____ ___ __ __ _ _____ _ / ___|_ _| \/ | / \ _ |_ _| |__ ___ | | | || |\/| | / _ \ (_) | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |___ | || | | |/ ___ \ _ | | | | | | __/ \____|___|_| |_/_/ \_(_) |_| |_| |_|\___| _____ | ____|_ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ | _| | '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \| | | | | |___| | | | __/ | | | | | |_| | |_____|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__, | |___/ ___________________________ | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | |___________________________| 1. Story-STRY 1. Walkthrough 1a. Beginning World 1BGWR 1b. Silver Snow 1SVSN 1c. Lost Forest 1LTFT 1d. Dragon's Dungeon 1DDRG 1e. Panic Factory 1PNFT 1f. Cold Snow 1CDSN 1g. Strange World 1SRWR 1h. Sky Garden 1SKGD 1i. Fire Dungeon 1FRDG 1j. Weakling Forest 1WKFT 1k. Air Garden 1AGRG 1l. Lonely Factory 1LLFT 1m. Twilight World 1TWWR 1n. Phantom Snow 1PHSN 1o. Hope Forest 1HPFS 1p. Night Trap 1NGTR 2. Controls of the Game 2a. Movement System MVMS 2b. Majesty System MJSY 3. Pioneers PNRS 4. Items ITMS 5. Credits This walkthrough is a step-by-step walkthrough for those whom loathe detailed walkthroughs and would rather figure the things in between steps on there own. While it keeps spoilers to a very minimal, I cannot mark it as a true spoiler- free walkthrough. Nevertheless, it is as absent of spoilers as you will likely find on the web. =============================================================================== 1a. Beginning World 1BGWR =============================================================================== Blue Creek ---------- -Name Character(Default is Ark) -Watch Scene -Speak to everybody on train -Try to go to the front of the train -Go and speak to the engineer -Speak to Jester Beginning World 1 ----------------- -Battle the CIMA while moving everybody into the CORRIDOR -Move Ark onto the switch -Move everybody over the bridge, and onto the second switch -Move Ark over the bridge -Bring everyone into the exit area -Go downstairs Beginning World 2 ----------------- -Go and hit the first switch, and cross the bridge -Hit the second switch, blocking off a CIMA nest -Move the pioneers across the bridges, and into the relevant area of the stairs -A bit northeast of the active CIMA nest, step on that pillar, and go get the key -Get the herb around the active nest -Bring everyone into the exit area -Go downstairs Beginning World 3 ----------------- -Open the door -Watch the long and touching scene -Go upstairs Beginning World 2 ----------------- -Scout the area, block off nest -Move everyone to the relevant area of the stairs going up, while fighting the CIMA from the active nest -Bring everyone into the exit area -Go upstairs Beginning World 1 ----------------- -Watch the scene Blue Creek ---------- -Read conversation -Head into warp =============================================================================== 1b. Silver Snow-1SVSN =============================================================================== Silver Snow 1 ------------- -Go up and slay Piyon to access bridge -Grab item in the southwest corner of the room -Cross the bridge -Hit switch to make a bridge connected -Get item west of the switch -Hit the second switch -Cross bridge -Hit third switch to allow access to bridge -Cross second bridge -Talk to Halley -Go back, cross third bridge, and go downstairs Silver Snow 2 ------------- -Cross bridge -Get onto one of the switches, and lull Ivy onto the other -Cross bridge -Grab Item -Kill random number of Grabion to access bridge -Go back, and guide Halley across the western bridge -SAVE, for you may fall into a trap you can't get out of -Go onto switch -Send Halley across to claim the two items, then bring him back -Go left somewhat, and send Halley across the wooden bridge -Claim the Area Key -Send Halley down the southern bridge, then go downstairs yourself Silver Snow 3 ------------- -Kill random number of Grabion to access a bridge -Kill random number of Hyuno to access a second bridge -Take the right bridge -Guide Halley up the -Guide Halley across the left bridge -Put Halley on the switch -Take the right bridge, get the item -Send Halley up the top bridge, and stay on a switch. When an enemy comes, run up the bridge when the enemy stays on the switch -Bring everyone into the exit area -Go to the next level Silver Snow 4 ------------- -Claim the two items -SAVE! -Go up, and unlock the gate -Prepare to fight your first boss Boss Battle - Bruton -------------------- Well, here's your first boss battle. He's pretty speedy, but he can be brought down easily enough. He'll just shoot out cloud-like attacks in eight different directions, and then dash in a direction, though it doesn't tend to be the direction that you are in. Anyway, the best way to win this is to use your Thunder Enhancement, and hit him from a distance. -Watch scene -Pick up item -Leave to Blue Creek. Blue Creek ---------- -Go inside the train -Talk to Halley -Go all the way to the back -Try to leave the train, and listen to Ivy's lecture -Go outside, go through the second warp =============================================================================== 1c. Lost Forest-1LTFT =============================================================================== Lost Forest 1 ------------- -Go up, step on the switch -Guide Halley up to the switch -Quickly go and get the item and hit the switch -Send Halley the to the northwest corridor -Go down and hit the switch -Taking the northwest corridor, grab the item -Take the northern path, step on the switch -Guide Halley to step on the switch -Go up, grab item, kill other enemy to access another path -Guide Halley to the western path, and go along with him -Go through tree trunk Lost Forest 2 ------------- -SAVE! -Go and fight Hyuno, therefore letting a Bruton out -Go up and grab an item and hit the switch. Don't bother fighting the Bruton, as it's wasteful -Guide Halley down, and then across the sand path -Go across, grab the item, fight both Grabion to open another path -Guide Halley and take yourself across the path -Go through tree trunk Lost Forest 3 ------------- -Encounter Vanrose -Bring Halley along the course COUNTER-CLOCKWISE -Put Halley onto switch -Go back, and then cross the bridge -Rescue Vanrose, get the item and hit the switch -Leaving the platform, take Halley to the left path, and go there yourself Lost Forest 4 ------------- -Continue along Lost Forest 5 ------------- -After the scene, you take control of Vanrose, and have to guide along Ivy -SAVE! -Go and step on the switch -Bring Ivy to the other side, and have her step on the other switch -Go across now -Grab both items -From here, have Ivy step on the next switch, while you have Vanrose grab the item and kill the Piyon to access another path -Bring Ivy across the west path, and then go there yourself -Go up the trunk Lost Forest 6 ------------- -Go and hit the switch -Watch scene, until you regain control of Ark Lost Forest 4 ------------- -Grab both items -Guide Halley to one of the two panels -Stand on the other panel to access another path -Cross the bridge, with Halley -Take Halley to one of the purple panels, stand on the other panel -Wait for a monster to stand on the pink panel to access the next bridge -Cross the bridge, guide Halley across, and go to the next section Lost Forest 6 ------------- -Watch scene -Hit switch -Reunite with Vanrose and Ivy -Hit last switch -Cross bridge to the right, bring Vanrose and Halley across -Hit switch -Gather everybody, then go up the tree trunk Lost Forest 7 ------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Unlock the door -Watch scene -Fight Boss Boss Battle - Sanfraw and Moon Flow ----------------------------------- This boss battle is even more annoying than last time, but thankfully, is somewhat easier. Moon Flow's(The blue petaled one) attacks are to spout pollen, which is somewhat slow and easily dodgable, and to dash and Sanfraw's only attack is a dash. My advice here, is to walk around the sides, and when Sanfraw runs at you, he'll most likely miss you if you're continously moving in one direction. Then, you can hit him. When Sanfraw is done for, concentrate on Moon Flow. He's a bit harder, and he has a bit of a faster dash, so I suggest that instead of being reckless and hitting him in close, use the same strategy as with Sandfraw. -Watch Scene -Grab Item -Leave the forest Blue Creek ---------- -Walk into train -Talk to Vanrose -Leave, and walk into the third warp =============================================================================== 1d. Dragon's Dungeon-1DDRG =============================================================================== Rooda ----- -Talk to the youth in front of the bridge -Go talk to the mayor in the dirt square -Go into cave. Dragon's Dungeon 1 ------------------ -Kill Hyuno to access path -Bring Halley up to get the item -Take Halley to get the item to a bit northwest -Hit the switch upwards a bit -Bring Hally to the item next to the switch -Guide Halley and Vanrose up into the corridor, and put both of them onto the switch. Keep yourself and Ivy there also -Put VANROSE ONLY onto the switch on the other side -Kill the Hyuno a bit northwest of you -Guide Halley there to get the item -Bring Halley and yourself and Ivy over the bridge -Guide Halley and Vandole over into the small area -Go upstairs Dragon's Dungeon 2 ------------------ -SAVE! NOW! -Watch scene -Go down and right to hit a switch to access the bridge -Go right a bit more to hit another switch for another path -Go across the bridge, wait for the Fallayga to move and hit the switch behind it -Hit the second switch -Go and rescue Emmy, watch scene -Grab whatever treasures you want to get, which is a risk -Take everybody down to the lower area -Watch the scene, and go upstairs Dragon's Dungeon 3 ------------------ -Watch Scene -I recommend you save here -Step on the stone-like panel, and guide everybody past the newly accessable path -Put one of the pioneers on the blue panel -Bring Ark to step on the other blue panel, to access another path -Have the pioneers step on the currently accessable stone path -Bring Ark and Ivy over, and guide everyone into the corridor -Put everyone onto the stone panel -Take off Halley, Vandole and Ark, and watch scene Dragon's Dungeon 4 ------------------ -Watch scene -Go down and hit the switch to access another path -Guide Emmy into the corridor -Kill the Bog to access the next path -Guide Emmy down -Hit the Red Eye, who won't hit if you aren't up close, onto the switch -Guide Emmy into the open path, and collect the treasure. Kill the CIMA there also to access the next path -Bringing Emmy and Ivy up back to the small open space, go take the newly opened space -Get treasures if wanted, and dodge the small red balls that fly at you -Kill a random amount of Vanice CIMA to open the next path, and guide Emmy into the corridor and into the new open space -Go to the next area Dragon's Dungeon 5 ------------------ -Watch scene, and switch back to Ark Dragon's Dungeon 3 ------------------ -Guide whoever is on the other side of the inaccessable path onto the male sign panel, and then send the second guy over as well as Ark, and go into the next area Dragon's Dungeon 6 ------------------ -Kill both Grog to open the next path -Guide Group 1 down, away from the path of the black balls -Put Ark on the switch, but slightly, out of the path of the cannons -Send G1 down to the second switch, and then bring Ark down -Kill a Labylu to access the next path(which is somewhat hard) -Send G1 into the next open space -Go to the next area Dragon's Dungeon 5 ------------------ -Watch scene -Put Emmy onto the bridge, not ahead of it or behind it -Put Halley onto his accessable bridge -Put Ark back at the start, and then put both kids onto their respective panels, and go across the bridge -Guide Vandole and Ivy across the bridges into the center where Halley is -Go up, hit the switch, go up a bit more, and hit the second switch -Bring Emmy along to the rest of the group -Go and grab the key in the newly accessable path with Ark -Take everyone into the next open area Dragon's Dungeon 7 ------------------ -SAVE!NOW! -Go and meet up with Genox, and battle Boss Battle - Dragon & Genox ----------------------------- A bit hard, but a simple strategy. First, you must slay the two small Dragon Heads up front. Wait for them to come down, and then hit them. After you destroy both of them, Genox will appear, and three swords will come down, one of which is the Dragonslayer. How to identify it? It is always the sword with the blue jewel on it. After, go and hit the dragon itself, and pull back immediately, as the fireballs that come after you can be annoying. Once you are done, watch the scene, grab the item and take the warp, and go back to the train ruins. Blue Creek ----------- -Go in, and talk to Vandole, and possibly required, Emmy and Halley -Go out, and go into the next area =============================================================================== 1e. Panic Factory-1PNFT =============================================================================== Panic Factory 1 --------------- -Guide Group 1 down onto the panel -Hit the switch -Guide Group 1 down into the corridor -Grab the item -Taking the upward path, not hitting the monster on the panel, grab the item -Kill all of the Drabion to open the path -Bring Group 1 down, and either Emmy or Halley to get the item -Bring Group 1 into the small open space -Go upstairs Panic Factory 2 --------------- -Go and watch the scene -Bring up Halley and Emmy over the bridge onto the panel -Cross the bridge -Hit the switch -Go back down the switch, and bring Halley and Emmy back -Take everybody into the open space at the end of this room -Watch scene, then go up Panic Factory 3 --------------- -Bring down Vandole and Doug onto the two panels -Cross the bridge -Kill random amount of Grog to open the next path -Bring down Halley/Emmy to step on the panel in the lower area -Hit the switch -Bring up Halley/Emmy onto the middle area and have them stand on the stone panel -Bring down Vandole and Doug, and then bring Group 1 into the next open space -Go to the next area Panic Factory 4 --------------- -Go into the middle of the large platform, hit the switch -KNOCK DOWN a Loglug into the pits(not kill it)to access another path -Going down into that path, kill the Grabion to access another path, and hit the switch there -Take the now accessable upper path, hit the switch there -Optionally get the two items on the far low and far high platforms with Halley/Emmy -Take the full Group 1 past the newly opened path -Go to the next area Panic Factory 5 --------------- -Watch scene -Bring both Halley and Emmy across onto the stone panel -Go and hit the switch -Watch long scene Panic Factory 6 --------------- -Get the Area Key in the box quickly -Hit both switches -Kill random amount of Gusnipes to lower the block to the bridge -Go stand ON the bridge, but don't try to cross it. Do the same with Emmy, and so watch the scene Panic Factory 5 --------------- -Go and kill both Gusnipes to access the next path -Go down, and kill a Rog to bring down a block -Hit the switch -Have Vanrose and Doug come down, and take them along the newly accessed path -Go up into the next area Panic Factory 6 --------------- -Watch scene -Kill both Clayba to open the path -Bring Doug and Vanrose up onto the stone panel -Go and watch the scene -Optionally grab the item a bit along the path -Gather everybody at the exit at the bottom, watch scene, and go up Panic Factory 7 --------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Go unlock the door, and prepare to fight the boss Boss Strategy - Fallayga ------------------------ I can't really say much for this CIMA than that it helps to be able to know exactly when to unleash a charged up sword attack when Fallayga is rushing at you. Basically, two attacks here. Fallayga will rush around, leaving flames behind, or shoot flames at you. About the only thing you can do is hit him when he's rushing around, or, hit him in the rare times he stay's in one spot for at least a couple of seconds. I highly recommend a few potions. -Watch the scene -Grab the item -Exit by going to the path at the top Blue Creek ---------- -Go and talk to everybody. On a side note, you can now upgrade weapons and armors, so I highly recommend you do so -Go outside, and go into the next portal =============================================================================== 1f. Cold Snow-1CDSN =============================================================================== Cold Snow 1 ----------- -Watch scene -Time the path of the snowballs, go up and take the right path off -Get the item, and time the path of the snowballs so just as they come down, you go straight up to the end of the icy path and hit the switch, and go take the left exit -Grab the item -Go and grab the next item in the southwest corner -Kill random amount of Grabion to get along the path -Go down Cold Snow 2 ----------- -Hit the switch -Kill the Fasgun to open up a path in this area -Hit the Red Eye until it's on the stone panel -Go and hit the next Red Eye onto the next stone panel -Continue along the path, and grab the item -Kill two Clayba to access another path -Taking the newly accessed path(bottom one), hit the switch -Going back, take the upper path, and continuuing along, kill both Grog to freely continue along -Go downstairs Cold Snow 3 ----------- -Watch scene -Go up, and kill both Payon to access the path -Send a Fasgun into the pit(Not kill one)to make an ice bridge to Eberle -Go back, and walk along the path carefully -Watch scene, and take Eberle back along the ice path(carefully) -Watch scene, and gain control of party 2 Cold Snow 1 ----------- -Watch scene -Alone with Ivy, scout out the right part of the ice path, and hit the Red Eye onto the stone panel to stop the snowballs -Bring everybody up onto the left path -From there, just guide everybody to the exit, and keep them safe Cold Snow 2 ----------- -Hit the Red Eye onto the stone panel -Continue along and hit the second Red Eye onto the second stone panel -Now that that's done, bring Group 1 throughout the whole area to the exit -Continue along to the next area Cold Snow 3 ----------- -Watch scene -Listen to Ivy's tutorial -Take the bottom path, and go hit the switch -Bring everybody upwards onto the stone panel -Go into the middle and hit the switch -Take everybody into the exit zone, and if you want, you can take either Halley or Emmy to get some of the items -Go to the next area Cold Snow 4 ----------- -Go and hit the left switch -Bring everybody onto the portal -Hit the second switch, and quickly get onto the portal -Bring Halley/Emmy up to get the Area Key from the item, and with everybody on the platform again, hit the switch and quickly get onto the portal -This time, hit the first switch that you had hit in this room again to change the directions of the portal. Again, hit the second switch and get onto the portal quickly, but this time around, hit the switch that you see in the middle of the path -Kill the Grabion to open a path -Optionally(This time, it's easy to get the item)with Halley orEmmy, get the item a bit north -Get the item in the lower path -Send everybody into the exit area -Go into the next area Cold Snow 5 ----------- -SAVE! NOW! -Go open the door, and after the scene, fight the boss Boss Strategy - Focdabe ----------------------- Although one may think that he is hard at first, the strategy is quite simple; Hit him, and he'll speed to the other side of the battling field, not even harming you in the process. The only problem is that he moves quickly, so for that, bring a Lightning Enhancement. Although you may lose a few times if your aim is bad, he can easily be brought down. -Watch scene -Get the item, and leave Blue Creek ---------- -Go in and talk to everybody -Leave the train, and go through the next portal =============================================================================== 1g. Strange World-1SRWR =============================================================================== Strange World 1 --------------- -When the moving portal is at the top, one of the blocks will lower, and allow you to pass. Do so, and hit the switch -Go back, and guide everybody down into the small area just below the cannonballs -Grab the item below if wanted -Hit the switch, and stand on the stone panel -Guide everybody into the exit area -Go down Strange World 2 --------------- -Watch scene -Send Vanrose and Doug onto the platform to the upper-left, and send Eberle, Halley and Emmy to the lower-right platform -Go to Shelley -Hit the switch in the northwest and northeast corners -Kill all three Garog to open the path downwards -Bring everybody down into the exit area, although you might want to grab the item with Halley or Emmy first -Watch scene, and then go down Strange World 3 --------------- -Watch scene -Taking control of Vanrose, take the right path, and guide along Shelley and Doug to the exit area -Go downstairs Strange World 4 --------------- -Watch scene, and then regain control of Ark Strange World 3 --------------- -Guide everybody through to the exit area while warding off the CIMA -Go downstairs Strange World 5 --------------- -Watch scene, and regain control of Vanrose Strange World 4 --------------- -Kill Gasnipe, and bring Doug and Shelley down -Grab the item -Hit the switch -Bring down Shelley and Doug into the exit area -Go down Strange World 5 --------------- -Watch scene -Go and step on the stone panel -Bring Shelley and Doug across, watch scene and regain control of Ark Strange World 4 --------------- -Kill the Balgan to open the path -Go and step on the stone panel, and bring Group 1 past the cannonball and down onto the stone panel you're on -Go and kill the CIMA in the small area there, and then go back onto the stone panel -Bring Group 1 up onto the second stone panel, and then bring Halley or Emmy to get the item -Go down, and kill the Baldan -Go and step on the first stone panel -Bring both Halley and Emmy out, and go have them step on the third stone panel. Then bring out Eberle to step on the stone panel -Go down, and bring Group 1 into the exit area -Go to the next area Strange World 5 --------------- -Watch scene -Bring both Group 1 and 2 to stand on the stone panel also -Go and talk to Vanrose -Go up the newly accessed path, and at the end, hit the switch -Go back, and take the newer path, and hit the switch there -Take everybody into the exit area -Go downstairs Strange World 6 --------------- -Here, send both Halley and Emmy over the web-like bridge to stand on the stone panel. After they're done that, send one of them to get the Area Key in the northwest corner -Bring both of them back, and take everybody onto the southeast stone panel to open another path. Go and grab the item there -Bring everybody into the exit area -Now go downstairs Strange World 7 --------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Watch scene -Battle boss Boss Strategy - Belton ---------------------- Although he may initally seem powerful, and it may seem hard because of the swords keeping you enclosed, he actually isn't hard at all. He will rush over to you, and take a single second to punch you. In that single second, you can always hit him, or dodge and then hit him. The only thing that you will have to watch for is the swords, though. Manage your space by moving right and left in the large width, and you'll beat this guy in no time. -Watch scene -Exit Blue Creek ---------- -Talk to everybody -You can now upgrade your weapons and armors to Level 2 with Doug, so do so -Leave, and go through the next portal =============================================================================== 1h. Sky Garden-1SKGR =============================================================================== Sky Garden 1 ------------ -Leaving the pioneers behind, go and walk up the the bridge that keeps switching around. This bridge has sections that appear and disappear in two patterns; From one end to the other, and the other end to the first. That's what you should watch out for, so bring Ark over when it starts up at the beginning of the bridge -Hit the switch -Guide everybody up the left bridge -Going along the path, on one of those small colorful circles, hit the switch -Optionally get the items on the below the switch and the item on the path that you've just accessed with Halley or Emmy -Now, see that bridge with the block and the three panels? Put somebody on all three of them to lower the block -Bring everybody across the gate into the exit area -Go to the next area Sky Garden 2 ------------ -Watch scene -Send Halley and Emmy across the near-broken bridge, and while doing that, walk around clockwise -At the end bridge, wait until it's ok to cross, then go and rescue the priest, hit the switch and grab the item all at once. Send Halley and Emmy back across the near broken bridge(While they're standing on the panel, it won't be connected) -Go down, and hit a Garog off the platforms, not kill one, to access the next path -Bring everybody into the exit area -Go to the next area Sky Garden 3 ------------ -Following somewhat the same system as the annoying platforms in Strange World, first go yourself only onto the platform, and when it goes up, hit the switch -Now, bring everybody onto the platform, hit the switch moving the platform, and get on yourself -Get off onto the stone bridge, hit the left switch, and get on again at the other stone bridge. If you somehow are unable to get on, the right switch will make the platform move again, although hitting it will make the arrow go left toward the lone switch instead to the second part of this area, so you will be required to hit the left switch again -Once you make it off, kill the enemies there to open the path back at the ranch -Optionally go back and grab the item with Emmy or Halley -Bring all the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Sky Garden 4 ------------ -Watch scene, and take control of Shelley Sky Garden 5 ------------ -Watch scene -Go up onto the larger platform, and on the somewhat northwest corner, hit the switch -Go up, and kill all of the Bivureyb to open the next path -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Watch scene and learn of Yurald's power Sky Garden 6 ------------ -Watch scene after looking at bridge Sky Garden 4 ------------ -Kill both Baldan to open the next path -Bring down the pioneers to stop just at the bridge -Attract the Clayba to stand on the pink-coloured panel, while Ark or Ivy stands on the green one to open a path -Go and hit the switch -Bring the passengers into the exit area -Go into the next area Sky Garden 6 ------------ -Watch scene -Bring all of Group 1 onto the switch onto the panel -Cross the bridge, and after the scene, bring Group 2 across the bridge onto the same panel -Go across the upper bridge, slay the Labylu to access another path, and grab the Area Key there -Heading back down, guide all the pioneers into the exit area -Watch scene, and then head into the next area Sky Garden 7 ------------ -SAVE! NOW! -Enter the room, and after watching the scene, fight the boss Boss Strategy - Farlay ---------------------- This boss is really easy, after getting the hang of it. Her attacks consist of shooting out three fireballs, a rock, bringing down a few huge meteors, of which you can see their target area, shooting out four fireballs or making a split eight of fireballs from a flaming rock, bringing down a mulitude of meteors. Farlay can only be damaged by hitting the rocks that she shoots out back at her, so while a lightning enhancement can be useful for staying back and hitting the rock with a bolt,generally, stay short-distance to her to hit the rocks back at her. -Watch scene -Grab item -Leave Blue Creek ---------- -Enter train -Talk to everybody -Go to the back -Leave the train, and enter the latest portal =============================================================================== 1i. Fire Dungeon-1FRDG =============================================================================== Fire Dungeon 1 -------------- -Go down, and taking the left to the first platform, hit the switch to access the path below it -Take the pioneers down into the newly accessable path -Go left and up to the top, and hit the switch -Going back, kill the Zigolas down a bit and left to open yet another path -Bring the pioneers down the newly opened path into the exit area -Go to the next area Fire Dungeon 2 -------------- -Watch scene -Bring all the pioneers onto the stone panel to open up the bridge -Cross the bridge, and kill the single Grog that'll appear there to open a path -Go back and go to the new path, and hit the switch to be able to get to Phillis -Go see Phillis -Grab the item now near where Phillis was -Go back, and bring all of the pioneers into the large area where you had hit the switch -Grab the item -Put at least one pioneer one one of the green tiles, and have Ark stand on the other to open the next path -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Watch scene -Go to the next area Fire Dungeon 3 -------------- -Kill two Garog that nest to the lower right to open another path -Going through said path, kill the Payon plus another one that hangs out to the far left to open a path -Bring the settlers into the exit area -Go to the next area now Fire Dungeon 4 -------------- -Watch scene Fire Dungeon 5 -------------- -Watch scene -Put one person on each of the green panels to open the next path -Kill all the CIMA in the next room to open another path -Go and kill all four Drabion there to bring down a block -Stand on the stone panel, and bring Phillis down onto the next stone panel -Getting off, go and grab the Area Key from the lower item -Go to the exit area, bringing Doug along with you -Watch scene -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Fire Dungeon 6 -------------- -Watch scene -Go and regain control of Ivy Fire Dungeon 4 -------------- -Watch scene -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go into the next area Fire Dungeon 7 -------------- -Put all the pioneers onto the stone panel -Go and hit the switch -Bring all the pioneers up and onto the next stone panel -Kill the Fasgun to bring down a block -Hit the switch to open another, and grab the item -Bring two pioneers onto the next stone panel, and then the rest of them -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Fire Dungeon 6 -------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Watch scene, and fight the boss Boss Strategy - Fallayia ------------------------ This boss battle can be easy, or hard. You can be reckless and just all out attack one at a time, and only have to use a Potion once, or, you can dodge the five fireballs that each Fallayia spits out, and hit it when it tries to lurch out at you. In addition, Lightning Enhancement can help if you want to keep this battle long distance. -Watch scene -Get item -Leave for the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Talk to everyone -Upgrade your weapons and armor, now that you can go to level 3 -Leave, and head into the latest portal =============================================================================== 1j. Weakling Forest-1WKFT =============================================================================== Weakling Forest 1 ----------------- -Go to the left of this forest to grab an item -Put all the pioneers onto the floating platform -Hit the switch, and get on yourself -Bring all the pioneers of the floating platform onto the second floating platform -Hit the switch in the middle and get on -Bring all the pioneers off and onto the stone panel -Kill both Drabion to open a path -Taking the new path, grab the item -Go back to the platform in the middle of the screen, and hit the new switch there to access another path -Going back, bring your pioneers into the exit area -Go into the next area Weakling Forest 2 ----------------- -Watch scene -Go down and hit the switch to open a path -Kill the Garog appearing near the switch to open yet another path -Take the path that the Garog opened, and in the lower part, kill a second Garog to open a third path -Go up and hit another switch to open another path -Go into the last opened path, and hit the partly-shrouded switch to open ANOTHER path -Go towards the latest path, and rescue Rick -Watch scene -Hit the switch near where Rick was standing to open, finally, the LAST path in this area -Bring all the pioneers into the exit area -Watch (funny) scene -Go to the next area Weakling Forest 3 ----------------- -Watch scene -Kill Fasgun to open the next path -Bring everybody onto the small bridge -Kill Poyon to access path -Take new path and grab the item -Put all of the pioneers onto the stone panel -Bring two pioneers across the bridge onto the second stone panel -Bring Ark and Ivy to stand on the second panel -Bring the rest of the pioneers across onto the second stone panel -Bring everyone into the exit area -Watch scene Weakling Forest 4 ----------------- -Watch scene -Kill both Bobyn to open a path -Bring the pioneers down to the bridge -Put one of the pioneers one one of the panels, Ivy on the other to open the path to the exit -Put all three pioneers onto the stone panel -Cross the bridge, and grab the Area Key -Bring all the pioneers into the exit area -Watch scene -Go to the next area Weakling Forest 5 ----------------- -Watch (hilarious) scene -Regain control of Ark Weakling Forest 3 ----------------- -Watch scene -Go to the next area Weakling Forest 6 ----------------- -Go down and hit both switches to open two paths -Kill the three Garogs that are hanging around to open another path -Going into the new open area, kill all four Beldan to open up the last path -Bring the pioneers into the exit area, while watching the pits that might open up if you have too many people walk over them in a short time -Go to the next area Weakling Forest 5 ----------------- -Hit the switch -Go and meet up with Ivy and Co. -SAVE! NOW! -Go and watch scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy - Keckfrow ------------------------ Basic strategy; When he's gathering the black smog around himself, just run around and hit him, and then run away. When he dashes at you, take a sharp cut in one of the other directions, and hit him from there. After a while, you should be able to kill this guy off. -Watch the loooong scene -Get the item -Go to the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Go into the train -Talk to everybody -Go out, and go into the next portal =============================================================================== 1k. Air Garden-1ARGR =============================================================================== Air Garden 1 ------------ -Kill all Poyon in this screen to open the exit path -Move the pioneers just outside the block -When the floating platform comes over, the block lowers, so move your pioneers across -Go ahead, and in the upper platform, grab the item -Some of the tiles go spiked for a few seconds, then return to normal. Time when you should move the pioneers, and maybe use an All Dash to avoid damage to the pioneers -Move everybody into the exit area -Go to the next area Air Garden 2 ------------ -Watch the scene Air Garden 3 ------------ -Watch the scene, and take control of Vanrose -Kill both Drabion to access the next path -Grab item -Bring Rick and Diana up along the newly accessed path onto the panel to open a path -Kill both Fasgarun to open a second path -Taking the path that Rick and Diana opened, claim the Area Key -Now bring everyone across the second path, and put Rick and Diana on seperate green panels -Hit the Poyon around or attract it to stand on the pink panel, therefore opening the next path -Bring everyone into the exit area -Watch scene -Go to the next area Air Garden 4 ------------ -Watch scene -Regain control of Ark Air Garden 2 ------------ -Watch scene -Kill both Drabion to open a path -Go up and right to the far corner to hit the switch for another path -Grab item from the path that the switch activated -Go to the second path, and kill both Clayba to access another path -Grab item -Hit the switch to open yet another path -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Air Garden 5 ------------ -Kill both Baldan to open a path -Bring either Halley or Emmy along the newly opened path and across the bridge to grab the item, and then stand on the panel -Bring the pioneers across the opened path onto the second panel of the area -Bring the child you sent off back and onto the second stone panel -Kill the Fasgun to open a path -Bring some of the pioneers onto the third panel -Go and grab the item -Bring all the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Air Garden 4 ------------ -Watch scene -Kill both Drabion to access path -Go and hit switch, and get the item -Bring pioneers down onto panel -Cross bridge -Go to the left, and hit both switches -Bring all the pioneers down into the large open area, including Rick and Diana -Bring them into the exit area, now that Vanrose will follow -Watch scene -Go to the next area Air Garden 6 ------------ -SAVE! NOW! -Go and watch the scene, and fight the boss Boss Strategy - Zikjabel ------------------------ This boss'll move around, leaving green energy balls that float towards Ark. She'll then dash at you, and move around again. I recommend bringing at least two Thunder Enhancements, and shooting lighting at her when she's moving around. Otherwise, if you are hit, you can just wait for her to dash at you, and then hit her. Basically, you'll have to be reckless if you are unable to keep away from her when she attacks. -Watch scene -Grab Item -Go to the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Go into the train -Talk to everyone -Leaving the train, watch the next train track go on(Wow, it sure does seem to be making a difference now, huh?) -Go into the next portal =============================================================================== 1l. Lonely Factory-1LLFT =============================================================================== Lonely Factory 1 ---------------- -Kill both Drabion to open path -Have Ark stand on the panel to deactivate the cannons for the time -Bring the settlers across the cannon path, onto the bottom panel -Go and hit the switch, and grab the item -Put the pioneers onto the other panel to open a different path -Go and grab the item -Bring all the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Lonely Factory 2 ---------------- -Watch scene Lonely Factory 3 ---------------- -Watch scene, and then take control of Doug -Go up, and grab item in northwest corner -Hit a Loglug down the pit to open a pathway -Go into the exit area, and to the next area Lonely Factory 4 ---------------- -Watch scene -Kill a Bobyin to access the next area -Get a Beldan to stand on the orange panel while having Doug stand on the green panel to open another path -Nab the item -Go down the latest path, and hit the switch to open yet another path -Kill the Fasgaran to continue along the path -Go and grab the item -Go watch the scene -Regain control of Ark Lonely Factory 2 ---------------- -Grab the item -Kill both Fasgaran to open the first path -Continue along, and kill both Tectobian to open a path -Grab the item from the new path -Bring the pioneers as far as you can -Have somebody stand on each of the three green panels to destroy a block -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Lonely Factory 5 ---------------- -Go and nab the item -Hit the switches in this order;middle, left and then right to open the next path -Bring the pioneers up to stand on the panel to open a path -Bring the pioneers onto the second stone panel, one group at a time -Wait for the totem to reach the right position to bring down the block, and go up into the small area -Grab the item -Hit the switch -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Lonely Factory 4 ---------------- -Watch the scene -Go and hit the switch to open the path -Bring Eberle up to the couple -Watch scene, and prepare to fight -Battle off the onslaught of CIMA -Watch scene -Bring the pioneers into the exit area, which was the entrance from Lonely Factory 3 -Go to the next area Lonely Factory 3 ---------------- -Send a few pioneers down onto the panel near the entrance area -Hit the switch to open the path -Send some more pioneers up the path onto the second panel -Send the last of your pioneers onto the third panel -Bring the pioneers on the first panel up onto the second panel -Grab the item -Send either Halley or Emmy across the bridge to claim the Area Key -Bring all pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Lonely Factory 6 ---------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Watch scene, and prepare to fight the Boss Boss Strategy: Falcken A, B & C ------------------------------- In train form, three trains will come at you, but they will only go in one direction at a time. To see the directions that the trains are coming in, look at the flashing red lights to deduce what direction they are heading in. When they do come by, they'll stop at a junction, releasing Gulbits, CIMA who are there just to hit you, but can be destroyed in one full hit on level 3 sword. Lastly, at random, pink energy balls will go at you, but after a small distance, they'll die out. Overall, there is little strategy, except to get out of the way of the trains, and hack and slash at them when they come by. Additionally, when you destroy two of the three trains, the third one will speed by instead of normal speed about half the time. -Watch scene -Grab the item -Go into the portal -Watch the second scene -Go to the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Talk to everyone. In addition, Doug can now upgrade your stuff to it's maximum -Leave the Blue Creek -Go into the next portal =============================================================================== 1m. Twilight World-1TWWR =============================================================================== Twilight World 1 ---------------- -Kill Bobyin to open path -Go and grab the item -Bring everyone across the dark purple strip, and then put them on the panel to open a path -Bring everyone across the newly opened path -Go up and kill the Bobyin to access another path -Move the pioneers onto the panel upwards a bit -Grab the item -Hit the switch and move everyone across as quickly across as possible; the block will stay down only for a time, and then go up. Repeat, or otherwise get into the exit area, and keep hitting the switch until everyone is in the exit area -Go to the next area Twilight World 2 ---------------- -Grab the item -Taking the moving platform, go and hit the switch in the upper area to open the first path -Continuing with the moving platform, go down and to the left path -Grab the item -Hit the switch to access another path -Kill all three Tectobian to access a third path -Bring your pioneers down through all the opened pathways into the exit area -Go to the next area Twilight World 3 ---------------- -Watch scene -Go and hit the switch -Bring Halley and Emmy up onto the stone panel -Go and rescue Jean -Have Halley/Emmy grab the item, and then bring them down into relative safety -Go and kill the single Tectobian to open a path -Taking the path, kill the Garog to open a second path -Grab the item while you're there -Guide the pioneers to the exit area -Watch scene -Go to the next area Twilight World 4 ---------------- -Watch scene Twilight World 5 ---------------- -Watch scene, and take control of Rick -Kill both Bobyin to open a path -Take the newly opened entrance, and grab the item -Hit the switch to open another path -Go and hit the switch in the corner to open yet another path -Guide Diana all the way onto the panel at the end -Go and nab the Area Key -Bring Diana down the path on the opposite side of where you grabbed the Area Key, and into the exit area -Go to the next area Twilight World 6 ---------------- -Watch scene, and regain control of Ark Twilight World 4 ---------------- -Grab the item -Kill both Fasgaran to open the next path -Go and hit a Woglog down into the pit to open a path -Grab the item -Somehow get a Woglug onto the green panel, and have Ark stand on the white panel to open the next path -Guide all the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Twilight World 6 ---------------- -Watch scene, and take control of Rick -Put Rick onto the stone panel -Direct some pioneers onto the stone panel in the upper-left area -Send Ark across the bridge to regain control -Go and hit both switches -Kill the Bobyin to access the exit area -Bring all the pioneers into the exit area -Watch scene -Go to the next area Twilight World 7 ---------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Go through the door -Watch scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy ------------- He'll transform into a ninja dude, who is uber tough. Bring entirely Potion B's. For one of his attacks, he'll dash at you and try to hit you. Since it's highly unlikely you'll dodge, just hit him when he dashes. He'll usually bring down five swords, which will explode on impact. When that happens, move the opposite direction as soon as possible. He'll also make a shadow of himself, which can only be identified by it being killed in like three hits. During the battle, Sawma will send Saw Bits and energy balls after you, making it even more annoying. I can't really recommend a strategy, so I'll say that you should probably just try to hit him, and recover as necessary. -Watch scene -Grab item -Go back into portal -Watch scene -Go back to the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Talk to everyone -Try to leave, and watch the long scene, and end up taking control of Jean =============================================================================== 1n. Phantom Snow-1PHSN =============================================================================== Phantom Snow 1 -------------- -Kill Clayba to open path -Bring the family up the path -Grab the item -Bring the family past the block when it goes down -Continue on with the family, and grab the item -Kill the Grabion to open the path to the exit area -Bring the family to the exit area -Go to the next area Phantom Snow 2 -------------- -Go and kill both Grog to open up a path -Stand on the panel at the entrance -Send the family across the bridge that'll be stable when on the panel -Go across yourself -Bring the family into the small icy corridor to keep themselves safe -Go down and grab the item -Hit a Fasgun down into the pit to open a path -Go and hit the switch to open yet another path -Grab the item -Bring the family down into the exit area -Go to the next area Phantom Snow 3 ------------- -Watch scene -Taking control of Halley, go and grab the item -Kill both Bobyn to access a path each -Taking the lower path, grab the item -Going up the upper path, hit the Red Eye onto the panel to access the bridge -Continuing on, hit the second Red Eye onto the second panel to secure the bridge from suddenly breaking if the first Red Eye leaves the panel -Kill the Drabion to open the path to the exit area -Bring the family in to the exit area -Go to the next area Phantom Snow 4 -------------- -Watch scene -Send Emmy down onto the panel -Go and rescue Jean, watching the scene -Have Emmy grab the item, then stand on the panel again -Bring Halley along with Jean to Telmia -Bring Emmy off the bridge, and bring both her and Eberle to Telmia -Watch scene Blue Creek ---------- -Watch scene -Head out to the Phantom Snow portal Phantom Snow 1 -------------- -Bring everyone along the paths, across the two rising and falling blocks, into the exit area -Go to the next level Phantom Snow 2 -------------- -Bring Ark to stand on the ice panel -Send everyone across the bridge and into a safe spot -Bring Ark and Ivy over the bridge -Lead everybody into the exit area -Go to the next area Phantom Snow 3 -------------- -Go ahead and hit the Red Eyes onto their respective panels -Bring the pioneers along the long path into the exit area -Go down to the next area Phantom Snow 4 -------------- -Watch scene -Send Halley/Emmy down onto the panel -Go and hit switch in the corner platform's corner to access a path -Continuing down, kill a Baldan to open yet another path -Grab the item -Going along the right, kill a Drabion to open a path -Taking that path, hit the switch to open the path to the exit area -Take all the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Phantom Snow 5 -------------- -Go and hit the switch -Cross the bridge, kill off the Daldan there, then hit the switch to continue the bridge -Go and stand on the panel to make the bridge stable -Bring the pioneers across the bridge -Go and kill the Grabion to open the path -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers up onto the panel -Go and claim the Area Key -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers down into the exit area Phantom Snow 6 -------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Go through the door -Watch scene -Fight the boss battle Boss Strategy-Genox ------------------- He'll float around, and seperately shoot blue orbs at you, which don't follow you around, thankfully. At times, he'll stop,and shoot out like 20 orbs, which, the farther you are, the easier it is to dodge. After taking about a quarter of his life out, he'll turn into a spinning thing of sorts, and send out Wheters, blue balls that move around, but are easy to kill. There are four large crystal Majesties around. Destroy all of them, and from time to time, Genox will be dizzy for a few seconds, allowing you to hit him. -Watch scene -Grab item -Go through portal -Watch scene -Go to the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Go into the train -Talk to everyone -Leave, and go into the next portal =============================================================================== 1o. Hope Forest-1HPFS =============================================================================== Hope Forest 1 ------------- -Bring some pioneers onto the upper left panel -Crossing the bridge, hit the switch to further the middle bridge -Kill the Garog to open a path -Hit the switch to open a path later on in this area -Bring the pioneers onto the lower right panel -Cross the newly accessable bridge, and hit the switch to complete the middle -Grab the item -Go along the middle bridge, and go and hit the switch to open the next path -Going along the new path, hit the Bobyin into a pit to open the path -Go and hit the switch to access the exit area -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers across the middle bridge, along the route and into the exit area, while guarding them -Go to the next area Hope Forest 2 ------------- -Kill both Swingai to open a path to an item -Hit the switch to bring down a block -Hit the now accessable switch to open the path across the bridge -Grab the item -Going down the bridge, grab the item around the lower area in the clearing -Kill both Babyn to open the path -Bring the pioneers along the whole path into the exit area -Go to the next area Hope Forest 3 ------------- -Go onto the platform, after hitting the switch -Going across, kill the Daldan to open a path -On the platform again, get off on the middle and kill the Tectobian to access another path -Bring the pioneers onto the platform, and move it to the other side -Bring the pioneers off of the platform, and down to the bridge -Going back onto the middle island, stand on the platform and have the pioneers pass over the bridge onto the stone panel on the other side -Hit the switch on the island, and take the platform, and cross the bridge yourself -Hit a Babyn into the pit to open up a path -Going in, hit the almost completely hidden switch to open yet another path -Go down, and hit the switch to get to the exit area -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Hope Forest 4 ------------- -Watch scene -Kill Daldan to open a path -Kill the second Daldan to open another path -Hit the switch to be able to get access to Claude -Taking the upper path, go up, down and right to rescue Claude -Watch scene -Hit the switch to open the upper path -Bring the pioneers up to the panel -Have Ark stand on the panel to disable the cannons -Send the pioneers across the path of cannons -Getting off the switch, bring Ark up and kill the Bobyin to open the path -Send the pioneers into the exit area -Watch scene -Go to the next area Hope Forest 5 ------------- -Bring at least one pioneer onto one of the two blue panels -Put Ark onto the second blue panel to open the first path -Kill the Swingai to open the second path -Bring the pioneers down to just before the second bridge -Send Halley/Emmy across the down bridge, and claim the Area Key -Send Halley/Emmy onto the stone panel to open the bottom-left path -Put Ark on the panel -Take Halley/Emmy off the switch, and towards relative safety -Bring one of the pioneers onto the panel Ark is standing on(excluding Halley and Emmy) and go and defend the pioneers -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Hope Forest 6 ------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Go through the door -Watch scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy ------------- This boss is ridiculed with complications. First off, if you hit her, a pink orb of energy will stray towards you, which will die out after a bit. Secondly, Elvira constantly sends out spiders, in annoying quantities. Third of all, four blue orbs of energy will sometimes move around circular of Elvira, and will slowly move outwards, until they die off. Fourth, bat-like webs will fall down, and if you get hit, you'll be wrapped up in silk. She isn't really to bad here. Go in, hit her, dodge the pink orb, and try to consequently dodge the webs and blue orbs won't really tax on your attention. When you finally defeat her, though, she isn't done for. Instead, she'll turn from a spider to a partly cocooned spider. Here, a group of spiders will be running around, and without warning, webs will fall down. Elvira here will randomly drop down out of nowhere and use the blue orbs again, but, IMFO, this stage is much easier than the former. -Watch scene -Grab the item -Go back to the Blue Creek Blue Creek ---------- -Watch scene -End up in the next, and last dungeon =============================================================================== 1p. Night Trap-1NGTR =============================================================================== Night Trap 1 ------------ -Watch scene -Go into Night Trap 2 Night Trap 2 ------------ -Grab the item -Kill all five Woglug to open the path -Go into Night Trap 3 Night Trap 3 ------------ -Watch scene, and take control of Vanrose Night Trap 1 ------------ -Watch scene -Head into the Night Trap 4 area Night Trap 4 ------------ -Send the pioneers onto the panel to lower a block -Go along the left path, and hit the switch to open a path -Grab the item -Going up the recently opened path, grab the item -Kill the Grog on the raised platform with charged attacks to open the next path -Kill all three Swangai to open the path to the exit area -Bring the two pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 5 ------------ -SAVE! NOW! -Grab both of the items -Go and watch scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy - Brutray ----------------------- This boss is somewhat easy, and depending if you have a good upgraded weapon as well as Power Up on Vanrose, can be defeated quickly. Basically, Brutray will send out four variants of the Eye family; Red, which spins around, Pink, which also spins around, Brown, which Brutray will send spinning at Vanrose quickly, and Grey, which will walk after Vanrose and explode. The Eyes are destroyable with only one hit. Everytime that Brutray is hit, these Eyes are automatically destroyed, and Brutray moves to a different spot to send out the Eyes. Combine that with the fact that he isn't hard to hit, and you'll just need to watch out for the Eyes before you win. -Watch scene -Grab item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 3 ------------ -Watch scene, and take control of Doug Night Trap 1 ------------ -Watch scene -Go into Night Trap 6 Night Trap 6 ------------ -Hit the Red Eye onto the panel to open a path -Go and hit both switches to open two paths -Bring the pioneers down to just before the second bridge -Stand on the panel, and send the pioneers onto the panel on the other side -Go over, and kill all three Fasgaran to open a path -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers into the next area -Go to the next area Night Trap 7 ------------ -SAVE! NOW! -Grab both items -Go and watch the scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy - Frawdia ----------------------- It's main attack is to shoot a white bolt from the front-right, front-left and front of the direction that it is shooting, that then come back to it. At times, it may also shoot just one fatal attack that doesn't come back. What is the best strategy for Frawdia? When it disappears, quickly locate where it's beginning to appear, and get on one of it's sides, and hit it. When the three bolts return, get away before it fires one bolt at Ark, and when you dodge it, hit it one more time before completely disappearing. Repeat, and victory will soon commence. -Watch scene -Grab item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 3 ------------ -Watch scene, and take control of Rick Night Trap 1 ------------ -Watch scene -Go into Night Trap 8 Night Trap 8 ------------ -Kill both Bobyin to open the first path -Bring the pioneers along the route onto the stone panel -Cross the bridge, and hit the switch to open the path to the exit area -Grab the item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 9 ------------ -SAVE! NOW! -Grab both items -Watch scene -Go and fight boss Boss Strategy - Arcjabel ------------------------ Arcjabel, a knight in armor, will turn into Diana, and send out two or three swirling balls of energy. She'll then rush forward, transform back into armor, and hit you with a single attack. When she transforms into the knight, pull Rick back enough to dodge it, then hit her, then run away. Repeat, and you should be able to eventually kill Arcjabel. -Watch scene -Grab item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 3 ------------ -Watch scene, and take control of Jean Night Trap 1 ------------ -Watch scene, and go into the next area Night Trap 10 ------------- -Kill the Fasgaran -Send Halley and Emmy across the light bridge -Claim the item -Put Halley and Emmy onto the panel -Bring Eberle and Jean over the newly formed bridge -Hit the switch to open the path to Emmy and Halley -Kill the two remaining Fasgaran to open the path to the next section -Go down and hit all three switches -Grab the item -Put someone on all three switches to open the path to the exit area -Bring the family into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 11 ------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Grab both items -Watch scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy-Fallaysa x6 ------------------------- Orange = 6 remaining Dark Pink = 5 remaining Green = 4 remaining Blue = 3 remaining Black = 2 remaining Dark fiery-red = 1 remaining You'll be positively screaming over this battle, because fighting 6 seperate Fallaysa at the same time is insane. Going reckless, however, isn't the right answer. Run around, and take the time to hit a Fallaysa when it strays from the pack, and you'll be able to win. -Watch scene -Grab item -Bring the pioneers into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 3 ------------ -Watch scene, and take control of Ark -Walk across the bridge -Go to the next area Night Trap 12 ------------- -Walk along the hallway into the exit area -Go to the next area Night Trap 13 ------------- -SAVE! NOW! -Watch scene -Fight the boss Boss Strategy -Fire, Gun, Energy Gate, Dark Mist x2 --------------------------------------------------- Hitting what looks like wings on the craft, you'll be able to quickly destroy the Fire and Energy Gate. Afterwards, hitting the front point, the Gun, will allow you to hit the two green parts at the top, the Dark Mist. The attacks are as follow; When Fire is active-Dark bursts of fire will appear around the battlefield When EG is active-Yellow balls of energy will be sent out When Gun is active-Going forward only, bullets will fire quickly at Ark. When Dark Mist is active-Black clouds appear, and may poison Ark. After you destroy them, Pike will send out three waves of energy, somewhat verydifficult to dodge. He'll also be running away, so you will likely want to wait for him to come down and then hit him. In all, you'll be able to beat Pike, but will want a few potions. -Watch super-long scene, and then the credits =============================================================================== 2a. Movement System-MVMS =============================================================================== Here is one of the more annoying systems of CIMA-The Movement System. What it does ------------ The movement system allows you to move the pioneers around the fields, and do various tasks required to continue along in a dungeon. Natsume, while making it what I feel it should be like, made it a bit too complicated. I'm here to relieve the complications in it. Basically, you have four groups of pioneers, of which 14 pioneers are split into. Pressing the R button, you have five choices. You can select one of four groups of pioneers, or you can bring everybody at once to a certain location. Going into an individual group, you can take everybody at once somewhere, or somebody seperately. The four triangles represents the selection of the full group. When moving a character(s), you are able to move them in three steps, as in, a pioneer will go where you direct them, and you can give them two more areas to go to before you have to direct them again. That should help for those who are frustrated with their pioneers trying to walk against a wall. So basically, that's the system there. Controls -------- R - Call up the pionners to move, and also one of the two buttons to use to direct people. B - Cancel a movement when deciding to direct somebody somewhere. A - Selecting anything uses A, as well as directing pioneers somewhere. =============================================================================== 2b. Majesty System-MJSY =============================================================================== Majesty are the heart of staying alive in this game, simply because they are the only way you can make items. They are obtained by killing CIMA, and they are in four forms; A white star that somewhat resembles a snowy weed. An orange orb. A blueish-white diamond. What looks to be an orange script of paper. These Majesties are used to make items. However, you can only make some items with only certain pioneers, so you will need to have them trust you. If their trust factor is below 0, don't bother. Anyway, selecting Start on field, pick the middle option. Choosing a settler that trusts you, or otherwise Ark or Ivy, to the right of the list of the amount of Majesties that you have, you should see something that looks like a metal bar that isn't on the profiles of settlers who don't trust you. Clicking on it, you get a list of what you can make. As long as you have the Majesties required for it, you can make the item. That concludes the Majesty System on controls. To see which items can be made by which pioneers, see the section labeled Pioneers. Monster list of Majesties +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here is a list of which Majesties a monster may give off. Baldan- Script-like Majesty Bivureyb- White Star Majesty Bobyn- Script-like Majesty Clayba- Blue Diamond Majesty Dakria- Orange Orb Majesty Datoreyb- White Star Majesty Drabion- Blue Diamond Majesty Drara-Orange Orb Majesty Fasgun- Orange Orb Majesty Garog- Script-like Majesty Gasnipe- Blue Diamond Majesty Geldan- Script-like Majesty Gigureyb- White Star Majesty Grabion- Blue Diamond Majesty Gria- Orange Orb Majesty Grog- Script-like Majesty Gusnipe- Blue Diamond Majesty Habylu- Blue Diamond Majesty Hyuno- Orange Orb Majesty Labylu- Blue Diamond Majesty Payon- Script-like Majesty Piyon- Script-like Majesty Poyon- Script-like Majesty Rodrara- Orange Orb Majesty Rog- Script-like Majesty Snipegig- Blue Diamond Majesty Swingai- Blue Diamond Majesty Tectobian- Blue Diamond Majesty Vanisda- White Star Majesty Vanisha- White Star Majesty Wog- Orange Orb Majesty Woglug- Orange Orb Majesty Zigolas- Blue Diamond Majesty Zogolas- Blue Diamond Majesty =============================================================================== 3. Pioneers-PNRS =============================================================================== Script-like Majesty = S Blue Diamond Majesty = B Orange Orb Majesty = 0 Blue Star Majesty = BS --------------- |Vanrose U, 31| --------------- A leader of the pioneers who is confident in his abilities. Friend of Rick, Diana, and Shelley. He is quite untrusting of Ark and Ivy. Items able to make ------------------ Defense Shield - 2 S, 4 B, 2 O, 1 BS Potion A - 5 S, 3 B, 4 O, 1 BS Bomb A - 6 S, 2 B, 10 O, 3 BS Lightning - 5 S, 5 B, 4 O, 2 BS --------------- |Shelley Y, 27| --------------- A bright, confident woman. She likes both Ark and Ivy, and is a good friend of Vanrose, who is often able to ease the tension between Ark and Vanrose. Items able to make ------------------ Speed Shot - 2 S, 10 B, 5 O, 2 BS All Dash - 9 S, 5 B, 2 O, 2 BS -------------- |Halley H, 10| -------------- Good at treasure hunting. Looks up to the Gate Guardians. Wants to one day be a Gate Guardian, and admires 'Uncle Ark'. Items able to make ------------------ Mine A - 3 S, 3 B, 7 O, 2 BS Smoke - 3 S, 4 B, 2 O, 1 BS Status Slide - 4 S, 2 B, 3 O, 1 BS ----------- |Emmy H, 8| ----------- Good at treasure hunting. Easily scared, she hangs on her older brother Halley. Items able to make ------------------ Potion A - 3 S, 3 B, 4 O, 2 BS All Dash - 2 S, 6 B, 8 O, 2 BS -------------- |Eberle H, 34| -------------- A nurse who is the mother of Halley and Emmy. She works with her husband to save people. She is able to heal illnesses. Items able to make ------------------ Potion A - 2 S, 1 B, 1 O, 2 BS Potion B - 3 S, 4 B, 3 O, 5 BS Restore - 1 S, 2 B, 2 O, 1 BS ------------ |Jean H, 37| ------------ A doctor who always puts his patients first. He can make Potion C. Father to Halley and Emmy. Items able to make ------------------ Potion A - 1 S, 1 B, 1 O, 2 BS Potion B - 2 S, 2 B, 3 O, 4 BS Potion C - 5 S, 5 B, 7 O, 10 BS -------------- |Philis S, 16| -------------- Good at finding things. Lost her father as a child to disease. Takes after her mother, and is a good cook. May have some possible romantic relationships with Ark. Items able to make ------------------ Potion A - 3 S, 1 B, 1 O, 3 BS All Dash - 4 S, 8 B, 5 O, 2 BS -------------- |Telmia S, 38| -------------- Mother of Philis. Kind to everyone. A very good cook. Telmia is a widow, having lost her husband to a disease. Items able to make ------------------ Potion A - 2 S, 1 B, 1 O, 3 BS Power Up - 2 S, 2 B, 1 O, 3 BS ------------ |Doug O, 68| ------------ Blacksmith who crafts weapons. His sole daughter died. He dislikes the Gate Guardians with good reason. Doug is also able to upgrade your weapons and armor. Items able to make ------------------ Bomb B - 10 S, 12 B, 11 O, 4 BS Mine B - 6 S, 8 B, 10 O, 4 BS Shake B - 12 S, 12 B, 15 O, 5 BS Lightning - 6 S, 5 B, 3 O, 2 BS -------------- |Ileyda O, 62| -------------- Doug's wife. She supports and looks after her stubborn husband. Her only daughter died due to a Gate Guardian. Items able to make ------------------ Defense Shield - 2 S, 1 B, 3 O, 1 BS ------------ |Rick G, 28| ------------ A magician who wants to succeed on the frontier. Engaged to Diana. Usually is a coward. Items able to make ------------------ Shake A - 8 S, 2 B, 8 O, 1 BS Pigeons - 2 S, 5 B, 8 O, 5 BS ------------- |Diana I, 26| ------------- A little selfish, but a brave woman. Rick's fiance. She does not like the way Rick acts. Items able to make ------------------ Bomb B - 12 S, 10 B, 12 O, 5 BS Shake B - 12 S, 12 B, 12 O, 5 BS Mine A - 3 S, 4 B, 1 O, 5 BS -------------- |Yurald D, 45| -------------- A priest who prays for peace while supporting others spiritually. His holiness is able to ward off CIMA. Items able to make ------------------ Restore - 2 S, 1 B, 1 O, 1 BS Status Slide - 2 S, 4 B, 2 O, 1 BS -------------- |Claude L, 37| -------------- Conductor of the trans-continental train "Blue Creek". Well regarded for dedication. Items able to make ------------------ Bomb B - 5 S, 5 B, 9 O, 9 BS Mine B - 5 S, 5 B, 4 O, 1 BS =============================================================================== 4. Items-ITMS =============================================================================== Sorted Alphabetically. Equipped items are items you can equip, held items are items you manually use. Other means that it is not used in battle at all. All Dash -------- When used, all the pioneers walk slightly faster. Held Item. Bomb A ------ Leave, and it will explode, hitting things in the surrounding area. Held Item. Bomb B ------ Leave, and it will explode, hitting things in the surrounding area. Held Item. Defense Shield -------------- Keeps one attack from doing any harm to the bearer. One time use, equipped item. Heal Ring --------- Heals the user when he or she is still. Equipped item. Lightning --------- Allows the user to shoot lightning bolts out of his weapon, until he is hit. Held Item. Material -------- Used to upgrade Armor or Weapons, this is a one-time use. Other. Mine A ------ Use to put on the ground. When a CIMA steps on it, painful damage will occur. Held Item. Mine B ------ Use to put on the ground. When a CIMA steps on it, painful damage will occur. Held Item. Paralyze Block -------------- Stops the user from being paralyzed. Held Item. Pigeons ------- Pigeons swirl around the user, stopping attacks from CIMA and hurting them. Held Item. Poison Block ------------ Defends against poisoning, therefore eliminating the use of Restores for that specific person. Held Item. Power Block ----------- Defends against power weakening. Equipped Item. Power Up -------- Powers up the attack of the person who it is used on. Held Item. Protect Block ------------- Keeps your defense from being weakened. Equipped Item. Restore ------- Cures all status effects. Held Item. Shield Ring ----------- Gives more defense to the bearer. Held Item. Smoke ----- Clouds the sight of CIMA. Held Item. Speed Shot ---------- Allows any shooters to shoot two shots in the time of one. Held Item. Status Slide ------------ Stops a single status effect from happening once. Equipped item. =============================================================================== 5. Credits =============================================================================== Credits to Natsume for publishing such an awesome game! Credits to Natsume for making Harvest Moon, even though this has nothing to do with Harvest Moon! Credits to Neverland for making the Lufia games! Credits to Nintendo for making the Gameboy Advance! Credits to me for writing this! Credits to CJayC for hosting this FAQ on his site, as well as all my other works! Credits to Boland on the FAQs Contributor General board for daring me to write this! But most of all... Thank you to the CIMA fan community for making this service a wonderful one. This FAQ/Walkthrough is Copyright@2007 Yami Shuryou, and is for personal use ONLY. It may not be stolen, reproduced, or used to make money in any way.