B a c k - - - - - - - - - - T o S t o n e Walkthrough by MJ Table of Contents :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Story - Controls - Walkthrough - Tips - Save Codes - Credits Story :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a highly-developed world lived a peaceful civilization. Until a cursed magic book of spells reappeared from the past. An evil mind used it to free a power from ancient times. Throngs of demons wreaked havoc upon the planet. Then centuries went by. There was nothing left but vestiges of the dead civilization. The survivors are the slaves of the demons and are the subjects of experiments. I am one of them, a failed black magic experiment. My hands turn the living into stone. I must flee and make them pay! Controls ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A - Jump B - Attack R - Demon powers Walkthrough :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dungeon ....... When your prisoner friends arrive and start knocking on the jail cell walk up to them and use your attack to break the cell open. In the next room head east. Don't try to fight the demons or else it game over. You'll see your first save pedestal. The save code is WLwsPLwkTB, afterwards enter the next area. Avoid the traps on the ground by walking around it. Lower the switch by hitting it with your weapon. Enter the next area and free the monster by hitting the switch on the ground. It will open the door to the next area. Forest of the Ancients ...................... Head south and jump over the gap to fight your first enemy. Kill it to turn it into stone. Move it over to the wall and jump on top to reach the upper area. Another save pedestal here. The code is vRUQQPUs9T. Head up west to find some more monsters. Turn them to stone and slide the rock down the stairs. You can knock the other monster by using the attack button on the stone, which will hit it when it moves down the stairs. Jump the gap to find your green friend again. After the chat turn one monster to stone and push the rock on the green button. This will release a magic stone that will fill your gauge by some. You will find these buttons all over the place. Head south to find 2 more buttons. Place the stones on the moving circles to release the magic stone. The next area has monsters that will heal you after killing them. Head down for another cutscene. To unstuck a stone against a wall stand away from it and use your attack. If done correctly it will move towards you. To move it uphill attack it and place it on the button. Hit the switch to open the gate. The blue switch will make the stones unbreakable. Drag it downward and place it on the triangle panel. It will head to the green button automatically. Another save pedestal here. The code is dX338WhNVr. Head west to find a new button. This one will attack all the other monsters on screen, pretty cool but useless. You can find another magic stone just below this screen. To get a stone over drag it near the edge without it falling. Then hit it and it will move to the button. Now move north. You will find a new monster here. These take a few hits before dying. Hit the switch and enter the door. You will find more magic crystals here along with a button panel. This will heat the rock and kill every enemy on screen when you hit an enemy with the stone. Head up east to the next area. Head downstairs to find some health monsters. If you need more health enter the last area and re-enter. The monsters will respawn! Head down to the flame area. To get pass these flames kill the monster next to it and use the stone and hit it towards the flame. Doing this will block them. Quickly get over before the stone breaks. Head east for another save pedestal which is ynhSZj3Cou. Navigate to the next chat with your green friend. Here you will use your powers to eliminate the monster ahead. Head over for another save pedestal, which is H4HpF7H3JL. Collect some more crystals to fill your gauge again. Open the gate for the next area. Scrapyard Sector ................ Collect the crescents below and kill a spider enemy. Drag the stone over to the green panel (the one that's rotating). This will bring a platform to you. Jump on it to reach the next area. Collect more crescents here. Remember not to touch the electrical areas. You can jump over on the solid ground parts. Head southwest to find a save pedestal by a gate. The code is HC7LYjZC20. You have to fill up your gauge for the next area so make sure it's full before proceeding to the next area. Head far east until you see those monsters that shoot at you. Quickly align yourself to them and use your demon powers. This will kill both monsters. Jump over to the next part. You will find another save in the south. Save code Lci5fAeHW6. Grab the lonely crescent by the bushes, but don't touch them! Head east for another chat with Nif and the man that will help you. Now backtrack to the save point by the gate. Use the key to open the gate. Head downstairs. Mirror Quest ............ Head down and kill the lone monster and place in on the triangle. Use the red explosion to clear out the monsters below. Grab the crescents on the right and head left. Jump over the platforms and make your way over. Don't worry about that swinging monster just yet. Head to the platform with the crescent. With the 2 monster up above use them to launch stones at the swinging monster. A couple of hits will take it out. There's a magic crystal up there. Head down for another save. Code is u4sIQPGAfc. Activate the platform panel to get to the next area. You will fight your first demon here. A couple of hits will take it out. Head to the stairs and jump on the ledge to activate the switch on the right, grab the crescents too. You have to fill up your gauge in this room. There's plenty of crystals here so it's easy. Use them on the shooters, enter the next area. Jump over to the next area. Most likely you will fall when the ground crumbles. Jump over again to the other side. Grab the crescent to open the laser blocked door. Another save here, wbwkRJokn6. Enter the next area. Activate this switch to fully fill your magic gauge. Prepare to fight your first boss. Stay in the middle of the area. It will move around clockwise or counter- clockwise. Kill the little monsters for stones. Wait for it to stop and expose it eyes. Throw the stones in its open eye. After a couple of hits it will change movement. Just continue killing the little monsters for stones. After a few more hits it will start to shoot fireballs at you. You can use stones to block or jump over them. Remember you have your demon gauge so use that for a few more hits. Afterwards the mirror is yours! Jump up the platform and grab the heart. Make your way over to the right. Flip the switch and backtrack to the beginning of this quest. Return the mirror to the man that will help you. Mirror Shards ............. South there's a save, code ui6APNGA1B. Move the pink spike thing to the green square. A fountain will activate, walk on it. Do the same thing here. Move the piece to the square. Walk on the fountain to return. Another green square will appear. Move the piece on it again and walk on the new fountain. This area is rather tricky. You have to move the piece towards the bounce pad. But the wind will push you away. If you fall you won't lose any health. Hit the piece towards the pad. with luck you'll move it over. When you place it make sure you're facing the other pad on the other side. This will jump the piece over. Bounce it over to the green square. Jump down to return to the first area. Once again place the pawn piece in the square to reach a new area. Find the pawn piece and move over to the other side. You will see broken tiles at the end, drag the pawn over, don't worry it won't fall off. Make your way over to the other side so you can drag it over to the moving tiles. A new square will appear down below, to the next fountain!. This one is easy. Move behind the pawn piece to block the wind and drag it to the triangle panel. Head to the other side and place it on the green square. Easy! Head back for a new square. This one you hit the piece to move it over near the bounce pad. Get to the other side and drag it to the next pad. Drag it over to the wall. To get it out of the corner hit it and it should bounce towards you. Drag it over one tile so you can hit it straight into the square. You will return back. Now head back to the save (near the bushes). Get stones from the monsters to destroy the bushes and open a new path. To get the magic stone launch a rock at the floating object. Destroy more bushes to open the next area. A new save here, B5MHNByHSg. Throw stones at the shooter monster to kill it. Find more crescents and magic stone in the next area. To get pass the flame lure the dog monster near it and use its stone to block the flames to get over. Another save pedestal up ahead, K7SXgaoqyu. These starfish looking monsters do a lot of damage when grouped so it's best to jump around them. Activate the switch to unblock a new area. Place a stone on the bounce pad. Careful the red stone monster is a enemy so kill it. Use the stone to jump up. Grab the elevator key and head up. Fire Temple Entrance .................... Work your way thru the spikes. You can jump over them as well. Place a stone on the panel to freeze the spikes in place. Jump over to the save, gCHVEKfwd4. Jump over the platforms, fight the demons and enter the Fire Temple. Fire Temple ........... Save here, RBvVFGtElm. Head up north and use a demon to block the flames. Head to the next area. You'll find another swing monster. Jump by the stairs and use stones at it. Grab the key and head back upstairs for another swing monster. I had a demon power stored up so I used it on him. Open the door for another save point, F5oGLrIa83. Watch the patterns of the spike blocks and jump over. Here you will fight a new enemy. To attack it you have jump and slash. 4 hits will kill it. Afterwards use the stone to block the flames an jump over. In the next area head downstairs and place a stone on the blue panel and push it towards the arrow. Jump up and jump up on the left, don't enter the next area yet. Flip both switches to turn off the flames. Head upstairs and place a stone near the rocks to enter the next area. Save up, wVVsS0SkDh. To grab the blue key wait for the enemy to be near you and hit it towards the arrow. If done right it will hit the panel and lower the key. Head west. Defeat the snake looking thing easily by using demon powers. Work your way around until you get to the blue door. Save, DxpbIom5CU. Place a stone on the conveyor and jump on it to get pass the flames, enter the next area. Place stones on the bounce pad to get a stone to fight the snake for you. Two of these should kill it. Place another stone on the other pad to lower the red key. Head out and use the elevator. Ride the platforms and flip the switch. Ride the other platform and head down for a save, Z51Bk+2Jji. Flip the switch for the next area. Avoid the spikes and enter the next area. Turn enemy to stone and bring stone to lower flame. Jump on stone and jump over the upper flame. Collect the crescents and head upstairs. Grab the blue key first then place a stone on the bounce pad. Run over to the platform and jump on. Now your back at the beginning of this section. Use the blue key on the door, to the next area. Now your demon powers have been increased! Jump over the platforms to the next area. Use your new demon power on the shooter enemy. Looks cool doesn't it? Avoid the spike blocks and enter the next room (grab the crescent by the door first, look in the right corner of the room). To grab the red key you have to air slash to release the rock. Walk on the little strip of pink (by the platforms) and slash it. You should have enough health to drop it, plus there's a health monster here. The area pass the platforms is purely optional. There's a few crescents and crystals. Now backtrack to the red door. Save, UB0vwlRmkY. Get pass the spikes, use demon power on snake or you can skip it (corner jump at stairs). Get magic crystal and head upstairs. Wait for enemy to come near you and throw stones at the snake. Grab the crystal and head up. Demon power the snake and grab health monster and crescents on the ledges. Proceed to save, -RTWhtkb4r. In the next room hit the rock above the red panel. This will free the enemy stones too. Kill them and get on the platform. Ignore the flying enemy and enter next area. Make your way pass the moving spike blocks. Jump up the ledge by the stairs (where the health monster is) and jump on top. Grab the crystals if needed and work your way up. At the end of the moving spike there's health and some crescents. Stay in the middle and the flames won't hurt you in the next part. Head west for a save point, 3krckGEQHV. You can head downstairs for health if you want. Grab the red key and head to the red door. The little dragons like to leap at you so use hit and run to finish them. Place a stone on the triangle and grab the blue key and head south from here and activate the switch. Head back to the blue door (south of last save point). Head in and flip the switch, grab the crescent by the flame shooters. Grab the health if needed. Head back to the moving spikes area. Turn the enemy into stone and jump up the ledge by the moving spikes. Grab the crescents and magic stone on the right by the enemies. Jump up and head east. Flip the switch to turn off the flames. Head back and flip the switch on the wall to deactivate the beams below. Jump down and enter. head in and grab the crystal if necessary. Save, TnhTAFZvQq, prepare for a boss fight. What a fun game of hopscotch this is. The goal here is to collect crystals to demon power the enemy to death. Red crystals fills the most, green the least. Its attack patterns involves shooting fireballs at you. To avoid them you have to jump side to side. When you have enough to use demon do so and collect as fast as you can again. You main enemy here is the awkward jumping so time your jumps. After the fight head over and heal up. Grab your necklace piece and jump up to bring the platforms to you. Head south to get the elevator key, save your game, yA0XUlS40P. Ride the elevator. After the chat grab the red key by the platform and head east. Scrapyard Sector ................ Grab the crescents below and heal if needed, ride the platforms over and save, WWIZgMQ6Hf. Head down and place a stone on the panel to get a helper to attack. Jump over and hit the switches to get over. Head west and ride the platform over. Make sure you have your demon charge full before proceeding, you'll need it. You demon powers on the big starfish looking thing, this will stop the little ones from popping out. Save up ahead, v0r-3G-2Nx. Heal if needed and enter the stairs. Fill your gauge and prepare for another boss fight. Instead of one block you will fight 2 of those eye blocks. Dodge them until one of them disappears. Now the small enemies will spawn. Like before use them to attack the inner eyes. They also like to duel attack. When they both disappear from screen they will start to duel attack. It's easy to dodge. When you defeat the first one the second will come out with different attacks. It will shoot fireballs at all angles, just jump to dodge them or stones. It will always stop at the lower right always so make sure you have stones ready to hit it. I would save my demon powers for the second one. After you hit it a couple of times it will start moving with its eyes open, this means it's near death. Afterwards you will gain an item to extend your gauge! Grab it and head upstairs. Save, cE4qQxMzuX. Collect the crescents and place a stone on the flashing red panel to kill the starfishes. Head east to the forest. Forest of the Ancients ...................... Collect crescents and head east, clear out the shooter monster with the enemies. Head south to the stairs. Walk the ledge to grab the crescents. Head downstairs to the save, HEdhuDf2d0. Eliminate the swinger and head south. Place a stone on the triangle to reach the switch. Place a stone on the green panel to bring the platform over. Head over to the other side and flip the switch. Jump down by the save point to reach the new area. Use a monster to jump up on the ledge. Get the red crystal and head south. Kill the shooter monster and head down. You can go west for a health monster, crescents and crystal. optional. Head east for another red crystal (activate platform panel) and south for Dark Marshes. Dark Marshes ............ After the chat save, uTm7Vi+G8Y. You have to keep moving here or else the water monsters will shoot at you. Just run to the next area ASAP. Misty Village ............. Head north for a cutscene. Afterwards save, WVi10Cn+39. Head north to the Forbidden Marshes. Another save, save if you want. Forbidden Marshes ................. Don't spend too much time here, keep moving. When you get to the field with green monster balls head east to get to the next area. You can jump the over the bushes if you like. If not a demon power attack will wipe them all out, use the stones to clear the bushes. Straight ahead flip the switch and go south. Another save pedestal here, NaANAgv0sf. Now the protections are off, head east and north. Flip the switch for the platform and enter the next area. Souls Quests ............ We have to find 50 souls now, yay! Head east for a save point, mLZdoQYAGk. Demon attack the monster that is messing with the switches. Ride the 1st platform over. Head east to find another save, B7kNz1lNYh. Hit the object on the wall to free 10 souls. Head back by jumping on the green slope repeatedly to get back up. Ride the other platform to get another 10 souls. Head up and slide a stone down the steps to the triangle. Ride the lift to get some more souls. Head east for another save, JXKw+PdgUI. Stand on the lift and hit the switch to move across. Kill the enemy below and slide it over to jump to the next area. Slide a stone on the blue panel and drag it to the triangle. You have to stack 2 boxes on top, they can't be 2 blue stones. Stack a regular stone on top of the blue to get on top. Jump over by the ledge with the crescents and jump on the green slope repeatedly to reach the switch. You might have to use a demon attack to clear out these enemies. Grab the souls and head down to the platform. Get on and hit the switch. Hit the switch on the wall and save, RTwd8f+yfa. Enter the new area for the last souls. Head back to the beginning of this area. Watch out! Boss fight. The first part is rather easy. Make sure that all 3 plants are 'open'. You will see a circle if they are. one demon blast will close them all. Now for the second phase. They form has 1! Pretty simple it will shoot those pollen things at you, just run away to not get it. Afterwards it will hop to the next area, When it exposes the circle jump on top and slash away. You can get quite a few hits in. Make sure you jump off before it closes up or you will receive damage. Keep doing this and its on to phase 3. They go back to 3 parts, this time they will attack left to right instead of up and down. Run around the inner square and jump corners to run away from the pollen spray. Hit the inner circle again on the plants to move on to phase 4. Back to 1 form this time it will jump around like before, you can hide near the lift area and not get hit or in the upper left corner too. Phase 5! 3 forms again, hiding in these corners won't work. But you can hide in the upper right! They move counter-clockwise so wait for the circle to land near you and attack, wait for the green spike ones to pass by. Quickly hide in the corner till you get them all. Last phase, and the hardest. It will form back to 1. When it pops up quickly run around the square to avoid the pollen attack. It will move around the square clockwise. Stay close and the pollen spray should be avoided. When it goes back down the hole wait for it to come out again and follow it clockwise. Sometimes it will falsely open then close its circle which you can get hurt by. But it's random and might not even happen. With enough luck you can kill it for good. You will get another gauge on your screen! Heal and save, xTZ2Mh7CVA. If you need more health exit and re-enter the room. Work your way up and exit. To get back hit the switch and jump over. Work your way back to the green monster field with the entrance pass the brushes. Head back down south to go back to the village. Save, Ejd0VRRwUp, and enter the door. After the chat head to the priests house upward. Now we need to go to the Southern access of Forbidden Swamp. Its east of the center area (where the priest are praying to the green rock). With your new jump you can get pass the gaps. Forbidden Marshes ................. Work your way across until you find a switch by a save point, hFu5Cv4sGC. Put a stone on the bounce pad to clear the bush with a crescent inside. Quickly work your way north to find steps hidden behind bushes, clear them out for the Phantom Forest. Phantom Forest .............. Save, mZcl0g0yTC. Monsters head spawn rather quickly. East there's a health monster along with some crescents. Head north to the mountain. Collect crescents and crystals and head west to the switch with 2 crescents. Drag a stone up the stairs to reach it. Flip it and head to where the blocked area was. Place a stone on the panel and send the stone to the shooter. Go thru the flames and hit the switch at the middle of the swinging spikes. Save, oPd2Q55VU5. Jump down next to the save and head down. Two swingers here, demon blast them and jump down. Kill one of those annoying flyers and drag them down the stairs to call the platform over. To the next area. Marsh Temple ............ Save, 0jOMZIjE68. Work your around the electric floors, collect the crescents and grab the health monster at east before entering next area. Drag a stone on the bounce pads to get up on top. To the east there's another health monster. Quickly work your way west then north to reach a save. Don't bother fighting anyone, those flame monsters do a lot of damage. Save up, vS81+uv1ty. Head east and jump over the gray platforms. Throw a stone at the octopus looking monster to jump up on top. Stone an enemy then stone the other enemy and put it on the blue = panel to freeze the other guys. Drag it over to jump on top. Don't let the stone touch the enemies or it will break. Save, xshAb3UkKn and enter. Slide a stone on the triangle pads to jump up. Work your way up. Head upstairs and hit the switch and save, e1TiRA+zr5. Jump over the platforms and hit the switch to move over and save, 295cNV064Y. Make a blue stone and slide it to the right of the slope. This will move the stone nice and slowly down. Go down and grab the red key. Grab the crescents on the left side too. Grab the crescents behind the blue door and head downstairs. Jump to the left and use the key. Get 3 crystals here and head up. Bypass these monsters and head to the next area. Save, wz8Y4jnntN. This next puzzle you make a blue stone and drag it to the end of the upper green strip. To make it over to the other side make a stone and place it at the gap of the square. Then quickly run and drag the blue stone onto the regular stone and push it to the other green side. Now go to the other side where the other monster is (by the health monster) and make a stone and fill the corner gap. Quickly run to the blue stone and hit it over. Run back and push the stone on the upper green to jump on the ledge. Make your way over to the switches. 3rd room has health in it. Save, 3RLIzrDfhH. The other rooms have crescents and crystals in them. Head east and save, 88W2ix0jTG. To the next area. Progress till you find the blue stone panel. Make a blue stone and slide it down without breaking it. You might want to use a demon attack when you get the stone down to the bottom. Hit the stone up the slope and get on the lift. Get the crescents on the sides and save, DCZ6MRe6ik. Head downstairs and get the key for the lift. Heal up and enter door. Work your way over to the next save, sWtqUcMOjK. Head south then east then jump up the ledges. Make your way to the freezing panel. Freeze them and use one of them to jump up. Make a solid stone and bounce it over. Use it to get the blue key. Jump over by the dragons to get back to the blue door. Get the red key inside of blue door and head back. Head down and look for another opening with a save point and a lift. Save, Am7nMVCT4g, and ride the lift. Boss fight coming up! Make sure your gauges are full before entering this fight. The key to hurting them is to launch stones into their exposed 'eye'. When one eye is closed you can jump on top of it to avoid any of the opened eye attacks. They have 2 attacks: one is a jump rope like move that you can jump over. The other is a straight attack which is easily dodge. When both monsters are attacking and one exposes its eye use your improved demon attack. When defeated you now have another piece of the necklace! Save up ahead, 7Fvaf9sme7. Grab the elevator key on the left side of the room. Return back to the priest in the village. Afterwards head south to the Ice Marsh. Ice Marsh ......... Progress thru the marsh. Head east and hit the switch. Go west and go down the stairs for a save point, pLMS1Efacj. Head north to the next area. Save if you like and go west. If you need healing go west pass the platforms and work your way around again. Head north for another boss fight. Plant thing is back for round 2. This time it's pretty easy. It will start out with 3 forms just like before. Wait for the 'eye' to be expose and attack. When it begins hopping, you can walk under and not get hurt. 2nd phase is easy, just run clockwise and follow it. 3rd phase is just like first but they will shoot pollen in the beginning. Last phase is easy to. It has a new move that tosses barbs at you, jump over them. Follow it clockwise like before and its done for. Heal up and save, qattPD+-jA. Progress thru till you find another save, vudkStUwP-. Make your way to the icy marsh. When your standing on ice you will slip and slide so be careful. Another save ahead, H4gsmq+w9s. Ride the shuttle. Progress and you'll talk to the priest. Head thru the waterfall and flip the switch. Save up, kXz0ZPfPc8. Hit the switch for the next area. Hit the screens to deactivate the doors. Work your way up and save, WkEIhbu-TB. Get on the spike lifts to reach the upper areas. Another save, h5aK0j1RtJ. Ride the spike lifts down and demon attack the spike shooting monster to jump over. To get past the wind use a stone to block the wind and jump up. Use the gust to launch over to the other side. Save up ahead, CmnGVzx10k. Use a stone to jump up and deactivate the door. Head inside the next dungeon. To get past this dragon thing you have to jump on the upper steps when it approaches. Get over and deactivate the switches. Save, BZqK9Ca5YE, head South and avoid the dragons again, you'll be back outside. Jump across the platforms to find another save point, jAKBmLU08a. Work your way up and hit the switches. Save again, ZmFh9yIWQ6. Once again back into the dungeon. Save, M8MOIJxpz+. You'll speak with the Oracle here. Save if you like, cxlU4p6zIP. Heal up and get on the shuttle. Return to the priest. After the chat head to the Sun Swamp. East then south. Inside those houses are crystals for you. Jump the platforms to chat with Nif again. Sunny Marshes ............. Save, fIVjYyVYR5, and enter. Quickly make your way thru this area. Save again, NJIwUpjvWa. Grab the crescents on the right before boarding the shuttle. Acid Desert ........... Save, BbXyxOyB3p, make sure to stay on the rocks. Grab the crescents and health and go north for another chat. Quickly make your way north to avoid those shooters. Head downstairs to the dungeon. Make your way to the other side. Save pedestal near the stairs, v-Rs-pkrcl. Now you have to make your way by jumping on top of the little rocks. When you reach the blue - panel step on that. The sand enemies can't get you there. Now hop pass the fences to the save point, OW9kEeczom. Hop over to the green crystal pedestal for safety. Hop on to the little rocks over. Hop over the fence and land on the blue panel. Now you can get lucky and hop to the little over rock without getting hit, try your luck. Hop over and save, JjG6Fcqr2O. Back in the dungeon. Might want to use Demon attack to clear out these fire shooters. Get a stone and jump up. Head straight up and without stopping. There's lots of shooters around so hop along and get health as needed. Save, ziKBBrOZEx and enter the stairs south. put a stone on the conveyor to get up, save, Cy86Ea+AUJ. Head southwest, pass all those shooters, then east to find a save, rJ6jt26Xxm. Talk to the man. Afterwards head to the stairs. Cursed Source ............. Save, FX0iuMYqhu. Head north and place a stone on the triangle to trigger the elevator. Follow the path to the next area. Jump down on the left. Throw a stone to the moving square to reach the switch. Head back and head in. Do the same thing here, place the stone on the gray floor on the other side to open the sluice. In the next room use the stones to block the flames and get over. Save in the next room, WHks+pucIo. Drag the stone over to call the platform. Drag a stone over the bouncy pad and place it on the gate to open sluice 3. Place another stone on the pad and drag it to the triangle to call the lift. Save, L9thRfdVWO. Jump down and make your way thru the conveyors. When you get to the save use a stone to jump up to get to it. Save, 43Mt4kWZ67. To the next room. To unlock the lasers put a stone on the green square on the upper left corner of the room. In the next room drag a stone on the gate as before to unlock sluice 2. Save, 8G+s8FOAkY. Work your way around the conveyors. Hit the switch to go back to the desert. Save, uB4iuNqyNg. You have to use each freeze panel to cross over. Don't touch the orange quicksand or it's game over. Jump on top of the crystal pedestal and quickly cross over and hit the switch. Head to the opening on the right. Save, tfaPtMOH3g. Boss time! The first part is rather easy. Just run up to the bug and attack it. It will push back each time you hit it. Keep hitting him far enough to reveal the red bomb panel. This is how you hurt it, by placing a stone on the panel. Remember to push it far enough so you have time to drag it over without it crushing the stone. Jumping slashes seems to work best on the boss. Stay out of its claws when they flash red. The second part is tricky. First you make a blue permanent stone at the right. Bounce it over and begin to push the bug back. Keep pushing it far back so you have enough time to drag it over, you can't hit it over if you were wondering. It works best to attack the bug and drag the stone little by little, don't let it touch it. After the second blast debris will fall everywhere. Look on the right to jump over and get health and the stone to bounce over. This last attack is rather easy just push it back like before and drag it little by little to the triangle. Done! Grab the key and head to the right. Save V0hMVtVgyY. Kill the flyer and drag the stone onto the gate. All sluices are opened! Backtrack to the room with 3 openings. Head to the left opening to exit back to desert and talk to the man. Cave .... Now your a flying demon! Cool, save code: kUvFvb7V8G. Now the game will turn into a shoot em up! You know like Raiden, Ikaruga; games like that. But this isn't as hard has any of those games. It's pretty simple actually. Your slash button now shoots fireballs instead. The rock statues can sometimes give hearts if you destroy it. Afterwards you get a save code: kVrpvd-V0R. Now to fight your final boss. His attacks are simple to dodge. His first spin pattern acts like a boomerang. To dodge stay in the lower right corner and when they come out go to middle of the area. When they 'return' stay in the middle and dodge them. His second attack is just as simple to move from side to side, you should never ever get hit by it. You can't hit him because it acts like a shield. His second spin pattern is easy to dodge. Move quickly over to the upper right. Don't get to close. Then quickly move to the left middle side and stay there until he throws 2 sets of spinners. Then return to the middle and wait to see what he does. Most likely it's another shield charge. When you hit him enough he will start a new attack. The shield aura is easy to block. Just rotate clockwise around him because he will follow you. When you return back to the middle you can get some hits in. He will start to use his 3rd spin pattern now. Quickly go to the upper right before he shoots them out. Stay there until they return then rotate to the left and stay there for a couple of seconds. The boss will appear in the middle of the area and then return back. He will continue to use the aura shield attack so get some hits in and rotate clockwise, also the shield charge too. For its last pattern it will use the aura shield and spinners in conjunction. Quickly go to the bottom left corner and wait for the shield to spin around. He will shoot out the spinners with a new pattern. To dodge them stay in the middle of the left and middle spinners. After 2 rotations a new shield will pop out so remember to go to the bottom left side and wait for it to rotate twice and dodge the left spinner by moving between the left and middle spinners. When the shield disappears move right to left and shoot the demon (while remembering to dodge of course) then return to the corner and repeat. After some hits he's done for! Congrats you finished the game! Tips ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Re-supplying Health - There's 2 ways of getting the health monsters to respawn: by entering and exiting a room and by walking far away from it then coming back. This will be useful for the later levels. 2. Attacking through objects - In the later levels it's useful to kill enemies thru objects like pillars. Use this for the fire shooters because they are tough. 3. Zig Zag Jumping - You can avoid most projectile and regular attacks by jumping in a zig zag motion. Useful to getting through a hevaly occupied enemy area. Save Codes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My save codes throughout my game. Anybody can use them though! Dungeon: WLwsPLwkTB - Beginning Forest of the Ancients: vRUQQPUs9T - Beginning dX338WhNVr ynhSZj3Cou H4HpF7H3JL - End Scrapyard Sector: HC7LYjZC20 - Beginning Lci5fAeHW6 - End Mirror Quest: u4sIQPGAfc - Beginning wbwkRJokn6 - End Mirror Shards: ui6APNGA1B - Beginning B5MHNByHSg K7SXgaoqyu - End Fire Temple Entrance: gCHVEKfwd4 - Beginning Fire Temple: RBvVFGtElm - Beginning F5oGLrIa83 wVVsS0SkDh DxpbIom5CU Z51Bk+2Jji UB0vwlRmkY -RTWhtkb4r 3krckGEQHV TnhTAFZvQq yA0XUlS40P - End Scrapyard Sector: WWIZgMQ6Hf - Beginning v0r-3G-2Nx cE4qQxMzuX - End Forest of the Ancients: HEdhuDf2d0 - Beginning Dark Marshes: uTm7Vi+G8Y - Beginning Misty Village: WVi10Cn+39 - Beginning Forbidden Marshes: NaANAgv0sf - Beginning Souls Quests: mLZdoQYAGk - Beginning B7kNz1lNYh JXKw+PdgUI RTwd8f+yfa xTZ2Mh7CVA Ejd0VRRwUp - End Forbidden Marshes: hFu5Cv4sGC - Beginning Phantom Forest: mZcl0g0yTC - Beginning oPd2Q55VU5 - End Marsh Temple: 0jOMZIjE68 - Beginning vS81+uv1ty xshAb3UkKn e1TiRA+zr5 295cNV064Y wz8Y4jnntN 3RLIzrDfhH 88W2ix0jTG DCZ6MRe6ik sWtqUcMOjK Am7nMVCT4g 7Fvaf9sme7 - End Ice Marsh: pLMS1Efacj - Beginning qattPD+-jA vudkStUwP- H4gsmq+w9s kXz0ZPfPc8 WkEIhbu-TB h5aK0j1RtJ CmnGVzx10k BZqK9Ca5YE jAKBmLU08a ZmFh9yIWQ6 M8MOIJxpz+ cxlU4p6zIP - End Sunny Marsh: fIVjYyVYR5 - Beginning Acid Desert: BbXyxOyB3p - Beginning v-Rs-pkrcl OW9kEeczom JjG6Fcqr2O ziKBBrOZEx Cy86Ea+AUJ rJ6jt26Xxm - End Cursed Source: FX0iuMYqhu - Beginning WHks+pucIo L9thRfdVWO 43Mt4kWZ67 8G+s8FOAkY uB4iuNqyNg tfaPtMOH3g V0hMVtVgyY - End Cave: kUvFvb7V8G - Beginning kVrpvd-V0R - Pre-Boss Credits: CREDITSSSS More story: THEENDSSSS Credits :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2006 MJ (goforbrokehub@yahoo.com) This FAQ was created by MJ. It may freely be saved to your hard drive, or printed, if it is not used for monetary transactions. You may post it on a Website if you e-mail me first to inform me of this, no changes are made, and that I am given credit for this FAQ. I reserve the right to require any website hosting this work to remove it. Back to Stone Developed by Neko Entertainment 2006. All Rights Reserved