****************************************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Zelda II * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T H E A D V E N T U R E O F L I N K ****************************************************************************** A Comprehensive FAQ/Walkthrough for Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on the NES. ------------------------------ | By Colin Moriarty (CMoriarty) | E-Mail: cmoriarty311@cs.com | Date: January 04, 2002 | Version: Final ------------------------------ This FAQ, and all 11 other of my FAQ/Walkthroughs, are now dedicated to the over 6,000 innocent people killed in the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks in New York City, New York, and Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2001. To all of the innocent working people, and FDNY Firemen, as well as other emergency workers, you will always be remembered. We won't stop until we bring these criminals to justice, your deaths were NOT IN VAIN! God Bless America, death to all terrorists of all races everywhere. ------------------------------------------------------ -> http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4280.html <- ------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: This document was created using Microsoft Word with a 7" width, and is best viewed using either your browser (preferably MSIE 5.0 or higher), and a screen setting of 800x600 pixels or more. If the guide seems jumbled up and not quite right looking, it's not the guide, but your screen and computer settings. If you do experience this problem, you probably have your screen settings on 640x480 pixels or less, which is rare but hey, it could be you. Sorry about whatever problems this may cause. IGN.com is now allowed to host all of my FAQs. Although the disclaimer says only GameFAQs can use my FAQs, IGN.com is now a legal host of all of my work. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S... --------- --- --------------- I.)........... | Legal Disclaimer II.).......... | Versions of the Guide III.)......... | Introduction IV.).......... | Storyline/Plot V.)........... | Characters VI.).......... | Controls VII.)......... | Terrain VIII.)........ | Game Physics and Mechanics (Battles and Movement, et cetera) IX.).......... | Other Pre-Game Vitals (Saving, Leveling Up the Menu, etc.) X.)........... | WALKTHROUGH XI.).......... | Game Ending (SPOILERS!) XII.)......... | Weapons/Items/Accessories XIII.)........ | Enemies XIV.)......... | Bosses XV.).......... | Magic XVI.)......... | Town Archive (Town Information, Words of the Townfolk, etc.) XVII.)........ | Secrets XVIII.)....... | General FAQ XIX.)......... | In Closing XX.).......... | About the Author _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION I ^LEGAL DISCLAIMER^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is copyrighted (c) 2001-2002 to Colin Moriarty, and is the intellectual property of Colin Moriarty. This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is only to be found on GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com). If you are reading and/or found this file ANYWHERE else but GameFAQs, please contact the author, Colin Moriarty, immidiately, at cmoriarty311@cs.com. This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is protected under International Copyright Laws, and it is prohibited to take any piece of this document and reproduce it in anyway without the written consent of the author, Colin Moriarty. Any website or other medium found to have this document without permission will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. Please don't e-mail me and ask to have this document on your webpage. It's too frustrating for me to keep track of all of the webpages that have my document(s) on their page, especially the smaller, domain-less fan sites. GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) is the only, and I repeat, THE ONLY webpage allowed to have this document on his website, GameFAQs.com. CJayC, owner and operator of GameFAQs is the only person allowed to use this document on a webpage, so please, I repeat once more, no e-mails regarding using this document on your webpage. If you do e-mail me about it, your e-mail will be promptly erased and ignored. You ARE allowed to download this off of GameFAQs and keep it on your computer's harddrive for personal use, as long as the document is not edited or otherwise distributed except for personal use. You can even print out the entire FAQ or portions therein to share with a friend who also needs help in the game. Just please don't distribute it as your own, sell it for profit, et cetera. Well, you guys get the idea. Onward. _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION II ^VERSIONS OF THE GUIDE^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This version of the guide currently is version 1.00. Version Information: Version: Final Date: January 04, 2002 Percent Complete: 100% Version Entails: The complete guide is here! Still To Come: This is it, the final version! No more updates to the guide... but feel free to e-mail me your questions and comments on the game, and any of my other FAQs, regardless, at cmoriarty311@cs.com. --PAST VERSIONS-- Version: 1.00 Date: December 20, 2001 Percent Complete: 100% Version Entails: The complete guide is here! Still To Come: The next version after this release will be the last and final version of the guide. Version: 0.80 Date: December 18, 2001 Percent Complete: 80% Version Entails: Most of the guide and most if not all of every section. Still To Come: The next version after this release will be the last and final version of the guide. Version: 0.10 Date: October 30, 2001 Percent Complete: 10% Version Entails: Still To Come: A lot more... stay tuned, friends! _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION III ^INTRODUCTION^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Welcome, friends, videogame fans, boys and girls, people of all ages! =) I am Colin Moriarty, your author, host, whatever you wanna call me. This is my 12th FAQ/Walkthrough for GameFAQs, and this one is for Zelda II: The Adventures of Link, for the NES Nintendo Entertainment System, my favorite system of all time. Nine of my eleven other FAQ/Walkthroughs are for the NES as well so if you're a fan of the system, check them out sometime. =) Anyway, enough shameless plugging! Zelda II: The Adventures of Link was released by Nintendo in 1988 for the Famicom in Japan and the NES in the USA. A game of pretty epic proportions for its time, it takes a different approach from the first Zelda game, also for the NES and Famicom, released in 1986. This isn't uncommon for NES games, however. Look at other NES famed series... including Super Mario Brothers and Castlevania, and you'll see that the sequel to the original game strays from the beaten path. People enjoy this installment of Zelda, as they do the second installments of the above-mentioned series'. To some, those are actually their favorites. While I can't say that this Zelda is my absolute favorite Zelda (I'm partial to Zelda: A Link to the Past m'self on the SNES), it still stands strong as a great action/adventure/RPG hybrid with a pretty high difficulty level and pretty long length for a primitive, late 1980s NES game. So I hope that this walkthrough helps you in your quest to beat the game, or at least get you unstuck in a certain part of the game that you're stuck at. Hell, maybe I'll enlighten you on some secrets in the game too, we'll see! Enjoy! -Colin Moriarty (cmoriarty311@cs.com) _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION IV ^STORYLINE/PLOT^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The plot and/or storyline of the second installment to the Zelda series is pretty deep, and complicated. Below is, word for word, the storyline from the instruction booklet that goes along with the game, and then at the end I'll reitterate some things and explain and clarify other things. It's always fun to actually understand a storyline to a game, isn't it? =) The following, is copyrighted to the Nintendo corporation, (c) 1988, from the Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. REPEATED - I did not right the following, it's straight from the booklet for you, the reader, and to your understanding of the storyline. THE STORY OF THE ADVENTURE OF LINK At the end of a fierce fight, Link overthrew Ganon, took back the Triforce and rescued Princess Zelda. However, is it all really finished? Many seasons have passed since then. Hyrule was on the road to ruin. The power that the vile heart of Ganon has left behind was causing chaos and disorder in Hyrule. What's more, even after the fall of Ganon, some of his underlings remained waiting for Ganon's return. The Key to Ganon's return was the blood of Link - the valiant lad who overthrew the King of Evil. Ganon would be revived by sacrificing Link and sprinkling his blood on the ashes of Ganon. Meanwhile, Link remained in the little kingdom of Hyrule and lent his hand to its restoration. But circumstances did not look very good. One day, a strange mark, exactly like the crest of the kingdom, appeared on the back of Link's hand as he approached his 16th birthday. The worried Link, went to Impa, Princess Zelda's nursemaid who was shocked and frightened when she saw the birthmark. When she regained her composure, she took Link to the North Castle. There was a door in North Castle called "the door that does not open." Only the decendants of the Impa family who served the king knew how to open the door. Impa took Link's left hand and pressed the back of it against the door. There was a sound of a locking falling open, the door slowly creaked open and there on an alter in the middle of the room lay a beautiful woman. "Here lies Princess Zelda." Impa began to speak calmly. "Link, the time has come when I must tell you the legend of Zelda handed down in Hyrule. It is said that a long ago, when Hyrule was one country, a great ruler maintained the peace in Hyrule using the Triforce. However, the king too was a child of man and he died. Then, the prince of the kingdom should have become and king and inherited everything, but he could inherit the Triforce only in part. The Prince searched everywhere for the missing parts, but could not find them. Then, a magician close to the king brought him some unexpected news. Before he died, the king had said something about the Triforce to only the younger sister of the prince, Princess Zelda. The prince immediately questioned the princess, but she wouldn't tell him anything. After the prince, the magician threatened to put the princess into an eternal sleep if she did not talk, but still, she said nothing." "In his anger, the magician tried to cast a magic spell on the princess. The surprised prince tried to stop him, but the magician fought off the prince and went on chanting the spell. Then, when the spell was finally cast, Princess Zelda fell on that spot and entered a sleep from which she might never awake. At the same time, the magician also fell down and breathed his last." "In his grief, the prince placed the princess in this room. He hoped that someday she would come back to life. So that this tragedy would never be forgotten, he ordered that every female child born intothe royal household shall be given the name Zelda." From the stand next to the alter where Princess Zeldalay in a deep sleep, Impa took six crystals and a scroll with the same crest and handed them to Link. "For generations, my family has been handed down these things which have been set aside for a time when a great king will come. They are written in an ancient script that no-one can read now. But you who have the crest may be able to read it. It is said that the key to uniting the Triforce is hidden there. Now it is time for you to read it." Link glanced at the scroll half in doubt, but what do you know? Although he had never seen the letters before, he found that he could read them as if they were talking to him. This was written on the scroll. "You who'll control the Triforce of the future. I shall hand down to you the secrets of the Triforce. There are three kinds of Triforce - Power, Wisdom, and Courage. When these three are brought together, the Triforce will show its maximum power. Of the three, I left Power and Wisdom in the kingdom. But the Triforce Courage I have hidden for a reason." "Not everybody can use the Triforce. It requires a strong character with no evil thoughts. But an inborn special quality is also necessary. Unfortunatly, I have not found such a person during my lifetime." "Therefore, I have decided to cast a spell on all of Hyrule. A crest will appear on a young man with the character who has been brought up correctly, has gained many kinds of experiences and reached a certain age. But, what will happen if someone else uses the Triforce before then? If it misused, it will produce many evils." "The Triforce of Courage is hidden in the Great Palace in the Valley of Death on the largest island in Hyrule. However, to enter there you must first fight the guardians and undo the "binding force." When you have defeated the guardians, which I made to prevent enemies from invading the six palaces in Hyrule, set a crystal in the forehead of the statue you find.When you have set crystals in all of the statues in the six palaces, the "binding force" places on the Valley of Death will be removed and you will be able to enter the great palace. There, you must fight the last guardian. And you can obtain the Triforce only by defeating the guardian." "There's nothing to fear. You are the one to get the Triforce. You are the beacon of hope for Hyrule." Impa implored Link, who raised his head slowly after reading the scroll. "The magic spell cast upon Princess Zelda will sure to be broken if the Triforce is used." "Please, Link. Unite the Triforce and save the princess. And bring back peace to Hyrule." Link nodded silently in approval, and left the room after taking a long glance at the altar. Then, with a magical sword in his left hand anda shield in his right, he set off alone on his long travels. At that time, Ganon's underlings were calling up new allies from the Underworld, and were beginning to work devilishly toward the revival of Ganon. ---END BOOKLET SEGMENT, copyrighted Nintendo (c) 1988--- Whew! Did you get all of that? I hope so! =) So basically, the story is explained in detail above. But to reitterate... Link is a few years older in this game then he was in the first game... yet many gamers now speculate that it might be an error on Nintendo's part - this game might have truly taken place before the first game, a prequel of sorts. Anyhow, Link basically gets the imperial emblem of the Triforce on his hand on the day he turns 16 and goes to see the wise Impa, who works for Hyrule's royal family, to ask about it. She takes Link, after realizing the significance of the marking on his hand, to the North Palace where a whole scene unfolds. Impa gives him someback info on the royal family, and of Princess Zelda, and then hands him the imperial scrolls no one can read. But Link can! WOOHAH! =) Now Link has a special quest to unite the Triforce and save Hyrule from the neverending threat from Ganon and his minions! _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION V ^CHARACTERS^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There aren't really any significant characters in the game that take place throughout... this is, after all, a primitive NES RPG! However, just take a gander below for the antagonist and the protagonist in your upcoming adventures. >>>Link Link is the hero, your character, in the game. Equipped with a sword, a shield, and a destiny, Link discovers the true meaning behind his life on the day he turns 16, when an emblem appears on his hand. When he follows it up with Impa, the trusted servant of the royal family of Hyrule, he discovers that it's more then he could have ever imagined. Now he's on a quest to stop the evils of Ganon once more and forever save the lands of Hyrule by completing the Triforce! >>>Ganon Ganon is the enemy in all of the Zelda games on all of the platforms, and is often refered to Ganondorf, the Prince of Darkness. After his defeat in the original Zelda on the NES, he is attempting to come back and revive his quest to get the Triforce and rule all of Hyrule and the world. Stop him from being revived! Kill his minions and take the Triforce back for the people of Hyrule! >>>Zelda Zelda is in a deep sleep in this game and doesn't play a huge part except for in the game's backstory. She was put asleep by a great magician when she wouldn't disclose the secrets of the Triforce that her father told only her when he died years back. Can you save Hyrule and rescue the Princess!? _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION VI ^CONTROLS^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Obviously the controls for the game aren't going to be too complicated, as the NES controller is very basic. Below is an ASCII model of the NES controller, and after that, explanations of what each button do. Okay? Coolio. _______________________________ | | | _ Nintendo | | _| |_ | ||_ o _| SELECT START | | |_| [ ] [ ] o o | | o o o o | |_______________________o_A__o_B| The Directional Pad (D-Pad) - Move Link up, down, left and right on the world map. Move him left and right in dungeons and caves. Hold whatever direction to jump in a certain direction. Use the D-Pad to navigate through the game menus as well. A Button - On the world map, press A to use your hammer once you acquire it. In dungeons and caves, palaces, and while engaging enemies in battle, press A to jump, holding the D pad in the direction you wanna go. B Button - On the world map, press B to use your flute once you acquire it. In dungeons and caves, palaces, and while engaging enemies in battle, press B to swing your sword at your enemy, facing the way you want to fight! Start Button - To pause and then restart the game. Also, to bring up the menu screen in the game. Select Button - In battle, press the Select button to get to your magic list. If it's not a battle spell and you want to use it outside of battle, you can do that as well. _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION VII ^TERRAIN^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The terrain in the game is very important. It can hinder the speed at which you can travel, and also the strength of attacking enemies while on the world map. Take a gander below for explanations of the various landscapes and what they hold in store for ya. (in alphabetical order) The desert is harsh terrain with pretty strong enemies. These sandy colored regions hold experience in its enemies, but these vast expanses of nothingness can do a job on Link if he isn't properly prepared and leveled up, so make sure to be before entering any desert region! These thick green landscapes are on the outer rims of most plains areas. They hold weak and strong enemies alike, but fighting in these areas can prove trecherous. Mountains are those brown peaks throughout the game. No use talking about them though, you can't go across them. =) They are simply barriers. The Plains are usually surrounding the roads and have the weakest brand of enemies wandering around it. Expect to see these green areas all over the place. In the early going you'll want to wander around these areas to fight weaker enemies and upity (is that a word?) your experience levels! The road is your only safehaven in the game. Traveling one hundred percent on the brown road provided through the game will keep you from having any enemy encounters, but you'll need to stray off the beaten path many times in your journey, so don't take that convenience to heart, eh. =) Swamps hold very strong enemies and hinder Links movement by half speed. These greenish spotted areas should be avoided as much as possible, although you'll need to cross various swamps throughout your journey, that's inavoidable. These blue areas on the outside of the Hyrule area (as well as in the rivers and seas running through Hyrule) are impassable, so don't worry too much about them. =) _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION VIII ^GAME PHYSICS AND MECHANICS^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This part is basically just a discussion (a short but relevant one) on the "physics and mechanics" in Zelda II. Zelda II doesn't play, at all, like the other Zeldas in the series. It's much more of an RPG then an action/adventure game, and that makes it good in some senses, but you must realize a few things about battling, towns, et cetera. The game is linear so moving from place to place is basically set up, like a Dragon Warrior game, for instance. This isn't bad though; it gives you more of a direction in your quest. Battles take place not one on one on the world map, but when you run into a group of monsters on the world map, which literally warps you to a battle sequence. In these sequences, you can go left or right to leave and have to battle numerous enemies to get out alive. It's actually a great idea, a great execution of a primitive NES battle system, that has yet to really be duplicated since. Additionally, movement is limited to the world map on the designated paths if you want to be safe from monsters. Straying off the path is necessary almost always and it's really not a crime to stray off the beaten path to fight some monsters, it's actually quite necessary. In the above section, the terrains in the game are discussed. Depending on area and terrain, you'll encounter weaker and stronger enemies. Try to challenge yourself by fighting enemies that are stronger than you, but don't get carried away! When you do decide to battle enemies, realize that this isn't like other Zelda games in the aspect that there are no weapons other than your sword to use. No bow and arrow, no boomerang. Just your sword and shield. There is a small array of magic to use in the game as well, so use those to your advantage, but watch your magic points! _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION IX ^OTHER PRE-GAME VITALS^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are a few other things you should know before proceeding to the next section of the guide - the walkthrough. Amongst these things are saving, experience points and leveling up. To save your game, you have to have your character in the game "die." When your lives are depleted the game over screen will appear. You can continue or you can save from here. To save, simply select save, and then shut your NES off. Make sure to hold down the reset button when you turn off your Nintendo! If you don't, there's always that chance that the game's battery will lose your saved data, and that would quite simply SUCK! Experience points and leveling up is another vital area of the game that I will briefly discuss. To get stronger in the game in the three areas of "life" "magic" and "strength" you have to defeat enemies. When an enemy is defeated, you get experience points. The harder the enemy is the more experience points you get. When you level up you have a choice of what to enhance (depending on if you have the necessary amount of points). Try to level up the different areas evenly, one by one. Keep in mind that when your lives are depleted, your levels remain but you lose all other experience points, so be careful! _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION X ^WALKTHROUGH^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Welcome to the walkthrough section of the guide! Hope you find it helpful! Here we go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ |ONE| North Castle and Surrounding Areas ¯¯¯ As you begin the game, you're in North Castle, where Zelda's body is in it's eternal sleep. From here, move around the castle and get used to the controls (they are basic, trust me) and then move left or right, down the enemy-less corridor and outside to the world map. On the worldmap, you'll be on a pathway. Remaining on the pathway will result in no enemy encounters. And our objective right now is to have a few of those to level up. Get off of the path into the surrounding plains areas and forest areas near North Palace and fight enemies, gaining experience points. You'll need a total of 250 experience points (50, 100 and 150) to level each area up to level 2. Do that in the surrounding areas, then procede to the next paragraph. =) Obviously our first primary objective is to go to the first Palace and do our thing there, but before we do we got some other crap that we should probably take care of first! If you follow the path from North Castle east, then north, and then start going west towards a town to the west, there is a one block forest patch there. Enter it.Fight off the Ache enemies (they are bats, in essence) and grab the P Bag for 50 automatic experience points. Booyah. =) After you grab that bag, head back down and go east to the town we just passed up. This is the town of Rauru, and we have some business to take care of here. ___ |TWO| The Town of Rauru ¯¯¯ Rauru is the first town we encounter in the game, due east from the North Castle and the path extending east from the North Castle. Once in the town, head left. As you head left through this town, make sure to talk to EVERYONE! However, Section XVI in this guide is the Town Archive, which is a collection of what to do in each town, and also, what everyone in the town says, in case you're too damn lazy to talk to everyone yourself. =) I'll provide instructions on the important stuff to do here, however. And we'll come back here later, but it's good to familiarize yourself with the locations in the game early. Once in town, talk to everyone. The third or fourth house from the left before the overpass is silver. Talk to the woman there and go in her house after she invites you in and she'll heal you. Then go left under the overpass into the next area of town. Go left past the massive two story building and to the silver building, one story, next to it. Wait for a woman in purple to come out and talk to her. She'll tell you to talk to her father before leaving the town and invite you in. Go in the house and talk to her when you get in there. Then pass by her and enter the door which leads into the basement. Go right down the corridor and the old man will automatically teach you your first spell, the Shield Spell, which he tells you to use to survive in the Parapa Desert! You have the spell which is the primary reason to be in the town, so you can talk to everyone else in the town and hear what they have to say, and then leave. You can go west and north a bit on the path from the town of Rauru to the town of Ruto, but there's really not a whole lot we can do there yet. Instead, I suggest heading north from Rauru, to the Rauru Cave straight ahead. There IS a cave north of the North Castle past the topmost path in the desert, but we'll ignore that until we get the candle in Parapa Palace. _____ |THREE| Rauru Cave and the Parapa Desert Region ¯¯¯¯¯ Once you enter Rauru Cave, head left, jumping over ledges as you go. Carefully watch the floor (as in the dark you can't very well see the enemies now can you) and you'll eventually see some movement, which means an enemy is there. Slay the enemy, he's easy, and then continue left through the cave. You'll come out on the other side of the mountain range in a desert. Once in this desert, head east, and then south down the slim area wedged in between the sea on the right and the mountains on the left. You'll eventually come to a path. As you walk south down the path you'll automatically enter a scene where you have to jump left to right, platform to platform, while avoiding dangerous bubbles coming from below. Once you get across this area you'll be allowed you continue. Enter the forested area at the south end of the path and you'll be in a stonehenge like area. Avoid the boomerang-throwing enemies best you can and retrieve the heart piece. Then head back north and across the bubble area again. Enter Parapa Palace at the north end of Parapa Desert, the first of six palaces on our journey. ____ |FOUR| Palace 1 - Parapa Palace ¯¯¯¯ _________ ________________________ START E| |E K K| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________| |______________________________________| |____ |K E LD E E F | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ______________________________| | | |______________________ |C LD BRIDGE E| |E LD BOSS| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ KEY - E = Elevator K = Key LD = Locked Door C = Candle F = Fairy Once you enter the Parapa Palace, head right and enter the Palace Proper via the elevator all the way at the right of the screen. Take the elevator down to the ground level, and head left from the elevator, killing off the enemies as you go. Once you get all the way to the left, simply go into the next area heading left. As you go left in this area, kill the Bots and Stalfos as you go, and all the way at the far left of this room is a key. Grab the key, then head back right to the elevator. Once back at the elevator, simply continue to your right killing enemies as you go and into the next area. In this area go right a bit and approach the locked door. When you hit into it you'll use your key and you'll be able to procede forward. Kill the Horsehead enemies as you go and get to the elevator that you first come across. Instead of going down it, ignore it for now and procede to your right. As you continue right, there are Stalfos in your path. Carefully defeat them, and procede right. Kill the Bots and avoid the flying skulls as you continue right on your path. Once you get to the next elevator, go right to the next room and grab the fairy, I'm sure you'll need it, and allow it to rejuvinate your health. Then, head back to the elevator just to your left and go up. Go right on the top floor, killing Horseheads as you go. You'll come across a key in your path. Pick it up and go right and into the next area. More enemies come at you here, Bots and Horseheads. As you get all the way to the right you'll face off with a Cyclopse. Kill him (avoid the bombs he throws) and collect the key he drops. Also, the statue all the way at the right of the screen there, swipe your sword at it to get a health potion. Drink it up, then head back down the elevator to the previous floor, but don't go down again! Instead, head back left to the elevator we ignored before. Go down this elevator and down to the floor below. Here you can only go left, so head left. Down the corridors, kill the enemies as you go and avoid the skulls. They can't be destroyed, and some move faster than others, so be careful! When you get far enough left, past some Bots, you'll be on a bridge that crumbles under Link's feet. Jump across it quickly and pick up the P Bag that's there for 50 experience points for doing nothing. =) Then, continue left into the next area. Here, you'll have to fight both a Cyclopse and an Iron Knuckle. Iron Knuckles are pains, and they have shields, so be patient and defensive when battling them. Once he's defeated, head left and through the locked door, and grab the Candle! Now we can head back right to the elevator and go back up. Once back on the main floor, head back to the elevator near where the fairy was, and take it down this time. We're on the final leg of this dungeon! Once down the elevator, you'll have to battle an Iron Knuckle. Defeat the foe and then procede right, killing the Stalfos as you go. Once right some more you'll get to a locked door. Use your final key on the locked door and defeat the Cyclopse here. Then defeat yet ANOTHER Iron Knuckle. You should probably be low on the energy by now... but that's okay, because go right a bit more and we're at the first boss, Horsehead! The Horsehead boss is pretty easy... you'll want to cast Shield on yourself beforeyou engage him, however. You'll know that the spell has taken effect because the screen will flash and your outfit will become red. You'll take half damage now! Horsehead is a slow moving enemy with a club in hand, which is his only attack. He only swings his club if you draw too near to him, however. So jump in and slice his head (the only place he's vulnerable), and then jump back before he swings his club. Repeat this several times until he is defeated. Pick up the key he drops when he perishes, then go right and open the door. Head right and place the crystal in the head of the statue there. Then, head right through the statue to the outside. The Parapa Palace is history - time for leg two of the journey. ____ |FIVE| Retreiving the Trophy and Another Side Quest ¯¯¯¯ Before I go on, I'll state that you should be around level 3 in everything. As of now, I am Level 4 Health, Level 3 Magic and Level 2 Attack. So if you're there, that's good for now. From the ruins of Parapa Palace, head south through the desert, back through the cave, and back to the region with Rauru and the North Castle. Take the path north and through the desert going north 'til you come to a cave in the very north on the shoreline. Enter this cave. This cave can be pretty tricky. As you head left, kill the bat you come across and then carefully kill the red enemies (Octotorks) and jump over the various ditches with some sort of poisonous water below. Make sure not to get hit into these holes, or you will die! When you get all the way to the left in the cave, kill the boomerang throwing enemy, which clears the way so that you can pick up the trophy on the pedestal behind him! Beautiful! Now, one more side quest to do! Go back south from the cave after exiting it to North Castle, then continue south through the forested area at the west of the Castle. Keep heading south down into a plains area, and into a cave. Once inside the cave, head right and kill the various cave dwelling enemies as you go, not only the blue Lowder enemies that are pretty easy, but also, the Octoroks that are in the little ditches at the end. You have to wait for them to jump, then hit them and block what they shoot at you. When you get all the way to the right, grab the Magic Container (!) and then leave the cave. Now simply go back on the path north of North Castle and follow it west to the next town - Ruto. ___ |SIX| The Town of Ruto and Ruto Cave ¯¯¯ Once in the town of Ruto, we have a few objectives. Talk to everyone around town and utilize the two houses that you can heal your health and magic at if need be. In the second half of town, once you have the trophy, meet a girl in red outside of her house and she'll commend you on getting the trophy back and invite you inside to see her uncle. Her uncle is the mage of the town, and once you enter the house and go into the basement, all the way to the right, he'll teach you the spell of Jump, which allows you to jump extraordinarily high. Very cool. We're down in Ruto now, so when you get the Jump spell and heal up and talk to everyone there, leave town and head south to the cave due south of the town. Enter the cave. Once in the cave head right and kill the various cave dwelling enemies (using your shield to block their projectiles as you go). When you get near the end of the section you'll battle a boomerang weilding enemy. Beat him and block his boomerangs, and enter into the second segment of the cave. In this area, do the same thing basically as you head right and again, towards the end, kill the boomerang enemy. To the right of this enemy go into the next and final area. From here, head right andkill the Aches, then at the far right of this final area, you'll want to use your jump spell you learned in Ruto and use it to jump to the higher level. Then go right and exit the cave, and welcome to another portion of Hyrule. _____ |SEVEN| Saria Region, Bagu's House, This That and the Other Thing ¯¯¯¯¯ Once in the southern region here, head south and fight some enemies as you go. If you need health, there is a lone patch of forest to the right of the cave entrance with a fairy in there, so get it if need be. Then head south. Traverse through the slow moving swamps (and avoid enemies there if possible, that's hazardous terrain), then head eastward. As you head east there should be a forest sector. Head into the forest and go into the middle of it. If you hit the right square you'll be in front of a house, which is Bagu's house. (if you run into an enemy scene, exit it and head one block up to Bagu's house). If you don't know what I'm talking about, my good friend Devin Morgan made a good map you can find on GameFAQs where you found this FAQ which explains it well (thanks to Dev). If you want the URL directly to the .jpg Devin made, go here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/zelda_ii_baju.jpg. Enter his house and talk to him. He'll tell you to show the man in Saria his note. This will come in handy. So now you can exit his house. From his house, head south back onto the path, and follow the southern branch of the path all the way down to Saria town. Before you head into town, branch off eastward of the path and enter the lone patch of forest next to town. Enter that area and fight the enemies, then pick up the bag of 100 experience points. NOW enter the town o' Saria. _____ |EIGHT| The Town of Saria ¯¯¯¯¯ Saria is a "water town" and is very big indeed. There are effectivly three areas of the town, so lets explore them now, eh. In Saria, talk to everyone, heal up your life and magic meters and whatnot, and then we can get down to our primary objectives while we're here. First thing's first - when you talk to the woman in purple in front of the large two story house in the first part of Saria, she'll tell you she lost her mirror. You'll need to get it back for her. To get it, head right and into the second part of town. Right when you enter the second half of the town, before crossing the short bridge to your right, there should be a small hut. Enter it and approach the table there at the right end of the hut. Search it and you'll find a mirror! Sweet! Now bring it on back to the woman in purple that we met in the first segment of Saria and she'll thank you for finding the mirror, as well as invite you into her house. Follow her into the house and down into her basement, where you'll meet her father, a Sage. He'll teach you the third spell in the game, the Life Spell! Now you can heal yourself! Woohah! From here, exit her house and go back to the second segment of Saria. Talk to everyone here and heal up if need be. Continue again right to the third segment of Saria (this is truly a massive town for Zelda II). In this segment there is only one house then an impassable (for now) patch of water. Enter the house and talk to the Knight in there. If you got Bagu's Letter like we were supposed to before, he'll accept that you know Bagu (if you don't have the letter he'll simply say you need Bagu's permission), he'll open up a bridge for you. Exit the house and a bridge will appear out of nowhere over the water. Go left across thr bridge, and out of the town. Once outside on the other edge of town, head south to the cave entrance and enter the Death Mountain Maze, a challenging part indeed! ____ |NINE| Death Mountain Maze ¯¯¯¯ The Death Mountain Maze is a pretty hard area in Zelda II to complete, so follow close on my instructions throughout so you don't get lost and meet your doom. All directions given (right, left, down, up) are given through the perception of YOU, not the particular way Link might be facing, to avoid any confusion. From the first area, you can go left or right, or back up the way you came. First, go right. Once in the cave, kill the two blue Slimes and head rightward. This cave is basically full of these blue Slimes, but a few harder enemies with spears are in here as well, which you'll want to use your shield on to block their attacks and then attack them accordingly. Once out of the first cave, head right to the next cave since that's your only option. In this cave, procede right as you kill the enemies here (they're harder this time around I guarantee you), including Ocotorks and some boomerang throwing enemies as well (block their boomerangs and move in close to get a hit on them!). Exiting that cave, you again have to go right because it is your only option. This cave is a bit different then the previous two because you actually have some options here. As you go right, kill the Slimes and Bats as you go (they are fast moving and tricky so be careful), and you'll come across an elevator. Ignore it, don't go up it, no need to. Instead, procede right. There is a tough red monster with an axe here. Kill him by thrusting towards him after he swings his axe, then backing off after you make your hit to avoid being damaged. After you defeat him, head right and exit the cave. Now from here you'll be in a small patch of grass. Head south and you can go either west or east. Go east into the next cave. Here is a long bridge over a lava pool. As you run across the bridge, skull fish will come out of the lava and shoot fireballs at you at shield level IF YOU DUCK. There's my hint for ya. =) When the jump out, face the way the skull fish is and duck and your shield will block their attack! Just run and block across the bridge. That's what this entire cave consists of. When you get all the way to the right, exit the cave. Once outside, take the only other option (the cave heading right), and enter this cave. This cave can be a bit difficult unless you know the proper movements and strategies in there. At the outset as you enter, kill the slime. Then employ the Jump spell and jump to the higher platforms above (where there sits a full magic jar up yonder for your use). Then use the platforms to jump rightward in a Mega Man-esque fashion to avoid all of the enemies below. Then head right and exit this cave. From here once outside, simply head south and enter the cave here. This might be a bit disorienting because you're now heading right to left instead of the normal left to right in Death Mountain. This cave is over-saturated with enemies, but easy enough if you use your shield wisely. Beat the boomerang chucking enemy by blocking his boomerangs and moving in close. Destroy the easier Slime and Bat enemies, and jump over the red axe-weilding enemy, heading left, and exiting the cave. Once outside. Head down and into yet another cave in this long maze. In this area kill the red Slimes as you head right. Here you can't avoid the red enemies with axes, so use the platforms ahead of each of their positions to your advantage. Wait 'til they come close, then hack at them and back up to be safe from their axe. Repeat until they're killed. Once you get all the way to the right here, exit this cave. Outside, head south into the next cave entrance. In this here cave, you go right to left again. Head left and do the same basic drill as we did in the previous cave, you're just going the other way. Before exiting the cave, hit up the magic potion, then leave the cave and you'll be outside of the cave system! But you still got a bit to go in Death Mountain until you can consider yourself done here. Once outside, you see a graveyard to the west, a bunch of desert all around, and to the northwest of your current position, a hole in the ground and a boulder next to it. Head up there and enter this hole. As you head right past the statues there is a long line of enemies here to give you a hard time - this part is actually pretty hard so be ready for it. The first enemy is an axe thrower, and these guys are a nuisance indeed. Jump over the axe they throw, move in to attack, back up and repeat. After he's defeated, head right to fight some Bats and Devil Bats. Then head right s'more, fight a few easy enemies and go right into the next area. Here fight a few hopping enemies from the outset, and then an axe-weilder as well. When they are both defeated you go right a bit more and come across an elevator. Ignore what's right of the elevator, and go down the elevator. From the elevator you can go left or right. Go right, and kill the axe throwing enemy there (or just jump over him like I did), and go right into the next area. Here are a bunch of platforms with lava in between them all. There is only one enemy in this area, a mine-like enemy on one of the platforms that can knock you into the lava if you aren't careful, so as you jump from platform to platform, be weary of that. Once you get to the end, simply go right and into the next area. From here, you're now in the final room you need to be in here. Go right and kill the axe-weilding enemy, then activate the Jump spell. Use it to jump over the axe thrower and head right, picking up the Hammer item as you go! Now you simply have to exit this cave system, back to the overworld (just the cave we're in, not the entire Death Mountain system). To get out, head back left, up the elevator, then left all the way out of the cave! ___ |TEN| A Few Good Ways to Use a Hammer ¯¯¯ Now that you're outside next to the entrance to the cave you were just in, you see the boulder next to you? Use the Hammer to smash it. (just approach it and act like you're gonna talk to it to use the Hammer automatically). Then enter the rubble there and you'll fall down (a cool little scene happens when you fall down), and you'll be in a ditch. Get the potion to level up your magic to 6 bars now, then go left and exit this ditch. From where you are now, we have to re-enter the Death Mountain cave labyrinth, but not from the same way we just were. Instead, head right and pass the entrance of the days of yore, going all the way to the entrance along the coastline. Enter this cave and head right once in it. From ledge to ledge you should jump, killing the jumping red Ocotorks as you go, and avoiding their fire. Make sure their fire doesn't knock you into any pits! When you get all the way to the right, exit the cave and back outside. From here, head north across the enemy free zone, all the way north to another cave entrance, which you should enter. Once on the other side of this cave, you'll be in a small desert area with a bridge to your right. Quickly head to the bridge so no enemies suddenly attack you, and you'll be on the bridge. The first of the two segment bridge has a few spear chucking enemies and other elementary enemies that you should be able to take care of no problem at all. The second half of the bridge is a bubble bridge, so avoid the bubbles and fight or jump over the axe-throwing enemy, which are annoying indeed. Once all the way to the right of the second area of the bridge, exit and you'll be off the bridge. A graveyard will be to your right. Follow the graveyard up (no enemies here) to a desert patch, which you should quickly cross to avoid enemy encounters, and back onto the northern path. To the right on this path is the Harbor Town of Mido, but for now, we have some other odds and ends to take care of. Take the path left to the boulder in the road. Smash it, and clear the path up. Continuing to take the path west will result in you being back in Saria country. Instead, take the path northward. You'll notice two caves on either side of the path. First, take the cave on the left with no boulder in front of it. Enter it and head right. As you head right, kill the hopping monters, and the boomerang thrower as well. Then head right some more into the next area. Here, you'll find a P-Bag worth 200 Experience Points! Word! Now exit this cave, and go back to the path. This time, take the cave on the right side. Destroy the boulder in front of it and enter the cave. Once in the cave, avoid the mine enemy, and kill the hopping enemies as well as the boomerang throwing enemy as you head right. In the second area of the cave, there are no enemies - instead, simply go right and get the second of four Heart Containers in the game. Now leave this cave, and head back onto the path. Now head west on the east-west path back towards Saria (destroy the boulder in your way as you go). Remember the swamp area north of Saria? Go into that Swamp area and there should be a cave at the north, blocked by a boulder. Destroy the boulder and enter the cave. Traverse the cave and kill the enemies there, and at the very right of the cave, grab the Medicine from the pillar, then go left and leave the cave. We'll need this Medicine very soon! Now head east along the path, back to the port town of Mido. ___ |TEN| The Port Town of Mido ¯¯¯ Mido, the fourth town on our journey, is a brief stop before we eventually hit up the second palace here very soon. Talk to everyone in the three-segment town, in and out of houses and whatnot. There are basically two important things we need to take care of here, however, and we'll do that now. The first segment has an open house at the left end of it. Go in and talk to a man there if you'd like who will refer you to the man named Error we met earlier in our quest for information on the upcoming palace. Don't bother. Instead, go to the second segment of the town, to the church, which is two story. You'll see a door on the second floor of the church which you can obviously go into. It should be obvious to you how to get up there, but if it isn't... activate your Jump spell and use it to gain access to the door and enter the church from there. Once inside, head right, past the table, and through the entrance at your right. Go down the dungeon stairs here and right down the corridor to the knight at the end. He'll teach you the downward thrust. Good stuff! Now, one more thing to take of here... Leave the church and head left to the third and final segment of the town. Here at the first house you come across heading left, an old woman will come outside, and exclaim that you have the "Water of Life" (granted you got the "Medicine" in the cave north of Saria across the swamplands like I told you to). She'll invite you inside, so follow her in. Traverse through her house and downstairs into the basement, where you'll meet her husband, a sage, who will teach you the Fairy spell, useful indeed! Now heal up and whatnot, and prepare for a palace! To get to Palace number deux, head out of the town and left on the path. Then go north on the path and left through the swampland underneath the cave above. Through the long swampland terrain heading west, travel, stopping off at the path-like lands to avoid enemies in pursuit of you. Continuing to head west you'll come across it - you can't miss it. Welcome to Swamp Palace. ______ |ELEVEN| Palace 2 - Swamp Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ START E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ______________________________________| |______________________ |E K LD E | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________| |______ ________________| |______ |G LD P LD E | |K E | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |____________________________ | |________________________ |E E K| |E K| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |_________________________________ |E P LD BOSS| KEY - E = Elevator ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ K = Key LD = Locked Door G = Handy Glove F = Fairy P = P-Bag Once you enter Swamp Palace, head right past the blue knight statue and the various pillars. Use the elevator at the very right of this to gain access to the palace proper. The first floor you come across you can go right or left... but for now, ignore this and take the elevator down to the lowest level, and once down there, get off of the elevator heading right. (make sure to pass through another floor to get to the very bottom - you know you're there when you can't procede any farther down.) From here, the only way you can go is right as I said before, so head right. The first area here is full of blue slimes, so kill them while carefully avoiding the fireballs that the wall- shooter shoots at you. They are semi-heat sinking and pretty accurate, so be careful! When you get to the right, go into the next area. Here, head right down the corridor and you'll eventually come to a more open space with a bunch of platforms throughout. As you head right you'll fight two red bomb chucking enemies, who were hard in the last palace, but a virtual cinch now! Try to gain the high ground on them by getting to the top most set of platforms away from the reach of their bombs, and use the newly learned Downward Thrust on them to take them out quickly. Do this to both of the enemies, and nab the key at the end of the corridor. Once you get the key, you're at a deadend, so head back to your left, back to the elevator, and head back up to the middle floor right above you. Once here, going right will lead to a short-walk... it's a dead end. Instead, head to your left. Kill the snake creatures that jump and shoot fireballs at you as you head left, and avoid the one glowing skull orb as you head left and into the next area. Here, head left s'more and kill the slime on the platform ahead of you. You don't need to gain access to the top of the platform, save your magic on the Jump spell. Just take the floor to your left, where you'll come across two skeleton Stalfos. These guys were also annoying back in Parapa Palace, but are easy now. Slay them both for a quick 100 experience points and procede to your left, picking up the key at the very end. Now, head back right to the elevator, back to the main floor of the palace. We're moving along nicely. =) Back on the main floor, from the elevator, head left. Right at the outset, avoid the device dripping acid to the floor, which will damage you if it hits you. Procede left and kill the Stalfos patrolling the area, and go left into the next area. Here, go left and kill the slime. Now these horsehead enemies will start flying towards you, identical to the actions of Medusaheads in the Castlevania series if you, the reader, are familiar with it. They can take a lot of damage so your best bet is to avoid them as you go left. Avoid them, kill the Stalfos midway through, and unlock the door there as you go. Kill the slime and head left into the next area. This area is pretty trecherous. You have to jump from platform to platform while avoiding the random blue slimes. These slimes can jump without any notice at you so be careful! Make sure to time your jumps well. When you get all the way to the left enter into the next area. Now, here, this wide open corridor has some enemies for you to combat. Avoid the glowing skull orbs as you combat the two red sword-weilding enemies (who are surprisingly easy now), as you head left. Once you get all the way to the left, enter into the next area. Follow this narrow corridor all the way to the left avoiding the glowing skull orbs as you go. All the way to the left is an elevator, opening up a whole 'nother area of the Palace. Whew! Take the elevator down to the first floor you come across and get off of the elevator. Head to your left. Kill the snake and Stalfos as you head left, then unlock the door there to get past that, and left into the next area. Here, blocks fall from the ceiling towards the left of this area so be weary of those. Wait until they finish falling from the sky, then jump over them... or you can simply run straight left and avoid them as they fall. Ignore the P-Bag there for now, just go left into the next area. Here, you have to fight two red enemies with swords, they can be annoying and they have shields, so take your time with them and parry as often as possible. Unlock the door to your left, beyond which is the Handy Glove, used to break various blocks in Palaces and other places with a simple swing of the sword... handy indeed. Now, head back right (grab the P- Bag worth 50 points on your way back, as you can now break the blocks that fall around it with the Power Glove with a simple swing of the sword) and go back to the elevator. This time, take the elevator down a floor to the bottom, and head right, since you can't head any other direction down there. From here, go right. The Flying Eyeball creatures that fly around there drop fire on the ground that lingers for a bit, so avoid that as you engage the red enemies with swords down there, defending, then hitting them, and repeating, as you head right. In the next area, kill the Stalfos enemies and avoid the fire that the wall shooters shoot at you as you head right. Destroy the blocks in your way with the sword as you go right, repeating this process a few times, until you get right and into the next area. Here, continue to your right as you avoid the various flying skull orbs that try to intercept you. When you get to yet another elevator here, which you should ignore for the time being. Continue on your quest rightward, going down the corridor and killing those lame hopping red enemies that don't give you any experience points. When you get all the way to the right, destroy the bomb chucking enemy there and grab the key he's guarding. Now, head back to the elevator we just ignored. This time, go down it. Once you go down this elevator, your only option is to head right, so do so. As you head right, avoid the skull orbs and kill the bomb throwing creature to your right as well. (you can theoretically destroy the blocks underneath him to get closer to him if that floats your boat), then head right and into the next area. Here, you can see a P-Bag on a platform. These platforms crumble right after you step on them, so be quick about getting it, a 100 Point P-Bag, then quickly jumping to the sturdy platform to your right. Walk along this corridor and fend off the weak red enemies as you go. At the end, fight the sword weilding red enemy here, kill him, and go right into the next area. Here, combat the Stalfos you come across and open the locked door with a key you have. Continue going right. Kill the various sword weilding enemies as you head right, and again go right into the next area. Here head right and you'll fight the second boss of the game, named Helmet Head. Helmet Head is incredibly easy to defeat. Using the sword technique you learned back in Mido, the Downward Thrust, attack him over and over again. Block the fireballs he shoots at you with your shield and keep the attack going. Each time you attack him he'll lose his head, quite literally, which will fly over head and shoot at you randomly, and he'll grow a new head. Simply repeat the Downward Thrust on him over and over again until he's defeated. Now head to the right, open the door there with the key you just got after the boss battle, and insert the crystal into the head of the statue. Level up whatever you want, and now we have to leave the palace the way you came. Once outside of the Palace, head back to Mido, heal up, and we'll take it from there. ______ |TWELVE| Journey To Palace 3 (yeah, it rhymes, so what) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow these directions to get to the next palace (yeah, two palaces in a row, pretty damn neat, I know). From Mido, take the path left, until you're north over the desert patch below. Cross the desert southward (avoiding enemy encounters best you can), and go into the Graveyard. You will encounter enemies in the Graveyard that are pretty difficult, so do avoid encounters best you can. Now, there is a secret hole in that graveyard, in the southern end. You see that one cross that stands alone? That's King's Tomb. Walk south of that and just walk around south of it (towards the bottom of the graveyard), and you'll come across it, you'll automatically fall into the hole. When you do fall into the hole, kill the blue crawly enemies down below and go right. There will be a huge cliff above you, and you can't use the Jump spell to get up there, it won't reach. So what do you do? Activate the Fairy spell and use it to fly up yonder! Then take the path right into the next area. In this area, go right, jump over the spikey mine enemy, and kill the blue crawly enemies and the boomerang thrower here as you head right. Then exit to your right. You'll be back outside. Follow the desert path around the small mountain range to the palace on the other side. Welcome to Graveyard Palace. ________ |THIRTEEN| Palace 3 - Graveyard Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ START E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |_______________________________________________________ | K P E K| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________| |________________ |K P E LD E LD K LD R| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |______________________________ | LD P P BOSS| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ KEY - E = Elevator K = Key LD = Locked Door R = Raft F = Fairy P = P-Bag As you begin this palace, head right past the statue (don't hit it or you'll trigger an enemy to come out of it!), and enter the palace proper through the elevator to your right, as always. You'll see that this elevator only brings you down one floor, and on this floor you can only go right. So head right once in the palace proper. As you head right, there will be a few platforms above you. Ignore them. You'll come across two difficult enemies in this area, which you should defeat using parry and hit techniques, or the Downward Thrust. Either or works. When they are both defeated, head right and into the next area. Here you'll want to keep heading right, jumping over the mine enemies or using the Downward Thrust technique on them, and kill the simple red enemies that come at you as well. Do this as you head right into the next area. Once again you'll be heading right. There is an open ceiling in this next room here which shows you that blocks will indeed fall from the sky. So run as fast as you can to your right to avoid them! When you're out of danger's way, you'll be in an area where you have to fight some more tough enemies like the ones we fought at the beginning of the palace here. Now there are two interesting things buried in this vacinity that you need to get. How though? Easy. Use the Downward Thrust on the blocks you're on to destroy them, and grab whatever item. The two things we need underneath the blocks here are a Key and a P-Bag. Retrieve both and head right into the next area. Here, this part is a little weird, but doable without having to fight any enemies at all. There are boxes of breakable boxes throughout this area, most of which encompass an enemy or whatever. It seems that you can jump from one to another without using the Jump spell. NOT TRUE! Simply break the corner box and you can use that new opening as a stepping stone. Good enough, no? Also, don't use the Downward Thrust on the mine enemies here or risk being caught in a box with an enemy, or worse - freeing an enemy from their confines. Once you get all the way to the right, you can go right into another area or go down the elevator below. Kill the enemy (a strong Stalfos, so it seems), and ignore the elevator for now; instead, head right. You're in an outside setting now (pretty cool programming decision). This part is short though. Go right (avoid the fireballs the flying eyeballs drop all over the place) and kill the red sword weilding enemy. To his right is a key on a platform. Grab it, then head left back inside. This time, take that elevator down to the lower level of the palace, into a new area. Once you go down the elevator, you can go right or left. Head right towards the locked door. Open the locked door, and kill the enemies here (to beat those airborne enemies that fire fireballs at you, just block their attacks, get up close, and swipe at them. One hit and they are toasted). Go right and into the next area. Now, here, there is a pillar of destroyable blocks in front of you. Destroy them with the sword, and jump over the various lava pits as you head right, avoiding the various slime enemies (don't let them hit you into any lava pits, let them make the first move!) When you get a bit to the right after a few jumps, there's a key. Grab the key and kill the red sword weilding enemy. After killing this enemy, make a few more jumps over some pits avoding some more slimes. Jump adjacent to the wall of destroyable blocks and take out a few to make a path for yourself. Then simply head right and into the next area. From here, as you head right, there are two enemies. A red sword-weilding enemy (which is easy) and a blue enemy of the same type, which can shoot sword beams at you, identical to the ones you can shoot when you're at full health. To get close enough to kill him, block what he shoots at you and swipe at his open end. He's not as skilled with the shield as his weaker brother is. When they're both destroyed, open the locked door with your key as you procede right. Here is a pedestal with an item on it. Grab the item and you'll now have the Raft in your posession! Now go back to the elevator, pass by it heading left, and we'll take care of the rest of this here palace! =) Back past the elevator as you head left, take care of the airborne enemies, blocking their fireballs and moving in close for the kill. Then, simply head left into the next area. Here head left and kill the red sword weilding enemy, and you'll come across an elevator here. Pass it up for now and head left s'more. Kill some of those weak hoping enemies and another of those red sword weilders. Once all are defeated, head left into the next area. In this here area, there are mounds of destroyable blocks. Jump atop them and start hacking through the airborne enemies and blocking their projectiles as you head leftward. You'll see a key below in a hole through the blocks, as well as a P- Bag. Don't, DON'T use the Downward Thrust sword technique to get down there - otherwise you'll trap yourself there as easy bate for the enemies in the room until you can free yourself. Instead, go all the way left, then start hacking through the blocks from the left of the room, going right, and you'll get the key and P-Bag in due time. Once both are gotten, you can go back right to the elevator we just passed up. This time, go down the elevator. Once down the elevator, you can only go right. So go right, unlocking the locked door right in front of you as you go. Useless note: This room is basically identical to the first room in this palace, just bigger. Woo. =) Anyway, head right, and kill the skeleton knight as you go. You'll notice as you continue going right that there is another P-Bag up yonder. To get to it, you'll want to activate the Jump Spell and use it to get to that platform. Get the P-Bag there for an easy 100 points o' experience. Once gotten, go back down to the floor of this room and continue journeying rightward. Kill the strong boomerang thrower here, and head right into the next area. Here you have a few options of how you procede through the area. Fall down the small ditch right in the beginning and go right. Destroy the blocks as you go and keep going right. You'll come across an enemy here, a red sword weilder. Kill him and grab the P- Bag he guards for another easy 100 experience points. Then head back left and get a running jump back onto the platform above. Jump over the ditch this time and head right. It seems that you can avoid both enemies here by taking the highest path, but it's actually a dead end so don't bother. Cut into the middlepath using the Downward Thrust sword technique on the destroyable blocks, and segment the two enemies so they both can't take you on at the same time. Destroy the blue sword weilder first, blocking his sword attacks that fly through the air. Then, do the same on the weaker red sword weilder at your right. When both are defeated, head right. You're in the boss chamber now. Go right and take on the third boss in the game - Mounted Rider. Mounted Rider is actually a pretty simple boss character at first. You have to simply use the Downward Thrust sword technique on him when he rides on by on his horse. He'll repeat this until you hit him four or five times, then he'll dismount his horse and fight you like he was a regular blue sword-weilder, which is when the battle actually gets a bit more difficult. He is identical to a blue sword-weilder of the regular kind, so move in close and strike him with the sword while blocking his array of sword beams. Remember he can't use his shield with great skill like the red sword weilder so just keep slashing at him. Use the Shield spell and Heal spell on yourself if need be, to defeat him. Once he's defeated, get the key he drops, insert the crystal into the head of the statue, and leave this palace. Head back to the port town of Mido, heal up your magic and life, and get ready to cross the sea to a completely new area! To cross the sea at your right, walk onto the port next to Mido and you'll automatically board your raft and cross over the sea to the other part of Hyrule. Cool beans! =) Now, we're in a new area, what to do now? ________ |FOURTEEN| En Route to Nabooru ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our first destination here, really, is the town to the southeast called Nabooru. But before we go there, why not grab ourselves a few hundred quick experience points? Trust me, it'll be easy. =) As you're on the dock you just came from, look south. You'll see one little piece of forest to the south, all alone. Go towards it, and enter it. Once inside, avoid the red floating eyeballs, and work your way to the middle of the area. Why is it a forest when the background isn't a forest setting? Weird. Anyhow... once in the middle you'll come across a P-Bag waiting to get picked up. So do so, and get a quick 200 experience points. Now you're ready to go to the next town. Once back outside of the forest area, head due east. The town is right there, not far away at all. You can't miss it. _______ |FIFTEEN| The Town of Nabooru ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Nabooru is a quick stop on our journey. We only have one objective here - to get a new spell with the quickness! So as I just said, let us make this quick. =) As you enter the town, talk to everyone in all three segments of the town. After you do, heal up your magic and health at the respective places (you should find them just by talking to the people of the town, naturally. You should absolutly be able to tell who can heal your magic and health in each town by looking at the people, how some people just walk around and others walk only in front of their house - this signifies a healer or someone else that can help you or needs help.) You might notice in an open house in the third segment of town that there is an open door leading into a house. If you activate the Jump spell and jump up to the symbol thing on the wall there, Link says, "......" I have NO idea what this is. Someone e-mail me and let me know! =) UPDATE (June 19, 2002) DON'T, and I repeat DON'T e-mail me about this. If I get one more answer to this in my inbox my head'll seriously explode. The answer is in the FAQ section of this guide, and HAS BEEN, for over six months as I write this, and I still get e-mails from lazy people telling me the answer. SCROLL DOWN TO THE FAQ AND FIND THE ANSWER, and DON'T E-MAIL ME ABOUT IT anymore. Anyway, after this, go to the second segment of town to the fountain thing in the middle of the segment. Go as if you were gonna talk to it and it'll ask you if you want to take water. However, it won't let you answer. Don't worry! You now have the water you need! Go back to the left of where you got the water, to a house directly at your right, and a woman in red will come out of the house. Talk to her, she's the one who earlier told you she was thirsty. She rejoices that you have water now, and invites you inside her house! So follow her on in. Go to the right of the house and enter into the next area, the house's basement. Talk to the old sage all the way to the right of the basement to learn a new spell, the Fire spell! Sweet business. Well, if you're all healed up and such in the health and magic departments, we have no further business in this town. Leave the town and once back outside, you'll notice a cave due north of the town. Follow the linear path to the cave and enter it. _______ |FIFTEEN| From Here To... Darunia ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our next primary destination is the Island Maze. To get there, however, we do have to take this cave, which is short and sweet. If you tried to get through this cave before going to Nabooru, however, I'm sure you ran into some problems. Actually, I guarantee you didn't get through this cave without first visiting Nabooru. Why? You'll see. As you enter the cave, and head right, kill the three red bats that fly down and turn into men. After they are dead and you continue to head right, you'll come across this odd blue enemy that shoots fireballs at you, both from in a crouch and from a standing position. You can't harm him with just your sword. Now you'll see why I say you need to go to Nabooru before coming here. Activate the Fire spell and shoot it from your sword at him. Three or four hits and he'll be toasted nicely. =) Now head right past him and you'll be back outside, outside of the cave. Outside, head up. You can either go up and right, or up and left. Going up and right leads you to the Island Maze. Going up and left leads you to Darunia. We'll go to Darunia first, the Mountain Town of Darunia. =) So head up and left, and through the desert. Heading through the desert, you'll come across two scenes going over some desert land with holes of water you'll need to jump over. The first of the two is easy, kill the blue enemies that shoot rocks at you as you go left and you're there. The second one is the same, but rocks fly from the bottom of the screen upwards... hence you'll need to pay attention to that as well. Once through both scenes, head west and enter the Mountain Town of Darunia. _______ |SIXTEEN| The Mountain Town of Darunia ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Darunia is a brief stop on our journey before the Island Maze. We'll actually need to go back to Darunia after the Island Maze, but for now, we're basically stopping here for three reasons - to heal up, to acquaint you with the town, and to get the Upward Thrust Sword Technique. We can't learn the spell this town has YET, so initially, walk around the town and talk to everyone, and heal up as well. After that, we'll get the sword technique. Okay, so you've talked to all the people in the three segments of the town? Excellent. Healed up your magic and health? Excellent. Now, head to the middle segment of the town, and activate your Jump spell. That's right, don't be afraid. =) Now go a few houses down from the right of the screen and jump onto the roof. Then jump sequentially towards your right to the first house on the right of the segment. The chimney on this roof is the key. Jump onto the chimney, and press down to go down the chimney... reminds you of Mario going down a pipe, don't it? =) Once inside, traverse the corridor to the Knight at the end. He'll give you some wise words and teach you the Upward Thrust Sword Technique, which you can use by jumping and pressing up, stabbing airborne enemies. Woohah. =) Now, you can leave this house, and the town completely (making sure you're healed). Yes ma'am, we're done here for now. Remember where I said we can go up and right or up and left? Well, go back to that cave entrance (traversing the two desert areas going back south from the town, killing enemies, woohah), and go up and right this time. Go right through the forest area and desert, to the long bridge. Welcome to the infamous Island Maze... OF DEATH! Okay, not of death. Actually, it's not even infamous. Just go to the next section, okay? =D _________ |SEVENTEEN| Island Maze, Part I ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The first trip through the Island Maze is elementary to say the least. You're objective for your first trip through is to rescue a child lost within the confines of the treterous maze. So where is he? It's simple, really. From where you start out your quest, across the long bridge, head down until you reach the corridor below that only reaches to the right. Take this path all the way right, ignoring the corridors going upwards, until you reach a dead end, only being able to continue going upwards. Go up and walk straight into the water (it looks like a deadend - it's not). You'll fall into a pit cave here. Once you fall down here, you'll face off against an orange lizard equipped with a sword, similar to the red sword weilding enemies of the Palaces. He's simple. Kill him, then head right to pick up the stray child. Once you have the child, go all the way left and out of the cave. You can't leave the entire Island Maze now, actually, by heading back down, then left along the path, then up and right at the very end. You'll be back on the world map after this. Then just go back all the way left to the desert, going through the two scenes en route back to town, and again enter Darunia. ________ |EIGHTEEN| Darunia, WE'RE BACK! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once back in Darunia, child in hand, we're ready to take care of the rest of our business here. Head straight left through the town to the third and final segment of the town. The first house you come across here, an old woman will come outside. Talk to her and she'll call you a hero for rescuing and returning her lost child. She'll naturally invite you inside. Once inside, go right and to the basement. Go all the way right through the basement, talking to the husband of the woman, who will gladly teach you the Reflect Spell. After you learn the coveted Reflect Spell, procede out of the basement, and out of the house. Head out of town, back across the desert patches, into the grasslands, and back to the east, to the Island Maze. ________ |NINETEEN| Island Maze, Part II, En Route to the Island Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you cross the bridge and enter the Island Maze we were in before, our objective this time is to get to the Island Palace at the end of the maze, which'll take a bit more work than it took to get to the missing child in our first visit to the maze. From the outset, head down, and then right. The first chance you get to go up, go up, then follow the path right, and then up again. You'll run into an automatic scene here. To get through this scene, cast the Fire spell on yourself. The enemies found here are immune to all spells and attacks other than the Fire spell. As you head right, kill the Spider enemies and the blue Lizard enemies both with the Fire spell, blocking the attacks from the Lizard with your shield. When you get all the way to the right, go out of the screen and you'll be back outside. Continue going north, past the first bridge on your left. Keep heading up to the bridge at your north, and cross over it. Then go left, past the passage heading down, and as you head left a bit more you'll run into yet another scene. In this scene, you head left to right. Do the same thing as you did before - cast the Fire spell and use it to kill the Spider and Lizard enemies as you head leftward. Once all the way left, leave the area to go back outside. Once back outside, we're free to continue onward. From where you got attacked, go straight up, following the path up a bit, then left, then up a more, then left again, then up s'more. Now take the path right, and as you go right, you'll come across yet another scene. This scene is a bit different. As you head from left to right, kill the blue slimes you come across. Then you'll come across two Lizards together. Activate the Fire spell once more and destroy them both before heading right. The only other enemy before you're free of this scene is a Spider. Kill him with the Fire spell as well, then leave the scene and you'll be once again outside. From here, head right to the end of the path, and when you can go up or down, go up, and your final scene here will take place. Immidiatly cast the Fire spell and head right. Kill the jumping blue Spiders and the blue Octotok, blocking the fireballs they shoot at you as you head right. As you get towards the middle of the scene, a red vial will be there. Slash at it and it will refill your magic! Heal if need be, then head right past the rest of the enemies, slaying them as you go, and back outside. Follow the zig-zagging path and taking it up and to the right, then swing back down and around. Then simply take the path down, and then at the bottom, go right, and enter the Island Palace to your right. ______ |TWENTY| Palace 4 - Island Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ START E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | _________________________| |_______________ | K P E LD K LD E P E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ____________| |______________ | |__________________ |E LD E K| |E K| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |________________ | |____| |__________ |E LD P BOSS| | | LD B| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________| |____| |__________ | K E LD K| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ KEY - E = Elevator K = Key LD = Locked Door B = Boots F = Fairy P = P-Bag As you enter the Palace, slash at the statue there to randomly get a red potion to refill your magic, which you can also use to refill your health via the Life spell. A red sword weilding enemy may come out of the statue if you hack it, however. If this happens, leave the screen, come back and try again. Also, an eyeball enemy hovers around dropping fire on your character so be careful as you head right to the elevator. Then descend down the elevator into the palace proper. Once inside, you can either go left or right. Go right, and through the enemy- less room into the next room. As you head right down this corridor, attack and destroy both skeleton knights you come across, and nab the P-Bag worth a quick 100 experience points that the first skeleton is guarding. When both enemies are defeated, head right and to the elevator at the far right of the room. Descend down this elevator to the next floor down, and get off of the elevator. Head right, and kill the red skeleton knight you come across as you head right. Go into the next area. Now the bridge in front of you (made up of many segments) is a disappearing bridge, so once you step on it it will disintegrate underneath you. Run to the end of the bridge and make a big jump to the platform at your right. If you don't jump to the ledge, you'll fall down several stories down through the palace and end up on the bottom floor, where you'll have to work your way back up to the second floor, where you just were. Anyhow, after you make the big jump, head right and kill the weak hoping enemies that come at you, then the blue knighted enemy we've faced before using the Downward Thrust Sword Technique on him. Then head right and into the next room. In this next room, head right and jump over the lava pit onto the first platform. In front of you will be two blocks with fire on top of the top block. Destroy both blocks with your sword, then jump over the fire you left on the ground. Then go right, jump over the lava pit, and repeat that on the second set of blocks you come across. On the second platform, kill the blue armored enemy you come across as well. Then jump over the lava again, onto the third platform, destroy those blocks, and jump over the lava to the end platform with a key on it. Retreive the key, then head left back, hoping and jumping as you go, until you're back at the left, and you can go back to the disappearing bridge. How to get back up there? Don't worry - we need not go back up there. Remember how I mentioned that falling down this pit will bring you to the floors below? Well jump into the pit, hugging the right wall. As you fall into the next floor, jam right on your directional pad and you'll land on a platform below to your right. You can't get to this floor any other way, it's a beautiful thing. =) Once on this "secret floor", head right. Avoid the floating skull orb that floats around the narrow corridor, and kill the blue armored knight there as well. Then head right and into the next area. In this next area, head right, andkill the two skeleton knights (one blue, one red), and then head right s'more. Guarding the locked door there is one of our good friends, the blue sword weilding enemies that shoots sword energy at you. He doesn't use his shield with great skill, as I've mentioned before, so move in close, blocking his attacks with your shield, and hack at him to defeat him in his open area. Then open the door with the key you have that he's guarding, and go to the right. Get the Boots lying on the ground there, and woohah, the item we need here is now ours. =) From here, head back two sections to where we fell from the floor above. We have to get out of here now! There are two platforms over the pit that'll lead you to the floor below. Don't bother with them. Instead, just jump down to the floor below. You'll land on a disappearing bridge over a bed of lava. Quickly run or jump heading to your right, avoiding falling into the lava right underneath your position. As you head right, avoid the floating horseheads, and head right into the next area. Here there are more platforms over lava, with the two block and a flame scenario all over again. The first platform as you head right has an enemy on it. Kill the blue armored enemy and jump to the next platform. Destroy the two blocks here, and kill the red skeleton that falls from the sky, so it seems, at the end of the platform. Then, jump to the final platform. Here a fast moving floating eyeball orb is darting around the room. Jump to the right end of the room and grab the key, then avoid him as you head back left to the prior area. Head all the way back to where you fell to this floor, back to the disappearing bridge. This time when you get to the disappearing bridge, you'll want to head left across the bridge, avoiding the horseheads and falling into the lava below as you go. When you get all the way to the left, pass by the two torches on the wall and into the next area. Here you'll battle your first Wizard, which is your first real chance to use your Reflect spell. These Wizard enemies can only be harmed by using the Reflect spell. First, kill the Slime in this area, then activate the Reflect spell. Kill the Wizard there by reflecting his spell. Reflect the spell by ducking down and letting the Wizard's spell bounce off of you and back at them (assuming you've activated the Reflect spell). Then head left, through the locked door, past the elevator, and continue going to your left. Here this area is litered with Wizards and Slimes. Kill them, reflect some spells, et cetera, and then go left into the next area. This area is very similar to the block area found in the Graveyard Palace, which had a key and a P-Bag hidden within its confines. This time around, this block structure only has a key, at the very end. Traverse over the top of the mound, killing the shooting horseheads as you go, blocking what they shoot towards you. When you get all the way to the end of the mound, the key should be below. Use the Downward Thrust Sword technique to get to it, and then cast Fairy on yourself to get out of the hole you're in, and out of the area completely, going back to your right, to avoid trouble with the pesky floating horsehead enemies. They are a pain when you're stuck down there. We actually have no where left to go but back to the original elevator that brings you in and out of the Palace Proper on the first floor. Work your way left, back to the elevator on the floor you're on, and take it all the way to the top until you can't go up anymore. Then head left an area or two to the elevator in question. This time, simply go left of the elevator. Once left of the elevator, activate the wonderous Reflect spell and use it on the Wizards in your path, destroying them all. As you head left, unlock the door you come across, head left some more, and into the next area you go. In this area, right above you is a key ona platform, and there are destroyable blocks blocking your passage upwards to get to the key. First, kill the red sword weidling knight that is patroling the area. Then, using the Upward Thrust Sword Technique, destroy a few blocks above you. Then, activate the Jump spell to jump to the level of the key, and grab the key, all the while avoiding the now-loose skull orb. Then, after you get the key, unlock the door next to the elevator to your left. For now, pass by the elevator and continue left going past it. Kill the hoping enemies as you go left, and into the next area. In this room, there is another mound of destroyable blocks, this one a lot easier to get in and out of. For starters, climb on top and kill the armored blue enemy there, and then go all the way to the end of the mound and kill another of the same enemy, to rid the place of enemies permanently. Now, we're free to get the two items of interest here - the key and the 200 point P-Bag. Both are underneath the blocks in two separate places. Use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique to get down there, destroying the blocks as you go, and retrieve both items. Then, head back right out of this room, right s'more, and to the elevator we passed by before. Once you go down the elevator here, you can go right or left. For now, head right. Kill the weak hoping enemies as you do, and go right into the next area. This part reminds me a lot of a Castlevania game, and it's just very annoying. There are a set of three platforms from left to right, each covered with one set of blocks (destroyable) two high, with a flame on top. We've had this a few times already in the palace. However, instead of more conventinal enemies, we have the flying blue horse heads all over the place, like the Medusa Heads in Castlevania. They can knock you off of the platforms and out of jumps, into the lava, very easily, so BE CAREFUL! If you're not I guarantee you'll regret it. This part can be hard so just take it slow. Jump leftward, destroying the blocks and jumping over the flame on each platform. All the way at the right, grab the key, then repeat this process (minus the blocks, they'll already be destroyed) as you head left, back another area, and to the elevator. This time, go left of the elevator. To the left of the elevator are some Wizards and swarms of the weak hoping enemies. Activate the Reflect spell and snipe the Wizards by blocking their attacks back at them, while slashing at the hoping enemies that draw near. Then go left into the next area. In this narrow corridor, follow it left until it opens up. A pool of lava with a disappearing bridge will be to your left. Jump on it and start running leftward, jumping over the spikey mine-like enemy that is on it. Jump from the bridge you're on to another bridge at your left, also disappearing, and jump off the mine like enemy on that one as well. Then go left all the way, once back on regular old land, and to the elevator there. Take it down. Once down the elevator, you can only go right, so go right, unlocking the door right in front of you as you go. In this room, there are various platforms of varying heights. Go right, and kill the two Skeleton knights that roam the vacinity. Up above on one of the last platforms is a P-Bag worth 100 experience points. Activate the Jump spell to be able to jump high enough to grab it. Once grabbed, continue going right and into the next area. In this area, head right and you'll run into one red sword weilding enemy, then another. Kill them both as you head right and into the next area. In this area, head right down the corridor and into the bosses lair. Time for boss fight four, versus Red Wizard. Red Wizard is hard if you don't know what to do and you aren't fast enough. He's easy if you simply do what I tell you here. =) To defeat him with ease, activate the Reflect spell. Then, go on fighting him as you would a regular Wizard enemy, 'cept this one is quicker, bigger, stronger and faster than the regular Wizards. Just face him, when he shoots his magic, and press down to reflect the spell back at him. You have to be close to do damage to him because he appears and disappears rapidly, so the magic can't take forever to get to him. When he's defeated, which shouldn't take long, grab the key he drops and head to the next room, where you can put the crystal into the statue and leave the palace behind. _________ |TWENTYONE| In Pursuit of the Water Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Our next objective is to go Palace 5, the Water Palace. After you leave the Island Palace, traverse back through the Island Maze the way you came in, until you cross the big bridge and are back outside. Then go southwest, back through the cave where you fought your first blue lizard, and take that left, killing the bats as you go. Once back outside again, stop by Nabooru real quick to heal your magic and health if need be. Now, you see the path heading into the water (into nowhere, seemingly), to the right of Nabooru? That's our destination. With the boots you picked up in the Island Palace, you can now walk on certain waters. So walk onto the water (enemies can't attack you on water, it's a beautiful thing). To get to the Water Palace from your current position near the coast of Nabooru, just walk straight from the path due east over the water. Don't move up or down, just go straight. This will lead you directly to the fifth palace. If you want the 500 point P-Bag located in the desert below the palace, walk from the coast downward and follow it downward and east. Once on the desert, walk around and you'll come across a hidden scene. The scene will start you off facing left, but don't be fooled! Activate the Jump spell and walk to your right, using the Jump spell to jump up onto the plateau. Then follow the enemy- less area rightward to the P-Bag, which has a nifty 500 experience points within! Now, to the Water Palace strategy... _________ |TWENTYTWO| Palace 5 - Water Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ START E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |______________________________________ |E K P E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ______________ _________________________| |____________ |E LD BOSS| |E K E | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __| |___________________| |_______________ _____ |P E LD P E E ||K E| ¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯| | __| | ______| |________________________________| | |KP E||P E K IW E E| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________| | ____________| | | E| |F LD LD E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ KEY - E = Elevator K = Key LD = Locked Door C = Candle F = Flute P = P-Bag IW = Invisible Wall As you begin the palace, walk to your right all the way through the enemy-less void here, and take the elevator down into the Palace Proper. Once down in the Palace Proper, you can only go right, so head right. As you head right a-ways down the narrow corridor, it'll eventually open up. On the wall to the left is a statue that shoots fire at you, so avoid it as you combat the blue snake creatures on the destroyable blocks as you head to your right. You can block the blue snake's fire they shoot at you too so bare that in mind. When you get all the way to the right, go into the next area. From here, head right down another narrow corridor, and avoid the first skull orb you come across. When you get far enough to the right, there'll be a great distance you have to jump to get high enough to get to the platform above, which has a key on top of it. To get up there, activate the Fairy spell (the Jump spell won't cut it here), and then fly all the way up and right, ignoring the key for now 'cause you can't get it. Fly right off screen, avoiding the skull orbs. Then, head back left, and you'll be Link again instead of a Fairy. Avoid the glowing skull orbs here and go left, get the key, then head back right into the next area once more. In this new area, head right and you'll be on one of those annoying disappearing bridges. Run right as quickly as you can while jumping over those pesky horse heads that fly at you! Midwya across the bridge is a 200 point P- Bag. Slash at it quickly as you are running across the bridge, and then keep on trucking across the bridge, avoiding the enemies, until you are finally off of it. Once off of this menace, simply head right and into the next area. Here in this area, head right. There are sets of two destroyable blocks, one on top of another, throughout this area. You can destroy them if you want or jump over them. You'll probably want to destroy them to open things up for you, because of the red sword weilding enemies throughout this area. Kill them with two easy shots each (remember when those guys were hard!?), and when you get to the point where there are two blocks on top of each other and a ceiling-hanging fire dropping enemy above, destroy both blocks to make it easier to avoid his fire, then simply walk underneath him. All the way to the right of this area is an elevator. Take it down into the next area. Now, from here, you can go right or left. Go left for the time being, and avoid the orange wizards that appear out of nowhere and shoot fire at you, as well as the floating skull orb that is flying around the room as you head left, and eventually, into the next area. In this area, head left and you'll notice a key on a ledge far above. The Jump and Fairy spells won't do the trick here. To the left of this ledge, blocks will start falling from above. Wait until they all fall down, forming one big massive square. Then weave through the blocks cutting your passage with your sword to get to the platform with the key. It might take a few tries, if you mess up, leave the screen to your right, come back left and try again. Keep in mind that if you refrain from cutting up the topmost blocks on each row that no more blocks will fall down! Once you do retrieve the key, simply cut your way leftward through the blocks until you're free, avoiding or killing the orange eyeballs flying around. Then run left all the way into the next area. In this area as you head left, kill the orange sword weilding enemies you come across (one hit wonders, they are weaker than their red and blue cousins), and all the way to the left of this area after three orange enemies is an elevator, which you should take down yet another level. Once down here, you can go right or left again. Choose to go left once more and kill or avoid the blue slime enemies and more of the orange wizard enemies. The orange wizards are very difficult to kill because they teleport in and out of hittable stages quickly, so your best bet is to avoid them best you can. Then, head left into the next area. Here, avoid the floating skull orb from the outset and head left until you reach an elevator. Above the elevator is a platform with a P-Bag on it. On either side of the platform are fire droppers hanging from the ceiling. Activate the Jump spell and get a running start from either direction heading towards the platform, then jump up there, avoiding the fire from the fire droppers. Grab the P-Bag for a quick 200 experience points, then jump back down to floor level. The elevator below is your next objective. Go down it, but only to the next floor, not the lower one yet! Once on the floor below, you can once again go right or left. First, go left and destroy the destroyable blocks in your path. To the left there is a red bomb throwing enemy. He's weaker than you remember, I know. Kill him, then to his left, use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique to gain access to the area left of you, where you can't go any farther. Above on a sealed off platform is a P-Bag. Use the Upward Thrust Sword Technique on the blocks right underneath it to make the P-Bag fall to where you are. Quickly get it for a quick 200 experience points, then run away quickly to your right because you've now unleashed a glowing skull orb that was captive within the bricks there. Now go back to the elevator, and this time go right, and right away, activate the Jump spell. To your right is a platform with a key on it, and a red sword-weilding enemy patroling it. Easily enough, jump up there with the aid of the Jump spell, kill the enemy there, and grab the key. Jump back down and continue going right into the next area. Here simply run right, avoiding the orange wizards and the fire they shoot as you go, instead of bothering to fight them. They are just to quick for the effort involved. Once all the way to the right, head right into the next area. Here, avoid the floating skull orbs and head to your right. Here, a powerful blue sword weilding enemy waits for you. These are the guys we've met before that can shoot sword beams from their sword. They are clumsy with their shield though. Move in close, blocking the sword beams, and get in a few hits to kill him. It looks as if he was guarding a dead end, but he's not. Jump into the wall at the right and you'll be in a secret passage. Walk "through the wall" to your right until your back out of the wall, then go right into the next area. Here, more orange wizards will be present, so just jet as fast as you can rightward to avoid them and their spells. You'll come to a familiar looking scene, with a platform surrounded by two suspended fire droppers firing from the ceiling and an elevator below. Pass by it for now, continue heading right. Go into the next area. Here, this area is litered with the weak hoping enemies and an array of orange wizards. Kill the hoping enemies and avoid the wizards, ignoring the destroyable blocks above, they are useless here. Head all the way right doing as I told you, and you'll come across yet another elevator. Take it up. Once up a floor, you can only go left, so head left and as you head left, destroy the destroyable blocks you come across. Two skeletons will fall from the ceiling. Kill them both as you head left and into the next area. In this area, simply grab the key in front of you, then go back right two screens to the elevator. Go down it and head back left, past the orange wizards and hoping enemies, all the way back to the elevator we passed by before. Go down the elevator. Like the previous elevator, this one only allows you to go left as well once you take it down, so go down the elevator and head left, unlocking the door with the key you just got as you go. Now just jet left, avoiding the orange wizards, killing the floating red horseheads, blocking what they shoot at you, and go left into the next area. In this area, head left, and kill the orange sword weilding enemy you come across there. Further leftward is a powerful blue sword weilding enemy guarding another locked door. Kill him, avoiding the sword beams he shoots, and unlock the door he guards with another of your keys. All the way to the left is a Flute! We don't need this item in the Palace, but we'll need it to get to Palace 6, so keep it somewhere safe. =) Now all you need to do is backtrack right to the next screen, and right again, killing and avoiding more floating horseheads and wizards as you go. Once back at the elevator, take it back up to the next floor, then go left, avoiding the suspended fire dropper from the ceiling and the floating skull orb. Go left into the next area. Run straight past the red bomb thrower on the platform above. Right before the elevator you come to, slash at the statue on the wall to the right for a magic potion. Once at the elevator, you can go up, down or continue going left. For now, head down the elevator. Once down the elevator, you can only go left, so do so. The first area is a bunch of the orange wizards and a couple of floating skull orbs. Run straight left, avoiding the enemies here the best you can. Run right left into the next area. In this area, there are two huge mounds of blocks. The first enemy you'll run into is on the ground, an orange sword weilding enemy. Kill him quickly, then run straight left. You'll notice a P-Bag above; ignore it for now, continue heading left until you intercept the blue sword weilding enemy guarding a key all the way to the left of the area. Kill him and take the key he's guarding. Now for the P-Bag. Backtrack and grab it where you saw it, killing the red sword weilding enemy if need be. Then head right back to the prior screen, then run right, avoiding the enemies as we did here before, and straight back to the elevator. Go back up the elevator, and head left. Like we did a while ago, destroy the blocks blocking your way, and avoid the floating skull orbs here. Then use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique to gain passage to the seculded P-Bag all the way to the left of this area. Use the Upward Thrust Sword Technique under the P-Bag to make it fall. Voila! An easy 200 experience points. Now head back to the elevator, and go up it this time. You can only go right up here - kill the orange sword weilding enemy straight in front of you and unlock the door to your right. As you head right, fight the blue and red sword weilding enemies as well, and head right into the next area... now just go right a bit and you'll be in the bosses lair. Time to fight! The boss of the Water Palace, Spike Giant, is a Giant equipped with a ball-and- chain, a mace, if you will. He is massive, so before combatting him, activate the Jump spell so you can jump to and fro over him. He has one attack, his mace, and you know he's gonna swing it when he starts to wind it up. That's when you know to get away from his attacks. He always faces where you are, so keep that in mind. The Downward Thrust Sword Technique doesn't work well on him unless you hit him JUST right, so just slash him and run. Repeat. The Shield spell is also an option if you're low on energy. Once he's defeated, go to the right, place the crystal in the statue, and leave the Water Palace. Then, head back to Nabooru across the water to the west, heal up your health and magic, and get ready for the next part of the game! But before we continue on our quest, we should go and get the third Heart and Magic Containers. Lets do that now! ___________ |TWENTYTHREE| Grabbing the Third Heart and Magic Containers ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ We can now go and get both of these aformentioned items, so lets do that now. First, lets go get the third Heart Container, since we're right at Nabooru. Using the Boots again, walk along the path heading east of Nabooru, back onto the water. From the coast, walk right as if you were heading back to Water Palace. Press up about 3/5of the way there to hop onto a secret passage way. Go north through the water, then east, keep going east and you'll run into a scene. Just go right through the enemy-less scene and you'll run into the Heart. Grab it, then leave the scene, and head back to the Nabooru coast. Now, lets get the Magic Container. Go through the cave north of Nabooru, killing the bat-men and the blue Lizard inside as you head rightward. Once back outside, head north and east back to the Island Maze, crossing the large bridge at the east to gain access to it. Once in the Island Maze, we'll want to avoid as many confrontations as we can, so we're gonna put our Boots to use again. Head north onto the river, then head down the river, over the bridge heading east. Follow the river heading north, go north until the river again starts flowing east. Instead, head west off of the river back onto the path, and follow it westward. You'll run into a scene, one we were familiar with back when we went to the Island Palace. Fight through it using the Fire spell, and then back outside, follow the path back west, north, west, then south. You'll fall into a secret area heading southward, and you'll land right next to your third magic container! Booyah! Now leave this secret area by heading left. Leave the Island Maze completely now. Head back through the cave heading south, back to Nabooru. Heal up your magic and health and lets continue on with the next part of our game. __________ |TWENTYFOUR| The Journey to New Kasuto ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ New Kasuto is a town south of Nabooru, and it's our next destination on our journey. Head due south of Nabooru and you'll come across a large black spider looking creature, the River Devil townfolk in various towns have talked about. You have to make him move, because he's blocking the passage south, that leads to New Kasuto. What do you do!? Well walk up to him and talk to him by pressing the talk button, and Link will automatically break out his Flute and play the Devil a melody which makes him disappear. Now the path is clear and you're free to go about your business. Head south along the previously blocked path. As you head south you'll enter a scene. The scene has a large fence in the background that red lizard creatures use to hide behind as they chuck fireballs at you. You simply have to avoid them as you head right. Go right and you'll run into a sword-equipped orange lizard. Kill him, then keep running right and out of the scene. Once back outside, continue southward on the path and you'll run into a identical scene, except instead of an orange lizard it's a blue lizard that spits fireballs at you. Just jump over and ignore him, and run right out of the scene. Going south on the path more and you'll run into yet ANOTHER of these scenes, identical to the first. Head south along the path to the graveyard, but don't enter it. Go east along the wobbling path alongside the graveyard. Head east to the bridge, where you'll enter a bridge scene. This bridge has gaps in it and skeleton fish flying all over the place. Avoid the fish as you jump over the various gaps heading eastward. The blue lizards in the middle of the bridge can be killed with the Fire spell or avoided completely, it's up to you. Then head right out of this area. You'll be in a forested area. Follow the forested area north and then east. Hidden in the large patch by the desert is a secret scene. Find it, and within is a 500 point P-Bag, if you can defeat the red lizard within, although you don't have to. =) Then, head north through the forest to the cave all the way in the north. Once inside the cave, head right, and activate the Fire spell. Use it on the various spider enemies in the first part of the cave as you head right, and into the next area. In this area, kill or avoid the lizard soldiers that patrol around the area as you head right. Then head right and out of the cave completely. You'll be in a baron seculded piece of land, but don't worry, you're in the right place. Walk two steps east of the cave entrance, then go down south another three steps. Walk east one step from here, then press A on your controller, and the village will appear right next to you. Welcome to the town of New Katsuo. __________ |TWENTYFIVE| The Hidden Town of [New] Kasuto ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once in New Kasuto, heal up Link's magic and health, and talk to everyone in the town. Then we can get down with our objectives in this town. You'll come to realize that although this town is called Kasuto, it's really New Kasuto. The people here fled their old town of Kasuto, called Old Kasuto. The old woman in the second house you come to when you enter New Kasuto will invite you into her house, but only if you have all three Magic Containers thusfar, because she offers you the fourth one. Go in her house and walk to the right. Talk to her, then enter the basement to the right of her. Go right in the basement and pick up the fourth and final Magic Container, which will max that out for you. Woohah! Lets take care of our next objective now. Exit the old woman's house, and head right and into the second segment of town. Three houses down from the beginning of this segment is a house with a door wide open on it. Enter the house and head right to the chimney, where there is a small door going into it. Press up on the directional pad to enter into the hidden basement of this house, then go right and talk to the sage there who'll teach you the spell called Spell. How original. =) Then, exit his house. Now head right to the final segment of the town which I'm sure you noticed originally, when you explored the town. It's a dead end here. Or is it?... Use the spell Spell while against the large wall there and a cave will appear behind you. Enter the cave, which is laid out like a town basement, and the Magic Key item will appear at the end. Grab the Magic Key, and exit the secret cave. You can leave town now if you're all healed up. We gotta get the last heart piece and then go to the last dungeon before the big one! _________ |TWENTYSIX| The Last Heart Piece and the Entrance to Hidden Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you're outside of New Kasuto all healed up and such, head back north and west to the cave we used to get here. Traverse both cave segments heading left, killing or avoiding the enemies within, so that we're back outside, south of the mountain range. Head south through the forested areas, south into the large desert bordering the sea. Now, go to the rocks that form a pattern in the sand, a triangle. Go into the direct middle of them and press A. Link will play the Flute and make a Palace, Hidden Palace, appear below. But before we enter, lets snag this last Heart Container. To get to the secret location which holds the last Heart Container, go to the Palace, then go east from it. Head east to the coast line, then follow the coastline northward. You'll appear in a secret area, with the heart on a pedistal right next to you. Easy enough. =) Grab it, max out your health, and enter Hidden Palace! ___________ |TWENTYSEVEN| Palace 6 - Hidden Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ START E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | _________| |_____ |P E P| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ | |_______________________________________________________________ |E LD LD P E HIDDEN MB C| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___| |___ | |________| |____ | | | P| ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |__________________________________________________ | LD E EL| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ ___| |___ | | | |_____ |P | | | | _BOSS| ¯¯¯| |¯¯¯ _____________| |___| |____ LOOP TO ABOVE | P E | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ KEY - E = Elevator K = Key LD = Locked Door C = Cross P = P-Bag MB = Mini Boss EL = Extra Life As you enter the Palace, there are no enemies patroling the outside. Simply head right past the statue and columns, and to the elevator at the right. Go down it to enter the Palace Proper. Initially, go down one floor, to the first floor you come to. You can either you right or left... go right first. This small area holds a 100 point P-Bag. Go right while avoiding the slow moving skull orb flying around. To get to the platform above holding the P-Bag, use the Upward Thrust Sword Technique on the destroyable blocks above. Once all are destroyed, activate the Jump spell and use it to jump to the high platform above, while avoiding the slow moving skull orb, and the faster moving one that you just released from it's prison behind the destroyable blocks. On the platform, head left to the bag and get a quick 100 experience points. Sweetness. =) Now, head back down and left to the elevator, and now go left of the elevator, avoiding the skull orbs. Go left into the next area. This area holds anotherr P-Bag... underneath the huge mound of destroyable blocks in front of you. Before you attempt to get the P-Bag, lets go left and kill all of the enemies in the room. Go left and take out the skeleton there quickly, then atop the mound, kill the orange eyeball floating around, probably the biggest menace in the room, because he drops fire all over the room and can cause problems. All the way to the left are a few of those hoping weak enemies and another Skeleton. Kill them all, then use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique to get to the P-Bag below through the destroyable blocks, which is worth 200 points! Hell of a way to start out a dungeon visit, no? Now, head back right to the next room, and back to the elevator. Go down it to the next floor. Once down on this floor, you can only go right. Go right and unlock the door in front of you with the Magic Key (no more hunting all over the Palaces for keys!), and head right. Here you'll run into an array of enemies, but most of them are Wizards, so activate the Reflect spell. As you head right, reflect the Wizard's spells back at them to kill them. When you run into the blue armored enemy, kill him with sword slashes, and head right s'more until you get to the end of the area. Go right into the next area. As you head right, a blue sword weilding enemy is to your right, shooting sword beams at you. You can kill him, or opt to pressure him into the pit to his left, to his demise, by simply going towards him and slashing at him. Either way, dispose of him. There are two pits in front of you. One small, one large. If you fall into the pits, you'll be brought back to lower levels... to ensure you make the jumps across, activate your Jump spell. Utilize it to jump over the two gaps, and head right s'more. To your right is another blue sword-weidling enemy. This one you can't make fall into a hole - kill him instead, while blocking his sword beams. To his right is another locked door. Unlock it with the Magic Key, and head right, into the next area. In this area, simply shoot right, avoiding the Wizards and their attacks as you go (or, for experience, simply activate the Reflect spell and kill away), and the statue fixtures on the walls should be avoided too - they shoot fire at Link with deadly accuracy. When you get all the way to the right, again, head into the next area. Here, there are enemies in chambers of destroyable blocks. Obviously the idea is to not free them (or free as little as possible) in your venture rightward. As you head right, jump up onto the platform the first set of destroyable blocks makes. Go right, and jump up once more. Here you'll have to avoid a fast moving skull orb. Below you two stories down (in chamber-numbers), is a P-Bag. To get to it, use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique to destroy the blocks underneath you in your way. Once down there, avoid another skull orb, one you just let loose, and grab the P-Bag there for 100 experience points. Then, hop back up to the top while avoiding the enemies as you go (you may need to go left, kill the blue sword weilding enemy, and start the area all over, basically), and then head right. As you get to the end of the destroyable blocks section, you'll notice an elevator underneath you and an opening to the right. Go right. In this room, there are a bunch of statues in the background. Walk past a couple, as you avoid or kill the wizard enemies in your wake, and you'll fall through a hidden hole in the ground! Once down here, activate the Jump spell and destroy the destroyable blocks at you right. Once through that barrier, kill the red sword weidling enemy here, and to his right, while avoiding the shooting-like-hell skull orbs (which are annoying as hell, now that we're on the subject), is the fourth P-Bag in the palace, worth a huge 200 points! Now head back right, through the barrier we just destroyed, to another barrier of blocks. Destory this barrier of destroyable blocks with your sword, and avoid or kill the enemies in your way, and head left into the next area. In this area, there are a whole bunch of wizards. Activate the Jump spell again and hop onto the platforms above them to get through the area with ease. To the left of this area is an elevator. Take it up a floor. Voila! We're at the elevator I just told you to skip over, making a loop! Now go back right a screen, and back to where that invisible ditch is in the floor. Once you're back there, don't fall into it! Activate the Jump spell one more time and hop over the hole! Once successful in hoping over the hole, go right s'more while avoiding or killing the Wizards, and cut a hole through the destroyable block barrier you come to in your path. Then go right into the next area. Here, simply head right and you'll have a mini-boss fight with the boss from Graveyard Palace - Mounted Rider. He's more simple to defeat than he was the first time. Simple use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique on him when he rides by on his horse. Repeat until he's too weak to ride his horse, when he reverts to being a normal blue sword weidling enemy. Then move in close, block his sword beams, and slash at the open part of his body. It should only take you three slashes to knock him off of his horse and two more to his body to kill him. When he's defeated, he'll drop a key. Take the key, and go to the right to unlock to door there (why do we need a key if we have the Magic Key?). In this room is the Cross! Cool! Now... a long journey backwards. We have to get back several screens leftward. Leave the boss chamber heading left, back to the room with the statues. Use the Jump spell again to get over the pit as you head to the left (remember the location!), and go left into the next room. Ignore the elevator here as you head left, and go on and around the destroyable block chambers, left into yet another area. In this area, avoid the fire from the wall fixtures as you head left, and kill or avoid the remaining Wizards in this area. Head left into the next area. Here, head left down the corridor to the pit in the floor. Fall down the pit. Trust me, it's okay. =) Fall down the hole once. This first floor you fall onto has nothing of any interest whatsoever. So once you fall here, fall down one more level. KEEP THIS IN MIND! If you fall to a wrong level, these falls are ciclic... that is, they repeat. You can get back to the original hole by falling down four times. There are five falls. Get it? Good. Okay, so once you've fallen again, you'll land on a disappearing bridge. You can't go left since there's nothing there, so go right instead. Once on stable land, head right to the locked door. Unlock it and head right until you intercept a blue sword weidling enemy. Battle it, while avoiding its sword beams. Once he's defeated (they are getting easier now, right?), head right into the next area. In this area, cut yourself a way through the destroyable block barrier in front of you, and head right, jumping over the two lava pits in your path. Here, flying horseheads will start coming from the right of the screen, and spiked mine slimes will start patrolling the floors you jump on. Keep going right, avoiding the mine enemies and especially the horseheads, which can easily knock you out of the air and into a lavapit upon collison. Once you get to another destroyable block barrier, cut your way through it again, and head right into the next area. In this area, head right. Cast Reflect on yourself and kill the Wizard with his own spell by reflecting it back upon him to kill him. Head right more to take on and kill a red sword weilding enemy. Then simply head right into the next area. This area, right at the beginning, seems impossible. There is a huge lava pool in front of you with those crazy and annoying skull orbs flying around all over the place. To combat this, cast the Fairy spell on yourself, and take flight rightward across the lava pool. Avoid the three skull orbs as you go, as well as the ceiling suspended fire droppers. It's easier than it sounds. Then head right and go into the next area. In this area, shoot rightward through the enemy-less voids. You'll run into yet another elevator. Go down the elevator to the very bottom. Once at the bottom floor, head left off of the elevator. Kill the skeleton and the wizards here and go left into the next area. This room holds a huge mound of destroyable blocks like we've seen so many times before. Naturally, below it is a P-Bag. Grab it for an easy 200 points while avoiding the very pesky horseheads that fire at you. And the red sword weilding enemy in there should be taken care of as well. Once you do that, head right back to the elevator and go back up it. Back a floor up, go right this time, past the elevator. Kill the mine enemy as you go, and ignore the destroyable blocks above, lest you want to let out the skull orb. Simply go right into the next area. Here, head right down the corridor, where you'll have to fight the Mounted Rider once more. Use the same strategy on him you did the last time, it's that simple. Then take the key he drops, head right through the enemy-less area into the next area. In this area, go right and you'll come across a ditch, with a small disappearing bridge in the middle of it. Cast the Jump spell to jump over it first, then head down the path rightward. Kill the blue sword weilding enemy there while avoiding the skull orb, and what is that he's guarding? An extra life! Nab the rare item, then head back left, stand on the bridge, let it disappear and fall down into the next area. QUICKLY press Start and make sure your spell gauge is on Fairy. As you're falling through this next screen, press Select to turn into a fairy, and fly right, into the passageway to your right. Fly over the skeleton enemy into the next area. Go right s'more in this area, jump over the lava pit, and welcome yourself to the boss domain of Lava Dragon. Lava Dragon is the hardest of the six conventional bosses in the game, because of his lair structure. It's got lava pits, which when falled in, killed Link instantly. You'll want to cast one spell on yourself in particular this battle - Jump. This way you can guarantee safe jumps from platform to platform, avoiding the lava. You might also want to cast Shield to protect yourself from dying. Lava Dragon will peak out of one of the three Lava pools and shoot a stream of fire at Link, then disappear back into the lava. He repeats this the entire battle. To avoid his fire, jump to another platform. His head is his weak spot, so hit his head when he's ducking back into the lava to do damage to him. He can take a lot of damage, so be patient and don't rush! Once he's defeated, grab the key he drops, unlock the door to your right, and put the crystal in the statue's head! The six palaces are down! BOOYAH! Now we have a little bit of business to take care of, and then... the Great Palace! Exit the Hidden Palace, and go west across the desert you're in, across the bridge, to the town of Old Kasuto. We have some business to attend to here. ___________ |TWENTYEIGHT| The Town of Old Kasuto ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Old Kasuto is the old Kasuto town that the people of New Kasuto abandoned when it was overrun by evil energies. It is deserted now, full of monsters, but we have one thing to do in this town. Before you come here, make sure to have all of your magic containers! This is because you're gonna learn a powerful spell here, the last spell in the game, that takes all of your magic to cast! So enter town and you'll notice blue eyeballs all over the place, which you can se thanks to the Cross we found in Hidden Palace. Go to the very first house in town. Go inside of it and go right to the basement at the right of the house. Traverse through the basement, and the wise man on the other side will teach you the powerful spell of Thunder, which takes 64 MP to cast! All of the other houses in the town of Old Kasuto are abandoned! So we can leave from here. Great Palace, here we come! __________ |TWENTYNINE| Journey to the Great Palace ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ NOTE! Before traversing to the Great Palace, make sure all of your fields are level 8 (that is, health, magic and attack), and that you have three lives! This is a dangerous mission ahead! From Old Kasuto, head back right over the bridge (use the Fairy spell to get over it with quickness and ease), then head north to the bridge heading west (repeating the same process as with the bridge before), using the Fairy spell. The graveyard here is the key now. Run quickly through the graveyard, avoiding enemy encounters as best you can (if you do get into a fight, run the hell out of there, the eyeball enemies are powerful in the graveyards), and run south to the end of the graveyard. The patch to the south of the graveyard enters you into an automatic battle scene. It's a fence battle scene, like the ones heading south from the Nabooru area. Avoid the fireballs that the lizards above are chucking at you, while avoiding the eyeballs as well as you head right. Then head right and out of the area completely. You'll be on new ground now, a dark brown ground. When you get into battles on this soil, you'll be in a cave- like atmosphere. So follow this dirt terrain to the west, and then north. You'll run into an automatic scene here. Head left through this cave, and kill the armed lizard you come across, then head left again, jumping over more lava pits. Then head left out of this cave. Go north a bit more into the cave etched into the mountain. In this cave, head left, avoiding or killing the various eyeball enemies. Go left into the next area. Here, kill or avoid the Scorpion enemy as you head left, and then the Lizard enemy as well. Go left outside, and you'll be back out on the path. Follow the path south, and as you head north around the last leg of the path, you'll run into another automatic scene. This one is identical to the last automatic scene. Jump over lava pits, kill a few Lizards, avoid some eyeball enemies as you head left through two areas, and you'll be back outside. Then head north to the cave ahead. In this cave, as you head right, kill the two Lizard enemies, one red, one blue. Then head right out of the cave, and you'll be outside of the Great Palace! ENTER! ______ |THIRTY| THE GREAT PALACE ¯¯¯¯¯¯ BARE IN MIND!... The Great Palace is simply a huge structure, I can't map it all out for you. Because of this, I have only mapped out the areas you need to go through, to make it easier for you. You can get lost TOO easily in the Great Palace, so simply concentrate on the map below and the instructions that follow it to get through it without a hitch. Worry not, you're not missing anything because of it. Therefore, an "I" on the map signifies "Ignore", telling you, the reader and player, to ignore that area of the Palace, to keep you on the right track. _________ START E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | _________| |_____ |E E I | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __| |_____________________ I E E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |________________________ |E E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | | | | | | | _____| |_______________ I E E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | |__________ |E E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | | [continued across the screen on the other side] [continued] | | | |________________ |E E| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | __| |__ I E I ¯¯| |¯¯ ___________| |___ | E I ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __| |_____________ I I ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯ ___| |_____________ I KEY - E = Elevator K = Key LD = Locked Door P = P-Bag As you enter the Great Palace outside, walk to the right and the great forcefield protecting it will disappear, as it only does so after the other six palaces are completed. Go all the way right, and enter the Palace Proper via the elevator there. Once down, you can go left or right. Head left from the outset, and as you head left, kill the red fire bird you come across (they are very strong, so be patient). He'll open up a path left to the next screen once defeated. In this area, head left over the large destroyable block mound. Once you head left back on the regular ground platform and you see Slimes below, keep jumping to avoid a hidden hole in the ground. If you fall in, just kill the slime enemies below, head back right and back up to the platform for another try. Once you get all the way left, jump off of the platform and take the elevator there to the floor below. Once down on this floor, head right into the next room, as there are no enemies here to speak of. In this next area, head right along the expansive bridge system, again, with no enemies in this area either. Simply go right across the two bridges, and right into the next area. In this area, run rightward all the way a bit, until you come across another red fire bird. Kill him while avoiding the fire he shoots, and go down the elevator he was guarding to the next level down. Once down here, you can only go right, so head right. As you head right you'll be blockaded by a weird pattern of destroyable blocks. To make things worse, yellow horseheads are flying at you from the side of the screen. Make as quick work of the blocks as you can to clear yourself passage through the blocks, then head right, where you'll run into the same pattern of destroyable blocks blocking your way. Do it again, going fast and doing your thing to get through. Then simply run right into the next area. Here, a powerful sword weilding enemy will ambush and attack you. He's powerful as hell, so your best bet is to run away rightward as quickly as you possibly can. Jump up the platforms to try and lose him, then use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique on the blocks blocking your way downward to clear yourself a path. Once cleared, head right to the elevator. Once on the elevator, go down the long passage downward until you get to the next floor down. Once on this floor, head right, and kill or avoid the red fire bird there, before going right into the next area. In this next area, kill the red snake enemies and avoid the powerful flying yellow horseheads as you head right through this enemy-filled area of the palace. Keep going right until you get to the elevator at the right end of this screen. Go down it, and then head right. As you head right, you'll come across that weird pattern of destroyable blocks. Get through it (killing the extra strong blue slime within it), and then continue right, where a super strong sword-weidling enemy will attack you, jumping all over the place and shooting sword beams at you. Avoid or kill him, your choice, then destroy some more blocks at your right to make way for your character. Then simply head right into the next area. In this area, head right across a disappearing bridge, jumping over the red snake creature as you go. Run until you get back on stable land. Now, head right, and jump over the lava pit, avoiding the skull orb, and head right to the elevator there. Take it down to the next level. From the elevator, you once again can only go right, so do so. As you head right, the blue curtain motif makes you think that it's a boss lair, but it's not. A huge skull orb is in this room however. Luckily he's slow moving and easy to avoid. So head right, avoid that, then avoid or kill the red fire bird, and go right into the next area. Follow the corridor here to a more open space, where a blue sword weilding enemy will ambush you. Avoid him as you head right,and up the stair platforms here. Use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique on the blocks blocking your way downward, then head right once you can get through them and to the elevator. Head down all the way until you can't go down the elevator anymore. Once down at the bottom-most floor, head left from the elevator. Kill the slime enemies here and avoid the red fire bird, and head left into the next area. In this narrow corridor, horseheads are flying at you, but concentrate on the destroyable blocks on the floor. Destroy them one by one and then walk where they were. One of them is hiding a secret floor drop, which will bring you to a secret place in the palace! Once you fall down this secret pit, head to your right. Be careful here, a giant Slime enemy will fall from the ceiling. Hit him once or twice and he'll split into many smaller slimes. Ignore them and head right into the next area. This area starts off with a disappearing bridge. Run across the bridge, avoiding various enemy threats as you go. When you notice below in the lava pit a small hole leading downward, jump down this hole when the bridge disappearing allows it, and you'll fall into another secret area. Once down this hole, head right into the next area, and the boss of Great Palace, Thunderbird, will appear. Thunderbird is a massive bird creature that flies into the screen from the righthand side. When he flies in he's blue... and invulnerable to your attacks. How do you make it so you can actually damage Thunderbird? Cast the Thunder spell, of course! This will change his color to red and you can now damage him. Before you engage him, however, quickly take the time to heal up if need be, but more importantly, cast Jump and Shield on yourself. The primary way you're going to be able to damage Thunderbird is to use the Upward Thrust Sword Technique on him, while avoiding the fireballs he drops all over the place on the ground. If he gets low enough in altitude, you can always attack him conventionally with a jump and a slash, but the Upward Thrust Sword Technique is your best bet to simply hack him to death. So Thunderbird is defeated... but the game isn't over my friends. Engage the mighty final boss... DARK LINK... Before you engage this, the final boss, heal yourself up with the Heal spell. Cast Shield and Jump on yourself as well, and get ready to battle. Dark Link can mimic all of your moves, he can do whatever you can do, he is quite literally a clone, like that of Mega Man's clone in the original Mega Man game on the NES (although Mega Man's clone wasn't the final boss if I remember correctly). Dark Link is very, very aggressive in battle. He'll run right towards you and stab away, so you have to match his aggressive battle style. Run towards him, and keep at him, even if he tries to retreat or jump. This will keep him from sucessfully attacking you, and using this battle tactic makes things for you a hell of a lot easier. When Dark Link is beaten... well, you've beaten the game my friend, congratulations! See below for more appendices and ending details. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XI ^GAME ENDING^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Once you defeat both Thunderbird and then your evil clone, Dark Link, the game is truly over and the ending scenes ensue. WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Once defeated, Link will receive the missing piece of the Triforce from an old mage, and lift it over his head in victory! Going back to the North Castle, where Zelda is in her comatose sleep, Link uses the final piece of the Triforce in unison with the other two pieces to awaken the Princess Zelda from her supposidly eternal sleep. "You saved Hyrule and you are a real hero!" Zelda exclaims to Link! Then the curtains drop in front of the two and you suspect that they kiss each other. THE END appears on the bottom of the screens. From here, the credits roll. After the credits, Nintendo "Thanks you a million" and gives you the option to "replay" your quest. What does this mean exactly? Well, when you beat Zelda II, you get the option to start the game over again, but this time around it's far more difficult. You start at the levels you beat the game with, which would seemingly make it easier, but bare in mind that the game is identical other than that one point. So, replay if you want. If not, I hope my walkthrough and ending guide were helpful. Enjoy the rest of the walkthrough! _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XII ^WEAPONS/ITEMS/ACCESSORIES^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section of the guide shows all of the weapons, items and accessories in the game! Unlike other Zelda games, there are really no WEAPONS you can use in the game other than your sword, which kinda sucks, but that's life. =) So everything is kinda all thrown together into one list, which may be a bit confusing for ya at first glance, but again, that's life. Woohah, lets get this part of the guide going! The Basics ---------- Shield ****** This shield is your stock defensive item. It'll automatically block certain enemy attacks if you're facing the attack on the same level. It doesn't block blunt and hand to hand item attacks, so be weary of that! Sword ***** Your sword is your weapon throughout the game. Slash and stab enemies with it, and watch as your attack power goes up, your sword deals more damage. And hey, if your health is 100% full, watch your sword shoot across the screen at enemies from far away! Non-Inventory Items ------------------- Crystal ******* You're alloted six of these at the beginning of the game. When you beat a palace you automatically use one of the six crystals to destroy the palace by placing it in the head of a statue after the boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doll **** A Link Doll that, when picked up, gives you an extra life. There are only FIVE of these Dolls available in the game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Jar ****** *** These rare bottles of a red color raise Link's health from whatever has been lost. They areoften hidden in statues and other things, so look carefully for them, especially in palaces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart Container ***** ********* These heart-shaped containers raise Link's hit points by 16 points, or one bar. There are four of these hidden throughout Hyrule in the game, so make sure to search all over to find them all! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Container ***** ********* These bottle-shaped containers raise Link's magic points by 16 points, or one bar. There are four of these hidden throughout Hyrule in the game, so make sure to search all over to find them all! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Jar ***** *** These jars are often dropped by enemies after their defeat, and they restore your magic points that you've lost. You can recognize the weaker variation by its blue color. The red one is the strong potion, and restore your MP fully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasure Bag ******** *** These bags labled with a P on them give Link various amounts of "free" experience points - anywhere from 50 to 500. Some are hidden, and some you get from defeating enemies. Go search 'em out! Inventory Items --------------- Candle ****** The candle is found in the first palace, Parapa Palace, and once gotten, lights up darkened areas in Hyrule, including dark and dreary caves, making them easier to traverse, and so you can see the many enemies in them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hammer ****** The Hammer is found in the Death Mountain Maze area, in a cave system, like a mini-palace. Use it to smash rocks and boulders that are in your way, to open up new and secret areas all around! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handy Glove ***** ***** The Handy Glove is found in the Swamp Palace, and is a useful item. Once you acquire it, you have the power to destroy blocks in your path with a swing of your sword, an automatic power that'll be equipped on you once the item is acquired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raft **** The Raft is an item you find in the Graveyard Palace. It's use isn't in that palace itself; instead, you need it to get to a new part of the world of Zelda II, with new towns, caves and dungeons to explore. To use it, go to the port town of Mido, and walk onto the dock, and the raft will automatically take you across the sea to the other side! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boots ***** The Boots are the item you find in the Island Palace. Their use it primarily to reach the Water Palace (Palace 5), but also can lead you in the direction of a coveted 500 point P-Bag. Use them to walk across the water east of Nabooru by walking on the path east of the town straight into the water. Then traverse the water to your destination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flute ***** The Flute has two uses in the game and two uses only. Found in the Water Palace, the Flute is to rid the pathway due south of Nabooru of the black spider which blocks your entrance into the area. Once you get the Flute, act as if you were gonna talk tohim, approaching the spider and pressing the talk button. Link will play a mystical tune on the Flute which will make the black spider simply disappear, granting you access to the lands south of him. The other use of the Flute is to make the sixth and final Palace appear out of nowhere... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Key ***** *** The Magic Key is the end all of keys. When you have it, you don't need any more keys in the entire game, because it's a reusable master key! To find it, go to New Kasuto and learn the spell Spell. Then go to the dead end at the last segment in New Kasuto and cast the spell to make a secret cave entrance appear. Enter the cave and within the short, enemy-less cave lies the Magic Key you've been looking for! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross ***** The Cross, which is found in the Hidden Palace, is a holy item so you can see the blue eyeballs in graveyards and in Old Kasuto, when you go there to learn the Thunder spell. That's about the only use for it. Otherwise, a pretty useless final item to obtain in an RPG or RPG-like game, but hell, an item is an item, despite what it's used for. =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XIII ^ENEMIES^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section is a compilation of enemies found in the game. They are in alphabetical order. Only the enemies found in the instruction manual for the game are listed, because those are the only enemies I know the names of. The descriptions of the enemies are my own, however. For information on boss enemies, see the next section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Ache **** The pesky bat creatures in the game are called Aches. They hang on ceilings until Link comes near, then they swoop down at Link, and go back to the ceiling. You have to carefully time your swipes at these cave-dwelling enemies to hit them and destroy them dead on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Acheman ******* Achemen are red Aches that swoop down at Link, but turn into a Demon-like creature on the ground. They then shoot fire at Link, turn back into a red bat, and fly back to the ceiling. Annoying creatures indeed, these enemies can take a few hits early on in the game to defeat, and you can't block their fire without the Reflect spell activated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Bit *** Bits are the red, Slime-like enemies in the game. They are the weakest enemy you can find in the game, and give a measly one experience point. This enemy can only crawl, and isn't hard at all. One slash at any level can defeat this enemy to nothingness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Bot *** Bots are the blue Slime-like creatures, found throughout the game. They are slightly stronger than their red cousins, and can not only crawl, but jump at a moment's notice. One slash takes care of them too, but be careful, although not strong, they can easily surprise you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Daira ***** Prehistoric looking by nature, these yellow and red menaces are equipped with a Battle Axe which they throw with incredible power, doing incredible damage to their target. Their axe can't be blocked by the shield, with Reflect activated or not, so you have to avoid them at all costs. Move in close to kill them quick before a barrage of axes goes-a-flying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Deeler ****** Deelers come in two varieties, red and blue. Both are forest dwelling spider creatures that hang from trees. The difference between them isthat the red ones just hang from the trees. If an enemy is in sight of a blue one, however, he will go onto the ground from his web and pursue his enemy with great speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Geldarm ******* Found only in the desert areas of the game, Geldarms are the large white snake- like creatures that stick out of the ground vertically. To defeat them, you have to hit them in the body, to make their heads get to ground level, where you can damage it's weak spot, the head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Goriya ****** Goriyas come in a few forms, but one thing they all have in common is they throw boomerangs, and with great skill. Their boomerangs can be blocked with the shield, but be careful when the boomerangs go back to the thrower, 'cause they can hit you in the back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Ironknuckle *********** Ironknuckles are common Palace enemies, and are extremly strong, especially early on in the game when you are at your weakest. They use a shield and sword with great skill. The Ironknuckle will almost always block the slashes and stabs of your sword, so you have to outsmart him and slash at him when he goes to slash at you. The red ones are strong enough, but the blue ones not only have a sword, but can shoot sword beams at Link, similar to the ones that Link can shoot when he's at full health, but stronger! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Lowder ****** The creepy-crawly enemy of the game, Lowders covet their space in the caves. If they see an enemy on the ground they will speed up in pursuit of their enemy. Duck down to slice them into oblivion on their level. The Downward Thrust Sword Technique works just as well, however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Moa *** Moas are a common type of enemy found in later stages of the game, especially in graveyards and palaces. They come in several varities. Some fly around incessantly. Some fly, then stop, then fly. And some drop fire wherever they go, making the ground below them nearly impassible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Moby **** The Eagle like enemy Moby isn't found with great regularity in Hyrule, but this forest dwelling enemy flies in the air in straight lines at its prey with impressive success. Duck out of their way, or slice them mid-flight to end their reign of terror! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Molblin ******* Weak spear-throwing enemies, these guys dwell in the forests of Hyrule. They are slow and weak, but they can throw spears with distance and great accuracy, so be careful of that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Myu *** Classified as a special type of slime, these spiked creatures line the floors of palaces and caves alike, and can suddenly move and jump at a moment's notice. They are more like mines than slimes, so be careful of their sneaky nature. You can only hurt them manually with the Downward Thrust Sword Technique. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Octorok ******* Octoroks are common enemies and come in two forms - red and blue. Red ones simply jump up and down shooting rock like projectiles from their snouts. The Blue ones do the same thing, but can move more than just jumping up and down, so be careful! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Enemy: Stalfos ******* Stalfos are the skeleton creatures that come in three forms within Palaces all over Hyrule. The basic one is a white Skeleton with a sword, weak. The red and blue ones are elite Stalfos that can jump and run at a moment's notice, with greater skill of the art of swordhandling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XIV ^BOSSES^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section is where you find strategies on the Boss characters in the game. They are in the order in which you fight them! Use this section to carefully plan your fights with the bosses! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAPA PALACE BOSS - H O R S E H E A D - - - - - - - - - Horsehead is the first boss you fight in the game, and is extremly easy. His slow speed and lack of attack will makes him an easy target. As the battle begins, immidiatly cast the Shield spell on yourself to raise your defense in case he hits you. Then, close in on him, jump and hit him in the head with your sword, then carefully walk or jump back before he swings his club! He's only vulnerable in the head so make sure to hit him there or you won't be doing much to him! He won't attack you unless he gets close, so use that to your advantage! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWAMP PALACE BOSS - H E L M E T H E A D - - - - - - - - - - Helmet Head is the second boss in the game, and is even easier than Horsehead from Parapa Palace. If you learned the Downward Thrust from the knight in Mido before coming to the palace, which you should have, then you'll have no problem here. Simply repeat the Downward Thrust on Helmet Head (you'd think his head would be his strong point, but it's not), and avoid his fireballs or block them with your shield. The pieces of his helmet that float into the air avoid after you hit him each time. He'll be toast before you know it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAVEYARD PALACE BOSS - M O U N T E D R I D E R - - - - - - - - - - - - The Mounted Rider is a pretty easy boss in the beginning, and gets quite a bit harder at the end. He starts off mounted on a horse and simply rides back and forth across the screen at you. When he comes near you, use the Downward Thrust sword technique on him to damage him. When you hit him like this enough times, he'll dismount his horse and fight you like a regular blue sword-weilding enemy, that can shoot the sword beams at you. Block the sword beams shot at you and move in close to do damage to him. Unlike his cousin, the red sword weilder, they don't use the shield with incredible accuracy, so you should defeat him with little to no trouble. Use the Shield spell on yourself if you'd like, if he's giving you trouble and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND PALACE BOSS - R E D W I Z A R D - - - - - - - - - The Red Wizard boss should be fought like you fight any other regular Wizard enemy you come across. This one just happens to be a bit harder and faster and stronger and such. To begin the battle, cast Reflect on yourself (and Shield wouldn't hurt, either, to cut down some damage you may receive from him). Then face wherever he comes out of his teleport from and aim your shield at him, with the Reflect spell activated. This will shoot back the magic he shoots at you. Try to get as close as you can to him when you Reflect though, because he teleports quickly, so if you're too far away, the reflected magic won't reach him in time. He's simple, actually, so worry not! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER PALACE BOSS - S P I K E G I A N T - - - - - - - - - - Spike Giant is an easy boss, if you activate the Jump spell and fight him in the correct style. The Jump spell is used to jump over his massive body, of which you can't jump over without the spell active. He has a mace which is the only way he can damage you other than running into him. He's slow to use it however, as he spins it before he swings it, giving you a sign to run away from the range of the mace, which isn't too extraordinary. When he simply moves around, run in to slash him once or twice, then run away before he unleashes his mace attack on you again. Downward Thrusts only work if you time them perfectly and hit him in the perfect spot, so don't waste your time unless you're incredibly accurate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIDDEN PALACE BOSS - L A V A D R A G O N - - - - - - - - - - The Lava Dragon is the hardest of the six Palace bosses to defeat. His lair is laid out with three lava pits, which makes it easy for Link to kill himself simply moving and jumping around the lair. At the outset of the battle, have Link cast Jump on himself to ensure safe jumps from platform to platform in between the lava pits. Shield is also a spell you might wanna cast, but that's purely optional. The Lava Dragon's weak spot is his head, so when he peaks his head out of the lava and shoots fire at you, avoid it by jumping to another platform, then quickly jump to the platform he's closest to and slash at his head as he goes back into the lava. Repeat this process slowly and with patience. It's easy to kill yourself in the lava pits here if you are hasty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT PALACE BOSS - T H U N D E R B I R D - - - - - - - - - - - The Thunderbird enemy is the primary enemy-boss in the Great Palace. First and foremost, when he appears on the screen and the battle begins, you MUST cast Thunder on him. This will change his color to red, and make him vulnerable to your attacks. If you don't do this, you won't be able to hit him. Once that's done, you'll want to cast two more spells on yourself; Jump, to allow you to jump to his level in the air, and Shield, to let yourself take more damage. Once both of those are casted, let the attacking begin. The massive Thunderbird flies in the air at varying altitudes while dropping fireballs down below. As Link, attack him using the Upward Thrust Sword Technique, and if he gets low enough, you can actually just jump and swipe normally, but this is a rarety. Make sure to Heal yourself if your magic bar permits, because he can do some crazy damage on you before you know what hit ya. But it's not over when you beat him... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL BOSS - D A R K L I N K - - - - - - - - The final boss in the game, Dark Link (also known as Shadow Link, Evil Link, or just Shadow), is the hardest boss in the game. He can be extraordinarily annoying, actually, if you aren't careful. Dark Link is just like the Mega Man clone in the original Mega Man game on the NES - he mimics your moves, so you have to find ways to draw him into your attacks while you stay away from his. How do you do this? Easily. First and foremost, cast Shield and Jump on yourself. Once you've done that, we can engage Dark Link. Dark Link is very offensive; that is, he'll run at you and stab away. So do exactly what he does. It's more about who can outstab who here, but remember... he can do everything you can. Heal yourself if need be, and be aggressive in this fight, keep charging at him, not allowing your enemy to do identical attacks on you, which are taxing on your health. When he's defeated? Well... that's game! =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XV ^MAGIC^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section is where you can find information on the various magic spells in the game. While there aren't that many, all are very useful for one thing or another, and you'll have to learn each of them to move on in the game! (in the order in which you get them!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Shield Where Learned: Wise Man in Rauru Description: The Shield spell halves the damage you are dealt when you are fighting enemies. Your outfit turns red when the spell is engaged. Save this for use on bosses in Palaces! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Jump Where Learned: Wise Man in Ruto (give the Wise Man's niece the Trophy!) Description: The Jump spell is pretty useless but you do need it to advance in the game. Use the spell and your ability to jump will be greatly heightened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Life Where Learned: Wise Man in Saria (give the Wise Man's daughter the Mirror!) Description: The Life spell is very useful throughout the rest of your journey through the game after you acquire it. Use it to replenish your life (using a pretty big amount of magic points, yes) if you can't find a fairy anywhere, and you're running low with no towns to go to as use to replenish your health. Good stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Fairy Where Learned: Wise Man in Mido (give the Wise Man's wife the Medicine!) Description: The Fairy magic is extremly useful. Casting it will turn you into a Fairy yourself. You can't attack while in this state, but you can get hit (although it takes HP), and you can fly far overhead of looming enemies in your path to get to and fro, et cetera. Very useful indeed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Fire Where Learned: Wise man in Nabooru (give the Wise Man's daughter the fountain water.) Description: The Fire spell is the first offensive spell you get in the game, and is pretty useful (and vital) in your quest. Activate the spell and you'll be able to shoot fireballs out of your sword, the distance of an entire screen, doing significant damage. I say this is a vital spell because there are certain enemies throughout your quest (right after you're supposed to get the spell, actually), that can't be damaged without the Fire spell... so you must get it, as you must get all the other spells. So that doesn't really make it THAT significant, I guess. But it's still cool. =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Reflect Where Learned: Wise man in Darunia (give the Wise Man's wife the missing child.) Description: The Reflect spell is a must if you want to be able to successfully fight the Wizard enemies, and defeat the boss of the Island Palace. Once the spell is activated, you can reflect Wizard spells back at them using your shield, which now has the power of Reflect casted over it. Use it to fight these powerful enemies, which otherwise can't be harmed. Especially needed against the Red Wizard, boss of the Island Palace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Spell Where Learend: Wise man in New Kasuto (enter the Wise Man's house in the second segment of the town, three houses down, and go into his chimney, which leads to the secret basement). Description: The Spell called spell has a primary usefulness and a hidden use as well. The primary use of Spell is in New Kasuto itself. Go to the last segment of the town to the dead end and use this spell to make a secret cave appear there, which, when entered, holds the Magic Key item, used in the sixth and final palace in the game. You can also turn enemies into blue slimes by using this spell at certain times... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Spell: Thunder Where Learend: Wise man in Old Kasuto Description: The Thunder spell is the strongest spell in the game. Casting it takes 64 MP, most of a level 8, 8 block magic gauge! It's very powerful, however. Casting it destroys every enemy on screen, opening new passages for Link through enemy-less terrain. But I don't recommend using the spell often, if at all. It's too taxing on your magic meter to really wanna use it legitimatly, but then again, that's just my opinion... you HAVE to use it on a certain enemy... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XVI ^TOWN ARCHIVE^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section is where you learn stuff about all of the different towns in the game. There is information on each town below, as well as what people say in each town, and stuff to accomplish in each town. You'll see! Just read below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darunia ******* Darunia is the "Mountain Town" in the game, and offers you two things. A spell and a powerful sword technique. You can learn the Upward Thrust Sword Technique from a Knight in this town, as well as the spell Reflect after you rescue and return the child from the Island Maze. Not a terribly useful spell to have, but you need it for the Palaces after this town. Words of the Townsfolk... Woman in Red #1 - "Please save our town!" Woman in Red #2 - "Please let me help you. Come inside." "I can restore your life." Old Woman #1 - "You must save Hyrule!" Old Woman #2 - "Stop and rest here." "I can give you magic. Come back anytime." Woman in Purple #1 - "I can not help you." Fat Woman #1 - "The Devil does not like noise." Fat Man #1 - "The Palace has a false wall." Fat Man #2 - "I know nothing." Little Boy #1 - "A powerful Knight lives in this town." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mido **** Mido is the "port town" of Zelda II. Although a basic three segment town, it holds the Fairy spell and your first sword skill to learn in the game. Just make sure to retrieve the Medicine from the cave north of Saria before you come here, to guarantee your access to the Fairy spell! Its port is also your entrance to a whole 'nother part of the game... Words of the Townsfolk... Woman in Red #1 - "Please let me help you. Come inside." "I can restore your life." Woman in Red #2 - "Hello!" Woman in Purple #1 - "No one is here but a churchbell will ring." Woman in Purple #2 - "Sorry. I know nothing." Old Woman #1 - "Hello young fellow." Old Woman #2 - "Stop and rest here." "I can give you magic. Come back anytime." Old Woman #3 - "Find magic in a cave in Morgue Swamp." Fat Man #1 - "I am much too busy to talk to a stranger." Little Boy #1 - "The island palace in the south has a raft." Man #1 - "Ask Error of Ruto about the Palace." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nabooru ******* Nabooru is the first town you encounter once you get to the eastern part of Hyrule on your journey, after the Graveyard Palace. There isn't much of an objective as this stop... although you'll want to pick up the Fire Spell while you're here or you won't go much farther; you need it to defeat a certain enemy not much farther from the town, and can't procede until he's dead. Otherwise the town has not much to offer. Words of the Townsfolk... Woman in Red #1 - "Please save our town!" Woman in Red #2 - "I am thirsty." "You have water. Come to my house." Woman in Red #3 - "Please let me help you. Come inside." "I can restore your life." Old Woman #1 - "Stop and rest here." "I can give you magic. Come back anytime." Old Woman #2 - "You must save Hyrule!" Woman in Purple #1 - "I can not help you." Woman in Purple #2 - "See a man in Darunia before the Islands." Little Boy #1 - "Jump in a hole in the palace if you go." Fat Woman #1 - "The River Devil eats those who are weak." Man #1 - "With boots I could walk on water." Fat Man #1 - "I know nothing." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Kasuto *** ****** The people of [New] Kasuto are the people of the original Kasuto. This is actually the "Hidden" town of Kasuto, but not the original Kasuto. The people here escaped their old town when it was over-run by monsters, making this town "new". This town has the fourth magic container in the game, as well as the spell called... Spell. =) The Magic Key is also hidden in this town, so search carefully! Words of the Townsfolk... Woman in Red #1 - "Please save our town!" Woman in Red #2 - "Stop by for awhile." "Revived!" Woman in Purple #1 - "We had to flee Kasuto." Woman in Purple #2 - "I can not help you." Old Woman #1 - "You deserve my help. Follow me." Old Woman #2 - "You must save Hyrule!" Old Woman #3 - "Rest here." "How about that? It's my secret medicine." Fat Woman #1 - "The old man who remains has magic." Fat Man #1 - "Call for help at the Three Eye Rocks." Fat Man #2 - "I know nothing." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rauru ***** Rauru is due east of the North Castle, and is the first town you should visit in the game. It has a few things to do there. You can get healed, both life and magic. You also learn the Shield Spell here by going into the fifth house from the left, the one story silver-white house. Words of the Townsfolk... Old Woman #1 - "Return the Crystal to the palace in Parapa." Old Woman #2 - "Hello young fellow." Fat Man #1 - "If all else fails use fire." Fat Man #2 - "I am much too busy to talk to a stranger." Woman in Red #1 - "Please let me help you. Come inside." "I can restore your life." Woman in Red #2 - "Hello!" Woman in Purple #1 - "Sorry. I know nothing." Woman in Purple #2 - "Talk to my father before you leave town." Woman in Purple #3 - "Find the heart in southern Parapa." Woman in Purple #4 - "Each town has a wise man. Learn from him. Man #1 - "Only a hammer can destroy a roadblock." Boy #1 - "Get Candle in Parapa Palace. Go west." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruto **** The town of Ruto is full of people that give you pretty valuable information, and is the only town in the region of North Castle other than Rauru. You get the Jump Spell here if you give the woman the Trophy you find in the cave north of North Castle in the desert! Words of the Townsfolk... Woman in Red #1 - "Please let me help you. Come inside." "I can restore your life." Woman in Red #2 - [after getting the trophy back]"You saved the trophy. Come see my Uncle." Woman in Red #3 - "Hello!" Fat Man #1 - "I am Error." Fat Man #2 - "I am much too busy to talk to a stranger." Old Woman #1 - "Stop and rest here." "I can give you magic. Come back anytime." Old Woman #2 - "Hello young fellow." Old Woman #3 - "Hammer... Spectacle Rock... Death Mtn." Woman in Purple #1 - "Sorry, I know nothing." Woman in Purple #2 - "Do not go south without a candle." Man #1 - "Find magic in a cave south of the castle." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saria ***** Saria is a massive town which has several parts to it, and is actually considered the gateway to the Death Mountain Labyrinth. You also learn the important Heal spell here, probably the most useful spell in the game. Use it wisely! Man #1 - "Eyes of Ganon are everywhere, be careful." Women in Red #1 - "Hello!" Woman in Red #2 - "Please let me help you. Come inside." "I can restore your life." Women in Purple #1 - "I lost my mirror." Woman in Purple #2 - "Sorry. I know nothing." Fat Man #1 - "I am much to busy to talk to a stranger." Old Woman #1 - "Hello young fellow." Old Woman #2 - "Stop and rest here." "I can give you magic. Come back anytime." Fat Woman #1 - "In Midoro Swamp find a handy glove." Slime #1 - "Zzz..." Knight #1 - "You know Bagu? Then I can help you cross." [ONLY if you get Bagu's letter] _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XVII ^SECRETS^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section is for all of the secrets in the game. If you want to know the location of all of the HEART PIECES, MAGIC POTIONS, P-BAGS, et cetera, this is the place to be! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEART PIECE LOCATIONS ----- ----- --------- 1.) To get the first Heart Piece, traverse through the cave north of Rauru so you come out on the other side in Parapa Desert. Instead of going north to Parapa Palace, head east towards the water, then down. You'll come across a path, and you'll run into some obstacles, but keep heading south and you'll come to a small patch of woods. Enter the patch and defeat the enemies in the area (like Stonehenge), and grab the Heart Piece! 2.) The second Heart Piece is located in a cave due south of Rauru, past a boulder. After you get the Hammer, take the path south of Rauru, and destroy the boulder in your way. To your right is a cave with a boulder in front of it. Destroy the boulder, enter the cave, and traverse the cave. At the end of the cave is none other than a Heart Piece waiting for you! 3.) The third Heart Piece is located near Water Palace (Palace 5). Go onto the path branching eastward from Nabooru, and follow it into the water. Act as if you were gonna head to Water Palace, but instead, branch northward about 3/5 of the way there, to find a secret passage heading north. Follow the watery path northward, then eastward, and you'll run into an automatic scene. No enemies are here, just head right to the middle of the scene and grab your third Heart Container. 4.) The fourth and last Heart Container is actually the easiest to get. From Hidden Palace, walk due east to the coast line of the desert, then follow the coastline northward and you'll run into it. Simply grab the heart (it's right next to you), and voila! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC POTION LOCATIONS ----- ------ --------- 1.) The first Magic Potion can be gotten after you get the Candle from Parapa Palace. From North Castle, where you start the game, leave the Castle and the island it's on, then circle north around it, and go left past the Castle, going south through the forest and plains areas to the cave due south. Enter the cave, and traverse through it, and you'll find the Magic Potion at the end. 2.) The second of the Magic Potions can be found in the Death Mountain Cave System. Directly left of the cave where you get the Hammer from in this system, there is a boulder. Use the Hammer to smash the boulder, then enter the rubble. You'll fall into a ditch where you can retrieve the Magic Potion just sitting there all by its lonesome. 3.) To get your third Magic Potion, head to the Island Maze, where Island Palace is. This time, follow these directions to get to the secret area that holds this potion for you. Head north onto the river, then head down the river, over the bridge heading east. Follow the river heading north, go north until the river again starts flowing east. Instead, head west off of the river back onto the path, and follow it westward. You'll run into a scene, one we were familiar with back when we went to the Island Palace. Fight through it using the Fire spell, and then back outside, follow the path back west, north, west, then south. You'll fall into a secret area heading southward, and you'll land right next to your third magic container! 4.) The fourth and final Magic Container is located in New Kasuto, and you can only get it if you've gotten the above three Magic Potions as well! Enter New Kasuto and go to the second house in town. An old woman will walk out of it. Talk to her and she'll invite you inside, telling you you deserve her help. Follow her in and go into her basement at the right of her house, then follow the basement corridor to the end, where you'll find the container! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P-BAG LOCATIONS - --- --------- 1.) A 50 Point P-Bag can be found near North Castle. Follow the winding path northward from North Castle, and you'll come across a small patch of woods adjacent to the path. Enter it and head to the middle to get 50 experience points! 2.) A 100 Point P-Bag can be found in the one patch of forest to the east of the town of Saria. Enter the forest and defeat any enemies in there and get your free experience! 3.) A 200 Point P-Bag is found in a cave northwest of Mido, Northeast of Saria, due south past the boulder of Rauru. Take the path upward past the boulder, and go to the cave, across leftward from the cave with the boulder blocking it. Enter it, destroy the simple monsters and retrieve your prize! 4.) To get a 50 Point P-Bag, the Swamp Palace is where you want to go. The room before the room where you get the Handy Glove here holds a P-Bag guarded by a bunch of blocks that fall from the sky. Wait until you get the Handy Glove, then head back and destroy the blocks that fall to get to the P-Bag. 5.) Another P-Bag in Swamp Palace, this 100 Point P-Bag is in the lower lower levels of the palace, on a platform that crumbles away after you step on it, so make sure to get it quickly and make haste to get off of the platform before it crumbles underneath you! 6.) A 100 point P-Bag is in Graveyard Palace. To get to it, go left of the second elevator down the corridors until you can't go left anymore. In that room, near a key, under a bunch of blocks, lie the P-Bag you need. Of course, you'll have to hack and slash through enemies and numerous blocks to get to it. 7.) Another 100 point P-Bag can be found in Graveyard Palace. To get to this one, go down the second elevator in the palace, and go right (the only direction you can go on this floor), past the locked door. As you head right past the varying height-platforms, you'll notice a P-Bag on a high platform overhead. Activate the Jump spell to reach it, and bag the experience. 8.) Yet ANOTHER 100 point P-Bag can be gotten in the Graveyard Palace. This one is also after the second elevator. Past where the above P-Bag is gotten, go right one screen. Fall down the slight ditch to the path below and go right, destroying the blocks as you go. Kill the red sword weilding enemy that you come across, and you'll find that he's guarding a 100 point P-Bag! 9.) A 200 point P-Bag is the next bag to find. Once you cross the sea east of Mido to the next area, look south towards the lonely little patch of forest to your south. Enter it, kill some enemies, and work towards the middle of the area, to pick up the P-Bag. Booyah. 10.) A 100 point P-Bag can be found in the Island Palace. To get to it, go down the initial elevator into the Palace proper, then head right. From there, just head right and kill a Skeleton knight or two and you can't miss it. It's right there in front of you. 11.) A nice, juicy 200 point P-Bag can be found in the Island Palace on the first floor. From the elevator that brings you in and out of the Palace proper, go all the way left, until you can't go left anymore. You'll be in a room with a block mound in it. Underneath the mounds in a little alcove is a P-Bag. This is the P-Bag in question! 12.) The final P-Bag in the Island Palace is a 100 point P-Bag. It's located high above on a platform, right before the bosses lair. To get to it, obviously, you'll need to activate and use the Jump spell to be able to jump that high. Then, 100 free experience points are yours! 13.) A P-Bag is located in the desert patch next to the Water Palace. To find it, go to this desert patch (located north of some mountains), and walk around until you come across a hidden scene. The scene will start you out facing left, but don't go left. Activate the Jump spell and jump onto the plateau at your right. Follow it rightward until you come across the P-Bag in question. The P- Bag is worth an amazing 500 experience points! WOOHAH! 14.) The Water Palace holds a 200 point P-Bag at the general outset of the palace. Go right from the first elevator a few screens until you come to the disappearing bridge. While running right across it and avoiding the airborne horsehead enemies, slash at the P-Bag on the bridge before the bridge disappears underneath you to get it, and then run across the bridge to safety. Booyah, that was easy. =) 15.) Another P-Bag is in Water Palace, another 200 point P-Bag for ye. On the third floor, on a platform over yet another elevator in this expansive palace sits this P-Bag. On either side of the platform are fire droppers suspended from the ceiling. Activate the Jump spell to jump up to the platform, avoiding the fire from above, and nab your prize. 16.) A 200 Pointer, P-Bag, can be found within the confines of Water Palace as well. To the left of one of the elevators that goes up and down (as in not just up and not just down), there is a wall of destroyable blocks. Destroy them, head left, kill the red bomb throwing enemy, then destroy the blocks to the left of him via use of the Downward Thrust Sword Technique, then go left s'more. Use the Upward Thrust Sword Technique to destroy the blocks holding the P-Bag within it's confines when you can't go left anymore. 17.) Another P-Bag yet is in the Water Palace. Only worth 50 points, the elevator before the boss fight is the key. Take this elevator all the way down and go left two screens. On top of one of the destroyable block mounds on the screen all the way to the left lies the P-Bag, only worth 50 points, but worth getting none-the-less. 18.) ANOTHER 200 point P-Bag is in Water Palace. Like the above P-Bag, the elevator before the boss fight is the key! Take the elevator to the middle, where you can go up or down with it, if it's not already there. Then go left of the elevator. Take a look at #16 (minus the red bomb throwing enemy) for information on how to retrieve this valuable P-Bag. 19.) A whopping 500 experience point P-Bag can be found en route to New Kasuto. After going across the dismembered bridge heading east, you'll be in a forested area. Head north and east along the forested area following the waterline, and you'll run into the hidden area. In this area, head east and kill the red lizard creature inside, then go east and get the P-Bag for an easy 500 experience points. 20.) The cave south of Nabooru holds a 500 point P-Bag as well. Enter the cave due south of Nabooru, and then head right inside. Activate the Fire spell and use it on the three jumping spiders in the first part of the cave to kill them, blocking the fireballs they shoot at you. Go all the way right into the next area, then head right, and you'll run into a blue scorpion that shoot fire out of his tail. He can only be damage when he opens his eye, and you should use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique on him to damage him when he does so. Then grab the bag! 21.) A 500 point P-Bag is located to the cave west of the cave that leads to the hidden location of New Katsuo. To get to the cave, go west of the cave leading to New Katsuo and cross the forest, then the swamp area, to the cave entrance etched into the northern mountain range. Once in this cave, it's identical to the cave in #20 right above this, so follow the directions found there. 22.) A 100 point P-Bag is located in Hidden Palace, right at the beginning of the palace. Go down the elevator into the Palace Proper, and head right the short distance to the P-Bag. To get to the platform holding the P-Bag, use the Upward Thrust Sword Technique to destroy the blocks blocking your way, and then use the Jump spell to jump up to the platform and retrieve the prize! 23.) A 200 point P-Bag is located on the other side of the elevator in Hidden Palace right in the beginning of the palace. To get to it, go left from the elevator into the next room. There is a huge block mound in the room. Kill the enemies in the room and use the Downward Thrust Sword Technique to get to the bottom of the blocks where the P-Bag resides. 24.) The third P-Bag in Hidden Palace is worth 100 points. To get it, go right of the elevator on the second floor a ways, until you get to the room with chambers of enemies surrounded by destroyable blocks. In one of these chambers lies a P-Bag, which is easy to get indeed, although the enemy threat surrounding the P-Bag is something else entirely. 25.) The fourth of the P-Bag line in Hidden Palace is worth 200 experience points. To get it, go to the room with the statues in the background. There is a hidden hole in that room which drops you to the floor below you. Simply go right through the destroyable block barrier, kill the enemy there, and grab the bag! 26.) The fifth P-Bag in Hidden Palace is located near the end. The final elevator you come to leads only down. Go down it all the way and then to the left. You'll come across a great mound of destroyable blocks. Underneat it? A 200 point P-Bag! They certainly are numerous now, aren't they? 27.) A 200 point P-Bag, the sixth in Hidden Palace, is located in the pitfall directly underneath the one where you can only go right. It's in the alcove to the left of the area, very simple to find. _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XVI ^GENERAL FAQ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This part of the guide is the General FAQ, where you can find the answers to some frequently asked questions in relation to the game! Got a question? Send it in to me at cmoriarty311@cs.com, and if it's good and valid, I'll surely post it on the next update of the walkthrough and you'll get full credit! ----- 1.) Q. How come caves are dark! I can't see! A. The caves are dark because you don't have the Candle item yet. See question 2 on where to get the Candle. ----- 2.) Q. Where do I get the Candle you speak of? A. It can be found in Parapa Palace, the first palace you visit. ----- 3.) Q. Where is the Trophy? A. The Trophy is in a cave due north of North Castle, by some water. Traverse the short cave to retreive the Trophy. ----- 4.) Q. The woman that's supposed to let me in her home in Ruto so I can learn the Jump Spell won't let me in! Why not!? A. Make sure to get the Trophy, and then offer it to her. (see question 3!) ----- 5.) Q. In the cave south of Ruto, how do I navigate that large cliff? It's too high to jump to! A. Make sure to get the Jump spell from Ruto first (see questions 3 and 4). ----- 6.) Q. Where's Bagu's House? A. My good friend and fellow GameFAQs writer Devin Morgan made a good map to show you were the house is, which can be found on GameFAQs at this URL http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/zelda_ii_baju.jpg Hope it helps! ----- 7.) Q. How do I get the Mirror in Saria that the woman asks for? A. To get this Mirror, go to the second section of Saria. The first house here (more like a Hut) has a table in it. Search the table to find the Mirror, then go back to the first section and give it to the woman who told you she lost it. She'll let you in her house and her father will give you the Heal spell! ----- 8.) Q. Where's the Hammer? A. The Hammer is located in the cave system of Death Mountain. The final cave after the series of caves is where it is located, guarded by no boss, but some tough enemies. ----- 9.) Q. How do I equip the Hammer? A. The Hammer can't be equipped - it's automatically equipped for you. To use it on rocks and boulders, simply approach them and act as if you were going to talk to them, and the rock or boulder will be obliterated before your very eyes. ----- 10.) Q. Where do I find the Medicine to use in Mido? A. The Medicine can be found in a cave blocked by a boulder north of Saria, across a small batch of swampland. Enter the cave, traverse it and destroy the monsters there. At the righthand side of the cave lies the Medicine, which you can bring back to Mido and give to the woman, which will directly lead you in learning the Fairy spell. ----- 11.) Q. How do I get to the top of the church in Mido? A. The door on top of the church at Mido can be gotten to by activating the Jump Spell and using it to get to that height. Within the church is a knight who will teach you the Downward Thrust sword technique! ----- 12.) Q. How do I get the Downward Thrust sword technique? A. See above question. ----- 13.) Q. How do I destroy the blocks in my way in Swamp Palace? A. The answer is in Swamp Palace itself. In the palace is the Handy Glove, which once acquired, gives your sword the automatic power to destroy the blocks with a swing of your sword. ----- 14.) Q. Where in God's name is the Graveyard Palace? A. The answer, m'dear, is in the massive graveyard south of Mido. Head to the graveyard, and go to the grave in the middle, which is called King's Tomb. From here, head due south and you'll come across a secret entrance, which you'll fall into. Traverse the short cave and you'll be back outside. Then just take the linear path to the Graveyard Palace! ----- 15.) Q. What do I use the raft for I find in Graveyard Palace? A. The use of the raft is elementary - it's to get to a completely new segment of Hyrule using the dock at Mido to get across the ocean/sea whatever it is. =) ----- 16.) Q. In Nabooru, I use the Jump spell to get to some sort of symbol on a wall in the third part of town. What the hell is that? QUESTION UPDATE! I've gotten several e-mails... actually, more than several, on this particular question (one or two a day), so I'm going to fix it. Thanks to EVERYONE who sent me via e-mail the following information. I feel so stupid for not knowing this... but if you actually keep talking to this empty, void area, the "void" will eventually tell you that you are very persistant, and will tell you about a heart in the ocean, which is actually a clue to find the third heart piece in the game. Great! I had to take out my original answer here for one reason. If I got anymore e- mails regarding this, even AFTER it said "QUESTION UPDATE" right underneath it, and people are too f-ing lazy to look right underneath the question to see I updated it with the answer... so I took the original answer out, because to be quite honest, you people were starting to piss me off with these e-mails with the answer, even after I posted that the answer was given to me almost right away after the first time I posted the first version of the guide. So thanks for meaning well, but I had to update the damn FAQ long after I finalized it (today is June 19, 2002) just because if I got one more e-mail regarding the damn answer, I was going to jump off of a bridge. And all of that because people are too lazy to scroll down one paragraph and notice that I updated the answer... no, instead they copy and paste my e-mail and immidiately send me the answer I've gotten 1,000 times already. Thanks but no thanks. ----- 17.) Q. What is the significance of the fountains in Nabooru? A. There are two fountains in Nabooru, but only one is of any use to us. The one in the second segment is important because you can get some simple water from it. Act as if you were going to talk to it and you'll get water from it. Trying to do this with the other fountain in town, and nothing'll happen - you'll end up talking to the woman in purple near by, obviously not getting the desired effect. But what to do with the water? See below. ----- 18.) Q. What do I do with the water I get in Nabooru? A. Want a new spell? Excellent. Once you get the water, go to the house directly right of the fountain. A woman will come out of the house, a woman who before told you she was thirsty! (hint hint!). She'll be grateful for the water and invite you inside her house. Go in and go to the basement there to talk to a sage who'll teach you the Fire spell, useful indeed! ----- 19.) Q. How do I get to the Knight in Darunia who can teach me the Upward Thrust Sword Technique? A. He's actually a tad bit hard to get to, but I think we can handle it. Head to the second segment of the town and activate the Jump spell. Find a house in the middle of the segment you can jump onto, then jump towards your right, to the first house on the right in the segment. Go to the chimney of this house and press down, Mario style, to go down it. Then talk to the Knight within the house's basement to learn the Upward Thrust Sword Technique, which you can use by pressing up when you jump. ----- 20.) Q. How do I learn the Reflect spell in Darunia? A. To learn the Reflect spell, you should first rescue the child from the Island Maze. If you haven't done that, then head to the Island Maze, go down, then right along the path, all the way to the end, where you can go up right into the water, where a secret pit lies. In the pit, kill the orange lizard and rescue the child. Bring him back to town, return him to the parents, and they'll let you into the house, where the sage within teaches you the spell you seek! ----- 21.) Q. What do the Boots do I find in the Island Palace? A. The path leading eastward from the town of Nabooru leads into the water. Puzzling. But with the Boots, you can actually walk ON the water... leading to a Palace and a 500 point P-Bag, if you know where to look. ----- 22.) Q. How do I get to the Water Palace (Palace 5)? A. As the above question tells you, the Boots let you walk on the water east of Nabooru. After you get the Boots and complete the Island Palace, go back to Nabooru and follow the path heading east straight into the water. Walk east across the water and you'll come across the Palace in question. Just make sure to walk in a straight line, unwavering from it, due east, and you'll get there lickity-split. ----- 23.) Q. What do I use the Flute for I found in the Water Palace? A. See question 24... ----- 24.) Q. How do I gain access to the areas past the black spider south of Nabooru? A. That's where the Flute comes in that you found in the Water Palace. Approach the black spider there as if you were gonna talk to it, and press the talk button. Doing this will automatically allow Link to play the Flute, and its special melody will make the black spider disappear! ----- 25.) Q. Where is the town of New Kasuto? A. New Kasuto isn't called a hidden town for nothing. =) If you follow the directions in the walkthrough, you'll find it with ease. Follow the cave systems to a secluded patch of "nothingness". From the cave exit, go east twice, then south three times, then east once, and press the A button. The town will appear right next to you, right before your eyes. ----- 26.) Q. How do I learn the spell Spell? A. In the second segment of New Kasuto, three houses down, is an open door. Enter it and walk into the house. The chimney in the house has a small door going into it. Press up on the directional pad to gain access to the secret basement via the chimney, and the wise man who'll teach you Spell is within. ----- 27.) Q. What's the dead end in New Kasuto all about? A. The dead end of New Kasuto is a vital piece of information. Once you get the Spell spell, head to this dead end, and cast it against the wall blocking your way. Behind you a cave will rise. Enter the cave that appears and the item Magic Key is within! ----- 28.) Q. How do I make the Hidden Palace appear? A. In the desert east of Old Kasuto, south of the area where New Kasuto is, there is a triangular formation of three rocks. Go into the middle of these three rocks and press B to play Link's Flute. Two blocks below you, Hidden Palace will appear! ----- 29.) Q. How come I can't see any enemies in Old Kasuto, but they're attacking me anyway!? A. To be able to see these enemies, you must first traverse through the Hidden Palace and retrieve the Cross item, which makes this allusive enemies easy for the eye to see. ----- 30.) Q. Where do I learn the Thunder spell? A. Go to Old Kasuto and enter the first house you come to. Go into the basement in this house and talk to the old man, who'll teach you this, the final spell in the game. ----- 31.) Q. Where is the Great Palace? A. It's a long journey to the Great Palace... your best bet is to simply view that part of the walkthrough section of this guide and follow those steps. ----- 32.) Q. Why can't I enter the Great Palace? A. Well if you try to enter the Great Palace without having first completely beating the first six Palaces, then you're out of luck. You MUST beat the boss of each palace before entering the final palace, the Great Palace. ----- _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XIX ^IN CLOSING^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Well my friends, it's time to close this guide out! =) I hope you found it very helpful... I very much enjoyed writing it. It was fun, as is the game, and I'm sure that it was/is/will be enjoyable for you as well. And hey, if you have game related questions, comments, suggestions - whatever, e-mail them my way, cmoriarty311@cs.com. And make sure to put ZeldaII (or whatever game you're writing in on, I have eleven other guides), in the header as the topic, so I know what the hell you're talking about. =) Take it easy. I'd like to take this chance to thank a friend of mine, Devin Morgan, a fellow FAQ writer on GameFAQs, who allowed me to post the URL to his Bagu's Cabin JPG, and also, he has a great Zelda II FAQ on GameFAQs, so check his out too, okay? Also, thanks to Nintendo for making such a great game. The Instruction Manual that came with the game was a big help too. Thanks Nintendo! _______________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECTION XX ^ABOUT THE AUTHOR^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [accurate as of January 04, 2002] I'm a 17 year old, a senior in high school. I live on Long Island, in New York, about half an hour from New York City. I play ice hockey, I work at a deli, and I love videogames, especially RPGs. My favorite series for videogames include the Final Fantasy series (excluding VIII), the Dragon Warrior/Quest series, the Mega Man series, and the Tales series. I aspire to go to Northeastern University in the fall of 2002 to study History and Archaeology. THANKS FOR READING! This walkthrough is copyright (c) 2001-2002 to Colin Moriarty (CMoriarty), e-mail cmoriarty311@cs.com. All rights reserved. Completely unofficial - ZeldaII and all related items copyrighted 1986 to Nintendo Japan/US, all rights reserved! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4280.html