Breath of Fire GBA FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.1 (Last Updated 3/10/2002) By VampireHunterD ( This file is Copyright (c) 2002 VampireHunterD. All rights reserved. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Table of Contents 1.Updates 2.Introduction 3.Story 4.Controls 5.Basics 6.Characters 7.Secrets 8.Walkthrough 9.Legalities 10.Credits <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 1) Updates <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Version 0.1 - The first version of the FAQ. Includes everything I've done so far in the game, as well as information on all characters, items, secrets and tips. I will update again when I think it's a good time in the game. Version 0.2 - The FAQ now reaches to underwater in Prima. Added RpgClassics to my list of people who can use my FAQ and added more characters. Note: Give me money for this FAQ. Version 0.3 - I fixed a slight (see: major) mistake, which guided you off into the totally wrong direction. My bad. Now the FAQ is complete up to the Hidden Fort, and is as thorough as ever. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 2) Introduction <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Discover the Land of the Dragon Tribe Long ago in the days of darkness and magic, a young wanderer comes face to face with his destiny. You control the fate of Ryu, a young warrior and descendent of the Light Dragon Clan. Together, with your mystical friend, Nina, you must search for magic spells and mysterious secrets. Along the way, gain experience and skills as you battle against strange monsters. Uncover valuable secrets that will help you on your adventure and unlock the secrets of the Dragon Clan. The classic RPG adventure that started it all...and now on the Gameboy Advance system Hundreds of spells help characters transform into dragons and other beasts Exchange items with your friends using the Game Link Cable Use your combat and exploration skills on your quest...even learn to fish! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 3) Story - Dragon War! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> For thousands of years, the Dragon Tribe reigned peacefully, governing the world through its mighty power and decency. Despite its integrity, the tribe fell victim to the power of the evil goddess Milia. The internal strife split the tribe into two factions and war erupted between them. The violent clash nearly destroyed the world. Already lasting for centuries, it seemed the conflict would drag on forever. At last, a hero and his seven companions appeared and vowed to defeat the evil goddess. The quest was perilous. After many failed attempts, they managed to capture the goddess and seal her in a dungeon locked with six keys. Now a fragile peace accord holds the two tribes together. The White Dragon Tribe, pledges to lock away its power until the world is once again faced with danger. But the Black Dragon Tribe is suspiciously reluctant in its peace efforts. Will the peace hold, or will the bloody history between these two sides continue for more eons to come? The saga of the fate of the Dragon Tribe is about to begin... <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 4) Controls <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Field Screen Control Pad - Move Character A Button - Talk/Check/Personal Action/Special Ability B Button - Dash (With Control Pad) R Button - Cycle character order L Button - Cycle character order Start - View/Hide World Map Select - View Sub Screen Sub Screen Control Pad - Move cursor A Button - Confirm selection B Button - Cancel selection R Button - Not used L Button - Not used Start - Not used Select - Return to Field Screen Combat Screen Control Pad - Move Cursor A Button - Confirm selection B Button - Cancel selection R Button - View Defense commands L Button - View Order commands Start - Not used Select - Not used <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 5) Basics <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> There are a few things you might not know if you're new to videogames or the RPG genre. This section will help you learn the 'Basics'. When you are on the Field Screen (walking around) you can activate the Sub Screen by pressing the Select button. A list will appear with these options: Item (ITEM): Here you can use (USE) an item, for example use an herb to heal a party member. You can discard (DSCD) items, god knows why you would want to instead of using them, but, yeah, you can throw items away. You can change (CHNG) items, sort (SORT) them all neat and tidy, and view your vital items (VITL). Spells (SPEL): This option lets you view your current spells, and cast them. For example you have run out of herbs and are about to go into battle; Nina's Cure spell could come in handy. Some spells can't be cast unless in battle, so they are faded out. Equip (EQIP): View currently equipped items of your party members, and add or remove equipment. When equipping a new item, there will be an arrow pointing up if it will increase stats, down if it reduces, nothing if it stays the same, and faded if it is not able to be equipped by that character. Statistics (STAT): View your party members' stats. These include Attack power, Defense, Agility, Luck, Health Points (HP), also the needed experience points to level up. Once you get the needed experience points (EXP), your character will level up and gain stronger stats. You can also view the currently equipped items. Switch (SWCH): Switch the positions that characters will take once entering a battle. People in the back row will have higher defense but lower attack, and vice versa for people in the front row. For example, the healer in your party should be kept in the back row as he/she would not be attacking so decreased attack power wouldn't matter. Change (CHNG): This changes who leads your party, so if you wanted to Fly, Nina would be required to lead. Options (OPTN): Change your game options. This includes text speed, dashing, and music. Save (SAVE): Here you can quick save your game. Be careful with this, as it only saves your position once, so if you quick save, and load your quick save, you will have to do it again before exiting. The advantage of this, however, is that you can do it anywhere, as opposed to using the Dragon Shrines, which are located in only certain positions and you need to find them before saving and exiting. Exit (EXIT): This takes you back to the Field Screen. Status Ailments --------------- Another basic RPG element, is the use of various ailments during battle. All ailments can be cured using a Panacea, and all except Unconsciousness can be cured using Purify, so those will not be mentioned as cures. Asleep: When asleep, you can not move until combat ends. Poison: The most common ailment is poison. This can be cured using an antidote, or even antlers. This ailment is most annoying, as even when outside of battle, it continues to hurt your party member. So make sure you heal quickly before you die. Curse: This decreases the characters luck, which gives higher percentage to the appearance of fatal attacks. This can be cured using a tablet. Zombie: Ugh, this is also very annoying. Your attack and defense become 1. This can be cured using the Tear of Vem. Unconscious: This isn't necessarily an ailment, per se, but I am listing it here anyway. This happens once you lose all your HP, and are unable to do ANYTHING until cured. The other members of your party can cure him using a Raise Dead or Resurrect. If all your party members fall under this ailment, the game ends and you are forced to restart from your last Dragon Point save. So watch out, and keep your HP high. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 6) Characters <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> * Instruction Booklets Description * RYU - Warrior of the White Dragon Tribe --- This is your starting character. He has average stats all around, and can learn a few spells later in the game, as he gains the ability to turn into a dragon. He also learns to fish. You can do so by equipping a rod and bait as a etc. item and finding a well. * Ryu is a descendant of the White Dragon Tribe and has the ability to turn into a dragon. The tribe has sealed its power after almost destroying the world in the Goddess War of several thousand years ago. However, it is allowed to use it when the world is in danger in order to save it, Ryu lost his parents when he was young and now lives with his sister, a shaman who can summon powerful magic. Ryu's hobby is fishing. * Starting Stats/Equipment: Level: 1 HP: 20 AP:0 Strength: 10 Vigor: 10 Agility: 8 Wisdom: 12 Luck: 12 Weapon: Dirk Armor: Robe Shield: Wood Shield Helm: Straw Hat ---- NINA - Daughter of the Fae Tribe ---- This is the first person to join your party. She is best used as the healer of your party as her magic in that area is unparalleled, and she learns to fly later in the game. * Nina is from the Fae tribe. She can turn into a gigantic bird and fly through the air with people on her back. The Fae tribe abhors fighting, and its people hid themselves in a remote mountain during the Goddess War. Because of their seclusion, their ancient traditions remain intact. Nina learned the ancient ways when she was young, and now she is a master in the use of healing magic. * Starting Stats/Equipment: Level: 5 HP: 36 AP: 45 Strength: 10 Vigor: 24 Agility: 35 Wisdom: 38 Luck: 30 Weapon: ShortRP Armor: Dress Shield: None Helm: None BO - Forest Hunter -- A wolf that joins your party, as Zog is your common enemy. He is the archer of your party, but also has a few good spells, usually one level lower healing spells than Nina, but has powerful attack magic. He can hunt animals on the world screen for items by having him lead the party. * The Hunting tribe lives in the forest and reveres nature, This tribe is so familiar with the forests that you will never get lost when Bo is leading the group. Bo is cool-headed, reliable and very good at hunting with the bow. In battles against the Black Dragon Tribe, Bo led his tribe to multiple victories. However, the Hunters ere soon outnumbered and had to retreat to their home in the southern forest. * Starting Stats/Equipment: Level: 9 HP: 68 AP: 21 Strength: 40 Vigor: 40 Agility: 42 Wisdom: 33 Luck: 9 Weapon: BronzeBW Armor: ArmPad Shield: N/A Helm: SuedeHt KARN - Scion of the Tribe of Thieves ---- A thief, another all around character but is based more on speed than strength. He has no spells. * As a tiny child, Karn was found in the Town of Darkness by the leader of a guild of thieves. He knows nothing about his parents or his hometown. Karn is not interested in his past, however, he is dedicated to acquiring the best thieving techniques. Karn is always practicing his craft. The guild leader wonders when he should tell Karn the truth about his beginnings. * Starting Stats/Equipment: Level: 12 HP: 116 AP: 53 Strength: 38 Vigor: 34 Agility: 69 Wisdom: 42 Luck: 51 Weapon: ThrowDR Armor: SuedeGN Shield: None Helmet: NiceHT GOBI - Sea Merchant ---- A travelling merchant. He joins your party after you get deserted on an island. He saves you (for a price) but will end up helping you many times, as he can swim once he gets a certain item, and turn into a giant fish and carry other party members across the sea. * Gobi is from a tribe of traders who boast that they will one day control the world's commerce. Their trade area is any place that touches the sea. They are notorious for their greed, and Gobi is especially greedy - his own tribesmen shun him and he has been expelled by the tribal leader. Because of this, his ability to turn into a huge fish is sealed and his life o commerce is very limited. However, Gobi still hasn't learned his lesson. * Starting Stats/Equipment: Level: 15 HP: 90 AP:48 Strength: 35 Vigor: 40 Agility: 32 Wisdom: 49 Luck: 69 Weapon: Pole Armor: BronzAR SHD: None Helmet: BronzHT OX - Warrior of the Creation Tribe -- A Weapon smith who had been forced to make a secret weapon for the Dark Dragons. He is very strong, and is able to break large objects that happen to block your path. You save him from the Ghost of Death, an in return he helps you on your journey. * Warriors of the Creation Tribe are immense and powerful. They trace their mastery at creating weapons and armor back to ancient times. They are also skilled at breaking apart walls and hard rock. Despite their size, they are capable of delicate and subtle work. Ox once made a beautiful golden hair ornament for his wife. They are best at crafting weapons, but since the oppose war, they rarely use this talent. * Starting Stats/Equipment: Level: 16 HP: 168 AP:30 Strength: 73 Vigor: 71 Agility: 14 Wisdom: 40 Luck: 21 Weapon: Club Armor: BronzeAR SHD: SuedeSH Helmet: None <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 7) Secrets <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> These are taken from so credit must be given, and the people who originally discovered these codes/hints. Chun-Li Cameo ------------- When you visit Bleak, go to the boy who thinks he is a magician. He will say "Put a hundred coins on the table and I will make them disappear". Agree to his request and wait for him to say "Look behind you." Say "No" twice, then say "Yes". You should see Chun Li practicing her lightning kick. 9999 Exp. And 9999 gold ----------------------- Before battling Jade in Obelisk, he will ask you if you want to join him. Answer "Yes", and whenever he asks you if you want to change your mind, answer "No". Do not push any buttons and he will soon say, "I'm bored. Entertain me!". After this, there will be a battle scene. You will fight a D.Flea, a Crab, a Flower, a G.Slime, and finally an M.Slime which, when defeated, will give you 9999 experience and 9999 gold. When Nina has fly go to Agua, go north. You will see a little island. Run around here and an M. Slime will eventually appear. Getting the Emperor sword ------------------------- Check by the throne after defeating Jade to discover the Emperor Sword. Search the right hand pillar in the same room for the Star Hammer. Use this in combat to produce the Comet spell effect. Getting the Tri-rang -------------------- The Tri-Rang can be found behind Pagoda after Nina learns how to fly, and before Pagoda has been activated. Search directly behind the twin towers of Pagoda to find it. Get Nina's flying ability, then warp to Winlan and start flying. Go almost directly north to two strange looking towers that are alone on a small island offshore. Land on the island and go one space west of the towers. Press A with Ryu to get the Tri-rang. Do not use Nina or she will start flying again. Note: The Tri-rang is stronger than the Dragon Sword and Flame Sword. Getting the Rod5 ---------------- With the Sphere, you can also reach Tunlan. Fall down a pit to the left of the vault in the princess's house, then search the box to find the Rod5. This is used to fish at the wells. Getting the Icydagger and Lifearmor ----------------------------------- Once you obtain the thief, quickly return to Agua and go up until you reach the resting place of the goddess. In front of the temple on top of Agua are two statues. Go in front of them and press A to get the Icydagger, the thief's strongest weapon, and the Lifearmor, the strongest armor for the main character. It also has the ability to heal HP as you walk. Finding C.Fish -------------- Go to the third Dragon Shrine and go west to a piece of land sticking out into the lake. Fish on the very end of it to catch a C.Fish. Avoid fighting Pog ------------------ When the fake Tuntar chief tries to lead you to the guard's weapons, continue to say "No" to him. Eventually, Bo will appear behind him and stop him, so you will not fight Pog. Note: The general will be stronger. 999,999 Gold ------------ In Prima, go to a weapon shop and choose the "Trade" option. Select the IronML, Ox, then select "No". This normally makes you lose an amount of GP equal to the cost of the item. Instead, you can leave with 999,999 GP. Save the game, deposit the money, then repeat. Note: You may need to have an amount of money that is less than what will be subtracted when you select "No". <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 8) Walkthrough <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Wake up warrior! Disaster has struck! We need the power of the Dragon! You'll perish if you don't wake up! The village is engulfed in flames! Everything is burning! We must go! At this point, the game begins. Walk out of bed and collect the V. Ptn out of the chest. Make sure you do this now, as you will not be able to get back there later in the game. Then follow the old woman through the hallway, past the flames and down the stairs. Here there will be a few people clumped near the exit. Talk to the lower left of them and she will move. Talk to the center person now and then Sara will come in. After a brief discussion Sara will turn you and the group into stone to protect you from the fire. She then exits and a battle against the commander named Jade is shown. The background story is then shown, and then the Chief offers you a gift. Go open the chest where you will find 300 gold. As you exit the building, you will enter Drogen. Drogen ------ There is a Dragon Shrine to the left of you. Here you can save your game if you wish. Farther left, is a weapon and item shop. There is no real need to buy any equipment, but you may find it useful to buy some Herbs and mrbl3. There is nothing else to do here as of yet, so you should now leave. Overworld --------- Now open to attacks, you should level up a bit and then start using your mrbl3's. Make your way North along the easy to follow path, and you will find yourself upon a castle called Camlon. Camlon ------ Talk to a couple people and you will learn that the Dark Dragon forces have invaded the land, and brought the town to ruins. There is no one in the village able to rid the castle of the monsters (whether it be from being able or the desire to) so you must take on the task. Enter the castle. The Castle ---------- Follow the corridors up to the clean spring. At these points you can completely recover your HP. Continue up and then right and down. To the left of you are 2 treasure chests containing a whopping 70 gold pieces each! Continue down and then right and up to the staircase. Down here you will find a path with doors. To open the doors press A. The first doored room contains an herb and a BronzeSD. The next room has another herb and a gauntlet. Equip the items and continue on. Up the stairs and down the path you go. Down another flight of stairs with another pair of doored rooms. Here you will find a SuedeCP, a Visor and yet 2 more herbs. Equip these items and go on up the stairs. There will be two treasure chests here containing Antdt's. MAKE SURE you grab the farther left chest first, as you will lose your AP, but the right chest will recover it and your HP. Now head up the stairs. You should want to be at full health when you go up, as your next encounter could be fatal if you aren't. Here you will find a little frog sitting on a throne. He informs you that you have no reason to be in his castle and he wants you to get out. Now, it will transform into a huge spiky frog and the battle will begin. I was level 4 at the time and this battle was no trouble at all (with the use of Herbs, of course). You will most likely level up twice now. Now the foul air filters out and the clean air is now coming back but now, a short earthquake occurs. In the upper right part of the room you will find an Herb to add to your collection, and 150 gold. Follow your path back and exit the castle. There will be no more monster encounters so it's a safe journey. Camlon ------ Now the king will realize that you are not a false hero and then another earthquake occurs. 'What a shocker!' He tells you that the Dark Dragons must have -Quake Control- and there is a hidden palace in the Nanai dungeon. You must now put an end to the quakes. And he didn't even say thank-you. Ingrate. Save and exit the city. Overworld --------- Head up and to the left and continue to follow it up. You should cross a bridge and, if you're lucky, you will arrive at nighttime. If you enter the city during the day, guards will block your path. Nanai ----- Before you try to get to the Temple, go into the INN and at the top of the INN is a chest containing a S. Ptn. The path to the Palace is pretty easy to figure out, but, incase your not the brightest pumpkin in the drawer, I will elaborate. Along the way there are a couple stops that you can make to pick up a few free items. Go far left to the corner of the city in front of the INN. On step 3, you will see a man sleeping, to the building right of him, there is two treasure chests inside containing 300 gold. Grand Theft Auto 3 has nothing on breaking the law compared to the theft in this game. 1) Go up 7 steps, 2) right 4, 3) up 5, 4) 10 right, 5) 11 down, 6) 2 left, 7) 5 down, 8) 12 right and up into the temple. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to find to more herbs, take a different path starting on Step 8. 9) 15 left, 10) 9 up, 11) 5 left, 12) 8 up, 13) 4 right, 14) 1 up, 15) 3 right and in the building where you will get the herbs in chests. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaia Temple ------------ Now, to continue with my FAQ, once you're in the Palace go through the gates and down the steps as there is nothing to do to the left or right. Travel down the long flights of stairs and you will find yourself in a hot looking cavernous place. Head right across the bridge and down, finding a Antdt. Head back to the stairs and go down the steps and over the bridge. Turn left and head up, over the other bridge. You will find a treasure chest containing 650 gold. Head back and instead of going left go far right where you will get a B. Stn. in a chest. No go left a little and up the ramp, across two bridges and down the next flight of stairs. To the left of you is an Arm Pad on the top, and 70 gold below it. Follow the path down and back below the stairs you are. Follow the path down across two bridges. After the second bridge turn left and you will find a F. Stn. Now go right and there will be a Cure. Farther right will be a large staircase. Go down. Heal yourself and travel up where there will be a large soldier facing away from you. Walk up to him and you will over hear him talking to himself about taking over the world. After disturbing his privacy (shame on you) he begins to fight you. You should start out by using your B. Stn. and your F. Stn. or you can save them if you wish. I was level 7 when I fought him and it was a little trouble. I was forced to use 14 HERBS! Walk up to the big machine and press A. Choose yes and then run to the black hole to the right of you. This will take you to the Overworld. Overworld --------- Outside just in time, the city of Nanai falls. Then a man will come and take you to the king in Camlon. Camlon ------ The man thanks you and you are told to go to Winlan, where you will find a cave to another kingdom. You should now save after your long journey and exit the town. Overworld --------- Head North back to Nanai, but, now that it is destroyed you can pass through and continue on. Head right and up some more, you will see a cave and a city. Go to the city, this is Winlan. Winlan ------ On the second level of the city, to the right, is a small house. Inside is another chest, with a V. Ptn. You can also visit the Weapon Shop and Item Shop. I bought a nice Chain Mail, which upped my stats nicely. At the northernmost part of the city you will find the castle, enter. Walk up and talk to the center person. She will then talk to Princess Nina, who refuses your request to see the king as she does not want word of his illness to spread. You will then be shown to your room where you will sleep. You will now take control of Princess Nina. Below you are some stairs, head down. Go left and you will find a doored room with four chests. Inside them are a SuedeSH, a SuedeHT, an Antdt and a herb. Head back to the stairs and go around the wall clockwise and you will find another room with two treasure chests filled with an herb each. Go up to the other stairs and go down them. In the lower left corner there is yet another room with two chests, with a Antdt and a herb. Head back upstairs. If you talk to Ryu you will hear him dreaming of Sara in his sleep. Exit the castle and leave Winlan. Overworld --------- Near the castle to the left is the cave that you need to go into. Aura Cave -------- If you got into a fight on the way here, you're sure to notice Nina's weakness. Luckily, she won't have to go on alone. When you enter the cave, 2 two soldiers will offer their assistance. Head north and down the flight of steps. Below you is a chest containing a Cure. Continue right from there down is a SuedeGN and 150 gold. Go back left and up where 70 gold and a I. Ore is. Go back to where you started at the steps. Head north and right. On your way there will be two herbs along the path. They're easy to see. Now continue left at the intersection and go up where there will be a B. Stn. waiting. Now go down and go up at the intersection to the stairs. Now travel up the cave and left for the C. Stn. Go up the stairs and south. You will then exit into a forest with a town nearby. Go to the town. Romero ------ This town is Romero. You will hear talk of a wizard testing out his potion on a group of girls. Go to the INN where a dresser is. Open it to receive a L. Ptn. Right above the INN are to small huts. Go into the right one and fall down the hole. Push the jars out of the way and make your way to the barrel. Push it and there will be a map for you!! Congratulations! Now when you press START a map will be shown. Head back upstairs and outside. Right above that hut is a taller building, go inside and upstairs is a dresser containing a ProtnB. Nothing else in this town besides the weapon and item shops so visit them and then save. Head left and exit the town. Overworld --------- Travel left and go into the groove in the trees. Ramui Woods ----------- This part of the game is quite hard to describe, so I won't go into to much detail (until my next update). From the start follow the trees down and left to find a bandage. Two layers of trees above that (or far left from the start) is a chest containing an herb. Travel counter- clockwise up around the trees to find 150 gold. Continue left from one level above the bandage and you will find your way out. Overworld --------- Walk forward into Karma tower. Karma ----- Follow the wall around left to find a M. Drop. Go back and right in front of the entrance is a staircase leading to a pit containing 2 chests of herbs. Following the wall right will lead you to another chest with a M. Drop. On your way kill Morte who is blocking the path. Easy battle, just keep attacking and healing with Nana. Behind him is the staircase that you need to go through. Only a couple places to go here. Go down from the start of this floor is a charm. Along the way head up these stairs where there's a cure. Go back to the start of this floor. Circling the wall above you counterclockwise is a long path around the room with stairs at the end. Up the stairs and along the wiggled path down south is a charm. North and right around are some stairs. Go down. Heading up you will see two holes. Pass them by as they drop you down and you would have to make your way back up again. Up the stairs instead. Here you will find 4 holes and an herb. Fall down the top- right hole and fall you will fall down two levels. Go up the stairs and follow the path. Then you will come upon a staircase down with Morte's sister (I assume) around the corner. Down the stairs is a Life2. Travel back up and fight Mortea. This battle is a bit harder than Morte's, so now would be a good time to use the attack items if you haven't already. The battle goes a lot quicker even if you use only one. If you don't, just attack with the soldiers and heal with Nina again. Travel up the stairs. You will be on top of the tower now. Walk left and step on the switch to make a bridge appear. Walk across and the bridge closes behind you. You can bring it back by stepping on the switch in the doored room. If you go up the stairs you will be able to cleanse yourself, and save at the dragon shrine. Stepping on the switch would have also resulted in the girls moving so you can go downstairs. When you go down, there is a cure on the first level down, and YOUR DEATH on the next level. When you walk forward the wizard will appear behind you blocking the exit. He releases Xeon gas, poisonous to your winged race. There is no point in healing, so don't waste your Herbs. This battle was meant to be lost. Just attack for a couple turns. At this time, Nina decides that one of the soldiers should go get help while she distracts the wizard. Attack some more, and the wizard will finish you off. It then shows the soldier who escaped turn into a bird and fly off with some dragons on his tail. The soldier dies as he tells the guards of Winlan what happened. At this point, you take control of Ryu again. Leave the castle and exit the city. Overworld --------- Outside you will meet up with a group of Winlans. They will tell you their intricate plan and then they will turn into birds. Unfortunately, some of the birds are countered by dragons and only you and your bird get by. Karma ----- A soldier joins your party briefly when you land. Head down the stairs and drink some water and save your game. Near the entrance to where you encountered the wizard, the soldier leaves your party. Head down alone. Follow the path and keep going left at the intersection so you can plunder a chest of its foil and activate the trigger. Equip it then go up at the intersection where you will see the Wizard and Nina at the face of a pit filled with lava. This is a really easy battle (I was Level 9) with use of an attack item. He starts to use petrify once he's at low health, but its not that big of a bother. He only takes one hit after his HP is gone. After the battle Nina collapses and you carry her up the stairs. You fly off, and...after a little bit of either fancy aviation or the result of too much liquor, you arrive back at Winlan where Nina runs off to see her father, the King. Winlan ------ Travel past the group of people and up the first set of stairs. Go around the top-left wall and you will find the king lying in bed. At first the Remedy does not seem to work, but the king gets better and starts jumping on his bed. He offers you anything, and you ask for use of the tunnel.........but Nina joins your party now so it's all well. Head downstairs and now use the second set of stairs above you. Go down them. Go straight down passed one room and turn right up the tunnel. The doored room is locked though, so sad. So just keep going and head out into the Overworld. Overworld --------- There's a couple new enemies to encounter, so have fun while you head down along the path. You'll enter a clearing from the path and to the right is Tantar. Tantar ------ Here you can find a weapon shop, and a Dragon Shrine. Save your progress thus far. There is an INN which you can stop by with a Charm in a dresser. Also, below it is a building on a hill. Upstairs of it, there is another dresser with a W. Ptn. And below it, in the lower right corner, is a saw maker. He will make you a saw if you give him your I. Ore. Nothing else to do here, so exit and go back up along the path you came. Head towards the thick bushel of trees. Now equipped with the saw, you can clear the tree blocking your path. Lament Woods ------------ Another hard to describe forest, but easy to get through nonetheless. In this forest I found a T. Drop, a Life, a Wrist, and a T. Drop. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but if you could email me a nicer description please be do so and I will include you in the credits. Hopefully you could make your way to the Dark D. Fort in the top right of the forest. Congratulations. Dark D. Fort ------------ Upon entering, you will be forced to fight two sharp, yet weak guards. Just attack a few times and they'll go down. Head forward and fall down the trap door. Here there will be a T. Drop, two Life, and a LongSD. Go back up the stairs and take the non-trapped path around behind the trap. Going down at the fork results in you falling back into the trap, so go up. Going up at the fork in the road will lead you to another set of guards. Same fight as last time. Follow that path down passed the stairs to find the four chests. The herb, T. Drop, Life2, and the Acorn will now be yours. Head down the stairs. There's a trap in the path next to you so fall in to get the treasure or just take the stairs. The lower right chest gives you 50 points of damage, and a WolfHt. The other ones give two herbs and a T. Drop. Follow the outer wall around to get to the herb chest. Then go left some more and down(passed the guards) to get another herb. Then go fight the 3 soldiers guarding the 'Chief'. This battle was just a tad harder then the rest. The chief offers to guide you to the weapons. Follow him and get the weapons. Oh but wait!! It's a trap!! He locks you in the room with a large Pog. It was an easy battle at level 11/9. Unfortunately, this was just a warm up. An arrow flies by opening the cage for you. Bo, a wolf man, loosed this arrow. It seems now that, the Chief was just General in disguise. So you must fight him, with Bo by your side. The real Chief comes and tells you about the ring and then leaves. Bo joins your party for good now, as Zog is also his enemy. Now exit and head south to get out of the forest. Head to either Tuntar or Tantar. Tantar ------ Upgrade Bo's equipment and save. Tuntar ------ This town also has a INN, containing a Cure. An item shop and bank also inhabit this town. Now head to the Chief's house. Upstairs is an herb. That's all you can do in these two villages, so exit into the overworld. Overworld --------- Head North along the path that you came from. Pass the Lament Woods and continue on. You will come upon another forest. Se Bo to be the leader and pass through to Romero. Romero ------ If you visit the Chief he will tell you that he will give you information on Agua. If you're lucky you would have arrived at night. You probably didn't though, so wander around until night falls. Enter now. In the graveyard, you will come upon the old woman. Talk to her and she will refuse you the WtrJr. Her zombie husband then steps in, and decides that it is best for you to have it. He opens up the tomb for you to enter and get the WtrJr. Fall in. Not only will you get a WtrJr, but an herb also. Exit and go left along the mountains. Overworld --------- With Bo now leading your party, cross over the Woods and continue to follow the mountains below the Tower. You will now see a cave, circle around counter clockwise and enter it. Ease Cave --------- Directly in front of you is a three way split in the road. Take the right way. There is an Herb there. Now take the left path. Following it up you will find an Herb, a NiceHT, and then the path will loop around back to the start, so don't follow it all the way. When it splits again go right and follow the long path. You'll see some stairs, before going up them there is a chest you need to plunder of it's F. Stn. Now down the stairs, take the path down where there is an Herb. Going up the path it splits, take the right way to get the awaiting T. Drop. Then continue along to the stairs. Going up takes you to some stairs leading to a BronzeHT and an Apple. Going down takes you to some stairs. Go down. Wade down into the water and press A. The WtrJr will fill with water. Luckily, you don't have to walk all the way back as it does it on its own. Sprinkling the water on the soil, it becomes purified. The chief thanks you and offers you the tablet to enter Agua, along with 900 gold, a Cure, an AntDt and an Herb. Rest up, save your game and enter the Overworld. Overworld --------- Right outside of Romero, to the Northwest, is a Floating island. Enter. Agua ---- Walk up the pier and enter the floating island when it arrives. Walk up the stairs. The door in front of you is locked, so step onto the pad and it will take you across the gap. To the left is an Herb, to the left and up are a Life2, an Acorn and an Apple. Keep going and you will find the stairs along the way. Nothing you can do besides step on the first pad. It will take you to the middle section where there are three pads. The lower right one will take you to an IronSH. Take the pad in behind the chest back to the start. Go back to the middle. The upper left pad will take you to a SunHT. Go to the middle again. Take the only remaining pad in the lower left and it will go to a TheifCL. Takes its pad. Now you should be by the stairs. Go up. Take the Acorn and jump on the pad. Then take the left pad to the HairBand. Then the next pad to the Herb. Then take the right pad to the Bracelet. Then take the pad behind this chest to the stairs. Go up, and you will see some small blue lights in the wall to the right. Between the 4th and 5th lights, you can enter through the wall by pressing A. Inside you will find a SteelBW. :Thanks to Jan Van Haudt for the information on the SteelBW: Go down and take the pad. There is a large pole. Activate it to make the Boss appear. He's a pretty tough boss. Bo's Lightning2 did the most damage, I powered up Ryu and healed with Nina, and had Ryu attack. I was Level 12/11/10. After beating the Boss follow his instructions and check the pillar where you will receive the key. Ride all the closest pads and head down all the stairs and exit Agua. Overworld --------- You can go to Romero and rest/save if you want, but your goal now is to make it back to Tantar. You can use your map if you have it (it's the city beside the river), but if you don't have it, just follow the dirt trail that's to the right of Romero. Now that near Romero, rest and save again if you want. Cross the bridge that's right above you. Head up the path and you'll find a cave. Go towards the cave but not in it. Head around it and go left and up. You'll see the giant. Go Inside. The Giant --------- Travel up all the stairs. On the third level make your way right, you'll find a BronzeHT and an Herb. Go up these stairs. You'll now see three men. Talk to them and they will rudely ask for the key. A fight commences. Really easy battle, I cast a few spells but there was really no reason to. Just attack a few times and they'll die. You might not even have to heal. I fought this battle at Levels 12/11/11. After the battle, turn the robot on with the key by pressing A. The robot's heart(?) will start pumping, and the teleporters (black dots) will start to function. Take the teleporter that is left of the stairs, take the next portal that is at the end of the path. Then take the portal to the left, to get and Acorn. Then go back through it. Rinse and repeat until you are back where the path splits. Instead of going to get the Acorn take the upper portal. Take the left path at the split now, where you'll find a portal to a Life2, and a Mrbl1. Step back on and you'll be in the same as before. Keep going up this time to the farther away portal. Then go through the next portal. Now your at the main control room for the robot. Put the key in the big block and the robot will start to move. After a brief movie thing the rock will be destroyed and the water will flow back to the villages. Once you are in control again, go through the portal and exit the giant. Take note of his position, however, as you will have to return here in a little while. Overworld --------- Go down and follow the path back to Tantar. Tantar ------ Go talk to the Chief. It is the building on the hill. Once you talk to him, he'll push his seat out of the way and a hole will be revealed. Jump down. Here is an herb and...the Key! Rest and Save your game, there's nothing else to do so just leave. Overworld --------- Now outside, head back up along the path back to the robot. Go inside the cave he is standing by. Lake Cave -------- Follow the path to the other end of the cave (pick up the W. Ptn. along the path. Exit the cave. Overworld --------- Right beside you is another cave. Enter. Lake Shrine ----------- Walk north up to the locked door. If you have the key (which you should) press A to open it. Step down the flights of stairs and head left along the tunnel halls. Step down the stairs and wade into the water. Walk south and float down the waterfall. Continue down and pass by the first island as it only leads you back on top of the waterfall. The next island will have a Life on it. Take it and then go to the third island. Follow it along until it ends. Jump back into the water to the fourth island. On the fourth island pass the stairs is a Life2, get it and go down the stairs. Follow the easy path left, up, left, and get up the flight of stairs. Above you is 2000 gold. Off the island into the water now. The second island has an herb. Walk the third island straight down path the left split to get an Acorn, then take the split that takes you off the island. Walk south and float down this waterfall. As you walk along the stream, there is a hill with a SkySH for Nina at the top. Continue on to the next island. Congratulations, you found the Ring. De-detelede-de deeee! You can equip it to Ryu for a nice bonus in attack. Jump on the portal and it will take you back to the top. South is the exit of the cave, so go there. Overworld --------- SouthEast is the cave, go back through it and then go to Tantar. Tantar ------ Talk to the people on the road and they will get out of the way. Inside the Chiefs house, a wedding will be taking place. Sit through and then the Chief will tell you to take the stone robot and cross the river with it. Overworld --------- Oh, but wait. The general has stolen the robot. What a nuisance that guy is, that's why you should always take the keys out of your vehicle. The robot destroys Tuntar but then stops, giving you an opportunity to regain control. Go north and cross the bridge and then down to the robot. The Giant --------- Take the same path as before up to the Giants control room. But, instead of the same easy battle with the General, he transforms into a Gremlin?! This battle is a lot tougher than before, especially after his HP is down, then he gets MAD! I had ALOT of trouble with this one. I managed to finish him off after a long battle with an attack item, but I was lucky I had it. He has an attack that does about 30 damage to all your party members, so watch out. Cast powerful spells with Bo, attack with Ryu, and heal and power up with Nina. I also had both Bo and Nina dead, so I was forced to attack, heal with herb, attack, heal with herb, etc. for about 10 turns. That is when I killed him with the attack item I found in my inventory. I was levels 13/12/12. The General will then explode and the Robot will start to walk. He arrives at a Volcano, which he then erupts, the lava hardens in the river allowing you to cross. You'll see a small building surrounded by trees. Enter. Dragon Shrine -------------- Good fun here. This is your very first Dragon Shrine! Here, without the help of Bo or Nina unfortunately, you'll be able to fight the 'Talon'. Before you do, a Melon can be found to the right of Talon. A really long battle, wouldn't even call it a battle really, just a game of punch for punch, ensues. Once victorious, which I'm sure you will be if you have enough herbs with you, you will receive your first three dragon transformations for battle. Snow, Thunder, and Flame Dragons. Heal again and exit into the Overworld. Overworld --------- Below you and to the left a little is the Cape Cave. Go in. Cape Cave --------- Follow the easy to follow winding tunnels until there is a split. Take the lower path out as the other way is blocked by seemingly immovable rocks... Overworld --------- Follow the shoreline to the port city. Auria ----- As soon as you enter the city you will be arrested for stealing treasure. The guard will lock you in the cell with another person. In the top right corner are some PrisonCL. Talk to your sleeping inmate and he will unlock the gate, which is a bit odd to say the least. He'll go back to sleep and now it's time for you to leave. Head up the stairs and exit the prison. Finding yourself in the middle of the town, go to the building to your left. Trade in your old equipment for new and buy some items, including a Pouch and a Vitamn for the man upstairs. Go upstairs and you'll find a man with the hic-ups. Give them to him and he'll give you 5000 gold. Leave. Save the money you'll be gaining soon for the G. Bar, as you need to buy it later, but I'm assuming you don't have nearly that much. Stay on the opposite side of the path from the guard and go up the stairs. There's a building to the right, enter here and there will be a Life and a V. Ptn inside, along with a Mrbl1 and 2000 gold upstairs. The building beside that one to the left will have another Life and a S Ptn. in it, followed by a Cure and W. Ant. Upstairs. Another house with 2 chests down and 2 chests up is behind this one, with a SmartRG, Life and a Antdt. The next house has a Mrbl3, a Cure, and an L. Ptn. But don't open the chest on the first floor, because you will once again be thrown into jail. Eleven chests later, it's time to actually do something. Travel up all way North through the city, to the end house. Talk to the man on the first level, his daughter is stuck in a safe and you must go save her. He will reward you with his ship, but there's a few things you need to do before you can save her, so read on. Go up the stairs that are near the entrance and you'll find a G.Tiara and a Cure to the left and up, and 2000 gold in a dresser at the top of the room. Leave the building now. Go back to the building to the right of you and go upstairs. There will be an old man with an aching back so have Nina lead your party and she will pat-a-pat it better. Oh, what's that?! 20000 gold?! Yes, that's right, your well on your way to buying the gold bar. Enter the building to the right of you, and there will be a woman sitting there by the table downstairs. Fairies have bewitched her son and you must go save him. You probable noticed this while you were near the Dragon Shrine, but if not, that's what I'm here for. On your way to save the boy, visit the item shop again and sell your G. Tiara for a pretty penny. Leave the city. Overworld --------- Travel back up the shore back to the cave. Make your way through and then head to the trees with Bo leading. A few steps above the cave is a clearing in the forest. Fairy Woods ----------- Talk to one of the Fairies and they'll free he boy. Now leave and head to the other Fairy Woods that's a few steps right of here. The boy will be free and he'll promise to be kind to nature for the rest of his days. Go back to Auria. Auria ----- The old woman in the north west house will now give you another 20000 to add to your pot. Buy a pouch from the item shop on your way out. Overworld --------- Right beside you to the right is L&D Cave. L&D Cave -------- Some people will be in your way and they'll warn you of thieves and step back. Go down the stairs. Go left and follow the path up to the first intersection. Take the right path then down to the next split. Take the left way to the two chests through the broken wall to get Cure, and a ShellHT. Then go back right and down this time. Turn up to get to the stairs at the little intersection. Take the only way right and then up and around counter clockwise to the switch to open the gate, so you don't have to walk all the way through again. Go back along the path and now down instead of up and leave the cave. Overworld --------- Don't go into this tower that's beside you to the right, circle over the water clockwise and head down and to the left where you will find the town of Bleak. The INN in this town in free, but the INNkeeper is a thief. If you have the pouch from Auria you'll have no problem though, as you will wake up and catch him in the act. He will give you 5000 gold for your troubles. The left upper building has 2 herbs upstairs in chests. The right house also has 2 items, and a magician. Talk to him, say yes for the first two questions, and then no twice, then yes, and then you will see the infamous Chun-Lee executing her Bicycle Kick. You should have 65000 gold by now, along with the Warp spell. Leave and warp back to Auria. If you don't have the warp spell, walk back. Auria ----- All you need to do is buy the G.Bar. Warp/Walk back to Bleak. Bleak ----- Walk all the way north to the center end house, here you can trade your hard earned G.Bar for a Icicle. There is also 2 items upstairs. Leave the house and the city. Overworld --------- A few steps directly left will be a cave, enter. Desert Cave ----------- Walk down the first set of stairs and then just follow the path left. Walk up the next flight and then you will come upon the exit, earlier you couldn't have gotten past due to the hot winds, but now, with the Icicle, you can cool the air and pass through. Overworld --------- Walk straight down for a while and you'll come upon Arad.(Note: This is not the moving city, pass the moving city by) Arad ---- You will find the dragon (of the dragon shrine) along with an INN in the tent to your right. Sleep/save and head up to the north tent. Talk to the mayor and he will offer you the Fife if you slay the SandWorm, once you say yes it will become dark outside. Go visit the area where the goat used to be (right of the mayors' house), and you'll see some shifting sand. Walk up and the battle will begin. Easy battle, but if your having trouble, don't be to happy when you get his HP down, he still has quite a bit after he gets up. Not much else to say, use the characters magic to win. You'll be brought back to the mayor, and the man blocking the way of the chest will be gone, giving you full access to claim your bounty. Leave the village. Overworld --------- Close to Arad is Krypt, down a bit and to the right a bit. Stand on the platform in front of the entrance and press A. A bridge will appear and you can walk across. Go in. Krypt ----- From here go left and follow the spiral path counter clockwise to the next stairs. Go down. On this floor there are a few treasures to find, along with a few pit traps to discover. You can find two herbs, an IronSH, Life, Dagger, and a DreamRG. You can get most of these, along with the next room down the two stairs in the south, by following the outer wall, as there are no pit traps to hinder your way. You can also wait to get them until you have Karn in your party, then he will be able to disable the pit traps, making navigation much easier. Here head north where there are two ledges, the right will have some HeadGear and the left will have a B. Rang encased in rock. There is nothing you can do about that so keep going up. Here a EyeSpy will block your path. Keep attacking him until all his eyes are gone, then he'll start using a powerful all character damage attack. Once he's gone, go down the next set of stairs. Ooooooh, chests. Empty all the red ones before the blue, and you'll find a pair of SkullHt's, an IcyHT, a Cure, and an Antdt. In the blue chest you will discover a trap, causing the room to start flooding with water. But wait! It's Karn from the ground! Follow him downstairs and he'll join your party. If you have Karn lead your party, you will be able to unlock the doors blocking the way. Do so, and make your way right and up along the path. At the intersection, there is three paths. Left will take you to a Herb and a Cure, you can also unlock the traps with Karn leading. Head back to the intersection and this time unlock the door and head down the stairs. Follow the path left and down to the next stairs. Go up. If you go down from here there will be a HuntCL at the end of the path. If you take the stairs down you'll be going the right direction. Two flights later you'll be at the bottom in a large open room. Have Karn lead the party, as all the caskets are trapped. In he lower right area of the room you will find the casket book. Karn will gain confidence! Now head back out to the overworld. Overworld --------- With Karn leading the party, you can head back to the Agua tower to find a LavaSH if you wish, as the door can now be unlocked. After you do this, warp to Bleak. At the Dragon warp point, save your game, rest, and stock up on Mrbl3's and other items. Exit Bleak, and go up around the lake to the L&D Tower. L&D Tower --------- Upon entering, walk up to the locked door and open with Karn. Through here, there is a chest to the right containing 2000 gold. Go left up the stairs. Go down and right to the old man. He tells you he will give you his treasure if you meet the ghosts to prove your worth. He then backs up and lets you through. Pass him by and walk up the stairs. To the right and left there are another staircase. Take the left one up to find a B.Stn. and a life. Go back down and take the right stairs. Circle down and up around the wall to get up the next stairs. The staircase directly in front of you will lead you to a Life2, another staircase leading to a Cure, a HornHT, and an Herb. Get all these items and return back to the stairs you came up before. Pass them and follow the outer-wall right and up to the next flight of stairs. If you choose the right stairs from here, go up the next stairs also. You'll find a Turban, and 2000 gold. If you choose the left stairs from here, go up the next stairs also. Here is a red Cloud that wants to fight. During this battle Ryu was Lv. 16, Nina was 14, Bo was 15, and Karn was 13. For this battle, have Ryu fight as a dragon, Nina heal, Bo use Fry, and Karn use the E.Key. I noticed that Cloud only attacked Ryu for the duration of this battle, maybe I was just lucky, but have Nina keep him at full health. When Cloud is defeated, talk to him again and he will drop the DK key, and the Tower will light up. Make your way back down the tower until you get to the old man again. He will move aside letting you open the chest. Inside is a Mirror that shows spirits. Leave the Tower. Overworld --------- Warp to Auria, or you can go left to the L&D Cave. If you head up from hear there will be a locked door. Open it with Karn to find another G.Bar. Auria ----- Save at the Dragon Shrine, and rest at the INN. Make sure to avoid the guard =) From here head up to the northernmost house. Go to the room in the bottom left corner and go don the stairs. Open the locked door with Karn, and talk to the girl. She tells you that her father is going to give the LtKey to the Dark Dragons! Go have a talk with her father who is now in the east part of the house. Using the mirror to show Ross the error of his ways, go back down to the girl. Agree to her quest, and she will move back. Here is a bunch of chests containing five herbs, a B.Stn., a MetalSH, and a Dart. Equip all these items. Run up all the stairs to the top of the tower, get the F.Stn. on the way, and then put the LtKey that is in the pillar safely away. Talk to the Ross, and if you haven't already, take everything in his house. Exit. Walk to the end of the docks and a Archer and a Knight will talk to you. After beating them, in this simple battle, they signal their friends to sink your ship, then they disappear. Gobi and the Captain walk up. Gobi offers you some GnPowdr for a G.Bar. You can get this in the L&D Cave by unlocking the locked door to the north of the cave on the second level. Leave town once you have the G.Bar. Overworld --------- Head up and left along the path and enter the Cape Cave. Cape Cave --------- Walk up and take the left path. Follow it around and when you meet with the rocks you will set the explosives. Take cover and wait for the path to be cleared. After they do, run by and exit the Cave. Secret Base ----------- Finding yourself in the corner of the Base, dodge past the trees and past the building. Here, you will be confronted by two questioning SpearMen, unfortunately, they don't let you respond and jump into the battle. Dispose of them and continue on along the path, and into the ship. Dark D. Ship ------------ Take a few steps forward and you'll be forced to end an archers shift a little early (I wonder if they had workers compensation back then) and then continue up. Walk down the stars and go by the next guards. Circle up around the wall and into the room. Walk up the stairs where you will see a guard. After foolishly claiming his superiority over you, he fights. Apparently he's a squid though, so it's quite a bit harder than the rest. You'll probably want to have Ryu turn into a dragon to speed up the battle and have everyone attack, Bo with spells, Nina heal when need be. Make sure everyone is over 50Hp though, as Squid has a powerful hit-all attack. I was Level 16 for Ryu, 14 for Karn and 15 for everyone else. He'll warn you of his brother, so don't be shocked when a you fight the next one. In the next room you will find a V. Ptn. in the drawers. Walk down the stairs. Ooo. Chests. Two herbs and two Acorns you will acquire in the plunder. Now head ALL the way back to Auria. Auria ----- Save, buy supplies, or just talk to the Captain on the docks and then you will appear back in the Dark D. Ship. Dark D. Ship ------------ Here, you will steal the ship with the Captain, Ross, and his daughter. Gobi will join you and your on your way! On your voyage you'll be attacked by ships of Dark Dragons. Deciding that jumping overboard is your only chance, you'll run for the bottom deck. After fighting off wave after wave of small opponents as you make your way down to the gunpowder room, you'll end up fighting Octo. Keep healing during your battles with the soldiers, to make sure you are at full health for Squids revenge. It was quite a bit easier than Squid in my opinion, as I was only attacked once. After you send him crying he'll attempt to take you down with him , and he'll ignite the gunpowder. You'll chase Karn upstairs and jump overboard with the awaiting Gobi. Not yet clear of the imminent explosion, you'll be blown to a desert island. Desert Island ------------- Gobi, the businessman that he is, will tell you that the underwater city of Prima is located nearby, and that he will sell you Gills that are required for access. You do not have enough money however, so he'll offer his money to everything you have. Accept the offers, and you'll take control of Gobi. Walk south into the water. Water ----- Their will be many new enemies to encounter here, but you won't be able to handle them as Gobi. If you die on your way to Prima, by going, left and west, you will recover in Prima. Prima ----- Save at the Dragon Shrine, and rest at the Inn if need be. There are two Inn's in Prima, one for 20 gold and one for 300, so use the cheap one to the right of the village. In the expensive Inn, however, you will find an item in the drawer upstairs. There is also a name-changing house above the expensive Inn. Upgrade Gobi's equipment if you wish. In the 3-storied building at the northernmost of town, you will learn of Gant, the place where you can get Gills that are not available to Prima. Exit the town. Water ----- Walk south and east, avoiding the rocks that will be in your way. There will be a small opening through the rocky cliff where you can find the open air. Overworld --------- Follow the valley to your lower-left down. When it ends go up past the dead trees to Gant. Gant ---- Save. To the far left of the entrance to Gant, is a building. Go inside and walk to the end, in the dresser is an HrGlass. On the second level of town, in the only building to the right, is a L.Ptn. Run to the northern-most part of Gant, and enter the building. Inside, an old man will ask you to take some goods back to Prima. Accept, and behind him are the goods for the trip. If you push the thin dresser to the right, you will open an entrance to a hidden room, remember this place, as there is nothing you can do right now. Upstairs in the dresser is a A.Ptn. Leave town to the Overworld, and back to Prima the same way you came. Prima ----- Walk up to the three-storied building at the north end of town. Talk to the guild leader, and you will trade the goods for the gills. Someone will come in and inform the leader that the Dark Dragons have attacked a small boat and he is about to die, he has important information to pass on however, so they can't let him die. For 5000 dollars, you offer to get someone that knows how to shoo the ghost of death away. Once the deal is done, exit the Inn save, and then exit the city. Water ----- To the East, find the gap in the northern cliff and you'll be back on the Desert Island. Desert Island ------------- Walk back to the splotch in the middle of the trees and talk to Ryu. He'll join your party again, followed by the rest of the group. Leave the Island and go back down to the watery deep. Water ----- Head left to Prima. Prima ----- Enter the Inn (to your left) and walk up the stairs. When you talk to the Ghost, a battle will commence. Morteo, a friend of Morte and Mortea I assume, the ghost, does hell of a lot of damage with his Scythe. But he isn't to HP heavy though, so it shouldn't be to hard. My levels were: Ryu-17, Gobi-15, Nina-15, Bo-17, and Karn-15. After the fight, you will learn the fighter's name is Ox, and an Ox he is. He, along with the rest of his kind, are good weapon smiths. Knowing this, the Dark Dragons forced his people to make a secret weapon. You will offer to help him, and he will join your party. Gobi's name is cleared, so all is well. Leave the Inn, upgrade equipment, save, and leave Prima. Water ----- Walk west from Prima, just a bit up and on to that shoreline. Overworld --------- Follow the mountain range down, away from the shoreline, and enter the Hidden Fort. Hidden Fort ----------- Walk down the stairs. With your good friend Ox leading the party, smash the rocks blocking your path. Continue on, past the staircase and into the not so subtly hidden room, by smashing the crumbling wall. You'll find a GiantHR for Ox, and an EchoHT for whoever you feel needs it. Now up the stairs... You will see a crumbling wall as soon as you enter, you can go through their and skip the chest and the guard, or get the chest (herb) and fight the guard. Once past, you will have the same option again, this time with a chest, and a guard who has an herb also. Now, the fork in the road. Taking the left path through the broken wall, there is a Life at the end of the path. And to the right...(from the path not the wall) There will be a chest with a MetalSH. Continue up taking the right way, there is a wall. Break it, and go up to the stairs. Be ready for a boss fight here. Here is Toad, an average fight, not to much trouble for me at Ryu: After the fight, Ox goes into the prison to rescue his wife and friends. Unfortunately, you were too late. The Dark Dragons took the wife, and the weapon, to the North in Nabal. It's known for it's security, and will be hard to get into. But, an old man in Gant might be willing to give you some advice. Now, the Oxes plan on fortifying in Gant, so you can leave now. Overworld --------- Now, some good old back tracking, some are needed, the others optional. 1) The B. Rang (Required) Later on, there will be a man who will not talk to you until show him the B.Rang, but that was sealed in a rock, so you were forced to pass it by. To get back here, you should Warp with Nina to Arad, leave, and go south to the Krypt. Find the room where you fought the Eye Spy. If you need help finding your way back read the indented paragraphs. If not, skip ahead. --From here go left and follow the spiral path counter clockwise to the next stairs. Go down. --On this floor there are a few treasures to find, along with a few pit traps to discover. You can find two herbs, an IronSH, Life, Dagger, and a DreamRG. You can get most of these, along with the next room down the two stairs in the south, by following the outer wall, as there are no pit traps to hinder your way. You can also wait to get them until you have Karn in your party, then he will be able to disable the pit traps, making navigation much easier. --Here head north where there are two ledges, the right will have some HeadGear and the left will have a B. Rang encased in rock. Once here, break the B. Rang free with Ox's -A- punch, and go back up to the fresh air. 2) 3000GP, Life, Life 2, SilverBR (Optional) Another thing to do with Ox is in Agua Tower. Get there by Warping to Romero, leaving the town with leading, walk through the forest to the northwest, to the floating tower. Take the pad to the south, or go up clockwise and you'll find a room with 4 chest. 3000 GP, Life, Silver Bracelet, and a Life 2 are what you will find. 3) L.Ptn, A.Ptn (Optional) The third thing is in the Bleak Cave, where you will find a L.Ptn and a A.Ptn for your jouney. Teleport to Bleak, then make your way to the Bleak Cave. After doing (or not doing) these things, warp to Gant. Gant ---- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 8) Legalities <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< This file is Copyright (c) 2002 VampireHunterD. All rights reserved. This FAQ does not have permission to be any on of the sites besides the following: GameFAQs ( RPGClassics ( If you find this FAQ on any other site besides those please contact me. If you decide that you want this FAQ or any of its information on your website your may only do so AFTER you have received permission from me. Once you gained permission, you must give me full credit and are not allowed to alter it any way. Please feel free to give me money for this FAQ. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 9) Credits <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< I need to give credit to: -DCallander as I used his FAQ when I myself got stuck. -Jan Van Haudt as she gave me some extra details on how to find an item. Also, supplied the Secrets section. It has been altered to be more FAQ friendly though. If you notice anything wrong with my FAQ, any constructive criticism, or feel that it is lacking in its description of an area, please e-mail me at with a more detailed description of that area and I will happily include you in the Credits. Leave the topic of the email blank so I will notice it, or put Breath of Fire, nothing else. ~ Note: I haven't completed my FAQ so don't write in with a description of an area that I haven't gotten to yet. ~ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><