--------------------------------- Card captor sakura walkthrough Made by kenny326 kenny_326@msn.com GBA game Made: 24th December 2003 ---------------------------------- ----------- INDEX ----------- WHAT IS THIS GAME? VERSION LEGAL STUFF CONTROLS WALKTHROUGH CREDITS --------------------------------- WHAT IS THIS GAME? ---------------------------------- Basically, it is a series of mini games and it is based on the anime series 'Card captor Sakura' This game is about A girl named Sakura who is changing the all the clow cards into the Star cards. ----------- VERSION ----------- 1.0 Made the basics of the FAQ ---------------- LEGAL STUFF --------------- This FAQ is to be shown only on Gamefaqs.com You may use it in anyway. Email me if I have missed anything out. ------------------- CONTROLS -------------------- The controls are different in every level. ------------------- WALKTHROUGH -------------------- Level 1 ------------ Difficulty: ** Controls: < Move left > Move right (A)Shoot fireball (Firey) Info: You move left and right. There will be water columns that shoot downwards. You have to destroy them by shooting at them with a fireball. You have 30 seconds to shoot as many as you can. If a water column reaches the bottom, you lose. You get 20 points for every water column you destroy. Card changed: Firey Level 2 ----------- Difficulty: **** Controls: (A) A (B) B < < > > v v ^ ^ Info: Hard. Once a button goes into the green bit in the middle, you have to press the correct button that it shows. You have 4 lives, once they have all gone, you lose. Combination: A A B B ^ v > < A > B ^ A < B v ^ A v B A A B < A > ^ B v > v B v B A < A < B ^ < > ^ < A B > ^ > v < B ^ A Card changed: Song Level 3 ----------- Difficulty: * Controls: < > v ^ Move (A) Slash Info: Slash the strings that are trying to attach to Li. If they get onto him, he starts losing life (Blue bar at the top). You have 60 seconds. If Li loses all his life, you lose. Card changed: Sword Level 4 ---------- Difficulty: Controls: < Move left > Move right (A) Dive the way you’re facing Info: Dodge the teddy bears foot from crushing Sakura. Dive if needed. You have 60 seconds to avoid it. You have 3 lives, if they run out, you lose. Card changed: Jump and Fly Level 5 ------- Difficulty: ** Controls: < Move left > Move right (A) Throw Erase Card upwards Info: Dodge the falling plush sheep toys and throw cards at them. They bounce around and varies in sizes, big and small. To complete you have to destroy all of them. You have 3 lives and 60 seconds. Card changed: Power and Erase Level 6 ------- Difficulty: * Controls: < Move left > Move right (A) Skid faster Info: Be the first to reach the end before the bike does. Hold A and then wait for around 2 seconds, then Hold A again. Try not to go into the brown sand. It slows you down. You have 60 seconds. Card changed: Dash, Loop, Windy, Sweet, Lock, Libra, Wave, Thunder, Voice and Change. Level 7 -------- Difficulty: ** Controls: < Move left > Move right (A) Jump Info: Grab as many falling flowers as you can. You need at least 20 to complete this level. Jumping is not much use as you will waste time. Card changed: Flower Level 8 -------- Difficulty: *** Controls: <>v^ Move Info: go around trying to get 4 keys, if you touch a person, you lose. Once you got all 4 keys return back to the gate. The people sometimes chase after you and sometimes ignore you. You also have 60 seconds to do it in Card changed: Big and Little Level 9 -------- Difficulty: ** Controls: < Move left > Move right Info: Try to stop Spinel from reaching the food. Look where Spinel is going and move kero under him. Once Spinel hits kero, you get a point and he moves somewhere else. Get at least 30 points to win this level Card changed: Sleep Level 10 -------- Difficulty: ** Controls: <>v^ Move Info: Dodge the bars and the wall as you float up and grab as many float keys as you can. Focus on it and it shouldn’t be too hard. There are 8 keys altogether and they get 100 points each. Card changed: Float Level 11 -------- Difficulty: *** Controls: < Move left > Move right (A) Jump (B) Shoot Bubbles v + (B) Go down a level Info: You have to shoot bubbles at Kero 8 times to win. You have 90 seconds to do it in. Try to look at his movements. Tip: Keep shooting in once place. If you get hit by Kero, you get stunned for a bit. Card changed: Bubbles and Shield Level 12 -------- Difficulty: * Controls: <>v^ Hear in the direction (A) Move the way you’re listening to Info: You have to try and find Tomoyo By listening. If you hear a new instrument (flute) Press A. If you don’t, try a different direction. You have only 20 moves. Card changed: Shadow Level 13 -------- Difficulty: * Controls: < Move left > Move right (A) Jump (B) Shoot Ice the direction your facing v + (A) Drop a level Info: Shoot the penguins and knock into them. You get bonus if you hit a freezed penguin and it hits other penguins. You have 3 lives. You get 10 points for every penguin killed. You have to keep killing them until there’s no more left Card changed: Freeze Level 14 -------- Difficulty: ** Controls: <>v^ Move cursor Info: Spot the difference! You have to find 5 differences and you have 3 lives. You also have 60 seconds to find them all in. Every 5-10 seconds, the left pic goes blurry. You have to wait awhile before you can search again Card changed: Mirror and Mist Level 15 -------- Difficulty: **** Controls: <>v^ Move cursor Info: Find the pairs. You have to find all the pairs and you win. You have 8 trys and if you get Eroil, the cards get mixed up again. Card changed: Dream Level 16 -------- Difficulty: * Controls: <>v^ Shoot the direction that you press Info: Press the direction that a wave is coming. Hold them off for 30 seconds. If they reach you, you lose. For each wave you destroy, you get 30 points Card changed: Watery Level 17 -------- Difficulty: *** Controls: <>v^ Charge up (A) Shoot Info: You have 30 seconds to do it in. Charge up by rapidly pressing the keypad (<>v^) until it is full. A thing then should move left to right fast. You have to try and press A and stop in the middle. If you don’t, you lose. Card changed: Time Level 18 -------- Difficulty: ** Controls: <>v^ Move (A) Slash Info: Go around the maze slashing blue orbs if they are in the way. You must find Sakura before the 180 seconds run out. Each orb takes around 3 hits to kill. The red arrow indicates the way to go. Card changed: Maze and illusion Level 19 -------- Difficulty: *** Controls: <>v^ Move (A) Shoot Thunder Info: Flaming Horses charge at you and you have to destroy about 8 of them. You have 3 lives. Card changed: Glow Level 20 -------- Difficulty: ***** Controls: <>v^ Move pieces Info: VERY HARD. You have to move the blocks to form the picture of Clow Reed. You have 300 seconds to do it in. Card changed: Don’t know Level 21 -------- Difficulty: **** Controls: <>v^ Move cursor on the board (A) Place piece Info: You play Othello against Eroil. You are gold and he is Black. You have to get more gold pieces than him getting the black pieces when the board is filled up. To play it O gold piece X Black Piece For example If it was OXX and you place a O next to the XX (OXXO) The XX changes to OO (OOOO) Card changed: Don’t Know You have completed the game! ---------- CREDITS ---------- kenny326: For making the FAQ Kenny_326@msn.com You: for reading it.