------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Complete Guide to Capcom's BREATH OF FIRE for GameBoy Advance / Super Nintendo Entertainment System Guide by Flamefury (c) 2006 to beyond. No touchy my work! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To get from place to place, CTRL + F, then Section #. I'll make a better system in like, fifty years. Table of Contents Section 1 - Updates Section 2 - Introduction Section 3 - Characters Section 4 - Walkthrough ----------- 4a. A Fated Hero ----------- 4b. An Angelic Princess ----------- 4c. A Beastly Hunter ----------- 4d. A Thief in the Night ----------- 4e. A Greedy Merchant and a Gentle Giant ----------- 4f. An Ancient Sorceress ----------- 4g. A Silent Dreamer ----------- 4h. An Emperor of Darkness ----------- 4i. A Goddess of Wishes Section 5 - Enemies Section 6 - Bosses Section 7 - Equipment ----------- 7a. Weapons ----------- 7b. Armour ----------- 7c. Shields ----------- 7d. Helmets ----------- 7e. Accessories Section 8 - Items ----------- 8a. Regular ----------- 8b. Quest Section 9 - Magic Section 10 - Shops Section 11 - Misc ------------ 11a. Gobi's Flea Market ------------ 11b. Hunting with Bo ------------ 11c. Fishing with Ryu Section 12 - FAQ Section 13 - Things to come Section 14 - Credits ****************************************************************************** Section 1 - U P D A T E S - I'll be d***ed if I can keep this up-to-date ****************************************************************************** Version 0.92 (21/07/06) - OMG! It actually got released. Every bit of information I found with one play through of the game. Errors will be fixed, and missing things will be added, but right now, I'm very, very tired. Version 0.95 (09/02/07) - Whoa. An update. How is THAT possible? Many people sent me stuff (more then I thought would), and yeah, I figured I had to add it in before my inbox crashes and I lose all their e-mails. I was not able to do a grammar/spelling check yet, but I swear, you'll only need to cope with that for another couple of months. Version 0.95b (03/15/09) - Reader updates, some additional stuff added, some more spelling and grammer, started the Misc portion of the guide. I have fun with these version numbers. ****************************************************************************** Section 2 - I N T R O D U C T I O N - Skipped all the time ****************************************************************************** Hello everyone, welcome to my Breath of Fire guide. I really hope I can get this to become super useful for anyone that needs help, and better then the ones already at GameFAQs. I have made this guide using the GBA version. I have played this game on both systems, and could not recall any differences. If there are any, please notify me. If you are new to the Breath of Fire series, then this game would probably be the best one to start with. I'm not going to provide an intro to the game, considering that the game itself already does so. So, let this go straight to the info. (Psst...If you're too idiotic to figure out the very simple game mechanics, DO NOT ask me. I'm sure some other guide would love to help you.) ****************************************************************************** Section 3 - C H A R A C T E R S - Know your members! ****************************************************************************** ===================== RYU --------------------- Height: 160 cm (5'3") Weight: 52 kg (114 lbs) Hobby: Fishing --------------------- Ryu is the main character, and he'll be with you for the entire game. At an early age, Ryu lost his parents and lives only with his sister. He is also part of the Dragon Clan, whose members can change into Dragons (didn't see that coming, did ya?) However, they had sealed their power away, as it had caused great destruction before in the Goddess War. But as the world falls into war yet again, perhaps the seal will be lifted... Ryu is a good fighter. A really, really good fighter. If he's got the right equipment, he'll be doing some pretty good damage all round the game. His Dragon magic will also help a load, because it increases defense and damage is changed to be stronger and stable. Near the end of the game, Ryu can do away with transforming though, as he may be doing 700+ on each hit with a regular attack. He levels the slowest, but since he's there from the start, I doubt it'll matter much. Very, very good character. MISC. NOTE - The American version for the GBA default name is Zack, however, considering it's Ryu for the Japanese version, and it WAS Ryu in the SNES, I'll only refer to him as Ryu. -------------------- Field Ability Fishing - Ryu can fish for items if he has a Fishing Rod. He may sometimes pull out relics rather then just fish. -------------------- Starting Equipment ==================== Weapon - Dirk Shield - WoodSH Armour - Robe Helmet - StrawHT -------------------- Starting Statistics ==================== Level - 1 HP/AP - 20/0 Strength - 10 Attack - 15 Vigor - 10 Defense - 19 Agility - 8 Active - 3 Wisdom - 12 Intelligence - 12 Luck - 12 Fate - 12 MagicDefense - 9 =================== NINA ------------------- Height: 158 cm (5'2") Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs) Hobby: Eating things (This I can't confirm, what with her slim figure and all) ------------------- The main female character of the game. She's the princess of the Wing Clan, a group of people that grow wings on their back as they mature. Eventually, they gain the power to fly, and even carry people on their backs. The clan does not participate in fighting, and hid during the Goddess War, so traditions are still intact. Nina has therefore learned healing magic. Nina is a crappy fighter. She's really quick, but man, she deals crap damage and can barely take hits. But that's fine. Her purpose isn't to fight. She's got a slew of healing magic, so she'll be buffing up allies and healing them when they get hurt. Make sure to stick her in the back row. ------------------- Field Ability Fly - Very late in the game, Nina will learn how to fly, and can bring the party to nearly any place in the world ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - ShortRP Shield - None Armour - Dress Helmet - None ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 5 HP/AP - 36/45 Strength - 10 Attack - 15 Vigor - 24 Defense - 32 Agility - 35 Active - 9 Wisdom - 38 Intelligence - 38 Luck - 30 Fate - 30 MagicDefense - 30 ==================== BO ------------------- Height: 182 cm (6'0") Weight: 87 kg (191 lbs) Hobby: Traveling ------------------- The ranger that joins after the General fiasco. He is a part of the Forest Clan, and was the leader of their armies. He fought many battles against the Dark Dragons, and often leading his people to victory, but the Dark Dragons eventually forced them into retreat. He decides to try his luck at beating them by joining Ryu. I loved Bo when I first got him. He had some spells to use, though his AP hindered that ability to reach it's fullest. Still, blasts of 80 damage was so awesome. And his regular attack rivaled Ryu's pretty closely. Unfortunately when he started to level up quicker, his attack rise didn't compare to Karn or Gobi. I ended up forgetting him and left him to be a fusion tool for Karn. ------------------- Field Abilities Forest Walk - If Bo is leading the group, the party can walk through trees on the world map. Hunting - Bo can shoot arrows. If they hit an animal, the animal will drop an item. ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - BronzBW Shield - N/A Armour - ArmPad Helmet - SuedeHT ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 8 HP/AP - 61/20 Strength - 38 Vigor - 37 Agility - 38 Wisdom - 30 Luck - 8 (Can't give his in-depth stats because I don't understand the formulas and he levelled on his first fight) =================== KARN ------------------- Height: 154 cm (5'1") Weight: 48 kg (105 lbs) Hobby: Acquiring shoes (Hehe) ------------------- Thief that joins at the Krypt. As a young boy, he was found by the guild leader of Thieves in Bleak. Karn knows nothing about his past, though Karn couldn't be any less curious. All he wants to do is become the best thief. The leader had often wondered if he should tell Karn who he really is. I disliked Karn when I first got him. Crappy damage, and that's all he could do in battle. With complete lack of ability in battle, he wasn't a favourite. However, when he started to level, his damage output raised, and his speed was incredible. It only got better from there, with gaining his fusion spells. ------------------- Field Ability LockPicking - Any gate that has a lock on it can be opened if Karn is at the front. Trap Search - Karn can detect any holes in the floor. Disarm Trap - Any trap can be removed if Karn opens the treasure chest. ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - ThrowDR Shield - None Armour - SuedeGN Helmet - NiceHT ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 12 HP/AP - 116/53 Strength - 38 Attack - 58 Vigor - 34 Defense - 50 Agility - 69 Active - 59 Wisdom - 42 Intelligence - 42 Luck - 51 Fate - 51 MagicDefense - 45 =================== GOBI ------------------- Height: 173 cm (5'8") Weight: 110 kg (242 lbs) Hobby: Making money ------------------- He is a part of the Clan of Traders, of a species called Manillos. They are great salesmen and aim to control the entire world's commerce. Currently, they are found running shops in any town that is beside the ocean. They are known for their greed, however, Gobi was so filled with avarice that his own clan disliked him, going to the extent of removing him from the clan and forbidding him to use a sphere. These spheres let Manillos become giant fish, speeding up travels and allowing for more trade. This limited Gobi's trading life greatly, however, he still tries to make any situation as profitable as possible. I dislike Gobi. I don't know why, I just do. I guess I never really gave him the attention he needs. If you actually level him, he might turn out to be a good fighter with average strength and vigor. His spells are downright crappy for limited usage. ------------------- Field Ability Big Fish - A while after you get him, Gobi will be found worthy of the sphere. This will let you travel underwater at a much quicker pace and elminate random encounters. Also, some areas are now traversible. ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - Pole Shield - None Armour - BronzAR Helmet - BronzHT ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 15 HP/AP - 90/48 Strength - 35 Attack - 47 Vigor - 40 Defense - 75 Agility - 32 Active - 17 Wisdom - 49 Intelligence - 49 Luck - 69 Fate - 69 MagicDefense - 40 =================== OX ------------------- Height: 250 cm (8'2") Weight: 200 kg (440 lbs) Hobby: Cooking ------------------- A member of the Iron Ogres. These people resemble oxen, and are large and powerful beings. They are even strong enough to destroy weak walls or boulders. They can craft weaponry and armour with such skill that the ability is traced back to ancient times. Though they have these powers, they are not clutzy, and can do delicate works. Contrary to their size, power, and ability, the Iron Ogres detest fighting, and try to leave it out whenever possible. This makes their smithing a rare used skill. Ox...what can I say? A fusion tool for Karn is probably it. I mean, he has hyper attack power (for the sheer strength of his equipment), high vigor for defense, but god, he's slow as a slug. He has limited magic usage, and well, you'll get more attack power when you fuse. So, really, I never liked using him. He's not bad though, if you can handle having him go last every battle. ------------------- Field Ability Smash - Ox can destroy crumbling walls and rocks in your path. He can also smack fruits out of trees on the overworld. ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - Club Shield - SuedeSH Armour - BronzAR Helmet - None ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 16 HP/AP - 168/30 Strength - 73 Attack - 103 Vigor - 71 Defense - 98 Agility - 14 Active - 0 Wisdom - 40 Intelligence - 40 Luck - 21 Fate - 21 MagicDefense - 30 =================== BLEU ------------------- Height: Unknown. Weight: Unknown. (That's funny, someone should be able to make a guess by looking at her.) ------------------- The sorceress is a legend among the clans. No one has any idea how long she has been around, lying in a sleep spell. Her story has circled about for many years. But finally comes a time where she needs to wake again and lend her powers to the hero. However, the coma has had it's effects on her, so she will need experience before remembering all her spells. We all know the generic spell-caster: weak in physical offence and defense, but absolutely KILLER when it comes to magic. And that's what Bleu is. Needless to say, she can dish out some pretty good damage. However, she'll suffer greatly when she has no more AP, so pack some mana restoratives with you. She won't be of much use in random encounters if you're an AP conserver. ------------------- Field Ability None - Bleu can't do jack-squat when she isn't fighting. ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - Stick Shield - SuedeSH Armour - Gown Helmet - None ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 19 HP/AP - 119/159 Strength - 28 Attack - 33 Vigor - 38 Defense - 58 Agility - 59 Active - 56 Wisdom - 75 Intelligence - 75 Luck - 41 Fate - 41 MagicDefense - 69 =================== MOGU ------------------- Height: 83 cm (2'9") Weight: 32 kg (70 lbs) Hobby: Ancient studies ------------------- Mogu's clan is secretive. They live underneath the land, and have kept to themselves, not making any noteworthy heroes to the other clans. All of heard of their special skill, however. They are known to be able to dig very deep into the ground. Mogu himself is a shy person, but will fight when he needs to. I hate Mogu. Even more the Gobi. Why? Well, first off, I can't even call him a fusion tool. He doesn't have much HP, his skill (in battle) is pretty useless, and his defense is not that good. He's got average speed and higher attack power, but heck, why bother? You might as well use Ox if you're not using a Karn Fusion as he's much more survivable, and he's got a much better attack rating. They shoulda made him an NPC, or an item. That way, we can dig without having to share EXP. ------------------- Field Ability Dig - On patches of land with a dragon mark, Mogu can dig into it to reveal a room, that may contain items, or even people. ------------------- Starting Equipment =================== Weapon - DigCW Shield - None Armour - BronzAR Helmet - None ------------------- Starting Statistics =================== Level - 22 HP/AP - 91/54 Strength - 80 Attack - 122 Vigor - 52 Defense - 93 Agility - 76 Active - 60 Wisdom - 45 Intelligence - 45 Luck - 22 Fate - 22 MagicDefense - 48 =================== ****************************************************************************** Section 4 - W A L K T H R O U G H - The moment you've all been waiting for ****************************************************************************** 4a. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The First Chapter A Fated Hero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location : Drogen Party Members : Ryu Items : V.Ptn, 300GP Enemies : None The story starts with a Dragon, and someone calling you to get up. Then you realize you've been sleeping through a fire! Once you gain control, start moving out. But wait! There's a drawer! There's always time for treasure, right? Receive V.Ptn. Proceed to where the old woman is. She'll move ahead when you get close. Continue to follow, and a wall of flame will seperate you from her. She'll put it out with some magic so you can continue. Follow her down the stairs. Hm, that's funny. There's NO fire here! What gives? The fire came from the sky? Talk to everyone here. Talk to the old woman, and she'll say that this building is safe from fire. Uh, hello? The upper half is burning like heck! In any case, talk to everyone else. Most will just say that the fire is crazy and that they should leave before Esma (the old lady) can't hold it back anymore. However, the woman in the center gives a name in red: Sara. And we all know names in red are important, right? Once you finished talking to everyone, a cutscene will occur. A common man, and a woman with a unique sprite (gotta know she's important) will run in, proclaiming that the Dark Dragons are here. And you'll get a lot of new info with a lot of names in red. The Dark Dragons fight against the other Dragon families. Their King is named Zog, and wants to rule the world, targetting the Light Dragons first. Then a "Why is he attacking us?" So from that, you can probably figure out that you're in the Light Dragons. But Esma explains that he fears them, since he doesn't know that they lost the Power of the Dragon. Now, the elder man says to go out and fight back. Sure, let's go out and kill ourselves! The voice of reason comes out from the girl with the unique sprite. But the Light Dragons refuse to give up. They beckon her to join them in their suicide party. Through that, you learn that she's Sara. But she says that she must do this on her own. Sara proceeds to blast the guy with magic, turning him to stone. Then she'll petrify EVERYONE in the room, including you. Before she leaves, Sara tells you that you'll bring peace to the land when you're a warrior. She'll go out, talk to herself, and get caught. She talks to the commander (Jade) a bit, but then she'll scare away all the weakling soldiers with massive bolts of lightning. Sara'll try to blast Jade directly, but he proves to be too quick. All the while she's shooting and he's dodging, they'll talk about some nonsense, but then reach the red font words : The Goddess Keys. Sara asks what they're planning to do with Tyr, but Jade does not answer. He then blasts smoke (Oh yeah, that'll be super-effective) at Sara, but she avoids. Sara then shoots fire, which connects. But Jade is completely unharmed. Then the legend appears. I don't feel like typing it out, so read it for yourselves. Though, note that Jade appears for a moment as the soldiers search for the other dragons. Doesn't look like Sara won. Also note that their search parties absolutely suck. Everybody was gathered in a single building, and they didn't even check inside. Afterwards, everyone is freed from the stone enchantment. The villagers say that they should fight, but the two elders refuse to give them the option. They get so pesky and annoying that Esma strikes the room with an Earthquake to scare 'em off. However, they know how adamant Ryu will be, and they give him their permission to save the world. Also, they make a chest appear. Receive 300GP! Now you can travel the remains of Drogen. You can go back to Esma to heal for free. There's a Dragon Shrine, remained unharmed by the Dark Dragons, where you can save. There's also an Item Shop, and an Equipment Store. ===== Shops ===== ITEM EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 9G Dirk - 50G Herb - 9G Sabre - 400G Antdt - 13G Cloth - 10G T.Drop - 18G SuedeCP - 240G Apple - 80G ArmPad - 300G Life - 450G WoodSH - 300G Cure - 1800G HairBand - 1000G SilkGN - 2800G At this point, I wouldn't recommend any items, other then some packs of herbs and antidotes. New equipment will arrive very soon. After shopping, exit Drogen. Let's begin our journey, shall we? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map (Drogen Area) Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: Flea, Bulla, Slime Here we are, the world. The place where your characters all of a sudden gain 8 league boots. Wander around to find some enemies. Fleas and Bullas will lay some serious hurt on you right now, so don't fight them if they're in groups. Slimes should do until Level 2. Stay close to Drogen so you can go back and heal and save often. I'd recommend training until level 4 or so. Once you level to your hearts' content, heal and save one more time, then head through the only path given. You'll reach a castle eventually. Enter! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Camlon Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: None First things first, run to the Dragon Shrine and save. Now survey the area. You know, these people are misleading. At first entry, I thought this place was Nanai, because everyone says it's their hometown and how the Dark Dragons invaded it. This place certainly has been invaded, and it did seem like their home, but one guy says that he was chased OUT OF Nanai. Also, this other person knows your name. Creepy. In any case, talking to the people in front of the castle will inform you that the castle has been taken over by monsters. No one here is strong enough to get rid of them. So, who's job has it become? Enter the castle! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Camlon Castle Party: Ryu Items: 70GP(x2), Herb (x5), BronzSD, Gauntlet, SuedeCP, Visor, Antdt(x2), 150GP. Enemies: Beak, P.Bug, Gloom, Creep Woo, first dungeon! Proceed forward, taking the only path the game allows. The other paths have conveniently been blocked by rubble. Eventually, you'll hit a spring of blue water. Drinking from it restores Ryu to full HP. Funny, you would have thought the monsters polluted the water already. In any case, this will allow a beautiful time to buff up your levels again. Fight, drink, repeat. Do so until you find you're strong enough to take the enemies here with ease. While you do that, I'll explain some cruel opponents. P.Bugs have the ability to poison Ryu, which will make him all funky coloured, plus it'll damage you over time. Drink from the spring, or if you listened to me, use one of those Antidotes. Next is the Gloom, who can strike with a T.Bolt spell, causing 12 damage. Pretty hefty at this point in the game, so be wary. Alright, move along the still-one-option path, and you'll come across a small room with two chests. Receive two sets of 70GP! Another spring is also near here. So, technically, you can also level here. Continuing on no-choice lane will eventually bring you to a set of stairs. Proceed to Floor 2 of this castle. You'll find a large gate with two chests behind it. How to get the spoils? Press A, and the door will open. God, crappy security, huh? Receive Herb and BronzSD! Equip for an upgrade in damage. Moving on, past the big open space of nothing special, you'll find another gate, waiting to be opened by anyone who passes. Open the two chests. Receive Herb and Gauntlet! Equip this as well. Go up the stairs to be back on Floor 1, and walk to the next set of stairs leading down. The path beyond is blocked off, so go down these stairs. Yay, more easy to open gates filled with goodies. Receive SuedeCP and Herb from the first set and Herb and Visor from the second. Equip the Visor and SuedeCP. Head up the stairs. Going through the path, two more chests are here! Open the first one. Oh no! It was a trap! But...you recover all HP and AP? Eh, I'll take it! Also, receive Antdt. Open the other one. This was trapped as well, and it reduces Ryu's AP to 1. Eh, he doesn't use spells anyway. Receive another Antdt. Head up the stairs. Oo, torches. Step right up, to find the leader is...a frog? Hah, losers. Couldn't take care of something this...Oh. The frog gets angry and transforms into a large mutant creature that slightly resembles its original form. Not very, though. Engage! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Frog HP : 180 AT : 20 EX : 500 GO : 350 Actions : Glob Shot, Tongue Lash, Lunge (All regular attacks, just different animations). Recover (10HP). ============================ GlobShot and TongueLash does 5-8 damage. Lunge does 8-11 damage. He's not too tough. At level 5, I got him down to his second wind before even healing once. At this point of time, you have no variety in options, so do the only thing you can do: Attack. If you're slower then he is, heal with an herb when you're at about 15HP, if you're quicker, heal right before you're going to die. These are approximations, you never know when he might hit for a high damage lunge. Still, he's easy to take down. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= I levelled up three times after fighting him. After he's dead, the foul air is gone and fresh air comes in. Goodbye, random encounters in this castle! Before you leave, go out to the side to find two treasure chests. Receive 150GP and (Yet again) an Herb. Leaving will be very easy, since monsters are now non-existant. Return to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Camlon Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: None People outside will start to acknowledge you, finding you to be a true hero. They also note your scar (Ryu has a scar? Never saw that before...Oh wait! It's the thing on his forehead!). But all is interuppted with an Earthquake. They'll say the Dark Dragons have the Quake Control, and you should go to Nanai to find it. Just saved your castle, the least you could do is say "Thank you." But no, you gotta send me on another quest. Heck, no one says thanks in the entire town! You learn a bit more about the Quake Control from one of the royal men. The other says to sneak in Nanai at night (he says "Let's" but doesn't move from where he stands). People admire your ability now, but there isn't a "thank you" in sight. Ah well, thems the breaks. Save, and head out for Nanai. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea, Bulla Well, seeing as how the other places are blocked off by forest, you have no choice but to go to Nanai. Enemies shouldn't be a problem, thanks to the heaps of EXP Frog gave us. Once you reach the castle, wait until it's night time, then enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Nanai Party: Ryu Items: S.Ptn, 150GP(x2), Herb(x2) Enemies: None. Okay, as you heard from the folks at Camlon, this place has been taken over by the Dark Dragons. You gotta stealthily avoid the guards to get to the castle. Proceed upward to the Dragon Shrine and save. Then go inside the Inn next door and take the S.Ptn in their drawer. Exit and head behind large house. You should find a sleeping guard infront of another house. Enter the building to the right of that one and open the chests. Receive 150GP times two. Exit and head down, past the small house and item shop. You'll be near the pub with another sleeping guard. You can then travel straight across to the right and head up to reach the Equipment Store. ===== Shops ===== EQUIPMENT IronRP - 1800G LongSD - 2250G Cloth - 9G SuedeSH - 135G SuedeCP - 216G WoodSH - 270G HairBand - 900G SilkGN - 2520G Whoa, did prices just skyrocket? Well, Nanai sells some of the stuff Drogen sells at a better price, but the new equipment costs a whack more. I'm pretty sure you don't have enough for a shiny new Long Sword. Luckily, that looks like the only thing we have on our "to buy" list. If you do have enough, by all means, buy and equip. Also, sell your old stuff. Anyway, exit. Head up and around the small pond, as there's a guard hiding behind the small house where the other guard is sleeping. Continue heading up to hit three houses side by side. Enter the one on the far right. Raid the two chests. Receive Herb times two. Exit the house. Alright, we raided the town for what it's worth, let's get to that Quake Control. Head back to the pub (remember to go around the pond), and head up. Make sure you're hugging the right line of the bridge so the guard won't catch you. Enter the large castle like thing. There isn't anything of interest around here, so go straight into the dungeon. The gate blocks the stairs, so work your lockpicking magic on it. Heading down the steps will bring you to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gaia Temple Party: Ryu Items: Antdt, 650GP, B.Stn, ArmPad, 70GP, F.Stn, Cure. Enemies: P.Bug, Gloom, Beak (NOTE: Since there isn't a way to heal in the dungeon, pack some herbs) Here we are, the place with the Quake Control. Continuously head down the stairs and you'll arrive in a large area with (what I'm guessing to be) lava in the background. Or red smoke or something, I really don't know. In any case, go straight to the right and down the small ramp to find a treasure chest. Receive Antdt. Head back to the left, and this time go down and across the rope bridge. Going to the far left will bring you to a mound. Walk up, and through another rope bridge. You'll see a chest. Receive 650GP (You should have enough for that LongSD now. Go get it). Go all the back down, and head all the way to the right. Another chest is visible. Receive B.Stn. Go a little to the left and go up the mounds here. Cross the two rope bridges, and that will bring you to a set of stairs. Keep going down all the stairs you see. Hello, floor 2. Head off to the right, crossing the mini-rope bridge, and you will see two chests, one north and one south. Receive ArmPad and 70GP, respectively. Equip the ArmPad. Crossing over to the left from the 70GP box will bring you to a rope bridge. Follow the path, and head down the little ramp. A chest should be here. Receive F.Stn. Backtrack up the mound, and head to the right this time. You'll spot another chest. Raid it! Receive Cure. After getting that, head down the ramp, and go along the single path given, crossing the rope bridge, going down the mound, up the other mound and down the stairs. Here we are, the bottom of Gaia Temple. Where did all the lava / smoke go, I wonder? Head along the path, to find a block of stone and a Knight in front of it. Heal before you approach him, because he's going to be angry and attack you. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! ============================ Knight HP : 700 AT : 45 EX : 700 GO : 500 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(20), Recover(40) ============================ His physical attack does 8-9 damage (Funny, I thought it was set at 8, until he struck a 9) Not that hard, but he gets pretty annoying when he's low on HP because he starts to recover. Since it's all you can do, attack non-stop until he drops your HP to 20 or below. You should heal with an herb when that happens. Also you can use that F.Stn and B.Stn you picked up early and let them loose for a pretty hefty blow. He'll fall eventually. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Hah, that wasn't too tough, was it? After you beat him, he'll freak out and explode. Last I checked, that wasn't how regular humans died, but oh well. Him aside, walk up to the machine, and steal the key. Obtain E.Key! Everything will go all shaky, so run to the flashy circle on the right of the machine. You'll be teleported outside. How convenient. And you'll witness the destruction of Nanai. Didn't expect that, now did you? Ohmygod! You just killed the weapons merchant! Ohmygod again! The man DID come here, but he's like, soooo late! And it doesn't seem like he figured out that you just blew up a fortress. He'll bring you to the king. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Camlon Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: None Even more convenient. You'll be brought back to Camlon without a walk or encounter. The king will say you gave up Nanai to beat the Dark Dragons (Oh yeah, I totally knew taking that key would cause massive destruction, eheh) He now sees you as an (even more then before) true hero. The other royal man will point you to Winlan. Everyone will now give you good lucks and ask for your safety. Still no thank you. And the idiot at the entrance didn't figure out that their hometown got blown up. But anyway, run into the castle and heal up at the spring, then save at the shrine. We're Winlan-bound. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: Slime, Bulla, Flea. With Nanai blown to ashes (it's seriously ashes, you can't even enter to see the ruins like you could with Drogen and Camlon), we can now pass by to the land beyond. Awesome. Oh wait, before I forget, that E.Key you picked up? It's not just a useless quest item. Use it in battle to activate the spell 3.5, which does 30 damage to every enemy that isn't airborne (Supposedly. Airborne enemies still get hit for some reason...). Totally sweet. Anyway, once you get to the ashes, head off to the east until you hit the ocean, then head north. There'll be a path eventually, which you can follow straight to Winlan. Onto... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4b. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Second Chapter An Angelic Princess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Winlan Party: Ryu Items: V.Ptn Enemies: None. Welcome to Winlan, the place where everyone has wings! As per usual, first things first, save at the shrine. Now let's explore! Beside the shrine is the Inn, and on the other side is a house with nothing important. Heading up will bring you to an intersection. Heading to the right will show you an unfinished bridge and a house. Go inside and raid the drawer. Receive V.Ptn. Go all the way to the left, and you'll find yourself an item shop, and an equipment store. Now that we're there, I can list the prices for everything buyable in Winlan. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 80G ITEM EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 10G Sabre - 400G Herb - 10G BronzSD - 700G Antdt - 15G BronzRP - 800G T.Drop - 20G SuedeHT - 200G Acorn - 30G WoodSH - 300G Charm - 150G SuedeGN - 500G Life - 500G Visor - 800G Cure - 2000G ChainML - 2000G As you can see, they jacked-up the prices on items. Uncool. And look at the Inn price! Last time it was free! Ah well...keep your money for now, even if you do have enough for something. Also, you now have a storage! You can access it in the item shop, by talking to the man there. Talk to everyone for many useful tid-bits of info. Read it for yourselves. After finishing up all your business in Winlan, head into the castle. Talk to all the guards for some more information. Then talk to the lady. You'll trigger a small cutscene, with talk of the King having been poisoned, and how the princess plans to get the remedy on her own. After that, the lady will bring Ryu to the guest rooms to go sleep. And sleep he does. And whilst he's doing that, you'll gain control of... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Winlan Party: Nina Items: Herb(x4), Antdt(x2), SuedeSH, SuedeHT Enemies: None Yeah, a new member! Say hello to Nina. She isn't a fighter, but she is pretty important to a party's survival. And it's very strange how she just acquired Ryu's inventory. Anyway, run around this floor and you'll find the king and his attendants eventually. Talk to them for some more information on the king's illness and the wizard in Karma (heh, funny name). After that, head downstairs. You'll be on ground floor. The guards will tell you that the gates are open. If you want, you can talk to Ryu, too. He's sleeping, but you'll get more then "zzz" out of him. Going to the left of the stairs will bring you to a metal gate, which you can open up for four chests. Receive Herb, Antdt, SuedeSH, and SuedeHT. Equip them. Leave that room, and go back to the intersection, this time heading up. Go right by the ponds and the stairs, and there should be another room with two chests. Receive two Herbs. Head downstairs. There'll be a bunch of people running about. Everyone will only ask why Nina's up this late, but there's the guards from earlier down here too. They say the same thing to Nina that they did to Ryu, but just in case you need a refresh. Also, the second room on the left has two chests for your taking. Receive Antdt and Herb. Castle pillaged, let's head into town. If you haven't noticed already, Nina has terrible equipment. I mean, god, her dress's weight is 25, for 8 defense! If you somehow managed to plan ahead of time, you can equip her with an IronRP, a SilkGN, and a HairBand. Though, I highly doubt you would have had the money at the time you could buy those. You can get her a BronzRP from the weaponry. You'll need to deal with the Dress a bit longer, but I assure you, it'll be gone soon enough. Though, if you've equipped her with everything so far, her active will be one. Gee, what a fun way to stary a character who's supposed to be fast. With that done, let's head into the world. (NOTE: If you come back here when it's day time, the royal men in the basement have useful bits of info) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Nina Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea, Bulla Head into the cave on the west. Very short walk. SIDE VISIT (Wouldn't call it a quest, really) - If you want, you could travel to Drogen for that HairBand and SilkGN. I don't think you'll have the money for both, but if you are going there, pay Camlon a visit. Next section is for that. Skip until Aura Cave if you're not going back there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Camlon Party: Nina Items: Mrbl1, ProtnA, W.Ptn, DkKiss Enemies: None WHOA! Massive re-building! This town is gorgeous! How the hell did they reform this quick? I swear, last night as Ryu, it was rubble and ashes. Morning as Nina, and it's a mini-kingdom. Alright, I'm done being in awe, and I hope you are too. Let's steal! The house beside the item shop has a drawer. Receive Mrbl1. The house behind the item shop also has a drawer. Receive ProtnA. Travel across to the right and you'll find yourself at a hay roof house, with a drawer. Receive W.Ptn. And the house beside it has one too, on the second level. Receive DkKiss. Stealing aside, let's check their stores and see what we can buy. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 1GP ITEM Mrbl3 - 8G Herb - 8G Antdt - 12G T.Drop - 16G Acorn - 24G Apple - 80G Life - 400G Cure - 1600G Camlon's people rock. Discounts everywhere! And the inn price! Though, you can heal for free in the castle with their healing water, but still, the inn price IS as low as possible that still requires payment. If only they had equipment. The people outside still don't seem that grateful, 'till you talk to the man in the middle. They're building a statue to honour the hero! Cool. The King is also more grateful as well. Heh, guess I didn't need a thank you after all. Let's get to Drogen now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Drogen Party: Nina Items: None Enemies: None Buy your stuff and go. (Drogen, what the heck? Camlon can rebuild, why can't you?) Alright, let's get back to what we originally had planned. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Aura Cave Party: Nina, Sr-1, Sr-2 Items: Cure, 150GP, SuedeGN, 70GP, I.Ore, Herb(x2), B.Stn, C.Stn Enemies: Gloom, Beak, Creep When you move up a teensy bit, you'll be greeted by some soldiers. Who want to join you, because they know Nina will never make it on her own. Also, you can't refuse their help. You can try, but they'll ask again. But why would you, anyway? Nina sucks on her own. New members, get! Soldier number two is, in all ways, better then soldier one. But eh, both together is good. Not much is needed to explain their abilities. They have no magic, so all they can do is attack and use items. Move up and go continuously down the stairs. This place sure looks a lot like Gaia Temple, except it's water in the background. Anyway, go down the hill and to the right for a treasure box. Receive Cure. Keep going right, and down a bit to find yourself near two chests, one at the top of the hill, and another at the foot. Receive 150GP and SuedeGN, respectively. Equip the SuedeGN on Nina immediately to result in a MAJOR speed boost. Back track to the intersection and head up this time. There will be a mound with a chest on it. Receive 70GP. Head off to the left, and there will be another chest. Obtain I.Ore! Make sure you get this, as it will be important later. Go back all the way to the stairs. This time, head up and across the rope bridge. A chest will be plain in sight. Receive Herb. Again, only one option is given, so follow the path. Once you cross the second rope bridge, head down the ramps and you'll find a chest. Receive Herb. Continue and you'll reach a set of stairs. Don't go up just yet, instead, head across to the left and down the hill. Go up and you'll see more treasure. Receive B.Stn. Now go up those stairs. Head upward, and walk to the left when you get the chance. Yay, one more box. Receive C.Stn. Go up the stairs, and head outside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Nina, Sr-1, Sr-2 Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea, Creep Head off to the west, and you'll see Romero in no time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Romero Party: Nina, Sr-1, Sr-2 Items: PrtnB, L.Ptn, Map Enemies: None. This place is weird. Save at the shrine, and talk to the people. You'll learn that they are, in fact, undead, and they were resurrected by the Remedy of the Wizard of Karma (Or you'll learn OF the undead, if you came here during the day). Dang, I wouldn't feel safe giving this to my dying dad. Heck, the only reason I can see it working is because I give it to him after the poison kills him. They'll also say how the young female members are missing. Anyway, pillaging. Romero doesn't have much to take, actually. Visit the tall yellow house in the top-right corner and go up to the second floor to find a drawer. Receive PrtnB. Go into the inn and check the drawer. Receive L.Ptn . Go into the small yellow house behind the Inn. There will be a hole in the ground which you can jump into, so do so. Secret Underground Base! There will be a gate which is ACTUALLY LOCKED, so no peeking in there, just yet. There will also be a couple of jars. Move 'em in the proper pattern, and you'll get to the barrel. Move the barrel and press A on the spot it was on. Obtain Map! Press Start when you're on the World Map, and well, you'll get a world map of everywhere you have visited. If only they gave the names of the places too. Let's check out the shops now. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 60G ITEMS EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 10G Sabre - 400G Herb - 10G ShortRP - 400G Antdt - 15G BronzRP - 800G Acorn - 30G BronzSH - 500G Life - 500G BronzHT - 1200G Cure - 2000G Gown - 2000G ChainML - 2000G SilkGN - 2800G No discounts from Romero, stinking Winlan prices. The Inn is affordable. If you can, trade the SuedeGN for a Gown. When you're done, take the left exit of the town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Nina, Sr-1, Sr-2 Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea, Creep Head off to the west, and you'll get into a forest. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Ramui Woods Party: Nina, Sr-1, Sr-2 Items: Herb(x3), 150G, Bandage, A.Ptn Enemies: Creep, P.Bug, Spider (Mushrooms on the map are edible. They'll recover health, but some are poison. They don't give you poison status though) My first playthrough in these woods was terrible. I hated this place. Most of the things here, you probably don't want. Most people will skip everything but the bandage. However, because I'm a perfectionist, I'll include directions to every item. It will be very difficult to follow, so bear with me. If you just want the good items, the bottom of this section has easier to follow guidelines. Head to the right until you hit an intersection, then take the road north. A chest is here. Receive Herb. Get back to the intersection and head west. Once there's another intersection (I'll call this one the main), head upward and there will be a choice of north or west. Follow the paths north. The path will curve to the left and you'll be at a chest. Receive 150G. Backtrack to the last intersection you were at, and take the west road. You'll hit another box. Receive Herb. Backtrack all the way to the main crossroad from the entrance, and take the path south. There will be small grove with a lone tree in the center. Behind the tree is a cleverly hidden chest. Receive Herb. Head down from that spot, and left a little to find a chest in the open. Receive Bandage. Equip on Nina this instant. Return to the main crossroad, and take the west path. Follow the path, and then you'll find another grove a bit north of the road. It's got a lone tree in the middle, with a chest behind it. Receive A.Ptn. Continue west along the road, and you're homefree. Alright, simplistic. Head west from the entrance, and only west until you get the option of heading west, north and south. Take the south, and follow the curving path and you'll be at a box. Receive Bandage. Backtrack to the crossroads, and head west. You're done. Now, let's kick the Karma Wizard's butt for making me go through that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Karma Party: Nina, Sr-1, Sr-2 Items: Herb(x3), M.Drop(x2), Cure(x2), Charm(x2), Life2 Enemies: P.Bug, Spider, Creep, Gloom, Beak When you enter, head forward, and you'll see two healing springs relatively close by each other. Heal up, and head down the steps. Take the two chests there. Receive two Herbs. Go back up, and head off to the left. You'll see a set of stairs you can access, so go up them to find yourself at another box. Receive M.Drop. Go back downstairs, and head around the top of the room, to reach the right side of the floor. Start going down while hugging the wall, and you'll see a chest. Receive M.Drop. I'm sure you saw this death look alike earlier. So, let's beat him up. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Morte HP: 120 AT: 65 EX: 336 GO: 240 Actions: Attack Drops: M.Drop ============================ He does 15-25 damage. (Technically, a mini-boss, but eh) Do you hear that? The Grim Reaper's calling! But man, what a wuss. His regular attacks do hyped up damage to anyone on the front row, but he can barely take a hit himself. Nina should use the E.Key every turn while the soldiers attack. 5 turns, and this guy is done. If someone gets low HP, have Nina heal and one of the soldiers use the key. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Re-heal, and head upstairs. Once you're on the second level, go south, and you'll find a set of stairs going up. Heading up will bring you to a chest. Receive Cure. Go back down, and go south, there will be a set of stairs leading down to a chest. Receive Charm. Go back up, and go north around the floor. You'll hit another set of stairs leading up. Go up them. On this floor, circle around to the left and head down to find a chest. Receive Charm. Head back north, and follow the path around the entire floor. You'll reach yet another set of stairs. Head down, and head forward to find two holes in floor and stairs leading up. Go up the stairs to find a treasure chest. Receive Herb. You'll also see four holes in the ground. Drop into the one on the top right, and it'll bring you into a room with one hole and stairs. Go up 'em, and go up the ones after that until you reach another reaper figure and stairs that goes down. Take the set that goes down, and the stairs after. You'll reach a chest. Receive Life2. Go back up all the stairs to reach the death figure again. Greet her. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Mortea HP: 230 AT: 90 EX: 336 GO: 240 Actions: Attack Drops: Herb ============================ She does 19-36 damage. (Technically, a mini-boss, but eh) Mortea's not happy that you owned her brother, and she'll take her shot at taking you out. But of course, it's futile. She does have a better attack score then Morte by alot, but it doesn't matter much with the E.Key. Do watch your characters health, though, and be careful to not have anyone die. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= With her out of the way, we can go up those stairs she was guarding. You'll be in a big room, with buttons on the left side. Press them, and watch as a magical bridge appears. Gaze in awe as it disappears behind you! You'll also see a group of women, who all say the same thing. Open the purple gate with your thief skills, and flip the switch. They'll clear a path for you. You can now go downstairs. Though, go up stairs first, to save and heal. One girl thanks you, the other is in a rush, and the other will tip you off to go downstairs. Do so, and take the chest you'll soon see. Receive Cure. Keep heading down, and you'll find yourself in a room different then the other places here. Take a couple steps and the Wizard finds you out. He's pissed off that you released his specimens, and unleashes a barrel full of Xeon Gas. You'll engage in a battle with everyone at one HP, and Nina has only one AP as well. You can attack him out of spite, but it won't do any good. (MISC- You can recover everyone to full with a M.Drop, but that annoying message will still pop up. Lame.) Eventually, they'll realize it's useless to try and fight so Nina and one of the soldiers let the other escape to get help while they hold the wizard off. You'll re-engage, but now the Wizard will use his Freeze and T.Bolt spells to quickly wipe out Nina and the soldier. Meanwhile, the other soldier makes it to the roof of the tower. The wizard will come in close after, but the soldier becomes a bird and flies away. However, minions are still chasing after him. So many problems here. For starters, if the soldier could change into a bird and fly to Winlan, why the heck didn't he do it to get to Karma? And another, where in the world did the Wizard get access the dragons that won't tear him limb from limb? Gah. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Winlan Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: None Anyway, the soldier makes it back to Winlan to alert everyone there that the Princess has been captured. He then dies (very undramatic). The guards decide that since they can't get by the Xeon Gas, they'll get the traveler that happened by to help them. The guard comes in to talk with Ryu. "Hey man, our princess got kidnapped by a wizard, wanna save her?" "Sure, okay!" GOD! Some scenes just don't work out. Anyway, that's basically how the guard approaches Ryu. If you say no, he'll tell you about the gas that takes strength from their people. And he'll ask again. Lame. Well, since you have no choice, it's Ryu to the rescue! Anyway, before you exit town, buy Ryu ChainML, as you should have enough by now (He magically reacquired all his stuff back from Nina). Now, join the rescue party outside town. Talk to the red one, and he'll become a bird for Ryu to ride on. Three others will follow suit, and a partner will jump on their back. They'll fly to Karma, but the Dragons (where the hell...) will block most of the party off. The leader with Ryu makes it through, and will end up on the top of Karma. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Karma Party: Ryu, Sr-3 Items: Foil (Rang) Enemies: P.Bug, Spider, Creep, Gloom, Beak, Zard The soldier will be in your party for a very limited time. Head downstairs to the Dragon Statue and the Healing Spring. Save if you need to, then head down all the flights of stairs until you reach the room with the Wizard inside. The soldier will say that he won't be of any use if he goes with you, and he'll leave the party. Ah well, didn't need him anyway. Head south, and go due west. There's an weapon you can get here, so don't fight straight off. Just keep going west, and that'll bring you to a path north. Follow it and you'll find your treasure. Receive Foil (Rang in the SNES version). This is weaker then your long sword, but it can attack all enemies. However, since you're going to be fighting against the Wizard one-on-one, keep your sword on. Backtrack to where you had the option of going north, and do so this time. You'll run into the Wizard, who immediately sees that you are from the Dragon Clan. And let's show him our power, shall we? *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Wizard HP: 180 AT: 40 EX: 1000 GO: 700 Actions: Freeze(15), T.Bolt(10), Petrify ============================ Wow, this is new, an opponent with no physical attacks. Anyway, strike the hell out of him with your sword until he uses Petrify. Once he does that, start using your reliable E.Key. Heal if your HP gets to 30 or below (he's faster then you are, so best to heal early). *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Woot, Wizard's butt gets handed to him. He'll cry on how he couldn't complete his immortality potion, freak out, explode, and drop the Remedy. I knew he wasn't human, so that's perfectly fine if that's how he goes. Nina will thank Ryu, then faint, forcing him to carry her up the stairs. She'll conveniently regain consciousness when they hit the roof. Soldier number three gives you a lift back to Winlan. Yay for no long treks through a twisted forest, undead city, and cave of uh, auras. Though, dang, they do some pretty unnecessary aerial tricks on their way back. Ah well, if they're this happy that they saved the princess, might as well let them have their fun. Eventually, they'll get you to Winlan. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Winlan Party: Ryu, Nina Items: None Enemies: None Nina won't waste any time running to the king to give him the remedy. Ryu quickly follows behind her. And Winlan's people are nice. They actually thank you. Though, that means I can't expect any statues. Hehe. Anyway, make your way to the King. Nina will tell you that the Remedy isn't working. Well, it's to be expected, what with it having flown off the Wizards' exploding body and all. I'm pretty sure that undead potions don't cure poison either. What the hey? He's like, completely revived. Hm...guess undead potions can do anything. OHMYGOD, Ryu can talk when he's conscious! He'll ask for passage through the tunnel. Nina will also force herself into his company. And the King doesn't give much of a fight of holding her back. Ah well. Nina joins the party! I'd suggest healing at the inn before you continue any further for now. Head to the basement and go talk to the guards. They'll move to let you by. Cross the long bridge, and you'll be at the world map. Onto... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4c. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Third Chapter A Beastly Hunter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina Items: None Enemies: Blurb, Stool, Creep, Gloom, Slime, WarHog, Zombie There's going to a slew of new opponents to face. Equip Ryu with the Foil (Rang) to let him attack all enemies, and have Nina use the E.Key. You shouldn't run into much trouble. From the bridge, head south. Follow the path, and once you head down a rampish thing, go a little to the east and continue south. You'll see a village eventually. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tantar Party: Ryu, Nina Items: Charm, W.Ptn, Saw Enemies: None Welcome to Tuntar, home of the Wood Clan. The place is messed up right now because there isn't any water in the river, and obviously, they need the water. Let's check out their shops. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 60G EQUIPMENT Sabre - 400G BronzRP - 800G ShortBW - 1000G Scythe - 1200G Bandana - 400G BronzSH - 500G SuedeAR - 750G Visor - 800G Crappity crap stuff they sell here. Your LongSD is stronger then the scythe by quite a bit. Your ChainML is lighter and provides more DEF. And you already have a Visor and a Gauntlet which is better then a BronzSH. The only thing here would probably be a bandana for Nina if you didn't get her a HairBand, but I did, so... Let's see what we can take. Head into the inn, and find the dresser. Receive Charm. Head into the Mayor's house (the tall building apart from everywhere else) and go up to the second floor to find another dresser. Receive W.Ptn. That's all. Raids haven't been doing too well lately. Also, take a visit to the stone house near the bottom of the village. Talk to the man there, and agree to give him your I.Ore for a Saw. Obtain Saw! We can use this to get into the Forest of Despair! Though, we got no reason to go. Yet...Nothing more to do here, for now. Let's take a visit to the neighbouring village. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tuntar Party: Ryu, Nina Items: Cure, Herb Enemies: None Here we are, Tuntar. Talk to everyone here to get some new info. Then check out their shops. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 59G ITEMS Mrbl3 - 10G Herb - 10G Antdt - 15G Acorn - 30G Cure - 2000G Life - 500G T.Drop - 20G Ooo, looks like competition is going on with the inns! The item shop charges everything at full price, sadly. Items for free time! Check the drawer in the inn. Receive Cure. Visit the Chief's house and head upstairs to find another dresser. Receive Herb. No offence, but I don't like these towns. They hardly give you any tips on what to do next. But that's why I'm here, right? Leave town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina Items: None Enemies: Blurb, Stool, Creep, Gloom, Slime, WarHog, Zombie Head up and find the path again. Once you do that, follow it, until you reach a forest. Try to go in, and Ryu will use the Saw to clear the trees blocking the way. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) Party: Ryu, Nina Items: Herb, T.Drop(x2), Life, Wrist Enemies: G.Knight, Zombie, Stool, S.Rider Welcome, to Lament Woods, the Forest of Despair. Lovely titles, no? The place has a black floor with bones littered about, and a strange gas always fills the air... As with the last forest, I hate this one. G.Knights and S.Riders are most likely faster then you are right now. But, you can still handle the majority of battles with a Boomerang and Earth Key combo. Again, navigating is going to be difficult, but I will try to be as clear as possible. Follow the path, and you'll hit a north/south intersection. Head south and follow along. Take the inner path when you get the option, and you'll hit a chest. Receive Herb. Backtrack to the inner/outer paths, and go on the outer. Ignore all paths and head straight up to find a chest. Receive T.Drop. Go south a little, and turn right as soon as you can. Head south and turn right again. Continue to go right until you count the second path going down. Follow that to bring you to two chests. Receive T.Drop and Life. Take the road below, and follow it as it goes up. Head north and ignore all paths to the side to hit another chest. Receive Wrist. Equip onto Nina or Ryu. I'd personally give it to Ryu, then equip Nina with his old Gauntlet. Now for the goal. From where the Wrist was, and follow the upper wall of forest. You'll see the fortress eventually. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dark D. Fort Party: Ryu, Nina Items: Life(x2), LongSD, T.Drop(x3), Herb(x5), Life2, Acorn, WolfHT Enemies: S.Rider, Midget, WarHog, Zard When you enter, two dudes in yellow will block your path. Kill them to pieces. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Bowman Lancer HP: 180 HP: 100 AT: 64 AT: 58 EX: 140 EX: 120 GO: 100 GO: 100 Actions: Attack Actions: Attack ===================== Boomerang + E.Key multiplied by as many times necessary equals dead. (Killed them in one turn because Ryu got a slam. Hehe) *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* With them out of the way, walk forward. Whoops, fell for a trap. But hey, there's four chests here! Receive two Lifes, LongSD, and T.Drop. Head up the stairs. Alright, we know that part is trapped, so let's go around. Take the outer path and circle around back down to be relatively close to where we started. From there, take the upper path, as the bottom one is rigged. You'll encounter two more dudes in yellow. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Pieces, pieces, make them all into pieces! It's the same enemy type as the last forced battle, so do away with these guys in the same manner. After you pass where they guarded, you'll see a set of stairs going down, but there's four chests just south of here. Go get them. Receive Herb, T.Drop, Life2, and Acorn. Nothing else on this floor except a table and some coffee, so let's get to the lower levels. Take the set of stairs you see going down to find another basement, with another set of four chests. Receive T.Drop, two Herbs, and a WolfHT. Beware, though, the WolfHT has a Fire trap that causes 50 damage to the person who opens it. Remember to heal up after getting it. Head upstairs. Take the lower path (upper one is trapped), and follow the path. You'll find a chest in a small room. Receive Herb. Keep going along the path until there's a small passage going down, leading you to the last treasure box. Receive Herb. Go north, and you'll see three guys in yellow this time. Have Ryu re-equip his LongSD. Now challenge 'em. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Same battle as before, except there's two lancers instead of one. Not much of a difference. Hooray, you saved the chief. He'll ask if you want to take the enemies weaponry. You can say no, but he'll say how useful they would be since the village doesn't have any. He'll ask again. You probably should say yes. He'll lead you into a trap! And now he'll send his monster to come eat you two up. Heh, oh well, let's kick it's butt! (NOTE: You can repeatedly say no to the imposter, and you'll skip the battle against Pog. I don't recommend it though, Pog gives some nice EXP) *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Pog HP: 280 AT: 80 EX: 1400 GO: 800 Actions: Attack, Double Attack, Flame Breath, Ice Breath =================== Any attack Pog uses does 8-11 damage. Pog's not hard. You might need to recover at the start of the battle because you just came from legions and legions of battles in a Forest of Despair and against undead guys, but overall, it isn't that bad. He can attack both Nina and Ryu in the same turn with his Double Attack, but that probably would have been more vicious if it hit the same member. Anyway, have Ryu attack, Nina use the E.Key, and you'll win in no time flat. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Afterwards, the chief shows no intention of letting you go. However, screw his intentions, because an arrow flies in and flips the switch. You're free! A ranger named Bo will come in, notifying that the REAL chief has been saved thanks to their distraction. The imposter challenges everyone around to a fight. He's going to regret that. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== General HP: 250 AT: 110 EX: 1120 GO: 300 Actions: Attack =================== He does 16-24 damage. I wasn't able to see if he had any other abilities, because I owned him in two turns. If you forgot to use them, toss your stones at him and watch as his health bar magically disappear. Chances are that you have used them, so resort to physical attacks with Ryu and Bo, and using the E.Key with Nina. You can alternatively have Bo blast him with his magic, and have someone restore his AP afterwards. It really doesn't matter, the General can cause some heavy damage, but he dies too dang fast for it to matter. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* He'll cry out that they haven't won completely, as the river is still dry. And he'll run. The Chief will tell you they were searching for the ring, and that they should find a way to move the rock. Bo will say that Zog is his enemy, and he'll ask to join you. New member, get! Equip the WolfHT onto him, and if you bought it earlier, the ShortBW. And now the annoying part - You're going to have to walk out of here. Sorry, but you gotta if you want to leave this pee-pee soaked heck hole. Make your way back to Tantar. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tantar and Tuntar Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: None Go heal, buy Bo a ShortBW because I'm sure you have to have enough money now, and most importantly, save. Also sell your old junk. Pay the real chief a visit in Tuntar, and he'll point you to Romero. Not there again! I dislike their undead folk. But, it seems we have no choice. Let's go. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Blurb, Stool, Creep, Gloom, Slime, Flea, WarHog, Zombie Find the path again. Follow it all the way to hit a forest. If you read what a villager said in Tuntar, you'll know that if Bo is at the front of the party then you can walk right through the woods. So, select Change in the Menu screen and do so. You'll see Romero soon enough. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Romero Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: WtrJar, Herb Enemies: None If you entered during the day, talk to everyone. You'll find out that the beings raised from the dead have become zombies. I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WAS BAD! Why did I come back here? Some other people will also tell you that there's a WtrJar which can hold a lot of water and how there's Cleansing Water which might restore the soil. In the top right corner house, the man there will tell you about Agua if you remove the Zombies. Oh, that's right. Agua. That's why we're here. Alright, come back to town at night. AHH!! ZOMBIES! They won't hurt you, but their blue skin creeps me out. Talk to the old woman in the graveyard. Ryu will ask for the WtrJar, but the lady won't give it until her husband says a couple of lines. They'll move a grave to reveal a secret passage in which you can find the WtrJar. Fall into the hole. You'll see two chests. Receive Herb. Obtain WtrJar! Exit through the only exit. Oh right, before I forget, shop. Get Bo ChainML. Also, if you didn't get the chance earlier, get Ryu ChainML and Nina Gown. Now let's get to that cave. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Blurb, Stool, Creep, Gloom, Slime, Flea, WarHog, Zombie Alright, so mister zombie man tipped off us to the west. With Bo in the lead head west until you see Karma. From there, head down, and you'll see a cave. Circle around, and enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Ease Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Herb(x3), NiceHT, F.Stn, T.Drop, BronzHT, Apple Enemies: Mage, Ameblob, G.Knight Ease Cave? Sounds pretty relaxing, as if there isn't any random encounters. But damn these misleading names, there are new enemies to square off against. Ah well. Let's start by taking the right path, straight to a chest. Receive Herb. Take the left path this time and follow. You'll hit an inner/outer choice. Go for the inner and you'll see a chest. Receive Herb. Backtrack, and take the outer path to find another one. Receive NiceHT. Give it to Nina if you didn't get her a HairBand, elsewise, don't equip to anyone. Go along the top, and when you need to choose right or down, go right. Follow the path, and you'll see a set of stairs. Skip 'em for now, continue along the path, and one more chest awaits you. Receive F.Stn. Go back to those stairs and take them. Take the lower path, and follow for a chest. Receive Herb. Circle round back to the stairs and go north this time. Head off to the right when you can, and you'll be at a chest. Receive T.Drop. Go back and keep going north, following the path wherever it may lead. Which happens to be to a set of stairs. Use 'em. Go take the higher path, and you'll see stairs going up. Use them to find two chests. Receive BronzHT and Apple. Equip the BronzHT on Ryu. Return down the stairs, and take the lower path this time. Take the stairs going down, and you'll be at a small island on a bunch of water. Use the stairs going down, and press A. Yay, you got the Cleansing Water! Ryu and gang will automatically run back to Romero. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Romero Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Herb, Antdt, 900GP, Cure, Tablet Enemies: None Ryu will run and sprinkle the water all over town. The place will turn a light green! And the trees will be alive and healthy! Amazing water. Ryu and company will then go the man who made the deal about Agua earlier. He'll thank you, and give you five boxes. Receive Herb, Antdt, 900GP, Cure, and obtain Tablet! We can get into Agua now. The people will tell you that there's a boss that guards the key in Agua. Also the old woman will let you keep the Water Jar, so if you want, go refill it. Why? Because the cleansing water restores all HP, AP, and ailments (including "Stun," when a character hits 0HP) for the entire party. Very useful. When you're done doing anything you want to do, head for Agua. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Agua Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Herb(x2), Life2, Acorn(x2), Apple, SunHT, IronSHl, ThiefCL, HairBand, Bracelet, SteelBW Enemies: S.Rider, G.Knight, WarHog, Zombie (NOTE - Skipping World Map sections unless they actually have an addition in enemies or if directions are confusing. Doing this from now on.) Agua, like someone in Romero said, is north of Romero. You'll need Bo to Forest Walk. It's a big flying castle thing. When you enter, walk along the stone path until you hit it's dead end. Ryu will automatically read the inscription, and the castle will float close enough for you to enter. Do so. Run forward and take the stairs. Circle around and stand on the floaty circle. It'll carry you to the other side. Run all the way to the left, and you'll see a chest. Receive Herb. Go back just to the right of the hover plate, and run all the way up to see another chest. Receive Life2. You should be able to see two other chests, which I'm sure you should have the brains to figure out how to get there. Receive Apple and Acorn. Follow the path and you'll see stairs. Take them In here, we have a hover mini-puzzle. Take the first hover circle you see, and once that drops you off, take the one just left of where you are, for a chest. Receive SunHT. Equip onto Ryu. Take the only hover available, and follow the path to come back to the start point. Again, take the hover, and this time run to the bottom of the platform for a choice of left and right. Take the right hover, and follow the path for another chest. Receive IronSH. Equip onto Ryu. Take the hover back to the start point. Get back the middle platform, and use the bottom left hover. Follow the path for the last chest on this floor. Receive ThiefCL. Equip onto Ryu. (Wow, lotta stuff for Ryu here. All we need a weapon.) Take the hover here to reach the stairs, going up to the next level. You'll see a chest immediately once you get up. Receive Acorn. Use the hover, and you'll be on the middle platform, choices of left and right. Take the left first, and follow the path, to find a chest. Receive HairBand. Equip onto Nina if you didn't buy one earlier. Take the hover to fly to another chest. Receive Herb. Take the hover to get back to the middle platform, and use the right side. Follow the path, and what do we have? Another chest. Receive Bracelet. Equip onto Nina. Take the upper hover, and you'll be on the platform leading to the next staircase. Once you crawl out, take the right path. You see those pillars with the blue lights? Walk into the wall just above the fifth one, and press A. Receive SteelBW, a nice upgrade for Bo at this point (Thanks to readers for this!). Anyway, keep following the right path until you find a hover. Use it to bring you to the middle, with a pillar and a light. (Change Bo's Helm to a any other helm in your inventory, it'll work better) Press A against it, and you'll trigger a battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Wisp HP: 730 AT: 90 EX: 1200 GO: 300 Actions: Attack, Attack All Drops: Herb =================== Any attack Wisp uses does 10-19 special damage (meaning Bo wearing the WolfHT will take double damage). Here we go, an actual boss fight where we have more then just attack as an option (well there was Pog and General, but those weren't fun). Have Nina use Atk-Up on Ryu and Bo, then healing and using the E.Key. Fort will be useless since all of Wisps' attacks deal special damage. Bo cast Fry until he's out of AP, then start attacking, and Ryu attacking non-stop. Like Pog, Wisp can attack all your members, but it won't matter all too much. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* The Wisp will congratulate you, and tell you to search the pillar for the key. Do so, and the purple light will do a fancy transformation sequence into a key which Ryu takes possession of. Obtain KngKey! Take the hover circle, and prepare to go all the way back down. Technically, after this point, you can go straight away to the giant robot. However, I'd suggest taking a pit stop at Romero before heading out, to sell and store your items and more importantly, to heal and save. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: The Giant Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Herb, BronzHT, Acorn, Life2, Mrbl1 Enemies: Midget, Blurb To get here from Romero, just follow the ocean line. Keep following to, up the ramp, until you see a smaller ramp going down. Head down those, and the robot should be in sight. Walk down and enter through it's right leg (though, it's left in your view). Walk forward, and take the stairs up, and go up the next two flights as well. Walk to the left, and there will be a room with two chests in plain sight. Receive Herb and BronzHT. Keep going left, and you'll see the next set of stairs. Walk down a bit, and you'll see the General with his two goons. Walk right in front of him, and he'll challenge you. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* General + 2 Lancers Okay, hell, I'm not even going to call this a mini-boss fight, the general and his lackeys are absolute pushovers. Oh sure, the General has a second wind, big deal. I don't even need to tell you what to do. Smash their heads in is all I ask. After you win (My god, you better have not taken more then one try) walk up to the stone thingy and press A. Ryu will jab the key in, and it will get the heart functional. The teleport circles will also start to work. Walk to the the stairs. There should be to the left of there. Enter it. Skip the first teleport you see, and follow the path for another one. Take that one, and take the first teleport you see here. It'll bring you to a chest. Receive Acorn. Use the only teleport here which brings ya right back to the start. Again, take the one near the stairs, use the second teleport you see, use the second one again, and take the closer one this time. You'll be brought to two chests. Receive Life2 and Mrbl1. Take the only teleport you see. This time, take the second warp, take the only warp, and you'll be brought to where you want to be. You know, that rectangular prism looks remarkably like the Quake Control. Run forward and press A to have Ryu jab the key inside. The mind is now functional. Seeing as how Ryu can't talk, Nina takes charge and commands the giant to take them to the lake. After a very lengthy walking sequence (Capcom got lazy with walking sprites), Nina will tell it to destroy the rock. Which, indeed it does, with it's awesome optic beam attack. Cool! The water's back in the river! Let's go tell the folks in Tantar (Not Tuntar. The chief made me go through a forest, an enemy fort, an undead village, a cave with a misleading name, a fortress, and a stone robot). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tantar Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Herb, Key Enemies: None People here will thank you for bringing the water, so no statues here, either. Pay the Chief a visit. He'll be so happy with what you did, he'll let YOU have the Ring that the General was so hungry for. He'll move his throne, revealing a hole in the ground, and he'll give you light directions. Fall down the hole, and follow the path to find two chets. Receive Herb and obtain Key! Exit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Lake Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: W.Ptn Enemies: None To get here, head due north of Tuntar, up the ramp, and you'll see your old stone robot sitting near a cave. Enter. Follow the path. You need no navigating. There's also a chest in view at some point. Receive W.Ptn. Exit the cave. Once you're outside, head northwest, and you'll see another entrance you should go into. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Lake Shrine Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Life, Life2, 2000G, Herb, Acorn, SkySH, Ring Enemies: Ameblob, Zard, WarHog, Zombie There's a creepy thing about this place. Once you go down the flight of stairs you won't be able to leave until you get the Ring. Go forward and you'll hit a door. Use that Key the chief gave you, and it will open. Head down the stairs and down the next ones. Follow the path and hey, a flight of stairs going up. Use them, and go down the waterfall. Follow the stream, and skip the stairs going down. You should see a chest, which I'm sure you have the brains to reach. Receive Life. Keep going along the only choice you have, and you'll see stairs. Skip 'em for now, because there's a chest beyond that. Receive Life2. Now head down the stairs. Follow the path, and you'll see another set of stairs. That was easy. Head up all the stairs, and head north when you can for a treasure chest. Receive 2000GP. Head down the stairs into the water, and follow the path. There will be some stairs that leads onto a platform with a chest. Receive Herb. Now use the stairs that lead onto the larger platform, and head all the way south. A bit to the left of there is a chest. Receive Acorn. Backtrack a bit, and take the left as soon as you can. Follow the path, going down the stairs and down the waterfall, and continue following. Use the first set of stairs you see and head up all the ramps for a chest. Receive SkySH. Equip onto Nina. Go back down, and keep following the stream to another platform, with some pillars around a blue chest. Receive Ring! Equip onto Ryu, and use the warp to return to the entrance. Exit the shrine, and get your butt over to Tantar. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tantar Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: None (TRIVIAL - Tuntar is empty right now, so no Item Shop or Storage) When you enter, you'll be greeted by two forest clan members. They'll move aside to let you pass. Heal and save, sell your old junk, and make your way to the chief's house. Talk to the Tuntar Chief to trigger the wedding. (Shortest wedding lines, ever). When you're done, leave the house, and the village. Oh, crap, shoulda seen that coming. The General has taken control over the robot whilst you were at the wedding. The Robot then uses it's optic beam power to blast Tuntar to smithereens. Good thing no one was there, huh? But the General makes the next order to destroy Tantar. The Robot refuses to move however. Now is your chance, kick the Generals' butt! Enter the Giant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: The Giant Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Blurb, Midget Quickly make your way back to the brain of the Robot. If you don't remember how to, follow the path, going up all the stairs until you see a warp to the left. Take it. Just take the second warp you see, and you'll find reach the brain. Before you challenge the General again, change Bo's Helm. Now, let's kick this guy's butt once and for all! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Gremlin HP: 1200 AT: 140 EX: 1400 GO: 800 Actions: Attack, Attack All =================== Any attack Gremlin uses does 15-30 damage. Whoo, just got a load tougher then his previous wussy form. Alright, like the Wisp, he deals special damage, so Bo will take massive damage if you had his WolfHT on. Nina should Atk-up Ryu as soon as possible. Ryu should be attacking continously. Bo should be casting Fry non-stop, and Nina should be healing Bo's AP with Acorns and healing the party. If she has a free turn, she should attack with any stones you may have left and the E.Key. Keep in mind that the Gremlin is faster than all your characters, so heal ahead of time. If you mess up, you can still restore a single person's health with Nina's magic, since that will always go first. Once he's on his second wind, he will ALWAYS use attack all, so I highly recommend bringing a supply of meats. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After you win, the General refuses to give up. He'll try and control the robot, but it still doesn't listen. The General will explode. The Robot will then move on it's own. The party will escape as it reaches the volcano south of where Tuntar used to be. My god! Ryu said another word, completely consciously! Insane. Anyway, the robot jumps into the volcano to commit suicide. The volcano erupts, and the lava somehow manages to only get into the river. The water cools it down very quickly, hardening it into rock. You can now get to the other side. This chapter has come to an end, let's get onto... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4d. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fourth Chapter A Thief in the Night ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Fungus, Tronk, Midget, S.Rider (TRIVIAL - The overworld music changed.) Just south of the igneous rock pile, you should spot a shrine. Enter it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dragon Shrine Party: Ryu Items: Melon Enemies: None Go into the shrine, and run forward. Talk with the man here, and he'll say you need proper training to break the seal. He'll send Ryu in alone. There's a healing spring to the left and a chest to the right. Receive Melon. Head into the middle and you'll see the Dragon Lord. Talk to him, and you'll trigger a battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Talon HP: 700 AT: 70 EX: 400 GO: 190 Actions: Attack ================== Talon does 9-15 damage. It can cause a slam. As Ryu, you're out of options again. So, let's attack and heal when necessary. Heal at about 30HP, and attack with the E.Key. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* The Dragon Lord will congratulate you, and send sparkles to fly into Ryu. The screen will glow gold for a moment, and then die back down. He'll ask you to use your powers to restore peace. You learned the Drake Spells! Heal, and exit the shrine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Fairy Woods Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: None A bit south of the Dragon Shrine, you'll find some patches of flowers. The one in the middle of the forest will have some fairies, which you should talk to, and there's another with the flower patches arranged in a circle. Step into the middle, and you can talk to a man there. Once that's done, head for Cape Cave. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Cape Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Fly, Shadow, Midget South of Fairy Woods, there's an entrance to a cave. Enter. There's no items here, so you're only goal is the exit. Follow the path until you hit an intersection, with choices of left or down. Go down, as the left path will eventually be blocked. You'll be out of here in no time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Auria Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: PrisnCL, Life2, Life(x3), S.Ptn, Cure(x3), W.Ant, V.Ptn, 2000GP(x2), Mrbl1, L.Ptn, Mrbl3, Acorn, SmartRG, Antdt, G.Tiara, 5000GP, 20000GP Enemies: None South of Cape Cave, you'll see a town. Enter it and be amazed at their all-gold city. Unfortunately, right when you walk up, you'll be arrested (What the hell? Idiot guards). Search the fountain thing in the top-right corner. Receive PrisnCL. Talk to the guy in bed. He'll ask if you want him to help you. Say yes, and he'll pick the lock with ease. He'll return to sleep right after. Well, let's take it. Go up stairs and exit this building. (One of the guards is running around for no reason. They won't see you leave either, and if you didn't notice, they didn't disarm you. They ARE idiots.) Because the guards are so protective (IDIOTS!), you'll need to avoid them like you did the guards in Nanai. If you get caught, just talk to the guy in the bed again, and he'll let you go. First things first, save. Now, let's check out their shops. Right beside the police headquarters. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 200G ITEMS EQUIPMENT Herb - 13G Rapier - 1650G Worm - 65G Dagger - 2200G Life - 650G LongSD - 2750G Vitamn - 650G LongBW - 2860G Mrbl1 - 1300G BroadSD - 5500G Pouch - 1300G Tiara - 1650G Rod1 - 1300G SunHT - 2750G G.Bar - 65000G SageML - 3300G WAH! The guards say you're trying to rob Auria. I say Auria's trying to rob ME! What the heck is up with that Inn Price? Whatever, get Nina a Rapier and Tiara and Bo a SageML. The same weapons will appear later, but for a cheaper price. Also, buy a Vitamn, Pouch. The Vitamn and Pouch you'll need soon (or more of, want). Head upstairs, and talk to the man at the table, who will ask you to bring some vitamins (you only need one though). Do so, and he'll give you 5000GP. That's a nice profit. You'll also see a drawer, attempting to hide a hole behind it. Push it aside, and walk in. You'll see a secret home here. If you talk to the man, he'll tell you about a society of thieves will mysterious powers, who were wiped out by the Dark Dragons. Also, if you move the pot in the room, and search the floor there, you'll receive Life2. Nothing more here, so leave the shop. Now to rob the residents! Behind the police headquarters contains four mansions. Let's start with the lower-left. Heh, the people here are actually afraid of people entering their houses. But that's why they should get a LOCK. In the top left corner is a chest. Receive Life. Across from there is a drawer. Receive S.Ptn. Head upstairs, and there will be another drawer to the right. Receive Cure. In the bedroom lies a chest. Receive W.Ant. Exit this mansion. Next house, the lower-right. There's a chest and a drawer in the same places as the other house. Receive Life and V.Ptn. Head upstairs. Again, there's a drawer and a chest in the same places as the last house. Receive 2000GP and Mrbl1. Next on our to-raid list, the upper-right. All in the same spots...HOWEVER! The chest on the first floor is rigged. So don't touch it. Get to the drawer. Receive L.Ptn. Head upstairs. Nothing here is rigged, so take from both the chest and drawer. Receive Mrbl3 and Cure. Don't leave just yet, talk to the old man on the second floor with Nina in front. After a small scene of glowing pink, you receive 20000GP! Cool! Here we go, the upper-left house. Same spots, take from the chest and drawer. Receive Acorn and SmartRG. Equip onto Nina. Head upstairs, and again, take from the drawer and chest. Receive Life and Antdt. Talk to the woman on the first floor. If you listened to me earlier and talked to the man and fairies at Fairy Woods, you'll progress in a little side-quest. If you didn't, you're going to have to make one more trip then you needed to. In any case, we can't do any more here, so let's raid the last mansion. It's at the top of the residential area. Head up the stairs as soon as you can and make your way to the left. Go up from here, and you'll see a bare room with two chests. Receive Cure and G.Tiara. Now go to the top-right of the floor to find a drawer. Receive 2000GP. Well, that's all the precious items we can steal here. Let's make little progress with a main quest. Run to the left of the shops, and you'll see a man with a ship. Talk to him. Run back the the biggest mansion, and talk with Ross. Agree to help him. (How the heck did he get his daughter locked in a safe?) Also, sell the G.Tiara, it's too weak to be any good, though it fetches quite a price. Now, let's help that lady we met earlier get her son back. Get back to Fairy Woods. You can either go through Cape Cave again, or have Nina cast Warp to Tantar and walk from there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Fairy Woods Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: None Talk the fairies here. Agree to convince the guy from cutting down trees. Go back to where the guy is running around in circles. Talk to the fairies, then the guy. Why did they need you? The fairies convinced him fine themselves. Anyway, get back to Auria, through Cape Cave or warp. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Auria Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: 20000GP Enemies: None Go back to the old lady's house. She'll give you some money. Receive 20000GP. Hm, she said this wasn't much. Lousy rich folk, always showing off their stuff. But eh, might as well take it then. You know what's REALLY crappy at this point, though? The fact that you'll need to give up 65000GP, that's what. You'll need to buy a G.Bar, because it's required to complete the next part. You should have enough money after all that finding, but if you don't, sell some old stuff and kill some more monsters. When you can, buy the G.Bar. Sob, I'm sorry money. Well, all that can be done in Auria has been done, so, let's go to the next place. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: L & D Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: ShellHT, Cure Enemies: Midget, Bully To the east of Auria is a cave. Enter it, and talk to the people guarding the entrance. They'll tell you to be on guard when you enter Bleak, because it's full of thieves. Head down the stairs. Like the early caves, you only have one choice to go with. So, follow the path. You'll see a path to the right, but don't go there, because it's blocked. Keep following, and skip the thin path to the left. Keep going...and once you see it, take the wide left path. Take the two chests. Receive ShellHT and Cure. The ShellHT rocks, but no one in your party can equip it right now, so it's just a teaser. Lame. Go back, and return to following path. Head south when you have a choice. The exit is very close. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: G.Slime, Fly, Mage, G.Knight This place is basically the opposite of Auria. Auria is always in day, and this is always in night. The enemies here are definitely worth spending some time on. You'll be amazed at how fast your EXP and GP will rise as you fight here. However, they also hurt pretty bad, so you should familiarize yourself with the town nearby before you go off training. Just follow the strip of land as it circles the lake. You'll see it soon enough. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Bleak Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: 5000GP, Herb(x4), Life2, Life, W.Ant, Icicle Enemies: None (Unless you count the thieves trying to steal from you) As always, save at the shrine before doing anything. Now, talk to some people, who will happily admit that they are thieves. Well, at least it isn't the classic "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER, not a thief!" Anyway, let's heal up at the Inn as well. The man there will say he's giving free admission. If you don't have the Pouch item in your inventory, he'll steal 200GP from you when you sleep. If you DID buy it, like I told you to, then a little scene will occur, where Ryu catches him before he manages to take anything. He'll apologize, and fork over 5000GP. Knowing him, I bet it's counterfeit, but the shops won't know the difference. You won't be healed when that happens, so rest again. He'll give free lodging from now on, so you can do away with your pouch. Speaking of shops, let's see what Bleak has for sale. ===== Shops ===== Inn: Free (200GP if you didn't trigger cutscene) ITEMS EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 12G Dagger - 2000G Herb - 12G LongBW - 2600G Antdt - 18G BroadSD - 5000G T.Drop - 24G MetalSH - 1400G Acron - 36G HuntCL - 1500G Charm - 180G IronSL - 2000G Life - 600G BronzAR - 3600G Cure - 2400G WoolRB - 5000G High prices in the items, cheaper the Auria in the Equipment. Eh, I never really bought anything from items anyway. Get Bo a LongBW, Ryu a BroadSD and MetalSH, and Nina a WoolRB. So, these guys like to steal, huh? Well, let's give them a taste of their own medicine. Just east of the item shop is a house with a bogus fortune teller outside. Enter, and walk to the left. Push the barrel and search the ground there. Receive Life2. In the house behind the shops, is a bogus magician. However, we're not here for him (actually, if you want, you can see a cameo of Chun-Li). Head upstairs and walk on the lower path, to find two chests. Receive two Herbs. Exit, and go to the house to the right of this one. Go on the second floor, and find two chests exactly where the last two were in the other house. Receive two Herbs. Head into the top house, and go upstairs. Again, there are two chests, right on spot. Receive Life and W.Ant. Go back downstairs, and have a chat with the old man. You'll fork over your precious G.Bar, but you'll obtain Icicle! A requirement for progression. All is done in Bleak. Leave the city. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Desert Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Midget (There's probably more, I'll update this later) The desert cave is just a bit west of Bleak. You'll see the cave entrance eventually. There isn't much to say about the Desert Cave, actually. Just follow the path and you'll be out. Heck, there isn't even any treasure here that will make your journey through any longer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: None Enemies: Prickle, Creeon, Scorp, SandClod, Cactus, Mage, G.Knight, G.Slime A slew of new opponents who can cause some pretty good hurt on your characters if you didn't train. Also, lemme tell you, it's difficult to find Arad in the middle of the desert. When you don't have a guide, that is. Head south once you exit the cave, but stop when the mountains end. Head to the right, and when the range begins to retreat upward, start walking down. You'll run into the wall of the city. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Arad Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo Items: Fife Enemies: Sandworm I love the people of Arad. I love them so very much. Look at their design for crying out loud! There are no shops or items to be found, but you can sleep for free (no joke) in their Inn. Rest and save, then make your way to the big red tent at the top of the town. Talk to the old man, and agree to help him for the fife. It'll automatically change to night time, so walk outside and head into the little seperate section at the top-right of the village. You'll see a little bit of ground going crazy, so walk to up and trigger a boss battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== SandWorm HP: 1600 AT: 180 EX: 1200 GO: 1200 Actions: Attack =================== Sandworm attacks for 15-25 special damage. Again, if Bo has his WolfHT on, he'll take quite a bit of damage. However, this fight is over really quickly, so I don't think you'll need to switch it out. Have Ryu use ThrDr and attack non-stop, Nina Atk-Up herself and Bo, then attack, and have Bo attack non-stop. Seriously, if Nina can do 50+ on this guy with an Atk-Up, how tough can he be? (My Nina was kickin' butt with continuous slam attacks, going upwards to 130+) Heck, you might even consider Atk-Up on Ryu and have him attack regularly. SandWorm's defense is THAT pathetic. He'll be down and out before you know it. (NOTE: SNES Version, SandWorm is weak to ice, so use SnoDr and Frost, if you're playing that version.) *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Ryu will strike a pose at the victory, and the Chief will let you have the Fife. So, run to the chest and take it. Obtain Fife! With this, we can enter Krypt! Let's go there now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Krypt Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, +Karn Items: IcyHT, SkullHT(x2), Cure, Antdt, HeadGear, Dagger, IronSH, Herb(x3), Life(x2), HuntCL Enemies: Scorp, Mage, E.Chest, Fly, Midget, G.Slime From Arad, head due south, and you'll see the Krypt with a bunch of whirlpools around it, and a stone plate. Stand on the stone plate and press A to create a bridge. Walk inside. Since the easy way is blocked off, you gotta go the long way round to the stairs. Head down them. Personally, I'd recommend skipping all the treasure here because there are A LOT of traps. You'll get them later, but right now, it's going to murderlize you. Instead, head to the south-east to find another set going down. Head north when you can, and skip past the B.Rang in the rock and the chest. Eventually, you'll confront a monster. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== EyeSpy HP: 1600 AT: 100 EX: 2800 GO: 2800 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 25) =================== EyeSpy deals 9-15 damage. Not hard at all, Ryu should ThrDr and attack, Bo should attack and use Fry occasionally, and Nina should Atk-Up Bo and use the E.Key. When it's on it's second wind, it will use nothing but T.Bolt, but at that point, you can wipe it out in one turn with ThrDr attack, Bo's Fry spell, and the E.Key. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Once you own it, it'll cry out that you're only human and shouldn't be this powerful. Uhm, take another look pal. I've got a Dragon-Boy, a girl with wings and a veteran war-wolf. And I thought more eyes let you see better. Head down stairs, and you'll see a bunch of chests. Take 'em all but the blue one. Receive IcyHT, Cure, two SkullHT, and Antdt. Now open the blue chest. Trapped! But it isn't the Boom or Fire or Sproing or whatever, this one will drown you. Luckily, Karn saves you (hey, it's the guy from Auria) and diss you pretty badly. But anyway, your group will convince him to join. Follow him downstairs and he'll join you. New member, get! Karn is an expert thief, meaning he can disarm any traps, and open any door that may be locked. However, right now, he sucks at fighting. Whatever, let's head back upstairs and get those chests we missed. Back up to where you fought EyeSpy, there's a chest across the B.Rang in the rock. Receive HeadGear. Head upstairs to the floor that was huge. Alright, prepare for my bad descriptions. Let's start at the bottom right of the floor. There's a chest around there. Receive Dagger. Head north from there and hit the top of the floor. You'll see a chest. Receive IronSH. Head to the left from there, and another chest lies here. Receive Herb. Continue to the left for another chest. Receive DreamRG. Head south from there, and one last chest lays on the platform. Receive Life. Now, head all the way back down to right after the flooding thing. Open up all the gates, and proceed to following the path. Once you see a gate, skip it for now, and head to the left to find two chests. Receive Life and Herb. Go back to the locked door, and open it. Head down the stairs, follow the path, go up the stairs and head south. Again, follow the path, and you'll find a chest. Receive HuntCL. Backtrack the stairs, and take the one on the platform. Going down all the stairs will bring you to a giant room, with caskets circling the stairs. Open all of them. On the last one, you'll find out that the casket IS the book! It won't teach anything, either, because if you got this far, you're a master already. Karn gains confidence. Let's free the girl in the safe now. You're going to have to walk out. Bleh. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Auria Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: None Enemies: None Head to rich man Ross's house and go to the basement. With Karn in the lead, open up all the locked doors. The girl doesn't thank you, but instead tells you about the LtKey. Her father plans to give it to the Dark Dragons, and that if her mother were still alive, then she would have told him to do the right thing. Pieces of the puzzle come together, showing what you'll need to do next. Pah. Let's raid all the treasure we missed earlier because of locked doors first. (NOTE: If you want, you can stop by Camlon to find out what the statue is.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Winlan Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: Cure, Life, Life2, FlameRP, Turban, BrokenSD Enemies: None If you recall, Winlan's basement that leads toward the bridge had a locked door with a bunch of chests behind it. There's six in total. Receive Cure, Life2, Life, FlameRP, Turban, and BrokenSD. Next stop, Agua! Warp to Romero. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Agua Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: LavaSH, LifeAR, IcyDR Enemies: S.Rider, G.Knight, WarHog, Zombie I'll assume you remember how to get to Agua from Romero. With Karn in the lead you'll easily get up the tower much quicker then you did before. Just open the locked doors, and the next set of stairs should be in sight. Once you get to the floor where you fought with the Wisp, head to the left. Another locked door, which Karn will make quick work of. Ride the hover to the the other side and head outside. Follow the path back inside for a chest. Receive LavaSH. Equip onto Ryu or Karn. Head to the left, skipping the hover, to find a set of stairs. Going up them will lead you to the true top of the fortress. You should see two dragon statues. Search in front of them for two godly pieces of equipment. Receive LifeAR and IcyDR. LifeAR is the best armour for Ryu, and IcyDR is the second best weapon for Karn (The best one you'll only get if you're really lucky.) Equip on their respective persons. There isn't much else to do here. You can look inside the shrine for a foresight on an event that is to come much later. Let's get back to the L&D Cave too, whilst we're revisiting places. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: L & D Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: Dart, G.Bar Enemies: Bully, Fly, Midget There was a locked door here on the second floor somewhere. It only has a single chest behind it. Receive Dart. Would have been good if you didn't already get the IcyDR. There's also a locked door north of the exit to Bleak. It also only has one chest. Receive G.Bar. Hang onto this. Now, what was it we had to do again? Oh yeah. Get Ross to talk to his dead wife. If you remember, some people in Bleak said that there was a mirror which could let you talk to the afterlife. So, let's head back to Bleak. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: L.D Tower Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: 2000G(x2), B.Stn, Life, Life2, Herb, Cure, HornHT, Turban, DkKey, Mirror Enemies: Shadow, Fungus, Chopper Strange, the people at Bleak called it L.Keep. Anyway, to get here, just go around the lake at Bleak, and you'll see a tower. Walk up and open the locked door. There's a chest real close by. Receive 2000G. Go up the stairs. Follow the lower path, and you'll see an old man. Talk to him, and he'll see if you're the legendary hero. He'll move back to let you pass, but he'll block the path to a treasure chest. Ah well. Go up the stairs. Take the left set of stairs, to find two chests. Receive B.Stn and Life. Go back down, and take the right set this time. Go north, and up the stairs right in front of you. A chest lies here. Receive Life2. Go down the left set of stairs, and 3 chests will await you. Receive Herb, Cure, and HornHT. Equip onto any of the males. Go back up the stairs, and down the right set. Skip the stairs going down, and go south, to the right, and north to find stairs going up. Circle around this floor, and skip the first set of stairs, and take the second flight you see. Go up the next set, and you'll find yourself at a chest. Receive Turban. Follow the lower path, and you'll find one last chest. Receive 2000G. Go down the two sets of stairs, and take the left set. Go up the next set of stairs as well, and you'll find yourself at a pillar and a ball of light. Talk to it, and you'll trigger a battle. Here we go again. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Cloud HP: 1400 AT: 120 EX: 4800 GO: 1200 Actions: T.Bolt(40), Burn Out(40), Devistate(All, 45) Drops: Herb =================== Whoo, another no-regular-attacker. Have Nina keep everyone's health above 45, Atk-Up Bo and Karn, and use the E.Key. Have Ryu use ThrDr and attack non-stop, Bo Fry until he's out of AP and resort to regular attacks, and Karn attack non-stop, since that's all he can do. Cloud will be gone soon enough. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After that, the Cloud will give you the DkKey. He says to find the LtKey to complete the pair. Obtain DkKey! With this, you can turn wherever you are to night time! Alright, that's a sucky ability, but hey, think of it this way: if it was in real life, it would rock like crazy with your burglary-ness. The tower will also light up considerably. As you walk down, remember to talk to the old man before you leave. He'll let you take his treasure now that you proved yourself. Obtain Mirror! With this, we can get old man Ross to be a smart person. Let's do that now. We'll also need to force him to give up the LtKey to us so everywhere won't be constantly day. (Trivial - If you head into Bleak, the scammers will be gone or stop scamming.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Auria Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: Herb(x5), Dart, MetalSH, B.Stn, F.Stn, LtKey, GnPwdr Enemies: None Head to rich man Ross's house. Go to their dining room and talk to Ross. You'll trigger a small cutscene. Ross hardly needed any convincing. (She says "Peace!" when she leaves. Blah.) Anyway, after that, head back into the safe and talk to their daughter. She'll let you pass if you agree to smack the Dark Dragons coming for the key. Raid the chests! Receive five Herbs, Dart, MetalSH, and B.Stn. Head up the stairs continuously, and you'll see a room with a chest. Take it! Receive F.Stn. Go up the last set, and... WOAH! MINE EYES! The place is very, very bright. Let's take the key on the pillar. Walk up to it, and press A. Obtain LtKey! As Bleak brightened up when you took the DkKey, this place will darken when you take the LtKey. With this, you can change the time of anywhere into day. Alright, with that taken care of, let's get that ship and sail to Scande. Unfortunately, the D.Dragons are there. Beat 'em up! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Knight Archer HP: 450 HP: 180 AT: 115 AT: 92 EX: 2800 EX: 560 GO: 2000 GO: 180 Actions: T.Bolt(25) Actions: Attack Attack =================== Easily beaten. You don't even need Ryu to use any of his Drake spells. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Now that they were killed, they'll be pissed and blow up Ross's ship. Then they'll run. You'll need to use the North Peninsula to get to someplace or another, I dunno, I wasn't paying attention. But whatever happens, you'll need to trade your G.Bar for GnPwdr. Good thing we found one in the L&D Cave huh? Agree. Obtain GnPwdr! Let's head back into Cape Cave and blast those rocks! (NOTE - Weapon shop is not accessible now.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Cape Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: None Enemies: Ameblob, Fly, Shadow Alrighty, head up and take a left as soon as you can. Follow the path to run into some rocks. Ryu'll bomb 'em, so continue on and head out. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Secret Base Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: None Enemies: None Head down, around the trees, and left, passing the house. You'll get plunged into a... *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== SpearMan HP: 150 AT: 84 EX: 500 GO: 340 Actions: Attack. ===================== You'll encounter two. Squash them like the little bugs they are. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Moving on, you'll reach a ship. Cross the board to get onto it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dark D. Ship Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: V.Ptn, Acorn(x2), Herb(x2) Enemies: None As soon as you enter, you'll trigger a fight. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Archer HP: 180 AT: 92 EX: 560 GO: 180 Actions: Attack Drops: M.Drop ===================== Sucker didn't get out soon enough. Pulverization time! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head down the stairs. Pah, MORE? *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== A single archer and a single spearman. Not much different then the last fights. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Head into the room with the two beds and table, and go up the stairs. You'll run into a knight. Ohmigosh, he transformed! Get ready. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Squid HP: 1000 AT: 155 EX: 6000 GO: 4200 Actions: Charge, GlobShot, Attack All =================== Any of his globshot attacks does about 15-50 damage. However, Ryu will take considerably less damage because of the super equipment you found in Agua. This includes damage from his Charge attack. It did 105 to my Bo, but when he used it on Ryu, it did a measly 11. Used it on Nina, and it caused 28. So, I can't really pinpoint the ranges. Being a water creature, electrical attacks should do very nice damage. Ryu should cast ThrDr and attack, Nina should Atk-Up herself and Karn, then resort to regular attacks, Bo should cast Fry, and Karn should attack. Squid will fall before it can do any real damage. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* He'll explode. Time to raid the goodies. Go to the drawer and check it. Receive V.Ptn. Go downstairs. Four chests await you. Receive two Acorns and two Herbs. Nothing more here, so let's get back to Auria. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Auria Party: Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn Items: None Enemies: None Talk to the Captain. You'll trigger a cutscene. By stealing the Dark D. Ship, you can head for Scande now. The fish merchant that stole our G.Bar will decide to tag along. Unfortunately, three ships will intervene. The fish dude will say to detonate the gun powder on the ship and make a run for it. Nina'll point out that they're going to get killed if they try that. The fish merchant whose name is Gobi, will say that going down isn't a big deal to him. The General will get smart and command his lackeys to fight you. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== 2 Archers and a SpearMan. Kill 'em. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* (Where did the General and Captain go?) Gobi'll take charge and lead the party inside. Too bad that the General comes back with more lackeys. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== 3 Archers. Oh no, what ever will we do? *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After that fight, Gobi somehow managed to teleport your party through the walls. He'll lead you to the floor below the chests. The General comes back with two more idiots. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== 2 Archers. If you beat the fight before, I don't see why you need help with this one. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Right after that, the General transforms. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Octo HP: 1000 AT: 160 EX: 6000 GO: 1500 Actions: Charge, GlobShot =================== He's so alike with his brother, in the fact that his attacks are only a tiny bit stronger (If at all), and he's a wuss when it comes to lightning attacks. He will, however, use his charge attack much more often then his brother did, so beware. Anyway, same strategy as before. Ryu use ThrDr and attack like mad, Nina use Atk-Up on Karn and herself and attack like mad, Bo cast Fry like a mad man, and Karn, well, attack like mad. He'll be dead in practically the same time it took to kill his brother. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* The General refuses to let you live, so he explodes and sets fire to the gun powder. Gobi and Karn will leave their first chance, and the rest will quickly follow. Everybody makes a dive for it. Boom goes your ship. Wow goes Gobi. Boom goes the other ships. Smart move, mister General, blow up more then you had to. The resulting explosion causes a wild torrent in the water, wiping out our heroes. What goes on next? It's time for... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4e. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fifth Chapter A Greedy Merchant and a Gentle Giant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Gobi Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea (TRIVIAL - Battle Theme changes.) The party will find themselves on an island. Gobi says you'll need to travel underwater, so he'll sell you some gills in order to do so. However, he'll charge an unrealistic 1,000,000GP for it. You have no choice but to accept. He'll notice you don't have enough cash, and he'll ask you if you want to pay him all you have now and loan him the rest. Again, no choice but to agree, the dirty rat. As he doesn't have the Gills with him now, he'll go out to get them (Smart move Ryu, the guy can run away with your money!). You'll take control of Gobi now. Head down the beach and into the water. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Underwater Map Party: Gobi Items: None Enemies: Fishy, CreonX, CactusX, CrawlerX, DogFish Run from all possible encounters. Gobi sucks and can barely take a single battle. He has terrible damage outputs, so if you still want to fight, use the E.Key or EbbX. If you're afraid of running into a battle, use a Mrbl3 if you have one. It's a pretty short walk to Prima. Just head west and you'll see it in sight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Prima Party: Gobi Items: None Enemies: None SAVE! Go to the shrine and save (How the heck did they get fire underwater, anyway?). Now, you can wander around and talk to the residents of Prima. Prima is a place with a ton of shops. You'll find lots and lots of shops with various items at various prices. And of course, that means an a**load of work for me. ===== Shops ===== Inn(1): 300GP Inn(2): 200GP EQUIPMENT(1) ITEMS(1) Club - 3250G Mrbl3 - 9G IronHR - 4550G Herb - 9G PowerSD - 10400G Antdt - 13G Glove - 3900G Charm - 135G IcySH - 5200G Life - 450G HornHT - 6500G Cure - 1800G FaceMask - 7800G GoldHT - 26000G EQUIPMENT(2) ITEMS(2) LongBW - 2860G Worm - 50G SteelBW - 4400G Srdine - 50G PoisonBW - 5500G Worm2 - 100G ChainHT - 2750G Mackrl - 100G PlateAR - 3740G Sole - 250G IronMask - 4400G Trout - 500G RangerVT - 5500G Rod1 - 1000G G.Tiara - 22000G Rod2 - 2000G EQUIPMENT(3) ITEMS(3) Pike - 2750G Mrbl3 - 13G Javelin - 4400G Life - 650G RustCW - 7700G Vitamn - 650G IronCW - 11000G Mrbl1 - 1300G DivingHT - 4400G Pouch - 1300G LightSH - 4400G G.Bar - 65000G SuedeRB - 6600G SpineCL - 8800G EQUIPMENT(4) ITEMS(4) Dart - 3300G Mrbl3 - 11G PoisonRP - 3300G B.Stn - 22G Tri-DR - 4400G F.Stn - 22G Cane - 6600G Acorn - 33G Visor - 880G C.Stn - 44G MetalSL - 3300G Life - 550G BronzAR - 3960G IronML - 5500G EQUIPMENT(5) ITEMS(5) Dart - 3000G Mrbl3 - 10G SteelBW - 4000G Herb - 10G BroadSD - 5000G Antdt - 15G Sickle - 6500G T.Drop - 20G EvilRP - 20000G Acorn - 30G Bandana - 400G Charm - 150G NiceHT - 600G Mrbl1 - 1000G WoolRB - 5000G Cure - 2000G Okay, OW! I hate doing Prima's stuffs because I need to give all the coverage in the items and equipments sections. And that really, really sucks. Also, with all these items, don't just buy the first thing you see. Be careful with your moneys, because you could end up buying something and finding it cheaper somewhere else, or another equipment piece that's more powerful. When you're done shopping (I personally didn't buy anything, I don't like using Gobi) head into the the tallest building with the red manillo head on it. Talk to the blue manillo. He'll say that they don't have any Gills right now, and you should go to Gant to get them. Lousy...No choice. Let's go. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gant Party: Gobi Items: HrGlas, L.Ptn, A.Ptn, Goods Enemies: None Alright, to get to Gant from Prima, head south from the town until you hit the south wall. There should be a slope upward to the right of there. Head up there, and follow the path through the mountains. Gant will be beyond a small forest of dead trees. Things to raid, things to raid. The left-most house at the bottom of the town has a drawer. Receive HrGlas. This item is pretty pointless, since we can have the same effect by using the Light and Dark Keys. On the second level of the town, there's a house on the right that has a drawer. Receive L.Ptn. Head into the top most house, that also happens to be the largest. Head upstairs to find a drawer. Receive A.Ptn. And here are the shops. ===== Shops ===== Inn Price: 50G EQUIPMENT ITEMS IronHR - 3150G Mrbl3 - 8G GiantHR - 4050G Herb - 8G HeroSP - 6750G Antdt - 12G SpineHR - 27000G F.Stn - 16G IronSL - 1800G B.Stn - 16G MetalSL - 2700G C.Stn - 32G IronHT - 6300G Charm - 120G MetalAR - 8100G Cure - 1600G Yay for Camlon prices in the Item Shop. Information hunting will be much shorter since there's hardly anyone here. The only people that are here other then the business managers is the clan leader and an old lady. The clan leader will inform you that they got attacked and their men were kidnapped. Then he'll ask you to deliver goods (uhm? script needs work). Agree to do so. If you talk to him again, he'll tell you why the men were taken and where they're being held. We can't worry about that yet, so go up to the chest and take the chest. Obtain Goods. Get back to Prima. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Prima Party: Gobi Items: Gills Enemies: None Once you're back here, head to the guild leader. He'll reward you delivering the Goods with the Gills. Obtain Gills! (WHAT A LIAR! "I don't have the Gills" Bull****.) He'll also read a letter attached to it, saying that Gant has been attacked. Then some noise goes on, and two manillos come in to report that the Dark Dragons smashed a Gant boat, and there's a survivor that needs the leaders help. Gobi, being curious, decides to follow. A grim reaper stands before the survivor, ready to whisk him away into the land of the dead. The guild leader says that the Iron Ogre Clansmen is too important to lose. Gobi will say that he's got a warrior ready to force the Grim Reaper away, and charge Mr. Manillo Leader. Refuse his offer twice for more money. It won't go any higher then 6000G. Alright, let's go get Ryu and gang! (Wait a second...how is that Ox still living underwater? Musta gotten a pair of gills for him.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Gobi, Karn Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea I'm sure you remember how to get back to the island. If not, head east from Prima and up the shore. Talk with Ryu, and everyone will be in your party. You now get to choose an active party, but you can switch to your unused character at any point in battle. Gobi does more damage then Bo if you got a HeroSP from Gant, and he does need some levels, so I'd switch him out. Bo gains levels real quick anyway. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Prima Party: Ryu, Nina, Gobi, Karn Items: None Enemies: None Okay then, if you want, go burn a hole in your money pouch. You can re-equip your characters with A LOT of stuff. Also, you might or might not noticed, but the wounds you had from the fight at the ship still remain, so heal. Also, save. When all is done, head into the more expensive inn and go upstairs. Go beat up that grim reaper wannabe. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Morteo HP: 1500 AT: 180 EX: 3200 GO: 3000 Actions: Attack =================== He does 34-45 damage, except to Ryu if he is wearing LifeAR Pathetic. I can't believe I decided to call this a boss fight, but I dunno, calling him a mini-boss doesn't seem right. Anyway, this cousin of Morte and Mortea is a wimp. You can really just AUTO the fight, and stop it if someone's health starts to get low. Heck, Nina will do more the then E.Key when she isn't even powered up (though that may be because I bought an EvilRP for her). If you want, power-up your characters with Atk-Ups to speed up the fight. Morteo has a weakness to fire, but you can't really exploit that if Ryu powered-up is doing past 172 damage. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Morteo will disappear, leaving our Iron Ogre here alive. Okay, if you can kill off the grim reaper like that every time someone is dying, then that is super power which deserves to be abused. Anyway, Ox will tell you that his clansmen have been captured. Yeah, we already knew that, remember? I can't believe he was going to die to tell us that. Peh. Our team, being the good people they are, decide to pitch in and help out. Gobi sees this as his opportunity to get his license back. Ox will be happy, and join your party. Member get! (Oh shoot he screwed up my chapter titles. Two members in one chapter can't be worked with!) Ox's strength will let you break a bunch of rocks and weak walls. So, let's backtrack and treasure hunt! BUT FIRST! We should get a spell for Karn, which will make him very useful. Get to Gant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gant Party: Ryu, Nina, Gobi, Ox Items: None Enemies: None Go to the clan leader's house, and to where you found the chest with goods. There should be a moveable drawer to the right, trying to cover a hole. Push it aside and enter. Have Ox break the rocks, and then have Karn talk to the man behind it. He'll teach Karn the Shin simultation spell! Awesome! Use it to fuse together Bo, Gobi, and Karn to create Shin, who will now be your most powerful member. Also, if you didn't burn as big of a hole as I did in your wallet, go get Ox-ey a SpineHR and MetalAR. Alright, let's get to those goodies we missed. To Agua! Warp to Romero, if you didn't figure out that that's the closest you could get to there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Agua Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: SilverBR, Life2, 3000GP, Life Enemies: The one you fought last time. Summon the fortress, head inside, go up the stairs, take the hover, and walk to the right. With Ox in the lead, press A against the wall that looks different, and he'll smash it down. Pick up the four chests. Receive SilverBR, Life2, 3000GP, and Life. Leave Agua, and let's go to the L&D Cave at Auria. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: L&D Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: L.Ptn, A.Ptn Enemies: The ones you fought last time. Alright, once you enter, head down the stairs, through the used-to-be locked gate, up the next set of stairs, and follow the path upwards to around where Karn got us that G.Bar. Beside that room with the now-empty-chest is a room with two chests behind a crumbly wall. You should know what to do. Receive L.Ptn and A.Ptn. To the Krypt near Arad! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Krypt Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: B.Rang Enemies: Gee, I dunno, what did you need to kill before? Head down to the third level where you fought with EyeSpy. There was a rock with a Boomerang stuck onto it. Have Ox smash the rock, and the B.Rang will be floating oh so magically infront of you. Take it. Receive B.Rang! You can't use it yet, but it's less of a hassle to get it now. Alright, back to the main quest. Get to Prima first. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Underwater Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: None Enemies: Fishy, DogFish, CactusX, CrawlerX, CreonX From Prima, head to the left, and up the shore. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: None Enemies: M.Scorp, R.Slime, Chimera From the shore, head south and follow through the mountain range. Eventually, you'll curve into a fort. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Hidden Fort Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: GiantHR, EchoHT, Herb Enemies: Sorcerer, SpearMan, Archer The door is blocked off, but for some reason, the Dark Dragons thought it would be clever if they left stairs in RIGHT BESIDE the extremely fortified door. The idiots. I'd recommend keeping Ox in the lead so you won't need to switch to him every time you run across a wall. Anyway, head down, and have Ox smash the way clear. You can get to two chests by smashing the crumbly wall to the left of the stairs. Receive GiantHR and EchoHT. If you didn't get a SpineHR for Ox, equip the GiantHR, and equip Nina with the EchoHT. Skip the crumbling wall and head to the left for a chest. Receive Herb. Now technically, you can avoid this battle, but I like to kill everything I can, and I'm sure you share my love. So, approach the guardsmen. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== LancerX HP: 300 AT: 100 EX: 500 GO: 340 Actions: Attack ===================== It's a lancer, except he's been X-ified! Insane! I wonder if we can kill him to pieces like his predecessor... *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Walk up to find a crumbly wall. Skip it and head to the right for a chest, but you'll need to fight before you can get it. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== LancerX *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Take the chest. Receive Herb. Follow the path, and punch the next weak wall you see. Follow the path, and you'll be at a chest. Receive Life. Backtrack back to the remains of the wall, and skip the next punchable walls. Follow the path to find a chest. Receive MetalSH. If you didn't get him an IcySH, equip Ox with it. Move on for another... *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== LancerX *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After that, follow the path, going straight up, smashing the wall to continue, curving downward, then smash the next wall. Go up, and you'll see some stairs. Take 'em. Right in front of you is a dude. Who isn't a good guy. Know what that means? Boss time! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Toad HP: 2300 AT: 330 EX: 6000 GO: 1500 Actions: TongueLash, GlobShot =================== Okay, no idea why, but he only attacked Nina, and it was for a horendous range of 84-133. He instantly killed her one time when she was at full HP. Just terrible luck for me, I guess. Anyway, Ryu should ThrDr and attack, Nina should Atk-Up Ox, Karn, and herself, then start to attack and heal, Karn should attack in Shin form, and Ox should attack. And down goes Toad. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Mr. Knight then dies, and for some reason, the gate to the jail lowers. People talk a bit, you find out you only rescued the guys and the women have been shipped off to Nabal, along with the weapon. Ox's wife is among those prisoners. Oddly enough, Ox stays calm and says that Nabal has good security. You'll gain control. If Karn was fused, he will now be forced out of fusion. So, refuse and head to the right, bash down the wall, and leave the fort. Currently, you won't be able to rescue the other prisoners. So, you'll have to retreat back to Gant. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gant Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: B.Rang Enemies: None Alright, once you're here, head into the clan leaders house. If you got the B.Rang from the Krypt like I told you to, he'll see it and fix it for you. You'll get a free rest, and when you wake up, he'll have finished repairing it and Ryu can now equip it. Obtain B.Rang! It's just a tiny bit weaker then the PowerSD right now, but it can hit all enemies. So, I'd suggest equipping it. Apparently, there was also an Iron Ogre that said a man from the Dragon Army is around Gant and could help devise a strategy. Let's go meet him. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: None Enemies: Slime, Flea, G.Knight, Mage Okay, from Gant, follow the path until you hit the shore. And skip it. Keep going north-east, and you'll see a little house. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: W-Man Home Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: None Enemies: None Talk to the old man here, and he'll see your B.Rang. He'll then blabber a bit, but then goes into the strategy of taking a GrimFowls' egg and having it go beserk on the Dark Dragons. Alright, let's get back to the Hidden Fort and head to Nabel. If you forgot how to get back to the fort, go to Prima and head west. There will be a shore line on the wall, a bit to the north. Once you're on land again, head down, follow the path, and you'll find the Hidden Fort. You should be able to go through the fort without much trouble. Once you gone through there, head north to GrimFowl Woods. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: GrimFowl Woods Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: Egg Enemies: None Once you're here, move up to the nests. There will be a purple spotted egg in one of them. Try to take it, and one of the GrimFowls will attack. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== GrimFowl HP: 2000 AT: 170 EX: 4200 GO: 4800 Actions: Burn Out (75) =================== I couldn't check to see if it had anymore abilities, I killed it in two turns. The GrimFowl is a fire creature, so Ice magic works well. However, Ryu's physical attack is more powerful then SnowDR if he has an Atk-Up buff. Basically, all you need to do is have Nina Atk-Up Karn[Shin], Ryu, and Ox (If you have enough time), and attack. Down in no time flat. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After that fight, the GrimFowls will box you in, forcing you to take the egg (Ironic, isn't it.) Obtain Egg. After that, the birds will start to follow you. Sometimes they will stray off, however, keep at least ONE bird when you exit the woods from the north. Just walk up to the them, and they should start to follow. When you exit, the GrimFowl will be behind you. Walk up to the castle (it's just a bit nort) with the bird right behind. When you try to enter, Ryu will automatically throw the egg in the castle. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Nabal Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: SkullRG, Life2 Enemies: SpearMan, Archer, Chopper When you enter, the guardsmen will be running in circles with GrimFowls chasing them. You can easily enter the castle. Unfortunately, this does NOT mean no random battles. Sucky. Anyway, head to the right, walk up, and a staircase is seen. However, pass by them, continuing to the south. Push the lower vase and search the ground it covered. Receive SkullRG. Now push the other vase and search. Receive Life2. Head down those stairs you saw earlier. Head south and follow the path. You'll reach a crumbling wall. Punch it down with Ox and proceed. You'll trigger a small cutscene, and a battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== SlimeX -> SlimeX (Fused) HP: 600 HP: 1200 AT: 20 AT: (No idea, little help?) EX: - EX: 5400 GO: - GO: 6000 Actions: Attack Actions: Attack =================== SlimeX, fused or not, does 15-41 damage. Pathetic. They have a weakness for fire, but why bother? Smash around the individual SlimeX's with physical attacks from the party, destroying them with the B.Rang. Once it fuses, keep up the physical attacks, and you win. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Oh no! They were stalling! The General can go kill off Prima now. They'll die, and the party goes to the jail, which, logically, is still locked. Unlogically and conveniently, the wall right beside it is weak, so Ox smashes through it. Ox's Wife will tell you to stop them from using the weapon. The General, however, escapes. The secret weapon will be revealed as a torpedo. Gobi will say they should go warn Prima. Ox will also reveal here that his wife's pregnant (BAH! She's pregnant too? How the heck did he stay so calm? I'd go ballistic.) and he vows to stop the war before it's born. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Prima Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: Statue Enemies: None Yay for convenient warp. We'll be at Prima automatically. The guild leader will point you to Wisdon, to get the sorceress. Then he'll say to talk to the guy upstairs. Again, Karn has unfused automatically, so fuse him back together. Go upstairs and talk with the old manillo in bed. Talk to him again. Now search his bed. Obtain Statue! With this, we can enter Wisdon! And as we head out for this place, we move on to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4f. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sixth Chapter An Ancient Wizardress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Nabal Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: MagicRG, Cure Enemies: Same as last time. Completionists will want to make a quick detour here. Elsewise, move onto to the next section. Return to Nabal and go to where you fought SlimeX. Go inside the female prison cell, and you'll see a weak wall. Smash it with Ox, follow the path, and you'll reach two chests and some stairs. Inside those chests...Receive MagicRG and Cure. The stairs will only lead back outside. Nothing special. With that done, we now need to get to Wisdon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Arad Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: None Enemies: None This is where you should warp to. Don't you LOVE the people in Prima for being SO VERY informative? (Sarcasm.) Heck, the least they could have done is say, "Wisdon is a strange city in the desert." OR "Have you seen a moving town? Use the statue if you do." Seriously, these two lines could have helped. Lousy...Heal and save and head out. You see the little moving shrine? It hangs around Arad. Usually a bit to the north. Enter it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Wisdon Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: Herb(x4), ProSH(x2), Life(x2), Life2, OldSP, SilverBR, RageHR, ChainML, OldEgg Enemies: Chopper, M.Scorp, R.Slime There's nothing to take in the town here. The inn and shops are in ruin. The only standing building is (as always) the dragon shrine, so save here. You'll also see a bunch of Wisp and Cloud like population about, which you can talk to for some info. When you're done loitering, head down the stairs in between the Inn and Shrine. Follow the path, and you'll hit an intersection of left, right, and north. Swing west, and follow the path up to a crumbly walls. Smash 'em all down and reap your two treasures. Receive Herb and ProSH. I'd personally give this to Karn. Backtrack to the intersection and head east, following the path to find a mirror of how the other one looked. Smash down all the walls, and take all the treasures. Receive Life2 and Life. Get back to the intersection and go north. You'll see some stairs going down. Follow the path, and circle around the platform with the stairs, since there's a chest here. You'll need to bash some rocks, but Ox-ey can handle it. Receive OldSP. This thing is crappier then the HeroSP, so don't equip if you bought that. Go up the stairs on the platform. Head down off the platform, and run to the left. There will be a weak wall with two chests behind. Smash and take. Receive Life and SilverBR. Go back to the stairs, and this time, head northeast from there. Go to the little hall made by the two rooms. There should be a wall above and below you. Smash the upper first. There's two chests. Receive Herb and RageHR. If you got the SpineHR, don't equip. Head south and smash the wall. Go down the stairs. Follow the path, and hey, stairs going up. Use them to find yourself in a room with four treasures. Receive ChainML, two Herbs, and ProSH. Give the ProSH to Ox, and head back down the stairs. Again, follow the path, and take the stairs leading you back to a room with no chests. Head west from there, and go north. You'll see stairs leading upward on a platform. Use it. We're back to the no-encounter surface level of Wisdon. Enter the giant shrine that resembles a castle. Straight in front of you is a healing spring, so use it. Once you're all healed up, go use the stairs to the right of the spring. You should see a sleeping woman (resembling a naga, but has more human) being guarded by three spirits. Approaching will crash lightning in front of you. The party will run back, and the spirits move up. Jeez, what is with these guys and proving yourself? Get ready for a triple battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! RE-MATCH ! ! =================== Wisp =================== No trouble, the Wisp will be MUCH easier this time. And that's saying quite alot, considering that he wasn't all too hard to begin with. Have everyone attack, and Wisp will be gone in one or two turns. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! RE-MATCH ! ! =================== Cloud =================== He won't be gone as easily as the Wisp, but he'll still be gone easily. Just attack all out, and don't stop for anything. If you want, have Nina Atk-Up your members to make the battle quicker. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Myst HP: 1100 AT: 80 EX: 4000 GO: 3600 Actions: Burn Out (30), T.Bolt (All, 40) =================== You know, for a new enemy, I was hoping for more. But no, this is what I get. He uses new a new Burn Out and T.Bolt animation, though they don't compensate in power. Strategy is simple, ThrDr with Ryu and attack, attack with Ox, attack with Karn fused as Shin, and Atk-Up everyone (minus Ryu) with Nina. Then she just attacks. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Not as tough as you expected, huh? Anyway, they will acknowledge your determination, and go wake the Sorceress. But she doesn't wake up with mere words. So they use Plan B, which you should watch and find out on your own. When Bleu awakens, Ryu will tell her about the D.Dragons attacking Prima. She'll pace for a bit, and then give Ryu an egg. Obtain OldEgg! She'll tell you to stick it in a volcano to hatch it, giving birth to a bug. And this thing can cause Typhoons. Bleu then returns to rest. Oif...looks like we'll need to walk out of Wisdon. Let's get back to Prima and find an underwater volcano, since the last volcano we found erupted. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Sea Volcano Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: SharpBW, 3000G, M.Drop, 2000G, PowerDR, Herb Enemies: AmeblobX, DogFish, CrawlerX, Tentacle Alright, to get here, get back to the ocean. If you recall, there was a shore line northwest of Arad. Head west until you hit Prima, and then go north. You should see a bunch of mountains, one of them being a volcano. Enter through the doorway. New underwater enemies! An annoying AmeblobX makes the scene. And an easy to beat Tentacle. Anyway, head up until you can't anymore, and then go all the way to the right for a chest. Receive SharpBW. Equip onto Bo, and head to the left a bit. Go north as soon as you can. And now it's the easy, no-need-to-explain generic follow the path scenario. When you see it, skip the option of going down, and continue to the left for a chest. Receive 3000G. Backtrack just a bit and go south as soon as you can. Take staircase leading up. Go up the next staircase, and go to the left for a chest. Receive M.Drop. Head back down. Go south, and go east. Treasure! Receive 2000G. Go west, and head south when you can. Follow a bit, and yet another chest awaits. Receive PowerDR. Go back north and keep going west. Eventually, a set of stairs should be in sight. Take 'em! If you can't find the next chest, I'ma targetting my sniper on you. Receive Herb. Follow the path, and you should find yourself at a cliffish place. Stand on the thinnest strip of rock that's jutting out, and press A. Ryu'll drop the OldEgg and watch as it grows. Yay, convenient teleport to Wisdon, straight to Bleu's room! She'll kinda be upset you made it back so quickly because she wanted some more rest. Ryu will extend an invitation to her to join the party. She accepts. New member, get! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Prima Party: Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Bo Items: MystSF, Sphere Enemies: None Woot! More convenience! You'll be brought back to Prima automatically, PLUS the Guild Owner gives your party a free rest. When you make a single movement, the Owner will come in saying that the D.Dragons are attacking. The Guild Leader will ask Bleu to help out, and Bleu answers with a battle cry (I think. What do you think 'Gelagelagela' means?) The owner will also tell Gobi that he'll get his license back if he does the right thing. Ox will make another vow. One of the Manillo's will give you a ride. You'll get a little war scenario of you (a lone fish) dodging canon fire from six ships. Mister Manillo sure knows how to move. The typhoon bug saves your butt before it gets fried. The enemy will retreat and attempt to take you out from below. The fishy will drop you off and go battle with the enemy. Personally, I'd suggest you run back to town to save (because you probably don't want to go through the Volcano again). I'd also say "Properly equip Bleu," but all the shop owners are out defending. When you're done doing whatever, go north of Prima. You should see the Manillos duking it out with the Dark Dragons (How are they underwater? Dammit, everyone always seems to have Gills). Move up, and one of the Manillos will tell you to take out their leader. But what challenge is he if he doesn't transform? *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Pincher HP: 1000 AT: 190 EX: 4800 GO: 4800 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 95) =================== His regular attack does around 38 damage. He has a weakness for electricity. So, exploit! I recommend having Bo out instead of Karn's Shin fusion, so he can cast Fry. So, to put the strategy forward: Ryu attack as ThrDr, Nina casting Shield on low HP characters (and healing if necessary), Bleu casting Fry, and Bo casting Fry. Your attack force is doing 435 a round, so this sucker will be down in four turns (since Ryu spends a round transforming). Beware, however, of his Gale spell, it'll wreak havoc on your party if he decides to use it. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* The General is going to make a suicidal effort to take out Prima. The Manillos don't believe him, and start poking at him. However, it wasn't a bluff, and the screen goes shaky and fades into white. Ooo, a view of the bad guys. Zog will compliment Jade for his work, saying that things are going accordingly (what the heck is going to his plan? We've been bashing vital points for a while now...). However, the news of the failure in Prima worries him, thinking the Light Dragons are screwing his search for the keys (Haha, sucker, he didn't get his hands on one, and if he did, Ryu always stole it). Receiving the order to destroy the Light Dragons and to gain the Keys, Jade departs. You'll also get to see his four underlings, Cerl, Goda, Cort, and Mote. And he'll command them to do what Zog commanded him to do (I love making confusing sentences). They leave. Jade ponders a moment. Back to Prima, still looking good. The Owner notes that if the suicidal bomb general was any closer, Prima would be fried. Gobi makes a fully announced joining of the party. Not 'cause he likes anyone in there, but because of the debt. Lousy sneaking rat. You'll automatically leave Prima, but Gobi will notice he's missing something. Enter back and head to the Guild Owners' house and talk to him. Two chests will drop down. Pick 'em both up. Receive MystSF, and obtain Sphere! With this, Gobi can change into a big fish, allowing travel underwater with NO random encounters! I have no idea what the MystSF does though. Bet it's just stylish. Anyway, with that done, we head out into the full scope of the underwater world. Next on our to-do list, get Ryu his next set of super-powers! (TRIVIAL - Overworld theme changes yet again!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Underwater Party: Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Gobi Items: None Enemies: None, if you're using the Big Fish Press A with Gobi in the lead, and he'll change into a big fish. Yay. Head to the Sea Volcano. See to the left of it? That giant pit? Cross it. From here, follow the bottom wall (heading left), until you're at a bunch of jagged rocks. Keep going left, and you'll hit the bottom of an island. Circle around to the south of it, and enter through the shore. On land, there isn't much but a town. So, go into it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tunlan Party: Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Gobi Items: Rod5, Herb, Melon Enemies: None Welcome to Tunlan! You're not supposed to be here yet, but eh, might as well. So, first, the buyables. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 300G EQUIPMENT ITEMS BoneCN - 2412G Mrbl3 - 13G PoisonRP - 2700G Herb - 13G Cane - 5400G Antdt - 19G EvilRP - 18000G T.Drop - 26G Dress - 900G Acorn - 39G Gown - 1800G Charm - 195G MystRB - 5400G Mrbl1 - 1300G GuruCT - 18000G Cure - 2600G EQUIPMENT(2) ITEMS(2) Dagger - 2200G Mrbl3 - 10G LongBW - 2860G Herb - 10G PoisonRP - 3300G Antdt - 15G Tri-DR - 4400G T.Drop - 20G Gauntlet - 880G Acorn - 30G HuntCL - 1650G Charm - 150G ThiefCL - 2750G Mrbl1 - 1000G RangerVT - 5500G Cure - 2000G Y'know, it boggles the mind why they would put two IDENTICAL shops in very close proximity to each other, and have one bashing the prices of the other. Guess Capcom just gets a laugh out of the fact that an unsuspecting player realizes he coulda saved quite a bit of gold... Anyway, the flea market equipment isn't too much of an upgrade. So, do any shopping you want in the other weapons store, and restock on items in the flea market's items shop. If you haven't already noticed, you can't understand what the people say, aside from the business managers ('cause they're Manillo). Visiting the insides of the houses is pretty much pointless. There's one with a foresight on an event to come, but eh, I'd rather wait then have it spoiled. So, let's get what we came for. Enter the top-most building, which happens to be a castle. Walk forward, then head to the right and follow the path until you hit some stairs. Use them, then use the next. Walk to the left until you hit the wall (don't bother trying to open the gate to the items, Karn can't pick the lock for some reason). Go north, and try to take the chest, but a hole will open up. And one of the stone gremlins come to life. They shove you down the hole. You SHOULD be in a room with two people, an old man and a younger man, with a bed. If you're just outside, you didn't listen to me when I said "walk left until you hit the wall." Anyway, if you DID listen to what I said, move the box just south of the bed and search the ground. Receive Rod5! Awesome, we can now get our super dragon equipment for Ryu! Move the box to the left of that one, and you'll fall down another hole. Two chests await. Receive Herb and Melon. Walk to the south and take the stairs and you'll be out of Tunlan. There isn't anymore to do here, so there's no point in re-entering. Instead, let's go do some fishing. If you haven't already, stop by Prima to pick up some worms. Either the regular or the souped-up "2" version should work. I'd say don't waste your money on the Worm2s though. When you're done, Warp to Romero, and exit the town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, Bo or Karn[Shin], whoever else. Items: DragonSD Enemies: (Romero) Things that die in one hit (Around the Well) Crab, Warlock, Buzzer, LancerX. When you're here, have Bo or Shin in the lead, and walk to the northwest, passing by Agua. Once you hit the corner, go south along the mountain range, then head west after you pass by the tree. You should see a well. Have Ryu, equipped with the Rod5 and Worms, make an attempt at fishing in the well. If you don't get anything, keep trying. Soon enough, you'll get what you were aiming for. Receive DragonSD! Equip onto Ryu for a major boost in attack. And now you can go get his next set of Dragon spells! (Finally) However! Since you can, you might as well get another piece of the Dragon equipment. (So no, not JUST yet...) Warp to Arad, and exit the town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu, anyone else. Items: DragonHT Enemies: Remember those desert dudes? They aren't nearly as tough anymore. From Arad, walk south until you see the Krypt, then run ALL the way to the west. Then head southish, and soon, you'll see a well. GO FISH! Again, try try again if at first you don't succeed. Receive DragonHT, THE strongest helmet of the entire game! But it's all for Ryu. Hehe. Right, with that done, we can now get those spells we've been putting off. Fo' realz this time, yo. Get to Prima, either by taking the shore path near the desert, or warping to Gant and using the shore near there. Once you're there, head off to the west, and take the shore a bit north of the wall you just rammed into. Look familiar? It should. Follow the path south and go through the Hidden Fort again. Once you're outta there, head west, and follow the paths given by the mountains. Head south when you can, and then continue to follow. You'll see the shrine soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dragon Shrine Party: Ryu Items: Mrbl2 Enemies: None Talk to Mr. Dragon Clan man, and he'll let Ryu pass. To the left, a Healing Spring, to the right, a treasure chest. Let's take that box. Receive Mrbl2. Right, now heal up if you need to, and use the center path. Same process, the Dragon Lord will unleash the monster guarding the seal. Here we go! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Bain HP: 1800 AT: 100 EX: 1020 GO: 360 Actions: Attack =================== Bain deals 13-21 damage, and can (but very rarely) cause slams. I'm sure that in any other FAQ, you'll find them talking about how cool Bain looks. I agree. Anyway, since this is a Ryu solo battle, you don't have what we call "variety" in your abilities. Bain also does not have a weakness. Thus, all you do is ThrDr and set it to 'AUTO' if you're playing the GBA version. If you're using the SNES, just keep pressing the A button. Bain will do significantly less damage to you in Drake form, so you probably won't even need to heal. Heck, if you want, you can take him out without transforming, though do pack some form of healing items in your inventory. Bain goes down easy. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* The Dragon Lord grants you your new spells, and disappears in a poof. With that done, leave the shrine, and go test your abilities near a free Inn. When all that's done, let's make way for Gust. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Underwater Party: Doesn't matter much here, Gobi should be in it. Items: None Enemies: AmeblobX, CreeonX, CrawlerX, Dogfish, CactusX, Fishy, Crab We'll start from the crevasse. Head all the way west until you hit the wall, then start going north. When you see some coral reefs, swim to the right a bit and you should see a shoreline. Take it to get onto land. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: M.Scorp, Chimera, Warlock, Zombie From the shore, head to the east until you reach the bunch of trees. Then start going north, and Gust should be in sight. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gust Party: Karn, anyone else. Items: Sash Enemies: None Save when you enter. Now, the shops. ===== Shops ===== INN: 80GP EQUIPMENT ITEMS Tri-DR - 4000G Mrbl3 - 10G OldSP - 6000G Herb - 10G WingRP - 7000G Antdt - 15G MoonBW - 8000G T.Drop - 20G WingSD - 10000G Acorn - 30G GaiaMask - 8000G Charm - 150G FlameSH - 12000G Mrbl1 - 1000G WorldML - 22000G Cure - 2000G WorldML and FlameSH for Ox-ey, WorldML and MoonBW for Bo, and that's pretty much it. Stop by the inn and give the drawer a look. Receive Sash. Equip onto one of your strong characters (Karn, Ox). If you haven't already, talk to the people of the town. You'll notice some of them are insane. The competent ones will give you light info. There's also a flutemaker (Tunlan communication!), but he's insane as well. Apparently the cause of this is the north wind. Better go check it out then, huh? But first! Go pay a visit to the flutemakers house (The top-left one). See that box near the barrels on the right side of the screen? Move it to fall down a hole. There's a little puzzle here, which shouldn't take you too long to figure out. You gotta move the barrels in the proper way to get inside the room. I'll tell you here in case you're stuck (but then you're sorta an idiot for using this.) Move the lowest one to the left or right, and walk into the middle of the middle row. Push each barrel outward. Now, push the left and right barrels of the top row forward. Then push the top-middle barrel to the left or right. You started with this. ========== () - Barrel | - Wall ========== | | |()()()| () () () Should look like this when you're done. |() ()| |() | () () () Sorry if you can't understand, but hell, that's the best I can do. Go into the room, and you'll see a mentor with the flamy torches by his side. Talk to him with Karn in the lead, and whaddyaknow? A new fusion spell! Though, I say this one is near useless considering you hardly ever get the chance to use it. Leave through the stairs to the south, re-enter Gust, and exit the town from the north end. Head up north, and you'll reach the next area of Gust. Walk north, and you'll see there are these flowers which are shooting out crazy pollen. You can't do anything to it, so pass by and open the gate. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Lab Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: Herb, Cure2, L.Ptn, Rod4 Enemies: LancerX, Buzzer, Mimic Head to the left and walk north. When all of a sudden, poof! A monster appears! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue HP: 2000 AT: 100 EX: 2520 GO: 1200 Actions: Bite, OrbShot, Attack All Drops: Herb ===================== These guys LOOK menacing, but they're very, very wimpy when it comes to defense. Everyone (Nina included) should cause 300+ with their regular attacks. Heck, if Karn[Shin] scores a slam, he'll cause 999 damage. No strategy needed. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Walk north, and you'll see a chest. Receive Herb. Head back south, and walk all the way east until you hit the wall. Go north to trigger another battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue ===================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Take the chest behind it. Receive Cure2. Head south, and take the middle road. You'll have three pathways going to the north. Two of them have chests. All roads are guarded by Rogues. I say, kill all the Rogues, because they are easy experience. Take the leftmost road and trigger the fight. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue ===================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Now go back down and take the middle path. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue ===================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Take the chest behind it. Receive L.Ptn. Finally, take the right path. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue ===================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Take the chest behind this one as well. Receive Rod4. Head to the west path through the hall way, and take the next path north as soon as you can. Another battle! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue ===================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Continue through the main hallway, and skip the middle room. Enter the right room, for, I dunno, another fight maybe? *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! FORCED BATTLE ! ! ===================== Rogue ===================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After you beat that one, run to the back of the room, and have Ox smash the wall. Go all the way to the left, all the way to the north, and up the stairs. Oh no! It's Cort, one of Jade's four! But what a crappy introduction. He shoulda been like "Room darken, flash, flash, Ta-daahh!" But he just walks in, NOT being cocky-villain like (no fun whatsoever), and he throws a potion at you. He then leaves. The screen pinkens! And you shrink! Well, at least you enjoy no random encounters for a bit. From the stairs, walk north, passing by the next set of stairs, until you hit a wall. Then run to the right, and you should see a little mouse hole. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Mouse Hole Party: Ryu, Nina, Ox, Karn[Shin] Items: Herb, M.Cura Enemies: Roach Just follow the path, and you should find alotta mice. They all say the same thing, except two. One lets you proceed further, and the other gives you a free resting place. Take a break at the Mouse Inn, and talk to the mouse just north of that one. The other one will move out of the way for you to continue. Follow the path yet again, and when you get the option, take the right path (Left one is a dead end). Eventually, you'll find a bunch of cheese, and some purple roaches. Battle time! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= ! ! MINI-BOSS BATTLE ! ! ======================== K.Roach (times three) HP: 2800 AT: 100 EX: 460 GO: 200 Actions: Attack ======================== Even though I gave Morte and Mortea a BOSS BATTLE heading, and just made a little note of them being Mini-Bosses, there's no way I'm doing that with these guys. THEY ARE PATHETIC. Heck, I was attempted to say "FORCED BATTLE". Karn[Shin] should be doing 999 a hit, or dang near close to there, Ryu should be at 700+, Ox-ey should be around 600-700+, and Nina is about 450-500+. They each have a second wind, which is annoying, because they're faster then you. That means, they get three hits, Shin obliterates one's health bar, sending it to second wind, and restarting the round. They basically get 5 free hits! But Nina should be able to compensate if they have been focusing on one member. If not, don't stop attacking for anything. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= After that, backtrack to the mouse lair. They'll block the exit out, so you have to accept their items. Take a break, and talk to the mouse just above the Inn mouse. He'll move aside. Follow him up the path, and take the two chests. Receive Herb and M.Cura. As soon as Ryu takes the M.Cure, he'll run outside, so make sure you get the Herb first. You'll be back to regular size. Take the stairs down. Let's go kicky Cort! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Lab Party: Ryu, Nina, Ox, Karn[Shin] Items: None Enemies: D.Knight, Buzzer, Warlock, Bain (Yeah, real smart Capcom, make two enemies have the same name, it's brilliant) Take the hover, follow the path and take the next hover, take the south path for the next hover, follow the path for another hover, and then take the top hover. If you can make any sense out of that, good for you. If not, it's very, very simple to get by, so if you need any help, you need REAL help. Eventually, you'll run into Cort, with his Gremlin recolour by his side. He calls for it to attack. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== RugaX HP: 1400 AT: 170 EX: 3200 GO: 2400 Actions: Bite, OrbShot, Attack All =================== RugaX does somewhere around 40-60 damage with its attacks. You know, I'm curious as to why this Ruga is X-ed up, but weaker then the original Ruga. In terms of HP and Attack Power, anyway. This one's worth more. Not much to this, pound it down with physicals. If you want, you could switch Ox out for Bleu and have her storm away with Chills or F.Balls or Blasts, or whatever the heck she has in her bag o' tricks at this time. You could also have Ryu BltDgn to make him go away all the more quicker. Doesn't really matter. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Cort will tell you that his flower will make you go insane. Then he runs. RugaX here will change into a man. He says (with NO gasps in between) that the flower made the village go crazy and him into a monster. Nina will try a shot at healing the guy with Cura2. Doesn't work though. Nina, maybe you could use Renew first, or Cura4, because I swear you know how to use those. Bleu will say that her spell's too weak (try a stronger one! YOU HAVE THEM!), and get Ryu and Ox to carry him back to town. Everyone leaves, except Nina, who makes a little comment, before going herself. Joy to convenient warps. We're back at Gust. Tina will come in, somehow knowing everything that happened, down to the details. Bleu will say she'll heal him, but we know Bleu's arsenal, and I doubt she's going to try to bomb him back to health. She'll say she needs frog oil and sends the party to get it. You won't have Bleu in your party for a bit. But it's fine. We only need to last without her for one quest, and it's not like she was of much help in random battles. Now, if we lost someone like KARN... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Frog Cave Party: Gobi, anyone else Items: None Enemies: None To get here is pretty simple. Go to the Gust shore and go underwater. Have Gobi change into the Big Fish, and go all the way south. When you get to the Tunlan island, swim to the right of it. You should see some jagged rocks. Swim on top of them, and then go south. Use the shore there. Just south of the shore is a cave. Enter it. The frogs here can talk. Scary. Most of them offer you some Oil, but they don't actually give it to you (that'd be too easy). Others will ask if you like frogs. However, we ALL know that the only one with good information is surrounded by rock. Talk to him, and he'll ask for a big G.Fly to eat. THAT ROTTEN! Gragh. Well, if you talked to everyone in Gust, you might remember a man standing at the entrance of a cave saying how a fly stole his lunch. Let's hunt that one down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gust Cave Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox (Or anyone, to be honest) Items: G.Fly Enemies: None When you're at Gust, walk to the left, and go up the stairs. Go past the goat, and you'll see a man beside a cave. Enter that cave. It's a very simple cave. There's only one path. If you cannot locate the G.Fly may God bless you. But, of course we can't just slap the fly and bring it back. NOOOO...we gotta pound it into a fine mist. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! MINIBOSS BATTLE ! ! ======================= G.Fly HP: 1000 AT: 170 EX: 5600 GO: 6400 Actions: Attack Drops: Herb ======================= It can cause 32-46 damage. Destroy it with multiple physcial attacks. Or, if you're just pissed off at this side-quest, you can BltDgn with Ryu, and Atk-Up all your members to truly turn this thing to dust. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After you kill it, run and pick it up. Obtain G.Fly! With this, we can shove it down that dang Frog's throat and hopefully he'll spew up some oil! Get back to the Frog Cave, pronto! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Frog Cave Party: Doesn't matter Items: Oil Enemies: None Once you're here, talk to the Froggy that asked for the G.Fly. He'll exchange Oil for it. Obtain Oil! With this, we can heal what's-his-name. Now we have to go back to Gust. Don't you just LOVE running in circles? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gust Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Shin], Ox Items: Maestro Enemies: None Go to Tina's house, and talk to Bleu. Bleu will take it and sprinkle it onto Nicolie. First thing he says when he wakes up is a very logical thought. If the Flower gets the chance to spread it's seeds, billions of it will grow and the world will go insane. Eh, I'd say we're all insane already. Bleu will stay back. She tries to glimpse into the future, but the ball explodes. Bleu isn't worried though (WHAT?! I'd be freaked if my ball went haywire). Alright, let's go kill that plant. Head to the north. My my, if it isn't our good pal Cort. And checkit that flower! It's been X-ified! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== FlowerX HP: 2900 AT: 250 EX: 3200 GO: 3000 Actions: Attack, Poison =================== It only got one regular attack in (it used Poison on two of the three turns it was alive), and it did 92 damage to Shin. However, Shin seems to take more damage then everyone else, and if I killed it in three turns and forgot to heal ever since coming back from the Lab, I doubt you need to worry. You know, being a flower, you'd think it'd be weak to fire, what with RPG physics and all. But no, it still takes 210 from FirDgn. So, BltDgn attacks with Ryu, regular attacks from Ox, regular attacks from Karn fused as Shin, and Nina powering up everyone and healing poison wherever. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After that plant's death, the little flowers will also explode off. Cort will stay calm, and then proceed to running away like a little girl. Nina'll make a small comment, and you can return to the town. Well, everyone certainly looks more sane. Talk to some of them, and they'll be won't recall what they were doing last. Go to Nicolie's House, and Bleu will congratulate you for destroying the flower (I think. She says it as more of a statement). Nina and Gobi will pick up some noise, and if you didn't see from the top of the screen, RugaX is back. Tina will then apologize, and say that if they can't change him back, then it's best to put him out. Looks like we'll be forced to do that right now. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= ! ! RE-MATCH ! ! ================ RugaX ================ Same as before. Funny thing is, I STILL didn't remember to heal, so I only had enough AP on Ryu for IceDgn. Oh well, it'll still kill him quick. Anyway, Nina boosts everybody, everybody else attacks. Or, set it to AUTO. You'll win. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Tina will ask Bleu for another shot at changing him back. Bleu will go up to him, freak out, and shoot a nice shock of lightning at him. And it looks like she charred him so badly that he's actually ash-grey now. But wait! Somehow, the grey changes back to regular colour, and he's alright! My god! He only needed to suffer two MASSIVE beatings, and a hyper-bolt! To thank you, he'll go off to repair the bridge. Yeah, because you OBVIOUSLY don't need to rest after going through all that. You however, get a free rest at the house. Yay. Alright, with the bridge completed, we can go to Scande! Do talk to the people before you leave, now that they're competent again. Also, go get your flute from Mr. Flutemaker. Talk to him twice, and then search his bed. Obtain Maestro! With this, we can communicate with the people of Tunlan (can't understand them though). So, let's check out that bridge, because we all know that Nicolie is inhuman and can finish building the bridge in a single night. You'll see him lying on the bridge. Approach him, but oh no! It's Cort! Cort's really angry now because Nicolie isn't under his control, and he transforms to fight you. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== HornToad HP: 4000 AT: 195 EX: 6800 GO: 7000 Actions: Squash, Earthquake(All) =================== He can attack one party member with Squash or use an Earthquake attack (which isn't a Devistate), each doing 21-52 damage. He'll get an attack increase on his second wind. Well, well. I think you should have an idea on how to fight by now. Ryu cast BltDgn and attack non-stop, Karn attack non-stop fused as Shin, Nina cast Atk-Up on herself and Karn, then go on to attacking and healing (She actually does pretty nice damage to Cort), and Bleu blasting out her Blast Spells, or whatever her strongest magick is. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Oo, looks like Cort over-estimated himself. Nicolie, completely not caring that Cort came back, happily informs you that the bridge is complete and ready for crossing. So let's cross that bridge and get to Scande! Turn the page to... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4g. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Seventh Chapter A Silent Dreamer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: Zoom, Zombie, Warlock, Blaze, D.Knight From the bridge, head south, and turn west as soon as you can. Keep going west and you'll reach a battered land. You should see a little mole girl over a hole around. Follow her, and she'll retreat downward. Enter the hole. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gramor Party: Doesn't matter Items: Cowl Enemies: None You'll see her again, blocking the entrance to a room, but she'll go inside. Follow her, and you'll find yourself in a room with a bunch of mole people. Talk to all of them, and then talk to the one beside the sleeping mole. She'll (Least, I think it's a she) will say that in order to enter his dream, an item from Tunlan must be retrieved. She'll ask you to help. Agree, and she'll give you an item. Obtain Cowl! With this, we can understand the people of Tunlan. With both the Cowl and Maestro, we can establish full communication. Hopefully you head there when I asked you to, so make a quick warp. Elsewise, you'll need to go by sea. There are directions higher up, which I don't feel like re-explaining. ...Fine! Head into the sea from a shore (any shore), and make your way to the chasm just west of the Sea Volcano. From there, follow the south wall until you reach some spikety-spikes, in which you should skip and continue west. You'll ram into the side of the island. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tunlan Party: Doesn't matter Items: M.Drop, Melon(x2), Bolster Enemies: None Well, I'm not going to retell where each itme is. Go scroll up, lazy. Anyway, you can now understand the people here, so talk. You know, it's strange that there isn't a single man in the group of people. The only one is that guy from Gust hanging at the Inn...oh, and the Manillo business managers. I think. I never knew how to tell a boy Manillo from a girl Manillo... Where was I? Oh yeah. Talk to everyone, enter people's houses and talk to them. They give quite a bit of information. One'll say the Bolster will allow people to enter dreams. Sounds like what we're looking for. Another will mention the TmKey. Well, can't let any keys skip our hands, can we? After all, we only need two more. Eventually, enter the castle, right at the top of the town. (Psst...Nina lookalike, ohmigodwhere!?) Go up, and talk to the green robed lady. She'll ask for your help, and give you the Bolster in return. Agree, and she'll tell you that the princess is going to marry Zog and give him the TmKey. Why? Because she wants eternal youth for everlasting beauty. Oh freakin' hell, one of THESE kinds of girls. Well, let's give it a shot. Go up the stairs and talk to her. Figures. She's a dimwit. Head back downstairs, and chat with the old lady. She'll then suggest taking the Key without her noticing. The lady will then proceed to walk so... very...slowly. Once she goes up the stairs, you'll have control. Make sure it's night time before you do the next step. Just go outside and use your DkKey if it isn't (hey, there was a time to actually use it). Anyway, when it is night, use the stairs you saw the old lady take. Go down the next set right after, but head back up the same set. Walk left, through the wall, and you'll be in the Princess's bath area. Woo, porno. Walk to the foremost tree-in-a-pot and press A. Ryu'll examine the markings on her back. After that pinkish glow, walk down the stairs again to the treasure room. Talk to the old lady, and she'll note the order of unlocking. She'll ask you to press the left door, and then the right. The door, however, does not unlock. The elder will realize you saw the code in a reflection, therefore, you entered it backwards. She'll cry for you to reverse it, but it's too late. The stone gremlins will make their move, locking you up. The Princess and the guards arrive. The gremlins then go commit suicide (WHY!?). Anyway, watch the next scene. It is, by FAR, the most character developing you'll see in this game, not including the ending. And you get to see a cat war. Coulda done with some more sprites though... Well, after all that, the TmKey is lost. However, that wasn't our initial goal to do here in Tunlan. That was just a lucky coincidence. We're here for the Bolster. With the Gremlins having commited suicide (Why...) and the gates blown to ash, we can access all the goodies. Remember to open the far left and far right chests from the SIDE, because that hole is still in front of it. Receive M.Drop, two Melons, and obtain Bolster! With this, we can enter Mogu's dream and fight off his demons FOR him. Pah, I thought the whole point to inner demons was to fight for yourself, and emerge a stronger person. But not here! It's time we head back to Gramor. Overall, I loved this side-quest, since it didn't involve monsters, and characters actually got more PERSONALITY. Some anyway. The ones I liked, and I guess that's all that matters. Gramor, Gramor, let's go before I forget again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gramor Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: None Well, let's enter Mogu's dream world then. Talk to the old lady who gave you the Cowl, and she'll ask if you're ready. When you say yes, you'll be thrust into Mogu's head. You know, the closer I get to this scenario, the more I remember about my first-playthrough in the dream world, and how I utterly detested it. I can't seem to remember why though... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dream Town Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: None Well, here we are, a dream. And I gotta say, it's VERY stable considering what real dreams are like. But that's a good thing. The last thing I want to do is battle midget-eating hammers that wear baseball caps backwards, and are pissed off at you because you didn't call them by their name, "Johnny McJohn-John." Which they then proceed to shoot flower petals that are faster then arrows, but hard as a stone, etc. etc. Anyway, once you enter two people, assumingly Mogu's sister and his father or grandfather, will greet you, dropping off tid-bits of info. Exit the house. Dream Town is nice. No one occupies the houses, but DreamTown is nice...Hm, Mogu runs an Item Shop / Inn. Why the heck he needs money in his dream is beyond me, but here's what we have. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 10G ITEMS Mrbl3 - 10G Herb - 10G Antdt - 15G Acorn - 30G Life - 500G There's also a Dragon Shrine, which you should save at. You'll also see the different sides of Mogu. Each has scarcely any info to share. When all is done, head out into the twisted world. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dream World Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: D.Knight, Chimera, WraithX, Buzzer What a small world. But that's a good thing. Head to the right, and follow the path as it curves upward. You'll reach the tower very soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Devil Tower Party: Ryu, Karn[Shin], anyone else Items: None Enemies: Chopper, Zoom, D.Knight, Warlock Oh. Now I remember. Because it's weirded! Once you step on the grey ball, all signs of walls will be gone. Tch. Walk up, and you'll be forced to step on a grey. You should see two pinks, one on each side of you. Stepping on these make the walls come back. Now, there are multiple paths to get you where you want to go. I will tell you the one I thought was easiest. Walk to the right, and follow the path. Turn left as soon as you can, and follow again, until you hit a north/south choice. Go north, and again, follow. Go south when you get the option. Stick to the lower paths. When you can, turn east, and follow the path. You'll be lead into a young boy. Talk to him. He'll be sure in the knowledge that he's undefeatable if Mogu's senses are scattered. He'll give you the option to fight. Either answer is fine. If you choose to fight, run immediately. All magic will result in a 'Miss' and all attacks will result in a 'Fail' (Heck, I was getting non-stop slams too. Lousy...) You'll have to take the insult for now. Leave Devil Tower through the way you came in. ...You don't remember, do you? Gah, what I do for you people. Head south, and follow the path. Go north, follow, skip the first path leading up and keep going. Head to the right, follow, go right as soon as you can. Head south, and follow the path. You'll be homefree. Make your way back to dream town. The mole girl will be on the world map. She'll tell you she found where Mogu's courage is. Go inside the town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dream Town Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: None Well, heal and save, and go in the house you came from. Talk to the girl, and she'll say a wise old man fixed the bridge to the south, which is wear courage is. Talk to some of the other attributes, and you'll get more info on the area there. When you're done, leave. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dream World Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: D.Knight, Chimera, WraithX, Buzzer Head to the west. There should be a rope bridge going south. Use it, and head east. You should see a cave and a bunch of jagged rocks. Enter through the only opening the rocks create. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Wilderness Party: Ryu, Karn[Shin], anyone else Items: LightSH, Life, HeadGear Enemies: Wraith, WraithX, Buzzer, Zoom, WarHogX Ahh...the Wilderness. Here's a little trick Capcom made: The skeleton bodies on the floor are actually harmful walls. So, you still have 'paths' and 'roads', meaning I can be lazy and say follow the path. So, do so. They'll make you go zig-zag all over the map. Eventually, they will give you an option of north or west. Go north, to immediately receive two more options, east or north. Go east, and follow the skeleton lined road. A chest will await you at the end. Receive LightSH. Equip onto Nina or Bleu, if you didn't already get them this in Prima. Backtrack, and head north this time. You should notice that gaps between the skeletons are slowly becoming wider, however, you can't walk between them. You need to use the cracks on the floor as a rough guideline. Walk to the east, and follow the cracks along the floor. You'll reach a chest. Receive Life. Keep going, and you'll reach the end of the path, with an another chest. Receive HeadGear. Backtrack all the way to the giant cracked field, with a lower or higher path choices. Take the higher path. This parts a little tricky to explain, because a lot of the steam jets are invisible. Walk left until you hit the crack, then walk straight up, stopping right behind the pile of bones. From here, walk to the right, stopping when you're infront of the bone line. Walk north, stopping behind the skeleton, and then take a single step to the right. Walk north, and turn when you're behind the line of bones. Take a step to the left, and go north, left when you hit the line of bones, and then north when you can walk inbetween the two blue rocks. YES! We're out of there! Walk into the cave. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: South Cave Party: Doesn't matter Items: None Enemies: None Walk straight up, and talk to the Mogu on the chair. Cutscene occurs, everyone from DreamTown comes in (How did they cross the Wilderness?) and, in the end, Mogu joins your party! And I need to say, he downright sucks right now. Lookit that HP! To think, he challenged Mote! Well, anyway, you're going to need to go through the Wilderness again. This is why I loved packing some Mrbl3s. Not sure if you did, but yeah. It shouldn't be hard, either way. Make your way back to town, heal and save (How come the inn and shop keepers are still there? Shouldn't they be fused with Mogu, since they're GREED?) And head out for Devil Tower again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Devil Tower Party: Ryu, Karn[Shin], anyone else (except Mogu, unless Nina is there to constantly heal him) Items: None Enemies: Chopper, Zoom, D.Knight, Warlock I'll assume you remember how to get to Mothro. Talk to him, and he'll retreat to the top of the tower. FREAKING! Argh. It was too good to be true, to face him on the first floor and be done with it. Well, at least there isn't any treasure that you'll need to go out-of-reach to get. Hoo, alright, let's get this started. Walk down and pass the pink ball. Circle around upward, and you'll hit a grey ball. Walk all the way up, and walk all the way right. Go all the way south, and go all the way west. See that pink ball just north of you? Press it. Now head up a bit, and go west as soon as you can. Follow the path, and go up the stairs. Follow the path, and you'll hit a grey ball. Nuts. Head east all you can, south all you can, east all you can, and south till you get into the middle of the grey balls, and head east, until you hit a wall. North until you hit a wall, and west until you hit a wall. Now, walk five steps north, and turn east. Walk until you hit a wall, north until you hit a pink ball, in which you just follow the path and not ram into anymore walls. Up the stairs! You don't need help here. Eventually, you'll run into the boy again. Battle! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Mothro HP: 3500 AT: 210 EX: 6000 GO: 8000 Actions: Poison, Time Out, Shock! =================== Well, a boss with no physicals. And his other attacks suck pretty bad. Poison and Paralysis? Get real. However, he'll can also use Shock! the instant kill spell that has 50% chance of working. There's really not much you can do against that, so just don't let up with attacks. This is the reason I'd recommend Ox instead of Nina. Have Ox and Karn[Shin] attacking, Ryu attacking as Bolt Dragon, and Bleu shooting Chars and Novas and such and such. Ox should use Heal if someone gets poisoned, but since the super forms aren't affected by status ailments, it's only him and Bleu that are at risk. Mothro goes down without much trouble. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Yes! He's dead. Mission accomplished. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gramor Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: None Well, there goes that scenario. Mogu'll join you in real life. And with Mogu we can dig into those dragon-marked dirt patches. JOYFUL! Warpeth to Camlon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Hidden Rooms Party: Mogu, anyone Items: Clog, L.Ptn, A.Ptn, V.Ptn, Slab Enemies: Loads of different kinds Hidden Room 1: Well, this will be the section for digging. Exit Camlon, and head north of the ashes of Nanai. Straight north of there, should be a patch. With Mogu in front, dig down. Hey! It's a mentor man! Have Karn talk to him, and you'll gain a new fusion, Doof (Doof? Feh, the original name was Rankuru, they coulda called him Rank. Anything but the stereo-typical super-strong idiot name). Exit through the warp. Hidden Room 2: Warp to Tantar, and exit. Head north and cross the stone bridge, keep going north and up the ramp. Follow the dirt road until it reaches the large ramp. Go east a bit, then up north, and you'll see the dig patch. Enter in! You'll be in the hidden room, with four chests at each corner. Receive Clog (Boom trap, insta-kill to lead member), L.Ptn, A.Ptn, and V.Ptn (Sproing trap, heals lead member to full). Open the top-left before the top-right. Or, just have Karn open them. While you're close, you may want to go and find a vital item (That really only serves as a clue to another event). Head back to Tantar, and travel west. Follow the coastline north for a well. With the Rod5 and some bait, try fishing in it, and you'll pull it out. Obtain Slab! With this...we don't get anything spectacular. It's just a hint. That's all we can access for now. There's more, but you can't reach them yet. However...let's go juice-up Karn to his maximum potential. Warp to Gust! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gust, Bleak Party: Karn, anyone Items: EarthRB, ClearCL Enemies: None At Gust, take a swing by the Flute maker's house. You should see one a heavy crate near the kitchen area, which even Ox can't push aside. Double his power! Have Karn merge to Doof and push the crate in any direction. Then, examine the ground. Receive EarthRB. Immensely powerful. Equip onto someone you like. Next stop is Bleak. Enter the house behind the Dragon Shrine. A giant crate and a pot are in the way of a hole entrance. Have Karn fuse into Doof, and have him push the crate north. Push the pot to the side, and drop down. You should see two barrels. Push the left one north, and the right one to the right, and walk up to the crate. Push it aside, and search the ground. Receive ClearCL! This is an amazing piece of armor for the females, so equip onto one of them. Next, go back up the stairs, and head into the room in the north-west corner. Push aside the big crate, and you'll drop down a hole. Hey, a mentor man! Talk to him with Karn (Revert to regular form first) and you'll receive THE most powerful fusion of all, Puka (Jeydo in the original, but shortening it to Jade wouldn't have worked. I like Puka anyway). With Puka, we trigger another treasure hunt. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Hidden Rooms Party: Karn[Puka], anyone Items: DarkBR, LoveBR Enemies: A couple Hidden Room 1: Warp to Auria, and exit the town. Just north of the town, you should see a gate with a dragon mark on it. Press A against it with Puka in the lead, and it will move aside. Enter, and take the chest. Receive DarkBR. Hidden Room 2: Warp to Gust, and exit the town from the south. Head southwest, and go to the shore. Just north of the shore is another wall. Puka screeches, and the door opens. Enter, and take the chest. Receive LoveBR. And that's that, let's go to the place we were suppposed to go to. Do you have any idea where that is? Heh. Warp to Gramor, and exit. Head south, and you'll see the entrance to a cave. Enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Winter Cave Party: Anyone (Recommended: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Puka], Bleu) Items: None Enemies: D.Flea, M.Flea, Nautulis, Buzzer Ah...a simplistic, one-option cave. No need for explaining, just follow what you're given. Love it when there's less work for me. The enemies here are also very easy. You'll be outside very soon. West of the exit is a town. Enter! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spring Party: Anyone Items: Clog, Herb Enemies: None Well, here we are, the town of Spring. And, I hope you realized that something isn't right. But before we start questioning the people, let's see what's they have for taking. Take a stop at the inn for a drawer. Receive Clog. The house to the left of the inn also has a drawer. Receive Herb. And, the shops. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 100G EQUIPMENT ITEMS PowerDR - 5500G Mrbl3 - 10G RustCW - 7000G Herb - 10G IronCW - 10000G Antdt - 15G WingSD - 10000G T.Drop - 20G IronML - 5000G Acorn - 30G SpineCL - 8000G Charm - 150G GaiaMask - 8000G Cure - 2000G QuartzAR - 10000G Nothing here is worth buying except the QuartzAR for Karn (My god, poor Karn has to cope with such limited equipment...In terms of Armour, anyway). Now's the time to question the people. You'll find out that the Spyre to the south of the lake controls the weather, and only a mole person can dig through. Luckily, we got Mogu for that. It's like, practically the only thing he's good at. Because it's winter, the lake is frozen, so you can use the stairs beside the item shop or the other set south of the town to get onto the lake. Travel south, and you'll end up closer to the Spyre. Go south and have Mogu dig onto the patch, and you'll be inside. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spyre Party: Ryu, Nina, Bleu, Karn[Puka] Items: Cure2, A.Ptn, Shell, FlameAR, WorldAR Enemies: BlazeX, Golem, Wraith, WraithX, D.Flea, Flower, Warlock, D.Knight, Zoom, Buzzer, Slime, Flea, Zombie, Ameblob, Zard, Blurb, Prickle, Cactus, Sandclod, Scorp, Phoenix (Enemies list was a frickin' killer to do) Once you enter, run forward, and take the stairs. Be careful, BlazeX will most likely kill one of your members with it's 400 damage T.Bolt. After heading downstairs, go south and take the left path. It'll take you to a chest. Receive Cure2. Now, backtrack to the stairs, and take the right path this time. Go up the stairs, and head right. Follow the path, and you'll reach a rockish area. There should be a ramp, and two chests around. Take them. Receive A.Ptn and Shell. Go back up the ramp, and use the narrow man-made bridge. You'll reach a pillar filled area, however, skip the stairs, and keep going to the left. Across the bridge are two chests. Receive FlameAR and WorldAR. Go back to the pillars, onto the platform, and go up those stairs. After going up the next set, you'll be in a giant grass covered area. Feel free to slaughter the slimes. From the platform, head to the right until you see the wall, and head north. You'll see the platform with stairs. Go up! Oo, rainy. The monsters here are a bit tougher then the ones on the last floor but one-hit kills are still do-able. From the stairs, head south until you see the wall, then head west. Here are the next set of stairs on a platform. Desert. Again, tougher slightly, but everything is insta-killed. Head south until you see the wall, and go east. Eventually, the next platform will be in sight. Winter. The enemies are now back at your level. Aw..it was nice to just breeze through all the random encounters. Ah well, the next staircase is just north of where you came out of. Awesome! The Sky! And you get to meet the oh so cool looking Phoenix! Head west until you see the wall, then go south. Next set of stairs is here. Whoa...Space. Just love that cosmic feel. Head north from the stairs, until you see the wall, then head east. You'll see the platform that you need to get onto. There's a Goddess Key machine here, and a pillar with a blue light on top of it. Most likely the SkyKey. Let's take it, and start controlling the weather! You know what SUCKS, though? The fact that Mote, another of Jade's four was lying in ambush for you. So far, that's expected, how could you have possibly thought you could take the key without a fight? But he sends you away! Argh! You're thrust into the Dream World AGAIN. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Mare Town Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: None Here we are, Nightmare city, Mare for short. As always, there's an item shop and an inn. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 10G ITEMS Mrbl3 - 10G Herb - 10G Antdt - 15G Acorn - 30G Life - 500G Talk to the people here for some infos, and then exit the town. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Nightmare World Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: None (Suprisingly enough) Here's the World of Nightmare. You'd expect some undead and twisted out enemies, but strangely, there aren't any. Head down the ramp, and walk to the west. Go south, and turn east. Go onto the ramp and follow the path. Eventually, you'll be brought to a cave. Enter it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Mare Tower Party: Ryu, Karn[Puka], Nina, Bleu Items: JadeBW, Trident, Cure, L.Ptn, Smoke, CursedHT, FaceMask Enemies: Nautulis, Buzzer, D.Flea, M.Flea, Warlock, D.Knight, Bain, Blaze Go north and down the stairs. Again, go north (skipping the east path) and down the stairs. Follow the path, and go down when you can. You should be in a room with four chests and a hole. Receive Cure, JadeBW, Trident and L.Ptn. When you take the L.Ptn, the gate will lock, forcing you to go down the hole. Go up the stairs, and follow the path, then go up the next set. Run to the left, and head north. Take the stairs. Follow the path and skip the south path. Go up the stairs. Take the three chests to your right. Receive Smoke, CursedHT and FaceMask. The CursedHT is pretty powerful in terms of defense, but it's incredibly heavy. Your choice if you want to equip someone. I'd say give it to Ox, since his active is always 0 anyway. Once you get them all, head north, go west, head north again, and you'll reach Mote's Conscience. He'll crush the wall ahead, allowing you to pass. He'll ask you to beat Mote up whilst he still has energy. Go north and up the staircase. There's two healing springs and a pot. Heal up, and press A against the pot to summon the Dragon Lord. Save, and head north. This part is very, very annoying. Without me, I'm sure you'd spend some time walking the wrong direction. Head straight north, and you'll hit a panel. Stepping on it will cause the screen to rotate wildly, and screw up your direction. Supposedly. Head west. When you hit the next panel, head south and follow the path. Another panel! Head north when it stops. In front of you again, is another rotater. Head east, and south when you get the chance. It'll lead you to a north/south intersection. Take the south, and hit another spinner. Go west from here, skipping the south path, and hit the next rotater. Take the west, and skip the first north path you see. Use the second one, and follow it until you hit one last rotater. Head west and follow the path, and finally, you'll be out of here. There are different methods then the one described here. I'll see if I can find a quicker one. Next century... Alright, from here, you'll reach a west/east intersection, take the east. Go up the stairs, and head south. The panels take 1HP off a step, but with LifeAR and LoveBR, it doesn't really matter too much. Anyway...You see the torches on the wall beside the yellow tiles? Walk in front of the right one, and walk south to fall into a trap. Head north and up the stairs, then up the next set. Head walk around the top of the floor to the next staircase (there are some traps taking the lower path, you can just have Karn in the lead to avoid). There will be alotta sets of stairs here. Take the lower-right. Walk up, and let's take care of Mote! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Mote HP: 3500 AT: 210 EX: 5400 GP: 6000 Actions: Attack, Inferno(150), Burn Out(All, 90) =================== His attack does 25-47 damage. Now, at first sight, you'll be, "What the **** is that thing?" And I'm here to tell you, "Nine Pixels." No damage will be done in the beginning, but the battle will stop for a moment, and restart. At this point you can hurt him, but DO NOT use any attack magic, including Dragon spells. Instead, Nina should Atk-Up everyone, and everyone attacks. As you attack him, more and more pixels will appear. As he grows more clear, magic attacks will begin to work. Every shot of magic will pixelate him slightly. So, just attack and heal until he's on his second wind, and then Bleu should cast FireX, or if you have it, BoltX. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Mote dies! Hooray! We're outta here. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spyre Party: Anyone Items: SkyKey Enemies: Oh hell no, go up and look The spirit guarding the SkyKey comes back. Seeing as how you already proved yourself, he'll give you the key. Obtain SkyKey! With this, we can make the weather right again. Go up the machine and press A, then have Bleu cast Exit. Return to Spring. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spring Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: None Yay! Now that it's spring in Spring, the waterfall's running. If you didn't talk to everyone before, then you probably won't know there's a cave behind the waterfall, and that was the reason we needed to go up the Spyre. Take the stairs beside the item shop into the water, and walk into the waterfall. One area will be darker. Go through it. And so, as we proceed further to our goal, and with only one key left to take, we go onto... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4h. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Eighth Chapter An Emperor of Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spring Cave Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: Blaze, Crab, Bain, Warlock, Zombie You know, it's amazing that Spring doesn't get attacked, what with the waterfall being polluted with enemies. Anyway, Spring Cave, like most caves, is a single-path, so just follow it. You'll go up some stairs and have some more path to follow, then you'll be out. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: D.Flea, Nautulis, Phoenix, DogFishX, Flower Head south from the cave exit, and just keep going south. You'll see a town near a forest eventually. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Carmen Party: Anyone Items: RubyRG, W.Ant Enemies: None Well, here we are, Carmen, the second last city of the game. And, the people here ignore you! OMG, whuzgoinon? They won't move either, and the store owners won't sell you things! There IS one guy that can move and talk. He'll say that this is Carmen (since you shouldn't know), and he'll say he left and came back to find that time stopped here. Then he'll point you to Tock in the east. Wow, he's probably the most informative guy in the game. Most people only give you a scrap and you have to piece it together. Anyway, let's take some stuffs before we go. In the inn is a drawer, open it up. Receive RubyRG. Next, go to the windmill house behind the weapons shop. Upstairs is a barrel. Move it and search the ground. Receive W.Ant. DO NOT THROW THIS AWAY. If you do, you are going to have to make one of the next quests MUCH LONGER than it needs to be, SO DO NOT THROW THIS AWAY. Unless, you already have some more W.Ants in your inv or bank. If this is the case KEEP ONE AND DON'T DROP IT. Hopefully, that's enough caps for you. Leave the town, and let's go to Tock. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tock Party: Ryu, Karn[Puka], Nina, Bleu Items: Life, EvilCN, IcyAR, Cure, G.Tiara, Life2, GuardSH, AgileHT, WolfSkin Enemies: Buzzer, Wraith, WraithX, Firehead, Widow, DogFishX, D.Rider From Carmen, head south, and east, past the forest. Keep heading east, skipping the ramp going south, and taking the next ramp going up. From there, head west, then south, and west again. Go up the ramp and through the forests via Bo or Bo fusion. Then enter the tower. Here we are, Tock, the brother tower of Tick. You woulda thought the TimeKey would start here, but no, Tunlan had it for some reason. Head north, and you'll this dungeons' quirk: movement panels. Stepping on one results in the party being moved two spaces of the direction the panel's arrow. Beyond the sqaure of panels is a healing spring. From there, head south-west and use the left arrow. You'll phase through the wall. Head north, and follow the path for a chest. Receive Life. Keep going north and following the road for another chest. Receive EvilCN. Equip onto Bleu and head back south, until you reach the left arrow. Take it. From here, go north and ignore the arrows. Eventually you'll hit a chest. Receive IcyAR. Use the right arrow, and follow the path, then use the left arrow. Use the next left arrow, and head up the stairs. Go west from the stairs, and north into a room with a chest. Receive Cure. Now go north from the stairs and use the right arrow, and the next right arrow. Head to the right, and use the right arrow. Then use the north arrow. Head all the way to the west, then all the way south, then all the way east. Go north, and use the left arrow. Go up the stairs. Right infront of you is a chest. Receive G.Tiara. Use the down arrow, and head west. Skip the stairs that lead up the platform, and go north when you can. You should see an accessible left arrow and a chest behind it. Receive Life2. Use the left arrow now, and you'll be infront of another chest. Receive GuardSH. Use the right arrow to get down, head east and onto the platform. Go up the stairs. Whoo, arrow mania. I'll guide you best I can. Head to the top of the room, and walk east. Use the left arrow on the SECOND row. Then use the left arrow on the bottom side of the square. Again, use the left arrow below you. Use the left arrow on the left side, then use the down arrow of the bottom side. You'll be at a chest. Receive AgileHT. Take the north arrow on the left side, and take the next north arrow in front of you. Again circle 'round the top and take the left arrow on the second row. Take the left arrow on the bottom side, then take the left below you. Use the right arrow on the bottom side, use the right below you, and use the down arrow on the right side. Use the right on the right, and left on the north, and you'll be at a chest. Receive WolfSkin. Use the left on the top side, then use the right on your right. Use the up above you, and you'll be at the stairs. Could you understand that? I'm not really sure. You'll probably get it after reading the entire thing more then once. Better yet, you can solve it yourself. In any case, when you make it up the stairs, walk to the north, and you'll encounter Cerl again. If you remember, she stole the TimeKey, and now she can control space and time, which is why Carmen has stopped. However, she'll recognize the very informative man. Time and space will screw you over, and everyone will be thrown out of Tock. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ryu Items: None Enemies: D.Flea, Nautulis, Phoenix, DogFishX, Flower, D.Rider Ryu's been lost! You gain control of him, and now you must battle alone with him. Ah well, at least he's survivable. Head east, and up the ramp, then go west, past the forest, and head north, to reach Carmen again. If you're having trouble surviving, don't hesitate to use your Dragon magic. I doubt you'll drain all your AP before you reach Carmen. Unless you've been casting Gold Dragon, or have been running around aimlessly. When you get back, you'll find that everyone beat you to there. Small cutscene occurs, and again, we're Tock-bound. Pah, I'd love a convenient warp there. But nope, gotta walk. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tock Party: Ryu, Karn[Puka], Nina, Bleu Items: None Enemies: Buzzer, Wraith, WraithX, Firehead, Widow, DogFishX, D.Rider Back again, however, now you don't have items straying you from the path. I'll assume you know how to get to the top on your own. If not, go up and look and skip the paths leading to chests. Cutscene occurs, and the result is a battle. Here we go. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Cerl HP: 3500 AT: 225 EX: -- GO: -- Actions: Attack, Attack All, Time Out, Petrify! =================== Cerl causes 25-40 damage, a bit more to a fused Karn. She's a real pushover. Have Ryu attack as Bolt Dragon, Karn attack as Puka, Nina Atk-Up Karn and herself and attack, and Bleu casting BoltX. The battle will end automatically when Cerl takes 2000 or more damage. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Being the smart person she is, she'll see she can't win, and use the TimeKey to age the people of Carmen. This being a powerful threat, the party stops attacking. And again, you get sucked into the vortex. This time, you'll have Nina with Ryu. Simply use Nina's Warp spell to get back to Carmen, or walk there if you want to build some levels, since this is a great opportunity with Nina's healing magic. I don't think you need it though. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Carmen Party: Ryu, Nina Items: None Enemies: None Your party will be wandering around aimlessly, and making a check of what's going on. The people here have grown a generation older. Some people cease to exist. Scary. Go inside the house above the fountain for a cutscene, and you'll have to return to the castle Nina and Ryu were thrust at. However, you'll need to bring an item with you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map Party: Ox, anyone Items: Fruit Enemies: The usual Do you recall where Ryu was thrown the first time space and time ate the party? There was a big tree there. If not, go south, east past the forest, and down the first ramp. Then head west, and you'll see it. With Ox in the lead, press A, and he'll punch it, dropping an apple. Take it. Obtain Fruit! With this, Cerl will hopefully regain her senses. Now, head to the South Castle. Follow the dirt road, and it'll lead you into a bunch of mountains with the castle on the path. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: South Castle, Tock, Tunlan (Why bother to separate them?) Party: Anyone Items: TmKey Enemies: None Go up to the gates, and Cerl will open up the door. Apparently, the castle reflects her feelings. Anyway, once inside, go up the stairs. Small talking goes on, and when you get control, take the blue chest. Obtain TmKey! We have completed our collection! But all is not gnarly! Goda comes, and calls Cerl a traitor, and ensues a battle. Hey, shouldn't we like, fight him? Peh. The party runs, and after a cutscene, you'll conveniently be warped to Tock. Sweet. Head up the stairs for more cutscenes, and when all is done, you'll be at Tunlan. You know that Nina clone we saw earlier? You don't? Didn't I tell you to talk to everyone before? Pah. You all suck. Well, anyway, Nina is here, but now she's at adulthood like everyone else. Unfortunately, she has amnesia. If you didn't notice when you entered Tunlan, there's an orange man who points you to Carmen. Get to Carmen via Warp. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Carmen Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: None Well, since everyone here is back to normal, that means the shops are open. ===== Shops ===== Inn: 80G EQUIPMENT Tri-BW - 12000G IcyCW - 15000G FlameSD - 20000G LoyalRP - 25000G WorldAR - 12000G PowerHT - 20000G MystSH - 20000G LightCL - 30000G My god. Look at those prices. The weaponry is pretty good though. Buy whatever that's better then what you have on now. Don't get the Tri-BW, since Bo's gonna get a new weapon soon or an IcyCW either. Do get Ryu a FlameSD, dunno why Capcom made the DragonSD so weak. When all is done, visit the house behind the weaponry. The old man here is a doctor and has a cure for amnesia. He'll need P.Fish, Root, C.Nut, and W.Ant. Now, hopefully you still have a W.Ant. If not, WHY THE HECK DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?! Sigh...The next section is going to add some more hidden rooms, and it'll tell you where to get the items for the tonic. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: World Map and Hidden Rooms Party: Ryu, Mogu, Ox, Bleu Items: P.Fish, C.Nut, Root, HeroBW, WindBR (Possibly the W.Ant, if you were stupid) Enemies: Variable Get Ryu his Rod and bait, and head to where the south castle was. From there, follow the dirt road, and you'll reach a broken bridge. Have Ryu fish on that spot, and he'll catch a P.Fish. Don't use this on any of your members, they'll be poisoned. Warp to Tunlan and exit. Have Ox in the lead, and press A against any of trees. If you don't get it at first, try again on another tree. A nut will fall out eventually. Receive C.Nut Warp to Gramor and exit. Head to the south, and you should see these weird plants. One is detached from the group. Go infront of that one, and have Mogu dig. Receive Root. That should be all the ingredients. Now, if you were an idiot and somehow managed to throw away three, count 'em, the THREE W.Ants the game GIVES you, then prepare for a very chancy round. Have Karn fuse into Shin, and have him at the lead of your party. Go anywhere (I find Carmen to be the best), and wander and battle. Very rarely, a White Deer will appear on the world map. Have Shin hunt it down (have a Mrbl3 handy so it won't disappear because of a random battle), and take it's antler. Alright, let's go check out another dig spot and anoter gate. Hidden Room 3: Get to Carmen. Head south and east past the trees. Ignore all the ramps. Just keep going east. Eventually, you'll reach a wasteland. Head northwest, and you should see a dig-spot. DIG! The room will have a warp and a chest(Toxin trapped). Receive HeroBW. Equip onto Bo. Hidden Room 3: Still around Carmen, this time it's a Dragon Gate, so get Karn to use Puka fusion. Most likely, you'll be at the digspot, so head south from there, and down the ramp going south. East of there is the gate. Puka call! It opens. Enter, and take the chest. Receive WindBR. Now return to Carmen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Carmen, Tunlan Party: Anyone Items: Tonic Enemies: None Right, head back to the doctor's house and show him all the ingredients. He'll take them and create the amnesia remover. Obtain Tonic! With this, Nina will remember who she is. Yay. Head to Tunlan, pronto! Once you're there, find the house Nina was in, and after a little cutscene, you have Nina again! The time warp aged her slightly, so now she has a new status portrait, and she can FLY. Well, let's go use that ability. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spring, World Map Party: Nina, Ryu, anyone Items: Tri-Rang, DragonAR, DragonSH. Enemies: Variable First stop, Agua. Head due north, and you should see a tower. I can't recall if you can enter it, but if you can, don't. Land and search behind it. Receive Tri-Rang, a rockin' weapon for Ryu. Whoops, hehe, my bad, I forgot to tell you earlier that you could have gotten the DragonAR. Well, it's not like you needed it, the LifeAR is so much better. Anyway, warp to Spring, and walk into the river from the stairs beside the Item shop. Go northish, and you should see a duck pond. Fish there for the DragonAR. Get to Gramor. From there, head due east, and you'll see a well in the middle of some mountains. Have Ryu fish there. Receive DragonSH. Yay, our collection is complete. Now, let's get a Dragon Spell! Have Nina fly north from the well until the land ends, then head east. You should see a temple on an island in the middle of a lake. Land, and enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Dragon Temple Party: Ryu Items: Melon Enemies: None Wow. The other two were shrines, but this is a temple. Which means bigger. And more threatening. Enter and talk the man there. Heal up if you need using the healing spring on your left and take the chest on your right. Receive Melon. Go into the center and talk to the Dragon Lord to begin your training. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Avian HP: 3000 AT: 270 EX: 1400 GP: 1600 =================== Avian deals 36-55 damage. Can cause slams. Well, this bird maybe ugly, but god, is he difficult without some restoratives. And I'm not talking about Herbs, I'm talking about REAL restoratives. Things that heal 150+. Better yet, go out and get 5 Mrbl1s and 1-3 cures. Now, to fight him, change into Bolt Dragon and attack with Mrbl1s, or regular attacks if you didn't want to buy them. Heal when HP gets to 60. He may cause a slam, so you might want to heal at 90. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* After that battle, you gain the powerful Rudra (Kaiser in the original) transformation! Hooray! Now, you CAN go get the most powerful transformation right now, but first, let's finish up raiding treasures through dirt patches. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Hidden Rooms Party: Nina, Mogu, Ox, Karn Items: V.Ptn, S.Ptn, Sash, LoveHT, AgileHT, Life2, L.Ptn, A.Ptn, S.Ptn, MystCW, StarSH Enemies: Variable Hidden Room 4: Get to Winlan. From here, fly north, and you should come across an island (You'll only see the edge) Land on it, and dig on the dirtpatch. There's a chest north of where you land. Receive V.Ptn(Curse trap). There are two weak walls guarding a chest each, one on each side. Ox smashes the wall and takes the items. Receive S.Ptn(Fire Trap) and Sash(Boom trap). Heal up at the spring or just open the chests with Karn. Hidden Room 5: The last dig patch. Head to Carmen, and fly east until you hit water. Then go south for awhile until you see the digspot. It's at the tip of the land. Dig down, and eight chests are in front of you. Receive: LoveHT, AgileHT, Life2, L.Ptn, A.Ptn, S.Ptn, MystCW, and StarSH. Now then! Let's go get the ultimate power. Do you remember Ease Cave? Waaay back in Romero? Head there. Now that you have the Gills, you can actually ENTER the cleansing water. Go down all the way and inside the room. The Dragon Lord will be waiting for you. Speak to him with Ryu, and gain Agni (Infinity in the original)! This is, by far, the most cheapest spell in the game. Go lookee in the magic section to learn why. With all these side-quests finished, let's get back to the main quest. Get back to Carmen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Carmen Party: Anyone Items: Pass Enemies: None In the north-east corner of town is an orangey-dude that always gives you a good tip. Talk to him, and he'll disappear. Search the area he was on. Obtain Pass! With this, we can enter Scande! Alright, to get to Scande, have Nina fly east until you reach Tock then go south. You'll see a giant fortress like place. Land, and enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Scande Party: Anyone Items: Herb Enemies: None Talk to one of three guards, and then you can pass. Wow, that actually worked. Moving along, you'll see the base of Scande Tower. To get up, you'll need to go on the elevator (elevator? Isn't this medieval period?), but when you examine the control panel, you'll see the parts are missing. So, for now, go down the stairs to the residences of Scande. To your left is the Dragon Shrine, to your right is the inn. The inn has a drawer. Search it! Receive Herb. This far in the game, and we're still getting those, huh? The inn is also very expensive (400G). Talk to everyone. The D.Dragon henchmen won't give you any juicy tidbits, so you'll need to go inside and talk to the commoners. Eventually, get to the bottom of Scande, and talk to one of the D.Dragons. He'll say he let the Mole people go. Enter the room in the far right. The guy in here will also drop a nice bit of info. Anyway, that's all we can do for now. Be sure to have examined the panel and talked to the guy next to the tower. Head back to Spring. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Spring, Gant Party: Anyone Items: B.Parts, Parts Enemies: None Why are we here? Well, if you talked to the man beside the Scande elevator, he said that someone who liked to climb towers climbed the one in Scande. Sounds like a fella we know in Spring, so we best pay him a visit. Enter the house infront of the Inn, and talk to the man. He'll give you the missing parts of the Scande elevator, but as of now, they're broken. Obtain B.Parts! Well, let's get them fixed. I'm sure you all know of some very good people at that. Warp to Gant. Go to the Guild leaders house, and up the stairs. Talk to the old lady, and she'll wake him up. Talk to the guild leader, and he'll give you a free rest as he fixs the parts. Obtain Parts! With this, we can use the Scande elevator. Warp back to Carmen and fly to Scande. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Scande Party: Anyone Items: None Enemies: None Alright, head to the tower, and press A against the control panel. Then walk inside and wait. Once it stops, walk inside the next one and wait. Once that stops, head up into the gates. There will be a man blocking the way. He'll tell you to get the D.Hrt, a weapon that can destroy any dragon. Find it in Tunlan. Dammit, lemme at Zog already! Oif. Head back down, and teleport to Tunlan. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Tunlan Party: Anyone Items: D.Hrt Enemies: None From the Dragon Shrine, walk north and into the home between the stairs. Talk to the girl here. She'll play a Dragon song for you, which nearly destroys Ryu. She'll bottle it(how handy) and give it to you. Obtain D.Hrt, the dragon killer! Since Ryu is hurt, go up the left stairs and into the far left home. Talk to the girl here, and she'll play a healing song for you. Now, head back to Scande. (NOTE - Go out and buy some packs of Cures and packs of Mrbl1s. You should have more then enough money to do so) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Scande Tower Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Puka], Bleu Items: IcyCN, Mrbl1, Glove, PowerHT, Cure Enemies: Entity, Claw, BowManX, LancerX, Soldier Well get back up the tower. The man won't be here anymore, so we can pass. You're immediately thrown into a crossroads. Take the east path for a healing spring and head up the stairs. Go to the west for two chests. Receive IcyCN and Mrbl1. Go back east and head down the stairs. Now head west and south when you see gold tiles. Don't press it though, it'll lock the gate to the south. Go west when you hit an intersection, and follow the path north. Skip the platform and go around from the left. You should see a staircase. Head up them. Immediately head south, ignoring the gold buttons, and go right a bit. Take the passage north, and you should see two chests in a room. Receive Glove and PowerHT. From there, head back to the stairs you came from, and go all the way south. Walk past the table and stools, and you should see a staircase. Go up. Simply follow the path north to a staircase, then follow again around the floor for another one. The path to the next set of stairs has a chest. Receive Cure. Again, go up the next set, head straight south and up the last set. There's a healing spring here, so use it, and head north, and into the black door. The next area will have pink tiles. Head north, to encounter none other then the Dark Emperor Zog himself. As usual, he won't give up easily, and transforms for battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Zog HP: 16000 AT: 240 EX: 7000 GO: 7000 Actions: Attack, DragonBreath, Char(All, 180), Gale(All, 130) =================== You know, Zog made me lose COMPLETE understanding of a fused Karns' defense. His regular attack does 50ish damage, but when he hit Puka, it did something among the lines of 750. I have no idea why. DragonBreath is basically an attack all technique at half-strength, but it hits a fused Karn for 100ish. Well, there are two ways to go about this, the boring and slow way, or the dangerous, fun and fast way. The boring and slow way is to have Ryu use Agni (Unfuse Karn beforehand) and set it to AUTO then stop to heal if Agni's health gets low. BOOOORIINNNGG. The second way is much better IMO. Have Ryu change to Rudra and attack with Mrbl1s, Karn use Mrbl1s as Puka, Bleu casting BoltX, and Nina Atk-Up Karn and herself and keep the party's health above 140. If she has a free turn, have her attack. You'll be doing beyond two times Agni's damage in a single turn (Ryu is hitting 960, Karn is hitting 870-999, Bleu is hitting 600), so it's faster, but your party is more vulnerable if Nina can't keep up. I find it odd Capcom made Zog have weakness to EVERY elemental, but eh. (NOTE - You don't necessarily need to use the D.Hrt to win. If you are planning to, take note that Ryu will be dropped to 1HP.) *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Hooray, the big baddy is dead. We win! The tiles of the floor begin to detach. Oh noes! Run! But no, the party stands there, waiting for the tile they're on to fall. The group'll fall, and you'll see a cutscene. Well, doesn't look like our job's done. They stole our keys! Though, weren't their only six? How did she get another from that treasure chest? Hm...Oh, right, you should be trapped after all that's done. Run straight south into the wall, and a mole person will pop up to save ya. Fall down the hole. When you land, go around north, and head east and south. Talk to the mole here. You'll trigger another cutscene. Fall down the new hole and you'll end up back in Scande. Exit through the doorway in the south, and leave Scande altogether. Well, Jade said he was going to Agua, so let's go there now. To Agua, post-haste! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Agua Party: Anyone Items: None Enemy: Easy guys. Make your way to the top of the fortress. It should be very fast because of shortcuts Karn made through the doorways. Eventually, you'll reach the place where we found our LifeAR and IcyDR. Walk inside the Shrine, and Sara will have a few words to say. Follow her up, and find Jade. He'll say you're too late, and that she's already been unleashed. He'll leave via transport. Follow him! Well, we're nearing the end of our journey. Let's stop that vile goddess! Here we go, it's... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4i. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Final Chapter A Goddess of Wishes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Pagoda Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Puka], Bleu Items: PowerAR, Domino, AgileAR, TrapGrd, FlameDR, StoneHT Enemy: Entity, Ghoul, Zombie, PincherX, Buzzer, Widow, ICU, Nautulis Alright, from where the warp is, head to left, then north between the two platforms. Step on that button, and you'll reveal a set of stairs that lead onto the platform. Use them, then use the staircase. Head north and follow the path for a chest. Receive PowerAR. Backtrack to the stairs, and push the button close by. The gates will fall down. Head through them and go the west. Follow the path for another chest. Receive Domino. Backtrack to where the gates once were, and head to the east. Use the stairs. You'll return very closeby where you started. Now, head to the right, and go north between the two platforms. Press the button for some stairs, and head onto the platform. Follow the path, and you'll hit a staircase. Go up. From here, head due east. Take the north road when you hit an intersection. There lies a chest. Receive AgileAR. Go back to the intersection and head south. Follow the path. Use the stairs leading down. Punch the button to the left of you. Use the right path, follow it, and use the right path again. Go north, and press the button. Keep going for a chest. Receive TrapGrd. Go back and press the button, then head south. Once you hit the wall, go west, and head north as soon as you can. Follow the path, press the button, and go north. Keep going north, and you'll see a chest. Receive FlameDR. A staircase is closeby. Use it. Follow the path here, and head up the stairs. Head onto to the platform, and you'll get a small cutscene of poor dialogue. Heal after you ram into the shield. Try to head down the stairs, but Sara'll stop you. Talk to her. Oh no. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Sara HP: 11250 AT: 320 EX: 8000 GP: 8000 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 55) =================== Sara will do 56-90 damage. Well, as with Zog, two strategies are there. Number One: Ryu use Agni, attack and heal as necessary. Number Two: Ryu use Rudra and Mrbl1s, Nina Atk-Up Karn and heal and attack, Karn use Mrbl1s, and Bleu use BoltX. However, if you still have your D.Hrt song, you can use it here. Instead of only hitting for the thousands, the D.Hrt will drop Sara's health immediately down to one! One attack will kill her after the D.Hrt. As with Zog, Sara has a weakness to every single element. She has no second wind. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* I swear to god, the next cutscene should have been more touching. WHY IS NOT AS TOUCHING AS IT SHOULD BE!? Gragh, I tempted to write a new script and patch it into the game...Though hell no am I doing THAT anytime soon. Alright, head down the stairs and straight to the left. Healy spring! Drink, drink, drink! After that, continue to the west, and follow the path. You'll hit stairs going down. Right in front of you is a chest. Receive StoneHT. Take the staircase to the right. Head south and east, passing by the hole. Follow the path, and you'll hit a staircase, leading to a new area. Oif. Two ways to go, I recommend the way where you can see the path. Head south, and follow the drunkenly made path, leading you to a hover. Use it, and go south. Follow the path again, and skip the next hover. You'll be at the stairs. Use them. Take the hover, and run north. Cutscene! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Drogen Party: Nina, anyone Items: None Enemies: The very weak ones (TRIVIAL - Overworld Theme changes back to the first one) After that, you'll get another cutscene. Jade has resurrected the Obelisk, and it's up to us to take it down. Currently, you won't be able to enter it, so we probably shouldn't waste time going there, just yet. Head to Camlon. From there, fly due east. You should come across an island with a house on it. The entry from the beach should also be clogged with jagged rocks. Land, and enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: I-Woman Home, W-Man Home Party: Nina, anyone Items: List, Herb x2, Wtzit, Note1, Note2, I.Claw Enemies: None Prepare for an annoying fetch quest. Talk to the lady here. Exit the house, and fly due south. You should see the W-Man's Home (Remember the guy who tipped you off with the GrimFowl Egg?). Land and enter. Talk to him, and enter his house. Push the pots aside and take the left-most chest. Receive List. There's two chests too. Walk through the bed to pick 'em up. Receive Herb x2. (Thanks to everyone who sent me a message about that) Exit, and fly back to the I-Woman's home. Talk to her, and enter her house. Again, push the urns aside and take the chest. Receive Wtzit. Fly back to the W-Man's house, talk to him. Receive Note1. Fly back to the I-Womans' home, talk to her. Receive Note2. Fly back to the W-Mans' house and talk to him. Obtain I.Claw! With this, we can dig through the surface of the Obelisk! Oif, stupid quest. But wait! If Mogu couldn't tell what it was, he probably won't know how to use it. Head to Gramor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Gramor Party: Mogu, Anyone Items: None Enemies: None This place is now more alive, as the mole people have been freed. Go to the eastern most home, and talk with the old mole there. Talk to him with Mogu in the lead. Mogu learned how to dig effeciently! Now. We can go and destroy Jade and his Obelisk. However, I highly recommend buying packs of Cures and Mrbl1s. And I'm talking about ALOT of packs. Say...8-10 packs for each? Well, that's only if you want the final battles to be fun and exciting. If you want them to be sucky and easy, only get alot of Cures. Also, I highly recommend that Nina should have learned CuraX (Level 37) because you need it. Go refill your WaterJar as well, if you dried itof it's Cleansing Water. If you have the patience, run Gobi's shop at the flea market for cheaper supplies, and possibly wait for the best equipment (These come in very rarely). Oh yeah, take out all those Life2s in your bank too, because they'll come in very handy. When all training and supply buying is done, head for Scande. You'll see the Obelisk in it's place. Nina must fly into it in order to enter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Location: Obelisk Party: Ryu, Nina, Karn[Puka], Bleu Items: FlameHR, StarHR, EmporSD Enemies: BlazeX, Gargoyle, PincherX, Warlock, D.Knight, Golem, Claw, Ruga This is it. The final dungeon of the game. Prepare for evil bosses. Unless, you're planning to blast your way through them with Agni. Nevertheless, change your lead member to Mogu and open the door. See that crack? Have Mogu stand on it and press A for him to use his Drill technique. The party'll fall through the floor, right onto a warp. Won't teleport you though. From where you land, head east, south (skipping the north path), east, and follow the path to a hover. Head north, then west all the way, and you'll see another hover. Use it. You'll be at the stairs. Head down them. On this level, go north. Take the hover. From here, you can either go for the path with the FlameHR, or go for the path which leads to the next area. I'll start with the FlameHR path. Take all the paths that lead up, and when you're at the top most line, head east for a hover. Use it. From here, it's pretty straight forward, follow the paths to the next hover, and eventually, you'll see a chest in the middle of the path. Receive FlameHR. It's pretty useless at this point of time. Head west, take the hover, and keep going west to be back at where you started. Go north and take the hover again. Follow the path to the intersection, and head south-east. You'll see the hover. Again, straight forward, follow the path, take the next hover, follow the path, and you'll run into Goda. Follow him for the next hover, and you'll reach a staircase. Head down them. Take the hover north of you. And head north again. Goda stops you. Battle! *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Goda HP: 11000 AT: 235 EX: 6000 GP: 6000 Actions: Attack =================== Goda hits for 50-90 damage. Hits a fused Karn for ALOT higher. The first of the final three bosses. And also incredibly easy. Again, it's the same options: Agni, or no. And again, it's more fun not to use Agni. Ryu use Rudra, attack with Mrbl1s, Nina buffing, healing and attacking, Karn use Puka, attack with Mrbl1s, and Bleu destroying him with BoltX. Do be wary of your HP, make sure you don't have Nina slacking off. You'll be fine. Goda has no variety in abilities, so you'll only see that physical attack. Goda has no weakness. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Goda's dead, and that's the end of Jade's Four. It did take longer to kill them all then I expected, but whatever, Goda was an idiot anyway. If you don't want to continue with wounds, or you realize you don't have enough items to last you, or whatever, go ahead and use Exit. But anyway, after that, walk through the hole in the wall Goda made. Use the staircase in front of you. This part, I hated. It was so annoying the first playthrough 'cause I didn't understand it. Use any hover. Anyone at all. Head down the stairs. It'll all lead you to the same area. From here, it's pretty straightforward, but I'll baby you through anyway. Take the hover south-east of where you are. Head south past the heart and down the stairs, then go right. Go up the next set of stairs, and follow the path north for another hover. Ride it west, and then go south a-ways, down the stairs, and right to the next set of stairs. Go up and take the hover south. Head south past the heart, down the stairs, and head to the left. Then north. Go up the stairs, follow the path going south, and you'll hit another hover. Follow the path, and go down the stairs, head south, and up the stairs leading to a heart. Head west to the next heart, then north to the stairs. Go down them. Take the only hover you see. Head down the stairs. Go north, and you'll see Jade, whom will chat a bit. Refuse his offer, and prepare for a battle. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Jade HP: 25000 AT: 280 EX: 8000 GP: 8000 Actions: Attack, Attack All, Blizzard(All, 100), Shock! =================== Jade hits for 70-97 damage. Attack All hits for approximately half-strength. Jade...what can I say? The same two options lie in front of you. I'm sure you know them, but just in case you have utter crap of a memory (relax, I do too), then here they are. Ryu use Agni, attack until below 100HP, then use Cure. OR. Ryu use Rudra, attack with Mrbl1s, Karn use Puka, attack with Mrbl1s, Bleu casting BoltX, Nina buffing and healing. Not tough, though he has massive health, so it'll take awhile. Do be wary, however. According to a reader (I have people using this guide, amazing), he can cast Shock!, which has that coin toss chance of instantly killing a member of yours. His second wind is pretty measly. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Yay! He's dead. But he knows that he wouldn't have beaten you anyway. He knows it's supposed to be the Goddess's victory. Peh. Idiot. Don't waste my time, then. Once he's dead, search the left spot of his throne. Receive EmporSD! The strongest sword for Ryu. Also, search the back of the right pillar. Receive StarHR, the second strongest weapon for Ox. Do not equip this, as it will serve you much better as an item then a weapon. Now, if you're playing on an emulator, save state. If not, you might consider transporting out and save at a Statue. When all's done, step onto the grey circle on the orange floor. A hover will zoom by. Step onto it. Now head north, and talk to the girl. She'll ask if you want a wish. Say yes to be completely healed. Talk to her again, and say no. You'll engage a battle. Set it to AUTO, and your teammates will go on to do some massive damage. It'll end after two rounds or so. Talk to her again. You can't refuse, so say yes. Small cutscene, and battle re-engages. Here we go. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! BOSS BATTLE ! ! =================== Goddess HP: 50000 AT: 350 EX: 10 GO: 12 Actions: Attack, Blizzard(All, 100) =================== She hits for 66-250 damage, depending on who she hits. To get the Good Ending: Use Agni, attack once, and battle ends. To get the Okay Ending: Ryu use Rudra, attack with Mrbl1s, Karn use Mrbl1s as Puka fusion, Nina buffing and healing, Bleu casting BoltX. Do NOT slack off with Nina. Make sure that everyone is healthy as can be, because the Goddess can hurt your characters very badly. If anyone is killed, RenewX or Life2 immediately. It'll be long, but you'll eventually take her down. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* If you didn't use Agni, the ending you see isn't all too great, but it's worth it for the scene after the credits. Though, I say they should have used art instead of a sprite. Gives more mood that way. If you DID use Agni, then the battle will momentarily stop for Myria to change into her true form. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! F I N A L B A T T L E ! ! ============================================================================== GODDESS Health: 50000 Attack: 350 EXP : 10 Gold : 12 Actions: Breath, SnakeBite, BigCrash(All, 70) ============================================================================== Breath and SnakeBite will hit for 157-278 damage. She can, and most likely will, instantly kill Karn in a fused form. Did I need to use the new formatting? Nah, but might as well, since the Goddess is one frickin' hard boss. If you actually fight her. If you want to be a n00b and just use Agni, you don't need any help with strategy. Now, for the people who actually want to WIN the battle, Ryu should change to Rudra and attack with Mrbl1s, Nina should be buffing and HEALING (Cannot stress that enough), Karn should be using Mrbl1s as Puka, and Bleu should be casting BoltX. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Goddess will hit your characters for high damage, meaning Nina must be ready to counter the damage with a Cura3, Cura4 or CuraX IMMEDIATELY. In some cases, a RenewX. If you want her AP to last out, have her use a Cure instead, though keep in mind she's most likely slower then the Goddess. You may consider not using Karn, as he will be hit for fatal damage most of the time and might not be able to afford refusing time and time again. However, the other members will hit for pitful damage. Her defenses are THAT high. If Nina is ever struck out, Life2 her at once. When Nina or Bleu runs out of AP, that's about midway in the battle. Use the WtrJar at this point. That oughta freshen' your troops. Continue with the offensive tactics, and you'll win. You won't realize when you win because by that point, you'll start thinking the Goddess is invincible, and thus the last attack will be a pleasant suprise. (D'oh. I forgot. If you listened to me when I said not to equip the StarHR, have someone survivable use the StarHR instead of having Karn fusion use Mrbl1s. You'll do better damage then you would if you got criticals with Puka) *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* YAY! You WIN! Enjoy the REAL ending. Oh yeah, do you remember when I said that this would be character developing? I lied. >_> ****************************************************************************** Section 5 - E N E M I E S - Never ever going to get this done, I'll bet ****************************************************************************** This part sucks, but will remain for completion's sake. For GOOD monster info, go look in Novalia Spirit's AWESOME guide instead. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/563529/51306 Format: Name - The name of the monster. Duh. HP: Health of target. How much damage it can take before dying. AT: Attack Power. Factors in with how much damage it does to you. EX: Experience. How much EXP points it'll give your party. GO: Gold. How much money it will drop. Actions: Abilities of the target. Spells will have the damage in brackets. Location: Where the monster is found Drops: What the monster drops. (NOTE - EXP and GP will vary, no idea why, but the game fluctuates a lot with them.) (NOTE - I can only give ONE location, the first time you find it, after that, they start to appear in a lot of places, and it makes it very difficult to write them all down.) Slime HP: 12 AT: 2 EX: 1 GO: 3 Actions: Attack. Location: World Map (Drogen) Drops: Herb, Antdt. Flea HP: 15 AT: 5 EX: 3 GO: 4 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Drogen) Drops: Bulla HP: 20 AT: 8 EX: 3 GO: 4 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Drogen) Drops: Beak HP: 14 AT: 18 EX: 8 GO: 8 Actions: Attack. Location: Camlon Castle Drops: Herb P.Bug HP: 8 AT: 5 EX: 5 GO: 12 Actions: Attack, Poison. Location: Camlon Castle Drops: Antdt Gloom HP: 12 AT: 18 EX: 5 GO: 12 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(12). Location: Camlon Castle Drops: Antdt Creep HP: 25 AT: 8 EX: 8 GO: 8 Actions: Attack. Location: Camlon Castle Drops: Herb Spider HP: 40 AT: 40 EX: 20 GO: 40 Actions: Attack. Location: Ramui Woods Drops: Herb Zard HP: 35 AT: 55 EX: 60 GO: 45 Actions: Attack Location: Karma Drops: Blurb HP: 50 AT: 46 EX: 40 GO: 20 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Tantar) Drops: Stool HP: 25 AT: 20 EX: 40 GO: 20 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Tantar) Drops: Herb, M.Drop WarHog HP: 50 AT: 60 EX: 160 GO: 80 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Tantar) Drops: Herb Zombie HP: 25 AT: 42 EX: 70 GO: 36 Actions: Attack, Rotaway Location: World Map (Tantar) Drops: M.Drop S.Rider HP: 45 AT: 60 EX: 120 GO: 90 Actions: Attack Location: Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) Drops: Herb G.Knight HP: 50 AT: 75 EX: 100 GO: 200 Actions: Attack Location: Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) Drops: Mage HP: 85 AT: 40 EX: 140 GO: 70 Actions: Burn Out(20), Blast(20) Location: Ease Cave Drops: Herb, M.Drop Ameblob HP: 75 AT: 48 EX: 60 GO: 45 Actions: Attack, Recover(10), Burn Out(20) Location: Ease Cave Drops: Fungus HP: 80 AT: 62 EX: 240 GO: 120 Actions: Attack, Paralyze, Devistate(All, 30) Location: World Map (First Dragon Shrine) Drops: Tronk HP: 40 AT: 26 EX: 140 GO: 72 Actions: Attack, Silence, Curse, Paralyze Location: World Map (First Dragon Shrine) Drops: Fly HP: 45 AT: 92 EX: 40 GO: 20 Actions: Attack Location: Cape Cave Drops: Shadow HP: 100 AT: 30 EX: 120 GO: 60 Actions: Attack, Paralyze, Curse Location: Cape Cave Drops: Bully HP: 45 AT: 100 EX: 120 GO: 60 Actions: Attack Location: L&D Cave Drops: G.Slime HP: 120 AT: 120 EX: 800 GO: 300 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Bleak) Drops: Cactus HP: 54 AT: 90 EX: 130 GO: 50 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Arad) Drops: Scrop HP: 70 AT: 70 EX: 120 GO: 60 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Arad) Drops: SandClod HP: 100 AT: 90 EX: 340 GO: 120 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Arad) Drops: Creeon HP: 100 AT: 80 EX: 220 GO: 120 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Arad) Drops: Prickle HP: 90 AT: 65 EX: 40 GO: 20 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Arad) Drops: E.Chest HP: 45 AT: 65 EX: 860 GO: 360 Actions: Attack Location: Krypt Drops: Herb CactusX HP: 70 AT: 60 EX: 360 GO: 270 Actions: Attack Location: Underwater Drops: CrawlerX HP: 80 AT: 80 EX: 250 GO: 150 Actions: Attack Location: Underwater Drops: CreonX HP: 120 AT: 100 EX: 600 GO: 400 Actions: Attack Location: Underwater Drops: Fishy HP: 65 AT: 60 EX: 360 GO: 300 Actions: Attack Location: Underwater Drops: DogFish HP: 140 AT: 55 EX: 560 GO: 150 Actions: Attack Location: Underwater Drops: Chimera HP: 180 AT: 78 EX: 560 GO: 180 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Hidden Fort) Drops: R.Slime HP: 66 AT: 84 EX: 240 GO: 150 Actions: Attack, Paralyze Location: World Map (Hidden Fort) Drops: Antdt M.Scorp HP: 65 AT: 54 EX: 640 GO: 240 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Hidden Fort) Drops: Sorcerer HP: 200 AT: 40 EX: 600 GO: 200 Actions: Blast(80), T.Bolt(20), Devistate(All, 30) Location: Hidden Fort Drops: SpearMan HP: 150 AT: 84 EX: 500 GO: 340 Actions: Attack Location: Hidden Fort Drops: Herb Archer HP: 180 AT: 92 EX: 560 GO: 180 Actions: Attack Location: Hidden Fort Drops: Chopper HP: 100 AT: 130 EX: 480 GO: 300 Actions: Attack Location: Nabal Drops: AmeblobX HP: 400 AT: 75 EX: 640 GO: 240 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 95), Recover(40), Paralyze Location: Sea Volcano Drops: Tentacle HP: 60 AT: 60 EX: 240 GO: 150 Actions: Attack Location: Sea Volcano Drops: Crab HP: 300 AT: 180 EX: 1020 GO: 360 Actions: Attack Location: Underwater (Across the crevasse) Drops: Warlock HP: 250 AT: 80 EX: 1020 GO: 360 Actions: Attack, Curse, T.Bolt(95) Location: World Map (Gust) Drops: LancerX HP: 300 AT: 100 EX: 500 GO: 340 Actions: Attack Location: Lab Drops: Buzzer HP: 100 AT: 100 EX: 130 GO: 50 Actions: Attack, CureAll(100), Redirect Location: Lab Drops: Mimic HP: 300 AT: 140 EX: 800 GO: 3000 Actions: Attack, Paralyze, Redirect Location: Lab Drops: Blaze HP: 400 AT: 100 EX: 860 GO: 360 Actions: Attack, Burn Out (90), Burn Out (All, 40) Location: Lab Drops: Roach HP: 180 AT: 78 EX: 460 GO: 200 Actions: Attack Location: Mouse Hole Drops: Herb Bain HP: 250 AT: ?? EX: 720 GO: 140 Actions: Attack, Curse, Burn Out (All, 45) Location: Lab Drops: D.Knight HP: 180 AT: 148 EX: 780 GO: 300 Actions: Attack, Curse, AgileUp Location: Lab Drops: Zoom HP: 300 AT: 80 EX: 800 GO: 200 Actions: Attack, Blast (110), Shock!, Blizzard (All, 60) Location: World Map (Gramor) Drops: WraithX HP: 320 AT: 95 EX: 480 GO: 240 Actions: Attack, SlowDown Location: DreamWorld Drops: WarHogX HP: 280 AT: 140 EX: 1360 GO: 480 Actions: Attack, Burn Out(All, 90) Location: Wilderness Drops: D.Flea HP: 200 AT: 100 EX: 180 GO: 90 Actions: Attack, Silence, Shock! Location: Winter Cave Drops: M.Flea HP: 100 AT: 120 EX: 1680 GO: 400 Actions: Attack Location: Winter Cave Drops: Nautulis HP: 200 AT: 128 EX: 700 GO: 300 Actions: Attack Location: Winter Cave Drops: BlazeX HP: 2400 AT: 120 EX: 840 GO: 200 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(400), Devistate(All, 80), Blast(All, 50) Location: Spyre Drops: Golem HP: 3000 AT: 160 EX: 1290 GO: 540 Actions: Attack Location: Spyre Drops: Flower HP: 700 AT: 140 EX: 1800 GO: 600 Actions: Attack, Paralyze, Silence Location: Spyre Drops: Phoenix HP: 240 AT: 128 EX: 720 GO: 360 Actions: Attack Location: Spyre Drops: DogFishX HP: 300 AT: 120 EX: 560 GO: 180 Actions: Attack Location: World Map (Carmen) Drops: Urchin, Shell FireHead HP: 240 AT: 140 EX: 1400 GO: 1000 Actions: Attack, Petrify(All), Inferno(70) Location: Tock Drops: Herb Widow HP: 300 AT: 164 EX: 1400 GO: 450 Actions: Attack Location: Tock Drops: D.Rider HP: 44 AT: 65 EX: 50 GO: 30 Actions: Attack Location: Tock Drops: Entity HP: 700 AT: 120 EX: 1680 GO: 800 Actions: Attack, Chill(250) Location: Scande Tower Drops: BowManX HP: 110 AT: 30 EX: 280 GO: 90 Actions: Attack Location: Scande Tower Drops: LancerX HP: 300 AT: 100 EX: 500 GO: 340 Actions: Attack Location: Scande Tower Drops: Claw HP: 2500 AT: 168 EX: 1200 GO: 400 Actions: Attack, Petrify, PowerUp Location: Scande Tower Drops: Soldier HP: 600 AT: 160 EX: 1320 GO: 720 Actions: Attack Location: Scande Tower Drops: Ghoul HP: 280 AT: 130 EX: 700 GO: 300 Actions: Attack, RotAway, Silence Location: Pagoda Drops: PincherX HP: 1700 AT: 155 EX: 1800 GO: 600 Actions: Attack, RotAway, Paralyze, Redirect Location: Pagoda Drops: Herb ICU HP: 2500 AT: 120 EX: 1290 GO: 540 Actions: Attack, Blizzard(All, 80), Paralyze Location: Pagoda Drops: Gargoyle HP: 2200 AT: 84 EX: 1200 GO: 400 Actions: Attack Location: Obelisk Drops: Ruga HP: 3500 AT: 200 EX: 2520 GO: 1200 Actions: Attack, Attack All Location: Obelisk Drops: ****************************************************************************** Section 6 - B O S S E S - In order of appearance... ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== First Chapter ============================================================================== Frog HP : 180 AT : 20 EX : 500 GO : 350 Actions : Glob Shot, Tongue Lash, Lunge (All regular attacks, just different animations). Recover (10HP). Location: Camlon Castle ============================ GlobShot and TongueLash does 5-8 damage. Lunge does 8-11 damage. He's not too tough. At level 5, I got him down to his second wind before even healing once. At this point of time, you have no variety in options, so do the only thing you can do: Attack. If you're slower then he is, heal with an herb when you're at about 15HP, if you're quicker, heal right before you're going to die. These are approximations, you never know when he might hit for a high damage lunge. Still, he's easy to take down. Knight HP : 390 AT : 45 EX : 700 GO : 500 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(20), Recover(40) Location: Gaia Temple ============================ His physical attack does 8-9 damage (Funny, I thought it was set at 8, until he struck a 9) Not that hard, but he gets pretty annoying when he's low on HP because he starts to recover. Since it's all you can do, attack non-stop until he drops your HP to 20 or below. You should heal with an herb when that happens. Also you can use that F.Stn and B.Stn you picked up early and let them loose for a pretty hefty blow. He'll fall eventually. ============================================================================== Second Chapter ============================================================================== Morte HP: 120 AT: 65 EX: 280 GO: 200 Actions: Attack Drops: M.Drop ============================ He does 15-25 damage. (Technically, a mini-boss, but eh) Do you hear that? The Grim Reaper's calling! But man, what a wuss. His regular attacks do hyped up damage to anyone on the front row, but he can barely take a hit himself. Nina should use the E.Key every turn while the soldiers attack. 5 turns, and this guy is done. If someone gets low HP, have Nina heal and one of the soldiers use the key. Mortea HP: 230 AT: 90 EX: 336 GO: 240 Actions: Attack Drops: Herb ============================ She does 19-36 damage. (Technically, a mini-boss, but eh) Mortea's not happy that you owned her brother, and she'll take her shot at taking you out. But of course, it's futile. She does have a better AT score then Morte by alot, but it doesn't matter much with the E.Key. Do watch your characters health, though, and be careful to not have anyone die. Wizard HP: 180 AT: 40 EX: 1000 GO: 700 Actions: Freeze(15), T.Bolt(10), Petrify ============================ Wow, this is new, an opponent with no physical attacks. Anyway, strike the hell out of him with your sword until he uses Petrify. Once he does that, start using your reliable E.Key. Heal if your HP gets to 30 or below (he's faster then you are, so best to heal early). ============================================================================== Third Chapter ============================================================================== Pog HP: 280 AT: 80 EX: 1400 GO: 800 Actions: Attack, Double Attack, Flame Breath, Ice Breath =================== Any attack Pog uses does 8-11 damage. Pog's not hard. You might need to recover at the start of the battle because you just came from legions and legions of battles in a Forest of Despair and against undead guys, but overall, it isn't that bad. He can attack both Nina and Ryu in the same turn with his Double Attack, but that probably would have been more vicious if it hit the same member. Anyway, have Ryu attack, Nina use the E.Key, and you'll win in no time flat. General HP: 250 AT: 110 EX: 1120 GO: 300 Actions: Attack =================== He does 16-24 damage. I wasn't able to see if he had any other abilities, because I owned him in two turns. If you forgot to use them, toss your stones at him and watch as his health bar magically disappear. Chances are that you have used them, so resort to physical attacks with Ryu and Bo, and using the E.Key with Nina. You can alternatively have Bo blast him with his magic, and have someone restore his AP afterwards. It really doesn't matter, the General can cause some heavy damage, but he dies too dang fast for it to matter. Wisp HP: 730 AT: 90 EX: 1200 GO: 300 Actions: Attack, Attack All Drops: Herb =================== Any attack Wisp uses does 10-19 special damage (meaning Bo wearing the WolfHT will take double damage). Here we go, an actual boss fight where we have more then just attack as an option (well there was Pog and General, but those weren't fun). Have Nina use Atk-Up on Ryu and Bo, then healing and using the E.Key. Fort will be useless since all of Wisps' attacks deal special damage. Bo cast Fry until he's out of AP, then start attacking, and Ryu attacking non-stop. Like Pog, Wisp can attack all your members, but it won't matter all too much. Gremlin HP: 1200 AT: 140 EX: 1400 GO: 800 Actions: Attack, Attack All =================== Any attack Gremlin uses does 15-30 damage. Whoo, just got a load tougher then his previous wussy form. Alright, like the Wisp, he deals special damage, so Bo will take massive damage if you had his WolfHT on. Nina should Atk-up Ryu as soon as possible. Ryu should be attacking continously. Bo should be casting Fry non-stop, and Nina should be healing Bo's AP with Acorns and healing the party. If she has a free turn, she should attack with any stones you may have left and the E.Key. Keep in mind that the Gremlin is faster than all your characters, so heal ahead of time. If you mess up, you can still restore a single person's health with Nina's magic, since that will always go first. Once he's on his second wind, he will ALWAYS use attack all, so I highly recommend bringing a supply of meats. ============================================================================== The Fourth Chapter ============================================================================== Talon HP: 700 AT: 70 EX: 400 GO: 190 Actions: Attack ================== Talon does 9-15 damage. It can cause a slam for double damage. As Ryu, you're out of options again. So, let's attack and heal when necessary. Heal at about 30HP, and attack with the E.Key. SandWorm HP: 1600 AT: 180 EX: 1200 GO: 1200 Actions: Attack =================== Sandworm attacks for 15-25 special damage. Again, if Bo has his WolfHT on, he'll take quite a bit of damage. However, this fight is over really quickly, so I don't think you'll need to switch it out. Have Ryu use ThrDr and attack non-stop, Nina Atk-Up herself and Bo, then attack, and have Bo attack non-stop. Seriously, if Nina can do 50+ on this guy with an Atk-Up, how tough can he be? (My Nina was kickin' butt with continuous slam attacks, going upwards to 130+) Heck, you might even consider Atk-Up on Ryu and have him attack regularly. SandWorm's defense is THAT pathetic. He'll be down and out before you know it. (NOTE: SNES Version, SandWorm is weak to ice, so use SnoDr and Frost, if you're playing that version.) EyeSpy HP: 1600 AT: 100 EX: 2800 GO: 2800 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 25) =================== EyeSpy deals 9-15 damage. Not hard at all, Ryu should ThrDr and attack, Bo should attack and use Fry occasionally, and Nina should Atk-Up Bo and use the E.Key. When it's on it's second wind, it will use nothing but T.Bolt, but at that point, you can wipe it out in one turn with ThrDr attack, Bo's Fry spell, and the E.Key. Cloud HP: 1400 AT: 120 EX: 4800 GO: 1200 Actions: T.Bolt(40), Burn Out(40), Devistate(All, 45) Drops: Herb =================== Whoo, another no-regular-attacker. Have Nina keep everyone's health above 45, Atk-Up Bo and Karn, and use the E.Key. Have Ryu use ThrDr and attack non-stop, Bo Fry until he's out of AP and resort to regular attacks, and Karn attack non-stop, since that's all he can do. Cloud will be gone soon enough. Squid HP: 1000 AT: 155 EX: 6000 GO: 4200 Actions: Charge, GlobShot, Attack All =================== Any of his globshot attacks does about 15-50 damage. However, Ryu will take considerably less damage because of the super equipment you found in Agua. This includes damage from his Charge attack. It did 105 to my Bo, but when he used it on Ryu, it did a measly 11. Used it on Nina, and it caused 28. So, I can't really pinpoint the ranges. Being a water creature, electrical attacks should do very nice damage. Ryu should cast ThrDr and attack, Nina should Atk-Up herself and Karn, then resort to regular attacks, Bo should cast Fry, and Karn should attack. Squid will fall before it can do any real damage. Octo HP: 1000 AT: 160 EX: 6000 GO: 1500 Actions: Charge, GlobShot =================== He's so alike with his brother, in the fact that his attacks are only a tiny bit stronger (If at all), and he's a wuss when it comes to lightning attacks. He will, however, use his charge attack much more often then his brother did, so beware. Anyway, same strategy as before. Ryu use ThrDr and attack like mad, Nina use Atk-Up on Karn and herself and attack like mad, Bo cast Fry like a mad man, and Karn, well, attack like mad. He'll be dead in practically the same time it took to kill his brother. ============================================================================== The Fifth Chapter ============================================================================== Morteo HP: 1500 AT: 180 EX: 3200 GO: 3000 Actions: Attack =================== He does 34-45 damage, except to Ryu if he is wearing LifeAR Pathetic. I can't believe I decided to call this a boss fight, but I dunno, calling him a mini-boss doesn't seem right. Anyway, this cousin of Morte and Mortea is a wimp. You can really just AUTO the fight, and stop it if someone's health starts to get low. Heck, Nina will do more the then E.Key when she isn't even powered up (though that may be because I bought an EvilRP for her). If you want, power-up your characters with Atk-Ups to speed up the fight. Morteo has a weakness to fire, but you can't really exploit that if Ryu powered-up is doing past 172 damage. Toad HP: 2300 AT: 330 EX: 6000 GO: 1500 Actions: TongueLash, GlobShot =================== Okay, no idea why, but he only attacked Nina, and it was for a horendous range of 84-133. He instantly killed her one time when she was at full HP. Just terrible luck for me, I guess. Anyway, Ryu should ThrDr and attack, Nina should Atk-Up Ox, Karn, and herself, then start to attack and heal, Karn should attack in Shin form, and Ox should attack. And down goes Toad. GrimFowl HP: 2000 AT: 170 EX: 4200 GO: 4800 Actions: Burn Out (75) =================== I couldn't check to see if it had anymore abilities, I killed it in two turns. The GrimFowl is a fire creature, so Ice magic works well. However, Ryu's physical attack is more powerful then SnowDR if he has an Atk-Up buff. Basically, all you need to do is have Nina Atk-Up Karn[Shin], Ryu, and Ox (If you have enough time), and attack. Down in no time flat. SlimeX -> SlimeX (Fused) HP: 600 HP: 1200 AT: 20 AT: ?? EX: - EX: 5400 GO: - GO: 6000 Actions: Attack Actions: Attack =================== SlimeX, fused or not, does 15-41 damage. Pathetic. They have a weakness for fire, but why bother? Smash around the individual SlimeX's with physical attacks from the party, destroying them with the B.Rang. Once it fuses, keep up the physical attacks, and you win. ============================================================================== The Sixth Chapter ============================================================================== Myst HP: 1100 AT: 80 EX: 4000 GO: 3600 Actions: Burn Out (30), T.Bolt (All, 40) =================== You know, for a new enemy, I was hoping for more. But no, this is what I get. He uses new a new Burn Out and T.Bolt animation, though they don't compensate in power. Strategy is simple, ThrDr with Ryu and attack, attack with Ox, attack with Karn fused as Shin, and Atk-Up everyone (minus Ryu) with Nina. Then she just attacks. Pincher HP: 1000 AT: 190 EX: 4800 GO: 4800 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 95) =================== His regular attack does around 38 damage. He has a weakness for electricity. So, exploit! I recommend having Bo out instead of Karn's Shin fusion, so he can cast Fry. So, to put the strategy forward: Ryu attack as ThrDr, Nina casting Shield on low HP characters (and healing if necessary), Bleu casting Fry, and Bo casting Fry. Your attack force is doing 435 a round, so this sucker will be down in four turns (since Ryu spends a round transforming). Beware, however, of his Gale spell, it'll wreak havoc on your party if he decides to use it. Bain HP: 1800 AT: 100 EX: 1020 GO: 360 Actions: Attack =================== Bain deals 13-21 damage, and can (but very rarely) cause slams. I'm sure that in any other FAQ, you'll find them talking about how cool Bain looks. I agree. Anyway, since this is a Ryu solo battle, you don't have what we call "variety" in your abilities. Bain also does not have a weakness. Thus, all you do is ThrDr and set it to 'AUTO' if you're playing the GBA version. If you're using the SNES, just keep pressing the A button. Bain will do significantly less damage to you in Drake form, so you probably won't even need to heal. Heck, if you want, you can take him out without transforming, though do pack some form of healing items in your inventory. Bain goes down easy. K.Roach HP: 2800 AT: 100 EX: 460 GO: 200 Actions: Attack ======================== Even though I gave Morte and Mortea a BOSS BATTLE heading, and just made a little note of them being Mini-Bosses, there's no way I'm doing that with these guys. THEY ARE PATHETIC. Heck, I was attempted to say "FORCED BATTLE". Karn[Shin] should be doing 999 a hit, or dang near close to there, Ryu should be at 700+, Ox-ey should be around 600-700+, and Nina is about 450-500. They each have a second wind, which is annoying, because they're faster then you. That means, they get three hits, Shin obliterates one's health bar, sending it to second wind, and restarting the round. They basically get 5 free hits! But Nina should be able to compensate if they have been focusing on one member. If not, don't stop attacking for anything. RugaX HP: 1400 AT: 170 EX: 3200 GO: 2400 Actions: Bite, OrbShot, Attack All =================== RugaX does somewhere around 40-60 damage with its attacks. You know, I'm curious as to why this Ruga is X-ed up, but weaker then the original Ruga. In terms of HP and Attack Power, anyway. This one's worth more. Not much to this, pound it down with physicals. If you want, you could switch Ox out for Bleu and have her storm away with Chills or F.Balls or Blasts, or whatever the heck she has in her bag o' tricks at this time. You could also have Ryu BltDgn to make him go away all the more quicker. Doesn't really matter. G.Fly HP: 1000 AT: 170 EX: 5600 GO: 6400 Actions: Attack Drops: Herb ======================= It can cause 32-46 damage. Destroy it with multiple physcial attacks. Or, if you're just pissed off at this side-quest, you can BltDgn with Ryu, and Atk-Up all your members to truly turn this thing to dust. FlowerX HP: 2900 AT: 250 EX: 3200 GO: 3000 Actions: Attack, Poison =================== It only got one regular attack in (it used Poison on two of the three turns it was alive), and it did 92 damage to Shin. However, Shin seems to take more damage then everyone else, and if I killed it in three turns and forgot to heal ever since coming back from the Lab, I doubt you need to worry. You know, being a flower, you'd think it'd be weak to fire, what with RPG physics and all. But no, it still takes 210 from FirDgn. So, BltDgn attacks with Ryu, regular attacks from Ox, regular attacks from Karn fused as Shin, and Nina powering up everyone and healing poison wherever. HornToad HP: 4000 AT: 195 EX: 6800 GO: 7000 Actions: Squash, Earthquake(All) =================== He can attack one party member with Squash or use an Earthquake attack (which isn't a Devistate), each doing 21-52 damage. He'll get an attack increase on his second wind. Well, well. I think you should have an idea on how to fight by now. Ryu cast BltDgn and attack non-stop, Karn attack non-stop fused as Shin, Nina cast Atk-Up on herself and Karn, then go on to attacking and healing (She actually does pretty nice damage to Cort), and Bleu blasting out her Blast Spells, or whatever her strongest magick is. ============================================================================== The Seventh Chapter ============================================================================== Mothro HP: 3500 AT: 210 EX: 6000 GO: 8000 Actions: Poison, Time Out, Shock! =================== Well, a boss with no physicals. And his other attacks suck pretty bad. Poison and Paralysis? Get real. However, he'll can also use Shock! the instant kill spell that has 50% chance of working. There's really not much you can do against that, so just don't let up with attacks. This is the reason I'd recommend Ox instead of Nina. Have Ox and Karn[Shin] attacking, Ryu attacking as Bolt Dragon, and Bleu shooting Chars and Novas and such and such. Ox should use Heal if someone gets poisoned, but since the super forms aren't affected by status ailments, it's only him and Bleu that are at risk. Mothro goes down without much trouble. Mote HP: 3500 AT: 210 EX: 5400 GP: 6000 Actions: Attack, Inferno(150), Burn Out(All, 90) =================== His attack does 25-47 damage. Now, at first sight, you'll be, "What the **** is that thing?" And I'm here to tell you, "Nine Pixels." No damage will be done in the beginning, but the battle will stop for a moment, and restart. At this point you can hurt him, but DO NOT use any attack magic, including Dragon spells. Instead, Nina should Atk-Up everyone, and everyone attacks. As you attack him, more and more pixels will appear. As he grows more clear, magic attacks will begin to work. Every shot of magic will pixelate him slightly. So, just attack and heal until he's on his second wind, and then Bleu should cast FireX, or if you have it, BoltX. ============================================================================== The Eighth Chapter ============================================================================== Cerl HP: 3500 AT: 225 EX: -- GO: -- Actions: Attack, Attack All, Time Out =================== Cerl causes 25-40 damage, a bit more to a fused Karn. She's a real pushover. Have Ryu attack as Bolt Dragon, Karn attack as Puka, Nina Atk-Up Karn and herself and attack, and Bleu casting BoltX. The battle will end automatically when Cerl takes 2000 or more damage. Avian HP: 3000 AT: 270 EX: 1400 GP: 1600 =================== Avian deals 36-55 damage. Can cause slams. Well, this bird maybe ugly, but god, is he difficult without some restoratives. And I'm not talking about Herbs, I'm talking about REAL restoratives. Things that heal 150+. Better yet, go out and get 5 Mrbl1s and 1-3 cures. Now, to fight him, change into Bolt Dragon and attack with Mrbl1s, or regular attacks if you didn't want to buy them. Heal when HP gets to 60. He may cause a slam, so you might want to heal at 90. Zog HP: 16000 AT: 240 EX: 7000 GO: 7000 Actions: Attack, DragonBreath, Char(All, 135), Gale(All, 130) =================== You know, Zog made me lose COMPLETE understanding of a fused Karns' defense. His regular attack does 50ish damage, but when he hit Puka, it did something among the lines of 750. I have no idea why. DragonBreath is basically an attack all technique at half-strength, but it hits a fused Karn for 100ish. Well, there are two ways to go about this, the boring and slow way, or the dangerous, fun and fast way. The boring and slow way is to have Ryu use Agni (Unfuse Karn beforehand) and set it to AUTO then stop to heal if Agni's health gets low. BOOOORIINNNGG. The second way is much better IMO. Have Ryu change to Rudra and attack with Mrbl1s, Karn use Mrbl1s as Puka, Bleu casting BoltX, and Nina Atk-Up Karn and herself and keep the party's health above 140. If she has a free turn, have her attack. You'll be doing beyond two times Agni's damage in a single turn (Ryu is hitting 960, Karn is hitting 870-999, Bleu is hitting 600), so it's faster, but your party is more vulnerable if Nina can't keep up. I find it odd Capcom made Zog have weakness to EVERY elemental, but eh. (NOTE - You don't necessarily need to use the D.Hrt to win. If you are planning to, take note that Ryu will be dropped to 1HP.) ============================================================================== The Final Chapter ============================================================================== Sara HP: 11250 AT: 320 EX: 8000 GP: 8000 Actions: Attack, T.Bolt(All, 55) =================== Sara will do 56-90 damage. Well, as with Zog, two strategies are there. Number One: Ryu use Agni, attack and heal as necessary. Number Two: Ryu use Rudra and Mrbl1s, Nina Atk-Up Karn and heal and attack, Karn use Mrbl1s, and Bleu use BoltX. However, if you still have your D.Hrt song, you can use it here. Instead of only hitting for the thousands, the D.Hrt will drop Sara's health immediately down to one! One attack will kill her after the D.Hrt. As with Zog, Sara has a weakness to every single element. She has no second wind. Goda HP: 11000 AT: 235 EX: 6000 GP: 6000 Actions: Attack =================== Goda hits for 50-90 damage. Hits a fused Karn for ALOT higher. The first of the final three bosses. And also incredibly easy. Again, it's the same options: Agni, or no. And again, it's more fun not to use Agni. Ryu use Rudra, attack with Mrbl1s, Nina buffing, healing and attacking, Karn use Puka, attack with Mrbl1s, and Bleu destroying him with BoltX. Do be wary of your HP, make sure you don't have Nina slacking off. You'll be fine. Goda has no variety in abilities, so you'll only see that physical attack. Goda has no weakness. Jade HP: 25000 AT: 280 EX: 8000 GP: 8000 Actions: Attack, Attack All, Blizzard(All, 100), Shock! =================== Jade hits for 70-97 damage. Attack All hits for approximately half-strength. Jade...what can I say? The same two options lie in front of you. I'm sure you know them, but just in case you have utter crap of a memory (relax, I do too), then here they are. Ryu use Agni, attack until below 100HP, then use Cure. OR. Ryu use Rudra, attack with Mrbl1s, Karn use Puka, attack with Mrbl1s, Bleu casting BoltX, Nina buffing and healing. Not tough, though he has massive health, so it'll take awhile. Do be wary, however. According to a reader (I have people using this guide, amazing), he can cast Shock!, which has that coin toss chance of instantly killing a member of yours. His second wind is pretty measly. Goddess HP: 50000 AT: 350 EX: 10 GO: 12 Actions: Attack, Blizzard(All, 100) =================== She hits for 66-250 damage, depending on who she hits. To get the Good Ending: Use Agni, attack once, and battle ends. To get the Okay Ending: Ryu use Rudra, attack with Mrbl1s, Karn use Mrbl1s as Puka fusion, Nina buffing and healing, Bleu casting BoltX. Do NOT slack off with Nina. Make sure that everyone is healthy as can be, because the Goddess can hurt your characters very badly. If anyone is killed, RenewX or Life2 immediately. It'll be long, but you'll eventually take her down. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ! ! F I N A L B A T T L E ! ! ============================================================================== GODDESS Health: 50000 Attack: 350 EXP : 10 Gold : 12 Actions: Breath, SnakeBite, BigCrash(All, 70) ============================================================================== Breath and SnakeBite will hit for 157-278 damage. She can, and most likely will, instantly kill Karn in a fused form. Did I need to use the new formatting? Nah, but might as well, since the Goddess is one frickin' hard boss. If you actually fight her. If you want to be a n00b and just use Agni, you don't need any help with strategy. Now, for the people who actually want to WIN the battle, Ryu should change to Rudra and attack with Mrbl1s, Nina should be buffing and HEALING (Cannot stress that enough), Karn should be using Mrbl1s as Puka, and Bleu should be casting BoltX. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Goddess will hit your characters for high damage, meaning Nina must be ready to counter the damage with a Cura3, Cura4 or CuraX IMMEDIATELY. In some cases, a RenewX. If you want her AP to last out, have her use a Cure instead, though keep in mind she's most likely slower then the Goddess. You may consider not using Karn, as he will be hit for fatal damage most of the time and might not be able to afford refusing time and time again. However, the other members will hit for pitful damage. Her defenses are THAT high. If Nina is ever struck out, Life2 her at once. When Nina or Bleu runs out of AP, that's about midway in the battle. Use the WtrJar at this point. That oughta freshen' your troops. Continue with the offensive tactics, and you'll win. You won't realize when you win because by that point, you'll start thinking the Goddess is invincible, and thus the last attack will be a pleasant suprise. (D'oh. I forgot. If you listened to me when I said not to equip the StarHR, have someone survivable use the StarHR instead of having Karn fusion use Mrbl1s. You'll do better damage then you would if you got criticals with Puka) *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=**=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ****************************************************************************** Section 7 - E Q U I P M E N T - Get equipped with Mega- I mean, uh, stuff ****************************************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++ Section 7a. WEAPONRY - From weakest to strongest ++++++++++++++++++++ ========================== Ryu's Swords, Boomerangs and Other Goodies (Nina can use the PoisonRP and PowerRP) (Karn can use the DarkDR) ========================== Dirk One-handed Attack - 5 Weight - 1 Found: Ryu starts with it Bought at Drogen for 50G Sabre One-handed Attack - 8 Weight - 2 Found: Bought at Drogen, Winlan, Romero, Tantar for 400G BronzSD One-handed Attack - 12 Weight - 3 Found: Camlon Castle Bought at Winlan for 700G Foil (Rang) One-handed Attack - 18 Weight - 2 Special: Attacks all enemies, MDEF+1 Found: Karma Scythe One-handed Attack - 20 Weight - 3 Found: Bought at Tantar for 1200G PoisonRP One-handed Attack - 20 Weight - 5 Found: Bought at Tunlan for 2700G Bought at Prima, Tunlan for 3300G LongSD One-handed Attack - 26 Weight - 4 Found: 1 in Dark D. Fort Bought at Nanai for 2250G Bought at Auria for 1650G BroadSD One-handed Attack - 34 Weight - 5 Found: Bought at Bleak, Prima for 5000G Bought at Auria for 5500G BrokenSD One-handed Attack - 42 Weight - 15 Found: 1 in Winlan Castle Sickle One-handed Attack - 50 Weight - 6 Found: Bought at Prima for 6500G B.Rang One-handed Attack - 60 Weight - 2 SPECIAL: Attacks all enemies Found: 1 in Krypt, repaired in Gant PowerSD One-handed Attack - 62 Weight - 8 Found: Bought at Prima for 10400G PowerRP One-handed Attack - 82 Weight - 0 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (12000G-18000G) (Final Stage) WingSD One-handed Attack - 96 Weight - 8 Found: Bought at Gust, Spring for 10000G DragonSD One-handed Attack - 110 Weight - 20 Found: Fished out well, W of Romero FlameSD One-handed Attack - 122 Weight - 10 Found: Bought at Carmen for 20000G DarkDR One-handed Attack - 140 Weight - 1 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (16000-24000G) (Stage 2) Tri-Rang One-handed Attack - 150 Weight - 2 SPECIAL: Attacks all enemies Found: 1 near Pagoda, behind the tower EmporSD One-handed Attack - 255 Weight - 1 Found: 1 in Obelisk ========================== Nina's Rapiers (Ryu can use the PoisonRP and PowerRP) ========================== ShortRP One-handed Attack - 5 Weight - 1 Found: Nina starts with it Bought at Romero for 400G BronzRP One-handed Attack - 7 Weight - 2 Found: Bought at Winlan for 700G Bought at Romero, Tantar for 800G LightRP One-handed Attack - 10 Weight - 2 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (32-48G) (Stage 1) Rapier One-handed Attack - 10 Weight - 4 Found: Bought at Auria for 1650G IronRP One-handed Attack - 14 Weight - 5 Found: Bought at Nanai for 1800G PoisonRP One-handed Attack - 20 Weight - 5 Found: Bought at Tunlan for 2700G Bought at Prima, Tunlan for 3300G FlameRP One-handed Attack - 28 Weight - 5 Found: 1 in Winlan Castle WingRP One-handed Attack - 34 Weight - 2 Found: Bought at Gust for 7000G ThundrRP One-handed Attack - 46 Weight - 6 SPECIAL: Casts 'Fry' when used in battle. Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (3150-5400G) (Stage 1) EvilRP One-handed Attack - 55 Weight - 7 Found: Bought at Tunlan for 18000G Bought at Prima for 20000G Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (8000-12000G) (Stage 2) LoyalRP One-handed Attack - 64 Weight - 6 SPECIAL: Restores 3AP for every normal attack. Found: Bought at Carmen for 25000G PowerRP One-handed Attack - 82 Weight - 0 SPECIAL: Casts Ag-Up when used as an item. Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (12000G-18000G) (Final Stage) ========================= Bo's Stick Hurlers (What? 'Bo's Bows' sounds retarded) ========================= BronzBW Two-handed Attack - 14 Weight - 2 Found: Bo starts with it ShortBW Two-handed Attack - 20 Weight - 4 Found: Bought at Tantar for 1000G LongBW Two-Handed Attack - 28 Weight - 5 Found: Bought at Auria, Prima, Tunlan for 2860G Bought at Bleak for 2600G SteelBW Two-handed Attack - 35 Weight - 5 Found: 1 in Agua Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (1600-2400G) (Stage 1) Bought at Prima for 4400G Bought at Prima for 4000G PoisonBW Two-handed Attack - 42 Weight - 6 Found: Bought at Prima for 5500G SharpBW One-handed Attack - 54 Weight - 7 Found: 1 in Sea Volcano MoonBW Two-handed Attack - 66 Weight - 1 Found: Bought at Gust for 8000G JadeBW Two-handed Attack - 80 Weight - 8 Found: 1 in Mare Tower Tri-BW Two-handed Attack - 96 Weight - 12 Found: Bought at Carmen for 12000G DwarfBW One-handed Attack - 150 Weight - 1 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (7000G-12000G) (Final Stage) HeroBW Two-handed Attack - 220 Weight - 8 Found: 1 in DigSpot NE of Carmen ========================= Karn's Daggers and Throwing Tools (Ryu can use the DarkDR) ========================= SilverDR One-handed Attack - 10 Weight - 6 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (4500-6000G) (Stage 1) ThrowDR One-handed Attack - 20 Weight - 1 Found: Karn starts with it Dagger One-handed Attack - 32 Weight - 2 Found: 1 in Krypt Bought at Auria, Tunlan for 2200G Dart One-handed Attack - 46 Weight - 2 Found: 1 in L&D Cave 1 in Auria Safe Bought at Prima for 3000G Bought at Prima for 3300G Tri-DR One-handed Attack - 54 Weight - 6 Found: Bought at Gust for 4000G Bought at Prima, Tunlan for 4400G PowerDR One-handed Attack - 66 Weight - 7 Found: 1 in Sea Volcano Bought at Spring for 5500G FlameDR One-handed Attack - 74 Weight - 7 Found: 1 in Pagoda IcyDR One-handed Attack - 75 Weight - 9 SPECIAL: Casts 'Cold' when used in battle. Found: 1 in Agua DarkDR One-handed Attack - 140 Weight - 1 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (16000-24000G) (Stage 2) ========================= Gobi's Spears and Lances (Winlan Soldiers also use this kind of weaponry) ========================= Pole One-handed Attack - 12 Weight - 2 Found: Gobi starts with it Pike One-handed Attack - 24 Weight - 4 Found: Bought at Prima for 2750G Javelin One-handed Attack - 34 Weight - 3 Found: Bought at Prima for 4400G OldSP One-handed Attack - 42 Weight - 5 Found: 1 in Wisdon Bought at Gust for 6000G HeroSP One-handed Attack - 56 Weight - 4 Found: Bought at Gant for 6750G Trident One-handed Attack - 74 Weight - 6 SPECIAL: Casts 'LStorm' when used in battle. Found: 1 in Mare Tower Sleeper One-handed Attack - 100 Weight - 8 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (1600-2400G) (Stage 2) ========================= Bleu's Canes and Staves ========================= Stick One-handed Attack - 5 Weight - 1 Found: Bleu starts with it Cane One-handed Attack - 8 Weight - 2 Found: Bought at Tunlan for 5400G Bought at Prima for 6600G BoneCN One-handed Attack - 14 Weight - 4 Found: Bought at Tunlan for 2412G. EvilCN One-handed Attack - 20 Weight - 6 SPECIAL: Restores 3AP every normal attack. Found: 1 in Tock IcyCN One-handed Attack - 30 Weight - 10 Found: 1 in Scande Tower GlowCN One-handed Attack - 100 Weight - 8 SPECIAL: Para spell when used in battle. Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (27000G-36000G) (Final Stage) ========================= Ox's Hammers ========================= Club One-handed Attack - 30 Weight - 6 Found: Ox starts with it Bought at Prima for 3250G IronHR One-handed Attack - 45 Weight - 8 Found: Bought at Gant for 3150G Bought at Prima for 4550G GiantHR Two-handed Attack - 60 Weight - 12 Found: 1 in Hidden Fort Bought at Gant for 4050G RageHR One-handed Attack - 75 Weight - 8 Found: 1 in Wisdon SpineHR One-handed Attack - 120 Weight - 15 Found: Bought at Gant for 27000G FlameHR Two-handed Attack - 120 Weight - 8 Special: Flame spell when used in battle Found: 1 in Obelisk StarHR Two-handed Attack - 210 Weight - 8 Special: Comet spell when used in battle Found: 1 in Obelisk Mallet One-handed Attack - 255 Weight - 1 Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (12000G-18000G) (Final Stage) ========================= Mogu's Claws ========================= DigCW Two-handed Attack - 42 Weight - 2 Found: Mogu starts with it RustCW Two-handed Attack - 60 Weight - 4 Found: Bought at Spring for 7000G Bought at Prima for 7700G IronCW Two-handed Attack - 74 Weight - 3 Found: Bought at Spring for 10000G Bought at Prima for 11000G IcyCW Two-handed Attack - 88 Weight - 3 Found: Bought at Carmen for 15000G MystCW One-handed Attack - 120 Weight - 1 Found: 1 in DigSpot SE of Scande ++++++++++++++++++ Section 7b. ARMOUR - Same order ++++++++++++++++++ Cloth Defense - 1 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Ox, Bleu, Gobi, Mogu Found: Bought at Drogen for 10G Bought at Nanai for 9G Robes Defense - 2 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Bleu Found: Ryu starts with it SuedeCP Defense - 3 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Bleu Found: 1 in Camlon Castle Bought at Drogen for 240G Bought at Nanai for 216G Dress Defense - 8 Weight - 25 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Nina starts with it Bought at Tunlan for 900G ArmPad Defense - 8 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Gobi Found: Bo starts with it 1 in Gaia Temple Bought at Drogen for 300G SuedeGN Defense - 10 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Karn starts with it Bought at Winlan at 500G PrisnCL Defense - 10 Weight - 2 Special: FATE+20 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Auria SuedeAR Defense - 14 Weight - 7 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Tantar for 750G SilkGN Defense - 15 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Drogen, Romero for 2800G Bought at Nanai for 2520G HuntCL Defense - 16 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn Found: Bought at Tunlan for 1650G Bought at Bleak for 1500G Gown Defense - 18 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bleu starts with it Bought at Tunlan for 1800G Bought at Romero for 2000G ChainML Defense - 20 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Ox Found: 1 in Wisdon Bought at Winlan, Romero for 2000G PlateAR Defense - 24 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Prima for 3740G SageML Defense - 25 Weight - 14 Special: MDEF-3 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Auria for 3300G BronzAR Defense - 25 Weight - 9 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Gobi starts with it. Ox starts with it. Mogu starts with it. Bought at Bleak for 3600G Bought at Prima for 3960G WoolRB Defense - 25 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Bleak, Prima for 5000G IronML Defense - 27 Weight - 9 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Ox Found: Bought at Spring for 5000G Bought at Prima for 5500G ThiefCL Defense - 30 Weight - 4 Special: MDEF-1 Who can wear? Ryu, Karn Found: 1 in Agua Bought at Tunlan for 2750G SuedeRB Defense - 35 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Prima for 6600G MetalAR Defense - 39 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Ox Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (4500-5400G) (Stage 1) Bought at Gant for 8100G RangerVT Defense - 40 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Gobi Found: Bought at Prima, Tunlan for 5500G QuartzAR Defense - 50 Weight - 9 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Spring for 10000G SpineCL Defense - 60 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Gobi Found: Bought at Spring for 8000G Bought at Prima for 8800G MystRB Defense - 60 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Tunlan for 5400G LightCL Defense - 68 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Carmen for 30000G GuruCT Defense - 70 Weight - 0 Who can wear? Bleu Found: Bought at Tunlan for 18000G WorldML Defense - 75 Weight - 11 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Gust for 22000G AngleAR (Typo-ed Angel, probably) Defense - 76 Weight - 3 SPECIAL: Counters magic spells Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market for 15000-18000G (Stage 1 and 2) WolfSkin Defense - 80 Weight - 11 Who can wear? Bo Found: 1 in Tock IcyAR Defense - 80 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Ox Found: 1 in Tock WorldAR Defense - 80 Weight - 9 Who can wear? Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Spyre FlameAR Defense - 82 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Ryu, Mogu Found: 1 in Spyre PowerAR Defense - 84 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Pagoda EarthRB Defense - 88 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Gobi, Ox, Bleu, Mogu Found: 1 in Gust, underneath a heavy crate AgileAR Defense - 92 Weight - 0 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Pagoda ClearCL Defense - 100 Weight - 0 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Bleak DragonAR Defense - 110 Weight - 0 Who can wear? Ryu Found: Fished out pond in Spring LifeAR Defense - 115 Weight - 8 SPECIAL: Restores HP as wearer walks in monster-encounterable areas Who can wear? Ryu Found: 1 in Agua +++++++++++++++++++ Section 7c. Shields - Ditto. +++++++++++++++++++ SuedeSH Defense - 2 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox Found: Ox, Bleu starts with it. 1 in Winlan Castle WoodSH Defense - 5 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn Found: Ryu starts with it Bought at Drogen, Winlan for 300G Bought at Nanai for 270G Bandage Defense - 5 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Ramui Woods BronzSH Defense - 8 Weight - 3 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Romero, Tantar for 500G Gauntlet Defense - 8 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Camlon Castle Bought at Tunlan for 880G Wrist Defense - 10 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) IronSH Defense - 12 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Agua 1 in Krypt Bracelet Defense - 12 Weight - 3 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Agua SkySH Defense - 15 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Nina Found: 1 in Lake Shrine MetalSH Defense - 16 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Auria Safe Bought at Bleak for 1400G Glove Defense - 20 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Bo Found: 1 in Scande Tower Bought at Prima for 3900G IronSL Defense - 22 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Gobi Found: Bought at Gant for 1800G Bought at Bleak for 2000G MetalSL Defense - 25 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Gobi Found: Bought at Gant for 2700G Bought at Prima for 3300G IcySH Defense - 30 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought in Prima for 5200G HuntGL Defense - 30 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Bo Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (2250-2700G) (Stage 1) GuardSH Defense - 32 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Tock ProSH Defense - 32 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 2 in Wisdon LightSH Defense - 36 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Wilderness Bought at Prima for 4400G FlameSH Defense - 38 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Gust for 12000G TrapGrd Defense - 40 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Karn Found: 1 in Pagoda MystSH Defense - 48 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Carmen for 20000G LavaSH Defense - 52 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Agua MaskSH Defense - 65 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Bleu, Mogu Found: Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (7000G-12000G) (Final Stage) StarSH Defense - 70 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in DigSpot SE of Scande DragonSH Defense - 128 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu Found: Fished out well, E of Gramor +++++++++++++++++++ Section 7d. Helmets - Never really liked alphabetical +++++++++++++++++++ G.Tiara Defense - 2 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Auria 1 in Tock Bought at Prima for 22000G StrawHT Defense - 2 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Ryu starts with it SuedeHT Defense - 3 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bo starts with it 1 in Winlan Castle Bought at Winlan for 200G Bandana Defense - 5 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Tantar, Prima for 400G NiceHT Defense - 6 Weight - 3 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Karn starts with it 1 in Ease Cave Bought in Prima for 600G Visor Defense - 6 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Camlon Castle Bought at Winlan, Tantar for 800G Bought at Prima for 880G HairBand Defense - 8 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Agua Bought at Drogen for 1000G Bought at Nanai for 900G BronzHT Defense - 10 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Ease Cave 1 in The Giant Bought at Romero for 1200G Tiara Defense - 10 Weight - 2 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: Bought at Auria for 1650G Turban Defense - 11 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Winlan Castle 1 in L.D Tower SunHT Defense - 12 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Agua Bought at Auria for 2750G WolfHT Defense - 12 Weight - 4 SPECIAL: Wearer receives double damage from special attacks. Who can wear? Bo Found: 1 in Dark D. Fort GoldHT Defense - 14 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Prima for 26000G IcyHT Defense - 16 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo Found: 1 in Krypt HeadGear Defense - 16 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Krypt 1 in Wilderness SkullHT Defense - 25 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 2 in Krypt ChainHT Defense - 25 Weight - 8 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Prima for 2750G EchoHT Defense - 28 Weight - 3 SPECIAL: Counters magic spells in battle. Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Hidden Fort IronMask Defense - 30 Weight - 7 Who can wear? Ox Found: Bought at Prima for 4400G DivingHT Defense - 32 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Gobi Found: Bought at Prima for 4400G IronHT Defense - 32 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Gant for 6300G FaceMask Defense - 35 Weight - 5 Who can wear? Ryu, Karn, Mogu Found: 1 in Mare Tower Bought at Prima for 7800G GaiaMask Defense - 36 Weight - 4 Who can wear? Ryu, Ox, Mogu Found: Bought at Gust for 8000G HornHT Defense - 37 Weight - 6 Who can wear? Ryu, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in L.D Tower Bought at Prima for 6500G Domino Defense - 42 Weight - 7 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Pagoda AgileHT Defense - 42 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Tock 1 in DigSpot SE of Scande Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (2200-3300G) (Stage 2) PowerHT Defense - 44 Weight - 3 Who can wear? Karn, Gobi Found: 1 in Scande Tower Bought at Carmen for 20000G StoneHT Defense - 48 Weight - 16 Who can wear? Mogu Found: 1 in Pagoda CursedHT Defense - 62 Weight - 20 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Mare Tower LoveHT Defense - 64 Weight - 10 Who can wear? Nina Found: 1 in DigSpot SE of Scande DragonHT Defense - 80 Weight - 1 Who can wear? Ryu Found: Fished out well, SW of Arad +++++++++++++++++++++++ Section 7e. Accessories - Boost yourself up! +++++++++++++++++++++++ ============ Fishing Gear ============ Rod1 Allows fishing. Who can wear? Ryu Found: Bought at Auria for 1300G Rod2 Allows fishing. Works better than Rod1. Who can wear? Ryu Found: Bought at Prima for 2000G Rod4 Allows fishing. Works better than Rod3 (if that one even exists) Who can wear? Ryu Found: 1 in Lab Rod5 Allows fishing. The best rod available. Who can wear? Ryu Found: 1 in Tunlan Worm Fishing bait. Who can wear? Ryu Found: Bought at Auria for 65G each Bought at Prima for 50G each Worm2 Fishing bait. Who can wear? Ryu Found: Bought at Prima for 100G Shell Fishing Bait Who can wear? Ryu Found: 1 in Spyre ===== Rings ===== Ring Attack +10 Who can wear? Ryu Found: 1 in Lake Shrine SmartRG Intelligence +8 Magic Def. +6 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Auria SkullRG Defense +10 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Nabal MagicRG No visible effects Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Nabal DreamRG No visible effects Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Krypt RubyRG No visible effects Who can wear? Nina, Bleu, Mogu Found: 1 in Carmen ========= Bracelets ========= DarkBR Active +20 Fate +20 M.DEF +5 Who can wear? Karn Found: 1 in sealed gate, N of Auria LoveBR Regenerate HP by walking Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in sealed gate, SW of Gust WindBR Active +20 M.Def +5 Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in sealed gate, E of Carmen SilverBR No visible effects Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Agua 1 in Wisdon ===== Other ===== Sash Attack +10 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in Gust 1 in DigSpot SE of Scande Clog Active +10 M.DEF +3 Who can wear? Ryu, Nina, Bo, Karn, Gobi, Bleu, Ox, Mogu Found: 1 in DigSpot, NE of Tuntar 1 in Spring MystSF Counters magic spells in battle. Who can wear? Nina, Bleu Found: 1 in Prima ****************************************************************************** Section 8 - I T E M S - For all your needs ****************************************************************************** +++++++++++++++++++ Section 8a. REGULAR - Well, I'll be, it's alphabetical! +++++++++++++++++++ A.Ptn Increases Agility by one point Found: 1 in Ramui Woods 1 in Gant 1 in DigSpot, NE of Tantar 1 in Spyre 1 in DigSpot, SE of Scande Acorn Heals 20 AP for one person Found: 1 in Dark D. Fort 2 in Agua 1 in The Giant 1 in Lake Shrine 1 in Auria 2 in Dark D. Ship Bought at Camlon for 24G Bought at Winlan, Romero, Tuntar, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Dream Town, Spring, for 30G Bought at Prima for 33G Bought at Bleak for 36G Bought at Tunlan for 39G Antdt Removes "Poison" status for one person Found: 2 in Camlon Castle 1 in Gaia Temple 2 in Winlan Castle 1 in Romero 1 in Auria 1 in Krypt Bought at Camlon, Gant for 12G Bought at Drogen, Prima for 13G Bought at Winlan, Romero, Tuntar, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Dream Town, Spring for 15G Bought at Bleak for 18G Bought at Tunlan for 19G Dropped by Slime, Gloom, P.Bug Antler Acts as an antidote Found: Hunting Deer Apple Restores 60 HP for one person Found: 1 in Ease Cave 1 in Agua Bought at Drogen, Camlon for 80G B.Stn Casts 'Fry' in battle. Weakness bonus not applied. Found: 1 in Gaia Temple 1 in Aura Cave 1 in L.D Tower 1 in Auria Safe Bought at Gant for 16G Bought at Prima for 22G Charm Removes "Curse" status Found: 2 in Karma 1 in Tantar Bought at Gant for 120G Bought at Prima for 135G Bought at Winlan, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Spring for 150G Bought at Bleak for 180G Bought at Tunlan for 195G C.Fsh Heals all status ailments but 'Stun', recovers 200 HP. Found: Fishing C.Nut Restores 20HP. Found: Hitting trees in Tunlan Cure Restores all HP. Found: 1 in Gaia Temple 1 in Aura Cave 2 in Karma 1 in Tuntar 1 in Romero 3 in Auria 1 in Krypt 1 in Winlan Castle 1 in L.D Tower 1 in Nabal 1 in Mare Tower 1 in Tock Bought at Camlon, Gant for 1600G Bought at Drogen, Prima for 1800G Bought at Winlan, Romero, Tuntar, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Spring for 2000G Bought at Bleak for 2400G Bought at Tunlan for 2600G Cure2 Restores entire party to full HP. Found: 1 in Lab 1 in Spyre Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (1462-1950G) (Final Stage) C.Stn Casts 'Frost' in battle. Weakness bonus not applied. Found: 1 in Aura Cave Bought at Gant for 32G Bought at Prima for 44G DkKiss Casts 'Rub' in battle. Found: 1 in Camlon F.Stn Casts 'Flame' in battle. Weakness bonus not applied. Found: 1 in Gaia Temple. 1 in Ease Cave 1 in Auria Safe Bought at Gant for 16G Bought at Prima for 22G G.Bar A bar of solid gold Found: 1 in L&D Cave Bought at Auria, Prima for 65000G Herb Restores 50 HP. Found: 5 in Camlon Castle 2 in Nanai 3 in Winlan Castle 2 in Aura Cave 3 in Ramui Woods 3 in Karma 1 in Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) 5 in Dark D. Fort 1 in Tuntar 2 in Romero 3 in Ease Cave 2 in Agua 1 in The Giant 1 in Tantar 1 in Lake Shrine 4 in Bleak 3 in Krypt 1 in L.D Tower 5 in Auria Safe 2 in Dark D. Ship 1 in Hidden Fort 4 in Wisdon 1 in Sea Volcano 1 in Tunlan 1 in Lab 1 in Mouse Hole 1 in Spring 1 in Scande 2 in W-Man's Home Bought at Camlon, Gant for 8G Bought at Drogen, Prima for 9G Bought at Winlan, Romero, Tuntar, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Dream Town, Spring for 10G Bought at Bleak for 12G Bought at Auria, Tunlan for 13G (After trying to record down all the monsters which drop Herbs, I have come to a conclusion: ALOT of FREAKIN' monsters drop it) HrGlas Switches night and day Found: 1 in Gant Life Removes "Stun" status, ally will have 1 HP Found: 1 in Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) 2 in Dark D. Fort 1 in Lake Shrine 3 in Auria 1 in Bleak 2 in Krypt 1 in Winlan Castle 1 in L.D Tower 1 in Agua 2 in Wisdon 1 in Wilderness 1 in Tock Bought at Camlon for 400G Bought at Drogen, Prima for 450G Bought at Winlan, Romero, Tuntar, Dream Town, for 500G Bought at Prima for 550G Bought at Bleak for 600G Bought at Auria, Prima for 650G Life2 Cures any status ailment Found: 1 in Karma 1 in Dark D. Fort 1 in Agua 1 in The Giant 1 in Lake Shrine 1 in Auria 1 in Bleak 1 in Winlan Castle 1 in L.D Tower 1 in Agua 1 in Nabal 1 in Wisdon 1 in Tock 1 in DigSpot, SE of Scande 1 in Scande Tower List A long list of known weaponry Found: 1 in W-Man's Home L.Ptn Increases luck by one Found: 1 in Romero 1 in Auria 1 in Gant 1 in Lab 1 in DigSpot, NE of Tantar 1 in Mare Tower 1 in DigSpot, SE of Scande M.Drop Retores all HP for entire party. Found: 2 in Karma 1 in Sea Volcano Dropped by Stool, Mage, Morte and many more which I didn't record as of this version Mackrl Acts like an antidote Found: Fishing Bought at Prima for 100G Meat Restores 70 HP to entire party Found: Hunting Boars Melon Restores all HP Found: 1 in Dragon Shrine 1 in Tunlan 1 in Dragon Temple Mrbl1 Causes a 'slam' or 'cont' attack in battle. Usable with dragon form. Found: 1 in Camlon 1 in The Giant 1 in Auria 1 in Scande Tower Bought at Prima, Tunlan, Gust for 1000G Bought at Auria, Prima, Tunlan for 1300G Mrbl2 Causes a 'slam' or 'cont' attack in battle. Unusable with dragon form. Found: 1 in Second Dragon Shrine Mrbl3 Enemies will not attack for duration when used Found: 1 in Auria Bought at Camlon, Gant for 8G Bought at Drogen, Prima for 9G Bought at Winlan, Romero, Tuntar, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Dream Town, Spring for 10G Bought at Prima for 11G Bought at Bleak for 12G Bought at Prima, Tunlan for 13G Note1 A note with information on the Wtzit. Found: 1 in W-Man's Home Note2 A note asking for friendship. Found: 1 in I-Woman's Home P.Fish Poisons member used on. Found: Fishing Pouch Does nothing unless you're sleeping at Bleak. Found: Bought at Auria, Prima for 1300G ProtnA Casts 'Atk-Up' in battle. Found: 1 in Camlon ProtnB Casts an enhanced 'Atk-Up' in battle. Found: 1 in Romero Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (105-180G) (All Stages) Root Ingredient for Tonic, nothing more Found: Digging near Gramor Smoke Casts 'Flee' in battle. Found: 1 in Mare Tower Snapr Heals all status ailments but 'Stun', restores 400 HP Found: Fishing Sole Recovers 100HP Found: Fishing Bought at Prima for 250G S.Ptn Increases strength by one. Found: 1 in Nanai 1 in Auria 1 in DigSpot, SE of Scande Srdine Restores 50HP Found: Fishing Bought at Prima for 50G T.Drop Removes "Zombie" status. Found: 2 in Lament Woods (Forest of Despair) 3 in Dark D. Fort Bought at Camlon for 16G Bought at Drogen for 18G Bought at Winlan, Tuntar, Prima, Tunlan, Gust, Spring for 20G Bought at Bleak for 24G Bought at Tunlan for 26G Trout Removes "Poison" status and recovers 150HP Found: Fishing Bought at Prima for 500G Tuna Restores all status effects, fully recovers HP. Found: Fishing Bought at Gobi's Flea Market (700-1200G) (Final Stage) Vitamn Boosts all stats for battle duration. Found: Bought at Auria, Prima for 650G V.Ptn Increases Vigor by one. Found: 1 in Drogen 1 in Winlan 1 in Auria 1 in Dark D. Ship 1 in DigSpot, NE of Tantar W.Ant Recovers 100AP to one person. Found: 1 in Auria 1 in Bleak 1 in Carmen Hunting White Deer WMeat Restores 100 HP to entire party Found: Hunting Birds W.Ptn Increase Wisdom by one Found: 1 in Camlon 1 in Tantar 1 in Lake Cave Wtzit An unknown item, thought to be a weapon of some sort. Found: I-Woman's Home +++++++++++++++++ Section 8b. QUEST - Order of acquisition +++++++++++++++++ E.Key Casts 3.5 in battle. Infinite use. Acquired: Gaia Temple I.Ore Creates Saw Acquired: Aura Cave Map Allows viewing of the world Acquired: Romero Saw Removes trees blocking entrance into Lament Woods Acquired: Tantar WtrJar You can use this to hold the Cleansing Water. The Water cures all ailments, and restores all HP and AP for entire party. Acquired: Romero, refilled in Ease Cave Tablet Use this to enter Agua Acquired: Romero KngKey Control the Stone Robot. Acquired: Agua Key Unlock passage to the Ring Acquired: Tantar Icicle Allows entry into the desert town. Acquired: Bleak Fife Allows entry into the Krypt. Acquired: Arad DkKey Changes time into night. Acquired: L.D Tower LtKey Changes time into day. Acquired: Auria Safe GnPwder Allows passage to Dark Dragon Camp from Cape Cave. Acquired: Auria Goods Items from Gant needing to be imported by Prima. Acquired: Gant Gills Allows breathing underwater. Acquired: Prima Egg The egg of a GrimFowl. They hate you when you take it. Acquired: GrimFowl Woods Statue Lets you enter Wisdon Acquired: Prima OldEgg An egg with a typhoon bug inside. Hatch it at Sea Volcano Acquired: Wisdon Sphere The orb of the Manillos. This lets one change into a large fish. Acquired: Prima G.Fly A golden fly. A frog's favourite food. Acquired: Gust Oil Frog Oil. It's supposed to taste pretty good, and is an ingredient to Bleu's Tonics. Acquired: Frog Cave Maestro People of Tunlan will be able to understand you. Acquired: Gust Cowl You will be able to understand the people of Tunlan. Acquired: Gramor Bolster Allows entry into dreamworlds. Acquired: Tunlan SkyKey Controls the weather with the machine in the Spyre. Acquired: Spyre Fruit A fruit from a holiday tree. Acquired: World Map, near Carmen TmKey Controls time using the machine in Tock. Acquired: South Castle Tonic Restores amnesia. Acquired: Carmen Pass Allows entry into Scande. Acquired: Carmen B.Parts Broken parts to a machine. Acquired: Spring Parts A device for the Scande Tower. Acquired: Gant I.Claw Digging tool that breaks hard surfaces. Acquired: W-Mans' Home ****************************************************************************** Section 9 - M A G I C - Learn how to spell! ****************************************************************************** (The listing of characters is done in no paticular order. The order of spells is acquisition) ============================ Ryu's Dragon Transformations ============================ Ryu, being from the Dragon Clan, has the ability to change into many different Dragon forms. However, the Clan had sealed their power, so in order to break it, Ryu must pass the tests. Changing will give him a breath attack unique to each dragon, and heightened defensive ability. Dragon transformation will only last for the battle's duration. The Dragons are impervious to status ailments, however, if Ryu is not in good condition, he will be unable to transform. Also, the entire party must be healthy and Karn must not be fused in order for Agni to work. (NOTE - Dragons also have an individual attack score, but I have no idea what this is for. Just a pointless stat?) (NOTE - Rudra IS bolt elemental, I've done thorough testing) Revert Cost: 0AP Description: Returns to human form Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine SnoDr Cost: 7AP Description: Changes into a Snow Drake (White with bluish tinge). Attacks single target with Cold. Defense: 112% Damage: 100 / 200 on slam Enemy is weak to ice: 150 / 300 on slam Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine FlmDr Cost: 10AP Description: Changes into a Flame Drake (Orangey-red). Attacks single target with Flare. Defense: 116% Damage: 115 / 230 on slam Enemy is weak to fire: 172 / 344 on slam Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine ThrDr Cost: 12AP Description: Changes into a Thunder Drake (Baby Blue). Attacks single target with Fry. Defense: 120% Damage: 130 / 260 on slam Enemy is weak to bolt: 195 / 390 on slam Learned: After defeating Talon in the first Dragon Shrine IceDgn Cost: 20AP Description: Changes into an Ice Dragon (White with weak blue). Attacks all enemies with Ice. Defense: 124% Damage: 190 / 380 on slam Enemy is weak to ice: 285 / 570 on slam Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine FirDgn Cost: 27AP Description: Changes into a Fire Dragon (Red). Attacks all enemies with Char. Defense: 128% Damage: 210 / 420 on slam Enemy is weak to fire: 315 / 630 on slam Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine BltDgn Cost: 30AP Description: Changes into a Bolt Dragon (Blue). Attacks all enemies with Gale. Defense: 132% Damage: 225 / 450 on slam Enemy is weak to bolt: 337 / 674 on slam Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine GldDgn Cost: 40AP Description: Changes into a Gold Dragon (Take a guess). Attacks all enemies with ZomX. Defense: 136% Damage: 375 / 750 on slam (Undead only) Learned: After defeating Bain in the second Dragon Shrine Rudra (Kaiser) Cost: 50AP Description: Changes into a Kaiser Dragon. Attacks all enemies with miniature dragons. Defense: 140% Damage: 320 / 640 on slam Enemy is weak to bolt: 480 / 960 on slam Learned: After defeating Avian in the Dragon Temple Agni (Infinity) Cost: 60AP Description: Changes into the Infinity Dragon by combining the entire party. Attacks all enemies with earthquakes and lightning. Defense: 200% Damage: 999 / 999 on slam (What does weakness matter when you're already at maximum damage?) Learned: At Dragon Temple underneath Ease Cave ============================ Nina's Restorative Powers ============================ The Wing Clan hates fighting, so it's only natural that they train in abilities that heal rather then hurt. Nina had to practice this when she was even younger then when you met her. She learns more abilities as she gains experience. Cura1 Cost: 3AP Description: Recovers 50 HP for one ally. Learned: Initially Fort Cost: 6AP Description Increases defense by 20 for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Initially Heal Cost: 5AP Description: Cures any status ailment but 'stun'. One ally. Learned: Initially Lk-Up Cost: 6AP Description: Increases luck by ?? for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Level 6 Atk-Up Cost: 15AP Description: Increases attack by ?? for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Level 7 Cura2 Cost: 6AP Description Recovers 100HP for one ally. Learned: Level 9 Hold Cost: 8AP Description: Stops one enemy from moving. Learned: Level 11 Ag-Up Cost: 8AP Description: Increases active by ?? for one ally for battle duration. Learned: Level 12 Warp Cost: 2AP Description: Returns party to previously visited towns. Learned: Level 13 Zom1 Cost: 5AP Description: Angel LV1. A single enemy feels the divine wrath of an angel, if they are of the afterlife. Non-undead opponents take no damage. Damage: 120 Learned: Level 14 Cura3 Cost: 15AP Description: Recovers 250HP for one ally. Learned: Level 15 Renew Cost: 10AP Description: Removes Stun state, ally will have 1HP Learned: Level 17 Idle Cost: 5AP Description: Decreases active of one enemy by ??. Learned: Level 19 Shield Cost: 8AP Description: Increases M.Def of one ally by ??. Learned: Level 21 Cura4 Cost: 20AP Description: Recovers all HP for one ally. Learned: Level 23 Zom2 Cost: 15AP Description: Angel LV2. Two angels combine their holy might on one enemy. Non-undead opponents receive no damage. Damage: 180 Learned: Level 24 FortX Cost: 14AP Description: Increases defense of all party members by 20 for battle duration. Learned: Level 26 Hush Cost: 8AP Description: Silences target rendering them unable to cast spells Learned: Level 28 Dispel Cost: 20AP Description: Redirects a single magic attack, lowering damage for one spell. Learned: Level 30 RenewX Cost: 30AP Description: Restores 'Stun' status, ally will be at maximum HP. Learned: Level 34 CuraX Cost: 20AP Description: Recovers 250HP for entire party. Learned: Level 37 Wall Cost: 15AP Description: Magic attacks are blocked out. Learned: Level 41 ZomX Cost: 35AP Description: Angel LV3. Three angels blast the field with divine energy, damaging the entire undead opposition. Non-undead enemies take no damage. Damage: 300 Learned: Level 46 ============================ Bleu's Arcane Craft ============================ Bleu is a master of attack magic, having a wide variety of ways to decimate her opponents. She knows many more spells then she starts with, however, the millenia of sleep has done its toll on her memory. Thus, she must practice again before the truly powerful magicks work. As she gains experience, she'll recall more spells. (NOTE - I have yet to determine what element 'Comet' is.) Exit Cost: 20AP Description: Warps party to entrance of dungeon. Learned: Initially Flare Cost: 3AP Description: Fire LV1. A pillar of flame deals damage to single target. Damage: 20 / 30 Learned: Initially Spark Cost: 4AP Description: Bolt LV1. A lightning bolt strikes one target. Damage: 25 / 37 Learned: Initially Cold Cost: 5AP Description: Ice LV1. A ball of cold freezes one enemy. Damage: 30 / 45 Learned: Initially 3.5 Cost: 3AP Description: Quake LV1. A small scale earthquake damages all enemies. Damage: 30 / 45 Learned: Initially Para Cost: 10AP Description: Weak electrical field stops single enemy from making actions for a random duration. Learned: Initially Bomb Cost: 5AP Description: Explosion LV1. A single target is barraged with blasts. Damage: 35 / 52 Learned: Initially Sap Cost: 1AP Description: Drains a single targets HP. Damage: Health drained is proportional to enemy's remaining HP. (I think. The number could just be random altogether) Learned: Initially Warp Cost: 2AP Description: Travels back to previously visited towns. Learned: Initially Rub Cost: 20AP Description: Attempts to eliminate a single target with a ball of energy. Learned: Initially Flame Cost: 6AP Description: Fire LV2. Three pillars of flame rise from the ground, burning a single enemy. Damage: 40 / 60 Learned: Initially Fry Cost: 10AP Description: Bolt LV2. A thicker bolt of lightning strikes a single target. Damage: 80 / 120 Learned: Initially Frost Cost: 9AP Description: Ice LV2. A chain of cold freezes a single enemy. Damage: 60 / 90 Learned: Initially 5.5 Cost: 8AP Description: Quake LV2. A medium scale earthquake damages all enemies. Damage: 50 / 75 Learned: Initially Boom Cost: 11AP Description: Explosion LV2. Mutiple blasts assault all enemies. Damage: 70 / 105 Learned: Initially F.Ball Cost: 9AP Description: Fire LV3. A ball of flame jets forward and erupts, burning a single enemy. Damage: 90 / 135 Learned: Level 20 LStorm Cost: 11AP Description: Bolt LV4. Powerful lightning bolts crash down, striking all enemies. Damage: 95 / 142 Learned: Level 21 Chill Cost: 12AP Description: Ice LV3. A blizzard freezes all opponents. Damage: 100 / 150 Learned: Level 22 Flee Cost: 20AP Description: Escapes battle without fail. Does not work with forced battles. Learned: Level 23 9.5 Cost: 15AP Description: Quake LV3. Super earthquake damages all enemies. Damage: 80 / 120 Learned: Level 24 Blast Cost: 18AP Description: Explosion LV3. Heavy bombing on a single enemy. Damage: 110 / 165 Learned: Level 25 Gale Cost: 24AP Description: Thunder LV5. Thick bolts of lightning destroy the field, striking all enemies. Damage: 130 / 195 Learned: Level 26 Ice Cost: 30AP Description: Ice LV4. Multiple enhanced Frost attacks stream out and freeze every enemy. Damage: 150 / 225 Learned: Level 28 Char Cost: 36AP Description: Fire LV5. A dragon of flame scorches the battle field, burning all enemies. Damage: 180 / 270 Learned: Level 29 Nova Cost: 42AP Description: Explosion LV4. A massive explosion of multiple colours eventually white out the screen, blasting all enemies. Damage: 200 / 300 Learned: Level 30 IceX Cost: 48AP Description: Ice LV5. Powerful frost encircles and freezes a single enemy. Damage: 250 / 375 Learned: Level 31 FireX Cost: 30AP Description: Fire LV4. An inferno is created, engulfing and burning a single enemy. Damage: 350 / 525 Learned: Level 32 Drain Cost: 2AP Description: Drains a single target's AP. Damage: Amount drained varies with enemy. Learned: Level 33 BoltX Cost: 30AP Description: Bolt LV3. An omnipotent bolt of lightning strikes one enemy. Damage: 400 / 600 Learned: Level 35 NovaX Cost: 54AP Description: Explosion LV5. Immense bombing onto a single enemy. Damage: 300 / 450 Learned: Level 37 Comet Cost: 75AP Description: Meteor storm. Space rocks crash into the battlefield at blinding speed, damaging all opponents. Damage: 400 / 600* Learned: Level 40 ============================ Karn's Fusions ============================ Karn is part of an ancient bloodline. The clan was scattered in the Goddess War by the Dark Dragons, so any person from this family is a rare find. They mastered the ability of merging, allowing the fusion of them with other people. This will create a whole new person with abilities that may even rival the strength of the dragons. It may give heightened skills out of battle as well. Karn, however, cannot learn this on his own, and must be taught by a mentor. This magic, unlike Dragon transformation, will last until Karn chooses to revert (Or a storyline event cancels it). Revert Cost: 0AP Description: Karn unfuses with the other party members, turning them back into seperate people. Learned: When first fusion is acquired Shin Cost: 10AP Description: Karn does fusion with Bo and Gobi, creating the master archer, Shin (Shaian in Japanese). The archer is basically an enhanced Bo, having the skills to forest walk and hunt. Shin, however, can hunt much more easily then Bo. Taught by: Mentor in Gant Debo Cost: 15AP Description: Karn does fusion with Ox and Gobi, creating the mermaid fighter, Debo. The fighter has no special field abilities, but battle ability is strengthened considerably. Debo has a giant drawback of only being available underwater (Don't bother transforming underwater and trying to surface, it won't work). Taught by: Mentor in Gust Doof Cost: 25AP Description: Karn does fusion with Bo and Ox, creating the ultimate warrior, Doof (Rankuru in Japanese). Like Bo, he can walk through forests, but will be unable to hunt and smash walls. However, he is very, very powerful, so heavy objects can be pushed aside by him. Doof cannot be used underwater. Taught by: Mentor in Dig-Patch NE of Camlon. Puka Cost: 40AP Description: Karn does fusion with Bo, Ox, and Gobi, creating the, uhm, killing machine in a cute disguise (Hey, you try figuring out what he is), Puka (Jeydo in the original)! Puka will be unable to do any of the skills his parts had, except Karn's thieving (can't hunt or forestwalk, can't smash rocks or walls, can't become a big fish), however, he is nearly undefeatable in battle. He has massive health and can cause great amounts of damage. Also, sealed gates on the world map can be opened by his legendary cry. Taught by: Mentor in Bleak ============================ Gobi's Summons ============================ Gobi can call upon his fish friends if he is underwater. All spells are able to attack all opponents, however, he can only use them underwater. Ebb Cost: 3AP Description: A small school of small green fish attack all enemies. Damage: 30 Learned: Initially EbbX Cost: 5AP Description: A large school of small green fish attack all enemies. Damage: 50 Learned: Initially Eco Cost: 8AP Description: A small group of dolphins attack all enemies. Damage: 70 Learned: Level 16 EcoX Cost: 10AP Description: A large group of dolphins attack all enemies. Damage: 100 Leaned: Level 17 ============================ Bo's Side Knowledge ============================ Bo hasn't had complete training in magic, so he can't heal or attack to the full extent that Bleu and Nina can reach. Heck, he can barely heal altogether. However, at the time you get him, his attack spells can come pretty handy. Flare Cost: 3AP Description: Fire LV1. A pillar of flame rises from the ground, burning a single enemy. Damage: 20 / 30 Spark Cost: 4AP Description: Bolt LV1. A lightning bolt strikes a single target. Damage: 25 / 37 Cold Cost: 5AP Description: Ice LV1. A ball of cold freezes one enemy. Damage: 30 / 45 Flame Cost: 6AP Description: Fire LV2. Three pillars of flame rises from the ground, burning a single enemy. Damage: 40 / 60 Frost Cost: 9AP Description: Ice LV2. A chain of cold freezes one enemy. Damage: 60 / 90 Fry Cost: 10AP Description: Thunder LV2. A thick bolt of lightning strikes a single target. Damage: 80 / 120 Cura Cost: 3AP Description: Recovers 50HP for one ally. ============================ Ox's Emergency Care ============================ Ox has two healing spells that can help Nina out some with the restoring jobs. I find it to be a useless add-on to Ox, but at least he it shows he isn't a generic 'big and stupid.' He starts with these spells and learns no more. Cura3 Cost: 15AP Description: Recovers 250HP for one ally. Heal Cost: 5AP Description: Restores any status ailment but 'stun.' ============================ Mogu's Ability ============================ For completions' sake, Mogu has a single spell, being related to his Mole peoples. Dig Cost: 5AP Description: 100% chance escaping from battle. Unusable in dungeons. (Well, it's cheaper then Bleu's Flee) ****************************************************************************** Section 10 - S H O P S - Get robbed by greedy merchants! ****************************************************************************** ====== DROGEN ====== Inn: Free ITEM EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 9G Dirk - 50G Herb - 9G Sabre - 400G Antdt - 13G Cloth - 10G T.Drop - 18G SuedeCP - 240G Apple - 80G ArmPad - 300G Life - 450G WoodSH - 300G Cure - 1800G HairBand - 1000G SilkGN - 2800G ===== NANAI ===== (Available until E.Key is acquired) EQUIPMENT IronRP - 1800G LongSD - 2250G Cloth - 9G SuedeSH - 135G SuedeCP - 216G WoodSH - 270G HairBand - 900G SilkGN - 2520G ====== WINLAN ====== Inn: 80G ITEM EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 10G Sabre - 400G Herb - 10G BronzSD - 700G Antdt - 15G BronzRP - 800G T.Drop - 20G SuedeHT - 200G Acorn - 30G WoodSH - 300G Charm - 150G SuedeGN - 500G Life - 500G Visor - 800G Cure - 2000G ChainML - 2000G ====== CAMLON ====== (Available once Nina is useable) Inn: 1GP ITEM Mrbl3 - 8G Herb - 8G Antdt - 12G T.Drop - 16G Acorn - 24G Apple - 80G Life - 400G Cure - 1600G ====== ROMERO ====== Inn: 60G ITEMS EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 10G Sabre - 400G Herb - 10G ShortRP - 400G Antdt - 15G BronzRP - 800G Acorn - 30G BronzSH - 500G Life - 500G BronzHT - 1200G Cure - 2000G Gown - 2000G ChainML - 2000G SilkGN - 2800G ====== TANTAR ====== Inn: 60G EQUIPMENT Sabre - 400G BronzRP - 800G ShortBW - 1000G Scythe - 1200G Bandana - 400G BronzSH - 500G SuedeAR - 750G Visor - 800G ====== TUNTAR ====== (Available until Ring is acquired) Inn: 59G ITEMS Mrbl3 - 10G Herb - 10G Antdt - 15G Acorn - 30G Cure - 2000G Life - 500G T.Drop - 20G ===== AURIA ===== Inn: 200G ITEMS EQUIPMENT Herb - 13G Rapier - 1650G Worm - 65G Dagger - 2200G Life - 650G LongSD - 2750G Vitamn - 650G LongBW - 2860G Mrbl1 - 1300G BroadSD - 5500G Pouch - 1300G Tiara - 1650G Rod1 - 1300G SunHT - 2750G G.Bar - 65000G SageML - 3300G ===== BLEAK ===== Inn: Free (200GP if you didn't trigger cutscene) ITEMS EQUIPMENT Mrbl3 - 12G Dagger - 2000G Herb - 12G LongBW - 2600G Antdt - 18G BroadSD - 5000G T.Drop - 24G MetalSH - 1400G Acron - 36G HuntCL - 1500G Charm - 180G IronSL - 2000G Life - 600G BronzAR - 3600G Cure - 2400G WoolRB - 5000G ===== PRIMA ===== Inn(1): 300GP Inn(2): 200GP EQUIPMENT(1) ITEMS(1) Club - 3250G Mrbl3 - 9G IronHR - 4550G Herb - 9G PowerSD - 10400G Antdt - 13G Glove - 3900G Charm - 135G IcySH - 5200G Life - 450G HornHT - 6500G Cure - 1800G FaceMask - 7800G GoldHT - 26000G EQUIPMENT(2) ITEMS(2) LongBW - 2860G Worm - 50G SteelBW - 4400G Srdine - 50G PoisonBW - 5500G Worm2 - 100G ChainHT - 2750G Mackrl - 100G PlateAR - 3740G Sole - 250G IronMask - 4400G Trout - 500G RangerVT - 5500G Rod1 - 1000G G.Tiara - 22000G Rod2 - 2000G EQUIPMENT(3) ITEMS(3) Pike - 2750G Mrbl3 - 13G Javelin - 4400G Life - 650G RustCW - 7700G Vitamn - 650G IronCW - 11000G Mrbl1 - 1300G DivingHT - 4400G Pouch - 1300G LightSH - 4400G G.Bar - 65000G SuedeRB - 6600G SpineCL - 8800G EQUIPMENT(4) ITEMS(4) Dart - 3300G Mrbl3 - 11G PoisonRP - 3300G B.Stn - 22G Tri-DR - 4400G F.Stn - 22G Cane - 6600G Acorn - 33G Visor - 880G C.Stn - 44G MetalSL - 3300G Life - 550G BronzAR - 3960G IronML - 5500G EQUIPMENT(5) ITEMS(5) Dart - 3000G Mrbl3 - 10G SteelBW - 4000G Herb - 10G BroadSD - 5000G Antdt - 15G Sickle - 6500G T.Drop - 20G EvilRP - 20000G Acorn - 30G Bandana - 400G Charm - 150G NiceHT - 600G Mrbl1 - 1000G WoolRB - 5000G Cure - 2000G ==== GANT ==== Inn: 50G (Ox's wife will give free lodging after Nabal) EQUIPMENT ITEMS IronHR - 3150G Mrbl3 - 8G GiantHR - 4050G Herb - 8G HeroSP - 6750G Antdt - 12G SpineHR - 27000G F.Stn - 16G IronSL - 1800G B.Stn - 16G MetalSL - 2700G C.Stn - 32G IronHT - 6300G Charm - 120G MetalAR - 8100G Cure - 1600G ==== GUST ==== INN: 80GP EQUIPMENT ITEMS Tri-DR - 4000G Mrbl3 - 10G OldSP - 6000G Herb - 10G WingRP - 7000G Antdt - 15G MoonBW - 8000G T.Drop - 20G WingSD - 10000G Acorn - 30G GaiaMask - 8000G Charm - 150G FlameSH - 12000G Mrbl1 - 1000G WorldML - 22000G Cure - 2000G ====== TUNLAN ====== Inn: 300G EQUIPMENT ITEMS BoneCN - 2412G Mrbl3 - 13G PoisonRP - 2700G Herb - 13G Cane - 5400G Antdt - 19G EvilRP - 18000G T.Drop - 26G Dress - 900G Acorn - 39G Gown - 1800G Charm - 195G MystRB - 5400G Mrbl1 - 1300G GuruCT - 18000G Cure - 2600G EQUIPMENT(2) ITEMS(2) Dagger - 2200G Mrbl3 - 10G LongBW - 2860G Herb - 10G PoisonRP - 3300G Antdt - 15G Tri-DR - 4400G T.Drop - 20G Gauntlet - 880G Acorn - 30G HuntCL - 1650G Charm - 150G ThiefCL - 2750G Mrbl1 - 1000G RangerVT - 5500G Cure - 2000G ========== DREAM TOWN ========== Inn: 10G ITEMS Mrbl3 - 10G Herb - 10G Antdt - 15G Acorn - 30G Life - 500G ====== SPRING ====== Inn: 100G EQUIPMENT ITEMS PowerDR - 5500G Mrbl3 - 10G RustCW - 7000G Herb - 10G IronCW - 10000G Antdt - 15G WingSD - 10000G T.Drop - 20G IronML - 5000G Acorn - 30G SpineCL - 8000G Charm - 150G GaiaMask - 8000G Cure - 2000G QuartzAR - 10000G ========= MARE TOWN ========= Inn: 10G ITEMS Mrbl3 - 10G Herb - 10G Antdt - 15G Acorn - 30G Life - 500G ====== CARMEN ====== (Available after gaining TimeKey and visiting Tock) Inn: 80G EQUIPMENT Tri-BW - 12000G IcyCW - 15000G FlameSD - 20000G LoyalRP - 25000G WorldAR - 12000G PowerHT - 20000G MystSH - 20000G LightCL - 30000G ****************************************************************************** Section 11 - M I S C - The not-very-important aspects of the game. ****************************************************************************** 11a. ~ Gobi's Flea Market ~ The greedy merchant can create his own shop! In both Prima and Tunlan exist a flea market, which is a noticeably wider building than regular shops. They both have several shops in them, but one counter is empty. And has torches. That's the one you go for. Because we all know, torches bring the customers in (Especially in Prima, since, you know, you're underwater). Stand behind the counter in between the torches, and, with Gobi in the lead, press A. Random people will come in, either to buy inventory items or to try and sell you some goods. Truth be told, it's crap most of the time, but this is the only way to get some of the most powerful weapons in the game. Here's how it works. You set up shop, a guy will come in. He'll either try to buy something in your inventory (never a story item), or try to sell you something. He'll put up a price, and you agree or refuse. If you refuse, the customer may leave, or compromise on the price (lower if he's selling, higher if he's buying). Customers will do this twice at maximum. If you don't agree to the third price, the customer WILL leave. Take note, for rare buys, you may just want to agree on the first price, as the customer can leave at any time. Take note, the items people try to sell you will change at specific points in the game. Here is a list of what you can get at what times, with a mostly accurate price range. Generally speaking, the most expensive will show up the least amount of times. ~ PRIMA ~ Stage 1 Time period: Gobi acquired to before obtaining Sphere Possible buys: F.Stn : 7-12G LightRP : 32-48G Smoke : 35-60G Antdt x9 : 46-80G ProtnB : 105-180G Rod2 : 700-1200G SteelBW : 1600-2400G HuntGL : 2250-2700G ThundrRP : 3150-5400G MetalAR : 4500-5400G SilverDR : 4500-6000G AngleAR : 10500-18000G Stage 2 Time period: Obtain Sphere to before giving Tonic Possible buys: F.Stn : 7-12G B.Stn : 7-12G Smoke : 35-60G Mackrl : 35-60G Antdt x9 : 46-80G ProtnB : 105-180G Cure2 : 1462-1950G Sleeper : 1600-2400G AgileHT : 1925-3300G EvilRP : 7000-12000G G. Tiara : 7000-12000G AngleAR : 10500-18000G DarkDR : 16000-24000G Final Stage Time period: Nina re-acquired to Ending Possible buys: B.Stn : 7-12G Smoke : 35-60G Antdt x9 : 46-80G ProtnB : 105-180G Tuna : 700-1200G Cure x9*: 1575-2700G EvilRB : 3996-5994G G. Tiara : 7000-12000G MaskSH : 7000-12000G DwarfBW : 7000-12000G PowerRP : 10500-18000G Mallet : 10500-18000G GlowCN : 27000-36000G *This is actually a Life x9. Can't believe they didn't bother fixing it when they ported it to the GBA... 11b. ~ Hunting with Bo ~ The beastly hunter can kill things! I'm sure you've noticed while travelling the over world, wild animals will show up randomly. With Bo in the lead, you can hunt them down and take the spoils for yourselves. They can appear any time you're on the world map. Here's how it works. With Bo in the lead, press A. He'll notch up an arrow and fire it. If it so happens to hit some game, they'll burst and leave an item on the ground. You need to go pick it up. I highly recommend you carry Mrbl3s while hunting, as the animals (or worse, the dropped items) will disappear when a battle is initiated. You can also hold the A button to wait before firing. Time the release juuuust before the instant they get into the line of fire. Take note, Karn's fusion, Shin, is an amped-up Bo. It's much easier to hunt with him because he notches the arrow quicker and it moves faster to boot. There's really no reason to use Bo any more when Shin becomes available. There's another, highly inefficient way of hunting in which you force the animal into a corner. You can do this with any character. Animals run when you enter their 'flight distance', so to speak. If you position yourself correctly, you can have one backed into the corner with no place to run, while staying inside it's flight distance. It'll move franctically, freak out, then die, leaving behind its precious goodies. This will NOT work with birds, as they can fly over things and can't get stuck anywhere. I recommend you stick with Bo or Shin, though. Here's what you can hunt, what they drop, and the effects of their drop for quick reference. Boar : Drops Meat. Restores 70 HP to entire party. Deer : Drops Antler. Cures poison. Bird : Drops WMeat. Restores 100 HP to entire party. White Deer: Drops WAnt. Restores 100 AP. <-----RARE 11c. ~ Fishing with Ryu ~ The fated hero loves to fish! But this minigame is not nearly as intricate as its later incarnations. Anyway, you have access to Rod#s and bait. The bigger the # in the rod name, the easier it is to get fish. The bait...I'm not sure about. Here's how it works. Have Ryu equip a Rod and some bait in his ETC. slots. With him in the lead, press A facing a fishing spot. Ryu will automatically begin fishing. The chance of success depends on your Rod and (possibly) your bait. What fish you catch is determined by chance (again, possibly bait as well). Every time you try to fish, bait is randomly used up. It does not matter if the catch got away. This means you can potentially catch dozens of fish with only use of one bait. You can also get the Dragon equipment by fishing in specific wells with the Rod5. That's probably the only important thing to fish for. The locations are covered in the walkthrough. Fishing Equipment ---- #Rods# Rod1 - Bought at Prima and Auria. Rod2 - Bought at Prima or Gobi's Flea Market. Rod3 - Doesn't exist, as far as I can tell Rod4 - Found at Lab. Rod5 - Found at Tunlan. #Bait# Worm - Bought at Auria and Prima. Worm2 - Bought at Prima. Shell - Found at Spyre, dropped by DogFish. Urchin - Dropped by DogFish. Shrimp - ???. Catches --- Srdine - (Common) Recovers 50 HP. Snapr - (Less Common) Restores all status ailments except for 'Stun' Recovers 400 HP. Sole - (Uncommon) Recovers 100 HP. Trout - (Uncommon) Cures poison & recovers 150 HP. C.Fsh - (Rare) Restores all status ailments except for 'Stun' Recovers 200 HP. Tuna - (Very Rare) Restores all status ailments except for 'Stun' Fully recovers HP. P.Fsh - (Scande Only) Target member is poisoned. Mackrl - Works as an antidote. Puffer - ??? Fishing Spots --- You'll notice these places because a jagged rock sticks out of the water, and there are the shadows of fish in the water. The same fish show up in every area, barring Scande. All fish can be caught, except for the following: Mackrl, P.Fsh (except at Scande), Puffer South of Drogen - It's right there. >_> South of Camlon - From Nanai, head south and stick to the west edge. East of Camlon - From Nanai, head east past the crescent lake and you'll see the peninsula with the spot. East of Tantar - From Tuntar, follow the dirt road. Go down the second ramp you see, and you'll be at the fishing spot. North of Gramor - Going north and heading east at the mountain range, you'll see a lake with a peninsula toward the center. The fishing spot is in the middle of the lake. North of Scande (Only gives P.Fsh) - There's a half finished bridge just north of Scande. Fish on that. ****************************************************************************** Section 12 - F A Q - The neglected section ****************************************************************************** Q) WHOA! Why is this guide so huge? A) I like to be in-depth, however, doing the information for equipment and spells vertically increases the file size more then doing it sideways. But since I suck at chart making without formatting options, this is what we get. Q) Is that way the scroll block is non-existant? A) Yes, I believe so. Apologies to any 56k'ers, if it took long to load. Q) This part of the guide is confusing. A) "Tough break," I'd say. Or, I'd LIKE to say. But since I'm too nice, I'll rewrite whatever over there just for you (and to stop any potential e-mails about that certain section). Though, I'm not going to give you credits for that. Q) Hey, can you give me the ROM? A) No, screw you. (Psst...It's not that hard to find >.>) Q) Why does it feel like this thing is written by five different people? A) I tend to write differently as according to how I feel. So really, it varies alot with the slang and crummy jokes. Q) I've got a set of information / there's an error in your guide, can I send it in? A) YES! By all means, help me out with anything! I'd certainly love to see a Gobi's Flea Market guide in here, and I really don't want to mislead anybody. Q) What the hell is the purpose of that M.Def stat, if all magic damage is preset? A) I wondered about this myself for a while. The thing about M.Def is that it ONLY kicks in when your character selected 'DEFEND' on their turn. Lame, isn't it? Q) I've noticed that the enemies magic attacks don't do the damage you said they did in your monster list, did you make a mistake? A) No, my scores should be accurate. The reason your damage is different is because of the armour your characters are equipped with. They'll give elemental protection, that doesn't require the person to use 'DEFEND' on their turn to activate. However, I still might have made an error because I wear protective gears as well. Notify me if it really is a mistake. Q) What's the difference between GBA and SNES? A) Difficulty was toned down in GBA, GBA also uses a brighter colour scheme and a different layout for menus. Artwork was also changed and added. The script is 100% identical, though (Capcom had a chance to do everything right...and they didn't. >_>). Q) A)