"Boboboubo Boubobo 9 Kiwame Senshi Gyagu Yuugou" for GBA FAQ/Walkthrough By Mykas0 version 0.99 21-10-2009 BE SURE TO READ THIS FIRST PART! You can read this faq as long as you don't change ANY part of it (including this small introduction). Also, you can print it but only for use at your home, you may NEVER sell this stuff or else you will make me really mad and maybe I won't work anymore! Finally, if you want to use this faq on your site (or use any party of it for other things, like writing your own faq or something) you have to mail me and ask me for it, I will almost surely grant it to you! Also, before starting to read this FAQ I have to warn you about something, I am not a fan (in fact, I didn't ever even saw the manga/anime in which this game was based) of the series in which this game was based, so I have no idea on what the names of the characters (or their attacks...) are named after. Therefore, PLEASE don't mail me about correcting my names or trying to give me more information about the game. I only wrote this in order to help people who may want to play this game but perhaps have problems with the language barrier. Now, please continue reading and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Oh, and in case you are wondering, I can't read most of the Kanji (japanese ideographic letters), so... sometimes, I may not be able to give a good translation, sorry about that. 0~. Version History ----------------------------------------------------------- 1~. Controls 2~. Walkthrough 3~. Battle Guide 3.1~. Combinations 3.2~. Special Attacks 4~. Card Guide * 5~. Mini-game Guide 6~. Frequently Asked Questions 7~. Patch Codes * ----------------------------------------------------------- ST~. Special Thanks EN~. Contacts (Sections with a * are still to be completed) 0~. Version History -> version 0.99 <- - Added some more translations of the names of the cards; -- Added more locations for the cards; --- Added the missing information about the Bears' mini-game; ---- Added the missing information for the characters. -> version 0.98 <- - Added more information to the card guide; -- Added more Frequently Asked Questions; --- Added most of the data in the Patch Codes section. -> version 0.9 <- - Continued (and completed!) the walkthrough; -- Added more information to the card guide; --- Added the Frequently Asked Questions; ---- Added more information to the "Combinations"; ----- Added a better formatting to the whole FAQ. -> version 0.4 <- - Added the special attacks guide; -- Continued the walkthrough. -> version 0.3 <- - Started the walkthrough; -- Added the battle guide; --- Added some more sections. -> version 0.2 <- - Added the Mini-game Guide; -- Added more information to the card guide. -> version 0.1 <- - Started writing this faq; -- Started writing the card guide; --- Added most of the sections; ---- Added the basic controls. 1~. Controls In case you are wondering either about the battles or the mini-games and their own controls, be sure to check their own section. Around here you will be able to find general controls and slight explanations of the menus, but that's all! After pressing START (I guess you found that part by yourself, or at least I hope so...), when you first start your game, you will be able to see some options but you will only be able to pick the first one. A new menu will appear, containing 2 options, the first one enabling you to start a new game and the last one which can be used for something that I could understand what it is used for. In there, you can actually press L to stop the text and R to accelerate it, but that appears to be all. Well, now pick the first option and create a new game. You have to pick now your name (you can use L and R to switch between katakana and hiragana), so just input it and then press START and A (or you can just pick the text in the lower right corner). Select the first option to (finally) start. When the game starts, you can use A (or R, strangely...) to skip the text, which I guess you won't be very interested in or you wouldn't be reading this, would you?! -_- Now, play the game... After saving the game, new options will unfold. After a while, your main menu will contain: GAME TRADING MINI-GAME The first one is obvious, the second one allows you to trade any of the cards you have with someone else (just pick the slot you want to take the card from and then pick the actual card) and the third one allows you to play any of the 4 mini-games you will find across the adventure, but you will only be able to select this option (or play a certain mini-game) after having faced it on the Story Mode. Now, imagine that you pick "GAME" and you will be taken to the menu I already specified before, now with a new option: CONTINUE NEW GAME SOMETHING-WEIRD-HERE All the options in here are quite obvious, except for the last one that yet today I don't have the slightest idea on what it can be used for. Now, back to in-game controls, the ones you will be needing in order to move your characters across the map. The arrows (...) move your character in the selected direction, and then you have these: UP - enters a place, on the 2D scenes A - talk to people, activate buttons, select options B - cancels options, while walking allows you to accelerate (which also throws enemies away) L - not used R - not used SELECT - not used START - summons THE menu By using START you will be taken to one of the few menus you will be seeing in the game, which features the following options: CARD ORDER COLLECTION STATS SAVE "CARD" allows you to use any of the map usable cards, for more information on any of those check the proper section of this guide. "ORDER" can be used to select the 3 characters which will be instantly used on the next battle (you can also switch them inside the actual battle, but sometimes you may be willing to do it before reaching a major boss battle) AND there's actually something interesting, the character you pick for the first position is the one that you will be controlling on the map! However, all of them are played exactly the same way... "COLLECTION" allows you to see all the cards you have (even the ones you can't use!), press L and R to switch to another page, use the arrows to move the cursor around, press A to turn the cards around (there are nice drawings in the back of them!) and B to exit. "STATS" is a simple option to allow people to see the current stats of all the members of your party. However, unlike in most RPGs, you don't actually get to see how many points each character needs for a level up, which isn't very nice. The stats are: -- level -- HP -- attack -- defense -- evasion "SAVE" simply allows you to save your game, with you needing to confirm your option by selecting the first option ("hai", which stands for yes) if you are trying to overwrite a previously created savegame. And this is all, I guess, I just hope I haven't forgotten anything... 2~. Walkthrough Before starting I have to give you some general information. PLEASE save a lot and save as often a possible, in that case if you actually lose a random battle you won't need to start over. If you don't know how to do such thing, just read the section above and you will understand it. Also, each time a character gets a level up he/she becomes fully healed, which is a good thing you should be warned of. Now, on to the real thing... After first inputting your name, the story will start and you will see Beauty being attacked by 2 foes, when Bo-bobo will suddenly arrive (I will only state unavoidable battles). ---> BATTLE VS: 2 random foes Fight the enemies (which you can easily defeat), get your first level up and then some scenes will unfold. When you finally get to control Bo-bobo again, try going all to the left and you will see that the guy doesn't allow you to pass. Therefore, be sure to go to the brown door and enter (which you can do by pressing UP) it, for a scene with Serviceman, who works like a Inn in this game. Pressing the first option will make you rest, which fully recovers the HP of all characters on your party. All to the right, before changing to the next scenario, there's a card shop. You can enter it the same way you enter the "Inn", and there you will find 3 options: BUY SELL GAMBLE What they do is quite obvious, but in case you are wondering... the first option allows you to buy cards, the second one allows you to sell the ones you currently have (none by now...) and the third option allows you to randomly buy rare cards by a (generally huge) price. There is also a machine in which you can get packages or random cards for 50 units of money, but that's not very important until later on. Well, back to the game, now proceed all to the right and you will find your first "dungeon" (those are all 2D), which is kinda like a tutorial. -----> DUNGEON 1 - TUTORIAL Start by going all to the right (men tell you what to do if you talk to them, but since you are reading this guide I doubt you are interested in it) and when you find the broken metal wall press its direction + B to accelerate, which will throw it down and allow you to pass. You see a red button in there, right? So, go to it and press Up + A (in front of it, obviously!) ocen to open the door on top of your current location. Now, go back to the brown stairs which could be seen in the starting point of this area and press up to climb them. Accelerate to the right (as I just teached you) and, while doing so, jump above the holes. Eventually you will find a moving platform, which you should jump to. Accelerate for an higher jump to the right, and pass across the area you opened a few seconds ago. Continue following that path up the stairs and all to the left until you exit this area. Completed! :) -----> END OF DUNGEON 1 Now you can finally exit town, so you should go all to the left. You will, for the first time, reach the map and you will see 3 guys in there. Well, in this game random battles can be actually avoided by not touching those people (or whatever moving characters) who appear in the map. However, you should now fight the 3 of them to get some experience. After doing so, go to the left in order to see 2 things shinning in the scenario, which are cards. Go near them and press A to get: - Card 067 (Chikune) - Card 113 (Free Coke) So, get them and go up for another cutscene. Eventually it will lead to: ---> BATTLE VS: 2 random foes As before, you can easily kick their ass. After the battle, go up for you second dungeon. -----> DUNGEON 2 - FACTORY You will see your first enemy on front of you, fight him and continue to the right, face another enemy and then you will get: - Card 073 (Basin) Continue walking, press the first button to open the door and then get the item which is around (you can press the second button if you want, but that will only lead to a funny scene): - Card 074 (New Hiriri) Press the button near the elevator and then up the stairs and to the left, face the two enemies and get the following items: - Card 075 (Ganeme) - Card 076 (Ripomitan L) A strange thing will happen (don't worry, no damage taken, "only" some money!) and then you can continue to the left for another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Haagen Your first real boss battle becomes way too easy when you know what to do. You just have to use Bo-bobo's special attack (the only one he has available right now) and aim it at the enemy, your foe will then go down in no time at all. -----> END OF DUNGEON 2 Cutscene, and you will receive the follow cards: - Card 002 (Beauty) - Card 039 (Haagen) Oh, and that girl now joins your party for a while, but since she is quite weak you should hang out in this area for a while so that you get a couple level ups fo Bo-bobo (later you will know why). When you feel like you are ready, go to the right, following the white bridge. On the next screen, go for the tree for: - Card 116 (Elastic) You should then face the 2 groups of enemies nearby, and then head up for a new story event in which Don Pachi will first appear. The first mini-game will appear (it doesn't matter if you win or lose it, only a very small section of the story will change) and after playing it your girl friend will be kidnapped. However, Don Pachi will join your party, so fight the two other guys in this section and then check the upper left corner of the scenario for a new item: - Card 077 (Kiihorudaa) Advance for the next screen by taking the upper exit, which will take you to a really weird scene and then a battle. ---> BATTLE VS: 2 random foes An easy battle, use Don Pachi's special attack to take care of one of the enemies and then finish the other one with attacks from both current members of your party. Face the other two monkey-like enemies you will be finding in this area and then move to the dungeon on the right side. -----> DUNGEON 3 - WHATEVER THAT IS Be careful with the spikes, just run in the platform and then jump over those nasty "blades", fight the enemies and then take the brown stairs up, get the card in the left: - Card 119 (Butter) Then, press the second button (the first doesn't do anything useful) and go down the stairs, proceed to the right and be sure to get the item hidden at the bottom of these stairs: - Card 132 (HP Bean) Go up the stairs, take care of the thing which is blocking your path and proceed all to the right, getting these 2 items on the process: - Card 114 (Bontan) - Card 125 (Trap) Once again you should go up the stairs and head all to the right, defeating some enemies in the process, eventually reaching another boss battle after some pretty weird scenes. -----> END OF DUNGEON 3 ---> BATTLE VS: Maiteru As before, use Don Pachi's special attack as soon as possible and the battle will end in no time. Some more cutscenes, and at the end you get a new card: - Card 040 (Maiteru) Now it is time for walking a bit one again, move your main character (now unfortunately alone...) to the left side of the scenario and follow that path for a new battle, this time with Beauty on your side. ---> BATTLE VS: Kirariino Attack as you would against a normal foe, and then (when you are able to...) use Bobo-bo's special attack. Then, continue attacking as usual and you will have no problem in defeating this boss. After this other boss battle, go up for reaching another city, which you should "explore" after watching a really small cutscene. Visit the "Inn" if you need to, buy new items if you want and then start moving all to the right in order to reach a new cutscene. Don Pachi will be back, you will face the weird bear mini-game and, after probably losing (like I always do -_-'' ) press the second option, not to play this mini-game once again. More cutscenes and then you will have to face two giant teddy bears: ---> BATTLE VS: 2 TEDDY BEARS Use Don Pachi's special attack to get rid of one of the bears and then attack the other one as usual, he won't pose you much of a thread without his mate. You will now get a new card: - Card 003 (Don Pachi) Now you can exit the town and move to the place where you exited the last dungeon, from there you should move up until the next screen. On that one, check the upper left corner and the upper right corner to get the following cards: - Card 129 (Strong Bean) - Card 134 (Secret Bean) Advance to the right, until the next screen, where you will face a new cutscene... and a new battle! ---> BATTLE VS: a strong random foe Use Don Pachi's special attack, your foe will go down in no time. At the end you will get a new card: - Card 015 (King Hanabo) Follow the path down for a new town, but be sure to get the item which is slightly hidden on the left side of the road: - Card 116 (Elastic) Visit the town, do whatever you want in there (healing is always nice, and it only costs 20 units of money) and then return to the area you just came from, going right this time, into the next screen. Follow the path and go down, but don't forget to get the item on your left: - Card 077 (Kiihorudaa) On to the next area, but before going to the brown bridge be sure to check what's under the trees on the right, as it contains a card: - Card 067 (Chikune) Then, advance for the bridge and you will face a new cutscene, which will end with another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: ??? This one is slightly harder than the ones before, you should start by unleashing Don Pachi's special attack and then attack with everyone's normal attacks, he will go down in a few turns. At the end, you get: - Card 042 (???) - Card 004 (Heppokomaru) As you may think, Heppokomaru actually joined your party, so this is probably the best time to teach you something: even if a character isn't currently among the 3 who are fighting the battles, he will also win as much experience as all the ones who are fighting. Therefore, you can have only the strongest ones fighting in the battles, while the other ones rest and still gain levels! :) Well, back to the game, in this small area you will also find some 3 more cards (you can't get the one on the left, no idea why): - Card 131 (Evasion Bean) - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) x2 Now, go all to the left, in the next area go down and you will be in a new zone, full of items. Get the one in the stomp on the right, the one in the middle of the trees on the left side and the one near the trees on the bottom central zone. These will grant you: - Card 112 (Binoculars) - Card 131 (Evasion Bean) - Card 129 (Strong Bean) As you may see, you are not allowed to go down by now, so you should take the lower left path into the next area and then go all to the left, which will lead you to a new cutscene. Then you will appear on a city, so you should rest in the inn (trust me, you will need it!), buy any items you want and, when you feel ready, exit the town. You will face a new battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Buutan? DBZ's Piccolo, anyone? >_> Well, nevermind, start by using Don Pachi's special attack and, if you are at a fair level, the battle will instantly end. In case it didn't, just keep on atacking with normal moves and eventually your foe will go down. Oh, and as usual you will get a new card: - Card 036 (Buutan) Instead of proceeding as usual, I have now some advice for you. You should use this area to level up your characters a bit, keep on fighting the 5 guys in this area and returning to the city above whenever you need to heal, and you should do this until your weakest character is at least on level 13. After doing so, rest in the inn once more, go back to the area you were trainning in and then take the path to the left into the next area. There, go as much up as possible but be sure not to miss the 2 cards near the trees: - Card 075 (Ganeme) - Card 074 (New Hiriri) Cutscene, go up for a new dungeon. -----> DUNGEON 4 - AMUSEMENT PARK Start by going all to the right and getting your first card: - Card 077 (Kiihorudaa) By going there you probably already saw that giant wheel, now you should take one of those carts up and then use it to jump to the far platform on the right, in which you will find another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: random foe Start by using Don Pachi's special attack, then put Bo-bobo into play (if he isn't already...) and attack the enemy normally with the single moves from all the gang. As before, he will go down easily. Now, continue to the right and fight the enemies, but be sure to get the item stored in front of the castle: - Card 119 (Butter) Continue to the right, your party will split up and you will get the weaker guys, which is always "nice", isn't it? ... Nevermind! Back to the important stuff, go down on the second tube, defeat the enemies and get the 3 items which are held in the cave: - Card 071 (Normal Carrot) - Card 111 (Tie) - Card 077 (Kiihorudaa) Now, go back to the upper area and to the right, passing the house area for another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: robot whose name I have no idea of This will probably be your toughest challenge this far, as your party is deprived of their strongest elements. As soon as the battle starts, go for Heppokomaru's first Special Attack and try to hit all the foes with it, so that you kill all the minions in that single turn. It may seem hard, but you can do it. Then, strike as usual until you can use a new Special Attack, which you should reserve for Beauty's second Special Attack, which should be used against the robot itself, and it will instantly kill him if you know how to properly use the attack. If any of the minions are still alive, take care of them after the robot and it will probably go fine. Another cutscene will appear and (thankfully) Bo-bobo and Don Patchi will be back after that one, meaning that the next battles will surely be easier than you may expect. So, move to the right and a new battle will appear, on the next area. ---> BATTLE VS: Tokoro Tennosuke Hey, it's a huge talking jelly............ Well, in the battle, start by using Don Patchi's Special Attack. After that, if he is still alive you should strike with normal attacks, and that's it! After the battle, he will join your party and you will get a new card: - Card 006 (Tokoro Tennosuke) A quite good character, I gotta say! Now, head to the right and be sure to avoid the two machines on the middle of the walking paths, as they deduct 500 units of money from your account. Continue heading that way, get the item: - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) Continue to the right and eventually you will face another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: random guy Hit him with a single 3-people combination and he will be down. Good, another easy battle won. Call the elevator (by pressing the button, obviously) and go to the next floor. There, start on moving to the left and face a boss battle near the table. ---> BATTLE VS: 2 random guys Hit each of them with a 3-people combination and they will easily go down. Then, one the left side of the table you will see new item, be sure to get it: - Card 066 (Strenght in a Bottle) Take the new elevator upstairs, go to the right and be sure to get the item which is hidden on the second bookshelf: - Card 066 (Strenght in a Bottle) Continue to the right until you find a teddy rabbit, which will join you as a card and then you will be magically transported to the floor above, not before getting a new card: - Card 031 (Teddy Rabbit) Next to the elevator in the new floor you will find a new card: - Card 135 (Silver Bean) If you continue now to the left, you will find a closed door. In order to open it you will need press the 3 buttons from the left to the the right, I mean... Imagine them as "X Y Z", you must press X first, then Y and finally Z. Then, the door will open and you can continue your path. Near one of the lockers be sure to get this item: - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) Continue to the left and eventually you will face a new battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Sofuton This is not very hard, start by using Don Pachi's special attack and, in case your foe is still alive after that one, be sure to hit him with a few normal attacks and he will go down in no time. You will then get a new card, as usual: - Card 005 (Sofuton) Oh, and he will join your party, but you probably already noticed that. Take the elevator into the next floor, move to the right in order to see a new cutscene. In case you wanna see something weird, look at the upper right corner and you will *someone* (I don't think it is a character from the game...) looking from outside. After this event, continue to the right and you will fight, after another cutscene in which Beauty gets kidnapped AGAIN: ---> BATTLE VS: Kabeo Start by using normal attacks until the Hajike bar is ready for using a special attack, which you should reserve for Don Pachi, as usual. After unleashing it (and unless you are a reallyyyyy bad player) the battle will probably be over. -----> END OF DUNGEON 4 You will then be teleported to the entrance of the dungeon you just faced and you will get a new card: - Card 044 (Kabeo) Move to the left into the next area, where you will see a new (funny) cutscene and Gyorai Garu will join your party. In this place, be sure to get the item in the middle of the trees, on the right side of the scenario. - Card 129 (Strong Bean) You can get another one on the lower part of the scenario, on a stone. - Card 122 (Dice) Proceed to the right and be sure to get the 2 items on the next area, one of them in the stomp and another on the rock, both placed on the right side of the road. - Card 115 (Iron Weight) - Card 134 (Secret Bean) You should then take the white bridge to the left, which will lead you to a new city. However, you should be quite careful with this one, as it is actually full of foes ready to kill your team on sight. Also, the harder parts of the game are yet to come, so you should hang around in this area for a bit, just to level up (you can use the inn to heal, in case you need to), but be careful not to go down from the screen out of town, as enemies in there are currently more powerful that you. Train until the weakest member of your party is at level 22, and then try to move to the leftmost section of the city, where you will face a new cutscene and a new battle. ---> BATTLE VS: two random soldiers Use a 3-people combination against each of them and they will easily go down. -----> DUNGEON 5 - FLYING HIGH IN THE SKY! Yep, right instantly after the last battle you were taken to a flying ship (or whatever this is) which is high in the sky. After a slightly bigger cutscene than usual, you will get Beauty back on your party and that's it. In case you got here without desiring to OR you just wanna go back, visit the creature which is on the right corner of this zone and talk to it by doing the same thing you would do to activate a switch (then pick the first option and you will be on the group. For getting up, repeat with the other creature available in the town). In case you wanna proceed in this dungeon, go up the steel stairs and all to the right. Go up on the next steel stairs and activate the switch, then proceed to the right and down the new steel stairs. Notice (and obviously, get it) the item on one of the cones in the left: - Card 129 (Strong Bean) Use the flying platform to jump to the lower platform on the left, in which you will find another item: - Card 131 (Evasion Bean) Go back down, take the flying platform once again and this time jump to the upper platform on the left, go up the steel stairs and activate the button. Go down the steel stairs and to the left, where you will face yet another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: ?????????????? As usual you should start by using Don Pachi's special attack, then go for 3-people combinations (I used Don Pachi, Tokoro Tennosuke and Heppokomaru but you can try with anyone else) and your foe will be down after a while. Be careful since he is slightly stronger than you may expecting, so you may need to switch some of your current characters for the ones who weren't battling before. Now you can go back to town if you want (for healing in the inn...) but otherwise you can take ALL the steel ladders until you reach the top of the building. Take the two moving platforms to reach even higher and climbing the last steel stairs. Now go down the steel stairs and all to the left for an item. - Card 134 (Secret Bean) This time you should go all to the right, down the stairs and to the left, where you will face your second mini-game. In case you are wondering, nothing special seems to happen if you win it, so you can continue at free will even if you lose, and then you will face a battle. ---> BATTLE VS: ???????????????? I think you've already seen this somewhere, but as before you should start by using Don Pachi's special attack and then strike with 3-people combinations, your foe will go down easily by doing it. Your enemy also seems to feature an attack that damages everyone on the screen (including himself), but if you are at a nice level (like I suggested you before) not even that will put you into trouble. From here you can go down and right for an item (you'll have to jump from platform to platform). However, be sure to return to the same place you just exited before attempting anything else. - Card 134 (Secret Bean) From the room where you last fought against a boss, go up on the stairs, left, up on the stairs, all to the left, down the stairs, right, up on the next stairs and press the button. Down the stairs and to the right for another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Kirariino Do you remember this guy from before? Well, he is the same as before, and I guess you already know what I will say, hum? -_- Well, start with Don Pachi's special attack, attack with triple combinations from everyone (I currently had Don Patchi, Bo-bobo and Tokoro Tennosuke in my party, but you can use anyone you want, provided you have Don Patchi in there) and, when your Hajike bar has enough power, unleash Don Patch's special once again, by this time your foe will already be dead meat. After Kirariino runs away, check the upper right section of that room for another item. - Card 130 (Defense Bean) Proceed to the left, down onto another room, down the stairs, all to the left and down those stairs once again, down on the moving platform, all to the left, down on the stairs, right on the moving walkpath and you will finally face another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Suzu This could turn into an harder battle if you didn't know what to do, but I will give you an interesting tip. Start the battle by using Bo-bobo's third special attack, but try to allign it in a way that all 4 enemies are hit by it. Hopefully this will kill all enemies at once (it did for me!), but in case it didn't... just strike the last enemy (or enemies) with 3-people combinations and then you win. A new scene will unfold and you will be teleported back to the city. -----> END OF DUNGEON 5 However, a new card will join your collection: - Card 048 (Suzu) You MUST now heal yourself in the Inn, or else you would be having a lot of trouble in the following sections. SAVE your game (I wouldn't usually say it but this time it is important!) and then move to the leftmost part of the town. Sofuton will create a strange portal (WTF? Is that a bathroom or what?) and you will go inside, where a strange character will follow you. After a scene you will finally get to control your party once again, you should move to the left until you leave the "house" and then go up the stairs, perform a jump to the right (to the top of the "house"'s roof) and then proceed in that path all to the right, you will find the strange monkey hidden in there, and by talking to him you will get a new card. - Card 035 (Annaitai) Now, go to the left and jump to the yellow platform, continue all to the left and down the yellow ladder, the head to the left and continue, you will face a new battle. ---> BATTLE VS: ??? Yep, it's the strange monster from card number 44, the one you already faced before but now he is even stronger! Well, nevermind this, just start by striking with the usual Don Pachi's special attack and then give some simple blows (anything you want!) only to increase the value on the Hajike bar. When it is full again, unleash Don Pachi's special attack once again and your foe will go down. After the battle, go slightly to the left and enter the door (press the bottom option), you will leave this strange world and find yourself in town once more. Instead of going left once again, leave town, fight some enemies and, once you have a full Hajike bar, go back here and rest in the inn. Then, save your game and move to the leftmost side of the city, where you will face a new boss. ---> BATTLE VS: Gunkan After an interesting confrontation scene, you should first strike with Don Pachi's special attack, which will probably kill him. However, in case it doesn't, strike with some normal attacks and he will go down. At the end you will get a card... - Card 049 (Gunkan) Go to the inn if you need, and then exit town. A scene will appear, in which a random guy will be turned into stone and a new guy will join your party, alongside with his own card. - Card 009 (Hatenkou) Now you should go down into the new area, and be sure to get the cards which are placed on the rock (on the upper left corner) and in a bush, on the central field of trees. - Card 126 (Zoragon) - Card 118 (Machine Gun) Then, proceed on the path to the right side, you will reach another new area. Near the trees, on the right side, there's another item. - Card 115 (Iron Weight) As you may have noticed, from here you can only go up, so... do it! After seeing a group of 2 guys behaving in a weird way, go up and you will get into a new dungeon. -----> DUNGEON 6 - MANSION Another strange scene, and then another battle. Gosh, won't that guy ever give up? -_- ---> BATTLE VS: Kirariino Start with Don Pachi's special attack, give some blows to fill the Hajike bar, and then use Don Pachi's special attack once again. Your foe will already be down by then. By now, you probably already noticed that you are maybe not as strong as you should. Therefore, exit this area and go back to town, train for a while and until your weakest member is around level 28 (following the same method as before). After doing so, continue reading. You should also continue to the right in this dungeon, go up the stairs and all to the left, press the button. Go to the right, go down on the next ladder and to the right for a new button which you should press. Now, on that same ladder you should go as up as you can, and then follow the trail to the upper point of the building, going up on the new ladder and getting the item near the leftmost painting. However, don't press the button, as an enemy will fall from the ceiling. - Card 030 (Kappa) A few moments ago, when you pressed the botton on the bottom, a new area opened, remember? Now, you should go to that place (right of the huge ladder, on the central floor) and advance to the next area by going to the right. In here, go all to the right and you'll see a button at the end. Don't press it yet, go up on the ladder nearby and as left as possible, until you are inside the bathroom. There, get the item cleverly hidden near shower. - Card 125 (Trap) Go back to where you just came from and this time press the button, making a new ladder appear. Follow it down and then to the left, you will see a new cutscene in which Bo-bobo and Gyorai Garu will leave your party. Continue to the left side, down the ladder and all to the right, an enemy will popup from one of the tubes but you shouldn't care much about it. Instead, get the item nearby, on the lower right corner of that area. - Card 033 (Nisaboobobo) Up the ladder nearby, up on the ladder on the right, all to the right and you will see 2 buttons. Press the one in the right to continue (and you can also press the one in the left for a funny scene with Serviceman) and then take the newly acessible stairs on the right (you just went up by the ones in the left...). Near the tube you will find an item. - Card 34 (Nisazonpochi) Continue to the left and down on the ladder, then head to the left and you will see a small cutscene. Advance further in that direction and you will face... ---> BATTLE VS: MAX Kiyokawa Go for Don Pachi's (or Sofuton's, he seems to have a stronger version of the same attack) special attack and your foe will go down in no time. -----> END OF DUNGEON 6 Once again, you will find yourself outside the last dungeon and with new cards on your collection. - Card 045 (MAX Kiyokawa) - Card 001 (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo) From here, go down to a new area. You should start by checking the upper left corner of the scenario, as an item will be in there. - Card 118 (Machine Gun) This time, take the path just below you, which will lead you to a new city. Do whatever you need/want in there, and after that come back to this area. Now, remember... you can from the top and then you went to the left side. So, now you should go to the right side! Here, you can see two different items, one in a rock on the lower left corner and another on the grass near the entrance to the building. - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) - Card 122 (Dice) You probably got them in this order, so now you can try to pay a visit to the building, only to find that... it is currently closed! So, go back to the last town you visited, you will find a strange post being transported. After that scene, get into the town itself and YOU SHOULD proceed to the left, but be warned: this is your thoughest battle up to now. So, instead of going there, spend some time to get a few level ups around here, as you surely need them. In case you are wondering, I leveled up my characters until the weakest one was at level 37. Then, go to previous town (not this new one, as you won't be able to use the inn in there right now!) and use the inn. Finally, go back to this new town, SAVE YOUR GAME and proceed all to the left. I suggest you take Bo-bobo, Don Pachi and Tokoro Tennosuke as your initial members, but it's really up to you. ---> BATTLE VS: Kinen + Ramune + Purupuu Start by using Bo-bobo's third special attack, but be sure to direct it in a way that every enemy is hit by the attack. Then, strike with physical attacks and direct all of them to the fridge-like guy, as he is the most damaging one, until he is defeated. If you get the chance for it (as the middle one has the power to reset your Hajike bar...), unleash Don Pachi's newly acquired second special attack to damage everyone. In case you don't, take care of the fridge-like enemy in first place, then direct your attacks for the lower enemy and finally defeat the central one. If you are at a proper level and you follow my instructions, it will go just fine! Now, you will get 3 new cards: - Card 050 (Kinen) - Card 051 (Ramune) - Card 052 (Purupuu) Obviously, you should now rest in the inn and take care of everything else around here. Then, after a cutscene, exit town and go to the building which was closed before, following a character from your party, and you will see a new scene. After it, enter the new dungeon, which seems to be a plant. -----> DUNGEON 7 - PLANT After the scene with the monkey, proceed to the left and jump over the moving floor, as the button only contains a strange scene with Serviceman. Go all to the left and up the ladder, then go for the right for another scene and a battle. ---> BATTLE VS: ... As before, start by unleashing Don Pachi's first special attack as soon as possible and your foe will be history. Go up the ladder on the right and proceed to the right to face yet another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: 4 times the enemy you just faced At least to me he doesn't seem as strong as before, so you should start by using Don Pachi's second special attack as soon as possible, then strike with normal attacks, use Don Pachi's second special attack once again, more normal attacks, and keep on repeating until you defeated everyone. Proceed to the right, and get the two items under you. Use that central platform to get the item FIRST on the right, then jump to this central platform once again and to the left, getting the second item. - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) x2 Go back to the place where you fought the 4 exactly equal guys and then take the red stairs up. Notice the item near the left ending of the blue platform and you will get a new card. - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) Take the new ladder on the right to go up, then proceed to the right and up the red ladder that you can see in there. Move to the right and you will see a fan-like machine which will send Bo-bobo sky high. While in the sky, press LEFT all the time and you will be landing on the moving floor area. Run across it and press the button in order to open the next area, which you should follow BUT having special careful not to fall in the area below. Continue all to the left and you will see a new scene with a fluffy character, which unfortunately you will have to defeat in the next battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Dengakuman + 3 random enemies For an easy (and probably instant) win, use Don Pachi's second special attack and try to power it up as much as you can. However, another option is attacking Dengakuman himself with 1 (or 2) 3-people combination, and then easily defeat the 3 enemies as you would in an usual battle. Unfortunately, right after this battle you will get to face another one. Oh, and yeah, Dengakuman joined your party. No idea on why you would want such a weak fighter, but OK... A new mini-game appears, it doesn't matter if you win it or not, and then you fight. ---> BATTLE VS: ??? Use Don Pachi's special attack as soon as possible and your foe will once again go down without much fight. -----> END OF DUNGEON 7 After the battle he will actually SUCK YOU into another place, which is a quite strange thing... o_O'''' You will also get 2 cards, which is always nice! - Card 007 (Dengakuman) - Card 046 (Guchikun) Now, you could actually go to the lower right corner in order to reach the new dungeon, but please DON'T DO IT YET, as it is time for some more exploration and to get a couple items. In this first area, go all to the left and find an item in one of the rocks. Then, go for the right side and get one on the upper bush and one in the lower rock. - Card 120 (Bomb) - Card 118 (Machine Gun) - Card 115 (Iron Weight) Now, advance to the next area by going to the upper left corner. All to the right you will find a new town, where you can do whatever you need to. Head to the left side and, near the brown sign you can get a new item on the ground. - Card 130 (Defense Bean) Once again take the upper left path until you reach the new area, where you will find more items. From the place you just entered, go up in a straight line and you will find two items in that path, get them. - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) x2 Exit this area by the lower entrance, the next one in for the lower entrance and finally the third on by the lower entrance, which will take you to a new dungeon. -----> DUNGEON 8 - OVER THE GARDEN After the cutscene advance all to the right, getting two items available on top of the slightly upper floors, at the end go up the brown ladder and you will find yet another item. - Card 118 (Machine Gun) - Card 132 (HP Bean) - Card 121 (Kehaeeruarufu) Down the next ladder and all to the right into the next area. You will find an item near the first paper wall, continue to the right and you will find another one near the box stating "Toy Box". - Card 120 (Bomb) - Card 115 (Iron Weight) Continue to the right and you will fight... ---> BATTLE VS: Rubii Easy battle, there are many simple tactics that you could use in here but by striking with Don Pachi's first special attack your foe will go down in no time at all. You will get another card. - Card 053 (Rubii) Head to the right and up the brown ladder, at the top you will find an item exactly on your left. - Card 121 (Kehaeeruarufu) Continue to the left and be sure to jump above the lava pits, as they will reset your position on this floor. On the second white platform you will find an item. - Card 077 (Kiihorudaa) Continue on the white platforms to the left and eventually you will face another battle, after a funny scene in which your team mates actually use themselves as a bridge. ---> BATTLE VS: Mugenchiuto Start with Sofuton's first special attack as soon as possible and your foe will go down easily. In case he doesn't , just go for normal attacks, he won't surely pose you much of a trouble. New card. - Card 054 (Mugenchiuto) Up the brown ladder, to the righ and you will find another item near the huge pile of toilet paper. - Card 122 (Dice) Go up the pile of toilet paper AND be careful not to fall in the hole in the ground, as doing so would result in falling in the lava on the bottom floor, with obvious bad results. So, jump over the hole and keep on going to the right until you will find a huge toilet. With it comes some more funny scenes and another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Bunnui + Bunnui + Kouga Bunnui As soon as possible, go for Bo-bobo's third special attack (the one with the two sets of nose hair...) and allign it in a way that every opponent gets hit by the attack. This will probably kill all of them at once, but in case it doesn't you can also strike the surviving enemies with 3-people combination attacks, the battle will end soon. You will get 3 new cards. - Card 055 (Bunnui) - Card 056 (Bunnui) - Card 057 (Kouga Bunnui) Proceed slightly to the right and you will find an item near the brown ladder. - Card 077 (Kiihorudaa) Up the brown ladder an then all to the left, but be sure not to step on the spikes, as they reset your position on this level floor. Well, you could just go jumping from cannon to cannon but that's slightly hard and requires a lot of practice, so there's an interesting trick... stand in the middle of a cannon and press UP. An explosion will happen and you will be taken to the next cannon, where you should repeat this operation. When you reach the last one, a huge cannon with some kanji in it, use it as you did with the smaller ones and then head all to the left, in order to get another item. (On your way up you may have noticed a button and a platform below the place where you currently are, but it appears not to exist any way to get there right now) - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) Then, proceed to the right and you will face another battle, after a cutscene. ---> BATTLE VS: ... Start with Bo-bobo's third special attack and make it hit every enemy, which will probably take care of the two weaker enemies. Now, use any attacks you want so that your Hajike bar becomes full, and once that happens unleash Don Pachi's first special attack (or the one of Sofuton) against the main enemy. If, by then, any enemy is still, just get rid of them as you would do with a normal random battle. -----> END OF DUNGEON 8 After this battle, Gyorai Garu will appear and join your party once again, after a censored scene in which she will hit almost everyone on your party, which isn't very nice... You will be teleported back to the map, but at least 2 new cards will join your collection. - Card 008 (Gyorai Garu) - Card 058 (OVER) From here, instead of advancing in the story you should trace your steps back to the place you just came from and the exact same place you fought this last boss. Do it! When you are exactly there, after the place reached by using the last cannon, continue all to the right and get the item on top of the golden fish. - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) Now, go down the brown ladder nearby and proceed all to the left (ignore the item in there, as you can't seem to be able to get it...) and press the button, exiting this area by the newly opened door. You'll probably remember the place you are taken to, so just proceed all to the left as before, until you exit the entire dungeon. On the next area, exit to the upper left corner and then go right into the town you visited before, but not without the right side of the station in this screen, as you will find an item on the upper right corner. - Card 121 (Kehaeeruarufu) After this, proceed to the town on the right for a new cutscene. Heal, do whatever you need, and then exit it and go up, to the newly acessible station. -----> DUNGEON 9 - TRAIN This is a really easy one, when you get to control your party move all to the left and up the brown ladder, get the item on your left. - Card 086 (Zenshiichinoo) Some more to the right, a new item. - Card 126 (Zoragon) Even more to the right, you will face a new battle against an old "friend" of yours. ---> BATTLE VS: Kirariino He is the same as before, except that now he also has an attack which empties your Hajike bar. So, start by using Sofuton's first special attack, use some normal attacks until you have the opportunity to launch another special attack (which may actually take a while...), which you should reserve for Sofuton's one. By then, he will probably be already defeated... -----> END OF DUNGEON 9 After the battle you will find yourself in a new area, alongside with a new card. - Card 041 (Kirariino) As I should have stated before, new area, new cards! You can find one to your right (next to the statue, the best way to get there is by crossing by the middle of the trees) and other two on the lower right posts. These 3 will be: - Card 134 (Secret Bean) x3 Go up, to the next area. As you are going up, you will see 3 signs saying "Hallelujah", all of which contain an item on their behind. - Card 129 (Strong Bean) - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) - Card 120 (Bomb) Head to the left and you will be reaching a new (and the biggest one, I think...) dungeon. -----> DUNGEON 10 - BIG AMUSEMENT PARK As soon as you enter you will see an item on the floor, but by going slightly to the right you will see another one on the floor, slightly to the right of the pink flying fish. Obviously, get them both. - Card 136 (Golden Bean) - Card 122 (Dice) Continue to the right, but when you find the huge door with red and green jewels, press UP to enter it. This is kinda like a small dungeon inside the bigger one, and you will need to beat it in order to open the chocolate door which was exactly in front of you. From this new area, go down on the blue ladder and all to the right, press the buttons you will see and the second one (which is blue, instead of red) will give you an item. - Card 136 (Golden Bean) Proceed to the right, down on the pink ladder and then all to the left, activate the blue switch and then make all the way back to the main entrance. From there, this time go to the right side but be careful with the huge ice creams (your character will slip on them!) and continue going up to the end and take the pink ladder all the way up, go left to find 3 buttons. Press each of them to gain 2 items and to open a new area (the green one). - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) - Card 089 (Hajike Pajima) Go back to the pink ladder and jump to the left, trying to land on the small platform. From there, jump to the moving platform on the left and once again to the next moving platform on the left, jump once again to the left, jump above the hole and go all to the left, go up on that bunch of moving platforms and, at the top, jump to the platform in the right, continue to follow that path for a new battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Raisu Start with Sofuton's first special attack, which will probably finish your foe easily. In case she is still alive after that attack, go for 3-people combinations and she will go down in no time at all. As you may have already thought of, her card will join your collection after the battle. - Card 047 (Raisu) Go all the way back to the start of this small dungeon and exit it, to the place where you saw the "jewels" on the door and the chocolate door blocking up your path. From the outside, go to the right and be sure to get the item near the lower right corner. - Card 133 (Hajike Bean) Keep going on that path and eventually you will see a new cutscene and a battle will occur, as usual. ---> BATTLE VS: ... As soon as possible, unleash Sofuton's first special attack and the enemy will probably "die". However, in case that's not enough, continue striking with 3-people combinations and you won't have much trouble. Be careful, as the enemy has a powerful attack which strikes everyone in your party for heavy damage, but if you finish him off as soon as possible he won't even get to damage your allies. Nope, you won't get his card! >_> Well, proceed all to the right, not only to the next scenario but also to the lower right area of it, as you will find an item in there. - Card 136 (Golden Bean) Go up on all the platforms (be careful with the ones with green elements, as your characters will slip on them!) and be sure to get all items which are on the platforms, 2 of them. - Card 130 (Defense Bean) x2 Go all the way to the top and then head for the brown bridge, where you will fight some more enemies. ---> BATTLE VS: Zoopu + Megafun + Naou This could turn out being an hard battle, if you didn't know what to do. Personally, I think you should start with Bo-bobo's third special attack (as usual, allign it in a way that it hits every enemy), go for some normal moves until your Hajike bar is full, and then use Bo-bobo's third special attack once again, keep on repeating and eventually your foes will go down, perhaps even all of them at the same time. This time, their own cards will join your collection after the battle. - Card 059 (Zoopu) - Card 060 (Megafun) - Card 061 (Naou) Go to the left, you will see some stairs and 3 items in there, be sure to get them all. - Card 136 (Golden Bean) - Card 118 (Machine Gun) - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) Continue all to the left until you reach a new room, and you will then see 2 items in there. - Card 072 (Huge Carrot) - Card 136 (Golden Bean) More to the left, you can talk to the creature in there to get teleported back to the main area (the one with the "Hallelujah" signs) by picking the second option (the first one cancels it, which is a good idea if you think that you are not strong enough to face the final area just yet). In case you think you can, proceed to the left and you will be taken into a strange dungeon. There's not much I can tell you about this one, except that the main basis is reaching the area with a huge dice in it and then activate it (no, you don't need to defeat all the enemies). Eventually you will reach an area with an exit on top of the stairs, which you should obviously take, as you are not even given any type of options in that matter. Just keep on rolling the dice and eventually you will reach it, but be aware that I won't state the items found in this section, as it would be too hard to do. So, be sure to get all the items you find and it will go fine. At the end, you get teleported to the room with the creature from before, and this time I surely think you should accept its "invitation" and go back to the place you visited before. Go back there, level up for a bit and then make your way to this area once again, in case you are wondering you won't face any of the bosses from before. I got a couple levels until my weakest character was at level 48. When you are ready, save your game and then proceed all to the left for facing a 3-phase battle against the final boss. ---> BATTLE VS: Harekurani in his chair Hit him with Sofuton's first special attack and probably he will go down as easy as possible. In case he isn't down after such attack, go for 3-people combinations and the battle won't last much longer. ---> BATTLE VS: Harekurani in his feet + 3 coins As soon as possible, unleash Bo-bobo's third special attack and make it in a way that it actually hits everyone. This will probably kill the 3 coins if done correctly, so you should then try to build some power on the Hajike bar and then hit him with Sofuton's first special attack, just like in the battle before. Your enemy has an attack in which he makes your Hajike bar drop down to 0, but if you quickly attack him after such action, his attack won't pose you any trouble at all. ---> BATTLE VS: Harekurani, final form Start with Sofuton's first special attack as soon as possible, go for normal attacks from the other 2 party members (which will probably instantly fill your Hajike bar) and Sofuton's first special attack once again, keep on repeating until you win. -----> END OF DUNGEON 10 Some cutscenes, and then you will see the ending video, with the credits and stuff like that. You can press START to skip it, and then you are able to save your game. Do it, and then press B to exit. You'll be in the main menu, so you should load the slot you just saved and you will see some new scenes, meaning that the game isn't fully over yet. When you get the chance for it, think of your collection and you will see that it has a new element. - Card 062 (Harekurani) Check the area behind the throne for a new card. - Card 124 (Santouriu) Go to the creature and talk to it, selecting the option which will take you back to the main area. From there, go all the way up and you will find a new creature, talk to him and use the first option to the taken to a new area, where you will see a new station. Go inside it and you will be taken to the top of a train, but be aware, it will be VERY HARD, I suggest that the weakest member of your party should above level 69. -----> DUNGEON 11 - THE DEADLY TRAIN First, I have to tell you about an "interesting" thing... you will have to face all the enemies in this area in the same trip, as exiting the top of the train will reset everyone's positions. However, it is indeed a good way to win lots of quick level ups! ;-) Well, move all to the right and you will start facing familiar foes. ---> BATTLE VS: ... + ... + ... No idea about these guys' names, but starting with Bo-bobo's third special attack (to hit them all, as usual) works good, then go for some attacks from the other folks (to gain some more "energy" on the Hajike bar) and finally unleash a second strike from Bo-bobo's third special attack and the battle will be over. Move more to the right, new cutscene, battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Kirariino Sofuton's first special attack as soon as possible, fill your Hajike bar, repeat everything. Your foe will go down in no time. More to the right, new cutscene, battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Rubii + Ramune + Suzu Same strategy as the first battle from the train. You don't remember it? Ok, I will paste it! >_> "starting with Bo-bobo's third special attack (to hit them all, as usual) works good, then go for some attacks from the other folks (to gain some more "energy" on the Hajike bar) and finally unleash a second strike from Bo-bobo's third special attack and the battle will be over." Done, except that this time you may need more than 2 special attacks from Bo-bobo! :P More to the right, another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Haagen + Maiteru + random enemy Easy battle, use the same strategy as in the battle before and it will all go fine. More to the right, another battle. ---> BATTLE VS: Bunnui + Bunnui + Kouga Bunnui Same strategy as in the battle before, it will all go fine. This time, SAVE YOUR GAME before going to the right. When you are ready, do it. ---> BATTLE VS: J Go for Sofuton's first special attack as soon as possible, fill your Hajike bar, repeat everything. Your foe will go down after 3 or 4 attacks like this, but be specially careful since he has an attack which harshly damages all 3 active party members of yours. After this battle, you will get a new card. - Card 063 (J) Before proceeding to the right, be sure to SAVE YOUR GAME and then properly heal everyone. When you feel like you are ready, advance all to the right, in order to face the most difficult battle in the game (at least for me...). ---> BATTLE VS: Gunkan + Purupuu + OVER + Harekurani Start by a quick attack from Bo-bobo's third special attack, and try to aim it in a way that everyone gets hit by the attack at the same time. After doing so, it's really up to you. You should try filling your Hajike bar and then you can perhaps unleash another of those third attacks from Bo-bobo, you can go for the first special attack from Sofuton, the second attack from Don Pachi, whatever you like! However, be sure to take care of OVER first (the guy with the white hair), then take care of Gunkan (guy with black hair) and then you can easily take care of the other 2 guys. Right after this battle, another one will start. ---> BATTLE VS: .......... In here, start wih Don Pachi's second special attack, aiming to get as many hits as you can. Keep on striking with the other two members (use 2 people combos...), in order to get the Hajike bar filled as soon as possible, and then unleash another of Pon Pachi's special attack. You should repeat this, switching the other 2 members out if necessary and healing Don Patchi, eventually your foe will go down. He is not very strong, except for his special attack that will heavily damage all 3 current members of your party. Be careful with that one and everything will go just as planned. After the end of the battle, your enemy will disappear and a strange new character will appear in his place, which you will have to fight next! ---> BATTLE VS: ??? (NO IDEA, REALLY!) His defense is almost infinite, even at level 99 you would have a whole lot of trouble defeating him. The main idea here is letting him attack your party (action which will quickly increase your Hajike bar) and then heal the affected members, while one of elements quickly strike the enemy with a multi-hit special attack. Personally I went for Bo-bobo's third special attack, Don Pachi's first special attack and Sofuton's first special attack, but you can use anything you like provided that it is actually a good multi-hit attack. Don't get fed up, the battle will be very long, but eventually you will win, just don't forget to keep on healing your damaged members! -----> END OF DUNGEON 11 And once you do, you will get a new card, see the ending screen (with the credits and all that) once again and then you should save your game... - Card 064 (Yamiyashi) The adventure is over, but you should keep on playing to get even more cards, I bet you still have a lot of them to collect! 3~. Battle Guide Battles are surely the most complex thing about this game. There are virtually hundreds of possible battle combinations to be performed, lots of random attacks and even special attacks which are learned as you progress along the game. I'll guide you along some of the interesting combinations I found, but if they always work (or not) seems to be random, as most of the things in the game actually are. Obviously I will give each of those details their own section, with the general battle controls being the following ones: A - attacking, selecting stuff B - perform combination with a character LEFT/RIGHT - calls for the menu UP/DOWN - allows to select another character who has the attack bar full L - not used R - switch party members By calling the menu you are given new options, which are: ATTACK SPECIAL ATTACK ITEM RUN "ATTACK" allows you to pick who you want to attack, exactly as if you just pressed A in the middle of a battle. "SPECIAL ATTACK" allows you to select one of the special attacks the currently selected character has, but you can only select it if the Hajike bar is currently full. "ITEM" should be selected for using any of the items you currently have. "RUN" simply allows you to run from a battle but it doesn't work for boss battles. 3.1~. Combinations Depeding on what characters you pick for a combination you may get different results, sometimes even some which can be classified as quite interesting. Performing them is quite easy, you just have to select a character and then press B to combine with the next one, for example, on the right side of a battle screen you will see: X Y Z X can combine with Y for a 2 people combination and with Z for a 3 people combination. Y can combine with Z for a 2 people combination and with X for a 3 people combination. Z can combine with X for a 2 people combination and with Y for a 3 people combination. Now, imagine you wanted to do a 2 people combination between X and Y. You should select X and then press "B", and then press "A" to select the targets of the attack. Also, the order seems to matter, as combining X~Y would be getting a different result than combining Y~X, but only sometimes! Finally, in case you wanted to do a 3 people combination between X, Y and Z you would have to select X, press "B" TWICE and then use "A" to select the target. As you may suppose, those attacks are generally stronger than any of the normal attacks you can perform, and apart from that they are also sometimes quite funny! I won't obviously state all the possible combinations, but there are a very few ones that I think that are worth mentioning. Before reading this list, have in mind that the result is sometimes random, so you may not be able to get these every time you want. Well, the ones I consider "special" are: ----> Tokoro Tennosuke + Bo-bobo + Don Pachi Each of them throws a fruit-shaped bomb at the enemy, which doesn't cause much damage but hits every enemy, a good option for those battles in which you are always facing a lot of enemies, who actually don't have a lot of HP but can be annoying sometimes. ----> Tokoro Tennosuke + Bo-bobo + Don Pachi Yes, another combination performed by those same guys, showing how random this game can sometimes be. This time, Bo-bobo makes Don Pachi and Tokoro Tennosuke have a fusion and makes them hit a single enemy 3 times, causing a good ammount of damage. ----> Beauty + Sofuton While Beauty dances, Sofuton makes a strange move, which not only hits every enemy but also gives some HP to all 3 currently active members of your party. And those are the only ones I find important, but in case you wanna suggest some more, you are free to do so! 3.2~. Special Attacks These are activated by pressing a certain option during the battles, in which that particular character will spend the entire Hajike bar (obviously, you need to have it full before using this option) and you have to perform a certain operation in order for it to hit as hard as possible. Below, the special attacks of each character will be stated and I will try to provide as many details about each of them as possible. However, I will neither give the names of the attacks, as they would be too hard to translate (coff Kanji coff) nor be able to always disclose the exact level in which an attack is learned, as it is sometimes hard to do. In case anyone wanna correct me in those points, you are obviously free to do so. -----> Bo-bobo --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: the main character uses his nose hair to hit the enemies How to use: press UP and DOWN to move the nose hair --- Attack number 2 Learned at: level 10 Description: the main character uses his nose hair to hit the enemies, causing more damage than before How to use: press UP and DOWN to move the nose hair --- Attack number 3 Learned at: level 18 Description: the main character uses his entire nose hair to hit the enemies How to use: press UP and DOWN to move both sections of the nose hair --- Attack number 4 Learned at: level 50 Description: Bo-bobo turns into a robot and his giant hand appears from the top of the screen, punching the enemies several times How to use: move the legs left and right by pressing those keys, you need allign the many body parts OR you won't cause much damage --- Attack number 5 Learned at: learned by using card 140 Description: Bo-bobo is seen spinning on a roullete. Dependin on where he stops, something different will occur and more (or less...) damage will be caused How to use: simply press A to make him stop -----> Beauty --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: restores very few HP many times How to use: while having it active, quickly select a character and press "A" as quickly as possible. --- Attack number 2 Learned at: level 8 Description: punches an enemy many times, causing few damage How to use: quickly press two directions at the same time as many times as possible --- Attack number 3 Learned at: before level 21 Description: restores some HP many times How to use: while having it active, quickly select a character and press "A" as quickly as possible. --- Attack number 4 Learned at: level 27 Description: punches an enemy many times, causing fair damage How to use: quickly press two directions at the same time as many times as possible -----> Don Pachi --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: punches an enemy many times, causing fair damage How to use: quickly press "A" as many times as possible --- Attack number 2 Learned at: level 35 Description: turns into a giant ship and hits the enemies several times How to use: quickly press "A" as many times as possible -----> Heppokomaru --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: farts to the enemy several times How to use: press UP and DOWN to move the farts zone o_O --- Attack number 2 Learned at: before level 15 Description: randomly causes some damage to a fighter, including your own party members How to use: when the cursor is above someone (you may probably want it to be on top of a foe...) you press A to hit. -----> Sofuton --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: punches an enemy many times, causing fair damage How to use: quickly press "A" as many times as possible --- Attack number 2 Learned at: before level 26 Description: a huge green scarab appears and damages all foes How to use: press the combination of keys which appear on the screen as quickly as possible, but be sure not to miss it, as 3 failures would make the entire attack vanish --- Attack number 3 Learned at: learned with card 141 Description: makes characters invencible How to use: keep pressing A and selecting characters quickly to make them invencible. -----> Tokoro Tennosuke --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: throws bubbles at the enemies, damaging everyone How to use: press "A" as many times and as quickly as possible --- Attack number 2 Learned at: level 27 Description: hits a certain foe several times How to use: press LEFT+RIGHT as many times and as quickly as possible -----> Dengakuman --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: a tank appears and shoots at all enemies, causing damage depending on your input How to use: press "A" when the cursor is as near from 100 as possible, repeat as many times as you have time to --- Attack number 2 Learned at: level 45 (yes, he learns it after the third one! >_> ) Description: a tank appears and shoots at all enemies, causing even more damage depending on your input How to use: press "A" when the cursor is as near from 100 as possible, repeat as many times as you have time to --- Attack number 3 Learned at: level 30 Description: eats candy, getting more powerful after a while How to use: press "A" as quickly as possible, if he gets more than a certain number of candy he receives a 1-turn stat boost -----> Gyorai Garu --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: shoots many bombs from the sky, not causing much damage How to use: press "A" as quickly as possible --- Attack number 2 Learned at: before level 26 Description: uses herself as a bomb (ironic, hum?!), causing few damage to the enemy How to use: press "A" as near from 100 as possible, and pick the angle (press "A" when she is on the right one) in which she will be launched. Repeat, if you have the time for it. -----> Hatenkou --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: throws keys at the enemy, causing fair damage How to use: press "A" as quickly and as many times as possible --- Attack number 2 Learned at: level 35 Description: throws giant keys at the enemy, causing good damage and sometimes paralyzing them How to use: press "A" as quickly and as many times as possible And that's all in this section, I guess! -----> Bobopachi (fusion of Bo-bobo and Don Pachi) --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: the character uses his nose hair to hit the enemies How to use: press UP and DOWN to move the nose hair --- Attack number 2 Learned at: already available initially Description: the character uses his weapon to hit the enemies How to use: press LEFT and RIGHT as many times as much possible and as quickly as possible -----> Bobopachisuke --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: causes a lot of damage to all the enemies How to use: press the keys fulfilling the combinations that appear in the screen --- Attack number 2 Learned at: already available initially Description: the character uses his nose hair to hit the enemies How to use: press UP and DOWN to move the nose hair -----> Denbo --- Attack number 1 Learned at: already available initially Description: uses a fan of nose hair to hit the enemies How to use: move the character to other directions by using the directional keys. However, be careful, as you seem to sometimes bounce on the screen. --- Attack number 2 Learned at: already available initially Description: while the character is singing you can use the musical notes to hit the enemy How to use: press A or B when the moving circles are inside the lower location, the one with the hearts nearby --- Attack number 3 Learned at: learned with card 144 Description: while the character is singing you can use the musical notes to hit the enemy, with the damage this time being only counted at the end How to use: press A, B, LEFT or RIGHT when the falling notes are near the correct box And that's all for this section... 4~. Card Guide About the many caps included in this section, those were formatted like that in order for players to easily notice what's associated with each of the areas stated. The large dotted lines are used to overwrite information which I am not certain of, but perhaps that will be corrected in the future. Also, most of the blue cards can also be acquired by gambling in an item store! Finally, the cards with a name inside "( )" are translations made by kyo-boy, not by myself. 001 - Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HIM JOIN YOUR PARTY FOR THE SECOND TIME 002 - Beauty Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HER JOIN YOUR PARTY 003 - Don Pachi Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HIM RETURN TO YOUR PARTY 004 - Heppokomaru Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HIM JOIN YOUR PARTY 005 - Sofuton Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM 006 - Tokoro Tennosuke Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM 007 - Dengakuman Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HIM JOIN YOUR PARTY 008 - Gyorai Garu Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HER JOIN YOUR PARTY FOR THE SECOND TIME 009 - Hatenkou Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? HAVE HIM JOIN YOUR PARTY 010 - Bobopachi Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 011 - Bobopachi's helper (Bobopachinosuke) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 012 - Denbo Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 013 - Pocketgame Pig Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 014 - Kuma Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 015 - King Hanabo Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT THE FIRST BOSS BATTLE FOUND AFTER THE SECOND TOWN 016 - Serviceman Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 017 - Shinjuu (Don Pachi Monster) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 018 - Tsukemono (Pickle) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 019 - Kopachi (Little Pachi) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 020 - Wakagashira Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 021 - Kooyaji (Little Dad) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 022 - Risuo Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 023 - Hanakunriidaa (Booger Leader) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 024 - Abogazobaagaa (Shrimp Burguer) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 025 - Saru Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 026 - 3 Kyudai (3 Dynamite Brothers) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 027 - Takashi Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 028 - Soununroushi Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 029 - N & N's Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 030 - Kappa Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? NEAR THE PAINTING, ON THE MANSION 031 - Teddy Rabbit Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? FIND HIM IN THE 4TH DUNGEON 032 - Bobironshin (Babilon Shin) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 033 - Nisaboobobo (False Bobobo) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? FIND HIM IN A WALL, ON THE MANSION 034 - Nisazonpochi (False Don Pachi) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? FIND HIM IN A TUBE, ON THE MANSION 035 - Annaitai Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? TALK TO THE "MONKEY" ON SOFUTON'S "BATHROOM" 036 - Buutan Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE (OR AT LEAST I THINK THAT'S HIM...) 037 - Usagi Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 038 - Zebon~otoko Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 039 - Haagan Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN YOUR FIRST BOSS BATTLE 040 - Maiteru Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 041 - Kirariino Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM ON YOUR THIRD CONFRONTATION 042 - ??? (Rice with Green Tea Monster) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 043 - Katsu Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? GAMBLE IN THE STORE 044 - Kabeo Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 045 - MAX Kiyokawa Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 046 - Guchikun Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 047 - Raisu (Rice) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HER IN A BOSS BATTLE 048 - Suzu Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HER IN A BOSS BATTLE 049 - Gunkan Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 050 - Kinen Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT IT IN A BOSS BATTLE 051 - Ramune Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HER IN A BOSS BATTLE 052 - Purupuu Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT IT IN A BOSS BATTLE 053 - Rubii Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HER IN A BOSS BATTLE 054 - Mugenchiuto Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 055 - Bunnui Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT IT IN A BOSS BATTLE 056 - Bunnui Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT IT IN A BOSS BATTLE 057 - Kouga Bunnui Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HER IN A BOSS BATTLE 058 - OVER Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 059 - Zoopu Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 060 - Megafun Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 061 - Naou Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 062 - Harekurani Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 063 - J Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 064 - Yamiyashi Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? DEFEAT HIM IN A BOSS BATTLE 065 - Strenght in a Can Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? INCREASE A CHARACTER'S STRENGHT FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? ON STORES 066 - Strenght in a Bottle Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? INCREASES EVERYONE'S STRENGHT FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 067 - Chikune (Fish Paste) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? RESTORING 40 HP Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 068 - Normal Chikune Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? RESTORING 200 HP Where can you get it? ON STORES 069 - Huge Chikune Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? RESTORING 999 HP Where can you get it? ON STORES 070 - Carrot Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? HEALS 40 HP FROM EVERYONE Where can you get it? ON STORES 071 - Normal Carrot Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? HEALS 200 HP FROM EVERYONE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 072 - Huge Carrot Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? HEALS 999 HP FROM EVERYONE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 073 - Basin Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 074 - New Hiriri Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 075 - Ganeme Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 076 - Ripomitan L (Lipomitan-L) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 077 - Kiihorudaa Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 078 - Zonpachinzo (Don Pachi Sword) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON STORES 079 - .................................... Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? .................................... 080 - Tanakasoozo Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON STORES 081 - Amulet Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON STORES 082 - Wig Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON STORES 083 - ("Nu" Pajama) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? .................................... 084 - Nokigurumi Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT TO EVERYONE Where can you get it? ON STORES 085 - (Tokoroten Hat) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? .................................... Where can you get it? .................................... 086 - Zenshiichinoo Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? IMPROVES THE ATTACK OF A CHARACTER FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 087 - Panda Suit Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CONFUSES AN ALLY O_o Where can you get it? ON STORES 088 - Takotsubo (Octopus Jar) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? MAKES A CHARACTER INVENCIBLE FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON STORES 089 - Hajike Pajima Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? MAKES A CHARACTER INVENCIBLE FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 090 - Kaosu Obu Ozen Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? MAKES A CHARACTER INVENCIBLE FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON STORES 091 - Feather Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? MAKES A CHARACTER INVENCIBLE FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON STORES 092 - Hanage Chin (Nose Hair Chan) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CONFUSES AN ENEMY Where can you get it? ON STORES 093 - King Flash Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? RANDOMLY CAUSES CONFUSION TO THE ENEMIES Where can you get it? ON STORES 094 - Rat Trap Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? PARALYZES AN ENEMY Where can you get it? ON STORES 095 - Otokorashii Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? RANDOMLY STOPS ENEMIES FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON STORES 096 - Tororo Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? DECREASES AN ENEMY'S STRENGHT Where can you get it? ON STORES 097 - Natou Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? DECREASES STRENGHT OF THE ENEMIES Where can you get it? ON STORES 098 - Pomaa Zorinko Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? POISONS AN ENEMY Where can you get it? ON STORES 099 - New Year's Present Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? RANDOMLY PARALYZES ENEMIES FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON STORES 100 - Fart (yep, exactly "a fart"!!!!!) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? INFLICTS DARKNESS IN AN ENEMY Where can you get it? ON STORES 101 - Night Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? RANDOMLY CAUSES DARKNESS TO ENEMIES Where can you get it? ON STORES 102 - Bo-bobo's sunglasses Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY BO-BOBO, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE BO-BOBO GET IT IN A TREE ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SCENARIO, JUST NEXT TO THE TOWN YOU STARTED THE GAME IN 103 - Yakun (Ya-kun) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY DON PACHI, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? WITH DON PACHI "ACTIVE" ON THE FIELD, GO TO THE SECOND CITY AND TALK TO THE BEAR NEAR SCHOOL. DEFEAT HIM IN A BATTLE. THEN, GET BACK TO THE BEAR IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. BY DOING SO YOU WILL PLAY THE BEAR'S MINI-GAME AND YOU WILL GET THIS CARD. 104 - Nu's scarf ("Nu" Handkerchief) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY TENNOSUKE, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? CONFRONT TOKORO TENNOSUKE (HAVE HIM IN FIRST PLACE ON YOUR PARTY) WITH AN OLD MAN SEEN IN THE AREA IN WHICH YOU MET HEPPOKOMARU 105 - sukajan (Softon Jacket) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY SOFUTON, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE SOFUTON GET THE ITEM ON THE BROWN COUCH, IN THE DUNGEON WHERE YOU FOUGHT TOKORO TENNOSUKE, LAST FLOOR BEFORE THE BOSS 106 - (Beauty Earrings) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY BEAUTY, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE BEAUTY TALK TO THE OLD MAN NEAR SERVICEMAN'S INN, IN THE FIRST CITY 107 - Heppokomaru's necklace Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY HEPPOKOMARU, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE HEPPOKOMARU GET THE ITEM ON THE LEFT, ON THE AREA WHERE YOU FIRST FOUGHT THE GREEN MONSTER (NEAR THE RIVER) 108 - Dengakuman's small wallet Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY DENGAKUMAN, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE DENGAKUMAN GET THE ITEM ON THE PLACE WHERE YOU FIRST FOUGHT HIM 109 - Hand Bag Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY GYORAI GARU, INCREASES STRENGTH FO R THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE GYORAI GARU GET THE ITEM STORED IN THE SECRET AREA BEHIND WHERE YOU FOUGHT "OVER" 110 - Key Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAN ONLY BE USED BY HATENKOU, INCREASES STRENGTH FOR THE REST OF THE BATTLE Where can you get it? HAVE HATENKOU GET THE ITEM IN THE GUY TURNED TO STONE 111 - Tie Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 112 - Binoculars Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 113 - Free Coke Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 114 - Bontan Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 115 - Iron Weight Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 116 - Elastic Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 117 - Reezon Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY AND STOPS THEM FOR A VERY SMALL AMMOUNT OF TIME Where can you get it? ON STORES 118 - Machine Gun Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 119 - Butter Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 120 - Bomb Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CAUSES DAMAGE TO ENEMY Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 121 - Kehaeeruarufu (Kehaeru Alfa) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? CURES A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 122 - Dice Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? DEPENDING ON THE VALUE RANDOMLY CHOSEN, DIFFERENT THINGS WILL HAPPEN Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 123 - Hajikerisuto no akashi Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING O_o Where can you get it? ON THE PUDDING ON THE SMALLER PART OF THE LAST DUNGEON, BY HAVING DON PATCHI GET IT 124 - Santouriu Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? HEALS A STATUS EFFECT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 125 - Trap Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? PARALYZES A RANDOM PERSON FOR A WHILE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 126 - Zoragon Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? ATTACKS A RANDOM SIDE (FRIENDS OR FOES!) ON A BATTLE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP, ON STORES 127 - Dynamite Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? DAMAGES EVERYONE, BUT CAUSES A LOT MORE DAMAGE TO YOUR ENEMY Where can you get it? ON STORES 128 - Zeuru's Slider Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? DAMAGES EVERYONE Where can you get it? ON STORES 129 - Strong Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? INCREASES THE ATTACK Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 130 - Defense Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? INCREASES THE DEFENSE Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 131 - Evasion Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? INCREASES THE EVASION Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 132 - HP Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? INCREASES THE MAXIMUM HP Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 133 - Hajike Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? INCREASES ALL THE STATS Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 134 - Secret Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? INCREASES A RANDOM STAT Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 135 - Silver Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 136 - Golden Bean Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? NOTHING Where can you get it? ON THE MAP 137 - Bobopachi Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? INSTANTLY PERFORMS FUSION BETWEEN DON PACHI AND BOBOBO, BOTH MUST BE IN THE FIELD AT THE TIME Where can you get it? COMPLETE THE FIRST PAGE OF THE COLLECTION 138 - Bobopachisuke Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? INSTANTLY PERFORMS FUSION BETWEEN DON PACHI, BOBOBO AND TOKORO TENNOSUKE, ALL OF THEM MUST BE IN THE FIELD AT THE TIME Where can you get it? COMPLETE THE SECOND PAGE OF THE COLLECTION 139 - Denbo Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? INSTANTLY PERFORMS FUSION BETWEEN BOBOBO AND DENGAKUMAN, BOTH MUYST BE IN THE FIELD AT THE SAME TIME Where can you get it? COMPLETE THE THIRD PAGE OF THE COLLECTION 140 - Bo-bobo Roullete Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? BO-BOBO LEARNS A NEW SPECIAL ATTACK Where can you get it? COMPLETE THE FORTH PAGE OF THE COLLECTION 141 - Muu's legacy Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? SOFUTON LEARNS A NEW SPECIAL ATTACK Where can you get it? COMPLETE THE EIGHT PAGE OF THE COLLECTION 142 - (Afro Open) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? BO-BOBO OPENS HIS AIR AND SOMETHING GETS OUT, DAMAGING THE ENEMY Where can you get it? GO THROUGH THE FOREST MAZE, IT'S BEHIND THE STRANGE STATUE 143 - (Universe Judgement) Usable on Battle? YES Usable on Map? NO What is it used for? SUMMON A SUPER-POWERFUL ATTACK. TOKORO TENNOSUKE, BO-BOBO AND DON PACHI MUST BE CURRENTLY ACTIVE. Where can you get it? .................................... 144 - (Nagisa's Magical Honeymoon) Usable on Battle? NO Usable on Map? YES What is it used for? DENBO WILL LEARN A NEW SPECIAL ATTACK Where can you get it? COMPLETE THE SEVENTH PAGE OF THE COLLECTION As you may have noticed, there is still missing data for cards 079, 083, 085, 142 and 143 well as some translations. In case you can provide any of those, mail me as much information as possible. 5~. Mini-game Guide By picking the last option on the main menu you will be taken to a place where you can replay the 4 mini-games contained in the game, which are: SHOOTING CATCHING BEARS DRINKING On "SHOOTING", you will be controlling Tokoro Tennosuke and the controls are really easy, you just to move him by pressing left and right and you should press A or B to shoot the enemies that cross the top of the screen (be aware that enemies higher on the sky seem to give more points) while trying to stop them from hitting the 3 brown areas on the ground.You must be extremely careful, as a single hit from your enemies will cause an instant loss, with the same thing happening if they destroy all the brown areas. The game ends when the limit of 60 seconds (counted on the screen) finally ends. On "CATCHING" (you can press left and right before starting to play up to 4 different difficulty levels), you just have to move your character to the center area of the screen and move to get as many white "things" (whatever those are...) as you can, while avoiding the black weights, which deduct points from your score at the end of the level. Move by pressing left or right, jump by pressing B and throw nunchakus by pressing A, but I am not really sure what do you need those for. At the end your score will be calculated, and in case you are wondering the time will end when the flying clock finishes his trip from the right to the left side of the screen. "BEARS" is a game that I couldn't fully understand, but thanks to a contributor (thanks Luffink!) now I can. Playing with the purple bear, you must follow the sequence the other bears just showed you. You must press B to turn to the left and A to turn to the right (if I recall correctly...) but only AFTER the bear near you does it. Keep on doing it for accumulating more points. As for the "DRINKING" game, it is quite simple when you know what to do. You just have to press A and B in quick sucession (for example, A, B, A, B, A, B, ...) BUT when the hero's face is showing some ugly shadows near his eyes, you must INSTANTLY stop (or you will lose a lot of points). Keep on repeating but be aware that you will need to stop many times and eventually you will win. Oh, and it's kinda obvious, but the game ends when you don't have any drink left... That's all, I guess... 6~. Frequently Asked Questions Question: What's with the ladder/stairs problem? Answer: Most people may haven't even noticed this, but across this guide I started by using "stairs" to describe that situation. However, later on I noticed that "ladder" was a more proper word, so I started using it. That's it. Q: What's with the item/card problem? A: A card is in fact an item. Therefore, there's no problem at all. Q: Why didn't you translated everything? A: First, and as stated before, I can't read Kanji. Therefore, it would be impossible to translate everything. So, I've chosen to adapt some of the cards, translate others and even keep the original japanese name for some of them. Q: Why are some names in english and others in japanese? A: I just felt like it! Can't I? :| Q: What do you consider a "dungeon" in your guide? A: A dungeon is a place that isn't a city AND where you move your character in a 2D style. Q: Where can I get card #insert number here#? A: See the listing I've created in this guide. If that information isn't given in there, I have no idea. Q: Why can't I get that specific item? I seem to get a message in japanese. A: You need to try getting it by having a certain character in the first spot of your party. For example, instead of having Bo-bobo, you should make another one be the first member, and by doing so the character available in the in the map screen will change. If you get a specific character to try getting that item, he will suceed. Q: Can't you list what character I need to get it? A: Nope. C'mon, it's not that hard, just try all of them! 7~. Patch Codes No, don't ask me how to use these, if you have the specific hardware and/or software needed to use them you should already know how to use them, and in case you don't... I am not surely the best person to be asked about it. Also, all these were created by myself, so please don't steal them and give me credit where it is needed. ---> Master Code VBA: not required GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999999 money VBA: 0200161c:000f423f GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Bo-bobo (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000dec:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Bo-bobo VBA: 02000df6:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Bo-bobo VBA: 02000dee:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Bo-bobo VBA: 02000df0:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Bo-bobo VBA: 02000df2:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Beauty (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e00:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Beauty VBA: 02000e0a:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Beauty VBA: 02000e02:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Beauty VBA: 02000e04:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Beauty VBA: 02000e06:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Don Pachi (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e14:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Don Pachi VBA: 02000e1e:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Don Pachi VBA: 02000e16:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Don Pachi VBA: 02000e18:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Don Pachi VBA: 02000e1a:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Heppokomaru (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e28:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Heppokomaru VBA: 02000e32:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Heppokomaru VBA: 02000e2a:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Heppokomaru VBA: 02000e2c:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Heppokomaru VBA: 02000e2e:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Sofuton (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e3c:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Sofuton VBA: 02000e46:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Sofuton VBA: 02000e3e:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Sofuton VBA: 02000e40:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Sofuton VBA: 02000e42:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Tokoro Tennosuke (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e50:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Tokoro Tennosuke VBA: 02000e5a:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Tokoro Tennosuke VBA: 02000e52:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Tokoro Tennosuke VBA: 02000e54:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Tokoro Tennosuke VBA: 02000e56:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Dengakuman (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e64:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Dengakuman VBA: 02000e6e:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Dengakuman VBA: 02000e66:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Dengakuman VBA: 02000e68:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Dengakuman VBA: 02000e6a:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Gyorai Garu (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e78:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Gyorai Garu VBA: 02000e82:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Gyorai Garu VBA: 02000e7a:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Gyorai Garu VBA: 02000e7c:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Gyorai Garu VBA: 02000e7e:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 current HP for Hatenkou (only works outside battles) VBA: 02000e8c:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 maximum HP for Hatenkou VBA: 02000e96:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 attack for Hatenkou VBA: 02000e8e:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 defense for Hatenkou VBA: 02000e90:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later ---> 999 evasion for Hatenkou VBA: 02000e92:03e7 GS: to be added later CB: to be added later The ones below weren't created by myself, they were contributed by other fans of the game, credited in the proper section. ---> Get the card you want by gambling VBA: 020080c2:00XX GS: to be added later CB: to be added later (You must switch the "XX" for the number of the card you want to get in "gambling" minus 1 in hexadecimal and this is basically the best way to get multiple of a certain rare card) And that's all! :) ST~. Special Thanks I want to thank the following people: - Everyone who made this game; - Everyone who likes my works here on gamefaqs, it's for those people that I like to work in this type of project; - People I know personally and that make me smile; - Pokemonandrew, for helping me with some of the names; - smck1001, kern and CygnusZ, from the Gamefaqs' boards, as they helped me with a translation of 2 phrases; - kyo-boy for some information I had missed, like translations and general information. He also contributed an amazing patch code; - Luffink for some missing information, including how to play the Bears' mini-game; - harsh29 for correcting me in a small mistake; - Everyone I forgot to credit (if anyone...); - BethanyM and CjayC, for inspiring me to continue working in this faq and in all other projects as well. EN~. Contacts If you want, you may see my web page, just check it at the HTML address www.geocities.com/Mykas0/ . Also, BEFORE MAILING ME BE SURE TO READ THE WHOLE FAQ, since your question may already be covered in there. My e-mail is Mykas0 [at] gmail.com , use the following subjects or I will NEVER (AND I MEAN IT!) reply back to you: Subject: "BBFAQ" For asking anything or giving me more info for this faq, obviously I will credit you! Thanks and until a next version!!!!!!!