~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ Classic NES series: / \ / \ The / \ /________\ Legend of Zelda II /\ /\ / \ / \ The Adventure of Link / \ / \ / \ / \ /________\/________\ System: Gameboy Advance. Developed by: Nintendo, 1988, 2004. FAQ/Walkthrough written by: Christopher Long (AWing Pilot), November 2005. NOTE: The following guide was written for the Gameboy Advance game but also applies to the NES classic and the Gamecube port that was part of the Zelda Collection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 11th 2005: Submitted as v1.0 January 22nd 2006: Fixed grammatical and factual errors. Re-submitted as v1.1 February 13th 2006: Fixed one small error and added a new site permission. Re-submitted as v1.2 Febuary 17th 2006: Changed Barbra to Volvagia due to an oversight. I'm stuck in the past.... Added Wii Virtual Console mentions... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 Overview and GBA/NES comparison. 2.0 Controls, Story and game mechanics. 3.0 Items, Sword Techniques and Spells. 4.0 Walkthrough. 5.0 Heart/Magic container checklist. 6.0 Exp.Bags "P bags" and Link doll checklist. 7.0 Beastiary. 8.0 Secrets and Hints 9.0 Copyright and Contact Info. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 Overview and NES\GBA\Wii comparison. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zelda II: Adventure of Link ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the game that got me into gaming. Adventure of Link was the 1988 sequel to the uber-popular Legend of Zelda on the NES and now we have this classic on the GBA thanks to Nintendo's Classic NES series. Adventure of Link is often referred to as the ugly step- child in the Zelda series family but those who are willing to give this game an honest shot will find a deep, intriguing and most importantly fun RPG experience. This guide will feature a complete start to finish walkthrough with an easy checklist, item descriptions, spell descriptions, sword technique descriptions, a full Beastiary, the locations of the hidden Heart\Magic container and some helpful secrets and hints. Everything you need to get the most out of this classic is in this guide so I hope you enjoy it. NES\GBA comparison ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All in all Classic NES series: Zelda II is an excellent port that manages to retain all the fun and almost, oh so close, all of its identity. Problems? Well, some purist Nintendo fans might have a gripe with the minor graphical difference between the GBA port and the NES original. Due to the aspect ratio on the GBA screen being different then a standard 4:3 television some of the backgrounds tend to have a squashed and/or stretched appearance as well as some of the sprites clipping through the floors of the environments. Even more bizarre is the lack of the flashing animation when Link meets his maker. It's nothing that hurts game-play but for the hardcore fans out there these "errors" are a sore sight. The controls managed to come out well thanks to the GBA layout. All the buttons are mapped like they were on the NES controller and arguably, some might find the GBA D-Pad to be better then the NES controller and certainly better then the Gamecube controller's D-Pad used to play the port found on the Zelda Collectors Disk. Adventure of Link remains faithful to the original in the gameplay offering. All the palaces, enemies, spells, sword techniques and secret are here right where we left them some seventeen years ago. As you play you will find this great game just unfolding around you. Anything new? One feature has been added in the way of a sleep mode that sends the GBA to "sleep"; turning of the screen and saving battery. Not really needed since the pak has a save feature but it can't hurt. The biggest pro this game has to offer is that it is now portable. You can take it wherever you want so you'll never be without a great game in your pocket. This is a great port of an amazing game. It was amazing in 1988 to a little kid and it's amazing now to that same kid 17 years later. Such a great gaming experience for only twenty dollars makes this a must buy! Appearance on the Wii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Febuary 2007 Nintendo released the unaltered original Nintendo Entertainment System version of Zelda II: Adventure of Link over it's Virtual Console service. Adventure of Link is available for 500 Wii Points or roughly 5 dollars USD give or take taxes. Control is achieved either by turning the Wiimote on it's side to mimic the classic Nintendo Entertainment System controller or by use of Nintendo's Classic Controller that mimics the look and feel of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System controller. Gameplay is also capable with any Gamecube controller although the button mapping leaves something to be desired. For a true classic feel stick with the Wiimote. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.0 Controls, Story and game mechanics. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explanations for controls as well as on overview of the story are found below. ~~~~~~~~~ Controls ~~~~~~~~~ D-Pad - control Link around Hyrule. Make selections on the menus. [A] - has Link perform a Jump when in a Fight Screen. Uses the Flute when on the land map. [B] - has Link attack with his sword while in a Fight Screen. Used in conjunction with the D-Pad to use sword techniques. Use the Hammer when on the land map. [L] + [R] - not used in the game for anything but when pressed together opens the system menu where you can put the game to "sleep". Start - Pauses the game while in the world view and brings up the Spell- screen\Inventory while in a Fight Screen. Select - Uses currently selected spell if Link has enough magic while in a fight screen. ~~~~~~ Story ~~~~~~ The following is from the manual and tells the back story of the Adventure of Link... The story picks up many seasons after the events of The Legend of Zelda where Link overthrew Ganon, took back the Triforce and rescued the Princess Zelda. Hyrule was on the road to ruin. The power that the vile heart of Ganon had left behind was causing chaos and disorder in Hyrule. What's more, even after the fall of Ganon, some of his underlings remained, waiting for Ganon's return. The key to Ganon's return was the blood of Link - the valiant lad who overthrew the King of Evil. Ganon would be revived by sacrificing Link and sprinkling his blood on the ashes of Ganon. Meanwhile, Link remained in the little kingdom of Hyrule and lent his hand to its restoration. But circumstances did not look very good. One day, a strange mark, exactly like the crest of the kingdom, appeared on the back of Link's hand as he approached his 16th birthday. The worried Link went to Impa, Princess Zelda's nursemaid who was shocked and frightened when she saw the birthmark. When she regained her composure, she took Link to the North Castle. The was a door in the North Castle called "the door that does not open." Only the descendants of the Impa family who served the king knew how to open the door. Impa took Link's left hand and pressed the back of it against the door, There was a sound of a lock falling open, the door slowly creaked open and there on an alter in the middle of the room lay a beautiful woman. "Here lies Princess Zelda." Impa began to speak calmly. "Link, the time has come when I must tell you the legend of Zelda handed down in Hyrule. It is said that a long time ago, when Hyrule was one country, a great ruler maintained the peace in Hyrule using the Triforce. However, the king too was a child of man and he died. Then, the prince of the kingdom should become the kind and inherited everything, but he could inherit the Triforce only in part. The prince searched everywhere for the missing parts, but could not find them. Then, a magician close to the king brought him some unexpected news. Before he died, the king had said something about the Triforce to the only the younger sister of the prince, Princess Zelda. The prince immediately questioned the princess, but she wouldn't tell him anything. After the prince, the magician threatened to put the princess into an eternal sleep if she did not talk, but even still, she said nothing." In his anger, the magician tried to cast a magic spell on the princess. The surprised prince tried to stop him, but the magician fought off the prince and went on chanting the spell. Then, when the spell was finally cast, Princess Zelda fell on the spot and entered a sleep from which she might never awake. At the same time, the magician also fell down and breathed his last." In his grief, the prince placed the princess in this room. He hoped someday she would come back to life. So that this tragedy would never be forgotten, he ordered that every female child born in to the royal household shall be given the name Zelda." From the stand next to the alter where Prince Zelda lay in a deep sleep, Impa took six crystals and a scroll with the same crest and handed them to Link. "For generation, my family has been handed down these things which have been set aside for a time when a great king will come. They are written in an ancient script that no-one can read now. But you who have the crest may be able to read it. It is said that the key to uniting the Triforce is hidden there. Now it is time for you to read it." Link glanced at the scroll half in doubt, but what do you know? Although he had never seen the letters before, he found that he could read them as if they were talking to him. This was written on the scroll. "You who'll control the Triforce of the future. I shall hand down to you the secrets of the Triforce. There are three kinds of Triforce - Power, Wisdom and Courage. When these three are brought together, the Triforce will show its maximum power. Of the three, I have left Power and Wisdom in the kingdom. But the Triforce Courage I have hidden for a reason. Not everybody can use the Triforce. It requires a strong character with no evil thoughts. But an inborn special quality is also necessary. Unfortunately, I have not found such a person during my lifetime." "Therefore, I have decided to cast a spell on all of Hyrule. A crest will appear on a young man with the character who has been brought up correctly, has gained many kinds of experiences and reached a certain age. But, what will happen if someone else uses the Triforce before then? If it is misused, it will produce many evils." "The Triforce of Courage is hidden in the Great Palace in the Valley of Death on the largest island in Hyrule. However, to enter there you must first fight the guardians and undo the "binding force". When you have defeated the guardians, which I made to prevent enemies from invading the six palaces in Hyrule, set a crystal in the forehead of the statue you find. When you have set crystals in all of the statues in the six palaces, the "binding force" placed on the Valley of Death will be removed at you will be able to enter the great palace. There, you must fight the last guardian. And you can obtain the Triforce only by defeating that guardian. There's nothing to fear. You are the one to get the Triforce. You are the beacon of hope for Hyrule." Impa implored Link, who raised his head slowly after reading the scroll. "The magic spell cast upon Princess Zelda will sure to be broken if the Triforce is used. Please, Link. Unite the Triforce and save the princess. And bring back peace to Hyrule." Link nodded silently in approval, and left the room after taking a long glance at the altar. Then, with a magical sword in his left hand and a magical shield in his right, he set off alone on his long travels. At that time, Ganon's underlings were calling up new allies from the Underworld, and were beginning to work devilishly towards the revival of Ganon. And so the adventure began... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game Mechanics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life meter ~~~~~~~~~~ The life meter is the visual representation of how many hit points Link has left before he dies. As he takes damage the red bar at the top of the screen goes down and Link will die when it becomes empty. Replenish it by using a spell or talking to any "Lady in Red" in the towns around Hyrule. You can also find up to four Heart Containers around Hyrule that extend the length of the meter. Raising the Life skill enables Link to take less and less damage. Magic meter ~~~~~~~~~~~ The magic meter is the visual representation of how many magic points Link has left before he can no longer cast spells. As he casts spells the white bar at the top of the screen goes down and Link will no longer be able to use spells when it becomes empty. Replenish it by finding Magic Jars or talking to any "Hag in Orange" in the towns around Hyrule. You can also find up to four Magic Containers around Hyrule that extend the length of the meter. Raising the Magic skill enables Link to use less and less magic when casting spells. EXP meter and levels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most enemies reward Link with a numerical boost in EXP after he defeats them. After you kill an enemy you will notice a white number appear; this is how many EXP you got for the kill. Along with killing enemies Link can also get EXP from collecting the many P-Bags strewn across Hyrule; a few enemies can even steal EXP from Link. EXP counts towards adding levels to Life, Magic and Attack each of which can be raised to a maximum of the eight level. The chart below shows how many EXP are needed to reach each level in the three skills. Life | Magic | Attack 1| ~ | ~ | ~ 2| 50 | 100 | 200 3| 150 | 300 | 500 4| 400 | 700 | 1000 5| 800 | 1200 | 2000 6| 1500| 2200 | 3000 7| 2500| 3500 | 5000 8| 4000| 6000 | 8000 Be warned that if you lose all of Links lives any EXP you have will be gone. After all three skills are maxed out you will gain another life every 3000 points. Land Map ~~~~~~~~ This is the given name for the mode you are in when traveling around Hyrule. You can not use weapons but have access to the Hammer and Flute. Proceeding through dangerous areas like forests, deserts, swamps, water or fields will result in random enemies popping up and chasing Link. If they come in contact with him it will start a Fight screen that you must escape. Fight Screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the side-scrolling parts of the game that include towns, caves, random enemy encounter, palaces and secret areas. Link can fight, jump and use spells in these areas. Towns ~~~~~ These are like fight screens in the way you can move and fight but a few things should be mentioned. Each town has a "Lady in Red" and a "Hag in Orange" that walk back in front of a house; if you speak to them you can get them to fill your life(Red) and magic(orange). Also of note is that some agents of Ganon can be hidden in the towns disguised as humans; when you talk to them they will respond but then turn into a Purple Ache. Regular humans have nice tips for the quest ahead but they are cryptic and repeated too much. Hidden areas ~~~~~~~~~~~~ All across Hyrule there are many hidden errors that contain things like P-Bags, Hearts, Magic Containers and even some with just enemies in theme. These appear like Fight screens. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.0 Items, Sword Techniques and Spells. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Items ~~~~~~ Blue Magic Jar - fills a portion of Links magic meter Red Magic Jar - fills Links Magic meter to the top P-Bag - gives Link an added amount of EXP points; range from 50 to 500. Link Doll - awards Link with an extra life. Heart Container - adds one space to Links health meter. There are four extra to be found in Hyrule. Magic Container - adds one space to Links magic meter. There are four extra to be found in Hyrule. Candle - lights up dark areas like caves. Found in the Parapa Desert Palace. Power Glove - lets Link break blocks with his sword. Found in the Midoro Swamp Palace. Hammer - lets Link smash boulders that block his way. Found in the maze of caves in southwest Hyrule. Raft - lets Link cross an ocean. Found in the Island Palace outside the Graveyard. Boots - lets Link walk on certain parts of Water. Found in the Island Maze Palace. Flute - lets Link awaken sleeping monsters. Found in the Ocean Palace. Cross - lets Link see invisible evil enemies. Found in the 3-eyes Palace. Magic Key - opens all locked doors in a palace. Found in the hidden town of Kasuto. Trophy - stolen trophy you return to the town of Ruto. Water of Life - used to cure the sick girl in the town of Mido. Child - kidnapped kid you return to the town of Darunia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sword Techniques ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Downstab - taught to you by the knight in Mido who you can find in the church tower. Hit down on the D-Pad while jumping to perform. Upper-ward stab - taught to you by the knight in the town of Darunia who you can find by going down the chimney of the first house in the middle section. Hit up on the D-Pad while jumping to perform. ~~~~~~~ Spells ~~~~~~~ All spells have a casting limit on Links magic meter; the amount goes down as the magic level goes up. Shield - you get this spell from the town of Rauru for doing nothing. Lowers the amount of damage Link takes; goes away if Link enters a new area. Jump - you get this spell from the town of Ruto after returning a stolen trophy. Allows Link to jump twice as high. Life - you get this spell from the town of Saria after finding a missing mirror. Fills Links life meter up some; amount goes up with magic level. Fairy - you get this spell from the town of Mido after healing a sick girl. Let's Link transform into a fairy to fly around the current area; goes away if Link enters a new area. Fire - you get this spell from the town of Nabooru after getting a thirsty women some water. Lets Link shoot fireballs from his sword, effect goes away if Link enters a new area. Reflect - you get this spell from the town of Darunia after rescuing a kidnapped child. Let's Link bounce magic off his shield; goes away if Link enters a new area. Spell - you get this from the old man in the hidden Kasuto town. Can turn weak enemies into Bots and used for another magical purpose... Thunder - get this from the old man in the deserted Kasuto Town after you have all items, spells and have placed all six crystals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.0 Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we go. This section details everything you need to know to defeat this classic game. Everything is laid out in easily marked and noticeable steps so you should have no trouble finding a certain area. Palaces have a small map in the start of their sections that are labeled 1-0,A-Z. These "codes" are used in the walkthrough for that palace to help you keep it clear in your mind so while the maps aren't to scale they offer a good way to keep the sometimes confusing palaces in order. Refer to the checklist at the beginning to help jump keep the adventure in order and use the browsers CTRL-F function to easily search for a section by typing Section # ; where the number is the number of the section you want from the checklist Alright, the adventure won't wait on you forever..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough Checklist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 1: [ ] - Start Adventure in Zelda's Palace. Section 2: [ ] - Get spell of Shield from Rauru, head to Parapa desert, grab the first extra Heart Container from southern Parapa desert. Retrieve the Candle and defeat Horsehead in the Parapa Desert Palace. Section 3: [ ] - discover the theft of a Ruto trophy and recover it from a Goriya in Tantari desert, bring the trophy back to Ruto for the spell of Jump, take a small detour to grab the first extra Magic Container and then head to southern Hyrule by way of cave. Section 4: [ ] - Grab the first Link Doll, locate the Midoro Swamp Palace and enter then get the Power Glove and defeat Helmethead in Midoro Swamp Palace. Section 5: [ ] - Grab an added boost to EXP from a 200 point P-Bag in a cave outside the swamp, get the spell of Life from the town of Saria, grab another P-Bag from the forest patch east of Saria then make your way through the maze of caves to retrieve the Hammer. Section 6: [ ] - use your new Hammer on a boulder to get the second of four Magic Containers, travel to the Graveyard, grab the second Link Doll and then travel to Mido to get the downstab and spell of Fairy; an additional Heart Container. Section 7: [ ] - locate the way to the Island Palace, retrieve the Raft and defeat Ironknuckle in the Island Palace. Use raft to travel across the sea to east Hyrule. Section 9: [ ] - Grab three P-Bags, retrieve the spell of Fire and the spell of Reflect along with the upward stab technique. Section 10: [ ] - Traverse the Island maze to retrieve the third Magic Container, claim the Boots and defeat Carock to defeat the Island Maze Palace. Section 11: [ ] - find the third Heart Container, retrieve the Flute and defeat Gooma to finish the Ocean Palace. Section 12: [ ] - collect a Link doll and P-Bag, located the fourth Magic Container, retrieve the Spell of Spell and the Magic Key then grab another P- Bag and then the fourth Heart Container. Section 13: [ ] - locate the way into the 3-eyes Palace, claim the Cross and defeat Volvagia to finish the last palace before the Great Palace. Section 14: [ ] - Get the spell of Thunder then travel to the Great Palace for end game grabbing a P-Bag along the way. Section 15: [ ] - The Adventure is over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 1: The journey begins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Link begins his journey in front of the sleeping Princess Zelda; located in a palace. Link as to break that curse and get the princess awake to save Hyrule from Gannon so let's get to it; head out of the palace either by going left or right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 2: Get spell of Shield from Rauru, head to Parapa desert, grab the first extra Heart Container from southern Parapa desert. Retrieve the Candle and defeat Horsehead in the Parapa Desert Palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our first part of the journey is to visit the nearby town of Rauru and retrieve the spell of Shield from an elder there. From Zelda's palace follow the path all the way up until the split. Take the right path around and down and Rauru will be the town on your left just before the roadblock. Head into Rauru and continue left into the second section of town; talking with the lady in red for a life re-fill just before the tunnel to the second section if you need it. Once you've made it to the second section of Rauru go to the first gray house and wait for a women to come out. Talk with her and she will instruct you to talk with her father before you leave and then she heads in the house so go ahead and follow her in. Head all the way to the back of the house, down the stairs and stand in front of her father to receive the spell of Shield. Now we are ready to head to Parapa desert where the first palace lies. Head back out of Rauru and follow the path back up until you spot a cave entrance in the back of the forest to your right. Head right and into the cave' fighting off any monster attacks that may occur. Inside the cave will be dark so you have to tread carefully in here. Head to the left over one small rock platform then left until another which you move over as well. If you stand on this one for a moment you will notice the movement of...something ahead of you. Watch the movement until whatever it is moves away from you then jump down and crotch to attack it before it rushes back into you. As you hit the enemy it will light up revealing that it is in fact a Lowder. After the pest is dead you can continue left and out of the cave where you will emerge in Parapa desert. Before heading off to the first palace here in Parapa let's get Link his first Heart Container to help you on your journey. More life means an easier adventure. From the cave opening to Parapa that you just emerged from head south along the mountainside until you see a path that leads due south; defeating the stray Geldarm and Bots you may encounter. Head down this path until the halfway point where you will have to make your way across a few jumps above deadly water(Link won't learn to swim for another 5 years) while avoiding damaging bubbles that can knock you into the water below. Take your time to avoid the bubbles and gauge your jumps carefully to get across the eight jumps to make it back outside on the path. Once you're back on the path continue to follow it down and into the cleared patch of land in the middle of the small forest. Inside this section head to your right a bit to notice a Heart Container on the ground with an orange Goriya nearby. If you try to grab the Heart Container without killing the Goriya then you will take a few hits from his boomerang so kill him first and then grab that Heat Container to bring Links life meter to five spaces which will be filled up as well! [1] [7][8] [3][2][4][5][6] [B][A][9][C][D][E] Our first temple is located in Parapa desert; due north of the forest we just grabbed the Heart Container from on the very tip of the peninsula. Locate the palace and head on in. Ahh, our first palace; let's get this out of the way! Like all palaces you will visit you start outside the palace in front of small staircase with a statue of an Ironknuckle(1). Head up the stairs, past the statue and all the way to the elevator in the back of the entryway; take this elevator to access the Parapa desert palace. As you travel down the elevator you will notice the occasional Tinsuit running back and forth on the floor beneath you(2). Tinsuits not only take Links health but also some of the experience points you have so avoid them when you depart from the elevator. Once you are safely on the ground head to your left while defeating the odd Tinsuit that comes at you and head into the next area(3). In front of you in this room will be two Bots that are going to leap at you from the block formation above you. Either wait for them to jump down and dispatch of them or run under the blocks before they can leap at you. Proceed to the left under these blocks. When you reach the end of this block formation a Red Stalfos will appear and leap down towards you. Dispatch of him and then continue to the left all the way under the next block formation; killing any Tinsuit that run towards you as you make your way to the back. Grab the key at the back of the room and then head back out to the right, take care of or avoid the two Bots that reappear and then head into the elevator room where we first entered this palace(2). Be weary of the Tinsuits in this room again. Head to the right, past the elevator, defeating any Tinsuit that run at you and then on into the next area to the right(4). Proceed to the right and unlock the door with the key we grabbed a second ago; watch for Tinsuit running toward you from the right. After the gate is open you can continue on to the right where you will notice a Skull bouncing about the area. Don't bother fighting him; the Skull takes many hits and the Tinsuit running around will tear you to shreds while you sit there and attack. Continue to the right and into the next area(5). In this area a Red Stalfos will drop from you right as you pass under the first low hanging. Defeat him and continue to the right, past the elevator for now and defeat the Red Stalfos that drops right as you pass the elevator. Continue on to the right into the next area(6). In this area you will immediately run into one Bot on the ground and a Skull bouncing about above the Bot. Kill the Bot, continue to the right where a Red Stalfos will drop at you as you pass under the low over-hang. Kill the Red Stalfos and continue to the right where you will come across another elevator. If you need it there is a fairy to the right of the elevator otherwise take the elevator up to the next area(7). Get off the elevator and continue to the right. Tinsuit will be coming at you while you make your way to the right and up the steep staircase. Grab the key at the back of the wall after the staircase before heading into the next area(8). Kill the Bot that is immediately in your path and continue right through the Tinsuit that are running towards you. Eventually the hall will open up into a large room where a Mace Thrower occupies a small recess in the ground; a key sits behind him. Watch for an opening in his maces that he is throwing and then jump into the recess with him. Stay under the arc of his maces and kill him. Grab the key and the hidden Red Magic jar in the statue of an Ironknuckle and then make your way all the way back to the elevator in the area to the left(7) and down into the lower area(6). Get off the elevator and head back left to the next area in that direction(5); avoiding the Bot and Skull as you go. Move left toward the center of the area where the elevator is and take it down to the area beneath. Get off the elevator moving toward your left. Avoid or kill the Skulls, three slow moving ones and a quick bastard, and move into the next area to the left(A). Immediately prepare for two Bots who will jump at you from the a set of stairs in front of you to the left dispatch of them and make your way to the top of the staircase. Spreading out in front of you to the left is a bridge that spans over a lava pit. Out on the middle of this bridge is a P-bag worth 50 EXP. As you walk on this bridge it will dissolve from underneath you. You need to run across to the left, duck and snag the bag and then continue to the left and on to safe ground atop another small staircase with two more Bots on it. From the top you can jump straight over them and into the next area(B) to the left or you can kill them if you want. Inside this area is where we will find the Palace treasure, the Candle. Head left until you run into a Mace Thrower. Get under his arc of Maces and destroy him then continue left where you will run into an orange Ironknuckle. Destroy him, unlock the door behind him and claim the Candle as your prize. The candle lights up dark areas like caves. With the candle in tow head back to the area we just came from(A), all the way to the right over the dissolving bridge into the next area(9). Run past the Skulls and back up the elevator to emerge in the area above(5). Head to the area to the right(6), to the elevator we took up last time only this time head to the area below by going down(C). Get off the elevator and move to your right where you will quickly run into an orange Ironknuckle. Dispatch of him, continue left and up the staircase made of blocks. On the second step a Red Stalfos will drop from the top to land on the next step so get rid of it. Move on up to that stair and to the right where another Red Stalfos will drop down. Once this one is gone you can continue up the staircase and head into the next area to the right(D). Continue right where you will run into another locked gate with a Mace Thrower throwing his maces at you from behind it. Watch the arch so you can get under it, unlock the door and kill the Mace Thrower. Past the Mace Thrower will be another orange Ironknuckle. When that is gone you are free to continue to the right and into the bosses lair(E). Inside the lair you will start in a small hallway that will open into the larger room to the right where you will fight Hammerhead. Use the spell of shield if you can and then move forward to the right to start the battle. You want to use the same strategy used against Ironknuckles to defeat him. Jump toward him, strike his head and then move away before being hit by his club. Repeat until he is dead. Afterwards grab the key, unlock the door to the right and stand in front of the statue to place the first of six crystals in. You will be rewarded with an EXP boost to the next nearest level. Exit the palace to the right at which point it will turn into rock. Congrats on your first palace finished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 3: Retrieve discover the theft of a Ruto trophy and recover it from a Goriya in Tantari desert, bring the trophy back to Ruto for the spell of Jump, take a small detour to grab the first extra Magic Container and then head to southern Hyrule by way of cave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head back across Parapa desert and back into the cave now freshly illuminated thanks to your candle; head through the cave to emerge back out in the forest to the right of the path to Rauru. Take the path back to the split that takes you both up and around or back to Zelda's Palace. Take the high path that runs along the outside of another desert. At the start of this path is a lone patch of forest. Head in and grab a P-Bag worth 100 EXP being guarded by four blue Aches. Head back out to the path and then follow it to the left until it leads into a mountain area with a town in front of you. This is the town of Ruto. Inside Ruto speak with the lady in red to fill your life or the old hag in orange to fill your magic if you need be. We are here to talk to a lady about a missing trophy. You can find the owner in the second section of town, first house. Speak with the lady wearing red that comes out to learn that a Goriya from Tantari stole her trophy. That fiend! Tantari is the desert we passed on the path to Ruto. Head back out of Ruto and follow the path back to the desert. Make your way north across the desert fighting off any enemies that may attack until you spot a small mountain area with a cave entrance near the shore. Head on in this cave. Inside proceed to the left, kill the blue ache and then study the cave. In front of you to the left are two platforms surrounded by lave pits, the second has a single red Octoroc shooting rocks at you. Jump across the first and then to the second, kill the Octoroc and then jump to safety on the other side where another red Octoroc sits above you. Kill this one and proceed to the left where you need to kill the red Goriya and claim the trophy. Exit the cave and head back to the path across Tantari desert. Follow it to the left and back into the town of Ruto. Give the statue to the lady in the first house of the second section of town. She will let you in the house where you can proceed to the back and get the spell of Jump from the old man. Head back out of Ruto once you have the spell and you filled up on magic and health. Follow the path outside of Ruto back right and then down at the fork to Zelda's palace. From outside the moat that surrounds the palace head south and follow the mountain side left until you spot a cave. Before going in notice that temple on the other side of the mountain; we are heading there next. Enter the cave and move right, kill three Lowders that rush at you before the cave opens into a larger area. In the ground are three holes each with a red Octoroc jumping and launching rocks at you. Dispatch of them to make it safely across to grab the Magic Container that waits for you. Once you have it make your way back out of the cave and back to the path outside of Zelda's palace. Follow it up and left and the fork back to Ruto. From the outside of Ruto, head along the path south and into the cave at the end. Head right and up the two stairs in front of you, kill the following four red Octorocs and then move right down the hallway where a red Goriya will be guarding the way to the next area. Once he is dead you can continue to the next area to the right. Travel to the right and over the steps and recesses, killing the Lowders as you go. Again the hallway to the next area will be guarded by another red Goriya so dispatch of him and enter the next area to the right. This last room of the cave will open into a larger cavern with two Aches flying around accompanied by an Acheman. Don't worry about them for now unless the EXP is worth the trouble of fighting three flying enemies at once. Head to the very end of the room to the right where you will be at the base of a large cliff. You need to use your new spell of Jump to get up there and then exit the cave to the right where you will come out in the southern part of Hyrule in front of a swamp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 4: Grab the first Link Doll, locate the Midoro Swamp Palace and enter then get the Power Glove and defeat Helmethead in Midoro Swamp Palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Immediately to your right as you emerge from the cave will be a small forest that houses a fairy so go ahead and grab it from inside if you need it otherwise prepare to go into the swamp. Do you see that boulder blocking a cave entrance? Good, head to the left side of that rock where you will find the first Link doll which grants you one extra life. Grab it now or you can save it for later; just remember where it's at. Head back out of the area the doll is in and back into the swamp. From the middle of the swamp we now occupy you need to move to the south and out of the swamp and into a field area. Once you're in the field move to the right until you spot a path. On this path to the south will be a bridge and to the right the path continues on. That's the direction we need to go. Travel on the path, following it right through a mountain area until it stops suddenly with a boulder in your way. The boulder will have a desert area behind it but for now let's take the path upwards, traveling north until the path emerges from the mountain area with the swamp to your left while you face north. The Swamp Palace is to the west in this swamp. We are going to travel across the swamp using two patches of dry land as resting spots; the whole time you are bound to be attacked a few times but that can't be stopped only shortened which is why we take this path. So let's get to it. Head out into the swamp and make your way to the first patch of dry land. Here you will find a Red Magic jar that can be used if you need the magic re-fill. Grab it, move back out to the swamp and continue to the west until you hit the dry land area between the two mountains to the north and south; no items here just a quick rest. When you are ready go ahead and take the last leg of the journey to the west and enter the Swamp palace that lies in front of you. [1] [A][9][8][7][6] [D][C][B] [5][4] [E][F][G][H][2][3] [I][J][K][L] Here we go with our second palace in our Adventure to awaken Zelda. Head up the stairs, grab the Red Magic jar from the statue if you need it and continue to the right and down the elevator at the end to enter the lower section of the palace(2). Continue traveling down in the elevator trough two more floors and get off when the elevator can go no further(2). Move to the right until you come to the start of a staircase made from blocks that is crawling with Bots. Before heading up the stairs do you see that horse head on the wall above you? That will shoot rocks at you so be ready for that while you make your way up the stairs. Once you have made it to the top continue to the right into the next area(3). Travel through this area to the right and grab the key in the back; fighting two Mace Throwers between small platforms that litter the room as you go. When you have the key head back to and through the last area(2) watching out for the Bot that reappear and take the elevator up one floor(4) and get off traveling to your left through all the Ropes that will be jumping at you; when you reach the end of this area there will also be a Skull floating around but avoid him and head into the next area(5). A Bot will be ready to leap at you from the blocks above so be ready to get him. Continue to the left under the blocks where at the back of the current formation a Blue Stalfos will leap at you and another at the start of the next block formation. Dispatch of them both and then continue to the back of the area to grab a second key. Back track to the last area(4) and take the elevator up a floor(6) and get off to the left. Watching out for the slime that falls from the pillars that can turn into Bot make your way to the back of this area and kill the Blue Stalfos that drops at you before continuing to the next area to the left(7). Kill the Bot immediately in front of you and then move towards the left while watching out for the Unicorn Heads that are flying towards you. Past the pair of Bot in the middle of the area is the first locked door so use one of the two keys we already grabbed and continue past it, kill the Bot behind and then head left into the next area(8). This next area(8) starts a red fixture dropping slime at you right in front of a lava pit that you need to traverse using the three sets of blocks with Bots inhabiting them. Jump past the falling slime and stand on the ledge before the first set of blocks letting the Bot jump to you where you can kill them before making that first jump. On the first set of blocks is another key; grab it and then jump the next set of blocks above the lava to your left watching for the Bot that is there. Separating you and the next set of blocks is another fixture that is dropping slime below with a Bot waiting for you on the next set; wait for a break in the slime, jump the next set of blocks and get rid of the Bot. Finally jump to the other side of the area and continue left into the new area(9). This area is a larger room with nothing going on at first. Continue to the left and past the first fixture dropping slime you will face an Orange Ironknuckle. Kill him and continue on past where you face another Orange Ironknuckle with a faster Skull bouncing all about; kill the Ironknuckle quickly to get away from that Skull and head left into the next area(A).Head forward and down the stairs grabbing the Red Magic jar in the horse head if you need it otherwise continue on moving left toward the elevator in the back of the room. Separating you and the Elevator are two quick Skulls that should be avoided. Take the elevator down one floor to the next area(B). Move off the elevator to the left fighting the Blue Stalfos that drops at you before the locked door with a Rope in front of it. When the Stalfos and Rope are dead you can unlock the door and continue on to the next area to the left(C). This next area is a test on Links noggin. There are no enemies but falling from the roof are a ton of blocks that must be avoided somehow if Link is to make it to the next area to the left(D) so do so now; don't forget to grab that P-Bag worth 50 EXP in the middle of the room before the falling blocks cover it up. If you miss it you can grab it on the way back through in a moment. In this area we will find the Swamp Palace treasure; the Power Glove which will let Link smash through blocks with his sword. Move left past the pillar dropping slime and towards the locked door to the back of the room where a Red Ironknuckle will rush out to battle with Link. When the Red Ironknuckle is no more you are safe to unlock that door and grab the Power Glove as your prize. With the Power Glove in tow backtrack to the elevator we took to this floor(B) and then continue to the next area below(E). Don't forget to grab that P-Bag(C) if you didn't grab it the first time; the Power Glove should make it easier this time around. Once you get off the elevator in this next area(E) head off it and to the right avoiding the Orange Moa that is flying around. Defeat the first Orange Ironknuckle in front of the statue of the same monster, then the Orange Ironknuckle after it and then right into the next area(F). A Blue Stalfos will drop down and battle with you between two horse heads shooting rocks once you first come into this area. Defeat the Blue Stalfos and then make your way to the right through the stream of rocks. Use your sword on the blocks in your path and continue on forward where you will have to face another Blue Stalfos between horse's heads with even more blocks in your path beyond. Once you make it through this blocks it's a straight shot under a few more rock streams and right into the next area(G). This next area has three Skulls floating about before the elevator that separates the area in two. Avoid the skulls and move past the elevator for right now to the right, avoid the last skull and head into the next area to the right(H). Kill the Bot ahead of you, fight through the Tinsuit that run at you and move into the back of this area where it opens up with a Mace Thrower in a recess guarding a key. You know what to do. Defeat the Mace Thrower, grab the key and then make your way back to the elevator(G) we went past to get to this area and take it down to the area below(I). Move to the right and battle your way past Bot and Mace Throwers that occupy the block stairs that lead to the next area to the right(J); be careful not to smash through too many of the blocks that your way is impassable. Proceed forward to the ledge in front of you. Before you are there short dissolving bridges stacked on top of you with a P-Bag worth 100 EXP on the last one above the lava; you need to stand on the two top bridges away from the bag so when the bridge dissolves you land in a good spot to swipe the bag and then jump to the safety to your right or you can skip it all together. Either way you go you then need to make your way to the right through the Tinsuit that run at you and the Red Ironknuckle that blocks the way into the next area(K). Kill the Blue Stalfos that attacks immediately and then unlock the door that blocks your way. Kill the following Orange Ironknuckle and then finally the last Red Ironknuckle that stands between you and the bosses lair(K). Enter and prepare to battle with the boss of the Swamp Palace, Helmethead. Use Shield if you can and then move to the right to start the battle. Helmethead has two stages. The first stage has his head being covered with his helmet where you need to jump and smack it with your sword while avoiding the rocks he spits at you from his mouth. When the helmet flies off the last stage will start. He attacks the same way only now the helmet is flying around by itself shooting rocks at you as well. Jump and strike his head while avoiding both rock steams to finish this boss off and conquer this palace. Unlock the door behind him with the key that falls from the ceiling and place the crystal in the statue to be boosted to the next EXP level. Once you have placed the crystal exit stage right and the palace will turn into rock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 5: Grab an added boost to EXP from a 200 point P-Bag in a cave outside the swamp, get the spell of Life from the town of Saria, grab another P-Bag from the forest patch east of Saria then make your way through the maze of caves to retrieve the Hammer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On your back out of the swamp there will be a cave to the north in the side of a mountain. Step inside and move your way through the Megmat who are jumping in between stalagmites in the ground to face an Orange Goriya and then finally another Megmat before being able to proceed to the next area to the right. Go all the way to the back of this area to grab a P-Bag worth 200 EXP and then make your way back out of the cave and into the field. From there head back on the path to your right and follow it south and then west until you hit a bridge that leads over a river. Head across the bridge which will require you to avoid the Bago-Bago that jump and spit rocks at you. Avoid them and exit out of the right to make it to the other side of the river where you can follow the path the rest of the way south and into the town of Saria. While you are here don't forget to talk with the ladies to fill up your magic and life but mainly we need to talk to the lady in purple that comes out of the first two story house in Saria to learn that she lost her mirror. Well, let's find it for her. Head to the left and enter the next section of Saria by way of the tunnel. From here you want to head into the small building that will be right in front of you and then search the table for the mirror which you can take back to her to be let in her house. Once inside you need to head to the back and go underneath into the lower level to speak with the old man for the spell of Life. Now that we have the spell of Life we can continue through the town and see what lies beyond. Continue back into the second section of town where we found the mirror and keep going to the left and into the third section of town where you will find......hey, the way is blocked! There is no bridge to get across! Go inside the small building by the shore and speak with the guard to learn only residents of Saria can use the bridge. Damn! We need to find someone who can let us cross so head back into the middle section of town and into the first open house. What's this? A purple Bot? Speak to it and you find out it's a asleep. Well, wake it's ass up. Speak to it twice more and it will eventually crack with some info. Apparently his master is north of the river. Let's head out of Saria and back across the bridge to look. Head back out of Saria to the left and follow the path back across the river by way of the bridge that is infested with Bago-Bago. Once you are across the river follow the path up north until it runs between two forests. We need to explore the forest above for that Bots master. The woods house him as well as a few other traps. The Diagram below shows the location of both the traps(X) and the house of the master from Saria(M). Traps are just wooded areas with Megmat jumping around. [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][X][M][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] Once you located the masters house you will learn his name is Bagu and he will give you a note to show to "River Man" that will allow you to use the bridge to reach the other side of the river so head back out of the woods, down the path, across the Bago-Bago bridge and then pause a moment. You see that small patch of forest to the right sitting all alone out there? You can head in and grab a P-Bag worth 100 EXP among a few Megmat. Once you have the bag make your way into Saria and to the third section of town. Speak to the guard in the small building by the shore who will now extend the bridge for you. Head over the bridge, past the second guard building and out of the town to the left to emerge on the other side of the river finally! Head into the cave opening to the south of the town on this side of the river and you will come out in a maze of caves. This area if filled with many cave openings, some lead to other caves and some lead to dead ends. I'll lead you through the caves that you need to go through to reach the Hammer beyond with a list of the basic cardinal directions to follow and detailed walkthroughs of the caves. Follow the directions carefully to not get lost. We'll also meet some new enemies in these caves that can prove to be a challenge for Link. Caves ~~~~~~ 1. East 2. East 3. East 4. East 5. East 6. South 7. South 8. South From the begin of the cave maze you want to head into the cave to the east(1). Wait for the two Bots to drop down from the steps they stand on so you can kill them easily then move up the steps and jump down below where a Red Moblin will rush you, then a Bot beyond him and another Red Moblin waiting after that. After the second Red Moblin you can jump over the last remaining Bot and exit the cave to the right. Head across the new area and into the only other cave here; to the east(2). Kill the three Red Octoroc on the stone steps as you move up them and then jump to the ground behind where a Blue Goriya will be waiting. Kill it and then the three additionally Red Octoroc waiting on the stone stairs behind and then exit the cave to the right(3). Head to the next cave to the east and go inside. Jump the ledge inside where two Bots and three Blue Aches are flying around. Best to avoid them all since the Aches will tear you up. Jump from this ledge, ignore the elevator and battle with the Orange Daira and then exit the cave to the right to emerge in front of a small forest patch. Enter the cave below and to the east(4). Easy cave here; just rush across the bridge above the lava while fighting and or avoiding the Bago-Bago that leap at you from below and shoot rocks. Exit the cave to the right and the take the only other cave in this new area to the east(5). Noticing a trend yet? Kill the Bot that is waiting for you and then cast the spell of Jump and use it to reach the rock platforms above the Red Daira below. Jump across these platforms making sure to not forget that Red Magic jar up there to fill your magic and then jump down at the end of the platforms and exit the cave to the right. From this area take the next cave to the south(6). This cave is a little different since you start on the right side of the area moving left. Go forward to the left and defeat the Blue Goriya with an Ache above him. Jump up the ledge and then down below into the pit. An orange Daira will come rushing at you along with three Blue Ache above on the ceiling. You can either fight the Orange Daira if you want or you can wait use the spell of Jump to just jump over him. Exit this cave to the left and then take the next cave to your south(7). Go down the large steps, the first two have a Bit on them and the third has a Orange Daira who can easily be killed by crouching on the ledge and stabbing while he moronically runs forward. After the Orange Daira is dead continue down three more steps where another Orange Daira will come running forward, kill him the same way as the last then finish the two Bits behind and exit the cave to the right. Finally take the last cave to the south(8) for the last cave before where the Hammer lies. Kill the Bot in front of you and then the Orange Daira that comes rushing at you from the second step below. When that is dead move forward and repeat against another Bot and Orange Daira then jump over the last Bot and exit the cave to the left to arrive in a desert. Woot! Out of the maze! From the opening into the desert you need to head to the left, up the small path and walk into the hole that lies there. Run forward past the small pillars until you run into to a Red Daira blocking your path. Kill or evade him with the spell of Jump and continue on the right, past a Lowder and into a larger cavern where two Acheman will be ready to battle with you. Defeat them and then head to the next area through the right. Head down the steps in this area, kill the three Megmat that come bouncing toward you and continue forward to the right where an Orange Daira will be ready to fight. Kill it since there is no room to evade and then take the elevator down and get off to the right. You'll need to fight a Red Daira before being able to get to the next area to the right. Inside this next area will be a set of jumps between lava pits that are easy to make; the sixth platform will have a Myu on it. Wait for the My to jump in the lave and then proceed with the rest of the jumps and head into the next area where the Hammer rests to the right. Right away you will fight an Orange Daira and then when the area opens into a larger area you will fight a Red Daira that can be jumped over to grab the Hammer behind. Once you have the Hammer in your inventory head back out, across the lava jumps in the next area and then back up the elevator. Backtrack your way through the two areas to the left and you will make it back outside in the desert with the Hammer safely in tow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 6: use your new Hammer on a boulder to get the second of four Magic Containers, travel to the Graveyard, grab the second Link Doll and then travel to Mido to get the downstab and spell of Fairy; an additional Heart Container. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use your new hammer on the boulder to the left of the cave you just got it in. Move into the patch of debris to fall into a long pit and land next to another Magic Container. Grab it and then exit the cave to the left where you will emerge back above the drop. Head back into the small desert, past the cave that leads back to the maze and take the cave that is in the top right corner. Make the jumps between the lava pits, killing the Red Octorocs on each one then exit the cave to the right. Once outside the cave travel north alone the shore and into the cave opening to emerge in a small desert with a long bridge to your right. Across this bridge lies the graveyard and further northeast the town of Mido. Make your way across the bridge fighting your way through a Red Moblin, a Lowder and then finally a Blue Moblin before the last area of the bridge which has deadly bubbles floating around and a lone Red Daira that should be leapt over and then exit the bridge to the right where you will emerge on a path in front of a large graveyard. From the path you stand on now move south along the shore until you run into the second Link Doll which you can grab if you need then follow the shore back to the path. Follow the path up and around the outside of the graveyard until it stops with a desert in front of you and another path beyond that. Move across the desert on to the path and follow it east until you reach the shore town of Mido. Our first top in the town is to go to the church in the second part of town and using the spell of Jump, leap to the tower and enter to be taught the down stab sword technique from the knight that occupied the tower. Head back out of the tower and continue to the left and into the third section of Mido. Speak with the old women in purple that comes out of her home to learn her daughter is sick and she needs your help. Let's go look for something to help but first a small detour to help Link... Head back out of Mido and back on the path. Follow the path to the left until you hit a boulder that blocks your path. Smash the boulder with your hammer and then follow the path to the north until you spot a boulder to your left that blocks a cave entrance. Smash that one as well and head on in the cave. Immediately jumping toward you will be a Myu so use that new downstab to take care of it and move forward to the right, over a small rock and then defeat the Lowder that comes rushing at you. Finally, there will be a Blue Goriya blocking your path to the next area so make a corpse out of it and head into the next area to the right. Run to the back of this empty area and grab the second of four Heart Containers. Head back outside the cave and get back on the path, traveling to the south. Back on the path now you need to follow it back south and then to the west and then before the path goes across the river where that bridge is head off the path to the west and go north until you spot the boulder blocking the cave entrance out in the swamp to your left. You might remember this spot from first coming to south Hyrule. Head out in the swamp and use the hammer to smash the boulder to gain entrance to the cave. The first part of the cave has you running across a bridge spanning across lava while Bago-bago jump at you spitting rocks. Just run your little green butt off across the bridge, jumping over the stray Lowder that may be in your way. Heading into the next area to the right an Orange Daira will rush towards you swinging his axe. Now that you have the downstab you can dispatch of him fairly easily. Beyond him are a couple of Red Daira that you can use the new sword technique on; just don't fight them at the same time. When the enemies are gone jump over the small lava pit at the end to grab the Water of Life and then move back out of the cave and into the swamp. From the outside of the cave, move back south to get on the path and follow it east to the boulder and the town of Mido beyond. Speak with the old women in purple found in the first house in the third section of Mido. She will thank you for giving the Water of Life and welcome you in to her house where you can get the spell of Fairy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 7: locate the way to the Island Palace, retrieve the Raft and defeat Ironknuckle in the Island Palace. Use raft to travel across the sea to east Hyrule. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Move out of Mido and west on the path then south into the desert. Before heading into the cemetery align your self with the middle tomb; Kings Tomb. Move south in a straight line using Kings Tomb as a place to rest. The location of the secret drop way to the island off the shore is located in the seventh gravesite directly south of the Kings Tomb. Head there and drop into the cave. Fight your way to the right through three Lowders then use the spell of Fairy to fly to the ledge above. Move to the right and into the next area where you have to face a Myu then a Lowder followed by a Blue Goriya. After you make it past them exit the cave on the right to emerge on the island where you can spot the next palace laying beyond a short turn. [1] [2][3][4][5][6][7] [C][B][8][9][A] [D][E]F] Head around the rock and into the palace. Outside the palace will be the usual Ironknuckle statue(1); this one will either result in a Red Magic jar or a Red Ironknuckle. Come in and out until you get what you need otherwise take the elevator down a floor(2). Get off the elevator moving the only way you can go, to the right. Moving to the right you will encounter a new enemy; the Doomknocker. Defeat the Doomknocker by jumping and bouncing on his head using the downstab then continue on to the right until you spot a Myu on the ground. Once you pass this Myu a Blue Armored Stalfos will drop at you so be prepared. Once these enemies are safely defeated or avoided you can continue on into the next area to the right(3). This area is a straight shot over a floor made of breakable blocks that have the stray Myu on them and waves of Tinsuit running toward you; nothing to grab or do here so just make a straight shot to the right and into the next area(4). Immediately you will spot an Orange Moa flying around above dropping fire to the ground below. As you run to the right underneath the block platforms random blocks will fall toward the ground and finally another Orange Moa will be flying around at the end. Otherwise this room is another straight shot so just move on to the next area to the right(5). Defeat the Myu in front of you and then the next one to the right with a Doomknocker behind him; defeat this before grabbing both the key and the P-Bag worth 100 EXP that you see underneath the blocks below. With the key and P-Bag taken head to the next area to the right(6). Right in front of you in this area will be a few steps made of blocks that have caged in two Red Ironknuckles on the first and second level and on top of the blocks are a few Myu. You don't need to release the Red Ironknuckle in this area and killing the Myu runs you the risk of destroying the blocks you need to reach the top of the steps so just jump over the Myu and proceed to the top and down where you will be on top of an elevator. Moving to the right will have a Red Armored Stalfos fall from the ceiling in front of a tall jump marked by a Ironknuckle pillar. Defeat the Red Armored Stalfos then use the spell of Jump to reach the ledge with the pillar and proceed to the next area to the right(7). This area is an outside area with an Orange Moa flying around and a Red Ironknuckle occupying the middle ground. Run to the right, defeat or avoid the Red Ironknuckle and grab the key on the pedestal. With the key in your inventory head back to the left and into the last area(6) and then take the elevator down a floor(8). Make sure you have enough magic to cast Fairy; if not you can backtrack to the beginning of this Palace(1) and grab some from the statue and then come back. From the landing of the elevator unlock the door to your right, kill the Bot and avoid the floating Wolf Heads to make your way to the next area to the right(9). Smash through the blocks that are in the way of the jump in front of you and then leap to the next platform that has the Bot on it. After the Bot you need to grab the key on the fourth platform with a Red Ironknuckle near it, kill or avoid the Red Ironknuckle and then continue jumping across into the next area to the right(A). You'll have to smash through some more blocks to clear the path. Kill the Red Ironknuckle that comes rushing at you and then proceed to the right where the room will open up. In your way will be a new enemy, the Blue Ironknuckle, which you need to get past to unlock the door and grab the Raft. Once you have the Raft backtrack through the lava room and to the area with the elevator(8) and then continue to the left through the Wolf Heads and into the next area(B). Head forward to the left and kill the Red Ironknuckle that runs out to greet you. After it is dead unlock that door before the elevator but ignore the elevator for now and continue on to the left where a few Tinsuit will rush toward you before a lone Red Ironknuckle who is guarding the way to the next area to the left. Defeat the Red Ironknuckle and continue to the next area(C). Jump up on the huge block formation and move to the back while avoiding the Wolf Heads until you spot the key below. Standing on top of the key perform a downstab to break through and land on it and then cast the spell of Fairy quickly to fly back up and out of this area to the right before the Wolf Heads rip you up(B). Head down the elevator now in to the area below(D) and unlock the door to your right before proceeding in that direction. Once you pass under the second block platform a Red Armored Stalfos will drop down so be prepared. Beyond it will be a P-Bag worth 100 EXP on the fourth platform above but it will require casting the spell of Jump to reach it. Kill the Doomknocker to proceed to the next area to the right(E). Jump across the gap and the move to the higher level. Smash through the blocks to drop below where the Red Ironknuckle is which you need to defeat to move on. DO it quickly before the Blue Ironknuckle behind you rips you up with his power beams; it's cramped but you can do it. Once it is dead smash through the rest of the blocks before proceeding to the bosses lair to the right(F). Note that there is a P-Bag worth 100 points on the lowest level of this area behind a few sets of blocks and being guarded by a Red Ironknuckle but the pay off is low so you might not want to risk it. Proceed to the bosses lair when you are ready. Cast the spell of Shield before rushing forward to face this palaces boss; Ironknuckle. He has two stages. The first will be his mounted stage where he shoots back and forth across the screen trying to hit Link with his lance. Use the downstab to hit him in his head a few times until he jumps from the horse. Remember you need to hit his head and not the head of the horse; best way to do that is to wait until he is on a corner then simply bounce on him until he dismounts. The next stage of the battle with Ironknuckle will be just like fight an normal Ironknuckle except when you move towards him he will back away so you need to wait until he is in a corner then leap over him to get close and then attack. When he is dead grab the key that falls, unlock the final door and place the crystal in the statue to finish the Island Palace. Head back around the island and back into the cave that leads to the graveyard; watch out for the Lowder, Myu and Goriya that are in there again. From the graveyard you need to head north towards the path beyond the desert and then east to the port and finally across the ocean using the raft but don't forget to stop by Mido if you need to fill the life or magic again before sailing out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section: 9 Grab three P-Bags, retrieve the spell of Fire and the spell of Reflect along with the upward-stab technique. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our first task in this new area will be to grab three P-Bags to boost your EXP. The enemies over here require Link to be built up in levels somewhat. From the port you just got of the raft on head towards and into the small forest patch to your right that is sitting out there all by itself. Inside is a P-Bag worth 200 EXP to the right being on top of a few steps being guarded by a swarm of Digdoggers. Evade them as much as possible; grab the P-Bag and then exit to the right back into the field. From outside the forest patch move to the right until you hit a path area with a town in the middle. Don't go in the town for now but instead head due south of the town across the field and into the open cave you see in the mountain side. Inside there will be two Gohmas bouncing around; we can't kill them yet so just avoid them and rush past the two pits in the ground and into the next area to the right. Continue forward through the seemingly empty area until you spot a lone Scorpion in the back. Hop over it using the downstab to bounce if need by and then claim the P-Bag behind worth a whopping 500 EXP. Make your way back out of the cave through the area with the two Gohma. From the cave entrance you should notice a small desert stretch to your right with a boulder blocking a path around the mountain near the shore. Smash through the boulder with the hammer and travel along the mountain side until the path ahead opens up. Sticking the mountain side you will be sent into an area where this is a high jump to your right. Use the spell of Jump, leap up the high ledge, grab the P- Bag worth another 500 EXP then make your way back out to the right and back down along the mountain side. Once you make it back to the field head north and go into the town we skipped earlier; this is the town of Nabooru. Speak with the lady in red that comes out of the first house in the second section of the town to learn she is thirsty. Ok, we can help with that. Walk just a little further to see a fountain...wow, what a lazy... I mean grab some water from the fountain and take it back to her. She will thank you by letting you come in and speak with her father below to get the spell of Fire. Fill up with magic and life before heading back out of Nabooru. We now need to travel north and into the cave above Nabooru. Immediately in front of you to the right will be a pair of Acheman so get rid of them or avoid them to continue on to the right; when the ceiling gets lower be ready for another Acheman and a following Basilisk. Kill the Acheman if you can but skip the Basilisk unless you have the magic to spare on casting the spell of Fire. Exit out of the cave to the right where you will emerge in a field with forest all around. Our next stop is to the town of Darunia to the northwest of your current location. Move to the north away from the cave exit and to the west through the forest until you come to a small desert area with a path that moves to the south and around a mountain. Follow this path to reach the town of Darunia where we will learn a few new tricks. You'll have to fight and jump through two sections of Blue Octoroc inhabited areas to reach the town beyond so be prepared. Once in the town of Darunia travel to the second section of the town and forward until you spot the second brown house. Use the spell of Jump to leap to the roof and then travel across the roof tops back to the right and down the chimney of the first house before the tunnel Santa style. You will drop into a house where you can go forward to the right and learn the upward stab technique from the knight below. Exit the basement and the house to the left. Once outside of the house continue to the next section of town to the left and speak with the old women that comes out of the first house here to learn of a missing child that needs to be found. The child has been kidnapped and is being held on an island. Exit the Darunia after filling up on magic and life. Make your way back down and around the path in the desert then through the forest all the way to the right until you come out in another patch of desert with a long bridge spanning ahead of you. Before traveling across that bridge move to the left most corner of desert near the shore to get another Link Doll. Move across the bridge to arrive in a huge island maze. The next palace is at the end of this maze but we aren't here for that just yet. Nope, we are looking for a kidnapped child and to get to him you want to take the path to the south then all the way to the east and back up at the end where you will drop into a cave beyond the small turn in the path; you should be able to see the Palace off to your right. Defeat the Orange Lizardman to the right and then grab the kid. Where does Link keep him anyway!?!? With the kid in tow head back out of the maze, across the bridge and forest span, through the desert path and back into the Darunia where you will return the child to the old women to earn the right to go inside and learn the spell of Reflect from the old man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 10: Traverse the Island maze to retrieve the third Magic Container, claim the Boots and defeat Carock to defeat the Island Maze Palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head back out of Darunia and back to the bridge we crossed to find the kid. We need to get through the maze to grab the third Magic Container and reach the palace beyond. Follow the directions below for the best way to travel in the maze. From the start in front of the bridge you want to go south then east and then take the first path to the north all the way around to reach the first bridge. Head across the bridge and around the turn where you will have to fight through some Blue Octorocs before being able to continue down to and across the next bridge. Once across the second bridge head north all the way across the bridge ahead to reach the thick of the maze. Take the path to the south and follow it all the way west then north at the turn where you will drop into a cave with the third Magic Container laying to the right. Snag it and exit the cave to the left. Continue following the path all around and back east then take the first path to the north. Fall this path all the way around until another area where you fight a few Bots, Basilisk and alone Gohma. After this little area you need to continue to the north and then take the first left where there will be another area you need to fight some monsters in; a Blue Octoroc and Gohma on either side of a Red Magic jar in the middle of the area. Continue up until the next left which you need to take and then move all the way south until you hit another small area with monsters. This time you have to maneuver over some jumps while bees swarm all around you and after you get clear of this area it's a straight shot down and around to the palace. [1] [E][D][2][3] [H][F][G][4][5][6] [I][J][K] [7][8] [C][B][9][A] This is a big and potentially confusing palace so pay attention. Hit the typical Ironknuckle statue(1) out front for either a Red Magic jar or a Red Ironknuckle while a Orange Moa flies around; once you have made it to the back take the elevator down a floor(2). Travel to the right first, avoiding the Wizzrobe and into the next area(3). Move forward to the right and up on to the higher part of the ground where holes appear every few feet. When you see the P-Bag in the second hole be prepared for a Blue Armored Stalfos to come jumping down into the hole. Leap back and forth over him until he jumps out of the hole and then defeat him quickly before he has a chance to move back in then claim the P-Bag which is worth 100 EXP. Continue on to the right where a second Blue Armored Stalfos will drop down to battle before you can get to the elevator which you need to take down one floor(4). Get off the elevator on the first floor below(4) moving to the right, defeating the Red Armored Stalfos that drops in front of the steps then head up the steps and into the next area to the right(5). Move forward until the ledge above where the dissolving bridge starts. Cast the spell of fairy and fly above the bridge and to the right; above the Tinsuit and the Doomknocker who we will take care of in a second. In the next area(6) jump the first platform above the lava, break through the blocks with the flame on them and then leap over the flame to continue to the next platform where you will have to bust through two more blocks and defeat the Doomknocker behind them. Just hit it until it drops into the lava to avoid falling into that same lava yourself then continue to the next platform where you can leap across one more time to grab a key and a hidden Red Magic jar in the Ironknuckle statue. Once you have the key backtrack over the platforms and into the last area to the left(5). Take care of the Doomknocker we flew over a minute ago then move the edge ahead. This next part is tricky but you can do it. You need to jump into the pit, down into the next area(7) and when you hit the dissolving bridge that sits above another quickly move to the right onto solid ground. Watch out for a random Skull and Tinsuit before you get to the Doomknocker that guards the path to the next area to the right(8). Run forward to the right in this new area(8) until both a Red and Blue Armored Stalfos will drop down on you. Defeat them to move on to the right, defeat the Blue Ironknuckle that is guarding the gate then claim the boots beyond. Head to the left and back into the last area(7). Jump down into the pit like last time into the area below(9) and when you hit the dissolving bridge move to the right onto the solid ground where you can run through a few Unicorn Heads to the right and into the next area(A). Maneuver across the platforms above the lava like the room we got the first key in. Each one has a few blocks you need to bust through with a Doomknocker, a Red Armored Stalfos and a Skull on or around each in that order. Grab the key in the back and back track to the area to the left(9). Head across the dissolving bridge we landed on earlier while avoiding the Unicorn Heads again and into the next area(B). Run forward to the left, kill the Bot, avoid the Wizzrobe that may appear and unlock the door. Skip over the elevator here for a minute, past a few more Bots and Wizzrobe and into the next area to the left(C). Jump up on the large block formation here and maneuver to the back of the room avoiding the Wolf Heads until you spot the key beneath Link in the blocks. Downstab until you grab the key and then quickly cast the spell of Fairy and float back up and out to the area to the right we came from(B). If you don't have enough magic or are feeling daring you can bust your way out to the right through the blocks but the Wolf Heads will be there to harass you the whole time. Move to the elevator and take it up through three floors, one an empty space area(D) and into an area we passed through in the beginning(4). Move back to the left through the room we fought the two Blue Armored Stalfos and into the first room we came in from the entrance to the palace(2). Run past the main elevator and use a key on the gate to continue on through to the next area to the left(D). Kill the Red Ironknuckle in front of you before smashing the block above where a Skull is floating about. Jump up there with the spell of Jump to grab the key and then unlock the gate where the Red Ironknuckle was. Move over this elevator for right now, continue to the left through some Tinsuit and a Doomknocker before moving into the next area to the left(E). Hop up on the block formation and continue to the left towards the back. Kill the Doomknocker above the P-bag below but skip it for right now. Continue on back until you spot another key below. Downstab your way to the key and then bust your way out through the block to the right remembering to grab that P-bag which is worth 200 EXP and into the last area(D) where you need to take the elevator down to the floor below(F). Move off the elevator to the right, through Tinsuit and the random Wizzrobe and into the next area(G). Maneuver over three platforms that are floating above lava(AGAIN!), busting blocks and avoiding the Unicorn Heads that seek to knock you into the lava. When you reach the back make sure to just grab the key and not to awake the Ironknuckle inside the statue. Once you have the key move back over the platforms and into the last area(F). Move past the elevator, unlock the door and move into the next area to the left(H) while avoiding the Tinsuit and Wizzrobes. Inside this next area(H) move to the left and maneuver over two dissolving bridges that each have a lone Myu on it and then onto solid ground. Take the elevator in the back down to the next area below(I). Unlock the door in front of you to the right, move forward until a Blue Armored Stalfos jumps from the second block platform above, kill it and then move forward to battle with the second Blue Armored Stalfos that jumps down from the platform above that houses a P-Bag worth 100 EXP. Continue on the next area to the right(J) when you are ready. Immediately in this new area a Red Ironknuckle will drop down to fight with you followed by another in the back of the room. Once they are gone you can proceed into the bosses lair to battle with Carock. Easy boss here for such a confusing palace. Cast the spell of Reflect and the spell of Shield. Rush forward to start the battle. Carock is basically a large Wizzrobe so just dock and aim towards whichever side Carock has transported on to bounce the beams back. This boss is almost impossible to be killed on. Once he is dead grab the key, unlock the gate and then place the crystal in the statue to finish the fourth palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 11: find the third Heart Container, retrieve the Flute and defeat Gooma to finish the Ocean Palace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the fourth palace and use the new boots to walk across the river to the bridge that leads to the main land instead of traversing that maze again. Handy things. Once you get back across the bridge head back through the forest and south into the cave that leads to the town of Nabooru; avoiding the few enemies inside. Follow the path that leads from the town to the ocean to the east. You need to take sixteen steps directly out into the ocean, then turn north and take four steps then turn east and move forward until you hit the hidden area where the third Heart Container awaits. You will have to use the spell of Jump to reach it but there are no enemies to worry about so feel safe. Once you have the Heart back track through the ocean until the part where we turned north, instead finish walking east to reach a small island where the Ocean Palace sits. [1] [2][3][4][5] [N][O][8][7][6] [K][A][9] [H][G] [M][L][B][C][D][E][F] [J][I] This is my favorite of the games seven palaces. Note that we will be skipping a few areas in the palace that have no bearing on the game. There is no need to smack the statue this time since there isn't anything in there. Instead just head to the elevator in the back and take it down a floor(2). Move off the elevator and proceed to the right down a long hallway until the room opens up. In front of you will be a staircase made of blocks with a few Ropes on the steps and a horse head fixture that will shoot rocks at you once you pass underneath. Make your way up the stairs while killing the Ropes but be careful not to destroy the steps so much that you can't get up without spells. Once you are the top of the steps move to the next area to the right(3). Run past the bouncing Skull until you hit the steep ledge with a key on top being guarded by another Skull. Use the spell of Fairy to fly up there and out to the next area to the right(4). Once back in Link form head back an area(3), grab the key and then back to the next area(4). Jump up the steps that lead to the dissolving bridge above the lava. Run on the bridges jumping over the Unicorn Heads that come flying up and down towards you, grab the P-Bag worth 200 EXP and then on to the safety of solid ground to the right. Move down the stairs and into the next area to the right(5). If you miss the P-Bag then you can come back in and try again; just don't fall in the lava. Make your way to the right and over the many sets of doubled up blocks that are in the way. A Red Ironknuckle waits for you behind the third set, a slime dropping fixture above the fourth and another Red Ironknuckle behind the fifth. After that you are free to unlock the door and then head down on the elevator to the area below(6). Move off the elevator traveling to the left, through the Wizards and the odd Skull that is bouncing around and into the next area(7). Move forward to the left until you spot a key on a very high platform, too high for the spell of Jump to help you reach. As you pass under the platform blocks will stop dropping down to the ground; you need to bust the blocks as they fall to make steps to reach the key then head to the next area to the left(8) before the blocks clobber you to death. Watch for a random Orange Moa here as well. Defeat the Orange Ironknuckle that rushes you right away then move down the stone steps; grab the Red Magic jar in the horse head fixture if you want. Move down the hallway traveling to the left through two more Orange Ironknuckle and an Orange Moa and then down the elevator to the area below(9). Head off the elevator to the left, through the Wizards and the lone Bot then into then next area to the left(A). Avoid the Skull that is bouncing in the way, use the spell of Jump to reach the P-Bag worth 200 EXP above the elevator then take said elevator down to the area below(B). Get off the elevator to the left and smash through a few sets of blocks and kill a lone Mace Thrower to reach a P-Bag worth 200 EXP; be careful of the Skull bouncing around the small room where it lies. After you have it go back over the elevator and use jump to reach the ledge where a key is being guarded by a Red Ironknuckle then go ahead to the next area to the right(C). Run your ass off through this area, hoping over any Wizards that may pop up and enter the next area on the right(D). Run forward to the right and defeat the Blue Ironknuckle waiting for you to......be stuck in a dead-end. SOME GUIDE THIS IS HUH? Now now, wait just a second. Head over to that wall and jump up and into the wall. Ah ha, fake wall. Once you make it through the wall you can head to the area to the right(E). Run forward while evading any Wizards that pop, past the elevator on this floor for now and into the next area to the right(F). Run forward again to the right by jumping to the blocks above where the Tinsuit are. It's easier then trying to avoid the Wizards in the cramped area below. Take the elevator at the end of this room up a floor(G). Travel to the left over sets of double up blocks. There will be a Blue Stalfos after the first, third and fifth sets before you can run into the next area(H) where you can grab a key then backtrack through the block room(G) and down the elevator(F). Backtrack one more area to the left(E) and then take the elevator here down a floor(I). Get off the elevator traveling towards the left where you need to unlock a door. This area is filled with the random Wizard and plenty of Wolf Heads trying to ruin your fun. Use the spell of Jump to leap to the blocks above the ground to help you stay away from the Wizards while you travel to the next area to the left(J). Move forward in this area until you must do battle with an Orange Ironknuckle followed by a Blue Ironknuckle then the palace treasure, the Flute, beyond that. With the Flute in your inventory head back out of these two areas, up the elevator(E) and then move back through the two areas to the left until you can go through the fake wall(D). Keep backtracking traveling left until you hit another elevator(B) which you need to take to the area above(A). Get off the elevator and then unlock the door to your left past the Skull and into the area to the left(K). Move to the right while ignoring the Mace Thrower above and over the elevator. Smash through few blocks on this left side of the elevator to claim a P-Bag worth 200 EXP that is being guarded by a Red Ironknuckle and a few Skulls. Once you have the P-Bag go back to the elevator and take it down to the area below(L). Again use jump to reach the blocks in this area to stay away from the Wizards below, grab the P-Bag worth 50 EXP and continue to the last area to the left(M). Kill the Orange Ironknuckle that rushes out to say hi then cast the spell of Jump to leap to the second set of blocks in this area. Travel to the back of the area, down stab to reach the key that is below then leap back out and exit the area back to the room we came through(L). We did it this way to avoid that nasty Blue Ironknuckle so we didn't have to fight it in the cramped space. Head back up the elevator here two levels(N). Defeat the Orange Ironknuckle that is waiting for you and then unlock the door with the last key we just grabbed. Behind the door is a Blue Ironknuckle that can be skipped over to reach the stairs which have a Red Ironknuckle at the top. Defeat or avoid the Red Ironknuckle to reach the bosses lair to the right(O). Cast the spell of Shield to give you an added layer of protection during the battle with Gooma then move forward to start the battle. Gooma attacks by spinning then launching his mace at you and it causes a lot of damage if it comes in contact with you. To defeat Gooma you need to rush in and stab him in the gut while the mace is still being swung and then move out of it's range before he launches it forward. Its hard so don't get down if you get hit a few times. Just stick with it and remember to use the spell of Life if you need it and Gooma will fall. Grab the key, unlock the door and place the crystal in the statue to complete the fifth palace. Woot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 12: collect a Link doll and P-Bag, located the fourth Magic Container, retrieve the Spell of Spell and the Magic Key then grab another P-Bag and then the fourth Heart Container. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the palace and make your way back east across the water making sure to stop in Nabooru to fill up on life and magic if you need to. From the outside of Nabooru you need to head south across the field up to where you see a monster that is blocking the path sort of like a boulder would do. Use the Flute to wake the monster then move down the path which has three areas spread out each with a quick run through some Orange Lizardmen while Red Lizardmen throw stone at you from behind a large fence. You can either fight them all for the EXP or just avoid them to reach the dangers beyond. Once you get past the third area keep heading down the path until you spot a swamp off to the east. You want to head into the swamp and travel north along the mountain to the left. This will take your through the spot where you can grab the last Link Doll(watch for the stray Bee) and into a cave that houses a P-Bag worth 500 EXP. From the start of this cave move to the right up and down a few sets of steps that have Digdoggers flying around them; use the upward stab to kill them off. Proceed into the next area to the right where a lone Scorpion protects the P- Bag worth 500 EXP, once you have it back track out of the cave. From the cave opening in the swamp you stand in now continue following the mountain wall east through the swamp and into a forest where you will find another cave opening. Head right, through the three Gohma that are leaping around into the next area which will have an Orange Lizardman followed by a Red Lizardman. They are in little pits in the ground so you can hop over them if you want or fight them if you need the EXP, either way exit the cave to the right to emerge in front of a small patch of desert with a forest beyond it. [ ][ ] [ ][X][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] The little map above shows the location where you need to use the hammer to uncover the hidden town of Kasuto so do that now and enter the town. Inside speak to the old lady in purple that comes of out of the second building to the right; she will reward you with the last Magic Container in her basement so long as you have the other seven which you should if you've been following the guide. Exit the house once you have the Magic Container continue to the right and into the second section of town where you need to go into the third house and then into the fireplace. Weird I know but back here we will get the spell of Spell from an old man. Once you have the spell leave the house and continue right through town until you come to an empty area in the third section of town before a dead end. Cast the new spell of Spell here and a door will appear from the ground which you need to enter to get the Magic Key. Once you have the key you can exit the town to the left and go back through the cave that lead to this forest area where you will come out in a larger forest. From this opening go down to the side of the lake you see above take one step to the right to be in the middle square of three forest squares then move straight south until you come to an area where you will have to fight a Red Lizardman to get a P-Bag worth 500 EXP. Exit this area and then travel south through a forest until you hit the shore then travel east up the shore until you appear in an area with the final Heart Container waiting for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 13: locate the way into the 3-eyes Palace, claim the Cross and defeat Volvagia to finish the last palace before the Great Palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Move to the east from where we just grabbed the last Heart Container until you spot three rocks; stand facing the middle one between the two on the side and play the Flute. The last Palace will appear behind you. [1] [3][2] [4][5][6][7][8][9] [C] [B][A] [D][F][G][H][I][J][K] [E] [L][M] Note: a few rooms of this palace will be skipped over as they offer nothing in way of bonus or ease to the quest. First, stab the statue for a Red Magic jar then take the elevator in the back down a floor(2). Move off the elevator and grab the P-Bag worth 100 EXP to your right; you need to break the blocks and the jump up there with some magical assistance but watch out for the two Skulls bouncing all around. Move back down and across the elevator and to the left over a few jumps into the next area(3). Kill the Blue Armored Stalfos that comes at you from the blocks while avoiding the Orange Moa fire and then hop on top of the blocks. Move back to the left until you spot a P-Bag worth 200 EXP below. Downstab to get it then bust your way out to the right; don't worry you will be safe from that Orange Moa down here. Head into the last area(2) and take the elevator down a floor(4). Unlock the door to the right with the magic key and run forward to the right through some random Wizzrobes but don't bother wasting magic to fight them just fight the Doomknocker that blocks the way to the next area(5) then enter. Fight the Blue Ironknuckle that is in front of you then hop across the two small jumps to reach the other side of the area making sure not to fall; if you do it will loop through three rooms so just recover when you can. Unlock the door on this side, fight the Blue Ironknuckle and then go up the steps to reach the next area(6). Haul ass through this area(6) avoiding the Wizzrobes and the fixtures shooting rocks and head right into the next area(7). Make your up the block steps ignoring that P-Bag below; it's a trap. Run to the back of the area where a Doomknocker is guarding an elevator, kill it but skip the elevator for right now. Jump to the ledge where the statue is on a pillar and move to the next area to the right(8). Cast the spell of Jump again and move through the Wizzrobes to the third pillar of Ironknuckle stopping right in front of it. In front of you is a section of fake ground that you need to leap over to get to the next area(9) so do that now; if you fall(A) you need to backtrack a room to the left(B) and up the elevator to get your bearings(7). Smash through the blocks after the jump over the fake floor and enter the next area(9). Run forward to the right where you will have to face a mini-boss; Ironknuckle. Kill him the same way we did in the Island Palace then move on to the right to claim the cross as your prize. Once you have the cross backtrack to where the fake floor was and jump down there to land in the area below(A). Use the spell of Jump to be able to smash through the blocks to the right, fight the Red Ironknuckle and claim the P-Bag behind him worth 200 EXP. Jump back out and smash the blocks to the left where another Red Ironknuckle is waiting before the next area to the left(B). Kill him and move on. A Blue Armored Stalfos will great you right away so dispatch of it, move to the left avoiding the Wizzrobes, fight the next Blue Armored Stalfos, unlock the door then take the elevator to come out in a familiar area(7). Use the spell of Jump to reach the high platform above and then down the blocks to the area to the left(6). Backtrack through this room to the left as well to come back to the room with the two small jumps(5). Jump down the second hole in front of you(while you face left) to land on a platform in the area below(C) that has a Blue Ironknuckle guarding a P-Bag worth 200 EXP. Once you have the bag go back to the hole to the right and jump down towards the left to the next area below(D) then down once more to the left(E). Grab the P-Bag to the left worth 200 EXP then jump down the hole again to loop back to the first area(5). You need to jump down twice more(D) and this time take the bridge you land on to the right on to the solid ground. Unlock the door and fight the Blue Ironknuckle to continue to the next area(F). Smash through the blocks in your way in this area then make the jumps ahead while watching out for the Unicorn Heads and the stray Myu. Once you make it across smash through the blocks to be able head into the next area to the right(G). In this area you need to make a mad dash through the Wizzrobes, fight the Red Ironknuckle in the middle and then into the next area to the right(H). Cast the spell of Fairy and float over the long lava pit while avoiding the Skulls and dropping slime then into the next area to the right(I). Run forward to battle with a Blue Armored Stalfos that drops down then move over the elevator for right now and unlock the door, kill the Myu and head into the next area(K). Here you will have to fight another mini-boss; yet another Ironknuckle. Once he is dispatched you can continue to the last area to the right(K). In front of you will be a small dissolving bridge in a whole with a ledge beyond it to the right. Cast the spell of Jump then fall to the bridge and leap back out to the right where you will find a Link Doll being guarded by a Blue Ironknuckle. Head back to the bridge. Go to your spell menu and select Fairy but don't cast it yet. You need to jump down on to the bridge and then let it dissolve away to make Link fall into the area below(L). Once you are in this room quickly hit select to cast the spell of Fairy then float to the bosses lair to the right(K). You will fly over a Blue Armored Stalfos so back out of the lair(K) if you want to fight it. Cast the spell of Shield and Jump first off then move forward to start the battle with Volvagia. Volvagia comes out of the lava on either side of Link. Using your extended jumping skills you need to jump up and bounce on Volvagias head with the downstab to damage it. Make sure not to drop in the lava when Volvagia retreats. Alternatively, you can stand under his mouth and stab up to damage him as well. When he is dead you can grab the key, unlock the door and place the last crystal in the statue to be boosted up a level in EXP. The last palace is now complete. On to the Great Palace where our last enemy awaits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 14: Get the spell of Thunder then travel to the Great Palace for end game grabbing a P-Bag along the way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, head west across the desert from the rock that is now the 3-eyes Palace and locate a bridge with a town beyond which we need to get to. Head across the bridge which will require you to jump across a few sections while Bago-Bago are leaping at you and a Basilisk waiting to battle; I suggest using Fairy to just fly across. Once across enter the town of Kasuto which is now abandoned and infested with Purple Moa. Run forward to the left avoiding the Purple Moa and enter the first house where you can get the spell of Thunder from the old man below. Once you have the spell of Thunder exit the town and traverse back over the bridge outside. Head north and across the bridge that is accessible through a little bit of forest. This bridge is exactly like the other one below so just fly over it with Fairy if you have the magic to spare. Once across the bridge it is time to enter Death Mountain; be warned that there will be random enemy encounters that will require some hairy jumps. Enter the graveyard and then go down through the little path to the south where you will have to battle through some Blue Moa while Red Lizardmen chuck rocks at you from behind the fence. Once past this area you need to head west across the lava and into the small path that is between some mountains where you will face another enemy infested area. Head left across the first small jump where you will have to battle with an Orange Lizardman while Blue Moa harass you. After this jump across the last few jumps avoiding the Blue Moa and Digdoggers where you will be faced with another Orange Lizardman. Past that one will be a small jump and the exit beyond. Once you are back out in the mountain area head north until the path splits. Take the path to the west while staying near the mountain to come to an area that you can grab a P-Bag worth 500 EXP. Once you have it continue back up the path to the north until you hit the second enemy area which will be a duplicate of the first one; Two Orange Lizardmen with swarms of Blue Moa and the random Digdogger. After you make it out of this area next you need to head north into the cave ahead to access the next part of Death Mountain. Head left through this first area while avoiding the Blue Moa and Digdoggers that are flying around, head into the second area to the right. A scorpion will rush to meet you followed by a Blue Lizardman before the exit to the left. Head down and around the turn then north into the last enemy area before the Great Palace. This area is the same as the previous two only the Lizardmen are of the Red variety. After this area head north into the cave, kill the Blue Lizardman that rushes at you followed by a Red Lizardman that blocks the exit. After you leave the cave you will be in front of the Great Palace. Enter when you are ready. No map for you guys this time. Why? Because the Great Palace is not only huge but it has areas where it loops back to others, areas with long run arounds that lead to nothing so drawing a map out of ASCII would be near impossible and not very helpful. Don't worry, I'll give good directions to reach the areas you need to see. Head forward and wait for the binding force to dissipate then head to the back and down the elevator. Move off the elevator to the left and up some long steps; a Firebird will be waiting for you on the fourth. Defeat this just like you do the Mace Throwers since they attack the same way. Head up the blocks and move forward, jumping across the fake floor that starts where the pillar is below. Head to the back of this area and down the elevator which you need to disembark heading to the right and into the next area. This area is nothing more then a long, empty bridge so haul yourself across and into the next area to the right. Proceed all the way back to the end of this area, fight the Firebird then take the elevator down a floor and getting off moving the only way you can, the right. Proceed through this room by smashing your way through the blocks that are in the way while avoiding the Orange Unicorn heads until you can head into the next area to the right. Proceed forward to the right to face a deadly new enemy, the Red Birdknight. These guys are like Ironknuckles but can shoot power-beams and leap over Link quickly. Once this Birdknight is dead or evaded head down farther right, up the stairs where the lone Bot rests and then break through the blocks at the top to reach the area below where an elevator waits which you need to take all the way down until you can go no further. Get off the elevator and move to the next area to the right through a Firebird that is on the fourth step. IN this next area you need to run forward through the Orange Unicorn heads that area all around; a Red Rope waits for you behind the first two pillars. Take the elevator in the back down into the area below. Move off the elevator to the right and smash through the first set of blocks to battle with a Blue Birdknight. Skip the Birdknight by jumping over him(or waiting for him to jump over you) and then use the spell of Jump to leap to the top blocks on the next set; smash through them as you jump to be able to move in. Proceed through the blocks and into the next area to the right. This area has you running over a small dissolving bridge with a Red Rope on it and then having you make a small leap to a platform with an elevator beyond it. Take this elevator down a floor and move off to the right past a Large Skull and Firebird and into the next area to the right. Run forward to fight a Blue Birdknight then up the stairs where a large Skull is bouncing about. Smash through the blocks to get to the lower area and then take the elevator in the back down two floors. Off to the right of the elevator on this floor is a Fairy that you have to bash through some blocks to reach and to the left over a few jumps and in a small room to the right is another Link Doll; the last in the game. Go back to the elevator we got off of and take it down to the last floor it can go and move off to the left, up some long stairs and through another Firebird to reach the area to the left. Move forward through the stray Orange Unicorn Head that may come at you until you are standing on a row of blocks. Smash through the fifth from the left and you will fall into the area below. Proceed to the right in this area, kill the Big Bot that drops down at you and then into the area to the right. Head across the dissolving bridge over two Myu until you see a shaft below you. Stop above the shaft and drop into it which will take you the area below. Once you land head to the right and into the boss's lair where we will fight the Thunderbird. Cast the spell of Shield, run forward and when Thunderbird comes out to play immediately cast the spell of Thunder. He will turn blue now and is able to be defeated. Stay under his fireballs coming from his mouth and when he nears the ground jump up and hit him in the face until he dies. Once he falls you can grab the key(!?!?!?) and proceed to the final area to the right where you will face a great enemy. Cast the spell of Shield again and then move forward to start. Above on a ledge you will see Impa and the Triforce which will disappear then everything gets dark. Suddenly, your shadow will leap from behind you and hit the ground ahead of you to the right. The final enemy is your own shadow. Shadow Link does the opposite of everything you do so you have to trick him to damage him. Crouch and jab repeatedly at his legs which may or may not get any hits in on him but wait for him to jump over you and quickly turn to face him and stab quickly before he lands; this will damage him. Repeat this to destroy him. You may also have luck with just stabbing wildly at him while alternating between standing and crouching but the shadow will probably tear you up while you try this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 15: The Adventure is over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Shadow Link falls the lights will come back on and Impa will re-appear with the Triforce in front of you. He hands it to you which you hold proudly over your head! You then take the Triforce to where Zelda lays sleeping; it splits off into the three parts and floats around her. The power of the Triforce breaks the spell and she awakens. "You saved Hyrule and you are a real Hero!" The curtains come down but not before you spot Zelda sneaking Link a kiss for his troubles. The End. Credits roll and then a picture of the Triforce will appear saying to Press Start to Replay. Congrats on beating this classic game. As a reward you can now play through it again with the maxed out skill levels available from the start. You will notice a small Triforce symbol near the mini-Link in the menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.0 Heart/Magic container checklist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below are the locations of all the Heart Containers and Magic Containers found in The Adventure of Link. They are listed in the order received in the walkthrough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heart Containers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below are the locations of the four extra Heart Containers Link can kind on his adventure throughout Hyrule. Check them off as you go. 1. [ ] - found in the southern part of Parapa desert; in the middle of a small forest. 2. [ ] - found in a blocked cave south of Rauru. 3. [ ] - found in the ocean above the Ocean Palace. 4. [ ] - found alone the shore near the 3-eyes Palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magic Containers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below are the locations of the four extra Magic Containers Link can kind on his adventure throughout Hyrule. Check them off as you go. 1. [ ] - found in the cave south of Zelda's Palace along the mountain side. 2. [ ] - found underneath the boulder outside of the cave you find the Hammer. 3. [ ] - found in the island maze on the west most path beyond the first second bridge. 4. [ ] - found in the second house of the hidden town of Kasuto if you have the other seven. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.0 Exp.Bags "P bags" and Link doll checklist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listed below are the location of all the "P-Bags" in the game. These give you an added boost to your experience points without having to battle monsters. Also listed below are the locations of the Link dolls that give you an extra life. They are in the order they are found in the walkthrough. Keep in mind that there are random P-Bags that enemies drop as well as to the ones listed below. ~~~~~~~ P Bags ~~~~~~~ 1. [ ] - 50 point bag found in the Parapa desert Palace in the middle of a dissolving bridge(A). 2. [ ] - 50 point bag found in the Swamp Palace in the middle of the falling block room(C). 3. [ ] - 200 point bag found in the north outside of the Swamp in southern Hyrule. 4. [ ] - 100 point bag found in the forest patch east of Saria. 5. [ ] - 100 point bag found underneath the block floor in the Island Palace being guarded by a Doomknocker(5). 6. [ ] - 100 point bag found on the fourth block platform(D); Island Palace. 7. [ ] - 200 point bag found in the forest patch to the south of the dock in eastern Hyrule. 8. [ ] - 500 point bag found in the cave directly south of the town of Nabooru. 9. [ ] - 500 point bag found in the hidden area accessible by following the mountain side near the above mentioned cave all the way to the east. 10. [ ] - 100 point bad found in the second hole in the ground being guarded by a Armored Blue Stalfos in the Island Maze Palace(3). 11. [ ] - 200 point bag found underneath the blocks before a key in the Island Maze palace(E). 12. [ ] - 100 point bag found on a tall block platform being guarded by a Blue Armored Stalfos in the Island Maze palace(I). 13. [ ] - 200 point bag found on a dissolving bridge above lava in the Ocean Palace(4). 14. [ ] - 200 point bag found above an elevator in the Ocean Palace(A). 15. [ ] - 200 point bag found behind some blocks being guarded by a Mace Thrower(B). 16. [ ] - 200 point bag found behind some blocks being guarded by a pair of Skulls and a single Red Ironknuckle(K). 17. [ ] - 50 point bag on top of the third set of blocks in a room in the Ocean Palace(L). 18. [ ] - 500 point bag found in the cave above the swamp in the south part of Hyrule on the east island. 19. [ ] - 500 point bag found in a forest area south of the lake in the south part of Hyrule on the east island. 20. [ ] - 100 point bag found near two skulls in the 3-eyes Palace(2). 21. [ ] - 200 point bag found to the right in the area below the fake floor in the 3-eyes Palace(A). 22. [ ] - 200 point bag in the first area of the looping jump in the 3-eyes Palace. 23. [ ] - 200 point bag in the third area of the looping jump in the 3-eyes Palace. 22. [ ] - 500 point bag found in Death Mountain; left of the split before the second enemy encounter. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Link Dolls ~~~~~~~~~~~ Link Dolls give Link an extra life; there are four found around the land map and a few within the last Great Palace. 1. [ ] - near the boulder in the swamp outside of the cave from Ruto. 2. [ ] - located on the western shore from the graveyard. 3. [ ] - found in the left lower corner of desert before the bridge to the island maze. 4. [ ] - found along the west mountain side in the swamp past the path blocked by the sleeping monster. 5. [ ] - found to the right of the dissolving bridge above the fall that leads to Volvagia(K) in the 3-eyes Palace; a Blue Ironknuckle guards it. 6. [ ] - found in the Great Palace beyond a few jumps in the area with the fairy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.0 Beastiary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This sections contains a full listing of all the enemies and bosses found in Zelda II: Adventure of Link. ~~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~~ Listed below are description of all the enemies found in Zelda II: Adventure of Link as well as the best way to defeat them. Any new ideas can be emailed to me at LtCmdData@gmail.com Bit ~~~ EXP Gained: 2 Red, slime like creature that slithers across the ground. Had no form of attack but will damage Link if it comes in contact with him. The best way to defeat is to simply duck and stab it. Bot ~~~ EXP Gained: 2 Blue, slime like creature that slithers across the ground: Bit's primary form of attack is a jump aimed at Link. Watch the jump and time your ducking sword strikes to defeat them. Lowder ~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 2 Blue, beetle like creatures that scurry back and forth on the ground. No main form of attack but Link will take damage if he comes in contact with one. Quick stabs or power beams from the sword will take care of the Lowder Geldarm ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 5 Tall standing snakes. Attack the body until it lowers down and then finish it by stabbing the head. Orange Moblin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 0 Orange, spear wielding moblins that run back and forth. If their spears come in contact with Link he will lose life and experience points if he has any. Quick standing stabs will defeat them with ease. Red Moblin ~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Red, spear wielding moblins that move back and forth while jabbing high and low with a spear. Links shield can block the spear so watch the movement of the spear to mix your attacks between high and low stabs. Blue Moblin ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Blue, spear wielding moblins that move back and forth while jabbing high and low with a spear only now they can toss the spear at Link if he tries to run. Links shield can block the spear so watch the movement of the spear to mix your attacks between high and low stabs. Orange Goriya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Orange, dog-like monsters that attack with boomerangs high and low. Watch for the movement of their arm to block the boomerang and then stab quickly. Red Goriya ~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Red, dog-like monster that attacks with boomerangs high and low. Throws them faster then the orange Goriya but can be defeated using the same strategy. Blue Goriya ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 30 Blue, dog-like monsters that attacks with boomerangs high and low. Throws much faster then the Orange and Red Goriya and can take a few more hits too. Megmat ~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 5 Blue, jumping creatures that resemble opossums. They bound across the area and if they land on Link he will take damage. Judge their leaps and strike with your sword or power beam to defeat the Megmat although running is a good choice too since the EXP gain isn't much. Moby ~~~~ EXP Gained: 2 An orange bird that comes from the top of the screen then races toward Link to cause damage with contact and steal some EXP. Better to dodge the Moby since the payout is low and the risk high but if you are quick you can kill them with strikes from the sword or power beam. Red Deeler ~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 2 Red, spiders that drop from the treetops on a web on top of Link. Easy to dodge and easier to defeat with sword jabs or power beam hits. Blue Deeler ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 3 Much like the Red Deeler but blue of course. Comes from the tree tops down by a web to land on the ground and jump around. Contact will cause damage. Quick sword strikes or power beams hits can destroy it. Tinsuit ~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 0 Orange, pig-men with capes. They do nothing but run toward you with their daggers aimed forward. If they hit Link he take damage and lose some EXP. A simple stab from Links sword or even a power beam will end the Tinsuit. Red Stalfos ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP: 30 Red, skeleton sword wielding warriors that drop at Link from the ceiling. As they fall they stab downward to try and hit Link. After hitting the ground the Red Stalfos will attack high with his sword. Watch the movement and block with your shield. When you have an opportunity duck and stab Red Stalfos in his legs to defeat him after a few hits. Blue Stalfos ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Blue, skeleton sword wielding warriors that drop at Link from the ceiling. As they fall they stab downward to try and hit Link. After hitting the ground the Blue Stalfos will attack high with his sword but unlike their Red compatriots the Blue Stalfos can also leap over Link and attempt to stab him downwards so be careful. Watch the movement and block with your shield. When you have an opportunity duck and stab Blue Stalfos in his legs to defeat him after a few hits; the first hit will stop his jumping so finish him off quick before he gets mobile again. Skull ~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Floating, glowing skulls that bounce around an area trying to damage Link. If they touch Link they take health and magic from him. Extremely resilient and hard to catch. Better to avoid them but if need be you can kill them by cornering them and laying into the with repeated swipes from your sword. Bago-Bago ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 3 Jumping skulls that shoot rocks and streak across the ground when they land. They cause Link damage as well as loss of EXP points when they come in contact with him. Easily stabbed to be killed but better to avoid them since they take more points then they give if you get hit Mace Thrower ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Big, red hairy beast that throws maces at Link in an arc while moving back and forth. Easy to defeat as long as you stay under the arc of the maces. Get near him without touching him and stab until dead. Orange Ironknuckle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exp Gained: 50 Orange, ironclad knights what attack with high sword swipes while moving toward Link. The only way to defeat them is to attack the head. Jump and stab at Orange Ironknuckle repeatedly until he is no more. Red Ironknuckle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 100 Red, ironclad knights what attack with high sword swipes while moving toward Link; moves much quicker then the Orange Ironknuckle and can take more hits to the head before falling. The only way to defeat them is to attack the head. Jump and stab at Red Ironknuckle repeatedly until he is no more. Blue Ironknuckle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 150 Blue, ironclad knights what attack with high sword swipes and can shoot power beams very quickly while moving toward Link; moves much quicker then the Red Ironknuckle and can take more hits to the head before falling. The only way to defeat them is to attack the head. Jump and stab at Blue Ironknuckle repeatedly until he is no more. Blue Ache ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 3 Blue bat that drops from the top of the screen to attack Link. Stabbed easily to be defeated. Purple Ache ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 3 These Ache masquerade as humans in the towns around Hyrule but they are actually agents of Gannon who try to trick you. When you talk to one they will talk back but then turn into the Purple Ache which will fly to the top of the town and then back down at you if you move underneath. Easily stabbed and killed like the Blue Ache. Sneaky bastards. Acheman ~~~~~~~ EXP: Gained: 10 Red bats that streak from the top of the area to land in humanoid form on the ground. Along with the dropping attack they can also shoot fireballs at Link. Kill them before they take humanoid form to make it easier on Link. Red Octoroc ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 10 Red, armored bug kind of creature. Shoots rocks at Link that his shield can block. Block or dodge the rock and hit Octoroc with the sword or power beams to defeat him. Blue Octoroc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Blue, armored bug kind of creature. Shoots rocks at Link that his shield can block. Block or dodge the rock and hit Blue Octoroc with the sword or power beams to defeat him. Unicorn Head ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Floating horse heads that have no form of attack other then to ram you. Can be hard to hit due to their up and down motion during travel. Best to avoid them but can be killed with a series of quick stabs; get them in fast to prevent them from getting away from you. Orange Unicorn Head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Floating horse heads that have no form of attack other then to ram you. Can be hard to hit due to their up and down motion during travel; they move much faster then their Blue namesake. Best to avoid them but can be killed with a series of quick stabs; get them in fast to prevent them from getting away from you. Wolf Head ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 5 Floating red, wolf heads that shoot rocks at Link. Contact with the rocks cause damage while contact with the Wolf Heads themselves will cause damage and a loss of EXP points. Block the rocks with your shield and then stab to defeat the Wolf Head. Orange Moa ~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Orange Moa flies back and forth at the top of the screen dropping fire to the ground below. They look like big flying eyeballs. Best to avoid them since they move quick and they cause substantial damage but a few swipes from Links sword will fall this beast. Red Moa ~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 10 Red Moa flies back and forth trying to ram Link to cause damage and steal EXP from him. They appear like big red, flying eyeballs and are easy to kill solo but can be deadly in a group. Stab them a few times in the eye to defeat them. Purple Moa ~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 30 Purple Moa flies back and forth trying to ram Link to cause damage and steal EXP from him. They appear like big purple, flying eyeballs and are easy to kill solo but can be deadly in a group. Stab them a few times in the eye to defeat them. Orange Daira ~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 70 Orange, rhino-men who swing an axe very quickly while running forward. These can tear Link to shreds very quickly so it's best to avoid them when possible but if you need the EXP bad enough they offer a decent amount. Best way to defeat them is to run forward and stab then rush the opposite way before they can hit Link with the axe. Repeat until Orange Daira falls. Red Daira ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 100 Red, rhino-men who throws axes at Link very quickly. Their rate of fire make them very deadly but the EXP pay off is great so use your best judgment when deciding to flee or fight. Best way to defeat them is to stab them quickly and jump over the axes or use the downstab on their heads if you have it. Myu ~~~ EXP Gained: 3 Small, spiky low-crawlers that move back and forth on the ground and can jump at Link attempting to push him off cliffs. Only way to defeat them is with the downstab. Digdogger ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Resemble floating red, eyes. Not to be confused with the Red Moa though. They don't offer much of a challenge by themselves but in a group they can ram Link to death quickly. Wait for Digdogger to open his eye then bounce on it using the downstab. Doomknocker ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 100 They look like armored knights that are sort of slumping. They throw clubs at Link that shoot forward then rush back. Avoid the clubs and bounce on his head using the downstab to defeat Doomknocker. Blue Armored Stalfos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 70 They look like the normal Blue Stalfos except they are wearing armor on their upper head and torso. They attack with upper strikes from the sword and also frequent jumps while stabbing down at Link. Defeat them by hitting them in the legs while avoiding their jumping stabs downward. Red Armored Stalfos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 They look like the normal Red Stalfos except they are wearing armor on their upper head and torso. They attack with upper strikes from the sword and also frequent jumps while stabbing down at Link. Defeat them by hitting them in the legs while avoiding their jumping stabs downward. Gohma ~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Blue, bouncing long legged spiders that are invulnerable against Links sword. They attack by jumping on Link and firing rocks at him. The only way to defeat the Gohma is to use the spell of Fire and shoot fireballs into its eye to defeat it. Leever ~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 10 Blue, bug-like tunneling enemies that travel under the ground beneath Link then try to pop up underneath him. Strike a few times with the sword when they are above ground to defeat. Easy to bounce on with the downstab. Bee ~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Blue bees that fly back and forth all around Link dropping rocks on him and trying to fly into him. Vulnerable to fire but the best way to defeat a Bee is to use the upward stab to gut it. Scorpion ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 150 Blue scorpions that can shoot fire from its tail as well as ram Link. Stab it in the eye or bounce on his head when the eye is opened to defeat it. Also vulnerable to fire if you want to take it out from a distance. Basilisk ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 Blue, reptilian creatures that move on all fours and attack by standing up on the hind legs to fire rocks at Link. Only way to defeat a Basilisk is to shoot it with fire while blocking the rocks with the shield. Wizzrobe ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: Wizards that shoot magic beams at Link then disappear and re-appear all over the area. They are invulnerable to sword; the only way to kill them is to cast the spell of Reflect and bounce their beams back at them off your shield. Wizard ~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 200 Tough, orange wizards that cast fire toward Link then disappear. They are vulnerable to sword stabs but they are tricky to catch since they disappear quickly. Worth the effort for a nice 200 EXP though. Orange Lizardman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 150 Walking lizard like men equipped with a spear and a shield. They attack and are defeated in the same way as the Orange Ironknuckles only they move quicker and require more hits to defeat based on your attack level. Red Lizardman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 100 Walking red lizards that are armed with a mace and shield which they use to defend and attack. They block with the shield and swing the mace at Links upper body. Attack and kill them just like you would any of the Ironknuckles; by jumping and stabbing the head. Blue Lizardman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 200 Walking blue lizards that are armed with a mace and shield which they use to defend and attack. They block with the shield and throw the maces at Links upper body. Attack and kill them just like you would any of the Ironknuckles; by jumping and stabbing the head. Firebird ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 200 Big, red birds that spit fire in an arch at Link while hopping back and forth in a quick pattern. They can take a lot of hits before dying even with a maxed attack skill. Get under the fire arch and stab them repeatedly without letting him jump into you to defeat him. Red Birdknight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 70 These guys are tough bastards. They look like armored birds and fight like Blue Ironknuckle with one exception, they can jump over Link back and forth. Defeat them by jumping and hitting the head while evading the power-beams but evade them whenever possible. They risk isn't worth the EXP gained. Blue Birdknight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: These guys are tough bastards. They look like armored birds and fight like Blue Ironknuckle with one exception, they can jump over Link back and forth. The Blue variant jumps and shoots much faster then the Red. Defeat them by jumping and hitting the head while evading the power-beams but evade them whenever possible. They risk isn't worth the EXP gained. Super Bot ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 10 These guys look just like the normal blue, slime Bot only are more resilient to attack and offer a little more in the way of EXP. Found only in the Great Palace. Red Rope ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 20 Red, snake heads that jump and shoot rocks at Link. Offer no real threats so just bounce on their heads with the downstab or stab them in the front or back to defeat. Big Skull ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 0 Large, glowing skulls with horns. They bounce about the room and can steal magic from Link if he comes in contact with them. Can be killed by repeated sword swipes but they offer no rewards. Big Bot ~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: up to 50. A giant blue Bot that, when hit once, turns into five Super Bots that will try to gang up on you. These can be killed like normal. Not much of a threat but a nice surprise to see if you didn't know it's coming. ~~~~~~~ Bosses ~~~~~~~ Listed below are description of all the bosses found in Zelda II: Adventure of Link as well as the best way to defeat them. Any new ideas can be emailed to me at LtCmdData@gmail.com Horsehead ~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 50 An armored walking horse-man. Attacks with a mace that strikes Link head high. Easy enough to beat for your first boss. Jump forward toward him, strike his head with your sword and them move away from his mace. Done quickly you can defeat him without ever being hit. Helmethead ~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 200 A blue, tall armored knight who attacks by spitting rocks at Link. Contact with these rocks or Helmethead himself will result in damage. Defeat him by knocking his helmet off and then beating his uncovered head until this boss falls. Ironknuckle ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 300 Looks just like a normal Blue Ironknuckle except he rides a floating horse into battle during the first stage of the fight. Knock him off the horse by down stabs to the head then finish him off like a normal Ironknuckle while evading his power-beams. Carock ~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 300. Like a large red, Wizzrobe but transports around/fires quicker. Bounce his beams back while crouching to defeat this surprisingly easy boss. Gooma ~~~~~ EXP Gained: 500 Gooma is a large, fat man wearing a crown and swinging a mace at Link. Contact with the mace or Gooma himself can cause serious damage. You have to leap over the mace when he launches it and then stab Gooma in the cut to kill him. Volvagia ~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 700 Volvagia is a large snake that comes out of the lava to shoot fireballs at Link. His head is the only part of him that can be damaged. Either bounce on his head with the downstab or use the upward stab to get him in the jaw; the whole time making sure now to fall into the lava. Thunderbird ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: 1500 Big, red bird that flies around shooting fire out of its mouth. Use the spell of Thunder to turn him blue and then assault his face while avoiding the fire from its mouth to defeat it. Shadow Link ~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP Gained: None The evil representation of Ganon's will to come back to the world. Does the opposite of what Link does. You must trick him into taking damage by waiting for him to leap over you and then stabbing him before he lands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8.0 Secrets and hints. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - when you place a crystal in the statue at the end of a palace you are boosted to the next EXP level. You might consider saving the crystals until latter on to get the higher levels with less work or maybe to collect six extra lives for the last battle. -you can use the spell of Fairy to go through locked doors if don't have any keys. - A handy glitch in this port lets you cast spells while saving magic. When you grab a magic refill jar if you quickly switch to your spell menu, select a spell and then use it while the meter is still being filled from the jar you just grabbed the spell will be cast and the meter will continue to fill, making up for the difference in magic that the spell just used. You have to be quick to get it to work right; I've gotten this to fill it all the way back up sometimes but it appears to be based on just how fast you get it done. - a little fun secret is that you can use the sword to bounce on the little kid you rescue. Don't know why that is worth nothing...... If you have any others then email me or better yet submit then to GameFAQ's and I'll update the guide from there with credit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.0 Contact and Copyright Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd like to thank www.videogamesprites.net for helping me out on the correct spelling of some of the enemy names not found in the manual. They feature some great sprite sets so check them out sometime. Also GameFAQ's contributor Lisanne who helped me with a few things relating to layout and Copyright info. Finally, GameFAQ's contributor StarFighter76 whose maps for the NES version of Adventure of Link helped me refresh a few things during the creation of this guide. This guide is Copyright 2005 Christopher Long. This guide may be not be reproduced in whole or in part under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Should you have any questions about issues not raised in this FAQ, or should you wish to contact me regarding seeking my permission to place this guide on your site, please e-mail me: AwingPilot@gmail.com Please mention this FAQ in the subject line of your e-mail. If you are seeking my permission to put this on your site, please include the URL of your site in the e-mail. If you don't include the URL, the answer will be no. At present, this guide may only be shown on www.gamefaqs.com and www.hyrule.net. If you see this guide on any other site, please notify me through e-mail immediately. I'd love to hear from anyone who found this guide helpful so drop me a line if you feel like it and feel free to point out any errors in the factual information, spelling or grammar. I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~EOF~