ALTERED BEAST: Guardian of the Realms 2.0 Contents: 0) Revisions/Permissions/Legalities 1) Story 2) Controls 3) Items 4) Beast Form Talisman List 5) Level Strategies 6) Boss Strategies 7) Credits 1.0 - Wrote most of the guide 1.1 - Added other talismans for Cerathos and Chimera 1.2 - Improved Boss strategies 1.3 - Added Permissions list and corrected a few minor spelling errors 2.0 - Extra permission and new Hydra strategy. Permissions List: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These sites have permission to post this and all future works of mine: Enjoy, people! LEGAL STUFF: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Screw the legal stuff. Don't rip off my work and everything will be cool savvy? You want to use it, drop me a line. I really don't care if you use it, but at least let me know where my works going. Email's at the bottom. (1) STORY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a fine line between order and chaos. This delicate balance is preserved by the will of Zeus alone. From his throne on Olympus, Zeus maintains peace throughout all planes of existence. Guardians, chosen by Zeus himself, safe guarded access to the Hall of Realms. The Hall serves as a nexus to the mulitverse. The guardians maintain the fragile balance. A Dark Reaper named Arcanon seeks to upset that balance. He has attacked Zeus' Guardians and stolen the keys to the Realm Gates. He intends to create armies across the multiverse and attack Olympus. Zeus must now call upon the fallen heroes to defeat Arcanon and his minions to reclaim the Hall and restore the balance. As a Guardian, you have been imbued with the power to absorb the essence of each plane. These essences come in the form of Spirit Balls held by Arcanon's thieves, the Spirit Suckers. Collecting the Spirit Balls will transform you into an Altered Beast. You must travel to the captured realms and recover the lost Altered Beast spirits and Gate Keys. Never give up and emerge victorious against Arcanon! (2) Controls D-Pad: Navigate menus/Move Antonius left, right, or crouch. Plus changes your attacks. A button: Confirm selection/Kick attacks (A+up = High kick, A+down = Kick straight up, A alone = Front kick) B button: Cancel/Punch attacks (B+up = Uppercut, B+down = Low Punch, B alone = Straight Punch) Start: Confirm selection Select: Unused. L or R buttons: Jumps L or R buttons: Super Jump (you just jump higher, don't try to use it as an attack.) I was playing this on a Game Boy Advance SP so if the buttons are different on a normal GBA someone let me know. P.S. If his punch and kick are on opposite buttons, in the options menu there's an option that says swap buttons. It switches A and B. Use whichever setting is more comfortable for you. It makes a difference, trust me. (3) Items: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This game is a side scroller/fighting game, sure, but it still has its fair share of items. Spirit Ball: Looks like a little glowing white/gold ball. First one you get makes you a normal sized person, second bodybuilder, and finally, your Altered Beast for that level. Dropped by Orange Ghosts. Damage increases with each spirit ball. Beast Form Talisman: Looks like an eyeball, various colors. Changes what your current Altered Beast looks like. You will always become whatever Beast Form the talisman you grabbed last gives you. Permanent. It's supposed to make your beast forms stronger, but I didn't notice a difference. If someone can confirm this, let me know. 1-up: Looks like a golden ball that occasionally turns into the number one. I don't think this needs an explanation on it's use. Dropped by Gold Ghosts. Gold Ghosts appear at about 25,000 and 50,000 points. Then when you hit 125,000 then 150,000 and then 225,000 and then 250,000... you get the idea. Continue: Looks like a gold ball with 3 blue ones attacked in a triangular shape. This one doesn't need an explanation either. Dropped by White Ghosts. White Ghosts appear every 100,000 points. One Shot Magic: Starts out as a white ball, but changes form to give you bonus abilities for a short time. They are as follows- Green Ball - Adrenaline: Increased movement and attack speed. Red Apple - Ambrosia: Fills health meter. Orange Fireball - Armageddon: Wipes out all enemies on the screen. Silverish White Ball - Berserk: Double damage to enemies and you won't be knocked over after losing a bar of health, unless you die of course. Golden Sun - Determination: Temporary invincibility. We are talking real short, like 3 seconds. Glowing Broken Rocks - Earthquake. Kills all ground units. Stone with Gold Aura - Inner fire. Shoots fireballs from your top 180 degrees, one at a time. Red Heart - Regenerate. Gradually heals you, for a total of 2 bars. Stone with Blue Aura - Shockwave. Wherever you hit this it sends a blue wave from either side of you, killing whatever comes in contact with it. Yellow ball with green inside - Venom. Double damage to enemies. Stone with Purple Aura - Zander's Shield. Surrounded by a purple shield, killing whatever touches it. (4) Beast Form Talisman List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The spirit balls you obtain change what you are depending on the level. You can only play the beast forms of that level in that level, because at the end of each level you get hit by a blue lightning bolt which makes you back to the scrawny man you start as. The first one you get takes you from small guy to medium guy. Next takes you from medium guy to large guy. And what happens after that depends on the level. By the way I dunno what these attacks are called, so the names are made up. Each variation is obtained by running through the level again and looking for a talisman. Sometimes if they're in one spot one run of the level, they'll be there in other runs. There are exceptions though. I have listed the furthest range I have been able to hit with each attack as well. Ranges are as follows: Close range: Give em a kiss. Short range: Reach out and touch someone Medium range: More than a jump or two away Long range: All the way across the screen. Level- Crete: Canis, the werewolf. Punch: Energy Shot, similar to Ryu and Ken's Hadoken from the Street Fighter series. Long range Kick: Energy Dash, Blue energy field surrounds you and you zoom across the screen. Temporary invulnerability. Long range Variations: Artic Canis, Obsidian Canis, Golden Canis. Dubari: Nagi, the snake Punch: Acid Breath, spit short burst of acid. Short range Kick: Spiral Dash, curl up in a lil ball and roll people over. Long range Variations: Diamond Nagi, Ruby Nagi, Emerald Nagi. Lerna: Draco, the dragon. Punch: Lightning bolt breath, spit out a good sized thunderbolt. Medium range. Kick: Lightning Shield, surrounded by spit second barrier. Close range. Variations: Metallic Draco, Crystalline Draco, Alpha Draco. Sahar: Smilodon, the tiger. Punch: Fireball throw. Hold up to toss one at a diagonal angle. Medium range. Kick: Fire spin. Envelope self in flames and bounce up and down. Range depending on direction held. Close range if no direction held. Variations: Sumatra Tiger, Corbetti Tiger, White Tiger. Organica: Terapis, the spiked turtle. Punch: Spits arrow shaped projectile, like a laser or something. Long range. Kick: Spikes extend, and you twirl across the screen. Long range. Variation: Ankie, Steggie, Trudy. (Don't ask me. I think its for Ankylosaurus, Stegasaurus, and maybe Triceratops?) Oceanus: Charodon, the shark. Punch: Water Shockwave. Arc shaped beam. Long range. Kick: Somersault. Spin in place or in a direction. Range again depending on direction held. No direction, close range. Variations: Leopard Charodon, Tiger Charodon, Panther Charodon. Despot: Cerathos, the rhino. Punch: Shockwave in a straight line, even off of cliffs. Medium range. VERY SLOW. Kick: Rhino charge. Dash in a straight line, and do a little hop at the end. Long range. Variations: Steel Cerathos, Iron Cerathos, Titanium Cerathos. Vulcan: Scorpios, the scorpion. Punch: Green shockwaves thrown from your claws. Long range. Kick: Tail laser. Shoots ray of light from tip of your tail hitting whatever's in front of you. Close to medium range. (Longer range if you jump and use it.) Variations: Sand Scorpios, Rock Scorpios, Ice Scorpios. Haven: Avion, the eagle. Punch: Whirlwind thrown before you. Short range. VERY SLOW. Kick: Pin Missile. Shoots what I think is feathers at things in front of you and below you. Short range. But all in all it looks like a pretty sweet roundhouse kick. Variations: White Avion, Night Avion, Fire Avion. Thundaga: Canis, the werewolf. Punch: Energy Shot, similar to Ryu and Ken's Hadoken from the Street Fighter series. Long range Kick: Energy Dash, Blue energy field surrounds you and you zoom across the screen. Temporary invulnerability. Long range Variations: Artic Canis, Obsidian Canis, Golden Canis. Mojave: Terapis, the spiked turtle. Punch: Spits arrow shaped projectile, like a laser or something. Long range. Kick: Spikes extend, and you twirl across the screen. Long range. Variation: Ankie, Steggie, Trudy. (Don't ask me. I think its for Ankylosaurus, Stegasaurus, and maybe Triceratops?) Parcha: Charodon, the shark. Punch: Water Shockwave. Arc shaped beam. Long range. Kick: Somersault. Spin in place or in a direction. Range again depending on direction held. No direction, close range. Variations: Leopard Charodon, Tiger Charodon, Panther Charodon. Chaos Realm: Draco, the dragon. Punch: Lightning bolt breath, spit out a good sized thunderbolt. Medium range. Kick: Lightning Shield, surrounded by spit second barrier. Close range. Variations: Metallic Draco, Crystalline Draco, Alpha Draco. Dreamscape: Chimera the, well, uh... chimera I guess. Punch: Backhand. Smacks em like a bad bad doggie. Short range. Kick: Sonar waves. Spits out a sonar like projectile killing whatever it touches. Medium range. Variations: Mega-Chimera, Chimera Lord, Giga-Chimera. Palace of the Gods: Chimera the, well, uh... chimera I guess. Punch: Backhand. Smacks em like a bad bad doggie. Short range. Kick: Sonar waves. Spits out a sonar like projectile killing whatever it touches. Medium range. Variations: Mega-Chimera, Chimera Lord, Giga-Chimera. (5) Level strategies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since this is a side scroller I cannot give too much help here. All I can give is general suggestions for each area. *note* I made up the bosses' names, too. Crete - Basic level. Mindlessly simple. Stick with punches on this one till you get your beast. Good warm up, come back a few times till you get used to your character and fighting. After a few tries should be cake. I've gone through so much that I can clear the level without getting even hit but once or twice. Breakables: Tombstones, pillars. Dubari - A bit more difficult, low punches work wonders here. Watch out for the driders. (Spider/dark elf looking things)Because they can and will web you, immobilizing you for a few, long enough for them to hurt you. The bats will latch on and drain your life, so if one grabs you mash the buttons till he lets go. High kicks work well for them. Breakables: 'Shroom clusters. Lerna - Not too hard, the boss is a pain though. Nothing here too dangerous though the skeletons with spears can mess you up pretty fast. The mosquitos will dive bomb you so either jump and pop em one or wait and high kick em out of the sky when they get close enough. Breakables: Skeleton, bone piles. Sahar - I hated this level. To survive, but you'll miss out on points, stay up high. The scorpion rats will jump up and slap you but when they jump up just kick em in the face and they don't want to play anymore. The sandstorms will push you around so watch that as well. Breakables: Jars, Logs. Organica - This level was no fun either, mainly because of the corpse scarabs. The best thing to do here is jump alot and front kick or low punch when you get the chance. Watch for all the flowers here, they spit thorns at you. Breakables: Flower stalks, flower buds. Oceanus - This level was a breeze. you can't do much here because you can't swim quite yet. But you can breathe underwater. Hmm... well anyway watch for the seahorse nagas, they spit balls of ice to immobilize you for a short time. Usually followed by a black fireball. Button mashing is a must here. The fish with forks can zap you when you get close, so be on guard there. Breakables: Exploding coral, normal coral. Despot - This level sucks. I had the hardest time here of anywhere. Nothing much for items, a slew of monsters that either explode or spit acid at you, and you are introduced to a new obstacle here, the Bottomless Pit of Doom. Fall in here and you are dead. And they are in nearly every level from here on. How fun. And that's why the rhino sucks for here because he charges, and can fall in a heartbeat. Use his charge sparingly. The bat-like things with teeth are kamakaze pilots. They will drop from the sky without warning and explode. Tread slowly. Your low attacks are your allies here. Breakables: Stone pillars, Totem Poles. Vulcan - A fire level. Fireballs shoot up and produce like possessed phoenix or something. Common enemies here though are various colored magma elementals. And they ever annoying Beholder, who's eye laser can take of a bar of health per shot. Be extremely careful in this level, because of the new trap. Some of the stones you step on fall away. And then you get to cook. How fun, huh? Breakables: Rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. And totem poles. But mostly rocks. Haven - My favorite level, mainly because you get the very cool Avion beast form very very early in the level. The enemies are really not that tough. The clouds can get annoying, they breathe ice which immobilizes you. You fight demon cherubs here, but they pose no real threat. Watch out for the suddenly spawning skeletons they can pop up and hurt you if you are not paying attention. Avion's Pin missile works like a charm here. Breakables - Exploding coral. Thundaga - This level wasn't too tough, but you run into a new obstacle here. Enemies who can block and dodge. They get real old after awhile. Plus the normal enemies take four hits to kill, instead of three. Oh yeah and the crab demons can pop in and out like a warp or teleport whenever they want to. Watch out. I found normal and low punches help. Breakables: Crystals. Mojave - Another level where it is advisable to stay up top when you can. Kicks are they key here, most of the monsters' attacks and moves can be stopped by em. Watch out for the super-jumping rhino beetles, too. The cobras like blocking your attacks so be careful with them, too. All in all not too tough if you're careful. Jump kicks work pretty well. Breakables: Jars. Parcha - This is a unique level... a dry desert as the background, water in the foreground. Does anyone else see a problem here? Anyway nothing new here just differently shaped enemies. But watch out for the demon pihrana fish, they attack and do not ever stop till they're dead. Breakables: Corals, as in Oceanus. Chaos Realm - I hated this level till I figured out how the boss died. Then it was cake. The monsters can do some good damage here. Low attacks, both punches and kicks, are quite valuable here. Watch out for the irritating teleporting lizards though. You will grow to hate them very quick. Breakables: Black obelisk. Dreamscape - This level is horrid. It has the worst of every other level in it, and they are out for blood. All I can say is survive by any means necessary and come here with at least 3 lives and 2 continues. When you get the Chimera form it does not help very much. It will most likely smack you around the first couple times you're in. But don't dispair. Practice makes perfect. Took me 3 runs till I completed it. Good luck. Breakables: Stone eyes and the stone arms holding em. Pegasus statues, too. Palace of the Gods - No level here, just Arcanon. (6) Boss Strategies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The single most aggrivating part of this FAQ. I ran against these bosses numerous times till I found a pretty simple way to kill em. Some of my ways may seem kinda cheap to you, but hey, THEY WORK. Any other ideas sent to me will be put here in a later revision and given credit, cause I'm cool like that. *NOTE* All my boss strategies are assuming you obtained all three spirit balls and got your beast form. Without it the boss difficulty goes up 10x normal. So if you miss one (as I recently did in the Dreamscape) Simply quit the game and restart the level. If someone gets crazy enough to take the bosses on in some other form then send me your strategy and you will definately be given credit... as one insane gamer! Crete Boss: Undead Legionaire - When I figured out how to beat this guy I laughed so hard. I can walk all over him now. I can stomp him in the ground without even being damaged. You don't hit him, you hit the three pillars you can see. Each pillar has a top, middle, and bottom you have to hit. All you do is when the fight starts run as far away as you can, and face him. He'll be tossing out these shields. Destroyable, though. Keep jumping and tossing Energy Shots at im. Doing that you can destroy his shields, and get numerous hits into the pillar. The second pillar do the same, except when you get to the second pillar make sure you fire, then jump then fire again. He'll be rolling shields along the ground by this time. The third pillar just hold right and keep pressing your energy dash like you're insane. You'll kill him quick, fast, and in a hurry. With little or no damage. Otherwise just jump and shoot at your discretion. But watch out for his lasers when you do. Dubari Boss: Tunnel Worm - This guy's not so hard. Just stay back. Forget using your spin, you'll get stuck in him and just die. Your spit is what you need here. He has a few attacks. One is to dash straight into you. If you are max distance away he can't even touch you. Then you spit in his face. He makes stalagtites fall from the ceiling too. Just find a place where they won't fall on you when you see them at the top of the screen and spit in his face. He will open his mouth and crawl towards you. Again, max distance and spit in his face. He'll go down pretty fast. Lerna Boss: Hydra - What a pain. Don't even bother with your field unless you are killing the worms the red and blue heads throw at you. The green one will dash into you. Even if you are max distance away. Ducking can prevent this, jumping and gliding too. When you get an oppourtunity between the dashes, the high spit worms and the ground worms, go wild with your breath. As soon as you get a head killed, keep attacking the neck. Otherwise the head comes back fully healed and you're back to square one. The neck will disintegrate and you can go on to the next one. Expect this fight to last awhile. ~~~update~~~ Here's an alternate strategy from Phil Scopa: I was reading this...and I have an easier way to beat that god forsaken Hydra in Lerna. I was playing one time and I wanted to try something out I dashed behind the tree that the necks are wrapped around...and it couldn’t hit me...I was behind it and damaging it w/the lightning breath and it couldn’t hit me at all so the whole idea is...get behind the hydra and kick its ass =) Enjoy the simple way. I tried this out. Seemed to work pretty well. Go for it, saves you alot of lives. Thanks Phil! Sahar Boss: Queen Ant - This boss is a joke. Simply stand in the middle and toss your fireballs at her tail. That kills off the ants she throws at you, and damages her. When you get a chance toss your fireballs at her head too. Does more damage. If for some strange reason one of her ants gets by your fireball hit your firespin button with no direction. You go up, come straight back down, and wax said ant. I'd be surprised if you even get damaged here. Organica: Vampire Bud - Remember those cheap strategies I was talking about? Here's one. Soon as the fight starts, spin into the big plant bud. Then just keep pressing your spin button. The spear roses from the top and bottom will shred against your spiked shell and the bud will cry. End of discussion. Oceanus: Kalamari - Another simplistic boss. Only has 3 attacks. One is spitting fish, one at a time, starting from the top of the screen and gradually down. The second is um... spitting fish. Only this time much faster and in clusters. First at the top of the screen, then at the bottom, then in the middle. The third attack if to futilly attack with it's tentacles. Unless you are cuddled up with this mutant squid it can't even harm you. Stay as far away as possible. And keep throwing your Water Shockwaves. When it does the slow fish spit, just keep throwing em. When it does the fast ones, somersault in place and you will kill all the fish, allowing you to proceed to educate the odd thing in the art of pain. No problems here. Despot: Aztec Demon - This guy you may have some difficulty with. Every attack he has hits multiple times and can EASILY kill a full life bar without a problem. Here's what you do. When the face isn't spinning, jump and charge. You can usually safely pull off about 2 hits, and that's it. When the outer wheel is spinning, stay below it. When it stops, run to one side or the other. When you see him spit out his last block, super jump and charge again. You should sail over the bricks, into his face. I bet that hurts. Anyways, rinse, lather and repeat till you break all four of the wheel pieces. He keeps doing his thing, but now you gotta watch the arrows on him. Eventually he'll fall. Vulcan: Magma Lord - This guy's not too bad. His three attacks are fireballs, fireballs, and... um... fireballs actually. The easiest way I know of to beat him is when he raises his hand and summons fireballs from the sky, stand between the first and second ones if you can, and zap the hell out of him with your tail laser. When the last fireball falls, run back, crouch, and use your green shockwaves, he'll throw one fireball straight then one low. Crouching at the back of the screen and using your shockwaves makes you immune pretty much to his attack. He'll eventually switch sides of the screen by melting, and later still summon 2 fireballs at a time from the background. Just watch your footing. The laser does more damage, but the shockwave makes you harder to hit. Your call. Haven: Cloud Demon - This guy is pretty simple. First off, fly to the upper right corner of the scree, above his head. Let him float to the top of the screen and toss his daggers at you. The problem is if you make it so his hand is out of the screen when he throws em, they disappear and cannot harm you. So just tear into him with your pin missiles. Eventually he'll have a hilt in his hand, and make flames shoot from it. Stay in either the upper or lower left corners, and swoop in to attack when you can manuver around the flames. Eventually his head will pop off revealing another. Slap it a bit. Then he dies. Thundaga: Giant Skeleton - This guy is a joke on his feet. Funny thing, we have to take out his feet and make him harder. Hmm. Ah well get to it. Target his legs with your energy shot and when he jumps run to the other side of the screen so he doesn't land on you. He will do a little jig in place, but if you were what he landed on, he'd be stomping you into the ground. Eventually you'll break him. Now he can still leap, using his arms. Same strategy run. When he lands this time, however, he swings his arms like a madman. He also will crawl into you. Keep away and keep firing, and you'll own him. Mojave: This thing is ridiculous!!! The tail smacks you, and the ground to drop large rocks from the sky, and the head shakes back and forth and spits out little rocks! This fight takes a long time if you want any lives left. Basically you spit your lasers at it and when the tail drops rocks on you spin to break the rocks. You have to jump slightly to hit its head with the lasers, too. Good luck. Parcha: Evil Mind - Only use shockwaves here. Target the brain stem first. All it'll do is pretty much hop around. It can damage you so stay near the top of the screen. After removing that part, the brain floats around and shoots lasers. Very hard to avoid, so target the top of its head. After you blow its mind, it summons bones to float around it as a shield and as weapons. You can shoot the bones to disable them for a short period of time. Finish off the brain. Chaos Realm: Goddess - She took me the longest to beat. Don't hit her. Instead, stay in the center of the room and use your shield repeatedly. Killing all the demon cherubs she summons. That's what hurts her. When she starts raining blue beams try to avoid them to the best of your ability. They hurt. Bad. Other than that there's really not much to tell. You'll know you hurt her when she moans since she doesn't flash, so play this part with sound. Dreamscape: - Unknown - I'm thinking this is supposed to be a heart or something. Each piece will aim at you and shoot something. Maybe blood cells? Anyway just dodge them and use your sonar. Not much strategy wise here, because it's not that much to deal with. My best advice would be each piece has an attack that you can dodge either by staying back and jumping, or getting right up in its face. Just keep that in mind. Avoidence suggestions: First piece: Stay at the back of the screen when it points low, run up when it points straight. Second piece: Stay at the back of the screen and jump for low, just stay back for high. Third Piece: Stay at the back of the screen for low, run up under it for high. Fourth Piece: Stay at the back when it points high, run up to it and crouch when it points straight. Final Piece: Stay back when it aims straight, stay back and jump when it aims low. Palace of the Gods: Arcanon - Well we finally come to this guy. Frankly, I'm disappointed. He was nothing of a challenge compared to some of the other bosses. He can mess you up pretty fast if you hold still, but other than that he's a pushover, so long as you do not stay in one place too much. Jump frequently, literally beat him to death, and only use your sonar when he summons skeleton soldiers. Then blast them with the sonar. Other than that smack Arcanon around badly, letting him know that destruction of all creation, your allies, and Zeus' Palace is a bad idea. Stomp on his head after the fight to make yourself feel better and you win. 'Grats! 7) Credits: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mad props go to 3d6 Games, THQ, Sega, Nintendo, WOW Enterrainment, and all the people that worked to make this game. We thank them cause otherwise we wouldn't have the game and I would have nothing to do with all this free time. My cousin James, he helped me a bit on this game, so some of the level credit goes to him. for a few spelling errors. Phil Scopa for the mindlessly simple Hydra strategy. Very cool. And of course, I would like to thank myself. I couldn't have done it without me. =) In addition, any better level ideas/boss strategies email me at and you'll get credit where credit's due. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Guide Copyright 2003, Keldon Shadowstar