Car Battler Joe FAQ/Walkthrough by Captain K. ( Copyright 2004 This FAQ is dedicated to Chris Macdonald, aka Kao Megura. An inspiration to FAQ writers who died before his time. 5-29-04 Version 1.2 Added more item descriptions and more FAQs. Added the Battle League section. 2-27-03 Version 1.1 Added item lists. Added more FAQs. Added two locations of Wandering Merchant and the Gem Trader to Shops. 2-20-03 Version 1.0 First release This FAQ can be found at the following websites and nowhere else: The most current version can always be found at If you would like to post this FAQ on another website or publication, please email the author first for permission. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. I. Intro II. Play Mechanics III. Frequently Asked Questions IV. Walkthrough V. Item lists VI. Garage/Village Building VII. Shop list VIII. Battle League IX. Credits I. Intro Car Battler Joe is an entertaining RPG by Natsume for the Gameboy Advance. Like the old PC game Autoduel, it features a person engaging in battle on the roadways of the future. It also has a collectibility thing going on, as you try to get all the different car parts in the game. Sort of like Pokemon if Mad Max was the trainer. :) The cast of characters: Joe Todoroki: The hero of the story, Joe is a 16-year-old who finds out that his family is part of the elite group known as Car Battlers. He drives an A-type Panther. Pal: Joe’s G-Com. Pal hooks up to Joe’s gun vehicle to enable weapons firing. Pal also does most of the talking for Joe. Jim Todoroki: Joe’s father, who has been missing for 12 years. Where’s my child support money? Jim is considered to be the greatest Car Battler ever. He drives a modified A-type Panther. Wanna: Joe’s mother, who is strangely supportive of her missing husband and his dangerous lifestyle. She’s quite a mechanic also. Takah: Owner of the Padorko weapon shop. He provides much assistance to Joe. Marion: A young girl that Joe transports to a mountain village. Harry: A former Grand Prix champion that now lives in seclusion. Chao: A pop singer popular in Coneha. Shirley Dohmo: Leader of the Dohmo Family gang. She drives a modified C-type Eagle. Casey: Another member of the Dohmos, he worships Shirley. He drives a unique Panther that looks like a ladybug. Ken Kaido: A young man who is your rival, and claims to have trained with none other than your father! He drives a modified D-type Tiger. Sho Kaido: Leader of the Red Guns gang. A mysterious Robin Hood-like character, known as the “Battler of the Wild”. Drives a modified A-type Tiger. Ryu Mossoud: Leader of the Empire gang. Reportedly his gang has uncovered some ancient technology which has made them the most feared Car Battlers on the road. II. Play Mechanics The controls are fairly simple in this game. You walk around with the control pad and talk to people with the A button. The B button makes you run. Press start to bring up the menus. When driving your car, the following controls are used. Press the A button to accelerate. Letting go of the A button causes your car to slowly deccelerate. Press left or right while driving to turn your car. You can also turn while stopped, but this turning is slower than if you are moving. Hold down on the control pad and press A to drive backwards. You can turn while driving backwards by pressing *slightly* to the right or left. If you press too much to the side your car will start going forward again. The R shoulder button fires weapons. If there is an enemy in range of one of your weapons (a cross-hairs of some kind will appear), then that weapon will fire. Otherwise, pressing this button causes your default weapon to fire (whichever one is in the first position). It's a very good idea to make a fast-firing weapon your default. The L shoulder button causes your car to eject any material it is carrying. This is used when you want to pick up a new item but don't have space for it. The object in the last position is ejected first. The ejected material can damage enemy vehicles, so use it when they try to sneak behind you. The B button combined with a direction on the control pad activates your Overdrive. You don't start with any Overdrives. You will have to find them in stores or scattered around the countryside. Up to three Overdrives can be assigned at any time. The up position contains Overdrives that let you jump over obstacles or dash quickly. The side position contains Overdrives that let you turn quickly or slide. The back position contains Overdrives that let you turn invisible or put up protective shields. III. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why can’t I enter the tournament in Coneha? A: You need to increase your license rank in Coneha first. Q: I just beat the tournament in Coneha. What do I do now? A: The game will not progress any further until you get your garage up to level 7. At that point you can go to Georgetown and continue the story. Q: How do I get a new car? A: In order to build a new car, you must have a Chassis, Engine, and Body of the same animal type (Panther, Tiger, Mammoth, or Eagle). The quickest way to get a Tiger is to win the tournament in Coneha. The quickest way to get a Mammoth is to collect the parts found from Hollyview to Nameless Village, Nameless Village to Oasis, and Hoden to Hollyview. The quickest way to get an Eagle is to collect the parts found from Guts to Sashim Plaza and Guts to Hoden. After you get one of each type of part, go to your house (or any computer terminal) and select Build. Q: Where can I find more raw materials for my garage or town? A: Food and Cement can be bought in Padorko. IronFrms can be bought in Coneha. MinWater and Gasoline can be bought in the Nameless Village. Junk cannot be bought, but you can find it easily on the route from Oasis to Sashim Plaza. Also note that unidentified Junk and things Takah identifies as “justjunk” both fulfill the requirements of your garage. So don’t sell your junk! Q: How do I see Marion again? And how do I enter the Grand Prix? A: You can’t do either. The game is over once you reach this point. IV. Walkthrough You begin the game as Joe Todoroki, a boy who has just turned 16. First, your friends challenge you to a demolition derby. Drive your car around and try to smash into the enemy vehicles. Oddly enough, this seems to be the only battle in the game where you can damage other vehicles by driving into them. Why Natsume didn't incorporate that into the rest of the game is a mystery. Anyway, regardless of how you do, you'll go back home and be given your birthday present. A new car! Actually, it's your old car. But what you didn't know is that it's really a GUN VEHICLE in disguise! Whoo! You also get a robotic navigator for your vehicle, Pal, who also will be speaking for you for the rest of the game. Next, you head next door to Takah's. Takah will teach you the basics of driving and administer the license test. I tried several different things and was unable to get anything but a "B" rank. Apparently that's the only rank you can possibly get. After the test, you go back to Takah's office. Check the left bookcase for a HPRest20. Takah will give you your first job. You have to drive to Killanov Ruins, pick up a package, and bring it back to Takah. Padorko->Killanov R. Nothing fancy here. Blow up the three rocks along the way. They contain 50 gold, 400 gold, and a Gem. Gems can be traded in much later in the game for special equipment. When you get to the ruins, go to the back to get a package from the old man. Killanov R.->Padorko There are some stronger enemies this time. The first rock now contains 400 gold, the second a piece of Junk. Run over it to carry it behind you on your hook. About 3/4 of the way back, you will run into a more dangerous enemy. Shoot it as it runs in circle around you. Eventually it will die and you will get the CardOD12. Finally, the last rock contains a (now useless) HPRest50. Back in Padorko, collect your money from Takah. Then use your CardOD12. Now you know the Spin 60 Overdrive. Select Overdrive in the menu and assign it to the side slot. By pressing B and left or right, you can spin your car quickly. Next, your mom will turn her house into a Garage for you. At this point you have some freedom on where to go. First, have Takah inspect the junk you picked up. It's a NapTorch! Go back to your Garage and put it on your car using the Convert menu. Now, you can take jobs from Takah, drive to other cities, or bring your mom materials to build her Garage with. Let's go to Samoge first. Padorko->Samoge Stay to the left, and follow the route symbol. About halfway through is a tree with the CardOD4. This is the very useful Jump Overdrive, which will let you access places that you couldn't before. Nothing else is of note here. Try to pick up some cargo that your mom can use to build her Garage. Padorko->Guts After driving a short way, you will find your path blocked off by trees. In order to get past, you will have to use the Jump Overdrive that you picked up on the way to Samoge. Build up a little speed, then press up and B to jump on top of the trees. Once you're on top of an obstacle, you can just drive anywhere on top of it. Hug the right wall and follow the route. Towards the end you will find a CardBPrUp. This improves your car's hit points and defenses when used. Once in Guts, talk to the man. Now you can bring materials to this village to build it up just like your Garage. Padorko->Coneha Hug the left wall all the way around. After a while, you'll see a big gun emplacement. Destroy it to get a CardOD1. This is the SuperDash Overdrive. Continue into the area that the gun emplacement was guarding. Eventually you will find a big tree in front of some woods. Destroy the tree, then jump onto the woods. This leads to a small area where you fight a tough car. The car drops a Panther ChasNML+1. Nothing special, but hey, it's free. There's also a gem laying on the ground. Coneha is a big city, with everything Padorko has and a bit more. The License Center is here. You can take tests to increase your rank, but you probably won't be able to pass until you upgrade your car a bit. At this point the story won't progress until you've done a few jobs. At some point Takah will tell you about a special job where you will transport a young girl. Padorko->Samoge Nothing special here. Be sure to unload your cargo when you get to Samoge. Samoge->Fino Hug the right wall. A Gun emplacement drops a CardBPrUp. After that is a rock with $400 and a PEngNT3 laying on the ground. Later on, there's a rock with a gem. Defeat Bandit Abul! Follow the route and destroy the cars as you go. The fight against Abul is really easy because he's so slow. Enjoy the cutscenes with Marion, then continue on. Tyroka->Jimbah Hug the left wall. Jump over the forest to find a TEngNT1. Jimbah->Hoden Shortly after you enter , you'll encounter a very large vehicle. Destroy it to get a NapBomb. Hoden->Runaha Hug the wall to the right. Jump over the forest and continue to the right to find a LongLasr. Runaha->Holly View Hug the right wall. There’s a CardCPwrUp lying on the ground. Later on there’s a rock with $1000. In Holly View, unpack your cargo and talk to Harry. He gives you his CardNav40. Holly View->Nameless Village Hug the left wall. Destroy a rock to get a MChasSPR. Right before the end, turn right and there’s a large vehicle that drops a SuprBSaw. There’s also a rock near the beginning that has $1000 under it. Nameless Village->Oasis Hug left wall. Destroy a rock to get a MBodA01. Oasis->Sashim Plaza Hug left wall. Destroy large vehicle to get CardOD15-Longslide. Find the Black Box Just follow the car tracks until you find the box lying on the ground. Now Casey will challenge you to a fight. Rather easy - just shoot him as he circles around you. ===================== At this point there are several new roads open to you that you can explore. These are all optional, but you can get some good car parts here. Guts->Sashim Plaza Jump over forest to left to find an EEngNT2. Guts->Hoden Hug left wall. Destroy gun emplacement to get a gem. Continue into area behind gun to fight a large vehicle. When killed, it drops a CardOD02. Use this to get the Hyper-Dash Overdrive. Much further on is another gun emplacement that drops a gem. Jump over the forest to the left to find an EBodDOM and an EChasNML. Sweet! Hoden->Holly View Hug the right wall. Jump on top of the forest to the right to get a MEngDT2. Later on there will be a tree with a CardCPrUp. Towards the end will be another forest that you can jump on to get the PBodMLN. Padorko->Tyroka Hug the right wall. Eventually you will see a gun emplacement. Behind it is an area with a MEngNT2. In the second area, continue hugging the right wall. Destroy several gun emplacements to get a CardBPrUp and other minor items. There is a large vehicle there that carries CardOD11. This enables the Spin30 Overdrive. Jimbah->Runaha Hug the right wall. Jump over the forest to the right to get the MBodB01. Towards the end jump over another forest to get a NapMine. ========================== To proceed with the story, visit the Nameless Village. There is some gossip there about your father. Ken appears and challenges you to a duel. Take him out easily. Visit Padorko, talk to Takah, and enter the tourney. Drive to Coneha. Go to the hotel. where the owner gives you a HPRes100. There are 4 rounds of combat at the tourney. You can rest and buy equipment after each one. Unfortunately, you are not able to reach the finals due to an unexpected problem. You’ll need to go to Tasmatan to check it out. Coneha->Hawk Pode Hug left wall. Destroy rocks for some money and a shortcut. Hawk Pode->Tasmatan Start by heading to the left. Jump onto the rocky area and destroy the gun to get a NapMiss. Now cross over to the other side of the route and jump over the rocky area to get a PBodKKC. Continue on the right side to encounter a large vehicle that drops CardOD22. This gives you the Invisible Overdrive. In Tasmatan, you’ll encounter a familiar face. Casey is back, and he’s piloting a large mecha. But he’s still as easy as before. After defeating him, the tournament will resume and you’ll face Ken Kaido in the Championship bout. Ken quite a bit harder than Casey, but still nothing you can’t handle. After winning, you get some money and a complete Tiger gun vehicle. Check your garage to find a car with TChasSPR, TEngST1, TBodBo2, CrssVulc, LsrMine, APCannSP, and RearShll. ======================== A couple of new routes are available at this point. Coneha ->Miller Hassah Hug the left wall and jump over the forest to get CardOD05. This gives you the Long-jump Overdrive. Miller Hassah->Oasis Hug the left wall. Jump over the forest to get a RearMine. Later on there will be another forest to jump over, leading to an enclosed area. There is an enemy to fight here that drops the TBodSKL ======================== At this point the game will not continue until you build your garage up to level 7 (the mobile garage). Once you’ve done that, go to Miller Hassah to see the Red Guns in action. Go back to Padorko to talk to Takah, then go to your house to meet Sho Kaido, leader of the Red Guns. Padorko->Georgetown In the first route, there isn’t anything special. In the second route, head left onto the water to find a PBodC01. Then go right and destroy a gun to get CardOD03. This gives you the Nitro Overdrive. In the third route, head left to find a CrssBeam. Then go back to the right. Destroy a tree to get a CardCPrUp, then destroy a large vehicle to get an EChasSPR. Georgetown->Remaveh In the first route, hug the right wall. There’s a small path guarded by guns. Inside is a large vehicle that drops an EBodB02. In the second route, head left. There’s an invisible enemy that drops CardOD16. This gives you the Hyper-slide Overdrive. Remaveh->Mirage City Hug left wall. After a long time, you will find a gun that drops CardOD24. This gives you the Invisible X Overdrive. When you get to the exit, don’t go in, but continue on. Eventually you will run into another gun that drops a GorgBombX. Now you fight someone familiar - your father! You can’t hurt him thanks to his permanent barrier. After your life drops down to ¼, Sho will arrive to help out. He drops a HPResAll and takes out Jim’s barrier. After you win, you end up back in Georgetown. Jim has a heart-to-heart with you and you both decide to go get the Empire! Georgetown->Rusty In the first route, hug the left wall. There are some guns which drop a CardCPrUp, a gem, and a BeamVlcX. In the second route, hug the right wall. Jump over the rocks to reach a PBodD03. Eventually you will come to a gun that guards a small enclosed area to the left There is a vehicle there that drops a PChasHYP. In Rusty, unload your car and get ready to continue. Rusty->Enemy’s Hideout Area Hug the right wall to find an EBodEZM. Yet another easy battle with Ken. Enemy’s Hideout Area->Empire HQ Hug the right wall. Jump over the wall and destroy the pillbox to get CardOD23. This gives you the Barrier Z Overdrive. Battle Ryu Mossoud After you damage him, he’ll put up an unstoppable barrier. Just let him damage you and the cavalry will arrive. Be careful after his barrier drops! Your life is rather low and he can still take you out quickly. ====================== After the game is over, several new routes open up. You can also build up two more cities (Fry and Ramoha). Also, when you start a new game, you can keep your old cars and equipment. Georgetown->Coneha In the first area, hug the left wall. Jump over the forest to an area where you fight a flying enemy. It drops an EBodC02. Then go back to the beginning and hug the right wall instead. You will encounter two special enemies. One drops a TBodC03, and the second drops a PBodC02. In the second area, hug the left wall. You will eventually fight a large enemy that drops a MBodD03. Georgetown->Fry As you start, you will see an EEngST1 on top of some trees to the right. Continue hugging the right wall and you will come to a FstBeam lying on top of some trees. Killanov Ruins->Ramoha Hug the left wall. A small area contains a PEngXT. Later on, jump over the rocks to find a MBodLEG. Remaveh->Ramoha Hug the right wall. Jump over the forest to fight a vehicle that drops the EBodWKN. As you come out, begin hugging the left wall instead. Eventually you will find the TEngZT on the ground. V. Item lists Bodies Name/Hit points/Armor/Weapon slots Defense vs. Missiles/Flame/Lasers Selling price PBodA01 155/5/3 30/35/25 1500 PBodA02 155/5/3 25/30/35 1875 PBodA03 155/5/3 35/25/30 2250 PBodB01 160/5/3 40/30/20 2625 PBodB02 160/5/3 30/20/40 3000 PBodB03 160/5/3 20/40/30 3375 PBodC01 205/5/2 30/10/50 3750 PBodC02 205/5/2 30/50/10 4125 PBodC03 205/5/2 50/20/20 4500 PBodD01 130/5/4 20/10/60 4875 PBodD02 130/5/4 10/60/20 5250 PBodD03 130/5/4 60/15/15 5625 PBodKKC 150/5/3 70/20/00 7500 PBodJIM 250/6/4 10/05/20 7500 PBodMLN 150/6/2 40/50/30 7500 TBodA01 180/6/4 30/25/35 1500 TBodA02 180/6/4 35/30/25 1875 TBodA03 180/6/4 25/35/30 2250 TBodB01 185/6/4 30/40/20 2625 TBodB02 185/6/4 20/30/40 3000 TBodB03 185/6/4 40/20/30 3375 TBodC01 240/6/3 50/30/10 3750 TBodC02 240/6/3 20/20/50 4125 TBodC03 240/6/3 10/50/30 4500 TBodD01 195/6/4 60/10/30 4875 TBodD02 195/6/4 30/60/10 5250 TBodD03 195/6/4 15/15/60 5625 TBodSKL 200/4/4 30/20/50 7500 TBodSHO 250/4/4 35/30/35 7500 TBodKEN 220/5/4 50/10/40 7500 MBodA01 205/7/4 35/30/25 1500 MBodA02 205/7/4 25/35/30 1875 MBodA03 205/7/4 30/25/35 2250 MBodB01 210/7/4 40/25/25 2625 MBodB02 210/7/4 25/25/40 3000 MBodB03 210/7/4 25/40/25 3375 MBodC01 255/7/3 10/50/30 3750 MBodC02 255/7/3 30/10/50 4125 MBodC03 255/7/3 50/30/10 4500 MBodD01 220/7/4 00/20/70 4875 MBodD02 220/7/4 20/70/00 5250 MBodD03 220/7/4 70/00/20 5625 MBodLEG 250/7/4 60/40/20 7500 MBodCRG MBodRCD EBodA01 145/4/2 30/35/25 1500 EBodA02 145/4/2 25/30/35 1875 EBodA03 145/4/2 35/25/30 2250 EBodB01 EBodB02 150/4/2 40/20/30 3000 EBodB03 150/4/2 20/30/40 3375 EBodC01 120/4/3 20/20/50 3750 EBodC02 120/4/3 20/50/20 4125 EBodC03 120/4/3 50/20/20 4500 EBodD01 100/4/4 10/20/60 4875 EBodD02 100/4/4 20/60/10 5250 EBodD03 100/4/4 60/10/20 5625 EBodEZM 125/4/3 10/60/30 7500 EBodWKN 130/4/4 45/35/25 7500 EBodDOM 140/4/3 20/30/40 7500 Chassis Name Turning/Top speed/Selling price PChasNML 100/266 3750 PChasSPR 120/294 6000 PChasHYP 105/322 9000 PChasZRO 130/322 48000 TChasNML 90/294 3750 TChasSPR 110/322 6000 TChasHYP 95/350 9000 TChasZRO 120/350 48000 MChasNML 50/168 3750 MChasSPR 70/196 6000 MChasHYP 55/224 9000 MChasZRO 80/224 48000 EChasNML 150/280 3750 EChasSPR 170/308 6000 EChasHYP 155/336 9000 EChasZRO 180/336 48000 Engines Name Top speed/Dashing speed/selling price PEngNT1 238/109 2250 PEngNT2 252/109 2625 PEngNT3 266/109 3000 PEngDT1 238/130 3375 PEngDT2 238/152 3750 PEngDT3 238/174 4125 PEngST1 PEngST2 PEngST3 308/87 5250 PEngVT 322/130 7500 PEngXT 322/152 9000 PEngZT 322/174 10500 TEngNT1 266/45 2250 TEngNT2 TEngNT3 294/45 3000 TEngDT1 266/56 3375 TEngDT2 TEngDT3 266/79 4125 TEngST1 322/34 4500 TEngST2 TEngST3 350/34 5250 TEngVT 350/56 7500 TEngXT 350/68 9000 TEngZT 350/79 10500 MEngNT1 MEngNT2 154/23 2625 MEngNT3 168/23 3000 MEngDT1 140/34 3375 MEngDT2 MEngDT3 140/56 4125 MEngST1 MEngST2 MEngST3 210/11 5250 MEngVT 224/34 7500 MEngXT 224/45 9000 MEngZT 224/56 10500 EEngNT1 EEngNT2 266/75 2625 EEngNT3 EEngDT1 252/100 3375 EEngDT2 EEngDT3 252/150 4125 EEngST1 294/50 4500 EEngST2 EEngST3 322/50 5250 EEngVT 336/100 7500 EEngXT 336/125 9000 EengZT 336/150 10500 Useable Items SPDrinkA SPDrinkC SPDrinkD SPDrinkZ HPRest20 HPRest50 HPRes100 HPResAll CrdNav10 CrdNav20 CrdNav40 CrdCPrUp CrdEPrUp CrdBPrUp CardOD01 CardOD02 CardOD03 CardOD04 CardOD05 CardOD06 CardOD11 CardOD12 CardOD13 CardOD14 CardOD15 CardOD16 CardOD21 CardOD22 CardOD23 CardOD24 Weapons Name/Damage/Rate of fire/Range/(M)issile,(L)aser,or (F)lame/Sell price BuzzSaw 20/--/35 M 600 SupBSaw 26/--/35 M 1200 UltBSaw 32/--/35 M 3600 FireGun 20/--/35 F 750 SparkGun 26/--/35 F 1800 FlameGun 32/--/35 F 3000 LasSaber 20/--/35 L 675 BeamSabr 26/--/35 L 1500 ThndrSbr 32/--/35 L 3750 RearFire RearSprk 36/--/30 F 900 RearFlmr 40/--/30 F 2100 MachiGun 16/300/80 M 375 CrMachGn 18/300/70 M 1350 LgMachGn 18/300/120 M 2400 FastGun 20/300/100 M 4350 LaserGun 16/300/80 L 450 CrssLasr 18/300/70 L 1500 LongLasr 18/300/120 L 2850 FastLasr 20/300/100 L 4875 Vulcan 20/225/80 M 1125 CrssVulc 20/225/70 M 2400 LngVulc 22/225/130 M 4125 SupVulc 22/240/110 M 6000 BeamVulc 20/240/80 L 1350 BeamVlcS 22/240/70 L 3375 BeamVlcX 24/240/130 L 5400 BeamVlcZ 26/257/110 L 7050 APCannon 24/26/180 M 1875 APHiCann 26/18/180 M 4125 APCannSP 32/14/180 M 6000 APCannZZ 36/11/180 M 9000 HECannon 28/23/180 F 2250 HEHiCann 30/13/180 F 4800 HECannSP 32/9/180 F 6750 HECannZZ 36/6/180 F 10500 MicrTrch 30/60/140 M 900 MicrBomb 32/45/140 M 1950 MicrMine 34/36/140 M 3375 NapTorch 30/60/140 F 1050 NapBomb 34/45/140 F 2100 NapMine 38/36/140 F 3600 LsrTorch 36/60/140 L 1125 LsrBomb 38/45/140 L 2400 LsrMine 40/36/140 L 4125 MicrPod 37/40/180 M 1500 MicrShll 39/33/180 M 2625 MicrMiss 41/28/180 M 4875 NapPods 39/40/180 F 1875 NapShell 43/33/180 F 3900 NapMiss 45/28/180 F 5400 LsrPod 43/40/180 L 2400 LsrShell 45/33/180 L 1500 LsrMiss 45/28/180 L 6000 BeamGun 49/40/130 L 2100 CrssBeam 49/42/120 L 2850 LngBeam 51/45/140 L 3900 FstBeam 53/48/130 L 5550 WaveLsr 60/10/180 L 12750 SprWave 68/8/180 L 16500 HypWare 78/7/240 L 20250 AltoWave 86/6/240 L 26250 GorgBomb 44/10/180 F 11250 GorgBmbS 46/8/180 F 14250 GorgBmbX 48/7/240 F 18750 GorgBmbZ 50/6/240 F 24000 RearTrch 30/90/35 F 1125 RearBomb 38/60/40 F 2400 RearMine 40/45/50 F 3600 RearPods 30/40/50 M 1875 RearShll 34/33/60 M 2625 RearMiss 36/28/70 M 3375 RearLsr 36/40/50 L 1500 RearBeam 38/42/60 L 3375 RearThdr 40/48/70 L 4500 VI. Garage/Village Building Garage Level 1->2: IronFrms 1, Cement 1 (Cargo carrier) Level 2->3: IronFrms 2, Cement 1, MinWater 1 (8 parking spaces) Level 3->4: IronFrms 2, Cement 1, MinWater 2, Food 1 (Super cargo carrier) At this point, your mom will start giving you money when you visit her. The more enemy vehicles you destroy, the more money you get. Level 4->5: Cement 3, Gasoline 1, MinWater 2, Food 2 (16 parking spaces) Level 5->6: Gasoline 3, MinWater 4, Food 3, Junk 1 (Hyper cargo carrier) Level 6->7: IronFrms 3, Cement 3, Gasoline 3, MinWater 2, Junk 1 (Mobile garage) Level 7->8: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 3, MinWater 3, Food 3, Junk 2 (32 parking spaces) Guts Level 1->2: MinWater 1, Food 1 (CardOD21-Barrier) Level 2->3: IronFrms 1, Cement 1, MinWater 1 (PengNT2+1) Level 3->4: IronFrms 1, Cement 2, Food 1 (LongLasr) Level 4->5: IronFrms 1, Cement 2, MinWater 1, Junk 1 (PBodB01+1) Level 5->6: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, Food 1 (CrssLasr) Level 6->7: IronFrms 1, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, Food 2 (PChasSup+1) Level 7->8: IronFrms 2, Cement 3, Gasoline 2, MinWater 1 (MicrBomb) Level 8->9: IronFrms 3, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, Food 1, Junk 2 (CrdEPrUp) Level 9->10: IronFrms 3, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, Food 1, Junk 2 (CrdEPrUp) Level 10->11: IronFrms 3, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, Food 1, Junk 2 (CrdEPrUp) Level 11->12: IronFrms 3, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, Food 1, Junk 2 (CrdEPrUp) Level 12->13: IronFrms 3, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, Food 1, Junk 2 (CrdEPrUp) Go back to the village after getting it to level 13 and you get an UltBSaw. Fry Level 1->2: IronFrms 1, Junk 1 (CardOD06-Superjump) Level 2->3: IronFrms 1, Cement 1, Junk 1 (MEngVT+1) Level 3->4: IronFrms 1, Cement 2, Junk 1 (MicrMiss) Level 4->5: IronFrms 2, Cement 1, Gasoline 1, Junk 1 (APCannZZ) Level 5->6: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Junk 2 (MBodC03+2) Level 6->7: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, Junk 1 (HypWave) Level 7->8: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, MinWater 2, Junk 2 (PChasZRO+1) Level 8->9: IronFrms 3, Cement 3, Junk 3 (CrdBPrUp) Level 9->10: IronFrms 3, Cement 3, Junk 3 (CrdBPrUp) Level 10->11: IronFrms 3, Cement 3, Junk 3 (CrdBPrUp) Level 11->12: IronFrms 3, Cement 3, Junk 3 (CrdBPrUp) Level 12->13: IronFrms 3, Cement 3, Junk 3 (CrdBPrUp) Go back to the village after getting it to level 13 and you get a PBodJim+1. Ramoha Level 1->2: Gasoline 1, MinWater 1, Food 1 (CardOD14-Spin 180) Level 2->3: MinWater 2, Junk 2 (FastLasr) Level 3->4: IronFrms 1, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, MinWater 1 (EengVT+1) Level 4->5: IronFrms 2, Cement 1, MinWater 1, Junk 2 (LsrMiss) Level 5->6: IronFrms 1, Cement 2, Gasoline 1, MinWater 1, Food 1, Junk 1 (TBodKEN+1) Level 6->7: IronFrms 4, Cement 4 (HECannZZ) Level 7->8: IronFrms 1, Cement 1, Gasoline 1, MinWater 2, Food 2, Junk 2 (TChasZRO+1) Level 8->9: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, MinWater 2, Food 2, Junk 2 (CrdCPrUp) Level 9->10: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, MinWater 2, Food 2, Junk 2 (CrdCPrUp) Level 10->11: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, MinWater 2, Food 2, Junk 2 (CrdCPrUp) Level 11->12: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, MinWater 2, Food 2, Junk 2 (CrdCPrUp) Level 12->13: IronFrms 2, Cement 2, Gasoline 2, MinWater 2, Food 2, Junk 2 (CrdCPrUp) Go back to Ramoha after getting it to level 13 and you get a TBodSho+3. There is also a computer in the town where you can view artwork from the game and listen to all the music. Very nice! VII. Shops Item/Price Padorko Tools HPRest50 300 SPDrinkA 80 SPDrinkC 200 Food 600 Cement 1400 Takah’s Arms HPRest20 100 BuzzSaw 800 MicrTrch 1200 RearTrch 1500 APCannon 2500 Coneha Tools SPDrinkA 80 SPDrinkC 200 HPRest20 100 HPRest50 300 IronFrms 1000 Coneha Arms LaserGun 600 FireGun 1000 NapTorch 1400 Vulcan 1500 MicrPod 2000 During the Coneha tournament only, these two shops are open: FireGun 1000 LaserGun 600 Vulcan 1500 MicrPod 2000 BeamGun 2800 HPRest50 300 HPRest100 700 SPDrinkC 200 SPDrinkD 500 CardOD01 500 (Super Dash) Nameless Village Tools HPRes100 700 SPDrinkD 500 CrdNav20 800 MinWater 600 Gasoline 1800 Nameless Village Arms LasSaber 900 LsrBomb 3200 RearPods 2500 BeamVulc 1800 HECannon 3000 Georgetown Tools HPRest100 700 HPResAll 1500 SPDrinkD 500 SPDrinkZ 1000 CrdNav40 1500 Georgetown Arms RearLsr 2000 NapShell 5200 LsrShell 6000 WaveLsr 17000 GorgBomb 15000 Georgetown Gem Trader (prices are in Gems) CrdBPrUp 3 CrdEPrUp 4 CrdCPrUp 5 FlameGun 10 RearMiss 15 HECannSP 15 GorgBmbS 50 SprWave 50 PEngDT1 20 TEngDT1 20 MEngDT1 20 EEngDT1 20 PBodD01 30 TBodC01 30 MBodC01 30 EBodC01 30 MChasHYP 40 EChasHYP 40 PChasHYP 40 TChasHYP 40 Wandering Merchant-Fino HPRes100 700 NapPods 2500 LsrPod 3200 APHiCann 5500 HEHiCann 6400 Wandering Merchant-Runaha RearSprk 1200 BeamGun 2800 NapBomb 2800 PChasNML 5000 TChasNML 5000 Wandering Merchant-Sashim Plaza HPResAll 1500 RearBeam 4500 LngVulc 5500 MChasNML 5000 EChasNML 5000 Wandering Merchant-Tasmatan CRMachGn 1800 LsrTorch 1500 RearBomb 3200 BeamVlcS 4500 MicrShll 3500 Wandering Merchant-Remaveh RearMiss 4500 SupVulc 8000 BeamVlcZ 9400 MChasZRO 64000 EChasZRO 64000 Wandering Merchant-Empire HQ ThundrSbr 5000 GorgBmbZ 32000 AltoWave 35000 PChasZRO 64000 TChasZRO 64000 VIII. Battle League The Battle League is accessed from the main menu. Here you can battle three opponents at once (computer or human controlled) in an arena. There are a total of 38 arenas, not all of which are initially available. You’ll unlock more as you play in Battle League longer. 1. Galacia Arena 1 2. Round Road 3. North Tussocks 4. Northern Wilderness 5. Siccanoa Lake 6. Battle Cave 7. Grave Forest 8. Akeej Arena 9. Battle Garden 10. North Hill 11. Water Link 12. Ruins Circuit 13. East Grave 14. Assault Forest 15. Galacia Arena 2 16. Cross Road 17. Southern Crater 18. Heat Valley 19. Siccanoa Lakeside 20. Battle Ruin 21. South Pond 22. Cave River 23. West Woods 24. Snow Peak 25. Freyzen Base 1 26. Circuit Valley 27. Merry Garden 28. Water Maze 29. Dual Ruin 30. Ghost Ave 31. East Woods 32. Battle Hoyle 33. Northern Highlands 34. Maze Canyon 35. Fate Island 36. Globe Garden 37. Snow Maze 38. Freyzen Base 2 You can either use a machine from your garage on your savefile, a preset machine, or you can input a password to create a new car from scratch. There is one known built-in password: TODOROKI. This gives you a PbodJim with a SupVulc, MicrMiss, UltBSaw, and RearThdr. However you can get any vehicle in the game if you can figure out the correct password. Here are a few: HQ4VWJC2 (Eagle Body EZM) 9Q4VWJC8 (Eagle Body WKN) BQ4VWJC! (Mammoth Body CRG, not playable in regular game) FQ4VWJCD (Mammoth Body LEG) ?Q4VWJC1 (Panther Body JIM) !Q4VWJCL (Panther Body KKC) CQ4VWJCG (Panther Body MLN) DQ4VWJCY (Tiger Body SKL) 1R41MK17 (Tiger Body SHO) 3RC1MK1? (Eagle Body DOM) 4RC1MK1Y (Mammoth Body RCD, not playable in regular game) 2RC1MK1! (Tiger Body KEN) IX. Credits Thanks to CJayC for running the best website on the planet. endersftd for filling in many of the gaps in the item lists Skyknight and the other members of the Gamefaqs message board for contributing useful information