_______________________________________________________________________________ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | |_ ___ ___| |_|___ ___ ___ _| | | |_| |_ ___ | --| | .'| _| | | -_| | .'| | . | | _| | -_| |_____|_|_|__,|_| |_|_|___| |__,|_|_|___| |_| |_|_|___| _____ _ _ _ _____ _ | | |_ ___ ___ ___| |___| |_ ___ | __|___ ___| |_ ___ ___ _ _ | --| | . | _| . | | .'| _| -_| | __| .'| _| _| . | _| | | |_____|_|_|___|___|___|_|__,|_| |___| |__| |__,|___|_| |___|_| |_ | |___| _______________________________________________________________________________ Author: Lisa Harrison (Lisanne) Version: 0.7 Status: 75% complete. August 20th - September 12th 2005 Guide written for Charlie And The Chocolate Factory for the GameBoy Advance. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ This guide is Copyright 2005 Lisa Harrison (Lisanne). All rights reserved. This guide may not be reproduced in whole or in part under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any web site not listed below or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. The following sites now have my permission to host this FAQ on their website: www.gamefaqs.com and its affiliates www.neoseeker.com www.cheatcc.com Please send any e-mails concerning the contents of this guide, questions about the game, requests for permission to host it on your site etc to: sparky.lisa@gmail.com Thankyou. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CONTENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Main Menu 4. Adventure Walkthrough 4a In Town 4b Chocolate Room 4c Chocolate Riverbank 4d Wriggle-Sweets Room 4e Fudge Room 4f Inventing Room 4g To The Juicing Room **INCOMPLETE FROM HERE ONWARDS** 4h Juicing Room 4i Nut Room Garbage Chute 4j Garbage Pipe 4k Fizzy Lifting Room 4l Television Room 4m Television Maze 4n Over The Town 5. Mini Games 5a Lift-A-Loompa 5b Blueberry Jam 5c Nut Room Chaos 5d Chocolate Broadcast 5e Shipping And Receiving 6. Oompa Loompa Album 7. Thanks and Credits -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. INTRODUCTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Based on the popular films which in turn were based on the best-selling book by Roald Dahl, this game's aim is to put the player in the place of Charlie in the story. Clearly this is all conducted in a very tongue-in-cheek way, in line with all previous spin-offs to Dahl's wonderfully imaginitive original story! From the main menu, you'll see that upon starting a game there are different sections of that game available to you. "Adventure" should be seen as the main crux of playing this, as this is what leads you through the staages of the game in line with the story. This guide takes you through in consecutive order. Mini games and the Oompa Loompa Album are also explained thoroughly. Hope you enjoy this, and have fun! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2. CONTROLS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- D-pad - move left and right, and press down direction to crawl A button - jump B button - press to read a sign or talk, hold to push objects L trigger - ask Oompa Loompas for help R trigger - hold down to walk slowly Start - pause game while mid-level -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3. MAIN MENU -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NEW GAME - Select this to start a new game. You'll get chance to create a save file before starting. LOAD GAME - Return to a previously saved game. OPTIONS - Difficulty - use the left and right directional buttons to toggle between the three available difficulty levels. Generally I'd say leave it on the default if it's your first time playing. You can also turn off the sound effects and/or music, and view the game credits - the list of people who made this game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4. ADVENTURE WALKTHROUGH -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Select this game mode first if you are new to the game. This section of the game takes you through the story step by step, and all tasks required of you are always explained in some way within the level itself in the game. This guide will help stuck people to figure out how to progress, and will lead through those who may be having trouble getting used to playing through each level from beginning to end. If you are completely unfamiliar with this game and are stuck right at the start, I recommend casting an eye over the controls first. Bear in mind that where you see a sign, you should read it (press B to do this) for a hint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a. IN TOWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- This level's aim is to get you used to the controls of the game as well as used to the feel of the game itself. The aim of this level is to catch the ten dollar bill (never mind that the original story was British) that is floating around in the breeze. One important point - the game does not always notice it if you have actually progressed further than the money you're supposed to be chasing, and often you may find that if you haven't seen the money on-screen for a few moments, it's languishing somewhere behind you. If you can't see it, go back and take a look. You'll have to get through whatever you just got through again, but the game doesn't give you much choice there I'm afraid. Walkthrough... -------------- So, from beginning to end... Upon starting this level and gaining control of Charlie, move towards the right hand side. You'll see what you're aiming for from the start - the money on the pavement, which floats away as you head towards it. Follow it! As you go on, look out for the first "sign" you'll see as you head further on - this is that odd-looking yellow thing not far along from the beginning. The first one will explain some controls, then you'll see your first obstacle. The first thing to face is simple enough - just a jump. Use the A button to jump on top of the pillar box and move on. Another sign! Nothing major, there is some ice, so be careful here (you won't have much control moving along it). Past the ice, try to jump on top of that pile of snow - the money is waiting on top of it, and you'll need to touch it to get it to move again. He's very thin, isn't he? Someone needs to feed the poor mite up a bit, I think. Next thing, you'll see another sign next to the snow you just stopped at. Read it - it tells you you're about to face an air vent - see that grate just a short way on? Now it's starting to get slightly more interesting. Go and stand on the air vent and wait for the jet of air to rise to be lifted higher than you'd otherwise be able to go. Fall as the air stops, and move right. There's another. Stand on it, and it'll push you up onto the window ledge above. You will need to take a few jumps in turn here to cross, but none of them are too hard to achieve. One very slight difficulty is that the ledges collapse after a moment of standing on them, so try to move fairly swiftly here and just move with the money. Now there's another sign - read it and you'll find you're going to face your first difficulty that could actually cause problems. Touching the fire hydrants is dangerous - they push you back and cause you to lose a health point (the bars on the top left) so be very careful. Also, you'll need to avoid icicles hanging precariously from above you - if they land on you, you will also lose a health point. To get past the fire hydrant, keep well back and then jump all the way over. Progress further, and watch out for icicles hanging from the lamp past here. Just run through between drops (there's a pattern to both the falling icicles and the hydrants setting off, but you'll need to jump over the hydrant once to trigger that sequence. Next, there's an icy slope leading downwards. Just follow it down, then make sure to jump onto the pile of snow at the bottom before moving on (the dollars are floating on top of this so touch them before moving on). Another hydrant to jump over - no problem. Now, just move on and jump onto the bins to move on the money, and go across now to complete the jump onto the truck, from which you'll drop off the end. Jump over the next fire hydrant and then over the three... things, whatever they are (?). Stop before the lamp though as there's another series of icicles - watch the pattern then run under and move on. Nearly there now. Read this next sign - there are two objects on from this, and you'll need to do both actions the sign tells you. Jump onto and past the first grey obstacle and then stop on the ground next to the green wheely-bin ("trash containing vessel" or something if you're American). Hold down the B button, and then move right - you'll be able to push this under the high window sill a little way further on. Do so and stop next to the window, then jump onto the bin to get onto the sill. Take the jumps across the building, ensuring that you touch the money on the way, and then land past the house. Jump onto the pillarbox to touch the money and it'll float off and set off the chain of icicles dropping again. Watch the sequence and then pass under, then you'll see the money on the ground a little way on... touch it, and you finally get it. Hooray, this tedious first level is over! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4b. CHOCOLATE ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- At the start of this level, you'll be introduced to the characters who won golden tickets along with Charlie. You'll be introduced to the main theme of the story and therefore of this game, and get a chance to practise the controls which you should now be familiar with following the earlier starting level. Watch through the rest of the introduction to the characters and the story, including (thankfully) a handful of movie stills featuring the deeply pleasant Johnny Depp, and prepare to embark on a level significantly less boring than the first one, especially since this is where the REAL action starts. Hooray! Walkthrough... -------------- Move towards the right, stopping to speak to Wonka if you wish (not that there is much point in that at first), and go on to speak to the others, who will point out a "little person", ie one of the Oompa-Loompas. After a brief explanation of what they are, you'll regain control. Move towards the right and read the first sign you see - this will give you the real aim of the game, which is to collect 25 square candies in order to unlock another item in your Oompa Loompa album. Right, that means we need to keep exploring and find all 25. A counter appears in the top right hand corner to mark your progress. Explore the level, collecting all 25 candies on your way, and remember the earlier tips on control and dangers (including pits in this level - jump over these) from the starting level. There are more signs and characters standing around who you can get tips from as you need to. Also note that available to you here will be some floating letters - collect these to spell out "WONKA" and you'll unlock a mini-game. Since the candies follow on from one another in logical order, encompassing the entire level, I've formed this walkthrough in list form. If you need a general walkthrough though, note that you can use this as that (the whole level is included here). I've also noted where you can pick up the letters for the mini-game and how to get to them. So, here are the locations of the candies: 01/25 - move a little further right from the first sign that tells you what the aim is (above) near the start. It appears immediately in front of a pit, and you can see it when you read the sign, so grab it straight away. 02/25 - further to the right from the first one you collected, on top of the ledge you have to jump onto to make progress after the pit. 03/25 - to the right hand side of where Charlie's Grandpa is standing, there are a few pits filled with caramel (don't fall in). Jump the first one to land on top of number 3. 04/25 - moving on from number 3, ever right-wards, for a while, you'll come to Wonka after a short while. He'll tell you about the jumping candies... there is a high ledge just on from him, with a light orange thing underneath it. Stand on top and press the jump button to get number 4. 05/25 - move right again and keep going. Wonka mentions avoiding getting too close to the chocolate geysers - these are the red and white cones you can see on the ground. Move slowly towards the first one, one step at a time, and wait for it to erupt. Once it's calmed down, jump over and land just past it. Here, you'll be between two geysers so when you move on do be careful, but meanwhile you'll have noticed that when you landed between the two, you collected number 5. 06/25 - moving past where you collected number 5, you'll come eventually to a sign that tells you to press the down button to crawl. Just to the right, there is a tunnel underneath the ledge ahead - crawl beneath to get hold of number 6. 07/25 - move across the screen (you can't reach the ones above yet) and climb onto the first ledge low enough to jump onto. Across to the left, jump onto the sweet you can see in mid-air, and that's number 7. (While you're here, continue and move all the way across the ledges you couldn't reach before just until you get to the start of that tunnel you crawled under. At the end, there is a floating "W" - grab it. If you spell out "W.O.N.K.A", you'll unlock a mini-game. 08/25 - head to the right now, and you'll see a couple of spinning gold coin chocolate platforms - these collapse as soon as you land on them, but the first one is the home of number 8. 09/25 - move further right, through the arrow. Head across, being careful not to hit the bee (it follows a set pattern - take it slowly and you'll see it). Just past the bee, you'll pick up number 9 on the ground. 10/25 - to the right again, giving the red blob thing on the ground ample distance (it sprouts into a beanstalk thing as you approach it - wait for it to head back into the ground and run straight through before it does that again!). Keep walking to the right, pausing once you get to the geyser ahead to let it do its thing, and jump onto the chocolate coin and then to the ledge ahead to get number 10. 11/25 - you can't move right now, so move left and drop straight down. Keep heading left underneath the part you just moved across, crawling as you need to, and number 11 is at the end of that tunnel. 12/25 - now head back to the right straight from number 11. Do NOT tread on the purple things on the ground - jump straight over the first and land in the middle. Once you land, you're on top of number 12. 13/25 - walk further right, to the big purple sphere - the giant gumball. Jump on top of this and jump again to land on the ledge next to it. Move across the ledges to the left until you get to the "O" for the mini-game, then backtrack to the right. Get on the big purple gumball - if you try moving as normal on top of it, you get to move with it beneath you. Brilliant! Move the gumball to the right to the end ledge, and jump on top of the ledge hanging from the right hand side to land on top of number 13. 14/25 - move up and then right now. You'll pass through an Everlasting Gobstopper - these offer you an extra life, so grab it! Let yourself drop down when you can, and start heading left. Watch out for these bees - they seem to move quicker than the earlier ones did. Crawl through the tunnel and then jump to grab number 14. 15/25 - head up from 14 (use the springy peach thing on the ground to jump up) and back across to the right to the point where you dropped down before. Drop and head right, and use the peach thing to jump onto a higher ledge - you'll land on number 15. 16/25 - straight from 15, make the longer jump across to the right to land on a platform next to a giant purple gumball again. Walk right on top of the gumball off the platform and get straight back on when you land (you'll fall off at the bottom). Move right again, and you can now manouver the gumball into the caramel pit - take care not to fall into the caramel! Stop the ball beneath the Wonka bar and jump straight up to grab it, taking care to land on top of the gumball if you need a health boost. Move all the way across to the right, and get off on the other side of the caramel. Jump over the little purple blob on the ground and land in the middle to grab number 16. Phew! 17/25 - jump over the second purple blob and head right. Walk into the arrow. Head right now, and pay attention to what Wonka says - volcanos are harmless, but falling bricks are dangerous. There's number 17 just a little further so grab it. 18/25 - keep going, avoiding the falling blobs of chocolate, and pick up 18 a short way on. 19/25 - move further right, and jump across to the ledge with the peach on it to jump up and reach the Wonka bar - restore health if necessary, then jump across to the right and number 19 is on the platform beside you. 20/25 - there are two routes here to get through to number 20. Jump over the platforms with the geysers, taking care to time this appropriately. Along this platformed section you'll find the "N". Next, drop down when you get past Wonka. You'll see a big yellow cube - don't move it (yet), but jump on top and slightly to the right to grab number 20. 21/25 - drop back down, and move the cube (hold down B) to the right a little, making sure you leave a gap big enough to be able to reach the tunnel beside it, and jump up and slightly to the right again to reach another ledge. Get on to the ground beside this, and there's 21. Drop back down on the left side. 22/25 - now head through the tunnels to the end - you'll see a pink thing that looks like the top of a very large pipe. Stand on it and press the down key to drop down it and find the "K". When you have it, jump into the bottom of the pipe and press the up key to move back through to the end of the tunnels, and jump back up to the top where you see Wonka using the cube and head right. Make sure to time your movement across the chocolate bridge you see, as it will appear and melt away in a timed pattern. Move straight to the right, and then use the spinning gold coins to head upwards. You'll come to a solid ledge with number 22 waiting on top of it. 23/25 - head across the ledge to get on the big ledge with the purple gumball. Jump on top and move with it towards the right. Drop down, and move to the right with the gumball to use it to jump onto the platform above (you can't make that jump without doing it this way). Head across the ground, and just keep going until you run into a white cube. Run into this and you'll be able to jump higher for a limited time. Jump up and to the left from where you are, and backtrack across the parts you couldn't reach before to get to the "A" as your last letter for the bonus mini-game. Next, move back across to the right to get to where you picked up that marshmallow (the white thing), and this time use it to jump right. Number 23 is on this platform. 24/25 - go across to the next solid ground and avoid the falling blobs to pick up number 24 on a platform just ahead of you. 25/25 - here, you'll face a further battery of blobs as you keep moving to the right. Just keep on going and then use the peach on the ground to jump onto the platform you can see from the slope, and you've got number 25. Now head to Wonka and talk to him. He'll ask if you broke anything(!). Then walk into the arrow and you've finished this level. Well done! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4c. CHOCOLATE RIVERBANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- In this level, you will need to keep up with the one who fell in the chocolate river, Augustus Gloop or whatever. There are speed boosting items available to help, which look kind of similar to the candies you collected in the last level, but paler. You will also need to collect 25 candies at the same time as getting to the end before the greedy one in the river. Walkthrough... -------------- This is one heck of a jump in difficulty, especially since you'll need to run like hell to outrun the kid at the same time as collecting all the candies! For practicality reasons, I'm just noting down the locations of the candies. Don't expect to get them all on your first run through the level though - I'm not even sure you CAN collect them all in one go! You'll be able to go back and get the ones you missed later. The candies are somewhat less hidden in this level than in the previous one, perhaps due to the slightly increased complexity. Just don't let that Augustus kid overtake you! If you can't see him on screen at any time, take a look near the bottom and you should see his face in a circle showing you which direction he's in. If he's to your left, then don't worry - you've gone well past him so just keep going! If he's on your right, then that means he's ahead of you but you may find this is just due to a particularly tricky jump that you can't figure out. Usually if you can't make a jump easily there'll be items spread around for you to use - the speed bonus items are particularly helpful. Most items necessary to complete the course WILL be in your path so you'll run over them anyway on your way through. 01/25 - you'll run through this on your way through the level. You may not even notice you have it at first! It's in the starting section after you pick up the speed boost. 02/25 - not far after the first one, sitting on a ledge. You should see it no problem (although if you can't make the jump, jump right from the bouncy peach and you'll be able to just make it). 03/25 - on the grassy ledge just beyond number 2. Difficult to get to, but it's just a matter of timing the jump correctly (you have to be precise but this is impossible to describe, sorry). After getting this, drop back down. 04/25 - to the right on the next piece of land over from number 3. You'll run through it on the only way through the level at this point. 05/25 - straight after number 4, drop down and a little way to the right is a sponge. Don't move it - just jump on top and use it to get to number 5, on a ledge just above the sponge. 06/25 - between five and six is a nightmare of a section with three red spouting plants in it, so be careful. At the end of the trail of plants (unless you manage to avoid them, which is the only way you can get through this. Just jump from platform to platform above, and good luck!), you'll run straight through number 6 on your way through the course. 07/25 - running along the grass from number 6, keep your eyes open for number 7, which is actually mid-air in this level. This is easy to miss - just keep looking up until you see it. 08/25 - drop down as soon as you can after 7, and move to the left through a tunnel. Number 8 is in here, and easy to miss! Move back to the right to rejoin the path. 09/25 - on a grass platform between caramel pools just a little way further on from number 8. 10/25 - in the air above the gold spinning coins if you take the top path when the level splits in two just after number 9. 11/25 - drop down after getting number 10, and you can't miss it. 12/25 - when the paths rejoin, just before crawling through a tunnel (can't miss it). 13/25 - from number 12, after crawling through, jump across the top way to land on number 13. You'll need to drop back down after getting this one. 14/25 - crawl through the tunnel underneath where you got 13, and it's in the middle bit between two sections of tunnel. 15/25 - jump along the path of coins heading towards the right to get 15, which you can see above the path. 16/25 - at the end of the path you just took. 17/25 - keep following the path along the top way through the level for this. 18/25 - this is another that you can't miss along the same section of path, on one of the platforms between sections of caramel river. 19/25 - after the above section, jump onto the top path to land on number 19... 20/25 - ...and then drop back to the bottom to grab number 20 before going back along the top way. 21/25 - push the big purple gumball just as far as it takes before you can jump onto it, and walk it into the caramel lake to get all the way across. At the end, you'll jump onto a ledge to number 21 (can't miss it). 22/25 - from here, move to the right and let yourself drop down as soon as you can. At the end of this path at the bottom is 22. Backtrack and jump back up to rejoin the main path. 23/25 - on the main path between platforms. Can't miss it. 24/25 - just past the section you just followed on the main path. Can't miss it. 25/25 - also on the main path near the end of the level - can't miss this... Finished! Watch the story, and then you'll be moving on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4d. WRIGGLE-SWEETS ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- Collect 25 candies, and the letters to make up "WONKA" for the bonus level. You will also need to find a way to save Augustus, who ended up here after the last level, to stop him being turned into sweets! Also, near the end of this level, you will need to collect four mechanical pieces to fix the machine at the end of the level as directed by Wonka. Walkthrough... -------------- Augustus passed through the Wriggle-Sweets Room on his way to the Fudge Room according to Willy Wonka, who is standing near Charlie at the start of the level. Therefore, Charlie needs to move through this room to get to the Fudge Room so that Augustus can be saved. There's a new object to look out for - the switches that are in this level should be activated by standing next to them and pressing the B button. You will also need to ask Oompa Loompas to help you occasionally - just walk up to them and press the L button. This level has no time limits (which is fortunate - my typing fingers needed a rest!), but in the spirit of the last level there are plenty of dangers to look out for. Particularly vexing are the candy wrappers, that you can only avoid by running through and getting off the platform when they're in the down position. They're hard to avoid... 01/25 - just after the start of the level. Flip the switch to open the gate and grab it. 02/25 - moving on from the first, flip the second switch you see (underneath a hovering gold coin) and then use the platform on the left to jump on top of it. You'll see number 2. 03/25 - just to the right of number 2 - it's on a platform with the letter "W" (for the bonus). You should see this easily. 04/25 - crawling through to the right, this is to the left of the ladder of gold platforms you'll see immediately beyond number 3. Jump to grab it before jumping up using the coin-shaped platforms and flipping the switch at the top. 05/25 - jump back down to the bottom and walk through the now open gate to the right, then walk straight through just past the sign to grab it. 06/25 - walk up to the Oompa Loompa and press the L button to get him to follow you back to the left to the grey circular device to the left of the sign, then press the A button and he'll get inside and spin around. This will raise and lower one of the platforms. Jump on, and at the top jump onto the platform to its left. Use this to get up to the top platform, where number 6 is waiting. 07/25 - dropping down from the platform where you got number 6 to the right hand side, follow the moving line of platforms across to the right as far as they go, and then up to the top on that side. You'll see another candy on the way up, but don't worry about that one just yet... just go up to the top and grab the letter "O" on the right hand side after the last moving platform. Now follow the path across to the left and talk to Wonka... he warns you to stay away from the candy presses. Walk up to it slowly, wait for it to drop, and then run through before it rises again... this is the best way to avoid being squashed! After walking through, drop down to the bottom through number 7... 08/25 - ...then move to the right. Pick up the object you see there ("candy breaker" apparently) and hand it to the Oompa Loompa (you pick it up when you walk through it and you can give it to the Oompa Loompa by pressing the B button). He'll smash through the wall to allow you access to number 8 (the one you passed earlier). Now move back along to the left to enter the new screen. 09/25 - run straight across to the left to find number 9 along with the letter "N" for the bonus mini game. 10/25 - move back to the right and climb the platforms there at the start of the screen near the entrance. Jump to the right and press the switch before moving on, and then jump back across to Wonka. He mentions that the conveyors don't always move in the direction you want to travel in... Jump across to the left, taking care not to fall (all too easy to fall here). Number 10 is on the first conveyor. 11/25 - past the conveyors, which may take a while to get the hang of crossing, the platform should be moving up and down now (as long as you flipped that switch!). Jump onto it and be careful jumping off - there's a candy press here. Pass through carefully (approach slowly until it drops and after it rises run for it), and then use the peach to jump up and to the left. Crawl through the passage on the left of the screen, and all the way through you'll find the letter "K" and number 11 waiting. Now re-enter the previous screen and move right. 12/25 - jump across and up, using the coin-shaped platform, and number 12 is at the top of the screen on the far right. Jump off the end of this platform to the left now to drop back down, and retrace a few steps to get to where you found the bouncing peach before. Jump up and to the right using the peach if necessary. 13/25 - drop down the steps to the right now, and you'll pass through 13. Now exit the screen using the arrow to the right. 14/25 - jump up the two round platforms you'll immediately see on this screen and you'll pick it up straight away as you jump through it. 15/25 - now jump off to the right and talk to Wonka. He mentions the candy wrappers... that's one just to the right of him. The only way to avoid these is to walk through when it's in the down position. Pass through it (you'll lose a few bars of your health if it gets you) and move right. There are two conveyors here, and number 15 is above the first one of these. 16/25 - number 16 is hovering above the second one. Grab it and move across to the right. 17/25 - watch out for the candy wrapper, and move across to the right hand conveyor. Jump over it and number 17 is on the far right. Drop down before you leave this screen, and the letter "A" for the bonus level is waiting down here. You will need to retrace your steps to move on - get the Oompa Loompa to follow you, picking up the tool thing on the way. Drop the tool thing in front of the rock wall and he'll break the wall down for you. Crawl back across to the left and avoid the Spotterbot by crawling underneath it until you get back through to where the platforms are. Jump up and you'll be back at the start of this screen next to where Wonka warned you about the candy wrappers (candy number 15). Move back all the way across to the right, and exit the screen now through the arrow. 18/25 - move to the right and flip the switch to get the platforms moving. Now climb the platforms to pass through number 18. 19/25 - keep moving up and go through the candy wrapper to the left near the top to pick up number 19. 20/25 - run across the top towards the right, talking to Wonka as you go. He'll tell you to avoid the steam jets (not difficult - they set off on a timed pattern). Number 20 is across this trail. 21/25 - further down this chain of steam jets that you have to go down. 22/25 - at the bottom of the chain of steam jets (above three are unmissable). 23/25 - flip the switch next to candy number 22, then drop down and grab 23 in front of the exit. Leave the screen now through the arrow. Talk to Wonka now (press B) and he'll tell you to collect four mechanical pieces to fix the machine you can see on this screen. Their appearances differ. To get them, walk through them to pick them up, then take them to the machine (should be obvious which this is - the green thing next to the first one) and press B to start fixing it. All four lights at the bottom of the machine will be lit if you do this correctly. Also, this will allow you access to the last two candies! Part 1 - just to the right of Wonka. Part 2 - go right down to the bottom of the screen, then get the Oompa Loompa at the very bottom to follow you using the L button. When you get to the raised platform further to the left, press L to have the Oompa Loompa crawl under the platform while you jump over it and pick him up again at the other side. Walk further to the left and the Oompa Loompa will cross the spotlight next to the gate - he'll stand in it as he won't follow you through, and this will allow you to head through the open gate and grab machine part 2. Hooray! Oh look, a candy!! 24/25 - literally above machine part 2... Head to the right again when you have part 2, and head up using the middle platform. Jump off to the left after one platform, and run through two candy wrappers. Number 24 is right at the edge of the screen! In one of those two bits (sorry, I don't know where exactly, it just sort of appeared in my status!!), you'll have picked up a wrench. If you follow this walkthrough you'll have run through it by now anyway!! From where you grabbed candy 24, head directly across to the right. Get the Oompa Loompa in front of the broken switch to follow you to the switch, and drop the wrench. He'll fix the switch. Flip the switch now... Part 3 - go through the gate you just opened by doing the above, and you'll have it. At this stage, I put these two pieces back into the machine. 25/25 - it's the last candy! Go and pick up that Oompa Loompa from the lower part of the screen - the one you used to help you get machine part 2 before. He should be in that spotlight still. Get him to follow you back through the space under the platform, and then get him to jump in that machine on the right (the grey one). He'll oblige, and there's 25... Part 4 - ...and also part 4! Head back up to the green machine and it should now be fixed (press B to insert machine parts in case you didn't do this before). Now all you have to do is get past an ultra-pesky robot on the right hand side. If you don't get through this, you'll lose at this stage. Even though you've finished the entire level. HOW annoying (can you tell I got hit first time?!). Stand in front of the fixed machine and it'll spit out a sweet after a little while. You can actually throw these - head back over to the robot and press the B button to throw it. Now run straight through to the arrow and you've finished the level! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4e. FUDGE ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- As you'll probably have noticed, there are no candies or letters involved in this room for collection. Augustus Gloop is stuck in the pipe, and as you'll find out right at the start, you need to overload the machine with fudge in order to progress here. Walkthrough... -------------- You'll need to keep an eye on the pressure guage you'll see on the right hand side of the screen - when it becomes totally full (red), it's level over. One piece of fudge at a time will appear on screen below the pipes to the far edges of the level (one on the right and one on the left). You'll start off in front of a metal machine. There are two conveyors at the bottom - one on each side. At each edge of the conveyors is a steam jet, so be careful crossing these. Pick up a piece of fudge by walking through it (the brown blob things on the floor under a pipe). Once you have one, you'll have to make sure you're careful about timing. Each piece of fudge you pick up can be thrown into the mouth of the machine if you can time it correctly - it's easier when you've managed it once! The large thing opening and closing towards the top of the machine is what you'll have to aim for. When you let go of fudge, you actually throw it - you'll need to slam dunk each piece, basketball style, into the machine. Each one you throw in reduces the pressure in the machine. If the guage fills up until it's red, you'll lose a life and restart the level. The timing is easiest performed (for me, at least) by standing at the edge of one of the conveyors, waiting until the mouth starts opening, and then jump up and hold down the D-pad to move towards it while you're in the air, and then press the B button to throw it. You'll need to throw it at the highest point of each jump in order to succeed. Once the guage has completely turned white, you'll have successfully completed the level. You'll be "rewarded" by being shown some stills of a freaky dance routine and lyrics of a ditty performed by the frightening as hell Oompa Loompas. Joy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4f. INVENTING ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- We're back to the 25 candies and letters to spell "WONKA". Hoorah! Walkthrough... -------------- When you start this level, you'll see that you're in the room in which Wonka develops all his new products (he'll tell you that if you talk to him and he's just on the right when you start). Read the sign further ahead, and it'll mention finding out what happens if you give a candy balloon to an Oompa Loompa. Grab the balloon just ahead of the sign, and get the Oompa Loompa to follow you until he's beneath the pedal thing above the balloon. Drop the balloon and he'll float up... Now move right and jump up. You'll get to the platform the Oompa Loompa is standing on this way. Press L1 again and he'll start pedalling, this opening the door. Handy! 01/25 - This one is very easy to miss! Now that you're on the platform above next to the Oompa Loompa, walk to the right just a little, run to the left and jump right at the end of the platforms to the left - there's number 1 floating high in the air in the middle of nowhere! Grab it now and head back towards the right. 02/25 - Walk through the open door and talk to Wonka, who'll mention using the platforms. Ignore this for now and walk straight past to land on number 2 (and a wriggle-sweet). 03/25 - Grab the wriggle-sweet and move further to the right. When you see the robot thing, jump and throw the sweet at it to make it ignore you. Number 3 is in the air behind the robot. Grab the wriggle-sweet on the right to backtrack past the robot and move back across to the first see-saw. 04/25 - Retrace your steps back to the Oompa Loompa, and get him to stop pedalling. He'll start following you again. Move with him to the first see-saw, and when he's right on the bottom edge, tell him to stop (L1 again). Go the the high edge, and jump, landing back on the see-saw. He'll move across and land on the second one. Do the same again for him to land on the far right. Get him to follow you again, and let him crawl under the platform with the robot. Distract it as before with the sweet, and grab the Oompa Loompa again. Drop him off in front of the pedalling thing to open the door, and then grab the wriggle sweet. See the platform at the top? There's a switch on it. Jump in front of this, and throw the sweet at the high point of the jump to hit the switch and open the door. Number 4 is right beside it. Exit the screen now. 05/25 - Move across to the right, grabbing the balloon on the way. Number 5 is just past this. 06/25 - Just a little further, you'll see a tiny platform right above you (small red and white circles - VERY small). Jump on top for the letter "W" for the bonus game, and then move across to the right and jump onto the platform further across where you'll see number 6 waiting. Drop back down on the left hand side of this platform (trust me - there's a floor there!). 07/25 - Moving left, you'll see a sign warning you that there's a hairy Oompa Loompa around here somewhere. He's further to the left from here - go stand behind him (no following). You're going to need to push him (by holding B and moving) into the grooming machine when it opens. Get ready to push, and wait for the machine to open (can take a while). He'll pass straight through. Get him to follow you now, and move all the way along on this level to the right. Drop the balloon there and he'll float up to the platform above you. Jump up yourself now, and get him to follow you to the white spot further to the right. Drop him off and he'll open the door. Number 7 is to the right of here, on top of the red and white platform. Drop down from here now to the left of the platform. 08/25 - Underneath where you collected number 7, you'll see there's a pedalling thing, a hairy Oompa Loompa, a see-saw and a grooming machine. Several steps to perform here clearly, but first there's number 8 waiting just to the right of the see-saw. Now go to the Oompa Loompa and push him onto the lower edge of the see-saw. Wait for the grooming machine to open, and jump to get him up there. Then get him to follow you back across to the pedal switch and hop in. This pedal will open the door to the right, allowing you to grab the wriggle-sweet that you'll need very soon. Jump back up to the platform where you picked up number 7, and move to the right. First you'll need to avoid a sleeping robot - hold down R1 to sneak past it. Grab the Wonka Bar if needed, and jump up to the next. There's another robot here that's very much awake! Throw the wriggle sweet at it, and run past while it's occupied. Now exit this room. 09/25 - In the new screen, drop down to the right straight through number 9. 10/25 - There are "rollerbots" down here - these are not nice to cross, so be very careful. The first one is sleeping - remember how you avoided the robot in the last screen (the sleeping one) to get through this, and move across to the right. Use R1 to sneak past it, and jump onto the middle bit. There are two floating platforms, so use them to jump up to the top. Move towards the right up here, all the way across, to grab the candy balloon (taking care to avoid falling between platforms on the way - the second robot down there is very much awake and you'll be defenseless). Move back across on the platforms as far as you can before dropping down (remember to sneak past the robot again), and go all the way across to the left down here to find an Oompa Loompa. Get him to follow you, and give him the balloon when he's beneath the first platform above. Get him to follow again, and then launch him across on the see-saw to the next platform. Drop back down (you have no choice) and sneak past the sleeping rollerbot again. Use the small platforms to climb back up and jump left to launch the Oompa Loompa further along on the see-saw. Do this again, then pick him up further along to the right. Get him to follow you now so he gets in the pedal switch to open the door below you. Drop down and walk through to grab number 10, before exiting the screen to the right. Phew! 11/25 - Move all the way across the the right (watch out for two candy-wrappers on the way) to get to number 11 on the opposite side of the screen. Retrace your steps and drop down using the small platforms. Talk to Wonka - he'll warn you of the Grabberbots. Careful of these! 12/25 - Run across to the right (a lump of chocolate will most likely land on your head but I'm not sure how to avoid these!). Next, drop to the level with the purple peach and walk to the right on the platform. Jump up to the next platform to get hold of number 12. Drop back down to the level directly below this (underneath you towards the right). 13/25 - Move rightwards and crawl under the little floaty robot to the right. Get hold of the wriggle sweet that you'll see on the far right on this floor. Use the purple peach to jump to the right, and move up two levels of red and white platforms to jump into number 13. 14/25 - Jump across to the left now to land on a purple peach immediately above the robot you crawled under. Use this peach to jump up to the left, then jump left again to land on the platform with number 14. 15/25 - Along the way you'll have picked up a wriggle sweet at the bottom just before number 13. There's a switch on a platform out of your reach on the left. On the platform just where you collected number 14, jump upwards and throw the sweet to hit the switch. This will open the door way back down at the bottom of the level. Go back there by heading downwards repeatedly and then to the left. On the far left here, there's a hairy Oompa Loompa. Push him to the right to get him on the see-saw, and launch him up into the grooming machine when it's open (try to avoid splatting him into the wall, although he won't care if you do!). Get him to follow you and drop him off on the far right of this level. Now, use the peach to jump back to where you last saw Wonka, and use the two small platforms on the far right of this floor to jump up. You'll get to a section with a balloon if you jump up to the right from the top of here. Pick up the balloon and head back down to the Oompa Loompa. Welcome to Tedium. Population: YOU. That's right - he's only moved up one platform. Can you see why this is one of the most dull bits of this game yet? :) Head back to where you got the first ballooon and grab another. Drop back down to the Oompa Loompa and give it to him. Go on, take a guess. Oh look he's only moved up one blooming level AGAIN! If you're really lucky, it's the one on the left. Ooooh only one to go! Go get another flipping balloon then. Oh but wait, he's out of your reach! So go back up to where you got the balloon AGAIN and get him to follow you and crawl under the gap. Now you can FINALLY retrace your steps to climb up to the other side of where the Oompa Loompa is waiting. About time too. All he does is get in the pedal switch (with sufficient prompting, of course. Can't expect a minor incidental character to actually take initiative after all!) to open the door RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. So walk through it. No it's STILL not number 15 - it's a lump of marshmallow. Looks like we're going to be doing some jumping. If you run out of time with the jumps, you can pick up another marshmallow from this same place. First thing to do is jump up and two platforms along to the left to find a spotter-bot (easy enough to avoid) and the letter "O" for the bonus game. At least that's one thing then. Pick up another marshmallow if needed, and this time jump up and to the right to exit the screen. In the new screen, move to the right and number 15 is waiting just to the right hand side of the candy press. 16/25 - OK, we're progressing... Take care because there's a grabberbot patrolling here, but we do need to move right. Wait until he starts moving to the right, and jump down behind him and move right too. As soon as you see two red and white platforms, climb them and move to the left when you reach the top. Move left again and get hold of the marshmallow for jumping power. There's one more platform off to the left - jump onto it to grab the balloon. Now head back towards the right and across all the way along to the right, making sure to jump up for the letter "N" for the bonus level along the way. Keep going until you land in number 16, then flick the switch on the right. 17/25 - Drop back down and go through the newly opened door to get the Oompa Loompa to follow you, and give him the balloon so he floats up to the platform above. Move back to the left now and up, taking care to avoid that robot again. Jump off to the left at the top, and grab the pickaxe floating on top of the platform you're on now. Head along to the right to get the Oompa Loompa to follow you, and give him the axe in front of the rock wall. Exit this room now. In the new room, number 17 is hovering above the purple peach you'll see immediately to the right. 18/25 - Drop back down now and head towards the right to see a hairy Oompa Loompa. Stop just past him and beware of the two candy-wrappers before moving through here. When you get to the purple peach on the ground, jump up and to the right, then jump again to get number 18. Make sure you grab the wrench in front of the candy press down here as well. Backtrack to the Oompa Loompa now. 19/25 - Push the Oompa Loompa across to that see-saw, and make sure he's going to be heading to the right when you launch him (you may need to move things around somewhat to get him heading the right way). He'll land on the edge of another see-saw if you're in the right place. Backtrack to the place you got number 18 to return to where the Oompa Loompa is, and launch him again to get him through the grooming machine, then grab that Wonka bar if you need it. Get him to follow you and move along to the right to launch him again (towards the right hand side).Get him into the pedal-switch now and move down through the now open door to grab a machine part. Get back up to that pedal-switch (backtrack) and get him to climb out and follow you again. Flip him back across on the see-saws until he lands on the bottom level. Get him to follow you back to the broken switch, and drop the wrench. He'll fix it. Now move back up and grab the pick-axe from on top of the red and white platform that you should have seen it next to before (where you see a purple peach below the platform and just to the right). Now backtrack to where you picked up number 17, flipping the newly fixed switch on the way. This will make the floating platform move so that you can use it to ascend up from where you grabbed number 17. Do so. Jump off to the right, and grab number 19 just along here next to a rock wall. 20/25 - Grab the marshmallow on the way (may as well) and move upwards on the small platforms high up in the level to grab number 20 and a balloon. Now, head off to the left hand side from the top to grab a machine part. Head back down to the Oompa Loompa at the bottom of this room where you left him. 21/25 - Get the Oompa Loompa to follow you to the right, until he's underneath the first red and white platform (with a purple peach underneath it and before you get to the see-saw). Give him the balloon and he'll float up one level. Backtrack to the top and grab another balloon. Take it to the Oompa Loompa and give this to him as well so he ascends to the next. Now grab the pick-axe before climbing back to where you received candy number 19. Get him to follow you just to the rock-wall and give him the pick-axe so you can get in here and grab the machine part. Now, get the marshmallow and get all the way across to the platform on the far left hand side, on the same floor level you're currently on (you'll need to use two small platforms to ascend, then jump off towards the left hand side). Walk left if necessary and you'll be in a secret room, where number 21 and the letter "K" for the bonus level are waiting for you. 22/25 - Retrace your steps back to the marshmallow and grab it. Now jump right up to the top again to grab another candy balloon, go back to the Oompa Loompa and float him up one more level. Head to where you got the balloon and head to the right this time, taking care to avoid the spotterbots. Drop down using the gap after the first bot, and get the Oompa Loompa to follow you and tell him to crawl under the right hand wall so you can meet him on the other side. Retrace your steps to the top and towards the right, staying on the top level this time. Go as far as you can and then drop down. The Oompa Loompa is here - get him to follow and he'll stop on that white platform, opening a locked door that you passed just to the top right. Head up on the platform and grab the machine part, then drop down and head right to run through number 22. 23/25 - Wonka's just beside you - he's mentioning finding the four machine parts - you should already have them all if you've been following this. Put them into the machine and it'll be fixed and start spouting out jellies. A little further to the right on this level you'll find number 23 (in the air above a slightly raised bit of platform just past the machine). 24/25 - Go back to the machine to grab a green jelly, and head right to get the Oompa Loompa to follow you to the red-purple plantpot beside you. Get him to plant the jelly, which will grow into a beanstalk, which you can climb by holding down the Up direction on the D-pad when you're in the middle of it. Head to the right at the top of this screen to exit the room. In the new room, head right. Watch out for the rollerbot on the raised platform and head right when it's all clear. Jump up when you can, and head left (look out for the spotterbot) to find a jelly. Head right now on the platforms and drop down when you can't jump any further. To the right is number 24 so get it. 25/25 - Get the Oompa Loompa you'll see just to the right to follow you, and tell him to crawl back under the platform with the rollerbot. Go and meet him on the other side, and give him the jelly in front of the plantpot you passed earlier. He'll plant it, so climb it, and grab the wriggle-sweet, the letter "A" for the bonus level, and number 25, all of which are waiting here. Now, jump down and head to the right again. Go all the way across, and jump in front of the platform with the switch and throw the sweet at it to open the door and talk to Wonka. Now exit the room, and we're all done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4g. TO THE JUICING ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this involves... --------------------- Collect 25 candies, as you'll see from the start-up screen for this level. There's also another objective - Violet needs juicing! You'll have to roll her around at the same time as collecting candies by holding B and pushing her. Certainly makes things interesting... Walkthrough... -------------- Walk right from the start of the level and get behind Violet. Hold the B button and push her along to the right. Just to the right hand side of where you'll see Wonka for the second time since entering the level (not very far onwards), you'll notice a circle on the ground - this is a fan, which will propel Violet upwards onto the next level. Push her onto it (this is tricky - the game will only actually realise she's on this fan if she is exactly placed in the centre) and once in the middle, stop pushing her and get Charlie further along to the right by crawling across. Once in the correct location he'll stop automatically and Violet will blow up and land on the next level. Seem tedious? Get used to it! Harsh but true. 01/25 - Move further along to the right on the lower level, being careful of the juice fountain on the way along. As soon as you see a small platform just below a longer one on the right hand side, stop and climb up these two levels. Now, backtrack leftwards and jump for the white marshmallow. Use this to jump to the upper-left platform and on the way you'll jump through number 1. 02/25 - Follow this platform leftwards now and flick the switch at the edge to turn on the fan. Use the fan to reach the highest platform, on which you'll find number 2. 03/25 - Head back to the right now, picking up another white marshmallow on the way. Use the marshmallow to jump up to the platform immediately above the see-saw, to grab number 3. Now follow the route back across to where Violet is waiting and push her towards the right. Ensure that the lower edge of the see-saw is on the left hand side, and manouvre Violet onto that edge. Move Charlie across to the higher edge on the right, and jump to catapult Violet up to the next level. 04/25 - Now jump up to the next level (grab another marshmallow if needed) and push Violet to the right, down the slope. At the bottom of the dip, stop for a minute and use the purple peach thing to jump up the platforms straight to the top of the screen to grab number 4. Now grab Violet again and push her along rightwards to get into the next screen. 05/25 - Roll Violet up the ramp. Stop at the top, and use the purple peach to jump up and to the right to grab the white marshmallow. Next, jump along the top of the screen across to the left for number 5... 06/25 - ...and then number 6 further left, once more for the wriggle sweet. Now head back towards the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **WALKTHROUGH FROM THIS POINT ON IS NOT YET COMPLETE** Next update expected: 15th Sept 2005. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 5. MINI GAMES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are all collected by gathering the letters to spell out "WONKA" in each applicable level. The level at which each game becomes available is noted at the start of each explanation below, and locations of the letters are given in the adventure walkthrough above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5a. LIFT-A-LOOMPA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock this game during the Chocolate Room level by collecting all the letters to spell "WONKA". See the Chocolate Room level walkthrough above to find the letters. Upon starting this game, you'll see that Charlie is sitting in a control room for some kind of crane mechanism. It appears that the Oompa Loompas have fallen into the fudge somehow (how does that happen, exactly??), and your job is to pull them out, using the crane. This works in a very similar way to those annoying machines at seaside arcades, where you pay an extortionate fee and try to grab a teddy bear out of a glass box. Fortunately, this mini game version of that machine is far less annoying, so that your task here is far more achievable in turn. Controls are simple - left and right to move the crane thing, and press A to try grabbing an Oompa Loompa. If you manage to get one, you will need to drop him on tbe conveyor belt above the fudge by pressing the A button again. Be careful when dropping the Oompa Loompa onto the conveyor - the spot you hit is all-important, as points and bonus tries are awarded depending where you land! Try to avoid the sections which contain negative numbers as much as you can. You get a total of five tries to get each Oompa Loompa, and for each one you fail to grab, you lose a turn. You can collect extra tries by landing the Oompa Loompas on the everlastng gobstoppers on the conveyor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5b. BLUEBERRY JAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock this game during the Wriggle Sweets Room level by collecting all the letters to spell "WONKA". See the Wriggle Sweets Room walkthrough above to find all the letters. The objective here is to bounce blueberry jam filled extra-rotund Oompa Loompas back up towards the factory roof and sides by bouncing them up on a trampoline as they fall out of a suspended shute thing that moves side to side above you. Do this by moving the trampoline left and right using the D-pad. Aim each Oompa Loompa back towards the roof - try to get them to land in the centre of the trampoline to be sure to catch each one. If you drop one, you lose a try, and you only have 5 tries at the start so be careful. You can gain extra tries by collecting the everlasting gobstoppers that occasionally fall out of the shute. Just to complicate things, squirrels will occasionally fall from the shute as well as Oompa Loompas - avoid catching these. If one lands in the trampoline, you'll lose a try. Let the squirrels drop and bounce the Oompa Loompas to gain points. For every 50 points you collect, you'll advance a level. This results in a very gradual build-up of difficulty. This game is fairly easy, and insanely addictive! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **WALKTHROUGH FROM THIS POINT ON IS NOT YET COMPLETE** Next update expected: 15th September 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5c. NUT ROOM CHAOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock this game during the Inventing Room level by collecting all the letters to spell "WONKA". See the Inventing Room walkthrough above to get these. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5d. CHOCOLATE BROADCAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5e. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6. OOMPA LOOMPA ALBUM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Selectable from the game mode menu, the Oompa Loompa Album isn't a game mode as such, but rather a collection of movie stills from the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (the 2005 version). These images are all of different Oompa Loompas, which depending on your perspective you may find more than slightly terrifying as opposed to "cute" or whatever (a bunch of actors with purple face paint who perform slave labour for Willy Wonka... and they're all allegedly beings from another planet who seem unable to leave the factory confines. Eerie, no?). If you really really want to collect all these images (no comment), then you will need to collect every single candy in every single level. This particular task is for completists and fans of the Oompa Loompas (again, no comment...) only, to be honest. As a collection they don't unlock any extra levels or modes, and there are no games to be collected from them either. Thus it's entirely up to you whether to bother collecting them all. The images aren't named, just numbered (again, quite frightening if you ask me) and there's not an awful lot of variety between the stills. There's no point to gathering them exactly, but if you want to then you know where they are. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7. VERY EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS TO... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- o The Charlie and the Chocolate Factory game board users on GameFAQs. I hope you all like it! o SineNomine, for helping me out with the ASCII and for being a silly person. o Martin G and Sashanan for being as damn lazy with the writing as I am. o CrystalMoon for generally being a lovely person but again with the silly. o All the people on KGB who distract me from writing way too much. o And ASchultz for being my writing and contributing mentor :) AM I MISSING SOMETHING?? - there's no Credits section! That's because no-one helped. If you know something I don't, or if you need to know something that I've missed out, please send an e-mail to sparky.lisa@gmail.com and I'll let you know what's going on. All senders of e-mail will be credited in a future update if an update becomes necessary (ask for anonymity if you don't wish to be credited). It seems quite a few people are reading this guide too, which is always pleasant to know - let me know if you read this even if it's just to tell me what you think. It's helpful to get feedback since I haven't written many of these yet... Thanks for reading! Bye now! ~Lisanne, August - September 2005~ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-