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This guide is written by Karl Laude (LightAngelTora). _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents- Legal Notice {LgNt} Introduction {Itdt} Contact Me {CntM} Version {Vrsn} Controls {Cntl} Saving/Passwords {SvPs} Story {Stry} Areas {Aes} Enemies {EmBs} Items/Weapons {ImWp} Missile/Energy Tank Locations {METL} Basic Walkthrough {BcWth} -Through Varia {BWTV} -Through Wave Beam {BWTW} -Through Kraid {BWTK} -Through Ridley {BWTR} -Through End {BWTE} Full Walkthrough {FlWth} -Through Varia {FWTV} -Through Wave Beam {FWTW} -Through Kraid {FWTK} -Through Ridley {FWTR} -Through End {FWTE} Endings {Edng} Conclusion {Ccls} Credits {Crdt} _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Legal Notice {LgNt}- By copyright laws, you are not legally allowed to take this guide and say it is your own. If you wish to print out this walkthrough, please do. Anyone who wants to use this walkthrough on a site may do so if they ask me first. My email is in the Contact Me section below. Also, send the Web Address of your site, because I do not want it posted on any inappropriate site. Also, the credits and all other contents must stay the SAME. If you follow these guidelines, you can more than likely use this walkthrough. Here are a list of sites allowed to use this walkthrough: If anyone sees a site that has copied this document (and is not a CNET site), I would definitely appreciate it. If you do, I will add your name to the credits as a helper of the author. Thanks! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Introduction {Itdt}- Hi, I’m Karl Laude (aka LightAngelTora). First thing of note, this is my first walkthrough. I am not agitated by suggestions or constructive criticism, so please feel free to correct me or send me any suggestions. Anyone who corrects me, submits new strategies, or anything helpful to this guide will be credited. I won’t be a jerk and say I made them myself. Also, if I forget to credit someone who helped, tell me what you did and I will update the credits as fast as I can. I am busy sometimes, though, so wait a few days before you ask me about why I haven’t added you name to the credits. I will not, however, add anything to the Walkthrough part that I can’t get to work (glitches, strategies, etc.), but I will add it to the rumors section if I think it is still possible (I am not the best gamer, but I can do some things.) One glitch I will not mention is the locations of the hidden world. I really could care less about those, because I am not going to waste my time trying to find them. Please do not send me anything saying that I don’t indent paragraphs. I write in block format because it looks more professional. Indents, in my opinion, are for stories. Not that they look bad, I just don’t like them. However, if you can’t find something in the Walkthrough (as long as you made an honest attempt to find what your looking for) send an email my way and I will (if I can) tell you what you need to know. Visit Contact Me section for information on contacting me. About the game now. Metroid was a game that I loved to play many years ago (1996). I still play it, but I prefer some of the other ones. Super Metroid is my true favorite Metroid game. I hope to write a guide for that game later, but it really doesn’t need any more. If you get a chance, check out my review on Metroid. Don’t freak out that I only rated it an eight out of ten, I just judge gameplay very harshly to ensure accuracy of rating (This is because I want to give more than just ten out of tens. Only unbelievably great games get that). If I rate something seven out of ten, that is pretty good. Metroid is a 2-D side-scrolling game. It is (I believe) the first game to feature a female character as the main character. I can be difficult and it can be easy. I myself find it mediocre to hard on difficulty. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t get something right away. Metroid is a game with many upgrades. It was revered as a great game by many people. In fact, the NES Metroid has been re-released three times (Metroid Prime, Metroid: Zero Mission, Classic NES series-Metroid) and has been remade once (Metroid: Zero Mission.) This game uses a password system. Please don’t ask me for passwords to skip the entire game. Please note that I use all current English translations. I do this because I do not know any other translations of this game. If I ever become good at another language, or if I find a translator, I will post a foreign language walkthrough. Sorry to those people who can’t read this walkthrough because it is not in their language (even though I know your not reading this.) Last thing for me to say is this. PLEASE DON’T JUST READ THE FULL WALKTHROUGH AND FOLLOW MY SUGGESTIONS LIKE A ZOMBIE. Use the Basic Walkthrough for slight pointers. If you get stuck at one point, then use the Full Walkthrough for more depth ON THAT PART. If you just follow a walkthrough it absorbs the fun because your told what to do. One of the most fun things to do is to explore and find stuff on your own. Basic Walkthrough’s give a slight, but not commanding, frame to a game. This is why I plan to always write a Basic Walkthrough in all my future writings. Enough Intro. Onto the next section! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Me {CntM}- If you want to contact me with a question or comment send an email to PLEASE READ ON. The topic to the email should be MetroidConcernNES. By writing this is the topic, I am mostly assured that the document is not a virus. If this is not your topic, don’t be surprised that I don’t respond. If you accidentally send an email with something else as a topic, just re-send the email with the correct topic. I won’t be mad you sent the same email twice. If I receive any cursing, swearing, or other inappropriate content in an email, I will block you from my email and you will never be able to send another email to me again. If you send an apology before I block your email (I understand some words are very close in spelling to swear words) I will not block you if it is the first time it happened. I only do this because I do not like swearing, cursing, etc. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Version {Vrsn}- 7/26/06: 1.0 First Completed Walkthrough 7/26/06: 1.1 Spaced out paragraphs more to make the guide easier to read (Thank you Defcon999 for this suggestion)/correctesd several spelling errors/made area changes more noticeable by adding and extra line 7/27/06: 1.2 Added a missing credit 7/28/06: 1.3 Changed the Legal Notice 7/30/06: 1.4 Changed a few mistakes (Thanks to nintendomaster14) 8/11/06: 1.5 Added a new site that can use this site 8/14/06: 1.6 Updated ending section (Thanks to Luigi Mario) 3/16/07: 1.7 Added a new strategy for Ridley thanks to Robert Bazan 5/29/08: 1.71 Allowed MountMetroid.Com to use this guide 5/31/08: 1.72 Fixed a small error with allowed sites thanks to namelessbob _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Controls {Cntl}- This game has rather simple controls. Here they are- D-Pad Left and Right: Move Samus D-Pad Down: Turn into morph ball A button: Jump B button: Fire beam or missile (if selected) while standing. Lay bombs while in morph ball form. Start: Pauses the game. Select: Switches between missile and your current beam weapon. Some techniques to know are as followed: 1. If a bomb explodes under a morph ball Samus, the morph ball will be propelled into the air. 2: If a bomb explodes under a standing Samus, she will be propelled in the air, and will be able to jump again if performed right. It takes a little practice to master. The second technique is used mainly to get a missile expansion. 3: If Samus jumps, and a platform you destroyed reforms on her, it will hurt her and propel her upward. If you use this technique, you can get the ice beam before the high jump boots. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Saving/Passwords {SvPs}- In order to save the game in the NES metroid, you needed to get a password. To get a password, you needed to die. When you died, it would display a password, and then it would start you at the beginning of the world you were in when you died. You only would start with thirty of your health points, though. If you wanted to get a password without dying, push start on controller one. While pause, push Up+B (simultaneously) on controller two. This will take you to the password screen. I will not provide passwords, so don’t ask for them. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Story {Stry}- I don’t have access to an Instruction booklet, but I think this is how the story goes. In the galaxy, many evil things try to rule the galaxy. In order to uphold galactic law, the Galactic Federation is formed. Quite a few years late, a group know as the space pirates has captured a species known as the metroids. These parasitic life forms are able to absorb life energy, and, when exposed to beat (I think) rays, the metroids multiply. In an attempt to stop the space pirates, the Galactic Federation sends a group to infiltrate Zebes, the planet the space pirates are on. However, the troopers fail to stop the space pirates. The Galactic Federation decides to send a sole bounty hunter to infiltrate Zebes. The bounty hunter is Samus Aran, a female bounty hunter who wears Chozo made armor. It is up to Samus to destroy Ridley, Kraid, and Mother Brain, the three head leaders of the space pirates, and exterminate the metroid. Note: This story is not exact to the story in the manual. This is also quite brief, so it may miss something. If anyone can send me a better story, or can correct what I have written, I would deeply appreciate it. The original story is created by Nintendo. All credit for every story based off this game, unless otherwise stated, is given to Nintendo. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Areas {Aes}- Brinstar: This is the first area of the game. It’s enemies are a lot easier than the other regions. It has some acid that does damage if you fall in. Norfair: This area is filled with lava and tough enemies. The lava hear is stronger than Brinstar’s acid. Kraid’s Lair: This area has strong and annoying enemies. It has acid the strength of lava. One of the bosses, Kraid, is located hear. Ridley’s Lair: This are is filled with lava and, even more so, tricky jumps. One tricky jump is over an invisible hole in the floor, and another is jumping into a small hole with a hanging ceiling above it. This area has tough and fast enemies and the game’s easiest boss, Ridley. Tourian: This area is the home of the Metroids. It also has rinkas and guns, and is home to the last boss, Mother Brains. You also have to escape from this area up a shaft in a limited time. This area is very difficult. Good luck. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Enemies/Bosses {EmBs}- These are the enemies I know are in the game. If I miss any, please tell me. Enemies: Deseega: Creature in Norfair that jump around. Fairly resilient. Kill them by using a missile. Dragon/Draken: Creature in the lava of Norfair. Usually attack with fireball. I recommend not trying to destroy them. Since they are in lava, it is just too hard. Fake Kraid: Weak version of Kraid. There is only one of them in Kraid’s Lair. One missiles will kill it. Gamet: Norfair creature that flies out of nests and flies at you to attack. These creatures are strong. Either avoid them, freeze them, or kill them with the wave beam. Geega: Found in Kraid’s Lair. This creature acts like a Gamet. Freeze them or kill them with the wave beam. Geemer: This is Brinstar’s most common enemy. It simply roams around on floors, walls, and ceilings. There are also tougher versions of these later on in the game. Just shoot them a few times to kill them. Geruta: A creature found in Norfair. It flies up and down. It is fairly strong. Cautiously destroy or avoid this enemy. I recommend using a missile. Holtz: This creature is found in Ridley’s Lair. They are like the Geruta, but they are bigger and stronger. Use a screw attack or missile to take them down. Mella: Small bugs that fly in Norfair. They are found in numbers but are very easy to destroy. Just shoot them once. Mellow: These are the Mella of Brinstar. They are even weaker than the Mella. Just shoot them once. Metroid: These parasitic creatures are found in Tourian. They can only be killed by being frozen and then hit with five missiles. If they attach to you, turn into a morph ball and bomb them off of you to escape. Multiviola: These ball shaped creatures ricochet off of floors, walls, and ceilings. They are found in various regions. Shoot them with a missile, or kill them with the screw attack. Nova: Fiery creature that acts like the Geemer. This creature is in Norfair. Shoot them a few times to kill them. Reo: Brinstar creature that flies up and down, much like the Geruta. Shoot the green ones with the power beam four times, and the blue ones take eight shots. (Missiles work very well) Rinka: Creature found in Tourian. They come out of various places and, though easy to destroy, are quite annoying. Just freeze them or avoid them. Ripper: Simple creature of Brinstar that moves back and forth. Kill red ones with the screw attack or a missile. Yellow are invincible. Ripper 2: Faster version of a ripper found in Norfair. Some can be killed with the screw attack or missiles. Side Hopper: A creature in Kraid’s Lair. As it’s name suggests, it just from side to side. Kill it with a missile or the screw attack. Skree: Bat creature found in various areas of the game. They hang from the ceiling and swoops down to the ground when you cross their path. They explode a few seconds after they hit the ground. Aim up and shoot, or just run away. Squeept: Norfair creatures that jump in and out of the lava. Some can be killed with screw attack or missiles. Viola: A ball of fire that acts like a Geemer. Found in Ridley’s lair. Kill them with the wave beam. Waver: Creature found in various areas that flies around and tries to hit you. Kill them with a missile, or shoot them multiple times. Zebbo: Creature in Ridley’s lair that flies out of a nest and attacks with great speed and power. Kill them with the wave beam. Zeb: Brinstar’s version of the Zebbo. Its is much weaker. Shoot them a few times and they will die. Zebetite: Tentacles that defend the Mother Brain. Keep firing missiles at them before they reform. Zeela: Weird creature that roams in Kraid’s Lair. They act like a Geemer. Kill them with your beam weapon. Zoomer: A stronger version of a Geemer. Kill them with your beam weapon. Bosses: Kraid: This is the second most difficult boss, but I always fight him first. He shoots spikes from his belly and throws his claws like boomerangs. One strategy is to freeze the spikes, and then blast him with missiles. When they unfreeze, refreeze them and blast Kraid some more. Repeat until he dies. Another choice is to roll into a ball and blast him with bombs. This causes you to take some good damage, though. (75 missile reward) Ridley: This is the easiest boss of the game. Freeze his fireballs and then blast him with missiles. He has no other attack, so he is defenseless until the fireballs unfreeze. Once they do, refreeze them and blow Ridley away. You can also stand were it dips down. Blast away with missiles. You’ll get hit a bit, but you should live. (Thanks to my brother for the second strategy) (75 missile reward) Ridley Strategy Two (Submitted by Robert Bazan): Have the Varia Suit, Wave Beam, and a few Energy Tanks (about 3-4 at least), as you will take a bit of damage from this method. When the fight begins, drop into the lava and underneath the platform Ridley is on. Walk underneath Ridley's position, aim upwards, and fire away with the Wave Beam. He won't be able to move much and you should be able to fire without missing a lot. The fight will be over before long. Mother Brain: Easily the hardest boss in the game. First, completely destroy all the Zebetites. Then, freeze the three rinkas. Switch to missile and jump to were the last Zebetite was. Fire one missile to break the glass. Then, fire tons of missile until the rinkas start to unfreeze. Refreeze them and repeat the process. Once Mother Brain dies, go through where she used to be. Hop up the shaft, and escape to the top. Do not pressure yourself with the time limit. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Items/Weapons {ImWp}- Morph Ball: This item is found to the left of the start of the game. It allows you to roll into a ball and roll through small spaces. Missile: Comes in packs of five. These are stronger weapons. See Missiles/Energy Tank Locations section below. Long Beam: In the first upward shaft of the game go through the second door (not including the one you came through.) Go to the red door. Five missiles will open it. Shoot the orb held by the Chozo statue and claim your prize. This allow you to shoot all the way across the screen. Energy Tank: This item gives you one-hundred extra life points. See Missile/Energy Tank Locations to see where they are. Morph Ball Bombs: After getting the missiles, go to the tunnel that connects the blue and yellow shafts. Go right through the yellow shaft, and go immediately through the door on the right. Head all the way up until you get to the upward shaft. Head up and then left into the blue door. Go left through the red door and claim the Morph Ball Bombs. The Morph Ball Bombs allow you to lay down bombs while in Morph Ball mode. These bombs can propel Samus upwards and destroy enemies. Ice Beam: This item is found in two areas of the game. This weapon freezes enemies for a short time and does about half the strength of a power beam (normal attack). Frozen enemies can be stood on. After getting the bombs, head back out of the bomb section. Go down and then left through the door. Go left one more room. Bomb the floor until you find a hole, seemingly leading to acid. Drop down and you will realize it is fake. Go all the way down, and then left. Head all the way left and destroy the missile door. This is the location of the first Ice Beam. (Note: If you choose to get this ice beam, you will have a little trouble on the way back up. When you shoot back through the floor, you will notice you can’t jump that high. If you keep jumping, and the block closes in on you, you will be propelled upward. It can take a little time, but it works) The second is in Norfair. Head to the right shaft (Up and Down going area) and head all the way to the top. The high jump boots are required to do this. When you see the ceiling, go onto the high platform. Shoot the ceiling and go through the hole it created. Head left through the door. Take this path all the way left, until you get to a wall. Turn into a morph ball. Lay a bomb and hold left. You will roll into the wall. If you ever get stuck, bomb, and you will continue left. Once you get out, go through the door on the left. Head down this shaft, and then go right. Bomb the wall in the corner, and then roll all the way right. Now you can collect the second Ice Beam. High Jump Boots: Go to the bottom of Norfair’s right shaft. Bomb the floor until you fall through. Now, continue down until you see a blue door on the left. Go through it. Now go through the red door on the left. Inside, you will find the High Jump Boots. These allow you to jump higher. Varia Suit: Go to the top door on the right of the Golden Shaft in Brinstar. Go through the door and head right until you get to four pipes. Roll through the top one so you don’t fall into the acid. Go through the right door. Now you are in a tunnel. Kill the waver, shoot the ceiling, and head through the hole. Now, get a running start and then jump to the blue door. The first half of the blocks are fake, so don’t step on those. Go through that blue door and continue left. Get to the red door, go through it, and collect the Varia Suit. This suit doubles your defense. Screw Attack: In the High Jump Boots room, head left by bombing through the floor and wall. Freeze the enemy, jump on it, and then jump over the platform to continue. Repeat this process and then jump carefully over to the left door. Go left through the tunnel, and then go left through the next room. Shoot the ceiling in the room with green bubbles and jump through the hole. Head left through the blue door. Go left in this room, and then through the red door. This room has the Screw Attack. This makes your spin jumps do tremendous damage (about the strength of a missile). To use hold forward and jump. Your spin jump should have a flashing color. Wave Beam: The wave beam does twice the damage of the normal beam, and it can go through wall. If you get this, it replaces the beam you had before (Ice or Power). It is useful in all areas but Tourian. Do not use this weapon in Tourian. From the Screw Attack room, this is what you have to do. Head all the way back right to the green bubble room. Bomb the floor and go through the hole. Go left through the blue door. Go left through this room (watch out for the gamets) and go through the left blue door. You will now be in a shaft. Drop to the bottom. DO NOT go through the door on the right. Instead hop in the fake lava, and bomb through the floor. Head through the door on the right. Go all the way right through this room. Once again, head right through the door. Go right through this room and through the blue door (be careful not to fall in between the bubble pillars, as it is very hard to get out). Bomb through the floor and head through the door on the left. Go left through this room and then through the read door. Claim the Wave Beam, the strongest beam in the game. If you successfully get this, I congratulate you! The Wave Beam fires a beam in a wavy pattern. This beam is twice as strong as the Power Beam and four times as strong as the Ice Beam. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Missile/Energy Tank Locations {METL}- Missile Tanks: Each pack gives you five missiles. By defeating Kraid and Ridley, you get 75 additional missiles each. [001] After going to the bottom of the gold shaft, head right through the door. Go right until you see it on the pedestal over the acid. (Brinstar) [002] After coming down to Norfair, go through the left door. Head left and you will eventually find this missile sitting on a pedestal. (Norfair) [003] If you bomb the wall to the left of missile pack [002], you will find a hole. Follow the path after the morph ball tunnel, and, after curving around a bit, you will find you third missile pack. (Norfair) [004] You need the ice beam to get this missile. After you get the high jump boots, return to the long right shaft. Go back up through the ceiling that you came down from. Go through the door on the left here. Continue all the way left and you will reach a wall. Bomb through to get to a place with a large wall and a passage on top. Freeze an enemy and jump (with high jump) to get over. Go left to get this missile. (Norfair) [005] Left from missile [004]. (Norfair) [006] Go to (but not through) the ceiling of Norfair’s big right shaft (high jump required) and go through the door on the left. Continue left to get this missile. (Norfair) [007] Left of missile [006]. (Norfair) [008] Left of missile [007]. (Norfair) [009] Shoot your way through the top of Norfair’s big right shaft. You will be able to go through the ceiling. Go left through the door there. Continue left and get this missile pack. (Norfair) [010] Left of missile [009]. (Norfair) [011] In the room that you had to go through the ceiling to get the varia suit, choose to go right instead. If you continue right, you will find this missile. (Brinstar) [012] From the room below the screw attack, continue all the way left. Fall down once you get to the shaft, and bomb through the fake lava. Go straight until you get to the first small tunnel like room. Bomb through the floor, now. Go all the way down until you see a door on the right. Head through it, and go right until you get this missile. (Norfair) [013] Right of missile [012]. (Norfair) [014] Instead of bombing the floor of the tunnel that leads to missile [012] and [013], go right. This area has some bubble like pillars. Do not fall in between them, as it is hard to get out. Continue right. Eventually, you will get to another tunnel. If you bomb here, it leads to the wave beam. Don’t bomb through, go right. You will see two square formations of breakable blocks. Get on top of the second one. Bomb the wall until you open a tunnel. Go through the tunnel. Continue right and you will find yourself on more of the bubble pillars. Once again, do not fall in between them. If you continue right, you will find this missile pack. (Norfair) [015] After coming down the elevator to Kraid’s Lair, go right by destroying the red door. Cotinue right and you will see it resting on a pedestal. (Kraid’s Lair) [016] After coming down the elevator to Kraid’s Lair, go left through the blue door. Go left and you will see a wall. Bomb the wall and find a morph ball tunnel leading through it. You will see the missile on a pedestal. Grab it to get your sixteenth missile expansion. (Kraid’s Lair) [017] After getting missile [016], go through the door on the left. You will now be in a shaft. Drop down the shaft and you will see some acid. This acid is fake, so jump through it. Once you get to the bottom, go through the door on the right. Go through another blue door on the right. Now, destroy the red door and continue right. In the middle of the room you will find the missile. (Kraid’s Lair) [018] After beating Kraid, go right until you get to the shaft you need to climb by destroying the collapsing blocks. Near the top there will be two doors. Go through the bottom one. In hear you will find the missile tank. You can also come from the main shaft, but it is easier to just get it after Kraid. (Kraid’s Lair) [019] When you enter Ridley’s Lair, go left twice (you should be in the second white room) Blast the ceiling where the door you came in is. Jump up there, and then jump into the door. If you manage to get past all the enemies, you will get this missile. (Ridley’s Lair) [020] This is the hardest item in the game to get. In the room with the energy tank and the invisible hole, drop down. Go right until you get to a red room with a hole, and a door on the other side. There is also a platform hanging down from above to make the jump harder. Lay a bomb close, but not on, the edge. Stand up, and go in front of your bomb. It will propel you forward. Then, press a to jump in mid-air, and push right AFTER you jump. If performed correctly, you will get to the other side. It is possible to get over this hole by doing a regular jump, but it is pretty hard to get through. After making the jump, go through the door, and continue right. You will find this difficult to reach missile. (Ridley’s Lair) [021] In Ridley’s Lair, go all the way to the big left shaft (you can go to the right shaft as well if you want), and drop all the way down. If you came from the left go right and through the door. Continue right to find the last missile. If you came from the right, go left until you find the missile. Energy Tanks: There are eight total energy tanks. They each increase your health by 100. However, you can only hold six. [001] Go to the point in the gold shaft where there are two visible doors. Go through the right one. Continue along this path and you will find the first energy tank. (Brinstar) [002] At the top of the main gold shaft, go through the blue door on the right. If you continue on this path, you will claim you second energy tank. Please note that you will have to bomb through a few walls. (Brinstar) [003] In the area that has a breakable floor, continue right. Once you get to the area you need to roll into, freeze the skree. Jump on him, shoot the ceiling two or three blocks from the wall, jump up, and grab the energy tank. You need the high jump boots and the ice beam. If you miss the skree, lure a geemer over. It is a little harder to get then, but still not that bad. (Brinstar) [004] Go right from the room with the screw attack. Then, bomb the floor to drop down to the main path. Bomb the floor again to get onto another path. Take the door on the right. Go across the lava by taking the bush like rocks. When you get to the huge wall, bomb your way through. Continue all the way right, then through the door. Bomb the floor in this room to fall onto the fake lava. Go down, then through the door on the left. Go to the left area and bomb the wall. Jump over and grab the energy tank. (Norfair) [005] When entering Kraid’s lair, you will see two doors. Skip those and go down to the next two doors. Use missiles to go through the door on the right. Go all the way right and bomb through the wall. You will be in a maze-like area. Navigate through, and grab your fifth energy tank. (Kraid’s Lair) [006] In the room you fight the real Kraid, shoot the right wall in the acid to reveal it. Jump up on the right platform, roll off, and hold right. You should get it. (Kraid’s Lair) [007] If you go left from the start of Ridley’s Lair, you will get to a green room. Bomb the floor to get under it, then roll all the way right. Bomb again and jump up. Blow open the red door and walk through it. You will now see the energy tank. Don’t hurry. There is an invisible hole in the floor. Jump over it to get the energy tank. If you wall, you can go back to the start, or some up behind it. (Ridley’s Lair) [008] In the room you fought Ridley in, you should notice a door behind him. Shoot it with ten missiles and go through. You will enter a room filled with lava. However, only the first part of it is real. Jump to land on the safe part. Go along the path to get your final energy tank. (Ridley’s Lair) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Basic Walkthrough {BcWth}- This Walkthrough will give you a general idea of what you need (or want) to find. I recommend this walkthrough unless you really get stuck. This one won’t tell you exactly what you need to do, but it will give you a general idea. You can change most of the steps around and still have success. As an example, you can even switch the Through Kraid and Through Ridley sections around if you want. Without further adieu, here is the Basic Walkthrough. _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Varia {BWTV}- 1. Go left from start to get the morph ball. 2. Get your first missile expansion. 3. Go back to get the long beam. 4. Get your first energy tank, and the morph ball bombs. 5. In the first small room on the way back, bomb through and get the ice beam. This isn’t when you are actually supposed to get it. If you choose to not get it yet, you will get it somewhere else in a little bit. 6. At the bottom of the gold shaft, head all the way right and take the elevator down to Norfair. 7. Head left to get another missile pack. 8. Bomb the left wall to reveal a path that leads to another missile. 9. Go to the big right shaft and locate the high jump boots. 10. Go back up to the next room on the left side (go back through ceiling). Go all the way left, bomb wall, and grab the two missile packs on the right. (If you don’t have the ice beam, do this later. You need the ice beam to get it.) 11. Go up until you see the ceiling. Go through the door on the left. Go left and collect the three missile packs. 12. Go back out the door and blast your way through the ceiling. Go through the door on the left here. Go until you get two missile packs. If you haven’t gotten the ice beam yet, bomb the wall, and go through the left wall. Go down, then right, then bomb the wall, and finally get the ice beam. 13. Go to the top of the golden shaft and go through the door on the right. 14. Shoot through the ceiling in the first small room, go through the left door, continue left, and claim the Varia Suit. 15. Go back down and continue right to find a missile expansion and another energy tank. What you can have if you followed this Walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs, Long Beam, Ice Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit Missiles: 55 Energy Tanks: 2 You can actually have more than this if you wanted to. (Technically, you can have everything before the Varia Suit, as it is not required to beat the game.) _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Wave Beam {BWTW}- 1. Towards beginning of Brinstar, get the third energy tank. 2. Head to the room in Norfair where you got the high jump boots. 3. Go through the tunnel on the floor, and bomb your way through. Using the ice beam and high jump, continue left until you get to a green bubble room. 4. Shoot the ceiling to reveal the path to the screw attack. 5. Comb back to the bubble room, bomb through the floor TWICE (If you are coming from getting the screw attack), and continue right. In the last room, bomb the floor to find the path to the fourth energy tank. 6. Go to the left green shaft, and go through the fake lava. 7. Go right until you get to a bubble tunnel. Bomb the floor to find the path to two more missile tanks. 8. Get back up and bomb the floor of the next tunnel and find the wave beam. 9. Get back up again, continue all the way right to get another missile tank. 10. Go to the start of Brinstar. What you can have if you followed this walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs, Long Beam, Wave Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit, Screw Attack (The wave beam replaces the ice beam) Missile: 70 Energy Tanks: 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Kraid {BWTK}- 1. From the start of Brinstar, go right until you get to the room with the collapsible blocks. Bomb your way down and find the elevator to Kraid’s lair. 2. Go right in the first door you see to find another missile pack. 3. Drop down a level and go through the door on the right in the second set of doors, and find the fifth energy tank. 4. Go through the left door in the first set of doors you saw. Continue left and find a missile pack. 5. Go all the way left and drop down the shaft and through the fake acid. 6. Go right until you find another missile pack. 7. Backtrack to the second blue room and bomb through the floor. Go right and defeat the fake Kraid. 8. Go right until you get to a tunnel. Bomb through, and go left. 9. Defeat Kraid (75 missile reward). 10. Get the energy tank in Kraid’s room. 11. Go back up through the shaft and go in the second to top door. Go left and get the missile pack. 12. Get out of Kraid’s Lair Items you can have if you followed this walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs, Long Beam, Wave Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit, Screw Attack Missiles: 165 Energy Tanks: 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Ridley {BWTR}- 1. Go all the way down Norfair’s right shaft, and get to Ridley’s Lair. 2. In Ridley’s Lair, go left two rooms. Get through the ceiling and take the path to a missile. 3. Continue left and get the energy tank. 4. Drop down the fake hole, go right, make the difficult jump, and get another missile. 5. Make jump back left, go all the way left, drop down, go right, and get the last missile pack. (If you fall, go to the bottom door of the right shaft, go left, and grab the last missile that way.) 6. Go through the second to bottom door in the right shaft. Go all the way left. 7. Defeat Ridley (75 missile reward) 8. Go left to get the last energy tank. 9. Get back to Brinstar. Items you can have if you followed this walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs, Long Beam, Wave Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit, Screw Attack Missiles: 255 Energy Tanks: 6 (You can only carry six. If you get more than six, they just fill your health.) _______________________________________________________________________________ Through End {BWTE}- 1. Re-obtain ice beam from Brinstar. 2. Go to the top of the blue shaft and go left. 3. Continue left and you will see a statue of Kraid and Ridley. Shoot them both to reveal a path to Tourian. 4. In Tourian, go down, killing the metroids, and then go right. 5. Continue all the way right through this room, being careful of the rinkas and metroids. 6. Go down this path, killing or avoiding the metroids. 7. Go left through this room. There are metroids here. 8. Kill the zebetite and get to Mother Brain. 9. Defeat Mother Brain. (Do not attempt if you don’t have at least 100 missiles remaining when you get to Mother Brain. You don’t need that many, but it is good to be sure you have an okay amount of missiles.) 10. Go through where Mother Brain was, and climb up this huge shaft before time runs out. Congratulations, you have beat Metroid! You will now see one of the various endings for Metroid. Realize that beating this game was no easy task. You are among the people who have beat a game with a pretty hard difficulty level. If you did get all the items (of course, excluding the beam you didn’t have at the end of the game), you did really good. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Full Walkthrough {FlWth}- This Walkthrough will go through almost everything about this game in my strategy. I do it this way, you don’t have to. I like to fight Kraid first, but some like to fight Ridley. Ridley is easier, but the path to getting to him is harder. Kraid is vice versa. If you absolutely have to follow this guide, realize that being told exactly what to do drains the fun level a bit. Nonetheless, here is my full walkthrough. (If you get confused, contact me and I will help.) _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Varia {FWTV}- Brinstar- When you start out, kill the geemers and collect any items they leave behind. Then go left and jump up the platform until you get over it. Kill the geemer and grab the circle on the pedestal. This item is the MORPH BALL. It allows you to roll into a ball a squeeze through small spaces. Push down on the D-Pad to use it. Go right and roll through the small space. Destroy the geemers and head forward. Watch out for the Skree above. You can run to try to avoid them, or you can aim up and shoot them two times. I shoot them to try to get life. Go all the way right, avoid or destroy the geemers, shoot the blue door, and head to the next room. Watch out for the geemer and zoomer in the next room. Kill them and then proceed right. This room has more skrees and a few geemers at the beginning. You will get to a tunnel you need to roll through. Do so and you will see a few geemers and your first reo. It takes four hits to kill it, and it can be quite annoying. If you can’t kill it, just go right and then through the blue door. Now you will be in an upward going shaft. The yellow things that move back and forth are rippers. They cannot be destroyed. Kill the geemers and proceed upward until you get to a zoomer, a red ripper (destroyable with missiles or screw attack), and a door. Go through the door on the right and then through the tunnel. Now you have to go downward through the golden shaft. This is a little harder than going up a shaft because you can’t aim down. Proceed with care until you get to the bottom. Go to the right and through the blue door. This room is the toughest yet. It starts with a geemer. Avoid that, head right, and kill the three skrees. Now, kill the reo as quick as you can. Zebs (little things that come out of nests) will attack you. The normal one takes one hit and the deeper colored one takes two. If they leave an item behind, don’t get it. If any item is left behind, the zeb can’t come out. Of course, the item will fade away after time. Head right and kill the skree above you. Jump onto the first platform over the acid, and then to the second, which has MISSILE TANK [001]. To use a missile, push select to switch missile on for your normal attack, and then select again to switch back. For now, save your missiles. You’ll need all five in just a little bit. Head back left again. Watch out for the skrees and zebs. When you get back to the Reo, kill him and head all the way left to the door, being careful that the skrees don’t come crashing down on you. When you get to the Golden shaft, head up to the nest door on the left (the one you came through a while ago) and head left through the tunnel. Head up and go through the next left door. There will be geemers and reos in this room. One reo is blue, and it will take eight hits. Go left until you see a red door. Shoot it with five missiles and go through. Shoot the orb held by the Chozo statue. Jump on the item to claim the LONG BEAM. This item allows you to fire across the entire screen. Now that you have the Long Beam, head right to get back to the room with the blue reo. Kill the enemies to try to get some missile ammo. Each one will replenish two missiles. Go back into the shaft on the right. Descend to the door below you. Head right through the door and then the tunnel. Now you will be back into the Golden Shaft. Go through the door that is on the right, that you see right away. You will now enter an area with a lot of acid and wavers. Green Wavers take four hits and blue wavers take eight. Kill them if you can to replenish health and missiles. Continue right and through the door on the right. You will be in a room with a waver beneath the floor, and one waver coming at you. Jump to make it move to the ceiling and kill it or run. Go through the door on the right here. This next room resembles the room with the acid and waver. Once again, go right and through the room, killing wavers if possible. The next room is the same as the room that you were in second (Two wavers, one below the floor, one above.) Pass through to get to a room you will like. The next room has more acid and some wavers, but it also contains the game’s first Energy Tank. Towards the end, you will see ENERGY TANK [001] on a pedestal. Get it to increase your health by one-hundred points. Continue right to get to a shaft that is brown/gold in color. Go up until you see a blue door on the left. Go through it. If you haven’t replenished all five of your missiles, kill some enemies until you have all five. Go to the red door on the left side of this and shoot it with five missiles. Enter, destroy the orb, and collect the MORPH BALL BOMBS. This item will allow you to lay bombs with be in morph ball mode. These bombs can open passages, and hurt enemies (and two of the three bosses). Go back right and try to collect missile ammo if you can. Go right through the blue door, then down the shaft. Go left trough the bottom door to get back to the room with the first energy tank. Destroy or avoid the wavers, geemers, and zoomers, and then go through the door on the left. WAIT. You can get the ice beam here, but it requires a trick that takes a little while if you screw up. If you do it right, you will have the ice beam early. Since there are two ice beam upgrades, you can skip this one, and get the ice beam a little later in this section. If you are desperate for the ice beam, get it now. If not, wait a bit. If you choose to get it now, this is how you can do it. In the first tunnel like room on the way BACK from the morph ball bombs, turn into a morph ball and bomb the floor. The breakable part should be on the left side (but close to the middle) of the room. When it opens, fall through, supposedly into acid. You will realize it is fake. The acid, in some parts, acts like a floor. If you run right, you will fall into a miniature shaft. Avoid the ripper, and kill the geemers and zoomers, if you need ammo. Go through the blue door on the bottom of the shaft. Run left and kill the mellow. They are very weak so it shouldn’t be hard. Watch out for the reo, and blast the red door on the left with five missiles. Go in and claim the ICE BEAM. Head back left. You can freeze the reo, and the mellow will still die in one hit (The ice beam is weaker, but is very useful). Go through the door and head up the shaft. Jump on the solid acid and kill the waver if it is there. Shoot the ceiling in the area you came down through, and then jump up repeatedly. You won’t be able to make the jump, but if you keep jumping, the platform should close on you and propel you upwards (it will do damage). Go left, and through the door. Go through the room with wavers and acid, and get into the next tunnel. DO NOT bomb the floor. I call the place you would fall to the death trap. It is near impossible to get it, so you will probably just have to kill yourself if you fall down hear. Head my warning, and just go left through the door right away. Head left through this next room. If you want, you can experiment with your ice beam some more. Go through the left door a go down the gold shaft. You can freeze the rippers if you want to. Once you get to the bottom go through the door on the right. Watch out for the skrees and the reo. You can freeze everything now if you just want to avoid them. Get to the point where you got the first missile pack and continue right. You will come to two nest over acid. If you have the ice beam, freeze them, if not, kill them and run. Continue right and go through the blue door. Head down the elevator and come into the harder world called Norfair. Norfair- When you enter Norfair, go to the bottom, and through the left door. Be prepared to show your skills, as this will be very hard! Kill the geruta (with missile) or freeze them and run. You can slowly defeat them with the ice beam, but it will take a while. If you don’t have the ice beam, kill them, don’t run. They will probably do too much damage if you try to run. Watch out for the novas on the small platforms over the lava (don’t fall in) and be careful of the red spots that might shoot out fire. Also make sure the ripper 2 does not hit you. Continue left and you will find a geruta that takes twice the number of hits. Kill it with a missile, or freeze it. Behind him on a pedestal is MISSILE TANK [002]. Get this, and then bomb the wall to find a tunnel. Continue left. If you get stuck, bomb again. Evade the enemies (or defeat them) and continue left through the door. Drop down this path and go right through the door. This room has similar dangers as the room before the small shaft. At the end are several mella that can pack a punch if you don’t destroy them. They are easy to destroy, though. After killing the mella, grab MISSILE TANK [003]. Head back left, and out the door. Go up through the shaft, and go right at the top. Go all the way right back to the elevator room (remember to be careful of the enemies and remember that you need to bomb through the big wall). Now that you are back in the elevator room, you can go right. When you first go right, you will see a geruta and two novas. Make sure that you kill the geruta before you proceed (You can either kill it with a missile or a beam). Now, continue right and kill the novas and gerutas until you come to two walls that you can break with a beam (watch for the Squeept) . Shoot upon three blocks in the middle and then jump through the hole you made, over to the next platform. Continue right, while disposing of the novas as you go. Eventually you will come to a place where a squeept jumps in and out of the lava before the door. Avoid the squeept and go through the door. Now you are in Norfair's big right shaft. Drop down to the floor of the shaft while avoiding the ripper 2's attacks. Also, be careful of the novas as well. Go to the right wall and bomb the floor. Fall through and continue downward until you see a blue door on the left. Go through it and you will enter a room with two drakens in the lava and a red door to the left (novas are hear too). Shoot the red door with five missiles and go through it. Inside you will find the HIGH JUMP BOOTS. This item allows you to jump much higher. Exit the room and you will return to the room with the drakens. Remember, do not attack the drakens. They are too hard to hit. Go back right to the big right shaft, and go back to the floor that you came down through (It will look like the ceiling right now). Shoot through the floor (ceiling) and you will see a blue door to your left. If you go through this path, you will get two more missile packs. However, with the gamets (and gerutas), this room can be very difficult to get through without dying. You also need the ice beam to get the missiles. You may want to come back to these later. If you choose to get the missiles now, go left. The first part is the hardest. Get past all the gamets (Kill the gerutas with missiles) and go left until you get to a breakable block area. Shoot the block in the middle, and get over to the next platform. Keep going through the breakable blocks until you get to the wall (be aware that a few novas crawl around in between the breakable blocks). Bomb through the wall and you will come to a place with several enemies. These include a squeept, a multiviola, and a ripper 2. Kill the multiviola with a missile, freeze the ripper 2, then freeze the squeept, jump on it, and jump through the gap. Kill the red geruta with a missile, and collect MISSILE TANK [004]. Go left, kill another geruta and collect MISSILE TANK [005]. Congratulations, you've beaten sections 1's most difficult part. Now, backtrack to the big right shaft. Once again, be careful of the gerutas and gamets (missiles will kill the gerutas quickly). Go all the to the top of the big right shaft. Be careful of the ripper 2's attack, as all Norfair creatures do at least ten damage a hit. Once you see the ceiling, take the door to the left. Watch out for the novas and squeepts. If you continue left, you will see a missile pack (prepare your missiles for the red gerutas ahead). Jump and claim MISSILE TANK [006]. Continue left, kill the gerutas, and eventually collect MISSILE TANK [007] and MISSILE TANK [008]. Backtrack to the big right shaft. Jump to the platform just below the ceiling and shoot through the ceiling. Go up through the hole you made, and go through the door on the left. Once again, this room has novas, squeept, and gerutas. If you continue left past these enemies, you will collect MISSILE TANK [009] and MISSILE TANK [010] until you get to a wall. Now I'm going to split my guide for a bit. If you do not have the ice beam, follow part one. If you do have the ice beam, follow part two: 1. Bomb up into the wall to the left. Make your way through the wall until you get to an area with several multiviolas. Go through the door to the left here. If you want, you can kill the multiviolas before you leave. Now, you should be in a shaft. Drop down this shaft, and go down to the bottom. Go through the door down here that goes right. You will be in another room with multiviolas. Kill them for sure this time (missiles work best) unless they go under the platform. Bomb the bottom right corner and continue until you end up in a room with an item. Destroy the orb and get the ICE BEAM. This does half the damage of the power beam, but it freezes the enemies. Frozen enemies can be jumped on. Shoot five missiles at the red door to the right. You will enter a room with some novas and drakens/dragons. Go to the wall and bomb you way through. You will end up in another room with novas and squeept. Head left through the door and end up in the big right shaft. Now, drop down to the floor, making sure not to get hit. Head left through the door on the floor. This path will lead you to get MISSILE TANK [004] and MISSILE TANK [005] that you missed before because you didn't have the ice beam. The path leading to the tanks contains squeept, novas, gerutas, and gamets. There is a wall you need to bomb through. When you are done getting the tanks, come back to the big right shaft. Go up one door, and go through it. Head back through this room with the novas, squeept, and gerutas. Once you get through, head up on the elevator to get back to Brinstar. 2. Turn back right, and fend off the gerutas and novas. Avoid the squeept and exit the room. Now you will be back in the big right shaft. Bomb through the floor, and descend down the shaft. Go down to the third door you see (not including the one you came through) and go left through that door. Watch out for the novas, squeept, and gerutas. Go all the way left through this room. Now, go up the elevator and return to Brinstar. Brinstar- In Brinstar, go to the door on the left. Go left through this room with the zebs, skrees, geemers, and reos. Now you will be in the golden shaft of Brinstar. Head all the way to the top of the shaft, being careful not to get hurt by the rippers, geemers, and zoomers. Once at the top, go through the door on the right. You should be in a green room with a lot of wavers. Use missiles or your beam to get past all of the wavers. Go right and you should eventually come to a breakable block. Bomb it and go through to come to four tunnels. Go through the top one. There will be some geemers in the tunnels, but be careful not to bomb on breakable blocks. Roll all the way through and land on a platform. Go through the blue door to the right. You will now be in a tunnel. Kill the waver, and shoot towards the center (some-what) part of the ceiling. Jump through the ceiling and you will see a blue door to the left that you need to go through. Be careful, as the first four blocks to the left are fake. Jump over, and blast through the door. Now you will be in a room with reos and geemers. Go all the way left and shoot the red door with five missiles. Go in and collect one of the best items in the game, the VARIA SUIT. This suit will turn Samus's suit white, and it will allow Samus to take only half of the damage she took before. Now that you have the Varia Suit, go back right through the next two rooms. Bomb back through the tunnel and go right through the door. This room has reos, geemers, and Zebs. Continue right through this room until you find MISSILE TANK [011]. If you continue right, you will find a wall. Jump up, and hold forward (part of the wall is fake.) You will come to a small place with an enemy. Kill it and go to the right all. Hold forward and keep laying bombs. Eventually, and mid-air bomb should propel you up high enough to go through a part of a fake wall. Continue right and you will find ENERGY TANK [002]. Go all the way right and through the door. Drop all the way down this shaft with the rippers and geemers. Go left through the blue door. You are now back in the room you got your first energy tank. Go left through the next four rooms, being aware that there are wavers, geemers, and acid. You should now be in the golden shaft. Go left through the door here, and then through the tunnel. You will now be in the blue shaft. Go to the bottom of this shaft. Congrats! You have beaten Section 1, the longest section of the game. The next part of this guide will lead you to two of the most powerful items in the game. Good luck! Items you can have if you followed this Walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Long Beam, Morph Ball Bombs, Ice Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit Missiles: 55 Energy Tanks: 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Wave Beam {FWTW}- Brinstar- Go left through the door at the bottom of the blue shaft. Kill the reo and roll under the wall structure. Stop. Stand up, and approach the skree and make him come after you. Go right and freeze him before he hits the ground. Jump on him and shoot the second block before the wall. It will reveal an energy tank. Jump and grab it to claim ENERGY TANK [003]. Now that you have gotten this energy tank, it is time to find the wave beam. First, go through the blue door on the right side of the room and enter the blue shaft. Go up until you see a door leading right. Go through it. Now you will be in a tunnel. Go right through the tunnel, and you will be in the golden shaft. Drop all the way to the bottom of the shaft, and go through the door on the right. Head right through this room, and avoid the zebs. Go right through the door and into an elevator room. Go down to Norfair. Norfair- Go down, and go through the door on the right. You will be in the room with the lava, a geruta, novas, and squeept. Avoid or destroy the enemies, and go through the blue door at the right end of this room. You are, once again, in the big right shaft. Go down to the floor, and bomb your way through. Once you are down through the floor, go through the next door on the left. Go left through this room to get to the room where you got the high jump boot. Bomb the floor, and go left through the wall. Kill the multiviola and freeze the Ripper 2 when you get out of the tunnel. Then, freeze the squeept, jump on it, and then jump over the gap. Repeat the process to proceed. Now, go left and jump across the small bubbles to proceed to the door. Go through the door, then through the tunnel. Continue left through the next room that contains a lot of gamets and multiviolas. Go through the door on the left and you will be in the first green bubble room. Shoot through the ceiling, and go through the door on the left up there. Watch out for the novas and drakens, and destroy the red door on the left with five missiles. Go in the room and collect the SCREW ATTACK. This attack lets you add damage to your spin jump. It is as powerful as a missile at least. Go back right until you get to the green bubble room. Bomb back through the floor, and then bomb through the floor again. Go right from here. This room has quite a few squeepts in this room. Go along the bush-like platforms and continue right. Watch out for the gamets near the end. Keep going until you come to a wall. Just hold right and bomb until you get through the wall. You should come out onto more bush-like platforms. Continue right, and watch out for the squeept, multiviola, and gamets. Go through the door on the right. Bomb the floor next to the door, and fall into the fake lava. Shoot right, and go down, and through the door to the left. Go left and freeze the gamets. Bombs Jump and lay a bomb next to the second block on the wall. Bomb Jump again and roll through. Carefully jump over the lava and obtain ENERGY TANK [004]. Go back the way you came into this room, and go out the door. Go up to the door here and go left. Watch the multiviola and gamets, then continue along the bush-like platforms (take the high route). On the high platform near the wall, bomb jump and hold left. Bomb through the wall and get back to the other side of it. Continue left until you get back to the green bubble room. Go left again, and navigate over the lava and past the gamets and multiviola. Go through the door on the left and you should be in a shaft with fake lava at the bottom. Go to the left side of the fake lava and bomb your way through the floor. When you get down, navigate yourself down to the floor and avoid the novas. Go right through the door on the bottom to enter the area that contains the last four items in this section. Avoid the drakens and squeept and try to go over the masses of breakable block in the room. Go all the way right and go through the door. Bomb the floor near the right side here, and drop down into a miniature sub-section. Go to the bottom of this small shaft, and then go right through the door. Be careful and continue right to grab MISSILE TANK [012] and MISSILE TANK [013]. Head back left to get back to the mini-shaft. Go back up the shaft and through the ceiling. Then go through the blue door on the right. Destroy the multiviolas at the beginning of this room with the screw attack. Continue right until you get to the bubble pillars. Do NOT fall in between them (especially the tall ones), as it is hard to get out of the lava. If you try to bomb then jump, or you get a lucky jump, you may get out, but that is unlikely. Go all the way right through this and then the door. Bomb the floor near the left door to fall through the fake lava. Go left through the blue door, and then jump across the platforms to get to the red door. Blast it open, go in, and grab the WAVE BEAM. Now, realize that this replaces your ice beam. You can go and get the ice beam again, but, because the wave beam is twice as powerful as the power beam, four times as powerful as the ice beam, and has a better hit percentage than both of the other beams, I would grab the wave beam for now. Go right until you get back to the room with the fake lava. Go back up, and go through the blue door on the right. Get on top of the squares of breakable blocks. On the top of the second one, bomb the right wall and go through. You will end up in another area with these breakable blocks. I you continue right, you will find the bubble pillars (do not fall through). Get past these and take MISSILE PACK [014]. Now you are prepared to attempt fighting a boss. First thing is to get out of Norfair. Go all the way left to get back to that one shaft. Go to the top of that shaft, and go through the door on the right. Watch out for the gamets and multiviolas, and go all the way right to come to the green bubble room. Proceed right and you will eventually get back to the purple bubble wall. Bomb your way through and get back to the room with the high jump boots. Go right to get to the big right shaft. Go up and blast through the ceiling. Go up to the second after the one you came out of. Go left through that door, and continue left to get back to the elevator room. Go up the elevator. Congratulations! You have gotten past section 2. The item collecting specifics are over, and it is time to take on the bosses. Items you can have if you followed this walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Long Beam, Morph Ball Bomb, Wave Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit, and Screw Attack (You no longer have the ice beam) Missiles: 70 Energy Tanks: 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Kraid {FWTK}- Brinstar- By now you should know how to get to the beginning of Brinstar, but, if not, I will state it again. Head all the way left and exit this room. Go up the gold shaft until you see a door to the left (go through it). Go through the tunnel and all the way down the blue shaft. Go through the door on the left. Go left through this room. Okay, now you should be in a room with breakable blocks on the floor. Bomb through and go down this shaft. Eventually you will see a door to the right. Enter it and go down the elevator to enter the short but somewhat difficult Kraid's Lair. Kraid's Lair- Please realize that this will be hard without the wave beam. If you have the ice beam, you have almost no advantage over the wave beam in Kraid's Lair. When you start out, go through the red door on the right. In this room there is a side hopper, some geegas, and a zeela. Using the screw attack is the best way to kill the side hopper. Continue right and grab MISSILE TANK [015]. Do not continue right as there are no items over there. It is just a swerving trap to waster your time. Instead, go back left and exit the room. From here, drop down to the next red door and go through it. Go all the way to the wall. There is and annoying geega here. Just keep killing it until it leaves an item behind. Once it does, shoot the wall, and then bomb jump into it. Bomb your way through the wall and you will come into a room with a few zeelas. Jump on the pillar, turn into a morph ball, then roll off and hold right. You should land on a small platform. Position yourself underneath the energy tank, and then jump to claim ENERGY TANK [005]. Go right and then take the high route back left. In order to back out the way you came in, turn into a morph ball on the platform that sticks out left. Place a bomb close to the edge, then roll a little left of it. When the bomb explodes, hold left and you should get back into the wall in the correct area. Once you get back through the wall, head left, and then out of the room. Go back up towards the elevator where you blaster the first red door open. Instead of going right, go left and through the door. Go left until you get to the wall. Shoot the wall, then make your way through it with the morph ball. Once you get through the wall, head left and grab MISSILE TANK [016] (only five missile packs remain in the game). Head left and out of this room. Drop down this shaft with the rippers and zeelas. At the bottom there is some acid. This acid is fake, so drop through it and down to the bottom of the shaft. Go through the door on the right. Kill the side hopper and go right again. Destroy the red door here, and go through it. If you proceed right, you will obtain MISSILE TANK [017] (watch out for the geegas and don't fall in the acid). Backtrack one room left. You should be back in the blue tunnel. Go next to the left door and bomb the floor. You will fall through to a green area. Go through the door on the right. In this room you will find the one and only fake kraid (aka Kraid Spawn). Kill him with one missile, and continue right through this room (Do not let the side hoppers or geegas catch you off guard.) Go through the door here and you will be in a green tunnel. Bomb the middle of the floor and you will fall through. In this room destroy the red door on the left (watch out for the geega). Boss Battle: Kraid Alright, it is time for your first boss. Since we have the wave beam, we can't freeze his spikes. The best strategy is to roll into a morph ball, and bomb Kraid until he dies. Only attempt this if you have enough life (300 health or so). If not, look below on how to get the energy tank. If you get next to Kraid and bomb him, he will hurt you, but you should kill him before he kills you. Once you kill Kraid, you will be rewarded with 75 missiles. In Kraid's room, drop in the acid on the right side of the room and shoot the wall (revealing an energy tank). Jump up on the right platform, turn into a ball, roll of the edge, and hold right. You should grab ENERGY TANK [006]. Now you have the max amount of health you can have. There are two more energy tanks left, but they will only regenerate your health (providing you got the first six, that is.) Get out of the acid and exit the room. Go right and you will enter the second most annoying room in the game (however, having the wave beam makes it easier). In this room there is a giant pillar of breakable blocks. What you need to do is get in that pillar, aim up and shoot, and jump until the ones you've already broken reappear. Every once in a while, some blocks on the left (and right once) will appear. Jump on those (not the right one) and wait for the pillar to reform. Then shoot the pillar and repeat the process, until you jump off unto a smaller pillar of breakable blocks. From the small pillar, go left through the lower blue door. Go left and grab MISSILE TANK [018]. Backtrack to the big shaft with the breakable pillar and get to the top blue door there. Once out of the big shaft again, continue all of the way left through the room, being careful not to fall in the acid, and making sure to destroy or avoid the many geegas, zeelas, and side hoppers. Once you are in the next room, drop all the way down to the bottom. Go through the door on the left. This room has acid, geegas, skrees, and side hoppers. Go through the door on the left hear. The next room is a shaft with zeelas and rippers. Go all the way to the top and through the door on the right. This room is identical to the blue room you were in just a bit ago. Go all the way left, and exit the room. You are now in the main shaft. Go to the top, and take the elevator out of Kraid's Lair. You have now finished the third section of the game. Next we will go on to fight the evil Ridley in his extremely difficult lair. Items you can have if you followed this walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs, Long Beam, Wave Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit, Screw Attack Missiles: 165 Energy Tanks: 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ Through Ridley {FWTR}- Brinstar- Exit the elevator room and then get to the top of this shaft. Go through the door on the right and go all the way right through the next room. Head up this shaft until you see a door on the right. Go through the door, and then through the tunnel. Drop to the bottom of the gold shaft, and then go through the door on the right. Go all the way right through this room, and then go into the elevator room. Go down the elevator. Norfair- After you get into Norfair, go through the door on the right. Go all the way through this area (it should be pretty easy) and get into Norfair's big right shaft. Go all the way down this shaft and bomb the floor. Go all the way down this section and through the door on the left. This room has some gerutas and novas. Continue all the way left through this room to get to an elevator room. Take this elevator down and enter the grueling Ridley's Lair. Ridley's Lair- Head left through the first door. Go left through this room and enter a room nearly identical room. This time, shoot the ceiling next to the door you came through. Go up and through the door on the right. This room starts with several holtz that can be killed easily with missiles or the screw attack. Go left and you will get to some zebbos and a narrow passage (making it very hard to do the screw attack). Shoot you wave beam as fast as possible, and kill the holtz if you can. Eventually you will come across MISSILE TANK [019]. (In case you are wondering, this is the most annoying room in the game.) Now, you have to go back right and get out of this room. Drop down, by bombing, to the original path. Go left into the next room. You should see lava below the floor. Once the lava stops, bomb the floor, fall through, and roll left. Once you get to the wall, bomb to get out of the floor (watch for the deseega). Shoot the red door on the left and go through. There is an energy tank in this room. However, there is an invisible gap in the middle. The first seven blocks are real. Run and jump to get ENERGY TANK [007]. If you fall, you can curve around left and get it from the back. If you missed it, but you already have six energy tanks (with a good amount of health) just skip it, because you can only hold six anyways. Once you get the energy tank, purposely fall down the gap. Go through the door on the right, to get to a room with a lot of deesega. Go through the room, using the screw attack or missiles. Proceed through the right door. You should now be in a room with an overhanging block, a hole, and a small gap to get through. This is listed as the hardest missile in the game by me. Unless you get a hang of this trick, you will agree. There are two ways to get over the gap. One is to jump and hope you got lucky, and the other is to perform the following trick. Lay down a bomb close to the edge, then STAND in front of it. It should propel you towards the wall. Now jump first, then hold forward. You should be in between the platforms, and be able to get through the door on the right. Now that you are over, go through the door. Make your way right through this room. You will eventually see a missile pack. Be careful, as there is a hole in the floor. Jump and obtain MISSILE TANK [020] (Only one more left). Now, go left and exit the room. Jump back over the gap, and go through the door on the left. This is the room with all of the deseegas. Go all the way left through this room. Drop down the shaft (if you want the energy tank you MAY have missed before, climb up first, then drop down when you got it), and go through the door on the right. This room has a lot of zebbos, so be careful. Continue right and you will eventually see a missile tank. Just like the last one, there is a hole in the floor. Jump and snag the last missile tank, MISSILE TANK [021]. You will see that the ceiling hangs down here. Shoot and go over the entire next section. At the end, come out of the ceiling and go through the door on the right. Go up this shaft until you see a door. Go through it. This room is filled with multiviolas. You can use missiles (we are about to fight a boss though), the screw attack, or just use the wave beam. Continue left through this room and eventually there will be a few pillars. Maneuver your way through the pillars, and exit the room through the door on the left. Now, go left through this room, and enter a room with a variety of enemies, over lava. Proceed through this room by using the screw attack. Go through the door on the left, and fight your second boss. Boss Battle: Ridley Ridley is often considered a very easy boss. In a lot of cases, I agree, but don't feel bad if you lose. One strategy is to go to the part where the middle platform dips down, and shoot missiles (or the wave beam) like crazy. If you want, you can duck for the fireballs, as they will not hit you. If you still have the ice beam, freeze the fireballs, and blast Ridley with a ton of missiles. Now what I do (mainly for fun) is I keep on screw attacking Ridley, and I fire missiles once in a while if I can. The last method makes you take quite a bit of damage, though. Once you kill Ridley, you will get a 75 missile reward. If you have followed my guide, you now have all the missiles. Ridley Strategy Two (Submitted by Robert Bazan) Have the Varia Suit, Wave Beam, and a few Energy Tanks (about 3-4 at least), as you will take a bit of damage from this method. When the fight begins, drop into the lava and underneath the platform Ridley is on. Walk underneath Ridley's position, aim upwards, and fire away with the Wave Beam. He won't be able to move much and you should be able to fire without missing a lot. The fight will be over before long. Destroy the door on the right (ten missiles) and go through it. You will enter a room with a lot of lava. The part right next to the platform is fake. Jump down unto that. Run a little and then jump to get over the small patch of real lava. Continue left and collect ENERGY TANK [008], the last one. This will refill your health. Go back right and exit the room. Go right through Ridley's room. The next room is the one with all the lava. Go right through this room, and then right through the short room after that. The next room is the one with all of the multiviolas. Once again, use the screw attack or missiles to dispose of them quickly. Go all the way right and through the door. You will now be in a shaft. There are several violas here and quite a bit of zebbos. Go up to the top of the shaft, and go through the door on the left there. This room has zebbos and other enemies, but, if you just use the screw attack, it shouldn't be a problem. If you go through the door on the left here, you will be in the elevator room. Go up the elevator and return to Norfair. Norfair- Exit the elevator room (then up the small shaft), and go right through the door in the room with the drakens and gerutas. Now you will be in Norfair's big right shaft. Go up the shaft until you get to the ceiling. Shoot your way through the ceiling, and go through the second door on the left (after you got through the ceiling/floor). This room is the one with the squeept, novas, and gerutas. Go all the way left in this room to return to the elevator room. Go up the elevator and exit Norfair. Congratulations! You've beaten the fourth section of the game. You are now ready to take on the Metroids and Mother Brain. Items you can have if you followed this walkthrough- Items: Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs, Long Beam, Wave Beam, High Jump Boots, Varia Suit, Screw Attack Missiles: 255 Energy Tanks: 6 (You can only carry six. If you get more than six, they just fill your health.) _______________________________________________________________________________ Through End {FWTE}- Brinstar- Before we go to Tourian, we need to get the ice beam again. So, from the elevator room, go left, and then left through the room with the zebs, reos, geemers, and skrees. After doing that, you will be back in the golden shaft. Go up the shaft until you get to the point with two blue doors. Go through the door on the right. Go through the room with the acid and the wavers. You will now be in a tunnel. Go through the tunnel, and then through another room with acid and wavers. You will be in another tunnel. Bomb through the floor here, and go through the fake acid. Go to the bottom of this shaft, and go through the door on the left. Go through this room and through the door (if you got the other ice beam the first time, you will need to open this door). Grab the ice beam. Go back right until you get to the miniature shaft. Go up and through the floor you came through (since you have the high jump boots, you don't have to perform the trick). Now, go left through a bunch of rooms until you get to the blue shaft. Go to the TOP of the blue shaft, and go through the door on the left. This room has zebs, reos, geemers, skrees, etc. Go through this room and open the red door. You will now enter a room with a flashing Kraid statue, and a flashing Ridley statue. Shoot them both, and they will raise. A row of blocks will appear for you to roll across. Do so, then go through the door. You will be in the final elevator room. Go down, and prepare for the fight of your life. Tourian- Carefully head down that platforms. When you see a Metroid, go to the edge of a platform and wait for it to come to you. When it does, freeze it, then blast it with five missiles (this is the only way to kill them). The Metroids are pretty fast, so be careful. If they drop an item, try to grab it unless you will get caught by a Metroid (Items left by Metroids can regenerate quite a bit of health, and missile ammo they drop holds twenty missiles.) If you get caught by a Metroid, turn into a ball and bomb like crazy (do not roll farther down, as two Metroids can grab you at once). Once they unlatch, freeze them and kill them. Once you are at the bottom of the shaft, destroy the orange door with ten missiles. In the next room, you will meet a very annoying enemy called a rinka. They are rings (that don't drop items) and try to hit you. This room also has very powerful lava. Eventually, the rinkas will stop coming and the Metroids will come instead. Once again, freeze them and pump them with five deadly missiles. Continue right until the rinkas start coming again. Destroy the red door and go through it. This room is very annoying. It has three rinkas coming at you at all times, swerving pipes, and Metroids. Freeze the rinkas if you want, but every time the rinkas exit the screen, they reappear again. Once again, go on the edge of the platform and let the Metroids come to you. Once you go down a ways, you will see blue platforms (no more winding pipes). Jump down and let the one Metroid come to you. When you drop down the second time, two Metroids MIGHT come after you. If they both come, freeze them both, if not, freeze the one (and kill it), then drop down and do the same to the other one. Destroy the door and go through it. Go left and kill all the Metroids you see. A few times, two Metroids will come at you at a time (once again, freeze them both, then kill them both). Once you get to a place where that platform raises, jump and freeze the Metroid up there. Then, jump and shoot one missile at a time. Once it is dead, go up to the top of the platform, and kill all the Metroids that come at you. Now, go through the blue door. Boss Battle: Mother Brain (200 missiles recommended for this room) Once you enter, turn on your missiles. Then, go next to the left wall, spin jump, and, when you are level with the zebetite (tentacle thing), shoot like mad. Continue the process, throughout the room until all of the zebetite are dead. Unfortunately, while you are killing the zebetite, gun shoot at you, and rinkas come after you. That is why you should spin jump. Keep in mind that the zebetites will regenerate if you don't kill them right away. After a while, you will have killed all of the zebetite, and you will see Mother Brain. Freeze the three rinkas and jump into the place where the last zebetite was. Shoot a missile to break Mother Brains glass. Then shoot as many missiles as you can before the rinkas thaw out. Freeze them again. Whatever you do, do not fall in the acid on the left. It is very hard to get out of. If you fall in the lava, freeze the rinkas, jump on one, and jump back out. Keep repeating the process until you kill Mother Brain. You haven't won yet though. Mother Brain will die and a time bomb will be set. A blue door will appear where Mother Brain was. Go through it. You have a time limit, but it is very lenient. Jump up on the small blue platforms, and continue up through the shaft. Make sure your jumps are accurate, because you do not want to fall. It takes a while to get to the top, but, I got through it with 743 left on my timer. Once you get to the top, jump on the elevator, and go up. Congratulations, you have beat Metroid! You will now see one of the various endings for Metroid. Realize that beating this game was no easy task. You are among the people who have beat a game with a pretty hard difficulty level. If you did get all the items (of course, excluding the beam you didn’t have at the end of the game), you did an awesome accomplishment! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Endings {Edng}- Note: Credit goes to Luigi Mario for telling me what these where. Beat the game in over ten hours: Samus turns her back to the screen and puts her arm up to her head (likely in shame) Under 10 hours: She waves Under 5: She takes her helmet off Under 3: She's in a one piece bikini Under 1: She's in a two piece bikini _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion {Ccls}- Well, I hope you enjoyed this Walkthrough and I hope that you have found it useful. If anyone has further information on the endings, or anything I misspelled, grammatically screwed up, or just found something I missed altogether, please contact me. You will be credited as soon as possible. If a lot of questions start to get asked, I will add a Frequently Asked Question section right above this section. As of right now, I feel no need to do that. Once again, thank you for reading my Walkthrough. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Credits {Crdt}- Now, for the most important part of the walkthrough. These are the people who get credit for this Walkthrough. Nintendo: Nintendo deserves the most credit of all. They are the ones who made this game and everything incorporated with it. Gunpie Yokoi: He produced this game. This man was one of the best Nintendo designers in history. Tragically, he was killed in a car accident in 1997. This website was the first website to post this guide. They also host many other great guides for a variety of games. My Oldest Brother: He was the one who bought this game and the Nintendo System. My Other Brother: He gave me tips on how to do the second morph ball trick. Defcon999: Gave me the tip to break apart my paragraphs more, thus making it easier to read. Helped with creature names. nintendomaster14: Pointed out some arrangement problems; told me to add to the enemies. Luigi Mario: Helped out with the endings. Robert Bazan: Gave the second strategy for Ridley. If I missed anyone who contributed, please contact me immediately. See the Contact Me section for information on how to do this. Metroid Walkthrough Copyright 2006 Karl Laude