--- --- _ --- __ ___-----____ ttt lll //// ttt lll /// sssss ttt lll /// aaaa ssss sss ttttttttttttt lll /// aaaaaaaa ssss ttttttttttttt lll eee /// aaa aaa sss ttt lll eeeeeee /// aaa aaa ssss ttt lll eee eee /// aaa aaa ssss ttt lll eeeeeeee /// aaa aaaaa sss ttt lll eeee //// ___ --- aaaaaaaa aaaa ssss ssss ttt lll eeee eee ---_____---- aaaaaaa aaaa ssssssss ttt lll eeeeeee ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ iii \ I I / iii \ I I / aaaa aaaa \ I I / aaaaaaaa nnn nnn iii aaaaaaaa \ I I / aaa aaa nnn nnnnnnn iii aaa aaa \ I I / aaa aaa nnnnnnn nnnn iii aaa aaa \ I I / aaa aaa nnn nnn iii aaa aaa \ II / aaa aaaaa nnn nnn iii aaa aaaaaa \ / aaaaaaaa aaaa nnn nnn iii aaaaaaaa aaaa \____/ aaaaaaa aaaa nnn nnn iii aaaaaaa aaa Harmony of Dissonance Harmony of Dissonance Glitch FAQ: By Scott Ostrander AKA Dragon Spork Ver. 1.0 Some Glitches came from http://www.inverteddungeon.com/mudt/ ============================================================================== -Updates- ============================================================================== 1.0 - !New! 11/30/03 1.5 - !Changed a few things, added Belmondo! 3/07/04 ============================================================================== -The Menu- ============================================================================== *Press Ctrl+f to make finding the certain glitches easier* -Door Glitch (DG) -The Good (Glitches) - Gorgon Stone Glitch (GSG) - Talk Backwards Glitch (TBG) - Ice Fist Glitch (IFG) - Floating Fire Glitch (FFG) - Respawning Candle Glitch (RCG) -The Bad (Glitches, not Door Glitch) - The Dark Room Glitch (TDRG) - Failed Entry Glitch (FEG) - Belmondo (BEL) -Credits / Legal Stuff ============================================================================== -Q&A- ============================================================================== Q: Why is the Door Glitch in it's own section? A: Because it is too long, and there are a couple of bad things that could happen, so it doesn't belong to "The Good" or "The Bad". --- Q: Why Can't I get the Door Glitch to work? A: It is a little difficult to perform and may take a bit of time. Remember to try to time it just right, or rapidly backdash. ============================================================================== -The Door Glitch DG- ============================================================================== This is MY glitch. I was the Founder, and this is the one that inspired me to make this FAQ. Anyway, back to it. First off, find a door. Second, as you walk through the door, press the backward dash button (L or R), and if timed right you will magically skid backwards through the door, and end up on the side you just left. I have done it a couple ways, the first one is to press BD (BackDash) RIGHT when the screen comes back from being black. I have also Done it JUST before you enter the black screen, although it is a little more rare. And the third way is to press the BDB as fast as possible right before you enter the black screen. This one has the best chance^_^ So far the only things that I have found that it is useful for is... -Get the Lizard Tail Very early -Use the Door connecting Luminous Cavern and Castle Treasury in Castle A, It'll Teleport you to the merchants room in the Castle Treasury in Castle B. BEWARE, if you do it in Castle B, you'll teleport to a black screen that you can't get out of! -Use the door connecting Skeleton Cave and Castle Treasury in castle B, It'll just teleport you down to the very first slit trail in the same castle in Skelly Cave. -Use the door in the Sky Walkway/Aquaduct of Dragons where you need the Night Goggles at, to teleport to the Merman Boss. -Use the door in the Clock tower/Sky Walkway after you fight the Demon in Castle A (Or before, depending on where you are coming from) to teleport to the room in Castle B, in the Chapel of Dissonance with the windows that sometimes have faces on them. -Same door as before, only in Castle B. This time it'll teleport you to the room before the Ball Maze in Castle A. BEWARE, you must hit the guy with the hammer before doing this, or you will be trapped down there, so if you didn't do it yet, I would Use the Save Room in your Menu Screen, NOT THE ONE BEFORE THE BALL MAZE! -Use the door connecting Luminous Cavern A, and Aquaduct of Dragons A to teleport to the room right of the save spot in Luminous Cavern A (The room that basically serves no purpose). You can get there EARLY!!! I'd get the Crushing Stone before you go there if I were you. That Concludes this (For now at least). ============================================================================== -The Good (Glitches)- ============================================================================== *This is where the Good Glitches will be posted* -- Gorgon Stone Glitch GSG -- -me Sometimes when you hit a gorgon (The creature Before Dracula's Chamber in Castle A) in the face over and over, when it blows out the stoning spray, It'll look like his head is shaking with nothing coming out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Talk Backwards Glitch TBG -- -me After you fight Pazuzu in Dracula's Throne Room, if you skid backwards into the next room where Lydie is, The game doesn't give the itself enough time to react to turning back around because the Cut Scene starts too early, and it looks like you are talking to Lydie backwards (I keep wanting to type Maria). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ice Fist Glitch IFG -- -machinegunsg This Glitch lets you get onto ledges and stuff. To Peform this Glitch, you must first obtain The Ice Book, and The Sacred Fist (Sub-Weapon). What you gotta do is jump up to a ledge you JUST can't reach, and press up + B to activate the spell, and voila, you're up there. This Glitch is useful especially for getting the Ring of Vlad, and to get the Platinum Tip early. JJ JJJJ JJJJJJJJ -- Can't reach Before JJJJJJ __________________JJ JJJJJ J = Juste I = Ice Fist _ = Platform IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIJJ IIIIIIIIIIJJJJJJ -- Pushes legs up IIIIIIIIJJJJJJJJ After IIIIIIIJJ JJJJJ ____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Floating Fire FFG -- -machinegunsg This glitch has Holy Water flame in "high" spirits! To perform this Glitch, first you must get the Holy Water Sub-Weapon. Second you must find a corner (Bottom Left or Bottom Right). Third, you must throw the Holy Water (No Magic) almost directly in the corner, you may need to adjust where you throw, and if you performed it right, the fire should be floating above ground (Although it still obeys the law of Gravity) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Respawning Candles RCG -- -unknown/GameFaqs Boards/machinegunsg This glitch you will need an Axe Sub-Weapon, or the Knive Sub-Weapon although you can use other things, these are just easier. Anyway, find a candle, bring the candle to the edge of the screen (left or right), and use a Sub-Weapon so that it hits the candle, skid backwards a little so the candle is off the screen, come back and the candle should respawn, as though you never hit it. Yes, the item that dropped is still there. ============================================================================== -The Bad- ============================================================================== Here are the Deadly or Bad and usless Glitches are. --The Dark Room Glitch TDRG-- -machinegunsg When your in the Dark Room in the Sky Walkway, if you test your Griffin Wing, to me, it seems to go faster than normal. To perform this glitch, all you need is the Griffin Wing. First off, Stand where you first enter the Dark Room coming from the Sky Walkway, stand to where you almost come off the screen, in the room before it is light. Stand there, and use the Griffin Wing, and then suddenly, it will go to a black screen. You do not need to see the feet, it just happens sometimes though.The other place you can do it is in the opening above where you get the Hint Card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Failed Entry Glitch FEG-- -Unknown/machinegunsg This is performed at the begining, when Talos runs after you and the Draw-Bridge "Normally" Closes and Talos Falls. To perform this Glitch, first of all get somewhat near the Draw-Bridge, kneel down and let Talos hurt you. For some reason, when you kneel, you don'tfly away. Anyway, let the Draw-Bridge get a little past the center of the screen, then immediatly Jump and Whip, so that Talos hurts you and you fly back even more, giving more time for the Draw-Bridge to close. This is a hard glitch to perform, you usually jump a little higher than normally to get over the bridge, but if it closes up before you jump onto it, causing you magically to teleport to the Clock Tower. All you can do in the Clock Tower is do the Ball Maze, but when you try to go, the screen doesn't scroll with you. The reason why you can only do that is because the other platforms are too high, so you can't even get in the save room. This is why it is marked bad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Belmondo-- -This guy When you take out your cartridge while you have your status screen up, the name will change from "Juste Belmont" to "Juste Belmondo". I can't garuntee that all your game data will be safe, although my games where fine when I tried it. ============================================================================== Credits/Legal Stuff ============================================================================== Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance/White Night Concerto Glitch FAQ Copyright 2003 Scott Ostrander. As the owner of this fine FAQ, I give you these rights.... 1: This is a FREE FAQ! Under NO circumstances will anyone be able to make profit off this FAQ, unless it is me :) 2: You may put this on your website only if you leave this FAQ Completely unchanged, and I do mean COMPLETELY Unchanged! Unless you get my Latest Version, but that you must keep unchanged as well. Credits: Me (Dragon Spork) - I wrote it! ^_^ Machinegunsg - For letting me use his Glitches Dai - The only person who supported me (other than my Mother). My Mother - The person who got this game for me on Christmas. Konami - For Making this Very fine game. Castlevania, and other trademark Castlevania names/games/etc. belong to Konami.