===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004,2017 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Donkey Kong FAQ October 25, 2017 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Items (D) Enemies (E) Walkthrough (F) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are as follows: A - Jump B - Not Used. Select - Not Used. Start - Pause the game. Up/Down - Climb ladders. ############################################################################### (C) ITEMS ############################################################################### There aren't many items in this game, only one of them is really useful. Hammer - When you grab one of these Mario will start swinging the hammer like a maniac until the music stops. He can't jump while using the hammer so you should just use it to get rid of some annoying enemies and plan your next route. Umbrella/Purse - Both are worth 800 points. ############################################################################### (D) ENEMIES ############################################################################### This section also includes hazards, but basically it's anything that can kill you. ========== Oil Barrel ========== This barrel only appears in the bottom left corner of the first stage, Just make sure you don't touch it and you'll live. ======= Barrels ======= Donkey Kong throws these repeatedly in the first stage and they pack a punch. Basically they roll along until they drop off a ledge, then they start rolling on the next ledge. However sometimes the barrels roll down a ladder before they reach the end of the ledge, this is pretty random and also deadly if you're on the ladder at the time. There is yet another pattern to watch out for with barrels, sometimes one will simply bounce to each platform on it's way down. These barrels can reach you much faster than the other types but they're pretty easy to spot. The best way to avoid barrels is not to wait on any ladder in case they roll down them, otherwise simply jump over them as they roll towards you. =========== Springboard =========== Donkey Kong throws these bouncing weapons at you in the second stage. They move too fast to jump over but if you watch their pattern you can easily stand in the areas where they don't touch the ground. ========= Fireballs ========= These enemies move horizontally along platforms, while you can jump over them I wouldn't recommend trying unless it's your very last resort. This is because these enemies don't move at a constant speed, sometimes they slow down or even start moving in the other direction. They can also climb ladders (even broken ones) so keep an eye on them at all times. =========== Donkey Kong =========== I don't know what would make you think that tiny Mario could take on Donkey Kong directly, but needless to say if you touch Donkey Kong you will die. ========= Elevators ========= These moving platforms can crush you from above or below if you wait on them too long. You can also die if you are careless and try to jump to an elevator that is too far below you. ======= Gravity ======= Mario is pathetic in this game and basically if you fall from a height of more than a few pixels he will die. ############################################################################### (E) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy There are only three stages to the game, but you can replay them to your heart's content. ======== Stage 01 ======== This stage has Donkey Kong constantly throwing barrels at you, in addition to this annoyance some of the barrels will become fireball enemies once they get burned in the oil barrel. Head right at the start and ignore the broken ladder as you climb the next one to your right, then rush left and jump any barrels along the way as you climb either ladder to the next floor. Here you can either grab the hammer and cause some havoc or climb up either of the rightmost ladders to reach the next floor. Jump more barrels on this floor, then climb either of the two leftmost ladders to reach the next floor. Use the hammer here if you need it, otherwise head right past the broken ladder as you avoid/jump barrels. Climb the rightmost ladder and jump the final few barrels, then climb the ladder in front of you to reach the top platform and end the stage. ======== Stage 02 ======== This stage has no barrels, but there are still fireball enemies to deal with as well as elevators. Climb the ladder in front of you at the start followed by another ladder above it, then grab the umbrella and wait there for a moment. Make sure that the fireball enemy to your right is on the lower platform, then quickly jump across the elevator to the platform on the other side. The fireball enemy below will likely be climbing the ladders below, so quickly jump across the elevator to your right when it lines up to reach the platform beyond. Jump to the small platform on your right, then watch the springboards that Donkey Kong is throwing and the fireball enemy to your right. Make sure the fireball to your right is on one of the lower platforms before carefully jumping right past the springboards, then pick up the purse for some points if you want them before heading back to the platform with the ladder. Climb the ladder and watch the springboards, then carefully rush left after it bounces over you. Quickly climb up the ladder to your left to reach the top platform and end this stage. ======== Stage 03 ======== In this stage Donkey Kong doesn't throw anything at you, so you get a small break in that respect. However he can still kill you if you go up to him and touch him, so don't do that. Other than Donkey Kong you just need to watch out for fireball enemies in this stage. You should also notice that there are eight yellow blocks in this stage, two on each floor. You need to walk over each of those blocks to remove it, then once you have removed all eight blocks the stage will end. I recommend taking the lowest two blocks at the start of the stage because there should only be one fireball enemy at that time. Don't forget to jump over the gaps that you created when you removed the blocks, otherwise you'll fall to your death and regret it. You should then climb up the far left ladders until you reach the top floor. Remove the left block here before climbing down to the floor below, then take the left block here as you climb down another floor. Grab the hammer above you and rush right as you kill any enemies that get in your way and remove the two blocks on this floor. Now you can get the final pair of blocks however you want, either take the ladders to reach them or use the hammer on the floor above you to first take out some enemies. Once you have all eight blocks removed Donkey Kong will fall, then the stage and the game will end. The game will continue back at the first stage though and you can continue playing until you lose all of your lives or get bored. ############################################################################### (F) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan