***************************************************************************** Breath of Fire FAQ/Walkthrough For the Gameboy Advance Version 1.2 (Last Updated 3/30/2004) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2002-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. Introduction 3. Story 4. Controls 5. Overview 6. Walkthrough 7. Enemies 8. Bosses 9. Weapons 10. Armor 11. Shields 12. Helmets 13. Items 14. Magic 15. Shops 16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks 17. Credits 18. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.2 (3/30/04): Finally got to adding a listing of items Gobi sells in his portable shop. Version 1.1 (4/21/02): A couple small updates were made, including a quick experience trick in the Secrets section, plus a better way to get the W.Ant for Nina's tonic (see that part of the walkthrough for more details). Version 1.0 (3/11/02): The walkthrough is complete, all sections of the guide are complete, I am done! Version 0.9 (3/10/02): Some more of the walkthrough is added, and I am at the final points of the game now! The next update will most definitely make this a complete guide finally! Version 0.8 (3/7/02): This is another big update, with even more walkthrough updates, as well as other bits and pieces throughout the guide! Perhaps by the next update or so, I will be done at last! Version 0.6 (2/25/02): A lot more of the walkthrough has been added, along with numerous other excerpts in other sections. The next couple updates or so, and I should be done here! Version 0.4 (2/17/02): So far, the walkthrough covers until just after the battle with the Gremlin inside the Stone Robot. Next update will have more walkthrough added, so stay tuned! Version 0.3 (2/14/02): The first version of this FAQ. It only has information on the areas I've reached, the items I've obtained, etc., so please keep that in mind when viewing this FAQ. I will finish this guide soon though, so check back in a few days for more updates! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This classic RPG title from the Super Nintendo has been successfully ported to the Gameboy Advance. There are new features, including a Dash command so you can move around quicker in the game. You are Ryu, and you along with 7 other comrades you'll meet along the way, must recover the 6 Goddess Keys scattered throughout the world. You need those keys in order to stop the evil Dark Dragons from destroying the world. If you have a GBA, I'd recommend you obtain this game; it's really awesome! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Story -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= For thousands of years, the Dragon Tribe reigned peacefully, governing the world through its mighty power and decency. Despite its integrity, the tribe fell victim to the power of the evil goddess Milia. The internal strife split the tribe into two factions and war erupted between them. The violent clash nearly destroyed the world. Already lasting for centuries, it seemed the conflict would drag on forever. At last, a hero and his seven companions appeared and vowed to defeat the evil goddess. The quest was perilous. After many failed attempts, they managed to capture the goddess and seal her in a dungeon locked with six keys. Now a fragile peace accord holds the two tribes together. The White Dragon Tribe, pledges to lock away its power until the world is once again faced with danger. But the Black Dragon Tribe is suspiciously reluctant in its peace efforts. Will the peace hold, or will the bloody history between these two sides continue for more eons to come? The saga of the fate of the Dragon Tribe is about to begin... ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Controls -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Pad: Move character, move cursor on menu screens Start: Start game, bring up/close map (after you get it) Select: Bring up/close menu screen A: Talk to people, check areas, use character's special ability, confirm selection on menu screens B: Dash (hold while moving), cancel selection on menu screens L: Change order of characters in the game, view Order commands in battle R: Change order of characters in the game, view Defense commands in battle ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Overview -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bank/Storage Centers -------------------- In most towns, when you step into the Item Shop, you'll notice that there are two counters. One is for the actual Item Shop, and the other is for a storage place. You can store as much of your money, or items, that you want here. Then, return to the storage place in any town to deposit/withdraw as you please. They can be quite useful if you run out of room to carry items, and want to put away the ones you won't need for a while, if at all in the game. Menu Screens ------------ While in the game (outside of battle), press Select to open up the submenu. Here is a quick rundown as to what each option on that menu is for: Item: View your items, select an item to use, sort items, etc. Spel: View spell lists of a character, select a spell to use. Eqip: View currently equipped equipment on your party, add/remove equipment, etc. Stat: View the statistics for a particular character (attack power, defense power, experienced needed to gain a level, and so on). Swch: Switch the positions of the characters if in battle (front or back row; back row players have lower attack power but better defense, and vice versa). Chng: Change the order of your party's lineup. Optn: Change in-game options (text speed, manual/auto dashing, music). Save: Quick save your game (can be done anywhere, as opposed to a full save which can only be done at Dragon Shrines; if you reload quick save data, it disappears, so this is basically a one-time save option). End: Exit the menu screen (obviously). Status Ailments --------------- As in most other RPG titles, there are several ailments that can affect your party (usually for the worse). They can all be cured with the appropriate items. Here's a quick list of the ailments and what they do to you: Curse: Your statistics are lowered, making your attacks weaker and defenses lower. Paralyze: You fall asleep and become unable to move for some rounds. It wears off after a period of time, though. Poison: You become poisoned, and your HP gradually drains. Outside of battle, you lose HP each time you move, so you should cure this ASAP! Stun: When a character has 0HP, they are in Stun state. Use a Life item to revive that player. Zombie: Turn you into a rotting zombie; your statistics are greatly decreased in this state. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 6. Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction ------------ The game opens with a fiery scene where Ryu (the main character) is sleeping in a burning building. An old woman comes to wake you up. When you have control of Ryu, follow the woman through the hall (she'll get rid of the fire that blocks your path up ahead) and downstairs. There, talk to everyone you see if you like. You'll see 2 girls with blue hair standing next to each other. Talk to the one on the left and she'll move, then talk to the other one. After that, a guy followed by a girl known as Sara will come in and warn the people of an attack. She'll then turn everyone to stone, and then leave the building. Outside, soldiers will escort her out of the village, where she encounters an evil man known as Jade. After a quick confrontation, Sara and Jade disappear. The scene then shifts back to inside the building. Everyone is restored to their original forms, and they're all wondering what just happened. After some talking, an earthquake will take place and most of the people will run off. The old man will make a chest appear in the room; open it to get 300GP. Talk to him and the old woman if you want, otherwise exit this building into the village of Drogen. Drogen ------ In this ruined village, there isn't much you can really do. There are Weapon and Item shops still open, but I wouldn't recommend buying anything at this time (unless you want some Herbs in case you're in danger out of town). From the building you just came out of, enter the small open room to the southwest. This is a Dragon Shrine; check out the dragon statue and it'll save your progress. Save now, then exit there and continue south out of the town. Overworld --------- Out in the overworld, you are now vulnerable to enemy attacks. Make your way west and north, then to the northeast while fighting various enemies. Try to gain a couple levels along the way as well. You'll come to a castle further ahead, which is Camlon; enter it. Camlon ------ In this castle town, you'll notice that the town is in ruins and the castle has been invaded! Enter the small dome-shaped building to the left (Dragon Shrine) and save, then enter the castle itself. Camlon Castle ------------- When you enter this ruined castle, follow the path all the way to the first pool of water. You can drink the water to fully recover your HP if needed. From there, continue along the path and you'll see 2 treasure chests next to each other; open them to get a total of 140GP. Now, continue through this castle and you'll come to stairs; go down them to the next floor. In this room, there are 2 closed doors, blocking access to small treasure rooms. Go up to each door and press A to open them, then open the 4 chests to get: 2 Herbs, BronzSD, and Gauntlet. Then, go up the stairs at the left side of the room to the upper floor again. Head south through here and down the next set of stairs you see to enter another room. This next room is the same as the other room (with the 2 closed doors). Open the doors and open the 4 chests to get: 2 Herbs, SuedeCP, and Visor. After that, head up the stairs to the right. Follow the path until you come to a lone treasure chest. Try to open it and you'll trigger a sproig, which will recover all your HP/AP. You'll also get the contents of the chest (Antdt). Continue to the left and open the other chest to get another Antdt (you may set off a trap which makes you lose AP, so be careful). Then, go up the stairs you just passed to reach the throne room. Go forward and the frog sitting on the throne will speak to you. It'll become giant-sized, then enter battle with you, so read the Bosses section for help here. After you win, the castle will be cleared of the smell and will revert back to its normal state. Now, open the chests in this room to get a Herb and 150GP. Then, head back downstairs and follow the path all the way out of the castle. Camlon ------ Back outside, the king will be convinced that you're not a false hero. An earthquake will then occur, and the king will mention that the Dark Dragons may have the Quake control, which is in the Nanai dungeon. Head into the Dragon Shrine in town to save, then exit this village. Overworld --------- Follow the path by going to the northwest. Head east across a bridge, then continue southeast across a desert area. You'll see a large port town known as Nanai, but do not enter it just yet. Wander around until it gets dark outside (night time), then enter Nanai. If you go to Nanai during the day, guards will block your access, so that's why we're waiting until the night. Nanai ----- In this town at night, you must follow a specific path in order to avoid being seen by the wandering guards. From where you enter the village, go right and up into the Dragon Shrine to save. Then, go all the way to the west wall. At that point, head up 4 steps, right 4 steps, up 7 steps, and right 10 steps (all the way to the water). Enter the rightmost building to the north of you, and open the 2 chests inside to get 300GP. Exit the building and get to the edge by the water again. Go south between the 2 towers, then walk south between the 2 buildings (one of which a guard is sleeping in front of). Head east and north around that building, then go straight north past the guard whose back is to you, and into the castle. Open the closed door directly ahead of you, then go down a few sets of steps into the Gaia Temple. Gaia Temple ----------- When you get to the bottom of the steps, start by heading south and east across a bridge, and onward to a lone chest. Open it to get an Antdt. Then, go back across the bridge and continue south across a longer bridge. At the other side, go west and north across the bridges and up the paths. Open the chest at the northmost point of this branch of the path to get 650GP. Now, go back south and east to the end of the long bridge, then head all the way to the east. Go north there to find a chest containing B.Stn. Then, go back west a little, then go up the path you haven't yet explored yet (the one to the right of the bridge). Follow that path all the way to the steps at the end, then go down all the steps to the next area. In this area, go south and down the first small hill, then go east across a bridge. At the path split, go north to one chest to get an ArmPad. Go back and head south to another chest containing 70GP. From there, head all the way west and continue southward along the path. At the end of the last bridge, go southwest to a chest; open it to get F.Stn. Then, head east a bit, making sure to go up and open the chest you pass to get a Cure. After that, continue east and north along the path to the stairs leading to the final area. Down in the bottom of this lair, go north and confront the knight standing there. He'll taunt you, then you will enter battle. Read the Bosses section for help on dealing with the Knight. After the fight, check out the machine the Knight was guarding and pull the key from it. A rumbling will now occur; you'll see a round pad in the right side of the room. Step into it to exit this place. Overworld --------- Outside, you'll see the town of Nanai crumble. A man will come and bring you to the King of Camlon. Camlon ------ Here, the King will thank you for what you've done, and the man who brought you there will tell you to go east to Winlan. You will find a cave there, which will lead to another kingdom. Now, stop by the Dragon Shrine and save, then exit Camlon. Overworld --------- Here, head northwest and follow the path like you're going back to Nanai. Cross the bridges and go southeast, and continue past the site of the now- gone Nanai. Head north from there and you'll see a town. That's Winlan; enter it! Winlan ------ In this town, you may want to rest at the Inn if needed, then save your game at the Dragon Shrine. Then, head up the steps and visit the Weapon Shop to the east. Get the ChainML and equip it on Ryu. Use this time to also sell off old armor and weapons. Then, exit here and visit the Item Shop (to the east of the Weapon Shop) and buy at least 9 Herbs. Now, make your way to the castle in the northmost area of town. Enter the castle. Winlan Castle ------------- Here, go straight ahead and talk to the girl standing between 2 soldiers up ahead. She'll consult with a girl known as Princess Nina whether if you can speak with the King or not. You'll also learn some vital information through their talking. After Nina leaves, the girl will lead you to a guest room where you sleep for the night. The scene then shifts to Nina's room, and you'll have control of her for a while now. With Nina, exit the room you're in and go down the stairs nearby. Go west across the hall and open the door leading into a treasure room; open the 4 chests to get SuedeSH, SuedeHT, Herb, and Antdt. Be sure to equip the first 2 items on her. Then, go back south and east, then head north and east and south to another 2 chests. Open those to get 2 Herbs. Now, go north and head down the stairs to another room. There, go southwest and open 2 more chests to find 1 Herb and 1 Antdt. Go back upstairs, then head west and south to exit this castle completely. Winlan ------ In the dark of night outside, head southward towards the bottom of town. Visit the Weapon Shop and buy Nina a BronzRP and SuedeGN (if you can't afford both, go fight a little bit outside, and/or sell old equipment). Then, save at the Dragon Shrine and exit town. Overworld --------- Out here, head west and you'll notice a cave in the mountains. Enter that cave, which is called the Aura Cave. Aura Cave --------- When you enter this cave, go straight ahead and 2 soldiers will stop you. They will not let you pass unless they join your party, so let them (they're a big help here). Then, continue northward and fight the enemies along the way, and go down the stairs at the end. Head down the sets of stairs to get down into the actual cave. Here, take the south path, and open the first chest you reach to get a Cure. At the path split, go southeast and open the 2 chests in that area to get a SuedeGN and 150GP. Then, take the north path at the split, and open a chest to the east to get 70GP. Continue west and open the chest to get the I.Ore. Now, make your way back to the stairs leading out of this cave. This time, head along the north path and go across a bridge. Open the chest to get a Herb. Then, head east and follow the path across a couple more bridges, then open a chest you see to get another Herb. Continue west past a northbound path, then go down a ramp and head west and north to a chest containing B.Stn. Now, go back up that small ramp, and go north on that path you passed, then go up the stairs to another room. In this room, go north and west to a chest containing a C.Stn. Then, go east and up the next set of stairs. From there, go south and exit the cave. Overworld --------- Outside, head directly west into the town of Romero. Romero ------ When you arrive here, visit the Inn to recover HP/AP, then visit the Dragon Shrine to save your game. Then, check out the Weapon/Item Shops and buy more Herbs if necessary, and upgrade your party's equipment if your funds allow. After that, head into the rightmost building in the row of buildings behind the Inn. There is a hole in the middle of the room there; drop down into it to reach a hidden room below. You'll see 4 jars to the left blocking access to the northwest corner of the room, in this setup: 1 2 3 4 Push #4 left, #2 up, and #1 left. Continue to the barrel you previously could not reach, and push it aside. Stand where it was and press A to find the Map. Now you can view the overworld by pressing Start when you're outside! Now, head south and up the steps to exit Romero. Reenter the town and save again, then take the west exit out of town. Overworld --------- Out here, head directly west into the Ramui Woods. Ramui Woods ----------- In this area, head west as far as you can, then head north and west to find a chest. Open it to get a Herb. Now, go all the way south and west to continue through this forest. In the next wide-open area, head all the way north and east through a narrow path in the upper-right corner of the area. Then, go northwest to another chest containing 150GP. Now, head back east and south through the narrow path, then go all the way to the west while staying towards the northmost path of this area. You'll come to a chest if you go all the way west; open it to get another Herb. Next, go all the way east until you can go southward again. Then, go south as far as you can go. From there, go all the way west to another chest with a Bandage inside. I'd recommend equipping that shield on Nina, since you probably couldn't get a better one for her in Romero. Now, go back east and north until you can head west again. Go all the way west until you exit the forest. Overworld --------- Out here, go west and into the Karma Tower. Karma Tower ----------- Upon entering this tower, head straight ahead and go down the stairs to another room. There, open the 2 chests to get 2 Herbs. Then, go back upstairs and head west to the wall, then go north. You'll see a zig-zag path to the right on the other side of the wall. When you can, get around the wall and follow the path to the stairs. Go up them and open the chest you come to, and you'll find a M.Drop. Now, go downstairs and make your way back towards the entrance of this tower (between the 2 clean water ponds). Go east and north, and talk to the specter in the way of one of the paths. It'll tell you to go away, then it'll fight. Read the Bosses section for help on beating this creature, known as Morte. After you win that fight, go through the path Morte was blocking and head upstairs to the next room. There, get to the southeast corner of the room and go down the stairs there to the first floor again. Open the chest to get a Charm, then go back upstairs. Go around the wall to the right, then go up the left path to another set of stairs. Go up them to another room, then open the chest in that area to get a Cure item. Go back downstairs, then follow the path counter-clockwise around the room until you reach the stairs at the very end. Go up them to the next room. In this room, go straight ahead to the north wall. Then, head to the southeast corner of the room, and go down the stairs there. Head north to the next set of stairs and go up those to another room. Open the chest to the left to get a Herb. You'll see 4 holes in the floor here; drop into the upper-right hole and you'll land in a room 2 floors down. Go up the stairs there into another room. There, go south through the hall and up those stairs into the following room. Here, go directly south and you'll see a set of stairs in the middle of the room. Go down them to the next floor, then go around the path and down more stairs to the floor below that. Open the chest there to get a Life2 item. Then, go back up the stairs all the way to the top floor again. Once there, go around to the right and you'll encounter Mortea. Read the Bosses section for tips on beating this one. After that, continue up the stairs to the top of the tower. There, go west and a bridge will form. Walk across it and it'll disappear once you're at the other side. There, talk to the 3 girls in the room and they'll tell you to step on a switch to help them. Open the closed door and walk over the switch, and a girl will move aside so you can reach the stairs going down. You're supposed to go down those stairs, but go upstairs and drink the water/save your game real quick. After that, go back down to the previous room, and continue down the stairs to the left. Open the chest in the middle of that room to get a Cure. Then, continue downstairs to the next floor. Go around the path here and down more stairs to a different-looking room. Head straight ahead and a wizard will appear behind you. He'll release the poisonous Xeon Gas in the air, causing your party to become very weak. In the battle, do NOT heal yourselves; just attack for a few rounds although it does nothing to the wizard. After a few rounds, one of the Soldiers will escape from the area, leaving one more Soldier and Nina to fight. After the wizard finishes them off, the scene will shift to the roof where the other Soldier is. The wizard meets him there, and the Soldier flies away to Winlan. Winlan ------ After a brief talk with the guards in town, the Soldier will perish. One guard will enter the castle to get the Hero (Ryu) to help. When the guard talks to Ryu, say Yes when he asks for help. With control of Ryu again, exit the castle and head to the Dragon Shrine at the southmost area of town. Save your game, then exit the town. Overworld --------- Outside, talk to the guards standing around to hear the plan. Then, talk to the Soldier and the group will fly to the tower. The wizard's force will counter your group, but the Soldier will get through and fly you onto the roof. Karma Tower ----------- Back on the roof here, the Soldier will join you. Go down into the tower, then go downstairs all the way to where you first encountered the wizard. Before you enter the wizard's area, the Soldier will leave the group. Head down into the lair and go south, then all the way west (pass the middle path going north for now). Go up the west path to the chest, where you'll trigger a Sproig that recovers all your HP/AP. Open the chest to get a Foil weapon for Ryu; be sure to equip that right away! Now, go back south and east, and up the middle path to reach the wizard. You'll enter battle, so read the Bosses section for help here! After you win, you will receive the Remedy. Nina will thank you and you'll both get to the roof of the tower. The Soldier will take you both back to Winlan. Winlan ------ When you arrive outside of town, Nina will go to see the king in the castle. Ryu will then follow into the castle. Inside the castle, go straight ahead past the guards. After you pass the 3 guards standing around, go right and up the stairs to the next room. There, make your way all the way to the King's bed where Nina is standing by. Talk to Nina and then the Remedy will work, curing the King! In return for curing his illness, the King will allow you access to the tunnel beneath the castle! Nina will also choose to join your party for good! Now, get back downstairs and make your way to the upper-right corner of the room. Go down the set of stairs you find there to reach the basement. Head all the way south and east until you reach 2 guards blocking your path. Talk to them and they'll let you pass since you have the OK from the King. Continue onward to access the bridge. Cross the bridge and exit at the other end. Overworld --------- From here, head southeast along the dirt path until you reach a wide open area. Head east to a village next to a dried up river; enter that village of Tantar. Tantar ------ When you enter this town, head to the Weapon Shop first. Get the Scythe for Ryu and the Bandana for Nina (that should be all you need for equipment right now). Stop at the Inn if you need to rest, then save at the Dragon Shrine. After that, head to the south area of the village, and enter the house in the bottom-right corner, which is where the blacksmith lives. Talk to him and trade the I.Ore for the Saw, which will help you in the coming areas. After that, save again, then exit the village. Overworld --------- Outside again, head back northwest to the dirt path you came here by traveling along. Head north until you reach a dense forest. Try to enter it and you'll use the Saw to cut down the trees in the way. The Saw will then break, rendering it useless, but you can enter the Lament Woods now. Lament Woods ------------ In this area, go north and west to the path split. Go south and west, then north to another small split. Take the path going east and north, leading to a chest containing a Herb. Now, head back south and west, then continue north. Go straight to the north as far as you can go; you'll come to another chest. Open it to get a T.Drop. Then, go down and take the first path going east. Follow it east and then to the south. Continue south to the end, then take the southeast path to the south and west to 2 chests. Open them to get another T.Drop and a Life. Now, go southeast along that narrow path, then head all the way to the north. Go as far as you can, and you'll come to yet another chest; open it to get a Wrist shield. I recommend equipping that on Nina since she has lower defense than Ryu at this point. Now, go back south a tiny bit to the path that goes west. Go northwest and follow the zig-zag path around. When you reach the split where you can go south or west, continue west and north. Continue north and east, and you'll come to a building. It is the Dark Dragon Fort; enter it. Dark Dragon Fort ---------------- When you enter here, go straight ahead and encounter the 2 guards in your way. You'll have to fight them (also known as Bowman and Lancer). Beat them, then continue straight ahead. You'll fall into a trapped floor, causing you to drop to the room below. There, open the 4 chests to get 2 Lifes, a LongSD, and a T.Drop. Equip the LongSD with Ryu, then go back up the stairs to the main floor. From where you come up, follow the path directly north of you. Go north and around at the end, then go south and west. At the next split, go north and west until you reach more guards. Defeat them, then go west and south to 4 more chests. Open them to get a Herb, T.Drop, Acorn, and Life2. After that, go northwest and down the stairs to the floor below. There, go east and down more stairs to the bottom floor. Open the 4 chests you find to get 2 Herbs, a WolfHT, and a T.Drop. Then, go back upstairs. Head east to the end of the hall, then follow the path all the way around until you see a chest. Open it to get a Herb. Next, head all the way west to the end of the hall, then go south to another chest with a Herb inside. Now, go all the way north and east to a row of guards in the way. Approach and speak to them to enter battle against a Bowman and 2 Lancers. Defeat them like before, and a man posing as the chief will ask if you want to take the enemy's weapons before leaving. Say yes (you won't be able to progress by saying no), and he'll lead you down the hall and into a room. He'll trap you in a room, where a two-headed monster called Pog comes to fight. Read the Bosses section for help here. After that fight, an arrow will fly by and a guy known as Bo will confront the fake chief. You'll all enter battle against the General, so read the Bosses section for help with beating him as well. After the fight, the real chief will leave and Bo will permanently join your party! Before you go, equip Bo with the WolfHT you found earlier; he'll need it. Then, backtrack all the way to the entrance of the fort, and get out from there. Lament Woods ------------ Back here again, simply go all the way south through here and you'll eventually get out of here. If you have that much trouble exploring by yourself, just read the directions on your first run through here backwards, and you'll be alright. Overworld --------- Out in the overworld again, head southeast along the dirt path until it ends. Then, continue southeast where you'll see Tantar and Tuntar across the dried up river. Go north and cross the bridge, then go south at the other side and enter Tuntar this time. Tuntar ------ In this mirror of Tantar, visit the Item Shop if you need more Herb and Life items. Visit the large building to the south and talk to the chief inside. He'll tell you of a Stone Robot that can unblock the river, but it is in Agua. Leave the building, then rest at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine. Then, exit the village. Overworld --------- Out here, head back across the bridge to the north, then go south into Tantar. Tantar ------ Here, visit the Weapon Shop and upgrade Bo's equipment (buy a ShortBW and a SuedeAR). After that, sell his old stuff and exit the town. Overworld --------- Now, head northwest and follow the dirt path all the way northwest to the long bridge leading to Winlan. Do not cross that bridge; instead continue north and west along the path to a forest. Put Bo in front of your party (press L or R), and walk west through the forest. Continue west and you'll come to the town of Romero. Enter Romero. Romero ------ When you enter this town, talk to the people lined up in front of you. They'll tell you of zombies roaming the town at night. Talk to all of them, then head into the northeast building. Talk to the chief and he'll ask you to get rid of the zombies in exchange for information on Agua. So, exit the town and wander around until it becomes night. Then, reenter the town. Talk to the old woman in the graveyard and she will have her zombie husband reveal a hidden room where you can find the WtrJr used for carrying Cleansing Water. Drop into the hole revealed underneath the tombstone, and open the 2 chests to get the WtrJr and a Herb. Go south and up the stairs to exit the town. Overworld --------- Outside, have Bo lead you southwest through the forest, and you'll see a cave on an island surrounded by water. Follow the path to the west, then go around and into the Ease Cave. Ease Cave --------- In here, take the path to the east and open the chest for a Herb. Then, go back and head west and north. Open the chests along the way to get a Herb and a NiceHT (equip that on Nina; she probably needs the defense boost most). Follow the path east when it splits and continue along it through this cave. When you see the stairs going down, pass them and continue to the end of the path. Open the chest at the end to get a F.Stn. Now, go back a little and head down those stairs to the next floor. There, take the east path and open the chest at the end of that path to get a Herb. Now, go back to the stairs and head north. At the next split, go east to a chest containing a T.Drop. Next, go back west and continue north along the path all the way to the stairs at the end. Go down those stairs to the next floor. In this room, go northwest and up the stairs to a room with 2 chests (Apple and BronzHT inside them). Then, take the stairs down to the southwest and you'll be in the room with the Cleansing Water. Go south and into the water, then press A to get the water. You'll then exit the cave and go back to Romero. Romero ------ Back here, your group will sprinkle the water around, purifying the town of zombies! You'll then enter the chief's house, where he will thank you. Open the 5 chests here to get 900GP, Herb, Antdt, Cure, and the Tablet. You need the Tablet in order to enter Agua Tower. Exit the chief's house, then head to the Weapon Shop. Upgrade your party's equipment right now, then rest at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine before leaving. After that, just leave this town. Overworld --------- Out here again, have Bo lead you northwest through the woods to a floating tower. Enter that area. Agua Tower ---------- When you arrive here, go west and you will read the inscription on the Tablet. Doing so will cause the floating tower to come down so you can enter it. Inside, go straight and up the stairs into the main floor of the tower. There, go south and ride the floating platform across the pit. Then, go all the way west and open the chest to get the Herb inside it. Go back east and head north along the path to the west of the pit. Go all the way north and open the chest to get a Life2 item. Go back south and take the west path you passed along the way north on this one. Follow the path up to 2 more chests containing an Apple and an Acorn. After that, continue west and north to the northmost point of the room. Go up the stairs to the second floor. There, go south and ride the moving platform to the middle of the room. Then, take the northwest moving platform to the west, and open the chest there to get a SunHT. Now, get onto the moving platform to the right to get back to the start, then go around and down the first platform to reach the middle area again. This time, take the southeast platform to the east; open the chest around the bend to get an IronSH. Ride the moving platform directly to the north to the start, then ride the other platform back to the middle area. This time, take the southwest moving platform and open the chest to get a ThiefCL (be sure to equip all 3 of the items you found in this room on Ryu; he'll benefit most from them). Ride the platform to the north, and then go west and upstairs to the next floor. In this room, open the chest nearby to get an Acorn. Go south and ride the platform to the middle area. Take the southwest platform to the southwest ledge, then walk around and open the chest with a HairBand inside. Take the platform to the north and open the next chest to find a Herb, then ride the platform east to the middle area again. Head onto the southeast platform and ride it across, then walk around to the chest with a Bracelet inside (equip the HairBand and Bracelet on Nina; she's the only one who can use them). Now, ride the north platform to the final stop, then walk around the platform and go up the stairs to the next floor. Here, take the path going southeast to the moving platform at the end. Ride it to the west, then check out the pillar with the glowing orb on top of it. A monster will materialize and enter battle with you. So read the Bosses section for help on defeating the Wisp. After you win, check out the pillar again to get the KngKey you need! Now, ride the platform to the north and go back downstairs. Continue all the way downstairs until you get to the bottom floor, then exit the tower completely. Overworld --------- Back out here, have Bo lead your party all the way east through the forest. Follow the dirt path all the way south and east until it ends, then go east some more towards Tantar. Enter there to rest at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine, then get back outside. From Tantar, go north and east across the bridge, then continue north to a cave. Do not enter the cave; instead follow the path going north to the east of it. Continue all the way east and north, then west a little bit. When you see a dirt path leading south into the lower area, take that path, then go east and take the next path down to the Stone Robot area. Enter the Giant. The Giant --------- In here, go north and head up the stairs. Go up the next few sets of stairs until you reach an actual room. There, go east and south the first chance you get to reach 2 chests. Open them to get a BronzHM and a Herb. Then, go back north and continue east and upstairs to the next room. Head south and west, and confront the General and Lancers blocking the way. Enter battle against them; read the Bosses section for some information. After you win, check out the wall in front of you and the KngKey will be used. The Stone Robot will come to life with you inside it. Also, the blue circular pads begin to function, acting as teleporters to other areas of the robot. From here, go back northeast to the stairs, and step into the teleporter to the west. In the next room, take the path going northeast all the way to the end, then step into the next teleporter. Go north and take the path going southwest when it splits, then step into that teleporter; open the chest in this next area to get an Acorn, then go into that teleporter to reach the place where you fought the General. Go northeast and into the first teleporter, then make your way through the next couple rooms until you reach the room where you left off (where you can go either southwest or continue north to a teleporter). Go north and into the teleporter there this time, and then go north and southeast at the split. Go around the spiral and into the teleporter there, and open the chests in the next room to get a Life2 and a Mrbl1 item. Next, step back into the teleporter you entered the room with the 2 chests in, and this time, follow the path all the way through this room. Go in the teleporter at the end, then into the following one. You'll finally end up in the control room of the Stone Robot. Go forward and check out the pillar, and the Key will work for you. Nina will command the robot to destroy the block in the dry river to the south, so watch that all take place. After you gain control again, step into the teleporter to reach the first room with the heart. Head northeast and down the stairs to the floor below. Continue all the way downstairs to the bottom floor, then exit the Giant. Overworld --------- Out here again, head south and west across the bridge, then continue south into Tantar. Tantar ------ Here, head west and south, then into the chief's house (the one surrounded by water). Talk to the chief and he'll reveal a hole under his seat, and tells you the Key is there. Drop down there and open the chests to get a Herb and the Key! Now, go back upstairs and exit the house. Rest at the Inn, then save at the Dragon Shrine, and then exit Tantar. Overworld --------- At this point, there is a cave you should be heading to. So, go north and across the bridge, then continue north to where the Stone Robot is standing. Enter the cave to the right of the robot. Lake Cave --------- Here, it's basically a straightforward path, so just follow the path along. Open the one chest along the way to get a W.Ptn. Then, just contionue until you exit at the end. Overworld --------- From here, head northwest and enter the Lake Shrine. Lake Shrine ----------- In here, go straight ahead and open the closed door that blocks your path. Then, continue down the stairs all the way down to the bottom. Once there, follow the path all the way to the end, then go up the stairs to the next area. Follow the path into the water and down the waterfall. Then, go all the way south and east, then north onto a dry ledge. Open the lone chest to get a Life. Go back into the water and onto the east ledge, then follow that path in and out of the water again. Pass the stairs going downward, and continue to a chest with a Life2 inside. Now, go back north and head downstairs to the next area.Here, just follow the path all the way to the end, then head up the few sets of stairs to the next area. In this area, go all the way north and open a chest with 2000G inside. Then, go southeast and into the water, and go east. Go north onto the first ledge you pass and open the chest there to get a Herb. Go back into the water and head east onto that ledge. Head all the way to the south and go west to a chest containing an Acorn. Go back east and north, then take the first westbound path into the water. Follow the watery path down a waterfall, then to the southeast. Go north onto the first ledge you pass and open the chest at the top to get a SkySH (equip to Nina). Go back south into the water, and continue east onto the next dry ledge. There, open the fancy looking chest to get the Ring (equip this on Ryu). Step into the teleporter nearby to warp up to the top floor. From there, go south and exit the cave. Overworld --------- Back out here, go east and get through the Lake Cave. After that, head south and across the bridge over the river, then continue south into Tantar. Tantar ------ Here, talk to the people blocking access into town and you'll hear a ceremony is about to begin. Head into the chief's house and talk to the chief, and the wedding will begin. Witness it, then the chief will tell you that you can use the Stone Robot to cross the river to the south. After that, exit the house, rest/save, then exit town. Overworld --------- Outside, you'll notice the Stone Robot somehow made it south from its previous position, but it's being controlled by someone else. The General is back and has the robot destroy Tuntar. Since it refuses to attack Tantar, go north and across the bridge, then enter the robot. The Giant --------- Back here, make your way all the way to the control area of the Stone Robot (refer to the previous walkthrough for this area to see how to get there if you forgot). Once you get there, talk to the General and he'll transform, starting a battle. Read the Bosses section for help with beating the Gremlin. After the fight, the General/Gremlin will explode in defeat, and the Stone Robot will begin to move. It'll drop you off to the south near a volcano, then it'll climb into the volcano, destroying itself and causing the volcano to erupt. That will burn up the path ahead, but the lava will harden allowing you to cross safely. Overworld --------- Now, head south across the lava-formed bridge and you'll see a small building surrounded by trees. This is a Dragon Shrine; enter it. Dragon Shrine ------------- Here, continue ahead and enter the shrine itself. Talk to the old man up ahead and he'll let Ryu go in further. Open the chest to the east to get a Melon, then recover your HP/AP with the clean water on the west side. Then, encounter the spirit in the middle and you'll enter battle; read the Bosses section for help on beating the Talon. After you win, Ryu will gain his first 3 dragon forms he can transform into in battle! Now, talk to the old man to leave, then continue out of here completely. Overworld --------- Outside again, have Bo lead your party south through the forest to a cave; enter it. Cape Cave --------- In this area, simply follow the straightforward path through the cave. When the path splits further ahead, head south (you'll have to come back later to get through the west path). Then, continue ahead to the exit of this cave. Overworld --------- From here, head south and you'll come to a town by the water. That is Auria; enter that town. Auria ----- As soon as you enter Auria, a guard will come and arrest you, and throw you into a jail. Check out the blue pedestal in the upper-right corner of the cell to get a PrisonCL. Then, talk to the sleeping man and ask for his help, and he'll open the cell for you to escape. Head upstairs and continue out of the building. Now, head as far south without exiting the town as you can, then go east and north into the Inn. Rest there, then exit and go into the Dragon Shrine nearby to save. Then, go west and enter the building connected to the jail (the small one to the left). This is where the Item/Weapon Shops are located. Buy new equipment/sell the old stuff for your party, as well as buying some more items. Be sure you buy a Vitamn here; you'll need it soon. Exit the shop and go north and west along the pier, then talk to the captain standing in front of the ship. Then, go back into the town area. Before we continue, there is something you must have in order to progress ahead in the game. This item is the G.Bar, which is sold in the Item Shop of Auria. You obviously don't have that much money on hand, so we're going to have to obtain it by fulfilling other tasks. So, head go east and north into town, staying as far west from the guard as you can to avoid arrest again. Enter the building all the way to the north, which is Ross's house. There, go up the stairs nearby, then enter the room to the west. Go north through a small passage in the wall and open 2 chests to get a Cure and a G.Tiara. Make sure you also talk to Ross while you're here; he'll allow you to use his ship if needed later on. Then, exit Ross's place and enter the northeast building. Go upstairs in this house, then have Nina lead your party. Talk to the old man and allow Nina to help his aching back. He'll give you 20000G as thanks! Now, leave this house and head south and west to the Weapon/Item shop.Inside the shop, go upstairs to the second floor. Talk to the man sitting down and you'll find he has the hiccups. Give him the Vitamn you bought earlier, and he'll give you 5000G in exchange. Then, go downstairs and sell the G.Tiara to either shopkeeper to get 10000G! Also, buy a Pouch from the Item Shop since you're here. Leave the shop and head east, then north. Enter the northwest building; talk to the woman sitting at the table and she'll tell you of her son lost in the forest. Leave the house, then go south and exit town. Overworld --------- Back outside, go all the way north to the Cape Cave. Go through it like you did before, then out the other end. There, have Bo lead your group north through the forest. You'll notice an empty patch in the middle of the forest; enter it. Talk to the fairies there and say Yes when they ask if you'll get the boy in the woods to stop logging. Leave this area, then go east to a square patch of flowers with an empty area in the middle. Enter that area, and talk to the fairies, then the boy there. After that, exit this place and use Nina's Warp spell to get back to Auria. Auria ----- Here again, exit the Dragon Shrine and head north to the northwest building. Talk to the woman sitting there again, and she'll be happy you saved her son in the woods. She will give you 20000G as a reward, too! Now, you can explore all the buildings in town and collect lots of treasure, so go ahead and do that if you like. Otherwise, continue south and out of town (make sure you bought the Pouch at the Item Shop first though). Overworld --------- From here, head directly east and into the L & D Cave. L & D Cave ---------- In here, go straight ahead and talk to the 2 guys in the way. They will warn you of the thieves further ahead, then get out of the way. So, continue into the room and go downstairs to the lower floor. There, follow the path west and all the way north. Continue along the path to the next path split; go southeast from there. There is another split up ahead, so head west and you'll come across 2 chests; open them to get a Cure and a ShellHT. Now, head all the way east and south, then west again. Go north and up the stairs to the next room. In this room, head east, then take the north path at the split. Go all the way to the end, and step on the switch there to open the gate, allowing for quick access to this area later on. Now, go all the way back to where the path split and continue south to exit the cave. Overworld --------- Outside, head north and east around the water, then go south into the town of Bleak. Bleak ----- Here, head into the Inn nearby. The stay is free, which is new compared to past towns' Inns you've visited. During the night, the innkeeper will try to steal your Pouch, but you grab it just in time. The innkeeper gives you 5000G and asks you keep that all a secret. After that, leave the Inn and go to the Dragon Shrine to save. You should now have more than enough cash to buy the G.Bar back in Auria, so let's exit this town. Overworld --------- Back out here, use Nina's Warp spell to get back to Auria quickly. Auria ----- When you arrive here, exit the Dragon Shrine and head to the Item Shop. Buy the G.Bar now (you may also want to get the Rod1 while you're here), then exit the shop/town and Warp back into Bleak. Bleak ----- Back here, exit the Dragon Shrine, then go all the way to the northmost house in town. There, talk to the old man and trade the G.Bar for the Icicle. You'll need this to enter the Krypt. Exit the house and head south to the Weapon Shop. Get the WoolRB for Nina and the MetalSH for Ryu (remember to sell the old equipment while you're here). Leave here, then exit the town. Overworld --------- Now, head west and into the Desert Cave. Desert Cave ----------- There is really no need for a walkthrough in this area. Just follow the straightforward path all the way to the end. At the end, Ryu will use the Icicle to cool the air. Overworld --------- Outside at the end, head south through the middle of the desert. You'll come to a town; enter it. Arad ---- Here, enter the building to the right and rest there. Then, head into the northmost building and talk to the mayor. He'll give you the Fife if you defeat the SandWorm when it appears at night. Agree to it, then leave; it'll now be night time. Head to the northeast area of town where a goat would normally be wandering around. You'll notice a moving patch of dirt this time. Check it out and you'll enter battle against the SandWorm, so read the Bosses section for help with winning. After you win, you'll be back in the mayor's house. He'll let you open the chest that contains the Fife. Now, exit the house and rest at the Inn again, then exit town. Overworld --------- From here, go southeast and you'll see the Krypt surrounded by whirlpools in the sand. Stand on the dry tile in front of the Krypt and press A to play the Fife. A bridge will appear and your group will cross it. Now you can enter the Krypt. Krypt ----- In here, follow the path all the way around the room, then go down the stairs in the middle to reach the next room. Here, go straight ahead and down the steps to the lower area. There are many chests in this room on elevated ledges, but several areas of the floor are trapped, causing you to fall into an empty room below. You can go up stairs there to get out of there, though. If you want to explore and do some trial-and-error with maneuvering around the traps, you can get the following treasures in this room: Herb (x2), IronSH, Dagger, Life, DreamRG. Anyway, head southeast and you'll see stairs leading downward. Go down them to the next floor, then continue down the next set to the following floor. In this room, go north and you'll see 2 ledges you can go onto. Go on the east one and open the chest there to get HeadGear. Get back down and continue north, then go up the steps leading to the stairs going downstairs. A multi- eyeball creature will appear and challenge you. Read the Bosses section for help on beating EyeSpy. After you win, EyeSpy will disappear in defeat. Now, continue downstairs to the next room. There, go south and you'll find 6 chests: 5 red ones and 1 blue. Open the 5 red ones to get 2 SkullHTs, an IcyHT, a Cure, and an Antdt. Try to open the blue one and the room will start to flood with water. Your group can't get out, but a guy named Karn comes out of a trap in the room to help you in time. After an introduction, go downstairs to the next room and talk to him again to get him in the party! With Karn, you can now open the locked doors along the way if he's leading the party! Also, he can disable traps hidden in treasure chests before you open them. Anyway, head east and open the 2 locked doors you encounter. Continue along this path until you reach a split in the road. Go west and you'll come to 2 more chests. Open those to get a Cure and a Herb. Now, go back east and unlock a locked door to the north. Then, go down the stairs in that little room to reach the next area. There, head west and south and up the stairs at the end to the following area.There, take the path going southward. Follow it around to a chest at the end; open it to get a HuntCL. Then, head back around to the stairs you came up here from. Now, go north and head down more stairs to the bottom level of this place. There are several caskets around this room, each with a trap on them. Have Karn as the leader of the party, and check each casket here. When you check the final casket, you'll find the Book of Thieves that Karn was looking for! It happens to be the casket itself, and Karn gains confidence from its message. After he's done jumping around, backtrack all the way back out of the Krypt completely. Overworld --------- Back outside, there are a number of places you can return to from the past and gain new treasure (due to locked doors which you can now open with Karn). I'm not actually going to direct you to each place again to obtain those items, but I'll list off what you can get if you went back to each place and unlocked the locked doors you find; it's all up to you if you want those added bonuses or not: Winlan: BrokenSD, Turban, FlameRP, Cure, Life2, Life Agua Tower: LavaSH After you do whatever you do, have Nina Warp you to Bleak. From there, go around around the lake, then into the L & D Cave. L & D Cave ---------- Here, head all the way to the north, and when the path splits, keep on going northward. At the end, go west and open the locked door with Karn, then take the G.Bar inside that chest. Now, go back east and south all the way out of the cave. Overworld --------- From here, go directly east and enter the L & D Tower. L & D Tower ----------- When you enter this area, go straight ahead and unlock the door (have Karn lead your party throughout this tower). Open the chest to get 2000G, then go upstairs to the next room. There, go south and east and talk to the old man you reach. He'll tell you to fight the ghosts to prove you're the hero, then he'll let you pass. Continue upstairs to the third level. In this room, there are 2 sets of stairs you can go up. First, go up the left set, and in that room, open the 2 chests to get a B.Stn and a Life. Go back down and take the other stairs going upward, and head south, then east and up more stairs. In the next room, go directly north and up those stairs to the next floor for now. Open the chest in that area to get a Life2, then go down the stairs to the west into the following area. Open 3 chests there to get a Herb, Cure, and a HornHT. Now, go back upstairs, and down the stairs to the east. From there, go southwest past the other stairs you came up from before, and go esat and north around the room. Go up the stairs in the corner to reach the next room. Here, make your way around the room and you'll come to another set of stairs on the west side of the room. Pass them for now, and go up the stairs to the east. Then, go north and west and up some more stairs to another room. Open the 2 chests up here to get a Turban and 2000G. Now, go back down 2 floors, and head up the stairs to the west instead. Then, go east and north and up more stairs to the top floor. There, check out the pillar in front of you and a spirit known as Cloud will appear and fight. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After the fight, check out the pillar again and you will receive the DkKey. The tower will then become lit up. Now, backtrack downstairs the same way you came up. When you get to the second floor, talk to the old man and he'll move aside, allowing you to take the Mirror inside the chest. Now, continue downstairs and exit this tower. Overworld --------- Back outside, have Nina Warp the party to Auria. Auria ----- Here, exit the Dragon Shrine, then head all the way north and into Ross's house (the northmost one). Go forward to the main hallway, then go west and south, and down the stairs. There, open the 2 locked doors and talk to Ross's daughter, who was locked in that safe. Go back upstairs and have a talk with Ross himself in the dining room to the east. The Mirror you just found will be used and Ross's wife's ghost will appear and get him back to his senses. Talk to Ross again, then go back down to the safe and talk to his daughter. Agree to help them fight the Dark Dragons, and she'll tell you that the LtKey is at the top of the tower. Open the chests down here to get Herb (x5), Dart, MetalSH, and B.Stn. Now, continue up the stairs to the next room. Head up the next several sets of stairs to get all the way up the tower. Open the chest along the way to get a F.Stn. Continue up to the top floor and check out the pillar there to get the LtKey! Now, go all the way back downstairs into the safe. Continue straight ahead and upstairs, then go east and north to where Ross and his daughter are. Talk to them and Ross will let you take anything you find in his house as thanks. After that, exit the house and go all the way to the south end of town. Save at the Dragon Shrine, then go west and along the pier. You'll be confronted by an Archer and a Knight, then be pitted in a battle against them. Beat them, and they'll sink the ship at the dock as revenge. After they leave, the Captain will appear along with a fish-man known as Gobi. You'll find that you can go through the cave to the north to help them, although you need GnPwdr. Gobi will trade you that in exchange for a G.Bar. Talk to him and make the trade. Now, go back east and south to exit town. Overworld --------- Head north and west along the path, then enter the cave you come to. Cape Cave --------- Here, go all the way north until you reach the split in the path. Go west and south and you'll come to rocks blocking the path. You'll automatically set the explosives to clear the way. After that, continue onward to exit the cave. Secret Base ----------- Here, go south through the path in the woods and west onto the main path. Head west and defeat the 2 SpearMen that confront you. Then, continue ahead and step aboard the Dark Dragon Ship. Dark D. Ship ------------ Here, go straight ahead and an Archer will engage in battle with you. Defeat it, then continue down the stairs into the ship itself. Defeat the SpearMan and Archer that charge towards you, and continue through the room and upstairs to the next room. There, a knight will come out to challenge you. It'll transform into a Squid, then enter battle. Read the Bosses section for help on winning here. After the fight, it'll disappear in defeat, so continue onward and downstairs to the next room. Open the 4 chests there to get 2 Herbs and 2 Acorns. Then, heal your party and head downstairs to the next room. There is nothing happening down here for now, so head all the way back up and exit the ship. Then, backtrack all the way through the Secret Base and the Cape Cave, and make your way back to Auria. Auria ----- Back in Auria, head all the way west to the pier again. Talk to the Captain and you'll all return to the Dark D. Ship again. Dark D. Ship ------------ Here, the Captain, Ross, and his daughter will be there along with your party. After Ross and his daughter leave, Gobi will run on board and want to come with you. After that, the ship will set sail. Along the way out, you get ambushed by the Dark Dragons. They'll come on board and attack you, so defeat several sets of Archers and SpearMen as you make your way downstairs. In the final explosives room, you'll have to fight Octo. Read the Bosses section for help with this fight as well. After that's done, the explosives will ignite and your group will escape off the side of the boat just in time. You'll all wash up on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Deserted Island --------------- Here, Gobi will explain that the underwater town of Prima is nearby the island you're on. However, you need Gills to get there, and he places a hefty price on selling them to you. Accept his deals, then you'll have control of Gobi and automatically leave here. Head south and into the watery world. Underwater ---------- Here, head west and south into the town of Prima (the enemies are quite tough to fight alone, so be quick to get there). Prima ----- In this underwater town, start by visiting the Weapon Shops and getting some upgrades for Gobi's equipment. After that, exit the shop and save at the Dragon Shrine. Next, head all the way north and enter the tall building. Talk to the people in there to find out there are no Gills in Prima, although they are available in Gant. That is obviously your next stop, so exit the building and go all the way south and out of town. Underwater ---------- Out here in the bottom of the sea, head all the way south and east, then south onto dry land (you will notice where the beach line is so you can walk on). Overworld --------- On the surface, head south and west along the path. Continue south, west, and north into the town of Gant. Gant ---- In this town, head all the way north through here to the northmost building in town. Enter that building and talk to the blacksmith standing nearby. Agree to take some Goods to the Prima guild leader, and he'll move out of the way. Open the chest ahead to get the Goods. Then, exit the house and head out of town, and make your way back underwater to Prima. Prima ----- When you get back here, head to the northmost area of town. Enter the tall building, which is where the Guild Leader is. Talk to the Guild Leader to the side and give him the Goods, and he'll give you the Gills. After that, word will come in that a ship was attacked and there is a survivor that needs help. You all rush to an Inn where a guy known as Ox is resting. A ghost of death is waiting, so the Guild Leader asks for your help. Gobi will get the rest of the group to help, but for 5000G. Accept that amount, then exit the Inn and get out of town. Underwater ---------- From Prima, head directly to the east, then north onto the dry land. Overworld --------- Out here, continue north to the Deserted Island area. Deserted Island --------------- Here, talk to Ryu and the party will come together again. Now, head back down to Prima. Prima ----- Back here, enter the first Inn you see to the west. Go upstairs and talk to the ghost to enter battle against Morteo. Read the Bosses section for help winning that fight. After you win, Ox will become conscious and give you all some information. He'll then decide to join the group to help in the fight against the Dark Dragons! Now, head downstairs and out of this Inn. Head around to all the shops and upgrade your entire group's equipment (if your funds allow). Then, save at the Dragon Shrine and leave Prima. Underwater ---------- Out here again, you may want to take a little bit of time to get used to the underwater enemies, and to level up your crew if needed. My party at this point consists of Ox, Gobi, Ryu, and Nina. Whenever you're done leveling up or whatever, go northwest of Prima and onto the beach. Overworld --------- From here, head all the way south and west. Fight the strong enemies hanging around to get some easy cash/experience. When you're ready, enter the building at the end of the path; it's the Hidden Fort. Hidden Fort ----------- In here, go down the stairs straight ahead to enter the fort itself. In this room, go south and have Ox break the rocks in the way. Then, go all the way west and break the cracked wall. Open the 2 chests in that room to get a GiantHR and an EchoHT. Next, go up the stairs you just passed to reach the next room. In this large room, there are guards standing all around. You can avoid fighting them by having Ox break the cracked walls all the way through, but you'll miss the treasures to be found. Just follow the path through this room the regular way and defeat the LancerX guards you encounter along the way. Open the first 2 chests you come across to get Herbs. You will come to 2 walls you can break through. Go through the west one first, then follow the path all the way to a chest containing a Life item. Now, go back to the 2 walls you can crack (although you just cracked the west wall there). Follow the path south and east to a chest containing a MetalSH. Go north and west and defeat another LancerX, then continue all the way to the north. Break the wall in your way, then go east and south along the path some more. When you get to the end of the path, go downstairs to the next room. As soon as you go down there, you'll be confronted by a knight who transforms into a Toad and fights you. Read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. After the fight's done, the knight will disappear and the nearby gate will open. Ox will run in and the rest of the party will follow. You'll find out some new information, regarding a man in a tent near Gant who might have information, and Nabal to the north. After you're done here, go east and break the wall, then go upstairs to get outside. From there, go west and exit the fort altogether. Overworld --------- At this point, there are a few things you can go do (most are optional, but one is mandatory). Just to save you some time, the man in the tent wants a B.Rang and won't talk to you unless you bring him one. To get the B.Rang, have Nina Warp you to Arad, then go south to the Krypt. There, look for the B.Rang stuck in the rocks (in the room where you fought EyeSpy). Have Ox break it free for you, then get out and warp back to Gant. Additionally, you can head to some other locations and obtain treasures with Ox's help that you wouldn't get otherwise. Here are their locations: Agua Tower: 3000G, Life, SilverBR, Life2 Bleak Cave: A.Ptn, L.Ptn You can now Warp to Gant at this point if you're done with collecting those optional items if you were searching for them. Gant ---- Here, head all the way to the northmost building in town. There, talk to the blacksmith and he'll fix the B.Rang you have while your party rests. He'll then give it back to you, good as new. Before you leave here though, go to the northeast room in the first floor of the house. You'll notice a chest that's been opened already, and a shelf covering up a hole in the wall. Have Ox push it aside, then enter that hidden room. Break the rocks up ahead and put Karn in front of your group. Talk to the old man and he'll teach Karn his first spell, known as Shin. With it, Karn can fuse together with Bo and Gobi, combining all their powers into one! Use this spell right away to have a nice 4-member group, then exit this room. Push the shelf forward to get out, then continue out of the house. Before you go, you may want to visit the Weapon Shop to upgrade some more equipment if your funds allow it. Otherwise, save at the Dragon Shrine and leave Gant. Overworld --------- Now, head south and northeast along the path. When you come to the beachline to go underwater, pass it and continue east. Follow the narrow path north and east to reach a small building; enter that area. W-Man Home ---------- Talk to the old man, who happens to be a weapon collector. He'll take a look at the B.Rang, then give you some information regarding the GrimFowl birds. After that, leave this area. Overworld --------- From here, go back southwest to the beachline. Walk into the sea. Underwater ---------- Down here, go north past Prima, then west onto that shore. Overworld --------- Head all the way southwest from the beach, and enter the Hidden Fort again. Hidden Fort ----------- Back here, go downstairs and enter the fort. Head all the way through the fort like you did before. When you're back outside at the back exit, continue north to leave here. Overworld --------- Back outside, head north and into the GrimFowl Woods. GrimFowl Wds. ------------- Here, go north and check out the Egg in a nest. The GrimFowls will surround you, and one will attack! Read the Bosses section for some help here. After the fight, take the Egg and the GrimFowls will follow you. Move northward slowly, making sure at least one of them is following you. Then, exit the forest to the north. Overworld --------- With a GrimFowl behind you, continue north towards Nabal Castle. At the castle, your group will throw the Egg into the castle, where the GrimFowls will run into. So, enter Nabal. Nabal Castle ------------ Here, you'll notice that the GrimFowls are chasing around the guards, allowing you to pass safely. Go north and enter the castle itself while it's safe. There, go northeast through the castle, then go south to some stairs. Go down to the next room. There, follow the path all the way to the end, where you'll encounter the General and 3 soldiers. The General will leave, and the soldiers will transform and attack. Defeat the 3 SlimeX enemies, even when they fuse together. After that, Ox will break open the wall to open the prison cell, and he'll talk to his wife. You'll find out information about the secret weapon, then your party and Ox's wife will run outside to try and catch the General before he goes. You're all too late, and the ship leaves. The wife will explain that the weapon is a torpedo, meant to destroy Prima with. Your group then decides to go talk with the Guild Leader, and everyone automatically goes to Prima. Prima ----- Here in the Guild Leader's place, you'll talk to the Guild Leader and get information about a sorceress who can destroy this weapon. He'll direct you to a man upstairs for more information, so head in the back and go upstairs. Talk to the man in the bed and he'll jump out. Talk to him again to find out you need a Statue to enter Wisdon, where the sorceress is sleeping. Check in his bed to get the Statue you need. Now, go back downstairs and out of the house, then continue out of Prima completely. Underwater ---------- Head directly south from Prima and onto the beach to get out of the water. Overworld --------- Here, have Nina use the Warp spell to get to Arad. Once there, exit Arad and you'll be in the desert. As you wander the desert, you'll notice a small structure moving around in the desert. That is Wisdon. Find it and walk into it since you have the Statue needed to get in. Wisdon ------ In this town, start by resting at the Inn if needed, then saving at the Dragon Shrine. You'll notice a stairway leading downward in the middle of town; go down them into the dungeon of Wisdon. In here, head north into the middle of the area. At this split, head west and north along that path. Have Ox break down the walls at the end, and open the 2 chests to get a Herb and a ProSH. Head back to the middle area, and this time take the east path. Break down the walls at the end of that path too, and open the chests to get a Life2 and a Life. Then, head back to the middle area once again. This time, go directly north and downstairs to the next room. There, go all the way north to some more stairs. Before going up them, go around and break the rocks with Ox, then open the chest to get an OldSP. Now, go back around and up the stairs to the next room. Here, go south into the room itself, then head to the southwest area. Break the wall with Ox and open the chests in that little room to get a Life and a SilverBR. Next, head to the northeast area and break the wall so you can enter that little room as well. Open those chests to get a Herb and a RageHR (be sure to equip that to Ox since it should raise his attack power a bit). Then, go directly south and break that wall, and go down the stairs to the next area. Head northwest through this corridor, then head upstairs at the end. Open the 4 chests in that room you end up in to get 2 Herbs, a ChainML, and a ProSH. Go back through the corridor and up the other end again, then head to the center of the room. Go north and up those stairs to go outside. Outside, go north and enter the main building. There, drink the clean water up ahead to recover all your HP/AP. Then, go upstairs to the next room. There, go southwest, then north towards where the sorceress is sleeping, and the 3 ghostly guards will send you back. They'll come out and fight you one by one (Wisp, Cloud, Myst). Read the respective entries in the Bosses section for help here. After those fights are done, the ghosts will awaken the sorceress known as Bleu. She'll give you an OldEgg to place in a volcano, then ask you return after that. So, go back downstairs and use the clean water to recover again, then go outside. Continue back through the dungeon below, then when you get out of it, continue out of Wisdon completely. Overworld --------- Have Nina use her Warp spell here, and send the group to Gant. There, exit town and head all the way south and northeast along the path to the beach. Then, go into the water. Underwater ---------- Down here, head west and north towards Prima. From there, continue all the way to the north. You'll eventually come to what appears to be an underwater mountain. Enter the cave at the base of it. Sea Volcano ----------- Here, go north to where the path splits, then head all the way to the east. You'll come to a chest; open it to get the SharpBW. Then, head back west to where you started, and continue to the west. Follow that path all the way west and north through the area. When you come to stairs going upward, continue north to another path split. Go west and open a chest to get 3000G, then head back to the stairs and go up to the next area. There, go up the next set of stairs to the east. In that room, open the chest to get a M.Drop. Go back down and head all the way west and south along the path. You'll come to another set of stairs going up; ignore them for now and continue east. At the path split, go east to a chest with 2000G inside. Go back to the path split and head southwest along that path. Open the chest you come to and obtain the PowerDR for Karn inside. Now, go back to the stairs you passed before and head up to the next area. There, open the chest to get a Herb, then head west and south along the path. You'll come to the cliff above the lava. You'll notice a small narrow ledge jutting outward above the lava; go onto that ledge and press A to drop the OldEgg into the volcano. You'll then be warped back to Wisdon where Bleu is. She will now join your group for good, and you'll head down to Prima. Prima ----- Here, your party will rest with Bleu, then get ready for battle. The people of Prima are ready to fight the invading Dark Dragon shops, and one of them carries your group on its back. You'll witness some of Bleu's powers when you surface and are surrounded by ships. After you all dive again, you'll be dropped off north of Prima, and have control again. Underwater ---------- Before you head north to the battle scene, you should re-fuse Karn with Bo and Gobi like he was before. Have your party consist of Ryu, Karn (fused), Bleu, and Nina. When you're ready, head north and you'll be told to take care of the leader of the attackers. The General will morph into Pincher and fight you, so read the Bosses section for help here. After the fight, the people of Prima will get rid of the General, just as the area's about to blow! Everyone escapes, and your party ends up in Prima. Prima ----- Here, your group will be at the Guild Leader's place. After some talking takes place, you'll all leave Prima automatically. Outside, you'll witness a scene with Zog and Jade in their lair. After that's done, you'll have control of the group outside of Prima. Gobi will mention forgetting something, so go back into Prima. While you're here, get some new equipment for Bleu from the various Weapon Shops. Then, visit the Guild Leader again and talk to him. He'll reinstate Gobi's license like he wanted, and 2 chests will appear in the room. Open them to get a MystSF, and the Sphere (Gobi can turn into a big fish like you saw before outside of Prima). Now, exit here, save at the Dragon Shrine, then leave town. Underwater ---------- Out here, put Gobi in the front of your party, then press A to transform into the big fish. Now, head north and you'll notice a dark crevasse to the west. Swim over it, then continue west and south. You'll notice an island with a shore line along the south end of it. Revert back to normal, then walk onto the shore there. Overworld --------- Here, walk directly north into the town of Tunlan. Tunlan ------ In this village, you are unable to communicate with the townspeople because they speak in melodies and you cannot understand yet. Before you do anything else here, go to the Weapon Shop on the west side of town and upgrade your party's equipment. Then, head all the way north through here to the northmost building, then enter it (there should be a harp above the door you enter). Here, go north to a group of people, then head east and around to stairs. Go up those stairs to another hallway; follow it west and down the other stairs. From there, go west and you'll notice a bunch of statues and a couple chests on the sides you can access. Go all the way to the west wall, then go north towards that chest, and a statue will come to life and push you into a trap. When you land downstairs, talk to the people there to get a hint about a big catch. Move the box on the right side of the room, then press A where the box was originally to get the Rod5. Now, push the lower-left box aside and drop into another trap hole. Open the 2 chests there to get a Herb and a Melon, then go south and up the stairs to exit Tunlan. Overworld --------- Outside, have Nina warp your party to Auria and buy some Worms at the Item Shop there. Then, exit town and Warp to Romero. Exit Romero, then have Bo lead your party (or Karn if he's fused with Shin) through the forest to the west. Head west to the mountains, then go northwest and south around them, then continue west to a well. Put Ryu in front of your party, then equip the Rod5 and Worms to both Etc. slots. Fish in the well and you should receive the DragonSD for Ryu! If not, keep fishing until you get it. Re-equip whatever you had in the Etc. slots, as well as the DragonSD, then have Nina Warp your group to Gant. Exit Gant, then follow the path south and northeast to the shore. Go underwater, then head northwest and onto that shore. Follow that path to the Hidden Fort to the southwest. Get through the fort and exit at the other side. From there, follow the narrow path going west. At the end of that path, go south and east. You'll see a small building next to several trees; that is another Dragon Shrine, so enter it! Dragon Shrine ------------- Here, put Ryu in front of your group again, and enter the shrine itself. Talk to the old man and he'll let Ryu in only. Take the east path and open the chest to get a Mrbl2. Then, go to the west path and drink the clean water to recover all HP/AP. Now, go into the middle of the room and talk to the spirit known as Bain. You'll enter battle against it, so read the Bosses section for help here. After the fight, Ryu will gain 4 new dragon transformations in return! Now, drink the clean water again, then talk to the old man to exit. Take your party out of the shrine and out of the area completely. Overworld --------- Outside again, have Nina Warp your party to Tunlan. There, save at the Dragon Shrine and rest at the Inn if necessary, then exit town. From Tunlan, put Gobi in the front of your party, then head south and into the water. Underwater ---------- Here, have Gobi transform into the big fish. Then, go west to the wall, then swim all the way north. You'll eventually reach a shoreline to the north; press A to revert back to normal, then walk onto the dry land. Overworld --------- From here, follow the dry path to the east and north. Cross a bridge, then go up the dirt path and into the town of Gust. Gust ---- Here, start by visiting the shops on the east side of town like you would in any other new town. Upgrade some more equipment if you want, otherwise rest at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine. Then, head to the west area of town where a man is standing in front of a cave. Talk to him to find a giant Fly stole his lunch. You can't do anything about this right now, so go back into the town and head into the building directly south of the Inn. There is a tall box you can't move right now (remember this for later), but there is a smaller box in the right side of the room. Push it aside and drop into the hidden room below. There are several barrels to the north of you which you must move in order to continue. They are positioned like such: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Move #6 left, #4 left, #5 right, #1 and #3 up, then #2 to the left or right. Now you can get through, so put Karn in his normal form in front of your party and talk to the old man there. He'll teach Karn his second spell known as Debo, which he can use to fuse with Ox and Gobi underwater. Now, go all the way south and up the stairs to exit Gust. Then, reenter Gust and save at the Dragon Shrine, then continue north and out of here. Overworld --------- Out here, head north and along the dirt path into the next area. There, continue northward and you'll come across a pink flower with little buds surrounding it. Go around it and you'll reach a closed door to the north. Open it, then enter the Lab. Lab. ---- Upon entering here, go east and west into 2 small rooms with chests in each. You will have to fight an enemy known as Rogue to reach these and any other chests in the Lab. Just use regular attacks and you'll win quite easily. Anyway, open those chests to get a Herb and a Cure2. Then, head north on the middle path and you'll come to 3 more alcoves in front of you. Enter the ones in the middle and the right, defeat the Rogues, then open the chests to get a L.Ptn and a Rod4. Next, continue east and north along the path through this area. Continue to the stairs at the end, then go up to the next floor. There, you'll encounter the evil Cort. He'll use a strange formula on your party, causing you all to shrink down to a really small size. When you have control, you cannot go down the stairs, so your means of escape is through a mousehole in the upper-right wall. Go through that hole in the wall to enter the Mouse Hole. Mouse Hole ---------- In this area, follow the path north and all the way east to an area inhabited by mice. Talk to the mice to find out that there's trouble ahead. One of them will let you rest and recover HP/AP, so take advantage of that now. Talk to the mouse blocking access to 2 chests and it'll ask for your help. Then, the mouse blocking the other path to the north will move away so you can continue. Go west and continue northeast along the path. At the path split, head east and north some more. At the end, you'll reach a group of roaches that think you're there to steal their food. You'll enter battle against 3 K.Roaches here; read the Bosses section for help winning here. After the fight, the food supply will be free for the mice once again. Head back south to the community of mice and talk to the one who begged you to help earlier. It'll allow you to open the chests and take the cure as a reward, so open their 2 chests to get a Herb and the M.Cura. Your group will then automatically exit the hole. Lab. ---- Out here, you'll use the M.Cura to become normal-sized again. Now, go down the north stairs to the next area. Here, head northeast onto the moving platform and cross the room to the other side. Follow the path onto the next moving platform, and ride that to where it takes you. At that path split, go south and ride that platform, then ride the following platform to the middle area. Before you head onto the north platform to the upcoming fight, I would recover all your HP, and set up your party (my party consists of Ryu, Bleu, Nina, and Karn fused with the Shin spell). When you're ready, head north and you'll encounter Cort again. He'll send a monster called RugaX to fight; read the Bosses section for help getting through here. After the battle, Cort will retreat, and RugaX will revert back to the form of a regular man called Nicholie. He is wounded, so your group carries him out of the Lab and outside. A girl named Tina comes out and is upset because your group injured Nicholie. Bleu can cure it, but she needs the Oil from the Frog Cave. After demanding it, your party will run out of Gust completely. We don't have to leave for another location yet, so reenter Gust again. Go rest/save at the Inn and Dragon Shrine, then enter the cave in the west area of town. Follow the path to a fly sitting on a rock. It'll fight you, so read the Bosses section (although you probably won't need the help) for some strategy on defeating the G.Fly. Now, take the G.Fly from the rock and exit the cave. Rest again if needed, then exit Gust to the south. Overworld --------- Outside again, head southwest to the shoreline, then enter the water. Underwater ---------- At this point, unfuse Karn, and put Gobi in your party. Have him lead, then transform into the big fish. From this shore, head directly south until you hit the island Tunlan sits upon. From there, go east and you'll notice a small walled-off area blocked off on the ground by rocks. Swim over them, then revert to normal and go on the shore, then enter the Frog Cave nearby. Frog Cave --------- In here, talk to the frogs standing around, especially the middle one in the back of the room. Trade the G.Fly you have for the Oil. Then, leave the cave. Overworld --------- Here, have Nina use the Warp spell to get to Gust quickly. Gust ---- Back in Gust, enter the first building to the right of where you enter town. You will find Bleu and Tina standing around the bed where Nicholie lies. Talk to Bleu and she will take the Oil and sprinkle it on Nicholie. He will recover, and warn you of a flower that shouldn't be allowed to spread its seeds. Bleu will warn you some more, too. After that, leave the house and rest/save again if you need to. Otherwise, continue north and out of here. Overworld --------- From town, continue north to the following area. Here, go north a little more and you will reach the pink flower surrounded by its seeds. Cort will be there, and he'll have the flower attack you. Read the Bosses section for help defeating FlowerX. After the fight, Cort will vanish, and the people of Gust will be back to normal. So, go back south and into town. Gust ---- Back here, head into the main area of town and talk to the people to find out some information. Rest at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine if you want. Then, enter the southeast building in town. There, talk to Bleu and you'll find that Nicholie has transformed into a monster again. You'll have to fight RugaX again, so refer to the same entry for the previous battle with RugaX for help with winning here. After you beat him, Nicholie will become totally normal again and Tina will have your group rest there for the night. When you have control again, Bleu will rejoin you. Set up your party so it consists of Ryu, Nina, Karn (fused with Shin), and Bleu. Now, exit the house and save again at the Dragon Shrine before continuing northward out of here. Overworld --------- Head north into the next area, then continue northward from there. Continue northwest to the once-broken bridge. Step onto the bridge and Cort will appear once again. He will transform into his monster form and battle you, so read the Bosses section for information on beating the HornToad. Upon defeating HornToad, Nicholie will get up and inform you that the bridge is ready. Head back to Gust one last time to heal up, then head back to this point. Cross the bridge all the way to the other side to exit this area. From here, go south and all the way to the west. Cross another small bridge to reach a dry plains area. In the middle of it, you'll see a small person poking out of a hole, and then going back in when you come near. Go into that hole to enter the underground town of Gramor. Gramor ------ In this town of the mole people, you'll see that kid standing in a doorway in front of you. Go into that room and talk to him, along with the rest of the people there. You'll find out that Mogu is in a coma, and the monster in his dreams must be defeated in order to wake him. Talk to the person standing next to the bed, and choose to get the item they need to enter Mogu's dream. You'll receive the Cowl and are told to head to Tunlan to find this item. So, exit this room and go up the stairs to exit town. Overworld --------- Out here, use Nina's Warp spell to get to Gust (we'll head to Tunlan shortly; there is something else you need from Gust first). Gust ---- When you get here, exit the Dragon Shrine and into the town itself. Enter the house directly to the south of the Inn; this is the flute man's house. Talk to him and he'll tell you to look under his bed for his newest Flute. Go into the bed and check to get the Maestro. Now, exit here and leave Gust, then Warp to Tunlan. Tunlan ------ In Tunlan again, exit the Dragon Shrine and talk to some of the people here. The Cowl and Maestro allow you to fully communicate with the people now, so that helps quite a bit. Talk to the people outside here to find out about the Bolster and the TmKey. Head all the way to the northmost building in town, and enter it. Go all the way up and talk to the lady in green. She'll agree to give you the Bolster if you can talk to the princess to change her mind about the TmKey. Agree to do so, then go upstairs and talk to the guards in your way. Put Nina or Bleu in front of your group and talk to them, and they'll say to come back tomorrow. So, go back downstairs and exit the building, then head to the Inn. Rest there and it'll be the following day when you are done. Now, go back into the north building and talk to the lady in green again. Go upstairs and talk to the princess this time. She'll refuse to give up the TmKey because she wants to have eternal youth from Zog. So, go back downstairs and talk to that man once again. She'll tell you of something that can be found in the safe, then she'll walk away. Go east and south, then west to stairs. Go upstairs, then head west and downstairs to the room with the safe. Go west and talk to her again, and she'll mention viewing the marks on the princess's back when she swims in the moonlight. So, exit Tunlan and use the DkKey item to make darkness come. When it's dark, reenter Tunlan and the castle where you just were. Go north and east, then south and west to the stairs going up. Go up them, then go west to the stairs going down. Instead of going downstairs, go around the stairs and walk through the hole in the west wall. Go north and stand behind the middle palm tree and press A. You'll see the Princess's marks on her back. Now, go downstairs to the safe room and talk to the old woman again. Check out the left part of the locked door, then the right part. After that's done, you'll be told to try that in the opposite order. The guard statues will then come to life and trap your group, and the princess will come down with her guards. After the big commotion with everyone, and Bleu will destroy the room, allowing access to the chests. However, the evil Cerl will appear and take the TmKey, then disappear. The guards will try to capture your group, and another fight with Bleu breaks out. You'll all end up in beds upstairs after this fiasco. Now, get out of bed and talk to the old woman standing nearby. She'll tell you to get the Bolster from the safe downstairs. So, go all the way west on this floor to reach the ruined safe room. Open the 2 chests in the middle to get 2 Melons, then open the side chests from the side (if you try approaching them from the front, you'll fall into a trap). Open those chests to get a M.Drop and the Bolster. Now, exit the castle and continue south out of Tunlan completely, then warp back to Gramor. Gramor ------ Here, save at the Dragon Shrine one more time. Then, leave this room and enter the next room to the west. Talk to the mole person standing by the bed, and enter the Dream World of Mogu. Dream Town ---------- You will awaken in a bed inside a house in Dream Town. Get out of bed and talk to the people standing next to it. Then, go outside into the town itself. Talk to the people around; they are Mogu's different emotions. Save at the Dragon Shrine if you like, otherwise exit this town. Dream World ----------- Out here, head east and north, then to the west. You'll come to the tower known as the Devil Tower; enter it. Devil Tower ----------- This tower is a bit different, mostly because of the red and blue floor switches you'll walk over along the way. If you step on a white switch, all the walls disappear leaving you to guess where the actual path is. When you walk over a red one, the walls reappear. From the start, go straight onto the white, then east onto a red one. Follow that path all the way east, then to the north. When you reach the path allowing you to head west, take it. Go southwest, and you'll end up walking over another white switch. Now, continue walking to the west, pressing Up until you stumble across the northward path. Go north while pressing Right until you head on an east path. Walk all the way east, then north at the end and over a red switch.You'll see a little boy standing in front of the stairs going up. Talk to him and he'll taunt you by saying you have no chance against him in battle. Accept his challenge and he'll transform into Mothro and battle you. You cannot harm this creature yet, so just use the Run command to exit battle. Now, have Bleu use the Exit spell to get out of here quickly. Dream World ----------- Outside of the tower, head east, south, and west to the Dream Town again. Talk to Anne, who is standing outside of town. She'll tell you about where to find Mogu's courage, then to follow her. So, enter the town. Dream Town ---------- Here, talk to the people here and you'll find out that the bridge leading to the southern cave has been fixed. Rest up at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine, then exit to the north. Dream World ----------- Out here again, go west and south across the newly formed bridge. Then, go east and north into the Wilderness. Wilderness ---------- In this area, just follow the zig-zag path all the way to the north. Try not to walk into the sides of the area, or steam will shoot up (although it seems to do nothing to you). When you come to a split in the single path, head northeast and around to a chest. Open it to get the LightSH. Then, go back around and continue northward along the main path. At the next split, go all the way east, south, and along that different path. You'll eventually reach 2 more chests containing a Life and HeadGear. Now, go back a bit to that path split, and head north some more. Make your way north around the steam traps, and you'll finally get out of here (you should have gained several levels throughout this area because of the frequent random battles). Dream World ----------- From here, just continue north into the South Cave. South Cave ---------- Here, go straight ahead and talk to Mogu, who is supposed to be Courage. He is too afraid to help, so Anne and the other person with her tries to talk Mogu out of it. After they leave, all the other emotions from town will combine their powers with Mogu to make him courageous again. He will then join your party as the final member of your group! Now, head back out of here, go back through the Wilderness again, and head to the Dream Town. Dream Town ---------- Back in this safe haven, away from the Wilderness, head to the Inn and recover your group (by the way, your party should consist of Ryu, Nina, Karn fused in the Shin form, and Bleu). Save at the Dragon Shrine once again, then exit town to the north. Dream World ----------- Now, head back north and west into the Devil Tower. Devil Tower ----------- Here again, follow the same path like you did the first time through. When you come to that kid again, talk to him and he'll challenge you to a fight at the top of the tower. When he runs upstairs, follow him up to the next floor. There, head south and across the red switch. Continue south, west, then all the way north and over a blue switch. Continue all the way north to the end, then go east, all the way south, then west. At the end of that west path, go north and over a red switch, then go west some more. Follow that path north and upstairs to the next floor. In this next room, follow the path around and south until you go over the white switch. Then, just continue south and east until you reach a group of white switches. Stand in the middle of that formation and head all the way east. Go north and west, then north several steps. Press Right until you can go east again, then follow that path north and over a red switch, then upstairs to the top floor. There, follow the path littered with red and white switches until you reach the end. Before you head towards the kid, quickly heal your party and get yourself ready. Then, confront him and you'll enter battle against Mothro. Read the Bosses section for help winning here. After this fight, the boy will disappear and your group will automatically vanish. You will end up back in Gramor where Mogu was in the coma in the real world. Gramor ------ Once here, Mogu will wake up and decide to join your party for a second time. Now, leave this room and go upstairs to leave Gramor. Overworld --------- Now that you have Mogu, who is the final member of your party in this game, there are several items you can backtrack and obtain at this point. Also, you may have remembered passing dirt patches with a dragon insignia on it; refer to the Secrets section of this guide for their locations and what each dirt patch has under it. Be sure to visit the dirt patches north of where Nanai once stood, since that's where you can get Karn's Doof transformation spell. Then, warp to Tantar and head northeast to another dirt patch. Dig there and get the treasures in that area. After that, warp to Arad, then head southwest to the shore. Go south to find a well; fish there with the Rod5 to get the DragonHT for Ryu. Equip the helmet to Ryu, then warp to Bleak. Bleak ----- Here, exit the Dragon Shrine and enter the house directly to the north of the shrine. There, head west and you'll see 2 jars and a large shelf surrounding a hole in the floor. Push the shelf upward with Karn's Doof form, then push the middle jar to the side. Then, go down those stairs to the room below. To the left are 2 barrels; push the left one up 1 space, then the other one to the right. Push the large shelf to the north upward, then press A to get the ClearCL. Now, go back upstairs into the house, and head to the northwest area. Have Karn in his Doof form push the giant shelf against the wall to the left. You'll fall down into a hidden room. There, revert Karn to normal and talk to the old man with Karn leading the party. He'll learn the Puka transformation, which is his final spell. Next, go all the way south and up the stairs to exit town, then warp to Gust. Gust ---- When you get here (make sure you visited the dig spots mentioned above, as well as the DragonHT at this point). Enter the house directly to the south of the Inn, then have Karn fuse with Bo and Ox in his Doof state. In that house, have Karn lead your group and push the giant shelf you couldn't move before upward. Press A at the spot where it was to get the EarthRB. Now, exit town. Overworld --------- Now, there are a few more things you can do before we continue with this game. You may also recall seeing those gray wall panels in certain areas in the overworld (most recently the one to the southwest of Gust; view the Secrets section of this guide for the full list of them). You can now open them; put Karn in front of your group in his Puka form, then press A. Head to the one southwest of Gust, then enter the cave and open the chest to get the LoveBR. Go back outside and warp to Auria, then head a little north of Auria to another gray wall in the mountain. Open it and enter, then open the chest inside to get a DarkBR. That just about sums up the extras you can go find at this point in time. So, warp back to Gramor, save at the Dragon Shrine and exit this underground hideout. Overworld --------- At this point, situate your party however you like (mine consists of Ryu, Nina, Bleu, and Karn in the Puka form). Then, head south of Gramor and into the cave. Winter Cave ----------- Here, head north and down the stairs into the cave itself. Follow the path down there to the southeast all the way until you exit at the end. Overworld --------- From here, head directly west and into the town of Spring. Spring ------ In this new village, start by resting at the Inn and saving at the Dragon Shrine as usual. Then, head by the Weapon Shop to upgrade your party's equipment if necessary. After that, talk to the people around town to find out about the Spyre Tower and how the mole people in Gramor know how to enter it. When you're done, you can leave Spring. Overworld --------- Now, head south and you'll pass the Spyre Tower along the way. Go south, west, north, then east to the tower. Put Mogu in front of your group and stand on the dirt patch in front of the tower, then press A to dig. You'll then enter the Spyre Tower. Spyre Tower ----------- When you enter this area, go all the way up the hall in front of you. At the end, go downstairs to the next room. There, start by going south and west at the split, then follow the path north and east to a chest containing Cure2. Backtrack to the stairs you came down from, then go northeast. Follow that path all the way to the east corner of the room, then go all the way south and down the small ramp at the end. Open the 2 chests nearby to get an A.Ptn and a Shell. Then, go back up that ramp and go west to reach some stairs. Before you go up them, continue west to 2 chests; open them to get the WorldAR and FlameAR. Now, go back and up the stairs to the next floor. In this next section of the tower, you must pass through several large rooms, each of a different element (grass, rain, desert, and so on). So in this first room, head north to the next stairs going upward to the next room. Continue all the way upstairs through these rooms in that fashion. On the top floor (the dark one), head north and you'll reach a pillar with a blue orb on top of it, as well as a machine to the left with a hole for a key. Check out the blue orb on the pillar, and Mote will appear. He will warp you away to his dream world, and you'll end up in Mare Town. Mare Town --------- In this dream world village, talk to the people and you'll learn they were trapped here when they climbed the Spyre Tower as well. You can only escape by defeating Mote. Rest at the Inn and save at the Dragon Shrine, then go south and exit town. Mare World ---------- Out here, head southwest of town to the southwest corner of this world. Go east and up the ramp to get onto the higher ledge. Then, follow the path northeast and around to a cave. Enter it, since it leads into the Mare Tower. Mare Tower ---------- When you enter the cave, go straight ahead and downstairs into the tower itself. There, go north until you reach a path split. Continue north to the end, then go down the stairs to reach the next room. Go west and north, then to the east. You'll see a path going southward. Take that path to reach 4 chests. Open them all to get a L.Ptn, Cure, JadeBW, and a Trident. By opening these chests, you get caught in a trap, since bars appear to block your way out. Your only means of leaving is by dropping through the hole in the floor, so do that. When you land in the room below, go up the nearby stairs. Follow the path in this next room to the stairs going upward at the end. In the following room, go west and north and down those stairs to the room you were in before. Here, go west and north and east, this time avoiding that first path going southward. Instead, continue all the way east and up the stairs to reach the next room. There, go east and open those 3 chests to get a Smoke, a CursedHT, and a FaceMask. Now, go west and all the way to the north. At the end, you'll encounter Mote's conscience. It'll break down the wall up ahead to help you reach Mote. Continue onward and upstairs to the next room. In this room, drink the clean water in the room to full recover your party's HP and AP. Then, go up onto the elevated ledge and check out the jar; it acts as a Dragon Shrine so you can save right now. Do so, then get back down and head north through the doorway to the final area. Follow the path northward and you'll see a spinning tile on the floor. This is the tricky part now; when you step on that spinning tile, the path spins around several times. The idea here is to watch the spinning carefully so you know what way you're supposed to be heading, so you don't go back the way you came. At each spinning tile, there are several paths you can take as well, and I'll be referring to the path you should take at each split (depending on how you look at it, that can be confusing, but please bear with me and it can work for you too). To get through here, head straight to the first spinner. Head west when it stops, then continue to the next spinner. Go south from there and follow the path to another spinner. From there, go north to another spinner, then continue by going east. Take the first path south, east, then south again to another spinner. Go all the way west to another spinner, and then continue west a bit. Take the second northbound path, and follow it to the teleporter tile at the end. You can now reach the following room. In this room, there are 2 paths in front of you that you can take. Go up the right path and up those stairs (the middle set of stairs in the room). In the next room, go south across the yellow tiles, and wander around in the east half of the other side. Karn will stumble upon a trap (have him lead your party to do this). Drop down to the floor below, then go north and up the next 2 sets of stairs to the next real room. There, go up the next set of stairs in the southwest area of the room. In this next room, there are many sets of stairs leading upward. They all lead back to the beginning of this stair maze, except for one. Go up the bottom-rightmost stairs to reach the final room. Go forward and you will encounter Mote. He'll transform and enter battle against you, so read the Bosses section for help beating him. Upon defeating Mote, he and his Conscience will disappear, along with the tower you're in. You'll then be returned to the Spyre Tower where you were before Mote warped you to his world. Spyre Tower ----------- Back here, the Spirit guarding the SkyKey will congratulate you on beating Mote. It'll tell you to check the pillar again to get the key, so press A again and the SkyKey is yours. Check out the machine to the left and activate it with the SkyKey (I don't know what it does at this point, but that's what I did). Then, have Bleu cast Exit to leave this place. Overworld --------- Outside again, have Nina or Bleu use the Warp spell to get you back to the town of Spring. Spring ------ Here, definitely rest at the Inn since you'll need it. After you do that, talk to the people around town and they'll be happy the warm weather has returned. Go south of the Inn and you'll see steps leading into the water. Go into the water and head north, then west to stairs out of the water. You'll reach a hidden pond where ducks are swimming around. Equip Ryu with the Rod5 and a Worm, then fish there to get the DragonAR. Equip that on Ryu, then go back into the water and head north to the falls. You may notice the outline of a cave behind the falls; enter that cave. Spring Cave ----------- In here, simply follow the path going north and west. You'll reach some stairs at the end, so go up them to the next room. There, go west and south to exit this cave. Overworld --------- Now, head all the way south along the west coast. You'll eventually reach a forest area with a town next to it. Enter that town, known as Carmen. Carmen ------ In this town, you'll realize that NOTHING moves here. Talk to the one person walking around to find out it might have to do with Tock to the east. So that's obviously where you'll be heading next. Save at the Dragon Shrine here, then exit Carmen. Overworld --------- From here, head south to another forest area. From there, continue all the way northeast. You'll notice a couple paths going to the south, then one going north. Take the second southbound path (which is adjacent from the northbound one you need to go on), then go east to a gray wall in the mountainside. Open it with Karn's Puka, then enter the cave and open the chest to get a WindBR. Go back outside and head west and north to that path you were on. Before going directly north on the path you're supposed to go on, head northeast and west to a dirt patch. Put Mogu in your group and dig there, then open the chest in there to get the HeroBW for Bo. Exit there, then head southeast and west to the path going north. Head directly north from there, then southwest to another northbound path. Take that path going north with Bo leading your party (so you can go through the forest). You'll come to a tower, this is Tock. Enter that tower. Tock ---- In this tower, there are special teleportation tiles on the floor. If you step on one, you warp 2 spaces in the direction on the tile. Anyway, go straight ahead and past the formation of teleporters and drink the clean water to recover your HP/AP. Then, go west and south and onto the first one to get through the wall. Ignore the second one; go all the way northeast to the first chest. Open it to get a Life. Then, go east and north to another chest with a EvilCN inside. Now, go all the way back to the teleporter tile I told you to ignore. Step on it to go through the west wall, then follow the path all the way north to a third chest. Open that one to get the IcyAR. Next, step on the teleporter to the right of the chest. Follow the path east and north to another teleporter; step on it to go west through the wall. Step on the next one in front of you, then go upstairs to the next room. Here, open the chest in the northwest area of this room to get a Cure. Then, step on the teleporter to the east to get into the middle aisle. Go south and onto the east-pointing teleporter, then go east across that area of the room. Step on the teleporter to the east, then head north. Follow the outline of the room all the way west, south, east, and north again. You should be in the southeast area of this large room at this point. Step onto the teleporter pointing to the west, then in that quadrant, go up the stairs to reach the next area. In this room, open the chest nearby to get the G.Tiara. Use the teleporter to get to the lower area, then go west past the stairs to the west side of the room. Go north and open the chest in the corner to get Life2. Then step on the teleporter to get to the higher ledge with the chest to get a GuardSH from it. Now, go up the stairs in the middle of this room to reach the following room. There, many teleporter tiles can be found on the floor, making your run to the top floor a bit more of a challenge. There are 2 chests in here that you can get as well, and I will try to direct you to them, so follow my directions exactly as I type them here. From where you enter the room, go west to the wall, north to the wall, then east 10 steps. Go down 2 and on the west-going teleporter. Go east 1 and south 2 onto the next teleporter going west. Walk directly south onto the next one, then go east 1 and south 2 onto the following one. From there, go west 1 and onto the southbound teleporter. Open the first chest to get the AgileHT. Use the teleporters to the west to get out of this area. Now, go back to the northwest corner of the room where you were before. Head east 10 steps, south 2 onto the first teleporter. Go east 1 step and 2 to the south onto another one. Go south to the third one, and this time when you reappear, go south 2 steps and head eastward on the teleporter. Go south 1 to another teleporter going to the east. From there, go east 1 step onto a teleporter going southward. Go east to the next one, then north to another. You should end up in front of the other chest; open it to get the WolfSkin. Now, standing in front of that chest, go east 1 and north 2 onto the west- going teleporter. Go east 1 and onto the eastward teleporter, then at the next spot, go east once more to reach the wall. Go north 1 to teleport through that small wall, then go north and upstairs to the top floor. In this last room, go north and you'll confront Cerl (she stole the key from Tunlan earlier). She will taunt you about her ability to stop time, then she'll separate Ryu from the rest of the group. Ryu will then be warped back outside all alone. Overworld --------- You will reappear near a tree out here (remember this location since you'll need to return here later on). Follow the dirt path east and north, then head west. Have Bo lead your group through the forest, then continue north and you'll come to Carmen again. Carmen ------ Back here, you will be greeted by the rest of your group. You will all enter a building and talk to the guy known as Alan, who Cerl was surprised about in her vision back at the tower. Alan will decide to go to Tock and try to help Cerl, and your group will choose to help. You will automatically be outside again. Overworld --------- Head south and east through the forest with Bo leading you, then continue northeast. Take the first path going directly north like before, then head west and north to Tock. Tock ---- In the tower again, make your way all the way up to where Cerl is again (if you have trouble, refer to the walkthrough I typed up on the first run through here). When you get up by Cerl again though, you'll witness a quick conversation going on between her and Alan. She becomes angry, then transforms and fights your party. Read the Bosses section for help with defeating this boss. After the fight, Cerl will taunt you some more and then show you the effects of accelerating time. She will then send you out of the tower, and in front of a castle. South Castle ------------ Here, Cerl will taunt you about how you can't really harm her. She'll then enter the castle and lock the door, and you are left to go back to Carmen. So, exit this area. Overworld --------- From here, simply have Nina use the Warp spell to get to Carmen quickly. Carmen ------ Back here, exit the Dragon Shrine and talk to various party members wandering around town. Head north to 2 buildings next to each other (the one to the right has a windmill). Enter the left building and you'll find the rest of your party tending to Alan's injuries. Alan will be putting himself to blame for Cerl's behavior. He'll talk about the Fruit she likes, and where to get it (it's in the tree I told you to remember the location of). After your group agrees to help, you'll automatically exit town. Overworld --------- From here, head south to the forest area. Have Bo lead you east through the trees, then continue east until you reach the path leading southward. Go south and west to reach the tree from earlier. Put Ox in front of your party and press A while facing the tree to have him punch it, knocking the Fruit out. Collect the Fruit, then follow the dirt path all the way east. Go south and east at the end to reach Cerl's castle again. South Castle ------------ Back again, head to the gate and Cerl will allow you to enter. Enter the castle and go up the stairs in front of you to reach the upper floor. Your party will confront Cerl there, and she will come to her senses and regret hurting Alan. She'll allow you to take the TmKey, so open the chest and claim it. Cerl will ask for you to restore time to the present for Carmen. After that, she will get hit by a blast and another monster called Goda will appear. He'll try to reclaim the key, but Cerl will block him so you can get out. Outside, Alan will come running and want to go in, although your party tries to hold him back. He goes in, and the castle disappears with him in it. Now, the next thing you have to do is restore time to Carmen, so your group will head to Tock again. Tock ---- When you get here, you'll already be upstairs. Simply go up the stairs in front of you to reach the top floor. Nina will step forward and place the TmKey in the machine, and it'll activate, opening the time gate. The people of Carmen will return to normal as expected. When Nina tries to remove the key though, something goes wrong and she is warped away in the time gate. Your group tries to follow her, and ends up outside of Tunlan, so enter that town. Tunlan ------ Here, head north and up the main set of steps in town. At the split where you can go up either the left or right steps, go up the right steps and continue straight ahead through the door into that room. You'll find Nina there, but unfortunately she has amnesia and cannot join you right now. Exit here and head back south to the entrance/exit of town. You'll notice a weird man standing to the left of the Dragon Shrine; talk to him and he'll mention knowing of a doctor in Carmen that can help. Save here and rest at the Inn if needed, then leave Tunlan. Overworld --------- Outside, have Bleu use her Warp spell to get you back to Carmen. Carmen ------ Exit the Dragon Shrine when you arrive here, then head north and enter the building with the spinning windmill on it. Talk to the old man there since he's the doctor, and he'll tell you of a Tonic that can cure amnesia. He'll list off the ingredients (P.Fish, Root, C.Nut, W.Ant), but he doesn't know where to get them all. Here I will list what you have to do in order to get each ingredient (getting to each of those spots and getting these items is entirely up to you). C.Nut: Hit a palm tree with Ox leading your party on the island of Tunlan. P.Fish: Follow the path past where the South Castle used to be, then have Ryu fish at the bridge to the south. Root: Have Mogu dig in front of the weird plant southwest of Gramor. W.Ant: In the doctor's house, go upstairs. Near the left wall you'll find a bucket; push it to the right, then stand where the bucket originally was and press A. After you finally obtain all 4 of the items listed above, go back to Carmen. There, enter the house where you met the doctor before and he'll give you the Tonic. Leave the house, and you'll notice the mysterious man standing next to the Dragon Shrine earlier is standing to the northeast. Talk to him and he'll ask you to search there, then he vanishes. Stand where he was and press A to get the Pass (you'll need this later). Now, continue east and exit this town. Overworld --------- Outside, have Bleu use Warp to get your group to Tunlan again. Tunlan ------ Once here, exit the Dragon Shrine and head north and up the first set of stairs. Go up the right set next, then continue straight to the north into the room. There, your group will give Nina the Tonic and she will recover from her amnesia! She is also now able to fly, meaning you can now travel anywhere in the overworld, which is great! She will now rejoin your party as well. Arrange your party to like it was before (Ryu, Nina, Bleu, and Karn), then exit the room and continue south out of Tunlan. Overworld --------- Now that Nina can fly, there are some places to visit, which you should go to at this point in time. Put Nina in front of your party, then press A to fly. To start off, fly directly north of Tunlan until you reach land, then fly in the middle of the mountains to find a well you previously were unable to reach. Land there and have Ryu fish; he will receive the DragonSH. Next, fly east all the way to Winlan, then fly north to a small island. Land on it and have Mogu dig at the patch, then drop into that underground room. Have Karn lead your party and open the middle chest which is trapped to get the V.Ptn. Then, have Ox break the walls on both sides of the room, then open those chests with Karn to get a S.Ptn and a Sash. Exit there and take flight again, this time flying back west towards Gust. When you're at Gust, fly north and you'll notice a castle-like structure on an island in the middle of the water, above the waterfall. Land there and enter the Dragon Temple. Dragon Temple ------------- Here, go straight ahead and enter the temple itself. There, talk to the old man up ahead with Ryu leading, and he'll let Ryu pass alone. Open the chest to the east to get a Melon, then drink the clean water to the west to recover HP/AP if needed. Then, head to the middle and talk to the spirit known as Avian. You will then enter battle against this spirit, so read the Bosses section for information on winning here. After you beat Avian, Ryu will gain the ability to become the Rudra dragon in battle! Now, go south and talk to the old man to get out, then exit the building and the area completely. Overworld --------- Now, have Nina or Bleu warp you to Carmen. Once there, exit Carmen. Have Nina turn into a bird, then fly directly south. Head over the mountains and continue southward to the poisonous water. Fly east to the broken bridge, then continue southward. You'll see a gray building in the middle of the island surrounded by the poisonous water; that is Scande. Before you enter here, continue southward all the way to the blue water, then fly east a little to find a dirt patch. Land there, then have Mogu dig you into that cave. Open all the chests there to get the following: LoveHT, StarSH, AgileHT, Life2, MystCW, S.Ptn, A.Ptn, L.Ptn. Step on the teleporter in the middle of the chest formation to exit, then fly back northwest to that gray building on the island. Land there and enter Scande. Scande ------ Here, you'll notice that guards are standing at the entrance blocking access into Scande. Talk to them and your leader will show the guards the Pass, and they'll let you through. Continue east and you'll notice an elevator in the middle of the area; try to activate the switch to the left of it and you'll find the elevator is broken. Talk to the man standing northeast of the elevator and he'll tell you of a man from Spring who climbed that tower before. Go south and down the first set of stairs, then enter the room to the east to rest at the Inn, then enter the room west of the stairs to save at the Dragon Shrine. Continue downstairs and enter those rooms to find out more about this area (particularly about Emperor Zog and the mole people being needed to excavate the Obelisk at the bottom of Scande). After you're done here, go all the way to the top of Scande and go west to exit here. Overworld --------- Out here, have Nina or Bleu use the Warp spell to get back to Spring. Spring ------ Once here, exit the Dragon Shrine and enter the building directly to the south of the shrine/Inn. Talk to the man in bed there and he'll tell you how he once climbed the Scande tower. He took the parts needed to operate the elevator with him, and he'll give you them broken. Take the B.Part, then exit the house. Continue out of Spring, then Warp to Gant (you can get the broken parts fixed here). Gant ---- Here, exit the Dragon Shrine, then head all the way to the northmost building in town. Inside the house, go east and upstairs to the next floor. Go west and talk to the old woman standing by the bed, and she'll wake up the sleeping mayor. Talk to him when he gets up, and he'll fix the B.Part while you rest. After the forced rest, you'll have the working Parts back. Now, go back downstairs and out of this house, then continue all the way south to exit this town. Overworld --------- Back outside, have Nina fly your party west towards Carmen, then southward to Scande. Land on the island of Scande, and enter there. Scande ------ Here, talk to the guards like last time and they'll let you through because you have the Pass. Go east to the elevator and press the switch to the left of the shaft. The Parts will activate the elevator again. Before you go up it, head south and down the first set of stairs, then save at the Dragon Shrine in the west room. Now, walk onto the elevator and ride it up to the top. At the top of this shaft, go north and onto the second elevator to reach the top of the tower. There, go up to the locked door and press A to open it, then enter the tower. Scande Tower ------------ In here, go forward and talk to the guard in your way. He won't let you pass for now; instead he'll tell you about the D.Hrt, found in Tunlan, that can destroy any dragon. So, exit the tower and go back down the elevators, then exit Scande to the west. Overworld --------- Out here again, have Nina or Bleu Warp you to Tunlan. Tunlan ------ Here, exit the Dragon Shrine. From there, go directly north and up the stairs, then into the room you come to (between the 2 sets of stairs). Talk to the girl in there and she'll sing a song. She calls it the dragon song and will put it into a bottle for you. That is the D.Hrt you will need to defeat Zog! Exit here, go south and rest at the Inn (since the song drains all of Ryu's health), then exit town. Overworld --------- From here, fly west and land on the island surrounded by poisonous water, then enter Scande. Scande ------ Back here, talk to the guards to get through, then go up the elevator to the east. Continue up the second one, then enter the tower. Scande Tower ------------ This time, the guard blocking your way before has disappeared, so you can continue onward. Start by going north past where the guard was, then take the path heading east. Go north to the end by the 2 switches (don't step on them though), then go east to a pond of clean water. Drink if you want, then go up the nearby stairs. In the next room, go west and open the 2 chests in that small room to get a IcyCN and a Mrbl1. Go back downstairs, then backtrack to the entrance of the tower. From there, go all the way west and north this time. You'll see steps leading onto the higher platform; ignore them and follow the path along the west wall, then go up the stairs you come to. In the next room, go south into the main room. Instead of continuing southward, go east and north on the other path. Go east and north on the first path you come to, then open 2 more chests to get a PowerHT and a Glove. Next, go back west and south, then continue all the way south to more stairs going up. Go up them to the next floor. There, head northward and up some more stairs. Follow the next path all the way south and west to another set of stairs. Go up those, then open the chest to the north to get a Cure. Continue up the next set of stairs, then head south and up even more. Here, drink the clean water from the pond nearby, since you'll need the HP/AP recovery at this point. Then, go west and all the way north to the opening at the end. Continue into the last room, then go north some more to confront the evil Zog. He will talk for a moment, and then a battle will begin, so read the Bosses section for help with defeating Zog. After you win, Zog will vanish and the tower will crumble, dropping you into a dungeon below. There, you will meet Sara and she will thank you for defeating Zog. She'll open the chest and take the final key, then she'll ask for all your keys. After you give them up, Jade will appear and you'll find it was all a hoax. They'll both disappear, leaving a hint as to where they're going next. So, go south and try to exit this room. There's no escape, but a mole person will dig up into the room, allowing you to escape, so drop through that hole. In this next room, head north and all the way to the east side of the room. Then, go south and talk to the northmost mole there. He'll talk for a moment, while the Great Digger works on an escape hole nearby. After the hole is made, all the moles will go through, and so should you. Scande ------ You will end up in the southmost room of Scande where the moles were left to excavate the Obelisk. Go south and exit here, then go west and north, and up all the stairs. At the very top, go west and exit Scande. Overworld --------- Now, have Nina Warp your party to Romero. Romero ------ Once here, exit the Dragon Shrine, then rest at the Inn since you'll need it. Then, save at the Dragon Shrine before exiting town. Overworld --------- From here, have Bo lead your party west through the forest and to the Agua Tower. Agua Tower ---------- Here, go west and stand at the end of the platform to lower the tower so you can enter it. Then, enter the tower itself and go up the stairs to reach the first floor. Head north and up the stairs to the next floor. Go west and up more stairs, then on the third floor, go northeast and up even more stairs. At the 4th floor, head all the way west and south, then ride the platform across the pit. Continue south and out onto a ledge sticking out from the tower. Go east and back into the tower at the other side. From there, go west and up the stairs to the top floor. There, go north and into the top floors of the tower. You'll meet Sara there, and she'll tell you to defeat Jade, and that she won't interfere again. Follow her west and up the stairs, then follow the path to reach Jade. He will awaken the goddess Tyr, then step into the teleporter to go meet her. When you're ready, step into the teleporter as well to enter the Pagoda. Pagoda ------ In this area, start by going up the stairs directly to your west. Follow the path west and south, then around the pit to a chest. Open it to get a Domino shield. Go back down those stairs, and head to the north. You'll notice 2 higher ledges, with switches in front of them. You should be in front of the west one if you walked directly north of those stairs you came from. Step on the switch to make steps onto the high ledge appear. Go up onto it, then go upstairs to the next room. Go north and west around the pit, then open the chest to get the PowerAR. Go back around and step on the switch to open the gate, then go southeast and down those stairs to get to the main room below. This time, go to the northeast area and step on the switch in front of that higher ledge. Go up onto the ledge, then up more stairs to the next room. There, follow the path east across a bridge to another room. Follow the path north and west at the split to reach a chest with the AgileAR inside. Now, go back east and south, then take the path east to the stairs. Go down to the next room, then step on the left switch to open/close some gates. Go north on the eastern path, and follow it east and south. At the end of the south path, go east to the wall and north on the path parallel to the one you were just on. Step on the right switch to open the gate ahead of you, then continue to a chest; open it to get the TrapGrd shield. Now, go back south across the already depressed right switch to keep the gates as they are. Continue all the way south, then west to the end. Go north along the eastern path, following it as it goes south and north again. When you reach more switches, walk across the rigth one that's already down, then continue north through the open gates to another chest. Open it to get the FlameDR, then go upstairs to the next room. In this room, follow the path to reach stairs going upward. Go upstairs, then continue to the middle of the room. A forcefield will keep you from advancing and it drops all your party's HP to 1. Sara will then come up from the stairs up ahead. She will then remove the shield and allow you to continue. Before you go down the stairs, she'll have something more to say to you, so approach her. She'll transform into a dragon and enter battle, so read the Bosses section for help on beating her. After you win, Sara will tell Ryu not to grieve for her, then she'll disappear. Now, continue down the stairs to the next room. Follow the path west and across the bridge to the other side. Drink the clean water to recover your HP/AP. Then, follow the path to some stairs, and go down to the next room. There, open the chest to get a StoneHT, then go up the stairs to the right of the chest. In this next room, it looks as if you've reached a dead end with nowhere to go except down the pit to the south. There is a path going east, but it is hidden by the wall. Walk eastward to get across that hidden path, then go north and upstairs to the next floor. In this new area, go east over the red switch, then take the path going southward. Follow it all the way around this area until you reach the floating platform at the end. Ride it to the west, then continue southward along the path all the way to the end. Go up the stairs at the end to reach the top floor. Go north and ride the platform across the large pit, then at the other side, continue ahead to confront Jade. The power that Jade is conjuring sends your party backwards a little. Jade will come down and gloat about how powerful he has become. Something happens, and the screen becomes dark. Drogen ------ The party ends up here, waiting for Ryu to become conscious. The scene opens with Ryu regaining consciousness. Nina and Karn come in and talk, then Karn tells you to come outside. Leave the building and you'll meet your party outside. Your group will inform you of the current situation, regarding Obelisk. After things are settled, everyone will automatically exit Drogen. Overworld --------- Outside, your group will automatically take flight with Nina. Before we head to Scande, there are some other things you should do. So, fly northward to Romero, then west to the Karma Tower. From there, fly south to the Ease Cave on an island. Land there and enter it. Ease Cave --------- Here, make your way through the cave until you reach the room with the Cleansing Water (if you have trouble navigating by yourself, simply refer to the part of the walkthrough leading through here early in the game). Once there, walk into the water and you'll enter a hidden Dragon Temple (you will also receive a refill for the WtrJr you're carrying). Dragon Temple ------------- Here in this underwater temple, go down the stairs to the bottom, then enter the room at the end. Have Ryu lead your group here, and go forward to talk to the spirit. It'll instill the Agni dragon spell in Ryu, giving him the ultimate power in the game! Now, use Bleu's Exit spell to make a quick exit from here completely. Overworld --------- At this point, you need one more item to get to the final point of the game. Start by using the Warp spell to get to Tantar. Once there, exit Tantar and use Nina to fly west to an island just off the shore. Land there and enter the small building there. I-Woman Home ------------ Here, talk to the old woman and you'll find that she is also a weapon collector. She'll ask if you know of any other weapon buffs, which in fact you do. So, exit here for now. Overworld --------- From here, fly directly south from the old woman's place. Head all the way to the far south and you'll see a small building on the ground below. Land there and enter the W-Man Home. W-Man Home ---------- Here, talk to the old man and he will become intrigued about knowing another person is into weapon collecting. He'll ask you to give her a List, then he'll go inside his tent. Follow him in there, and talk to him again to find that the List is in one of the chests. The westmost chest is the only one you can actually reach. So, push the vase to the left of the chest northward, then open the chest to get the List. Exit the tent and this area completely, then fly back north to the old woman's place. I-Woman Home ------------ Talk to the old woman again and she'll ask you to bring him a weapon she thinks he'll know about. Enter her home and talk to the woman again to find out the weapon's in the treasure chest. Walk through her bed to reach it, then push the east vase northward. Then, push the vase in front of the chest to the side. Open the chest to get the Wtzit (that's what it's called). Go tell the old woman that, then leave here and head back south to the old man. W-Man Home ---------- Back here, talk to the old man and he'll take a quick look at the weapon you brought him. He decides that it's not a weapon but a tool, and chooses to keep it to study. He gives you a letter to deliver to the old woman, so head back north to visit the woman once again. I-Woman Home ------------ Once again, talk to the old woman outside when you get here, and she will become uninterested in the tool because it is not a weapon. She will give you one more letter to bring back to the man. Leave here and head back south to the old man. W-Man Home ---------- Here one more time, talk to the old man and he will reveal that the tool is the I.Claw used by the mole people. Give him the letter, and he'll allow you to keep the tool. With the I.Claw, leave here and use the Warp spell to get to Gramor. Gramor ------ When you get here, save at the Dragon Shrine before leaving the room. Then, head east and north into the back room. Have Mogu lead your party, and talk to the Great Digger. He'll teach Mogu how to use the I.Claw. After that, leave the room and go southwest, then up the stairs to leave Gramor. Overworld --------- Outside, have Nina fly your group all the way south to where Scande used to be. It is now a floating fortress above the poisonous water. Have Nina fly into it. Scande ------ When you land here, have someone other than Nina lead your party, and open the door. Enter the room and put Mogu in front of the group. Stand on the crack up ahead and press A to have Mogu dig with the I.Claw. He'll dig a hole and everyone will fall into the Obelisk. Obelisk ------- Here, start by going east, then at the path split, take the path going all the way east. Follow it north to a floating platform; ride it across the pit. At the other side, continue north and west to the next floating platform. Ride it to the next ledge, where you'll find stairs. Go down them to reach the next room. There, go north and ride the floating platform across to the other side. Once there, head along the path to where it splits. For now, head northeast to another floating platform. Ride it across, then follow the path at the other side to another platform. Follow the path south to a chest; open it to get the FlameHR for Ox. Now, head west and ride that floating platform to the other side, then go west to the stairs where you came down from moments earlier. Go north and across the pit, then this time at the intersection you come to, head southeast. Ride the floating platform you come to southward, then follow the path onto another one. Go east and you'll notice a giant monster known as Goda standing in your way. Approach Goda and it says it won't let you interfere with Jade. It'll then walk away, so head west and across the pit, then down the stairs you come to. From here, head north and ride the floating platform northward. Before you continue, make sure your party is in good health and you have a good lineup (Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Karn alone with no fused forms). When you're ready, go north and Goda will come out of the wall to fight you. Read the Bosses section for help with winning this fight. After you win, Goda will disappear, leaving a hole in the wall for you to go through. So, continue into the next room, then go downstairs to reach the next area of the Obelisk. In this next room, there are 4 floating platforms that you can ride on. They all bring you to the same room, so you an pick any one you like to ride (I picked the east one, so my walkthrough will follow that path). Ride the platform to the east, then go downstairs to the next room. There, ride the next platform southward to a ledge with a giant silver heart on it. Go down the stairs and head to the northeast. Go up those stairs and ride the floating platform you reach westward. At the other side, go south and down the stairs, then go east and up the stairs to the next upper ledge. Ride the floating platform to the south, then go down the stairs to the south. Next, go south and west, then north to some stairs leading to the upper ledge. Go up them and follow the path southward. At the end, ride the floating platform eastward. At the other side, follow the path north and down the stairs, then southwest and up more stairs to the upper ledge. Go north and head downstairs to the next room. There, ride the floating platform to the west and go down the next set of stairs to another room. There, go north and you will encounter Jade again. He will offer you a chance to join him, so say no here and you will then enter battle with him. Read the Bosses section for help winning here. After you defeat Jade, he'll disappear and the room will start to shake. Go north to the left side of the throne and press A to get the EmporSD, Ryu's most powerful weapon. Then, go southeast of the throne and check out the back of the pillar to find the StarHR, which is Ox's best weapon. When you're ready, step on the silver circular tiles on the red area in the middle of the room, and it'll descend like an elevator. Downstairs, go north and ride the floating platform across to the other side of the pit. From there, head north some more and you'll reach a girl; she is the Goddess Tyr. Talk to her and she'll ask if you want a wish granted. Say no, and she'll enter battle with you. This is the final battle, so read the Bosses section one more time for information on defeating the Goddess. When it's over, congratulations on beating Breath of Fire! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 7. Enemies -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ameblob HP: 75 AmeblobX HP: 400 Archer HP: 180 Bain HP: 250 Beak HP: 14 Blaze HP: 400 BlazeX HP: 2500 Blurb HP: 50 BowMan HP: 112 BowManX HP: 110 Bulla HP: 20 Bully HP: 45 Buzzer HP: 100 Cactus HP: 54 CactusX HP: 70 Chimera HP: 180 Chopper HP: 100 Claw HP: 2500 Crab HP: 300 CrawlerX HP: 80 Creep HP: 25 CreonX HP: 120 D.Flea HP: 200 D.Knight HP: 180 DogFish HP: 140 DogFishX HP: 300 E.Chest HP: 45 Entity HP: 700 FireHead HP: 240 Fishy HP: 65 Flea HP: 15 Flower HP: 700 Fly HP: 45 Fungus HP: 80 G.Knight HP: 50 G.Slime HP: 120 Gargoyle HP: 2200 Ghoul HP: 280 Gloom HP: 12 ICU HP: 2500 Lancer HP: 150 LancerX HP: 300 M.Flea HP: 100 M.Scorp HP: 65 M.Slime HP: 2000 Mage HP: 85 Midget HP: 55 Mimic HP: 300 Nautilus HP: 200 P.Bug HP: 8 Phoenix HP: 240 PincherX HP: 2500 Prickle HP: 85 Prickler HP: 9 R.Slime HP: 66 Roach HP: 180 Rogue HP: 2000 Ruga HP: 3500 S.Rider HP: 25 SandClod HP: 100 Scorp HP: 70 Slime HP: 12 Sorceror HP: 200 Spearman HP: 150 Spider HP: 40 Stool HP: 25 Tentacle HP: 60 Tronk HP: 40 WarHog HP: 50 WarHogX HP: 280 Warlock HP: 250 Widow HP: 300 Wraith HP: 220 WraithX HP: 362 Zard HP: 35 Zombie HP: 25 Zoom HP: 300 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 8. Bosses -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Frog Found: Camlon Castle Strategy: The battle with this giant frog is basically a back-and-forth exchange of blows. Just attack it, and it'll hit you back. Keep doing that again and again, using an Herb when necessary. Then just continue the exchange of attacks with the giant creature until you win. Knight Found: Gaia Castle Strategy: Fighting the Knight is the same as the Frog in Camlon, but this battle will be a bit harder for you. Start off by using the B.Stn and F.Stn items to cause a total of 120HP damage to the Knight. Then, continue by using regular attacks again and again. When your HP gets below 20 or so (the amount that its T- Bolt attack takes away from you), I'd recommend using an Herb so you don't die. Just continue using regular attacks/Herbs when you need to, and you'll win this one. Morte/Mortea Found: Karma Tower Strategy: In 2 separate areas of the tower, you'll have to deal with these two specters. You only fight one per battle though. Their attacks are a little strong, so be prepared to heal your group if you're in danger of dying. Use regular attacks to fight here; I recommend you have Nina use Atk-Up on one of the soldiers to make their attacks even better against whichever one of these enemies you fight. Just keep using regular attacks and healing if you need to, and you'll win against them both! Wizard Found: Karma Tower Strategy: This battle can be a little tough, or it can be really easy for you. Use regular attacks to cause damage, and be careful of the wizard's T.Bolt attacks. If your HP gets below 20, use a Herb to stay in good shape. If you have the C.Stn and B.Stn items (which you should here), use them both to eliminate basically all his HP. Then, just use a single attack to finish the battle! Pog Found: Dark Dragon Fort Strategy: This two-headed dragon controls two different elements; the red head shoots fire, and the blue head shoots ice. Each head takes turns attacking you (one attack per round of battle), but their attacks aren't too bad (10-20HP each hit). Have Ryu attack and Nina cast Atk-Up on him to enhance his attack power. Otherwise, have Nina use Cura1 when necessary. After a few back-and-forth rounds of exchanging blows, you'll win this fight! General Found: Dark Dragon Fort Strategy: Fighting this imposter chief isn't that bad either, especially with the aid of a third party member this time around! Have Ryu attack regularly, Nina use Atk-Up to boost Ryu's and Bo's attacks or cure when necessary, and have Bo use the Flame spell. The General's attacks can be a bit overwhelming after a while, so keep your party's HP up and continue the bombardment of attacks to make this another victory for you! Wisp Found: Agua Tower Strategy: This fight is a bit drawn out, and can be quite annoying at times. Wisp hits the entire party with an attack that takes 10- 20HP from each, or it'll just charge at one party member for about 30-40HP damage. Have Ryu attack, Bo use his Fry spell a couple times while he can, and have Nina use Atk-Up on Ryu and Bo. After Bo runs out of AP to cast Fry, have him just attack. Have Nina constantly heal whoever needs it, so your party stays alive and able to survive this fight. General Found: The Giant Strategy: This battle against the General and 2 Lancers is relatively simple compared to other boss battles out there. Use a couple attacks to kill each Lancer on the spot. Then, concentrate on the General. Beware the General's attacks though; he takes LOTS of HP off with each hit! Just attack him constantly for a few rounds while keeping whoever gets hit in good health, and you'll win. Gremlin Found: The Giant Strategy: For once, you'll be in a HARD boss battle in this game! It is quite difficult, since this guy hits your entire party for lots of damage each round! Have Ryu attack, Bo use his strongest spells whenever possible, and have Nina use Atk-Up on them to keep their attack power up. Otherwise, have Nina ALWAYS cure the party. There's not much I can say besides just to keep on attacking while maintaining high HP, and you should pull through. Talon Found: Dragon Shrine Strategy: This battle is more of an endurance test, if anything. You and Talon will exchange blows, with Talon going first and taking 10HP or so with each hit. Use regular attacks or the E.Key item to fight back this spirit. When your HP gets to about 20HP, use a Herb to stay in the game. Continue the same plan as you were, until you win. SandWorm Found: Arad Strategy: This giant sand worm really is not a major threat to you. Its attacks are fairly weak, so you probably won't need to cure much, if at all, in this battle. Have Ryu transform into the ThrDr form, then continue attacking in that form only. Have Nina either attack using the E.Key item, or boost the party's attack power, and have Bo attack or use his Fry spell. Keep up your attacking and you'll win this battle rather easily, since there is no danger of your group getting killed off by this creature! EyeSpy Found: Krypt Strategy: This creature reminds me of that boss you fight in Zelda for SNES in the second dungeon. Anyway, have Ryu become the ThrDr and attack, Bo attack or use his Fry spell, and have Nina cure when needed. As you attack, the eyeballs surrounding this boss will disintegrate. Be careful when all the eyeballs are gone though, since that's when it'll hit your entire party with a somewhat tough thunder attack each round. Just keep your HP up and continue the strong attacking from Ryu to win this. Cloud Found: L & D Tower Strategy: This spirit of a boss is really easy, since it only has 2 attacks, and you'll be able to recover quickly after its stronger multi-hitting one. Have Ryu become the ThrDr, Nina keep the party in shape by using Cura spells, Bo use the Fry spell, and Karn attack regularly. The Cloud will hit one party member with either a fire or a lightning attack, or the entire party with a devastation attack. If anyone in your party loses too much HP, have Nina cure them. Otherwise, continue attacking for several rounds and this battle will be over. Squid Found: Dark D. Ship Strategy: This giant octopus boss can be a real pain to beat if you are not careful. Its obvious weakness is lightning attacks, so have Ryu become a ThrDr and attack in that form, Bo use his Fry spell, Karn attack regularly, and Nina use Cura spells on whoever needs it. Ryu's thunder attacks will take a couple hundred or so HP off with each hit, so that'll help the battle go by quickly. Be careful of Squid's 2 attacks though: one hits each party member for a significant amount of damge, and another hits just one person for massive damage. Be prepared with Nina and Bo's Cura spells and continue the strong attacking to get through this battle. Octo Found: Dark D. Ship Strategy: The fight against Squid's brother is actually a bit easier than your encounter with Squid. Use the same battle patterns as before: Ryu attack as the ThrDr, Bo use the Fry spell, Karn attack regularly, and Nina cures when needed. Octo only attacks one party member per attack, and that attack is not too strong anyway. Just keep attacking strong and you'll quickly win this fight. Morteo Found: Prima Strategy: Fighting Morteo shouldn't be too difficult at all. Morteo only has one attack, and that's to hit a single party member each round for a small amount of damage. Have Ryu attack as the ThrDr, Nina cure if needed, Gobi use EbbX, and Karn (who's probably your last party member at this point) attack normally. Basically, keep on attacking and you'll win this rather easily and quickly, too. Toad Found: Hidden Fort Strategy: This is going to be a long battle against the Toad here. This creature's attacks aren't really something to worry about all the time, but you may want to keep your party's HP up at all times just in case. Have Ryu attack as the ThrDr, Ox attack, Gobi attack, and Nina should use Atk-Up on Ox and Gobi, or cure the rest of the group when necessary. Just attack constantly while having Nina cure often, and you'll get through this long and tiring battle. GrimFowl Found: GrimFowl Wds. Strategy: Fighting this giant bird shouldn't be much of a problem with your group, especially with Karn fused together! Have Ryu, Ox, and Karn attack, while Nina cures. The GrimFowl attacks one party member at a time, causing a fair amount of damage. After you deplete its life bar and it gets mad, it'll start using fire attacks each round on one of your party members. Keep on attacking as you were to win this fight. Myst Found: Wisdon Strategy: This final spirit to fight you is quite strong compared to the previous spirits, but you can win this one too. Myst uses blizzard attacks to hit the entire party, as well as other strong attacks. So, have Ryu attack as the ThrDr, Nina cure whenever needed, Ox attack, and Karn (fused with Bo and Gobi) attack normally. I'd recommend having Nina cure every round, starting with the character who needs it the most. Myst has high HP, so just keep beating down on it with your party's attacks and you'll eventually kill it. Pincher Found: Underwater Strategy: This underwater battle is really a very easy battle, so there shouldn't be any real concern here. The Pincher attacks one party member each shot to cause some damage, then after you deplete its main health bar, it uses T.Bolt on your entire group, so be careful! Have Ryu attack as the ThrDr, Bleu use her Fry spell, Nina attack/cure, and Karn in his fused form attack. The use of thunder-based attacks should end this battle pretty quickly, so no worries for you here! Bain Found: Dragon Shrine Strategy: This spirit is the second challenge of the Dragon Shrine for Ryu to face. Even with the DragonSD equipped, your regular attacks aren't really effective. Have Ryu turn into the ThrDr and attack in that state to cause more damage. Bain only has one attack, and that's hitting you for 20HP or so each turn. When your HP gets below 30, use a Herb or a Cure to recover health and stay in the fight. Continue this back-and-forth battle and you'll eventually win. K.Roach (x3) Found: Mouse Hole Strategy: These 3 bugs may seem to be easy because of how quickly you can deplete their regular life bars, but they're not to be taken too lightly. All 3 of the roaches attack you first, each hitting a single party member to cause around 25HP of damage each time. So, you'll have to cure a lot in order to survive this battle in good standings. Have your entire party attack regularly, while Nina should be curing everyone, starting with whoever has the lowest amount of HP. Kill off one roach at a time by using this method, and you'll eventually kill them all. RugaX Found: Lab. Strategy: Here you face another relatively simple boss battle. This fight can be over in just a few rounds or so, provided your party has all the best weapons equipped, and so on. Anyway, have Ryu transform into the BltDgn and attack, Nina attack and cure (if it's really necessary, which I doubt for here), Bleu attack regularly or use a strong spell, and Karn attack in his fused state. RugaX only has one type of attack, and that's to hit a single party member for around 20HP each time. Your attacks, especially Ryu's in dragon form, will make quick work of this guy though. G.Fly Found: Gust Strategy: Although this character is somewhat considered as a boss, it really isn't necessary to give strategy. Just have Ryu attack as the BltDgn to quickly deplete its HP, while the rest of your party attacks normally. The battle will definitely be over in 3-5 rounds, tops. FlowerX Found: North of Gust Strategy: This poisonous flower is nothing more than a small threat to your group at this point. All it really does is poison one of your party members, but you can easily cure that, so no worries. Have Ryu attack as the BltDgn, Karn attack in his fused form, Ox attack, and Nina cure those who are poisoned, otherwise have her attack. When FlowerX gets up, it will still follow the same battle plan of poisoning party members like before, so continue your attacks for another round or two and you'll win. HornToad Found: North of Gust Strategy: Now, this is a fairly difficult battle you have to actually fight hard in to win. The HornToad has 2 attacks, both involving jumping in the air. It might jump up and down in place, causing a quake to hit your entire party for 50HP damage each. For its other move, it'll jump onto a single party member to cause similar damage to just them. Transform Ryu into the BltDgn and attack, Karn attack normally, Bleu use the Chill spell, and Nina cure with Cura2 whenever anyone's HP goes below 70HP (just to be safe). It'll take a lot to bring down this creature, so be ready to cure often and continue with the strong offensive, and you can pull through here, too. Mothro Found: Devil Tower Strategy: Although his taunt before the battle seems to relay that this fight will be different, it really isn't. It just seems that Mothro can avoid regular attacks more often than other bosses you've fought. Have Ryu attack as the BltDgn, Karn attack in his Shin form, Bleu use her strongest spell, and Nina attack or heal those who get poisoned. Mothro's only attack is to poison one of your party members; you can easily help that person though. Mothro also has no health bar, so you don't really know when the battle's about to end. Just keep on attacking like above and you'll eventually defeat this creature. Mote Found: Mare Tower Strategy: This fight with Mote is a really long and somewhat confusing battle for you to face. In the first round, just use regular attacks as you cannot harm Mote at this point. After the Conscience of Mote arrives to help, you can then damage Mote. Mote starts off as being in a blurry state, so use regular attacks from your entire party to put Mote into focus, as well as deplete some of his HP. When he becomes really clear, your attacks will become really weak against him, so use Bleu's best magic spells and Ryu's BltDgn form to cause major damage at this point. When you use magic, Mote will become a tiny bit blurred again, so you have to constantly attack/use magic to attack him efficiently. Follow that whole battle plan until you defeat Mote completely. Cerl Found: Tock Strategy: Fighting Cerl here is really not as difficult as you may think a fight this late in the game would be. Her attacks on individual party members are nothing you can't deal with by having Nina use Cura2-3. To attack Cerl back, have Ryu use his BltDgn form, Karn attack in the Puka form, Nina attack/cure, and Bleu use her strongest spells (I find BoltX to take the most HP away each hit though). Follow the above attack pattern for several rounds, then just before you totally deplete Cerl's health bar, this battle will be over. Avian Found: Dragon Temple Strategy: This will be a pretty long fight, but it's nothing you can't handle at this point. Just make sure to bring a lot of Cure items to heal Ryu whenever needed (and you'll need lots of them too). Have Ryu attack in his BltDgn form, since that's the strongest attack you can use against this boss. Avian always attacks you first in each round, taking about 50HP off with each hit. If your HP goes below 75HP, use a Cure to greatly recover Ryu and keep him in the battle. Then just continue the attacking, and Cure again when below 75HP, and you will eventually win this battle like all the others. Zog Found: Scande Tower Strategy: Fighting Zog may seem to be a bit simple in the beginning, but you better be prepared since he's capable of taking out your entire party within a couple rounds. Zog's fiery attacks can hit the entire party for anywhere between 70-140HP apiece. To fight here, have Ryu attack in his Rudra form, Bleu use her Comet spell, Karn attack in his Puka form, and Nina attack/use Cura3 or Regen on whoever needs it. You may also want to have Bleu or someone who's the first to attack in battle use the D.Hrt item to cause massive damage on Zog. Since it also drains Ryu's HP, you can have the second character who's supposed to go use a Cure on him. After you use the D.Hrt, continue the same battle pattern as above, making sure your entire party's HP is above 150 at ALL times! When Zog starts to grin fearlessly, continue your attacking as before and victory is yours, provided you can keep your group alive. Sara Found: Pagoda Strategy: Since you'll enter this battle with your entire party at 1HP, your first means of business should be to recover HP. If you have one, use the M.Drop item to fully recover your entire party's HP, or have Nina use her CuraX spell if she learned it. After you get your party back in shape, have Ryu attack with his Rudra form, Bleu use her Comet or NovaX spells, Karn attack in his Puka form, and Nina attack/cure when needed. Sara uses T.Bolt attacks on the entire party, but they shouldn't be too much of a threat to you here. Attack constantly and keep your HP about the 50HP mark, and you should be just fine here. Goda Found: Obelisk Strategy: Despite his giant appearance, the fight against Goda is actually quite easy for one of the final bosses of this game. Goda's only attack is turning into a giant ball and hitting a single party member, taking away just over 100HP with one hit. To fight back, simply have Ryu transform into Agni and attack constantly. In this form, your defense is raised quite a bit, so Goda's attacks will barely bother you. If your HP happens to go below 100HP or so, use a Cure item to replenish all your HP again. Just attack constantly with Agni and you should have Goda beat soon enough. Jade Found: Obelisk Strategy: Here is another simple battle against the second-to-last boss in this game! How great is that? Anyway, all you have to do is have Ryu transform into Agni and attack each round. This battle will be basically Ryu/Agni and Jade exchanging blows, with the only difference being that each of Agni's attacks take 999HP damage each hit. Jade mainly uses regular attacks, taking away only 50HP or so from Agni. Occassionally he'll use T.Bolt or Blizzard, which will take lots more HP away, so be careful. When you feel you should, use a Cure item to recover all your HP, then continue the attacks until you win. Goddess Found: Obelisk Strategy: This is obviously the final battle you'll face in this entire game! You can also determine what ending you'll view, depending on what you do in this battle. To get the good ending, use Agni in both rounds; to get the bad ending, do not use Agni. For the first round, have Ryu transform into Agni and attack once. Doing so will cause the Goddess to transform into her true form. For this second round, turn Ryu into Agni once again and continue with the attacks. The Goddess will use strong magic, such as BigCrash, among other regular attacks, but they won't faze you much at all. Attack constantly, using a Cure item if your HP goes below 200 or so, just to be safe. The battle is long, but keep up the attacking with Agni and you will conquer this boss and the game in a matter of several rounds! ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 9. Weapons -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============= Ryu's Weapons ============= B.Rang Attack: 60 Weight: 2 BroadSD Attack: 34 Weight: 5 BrokenSD Attack: 42 Weight: 15 BronzSD Attack: 12 Weight: 3 Dirk Attack: 5 Weight: 1 DragonSD Attack: 110 Weight: 20 EmporSD Attack: 255 Weight: 1 FlameSD Attack: 122 Weight: 10 LongSD Attack: 26 Weight: 4 PoisonRP Attack: 20 Weight: 5 PowerSD Attack: 62 Weight: 8 Rang Attack: 18 Weight: 2 Sabre Attack: 8 Weight: 2 Scythe Attack: 20 Weight: 3 Sickle Attack: 50 Weight: 6 Tri-Rang Attack: 150 Weight: 2 WingSD Attack: 96 Weight: 8 ============== Nina's Weapons ============== BronzRP Attack: 7 Weight: 2 EvilRP Attack: 55 Weight: 7 FlameRP Attack: 28 Weight: 5 LoyalRP Attack: 64 Weight: 6 PoisonRP Attack: 20 Weight: 5 Rapier Attack: 10 Weight: 4 ShortRP Attack: 5 Weight: 1 WingRP Attack: 34 Weight: 2 ============ Bo's Weapons ============ BronzBW Attack: 14 Weight: 2 HeroBW Attack: 220 Weight: 8 JadeBW Attack: 80 Weight: 8 LongBW Attack: 28 Weight: 5 MoonBW Attack: 66 Weight: 1 PoisonBW Attack: 42 Weight: 6 SharpBW Attack: 54 Weight: 7 ShortBW Attack: 20 Weight: 4 SteelBW Attack: 35 Weight: 5 Tri-BW Attack: 96 Weight: 12 ============== Karn's Weapons ============== Dagger Attack: 32 Weight: 2 Dart Attack: 46 Weight: 2 FlameDR Attack: 74 Weight: 7 PowerDR Attack: 66 Weight: 7 ThrowDR Attack: 20 Weight: 1 Tri-DR Attack: 54 Weight: 6 ============== Gobi's Weapons ============== HeroSP Attack: 56 Weight: 4 Javelin Attack: 34 Weight: 3 OldSP Attack: 42 Weight: 5 Pike Attack: 24 Weight: 4 Pole Attack: 12 Weight: 2 Sleeper Attack: 100 Weight: 8 Trident Attack: 74 Weight: 6 ============ Ox's Weapons ============ Club Attack: 30 Weight: 6 FlameHR Attack: 120 Weight: 8 GiantHR Attack: 60 Weight: 12 IronHR Attack: 45 Weight: 8 SpineHR Attack: 120 Weight: 15 StarHR Attack: 210 Weight: 8 ============== Bleu's Weapons ============== BoneCN Attack: 14 Weight: 4 Cane Attack: 8 Weight: 2 EvilCN Attack: 20 Weight: 6 IcyCN Attack: 30 Weight: 10 Stick Attack: 5 Weight: 1 ============== Mogu's Weapons ============== IcyCW Attack: 88 Weight: 3 IronCW Attack: 74 Weight: 3 MystCW Attack: 120 Weight: 1 RustCW Attack: 60 Weight: 4 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 10. Armor -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AgileAR Defense: 92 Weight: 0 AngelAR Defense: 76 Weight: 3 ArmPad Defense: 8 Weight: 2 BronzAR Defense: 25 Weight: 9 ChainML Defense: 20 Weight: 2 ClearCL Defense: 100 Weight: 0 DragonAR Defense: 110 Weight: 0 Dress Defense: 8 Weight: 25 EarthRB Defense: 88 Weight: 8 EvilRB Defense: 90 Weight: 1 FlameAR Defense: 82 Weight: 10 Gown Defense: 18 Weight: 1 GuruCT Defense: 70 Weight: 0 HuntCL Defense: 16 Weight: 4 IcyAR Defense: 80 Weight: 10 IronML Defense: 27 Weight: 9 LightCL Defense: 68 Weight: 1 MetalAR Defense: 39 Weight: 10 MystRB Defense: 60 Weight: 8 PlateAR Defense: 24 Weight: 4 PowerAR Defense: 84 Weight: 8 QuartzAR Defense: 50 Weight: 9 RangerVT Defense: 40 Weight: 8 Robe Defense: 2 Weight: 1 SageML Defense: 25 Weight: 14 SilkGN Defense: 15 Weight: 4 SpineCL Defense: 60 Weight: 10 SuedeAR Defense: 14 Weight: 7 SuedeCP Defense: 5 Weight: 4 SuedeGN Defense: 10 Weight: 6 SuedeRB Defense: 35 Weight: 2 ThiefCL Defense: 30 Weight: 4 WolfSkin Defense: 80 Weight: 11 WoolRB Defense: 25 Weight: 2 WorldAR Defense: 80 Weight: 9 WorldML Defense: 75 Weight: 11 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 11. Shields -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bandage Defense: 5 Weight: 1 Bracelet Defense: 12 Weight: 3 BronzSH Defense: 8 Weight: 3 DragonSH Defense: 128 Weight: 5 Gauntlet Defense: 8 Weight: 1 Glove Defense: 20 Weight: 6 GuardSH Defense: 32 Weight: 10 IcySH Defense: 30 Weight: 5 IronSH Defense: 12 Weight: 4 IronSL Defense: 22 Weight: 5 LavaSH Defense: 52 Weight: 5 LightSH Defense: 36 Weight: 10 MetalSH Defense: 16 Weight: 5 MetalSL Defense: 25 Weight: 5 MystSH Defense: 48 Weight: 5 ProSH Defense: 32 Weight: 5 SkySH Defense: 15 Weight: 1 StarSH Defense: 70 Weight: 2 SuedeSH Defense: 2 Weight: 1 TrapGrd Defense: 40 Weight: 4 WingSH Defense: 38 Weight: 8 WoodSH Defense: 5 Weight: 2 Wrist Defense: 10 Weight: 2 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 12. Helmets -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AgileHT Defense: 42 Weight: 1 Bandana Defense: 5 Weight: 1 BronzHT Defense: 10 Weight: 4 ChainHT Defense: 25 Weight: 8 CursedHT Defense: 62 Weight: 20 DivingHT Defense: 32 Weight: 6 Domino Defense: 42 Weight: 7 DragonHT Defense: 80 Weight: 1 EchoHT Defense: 28 Weight: 3 FaceMask Defense: 35 Weight: 5 G.Tiara Defense: 2 Weight: 5 GaiaMask Defense: 36 Weight: 4 GoldHT Defense: 14 Weight: 6 HairBand Defense: 8 Weight: 2 HeadGear Defense: 16 Weight: 5 HornHT Defense: 37 Weight: 6 IcyHT Defense: 16 Weight: 6 IronHT Defense: 32 Weight: 6 IronMask Defense: 30 Weight: 7 LoveHT Defense: 64 Weight: 10 NiceHT Defense: 6 Weight: 3 PowerHT Defense: 44 Weight: 3 ShellHT Defense: 25 Weight: 1 SkullHT Defense: 25 Weight: 10 StoneHT Defense: 42 Weight: 16 StrawHT Defense: 2 Weight: 1 SuedeHT Defense: 3 Weight: 6 SunHT Defense: 12 Weight: 8 Tiara Defense: 10 Weight: 2 Turban Defense: 11 Weight: 1 Visor Defense: 6 Weight: 2 WolfHT Defense: 12 Weight: 4 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 13. Items -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Etc. Items ---------- Clog: Increases agility of wearer. DarkBR: Increases agility of wearer. LoveBR: Wearer recovers 1HP for each step taken (can only equip on Nina or Bleu). MystSF: Does nothing (can only equip on Nina or Bleu). Ring: Increases attack power by 10 (can only equip on Ryu). Rod1-5: Use to go fishing in the water (equip on Ryu to use). RubyRG: Does nothing (can only equip on Nina or Bleu). Sash: Increases attack power by 10. Shell: Use as fishing bait (equip on Ryu to use). SilverBR: Does nothing. WindBR: Increases agility of wearer. Worm: Use as fishing bait (equip on Ryu to use). Worm2: Use as fishing bait (equip on Ryu to use). Usable Items ------------ A.Ptn: Permanently increases ally's agility by 1. Acorn: Recovers some AP. Antdt: Cures Poison status. Antler: Cures Poison status. Apple: Recovers some HP. B.Stn: Use a Bolt attack in battle. C.Stn: Use an Ice attack in battle. Charm: Returns you to a normal state. Cure: Recovers some HP. Cure2: Fully recover entire party's HP. F.Stn: Use a Fire attack in battle. Herb: Recovers 50 HP. L.Ptn: Permanently increases ally's luck by 1. Life: Revive a fallen party member. Life2: Revive a fallen party member and recover all HP. M.Drop: Fully recover entire party's HP. Mackrl: Cures Poison status. Meat: Recovers entire party's HP. Melon: Recovers some HP. Mrbl1: Allows user to fatally attack an enemy in battle. Mrbl2: Allows user to fatally attack an enemy in battle. Mrbl3: Avoid random enemy encounters in the overworld. S.Ptn: Permanently increases ally's attack power by 1. Sole: Recovers some HP. Srdine: Recovers some HP. T.Drop: Cures Zombie status. Trout: Recovers some HP and cures Poison status. V.Ptn: Permanently increases ally's vigor by 1. W.Ant: Recovers some AP. Wmeat: Recovers entire party's HP. W.Ptn: Permanently increases ally's wisdom by 1. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 14. Magic -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============ Ryu's Spells ============ SnoDr AP: 7 Level Learned: Defeat Talon at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into a snow dragon, and use an icy attack in battle. FlmDr AP: 10 Level Learned: Defeat Talon at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into a fire dragon, and use a fiery attack in battle. ThrDr AP: 12 Level Learned: Defeat Talon at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into a thunder dragon, and use a thunder attack in battle. IceDgn AP: 20 Level Learned: Defeat Bain at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into an ice dragon, and use a strong ice attack in battle. FirDgn AP: 27 Level Learned: Defeat Bain at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into a fire dragon, and use a strong fiery attack in battle. BltDgn AP: 30 Level Learned: Defeat Bain at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into a thunder dragon, and use a strong thunder attack in battle. GldDgn AP: 40 Level Learned: Defeat Bain at Dragon Shrine. Information: Transform into a gold dragon, and use a holy attack in battle (only effective on undead enemies). Rudra AP: 50 Level Learned: Defeat Avian at Dragon Temple Information: Transform into Rudra dragon, and use a strong attack in battle against all enemies. Agni AP: 60 Level Learned: Get in underwater Dragon Temple below Ease Cave. Information: Fuse with all characters to become the ultimate creature. All attacks cause 999HP damage, no matter what. To use, all party members must be alive and in good status, and Karn cannot be fused with anyone else. ============= Nina's Spells ============= Cura1 AP: 3 Level Learned: N/A Information: Recovers 50HP of a single ally. Fort AP: 6 Level Learned: N/A Information: Temporarily raises the defense power of a single ally. Heal AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: Cure any status ailments of a single ally. Lk-Up AP: 6 Level Learned: 6 Information: Temporarily raises the luck rating of a single ally. Atk-Up AP: 15 Level Learned: 7 Information; Temporarily raises the attack power of a single ally. Cura2 AP: 6 Level Learned: 9 Information: Recovers 100HP of a single ally. Hold AP: 8 Level Learned: 11 Information: Prevents the enemy from attacking. Ag-Up AP: 8 Level Learned: 12 Information: Temporarily raises the agility of a single ally. Warp AP: 2 Level Learned: 13 Information: Warp to any previously visited towns (when in overworld). Zom1 AP: 5 Level Learned: 14 Information: Use a level 1 angel attack on an undead enemy. Cura3 AP: 15 Level Learned: 15 Information: Recovers 250HP of a single ally. Renew AP: 10 Level Learned: 17 Information: Revives a fallen ally with 1HP. Idle AP: 5 Level Learned: 19 Information: Slows a single enemy down. Shield AP: 8 Level Learned: 21 Information: Decreases the amount of damage taken from a magic attack. Cura4 AP: 20 Level Learned: 23 Information: Recovers all HP of a single ally. Zom2 AP: 15 Level Learned: 24 Information: Use a level 2 angel attack on an undead enemy. FortX AP: 14 Level Learned: 26 Information: Temporarily raises the defense power of the entire party. Hush AP: 6 Level Learned: 28 Information: Temporarily prevents an enemy from using magic spells. Dispel AP: 24 Level Learned: 30 Information: Prevents an enemy from using magic spells for one time. RegenX AP: 30 Level Learned: 34 Information: Revives a fallen ally, and fully recovers their HP. CuraX AP: 20 Level Learned: 37 Information: Recovers 250HP of all allies. Wall AP: 15 Level Learned: 41 Information: Deflects all magic attacks against a single ally. ZomX AP: 35 Level Learned: 46 Information: Use a level 3 angel attack on all undead enemies. =========== Bo's Spells =========== Flare AP: 3 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 fire attack on an enemy. Spark AP: 4 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 thunder attack on an enemy. Cold AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 ice attack on an enemy. Fry AP: 10 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 thunder attack on an enemy. Flame AP: 6 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 fire attack on an enemy. Frost AP: 9 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 ice attack on an enemy. Cura1 AP: 3 Level Learned: N/A Information: Recovers 50HP of a single ally. ============= Karn's Spells ============= Shin AP: 10 Level Learned: Learn from old man in Gant. Information: Fuse Karn, Bo, and Gobi together. Can shoot arrows faster in the overworld. Debo AP: 15 Level Learned: Learn from old man in Gust. Information: Fuse Karn, Ox, and Gobi together. Can only be used when underwater. Doof AP: 25 Level Learned: Learn from old man under dirt patch north of Camlon. Information: Fuse Karn, Bo, and Ox together. Can push really heavy objects in the overworld. Puka AP: 40 Level Learned: Learn from old man in Bleak. Information: Fuse Karn, Bo, Gobi, and Ox together. Can open sealed gray walls with dragon emblem in the overworld. ============= Gobi's Spells ============= Ebb AP: 3 Level Learned: N/A Information: A small school of fish attack the enemies (can only be used when underwater). EbbX AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: A large school of fish attack the enemies (can only be used when underwater). Eco AP: 8 Level Learned: N/A Information: A small school of bigger fish attack the enemies (can only be used when underwater). EcoX AP: 10 Level Learned: N/A Information: A large school of bigger fish attack the enemies (can only be used when underwater). =========== Ox's Spells =========== Cura3 AP: 15 Level Learned: N/A Information: Recovers 250HP of a single ally. Heal AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: Cure any status ailments of a single ally. ============= Bleu's Spells ============= Exit AP: 20 Level Learned: N/A Information: Escape from a dungeon. Flare AP: 3 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 fire attack on an enemy. Spark AP: 4 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 thunder attack on an enemy. Cold AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 ice attack on an enemy. 3.5 AP: 3 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 quake attack on all enemies. Para AP: 10 Level Learned: N/A Information: Stop an enemy from moving for a limited time. Bomb AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 1 explosion attack on an enemy. Sap AP: 1 Level Learned: N/A Information: Absorb an enemy's HP. Warp AP: 2 Level Learned: N/A Information: Warp to any previously visited towns (when in overworld). Rub AP: 20 Level Learned: N/A Information: Instantly kill a single enemy. Flame AP: 6 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 fire attack on an enemy. Fry AP: 10 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 thunder attack on an enemy. Frost AP: 9 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 ice attack on an enemy. 5.5 AP: 8 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 quake attack on all enemies. Boom AP: 11 Level Learned: N/A Information: Use a level 2 explosion attack on an enemy. F.Ball AP: 9 Level Learned: 20 Information: Use a level 3 fire attack on an enemy. Lstorm AP: 11 Level Learned: 21 Information: Use a level 4 thunder attack on all enemies. Chill AP: 12 Level Learned: 22 Information: Use a level 3 ice attack on all enemies. Flee AP: 20 Level Learned: 23 Information: Escape from battle. 9.5 AP: 15 Level Learned: 24 Information: Use a level 3 quake attack on all enemies. Blast AP: 18 Level Learned: 25 Information: Use a level 3 explosion attack on an enemy. Gale AP: 24 Level Learned: 26 Information: Use a level 5 thunder attack on all enemies. Ice AP: 30 Level Learned: 28 Information: Use a level 4 ice attack on all enemies. Char AP: 36 Level Learned: 29 Information: Use a level 5 fire attack on all enemies. Nova AP: 42 Level Learned: 30 Information: Use a level 4 explosion attack on all enemies. IceX AP: 48 Level Learned: 31 Information: Use a level 5 ice attack on all enemies. FireX AP: 30 Level Learned: 32 Information: Use a level 4 fire attack on a single enemy. Drain AP: 2 Level Learned: 33 Information: Absorb an enemy's AP. BoltX AP: 30 Level Learned: 35 Information: Use a level 3 thunder attack on a single enemy. NovaX AP: 54 Level Learned: 37 Information: Use a level 5 explosion attack on a single enemy. Comet AP: 75 Level Learned: 40 Information: Hit all enemies with a meteor storm. ============= Mogu's Spells ============= Dig AP: 5 Level Learned: N/A Information: Escape from battle. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 15. Shops -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ====== Drogen ====== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Dirk 50 Sabre 400 Cloth 10 SuedeCP 240 ArmPad 300 WoodSH 300 Hairband 1000 SilkGN 2800 Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 9 Herb 9 Antdt 13 T.Drop 18 Apple 90 Life 450 Cure 1800 ====== Camlon ====== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 8 Herb 8 Antdt 12 T.Drop 16 Acorn 24 Apple 80 Life 400 Cure 1600 ===== Nanai ===== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- IronRP 1800 LongSD 2250 Cloth 9 SuedeSH 135 SuedeCP 216 WoodSH 270 Hairband 900 SilkBand 2520 ====== Winlan ====== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Sabre 400 BronzSD 700 BronzRP 800 SuedeHT 200 WoodSH 300 SuedeGN 500 Visor 800 ChainML 2000 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 T.Drop 20 Acorn 30 Charm 150 Life 500 Cure 2000 ====== Romero ====== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Sabre 400 ShortRP 400 BronzRP 800 BronzSH 500 BronzHT 1200 Gown 2000 ChainML 2000 SilkGN 2800 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 Acorn 30 Life 500 Cure 2000 ====== Tantar ====== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Sabre 400 BronzRP 800 ShortBW 1000 Scythe 1200 Bandana 400 BronzSH 500 SuedeAR 750 Visor 800 ====== Tuntar ====== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 Acorn 30 Cure 2000 Life 500 T.Drop 20 ===== Auria ===== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Rapier 1650 Dagger 2200 LongSD 2750 LongBW 2860 BroadSD 5500 Tiara 1650 SunHT 2750 SageML 3300 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Herb 13 Worm 65 Life 650 Vitamn 650 Mrbl1 1300 Pouch 1300 Rod1 1300 G.Bar 65000 ===== Bleak ===== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Dagger 2000 LongBW 2600 BroadSD 5000 MetalSH 1400 HuntCL 1500 IronSL 2000 BronzAR 3600 WoolRB 5000 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 12 Herb 12 Antdt 18 T.Drop 24 Acorn 36 Charm 180 Life 600 Cure 2400 ===== Prima ===== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Club 3250 IronHR 4550 PowerSD 10400 Glove 3900 IcySH 5200 HornHT 6500 FaceMask 7800 GoldHT 26000 Weapon Shop (2-3) ----------------- Name Price ---- ----- Dart 3000 SteelBW 4000 BroadSD 5000 Sickle 6500 EvilRP 20000 Bandana 400 NiceHT 600 WoolRB 5000 Weapon Shop (4) --------------- Name Price ---- ----- LongBW 2860 SteelBW 4400 PoisonBW 5500 ChainHT 2750 PlateAR 3740 IronMask 4400 RangerVT 5500 G.Tiara 22000 Weapon Shop (5) --------------- Name Price ---- ----- Dart 3300 PoisonRP 3300 Tri-DR 4400 Cane 6600 Visor 880 MetalSL 3300 BronzAR 3960 IronML 5500 Weapon Shop (6) --------------- Name Price ---- ----- Pike 2750 Javelin 4400 RustCW 7700 IronCW 11000 DivingHT 4400 LightSH 4400 SuedeRB 6600 SpineCL 8800 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 9 Herb 9 Antdt 13 Charm 135 Life 450 Cure 1800 Item Shop (2) ------------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 T.Drop 20 Acorn 30 Charm 150 Mrbl1 1000 Cure 2000 Item Shop (3) ------------- Name Price ---- ----- Worm 50 Srdine 50 Worm2 100 Mackrl 100 Sole 250 Trout 500 Rod1 1000 Rod2 2000 Item Shop (4) ------------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 13 Life 650 Vitamn 650 Mrbl1 1300 Pouch 1300 G.Bar 65000 Item Shop (5) ------------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 11 B.Stn 22 F.Stn 22 Acorn 33 C.Stn 44 Life 550 ==== Gant ==== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- IronHR 3150 GiantHR 4050 HeroSP 6750 SpineHR 27000 IronSL 1800 MetalSL 2700 IronHT 6300 MetalAR 8100 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 8 Herb 8 Antdt 12 F.Stn 16 B.Stn 16 C.Stn 32 Charm 120 Cure 1600 ====== Tunlan ====== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- BoneCN 2412 PoisonRP 2700 Cane 5400 EvilRP 18000 Dress 900 Gown 1800 MystRB 5400 GuruCT 18000 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 13 Herb 13 Antdt 19 T.Drop 26 Acorn 39 Charm 195 Mrbl1 1300 Cure 2600 ==== Gust ==== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Tri-DR 4000 OldSP 6000 WingRP 7000 MoonBW 8000 WingSD 10000 GaiaMask 8000 FlameSH 12000 WorldML 22000 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 T.Drop 20 Acorn 30 Charm 150 Mrbl1 1000 Cure 2000 ========== Dream Town ========== Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 Acorn 30 Life 500 ====== Spring ====== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- PowerDR 5500 RustCW 7000 IronCW 10000 WingSD 10000 IronML 5000 SpineCL 8000 GaiaMask 8000 QuartzAR 10000 Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 T.Drop 20 Acorn 30 Charm 150 Cure 2000 ========= Mare Town ========= Item Shop --------- Name Price ---- ----- Mrbl3 10 Herb 10 Antdt 15 Acorn 30 Life 500 ====== Carmen ====== Weapon Shop ----------- Name Price ---- ----- Tri-BW 12000 IcyCW 15000 FlameSD 20000 LoyalRP 25000 WorldAR 12000 PowerHT 20000 MystSH 20000 LightCL 30000 ========================== Gobi's Shop (Tunlan/Prima) ========================== NOTE: The regular items are common, where the higher priced equipment pieces are the rares. Name Price ---- ----- Antdt x9 80 B.Stn 12 F.Stn 12 Mackrl 60 ProtnB 180 Smoke 60 AgileHT 3300 AngelAR 18000 Cure2 1950 DarkDR 24000 EvilRP 12000 G.Tiara 12000 Sleeper 2400 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 16. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dragon Emblem Dirt Patches -------------------------- Throughout the overworld, you must have seen those dirt patches with the dragon emblem in the middle of it. Late in the game, you can come back with Mogu leading your party. Have Mogu dig you into a cave beneath those patches, where you can find many special items. Here is a list of such patches that I've encountered so far, as well as what can be found inside: North of Camlon: Doof (Karn transformation spell) Northeast of Tantar: L.Ptn, Clog, A.Ptn, V.Ptn North of Winlan: V.Ptn, S.Ptn, Sash Northeast of Tock: HeroBW Southeast of Scande: LoveHT, StarSH, AgileHT, Life2, MystCW, S.Ptn, A.Ptn, L.Ptn Dragon Shrines -------------- Ryu has the power of the dragon as you may know, but he can only learn to use that power through training in the 4 Dragon Shrines throughout the world. Some of the later shrines, you must have a certain piece of equipment on Ryu in order to enter. Either way, you fight a guardian with Ryu only; you win and you gain some dragon forms to transform into/attack as in battle. Here's a list of those Dragon Shrines, who you fight, and what you learn: South of Tuntar Fight: Talon Learn: SnoDr, FlmDr, ThrDr West of Gant Fight: Bain Learn: IceDgn, FirDgn, BltDgn, GldDgn North of Gust Fight: Avian Learn: Rudra Underwater (Below Ease Cave) Fight: N/A Learn: Agni Fishing for Dragon Equipment ---------------------------- There are several places where Ryu can go fishing throughout the game. You can find all sorts of items by fishing in the wells and other water areas, but you can obtain the elusive Dragon equipment, or a Slab (which is really unneeded, so don't worry about that) if you fish in the right places. If you equip Ryu with the Rod5, and some Worms, and go to any of the wells/other areas listed below, you will get the appropriate piece of equipment (once only). Here are the locations of those palces, and what you get from each: West of Romero/Northeast of Gust (Well) Item Found: DragonSD Northwest of Tantar (Well) Item Found: Slab Duck Pond in Spring Item Found: DragonAR Southwest of Arad (Well) Item Found: DragonHT East of Gramor (Well) Item Found: DragonSH Quick Experience ---------------- Near the end of the game, there is a trick you can use to gain lots of experience points and gold. When you encounter Jade and he asks you to join his party, say yes. Don't move or anything for several seconds, and he'll have you fight some weak monsters. After a while, you'll end up fighting a M.Slime. Defeat it and you'll get 9999 experience and 9999 gold. You can repeat this process as many times as you like. Sealed Gray Walls ----------------- Throughout the overworld, there are several gray walls with the dragon insignia within some mountainsides. They may seem impossible to open, but come back when you have Karn's Puka form. With Puka/Karn leading your group, press A in front of such a wall to open it, revealing a cave. Here's a list of where I've found those walls, and what's inside: North of Auria: DarkBR Southwest of Gust: LoveBR East of Carmen: WindBR Storekeeper Gobi ---------------- In Prima and Tunlan, there are shops where one counter is empty. Walk behind that counter with Gobi leading your group and press A to set up a register. Random people will come in and try to sell you items. Here's a list of all the items you can get, and the offered price for each: Name Price ---- ----- AngelAR 18000 Antdt x9 80 B.Stn 12 Cure x9 2700 Cure2 1950 EvilRB 5994 F.Stn 12 G.Tiara 12000 HuntCL 2700 LightRP 48 Mackrl 60 MaskSH 12000 MetalAR 5400 Rod2 1200 Sleeper 2400 Smoke 60 SteelBW 2400 Tuna 1200 ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 17. Credits -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hylianhero (john(at)nintensity.com): For allowing me to use the HP values of the enemies from his guide. Shadow (shadow(at)uhubb.cjb.net): For sending me information on the RubyRG Etc. item, and the M.Slime enemy. dogen(at)tampabay.rr.com: For sending me information on the Tri-Rang weapon for Ryu. Anthony Hodge: For sending me the quick experience trick in the Secrets section of this guide. Kenshin Himura: For sending me information on quickly obtaining the W.Ant for Nina's tonic! beamsplitter: For sending me the info on the items Gobi sells at his shop. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 18. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2002-2006 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. I no longer accept emails regarding this FAQ. Thanks for reading! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=