Version 1.3 11/28/04 ____ ______ ___ _____ _ // \ \ / \\ \ /| / //\ /// / \ \/| || | |\\ \ / || | // \ /// / \_ | || | | \\ \ / || | // /\ \ ||| | \| || | | \\ \/ || | // /__\ \ ||| | || | | \\/ || | // ______ \ ||| | || | | || | // / \ \ \\\ \ / || | | || | // / \ \ \\\ \____// || | | || | // / \ \ \\______/ /____\ /_\ /____\ /___\ /__\ _ // | |_________||________________________________________ | ||||||||||||```````````````````````````````````````/ | |_________||______________________________________/ |_| \\ ____ ___ / / __ / _ ____ / /\ /__\ /-- /\ /_\ / / / \ / / / / \___/ /__ / / \__/ / / / \/ \_/ Boss FAQ for CIMA: The Enemy by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2004 For the latest version of this guide, check Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Bosses 003. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a boss FAQ for the GameBoy Advance (GBA) game called CIMA: The Enemy. You can e-mail me at, but make the subject blank if you do. If you've got any hot tips on how to fight a boss, let me know! 002-Bosses ----------------------------------------------------------- Bruton ------ Boss of Silver Snow, sent by Genox. Bruton moves around the arena very quickly, but never comes close to the edge, so it's safe to stay there. Bruton will stop momentarily when he needs to change direction, and when he does so, he shoots out balls of energy in all eight directions, like this: \|/ -O- /|\ At the beginning, the balls only travel a small distance from where he summons them, but later on, the red ones shoot out across the arena, which is bad news because you have to dodge energy balls summoned by Bruton while he is out of sight. For me, the best spot to be is in the bottom corner, using the down button as direction for where down is. The corner here forms a "W", and part of Bruton's path has him going like this a bit upwards of the corner: /_____\ o If you stand at the "o", in the middle of the path he takes directly left/right, you can do the most damage by swinging your sword repeatedly. The energy balls he summons at the corners seem less likely to hit you, because they don't go far (since you're at the corner area) and being in the middle area counts as far enough for the balls not to hit you when they're cast at the corner where Bruton changes direction. You get about three hits in this way, because when you hit Bruton he stops for a short time. If you're worried about the energy balls (it's not exactly easy to nail down where exactly the "center" of the path is), you should start left of where the center is and move right while attacking, so you start too far left to be hit by an energy ball and end up too far right to be hit by one. You get less hits in this way, though. Sanfraw and Moon Flow --------------------- Bosses of Lost Forest, sent by Elvira. Right off the bat, you're in good position (close to them), so just start hacking as fast as possible and you should do a good amount of damage, until they go off. For this fight, the blue one (Moon Flow) will bounce around, occasionally stopping to shoot out a bunch of energy ball things, which are small and easy to dodge. They go all the way across the arena. The other flower, Sanfraw, will just bounce around. Moon Flow's energy things will hit Sanfraw. When this happens, Sanfraw jumps to attack you. Dodge these; I've heard that going around the arena in a clockwise manner is a good way to do so, because you're always moving and not reversing direction. When Sanfraw's dead, you need to take care of Moon Flow. Go to the bottom of the screen, and around here you'll notice an odd-colored bush. If you hang out by it, Moon Flow comes by. This is a good place to attack Moon Flow without getting hurt (if you position it right, which isn't hard). It's also good to hit Sanfraw from here, too, except Sanfraw will dislodge you from this place with the jump attack. If you kill Moon Flow first, Sanfraw will start shooting stuff, but stop jump attacking, which is easier on you because then you can just position yourself correctly to kill Sanfraw. Alternate Strategy: Based off my first strategy, I devised this one while falling under the FAQer's curse: being able to do something easily the first time and then being completely horrible at it the next several dozen times. A bit up of the odd-colored bush, there's a difference in the grass (change of green). Stand so you are directly under the lowest part of the green flowery area. From here, only go left/right, which is a safe position to hit the two flowers without getting hurt (safer than the odd colored bush area). F. Dragon --------- Boss of Dragon Dungeon, sent to you by Genox. In this fight, the big dragon head will shoot out giant energy blasts, so stay to the sides to avoid this. Also stay away from the tail at the back. The giant energy blasts are easily predictable because the mouth opens and you can hear it. There are two small dragon heads on either side of the big dragon head. Hit them and destroy them. They shoot out fireballs in groups of three which you have to dodge. You can tell when they're going to shoot out these fireballs because the head retracts. When the two heads are dead, Genox pops up and throws three swords into the arena. The sword with the blue handle is the dragon slayer sword, while the others bring back the two small dragon heads. Once the sword is picked up, the dragon head shoots four energy balls at you, which you must dodge. Once you've dodged, run up and hit the big dragon head. Once hit, it will shoot out four more energy balls, so you'll only get in one or two hits before having to dodge. After that, Genox throws more swords into the arena, and the whole process repeats. You could get in a few hits after dodging and before Genox shows up. Patience is the real key to killing this guy. Fallayga -------- Boss of Panic Factory, sent by Falcken. He goes around the arena quickly, dropping fire behind him occasionally. He runs at you to hurt you. I could only figure out one strategy, which works well so I'm not complaining. Stand on the grate on the floor in the bottom area (directly northwest of the red thing you can walk on). As long as you stand on this grate, you're safe from being run over. Hit the dragon whenever he passes by. The only thing you have to worry about is fireballs hitting you. You should kill him easily this way, once you've figured out his pattern so you can dodge the fireballs. Focdabe ------- Boss of Cold Snow, sent by Elvira. Focdabe runs around you Ark, making a semicircle, which is half of a circle in case you don't know. At the end of the semicircle, he runs at you. You need to dodge this. Using excellent math/logic skills you can figure out where to dodge, like in this diagram: S Ark E \ / \ / \__________/ If Focdabe starts at S, he will end at E. Once at E, he will run left toward Ark. Ark should dodge by going left, because Focdabe only makes a short jump (say the length of the radius of the circle) at Ark. Ark can also dodge by going up/left or down/left or up/down, which is more risky. Put more simply, Focdabe starts at S and when he's opposite of where S was (it's not always left of you), he'll run at you. You dodge by going straight in the direction of S. After running at you, he runs away to stand for a few seconds in a spot near the edge of the room. Run up to him and hit him when he's in one of those spots. Hitting him there sends him to another spot, and if you're lucky, that spot (randomly chosen) is the one he's already on (happened to me, I could tell because he made the running sound without moving), so you can get in more hits. You can also hit him while he's doing the semicircle thing, which makes dodging harder, so beware. You should probably save that for when he's almost dead so he dies before finishing the semicircle, eliminating your need to dodge. Belton ------ Boss of Strange World, sent by Sawma. Swords come down from the ceiling, trapping you in a small area with Belton. Luckily, he's the easiest boss so far and can be killed in about ten seconds. Normally, Belton runs at you, then stops for a short time to bring his fist back and punch you. When he stops, you can hit him or dodge. Your sword is a little longer than his reach, so you can hit him without being hit. The good thing is when he's hit, he stops for a moment, so you can hit him again. The easy way to kill him (the ten second way) is to rapidly press A as soon as the fight starts. Belton runs at you, but because you're constantly swinging your sword, his attacks miss, so he's just standing in one spot, missing on all of his attacks. Since you're rapidly attacking him through this, he dies quickly. If you want a challenge, try dodging his attacks and then hitting him after a dodge to kill him. But who wants that? Farlay ------ Boss of Sky Garden, sent by Falcken. Farlay is not tough to beat, but it just takes a long time. Farlay has six attacks that he uses. 1: Shoots out three energy balls at you. 2: Shoots out a rock at you. 3: Shoots out four energy balls at you (unlike the three energy balls, they do not all start at the same place) 4: Shoots a weird energy ball at you that doesn't hurt you, but rather explodes into eight energy balls. 5: Brings a few meteors to land on you. 6: Brings down a lot of meteors to land on you. Dodge to avoid the energy balls, and with the meteors, the ground where they will land turns white, so just stay off of the white ground to avoid getting hit by meteors. With the rock, swing your sword to hit the rock. Try to hit the rock so it goes right back at Farlay (best to stay close to Farlay to do this). Only rocks hurt Farlay. The other way to get rocks to hit Farlay is to break open one of the meteors (the ones in a small group that hang around after they hit the ground, unlike the ones in a big group that disappear). Hit the meteor quickly until you kill it, when it breaks into six pieces and shoots out into the arena, hopefully hitting Farlay. Most of the fight is avoiding attacks, and if you're hit, which doesn't happen often, you should heal yourself back to full health by the energy ring, because being hit doesn't happen often. In general, too long, making it too boring. Fallayia -------- Boss of Fire Dungeon, sent by Genox. Fallayia are the two small dragon heads you fought while beating F. Dragon, an earlier boss. They move around on their stationary necks, shooting energy balls at you. There's no special trick to hurting these guys, just run in and hit one with your sword, while dodging the energy balls. Kill one head first, than the other. The easy part about this fight is that if you're in one of the bottom right hand corners, you won't get hit. Heal yourself with the heal ring here when you're hurt, so you can last the whole fight without using a potion because you can spend as much time as you want healing yourself. Keckfrow -------- Boss of Weakling Forest, sent by Sawma. Keckfrow will gather energy balls around him; these balls appear around him in a clockwise matter. Now, there should be eight balls around him, like with Bruton, but instead he only summons seven. You can approach him and hit him through the gap made by the missing energy ball. You can hear a sound when he summons an energy ball, so you can tell if he's skipped a spot by a break in those sounds. Hit Keckfrow while he's summoning the energy balls, preferably if the balls are far from him (rather than when the balls are directly next to him). Keckfrow will run at you, but to dodge this, just change direction immediately. He likes to do a few runs in a row, which means you'll make a few direction changes in a row. That's all there is to Keckfrow; he's just kind of tough to beat. The more you fight him, the easier it is to win, I've found. The frustrating part of the fight is your inability to get in multiple hits in a row. Zikjabel -------- Boss of Air Garden, sent by Elvira. This boss moves around the arena, summons four energy balls that float at you, run at you, and repeat the process. After she runs at you, the four previous energy balls disappear. The strategy is to be constantly moving to avoid being hit by the energy balls. Dodge by changing direction when she runs at you (this is harder than it should be) and then immediately turn around and hit her when she's running. You should get a "feel" for this and eventually be able to dodge every time. Falcken A, B & C ---------------- Boss of Lonely Factory, is Falcken The arena is a bunch of train tracks with signs on them. The boss is Falcken, in the form of three trains. When a train is going to go down a track, the signs on that track flash. Use this to tell when the trains are coming, so you can dodge the trains. Also use this so you can hit the trains (hit them as they go past you). The trains will throw CIMA at you (hit the CIMA to destroy them) and they will throw energy balls as well. You have to dodge the energy balls along with the trains. They throw these things while they stop (at intersections). There's not much else to the fight except dodging and hitting the trains. Since you can't really control which train comes down which tracks, you have a random chance of hitting each one each time, which means you'll probably finish them off at about the same time. When you've beaten two trains, the last one goes extra fast. It's easy to dodge when there's just a single train, and you can heal ring yourself back to safety without any real trouble at that time. Sawma ----- Boss of Twilight World, is Sawma. He turns into a dangerous ninja enemy. He has many attacks that he uses. The most dangerous one is when he slide/dashes at you, which is hard to dodge. Other than that, his other attacks include other things hurting you. He will summon five swords, which hover over you and then fall down on you. Dodge them by going in the opposite direction. He'll also summon a series of swords, which fall down one by one at you (rather than the five swords which fall all at the same time). Keep moving to avoid them. Mines will fall down from the ceiling during this battle. Stay away from them, and they won't hurt you when they explode. Sawma will send in saw bucks, which float around you and shoot energy balls at you (dodge them). Sawma summons a duplicate of himself, which looks just like him, except that it is easily killed and Sawma isn't. To tell the difference between the two, kill a saw buck, then watch the two Sawmas and the real Sawma will summon another saw buck. This is hard because you don't have the time to stay still. If you're cautious like me, you'll have a heal ring and speed ring during this battle. Use the heal ring by going around the arena in a clockwise direction. This makes the battle longer, but it's a safe strategy. Genox ----- Boss of Phantom Snow, is Genox. He takes two forms in this battle. The first form is a top-like form. He spins around slowly, shooting blue things at you. The things do not change direction, so you can easily dodge them by always moving. Note that Genox cannot be injured in this form. There are four big majesties in the room when he's in this form. Hit them to destroy them, which is the hard part of this form, as it's not easy to dodge the blue things and hit the majesties at the same time. Destroy the four big majesties to get Genox to go into buzzsaw form. He spins around the arena much quicker, trying to hit you with his blades. Dodging Genox becomes the problem now. You can hurt him when he's in this form, though. He still sends blue things after you, except these are alive (you can kill them in 1-2 hits) and move slowly after you. Every now and then, Genox gets dizzy from all the spinning around and stops moving. This is the best time to hit him. And every so often, he goes back to his first form, which is a good time for you to use a heal ring to heal yourself, as it's easier to dodge then. This fight isn't tough, but the difficulty is that it takes long to kill Genox as he has high defense. Elvira ------ Boss of Hope Forest, is Elvira. Elvira turns into a spider. She will shoot blue and pink fireballs at you. The blue fireballs come in a group, and spin in a circle (the circle gets bigger as time goes on, making it harder to dodge them). The pink fireballs shoot directly at you. Elvira will also send things of web shooting down. You have to dodge them by going left or right, and hoping you don't get caught in one. You can hear it when she's about to shoot a web. Mini-spiders will crawl around for the entirety of the fight. They attack you when you're in the web. Use your sword to kill them and also to break the web. You want to break out quickly, because you're defenseless if Elvira runs into you. If you need a break to heal yourself with a heal ring during the fight, stand near the odd-colored bush in the lower/right. If you're there, you're about as safe as you can get during this fight, because the mini-spiders don't come at you there and Elvira doesn't come there, so all you have to worry about is dodging any fireballs or webs. When you kill her, she takes a second form, which is totally unfair. She will lower herself from the ceiling, shoot out blue fireballs, then go up and repeat the process. Her mini-spiders parade around in a line while she does this. You can tell where she's going to land due to her shadow, so get out of the way if she's going to land near you. Try to hit her when she's down, which is hard due to the blue fireballs. Just dodge them as you move in to hurt her. Elvira sends webs down during this part of the fight, and there are a lot more webs than last time, so it's harder to dodge. But dodge you must, for if you are trapped, the next time she comes down from the ceiling, she will come down on you and bite you with her pincher jaw things. Luckily, the second part of the battle is a lot shorter than the first part. Brutray ------- Brutray isn't much of a challenge. He stays in one place and shoots out Red Eyes at you. The pink/red ones spin toward you, while the normal ones (the ones you're used to) come straight at you fast, so you have to dodge them. The last kind of Red Eye will move slowly at you and explode, so hit them before they hit you. All you have to do is get close to Brutray by avoiding the Red Eyes, and then just hitting him. It's not really that hard. When you hit him, he moves to a new spot, so repeat the process. If you're lucky, you can hit him a few times while he's moving. Frawdia ------- Frawdia will disappear, then reappear somewhere and shoot out three white fireballs that bounce around the room. Then he repeats the process. Your best chance to hit him is after he shoots the fireballs but before they bounce back at you. You can hit Frawdia while he's disappearing/appearing, which is fortunate, because then you get some extra hits in. There's not much else to the fight except trying to hit him and dodging the fireballs. You can also just run at him and hit him madly, not worrying about the fireballs hitting you and healing yourself if you get low on HP. Arcjabel -------- Another easy boss (must be the game trying to put you off guard for the final boss fight). He turns into Diana and shoots three pink energy balls that swirl around her in a big circle. Then he turns into the knight and runs at you. Dodge when he runs at you and hit him when he's in Diana-mode. That's about all you have to do to kill him. Fallaysa -------- Now you've got a boss who isn't so easy. That's good or bad, depending on how you look at it. He splits up into six copies of himself and they bounce around the room, trying to hit you. You'll spend most of the time trying to avoid being hit by them. Hit one when you can (aim for stragglers from the pack), and slowly they'll die off one by one. They change color every time one of them dies. I recommend using Jean's potion B's to help get through this one. Pike Nighttrap -------------- Boss of Night Trap, is Pike. He flies around the room during the whole fight. _ _ /D\ /D\ | |_| | | | | | | |P| | F|_|_|_|E G Pike has got some funky armor that looks sort of like in the diagram. E and F are the energy/fire gates. G is the gun. The D's are dark mist. You destroy all of these things by hitting them, and you and you can do it in any order. When you destroy all of them, you can now hit Pike (P). Hit him until he dies. The attacks Pike uses depends on which parts of his armor he uses. If you destroy a part of the armor, he can't use that attack anymore. With the fire gate, he shoots energy balls up, which then land and start fires in various places in the arena (this fire the size of the fire that Rick makes with a double-attack). With the energy gate, he sends five energy balls that circle around and hurt you. With the gun, he shoots bullets downwards (move to the side to dodge), and with the dark mist, he sends blurry black things after you. When all of those are gone, he shoots three energy waves at you, which you can dodge, but not easily. 003-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2004. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)