ############################################################################## 1. Lollipop: 100 points 2. Cheese: 150 points 3. Soda: 200 points 4. Hot dog: 250 points 5. Cupcake: 300 points 7. "A": Health for Aero, meter located in the bottom left corner of the screen, maximum 5 stars at one time. 100 points for extra after 5. 8. Aero Icon: 1-up or extra life. 9. Bonus Icon: enables you to play a bonus level after the Act. 10. Clock: Adds a minutes worth of extra time for bonus points to the level. 11. Key: Used to open doors and a cage. 12. Lightning Box: Let's Aero double spin while airborn, it is lost when Aero dies. 13. Parachute: Eneables Aero to fall slowly to the ground. 14. Small Stars: Invincibility for a few seconds. 15. Star: Shoot these at enemies, one star = (5), you can hold no more than 99 at a time. 16. Wings: Allows Aero to float for a brief time to get items where he cannot usually go. ############################################################################## VI. ENEMIES ############################################################################## Clowns: They walk back and forth, spin, hover, hang from ballons and toss balls. Elephants: They spin around, Spin attack or shoot them with stars. Fire Breathers: They blow a stream of fire at you. Trapeze Guy: Hangs from the trapeze and throws daggers your way. Ghosts - They walk back and forth, hover and float. ############################################################################## VII. Walkthrough ############################################################################## ***************************************** *Circus Act 1: Find Seven Star Platforms* ***************************************** From the start go right and jump over the spikes. Then go up the ladder and jump and spin to the upper platform, this is Star platform 1, notice the (3) stars turn to (2) once you land on it. The stars represent how many times you must land on the platform to make it crumble. Once it crumbles, you get credit for finding a Star Platform, got it. From there jump to the left and spin attack the clown, collect the 1-up and jump left to hit the parachute. Fall while collecting a ton of stuff back to the position that you started the level at. Go right again,avoiding the spikes and climb the ladder again. Spin ump back onto the upper platform and jump again to make it crumble (That's Star Platform #1), this will drop Aero onto SP #2, notice the parachute under this platform. Get directly over the parachute and jump again, thus crumbling Aero hits the parachute and falls slower. Direct Aero to the right while falling or you will hit the spikes below. Go up the ladder and right, kill the (3) clowns by spin jump or shoot them with stars, get the cheese and hit the checkpole *cough*Sonicripoff*cough*. Spin jump to kill the flying clown and fall through the rings. Go left by the ladder and jump, press left to go through the hidden throughway, be real careful and take this part slow because of the spikes. I like to hover (Right Trigger) from platform to platform, collect the items and kill the clown at the end. Go back right and out the hidden throughway, go right and onto the first trampoline. Jump on the trampoline and collect the star and shoot the flying clown. Collect the other star and jump up right to the next platform and hit the checkpole. From this checkpole you will notice a cannon, hop in the cannon and wait till the bar gets to the top and press . Aero will shoot past the 4 star Platforms into the air, hoverleft and drop onto the upper left platform, before you jump again, spin jump left to kill the flying clown and drop onto the platform with the stars. This will transport you to another part of this level via the stars, go left and kill the clowns and collect all the items. Jump onto the trampoline and jump to the upper right platform, killing clowns in your way. go right and collect the items and the 1-up. After you collect the 1-up, go back to the transport stars and back to where the 4 star platforms are. Jump onto the top left SP #3 and make it crumble, falling onto and it will crumble dropping Aero back to the cannon. Hop back into the cannon and shoot back up and to the right, landing on the upper star platform. From jump right into the wings, this will let you levitate for about 5 seconds, then go up between the two platforms and collect the stars from both sides. Drop back down and get back into the cannon, shoot back up to and crumble it falling onto , crumble it and fall back onto the ground. Go right and jump through the fiery hoop without hitting the fire on eiter side falling to the ground then go left. Pick up the items and avoid the spikes and kill the clowns, go up the ladder collect the items and find jump on it and make it crumble. Go back down and to the right and you will see some stars to the right. Hop in them and go to the Bonus round. ********************************************* *Circus Act 2: Find the Key and Rescue Ariel* ********************************************* From the start go right and wait for the clown to turn back right, once he does, jump on the unicycle. Aero is invicible on the unicycle so ride it down the tightrope and run into the 3 clowns. Once you kill the 3 clowns, go back up to the start of thetightrope and hang down, drop off and you will fall into a pair of wings. Hover over to the platform to the right and then run into the next set of wings. From here hover all the way up to the bonus bubble on the platform above. Kill the hovering enemy and drop down to the end of the tightrope. If you don't get the Hover Wings, then go to the trampoline to the right and jump up to the bonus bubble above. From here go right and kill the clown, hit the gate and get the cheese. Go down the ladder and get the drink on the right, go left, kill the clown get the hotdog and then down the ladder. Go right and spin attack the clown and get the stars, go down the ladder and then right to get the hotdog. Now go left and hit the checkpole, continue left and then up, killing the clowns, go left and fall through the rings. Grab the cupcake and then kill the clown, continue left to the cannon. Hop onto the cannon and shoot the Hovering enemy, hop down and push the cannon to the right. Jump in and shoot Aero up through the platforms and then hover left. Here you will find some items and the KEY!!! From here, retrace your steps and go back up all the ladders that you came down to find the key. Once all the way to the upper checkpole, go right up the ladder and then right. Go down the platforms collecting the items along the way, once at the bottom go right. Avoid the spikes and jump onto the trampoline, get a good bounce going and then spin jump to the left, killing the hovering enemy and collecting some items and the Lightning Box (2 spins per jump see ITEMS section). Jump right and spin collecting some stars, spinjump again in the same jump to collect the rest of the stars and land on the platform to the right and hit the checkpole. From here, jump onto the first balloon and then the second and then onto the third. Ride the third balloon up and then jump onto the platform to the left. Go left killing the clowns and then down the ladder. Go right and kill the clown, then spin jump the hovering enemy and then spin again to get past the spikes to (2) 1-ups and a clock. Get them then retrace your steps and fall back to the 3rd balloon. jump right and spin until you reach the platform. Go right, kill both clowns and then position the cannon below the rings. Shoot Aero through the rings and then hover to the platform on the right. Drop down and go left killing the enemies that get in your way, get to the trampoline and start to bounce. Bounce up and spin attack the clown to the right. Go right, grab the drink and go up the ladder. Shoot the clown and go left, go up the ladder and then left to the unicycle. You'll notice a parachute, so before you hop on the unicycle, hang from the tightrope and drop onto the parachute, falling and collecting items along the way. Climb back up the ladder and hop onto the cycle, ride the unicycle up the tightrope killing the clowns in your way (remember that you are invincible on the unicycle). Collect the items along the way and then once you get to the end the cycle will propel you off towards the cage in which Ariel is held captive. You will unlock the cage by hitting it and she will be free. Hop into the stars and it's back to the Bonus Stage. ******************************************* *Circus Act 3: Find Fifteen Star Platforms* ******************************************* From the start fall onto the parachute and veer to the right to pick up (3) lollipops, then quickly to the left for (3) cheese, then right for (3) sodas, back left for (3) hotdogs and then back to the right for (3) cupcakes. Land then go right through the first gate, but before you run throught the second on, jump up through the 4 red blocks by the second gate. Pick up the items and go back down and through the second gate. Hop up to the platform with the balloon on the upper left, ride the balloon up and then spin attack the clown to the left. Hop onto the second balloon and spin jump over to the platformon the right for a 1-up. Drop back down and go right, spin attack the 2 clowns and crumble the and . Head right to the cannon and position it under the items that are under the fiery rings. Shoot throught the rings and veer to the left to hit the checkpole. Go up the ladder and all the way left to get the 1-up. Now back right and spin attack the trapeze enemy above. Jump from trapeze to trapeze collecting stars and 'A's. Kill the clown and head up the big ladder. Hop onto the unicycle and ride it to the end, killing all enemies in your way. Head right to the diving board and jump over it and spin all the way right to pick up a 1-up. Jump back and get on the diving board. Dive off the board into the center, collecting items and land in the pool below. Head right, shoot the clown and elephant along the way to a checkpole. Head right and up the ladder, kill enemies and crumble and and now go back left and then down the ladder. Kill the trapeze enemy and try to veer right on your descent so you don't hit the spikes below. Jump up and to the right into a hidden room, jump up to the top to get another 1-up. Swing from trapeze to trapeze to the left side and hit the checkpole. Kill the clown and before you hop onto the unicycle, look below and see the parachute. Hang down and fall into the chute and grap the items on the way to the platform below. Jump down to the right and grab the 1-up, then jump from platform to platform heading left and then jump up to the tightrope. Head right on the tightrope to get all the items you missed. Now head back left and hit the checkpole, jump over the spikes and up the ladder. Jump onto and then jump all the way right to the transport stars. Go right from the stars and up the ladder, go right into the invincible star and kill the clowns. Jump onto the trampoline and get the stars, then jump to the left and collect all the items, kill the clown and get the 1-up. Go back down and transport through the stars back to the Star Platforms. Once at the top, jump right onto then onto and down to and finally or duck on the D-Pad. Do not worry about the items in this level, because going for them will probably kill you. Just worry about ducking under the spikes and jumping over the ones on the ground. When there is a break in the track, you must have enough speed to make the jump or else you die. this level is relatively easy if you aren't too greedy. The 1-ups are over the breaks in the track, so you should be able to grab 3 of them. ********************************************** *Fun Park Act 3: Find Keys and Open the Doors* ********************************************** Go right to the elevator, ride it up then get off and go left to hit the checkpole. Kill the clown, grab the item then up the ladder. Wait for the Cloud then hop on and make your way over to the platform on the other side. Grab the Lightning Box and spinjump up and left, grab the item, jump over the spikes and kill the clown. Grab the parachute and get the stars, drop down to get the cheese then back up to wait for the cloud. Make your way over again then down the ladder. Spinjump over the spikes to kill the clown, do it again then shoot the fire breathing clown and grab the Key. Go back the way you came and drop down the elevator shootstaying to the rightside. When you hit bottom, go right and open the door. Head right and up the elevator to the checkpole, dropdown to the trampoline but don't bounce. Walk to the rightside and spinjump through the right hidden throughway to get the wings. Float up and get the 1-up and then drop back down and jump back out to the trampoline. Jump up right and get on the next trampoline, bounce up to the middle platform to get the clock and some items. Go back and jump on the trampoline to get to the upper platform. Grab the items and jump to the platform to the left, head up and then to the right to get a bunch of items and kill the enemy. Go back down and drop to the left, keep amking your way down killing enemies and getting the Key. Make your way back to the elevator shaft and drop keeping to the rightside, unlock the door and continue to the right. Get on the elevator and ride it to the top, then drop all the way down and hit the checkpole. Go right and push the cannon back to the left under the opening. Hop in and shoot up and to the left, drop down onto the balloon and ride it to the clock. Get the clock and immediately jump to the right to get back down to the cannon, push the cannon right a little to another opening. Shoot all the way up and kill the clown and grab the start. Continue upwards killing the clowns and grapping the items, until you get to the Key!! Go back down but not all the way, there is a hidden throughway at the top of the first ladder on the right through the red and blue checkered wall. Fall all the way down and kill the clowns, grab the items and the (2) 1-ups, then ride the balloon back to the hidden throughway. Now go all the way down to the cannon and push it right to another opening, shoot up and to the right. Ride the balloon and get another 1-up and then back down to the cannon again. Go back to the left and ride the balloon back to the elevator shaft. Fall down the shaft and unlock the next door to the right. Go up the elevator and then right to a ladder then left, kill a clown then up another ladder. Wait for a cloud then hop on, then spinjump to the left and grab the 1-up. get back on the clouds and then make your way over to the platform to the right. Now up the ladder and jump over the spikes and go under them collecting items and finally getting to the end of the platform. Kill all the clowns and hop on the food stand, spinjump to the upper left and grab the KEY!!! Make your way back to the elevator shaft but don't go all the way down yet. Fall and quickly get to the right to go through the red and blue checkered hidden wall. Collect the items and back down the shaft to unlock the next door and get to the next elevator. Go up the elevator and then to the right killing the clowns and getting the items, now turn around and go back to the elevator shaft. Drop and go to the right like the last shaft to go through the secret throughway. Get the items and go right going down the ladder, kill the flying clown and head left. Kill the other clown and go down the ladder to shoot another clown and pick up an item. make your way right shooting clowns and collecting goods. Go down the ladder and jump on the Clown Mouth, shoot the clown and grab the 4 cupcakes. Jump on the balloon and ride it to get the 1-up to the right, now back down to the same balloon and ride it up until you see a balloon to the left. Hop on that one and float up, kill the clown and jump into the warp. ******************************** *Fun Park Act 4: Ride the Rotor* ******************************** Go right and up the ladder, kill the clown(s) and then head into the Rotor to ride to the otherside. When you are on the Rotor, you can only flip up and down. If there is something in your way up, then press down, if there is something in your way down, then press up. Go out and down, hit the checkpole and kill the clown and grab some stars. Go down the ladder and grab the items and get the clowns, now down again and right. Shoot the clown then up the ladder, jump off the ladder and spin attack the clown. Jump to the 1-up on the left ledge, then back on the ladder and up to kill the flame throwing clown and grab the stars. Hit the checkpole and head into the second Rotor. This one is a little harder than the first, but it's not too hard. Leave the Rotor and head to the ladder, go down and jump attack the spinning clown and grab the 1-up. Head down and then to the left, shoot the 2 spinning clowns and take the ladder up. Get the items to the left, kill the next to clowns going right and grab the stars. Go back left and head down the ladder, go down the ladder to the right and then head right to kill the cown and grab the 'A'. Now go right taking out the two spinning clowns and the big clown, climb the ladder, spin attack the clown and grab the 1-up. Go up the ladder then to the left, jump onto the small ledges killing the clowns and grabbing the 'A's and the clock at the top. Drop down hit the checkpole and into the final Rotor. This one is harder than the last two, but persevere and you'll get through it.Head down and grab the cupcake before heading into the warp stars to Act 5... ********************************************* *Fun Park Act 5: Jump Through 25 Magic Hoops* ********************************************* Aero starts this level out on a trampoline, bounce and jump up to the platform on the upper right. Kill the two clowns and grab the Lightning Box, spinjump to the stars in the upper left hand corner,then fall back down to the trampoline. Bounce again and jump to the first platform on the right, shoot the clown and down the ladder. Hop onto the platform and spin attack the spinning clown to get a couple of 'A's, now down the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, spinjump right and go through the hidden throughway, double jump to the platform and grab the 1-up. Now back through and to the left, jump over the spikes and hit the check pole. Shoot the clown and head up the ladder, jump right and through through . Back up the ladder, spinattack the flying enemy and then head left to shoot the clown. Jump through through , land and shoot the clown, head right through the gate and collect all the items and the 1-up at the top avoiding the spikes. Go down and out the gate to the right and back up the ladder for the third time. Go left and then fall down to the bottom, go left until you reach the Ferris Wheel. There are 2 clowns riding the Wheel and one walking back and forth below. Wait to the side for the 2 riding the Wheel and jump and shoot them as they come by, then get the one below. Hop on the Ferris Wheel and ride it to the top, jump off onto the platforms and head to the left. You can jump down to grab some items and then jump back up the blocks but that is up to you. Hit the checkpole and jump through through into the pool below. Get out of the pool and go left nailing the two clowns in your way, then the clown with the balloons and hit the checkpole andgrab the hotdog. Defeat the next two clowns and ride the elevator up, go right and hop down to the trampoline. Bounce up and grab the stars and the Lightning Box and then bounce through the hidden wall located lower left and grab the items. Go back to the trampoline and bounce and shoot the clown and over the spikes. Bounce through through , shoot the clown and bounce over to through . Now bounce to the right and then spinjump to the upper left to grab another 1-up, hop back down and bounce left to clear through . Spin attack the clown and jump to the platform on the right over the spikes. Hit the checkpole and defeat the flame blower clown, jump up and grab the invincible stars and slide down the ladder and go right. Kill the 3 clowns while invincible and then up the ladder to the right, go up to the next two platforms and then to the right defeating the clowns. Jump onto the trampoline below and then clear through and then right to hit the checkpole. Hop into the Ferris Wheel and ride it to the top and then jump to the upper left platform over the spikes. Go to the left and pick the 1-up, now go back down to the Wheel and ride it until you get to the upper right and jumpspin right and then jumpspin left to get another 1-up. Jump to the Ferris Whell on the right and then up to the platform and the checkpole to the right. Jump from platform to platform avoiding the spikes and make your way up and to the left. Shoot the clown and hit the next checkpole, head to your left and shoot the two clowns. Jump onto the Snack Hut and then to the platforms above, jump from platform to platform going to the right and find a bunch of 'A's and a fire breating clown. Shoot him get the items and go back the way you came. Head up the ladder and then jump and head to the right to find yet another hidden pathway. Run through the Clown Mouth and collect the items and kill the clown, go back and jump on the Clown Mouth to find more items above. Head back through the passage and onto the diving board, now jump through through . Hit the pool and head left defeating the clowns and heading up the platform and wait for the cloud. Jump on the cloud and then jump down to get the Lightning Box, get back up to the clouds and get to the platform on the left. Slide down the ladder, hit the checkpole and then on to the platform, to the balloon, then the platforms and jump to where Aero falls on a bunch of items and a balloon. Ride it back to the platform and jump over the spikes and into the warp stars to the bonus round... ********************************* *Fun Park Boss: Meet Mr. Bubbles* ********************************* You have to hit Mr. Bubbles flashing nose with a spin attack. When he extends his hand that tries to grab Aero, don't spin attack, because you can't do any damage to him. Hit him 8 times in the nose to kill him, while avoiding the snot bubbles that come out his nose when you hit him each time. A pretty easy boss. **************************** *Woods Act 1: Find the Exit* **************************** From the start, go left and down into the hole, jump to the left and find a hidden throughway. Continue all the way left defeating the clown and grabbing the clock. Go back right and out the hidden throughway, jump up and then go to the left up the platforms. Here you will defeat the clown and grab the stars. Head to the right again and keep going collecting items and killing clowns. Jump up and hit the checkpole, go down and then up the platforms collecting the items and then to the right shooting clowns on the upper platforms. Continue going right and collect the 'A's after defeating the Fire Breather, now keep heading to the right through the hidden pathway and grab another 'A'. Now head back left and then down the platforms, avoiding the wooden spikes in the pits. Head right grabbing the cupcake and shooting the clown, use the catapult to grab stars and then head right to the tree. Do not go into the opening just yet, spinjump up over the tree to the items on the right side of the tree, get the items and enter the tree. Drop down to the bottom and then head to the right and climb the tightrope. Head up over the tightrope and get the wings to float up and get the item above. Now head to the left back to the tree and go through it to the other side, shoot the clown and grab the checkpole. Head left shooting the clowns and jumping over the water, over the spikes and jump up to the trampoline to grab some more stars. Go down and shoot soome more clowns over the red bridge and to the checkpole on the platform. Go up the platforms going left and into the secret room where you can grab a Lightning Box. Now go down and head up and over the tightrope to the catapult awaiting below. Hop on the catapult and bounce and jump until you get all the items and the 1-up. Now go down into the hole and to the left and get the 'A', now back up to the platform on the left and head left collecting items and head into the warp stars... *Woods Act 2: Ride the Barrel* Similar to the rollercoaster act at the Fun Park, you enter the tree and come out in a barrel rolling down the hill. Do not worry about the items because this Act is pretty tough. You will probably lose a few Aero's on this one, but once you get a rhythm down, it's not too bad. Jump over water and spikes to get to the end of this level, but if you run into either one, you will die. There are two stretches of barrel rolling, after the first one, come out of the tree and jump up left to grab the 1-up. Hit the checkpole and then on to the next tree for some more rolling. On this turn, go for the items because the spikes and water will not interfere with you. End up in the tree and come out to find the warp stars and on to... **************************** *Woods Act 3: Do the Bungee* **************************** From the start head sown the tree and then to the left, hop over the spikes and grab the 4 stars, jump on top of the tree entrance and jump to the left to grab the 1-up. Now back through the tree right and then jump on top of the right entrance and make your way up the platforms shooting the clowns and the 1-up. Now drop down on tho the Bungee Jump, get into the jump spot and it will drop you down. It is kinda hard to control the rise and fall of the cord, so do your best to grab all the itmes and the key. You will be propelled down 3 times until you are automatically released from the bungee harness, but you can get back in for another go around if you don't get everything. Now unlock the gate and head right shooting the clowns until you get to the next Bungee Jump. Go down and get all the items and the key avoiding the spikes, once you are done hop on top of the Bungee Jump hut. Go up the platforms and grab the clock on the right and then head left jumping from platform to platform. Kill the clowns and head into the secret area through the hidden pathways to get some items and a Lightning Box. Head left through another secret pathway and hit the parachute to collect a bunch of items and a 1-up. Now head back right and unlock the door. Go right and grab the wings to fly up and grab the clock and then through the secret throughway and shoot the clowns and grab some items. Go right through another hidden throughway and make your way right and drop down to collect a ton of items and onto the Bungee Jump Hut. Bungee down to grab more items and another key. Go back up unlock the door and head right to the warp stars. ****************************** *Woods Act 4: Ride the Rapids* ****************************** This Act is a little tricky, there a few 1-ups, but to make this level worth it, you should only concer yourself with the first 1-up which is at the beginning. Before you start sliding, jump up and to the right to grab the 1-up, now slide down avoiding the spikes by jumping or ducking. There are items along the way, but get them at your own risk, I died more often trying to grab items so it is not worth it to me. Slide down and avoiding the spikes and fall into a pool below, go left and grab the 'A's and hit the checkpole. Slide down again avoiding the spikes again and land into another pool, go left and grab the 'A's again and hit the checkpole. Now go right and back to the sliding yet again, avoid the spikes and try to stay right to get some 1-ups along the way. Fall into the pool and then head right to the warp stars.. ********************* *Woods Boss: Nothing* ********************* That's right, no Bonus levels or Boss for the Woods stage. *********************************** *Museum Act 1: Explore the Hallway* *********************************** From the start, head right avoiding the fire and jumping over the lava, get the stars and keep going right killing the helmet enemies and then to the elevator. Go up and shoot the enemy on the right, jump left to the trampoline, bounce to get the stars and then head left killing enemies. Avoid the spikes that rotate in a circle and grab the 'A's, keep going to the left and make your way up to the platform avoiding the fire, shooting the enemy and jumping over the saws. Grab the 1-up and 'A's and then head back to the elevator. Jump over the elevator and grab the item to the right, now drop back to the bottom and head right. Jump through the guillotines and over the water, shoot the enemy and jump to the trampoline that is on the wall sideways. This will shoot you left and then go up the ladder, then shoot the enemy and go to the left through the hidden path. Get the stars and other items and then head back right, and down the ramps collecting items and avoiding the fire. Now head right under the saws and hit the checkpole then jump up to the trampoline to get the stars. Jump throught the poles avoiding the saws and into the middle onto the next trampolines, be careful to get into the middle or you will fall into the lava and die. After three jumps from trampoline to trampoline, bounce up to the upper right ledge through the saws and shoot the enemy. Grab the item and drop to the right, go down the ladder and grab the items on the left. Hit the checkpole and down the ramps shooting the enemies and hopping on the statues to grab the items, watching out for the clowns that explode out of the statues that you are jumping on. Go right up the ramp and jump through the guillotines back down the ramp avoiding the fireball, hitting the checkpole, and then up the elevator. Jump to the left and head for the platforms avoiding the fireball and shooting any enemies that may pop up, jump from platform to platform and then jump into the warp stars at the end. *************************************** *Museum Act 2: Ride the Conveyor Belts* *************************************** From the start, go right past the elevator and into the hidden section picking up some items, now back to the elevator and ride it up. Go right at the the top and jump on the conveyor, ride it down jump over the saws and then up the other one to a checkpole. Shoot the enemy and jump on the upper right conveyor, going up and to the left from conveyor to conveyor to the platform to the left. Go through the hidden area and pick up a ton of items, then back to the start of the platform. Fall to the right and hover to reach the platform below, and then fall to the left and hover to get the 1-up, now drop back to the checkpole. Jump to the lower conveyor belt and make your way to the right avoiding the saws to get to the next checkpole. Head right from conveyor to conveyor and shoot enemies and hop up to the platform to get the 'A's. Before jumping down, go right through the hidden area and get the Bonus, now drop down to the belt and then go to the right to get the 1-up. Head back up and to the left riding the belts all the way to the ground, now go right to pick up some items and head into the secret area for some more. Now go left and jump on the statues, the second one hides a clown so watch out, jump from the second statue to the ledge above to get another 1-up. Now go down and to the left, kill the enemy and gather the items and hit the checkpole and then up the belts and then over to the left. Go down the conveyors and pick up items along the way, now once at the bottom go to the left side. Then up the next conveyor belts and the down and left collecting items and WAIT to go into the warp stars. Jump over the stars and get the clock and then go into the stars... ************************* *Museum Act 3: The Tower* ************************* Start off heading right, hitting enemies and then to the right wall. Jump up and hit the enemy and collect the items watching out for the statue the shoots fire out. Now go down the ladder and go left, slide down the green slime and over to the other side. Wait until the statue stops breathing fire and then jump on it, then jump onto the platform and over the slime to the 1-up avoiding the saws. Go back down to the left and down the ladder, start to slide then jump to the right onto the fire statue getting the 'A'. Now slide down and get the items and then jump into the side trampoline on the wall over to the one on the left and into a bunch of stars and a 1-up. Slide down the ladder and then go left watching out for the clown that breaks out of the statue, hit the checkpole and make your way up the platforms to grab another 1-up and then it's down the ladder and right. Slide down the green slime avoiding the saws by jumping and ducking, down down the next ladder and left. Watch out for the clown in the dtatue and slide down the slime again to the wall, jump and get the Lightning box and jump up to the platform. Head up the platforms avoiding the saws and get another 1-up, now back down to the ladder to the left. Slide down again avoiding the saws hitting the checkpole and down the ladder again. Slide right avoiding the saws once again getting the items and down to the next checkpole. Go down the slide and hit the next checkpole avoiding the saws as usual, now head up the very small platforms to the right. I like to jump and then hover so I don't fall into the lava, get up to the clock and other items and then back down left to the ladder. Down the ladder and grab the stars to the right, and then up and get the clock, now down the next lader and jump over the lava and kill the enemies. Go down the next ladder and then double jump left to get the 1-up on the ledge and down the next ladder. Go left and to the next ladder and down to the right, avoid the spinning spikes and hit the next checkpole. Go down the next ladder and slide down the slime slide avoiding the saws and down to the fire statue below. Hop up onto the statue and then to the small platforms above to get a 1-up and kill a floating enemy, now drop down to the ladder. Slide down the ladder, hit the checkpole and slide down the slime, avoiding the saws, thenjump on the trampoline and veer to the left to get the 'A's and then veer left again and fall, avoiding the saws, back to the ground and down the ladder. Hit the checkpole, kill the enemy and then slide left, again avoiding the saws and picking up some 'A's, then down the ladder again. Go down the next slide going right, avoiding the saws and pick up the clock and down the ladder at the bottom. Run under the statues and then go back and kill the clowns and then back to the left, jump left at the wall trampoline then to the next and up into the stars and 1-up. Now drop down hit the checkpole and slide down the ladder, run right shooting the ghosts and over to the next ladder. Go down and left avoiding the swinging spikes to the other side to grab an 'A'. Head down the ladder hit the checkpole and then hit the slime slide again, avoiding the saws. Go down the last ladder and head left, shooting the ghost and into the warp stars... ****************************************** *Museum Act 4: Explore the Secret Passage* ****************************************** Go right, kill the ghost and spin attack the wall twice to break it, now keep going right and drop off the platform and go back left to jump over some saws and get some stars. Go back right and get the items and then hop up on the platforms and kill the ghosts and up to the platform in the upper right and break the wall with two star shots. Continue right and bust the wall to the upper right to get some 'A's and then back to the left and up onto the ledge with a saw under it. Break the wall and head left to a room with a 1-up, now go back out and continue right to hit a checkpole and then go down to the platform with the spinning spikes and go right breaking yet another wall and hop onto the trampoline to get another 1-up. Head left out of the area and under the spinning spikes and drop down and go right breaking another wall to collect some items. Now go back left and break another wall and keep going to the left, go under the first platform and then up to it to hit a checkpole and then go left to an electric tightrope. Jump onto the electric tightrope but watchout for an electric pulse that will travel left inflicting damage if it hits you. Jump over the saws on the tightrope and onto the ground and then bounce on the trampoline to get items and then up to the platform on the left. Jump on the parachute and ride it down collecting a bunch of items and falling to the ground, kill the ghost and break the wall to the right. Shoot the ghost and hop on the lava raft that will automatically shove off to the right. Jump over the blocks in your way back onto the raft, if you fall into the lava you are doomed. I use the jump then float technique to get back to the raft, there is a 1-up that you can get on one of the blocks and then back to the raft and to the other side. Hit the checkpole, shoot the enemy and break the wall to continue moving to the right. Shoot the enemies and jump up to the platform above, move under or over the spinning spikes heading left and then hop onto the statue the shoots fire. Hop up and move to the right shooting enemies and then break through the wall, keep going right and bounce off the trampolines on the sides of the walss to get items and make it to the platform above and left. Now through the wall and down to meet the electric robot that shoots an electrical pulse at you, avoid it and jump on the electrical tightrope. Jump over the saws on the tightrope, avoiding the electrical pulse and the saws. Get off the electric tightrope and into the warp stars. ****************************** *Museum Act 5: The Laboratory* ****************************** From the start, go left into the hidden area, grab the Lightning Box and jump over the lava to get a 1-up, now jump back over then out of the hidden area and down the path. Jump onto the Fire statue heads to get stars and then down to the wall trampoline in the lower right hand corner. Bounce off the wall trampoline over to the next getting items and then to the platform on the right and jump left to get to another hidden area to find some items. Head back to right and past some statues that will reveal a clown, kill him and avoid the fire bubble and on to the checkpole to the right. Drop down avoiding the spikes and get the stars to the right, go over the swinging spikes and over to the left and drop onto the fire statue. Fall off and head left to get a 1-up and then back right shooting the floating enemies and coming to a box where a laserbeam is travelling from corner to corner. Avoid the beam and continue going right shooting the robot, grabbing the 'A' and going up the elevator. While up there go right and get some stars in a hidden area and then jump left to get more stars in another hidden area and then back down. Head right again shooting the robot and avoiding the two laserbeams, keep going right past the wall trampoline into the hidden area and grabbing the 'A'. Go back out and hit the trampolines up and onto the platform to the left shooting the ghost and continuing right shooting ghosts. Drop down and then run right under the spinning spikes all the way to the left wall and down grabbing all the items and head right. Kill a ghost and keep going right to get to a tightrope, hop onto it and hang and shimmy to the right. Hop back up and continue right to a checkpole. Hop on the tightrope and watch out for the pulse that will head your way, hop over the saws and grab some 'A's and then off the tightrope. Shoot the enemy and jump over the lave past the elevator into a hidden area to find a 1-up and then hit the checkpole and up the elevator. Once up jump and hover onto the blocks to the left and through the hidden area after you shoot the enemy. Run to the left and get a whole lot of items, when you hit the last room, jump up and to the left to get to another room with (4) 1-ups, now go back out. Go right shooting the ghost and dropping down at the wall, now go left avoiding the spinning spikes and jump to get some stars and then fall down to get some more. Get all the way to the bottom and shoot the ghost and go back left to hit the checkpole and get some 'A's, now head right and shoot some ghosts and go past the laserbeam. Shoot the robot and head for the lava raft. This trip on the lava raft is a little harder, but if you use the jump and hover technique, you should do fine. Once you get past the lave hit the checkpole and shoot the ghostand head for the electrical tightrope. Hop on the tightrope and go over to the wall, jump and get the stars and head over the platforms to the left and hit the checkpole. Now head right past the (2) laser beams and collect some 'A's toward a series of laserbeams. Get past them and jump over the warp stars to get a 1-up and then back into them to meet the Big Boss.. *********************************** *Museum Boss: Edgar Ektor's Domain* *********************************** You start out watching Edgar (the clown) and his Bat sidekick(the one that was controlling Mr. Bubbles) hop into a giant clown face machine and head up. You will have to jump up as the arrow on your right will show, from platform to platform until the arrow stops. Collect 'A's along the way and when their machine stops, spin attack the nose part while avoiding spinning clowns that come out of the clown mouth. After a bunch of hits, the two baddies head up again leaving you to chase them. Just like the last time keep going up and try not to hit the electrified stuff and the spinning spikeballs. Again you will stop and this time they will launch a couple clowns at you, keep spin attacking the mouth and the mouth will eventually fall off. You will then chase them again grabbing 'A's along the way until eventually you get to the top and aim for the nose when you stop. They will unleash a propeller to get you, simply avoid it and it will retract. Keep pounding the nose, avoiding the clowns and you will destroy the machine. ############################################################################## VIII. Bonus Rounds ############################################################################## 1. Circus Act Bonus: ************************ *Dive Through the Rings* ************************ This is pretty straight forward, make sure Aero makes it throught he rings by guiding him through them with the D-pad. You must hit the pool below or you fail, if you make it through every ring and hit the pool you get 1000 points and an extra life. 2. Fun Park Act Bonus ************** *Stayin Alive* ************** This is a rollercoaster bonus, jump and duck all the way. Unlike the first rollercoaster act, try and get all the items, it will not harm you. Watchout for the spikes and you should be alright. 3. Woods Act Bonus None 4. Museum Act Bonus **************************** *Bounce off the Trampolines* **************************** You cannot die, simply bounce from trampoline to trampoline and collect the items all the way up. There are a ton of items and a bunch of 1-ups, so explore everywhere and get everything before you go all the way up and out of the bonus round. ############################################################################## IX. Ending ############################################################################## When you beat the machine, it will go haywire breaking through the wall to the right and fall over a cliff. Edgar hangs on but Aero automatically goes over to him and punches him off the cliff. Edgar falls and Aero watches and then a screen comes up with an overweight Aero that reads 'CONGRATULATIONS". Press a button and the credits roll then the Game Cleared screen. Great you just beat a very mediocre game.