Excitebike FAQ/Walkthrough Copyrighted by Nintendo 1984 Written By: Brian P. Sulpher Version: FotM E-Mail: briansulpher@hotmail.com I dedicate this walkthrough to my cousin Kyle Cylbulski for lending this game to me. I have always loved this game, and you are the reason I know of the greatness of this game. Thanks Kyle, I owe ya one. Also, for Cougar. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on August 9th, 2002 ----------- Version 1.1 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on September 21st, 2004 -After two years I decided to update this FAQ to match my other FAQs in looks, ----------- Version 1.2 ----------- -Submitted guide on March 30th, 2005 -I added in Honestgamers as a site allowed to use my FAQs -refomratted a few pieces of this FAQ to make it a little easier on the eyes -I am using the unique update name to commemerate the original version winning FAQ Of The Month [FotM] in August of 2002 ------------ Version FotM ------------ -Submitted guide on July 10th, 2005 -I added in Retronintendo as a site allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format to make it easier on the eyes of the reader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Table of Contents------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) Game Modes 4) Design Guide 5) Track 1 Map, Stats, And Strategy 6) Track 2 Map, Stats, And Strategy 7) Track 3 Map, Stats, And Strategy 8) Track 4 Map, Stats, And Strategy 9) Track 5 Map, Stats, And Strategy 10)Strategies 11)Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Introduction---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) This game is one of the original groundbreakers for Nintendo that has enraptured fans for years. You are a racer who wears red, and you can challenge the course by yourself, or with some fellow racers (decked out in blue and green outfits). You need to finish in the top 3 in a race to advance onwards, and this becomes incredibly difficult after the first couple of races. If you have never played this classic, simple, addictive, incredibly fun game, then I suggest you try to in any way possible to relive a game that is beloved of many NES fans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Controls------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section is going to look at how the controller helps you to achieve dirt bike racing greatness. o-----------------o | Selection A & B | o-----------------o D-Pad...: UP and DOWN move you in corresponding directions on the track. LEFT moves the bike front wheel up (pull back), and RIGHT moves the bike front wheel down (push forward). This is only relevant when in the air (ie RIGHT), but the LEFT command can be used to drive over tiny speed bumps safely. SELECT..: Moves cursor flag between play modes, and also track numbers. START...: Picks play mode, and track number. Also pauses/unpauses the game. B Button: Uses the faster gear for your bike, but it can overheat you. A Button: Uses the slower gear for your bike, but it will not overheat you. o--------o | Design | o--------o D-Pad...: LEFT and RIGHT move your cursor to a new formation to build. SELECT..: Moves your cursor through the selections available in this mode. START...: Picks selection. B Button: Builds your selected obstacle. A Button: Moves the dirt bike so you can continue to design your course. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Game Modes------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This section will review what each game mode entails. o-------------o | Selection A | o-------------o -This setting is just you vs. the course. This is an excellent place for a player to begin their days of Excitebike playing. This will allow a player to learn the ropes, and yet still be challenged by the harder courses, as they progress. o-------------o | Selection B | o-------------o -This setting is you vs. the course vs. opponents. This is a tougher challenge for a player, because the opponents can wipe you out, and also cut you off (keeping your speed lower since you do not want to crash). Although they are annoying, it adds a new dimension to the tracks you have come to know and love while playing Selection A. This will give you a fresh look at the fun you have had the first time through. o--------o | Design | o--------o -This setting is you vs. YOUR COURSE. You are the designer, so you can make it as easy, or as incredibly difficult for you to finish. This is also an excellent way for a group of friends to challenge each other in turn alternating challenge of who can get the fastest time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Design Guides--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This section will go over what letter builds what shape, but it will also show a diagram of each obstacle. These drawings are not exact replicas, but it should give you an idea of what you are looking for. A - A small bump jump that poses little speed loss, but also little airtime. B - A slightly taller bump jump, that can pose some speed loss, but will give more airtime. C - The largest of the bump jump series, this one can really sap your speed, but it will give some great air if you hit it with some speed. D - This one is a shallower slope, but it is a prolonged slope. Not very good for airtime. E - This is a steep slope, but it gives an excellent angle to get great airtime. F - Sloped to give you an easier climb, and a better angle to jump. This is an opportune piece to get huge airtime off of. G - The mirror piece of the above. It has a harsh slope, and this means less airtime. H - This is the ultimate jumping piece. It is a 45 degree angle (optimum angle), and it is short so no loss of speed. I - This is a small speed bump that appears on the top two sections of the courses. J - This is a small speed bump that appears on the bottom two sections of the courses. K - Two piles of dirt, located in sections 1 and 3 on the course. L - Two piles of dirt, located in sections 2 and 4 on the course. M - This is an engine cooler. It is especially helpful since it allows you to use your stronger gear more often. This appears on the 1st section of the track. N - This is an engine cooler. It is especially helpful since it allows you to use your stronger gear more often. This appears on the 3rd section of the track. O - Is a patch of grass found on the bottom two sections of the track. P - Is a patch of grass found on the top two sections of the track. Q - Is a patch of grass that cuts off the track completely (usually found in an area where a jump can be used to clear it). R - This is a large, many angled monstrosity that can give many riders fits if they can not use it properly. It is the largest obstacle you face. S - Has a big overhang on the top two sections, but the bottom two contains pathway with dirt piles to slow you down. After you finish your designed course, just go to END, press B, and then set lap number with D-Pad, and then press B to confirm. This will bring you back to the DESIGN menu, where you can choose a play mode, or another available option. Also, remember I am representing 2.5 D pictures with 2 D drawings, so not all of them will appear quite the same as in the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Track 1 Map, Stats, And Strategy-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This section is going to look at the first track map, and strategies for various parts/combos/sections of this course. The course will be drawn left to right, and it will just move down to the next part when room runs out (it will be easy to follow). I will be using the design letters for identifying obstacles as well as drawings. ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _ /|\ / | \ _ / |\ \ /|\ ____________/ | \ \_________________________________/ | \_________________ | |\ \ | |\ ____________| | \ \_________________________________| | \_________________ DD | |\ \ | |\ ____________| | \ \_________________________________| | \_________________ | / \ \ | |\ ____________| / \ \_________________________________| | \_________________ DD |/ \ |/ \ ____________/_______\_________________________________/___\_________________ C B _ _ /|\ /|\ ____________________________/ | \___/ | \___________________________________ | |\ | |\ ____________________________| | \___| | \___________________________________ | |\ | |\ ____________________________| | \___| | \___________________________________ | |\ | |\ ____________________________| | \___| | \___________________________________ >> |/ \ |/ \ ____________________________/___\___/___\___________________________________ M B B _ _ _ /|\ /|\ /|\ ________________/ | \___/ | \___/ | \_______________________________________ | |\ | |\ | |\ >> DD ________________| | \___| | \___| | \_______________________________________ | |\ | |\ | |\ ________________| | \___| | \___| | \_______________________________________ | |\ | |\ | |\ DD ________________| | \___| | \___| | \_______________________________________ |/ \ |/ \ |/ \ ________________/___\___/___\___/___\_______________________________________ B B B M K _ _ /|\ /|\ /| ______/ ||______|| \_________________________________________________/ |____ | || ||\ | | ______| ||______|| \________________________________________________| |____ | || ||\ | /| ______| ||______|| \________________________________________________|/_|____ | || ||\ ______| ||______|| \________________________________________________________ |/ \ / \ ______/__|______| \________________________________________________________ F G H /| /| _ _ _ _ _________________/ |_______________________________/ |__/|\__/|\__/|\__/|\__ >> | | | | || || || || ________________| |______________________________| |__||\__||\__||\__||\__ | /| | /| || || || || ________________|/_|______________________________|/_|__||\__||\__||\__||\__ || || || || ________________________________________________________||\__||\__||\__||\__ || || || || ________________________________________________________/_\__/_\__/_\__/_\__ M H H A A A A _ /|\ ___ ___ _____________/ ||____ __________________/| |\ __ /| |\_______ /|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | | | | | _____________/ ||____|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________| | | |__| | | |______ /|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | | | | | _____________/ ||____|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________| | | |__| | | |______ /|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | | | | | _____________/ ||____|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________| | | |__| | | |______ / \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| | |_| | | |_| | _____________/__|____|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________|/___\|__|/___\|______ F Q D D ___ ___ __/| |\___/| |\_____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | DD DD _| | | |_| | | |____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | DD _| | | |_| | | |____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | DD DD _| | | |_| | | |____________________________________________________________ | |_| | | |_| | DD _|/___\|__/___\|____________________________________________________________ D D K L K _________ /| |\ _____/ | | \__ | | |\ | _____| | | \|_ | | |\ | _____| | | \|_ | | |\ | _____| |_______| \|_ |/ THE END \ | _____/___________\|_ This is the course map for track 1, and now you will recieve a strategy to follow. o--------o | Step#1 | o--------o Start by using your B gear to get out quickly, and go over the first four bumps, and straighten your bike out in the air (see Strategies section for details) so you will land smoothly (and lose no speed). o--------o | Step#2 | o--------o Traverse the triple set of 'B' bumps, and make sure to drive near the top of the track so you can grab the cool down area. o--------o | Step#3 | o--------o Avoid the dirt (you should be back in B gear), and jump from 'F' to 'G', take the awesome 'H' jump, and then get another cool down area just before taking to the air on another 'H' jump. o--------o | Step#4 | o--------o Take yet another 'H' jump, and fly over the four small bumps. Then keep your speed up so you can try to clear the grass field off of the 'F' jump. o--------o | Step#5 | o--------o Then you just need to navigate the 'D' bumps, and then slalom the dirt piles, and finish the lap. o--------o | Step#6 | o--------o Repeat Step#1 through Step#5 to easily get under one minute, and on to track 2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Track 2 Map, Stats, And Strategy-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) This section is going to look at the second track map, and strategies for various parts/combos/sections of this course. The course will be drawn left to right, and it will just move down to the next part when room runs out (it will be easy to follow). I will be using the design letters for identifying obstacles as well as drawings. ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____ /| |\ _ ___/ | | \_ /|\ __________/| | | |\ |\_______________/ | \_______________________________ | | | | | \| | |\ DD _________| | | | |\ |\_______________| | \_______________________________ | | | | | \| | |\ _________| | | | |\ |\_______________| | \_______________________________ | | | |___| \| | |\ DD _________| | |/ \ |\_______________| | \_______________________________ | |__/ \| |/ \ _________|/_____________\_______________/___\_______________________________ R B K _____ /| |\ _ _ ___/ | | \_ /|\ /|\ __________/| | | |\ |\_____________________/ | \____________/ | \_______ | | | | | \| >> | |\ | |\ _________| | | | |\ |\_____________________| | \____________| | \_______ | | | | | \| | |\ | |\ _________| | | | |\ |\_____________________| | \____________| | \_______ | | | |___| \| | |\ | |\ _________| | |/ \ |\_____________________| | \____________| | \_______ | |__/ \| >> |/ \ |/ \ _________|/_____________\_____________________/___\____________/___\_______ R M N B B _ X _ /|\ /| _ ___________/|\__/ | \____________________________/ |__/|\__ __ || | |\ | | || |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___________||\__| | \___________________________| |__||\__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ || | |\ | /| || |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___________||\__| | \___________________________|/_|__||\__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ || | |\ || |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___________||\__| X \_________________________________||\__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ || |/ \ || |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___________/_\__/___\_________________________________/_\__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ A E H A Q /| ___ ___ _/ |___ ______________________________/| |\____/| |\__ | | |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | | | | | | |___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________________________| | | |__| | | |_ | /| |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | | | | | |/_|___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________________________| | | |__| | | |_ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | | | | | _______|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________________________| | | |__| | | |_ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| >> | |_| | | |_| | _______|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________________________|/___\|__|/___\|_ H Q N D D ___ ___ __/| |\___/| |\_________________________ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | | | | | | | | |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG _| | | |_| | | |________________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | | | | | | | | |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG _| | | |_| | | |________________________|_________________________________ | | | | | | | | _| | | |_| | | |__________________________________________________________ | |_| | | |_| | _|/___\|__/___\|__________________________________________________________ D D P _____________________________________________________ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| DD DD GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________________________________________________ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| DD GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________________________________________________ DD DD ____________________________________________________________________________ DD ____________________________________________________________________________ P K L K _________ /| |\ _____________/ | | \__ | | |\ | _____________| | | \|_ | | |\ | _____________| | | \|_ | | |\ | _____________| |_______| \|_ |/ THE END \ | _____________/___________\|_ This is the course map for track 2, and now you will receive a strategy to follow. o--------o | Step#1 | o--------o Start by using the B gear to get out quickly, and then let your bike hit the first upward slope of the multi-angled monstrosities ('R' obstacles), change to A gear, and then lean bike forward to run down opposite slope. Use A gear till you see the dirt piles, and then switch to B gear so you can hit the 'R' obstacle fast enough to use the same strategy. o--------o | Step#2 | o--------o Use the cool down area, and get over the 'B' obstacles quickly. Then you need to hit the 'A' obstacle, and pull back slightly on the bike so you will not wipe out on the 'E' obstacle. o--------o | Step#3 | o--------o Ignore the jump, and use the small 'A' obstacle to clear most of the grass. Cut upwards towards the next jump, and then fly the next grass patch. o--------o | Step#4 | o--------o Move to the bottom of the track to get a cool down, and use your refreshed engine to navigate quickly through the 'D' obstacles. o--------o | Step#5 | o--------o Then it is a simple matter of avoiding the slow down obstacles, and drive over the lap counter. o--------o | Step#6 | o--------o Repeat Step#1 through Step#5 to qualify easily for the next race. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Track 3 Map, Stats, And Strategy-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) This section is going to look at the third track map, some stats needed to advance, and strategies for various parts/combos/sections of this course. The course will be drawn left to right, and it will just move down to the next part when room runs out (it will be easy to follow). I will be using the design letters for identifying obstacles as well as drawings. ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____||_______________________||_______________________||____________________ || || || ____||_______________________||_______________________||____________________ || || || ____||_______||______________||_______||______________||______________||____ || || || _____________||_______________________||______________________________||____ || || || _____________||_______________________||______________________________||____ I J I J I J _ _ _ _ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ ____/ | \___/ | \______________________/ ||_________|| \____________________ | |\ | |\ /|| ||\ >> ____| | \___| | \______________________/ ||_________|| \____________________ | |\ | |\ /|| ||\ ____| | \___| | \______________________/ ||_________|| \____________________ | |\ | |\ /|| ||\ ____| | \___| | \______________________/ ||_________|| \____________________ |/ \ |/ \ / \ / \ >> ____/___\___/___\______________________/__|_________|__\____________________ B B F G M N _ _ X _ /|\ /|\ /|\ __/ ||___/ | \__|| \____________________ /|| | |\ ||\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG __/ ||___| | \__|| \____________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG /|| | |\ ||\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG __/ ||___| | \__|| \____________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG /|| | |\ ||\ __/ ||___| X \__|| \________________________________________________________ /|| |/ \ ||\ __/ ||___/___\__|| \________________________________________________________ F E G P /| __________________________________/ |________________ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________________________| |________________ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | /| GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________________________|/_|________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ P H _ _ /|\ /|\ /| / | \ __/ | \___ ____________/ |__________/ |\ \________|| | |\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | | | \ || __| | \___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|___________| |__________| |\ \________|| | |\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | /| | | \ || __| | \___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|___________|/_|__________| |\ \________|| | |\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | \ __| | \___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________________| / \ \__________ |/ \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| |/ \ __/___\___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_________________________/_____\__________ B Q H C I _ _ /|\ _ _ /|\ / | \ /|\ /|\ / | \ ___________/ |\ \______|| \______/ | \______/ |\ \________________________ | | \ ||\ | |\ | | \ >> ___________| |\ \______|| \______| | \______| |\ \________________________ | | \ ||\ | |\ | | \ ___________| |\ \______|| \______| | \______| |\ \________________________ | | \ ||\ | |\ | | \ ___________| / \ \______|| \______| | \______| / \ \________________________ |/ \ / \ |/ \ / \ ___________/_____\______| \______/ \______/_____\________________________ C G B C M ___ ______________ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ P ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __ _____________|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| || __|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| || __|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_____________|| P J _________ /| |\ ___________________________||________________/ | | \_ DD || | | |\ ___________________________||________________| | | \_ DD || | | |\ ___________________________||________________| | | \_ DD | | |\ _____________________________________________| |_______| \_ DD |/ THE END \ _____________________________________________/___________\_ L K I This is the course map for track 3, and now you will receive a strategy to follow. o--------o | Step#1 | o--------o Start by using the B gear to get out quickly, and prepare to pull back on your bike so you can pop-a-wheelie. Then navigate the 'B' obstacles. o--------o | Step#2 | o--------o Shoot over the 'F'/'G' obstacles, and use a cool down so you can open your B gear up once more. Continue off of obstacle 'F', and bounce off of the 'G' obstacle (straighten the bike out after this). o--------o | Step#3 | o--------o Avoid the grass patch here, and then cut to the top half of the track to jump most of the grass patch. Then use the B gear to regain enough speed so you can use the next jump to fly over a 'C' obstacle. o--------o | Step#4 | o--------o Watch out for the lone speed bump, and while maintaining a good speed launch off of the 'C' obstacle, bounce off of the 'G' obstacle, go over the 'B', and then the 'C' quickly. o--------o | Step#5 | o--------o Use the cool down at the top, and switch to full B gear as you cut below the grass patch, then above the following one. Avoid the speed bump, and then slalom the two dirt piles, and avoid the last speed bump. Then just drive over the lap counter. o--------o | Step#6 | o--------o Repeat Step#1 through Step#5 to qualify easily for the next race. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Track 4 Map, Stats, And Strategy-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) This section is going to look at the third track map, some stats needed to advance, and strategies for various parts/combos/sections of this course. The course will be drawn left to right, and it will just move down to the next part when room runs out (it will be easy to follow). I will be using the design letters for identifying obstacles as well as drawings. ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ | | /|_______________________| / | | ___/ |_______________________|_____________________________________________ | | |\GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG DD ___| |_| \GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG_____________________________________________ | | | \GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG DD ___| |_| \_______________________________________________________________ | / \ \ DD DD ___|/ \ \_____DD______________________________________________________ / \ \ DD DD __/________\____\___________________________________________________________ S L K _______________________ | | /|_______________________| _ / | | /|\ ___/ |_______________________|_____/ | \___________||______________________ | | |\GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | |\ || ___| |_| \GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG_____| | \___________||______________________ | | | \GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | |\ || ___| |_| \_______________________| | \___________||___________||_________ | / \ \ DD | |\ || ___|/ \ \_____DD______________| | \________________________||_________ / \ \ DD / \ || __/________\____\___________________/___\________________________||_________ S B I J _ /|\ /| _______________/ | \___ _______________________/ |____________ | |\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| | | _______________| | \___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________| |____________ | |\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| | /| _______________| | \___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________|/_|____________ | |\ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| _______________| | \___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________________________ >> |/ \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| _______________/___\___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________________________ N B Q H _ /| /|\ _ _ _______/ |_____|| \_____/|\__/|\_________________________||_________________ | | ||\ || || || ______| |_____|| \_____||\__||\_________________________||_________________ | /| ||\ || || || ______|/_|_____|| \_____||\__||\_________________________||_______________|| ||\ || || || _______________|| \_____||\__||\__________________________________________|| /|\ || || || _______________|| \_____/_\__/_\__________________________________________|| H G A A I J _ _ _ /|\ /|\ /|\ /| / | \ / | \ / | \ _______/ |______/ |\ \__/ |\ \__/ |\ \___________________________________ | | | | \ | | \ | | \ >> ______| |______| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \___________________________________ | /| | | \ | | \ | | \ _______/_|______| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \___________________________________ | | \ | | \ | | \ ________________| / \ \__| / \ \__| / \ \___________________________________ |/ \ |/ \ |/ \ ________________/_____\__/_____\__/_____\___________________________________ H C C C M _____ _______________________________________ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| _____|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_______________________________________ DD |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| _____|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|______ _ |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___________________________________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_ DD |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG| ___________________________________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG|_ L P P _ _ _ _ _ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ __||__________/ |\ \__/ |\ \__/ |\ \__/ |\ \__/ |\ \__ __ || | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| __||__________| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ || | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| __||__________| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \__| |\ \__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ | | \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| ______________| / \ \__| / \ \__| / \ \__| / \ \__| / \ \__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| ______________/_____\__/_____\__/_____\__/_____\__/_____\__|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|__ I C C C C C Q ____________________________________________________________________________ DD DD ____________________________________________________________________________ DD DD ____________________________________________________________________________ DD DD ____________________________________________________________________________ >> DD DD ____________________________________________________________________________ N L K L K _________ /| /| |\ _______________________________________/ |_________/ | | \_ DD | | | | |\ ______________________________________| |_________| | | \_ DD | /| | | |\ _______________________________________/_|_________| | | \_ DD | | |\ ___________________________________________________| |_______| \_ DD |/ THE END \ ___________________________________________________/___________\_ K L H This is the course map for track 4, and now you will receive a strategy to follow. o--------o | Step#1 | o--------o Start by using the B gear to get out quickly, and get to the top two sections of the track, and ride the overhang of obstacle 'S'. Slalom the dirt piles, and then once more stay on the top two sections of the track to ride the overhang of 'S'. o--------o | Step#2 | o--------o Ride off of it (making sure not to wipe on 'B'), and then it is pop-a-wheelie over the speed bumps (stay on bottom part for cool down area)! Then use 'B' to get maximum air time to avoid most of the grass. o--------o | Step#3 | o--------o Dodge the first jump, but use the second one to fly over the one 'C', and two 'A' obstacles. Stay on top two parts, pop-a-wheelie to go over speed bump, and use the jump to get past the three 'C' obstacles. o--------o | Step#4 | o--------o Use the cool down arrow, and then cut down to the bottom (while avoiding the dirt pile), and go under the large grass area. Cut up to avoid another grass area, and pull back to pop-a-wheelie so you will maintain your speed for... o--------o | Step#5 | o--------o At full speed (B gear), you go off the first (of five) 'C', straighten the bike in the air (you will go down slope of #2 'C'), and then same deal for #3 'C' (jump then straighten), land (#4 'C') and then use #5 'C' to get as far over the grass patch as possible. o--------o | Step#6 | o--------o Use cool down arrow, then slalom the dirt piles, and use the jump to clear the lap counter. o--------o | Step#7 | o--------o Repeat Step#1 through Step#6 to qualify for the next race. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Track 5 Map, Stats, And Strategy-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) This section is going to look at the fourth track map, some stats needed to advance, and strategies for various parts/combos/sections of this course. The course will be drawn left to right, and it will just move down to the next part when room runs out (it will be easy to follow). I will be using the design letters for identifying obstacles as well as drawings. ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ [] ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ /| _________________________________________________/ |____ >> DD | | |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ________________________________________________| |____|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | /| |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ________________________________________________|/_|____|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG DD |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ________________________________________________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG |GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ________________________________________________________|GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG M K H Q _____ /| |\ /|\ ___/ | | \ _ _ _ ___|| \_______/| | | |\ |\___/|\___/|\___/|\_________________________ GGG| ||\ | | | | | \| || || || GGG|___|| \______| | | | |\ |\___||\___||\___||\_________________________ GGG| ||\ | | | | | \| || || || GGG|___|| \______| | | | |\ |\___||\___||\___||\_________________||______ GGG| ||\ | | | |___| \| || || || || GGG|___|| \______| | |/ \ |\___||\___||\___||\_________________||______ GGG| / \ | |__/ \| || || || || GGG|___|__\______|/_____________\___/_\___/_\___/_\_________________||______ G R A A A J /| _________________________________________________________/ |________________ DD | | ________________________________________________________| |________________ DD | /| ________________________________________________________|/_|________________ DD ____________________________________________________________________________ >> DD ____________________________________________________________________________ N L K H _ _ _ /|\ /|\ /|\ _ / | \ / | \ / | \ /|\ __/ |\ \___/ |\ \___/ |\ \___/ ||___ ______________________ | | \ | | \ | | \ /|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| __| |\ \___| |\ \___| |\ \___/ ||___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________ | | \ | | \ | | \ /|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| __| |\ \___| |\ \___| |\ \___/ ||___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________ | | \ | | \ | | \ /|| |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| __| / \ \___| / \ \___| / \ \___/ ||___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________ |/ \ |/ \ / \ / \ |GGGGGGGGGGGGG| __/_____\___/_____\___/_____\___/__|___|GGGGGGGGGGGGG|______________________ C C C F Q _______________________ | | /|_______________________| / | | /|\ /| ___/ |_______________________|_____________/ | \_________/ |_______________ | | |\GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | |\ | | ___| |_| \GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG_____________| | \________| |_______________ | | | \GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | |\ | /| ___| |_| \_______________________________| | \________|/_|_______________ | / \ \ DD | |\ ___|/ \ \_____DD______________________| | \___________________________ / \ \ DD |/ \ __/________\____\___________________________/___\___________________________ S B H _ /|\ /| / | \ ___ ___ _ ___ ________/ |_____ ____/ |\ \________/| |\____/| |\___/|\___/| |\__ | | |GGGGGGGGG| | | \ | | | | | | | | || | | | | _______| |_____|GGGGGGGGG|____| |\ \_______| | | |__| | | |__||\__| | | |_ | /| |GGGGGGGGG| | | \ | | | | | | | | || | | | | _______|/_|_____|GGGGGGGGG|____| |\ \_______| | | |__| | | |__||\__| | | |_ |GGGGGGGGG| | | \ | | | | | | | | || | | | | ________________|GGGGGGGGG|____| / \ \_______| | | |__| | | |__||\__| | | |_ |GGGGGGGGG| |/ \ | |_| | | |_| | || | |_| | ________________|GGGGGGGGG|____/_____\_______|/___\|__|/___\|__/ \__|/___\|_ H Q C D D A D _ /|\ ___ ___ ___ / | \ __/| |\____/| |\____/| |\___/ |\ \_________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ DD _| | | |__| | | |__| | | |__| |\ \_________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ _| | | |__| | | |__| | | |__| |\ \_________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ DD _| | | |__| | | |__| | | |__| / \ \_________________________________________ | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | |/ \ _|/___\|__|/___\|__|/___\|__/_____\_________________________________________ D D D C K _________________________________||_________________________________________ || DD _________________________________||_________________________________________ DD || DD DD ____________________||___________||_________________________________________ || DD ____________________||______________________________________________________ DD || DD DD ____________________||______________________________________________________ L J I L K L _______ /| |\ _____________/ | | \_ | | |\ _____________| | | \_ | | |\ ___||________| | | \_ || | | |\ ___||________| |_____| \_ || |/THE END\ ___||________/_________\_ J This is the course map for track 5, and now you will receive a strategy to follow. o--------o | Step#1 | o--------o Start by using the B gear to get out quickly, and go between the dirt piles, then take the jump. Bounce off of the 'G' obstacle, then make sure to match your slope to the monstrous 'R' obstacle. o--------o | Step#2 | o--------o Quickly move over the three 'A', and then move to bottom row, pop-a-wheelie, and hit the cool down area. Head to the top while avoiding the dirt piles to take the jump. o--------o | Step#3 | o--------o As you land, be ready to handle three 'C' obstacles, and then a 'F' to jump the grass patch. Then go take the 'S' overhang, and cut down when you reach the end, go over the 'B', avoid the first jump, and utilize the second jump. o--------o | Step#4 | o--------o You will come down on a 'C', so quickly scoot over it. Then you must get a good speed up to get through two 'D', one 'A', and then four 'A' obstacles. Then climb the 'C' obstacle to get to the flat section of the course. o--------o | Step#5 | o--------o Slalom the dirt piles avoid/pop-a-wheelie to get by the speed bumps, then slalom the remaining dirt piles, and stick to the top two sections to get past the last speed bump and over the lap counter. o--------o | Step#6 | o--------o Repeat Step#1 through Step#5 to win the last track. You can keep going on, but the times will shorten, and the tracks will loop. You will start over at track 1, but now the 3rd place time will be at a much lower time. This is an excellent way to experience the old tracks with a little more challenge brought into the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Strategies------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) This section will outline a few techniques to help you reach the finish line a little faster, thus improving your chances of qualifying for the next race. a) Getting the bike parallel with the ground when in the air will maximize the distance in the air. Useful for getting b) If in doubt when taking a jump, just let the bike fly as it wants to. Often this will be a slower method of travel, but it will be an easier time landing. c) Lining your bikes angle up with the slope of the landing area. This will make your transition from obstacle to obstacle easier. d) In Selection B, try to avoid getting stuck in a group of same speed opponents as they can pen you in. This could be the difference between qualifying, and being eliminated. e) When designing a course, try to mix some harder challenges with easier ones to create a fun course for all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Final Word-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11)As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2002. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is www.gamefaqs.com, www.ign.com, www.retronintendo.com, and www.honestgamers.com. You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at briansulpher@hotmail.com. You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. I am still fairly inept at this game, so if you have any advice to add to this FAQ/Walkthrough, just let me know at the above listed e-mail address. Good luck to all who play, and remember, this game is for fun, so do not take it so seriously!!! CIAO!!!