*************************************************************************** * Castlevania: Concerto of Midnight Sun Walkthrough/FAQ * * Version 1.5 - Last Updated 26 January 2003 * * By: Zach Keene (zjkeene@bellsouth.net) * *************************************************************************** Table of Contents . . . . . . [TOC] 1) Introduction . . . . . . . [INT] 2) What's New? . . . . . . . [NEW] 3) Credits . . . . . . . [CRE] 4) Legal Crap . . . . . . . [LGL] 5) Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . [FAQ] 6) Name Changes . . . . . . . [CNG] Part I: Juste Belmont 7) Introduction to Juste Belmont. . . . . [JUS] 8) Subweapons and Spell Fusion . . . . . [SUB] 9) Walkthrough . . . . . . . [WLK] Part II: Other Hints and Tips 10) Miscellaneous Tips . . . . . . [MSC] 11) Maxim . . . . . . . [MAX] 12) Mechanics . . . . . . . [MEC] Part III: Equipment Lists 13) Equipment - Whip . . . . . . [WHP] 14) Equipment - Body . . . . . . [BDY] 15) Equipment - Head . . . . . . [HED] 16) Equipment - Hands . . . . . . [HND] 17) Equipment - Legs . . . . . . [LEG] 18) Equipment - Goods . . . . . . [GDS] 19) Equipment - Items . . . . . . [ITM] 20) Equipment - Spellbooks . . . . . [SPB] 19) Equipment - Relics . . . . . . [REL] 21) Collectables. . . . . . . [COL] 22) Encyclopedia. . . . . . . [NME] 23) The End . . . . . . . [END] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Introduction :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [INT] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bear with me folks, because with this FAQ I'm doing a few things I do not normally do. First, I'm writing a FAQ for a Japanese version of a game before an English version has been released. I have done that before (my Castlevania Chronicles FAQ), but this is quite different, as this game does have quite a bit of Japanese. Which, as anyone who knows Japanese will probably soon see, is not a language I have much expertise in. I don't think I screwed anything up too badly with the item name translations, but there were a few things I couldn't figure out. Either way, I will appreciate any corrections anyone with more knowledge than me may have. (The second thing was releasing versions of this FAQ before I considered it complete, but that's no longer an issue.) Anyway, this FAQ was originally written for the Japanese version. At the moment I have no plans to re-do the FAQ for the English versions, but since as best I can tell few names have been changed significantly, this FAQ should still be useful for the English versions. Where to get the latest version of this FAQ ------------------------------------------- http://www.geocities.com/arcanelore2001/faqs/cv-coms.txt [This version is always current.] GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com/ The Castlevania Dungeon - http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: What's New? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [NEW] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.5 - 26 January 2003 - Corrected a few of the Japanese/English name changes. - Added another Cyclops strategy. Version 1.4 - 13 November 2002 - Added a new Rare Ghost location. - Fixed the requirement on the Moss Grown Cave B shop. - Simplified Maxim's healing move - Added codewords to the Table of Contents; running a search on the codeword (including the brackets for best results) should take you quickly to the corresponding section. Version 1.3 - 15 October 2002 - Added a few more Frequently Asked Questions - Added a new Rare Ghost location. - Added a Name Change section, with a short list of names that have changed signifincantly from the Japanese version. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Credits ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [CRE] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks to: (in alphabetical order) AnotherGamer - For the "Gradius Shield on both sides" Thunder + Holy Book trick. AsianUser - Found a Rare Ghost location. AstroBlue - Corrected some of the translations I couldn't figure out. Boon - Found that the Moss-Grown Cave B shop indeed has a requirement. Brayze - Gave me some enemy drops. Dais - Corrected one of Maxim's moves. DarkKnightCecil - For another Rare Ghost location. Gilrad - For finding out how to get the merchant in the Entrance to appear. Gosan197 - For finding a Rare Ghost location. Rick Hunter - For noting my listed move for Maxim's healing was more complicated than it needed to be. Trace "Meowthnum1" Jackson - Noted some of the name changes I listed were incorrect. Machinegun - For finding the some interesting abuses of the Sacred Fist + Ice glitch, which allows you to get to some areas before you were meant to. Also found that you can somewhat control where the Axe + Wind fusion spins, and a number of other Spell Fusion tricks. Also noted that the Entrance merchant condition was not entirely correct, and found a Rare Ghost location. n3m3s1s - Gave me a few Rare Ghost locations, and found that its appearance rate is based on your LCK score. Nintendo Power - For those nice maps they published several months before the US release. (Beware though, they have a few omissions...) NobuoMusicMaker - Found out that Maxim can roll indefinitely (or until he runs out of MP, whichever comes first. :) Also found a Rare Ghost location. Efrem Orizzonte - I nicked a few names for the Name Changes section from his FAQ. samsonlamhk - Noted a title switcheroo in the Sound Test mode. Schlave - Noted that my referring to the Talos lookalike at the very beginning of the game as a "golem" wasn't very accurate. Seth - For an alternate Cyclops strategy. Shuu831 - For finding the summon book. T0037 - For figuring out where to use the Konami Code to play as Simon, and for posting some subweapon tricks. THOTH - For suggesting to the GameFAQs board that the Konami Code might be useful in finding Simon... Thanks also to whoever discovered all the name codes that have been submitted to GameFAQs (and thusly have shown up here, as well. :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Legal Crap :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [LGL] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Castlevania: White Night Concerto FAQ is (C) 2002 Zach Keene. As Grand Poo-bah of Copyrightedness, I grant upon thee the following rights: 1) Thou mayst give this FAQ to whomever you so choose. The key word here is "give". If anybody gets paid for this, it darn well better be me. :) 2) Thou mayst put this FAQ up on thine website, so long as it remains completely unchanged and intact. And I do mean completely. 3) The Grand Poo-bah of Copyrightedness asks that if this FAQ appears on thine website, thou must make the effort to make sure thou hast the latest version. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Frequently Asked Questions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [FAQ] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q) I entered a room where there's supposed to be a shop, but the merchant isn't there and there's some weird message in the bottom right corner. What's going on? A) In some shop locations the merchant will always appear, but in most places he will only appear if certain conditions are met. If he doesn't appear, you'll find a hint in the bottom right corner as to what you need to do to get him to appear: L13579 - Juste's level must be odd. 02468 - Juste's current number of hearts must be even. - Juste must have the Midday Constellation (aka Noon Star in the English version) in your inventory. It is dropped by Spectres and Shimon. ??? - Juste must be level 50 or higher, and must have the Griffin's Wing turned on. Q) What do the "COOL!" messages mean when I touch an orb after defeating a boss? A) Nothing much. You get these if you are doing something fancy when you touch the orb, like whipping, jump whipping, or doing the Leap Stone Stomp. You can get a "GOOD!", "COOL!", or "EXCELLENT!", but I'm not quite sure what the requirements are. I suspect is has more to do with how high you are when you catch the orb rather than what exactly you happen to be doing. Q) How do I get rid of the rocks blocking the shop in Castle's Treasury B? A) Knock the Gate Guarder at the top of the room of the right side of the platform he's standing on. Q) But I'm too powerful! I kill the Gate Guarder before I can knock it off! A) Equip the Circle of Energy, then use its weak twirling attack (hold down the Attack button.) Q) Where is the Summon Book? A) Once you have the Griffin's Wing (or the Levitation Boots or Infinite Shoes), stand in the center of the Save Point room in Cave of Skeletons B. Super jump straight up through the ceiling to reach the room with the Summon Book. Note that there is no visible indication in the Save Point room that the ceiling is false. Q) Where is enemy #79 (the Rare Ghost)? A) The Rare Ghost appears only in certain rooms, and even if you know where it appears, it will not appear all of the time. For more details and a partial list of locations, check the Miscellaneous Tips section. The best place to encounter it is the room just underneath the Warp Room in Clockwork Tower B. If it appears, you will see it immediately after entering the room (so if you don't see it, you can just quickly leave and return. Repeat until it does show up.) Q) Hey! I'm only getting 1 EXP from enemies? What gives? A) Never played CSOTN, I take it. :) As Juste's level rises above the level of an enemy, the experience he receives from that enemy decreases. Once Juste is 10 or more levels above the enemy, he will only get 1 EXP. This is explained in more detail in the Mechanics section. Q) How do I solve the box puzzle in Cave of Skeletons A to reach the Floodgate Key? A) You'll find two boxes on a ledge to the left, and one to the right. Push the leftmost box left off the ledge it's on, then left off the ledge it lands on. Push it to the right so that about half of it is hanging over the hole. Then, push the box remaining on the left ledge over to the right, onto the box below. Follow it, and nudge the second box as far as it can go to the right without falling off the first box. Then, go push the box on the upper right ledge off to the left, onto the stack of boxes you've created below. Then, go down and push the top box off the stack to the right. If you have done this correctly, you should be able to go to the bottom right corner, slide to the left, then jump up the hole right next to the box you just knocked over, and push it over to the right so you can reach the ledges there. Climb up and take the Floodgate Key in the upper left corner. Q) How do I open the door to the final battle area in Castle B using Juste? A) This door will only open once you have found all 6 Dracula relics. Q) How do I open the door to the final battle area in Castle B using Maxim? A) This door will only open once you have defeated all of the other bosses in the game. Q) How do I open the door to the final battle area in Castle A using Maxim? A) So far, no method to do so has been discovered. (I personally don't believe any such method exists, but I would be happy to be proven wrong. :) Q) Help! I'm playing the Japanese version, and I need to equip to get through the game, but I can't read Japanese and can't find it in my inventory! A) Fortunately for non-Japanese speakers, items important to passing certain areas of the game will always be located at the very top of your inventory. Juste's Bracelet will be the first bracelet in your inventory, Maxim's will always be the second, and the Smashing Boots will always be the first pair of boots you come across. (This is assuming you have actually found these items, of course.) The Dark Night Glasses aren't strictly necessary for passing through the dark section of Corridor in the Air A, but nonetheless they will appear in the first four items in your inventory once you acquire them. (And yes, I somehow managed to do it the hard way before I figured out what the glasses did. :) Q) Concerto of Midnight Sun? White Night Concerto? Harmony of Dissonance? What is this game really called? A) "Concerto of Midnight Sun" is Konami's official translation of the Japanese title (Hakuya no Concerto). "White Night Concerto" is the unofficial translation of the Japanese title you're probably more familiar with. (Whether or not either English title is a mistranslation is dealt with in another question at the end of this section.) "Harmony of Dissonance" is the title of the versions of the game released outside of Japan. Q) OK, so what the heck is a "midnight sun (or a white night)" anyway? A) From dictionary.com: midnight sun (n) - the sun as seen at midnight during the summer within the Arctic and Antarctic regions. white night (n) - A night without full darkness, as during the summer in high latitudes. The Crush Stone is always first on your Whip inventory (in the top right corner.) Q) is a crappy translation! A) I'd hoped I'd cleared this up with the first two questions, but apparently not. Some have objected to "White Night Concerto" on the grounds that "white night" is a very literal translation of "hakuya". That is true. And there certainly are nearly unlimited examples where literally translating something from one language to another gives amusing, awkward, nonsensical, and/or just plain wrong results. This is not one of them. As I pointed out above, the term "white night" exists in English, and it has pretty much the same meaning "hakuya" does in Japanese. Some have objected to "Concerto of Midnight Sun" _because_ "hakuya" literally translates into "white night". As I also pointed out above, since the terms "white night" and "midnight sun" are synonymous in English, neither one is a mistranslation. Don't believe me? Then go to WWWJDIC at: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/wwwjdic.html Click on "Search for words in the dictionary", then click on "Enter Japanese Keyword in Romaji", then type "hakuya" (without the quotes) into the box, and see what comes up when you press "Begin Search". =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Name Changes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [CNG] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= For the moment I don't plan on rewriting the FAQ for the English version, so instead I present this table of names that have changed significantly from the Japanese version. I don't own the English version, so these are just ones I noticed from discussions at the GameFAQs board or from a quick glance through Efrem Orizzonte's FAQ. Additions are certainly welcome. * Places * Many of the place names seemed to have been replaced with the name of the music track that plays there, oddly enough Japanese English -------- ------- The Approach of Deplore The Wailing Way Castle Tower Castle Top Floor Chapel of a Heretic Chapel of Dissonance Corridor in the Air Sky Walkway Heretic's Grave Shrine of Apostates Moss-Grown Cave Luminous Cavern Waterway of Aquatic Aqueduct of Dragons * Monsters * Often the English version replaces "Skeleton" with "Bone", most likely for space reasons. Koukidou Skeleton Arthro Skeleton Shimon Simon Wraith Throw Master Bone Thrower * Equipment * Attack Stone Steel Tip Christopher Soul Bullet Tip Dracula's of Vlad Midday Constellation Noon Star Sypha's Crystal Cipher's Charm (ARRGGHH!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Introduction to Juste Belmont ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [JUS] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, if you're used to playing Richter in CSOTN or Nathan in Circle of the Moon, not a whole lot has changed. Except for the fact that Juste cannot run per se; but his walk is plenty fast enough. Juste can dash forward or backward by pushing the L and R buttons, which makes up for his lack of running ability. Juste's basic weapon is, of course, the Vampire Killer whip. Juste can find several stones that, when equipped, can give the whip special powers, elemental properties, or just simply more power. He can also do the whip wiggle a la Simon Belmont in Super Castlevania IV by holding down the attack button. CSOTN and CotM players will be familiar with the Save Points, but Concerto of Midnight Sun has an additional save feature. After saving at any Save Point, you can use the "Saveroom" function on the menu to instantly save anytime. The catch is, however, that when you restart you will be warped back to the last actual Save Point you visited. (You'll keep any items, map coverage, experience, etc. you acquired before using the Saveroom function.) This can also be useful for a technique I call "Save Point Bookmarking", which I make extensive use of in the walkthrough below to save a lot of backtracking time. The idea is this: make a "bookmark" save somewhere you will want to come back to, then go wander off to wherever. When you need to come back, simply hit Saveroom on the menu, then reset your game. (The soft reset is A+B+Select+Start, BTW). Poof! Instant backtracking. :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Subweapons and Spell Fusion ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [SUB] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Subweapons * Like any other Castlevania game, Juste can use Subweapons, which can occasionally be found in candles. Subweapons generally are less powerful than the whip, but will have longer range, hit multiple times, or have some other attack pattern that will still make them useful. Subweapons consume Hearts when used. (Push Up + Attack to use a Subweapon.) Note that except for the dagger, all subweapons are equally powerful damage-wise (though some may hit more times than others...) Unlike CSOTN, Subweapon damage is based on your STR stat. - Axe: Flies in an arc; low horizontal range. (4 Hearts) - Dagger: Flies quickly straight across the screen. (1 Heart) - Holy Cross: Flies straight ahead, travels about half-screen, then returns. If you position yourself such that you hit the enemy right at the point the Holy Cross turns around, it will get smacked several times. (5 Hearts) - Holy Book: Just like in Rondo of Blood, the Holy Book spirals outward from your location. (3 Hearts) - Holy Water: When a vial of Holy Water hits the ground, it creates a flame that travels across the floor. (3 Hearts) - Sacred Fist: Juste performs a rapid flurry of punches that reaches about halfway across the screen. (8 Hearts) (You may come across items that, when equipped, change the behaviour of Subweapon attacks.) * Spell Fusion * Along the way, you will find Spellbooks that you can use to enhance your subweapons. After activating a Spellbook, you will change the way your current Subweapon attacks, as well as giving it elemental properties. You can select and activate Spellbooks by visiting the Spellbook menu. Also, you can toggle whether or not your Spellbooks are active by holding Down and pressing L + R, and cycle through your spellbooks by holding Up and pushing L or R. When a Spellbook is active, Subweapon attacks consume MP rather than Hearts, and become INT-based attacks. Fire Spellbook: - Axe: Creates twin fire dragons that attack enemies. (70 MP) - Dagger: A circle of daggers forms clockwise around Juste. Roll the directional pad in a circle at the same time as the daggers form to turn them into fireballs. Any daggers you've turned into fireballs will then bounce around the screen, while the remaining daggers will just disappear. (The topmost dagger will always turn into a fireball.) (60 MP) - Holy Book: A Holy Book flies forward a short distance, creating a tornado of flame around it. (By default this is cast in the direction you are facing, but hold the directional pad in the opposite direction immediately after casting to send it the other way.) (50 MP) - Holy Cross: A flaming cross flies across the screen, until something hits it; two spiralling fireballs are then unleashed. (50 MP) - Holy Water: Creates a fireball that bounces around the screen (not quite as dramatically as the Axe fireball). (40 MP) - Sacred Fist: Fires off four fireballs which drift slowly. (50 MP) Ice Spellbook: - Axe: An icicle falls on a nearby enemy. (20 MP) - Dagger: Several daggers home in on enemies. (30 MP) - Holy Book: Creates a tidal wave that expands along the floor to both sides of Juste. (30 MP) - Holy Cross: An "Icicle Familiar" follows Juste around, firing ice pellets at nearby enemies. (30 MP) - Holy Water: Three "ice shields" form on top of a nearby enemy, damaging it. (40 MP) - Sacred Fist: Dashes forward with a giant ice fist. (30 MP) Thunder Spellbook: - Axe: Several bolts fire from Juste's position. (60 MP) - Dagger: Fires several daggers upward, which rain down on an unfortunate victim a few seconds later. (80 MP) - Holy Book: Two Gradius Shields protect Juste (complete with the original Gradius sound effects!). They can take about 16 hits before disappearing. Push Up, Down + Attack to move the shields to the other side of Juste. Or, after the first shield attaches to Juste, use this command to move it to the other side, then let the second attach. You'll end up with a shield on both sides. (60 MP) - Holy Cross: A beam of light surrounds Juste, while several crosses rotate around him (a la CSOTN or Rondo of Blood). (60 MP) - Holy Water: A bolt of lightning from the sky moves back and forth in front of Juste, frying anything in its path. (40 MP) - Sacred Fist: Creates three bolts of lightning that home in on enemies. (60 MP) Wind Spellbook: - Axe: An axe will rotate around where Juste was when he activated this attack. If you push a direction on the directional pad before the axe appears, you can adjust the point around which the axe rotates. (40 MP) - Dagger: Juste will rapid fire a large number of daggers across the screen, Richter Belmont style. (40 MP) - Holy Book: Three holy books rotate around Juste. (40 MP) - Holy Cross: Juste will be surrounded by a rotating circle of crosses. Each cross will take three hits before disappearing. Push Up, Down + Attack to switch between a vertical rotation and a horizontal rotation. (50 MP) - Holy Water: Holy water rains down on all onscreen enemies. (50 MP) - Sacred Fist: Fire an absurdly powerful fireball. (20 MP) Summon Spellbook: - None: If you have no subweapon equipped, you will restore all HP instead of doing a Subweapon attack. (100 MP) - Axe: Juste turns into a demon, whose wings hit anything nearby several times. (100 MP) - Dagger: A large bird appears and causes arrows to rain down on everything on screen. (100 MP) - Holy Book: A faerie appears and hits one enemy with her hammer, doing massive damage. (60 MP) - Holy Cross: Meteors rain down on everything onscreen. (100 MP) - Holy Water: An angel floats across the screen and back, raining dust down on enemies. (100 MP) - Sacred Fist: A large figure appears, doing damage to everything onscreen. (100 MP) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Walkthrough ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [WLK] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Just like my CSOTN walkthrough, I make no promises that this is the fastest, best, and/or easiest way through the game. I've tried to put the priority on eliminating unnecessary backtracking, which means there some items you could get long before my walkthrough gets you there. (If any such items are especially worthwhile I'll go ahead and point them out.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Entrance A Music Track: Entrance Enemies Found: Armored Knight, Bat, Skeleton, Zombie Bosses Found: None Items Found: Heart Max Up, High Mana Prism, Leather Armor, Leather Boots, Life Max Up, Magical Armor, Potion x2, Soul Orb --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the dialogue with Maxim, head to the right. Jump over the large mechanical looking monster, and it'll get up and start chasing you. Just head right, and you'll be able to escape by reaching the castle while it plunges to its doom. Mwahaha... sorry. Continue right, and whip the statue to create a "stairway". Upon switching screens you'll find a cabinet (it'll be the second you come across; ignore the first.) Jump up on the cabinet then take the top exit. You'll find the Leather Boots to your left; grab and equip them, then continue to the right. On the next screen you'll find the Soul Orb relic. Head back to the cabinet and continue to the right. When you see the "bridge" in the floor, stand on it and press Down + Jump. You'll jump down to a small area with a Life Max Up. You'll soon run into a barrier, so head back up and continue right. This is just for map coverage; the door there leads to the Heretic's Grave A, but you won't be able to go far from this direction. So, turn around and head back a few screens to that first cabinet you skipped, jump on top of it, and take the top exit. Grab and equip the Leather Armor you'll find to your right, then continue left and take the top exit. Grab the Potion to your left, then make your way up the staircases. About three-quarters of the way up, there's another Potion on the right. After finally making it to the top exit, take the left exit on the next screen to reach your first Save Point. Save, then keep on truckin' to the right. Take the first top exit you come across, and grab the Heart Max Up to your right. Don't bother heading to the left just yet; you won't be able to get far. So, drop back down and continue to the right. Beyond the door lies... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Corridor of Marble A Music Track: Marble Corridor Enemies Found: Armored Knight, Flea Man, Medusa Head, Skeleton, Skeleton Soldier Bosses Found: Giant Bat Items Found: Antidote x2, Bandanna, Castle Map 1, Dracula's Ring, Faerie Book, Fire Spellbook, Heart Max Up x3, Leather Gloves, Life Max Up, Light Clothes, Potion x2, Red Stone, Silver Armor, Red Stone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just plow through this screen and take the right exit to find Death. No, you won't have to fight him (yet), and no, he won't steal all your equipment. :) Just continue to the right. On the next screen, jump to the right to find the Castle Map 1. Like the Castle Map in CSOTN, this will add to your automap a partial map of areas you haven't explored yet. Remeber this room, as we'll be back, but for now head for the top right exit. Make your way over to the box and push it to the right until it falls down the gap. Follow it down, then push it all the way to the left. You can then use it as a stepping stone. Continue up and back to the left, then up and back to the right again. Finally you'll make it to a small room with the Ice Spellbook and a Heart Max Up. Make your way back to the room where you found the Castle Map 1. This time take the top right exit. Work your way down to the bottom right exit. On this screen, grab the Axe in the first candle you find, then take the top exit. There's a save point to the left, so save, then continue to the right, picking up the Leather Gloves on the way. You'll find yourself in another room similar to the one with the Castle Map. Make your way to the top right to pick up the Red Stone, then take the bottom left exit. This will put you up against: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Bat Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it just wouldn't be Castlevania without the ol' giant bat, would it? If you've played any Castlevania before you pretty much know how to deal with this boss (avoid or whip fireballs, avoid and whip bat, etc.) Be careful though, as this time around it has its drill attack from Rondo of Blood, but since you can see it coming a mile away it's easy to avoid. For more fun, grab an Axe and activate your Ice Spellbook. It'll go down much faster that way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue left and take the first top exit; you're back at the Save Point. Save and return to tthe room with the Red Stone and take the bottom exit. Head right and pick up the Faerie Book. Take the door to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: The Approach of Deplore A Music Track: Shrine of the Apostates Enemies Found: Big Ghost, Bone Pillar, Ghost, Rock Armor Bosses Found: None Items Found: Beautiful Clothes, Heart Max Up, Encyclopedia, Life Max Up, Logos Ring, Mana Prism, Meat, Potion, Silk Cape --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head right and drop down. From here, immediately take the right exit to grab the useful Encyclopedia. Exit left from that room, then continue left. Near the top right exit, jump up the platforms to reach the Mana Prism. Ignoring the left exits for now, head down and back around to the right. Take the bottom right exit and grab the Silk Cape. Climb up and over the wall (you won't be able to get the Life Max Up just now), grab the Meat, then exit right.This little room is a dead end for now, but it has a Heart Max Up in it. Turn around, exit left, then exit left again. Continue left and take the bottom exit. From here, go right until you've reached... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Heretic's Grave A Music Track: Shrine of the Apostates Enemies Found: Lizardman, Rock Armor, Victory Armor, White Dragon Bosses Found: Living Armor Items Found: Circle of Energy, Life Max Up x2, Lizard's Tail, Meat, Opal, Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump over the bottom exit to grab a Potion, then drop down. Head down the stairs then take the first bottom exit there. Then head as far right as you can (you'll see a Life Max Up, but you can't reach it yet), then climb up. Over to the right you'll see an Opal, so get it, the head left for some Meat. Climb up again, and head right. You'll soon come up against a Victory Armor, and it will be tough to defeat this early in the game. But not impossible; if you're still packing an Axe you can creep up just far enough to see the Victory Armor, unleash about 4 or 5 Ice Spellbook enhanced Axe attacks, then just wait until your MP recharges and do it again. 1 or 2 more will do the job. If you do it right the Victory Armor will never retaliate. :) Continue behind him and drop down to collect the Circle of Energy. Equipping this on your whip will give it no STR or elemental bonuses, but will allow you to perform a twirling whip attack if you hold down the attack button (just like Nathan in Circle of the Moon.) With that done, head back up (the Victory Armor won't regenerate), back left, then exit down, then right, then exit down, then continue to the left. Taking the second top exit then heading right a bit will allow you to fill in some missing percentage, but won't net you anything interesting. So do that, then head back to the hallway you were in and exit left. In this room, just work your way up and exit left. Then head all the way to the left for a Life Max Up. Backtrack to the right a bit and take the bottom exit. To your right is another Save Point, and to the left is a short dialogue with Maxim, then... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Living Armor Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern B) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guy isn't much to worry about. Every three hits he takes will knock him back, unless his sword is raised. And if his sword is raised, you should immediately dash backwards to avoid his strike. And... that's pretty much all there is to this boss battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that yawner of a battle head left to pick up the Lizard's Tail relic (which allows you slide if you push Down + Jump), then push the switch to open your way back to the Entrance. While you're here though, you may wish to backtrack back to the Life Max Up you couldn't reach earlier. Make your way back to the Corridor of Marble (through the Entrance is the quickest way, but anyway that gets you there works.) Your eventual destination is the bottom exit of the room where you found the Castle Map (if you've entered from the Entrance, it's the first bottom exit you come across.) However, you may wish instead to head back to the Save Point near the Giant Bat, and take the top exit this time. Head right to pick up the Fire Spellbook and Light Clothes, then make your way back to the exit I described above. Pick up the potion on your way down; you'll have the choice of heading left or right. Both ways lead to different parts of the Room of Illusion; start with the left. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Room of Illusion A Music Track: Marble Corridor Enemies Found: Lizardman, Medusa Head, Zombie Bosses Found: None Items Found: Bandanna, Life Max Up, Talisman --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing much here, just fight your way to the left and pick up the Life Max Up, then return to the Corridor of Marble A. Take the right exit this time, then work your way down and to the right, picking up the Bandanna and a Heart Max Up along the way. Finally, you'll make your way to the first Fixed Portal. Walk up to it, (grabbing the Talisman), and push Up. You'll be whisked away to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Castle's Treasury B Music Track: Castle Enemies Found: Bomber Armor, Ectoplasm, Feather Demon, Gate Guarder, Ghost, Peeping Eye, Skeleton, Skeleton Blade, Skeleton Flail, Skeleton Rib, Skeleton Soldier Bosses Found: None Items Found: Chair, Cloth Armor, Heart Max Up, Potion, Uncurse, Wristband --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes folks, that's "Castle's Treasury" with a B. Your map will not yet show that you're in a different castle. Since I can't read the dialogue I'm not sure if this was done to intentionally confuse you or if the Castle B simply does not exist at this point in the plot. Either way, this area (and the next few you're going to visit) will end up in Castle B. Keep heading right until you reach a vertical corridor with a Potion, then climb up and take the left exit. Continue left past the Skeleton Blades until you reach the room with the Wristband. Pick it up and continue down (picking up the Uncurse on the way). Take the bottom exit, then go right for a save point and left for a Heart Max Up. Return to the vertical corridor (the one that had the Potion.) This time, take the right exit, then drop down the bottom exit you'll almost immediately run into. In this room, drop down and make your way back up to the Gate Guarder at the top. Like the Living Armor you fought before, it will stumble backwards after taking a few whip hits, so back it off the right side of the platform. When it falls, it will take out the pile of rocks in the bottom right corner. This will allow you access to the first shop: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Castle's Treasury B Condition: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Rubber Plate 250G Plate Coat 800G Casual Clothes 98G Cloth Helmet 160G Leather Greaves 140G Castle Map 2 105G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy anything that looks interesting (you'll find better body armor soon, though). If this is your first time through the game or you want a "perfect" inventory, pick up the Castle Map 2 as well. Once you're done, climb your way out of here and back into the crystalline background, and continue to the right. Take the first exit up into a room with a Cloth Armor at the top. Exit this room and continue right, then take the bottom exit. Head all the way to the left to find a Chair, then back up and take the bottom exit. Head left, and take the bottom exit. In this vertical corridor, take the bottom left exit. You'll end up in the Item Collection room, where any collectables you've found will be displayed. At the moment, all you have is a Chair (which has somehow become two chairs. :) Leave here, then go back to the vertical corridor and take the middle left exit. Continue all the way to the left to find yourself in... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Cave of Skeletons B Music Track: Skeleton Cave Enemies Found: Bone Pillar, Flying Skeleton, Large Skeleton, Red Skeleton, Skeleton, Skeleton Ape, Skeleton Flail, Skeleton Rib, Skeleton Spear, Skeleton Spider, Throw Master Bosses Found: Skeleton Knight Lord Items Found: Christopher Soul, Devil Vase, Foot Guarder, Heart Max Up, Leather Cap, Life Max Up, Mounted Deer, Potion, Side Table, Summon Book, Sylph Feather --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surprisingly enough, this area is filled with nothing but skeletons. After entering the area, drop down and take the bottom exit. Then, make your way to the right side, then jump up and head back left to pick up the Foot Guarder. Make your way to the bottom, then head left. Ignore the bottom exit for now, but jump up the platforms on the left side of the screen to get a Potion. Now, head back to the top left of this room and exit left. There's a Side Table waiting for you at the top left corner of this room. Get it, then drop down and whip the giant skull below from the left side. Then, make your way down to the bottom of this room and exit left. In the next room, just make your way up to the top right corner to collect your Mounted Deer, then exit to the left. In this area, your only threat is a swinging blade. Wait for it to swing all the way to the left, then slide under it, then exit left. In the next room, just make your way up, left, down, then exit left again. Save at the save point, then continue left. Again with the up, left, down, exit left, and you will find yourself facing... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Knight Lord Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Skeleton Knight Lord has a few different patterns: Pattern 1) It'll do one of the following: squat, then jump; hold it's sword in the air then charge (he does this so slowly you won't need to dash in order to avoid it). After doing enough damage it will switch to pattern 2. Pattern 2) It still uses the squat-and-jump, but it's a little faster this time. When it starts flashing, jump up on one of the ledges, because it'll do a teleport/dash thing that will hit you if you are still on the ground. Do enough damage and it will start pattern 3. Pattern 3) It still likes to jump around, but when you see it gathering energy, get within whipping distance then duck. It will fire a laser, but if you're ducking it will completely miss. You will get several free shots at the Knight Lord if you happen to be close enough while you are ducking. After dealing some damage you will finally defeat it for good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue left to get the Leap St... er, I mean, Sylph Feather. You now have the ability to double jump, and do the Leap Stone Stomp (double jump then press Down + Jump). Go right two screens and take the top exit. Go right several rooms until you can take a bottom exit (no, the Large Skeleton doesn't drop a Ring of Varda or any equivalent item :). You'll find a Life Max Up. Go back up, left four rooms, then left again. Make your way down and take the left exit. At the top right corner of this room is a Leather Cap. The top exit leads to Entrance B, but its a dead end at this point for several reasons, so turn around and head back the way you came. Make your way back to the large room near the beginning of this area (with the Potion) and take the bottom exit. From there, head right and take the exit, then climb up to find a Heart Max Up. Now, leave the Cave of Skeletons. The next important destination is the Moss-Grown Cave B, but instead I'm going to sidetrack a bit to grab the Wind Spellbook, if for no other reason than it allows two of my favourite "item crashes" (the rapid dagger toss and Hydro Storm :). Make your way back to the vertical corridor that exits to the Item Collection room. From there, head up and take the top exit, then continue to the right and take the top exit to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Castle Tower B Music Track: Castle Enemies Found: Bone Naga, Disc Armor, Ectoplasm, Skeleton Spear, Throw Master, Zombie Bosses Found: Minotaurus, *****, ******* ******* Items Found: Heart Max Up, High Potion, Life Max Up, Padded Armor, Potion, Solar Armor, Wind Spellbook --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb your way up (or take the elevator!) and take the top exit. Then, make your way up (grab the Heart Max Up), left (grab the Padded Armor in the top left corner), and back down and take the left exit. Head all the way to the left for a Save Point, then backtrack to the top exit and take it. You can explore this room for percentage if you want, but the only way out at the moment is up, so take the top exit. This'll be the point that the game gives you the "Castle Tower" banner, but given that the last elevator room we just went through is pretty near identical to this one (and the area boundaries often aren't as clear in this game as they were in CSOTN) I'm considering the other areas part of the Castle Tower as well. Anyway, make your way to the top again. The top left exit is another Save Point. After saving, take the top exit. Head all the way to the right for a High Potion, then head all the way to the left and take the top exit. The right exit from this room leads to a shop, but the shopkeeper only appears if you have an even number of hearts when you enter the room. If you do, you may purchase the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Castle Tower B Condition: Even number of Hearts --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Rubber Plate 250G Plate Coat 800G Casual Clothes 98G Cloth Helmet 160G T Shirt 199G Sallet 340G Cuirass Armor 1200G Rameeru(?) Coat 1005G Corinthian Helmet 750G Pilos 1050G Bangle 550G Nova Ring 5000G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explore the rest of this room then take the top exit. In the next room, grab the High Potion, then continue left to a save point. Heading left will soon send you to a dead end. So, head back to the Save Point in the last elevator room, then take the top right exit to fight... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minotaurus Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Minotaurus can be tough, but his attacks are easy enough to avoid. Dash back when he swings his axe at you, and duck when he hurls it. Finally watch out for his dash attack; he'll get stuck in the wall afterwards, allowing you a few free hits. Watch out not to get hit when he jumps back out of the wall, though. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit right for a Life Max Up and the Wind Spellbook. Now, make your way back to the Castle's Treasury and take the warp back to Room of Illusion A. From the Warp room, exit right, right, left, up, right, right, right, right, and right. Climb up the stairs, but jump left on the ledge when you see it. Continue left, then jump up and climb to the right. Jump over to the Uncurse and the Heart Max Up, then continue climbing to the right. At the end you will find Dracula's Ring (LCK +10) and another Heart Max Up. Go back to the first stairway, and continue climbing. Jump down the gap and climb down, then head right for a Potion and an Antidote. Climb back up and take the right exit. There's a Victory Armor and a Life Max Up here (as well as a locked door.) We can't go any further here (the whole point of this excursion was to get Dracula's Ring anyway.) Head back two left exits and take the bottom exit. Exit right back to the Approach of Deplore. Now, take the bottom exit and then the top left exit. Grab the Potion here, then head for the bottom right exit (but don't take it; this is just for percentage.) Take the bottom left exit instead. Take the Beautiful Clothes at the top right of this room, then make your way to the Logos Ring at the top left. Then take the right exit, then take three more right exits. In this room, jump up to the Life Max Up you missed earlier. OK, now that you're sick of backtracking, go back to the Room of Illusion and warp back to Castle's Treasury B. Make your way back to the vertical corridor where the bottom left exit leads to the Item Collection room. This time, however, take the right exit to head to the... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Moss-Grown Cave B Music Track: Liminous Cavern Enemies Found: Axe Armor, Bat, Bone Pillar, Bomber Armor, Ghost, Scarecrow, Shokujinhana, Siren, Skeleton Ape, Slime, Small Slime, Throw Master, Witch Bosses Found: Golem Items Found: Heal Walker, Heart Max Up, High Potion, Life Max Up, Mana Prism, Potion, Sage's Statue, Tableware Set, Turquoise, Uncurse, X-Potion, Yellow Stone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep going all the way to the right. In the next room, work your way up and take the right exit. Then, keep heading right and take the top exit. Head up and grab the Turquoise (ignore the right exit for now.) Head back to the hallway you came from and continue to the right. Ignore the bottom exit for now and take the right exit for a Save Point. In this room, work your way to the top left corner. It's a dead end for now, but there's a Mana Prism you can pick up. (You'll also see the Sage's Statue, so go ahead and work your way over to that as well.) Take the right exit; it leads to a large room with a Potion. Grab that and return to the room you came from. This time take the bottom exit. From here, go left and take the bottom exit. Then take the right exit. Work your away down and around to the bottom left exit. This room is another box "puzzle"; just slide the box to the right off the ledge, then push it to the left off the ledge it lands on, then push it right off the next ledge, then left onto the switch. Take the bottom left exit to find a Life Max Up. Return, then take the bottom right exit for a shop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Moss-Grown Cave B Condition: Odd numbered level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Rubber Plate 250G Plate Coat 800G Casual Clothes 98G Cloth Helmet 160G Leather Greaves 140G T Shirt 199G Sallet 340G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy whatever you need, then take the right exit. From the next screen, take the top left exit. Then continue all the way to the left (for percentage purposes, as there is nothing there.) Take the top exit. Now head all the way to the right (you may wish to return to the Save Point first). You will now face... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golem Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- His two attacks are a punch (just stay out of range), and his earthquake attack, which sends large rocks falling on you. They are usually not too difficult to avoid. Once you have done enough damage, the Golem will switch to its second form. You now must hit its eye (which will occasionally be spewing a stream of rocks at you). This is easily accomplished by kneeling on one of the platforms and whipping madly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue to the left. Once you make it all the way, a door will close behind you. Flip the switch with your whip, and the floor will start rising. Avoid all the spiky platforms until you make it to the top. Head all the way to the left to find the Yellow Stone (+2 STR, thunder elemental whip) and the Suspicious Mirror. Return to the Save Point, then head left and take the bottom exit we ignored earlier. Continue left and go down again. Then go all the way to the right for a Heart Max Up, then turn around and go all the way to the left and take the bottom exit. Then, go all the way down to pick up a High Potion, then continue to the right. Once you've passed the room with the Scarecrows, climb up and take the left exit. Continue all the way to the left to another Fixed Portal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Corridor in the Air A Music Track: Chapel of Dissonance Enemies Found: Archer Skeleton, Balloon, Big Balloon, Flying Skeleton, Ruler Sword, White Dragon Bosses Found: Devil Items Found: Antidote, Chaos Ring, Dark Night Glasses, Face Guard, Golden Ornament, High Potion, Hint Card 2, Invincibility Potion x2, Life Max Up, Maxim's Bracelet, Silver Ornament, X-Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, we're back in Castle A again. Head to the right for an encounter with Maxim. He'll run back the way you came, but do not follow him. Instead take the right exit. Once you make it all the way to the right, notice you can drop through the floor. Do so to find a Life Max Up. After that, climb up and take the right exit (the upper left exit is a dead end for now.) Ignore the first top exit you find, and take the rightmost top one instead. Explore this room to find the Gold and Silver Ornaments and an X-Potion, then drop back. You'll see the entrance to the boss room on the right, but ignore that for now and drop down. Head for the lower right exit instead; it is a Save Point. Save, then circle your way back to the boss room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devil Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mostly the Devil flies around a lot, occasionally shooting streams of flame at you (which are usually easy enough to avoid.) When it does land, it will usually do a dashing punch that can curse you, so try to stay out of its way. It does not have a very long range. For best results try to whip it when its back is turned to you and is spewing flames. The Devil tends to drift your way if you jump to whip it, meaning you'll probably get hit unless you are at maximum whipping distance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just beyond the Devil are the Dark Night Glasses. If you wish you can continue on to the Clockwork Tower from here to get on with the game, but I recommend turning around and heading for the Waterway of Aquatic (not to mention the rest of the Corridor in the Air) instead, to pick up the useful Blue Stone. The Waterway also makes a good place for levelling up, if you feel the need to do so. So, head back for to the Devil room, exit left, then take the bottom exit. Head to the right for a percentage point (and to look at the fountain, I guess), then turn around and head all the way to the left and exit bottom. You will find your self in a very dark room. Equip the Dark Night Glasses and you'll be able to see a little bit more of the room. In the bottom left corner of this screen is the Face Guard. Grab that then continue right, then exit down. The bottom right corner of the next screen contains Hint Card 2. Get it then continue all the way to the left (take the bottom path for the Chaos Ring, which changes the behaviour of the Holy Water subweapon.) Take the left exit to find yourself in... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Waterway of Aquatic A Music Track: Aqueduct of Dragons Enemies Found: Bat, Fishman, Merman, Scale Armor, Slime, Small Slime Bosses Found: Giant Merman Items Found: Blue Stone, Hard Leather Glove, Heart Max Up x2, Life Max Up --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work your way down and take the bottom exit. Head right, then take the bottom exit again. Head all the way left for a Heart Max Up, then head right and take the top exit. From here, go left to a Save Point. After saving, take the bottom exit, then take the right exit. Head all the way to the right (slide to get past the blades) to find the Blue Stone. The Blue Stone gives you STR +2 and an ice elemental whip, which will be very useful to have against the Mermen and Fishmen here. Head back and exit left, then take the bottom exit. Head and exit left. Grab the Hard Leather Glove, then work your way down and exit left. The bottom exit won't get you far for now, so just head left and face the Scale Armor. Note that its shuriken must be jumped; it will hit you even if you duck. The wall behind him has a false section; just jump up and hold left and you'll be able to walk through it to find Dracula's Nail (STR +10). Return to the Save Point. The Fish and Mermen here are pretty good for leveling up (unless you've been doing some mad leveling up earlier), so now is a good time to do so if you wish. Once you're done, head right from the Save Point to fight... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Merman Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a game full of wimpy bosses, this is probably one of the worst. Its most threatening attack is probably its rolling attack, which is easily avoided by jumping on a ledge. The tidal waves it summons are easily jumped, and the merman it summons are easily dispatched (equip the Blue Stone). And, after it does most of its attacks it just stands there for several seconds so you can wail away at it with your whip, or whatever method of pain you have in mind. (Ice Spellbook fused Axe, anyone?) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue to the right and pick up the Life Max Up and Heart Max Up on your way to the... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Clockwork Tower A Music Track: Clock Tower Enemies Found: Arahabaki, Bone Pillar, Flea Man, Guardian Armor, Gold Head, Harpy, Large Skeleton, Ruler Sword LV2, Spectre, White Dragon Bosses Found: Slime Max Items Found: Burgeonet, Beckoning Cat, Castle Map 3, Dracula's Fang, Extravagant Table, Guardian Armor, Guardian Boots, Guardian Glove, Guardian Helm, Heart Max Up x2, Hint Card 4, Life Max Up, Scale Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb up and take the first exit to the left. Continue left, exit up, then head all the way to the right for a Heart Max Up. Return to the vertical corridor and keep climbing. Exit up, then step on the switch to the left, head all the way right, then exit up. Continue to the left, using the pendulums to make your way across the spikes. Take the bottom exit to grab the Castle Map 3, then return to the spike room and exit left. Drop to the bottom of this corridor for the Burgeonet, then climb up. The left exit leads back to the Corridor in the Air, but there's no reason to go there now (unless you need a Save Point to heal). Work your way up to the topmost right exit, then climb up to find the Hint Card 4. Returning to the previous corridor, take the second highest right exit. Make your way to the top exit and take it. There you will find a small room with a Life Max Up. Return to the room you came from and continue all the way to the right for the Scale Armor. Back up a bit and take the bottom exit. Backtrack to the left a bit for some percentage, then head all the way to the right and exit. Climb up and take the first right exit you find. Exit right again. Ignore the large gear here for now and make your way up and over to the right. You'll find yourself in a room with a large Guardian Armor. You will not be able to damage it, but whip it anyway; you can back it into the gears behind it. After the Guardian Armor's gruesome death, you can collect its armor, which is quite powerful for this point in the game. Head back to the giant gear room and exit left. Work your way down. The bottom right exit is a dead end for now, but at the bottom of this corridor is the Extravagant Table. Head back up and exit left. Continue climbing and take the next right exit for a Save Point. The next right exit will put you up against the... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max Slime Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, another sleeper boss battle. The Max Slime pretty much does little but slowly lurch across the room. It will occasionally leap to the ceiling, attempting to drop on you if you get under it. Hitting it will spawn smaller Slimes, which are easily dispatched. Just whip this thing to death and move on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue to the right. Climb up, and take the first left exit for the Green Stone (STR +2, Wind elemental whip). Return and continue climbing up to the next left exit. Here you'll see a short scene with Death, who will use the portal behind him to escape. This is the first Circular Portal you'll come across, so I'll explain a how they work. Once you are standing in front of one, either: 1) Push Down to instantly warp to any other Circular Portals that you have activated in the same castle you are currently in (at the moment, this is the only one, so pushing down will not do anything just yet.) 2) Push Up to warp to the same place in the other castle. Also, from now on your map screen will show three maps: one of Castle A, one that shows both castles together, and one of Castle B. Anyway, there is little else to do here, so go ahead and push Up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Clockwork Tower B Music Track: Clock Tower Enemies Found: Arahabaki, Armored Flea Man, Bronze Armor, Disk Armor 2, Ghost, Medusa Head, Peeping Eye, Skeleton Blade, Skeleton Rib, Screw Dragon, Spectre Bosses Found: Peeping Big Items Found: Clock, Crash Stone, Healing Mail, Heart Choker, Heart Max Up, High Mana Prism, High Potion, Invincibility Potion, Kaiser Knuckle, Life Max Up x2, Lucky Ring, Racoon Ornament, Squall Mantle, X-Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome back to Castle B. Leave the Warp Room, then head down and take the top left exit for a Life Max Up. Return to the vertical corridor and then take the bottom left exit. Continue left, then grab the Clock in the top left corner. Make your way down and take the first right exit for a Save Point, then take the second right exit. From here, exit to the right again. You're "back" in the room with the giant gear. Whip it from the right to move the barrier out of the way, then head up and over, and exit right. Head all the way to the right for a Heart Max Up. Return to the giant gear and exit left. Go ahead and drop all the way to the bottom for percentage purposes, then take the lower right exit. In this room, lure the Bronze Armor near the hammer on the ceiling toward the left, then step on the switch. This will knock it into the barrier behind it, destroying it. Head over to the right and take the exit. Make your way down. The exit to the right leads to a shop, but you will need to have collected a Midday Constellation before the shopkeeper will appear. These are occasionally dropped by the enemies Shimon (which you won't meet for some time), and Spectre (which you have already met). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Clockwork Tower B Condition: Midday Constellation obtained --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G High Potion 200G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Plate Coat 800G T Shirt 199G Sallet 340G Cuirass Armor 1200G Lamellar Coat 1005G Corinthian Helmet 750G Pilos 550G Bangle 550G Armet 1800G Velvet Mantle 1350G Mana Prism 250G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue down; the left exit is a Save Point (and _do_ save, even if you really don't need to. You'll see why later.) The bottom exit leads you somewhere interesting. When you press on the switch, the gate will open, and the large marble below you will start rolling. You now must proceed through the large maze quickly before the marble beats you. If the marble wins, it will cut you off from some items, and you'll have to leave the room, re-enter, and start over. In Clockwork Tower B this is pretty easy; just dash when you can and slide your way through the Flea Men. There's a Healing Mail and a Heart Choker waiting for you. But don't leave just yet! You may have noticed a small room off to the left near the bottom left corner of the maze. Head there now to collect a Racoon Ornament and a Lapis Laz... er, I mean, Lucky Ring. Now, just to be annoying, I'm going to suggest a little backtracking in order to pick up the last elemental spellbook. Save at the nearby Save Point then head back to the Circular Warp room, and return to this room in Castle A. (The barrier blocking your way before will have been removed.) Be sure you stop by the Save Point (but don't save!) and and Shop rooms along the way for percentage. This time the maze is a bit more difficult. More enemies and more obstacles are in your way, but your general strategy should be the same. Dash when you can, and slide through enemies (including those Bone Pillars). Waiting for you at the end are the Beckoning Cat, a Heart Max Up, a Life Max Up, and the Thunder Spellbook. Now, head back to the left side of the maze. There's no visible path, but you should see a small vertical corridor with some ledges that you cannot seem to reach. Get even with the highest of these ledges and slide through the wall. Take the left exit to find a small room with Dracula's Fang. If you used the Save Point near the Marble Room in Castle B and have not used one since, use the Saveroom function on the menu now, then reset and restart your game. You'll find yourself right where we left off in Castle B. Convienient, innit? :) After leaving the Save Room climb all the way up and take the top exit. Continue through the Hammer room and climb back up the vertical corridor. Exit left, then continue down and exit left again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peeping Big Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, now this is pathetic. Hit it a few times until you've got it cornered against a wall. You may now commence whipping the smack out of it for quite a while with nothing more than a weak tail-swipe coming your way. Eventually it will put up a shield and start bouncing around the room; just avoid it and return to whipping once its shield drops. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head on to the left and pick up the Life Max Up, and take the left exit. In case you've forgotten, the door there leads to the Corridor in the Air, which we will be going back to shortly. But first, we need the Crush Stone. First work your way up to the topmost exit, then up to the top left corner for the Kaiser Knuckles. Return to the large vertical corridor and take the second highest right exit. Head to the left, detouring to the top exit for the Squall Mantle. Head all the way to the right for an X-Potion, then return to the vertical corridor. This time, drop all the way to the bottom for percentage purposes, then take the lowest right exit. Immediately drop down the bottom exit in the spike room. The Crush Stone is here, but you can not get it just yet. Remember this room, then return to the spike room and make your way to the right (collecting the High Mana Prism along the way) and take the bottom exit (after collecting the High Potion on the far right). Head all the way left and exit down. Go all the way down for percentage purposes, then come back and take the first left exit, continue left, then exit up. Grab the Invincibility Potion then head right. Whip at the corkscrew until you get a message, then return to the Crush Stone room and grab the Crush Stone. When equipped on your whip, you lose 5 strength points, but you gain the ability to do a charge attack that can, among other things, destroy the cracked stoned barriers that are scattered throughout the castles. Now, leave the Crush Stone room, exit left, then take the door on the left to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Corridor in the Air B Music Track: Chapel of Dissonance Enemies Found: Arahabaki, Axe Armor II, Flying Skeleton, Ruler Sword LV3, Skeleton Mirror, Spriggan Bosses Found: Legion Saint, Shadow Items Found: Blizzard Robe, Dracula's Heart, Heart Max Up x2, King Size Bed, Large Meat, Life Max Up, Mana Prism, Radio, Rocking Chair --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the Mana Prism at the top of this room, then exit left to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legion Saint Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This works much like the Granfaloon battle in CSOTN, just without the bodies. :) Stick to one side, and whip it until you've destroyed enough of its shell to attack its core. And, um, that's pretty much all there is to it. Watch out for the flying things that occasionally break away from Legion to come after you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue left, then take the first up exit. Exploring this room will get you a King Size Bed and a Heart Max Up. Return from whence you came, then take the lower right exit for a Save Point. While you're here, equip your Crush Stone and take a swipe at the right stone wall of the Save Point. You'll find a small room with Dracula's Heart. From the Save Point, exit left and head all the way to the left, then take the exit. Then take the top left exit. Break down the barrier with the Crush Stone, then continue and exit left. You'll see a short scene with Maxim before you fight... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In its face form, it cannot be harmed, so just wait until it transforms. Its wolf form will either dash at you or attempt to jump at you, but these are not too difficult to avoid. Its sword form is a bit more annoying, as it is fairly fast and erratic. The moth form is not too threatening either, just beware of the dust rain underneath it, as it can poison you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave here, then exit right again. Work your way to the bottom right corner of this room, then jump through the floor to pick up the Rocking Chair and the Radio over to the left. Then grab the Blizzard Robe which is on a ledge above the path to the lower left exit. Take said left exit. Exit left again for a Heart Max Up. Head back to the Save Point (save again if you wish), then take the bottom exit. Again head right a bit for some percentage, then head all the way to the left, pick up the Large Meat, then take the bottom exit. Head all the way right and exit down. Then head all the way left, and take the door to... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Waterway of Aquatic B Music Track: Aqueduct of Dragons Enemies Found: Fishman, Merman, Melting Zombie, Small Slime, Skeleton Liquid, White Dragon Bosses Found: None Items Found: Earth Ring, Life Max Up x2, X-Potion, Uncurse --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down and take the bottom exit. Head right, then take the bottom exit again. Go all the way to the left for an X-Potion, then go right and take the bottom exit. Go all the way to the left and exit. Then, go down and take the left exit. Go all the way to the left, jumping up through the fake part of the wall, to get the Life Max Up. Go back to the right and take the bottom exit. At the bottom of this corridor you will find the Earth Ring. The door to the left leads back to Moss-Grown Cave B, but you won't be able to get very far just yet. So, climb back and take the top exit, then exit right, then climb up and exit right again, then take the top exit, then exit right yet again. Head all the way to the right for another Life Max Up, then go back to the left and exit. This time, take the top exit. There's a Save Point to the left; visit it, but do _not_ save there. After exiting to the right, you'll be in the Giant Merman room. Except there is no Giant Merman in this room, just a bunch of Mermen and Fishmen. Make your way through them to exit right. Keep going right and take the door, which puts you back to Clockwork Tower B. Yep, we have to do a little backtracking here. Head back to the Circular Warp Room, and push up to go back to Castle A. Return to Corridor in the Air A, and head for the area where you just fought the Shadow in Castle B. The barrier will now be gone, and after a short sequence with Maxim you will get Maxim's Bracelet. Now, head for the Save Point and save (making sure to stop by the now opened secret room to the right of the Save Point for some Invincibility Potions), then leave the Save Point room and take the leftmost top exit. Head left and exit to end up in... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Chapel of a Heretic A Music Track: Chapel of Dissonance Enemies Found: Archer Skeleton, Bone Pillar, Flea Man, Flying Skeleton, Throw Master Bosses Found: Pazuzu Items Found: Antidote, Dark Green Mantle, Dracula's Eye, Gold Candlestick, Heart Max Up, High Mana Prism, Hint Card 3, Large Meat, Life Max Up x2, Potion, X-Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep going left, then climb up and take the top exit. Wind your way through the next screen and take the top exit again. In the next screen, take the top exit yet again. Grab the Antidote to the right, then head left and take the (you'll never guess) top exit. Head over to the left for some percentage, then continue right, then climb up to the Heart Max Up. Continue to the left. Double jump over to the right to pick up the Dark Green Mantle, then continue on. The next ledge over to the right leads to Dracula's Eye, but you will not be able to reach it yet, so continue to the left. When you get to the yellow door, climb up to reach a Potion and a Life Max Up. Return to the yellow door, and equip Maxim's Bracelet to unlock it. Break down the barrier with the Crush Stone, and you'll find yourself very familiar... but instead of Dracula, the stairway now leads to Hint Card 3 and another Circular Warp. Go ahead and push Up to activate it in Castle B as well, then return to Castle A and exit left to fight... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pazuzu Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pazuzu likes to jump around alot, so try to stand on the opposite side of a ledge from him. If you're standing so that you're just barely underneath it, Pazuzu will usually land on the ledge when he jumps. This makes his fireball attacks much easier to avoid. He'll also summon some Little Devils from time to time, but they are not much to worry about. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit to the left and you'll meet up with Lydie... but not for long, as Death will show up and take her away. Exit left again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Castle Tower A Music Track: Castle Enemies Found: Arahabaki, Armored Flea Man, Gorgon, Lizardman, Peeping Eye, Poison Lizard, Bosses Found: Minotaurus Another, ***** Items Found: Attack Stone, Demon Castle Painting, Extravagant Chandelier, Heart Max Up, Holy Ring, Life Max Up, Lunar Armor, X-Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb up to the top of this room for a Heart Max Up and a Life Max Up, then drop down and take the right exit. Save at the Save Point, then exit right. Head right and take the bottom exit. If you have an even number of Hearts, you'll find the merchant waiting for you after taking the right exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Castle Tower A Condition: Even number of Hearts --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G High Potion 200G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Lamellar Coat 1005G Pilos 1050G Bangle 550G Armet 1800G Velvet Mantle 1350G Heavy Armor 2000G Barrel Helm 2300G Morion 3000G Blood Gloves 2100G Greaves 1700G Aurora Ring 5000G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you're done shopping, take the bottom exit. Continue all the way to the right for the Demon Castle Painting, then backtrack and take the bottom exit. In the elevator room, take the top left exit for a Save Point, then take the top right exit to fight... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minotaur Another Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe I just leveled up too much, but the only thing this boss ever did to me was swing its mace at me, which you can see coming a mile away and easily avoid. It can do some damage though, so do avoid it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit right to aquire the Attack Stone (STR +10, no element). Then return to the elevator room and make your way down, picking up the X-Potion on the way. Take the bottom exit. Head left a bit for some percentage, then go all the way right and take the bottom exit. Head all the way to the left for the Extravagant Chandelier, then exit left for a Save Point. Then turn around and take the right exit. Make your way up and over (picking up the Holy Ring in the top right corner) and back down, taking the bottom exit. Yet another elevator room... just explore it thoroughly (for percentage, as there's nothing here) then take the bottom exit. We're now in Castle's Treasury A, but since we won't be here long, I'm not going to bother with "Facts About" bit until we return to explore it in detail later on. Take the bottom exit. Make your way to the bottom of the corridor, then take the bottom left exit. You're back in the Item Collection Room, which somehow clones itself in both castles. :) Once you're finished admiring your m4d d3c0r4t1nG sk1!!Z, return to the vertical corridor and take the top left exit. Head all the way to the left and take the door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Cave of Skeletons A Music Track: Skeleton Cave Enemies Found: Archer Skeleton, Big Ghost, Bone Pillar, Glass Skeleton, Koukidou Skeleton, Munemune, Red Skeleton, Skeleton Ape, Skeleton Flail, Skeleton Soldier, Throw Master, White Dragon Bosses Found: Legion Corpse Items Found: Bookshelf, Floodgate Key, Gramophone, Heart Max Up, High Mana Prism, Hint Card 5, Life Max Up x2, Sypha's Crystal, Thunder Robe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down and take the bottom exit. Head to the top right corner of this room for the Gramophone, then head to the bottom left corner. Climb up to get the Thunder Robe then take the bottom exit. Head all the way to the left and break the wall. Continue all the way to the left for percentage, as there is nothing here. (There was a point to this actually, but we'll get to that later.) Head all the way to the right and take the exit there. Climb all the way up to grab the Bookshelf. (How the heck does Juste carry around all this furniture anyway?) Return to the bottom and take the left exit, then the top one. Back in the large room, head for the top left corner and take the exit there. You will find yourself in a box puzzle room. Push the lower box over so you can reach the ledge, then push the box on the ledge off the right side. Jump down and push the first box off to the left, then push the second box to the left so that it is halfway off of the first one (creating a "stairway" of sort.) This should allow you to jump up to the Heart Max Up, so do so then continue on your way, taking the left exit. Another box puzzle. Make your way over to the boxes, then push the lower box most of the way to the left (leave a small space between the box and the little wall.) Then, push the box on the ledge off to the left. You should now be able to stand on the first box, and push the second one further to the left (and off the wall). Jump down and continue pushing the box to the left, allowing you to continue. Pick up the Life Max Up in the top right corner before taking the left exit. Continue left through the Glass Skeleton room. (BTW, the Glass Skeletons are easily killed and give a pretty good amount of EXP... if you're not already above level 40 or so.) Make your way up, over, down, and take the left exit for a Save Point. Continue left. Make your way up and take the top exit. Exit right, then right again. In this room, the monster mimics your moves, and you need to make it jump over the bump and step on the switch. Do so, then exit right. Hint Card 5 is in this room, so grab it then drop down. Here you'll find the Ring of Arc.. er, I mean the Rare Ring. Exit up, then exit left five more times. Drop down and take the left exit. Yet another box puzzle. You'll find two boxes on a ledge to the left, and one to the right. Push the leftmost box left off the ledge it's on, then left off the ledge it lands on. Push it to the right so that about half of it is hanging over the hole. Then, push the box remaining on the left ledge over to the right, onto the box below. Follow it, and nudge the second box as far as it can go to the right without falling off the first box. Then, go push the box on the upper right ledge off to the left, onto the stack of boxes you've created below. Then, go down and push the top box off the stack to the right. If you have done this correctly, you should be able to go to the bottom right corner, slide to the left, then jump up the hole right next to the box you just knocked over, and push it over to the right so you can reach the ledges there. Climb up and take the Floodgate Key in the upper left corner. The top exit leads back to the cavern under Entrance B, but you won't get too far at the moment. You can reach the shop there, but the merchant there will not appear until you are level 50 or above. So, just use your Saveroom function and reset to return to the Save Point. Exit left, then go up, over, down, and exit left again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legion Corpse Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle with Legion is more annoying then the last, but not much more difficult. Keep whipping at the shell; you will not do any damage, but this will cause it to open up some. When its opened up enough that you see the skeleton, whipping it will cause damage. (But it will not stay open for long, making this battle more tedious than difficult.) Watch out for the maggots that are occasionally released and creep along the bottom of the screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue left for Sypha's Crystal, and that's all there is to the Cave of Skeletons A. Make your way back to the hallway that leads to the Item Collection Room (quickly, from the room with Sypha's Crystal, exit right eight times, exit up, then right twice more.) Once there, take the right exit to pay a visit to Moss-Grown Cave A. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Moss-Grown Cave A Music Track: Liminous Cavern Enemies Found: Axe Armor II, Bat, Blade Master, Bone Pillar, Disc Armor, Ectoplasm, Hammer Hammer, Pixie, Shokujinhana, Slyph, Small Devil, Victory Armor Bosses Found: Death, Talos Items Found: Arm Plate, Full Helm, Heart Max Up x3, Griffin's Wing, Hint Card 1, Invincibility Potion, Leggings, Life Max Up, Meat, Skull Key, Uncurse --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head right and exit. Climb your way up and exit right again. Take the top exit, then climb all the way up for some Meat. (Ignore the right exit for now). Drop back down, then continue and exit right. Save at the save point, then exit right again. You'll find a Heart Max Up and the Full Helm at the top of this room. Get them, then break down the barrier to the top left exit. Exit left to find yourself at another Circular Warp. Push Up to activate it in Castle B, then return to Castle A. Leave the warp room, then take the right exit from the large room. Explore this room to find an Invincibility Potion. Exit left, then take the bottom exit from the large room. Head left, and exit down. Head left again for Hint Card 1. Head all the way to the right and take the exit. Make your way down and exit left. Work your way to the bottom of this room, and exit left. Juste will automatically use the Floodgate Key here, which will drain water from elsewhere in the Cave. Exit right, then right again. If you are at an odd level, the merchant will be waiting for you here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Moss-Grown Cave A Condition: Odd numbered level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G High Potion 200G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Velvet Mantle 1350G Heavy Armor 2000G Barrel Helm 2300G Morion 3000G Bloody Gloves 2100G Greaves 1700G Cabaset 3800G Silver Boots 2800G Battle Armor 6000G Lobster Tail Pot 4400G Ceramic Mail 15000G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to the Save Point (Saveroom then reset!), then exit left and take the bottom exit. Head left and take the bottom exit. Head all the way to the right for the Arm Plate, then go all the way to the left and take the bottom exit. Climb down, take the Leggings, then head and exit right. Continue right and exit, then climb up and exit left. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death likes to teleport around a lot, and do one of three things: 1) Dash forward and swing his scythe at you (dash back to avoid this) 2) Throw his scythe at you (usually ducking will work) 3) Laugh, and start summoning beams of light (you can see these coming, so get between two of them and start smacking the heck out of Death for daring to use such a wimpy attack on you. :) Occassionally some sickles will materialize out of thin air and fly at you (longtime Castlevania fans will expect this), so destroy any that get in your way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After beating Death... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He will change into a large skeleton snake-like thing and start flying slowly around the room. You can jump on its back if you need to, but at all costs stay away from its claws, as they can do quite a bit of damage. The weak point is its head. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahem. As I was saying, after beating Death, exit left to find the Griffin's Wing, which allows you to do a super jump by pushing Down, then Up + Jump. Head back to the Save Point (Saveroom then reset! :), then exit right and take the bottom exit again. This time head right and exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talos Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This thing is big, but easily dispatched. Its weak point is its knee, which you can easily whip from the ground. Anytime it sticks its arm out or kneels is your cue to dash backwards, then move in again when its safe to do so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit right. When you see the "hole" in the ceiling in this room, super jump up to a Heart Max Up. Come back down then go all the way to the right, then super jump your way up again and exit left. Exit left again to find the Skull Key. While we're in the neighbourhood, let's fill in a few gaps on the map, shall we? Return to the Save Point, exit left, then take the top exit, then work your way towards the Waterway of Aquatic. Once there, do the ol' Saveroom/Reset trick. This time, exit left, then go to Circular Warp and return to Moss-Grown Cave B. Fill in the gaps here, grabbing a Heal Walker and an X-Potion in the far right room. Well, there's really no quick way to do this; we need to go to Entrance B. I suggest getting there through Cave of Skeletons B, as there are two rooms there we couldn't get to before. Here's the quick and dirty walkthrough from the Circular Warp room in Moss-Grown Cave B: Right, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, down, down then head all the way to the left for Christopher Soul. When equipped your whip will do a fireball attack if you have full HP. From here head to the Save Point, then super jump through the ceiling. You'll collect the Summon Book and the Devil Vase. From the Save Point: Left, up, left, left, up will get you to Entrance B. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Entrance B Music Track: Entrance Enemies Found: Feather Demon, Transparent Skeleton, Skeleton Liquid Bosses Found: None Items Found: Beautiful Vase, Combat Suit, Dracula's Rib, Heart Max Up, High Mana Prism x2, High Potion, Lure Key, Secondhand Vase --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb up, taking out the barrier with the Crush Stone, and pick up the High Mana Prism along the way. The first exit on the left is a Save Point. A little higher (and a High Potion and Beautiful Vase later), you'll come across two exits. The left exit is a Warp Point (which is locked at the moment), and the right exit is a shop. The merchant only appears if you are level 50 or above, and have the Griffin Wing turned on. (This shop also exists in Entrance A with identical merchandise, so this list will be for both shops:) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Entrance Condition: Level 50 or above, Griffin Wing activated --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G High Potion 200G X-Potion 800G Mana Prism 250G High Mana Prism 1000G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Invincibility Potion 10000G Platinum Crown 9999G Scarlet Silk Hat 9800 Platinum Shoes 5000G Infinite Shoes 12000G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, super jump your way up and take the top exit. Head left, take the top exit, then exit right for a Heart Max Up. Exit left, then down, then left again. Dispatch the Feather Demons and exit left again. Head all the way to the left to pick up the Combat Suit. Turn around and head back to the right and exit. Head right some more, then take the top exit. Head left and exit up. Climb up and exit up. There is a Save Point to the left, save there and head right. Take the top exit. Head to the right a bit for percentage, then head left and exit. In this room, the bottom left exit leads to the Lure Key and the top left exit leads to a Circular Warp. Get the key and then take the warp to Entrance A; we have some more annoying backtracking to do. (You did save at that last Save Point, right?) Leave the warp, then drop down and take the bottom left exit for the Attack Platinum (STR +20). Super jump back up and exit right. Head all the way to the right for a Heart Max Up, then take the bottom exit. Quick walkthrough again: Down, down, down, right, down. Work your way down to the first left exit. This time you'll be able to open the door to the Circular Warp. Push Up to activate it in Castle B as well, then return to Castle A. The right exit is a shop, and the lower left exit is a Save Point (visit, but don't save here.) Backtrack down to the Save Point in Cave of Skeletons A, and super jump through the middle of the ceiling for a High Mana Prism and a Life Max Up. Saveroom and reset. Back at the Save Point in Entrance B, head right and exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Corridor of Marble B Music Track: Marble Corridor Enemies Found: Arahabaki, Armored Flea Man, Axe Armor II, Devil, Flea Man, Lizardman, Lizard Master, Oh, Pike Master, Poison Lizard, Spectre Bosses Found: None Items Found: High Potion, Jet Black Cloak, Life Max Up, Viking Helm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue right through several more rooms, and take the first bottom exit you come across. Drop all the way down and take the left exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Room of Illusion B Music Track: Marble Corridor Enemies Found: Oh, Spriggan, Victory Armor Bosses Found: None Items Found: Life Max Up, Silk Curtain --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head all the way to the left for a Silk Curtain. Exit right, then right again. Climb down and take the lower left exit. Head all the way to the left for a Life Max Up. Exit right twice, then take the upper left exit, then exit up back to the Corridor of Marble. From here, take the upper left exit, then exit left again for a Life Max Up. Exit right twice, then take the right exit again. Drop down and exit right yet again. Take the top exit, head left for a Save Point (save here, we're going to use this as a bookmark again), then take the top exit again. Exit right for the Jet Black Mantle. Return to the save point and head all the way to the right, then drop down and take the bottom left exit. The Pike Master here is tough, but drops some interesting items. Once you're explored this room, head back and exit right. Explore this room thoroughly (taking the High Potion in the upper right corner), then take the right exit. Climb up the stairs and jump to the ledge on the left. Continue left, then up and right. You'll find a Viking Helm at the end of this passage. Return to the stairway and keep climbing. Then jump down the gap and climb down the second stairway. There's nothing at the bottom but percentage, though. Climb back up and take the right exit. Take the Heart Max Up in this room then exit right. You're now in the Castle Tower again. Exit right again, then take the next two bottom exits. Then take the next two right exits, then down again. Exit left for a Circular Warp and the Solar Armor. Push Up to activate this warp in Castle A and grab the Lunar Armor. The trick to these armors is that the Solar Armor gives +80 DEF in Castle A but only +40 in Castle B. Similarly, the Lunar Armor is +80 in Castle B but only +40 in Castle A. Stay in Castle A but go back the way you came, to the room that connects the Castle Tower to the Corridor of Marble. You'll find a Silver Armor there. Now, do the Saveroom and reset trick to get back to Corridor of Marble B. From the Save Point exit right twice then take the bottom exit, then exit right again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: The Approach of Deplore B Music Track: Shrine of the Apostates Enemies Found: Big Ghost, Bone Pillar, Owl, Shimon Bosses Found: None Items Found: Antidote, Goddess Statue, Life Max Up, Potion, Silver Candlestick, Smashing Boots --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go all the way to the right and take the bottom exit. Immediately exit right again for a Life Max Up. Exit left, then make your way over to the top left exit. Grab the Silver Candlestick in the top left corner of this room, and then take the left exit. Grab the Potion in the bottom right corner and the Goddess Statue in the top right corner, then work your way to the top left corner for the Smashing Boots. Exit right, then take the bottom right exit. Head and exit right again. Here, there's an Antidote at the top right. Take the right exit. Explore this small passage, but don't take the right exit. It just leads back to the Castle Tower. Instead, exit left twice then take the bottom exit, then exit right. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Heretic's Grave B Music Track: Shrine of the Apostate Enemies Found: Bat, Big Ghost, Owl, Skewered Bone Pillar, Shimon Bosses Found: Cyclops Items Found: Heart Max Up x2, Large Meat, Meat, X-Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head right and exit down. Head all the way to the left and take the bottom exit. Head all the way to the right and take the top exit. Exit up again. Head right, grab the Large Meat, then exit down for a Heart Max Up. Exit up, head left, then take the bottom exit twice. Go all the way to the left and exit. Grab the Meat at the far left, then climb up and exit left. Head all the way to the left for an X-Potion, then return and take the bottom exit. Head right for a Save Point, then left for... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyclops Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern A) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle works much like the Minotaurus one; slide back when the Cyclops swings its hammer, and get on a ledge when it dashes. The Holy Water summon works pretty well too; I got 6 or 7 hits per cast, and that will hurt badly. A cheesy way to beat him is to activate the Holy Book + Thunder (Gradius Shield) combo before entering the room. Get close enough to Cyclops that the shield starts doing damage. Dash back to avoid any hammer attacks, and wait for him to charge. Once he starts a charge, jump onto the right platform, turn around, and duck. Your shields will still do damage, but his hammer cannot do damage to you. Restore your shields when necessary, and you'll kill him quickly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit left for a Heart Max Up, then take the door back to the Entrance. Head all the way to the beginning of the game (or what would be the beginning of the game, were this Castle A), and look for the vertical corridor just off the top of the screen. When you find it, super jump up. Equip the Smashing Boots and super jump again to continue your way up through the blocks. Grab the High Mana Prism and the Secondhand Vase, then exit right to find Dracula's Rib. Head to the nearest Warp and do the same thing in Castle A. This time you will get another High Mana Prism and a Magical Armor. You can beat the game now if you wish (technically, you could have beat it back when you got the Smashing Boots), but since you can get 200.0% and get whichever ending you wish, we may as well do a little map clean up. Let's start with Castle's Treasury A. I ignored it before because it was out of the way and except for one neat accessory, contains little of interest. Head back to the Circular Warp and warp to Castle Tower A. Head down and take the bottom exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Castle's Treasury A Music Track: Castle Enemies Found: Arahabaki, Archer Skeleton, Axe Armor II, Blade Master, Disc Armor, Flea Man, Master Lizard, Poison Lizard, Ruler Sword LV3, Skeleton Ape, Skeleton Flail, Spectre, Spriggan Bosses Found: None Items Found: Closet, Greed Necklace, Heart Max Up, Heaven's Ring, Life Max Up, Plate Armor, Teacup, Teapot --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head all the way to the left and exit up. Go all the way left for a Heart Max Up, then return to the right and exit up. Grab the Closet to the right, then head left. Take the top exit, then explore this room for a Heaven's Ring. Leave this room, then continue left. Take the bottom exit, then grab the Plate Armor to the right. The bottom right exit leads to a shop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop List: Castle's Treasury A Condition: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion 80G High Potion 200G Antidote 20G Uncurse 20G Velvet Mantle 1350G Heavy Armor 2000G Barrel Helm 2300G Morion 3000G Bloody Gloves 2100G Greaves 1700G Cabaset 3800G Silver Boots 2800G Musical Necklace 5000G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take the top exit, then exit left. Drop to the bottom, then exit left twice for the Greed Necklace. When equipped, the value of money bags dropped by candles increases. For example, there is a $250 money bag in the vertical corridor you were just in. Equip the Necklace to make that candle start dropping $400 bags. Anyway, exit right twice, then climb up and exit left. Exit left again, then pick up the Teacup and Teapot in the upper left corner. Work your way down and take the bottom exit. From here, exit left for a Life Max Up and right for a Save Point. Leave the Save Point, exit up, exit right, then take the bottom exit. Head all the way to the left and exit to find a Circular Warp. Push up to activate it in Castle B, then exit to the left for a Life Max Up. Explore the rest of this room if you haven't already, then return to Castle A. Just a little more clean up to do. Warp to Chapel of a Heretic A. Exit right, then look for the smashable blocks on the ceiling. Super jump into them with the Smashing Boots equipped, then exit up. Grab the High Mana Prism and Large Meat, then break through the second set of blocks. Grab the X-Potion, Golden Candlestick, and Life Max Up to the right, then go to the left and whip the large hand. You'll get a message; the way to the final boss chamber in Castle A is now open. But first, take the bottom exit and exit right. Jump to the ledge on the right, head as far as you can go, then super jump to find Dracula's Eye. With all of Dracula's relics now in your possession, you can open the way to the final boss chamber in Castle B as well. Speaking of Castle B, we still have some unfinished business there. Head back to the Warp and switch castles. Once in Castle B, you may wish to make a "bookmark" save in the nearby Castle Tower Save Point before continuing. Exit right from the Warp Room, then smash the blocks in the ceiling. Explore to find two Invincibility Potions, a Heart Max Up, a Wine Glass, and the powerful Kaiser Mail. Leave this room, then head right and exit through the yellow door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts About: Chapel of a Heretic B Music Track: Chapel of Dissonance Enemies Found: Axe Armor II, Skeleton Spear, Spectre Bosses Found: None Items Found: Heart Max Up x2, Hero's Statue, High Potion, High Mana Prism, Hint Card 6, Invincibility Potion x2, Kaiser Mail, Mystic Robe, Wine Glass --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super jump straight up to find a High Mana Prism, then head to the area where you found Dracula's Eye in the other castle to find Hint Card 6 and a Life Max Up. Return to the stairway and climb down, picking up a Heart Max Up along the way. Over to the right, climb up for the Hero's Statue. Drop down, head all the way to the left for some percentage, then drop down the bottom exit. Head right and exit down for the next two screens, then drop for a High Potion then head left. Wind your way down to the bottom exit, then continue to the right. Exit right again and then take the bottom exit. You're back to the Corridor in the Air B. Unless there's something here you'd like to see again, Saveroom and reset. Now, let's rack up a few endings, shall we? Head back to the Warp Point in Castle Tower A. From there, exit right, up, left, left, and down. Explore as much of this room as you can without actually getting to the middle part of the very bottom. Once done, well, go to the elevator platform at the middle part of the very bottom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxim Tactics Boss Music Track: Boss (Loop Pattern C) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equip your best armor for this one. His basic attack is swinging his sword, which is fairly short range. More annoying is his image attack, where he sends multiple images at you. These are difficult to avoid, but don't do as much damage as his sword. Still more annoying is when he splits into two images, but only one takes damage. He'll also occasionally toss his Shuriken at you. I recommend bringing the Sacred Fist into this battle; the Wind Fusion is extraordinarly powerful, and if you can get both of the images on one side of you can still hit the real Maxim. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations! You just got the normal ending. That's good enough to enjoy the Boss Rush Mode, but if you want 200.0% (and the Sound Test), there is still more to be done. Restart your game, but this time warp to Castle Tower B. From there, exit right, up, left, left, and down. As before, explore as much of this room as you can before triggering the elevator, then step on the elevator to confront Maxim again. This battle is the same as before, except you'll get an even worse ending when you beat him. Good job. :P Oh well, at least now you should have 200.0%. OK, let's get it right this time, shall we? Head back to Maxim's chamber in Castle Tower B, but this time, immediately after defeating Maxim, equip both Juste's Bracelet and Maxim's Bracelet. (Contrary to earlier reports, you do not need to be wearing them during the battle. You may wish to do this anyway, since you need to be wearing them after defeating Maxim but before the dialogue starts up.) This time, the _real_ final boss will appear when you beat Maxim. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula Phantom Tactics Boss Music Track: Last Battle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go ahead and re-equip your best armor. This is the textbook standard Dracula battle; he warps in and shoots some fireballs (which you can whip) or unleashes some meteors (which you can't, but can be jumped and/or ducked). This is also your chance to hit him. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula Phantom Tactics Boss Music Track: Last Battle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, you didn't think it would be that easy, did you? :) Dracula's second form is big and ugly, and it makes an easy target for the Holy Water Summon if you have it. (The Sacred Fist + Wind combo is still a good second choice; Dracula is so darned big you'll hit it twice per shot.) The only things to watch out for here are its claw and the laser it occasionally fires. Neither are particularly difficult to avoid, and this battle will probably be over very quickly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will get you the best ending, and access to the Sound Test mode. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Miscellaneous Tips :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MSC] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Why Don't I Have 200.0%? * Most percentage problems in this game will mostly be a matter of not having the right item to get to a certain area; there really are not that many hidden areas. That said, there are a few: 1) Corridor in the Air: the save point here has a breakable wall. 2) Cave of Skeletons: Once you have the Griffin's Wing, you can super jump through the ceiling of the Save Point here. 3) Waterway of Aquatic: One room here has a brick wall, part of which is false. Just jump up and hold to the left. 4) Clockwork Tower A: In the "Race the Marble" room, you'll notice a small vertical corridor with some ledges, but a wall is blocking your way. Get even with the topmost ledge and slide through the wall. * Boss Rush Mode * To unlock Boss Rush Mode, simply beat the game (any ending.) When you first enter this mode, your only choices will be "Easy" and "Score". Easy starts your contest against a few of the CoMS bosses. You can pick up one of the five subweapons before the boss fights start, but you'll be stuck with it for the duration of the game so choose wisely. Notice also that some (all?) of the bosses in this mode have more HP than they do in the normal game. Beating Easy unlocks Normal, which is the same thing except with more bosses. Similarly, beating Normal unlocks Hard, which has even more bosses. Your default character for Boss Rush mode is, of course, Juste Belmont. Juste will be able to double jump and super jump, but he will not be able to use Spell Fusion. Here are Juste's stats in Boss Rush mode: Level: 50 Max HP: 378 Max MP: 222 Max Hearts: 165 STR: 195 DEF: 203 INT: 157 LCK: 89 Want to play as Maxim instead? Quickly hold L + R after you choose your difficulty. You'll hear a tone if the code worked. Maxim's stats are as follows: Level: 40 Max HP: 306 Max MP: 197 Max Hearts: 135 STR: 159 DEF: 191 INT: 131 LCK: 79 Want to play as Simon Belmont instead? (Yes, you read that right.) When you start the game, enter the Konami code at the screen with the Konami logo. (That's Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.) If it worked, you'll notice that the title screen is now blue again. Now, just select Boss Rush as normal. Simon is quite powerful, but plays just like he did in the original Castlevania. That means no Sacred Fist or Holy Book subweapons, no sliding, no double jumping, no super jumping, and no controlling jumps in mid-air. (It also means that he is immune to poison and curse. :) Also, his Holy Water is the original version with the stationary flame, which makes it very damaging to earthbound bosses that don't move around much. Simon gets his own ending when he beats Boss Rush (at least on hard; haven't tried the other modes yet.) Also, Boss Rush music changes to Vampire Killer. Here are Simon Belmont's stats: Level: 79 Max HP: 566 Max MP: 294 Max Hearts: 249 STR: 276 DEF: 196 INT: 227 LCK: 113 * Sound Test * To unlock the sound test, you must beat the game by defeating Dracula. * Name Codes * Bored with Boss Rush? (Or just not interested in the first place?) Well, after beating the game with Juste, start a new game and put in one of the following for your name: MAXIM - Play the game as Maxim. HARDGAME - Play the game as Juste, but a bit harder this time. Juste's attacks will do roughly 25% less damage than they do in the regular game. NO MAGIC - Play the game as Juste, but you won't be able to use Spell Fusion. Use the R button to enter the space; if you use the space on the letter selection this code will not work. * Rare Ghost * The Rare Ghost only appears in certain rooms, but doesn't appear all of the time. The chances of it appearing are based on your LCK, but even at 999 LCK it will only appear about 25% of the time. With a more reasonable luck score your chances are probably closer to 1% or 2%. Here are the locations I currently know about: - The room directly under the Circular Warp Room in Clockwork Tower B. It will appear right at the beginning, so you can just quickly enter and leave the room until it shows up. - Also in Clockwork Tower B, from the Save Point exit left, left (putting you in the Peeping Big room), left, then up. If you're lucky, the Rare Ghost will appear behind the Spectre to the right in this room. - The room at the bottom of Castle's Treasury A with the Ruler Sword Lv 3, right before the room where you find the Greed Necklace. - The room to the right of the uppermost Save Point in Castle Tower A. - The rightmost room in Room of Illusion B with the three Victory Armors. - The very beginning of Entrance B (outside the castle), just to the left of the corridor you can super jump through to get Dracula's Rib. - A bit to the left of the candle containing the Cross in Heretic's Grave B (from the Save Point there exit left, then up to get to the right room.) - Amongst the Arahabakis in the rightmost dead end room in Waterway of Aquatic B (from the Save Point exit right, down, then right again.) - From the Save Point in Moss-Grown Cave A, exit right, down, then down again. The Ghost may appear near the dead-end to the left. * Leap Stone Stomp Trick * After getting the Sylph Feather you might have noticed you can do a stomp attack by pressing Down (or diagonally Down and either Left or Right) and Attack at the same time. After hitting an enemy with this, you will bounce off them, and be able to double jump again. You can use this to your advantage to reach a few places that can't otherwise be reached without the Griffin's Wing. Most notably, you can get Dracula's Eye this way by bouncing off the Flying Skeletons in Chapel of a Heretic A. * Sacred Fist + Ice Spellbook Trick * Here's a neat little trick you can use to reach some ledges before getting the Sylph Feather or Griffin's Wing. Find a ledge that you can almost, but not quite, jump to. At the height of your jump, use the Sacred Fist + Ice combo, and you will end up on top of the ledge. One place to use this is in the room in the Approach of Deplore A with the Logos Ring that you cannot normally reach until you have the Sylph Feather. You can also use it to get the out of reach Heart Max Up and Dracula's Ring in the Corridor of Marble the first time you pass through the area. (Actually it was the discovery of this by kenji1349 that lead Machinegun to find other uses for the Sacred Fist + Ice Spellbook combo, which in turn, lead me to re-discover this trick. Heh.) The most game-breaking use of this trick is to get to the Entrance A warp room very early in the game. Once you have the Slyph's Feather, go back to the topmost Save Point in Entrance A, then exit right, then Up, then Left. You should see a ledge right above the entrance to this room (which itself is on a ledge of sorts.) What you do is walk right _almost_ off the ledge you start on, then double jump twice as fast as you can. If you didn't bump your head on the second jump, you should be able to Ice Fist to the right to land on the upper ledge. (This takes some practice. if you walk too far off the entrance ledge you won't be able to double jump, and if you don't walk far enough you'll just bump into the upper ledge on the second jump. I understand this still works in the English version, but as I've noted several times I don't own a copy so I have not confirmed this myself.) You can easily get from there to the other side of the wall. The lower left exit is, of course, the room with the Attack Platinum. As if this game wasn't easy enough... :) The top right is the Warp Room. However, you will not be able to use it until you've met Death in the Warp Room in Clockwork Tower A. At that point, you can warp back to Entrance A, then warp to Entrance B, then grab the Lure Key. From there, you can do all sorts of ridiculous things like getting the Levitation Boots from the Pike Master before getting the Griffin's Wing. Or, you can reach the Cave of Skeletons A and get the Floodgate Key before going through the rigamarole of getting Maxim's Bracelet. The amusing thing about this is that you can defeat Death and get the Griffin's Wing, then go back to Castle Tower A and watch the defeated Death kidnap Lydie. Heh. (As far as I know there are no dialogue changes if you do this.) Let's not even talk about levelling up to some absurd level early on... * Oops! * As noted by samsonlamhk on the GameFAQs board, the titles for the songs "Aqueduct of Dragons" and "Skeleton Cave" have been switched on the Sound Test screen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Maxim ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MAX] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Introduction to Maxim * After you've played through the Juste game, and you want to play a less traditional Castlevania game, you can choose to play the game as Maxim. To do so, after beating the Juste game, start a new game and enter "MAXIM" as your name. The Maxim game is essentially CoMS's version of the Richter game. There is no dialogue, Maxim cannot collect relics or rare items, and he does not gain levels. Maxim is armed only with his sword and his large shuriken subweapon (the only subweapon he can use.) He can however make use of the Life Max Ups and Heart Max Ups throughout the castle. Here are Maxim's stats (they're the same as in Boss Rush, except he's considered level 0 in his own game): Level: 0 Max HP: 306 (+5 per Life Max Up) Max MP: 197 Max Hearts: 135 (+5 per Heart Max Up) STR: 159 DEF: 191 INT: 131 LCK: 79 Several enemies and bosses, especially towards the beginning of the game, have increased HP to adjust for the fact that Maxim can do 79 damage right from the start. (The boss stats are probably the same as the boss stats for Boss Rush mode.) Apparently Maxim is unable to enter the final battle area in Castle A, and thusly the maximum Maxim (heh) percentage seems to be 198.3%. * Special Moves * Information that's always good to know. :) 1) Kick: Down + Attack 2) Slide: Down + Jump 3) Triple Jump: Jump, Jump, Jump Just like Juste with the Sylph Feather, except you get an extra leap. 4) Leap Stone Stomp: Anytime after a double jump, D + Jump Just like... you get the idea. 5) Screw Attack: In air, U + Jump Can be repeated in mid-air until you run out of MP. Also, you can simply hold U to roll along the floor until you run out of MP. Maxim is invincible during this move, and can damage enemies. (5 MP/roll) 6) Shuriken: U + Attack Maxim's only subweapon; he throws a large shuriken that will boomerang back to Maxim. (5 Hearts) 7) Mirage Attack: F, B, D, U + Attack Maxim splits into several images that jump around the screen. (100 MP) 8) Healing: U, D, DF, F + Attack Restores Maxim's HP. (50 Hearts) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Mechanics ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [MEC] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Notation * If you've read my CSOTN FAQ or anything by Ben Siron, this will be familiar to you. [x] - Denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [3.23] = 3. [9.9999] = 9. * Battle Mechanics * I haven't quite worked out all the details yet, but whip and basic subweapon damage seems to go something like this: Expected Damage = [STR * AM] Here are the attack multipliers: Regular whip attack: AM = 0.5 Wiggle/Twirl whip attack: AM = 0.1 Crush Stone level 1 attack: AM = 0.75 Crush Stone level 2 attack: AM = 1.0 Crush Stone level 3 attack: AM = 1.25 Axe: AM = 0.375 Dagger: AM = 0.25 Holy Book: AM = 0.375 Holy Cross: AM = 0.375 Holy Water: AM = 0.375 Sacred Fist: AM = 0.375 The expected damage is then adjusted somehow to account for enemy defense. I am not sure how this works exactly, but it depends on the enemy you are attacking and the value of the expected damage. Ironically, the lower the expected damage, the more the actual damage seems to be lowered. If the expected damage is high enough (and how high is "high enough" depends on what you are fighting), it will not be affected at all. The actual damage (which we'll call DMG for later reference) then is this: DMG = [Adjusted Damage * EM] Where EM is the elemental multiplier (these also work for Spell Fusion attacks, which shall be discussed shortly below.) Enemy neutral to element: EM = 1 (or attack has no element) Enemy tolerant to element: EM = 0.75 Enemy weak against element: EM = 1.5 Some examples will probably help at this point (but not much, since I still do not understand how damage adjusting works.) Whipping a Throw Master with a STR of 62 gives an expected damage of 31; you'll actually do 27. Whip a Merman with the Blue Stone equipped and an STR of 62; you get an expected damage of 31 again. However, the adjusted damage is still 27, and the elemental multipler kicks in to give you 40 points of damage. With an STR of 124, you would expect 62 damage against the Throw Master, and that's exactly what you'll get. If you have the Blue Stone equipped, attacking the Merman will get you the expected 62 multiplied by 1.5 for a total of 93 damage. Keeping the STR of 124, throwing a knife at a Throw Master will give you an expected damage of 31. But, as above with the first whip example, you will get 27. * Spell Fusion * Spell Fusion attacks use a similar formula, except you replace STR with INT, and use the following table to find the AM: +-----------+-----+------+---------+------+--------+ | | Ice | Fire | Thunder | Wind | Summon | +-----------+-----+------+---------+------+--------+ |None | N/A| N/A| N/A| N/A| *| |Axe | 1.25| 0.75| 1.25| 0.375| 1.125| |Dagger | 0.2| 0.5| 0.25| 0.1| 0.875| |Holy Book | 0.75| 0.75| 1.00| 0.5| 3.75| |Holy Cross | 0.25| 0.75| 1.00| 0.375| 1.00| |Holy Water |0.375| 0.875| 0.5| 0.375| 1.375| |Sacred Fist| 0.75| 0.75| 0.75| 2.00| 1.00| +-----------+-----+------+---------+------+--------+ * - Using the Summon Book with no subweapon results in a healing spell which, so far as I can tell, restores all HP. The annoying damage adjustment step still applies, as do the elemental multipliers. Some of the Summon spells seem to have one (or possibly more) elemental properties. For example, the Axe Summon seems to do fire damage against Shimon (at 156 INT, I get [[156 * 1.125] * 1.5] = 262 damage). But, I seem to also be getting Wind damage against Owl (still at 156 INT, I get [[156 * 1.125] * 0.75] = 131). * HARDGAME Damage Formula * To determine damage in HARDGAME mode, use the same formulas as described above to find DMG. The HARDGAME damage (or HDMG) is then found as follows: HDMG = DMG - [DMG / 4] This is usually equal to 75% of DMG, rounded up to the next integer (instead of truncating the decimal.) * Maxim * The same formulas apply to Maxim, using the following for AM: - STR based attacks - Sword: AM = 0.5 Kick: AM = 0.5 Slide: AM = 0.5 Screw Attack: AM = 0.5 Shuriken AM = 0.5 - INT based attacks - Mirage Attack AM = 1.25 * Simon Belmont * Simon's attacks work exactly the same as Juste's. - STR based attacks - Regular whip attack: AM = 0.5 Axe: AM = 0.375 Dagger: AM = 0.25 Holy Cross: AM = 0.375 * The Art of Leveling Up * Determining how much experience you need to reach any given level is fairly predicatble in CoMS: to reach level x, you need x * (x - 1) * 60 experience points. (For example, to reach level 10, you would need 10 * 9 * 60 = 5400 experience points.) This formula stops working somewhere around level 70, however. All stat increases are predetermined, as per the following chart: ------+----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- LV | EXP | HP | MP | Hts | STR | DEF | INT | LCK ------+----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- 1 | 0 | 50 | 100 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 25 2 | 120 | 57 | 102 | 33 | 32 | 31 | 32 | 26 3 | 360 | 64 | 105 | 37 | 34 | 32 | 35 | 27 4 | 720 | 70 | 107 | 40 | 38 | 33 | 37 | 28 5 | 1200 | 77 | 110 | 43 | 40 | 35 | 39 | 29 6 | 1800 | 83 | 112 | 45 | 44 | 37 | 42 | 30 7 | 2520 | 90 | 114 | 48 | 48 | 39 | 45 | 31 8 | 3360 | 96 | 117 | 51 | 50 | 40 | 47 | 32 9 | 4320 | 102 | 120 | 54 | 52 | 41 | 49 | 33 10 | 5400 | 108 | 123 | 56 | 56 | 42 | 52 | 34 11 | 6600 | 115 | 125 | 60 | 58 | 43 | 54 | 35 12 | 7920 | 122 | 128 | 63 | 60 | 44 | 57 | 36 13 | 9360 | 127 | 130 | 65 | 64 | 46 | 59 | 37 14 | 10920 | 135 | 132 | 67 | 66 | 47 | 62 | 38 15 | 12600 | 143 | 134 | 71 | 68 | 48 | 65 | 39 16 | 14400 | 151 | 137 | 75 | 70 | 50 | 68 | 40 17 | 16320 | 157 | 139 | 77 | 72 | 51 | 70 | 41 18 | 18360 | 162 | 141 | 79 | 76 | 52 | 72 | 42 19 | 20520 | 169 | 144 | 81 | 80 | 53 | 74 | 43 20 | 22800 | 176 | 147 | 84 | 84 | 54 | 77 | 44 21 | 25200 | 184 | 149 | 87 | 86 | 56 | 79 | 45 22 | 27720 | 192 | 151 | 89 | 90 | 58 | 81 | 46 23 | 30360 | 198 | 153 | 91 | 94 | 59 | 83 | 47 24 | 33120 | 203 | 155 | 93 | 96 | 61 | 85 | 48 25 | 36000 | 211 | 157 | 95 | 98 | 62 | 87 | 49 26 | 39000 | 216 | 160 | 99 | 100 | 63 | 89 | 50 27 | 42120 | 223 | 162 | 101 | 102 | 64 | 91 | 51 28 | 45360 | 231 | 165 | 103 | 104 | 65 | 93 | 52 29 | 48720 | 237 | 167 | 105 | 108 | 66 | 96 | 53 30 | 52200 | 245 | 170 | 107 | 110 | 67 | 99 | 54 31 | 55800 | 252 | 173 | 109 | 112 | 68 | 102 | 55 32 | 59520 | 258 | 175 | 111 | 116 | 69 | 105 | 56 33 | 63360 | 265 | 177 | 114 | 118 | 70 | 108 | 57 34 | 67320 | 272 | 180 | 117 | 122 | 72 | 111 | 58 35 | 71400 | 278 | 182 | 120 | 126 | 73 | 113 | 59 36 | 75600 | 283 | 185 | 123 | 130 | 74 | 115 | 60 37 | 79920 | 288 | 188 | 126 | 134 | 75 | 118 | 61 38 | 84360 | 294 | 191 | 129 | 138 | 76 | 120 | 62 39 | 88920 | 301 | 194 | 132 | 142 | 77 | 123 | 63 40 | 93600 | 306 | 197 | 135 | 144 | 79 | 126 | 64 41 | 98400 | 313 | 199 | 138 | 148 | 81 | 129 | 65 42 | 103320 | 321 | 201 | 141 | 152 | 82 | 131 | 66 43 | 108360 | 327 | 203 | 144 | 154 | 83 | 134 | 67 44 | 113520 | 334 | 206 | 146 | 156 | 85 | 137 | 68 45 | 118800 | 341 | 208 | 149 | 160 | 86 | 139 | 69 46 | 124200 | 349 | 211 | 152 | 164 | 87 | 142 | 70 47 | 129720 | 355 | 214 | 156 | 168 | 88 | 144 | 71 48 | 135360 | 363 | 216 | 158 | 172 | 89 | 147 | 72 49 | 141120 | 370 | 219 | 161 | 176 | 90 | 150 | 73 50 | 147000 | 378 | 222 | 165 | 180 | 91 | 152 | 74 51 | 153000 | 384 | 224 | 169 | 184 | 92 | 155 | 75 52 | 159120 | 392 | 227 | 172 | 186 | 93 | 157 | 76 53 | 165360 | 400 | 230 | 175 | 188 | 94 | 160 | 77 54 | 171720 | 407 | 233 | 177 | 190 | 96 | 162 | 78 55 | 178200 | 413 | 236 | 180 | 194 | 97 | 165 | 79 56 | 184800 | 420 | 238 | 184 | 196 | 98 | 168 | 80 57 | 191520 | 428 | 241 | 186 | 198 | 100 | 170 | 81 58 | 198360 | 433 | 243 | 190 | 202 | 102 | 172 | 82 59 | 205320 | 438 | 245 | 192 | 206 | 104 | 174 | 83 60 | 212400 | 445 | 247 | 195 | 208 | 105 | 177 | 84 61 | 219600 | 452 | 250 | 198 | 212 | 106 | 179 | 85 62 | 226920 | 460 | 252 | 201 | 214 | 108 | 182 | 86 63 | 234360 | 465 | 255 | 204 | 218 | 109 | 184 | 87 64 | 241920 | 471 | 257 | 207 | 220 | 110 | 187 | 88 65 | 249600 | 478 | 259 | 210 | 222 | 111 | 190 | 89 66 | 257400 | 483 | 262 | 212 | 224 | 113 | 193 | 90 67 | 265320 | 490 | 265 | 214 | 228 | 114 | 195 | 91 68 | 273360 | 496 | 268 | 217 | 232 | 116 | 197 | 92 69 | 281520 | 504 | 271 | 220 | 236 | 118 | 200 | 93 70 | 288800 | 509 | 274 | 222 | 238 | 119 | 203 | 94 71 | 296080 | 515 | 276 | 226 | 242 | 120 | 206 | 95 72 | 303360 | 522 | 278 | 229 | 246 | 121 | 209 | 96 73 | 310640 | 530 | 280 | 231 | 250 | 122 | 211 | 97 74 | 317920 | 536 | 282 | 234 | 252 | 123 | 214 | 98 75 | 325200 | 542 | 285 | 238 | 254 | 125 | 217 | 99 76 | 332480 | 549 | 287 | 242 | 258 | 127 | 220 | 100 77 | 339760 | 555 | 289 | 245 | 260 | 128 | 222 | 101 78 | 347040 | 560 | 292 | 247 | 262 | 129 | 225 | 102 79 | 354320 | 566 | 294 | 249 | 266 | 131 | 227 | 103 80 | 361600 | 574 | 297 | 251 | 268 | 134 | 229 | 104 81 | 368880 | 581 | 300 | 254 | 270 | 133 | 231 | 105 82 | 376160 | 588 | 303 | 257 | 274 | 134 | 233 | 106 83 | 383440 | 594 | 306 | 259 | 278 | 136 | 236 | 107 84 | 390720 | 602 | 308 | 262 | 280 | 137 | 239 | 108 85 | 398000 | 608 | 311 | 265 | 284 | 138 | 242 | 109 86 | 405280 | 615 | 314 | 268 | 288 | 139 | 245 | 110 87 | 412560 | 622 | 317 | 270 | 292 | 140 | 247 | 111 88 | 419840 | 630 | 319 | 272 | 296 | 141 | 250 | 112 89 | 427120 | 638 | 322 | 276 | 298 | 142 | 253 | 113 90 | 434400 | 659 | 390 | 333 | 368 | 227 | 328 | 202 91 | 441680 | 680 | 458 | 390 | 438 | 312 | 403 | 291 92 | 448960 | 701 | 526 | 447 | 508 | 397 | 478 | 380 93 | 456240 | 722 | 594 | 504 | 578 | 482 | 553 | 469 94 | 463520 | 743 | 662 | 561 | 648 | 567 | 628 | 558 95 | 470800 | 764 | 730 | 618 | 718 | 652 | 703 | 647 96 | 478080 | 785 | 798 | 675 | 788 | 737 | 778 | 736 97 | 485360 | 806 | 866 | 732 | 858 | 822 | 853 | 825 98 | 492640 | 827 | 934 | 789 | 928 | 907 | 928 | 914 99 | 499999 | 849 | 999 | 849 | 999 | 999 | 999 | 999 There are 30 Heart Max Ups and 30 Life Max Ups to be found, so if you are in the mood to get to level 99, you can have every stat at 999. However, given that starting at level 53 no enemy gives more than 1 EXP, this could take a very long time. * Experience Calculation * Similarly to CSOTN, the experience listed in the Encyclopedia is not necessarily what you will receive from defeating a given enemy. Here's how this works. If you are at a lower or equal level to the enemy you are fighting, you will get the listed EXP. If you are at a higher level than the enemy you are fighting, then you will get either 1 EXP or [LXP * (1 - ((Your Level - Enemy's Level) / 10)] EXP, whichever is larger. (LXP = the EXP value listed in the Encyclopedia.) In other words, you get 90% of LXP if you are one level above the enemy, 80% if you are 2 levels above, 70% if you are three levels, etc. If you are 10 levels above or higher, you only get 1 EXP. Let's take Shimon as an example: Your Level Experience Gained The Math ---------- ----------------- -------- 41 or less 488 This is the listed EXP. 42 439 [488 * 0.9] 43 390 [488 * 0.8] 44 341 [488 * 0.7] 45 292 [488 * 0.6] 46 244 [488 * 0.5] 47 195 [488 * 0.4] 48 146 [488 * 0.3] 49 97 [488 * 0.2] 50 48 [488 * 0.1] 51 or more 1 Awarded EXP cannot be less than 1. For the mathematically minded, a rough estimate of the level at which an enemy will only give 1 experience is... Enemy LV + 10 Adding an LOW (Level of Worthlessness) stat to my Enemy List shall not be necessary, I think. :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Whip :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [WHP] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note that in most cases there will be no visible indication that you have equipped a whip enhancement. (In other words, don't expect a flaming whip a la Circle of the Moon when you equip your Red Stone.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Platinum Type: Whip STR +20 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Entrance A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Stone Type: Whip STR +10 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Castle Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Stone Type: Whip STR +2 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Whip becomes Ice elemental. Find: Waterway of Aquatic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Circle of Energy Type: Whip STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Hold Attack: Juste performs Nathan's Twirling Whip of Doom[TM]. Find: Heretic's Grave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crush Stone Type: Whip STR -5 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Hold Attack: Charges whip. Release to unleash a more powerful attack that can also destroy some stone barriers. Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christopher Soul Type: Whip STR +5 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Whip unleashes a fireball if Juste is at full health. Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Stone Type: Whip STR +2 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Whip becomes Wind elemental Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Stone Type: Whip STR +2 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Whip becomes Fire elemental Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow Stone Type: Whip STR +2 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Whip becomes Thunder elemental Find: Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Body :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [BDY] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +45 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Axe Armor II --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Robe Type: Body STR +0 DEF +58 INT +10 LCK +0 Drop: Transparent Skeleton --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attractive Clothes Type: Body STR +0 DEF +20 INT +7 LCK +0 Drop: Witch --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +62 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Moss-Grown Cave A (6000G) Drop: Master Lizard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful Clothes Type: Body STR +0 DEF +18 INT +6 LCK +0 Find: The Approach of Deplore A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blizzard Robe Type: Body STR +0 DEF +30 INT +8 LCK +0 Find: Corridor in the Sky B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brigandine Type: Body STR +0 DEF +40 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Manemane --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bronze Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +18 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Skeleton Rib --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buff Coat Type: Body STR +0 DEF +25 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Ruler Sword --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Casual Clothes Type: Body STR +0 DEF +1 INT +5 LCK +0 Buy: Castle's Treasury B, Moss-Grown Cave B (98G) Drop: Zombie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceramic Mail Type: Body STR +0 DEF +90 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Moss-Grown Cave A (15000G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chain Mail Type: Body STR +0 DEF +28 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Ruler Sword Lv 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Suit Type: Body STR +8 DEF +46 INT +9 LCK +0 Find: Entrance B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloth Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +14 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Castle's Treasury B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cuirass Armor STR +0 DEF +22 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Clockwork Tower (1200G) Drop: Big Balloon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Mail Type: Body STR +0 DEF +55 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Gorgon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +8 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Armored Knight --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flame Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +36 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Armored Flea Man --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian Armor STR +0 DEF +36 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hard Leather Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +20 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Skeleton Ape --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal Walker Type: Body STR +0 DEF +30 INT +0 LCK +0 - Restores HP as you walk. Find: Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Mail Type: Body STR +0 DEF +15 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +48 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Castle's Treasury A, Moss-Grown Cave A (2000G) Drop: Poison Lizard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaiser Mail Type: Body STR +5 DEF +75 INT +5 LCK +5 Find: Chapel of a Heretic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +4 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Entrance A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Clothes Type: Body STR +0 DEF +2 INT +5 LCK +0 Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Robe Type: Body STR +0 DEF +15 INT +5 LCK +0 Drop: Ectoplasm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunar Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +40 INT +0 LCK +0 - Becomes DEF +80 when in Castle B. Find: Castle Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magical Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +64 INT +0 LCK +0 - Reduces Spell Fusion MP costs by 25%. Find: Entrance A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystic Robe Type: Body STR +0 DEF +35 INT +8 LCK +0 Find: Chapel of a Heretic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noble Clothes Type: Body STR +0 DEF +39 INT +8 LCK +0 Drop: Oh --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Padded Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +23 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Castle's Treasury B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parade Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +26 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Fishman --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plate Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +52 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Castle's Treasury A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plate Coat Type: Body STR +0 DEF +12 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Castle's Treasury B, Clockwork Tower, Moss-Grown Cave B (800G) Drop: Lizardman --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamellar Coat Type: Body STR +0 DEF +29 INT +7 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower, Clockwork Tower (1005G) Drop: Feather Demon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubber Plate Type: Body STR +0 DEF +6 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Castle's Treasury B, Moss-Grown Cave B (250G) Drop: Skeleton Soldier --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scale Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +30 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +75 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solar Armor Type: Body STR +0 DEF +40 INT +0 LCK +0 - DEF becomes +80 when in Castle A. Find: Castle Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- T Shirt Type: Body STR +0 DEF +3 INT +5 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Clockwork Tower, Moss-Grown Cave B (199G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Robe Type: Body STR +0 DEF +44 INT +9 LCK +0 Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Head :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [HED] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +15 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Clockwork Tower B (1800G) Drop: Bone Naga --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandanna Type: Head STR +0 DEF +1 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Room of Illusion A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbutte Type: Head STR +0 DEF +13 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Feather Demon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barrel Helm Type: Head STR +0 DEF +18 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Castle's Treasury A, Moss-Grown Cave A (2300G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bascinet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +16 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Harpy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bicoket Type: Head STR +0 DEF +8 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Skeleton Spider --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burgeonet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +12 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cabaset Type: Head STR +0 DEF +23 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle's Treasury A, Moss-Grown Cave A (3800G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Circlet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +3 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Rock Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corinthian Helmet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +9 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Clockwork Tower B (750 G) Drop: Ruler Sword --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloth Helmet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +5 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Castle's Treasury B, Moss-Grown Cave B (160G) Drop: Disc Armor, Skeleton Flail --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Face Guard Type: Head STR +0 DEF +10 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Helm Type: Head STR +0 DEF +22 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Crown Type: Head STR +0 DEF +28 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Pike Master --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian Helm Type: Head STR +0 DEF +14 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Helm Type: Head STR +0 DEF +21 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Melting Zombie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kettle Hat Type: Head STR +0 DEF +20 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Axe Armor II --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Cap Type: Head STR +0 DEF +4 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Helmet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +6 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Skeleton Spear --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lobster Tail Pot Type: Head STR +0 DEF +24 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Moss-Grown Cave A (4400G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morion Type: Head STR +0 DEF +19 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Moss-Grown Cave A (3000G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilos Type: Head STR +0 DEF +11 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower, Clockwork Tower B (1050G) Drop: Merman --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum Crown Type: Head STR +0 DEF +30 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Entrance (9999G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sallet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +7 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Moss-Grown Cave B (340G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlet Silk Hat Type: Head STR +0 DEF +25 INT +5 LCK +0 Buy: Entrance (9800G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silk Hat Type: Head STR +0 DEF +17 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Skeleton Mirror --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Tiara Type: Head STR +0 DEF +25 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Sylph --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel Helmet Type: Head STR +0 DEF +26 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Blades Master --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turban Type: Head STR +0 DEF +2 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Slime --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viking Helm Type: Head STR +0 DEF +27 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Corridor of Marble B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Hands ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [HND] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Guard Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +18 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Ruler Sword Lv 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Plate Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +21 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloody Gloves Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +25 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Castle's Treasury A, Moss-Grown Cave (2100G) Drop: Blades Master --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gauntlet Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +4 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Scarecrow --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glove Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +7 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Archer Skeleton --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian Glove Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +14 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hard Leather Glove Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +10 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Waterway of Aquatic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Gloves Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +2 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel Gauntlet Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +28 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Spriggan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wristband Type: Hands STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Castle's Treasury B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Legs :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [LEG] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bronze Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +6 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Throw Master --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foot Guarder Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +5 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greaves Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +12 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Castle's Treasury A, Moss-Grown Cave A (1700G) Drop: Ruler Sword Lv 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +8 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Shoes Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Allows for infinite jumping in mid-air. Buy: Entrance (12000G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +9 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Axe Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +2 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Entrance A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Greaves Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +3 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower B, Castle's Treasury B, Moss-Grown Cave B (140G) Drop: Peeping Eye --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leggings Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +16 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Levitation Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - When equipped, Juste will stay in mid-air after jumping, and will be able to literally fly. Lower him back to the ground (or unequip the Boots) to return to normal control. Drop: Pike Master --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum Shoes Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +25 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Entrance (5000G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +23 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle's Treasury A, Moss-Grown Cave A (2800G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smashing Boots Type: Legs STR +0 DEF +15 INT +0 LCK +0 - Allows super jump to smash through some kinds of blocks Find: The Approach of Deplore B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Goods ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [GDS] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 DEF +0 LCK +0 - When equipped, the unfused Sacred Fist punches a wider area. (10 Hearts) Buy: Castle Tower A (5000G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bangle Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +3 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower, Clockwork Tower B (550G) Drop: Axe Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Instead of travelling along the ground, a Holy Water flame will bounce once, then stay where it lands. (5 Hearts). Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crest Bracelet Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +15 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Hammer Hammer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Green Mantle Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +5 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Chapel of a Heretic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Night Glasses Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +2 LCK +1 - Allows you to see in dark rooms... Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - When equipped, an unfused Holy Book will rotate around Juste instead of spiralling outward. In other words, it will become the CSOTN Holy Book instead of the Rondo Holy Book. :) (5 Hearts) Find: Waterway of Aquatic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Necklace Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +3 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Arahabaki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greed Necklace Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Increases value of Money Bags. Find: Castle's Treasury A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart Checker Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heaven's Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - When equipped, an unfused Axe flies much more slowly. (6 Hearts) Find: Castle's Treasury A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Increases resistance to Curse. Find: Castle Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jet Black Cloak Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +18 INT +0 LCK +8 Find: Corridor of Marble B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juste Bracelet Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Juste starts with this equipped. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaiser Knuckle Type: Goods STR +3 DEF +3 INT +0 INT +0 Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logos Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - When dagger subweapon is used, three daggers will be thrown instead of one. (2 Hearts) Find: The Approach of Deplore A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +20 Drop: Rare Ghost Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxim's Bracelet Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medusa Pendant Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Increases resistance to stone. Drop: Gold Head --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirror Pendant Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Increases resistance to poison. Drop: Shokujinhana --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musical Necklace Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +5 LCK +0 Buy: Castle's Treasury A (5000G) Drop: Koukidou Skeleton --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystic Brooch Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +15 LCK +0 Drop: Rare Ghost --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - When equipped, Holy Cross range increases. (8 Hearts) Buy: Castle Tower B (5000G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pendant Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +1 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Medusa Head --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rare Ring Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 - Increases rare item appearence. Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silk Cape Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +2 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: The Approach of Deplore A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlet Mantle Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +12 INT +0 LCK +3 Drop: Flying Skeleton --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shinobi Mantle Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +15 INT +0 LCK +5 Drop: Victory Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Bracelet Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +10 INT +0 LCK +0 Drop: Gorgon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squall Mantle Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +8 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sypha's Crystal Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +0 Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talisman Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +0 INT +0 LCK +10 Find: Room of Illusion A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Velvet Mantle Type: Goods STR +0 DEF +3 INT +0 LCK +0 Buy: Castle Tower A, Castle's Treasury A, Clockwork Tower B, Moss-Grown Cave A (1350G) Drop: Skeleton Liquid --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Items ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ITM] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote Type: Item - Cures poison [use]. Buy: Castle Tower, Castle's Treasury, Clockwork Tower, Entrance, Moss-Grown Cave (20G) Drop: Skeleton Liquid, Slime, Witch Find: The Approach of Deplore B, Chapel of a Heretic A, Corridor in the Air A, Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Map 1 Type: Item - Adds to your automap parts of the Entrance, Corridor of Marble, Heretic's Grave, and The Approach of Deplore. Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Map 2 Type: Item - Adds to your automap parts of Castle's Treasury, Castle Tower, Cave of Skeletons, and Moss-Grown Cave. Buy: Castle's Treasury B (105G) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Map 3 Type: Item - Adds to your automap parts of the Clockwork Tower, Chapel of a Heretic, and Corridor in the Air. Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Type: Item - Sell for 1000G Drop: Pixie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floodgate Key Type: Item - Allows you to drain the flooded parts of Moss-Grown Cave A. Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Mana Prism Type: Item - Restores 100 MP [use] Buy: Entrance (1000G) Drop: Pixie, Sylph Find: Cave of Skeletons A, Chapel of a Heretic A, Chapel of a Heretic B, Clockwork Tower B, Entrance A, Entrance B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Potion Type: Item - Restores 150 HP [use] Buy: Castle's Treasury A, Clockwork Tower, Entrance, Moss-Grown Cave A (200G) Drop: Disc Armor II, Bone Naga, Hammer Hammer, Harpy, Koukidou Skeleton, Shimon Find: Castle Tower B, Chapel of the Heretic B, Clockwork Tower B, Corridor in the Air A, Corridor of Marble B, Entrance B, Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint Card 1 Type: Item - ? Find: Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint Card 2 Type: Item - ? Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint Card 3 Type: Item - ? Find: Chapel of a Heretic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint Card 4 Type: Item - ? Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint Card 5 Type: Item - ? Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint Card 6 Type: Item - ? Find: Chapel of a Heretic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invincibility Potion Type: Item - Renders you invunerable for a short period of time. [use] Buy: Entrance (10000G) Find: Chapel of a Heretic B, Clockwork Tower B, Corridor in the Air A, Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Large Meat Type: Item - Restores 200 HP [use] Drop: Master Lizard, Owl, Poison Lizard Find: Chapel of a Heretic A, Corridor in the Air B, Heretic's Grave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lure Key Type: Item - Allows you to open glowing doors Find: Entrance B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana Prism Type: Item - Restores 20 MP [use] Buy: Clockwork Tower, Entrance (250G) Drop: Siren Find: The Approach of Deplore A, Corridor of the Air B, Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meat Type: Item - Restores 100 HP [use] Drop: Oh Find: The Approach of Deplore A, Heretic's Grave A, Heretic's Grave B, Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midday Constellation Type: Item - Causes the merchant to appear in the Clockwork Tower. Drop: Shimon, Spectre --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opal Type: Item - Can be sold for 125 gold. Drop: Large Skeleton Find: Heretic's Grave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion Type: Item - Restores 70 HP. [Use] Buy: Castle Tower, Castle's Treasury, Clockwork Tower, Entrance, Moss-Grown Cave (80G) Find: The Approach of Deplore A, Castle Tower B, Castle's Treasury B, Cave of Skeletons, Chapel of a Heretic A, Entrance A, Corridor of Marble A, Heretic's Grave A, Heretic's Grave B, Moss-Grown Cave B Drop: Archer Skeletion, Fishman, Lizardman, Manemane, Merman, Peeping Eye, Rock Armor, Screw Dragon, Shokujinhana, Skeleton Blade, Skeleton Soldier, Skeleton Spider --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruby Type: Item - Sell for 600G Drop: Glass Skeleton --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapphire Type: Item - Sell for 500G Drop: Spectre --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skull Key Type: Item - Allows you to open skull doors Find: Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turquoise Type: Item - Sell for 200G Drop: Little Devil Find: Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncurse Type: Item - Cures curse [use] Buy: Castle Tower, Castle's Treasury, Clockwork Tower, Entrance, Moss-Grown Cave (20G) Drop: Ectoplasm, Melting Zombie, Skeleton Rib Find: Castle's Treasury B, Moss-Grown Cave A, Moss-Grown Cave B, Waterway of Aquatic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Potion Type: Item - Restores HP [use] Buy: Entrance (800G) Find: Castle Tower A, Chapel of a Heretic A, Clockwork Tower B, Corridor in the Air A, Heretic's Grave B, Moss-Grown Cave B, Waterway of Aquatic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Spellbooks :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [SPB] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Spellbook Type: Spellbook Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Spellbook Type: Spellbook Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Spellbook Type: Spellbook Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Spellbook Type: Spellbook Find: Castle Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summon Book Type: Spellbook Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Equipment - Relics :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [REL] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I've listed these in alphabetical order by my (mis)translations, not the order they appear on the menu. The menu order goes like this: Lizard's Tail Sylph's Feather Griffin's Wing Soul Orb Faerie Book Encyclopedia Dracula's Eye Dracula's Heart Dracula's Rib Dracula's Nail Dracula's Fang Dracula's Ring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula's Eye Type: Relic - Prevents Curse Find: Chapel of a Heretic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula's Fang Type: Relic - DEF +10 Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula's Heart Type: Relic - Prevents Stone Find: Corridor in the Air B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula's Nail Type: Relic - STR +10 Find: Waterway of Aquatic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula's Rib Type: Relic - Prevents Poison Find: Entrance B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula's Ring Type: Relic - LCK +10 Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Encyclopedia Type: Relic - Unlocks the "Encyclopedia" option under the Secret Info menu. This is the Enemy List. Find: The Approach of Deplore A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faerie Book Type: Relic - Allows you to see enemy names when you hit them (a la the Faerie Scroll in CSOTN.) Find: Corridor of Marble A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffin's Wing Type: Relic - Down, Up + Jump - Performs a super jump. Can be repeated in mid-air. Find: Moss-Grown Cave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lizard's Tail Type: Relic - Down + Jump: Slide Find: Heretic's Grave A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Orb Type: Relic - Allows you to see enemy damage (a la the Spirit Orb in CSOTN). Find: Entrance A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylph Feather Type: Relic - Allows Juste to double jump. - Jump, Jump, Down + Jump - Leap Stone Stomp. :) Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Collectables :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [COL] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Again, this list is in alphabetical order by my (mis)translations, not in the order these items appear on the menu. This is how they appear on the menu: Extravagant Chandelier Clock Bookshelf Radio Tableware Set Extravagant Table Chair Rocking Chair Silk Curtains Secondhand Vase Devil Vase Beautiful Vase Side Table Teacup Teapot Wine Glass Hero's Statue Goddess Statue Sage's Statue Raccoon Ornament Beckoning Cat Gramophone Mounted Deer Silver Candlestick Golden Candlestick Silver Ornament Golden Ornament Suspicious Mirror Demon Castle Painting King Size Bed Closet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful Vase Type: Collectable Find: Entrance B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beckoning Cat Type: Collectable Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bookshelf Type: Collectable Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chair Type: Collectable Find: Castle's Treasury B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock Type: Collectable Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closet Type: Collectable Find: Castle's Treasury A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Castle Painting Type: Collectable Find: Castle Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devil Vase Type: Collectable Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extravagant Chandelier Type: Collectable Find: Castle Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extravagant Table Type: Collectable Find: Clockwork Tower A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goddess Statue Type: Collectable Find: The Approach of Deplore B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Candlestick Type: Collectable Find: Chapel of a Heretic A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Ornament Type: Collectable Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gramophone Type: Collectable Find: Cave of Skeletons A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Statue Type: Collectable Find: Chapel of a Heretic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Size Bed Type: Collectable Find: Corridor in the Air B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mounted Deer Type: Collectable Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Racoon Ornament Type: Collectable Find: Clockwork Tower B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio Type: Collectable Find: Corridor in the Air B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocking Chair Type: Collectable Find: Corridor in the Air B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sage's Statue Type: Collectable Find: Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secondhand Vase Type: Collectable Find: Entrance B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Side Table Type: Collectable Find: Cave of Skeletons B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silk Curtain Type: Collectable Find: Room of Illusion B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Candlestick Type: Collectable Find: The Approach of Deplore B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Ornament Type: Collectable Find: Corridor in the Air A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suspicious Mirror Type: Collectable Find: Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tableware Set Type: Collectable Find: Moss-Grown Cave B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teacup Type: Collectable Find: Castle's Treasury A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teapot Type: Collectable Find: Castle's Treasury A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wine Glass Type: Collectable Find: Chapel of a Heretic B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: Encyclopedia :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [NME] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is just a simple "cut and paste" from the Encyclopedia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bat No. 001 LV: 1 HP: 1 EXP: 5 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $1 Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Slime No. 002 LV: 1 HP: 3 EXP: 5 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $1 Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slime No. 003 LV: 3 HP: 32 EXP: 9 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Antidote Drop: Turban --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medusa Head No. 004 LV: 1 HP: 1 EXP: 5 Tolerance: Thunder Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: Pendant --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombie No. 005 LV: 1 HP: 2 EXP: 5 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire Drop: None Drop: Casual Clothes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton No. 006 LV: 2 HP: 3 EXP: 7 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $5 Drop: $25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flea Man No. 007 LV: 2 HP: 3 EXP: 7 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $1 Drop: $5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Soldier No. 008 LV: 3 HP: 32 EXP: 9 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Potion Drop: Rubber Plate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armored Knight No. 009 LV: 4 HP: 32 EXP: 11 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: Potion Drop: Field Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Bat No. 010 LV: 10 HP: 400 EXP: 66 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost No. 011 LV: 4 HP: 4 EXP: 11 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone Pillar No. 012 LV: 4 HP: 48 EXP: 11 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: None Drop: $1 Drop: $5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Ghost No. 013 LV: 6 HP: 33 EXP: 12 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire Drop: $5 Drop: $25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- White Dragon No. 014 LV: 6 HP: 96 EXP: 12 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $5 Drop: $25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rock Armor No. 015 LV: 7 HP: 48 EXP: 13 Tolerance: Ice Weakness: Thunder Drop: Potion Drop: Circlet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screw Dragon No. 016 LV: 8 HP: 204 EXP: 17 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Potion Drop: $100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lizardman No. 017 LV: 8 HP: 48 EXP: 17 Tolerance: None Weakness: Ice Drop: Potion Drop: Plate Coat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Living Armor No. 018 LV: 13 HP: 900 EXP: 110 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ectoplasm No. 019 LV: 7 HP: 9 EXP: 13 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Uncurse Drop: Light Robe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Blades No. 020 LV: 9 HP: 64 EXP: 22 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $25 Drop: Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Large Skeleton No. 021 LV: 9 HP: 128 EXP: 22 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire Drop: $25 Drop: Opal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying Skeleton No. 022 LV: 7 HP: 12 EXP: 13 Tolerance: Wind Weakness: None Drop: $5 Drop: Scarlet Mantle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peeping Eye No. 023 LV: 8 HP: 51 EXP: 17 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Potion Drop: Leather Greaves --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Flail No. 024 LV: 10 HP: 51 EXP: 27 Tolerance: Weakness: Thunder Drop: $25 Drop: Cloth Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Spear No. 025 LV: 11 HP: 51 EXP: 33 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $25 Drop: Leather Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Skeleton No. 026 LV: 11 HP: 6 EXP: 0 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Rib No. 027 LV: 11 HP: 51 EXP: 33 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Uncurse Drop: Bronze Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throw Master No. 028 LV: 12 HP: 51 EXP: 39 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Antidote Drop: Bronze Boots --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Ape No. 029 LV: 12 HP: 51 EXP: 39 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $25 Drop: Hard Leather Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gate Guarder No. 030 LV: 12 HP: 640 EXP: 39 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golem No. 031 LV: 18 HP: 1408 EXP: 273 Tolerance: Thunder Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Knight Lord No. 032 LV: 20 HP: 1600 EXP: 339 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Devil No. 033 LV: 12 HP: 64 EXP: 49 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Uncurse Drop: Turquoise --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarecrow No. 034 LV: 13 HP: 12 EXP: 47 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire Drop: $5 Drop: Gauntlet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Spider No. 035 LV: 13 HP: 400 EXP: 47 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Potion Drop: Bicoket --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shokujinhana No. 036 LV: 14 HP: 96 EXP: 55 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire, Ice Drop: Potion Drop: Mirror Pendant --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe Armor No. 037 LV: 15 HP: 80 EXP: 62 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Thunder Drop: Iron Boots Drop: Bangle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Witch No. 038 LV: 16 HP: 80 EXP: 71 Tolerance: Ice Weakness: Fire Drop: Antidote Drop: Attractive Clothes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siren No. 039 LV: 16 HP: 80 EXP: 71 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: Mana Prism --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomber Armor No. 040 LV: 16 HP: 96 EXP: 71 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: $5 Drop: $25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minotaurus No. 041 LV: 20 HP: 1920 EXP: 339 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balloon No. 042 LV: 14 HP: 12 EXP: 55 Tolerance: None Weakness: Wind Drop: $5 Drop: $25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Balloon No. 043 LV: 15 HP: 30 EXP: 62 Tolerance: None Weakness: Wind Drop: $25 Drop: Cuirass Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archer Skeleton No. 044 LV: 17 HP: 84 EXP: 81 Tolerance: Ice Weakness: None Drop: Potion Drop: Glove --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruler Sword No. 045 LV: 19 HP: 240 EXP: 102 Tolerance: Thunder, Wind Weakness: Ice Drop: Buff Coat Drop: Corinthian Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc Armor No. 046 LV: 19 HP: 156 EXP: 102 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: $100 Drop: Cloth Helmet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devil No. 047 LV: 27 HP: 2176 EXP: 627 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merman No. 048 LV: 19 HP: 160 EXP: 102 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Ice Drop: Potion Drop: Pilos --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fishman No. 049 LV: 19 HP: 160 EXP: 102 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Ice Drop: Potion Drop: Parade Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arahabaki No. 050 LV: 20 HP: 13 EXP: 113 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $25 Drop: Gold Necklace --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruler Sword LV 2 No. 051 LV: 20 HP: 320 EXP: 113 Tolerance: Thunder, Wind Weakness: Ice Drop: Arm Guard Drop: Chain Mail --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feather Demon No. 052 LV: 23 HP: 272 EXP: 150 Tolerance: Wind Weakness: None Drop: Barbutte Drop: Lamellar Coat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian Armor No. 053 LV: 24 HP: 4800 EXP: 165 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scale Armor No. 054 LV: 24 HP: 800 EXP: 165 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Merman No. 055 LV: 30 HP: 3520 EXP: 1298 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Ice Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max Slime No. 056 LV: 32 HP: 3680 EXP: 1479 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armored Flea Man No. 057 LV: 14 HP: 20 EXP: 55 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Thunder Drop: $25 Drop: Flame Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Head No. 058 LV: 14 HP: 13 EXP: 55 Tolerance: Thunder Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: Medusa Pendant --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manemane No. 059 LV: 18 HP: 112 EXP: 91 Tolerance: None Weakness: Ice Drop: Potion Drop: Brigandine --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone Naga No. 060 LV: 18 HP: 160 EXP: 91 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: High Potion Drop: Armet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Mirror No. 061 LV: 18 HP: 160 EXP: 91 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: $100 Drop: Silk Hat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh No. 062 LV: 19 HP: 160 EXP: 102 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Meat Drop: Noble Clothes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpy No. 063 LV: 21 HP: 192 EXP: 125 Tolerance: Wind Weakness: Ice Drop: High Potion Drop: Bascinet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe Armor II No. 064 LV: 24 HP: 192 EXP: 165 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: Kettle Hat Drop: Ancient Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectre No. 065 LV: 24 HP: 96 EXP: 165 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Midday Constellation Drop: Sapphire --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bronze Guarder No. 066 LV: 25 HP: 112 EXP: 179 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peeping Big No. 067 LV: 33 HP: 2000 EXP: 1981 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legion Saint No. 068 LV: 35 HP: 1920 EXP: 2230 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow No. 069 LV: 36 HP: 1600 EXP: 2362 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melting Zombie No. 070 LV: 26 HP: 192 EXP: 193 Tolerance: None Weakness: Ice, Wind Drop: Uncurse Drop: Iron Helm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skeleton Liquid No. 071 LV: 25 HP: 38 EXP: 179 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: Antidote Drop: Velvet Mantle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruler Sword LV 3 No. 072 LV: 27 HP: 384 EXP: 209 Tolerance: Thunder, Wind Weakness: Ice Drop: $250 Drop: Greaves --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Lizard No. 073 LV: 29 HP: 240 EXP: 242 Tolerance: None Weakness: Ice Drop: Large Meat Drop: Heavy Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pazusu No. 074 LV: 38 HP: 4500 EXP: 2640 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spriggan No. 075 LV: 35 HP: 280 EXP: 354 Tolerance: None Weakness: Wind Drop: $100 Drop: Steel Gauntlet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gorgon No. 076 LV: 32 HP: 420 EXP: 295 Tolerance: Thunder Weakness: None Drop: Double Mail Drop: Silver Bracelet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blades Master No. 077 LV: 33 HP: 280 EXP: 314 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Steel Helmet Drop: Bloody Glove --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Koukidou Skeleton No. 078 LV: 33 HP: 1400 EXP: 314 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: High Potion Drop: Musical Necklace --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rare Ghost No. 079 LV: 34 HP: 2 EXP: 334 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Lucky Ring Drop: Mystic Brooch --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass Skeleton No. 080 LV: 34 HP: 56 EXP: 334 Tolerance: Ice Weakness: None Drop: $250 Drop: Ruby --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Victory Armor No. 081 LV: 36 HP: 280 EXP: 375 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Thunder Drop: $400 Drop: Shinobi Mantle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hammer Hammer No. 082 LV: 36 HP: 1400 EXP: 375 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: High Potion Drop: Crest Bracelet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc Armor II No. 083 LV: 33 HP: 280 EXP: 143 Tolerance: None Weakness: Thunder Drop: $250 Drop: High Potion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minotaurus Another No. 084 LV: 42 HP: 4200 EXP: 3228 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legion Corpse No. 085 LV: 43 HP: 4620 EXP: 3388 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talos No. 086 LV: 48 HP: 4200 EXP: 4227 Tolerance: Ice Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death No. 087 LV: 48 HP: 3920 EXP: 4227 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death No. 088 LV: 49 HP: 2800 EXP: 4406 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pixie No. 089 LV: 36 HP: 320 EXP: 375 Tolerance: Fire Weakness: Ice Drop: High Mana Prism Drop: Diamond --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylph No. 090 LV: 36 HP: 320 EXP: 375 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: High Mana Prism Drop: Silver Tiara --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Lizard No. 091 LV: 38 HP: 280 EXP: 419 Tolerance: None Weakness: Ice Drop: Large Meat Drop: Battle Armor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owl No. 092 LV: 37 HP: 252 EXP: 397 Tolerance: Wind Weakness: None Drop: $250 Drop: Large Meat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transparent Skeleton No. 093 LV: 38 HP: 72 EXP: 419 Tolerance: Thunder Weakness: None Drop: $400 Drop: Ancient Robe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skewered Bone Pillar No. 094 LV: 39 HP: 72 EXP: 441 Tolerance: None Weakness: Wind Drop: $250 Drop: $400 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shimon No. 095 LV: 41 HP: 360 EXP: 488 Tolerance: None Weakness: Fire Drop: High Potion Drop: Midday Constellation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pike Master No. 096 LV: 43 HP: 1800 EXP: 537 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: Golden Crown Drop: Levitation Boots --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyclops No. 097 LV: 49 HP: 4680 EXP: 4406 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maxim No. 098 LV: 46 HP: 4800 EXP: 0 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula Phantom No. 099 LV: 52 HP: 2250 EXP: 0 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula Phantom No. 100 LV: 55 HP: 6666 EXP: 0 Tolerance: None Weakness: None Drop: None Drop: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ::: The End ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [END] ::: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I can't think of anything witty to add here, so... thanks for reading! Zach Keene 26 January 2003