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Intro 2. Story 3. Characters 4. Controls / Gameplay 5. FAQs 6. Walkthrough (Story Mode) 7. Mini-Games (Party Mode) 8. Trading Cards 9. Secrets 10. Credits 11. Version History 12. Copyright Info /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | I N T R O | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 1. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 1. | |______|/ \|______| Question: What do you do when you own the rights to two mascots of moderate-to-declining popularity and want to squeeze every last cent out of them? Answer: Pokemon-ize them! That's right, in Crash Bandicoot's latest outing he's paired with Spyro the Dragon for one (technically two) crazy, card-collecting adventure(s)! Crash:Purple and Spyro:Orange deviate quite a bit from either character's previous GBA games. Instead of focusing on 2-D sidescrolling or 3-D isometric adventure, these latest games focus instead on mini-games and multiplayer. Trading Cards are also introduced to give players a reason to play with each other (or otherwise force non-social players to buy both games and two GBAs). Unlike the various "-mon" games, however, Crash:Purple and Spyro:Orange are two completely different games. Yes, there are Trading Cards that can only be found in one game or the other, but the actual gameplay in each is actually different enough to warrant the purchase of both games. The overworlds in each are different, and most mini-games are unique to each, so kudos to Vicarious Visions for not going the cheap route with these. Question: What do you do if you're a lazy FAQ writer and want to write FAQs for two games but only have the attention span for one? Answer: Write for Pokemon-type games! Unfortunately, as this lazy author found out, these ain't no Pokemon games. Sure there are things that both games share (namely Trading Cards), but otherwise they require separate walkthroughs (i.e. much more work for me). Still, I'm committed to doing both games, mostly because I already did ASCII art for both and don't want to see them go to waste. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | S T O R Y | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 2. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 2. | |______|/ \|______| Neo Cortex and Ripto happen to chance upon one another at the 37th Annual Villain Convention and swap stories of their numerous defeats at the hands of their respective foes. Seeing an opportunity to combine resources and rid themselves of their enemies once and for all, they decide to team up. After registering with the local Villain Union, they begin setting their latest evil plot into action. After poisoning all of the apples in the world, they realize that Bandicoots much prefer the more bitter Wumpa Fruit, and that Purple Dragons don't eat fruit at all. Thus, they go back to Plan B and Neo Cortex ends up genetically altering Ripto's army of Riptocs. As part of their plan, they outfit their Riptocs with hilariously bad Crash and Spyro masks, hoping our dim-witted heroes will take the bait and blame each other for this latest crop of danger and mayhem. Okay, that's not *exactly* how the manual states it, but I like my version better. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | C H A R A C T E R S | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 3. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 3. | |______|/ \|______| /\_________________________________________________________________________/\ < > Crash Side < > \/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ Crash Bandicoot --------------- Our main hero and the world's top non-Italian and/or hedgehog mascot. Abandoned by his previous developer, Crash has had to make ends meet by accepting menial roles in low-rate party games and kart race copies. Realizing his popularity may be on the decline, he's decided to team up with Spyro the Dragon to gain new fans in the dragon community. Coco ---- Funny, I didn't know that bandicoots could have blonde hair. Then again, real bandicoots don't wear pants either, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. This book-smart, female Crash counterpart is still quite the inventor in this game, teaming up with the Professor to locate Ripto and Cortex. Crunch Bandicoot ---------------- Originally created as a "super-soldier" bandicoot by Neo Cortex, Crunch has been relegated to the sidelines this time around, stuck with the thankless job of maintaining Crunch's Gym. As if trying to help Crash save the world (by PUMPING HIM UP) wasn't enough, he also has to contend with copyright infringement. Aku Aku ------- Crash's elder mask mentor, Aku Aku is always willing to take a hit for him, even if it's implied (or otherwise outright said) that Aku Aku doesn't always have the most faith in Crash. In recent years, Aku Aku has had to deal with family troubles, as his evil twin has been bent on taking over the world or some such nonsense. Said evil twin doesn't seem to be around anymore, despite being Cortex's boss in previous games. Perhaps Aku Aku finally convinced him to get the counseling he desperately needed? N. Cortex --------- You've gotta hand it to the guy- despite failing miserably at least half a dozen times, he still keeps going on. That, my friends, is called determination. Or stupidity; I forget which. This time Cortex has realized that he needs an equally evil partner (and an equally big loser) to help him conquer the world. Poor Cortex, doesn't he realize that villain team-ups never end well? /\_________________________________________________________________________/\ < > Spyro Side < > \/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ Spyro ----- Forgive our purple dragon friend for being a tad bit confused. This 2-D adventure world seems flat and uninspired to him, and is probably the reason he's so willing to accept that Crash is a bad guy. Of course, (SPOILERS!) he and Crash eventually figure out the real bad guys are Ripto and Cortex. And if you didn't already figure that out beforehand, then you don't read enough comic books. Sparx ----- Spyro's Dragonfly friend. Much like Aku Aku does for Crash, Sparx acts as a guide for Spyro. Moneybags --------- This capitalistic fellow will follow our heroes just about anywhere to pawn off his batch of unsold Trading Cards. Not wanting to seem out of place, he dons different costumes depending on the area. The Professor and All the Rest ------------------------------ Where's Mary Ann? In any case, Spyro has a large bunch of useless characters who appear in Crash:Purple to dole out a variety of useless advice or otherwise threaten our leading Bandicoot. You can learn more about them in my Spyro:Orange FAQ. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | C O N T R O L S / G A M E P L A Y | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 4. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 4. | |______|/ \|______| Normally I'd assume that people who play games have instruction booklets. And that those people would read those instruction booklets. From experience, I know that I'd assume wrong. [-----------------------------] [---------------------------------Basic Moves---------------------------------] [-----------------------------] Menu Screen ----------- Control Pad Left - Move Cursor Left Right - Move Cursor Right Up - Move Cursor Up Down - Move Cursor Down A Button - Confirm Selection B Button - Return to previous screen L Button - None R Button - None Select Button - None Start Button - Start Game/Pause/Return to Game Crash Bandicoot --------------- Control Pad Left - Move Crash Left Right - Move Crash Right Up - None Down - Crouch A Button - Jump B Button - Spin - Talk L Button - None R Button - None Select Button - Status Start Button - Menu Screen *NOTE - For a more detailed explanation of Crash's moves, scroll down a bit and check the section labeled, err... Crash's Moves. [-----------------------------] [--------------------------------Crash's Moves--------------------------------] [-----------------------------] Jump ---- Press A to jump. I've got nothing witty to say about it. Use it to defeat most enemies and break crates. Double Jump ----------- Press A to jump, then press A again to perform a jump in mid-air. Spin Attack ----------- Crash's other main form of attack. Press B to spin. Spinning also kills most enemies and breaks crates. You can also spin while in the air. Crouch ------ Press Down on the Control Pad to Crouch. Pretty useless in this game, actually. [-----------------------------] [-----------------------------Advanced Techniques-----------------------------] [-----------------------------] To be successful in this game, it's very important to learn some "advanced" techniques. If you've been playing Crash games for a while, then you probably know these, but if this is your first then pay attention! Box Bouncing ------------ When you jump and land on a Box, you'll automatically "bounce" back up. As you bounce up, you can move to the left or right, and even press A again to do a double jump. This technique is necessary to remember and utilize when playing the Bonus games, as bouncing from box to box will save you valuable time. High Box Bounce --------------- As you're landing on a Box, press and HOLD the A button to bounce up higher. This is necessary to reach higher crates. [------------------------------] [-----------------------------Mini-Game Controls------------------------------] [------------------------------] For now, mini-game controls will be handles in the Mini-Game section. Unless I decide there's not enough filler. Then you'll find them here. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] [-----------Crates-----------] [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] There are various crates that can be found both on the overworld and in some of the Mini-Games. Normal Crate ------------ Normal crates get you a single Wumpa Fruit. Seems like a waste of space to just stuff one Wumpa fruit in there. And who's actually putting these Crates out there? Mystery Crate ------------- The same as Normal Crates, except they either hold 3 Wumpa Fruit. Bouncy Crate ------------ These can be jumped on up to 5 times before breaking, each time giving you some of that delicious Wumpa Fruit. They can also be broken in one hit by spinning into them. Pants Crate ----------- These Crates change the color of Crash's pants when broken. No, I'm not kidding. The color that Crash's pants will change into is indicated on the Crate. Aku Aku Crate ------------- Break these to gain an Aku Aku. TNT Crate --------- Jump on these to start a 3 second timer that ends with a blast. Nitro Crate ----------- Just like TNT Crates, except these explode if you even touch them. For the most part, you'll want to wait until you find the Nitro Switch Box to detonate them. There are exceptions, though. Nitro Switch Box ---------------- Hit these to detonate all Nitro Crates in a Mini-Game. Spring Crate ------------ Not to be confused with Bouncy Crates, these crates with up arrows painted on the sides do work the same, giving you an extra boost. Unlike Bouncy Crates, these can be jumped on as many times as you want but don't give you Wumpa Fruit. They can, however, be destroyed by spinning into them. Spring Box ---------- The same as Spring Crates, except this steel version cannot be destroyed. Iron Box -------- Indestructible boxes that are mainly just used as platforms. Time Box -------- Appearing mostly in Bonus Mini-GAmes, these, when destroyed, stop the timer for the number of seconds indicated on the side. [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] [--------Special Items--------] [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Aku Aku ------- The platform aspect of this game has been downplayed somewhat in favor of the mini-games, so Aku Aku isn't as useful as he used to be. Grab one mask (found in aptly named Aku Aku Crates) for protection from one hit. Grab a second one for a gold mask that gives you protection from two hits. Grab yet another one for, well, nothing. No invincibility in this game. You may receive one Aku Aku mask automatically for some Mini-Games. Note that Aku Aku cannot protect you from falling to your doom. This includes lava, some spikes, and general bottomless pits of death. Wumpa Fruit ----------- The equivalent of Mario's Coins, can you guess what happens when you collect 100? Well, nothing actually. Crash:Purple does away with the ancient concept of "lives." This time you've got an unlimited number of lives, but if you "die" you'll lose all of the Wumpa Fruit that you've collected since the last time you played a Mini-Game or entered one of Moneybags' shops. Also, always make sure to follow Wumpa Fruit! Oftentimes they'll lead to secret paths. In Mini-Games, they'll usually point out the correct route. Crystals -------- How many times are these things gonna get lost? I mean, really now, they should just put them in a safe deposit box somewhere. Power Crystals are used to open the gates leading to the next area. Power Crystals can be acquired by beating Mini-Games. Clear Gems ---------- Clear Gems are your reward for breaking all of the crates in a Mini-Game or in a Bonus Mini-Game. The Clear Gems' utility won't be revealed until the end of the game. Trading Cards ------------- These come in 5 delicious varieties, categorized by their Card Value (rarity). There are many ways to acquire Trading Cards. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | F A Q s | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 5. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 5. | |______|/ \|______| 1) Q. Do I have to collect all of the Clear Gems for 100%? A. Yes, Clear Gems count towards your percentage and are necessary to "fully" beat the game. 2) Q. Is there any point to collecting the Reli... err, Trading Cards? A. Unlike the generally useless Relics of Crash games past (thank goodness there are no Time Trials this time around, though), there IS a point in getting all of the Trading Cards. The Bonus World Mini-Games in Party Mode are unlocked by getting a certain number of cards. 3) Q. Is there any way of collecting the Spyro Cards in Crash:Purple? A. Blue Spyro Cards (Card Value: Lowest) can sometimes be acquired in Moneybags' Shops and Games, but to get higher value cards you MUST link with Spyro:Orange. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | W A L K T H R O U G H | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 6. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 6. | |______|/ \|______| Since the game is broken up into an overworld and Mini-Games, this section will only cover the overworld and the versions of the Mini-Games that you play in Story Mode. There are more difficult versions of Mini-Games available in Party Mode. For more Mini-Game strategies, tips and trivia, check the next section (next as in the one after this one, and not this one, which is actually the following section, which can easily be confused for the next section). |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Wumpa Jungle A | \|___________________________________________________________________________| This is where it all starts. Well, actually it starts at Cortex and Ripto's secret lair... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N. CORTEX: So it's agreed, Ripto. We'll work together to rid ourselves of Spyro and Crash. My genetic modifications to your army of Riptocs will cause those two even more trouble! RIPTO: Yes, Cortex! And dressing them up as Crash and Spyro ... Ha ha ha! Our foes won't even realize they should be on the same side! CORTEX: I'll activate the warp pads. Soon I.. er, WE, shall conquer this measly planet! CORTEX: Ha ha ha ha ha!¸ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we get to our Bandicoot heroes in Wumpa Jungle... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AKU AKU: Coco, I sense something is wrong in the jungle again ... and so soon since our last adventure. COCO: Yes, Aku Aku, something is DEFINITELY going on here. All these strange creatures are popping up everywhere! AKU AKU: I fear this is Cortex's work again. We need someone who can look into this ... someone brave and fearless who can get the job done! But all we have is Crash, so he'll have to do. CRAAAAAAAAASH!!! AKU AKU: Crash, I'm afraid Cortex is up to his old tricks again. This time he's recruited new dragon-like creatures to steal the power crystals! They must be stopped! COCO: The warp pads all over the jungle each lead to a purple power crystal. We can't let Cortex get his hands on them! It's up to you to save the world again, Crash! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, now we finally begin. Head right and press B to talk to Coco for useless advice: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCO: Crash, I've managed to build a warp portal to take you to other parts of the world. You'll need to collect five purple crystals from each area in order to power the portal to the next section, though! Good luck, Crash! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue right and start collectin that Wumpa Fruit. As you head across the bridge you'll meet your first, umm... "Spyriptoc" (aka Jungle Riptoc). Jump on it or spin into it to get rid of it quickly, then continue to the right. Jump over the flames that the Idol Head spews, then jump over the pit and press B in front of the spinning '?' Icon for some tips. ? Crash, I can help you find the warp pads as you explore. If a warp pad is nearby, I'll fly towards it to help you find it. Note that if you lose Aku Aku he obviously won't do this. Continue right and double jump up to the Spring Box. Next, bounce to the left and press B in front of another '?' Icon. ? Crash, all the Wumpa fruit you've collected will be lost if you lose your life before entering a new area. Be careful! Wait for the platform on the left to move closer, then jump onto it. Let it take you to the left, then hop off. ? Press SELECT to display your total amount Wumpa fruit, clear gems, and purple crystals. Continue left and hop onto the Bonus Platform. Press B to play. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Freefallin' | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Total Crates : 22 TNT Crates : None Nitro Crates : None These Bonus Mini-Games mimic the Bonus Levels from previous Crash Games. The controls are exactly the same as in the overworld. You'll only find Clear Gems here, so your goal is to destroy all of the Crates. Note that any Wumpa Fruit you collect in Mini-Games will carry over into the overworld. There isn't much strategy involved. Just follow the Wumpa Fruit as you fall to reach the next Crate. To slow your decent slightly and to give you a chance to reorient yourself, remember that you can always double jump after you bounce off a Crate. Other than that, the only advice I can give is to just memorize where the Crates are. If you broke all of the Crates, the Clear Gem will be waiting for you at the bottom of the area. Remember to collect it before you enter the Warp Portal! |/____________________________/ Okay, back in the overworld, fall down and head back to the right. Stomp on the Gecko and access the next '?' Icon. ? You need to use Wumpa fruit to unlock the Warp Pads, Crash. When you have the amount of Wumpa fruit necessary, press B to unlock the Warp Pad and enter the Mini-Game. Beat the Mini-Game to collect the Purple Crystal! You heard the man, err... mask. By now you should have the amount of Wumpa Fruit necessary, so step in fron of the Warp Pad and press B to unlock the Mini-Game. You'll notice the feint green outlines of a Power Crystal and a Clear Gem. This tells you that in addition to a Power Crystal, you can also get a Clear Gem from this Mini-Game. Press B to enter. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Grin and Bear It | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 10 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates A: Jump | Total Crates : 22 B: Turbo! | TNT Crates : None R: Turbo! | Nitro Crates : 1 Ah, your first Mini-Game. Isn't this just a Fuji moment? Anyway, this Mini-Game plays much like the Polar Bear levels in previous Crash games, except this time in 2-D. Remember that there IS a Clear Gem in this Mini-Game, so try to break all of the Crates. A little meter on the bottom of the screen will show you how close you are to the finish. Nifty. Begin by doing nothing and letting Crash break the first 3 Crates. You'll want to jump to get the next Crate, then jump again over some Spears. Next, jump over the pit (pressing B or R for turbo is recommended, but not necessary). Run into the next Crate, then jump over another pit. This next part is very important!! After jumping over the pit, get ready to Turbo and jump up to some platforms. You cannot reach the platforms if you're not using Turbo! Turbo up to another two platforms (and another 2 Crates), then release the Turbo button and jump into the Mystery Crate. Do nothing to get the next 2 Crates, then jump over a pit. Jump over the Idol Head, then jump over yet another two pits. As soon as you land, press the Turbo buttons and get ready to jump to some high platforms. Turbo across the platforms and make sure you get another 3 Crates. After you fall down, jump over the Nitro, then jump again for another Crate (you should have 14 at this point). Jump to the hanging platform for another Crate, then jump again. Jump over the Spears, then jump over the pit and snag another Crate. Jump over another pit and collect another Crate. Jump over yet another pit and do nothing to break the next crate. Jump over the Spears and collect another 3 Crates. Finally, jump over one last pit and make sure you jump to hit the Nitro Switch Box. If you broke all of the Crates, the Clear Gem will be waiting for you at the end along with the Purple Power Crystal (you'll receive the Crystal just for reaching the end). |/__________________________/ Back in Wumpa Jungle, head right and access the '?' Icon. ? Double jump by pressing A while in the air, Crash! Of course, you probably should've known that already if you had read the manual, but apparently the developers don't have much faith in gamers. In any case, head a little bit back to the left until you're in the middle of the slope, then double jump to the right onto the Iron Boxes. Double jump to the right again onto more Iron Boxes, and jump once more to a platform. Hop onto the Bonus Platform and enter. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crate Smash | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Time : 14:59 Total Crates : 12 TNT Crates : 1 Nitro Crates : None Unlike the previous Freefallin' Bonus Game, this one has a time limit, so you better be quick in destroying those Crates. If you run out of time, well, you'll see... Run to the right and jump on the first Crate. Fall onto the TNT Crate to activate it and skip the next Crate (the TNT will blow it up). Jump to the right, then jump on the Spring Crate to break the Pants Crate above (ooh, look at those shiny new pants!). Spin as you're falling to break the Spring Crate and the Crate next to it. Jump on the '2' Time Crate to add some time to the clock and bounce to the platform on the right. Defeat the Gecko and break the Crate above. Jump across another pit and you'll see a Mystery Crate. Jump on top of it, then bounce to the right onto another Crate. Bounce off that crate to hit a '2' Crate. Fall straight down to hit the final Crate. The Clear Gem will appear to the right. Collect it and warp yourself out of there. |/____________________________/ Head right and fall straight down onto a Jungle Riptoc. Continue right and hop on the Spring Box for some more Wumpa Fruit, then fall to the right. Keep going right and stomp on the Gecko, then access the '?' Icon. ? You can unlock these barriers by paying the correct amount of Wumpa Fruit, Crash. Exactly who do you pay it to, anyway? Hop up next to the gate and press B to unlock it. You'll need 20 Wumpa Fruit, but you should have that much by now anyway. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Wumpa Jungle B | \|___________________________________________________________________________| The second half of Wumpa Jungle features more dangers, mainly in the form of really, really sharp things. ? Don't forget that you can always return to previous areas in order to access the warp pads or collect more Wumpa Fruit! Unfortunately, there's no fast way of getting from, say, the final area back to Wumpa Jungle, so I'd suggest finishing everything in an area before moving on. Head right, jump over the Spears, over the pit (of sharp.. Bamboo?), and over more Spears. Continue right and defeat the Plant. If you wish, drop down to the right and head all the way right to meet one of Spyro's friends, Blinky: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLINKY: Stay away from me, you stupid orange creature! Wait until I tell my dragon friend about you. He'll stop you and your friends for sure! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who is she calling orange?! Oh, right, Crash. Actually, I'd say he was more of a reddish-brown, but whatever. As you can see, she doesn't say or do anything useful, so head back left and jump up to the left. Wait for the moving platform to move down, then double jump onto it. Wait for it to go all the way up, then jump to the right. Head right until you see Crunch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRUNCH: Crash, how are you going to save the world looking so puny? You need to pump some iron! Just step on that pad over there. Go on, doooooo it!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For maximum enjoyment, imagine Crunch speaking with an Austrian accent. Crunch does have a point, though. Have you seen Crash's arms?? /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crunch Time | Objective : Pump it up! Time : 15:00 Controls A: To Lift! This really barely qualifies as a Mini-Game. You do have to press the A Button relatively fast, but if you've ever played Mario Party, this'll be nothing. You'll receive a Weightlifting Crash Card (Card Value: Medium) for your efforts. |/____________________________/ Okay, that was a waste of time. Head back to the left and wait for the moving platform to appear. Jump onto it, then jump to the platform on the left. Jump to another platform to the left. Next, jump across the Iron Boxes until you reach the next Warp Pad. You should have 30 Wumpa Fruit, so enter it. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Sheep Stampede | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 30 Objective : Stop the Sheep! (Also known as Silence the Lambs!) Controls D-Pad (U/D) : Move! A: Shoot! Hey, the Wumpa Cannon makes its glorious return! Relatively easy Mini-Game, with the usual blowing Sheep up with missiles. Don't let any of the Sheep reach the far-left, or else it'll detonate all of the Nitros, which will blow YOU up for a change. Note that the order of the Sheep never changes, so if you're having a hard time reacting, just memorize the tought parts. White Sheep will stop to graze every few steps, while Black Sheep will stop at nothing to kill you. Try to stay near the middle of the screen so you can react quickly should a Black Sheep spring out of nowhere. Defeat ALL 40 Sheep to receive the Crystal. |/__________________________/ Jump to the right and fall down between the two Iron Boxes. Pick up the Wumpa Jungle Card (High), then fall down to the right. Jump over the Spears, defeat the Plant and double jump to the right. Jump over some more Spears, avoid the Idol Head, and keep walking right until you see a Spring Box. Jump to it, then jump onto the moving platform. Let it bring you up, then jump to the left for another Warp Pad. You'll only need 20 Wumpa Fruit for this one. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Tanks for the Memories | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 20 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 14 D-Pad (L/R): Rotate Tank! | TNT Crates : None L/R: Rotate Turret! | Nitro Crates : 5 A: Shoot! Remember, you're also playing for a Clear Gem, so make sure you break all of the Crates. There's no time limit, either, so take your sweet time. Your, umm, Cannonballs will bounce off any walls that they hit, so keep this in mind as you're playing. Rotate to the right and destory the 3 Crates nearby (bounce a shot off one of the walls on the right). Turn back to the left and start moving up. Destroy the Nitro from far away, then continue up. There will be a stationary tank shooting to the left. Destroy, then continue up and to the right. Shoot the Crate that's across the river, then start moving down. Destroy the tank there, then head right. Shoot the 3 Nitros and continue right. Shoot the tank above and head right a bit to shoot another tank below. Head up a bit to spot another tank to the right. Destroy it, then follow follow the dirt path up and to the left for a Crate and an Aku Aku Crate. Head back right, then go up for another 2 Crates. Head down and keep to the right to find the final Nitro. Destroy it, then destroy another tank to the right. Collect the Clear Gem and Power Crystal, then warp yourself out of there. |/________________________________/ Fall down to the right and defeat the Heli-Riptoc. Next, jump across the platforms and defeat the Plant. Continue right until you spot a '?' Icon and the next Warp Pad: ? Crash, if a mini-game contains a crystal or clear gem, a hologram will be displayed over the warp pad. Once you collect the crystal or gem, it will appear over the warp pad! Hmm, how considerate. Anyway, this next Mini-Game only costs a cheap 20 Wumpa Fruit, so get ready to play. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Chopper Stopper | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 20 Objective : Shoot them down! Protect Crash! Controls D-Pad (U/D): Move! A: Shoot! B: Lift Up! DO NOT use rapid-fire! Your shots come out slowly, so it's much better to time your shots precisely. Do your best to destroy the tanks while they're still up high, because if you have to save Crash the screen will zoom in and it'll be harder to see the whole screen. You can shoot either the parachute or the tank itself to destroy it. If one of the tanks happens to reach the ground, press B from any height to start lift Crash's pod up. You're still vulnerable to the tanks' shots, though. Also, don't forget to wait until the tank has completely passed under Crash's pod before letting go. Green parachutes fall the fastest, so concentrate on them. The only other thing to note is that sometimes a tank will be surrounded by a red shield. If that's the case, then you MUST shoot the parachute, or else your shots will do nothing. Destroy 20 tanks to receive the Crystal. |/_________________________/ Double jump across the pit and jump up the Iron Boxes (make sure to hit the Aku Aku Box for an extra Aku Aku) to meet Moneybags (who, for some reason, has dressed for the occasion). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Hello there! I'm Moneybags. Welcome to my shop! I have trading cards chronicling your adventures for sale! Come on in and buy something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step in front of the tent and press B to enter. ******************************************************************************* * Trading Card Shop * A variety of Trading Cards can be bought here, mostly Blue Cards and Green Cards (no they don't allow you to live in the US). You can also view your Cards while you're here. Blue Card - 25 Wumpa Green Card - 50 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can buy here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Blue (Lowest) Green (Low) [ ] Wood Crate [ ] Gecko [ ] TNT Crate [ ] Plant [ ] Nitro Crate [ ] Idol Head [ ] Crystal [ ] Mine [ ] Wumpa Fruit [ ] Jungle Riptoc ******************************************************************************* You may or may not be out of Wumpa Fruit after those outrageous prices. If you need more, just explore previous areas or play Mini-Games again. Head back left and drop down, then drop straight down again to the left. Jump left across the Bamboo for a random Green Card. Jump back to the right and continue right. Avoid the Idol Heads and Jungle Riptoc and continue right until you see two Spring Boxes in the air. Double jump onto the right one, then jump to the left one. Jump across the platforms to the right to find the final Warp Pad in Wumpa Jungle. ? Press SELECT to display your total amount Wumpa fruit, clear gems, and purple crystals. Okay, I don't know why we'd need that advice again, but whatever. If you have 25 Wumpa Fruit, enter the Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Crashin' Down the River | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 25 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (L/R): Rotate | Total Crates : 15 A: Turbo! | TNT Crates : None | Nitro Crates : 1 Gee, I wonder what this is a cheap rip-off of. It's kinda fun, I guess (at least more fun than the Copter games), and doesn't go on for too long. But still, what does inner-tube fun have to do with Crash Again, you must break all of the Crates for a Clear Gem, and the only way to break the Crates here is to run straight into them. Luckily, there's no time limit and you can even go all the back back to the beginning if you need to, so getting the Clear Gem shouldn't be too hard. Start by getting the Crate that's slightly to the right. Follow the Wumpa Fruit for another Crate, then stay in the middle of the screen. After you break the Mystery Crate, go to the far right and get ready to Turbo past the whirlpool. Stay to the right to break another Crate. Next, head left past the Nitro for another Crate. Head right and carefully make your way past the Mine. Break the Mystery Crate and float past another Mine. Next, break the Aku Aku Crate and stay to the right for another Crate. Now float left for a Mystery Crate. Float past the Mine and break the 2 Crates nearby. Take the path on the right to get past the whirlpool. After you break the Crate, immediately turbo to the left to get past another whirlpool. Float up a bit, then hit the Nitro Switch Box and break the final 2 Crates. Continue up to end this Toobin' copy. Make sure you collect the Clear Gem and Power Crystal before you leave, though! |/_________________________________/ Head left and fall straight down. Walk left a bit and fall straight down again. After you land, head right and defeat the Jungle Riptoc. Grab the random Green Card on the right, then head back left. Jump up to the Steel Boxes, then jump to the right. Send the Heli-Riptoc flying sky high and continue going right. Jump over the Spears and continue right for another '?' Icon. ? Crash, you need to collect all the Purple Crystals from this area before you can unlock this gate. If you've been following the walkthrough up to now, you should have all 5, so open the Gate. Jump into the portal for more fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AKU AKU: I wonder where that last portal has brought us, Crash? I can see a castle over this chasm. Look, a purple dragon! I wonder if it's the same kind of strange creature terrorizing Wumpa Jungle? SPYRO: You must be another one of Ripto's creatures! You think you're just going to take over the world? How about taking on Spyro the Dragon, first! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, I can understand Crash being that dumb, but can Aku Aku really be *that* dense? /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Spyro Battle | Power Crystals Needed: 5 Objective : Knock 'em off! Controls D-Pad (L/R): Move! A: Jump! B: Throw! B: Repair! I'm sure this is ripping something off, but I can't think of it right now. Where did they get those Malotov Cocktails, anyway? The point of this mercifully short Mini-Game is to use the Molotov Cocktails to destroy the castle wall beneath Spyro. It takes two hits to destroy a section. The best strategy is to hit a section once, then time your second throw so that Spyro is right above the section when it hits. If, for some reason, he managed to destroy part of the bridge you're on, you can either jump over the pit or walk right next to it and press B repeatedly to repair the section (note that you can't jump over two adjacent pits). Really, though, this game is incredibly easy, so you shouldn't even have to worry about that. |/___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPYRO: Wait! You're not like those other creatures back at Dragon Castles. AKU AKU: This is Crash Bandicoot, and I'm Aku Aku. I fear our enemy Neo Cortex is behind all of this. SPYRO: I'm Spyro and this is Sparx. Wait, you say Cortex is behind this? To me, this seems like the work of Ripto! Those creatures look an awful lot like his Riptocs. AKU AKU: Oh no, it's worse than I expected. It appears that Cortex has teamed up with a villain as nefarious as himself - your enemy Ripto! The two of them working together may have enough power to take over this world! SPYRO: I bet they wanted us to fight each other instead of going after them! If we team up, though, they won't stand a chance against us! Come on, Crash, let's go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...Okay, maybe they really were that dense. Regardless of their previous stupidity, they've finally come to their senses. You'll receive a Red Card (Highest) after beating Spyro. I believe it's always a Dingodile Card, but it may be random. Anyway, head right and press B to enter the portal to... |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Arctic Cliffs A | \|___________________________________________________________________________| This chilly weather could cause pneumonia, so you better high-tail it out of here as quickly as possible! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCO: Hi Crash, I see you've managed to meet up with Spyro! I hope you two didn't get into a misunderstanding. This is the professor - he's helping me to track down Ripto and Cortex so we can stop him! PROFESSOR: I hope those modified Riptocs aren't too tough for the both of you! SPYRO: Don't worry, Crash and I have the situation covered! Crash, we better split up to cover more ground, okay? SPYRO: Alright, let's go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow, how convenient that Coco and the Professor didn't manage to warn you before you started fighting. Head right and jump over the water. Continue right until you see a Spring Box. Bounce on it and land on the ice platform to the left. Head left and bounce across another three Spring Boxes. If you've got 50 Wumpa Fruit, enter the Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Crash and Burn | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates Hold A: To Rise! | Total Crates : 29 Release A: To Fall! | TNT Crates : None | Nitro Crates : None These Rocket Pack Mini-Games can be tough. You can't touch the ceiling or the floor, or else you'll explode immediately. There are also plenty of walls that will stand in your way. The best way to go about these levels is to lightly press the A button repeatedly to maintain your height. If you hold the A button then you risk the chance of overdoing it and hitting the ceiling. For the most part, you'll want to follow the Wumpa Fruits, as they'll lead you to Crates and safety. Maintain your height for the first Crate, then rise slightly for the next Crate. Let go of the A button and descend a bit for the next two Crates. Fall down a bit for the next Crate, then stay at that height for another Crate. Next, you'll want to rise a lot, so make sure you hold the A button. After you pass the wall, immediately let of A and fall into the Crate. Continue falling a bit, then when you pass another wall, start rising again. Rise to the height of the next two Crate, then break through them and squeeze through the opening. You'll want to fall for the next two Crates, then rise again. The next two Crates can be tough to get, since they're spaced rather far apart. You'll want to fall below the height of the bottom Crate, then the second you hit that Crate, start rising to hit the top Crate. Descend for the next crate, then maintain your height for a while. Fall down again for another Crate, then stay still for the next Crate. Next, you'll want to stay at the same relative height for the next 6 Crates, then dip down slightly for another Crate. Start rising again, then fall for another two Crates. Rise for another Crate, then rise a bit more for another two Crates (these two are spaced out quite a bit, so use the same strategy as before). Descend a little for the final Crate, then maintain your height as you collect the Crystal and Clear Gem and exit the Mini-Game. |/________________________/ Jump back to the right across the three Spring Boxes. Once you land on the icy platform, jump right to another icy platform. Jump again to the right to the snowy platform. Continue right to meet Moneybags again, who has changed his attire (I'm guessing the grass skirt wouldn't provide much protection from the frigid cold). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Come in and play a game! You can win trading cards or even more Wumpa fruit! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, if you've got some extra Wumpa Fruit, play here to get some more Trading Cards. ******************************************************************************* * Spinning Wheel Shop * Moneybags should seriously consider changing that name, because sewing was the first thing that came to my mind. One Spin - 15 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Green (Low) Yellow (Medium) [ ] UFO Assistant [ ] Running Crash [ ] Fire Breather [ ] Polar Bear Crash [ ] Spear Assistant [ ] Wumpa Cannon Crash [ ] Blowgun Assistant [ ] Inner Tube Crash [ ] Scuba Crash Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Butterfly [ ] Frog [ ] Hamster ******************************************************************************* Once you're done spinnin', head right and jump across the Iron Boxes until you reach a Bonus Platform. Hop on. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crate Step | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Time : 14:59 Total Crates : 22 TNT Crates : 2 Nitro Crates : 1 Timed again, so make sure you're quick! Hop on the first Crate, then, as you're bouncing up, double jump to reach the Crate high in the air. Land on another Crate to the right. Run right and jump on the '3' Crate. Bounce onto the Pants Crate, then land to the right and Spin into the Penguin. This next part can be tricky. Jump on the Crate to the right. After you bounce up (DON'T hold the A button when you're landing on the Crate!), jump to get the Crate above you. Land on a Crate to the right, then bounce up again to hit another Crate in the air. Land on yet another Crate, then bounce up and Spin the Crate in the air. Run to the right and jump on the next Crate. After you bounce up, jump to hit the Crate above. Land on the TNT, then bounce to the '1' Crate. After you bounce off the '1' Crate, jump to hit the Crate above, then land on another TNT Crate. Bounce to the right, being careful not to land on the Nitro. Jump to break the Crate in the air, then double jump to the right and bounce across the two Crates and one '1' Crate (you'll have to double jump across the Crates) until you land on the Nitro Switch Box. Quickly jump up and to the right to collect the Clear Gem and beat the Bonus Mini-Game. |/____________________________/ Head right and jump on the Spring Box to hit an Aku Aku Box in the air. Continue right, defeat the Arctic Riptoc and jump to the icy platform on the right. Next, jump across the Iron Boxes until you reach the wooden platform. Defeat the Heli-Riptoc, then continue right to access the next Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Polar Express | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates A: Jump | Total Crates : 35 B: Turbo! | TNT Crates : None R: Turbo! | Nitro Crates : 3 Run into the first two Crates, jump for a third, and run into a fourth before jumping over the pit. After landing, jump for another Crate. Do nothing and you'll automatically run into the next Crate. Jump over another pit, then run into another Crate after you land. Jump over a Nitro, then hop across a pit and land on a platform with two Crates. Break them, then jump across another two pits. Next, you'll want to Turbo Jump over a fallen idol (breaking a Crate while doing so). If you hit the idol, you'll lose an Aku Aku or otherwise die. Jump over another idol, then turbo jump across a pit. Land and break another two Crates, then immediately turbo jump to another platform with an additional two Crates. Drop down, then get ready to jump over another idol (what on earth is pushing these things over?). Turbo jump to a platform with a crate, then jump again to another platform with another two Crates. Fall down, do nothing for a bit, then jump to another platform with two more Crates. Jump over the next three pits, then over another idol. After the idol, immediately start using the Turbo, then when you see the Wumpa Fruit, jump up to the platform for another Crate. Keep holding the Turbo button to jump to another platform, then jump again to fall into three more Crates. Quickly jump up for another Crate in the air. Keep the turbo button held as you jump to another platform. Jump again to another platform with a Crate. Again, keep holding turbo as you jump to a platform with two more Crates. Jump down to the next platform, break the Crate, and fall down. Quickly jump over the fallen idol to snag another Crate, then be prepared to jump over a Nitro. Next, you'll have to jump over three pits. Make sure you break the Crate as you jump. Jump across another few pits then make sure you hit the Nitro Switch Box as you near the exit. Collect the Crystal and Clear Gem, then exit. |/_______________________/ Head right and fall straight down. Defeat the Riptoc and continue right. Wait for the moving platform to appear, then jump to it. Let it take you to the right, then jump across the Iron Boxes and head right to reach another Bonus Platform. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crate Smash | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Time : 24:59 Total Crates : 22 TNT Crates : 4 Nitro Crates : None This one can be a doozy due to the Bouncy Crates. Remember that they take five hits to destroy by jumping on them, or you can spin them to destroy them instantly. Unfortunately, most of the Bouncy Crates here appear over pits, so your only choice will be to bounce on them until they break. Head right and jump on the Crate. After you bounce back up, land on the Spring Crate on the right. Double jump up to hit a Crate high in the air, then spin as you're falling to break the Spring Crate on your way down. Jump on the TNT Crate to activate it, then bounce onto the '1' Crate. Continue bouncing across another two Crates until you reach the next platform. Activate the TNT, then double jump up to the Bouncy Crate. Bounce on it until it breaks, then bounce to the next Bouncy Crate. THIS NEXT PART IS KEY. Land the right edge of the Bouncy Crate and bounce off it once. As you're landing on the Bouncy Crate again, position yourself on the left edge so that you'll hit the Bouncy Crate to the upper-left as you bounce up. Bounce up and down until you break the Bouncy Crate on the bottom, then immediately bounce to the left (make sure you didn't break the Bouncy Crate above). Jump on the '1' Box, then bounce onto the TNT Crate. Jump right onto the Bouncy Crate (which should now only take one hit to destroy), and bounce again to the right. Destroy the '3' Crate, then activate the TNT. Next, you'll want to bounce across three Crates on the right. After you bounce off the third Crate, jump up to hit a Crate in the air, then land on a '2' Crate to the right. Bounce up and hit another Crate in the air, then spin as you land to break the final Crate. Collect the Clear Gem and run to the exit. |/____________________________/ Head back left across the Iron Boxes and jump to the moving platform. Hop off to the left and defeat the Arctic Riptoc. Hop up to the left and be on the lookout for a Trading Card that's semi-hidden behind some ice crystals. This'll be the Arctic Cliffs Card. Jump up to the left and wait for the swinging Axe to reach the foreground or the background before continuing left. Keep going left, defeat the seal, and jump over the ice spikes. When you see a Spring Box, jump on it and up to the ice platform. Jump across the Iron Boxes on the right until you reach the wooden platform. Defeat the Heli-Riptoc and continue right past the Warp Pad for Polar Express. When you reach the edge of the platform, jump right across more Iron Boxes. Head to the far right and unlock the Gate with 20 Wumpa Fruit. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Arctic Cliffs B | \|___________________________________________________________________________| Okay, pay attention! Head right and fall down, but as you're falling, hold LEFT on the ocntrol pad and hug the left wall. You should enter an opening, which will have the Egyptian Tombs (High) Card in it. After you grab it, fall to the right. Defeat the Lab Assistant and enter the Warp Pad for another Mini-Game. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Blizzard Ball | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 20 Objective : Hit them all! Controls D-Pad (L/R): Move! L and R: Speed Up! A: Kickback! B: Attract Balls There are so many ball jokes that I could make right now if I were funny, but I'm not, so let's just move on. This is, without a doubt, a huge waste of memory. It's basically a combination of Breakout and Space Invaders, but it's really just Breakout with barely mobile targets. Basically, you'll want to keep bouncing the ball until you hit all of the enemies. The enemies make fairly large targets, and while you die if the enemies hit reach you and hit you, that probably won't happen because they move so slowly. To begin, press A to launch the ball. Hold L or R while moving to move faster in that direction. The most important move, however, is attracting balls (again, in the name of good taste I won't make a ball joke, but I'm sure you're giggling already). Press and hold B to start attracting balls. Doing so will prevent the ball from bouncing off you. Instead, you'll catch the it and it won't move until you release B (or a certain period of time passes). One tip to remember is that you move in the direction you want the ball to go while releasing B to make the ball go in that direction. There are 3 rounds to this meaningless Mini-Game. The first round has 3 Lab Assistants and a plain ol' Riptoc. Round 2 has 3 Riptocs, 3 Lab Assistants, and one Arctic Riptoc. When you hit the Arctic Riptoc it will put a second ball into play. Round 3 has 4 Lab Assistant, 4 Riptocs, and 1 Arctic Riptoc. Beat all 3 rounds to receive the Purple Power Crystal. |/_______________________/ Head right and be wary of the falling icicles. Jump over the frigid waters and make your way past the swining axe. Jump over some ice spikes, defeat the Arctic Riptoc, and hit the Aku Aku Box for some protection. Continue right and jump over more water, avoid another axe, and defeat another Arctic Riptoc. Head onto the slope then double jump to left onto the Spring Box. Bounce to the left to reach another Mini-Game. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Frigid Waters | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 30 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (L/R): Rotate | Total Crates : 16 A: Turbo! | TNT Crates : None | Nitro Crates : 3 Another Inner-Tube game already? I didn't really expect them to start re-using Mini-Games so soon. The first two Crates are in plain sight when you start. After breaking them, speed past the Mine for another Crate, then make your way past another Mine. Head left, then down for another Crate. Now hug the left wall and Turbo your way past the Whirlpool. After passing the next Mine, carefully make your way to the right. Sneak past the Nitro and head down for another Crate. Head back up and pass another Mine. After doing so, quickly head left for two more Crates. Next, you'll want to stay as far to the left of the Whirlpool as possible and turbo past it. This next part can be very tricky, so hopefully you still have an Aku Aku left. There will be torpedoes beneath the surface of the water which will explode when you touch them. It IS possible to make it past the strait without getting hit, but it's much more recommended to just have an Aku Aku on hand and turbo through it. After you make it through hit the Crate on the right and head a bit southeast for another Crate. Head back up and to the left for another Crate. Next, you'll want to stay to the right as you pass the Mine for another Crate. This next part can also be trickym since there are plenty of Whirlpools and Nitros to kill you. Float to the left and carefully Turbo past the Whirlpool, doing your best not the hit the Nitro coming up. After bypassing the Nitro, hit the Crate and Turbo past another Whirlpool. Head past another Nitro, hit the Nitro Switch Box and break the final Crate. Collect the goodies and exit. |/_______________________/ Head left and talk to Agent 9. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AGENT 9: You're Spyro's new friend, huh? I'm Agent 9. Look out for those swinging axes. They really get their point across. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ummm... ha hah? How very punny of Agent 9, and I'm sure you couldn't have figured out by yourself that giant swinging axes can't possibly be good for the soul. Anyway, jump to the left onto a platform. Jump to the Iron Box, then fall down to the left onto the icy platform. Quickly jump again to a snowy platform to the left. Jump again to an icy platform to the left. Here, you'll meet Moneybags again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Hello, Crash! Why don't you come into my shop? I'll be happy to lighten your load of Wumpa fruit! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, I'm sure you are. Okay, I understand that Wumpa Fruit is the official currency of Crash's universe, but exactly what does Moneybags plan on doing with them? He looks a bit pudgy to me, so maybe he's planning on an all-Wumpa Fruit diet. Anyway, give the man what he wants and play for some Trading Cards. ******************************************************************************* * Crate Shuffle Shop * Easier than the Spinning Wheel game, but only if you have a good eye (okay, all you really need as a working eye). One Crate will contain Wumpa Fruit, another will contain a Trading Card, and the third Crate will contain nothing. One Play - 15 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Green (Low) Yellow (Medium) Orange (High) [ ] Seal [ ] Polar Chase Crash [ ] Arctic Caves [ ] Penguin [ ] Lab Assistant Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Dragon Egg [ ] Talisman [ ] Fairy [ ] Firefly ******************************************************************************* After Moneybags is done stealing Wumpa from you, head left and jump on the Spring Box to reach the final Mini-Game of Arctic Cliffs. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Sheep Patrol | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 30 Objective : Stop the Sheep! Controls D-Pad (U/D) : Move! A: Shoot! Not much different than the first time, except there are a lot more Sheep. Again, concentrate your fire on the Black Sheep, as they don't stop to graze. Defeat ALL 65 Sheep to receive the Crystal. Yawn. |/______________________/ Head back right to the Frigid Waters Warp Pad. From there, jump to the right onto a Spring Box. Jump across another two Spring Boxes and land on the snowy platform to meet Sgt. Byrd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SGT. BYRD: Hi, I'm Sgt. Byrd. I bet you've never seen a flying penguin, eh? From my vantage point, I spot trouble ahead! Look out for those flying Riptocs, all right? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actually, I have seen a flying penguin. Of course, it was right after I shot it out of my cannon, but still. Continue right and jump over the pit. Defeat the Arctic Riptoc and meet up with Crunch once more, who has another weightlifting challenge set up for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRUNCH: Crash, you're not getting away without pumping some iron first. Get to it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Pumpin' Iron | Objective : Pump it up! Time : 15:00 Controls A: To Lift! Hee, look at the background to see a frozen goat and polar bear. Yes, that's the most interesting thing I have to say about this "Mini-Game." Not much different than the first, which means it's still incredibly easy. You'll receive a Sapphire Relic Card (Card Value: Lowest) for your "efforts." |/_____________________________/ Head right and jump across the Iron Boxes. Continue right and defeat an Arctic Riptoc before meeting with Moneybags again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Step out of the cold and into my warm shop! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Mystery Shop * This is what, the third time Moneybags has shown up in Arctic Cliffs alone? This latest game is the hardest, since it's purely luck. Thankfully it only costs 10 Wumpa Fruit to play. Just like the Crate Shuffle game, one Crate will have Wumpa Fruit, another will have a Trading Card, and one other has absolutely nothing. Have fun! One Play - 10 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Blue (Lowest) Green (Low) Yellow (Medium) [ ] Bouncy Crate [ ] Polar Bear [ ] Jetpack Crash [ ] Aku Aku Crate [ ] Arctic Riptoc [ ] Hovership Crash [ ] Mystery Crate [ ] Tank Crash Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Red Gem [ ] Green Gem [ ] Purple Gem [ ] Yellow Gem [ ] Blue Gem ******************************************************************************* Head back left and defeat the Arctic Riptoc again. Fall straight off the edge and you'll land on a snowy platform. For now, jump to the left and spin into the Heli-Riptoc. Continue left, and when you see the Spring Box, jump on it and land to the left to speak with Coco and the Professor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCO: Hi, Crash. Aku Aku told me what was going on. No worries, though, this is the professor, and I'm working with him to locate Ripto and Cortex so we can stop them. Just keep getting those purple crystals, okay? If Cortex gets them, we'll be doomed for sure! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROFESSOR: Oh dear, I hope you and Spyro have what it takes to stop those two. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Professor. Head back right and fall straight down. As you're falling, make sure to hug the left wall to enter a semi-hidden opening. Head right to collect a random Blue Card, although I'm not really sure how random it is. For me, it's usually either a Gem Red Card or a Gem Yellow Card. Your mileage may vary. Okay, you've pretty much done everything that's left to be done here, so on to the grand finale of Arctic Cliffs. Jump over the ice spikes to the right and continue all the way to the right until you reach the Gate. You should have all 5 Crystals from this place as well as the 5 from Wumpa Jungle, so open it up and be prepared for Tiny. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AKU AKU: I think we're close, Crash. Coco and the Professor have almost located Ripto and Cortex. TINY: Brr ... cold! Tiny smash Crash! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Tiny Takeover | Power Crystals Needed: 10 Objective : Umm... Blow up Tiny? Controls D-Pad (U/D): Move! D-Pad (L/R): Rotate Tank! L/R: Rotate Turret! A: Shoot! Umm... this guy ain't so tiny. Oh, that's the joke? Well, this battle sure isn't a joke. Quite a bit harder than the previous Spyro Battle, this one will actually take a bit of skill. The first thing you'll want to do is to move behind the bottom stone wall (avoiding Tiny's first shot while doing so) so that it'll absorb Tiny's shots. You can't hit Tiny while he has a purple shield around him anyway. Hopefully the stone wall will drop at around the same time his shield disappears, so fire at him then. You can only get in one hit for now. Stay still and wait for a chance to get a second hit in, then it's time to change strategy. Tiny will now start shooting cannonballs into the air. He'll shoot three of them total, and you'll want to be constantly on the move during this phase. From now on he'll switch between cannonballs and normal shots (usually doing 2-3 of each before switching to the other). Unfortunately, the stone walls now go up and down fairly fast, so it may be difficult to avoid Tiny's shots. If you've still got an Aku Aku left, my advice would be to just stay still and keep firing from one spot since it'll only take one more hit to defeat Tiny (3 hits in all). |/___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIPTO: What happened? You said you could stop that bandicoot! He has 10 crystals now! CORTEX: Blast! I thought for once that Tiny wouldn't fail me! RIPTO: Well, I should have known teaming up with you was a mistake! Your minions are weak! Just like you! CORTEX: Shut up, you scaly-faced shrimp! RIPTO: Who are you calling a shrimp, you bulbous-headed small fry! CORTEX: Enough! I have someone better in mind who can get the job done. Niiinaaa!!! NINA: Yay! Nina wants to play! CORTEX: Niece, I have a very important job for you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mmmy.... shrimp and fries... Ahem, anyway, the villain in-fighting begins, and Cortex is resorting to sending a child to do his dirty work. Yeah, I'm sure this will end well. You'll receive the Tiny Card for beating Tiny. Enter the portal to the next area: Fire Mountains. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Fire Mountains A | \|___________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPYRO: Blinky! What's up? BLINKY: Spyro! Crash! Nina has kidnapped the Professor and Coco! SPYRO: This can't be good. BLINKY: All their research has been destroyed! We have no idea where Ripto and Cortex are hiding! SPARX: We have to save our friends! SPYRO: Follow me, Crash! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head right and jump onto the moving platform. Let it go all the way up, then double jump to the left. Head left and wait for the, uh... firewall to recede. Fall down to the left, walk over the Iron Boxes, and jump to the moving platform. Ride it to the left and jump off. Continue left to meet Hunter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HUNTER: Hi, Crash! My name's Hunter. Look out for those lab assistants with the flamethrowers. They're almost too hot to handle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump on the Spring Box and bounce to the right to meet the said Flamethrow Assistant. Defeat him and double jump to the Iron Boxes to the right. Inch to the right until you're almost falling off the edge, then spin as the Flying Riptoc floats down to defeat him. Jump right to another set of Iron Boxes, then jump again to more Iron Boxes. Defeat the Flying Riptoc and continue jumping across the Iron Boxes until you reach the Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Tankin' over the World | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 28 D-Pad (L/R): Rotate Tank! | TNT Crates : None L/R: Rotate Turret! | Nitro Crates : 3 A: Shoot! As soon as you begin, turn left and shoot the Crate. Next, head up a little and rotate to the right to destroy the Tank. Head left and shoot the two Crates sitting on top of the lava bed. Wait for the electric gate to turn off before passing through. Continue left, then head down and blow up another Tank. Head down and shoot the two Crates in the little alcove. Head left and quickly shoot the Turret. Break the Mystery Crate and Aku Aku Crate, then head up and destroy another Tank. Continue up and destroy the Nitro. Head right past the gate and destroy another Tank below. Head right again and destroy yet another Tank. Move southeast and be careful of another Turret. After you shoot it, head right and shoot the Tank above. Now head down and shoot the Nitro in the way. Go down and shoot another Tank, then continue south. To get the Crates in the alcove, you'll have to bounce your shots in. After breaking them, head left and shoot the Crate in another alcove. Go back up and head right. Destroy the Tank and move to where it was. Aim to the northwest and fire to break the two Crates in the lava. Head right through the Gate, then head right and shoot the Aku Aku Crate and normal Crate in the lava. Go down, then right, and shoot the Nitro. Continue right, then up past the Gate. There's a Tank to the left, so don't head up too quickly. Destroy it first, then continue up and break another Crate. Go to the northeast to meet a new Flamethrower Tank. This Tank actually moves, but doesn't have a great range of fire, so just shoot it from afar. Head up, then left for another two Crates. Head right and stay near the top and you should see another Crate sitting on top of lava. Shoot it, then turn to the right and shoot another Crate. Head down and shoot the two Tanks on the way. Turn to the left for another two Crates in an alcove. Turn around and head right. Blow up the Nitro and continue east. Try to bounce a shot off the bottom wall to destroy the Tank before going past the gate. Destroy the Crate to the right and then go up. Destroy the tank to the left, then go up and break the final two Crates. Head southwest to collect the Crystal and Clear Gem, then exit. |/________________________________/ Head right and defeat the Lab Assistant, then jump down to the right. After you land, head right, defeat the Flamethrower Assistant, and jump across the bridge. Jump on the moving platform and go up, then hop off to the right. There's an Aku Aku Box to the left if you need it. Otherwise, continue right and defeat another Lab Assistant. Jump to the Spring Box, then bounce to the right for another Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | In Hot Water | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (L/R): Rotate | Total Crates : 22 A: Turbo! | TNT Crates : None | Nitro Crates : 8 Go straight up and quickly head past the Mine. Break the Crate and avoid the upcoming Nitro. Stay near the middle of the screen and turbo past the Whirlpool and Mine. After you get past the Mine, head right for another Crate, then float up past the Nitro to break another Crate. You'll see a Tank to the right that will fire shots to the left. Unfortunately, your inner-tube isn't equipped with the latest in anti-Tank artillery, so you'll just have to wait until there's an opening between shots. After you get through, bypass the Nitro and be wary of the Mine coming up. Stay to the right to get another Crate, then float up past the Whirlpool and head left for another Crate. Go back right and hug the right wall, then wait for the Tank to stop shooting and turbo past the Whirlpool. Be careful, because there's a Mine right after the Whirlpool. Break the Crate near the Mine, then head left, then down for another Crate. Head up past the Nitro and another Tank. Carefully pass the Whirlpool, then carefully head left to break another Crate near the Whirlpool. Go back right and continue floating up past the two Mines. After passing the Nitro, break the two Crates nearby. Float to the left and continue up. Break another Crate and turbo across the Whirlpool. Immediately after you pass the Whirlpool, head left for another Crate. Stay to the left, avoid the Nitro and keep floating up to get to the next Crate. Break it, then avoid the Nitro to the right and float up. Break another Crate, then head left (be careful of the Nitro) to avoid the Whirlpool. Quickly head right after passing the Whirlpool to hit the Nitro Switch Box (which will give you the final 8 Crates). Go up, collect the Gem and Crystal, and exit. |/______________________/ Double jump to the right and land on the Spring Box. Keep jumping across the Iron Boxes and Spring Boxes and you'll reach a Bonus Platform. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crate Step | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Time : 14:59 Total Crates : 12 TNT Crates : 2 Nitro Crates : 2 Wow, this one is... really easy. When you begin, jump up onto the Crate, then bounce onto the '1' Crate and bounce again to the right. After you reach the platform, quickly jump on the Crate on the right, then bounce to the one on the left and bounce again to another platform. Jump on the TNT, then double jump up to hit a Crate in the air. After you land, quickly jump to the Crate on the right to escape the TNT explosion. Bounce to the platform, then jump over the Nitro and fall down on a Crate. Bounce to the right and you'll land on a TNT that's right above a Nitro. Quickly jump to the left and follow the Wumpa Fruit to land on another Crate. Bounce to the right and follow the Wumpa to land on the Nitro Switch Box. Jump to the right to collect the Clear Gem and exit. |/____________________________/ Wait until the Flying Riptoc goes down, then jump over it. Head right and jump to the second Iron Box, then fall straight down. Meet with Moneybags and play a game or two. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Come on in and spin the wheel to win a prize! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Spinning Wheel Shop * Uggh, not more of this. One Spin - 20 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Blue (Lowest) Yellow (Medium) Orange (High) [ ] Spring Crate [ ] Remote Copter Crash [ ] Underwater City Ruins [ ] Iron Box [ ] Bat Attack Crash [ ] Egyptian Tombs [ ] Aku Aku Box [ ] Volcano Island [ ] Persian Palace Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Red Gem [ ] Green Gem [ ] Purple Gem [ ] Yellow Gem [ ] Blue Gem ******************************************************************************* Head left and jump on the Spring Box. Bounce to the Iron Boxes, then jump to the right. It'll take 30 Wumpa Fruit to get past the Gate. Unless Moneybags has completely cleaned you out, you should have the Wumpa Fruit, so open it up. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Fire Mountains B | \|___________________________________________________________________________| Head past the Flying Riptoc then keep going right until you reach the edge. Fall straight down. Meet Moneybags and buy some Cards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Whew, it's hot out here. Come on in! My shop is air-conditioned! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Trading Card Shop * Green Crash Cards and Blue Spyro Cards are the specialty here. Green Crash Card - 50 Wumpa Blue Spyro Card - 75 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can buy here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Green (Low) [ ] Flamethrower Assistant [ ] Flying Lab Assistant [ ] Evil Bat [ ] Inferno Riptoc Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Bunny [ ] Bird [ ] Vase [ ] Basket ******************************************************************************* Wait for the erupting lave to go down before jumping to the movin platform. Don't let the platform go up. Instead, wait it goes down and jump to the right. Jump over the firewall and hop onto the moving platform. Let it take you right, then jump back to solid ground. Avoid the next two firewalls and activate the next Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Chop 'til You Drop | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Shoot them down! Protect Crash! Controls D-Pad (U/D): Move! A: Shoot! B: Lift Up! Uggh, another one of these. Not much different from the last time. Again, green parachutes fall the fastest, blue falls slower than green, and orange falls the slowest. Although orange falls the slowest, you may want to concentrate on them after shooting down any green since Tanks with orange parachutes fire back at you. Also remember that you must shoot at the parachute if the Tank is surrounded by a force field. Destroy 25 tanks to receive the Crystal. |/____________________________/ Now that the unpleasantness is over, head right and hop on the moving platform. Let it take you to the right, then hop off. Jump on another moving platform and let it take you up. Jump to the right and keep going right until you reach the next Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Rocket Power | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates Hold A: To Rise! | Total Crates : 31 Release A: To Fall! | TNT Crates : None | Nitro Crates : 11 This Rocket Mini-Game is even tougher than the last, mostly due to the appearance of Nitros. Anyway, rise for the first Crate, then descend just a bit for the next Crate. Follow the Wumpa Fruit for the next two Crates, but start rising after you hit the second Crate or else you might hit a Nitro. Rise some more to avoid a second Nitro. Descend for the next Crate, then rise and fall quickly over the wall (be careful of the Nitro right after the wall). Follow the Wumpa Fruit to hit another two Crates, then rise a little for the next Crate. Go down for the next Crate, but be careful because it's just below a Nitro. Start rising again and maintain your height for the next 2 Crates. After hitting the second Crate, maintain your height to get past through an opening between two Nitros and a wall. After you get through, descend to get past another wall, then quickly rise to avoid a Nitro and hit another Crate. Start descending and squeeze through the lower passage for another Crate. When you emerge, rise for the next two Crates, then descend for a third Crate. Maintain your height to get over the Nitro, then hit the next Crate and start rising again. Hit another two Crates and descend for another Crate. Rise over the next wall, descend a bit, and rise again to hit the Nitro Switch Box. Stay near the middle of the screen to collect the Gem and Crystal, then exit. |/______________________/ Head left and double jump up to the Spring Box. Bounce to the left onto a plaftorm. Jump left to another platform. Wait for the moving platform and jump onto it. Ride it to the left, then jump off to meet Bianca. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BIANCA: Hi, I'm Bianca. Do you have many trading cards yet? I hear they unlock mini-games if you collect a good number of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaking of which, jump to the platform on the left for a random Green Card (usually a Scarab, Scorpion, or Sword Assistant). Next, jump across the Spring Boxes and Irong Boxes to the left to reach the Fire Mountains Card. Head back right to where Bianca was. Jump right across the platforms (make sure you don't fall down) until you reach a Flamethrower Assistant. Defeat him and continue right. Jump across the Iron Boxes to reach the last Warp Pad in Fire Mountains. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bat Attack | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 31 A: Fire! | TNT Crates : None B: Bomb! | Nitro Crates : 7 Hold Button to | Charge Weapon! | Is it just me, or does Crash look strangely off-model in these Bat Mini-Games? It looks like they whipped up the sprite in like two seconds, because he's not shaded at all. Strangely enough, the bat is. Ah well. Just a few quick pointers before we start. You can only fire or charge one weapon at a time. A fires rockets straight ahead, while B drops a Bomb that will explode upon contact with the ground or any object. Charging A will release 3 rockets, while charging B will let it roll on the ground for a few seconds before it explodes. Also, remember that there is NO Nitro Switch Box, so you MUST destroy every Nitro manually. Begin by running into the first Crate, then dropping a bomb to destroy the next Crate. Drop down for the next crate, then destroy the next two crates however you like. At this point enemy Bats will start showing up. Defeat them with rockets or bombs. Drop bombs on the next two crates, then start firing rockets to defeat the upcoming Lab Assistant. Dodge his shot if he manages to get one out. Destroy the next two Crates in whatever way you see fit, then fly up and wait for the lave rock to fall down before going on. Fly over the firewall, then go down and run into a Crate and an Aku Aku Crate. Go back up and defeat any approaching Bats. After flying over the firewall, fly down and shoot a rocket to hit the next two Crates. Next, head up and blow up the Nitro and the next Crate. Avoid the erupting lava, and fire near the middle of the screen to dispose of the upcoming Lab Assistant. Head to the top of the screen and destroy the Nitro while avoiding the firewalls. Defeat the Lab Assistant, then drop bombs on the two Crates below. Fire a rocket while at the top of the screen, then quickly head down to destroy a Nitro and another two Crates. Head back up and destroy the two Nitros blocking the passage. Drop a bomb on the next Nitro, then head up and fire at the Lab Assistant. This next part can be tricky. Quickly rush to the right part of the screen and destroy the Crate above, then go back to the bottom path and break the Crate there. Stay at the bottom for another Crate, then as soon as you can, head back up and destroy the Crate up there. Destroy the last two Nitros, defeat the Lab Assistant, collect your goodies, and exit. |/____________________/ Jump onto the Iron Box on the right, then jump to the platform. Jump to another Iron Box, then jump again to the right to meet with Crunch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRUNCH: Wow, I'm working up a sweat in this heat. Hey, want to lift some more weights? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Weightlift | Objective : Pump it up! Time : 15:00 Controls A: To Lift! More filler (in more ways than one). A bit harder than before, but still unbelievably easy. You'll get a Gold Relic Card (Card Value: Lowest) for your "efforts." |/___________________________/ Head left and fall down. Hold right on the control pad as you're falling and you should land safely. Continue right and open the Gate with your Crystals. Jump in and face Cortex's nefarious niece, Nina. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCO: Get us out of here! PROFESSOR: Spyro! Help! SPYRO: Look, Crash! It's the Professor and Coco! NINA: Purple puppy! Nina wants to play! SPYRO: Crash! Distract Nina so I can get the Professor and Coco to safety! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Nina | Power Crystals Needed: 15 Objective : Reach the end! Controls A: Jump B: Turbo! R: Turbo! Ummm... TURBO!!! Oh, and jump. That's all you need to know. Huh? you want more? Well, there really isn't much more than that. Unless you have really bad reflexes or a terrible memory, this "Mini-Game" is one of the easiest in the entire game. You pretty much MUST use turbo during the whole thing, however, or else Nina will definitely catch up to you. |/___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NINA: Waah! No fair! SPYRO: Good job, Crash! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll receive an N-Trance Card (Value: Highest). Enter the portal to reach the next area. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Dragon Castles A | \|___________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCO: Our work is ruined. We were so close to discovering their hideout! SPYRO: What can we do? PROFESSOR: I'm afraid it's up to you two. We'll have to continue to locate the crystals. The two of them will be twice as persistent now! COCO: If we can lure the two of them out, maybe we can put a tracer on them and follow them back to their base. Then we can stop them for good! Crash, you'll need to travel to Dragon Castles and locate the crystals there, first. Spyro, can you head to our home, Wumpa Jungle, and keep those Riptocs in check? SPARX: You can count on us! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head left and jump over the Spears. Jump on the moving platform and let it take you up. Hop off to the left to meet Crunch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRUNCH: Let's go, Crash. Work out those biceps! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Weightlift | Objective : Pump it up! Time : 15:00 Controls A: To Lift! Just a teeny bit harder than before, but you should still have no problems. You'll receive a Platinum Relic Card (Card Value: Lowest). |/___________________________/ Jump off to the left and keep going left until you see a Spring Box. Double jump to it, then jump to the left. There's an Aku Aku Box above. Grab it if you wish, then jump to the left again and defeat the Castle Riptoc. Jump left again to another platform, then jump to the left again and defeat the Castle Riptoc there. Wait for the moving platform to appear, then hop on and ride it to the left. Jump across the Iron Boxes to reach the Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Sheep Shuttle | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Stop the Sheep! Controls D-Pad (U/D) : Move! A: Shoot! Not much different from the previous Sheep games. Again, concentrate your attacks on the proverbial Black Sheep. You need a total of 65 Sheep, which makes for a lotta lamb chops. More a test of endurance than an actual challenge. |/_______________________/ Fall straight down and head left to meet with Blinky again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLINKY: Hey Crash, sorry about our misunderstanding before. I thought you were on Ripto's side! It's good to know you're working with Spyro, now! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head left past Blinky to pick up the semi-hidden Dragon Castles Card (Card Value: High). Turn around and head right across the bridge, making sure to be wary of the Moat Monster. After you cross the bridge, you'll see some pebbles on the ground. That's a sign that there's a rock-throwing Castle Riptoc above, so wait for him to throw the rocks, then continue right. You'll find a Bonus Platform. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Freefallin' | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Total Crates : 25 TNT Crates : 5 Nitro Crates : 6 This one can be a bit trickier than the previous one, so I'll give a full walkthrough this time around. Fall down to the right and follow the Wumpa Fruit to land on the first Crate. Bounce off that Crate and hit the Crate to the left, then head to the middle of the screen to hit the next Crate. Stay in the middle to avoid 2 Nitros. You'll land on a Bouncy Crate, with 3 Nitros nearby. Bounce on the Bouncy Crate 5 times to break it, then fall between the left and center Nitros. You'll land on another Crate. Next, head to the center of the screen to hit another Crate. Stay in the center to land on a Spring Crate. Use it to jump up to the two TNTs to the left and right. Set them off, then spin into the Spring Crate to break it. After you break it, head slightly left of the middle to hit another TNT Crate. Bounce to the right and set off another TNT. Stay near the right to hit the next Crate, then bounce to the left to hit another. Go back to the center of the screen and bounce on the Bouncy Crate until it breaks. Remain in the middle to set off a TNT, then quickly bounce to the right and follow the Wumpa to hit a Crate. There's a Nitro below, so quickly bounce to the left and hit another Crate. Next, you'll want to bounce right to hit a Crate, then go to the middle for another Crate. Finally, head to the left to hit the Nitro Switch Box. Collect the Gem and exit. |/____________________________/ Jump up to the right but beware of falling rocks. Continue right until you see the moving platform that takes you up to Crunch. Ride it up again, and head right past Crunch. Jump onto the moving platform, then hop off to the right. Defeat the Lab Assistant and ocntinue right. Jump across the series of Iron Boxes and you'll reach the next Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Crash and Burn | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 75 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates Hold A: To Rise! | Total Crates : 31 Release A: To Fall! | TNT Crates : None | Nitro Crates : None This one's even tougher than before, due to much narrower passages. Rise up through the passage, but quickly descend to avoid hitting a wall. Break the Crate, then immediately start rising again. Hit the next two Crates, then go back down. After hitting the next Crate, quickly rise and hit another Crate. Immediately descend to hit the next Crate, then go all the way up. Hit the next two Crates and descend to hit a third Crate. Descend until you see Wumpa Fruit, which should be your signal to rise again. Hit the Crate and go back down to hit another Crate. Stay near the bottom to take the lower path and hit the Crate as you emerge from the passage. Ascend when you see the Wumpa Fruit, then descend to hit the next two Crates. Quickly rise to hit another Crate, and keep going up. When you see Wumpa again, start descending and you should hit another two Crates. Immediately rise again to hit another Crate, then descend again to hit the next Crate. Rise over the big wall and go back down on the other side to hit another Crate. Go through the narrow passage and hit the Crate there, then rise once you emerge. Hit the next Crate and go down a bit for another Crate. Follow the Wumpa to the lower path and hit another two Crates before rising up to hit a third Crate. Rise up near the top and stay there for the next two Crates. Descend slightly to hit another Crate. Start going back up, then quickly go back down to hit the next Crate. Stay near the bottom until you see Wumpa, then go up and follow the fruit to hit the final Crate. Collect the Gem and Crystal and exit. |/________________________/ Head right and fall straight down. Defeat the Goat and run to the right until you see some Spring Boxes. Jump up to the right to reach a moving platform. Ride it up to meet Moneybags yet again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: I'm opening up new shops everywhere, so feel free to stop by any one of them! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Trading Card Shop * More Trading Card goodness, although the variety here isn't too great. Moat Monster, Goat, Sheep, Castle Riptoc - 50 Wumpa Shark - 75 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can buy here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Green (Low) [ ] Moat Monster [ ] Goat [ ] Sheep [ ] Castle Riptoc [ ] Shark ******************************************************************************* Head left and fall straight down. Go to the right and unlock the Gate with 50 Wumpa Fruit. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Dragon Castles B | \|___________________________________________________________________________| Go right and defeat the Goat. Wait for the falling rocks, then continue right and jump over the spike pit. Defeat the Castle Riptoc and jump to the right. Wait for the falling rocks, then jump to the platform on the right. Jump to the left and defeat the rock-throwing Castle Riptoc. Jump to another platform to the left, then jump again to a wooden platform to the left. Continue left and defeat the Castle Riptoc. Jump on the Spring Box and bounce to the platform on the upper-left. Head left and jump to the left to reach a Bonus Platform. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crate Smash | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Time : 29:59 Total Crates : 31 TNT Crates : None Nitro Crates : 2 A lot of Crates to break this time. Start by jumping on the first Crate to the right. After breaking it, bounce up to hit the Crate above, then land on the Pants Crate. Bounce off the Pants Crate to hit another Crate above, then land on the Spring Crate. Quickly jump up to hit the Crate high in the air. Spin as you land to break the Spring Crate. Hurry to the right and spin into the Castle Riptoc. Continue right and jump on the Crate. Bounce up to hit the '1' Crate, then land to the right. Jump up on the three Crates and, after hitting the third Crate, bounce up to hit a Crate above you. Land to the right and hit the Crate on top of the Nitro. Jump to the right and bounce across the 5 Crates and '3' Crate. Land to the right, hit the Crate, and jump over the Spears. Continue right and jump up across the three Crates. Avoid the Nitro to the right, instead jumping to the left across another four Crates. Make sure that you bounce into a Crate and a '2' Crate above, but it's pretty unlikely that you'd miss them anyway. Land on the platform and hit the Nitro Switch Box. Collect the Crystal and exit. |/____________________________/ Fall straight down and head bakc right until you see a moving platform over some spikes. Jump onto the moving platform. Look below and you should see an opening in the spike pit. Jump down through it, then head left and jump over some spikes to meet Fake Crash. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAKE CRASH: ... CRASH: ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gee, what a stimulating conversation. Head left to collect a Fake Crash Card (Card Value: Highest). Go back to the right and jump on the Spring Boxes to get back up, then land to the right. Continue right to reach the next Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Castle Chaos | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Hit them all! Controls D-Pad (L/R): Move! L and R: Speed Up! A: Kickback! B: Attract Balls I'm still wondering how anyone could actually consider this fun. Once again there are 3 rounds. The first round has 2 Green Riptocs, 2 Blue Riptocs (which give you another Ball), a Lab Assistant, and an Orange Riptoc. The Orange Riptoc has a shield, so you'll have to hit it on the side or in the back. Round 2 has 2 Lab Assistants, 2 Blue Riptocs, and 1 Green Riptoc and 1 Orange Riptoc. Round 3 has 2 Lab Assistants, 3 Green Riptocs, 3 Orange Riptocs, and 1 Blue Riptoc. Defeat all 3 rounds to get the Crystal. |/______________________/ Head right and fall down. Continue right past the Axe to meet Moneybags again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Come on in, Crash. I'm sure I've got just the thing you're looking for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Crate Shuffle Shop * One Crate will contain Wumpa Fruit, another will contain a Trading Card, and the third Crate will contain nothing. One Play - 20 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Blue (Lowest) Orange (High) [ ] Bouncy Crate [ ] Mayan Jungle [ ] Aku Aku Crate [ ] Sewers [ ] Mystery Crate [ ] Nitro Switch Box [ ] Iron Spring Box [ ] Time Crate Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Crystallized Dragon 1 [ ] Crystallized Dragon 2 [ ] Crystallized Dragon 3 ******************************************************************************* Head back left and use the Spring Box to get back up. Jump to the right and continue right until you see an Aku Aku Box and Iron Box. Jump on top of them, then jump to the platform on the left. Jump on the Spring Box and land to the right. Head right for another Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bats in the Belfry | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 75 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 27 A: Fire! | TNT Crates : None B: Bomb! | Nitro Crates : 8 Hold Button to | Charge Weapon! | Less Crates this time, but more obstacles to get in your way. Start by launching rockets at the 3 Bats comings your way, then quickly shoot a rocket into the Crate above. Fly down to hit the Crate below. Fire rockets to hit the upcoming Lab Assistant, then stay low to avoid the spikes. Shoot rockets to defeat another 3 Bats, then launch a bomb to destroy a Crate on the floor. Next, you'll have to get past a series of 3 spikes. Wait for them to retract, then quickly fly past them. Shoot a rocket into the Lab Assistant, then launch a rocket into the Nitro above. Quickly head back down and fire like crazy to defeat the Bats and destroy another Nitro and a Crate. Head past some more spikes, then defeat the Castle Riptoc. Stay near the top and shoot a rocket into the Nitro. Head all the way down and shoot the Crate there (the rocket should go through the Crate and hit another Crate, too). Now quickly go to the middle and shoot the Nitro there. Stay in the middle and destroy the two Crates as you emerge. Head back down and shoot the Nitro and Crate. Carefully fly past the spikes and shoot the Lab Assistant. Next, destroy the two Crates. Immediately fly down and destroy the two Nitros in the lower path. Defeat the Bats and the Lab Assistant, then destroy the two Crates on the ground. Defeat another Lab Assisant and stay near the bottom. Shoot three rockets into the two Crates and Nitro, then head up and destroy the three Crates there. Head past the spikes and destroy the final Nitro with a bomb. Go up, defeath the Lab Assistant, and collect your winnings. |/____________________________/ Head right and jump onto the Iron Boxes. Jump right across some platforms until you reach some more Iron Boxes. Jump again to the right and defeat the Castle Riptoc, the jump on the Spring Box onto a moving platform. Jump to the right to meet Moneybags. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: Welcome to my shop! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Mystery Shop * Yay, it's random fun once again! Just like before, one Crate will have Wumpa Fruit, another will have a Trading Card, and one other has absolutely nothing. One Play - 20 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Blue (Lowest) Green (Low) [ ] Crystal [ ] Puffer Fish [ ] Clear Gem [ ] Frog [ ] Wumpa Fruit [ ] Rat [ ] Checkpoint Crate Spyro Cards Blue (Lowest) [ ] Black Sheep [ ] Dragonfly ******************************************************************************* Once you're done, head left and fall straight down. Head left again and fall down again. You'll see the gate to the right, but you'll need to beat one more Mini-Game to open it. Head left, dodge the spikes, and access the final Dragon Castles Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Tanks 'R Us | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 75 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 18 D-Pad (L/R): Rotate Tank! | TNT Crates : None L/R: Rotate Turret! | Nitro Crates : 1 A: Shoot! Once you begin, immediately rotate to the right and start firing to destroy a moving Tank. Next, head left a bit and destroy the Turret. Head right to destroy a Crate, then head northwest from there to destroy another Crate. Head west, then go up and destroy the tank. Continue up and destroy another Crate, then get ready to destroy a Turret to the northeast. Head east and keep moving until the Plane drops 4 bombs. Head down and destroy the moving Flame Tank, then break the nearby Crate. Head southeast and destroy the Crate sitting on top of the water. Continue south and avoid another 4 bombs. Destroy the Turret to the southeast. Stay near the bottom and continue east. Shoot the two Crates on top of the water and rush past the barrier. Shoot the Crate to the right and then head up. Head right past the first barrier, then head up past a second. Quickly rotate left and shoot the Turret there. Turn back to the right and shoot the two Crates, then head up and destroy the Nitro. Head back down past the barrier and be wary of the Flame Tank nearby. Head southeast and destroy another Flame Tank, then destroy two Crates nearby. Continue southeast and avoid another 5 bombs, then destroy 3 Crates to the southeast. Head all the way right, then head up and destroy a Turret. Break the Crate on the left and continue northwest. Destroy the final Crate and collect the Clear Gem and Crystal. Exit through the Warp. |/_____________________/ Head back to the right and unlock the gate with your Crystals. Enter the teleporter to face off with Ripto. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIPTO: Ha! So it's you, bandicoot. Spyro may have beaten me in the past, but I won't be defeated by a creature like you! Prepare for defeat! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Ripto's Magical Mystery Tour | Power Crystals Needed: 20 Objective : Defeat Ripto! Controls D-Pad (U/D): Move! A: Fire! B: Bomb! Hold Button to Charge Weapon! This can be a really frustrating boss if you don't know what you're doing. What you have to do is shoot the solid Bat, and not the see-through ones. After you shoot the solid ones, the bats will disappear briefly, and Ripto will send out 3 fireballs. Stay in the middle of the screen and shoot rockets at him, then quickly dodge the fireballs. Of course, that's the easy part. After two hits, another enemy will come that you can't defeat, and will shoot stuff down at you. Your best bet is to stay at the bottom of the screen (Bats can never touch you there) and kept shooting bombs to stop the geysers that appear on the bottom. Don't shoot a bomb when Bat is near you, though, because it WILL hit the bat). Do your best to not shoot the bats at all, because their shots can be very hard to avoid. Or, if you must shoot them, do it when the bats are still on the far right and you're on the far left, so by the time the shots arrive near you they'll have spread out. Wait for the solid Bat to appear then shoot it to make Ripto vulnerable again. It only takes 3 hits to defeat Ripto, so try to save Aku Aku for when the Riptoc with a jet pack arrives. Not too bad when you know what you're doing. |/___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIPTO: Arrgh! You may have beaten me, but that doesn't mean you've stopped my plan! COCO: Don't worry, Crash. We want him to get away so we can follow him to his base. You did remember to put the tracer on him, right? Crash: ... COCO: Crash! Don't tell me you forgot! SPYRO: Don't worry, Coco! I got into a battle with Cortex and managed to place the tracer on him before he got away. COCO: Good job, Spyro! We're getting a signal now! It seems their base is located in outer space! PROFESSOR: Oh dear, I'm afraid that's out of reach! COCO: Wait, I have an idea. Crash, if you can collect all 20 of the clear gems, I can fix this portal and allow you and Spyro to reach Ripto and Cortex's base. Then the two of you can put a stop to them for good! SPYRO: Sounds like a plan! Are you up for it, Crash? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll receive an N. Gin card for beating Ripto. If you have 20 Clear Gems, open the gate to the right. Otherwise, go back to and complete any Mini-Games you may have missed. |\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | Tech Park | \|___________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COCO: Good job, guys! We've made it to Ripto and Cortex's base! Go get 'em! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jump on the moving platform, then jump to the left. Wait for the electric barrier to disappear, then run past it to the left. Keep going left until you see another moving platform. Hop on and ride it up, then jump off to the left. Jump on the Spring Box and hop off to the left to meet with Moneybags one last time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONEYBAGS: I've just opened this shop here in the tech park. Come on in! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************************************************************* * Spinning Wheel Shop * This is Moneybags' last shop. If you've been getting all of the Blue, Green, and Yellow Cards up until this point, you should get whatever you're still missing here. One Spin - 25 Wumpa Here's a handy checklist of the Cards that you can win here (this may be random, but I'll list it for now): Crash Cards Blue (Low) Green (Lowest) Yellow (High) [ ] Freeze Crate [ ] Cobra [ ] Hoverbike Crash [ ] Crash Crate [ ] Scarab [ ] Copter Crash [ ] Steel Crate [ ] Scorpion [ ] Carpet Crash [ ] ! Box [ ] Sword Assistant [ ] Kart Race Crash [ ] Slot Box [ ] Outline Box [ ] Gem Red [ ] Gem Purple [ ] Gem Green [ ] Gem Blue [ ] Gem Yellow ******************************************************************************* After you're done spinning, drop down to the right. Head left to reach a Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Crash at the Controls | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Shoot them down! Protect Crash! Controls D-Pad (U/D): Move! A: Shoot! B: Lift Up! Another Helicopter Mini-Game, but thankfully its the last of its kind. A bit more difficult than previous games of its kind, mostly due to an overall increase in the speed of the Tanks' descent. Green parachutes fall the fastest, blue falls slower than green, red falls about as fast as blue, and orange falls the slowest. Although orange and red fall relatively slow, you may want to concentrate on them after shooting down any green since Tanks with orange and red parachutes fire back at you. Also remember that you must shoot at the parachute if the Tank is surrounded by a force field. Destroy 25 tanks to receive the Crystal. |/_______________________________/ Head left and defeat the Lab Assistant, then hop on the Bonus Platform. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Freefallin' | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Total Crates : 24 TNT Crates : 4 Nitro Crates : 6 Head right and fall down. Follow the Wumpa to land on a Spring Crate. Use the Spring Crate to bounce to the Crate on the left and Pants Crate to the right, then bounce back to the Spring Crate and spin into it to destroy it. Follow the Wumpa to hit the next 3 Crates. After the third Crate, make sure you follow the Wumpa so you can avoid two Nitros and land on another Crate. Stay still to land on a Bouncy Crate. Bounce on it 5 times, then jump to the left and bounce on another Bouncy Crate until it breaks. Next, head back to the middle of the screen to land on a TNT. Fall down to the right of it to avoid a Nitro, then follow the Wumpa Fruit to hit another Crate. Follow the Wumpa Fruit again to avoid another Nitro and land on another TNT. Bounce to the right to set off another 2 TNT Crates, then fall down to the right to avoid another Nitro. Follow the Wumpa to hit another 3 Crates, then stay near the middle of the screen to land on a Bouncy Crate. Bounce on it until it breaks, then jump to the left and hit the Nitro Switch Box to break the remaining Crates. Collect the Clear Gem and exit. |/____________________________/ Head left and jump on the platform, then jump again to the left. You can pick up a random Yellow Card here (usually it's Kart Race, Copter, Carpet, or Hoverbike Crash). Continue left and jump on the Spring Box. Defeat the Lab Assistant, then jump off to the right. Continue right to meet Crunch for one last training session. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CRUNCH: Crash, I'm sure you can stop Cortex and Ripto. How about one last test of your strength, first? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Weightlift | Objective : Pump it up! Time : 15:00 Controls A: To Lift! Yawn. Still not at all hard. You'll receive a Crunch Card (Card Value: Highest) for proving your strength. |/___________________________/ Head back left and defeat the Lab Assistant, then jump to the left. You'll find another Warp Pad here. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bear with Me | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 75 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates A: Jump | Total Crates : 33 B: Turbo! | TNT Crates : None R: Turbo! | Nitro Crates : 14 Turbo into the first two Crates, then get ready to jump up twice. After doing so, jump over three Nitros. This next part can be a little tricky. Run into the Crate at the bottom, then immediately jump up to hit the Crate above. Jump over a pit and hit another Crate. Next, you'll want to jump over an electric field, then quickly jump over a Nitro. Jump again to hit the two Crates and jump over another Nitro. Jump over yet another Nitro, then land and hit a Crate. Turbo jump over four pits, then run into the next Crate. Jump onto the Lab Assistant when you see him, then jump over a Nitro. When you go up a slope, make sure you jump to hit a Crate. Jump over three more pits, then jump over two Nitros. Jump for the next Crate, then land and run into a second Crate, then jump again to break a third Crate while simultaneously jumping over a pit. After you land, jump over another Nitro. Turbo jump over a pit, then jump to break two more Crates. Turbo jump over another pit, then jump to break a Crate and to get over an electric field (it can be hard to avoid this electric field, so try to keep your Aku Aku up to this point). Jump over another pit and another Nitro, then jump to get another two Crates. Hop over a Nitro and jump over another pit. Defeat the Lab Assistant by jumping on him, then jump over another few pits. Hop over another Nitro, then TURBO jump over the last four pits. Hit the Nitro Switch Box and collect the Gem and Crystal, then exit. |/______________________/ Jump on the Spring Box to the right, then hop off to the right. Go past the electric barrier and jump on the Iron Box. Jump on the moving platform and let it take you left. Hop off and get on the Bonus Platform. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bonus: Crate Smash | Objective : Destroy all the Crates! Time : 19:59 Total Crates : 28 TNT Crates : 2 Nitro Crates : 4 Okay, this is easily the hardest Mini-Game yet, which technically isn't saying anything since all of the Mini-Games up until now have been relatively easy. Still, your reflexes will have to be perfect here, as you have lots of Crates to destroy and not much time to do it. Begin by bouncing across the Pants Crate, TNT, '1' Crate, and normal Crate VERY quickly. After bouncing off the normal Crate, spin to defeat the Flying Riptoc and break the Crate on your way down. Jump to the TNT, then fall down and follow the Wumpa Fruit to land on a Crate. Bounce a bit to the right and bounce on the Bouncy Crate until it breaks, then quickly jump on the '1' Crate and bounce again to the right. Jump over the Nitro, then jump while in the air to hit the Crate above. Spin as you fall to the right to defeat the Flying Riptoc. Next, bounce up to the right and destroy the 5 Crates on the way. Land on the platform and defeat the Castle Riptoc quickly. Jump on the Crate to the right, bounce right and hit the '3' Crate, then land on another Crate and bounce to the platform to the right. Spin into another Riptoc, then jump on the Crate to the right. Bounce over the Nitro and land on another Crate, then bounce to the right and jump up to hit the Crate in the air. Land on the Crate below, then bounce to the right and land on another Crate. Bounce over another Nitro and land on the Crate, then jump to the right and hit the Nitro Switch Box. Hurriedly collect the Gem and exit since you'll probably have little time left. |/____________________________/ Head back to the right and jump on the moving platform. Jump off to the right and continue right until you reach the Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Tech Deflect | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 50 Objective : Hit them all! Controls D-Pad (L/R): Move! L and R: Speed Up! A: Kickback! B: Attract Balls You'd think that since this is the last level they'd want to go out on top, but instead we get... this. Remember that Blue Riptocs will give you an extra ball when hit, and Orange Riptocs have shields which will force you to hit them on the side or in the back. Round 1 has 3 Blue Riptocs, 2 Orange Riptocs, 2 Green Riptocs, and 1 Lab Assistant. Round 2 has 4 Lab Assistants, 3 Green Riptocs, 1 Blue Riptoc, and 1 Orange Riptoc. Round 3 has 4 Lab Assistants, 3 Orange Riptocs, and 2 Green Riptocs. Defeat all of the enemies to receive the Crystal. |/______________________/ Jump on the platform to the right and ride it to the right. Defeat the Lab Assistant and jump onto the platform. Jump again to the right (it can be a hard jump to make, so try to as close to the edge as possible). Continue right for another Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Tank You Come Again | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 75 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 18 D-Pad (L/R): Rotate Tank! | TNT Crates : None L/R: Rotate Turret! | Nitro Crates : 6 A: Shoot! Move up, then rotate slightly to the right and bounce a shot off the wall to destroy the nearby tank. Head southeast and avoid the Spotlight (if it spots you, you'll have to avoid 3 bombs). Continue southeast and destroy the two Crates floating over the pit. Quickly rotate to the left and destroy the Turret. Head south and destory the Nitro, then head left and rotate up to destroy another two Nitros. Go southwest to break another two Crates. Now head east and destroy the tank. Continue east past the Spotlight and destroy another Nitro. You'll want to head up next and shoot two turrets. Continue north past another Spotlight and get ready to shoot a Flame Tank. Head right and destroy another two Crates. Continue east past the Spotlight and go around the barrier to destroy a Turret. Keep going right and destroy two more Crates. Head back left, then go down to destroy a Nitro. Go south and shoot another Flame Tank, then head southwest and destory a Turret. Head left, then up to get another 3 Crates. Go back down, then head east to destroy another Nitro. Continue right, then up past a Spotlight. Go right, then down to destroy the final Crate. Turn around and collect the Gem, then head back up and destroy the Tank. Collect the Crystal and exit. |/_____________________________/ Double jump to the right and land on the platform. Jump on the Iron Box and land on another platform. Jump again to the right onto another platform. Jump to the right again to find the gate that leads to the boss. You'll need one more Crystal, so go back left and fall straight down to access the final Warp Pad. /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Bats in the Belfry | Wumpa Fruit Needed: 75 Objective : Reach the end! Controls | Crates D-Pad (U/D): Move! | Total Crates : 27 A: Fire! | TNT Crates : None B: Bomb! | Nitro Crates : 13 Hold Button to | Charge Weapon! | You'll have to be quick on your feet here to get all of the Crates. As soon as you begin, shoot a rocket into the Bat and quickly head up to break the Crate. Immediately go back down to break a Crate, then go back up to break another Crate. Shoot the Nitro and stay on the upper path. Drop a Bomb on the next Crate, then shoot a rocket through the narrow passage to break an additional two Crates. Quickly go back down and drop a Bomb on the Nitro, then wait to get past the electric barrier. Next, shoot the Lab Assistant and head up to shoot a Crate. Go back down and fly past the electric barrier. Go down and break two Crates, then fly up to break another Crate. Shoot the Lab Assistant and drop a Bomb on the two Nitros. Shoot another Lab Assistant and fly past the electric barrier. Destroy another two Crates and a Nitro. Shoot two more Bats and go down to break a Crate. Quickly go back up to break another Crate. Stay up, then go down when there's an opening. Shoot two more Nitros, then fly past the electric barrier and shoot the Lab Assistant. Quickly go down for the next Crate, then fly all the way up for another Crate. When there's an opening, quickly go down and shoot a Nitro, then go back up. Stay up and shoot a Crate, then go down to drop some Bombs on a Crate and a Nitro. Fly past the electric barrier and shoot the Lab Assistant. Head all the way up and drop a Bomb on the Nitro, then head down through the opening. Fly past the electric barrier, then Destroy another two Crates. Stay near the bottom and shoot a rocket into the passage to destroy a Crate, but don't actually go to the lower path. Instead, go to the upper path to get another 2 Crates and a Nitro. Shoot a Lab Assistant and fly up to destroy a Crate, then fly down to blow up the last two Nitros. Fly past the electric barrier, collect the Gem and Crystal, and exit. |/____________________________/ Go back up to the boss barrier and unlock it with your Crystals. If you forgot where it was, it's to the upper-right of the area. It's time for the final battle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPYRO: You're finished, Ripto! And you too, Cortex! CORTEX: Ah, Spyro and Crash! I can't believe you've made it this far. No matter, this is where it ends! RIPTO: Prepare for defeat! This time I mean it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | Space Chase | Power Crystals Needed: 25 Objective : Defeat Ripto and Cortex! Time: 59:59 Controls D-Pad: Move! A: Fire! B: Fire! You only have a minute to defeat Ripto and Cortex, but that's really plenty of time. First you'll have to destroy the two thrusters on their spaceship. Each of the two thrusters takes 4 hits each. Stay in the middle to avoid the flames that come from each, then start shooting. Next, you'll have to destroy a gun turret. The turret fires shots diagonally to the left and right, as well as straight down. Avoid the shots and hit it 4 times to destroy it. The next phase involved giant robotic arms. Each arm has 3 segements that take 3 hits each. Avoid the swinging arms and get in close to destroy each segment. After you destroy them all, the arms will break off. The last phase... oh, wait, there is no last phase. Yes, that was it. You just beat the game. Now go away. |/___________________________________________________________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPYRO: We did it! AKU AKU: Hopefully we won't be hearing from those two again. But if the case ever arrives... SPYRO: You can count on me and Sparx to help out! AKU AKU: Great! A brave dragon like you is a great asset as a friend. Right, Crash? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the credits, then you'll return to Tech Park and receive the N. Tropy Card. CONGRATULATIONS! You've finished Crash:Purple! Now try out Party Mode or go back and collect and Clear Gems or Cards that you may be missing. If you followed this walkthrough exactly, you should have 25 Crystals, 25 Clear Gems, 120 Cards and 104%. The maximum percentage is believed to be 105%, so get all of those Cards! /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | M I N I - G A M E S | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 7. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 7. | |______|/ \|______| WUMPA JUNGLE Grin and Bear It Chopper Stopper Bonus: Freefallin' Crashin' down the River Sheep Stampede Bonus: Crunch Time Tanks for the Memories Bonus: Crate Smash Spyro Battle ARCTIC CLIFFS Crash and Burn Blizzard Ball Bonus: Crate Smash Polar Express Frigid Waters Bonus: Pumpin' Iron Sheep Patrol Bonus: Crate Step Tiny Takeover FIRE MOUNTAINS Tankin' over the World Rocket Power Bonus: Weightlift In Hot Water Bat Attack Nina Chop 'til You Drop Bonus: Crate Step DRAGON CASTLES Sheep Shuttle Bats in the Belfry Bonus: Freefallin' Up, Up, and Away Tanks 'R Us Bonus: Weightlift Castle Chaos Bonus: Crate Smash Ripto's Magical Mystery Tour TECH PARK Crash at the Controls Tank You Come Again Bonus: Freefallin' Beat with Me Bat to the Future Bonus: Weightlift Tech Deflect Bonus: Crate Smash Space Chase BONUS WORLD Jump, Crash, Jump! Moat Monster Cold Front Wumpa Jump Hot Feet MULTIPLAYER Ballistix Ship Shuffle Bridge Fight /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | T R A D I N G C A R D S | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 8. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 8. | |______|/ \|______| /\_________________________________________________________________________/\ < > Crash Side < > \/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ Blue (Lowest) ------------- These cards feature the various items seen in previous Crash games. From boxes, to crates, to gems, you'll find it all here. Card | Location ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Wood Crate | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] TNT Crate | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Nitro Crate | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Bouncy Crate | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) | OR Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Aku Aku Crate | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) | OR Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Mystery Crate | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) | OR Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Spring Crate | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Iron Box | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Aku Aku Box | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Nitro Switch Box | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Iron Spring Box | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Time Crate | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Crystal | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) | OR Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Clear Gem | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Wumpa Fruit | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) | OR Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Checkpoint Crate | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Freeze Crate | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Crash Crate | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Steel Crate | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] ! Box | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Slot Box | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Outline Box | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Sapphire Relic | Arctic Cliffs B (Bonus: Pumpin' Iron) [ ] Gold Relic | Fire Mountains A (Bonus: Weightlift) [ ] Platinum Relic | Dragon Castles A (Bonus: Weightlift) [ ] Gem Red | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Gem Purple | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Gem Green | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Gem Blue | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Gem Yellow | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- Green (Low) ----------- Enemies from previous Crash games appear on these Cards. Card | Location ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- [ ] Gecko | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Plant | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Idol Head | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Mine | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Jungle Riptoc | Wumpa Jungle B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Seal | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Penguin | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Lab Assistant | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Polar Bear | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Arctic Riptoc | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Flamethrower Assistant | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Flying Lab Assistant | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Evil Bat | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Inferno Riptoc | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Moat Monster | Dragon Castles A (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Goat | Dragon Castles A (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Sheep | Dragon Castles A (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Castle Riptoc | Dragon Castles A (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Shark | Dragon Castles A (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Puffer Fish | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Frog | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Rat | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Cobra | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Scarab | Tech Park (Spinning wheel Shop) [ ] Scorpion | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Sword Assistant | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] UFO Assistant | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Fire Breather | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Spear Assistant | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Blowgun Assistant | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Yellow (Medium) --------------- Throughout the Crash games, Crash has had various modes of transportation. These Cards show off just some of those. Card | Location --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- [ ] Running Crash | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Polar Bear Crash | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Wumpa Cannon Crash | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Inner Tube Crash | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Jetpack Crash | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Weightlifting Crash | Wumpa Jungle B (Bonus: Crunch Time) [ ] Remote Copter Crash | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Hovership Crash | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Tank Crash | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Bat Attack Crash | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Polar Chase Crash | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Scuba Crash | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Hoverbike Crash | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Copter Crash | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Carpet Crash | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Kart Race Crash | Tech Park (Spinning Wheel Shop) --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Orange (High) ------------- These Cards show off the diverse lands that Crash has traveled to. Card | Location ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- [ ] Wumpa Jungle | Wumpa Jungle B (Near Sheep Stampede) [ ] Arctic Cliffs | Arctic Cliffs A (Near Bonus: Crate Smash) [ ] Fire Mountains | Fire Mountains B (Near Bianca) [ ] Dragon Castles | Dragon Castles A (Near Blinky) [ ] Tech Park | Tech Park (Near Bat to the Future) [ ] Mayan Jungle | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Arctic Caves | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Sewers | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Underwater City Ruins | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Egyptian Tombs | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Volcano Island | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Persian Palace | Fire Mountains A (Spinning Wheel Shop) ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Red (Highest) ------------- Red Cards show off Crash and his bestest buds as well as his fiercest foes. Card | Location ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Crash | [ ] Coco | [ ] Neo Cortex | [ ] Nina | [ ] Crunch | Tech Park (Bonus: Weightlift) [ ] N. Gin | [ ] N. Tropy | Tech Park (Space Chase) [ ] N-Trance | [ ] Dingodile | [ ] Tiny | [ ] Polar | Link with Crash:Purple [ ] Fake Crash | Dragon Castle ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- /\_________________________________________________________________________/\ < > Spyro Side < > \/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ Blue (Lowest) ------------- These cards mostly picture various items, friends, and obstacles from the Spyro games. All of the cards up to and including the Firefly Card can be acquired in Crash:Purple by playing Moneybags' various games. Anything after must be traded from Spyro:Orange. Card | Location ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- [ ] Red Gem | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Green Gem | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Purple Gemp | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Yellow Gem | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Blue Gem | Arctic Cliffs B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Butterfly | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Frog | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Hamster | Arctic Cliffs A (Spinning Wheel Shop) [ ] Bunny | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Bird | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Vase | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Basket | Fire Mountains B (Trading Card Shop) [ ] Black Sheep | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Dragonfly | Dragon Castles B (Mystery Shop) [ ] Crystallized Dragon 1 | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Crystallized Dragon 2 | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Crystallized Dragon 3 | Dragon Castles B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Dragon Egg | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Talisman | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Fairy | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Firefly | Arctic Cliffs B (Crate Shuffle Shop) [ ] Mini-Game Portal | \ [ ] Level Portal | \ [ ] Moneybags Shop | \ [ ] Floor Spikes | Trade with Spyro:Orange [ ] Falling Ice Shards | / [ ] Lava Pool | / [ ] Lava Fountain | / ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Green (Low) ----------- These cards feature Talismans, as well as Spyro's friends and enemies. All of these cards MUST be traded from Spyro:Orange. Card | Location ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- [ ] Castle Talisman | ALL of these Cards MUST be traded from Spyro: [ ] Arctic Talisman | Orange. [ ] Fire Talisman [ ] Jungle Talisman [ ] Tech Talisman [ ] Crush and Gulp Talisman [ ] Nina Talisman [ ] Cortex Talisman [ ] Space Chase Talisman [ ] Sheep Talisman [ ] Zoe [ ] Sparx [ ] Sheila [ ] Riptoc [ ] Sorceress [ ] Gnasty Gnorc [ ] Grendor [ ] Castle Riptoc [ ] Fire Riptoc [ ] Ice Riptoc [ ] Frozen Riptoc [ ] Ember [ ] Gnorc [ ] Dragon Elders [ ] Stone Riptoc [ ] Disguised Riptoc [ ] Flying Riptoc [ ] Jungle Riptoc [ ] Balloon Riptoc [ ] Elora | ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Yellow (Medium) --------------- These cards feature Spyro in various poses (okay, stop thinking dirty), as well as his arsenal of weaponry. Card | Location ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Spyro Pose 1 | ALL of these Cards MUST be traded from Spyro:Orange. [ ] Spyro Pose 2 [ ] Spyro Pose 3 [ ] Spyro Pose 4 [ ] Spyro Pose 5 [ ] Spyro Pose 6 [ ] Spyro Pose 7 [ ] Spyro Pose 8 [ ] Flame [ ] Horn Dive [ ] Charging Rhynoc [ ] Charging Riptoc [ ] Ripto Wand [ ] Hunter Bow [ ] Blinky Dig [ ] Sgt. Byrd Rocket [ ] Agent 9 Laser [ ] Rocket and Club | ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- Orange (High) ------------- Orange Cards have, umm... Sheep. Also pictured are Spyro's various Breaths. Card | Location ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] S Sheep | All of these Cards MUST be traded from Spyro:Orange. [ ] P Sheep [ ] Y Sheep [ ] R Sheep [ ] O Sheep [ ] ! Sheep [ ] Fire [ ] Ice [ ] Wind [ ] Electricity [ ] Bubble [ ] Spit | ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Red (Highest) ------------- Red Cards feature Spyro and his gang of pals. Card | Location ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Spyro | All of these Cards MUST be traded from Spyro:Orange. [ ] Blinky [ ] Sgt. Byrd [ ] Hunter [ ] Bentley [ ] Bianca [ ] Professor [ ] Agent 9 [ ] Moneybags [ ] Ripto [ ] Crush and Gulp [ ] Sheep | ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | S E C R E T S | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 9. | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 9. | |______|/ \|______| Tech Park ---------- Collect all 20 Clear Gems (from Wumpa Jungle, Arctic Cliffs, Fire Mountains, and Dragon Castles) to access the fifth and final world. Bonus World ----------- Collect 25 Cards to play Jump, Crash, Jump! in the Bonus World. Collect 50 Cards to play Cold Front in the Bonus World. Collect 75 Cards to play Hot Feet in the Bonus World. Collect 100 Cards to play Moat Monster in the Bonus World. Collect 125 Cards to play Wumpa Jump in the Bonus World. Polar Card ---------- Likely the one Card that most people will miss. Special thanks to RygBamboo, fakecortex, and mozepy for finding out how to get this elusive Card! To receive the Polar Card, you MUST link up with another Crash:Purple game, and it will be automatically added to your collection. Again, it MUST be Crash:Purple, and NOT Spyro:Orange. One wonders why they did this. I mean, I bought both Crash:Purple and Spyro:Orange, but don't know anyone else with them. Unless there's a hidden code to access the Polar Card, I'll be left with an incomplete collection, and I'm sure others will be in a similar situation. Spyro Party USA --------------- Thanks to mozepy for this secret! Hold the L and R Buttons when you turn on the game to access a hidden mini-game: Spyro Party USA! Code Entry ---------- Thanks to fakecortex and munkeygotpoked for these secrets! Hold the L and R Buttons on the Mode Select Screen (the screen on which you choose from Story Mode, Party Mode, etc.) to enter the Code Entry Screen. Here are some of the codes and their effects: Code | Effect ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- STR4WB3RRY | Use the R Button to toss Grenades! K1LL4Z | Represent (Turns Crash's pants Green) CR4SH | Wumpty Wump! 100 free Wumpa! | (Can only be used once per save slot) G3CK0 | Wumpty Wump! 100 free Wumpa! | (Can only be used once per save slot) SW1NGS3T | Spyro Party USA L4MPP0ST | Orangilicious! (Turns entire game orange) CR3D1TS | View Credits /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | C R E D I T S | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 10 | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 10 | |______|/ \|______| This FAQ definitely could not have been possible without the following people: fakecortex, mozepy, munkeygotpoked, and RygBamboo - For various secrets! Thanks a bunch, guys! Vicarious Visions - Yet another great job by one of the best GBA developers out there. Vivendi Universal - For releasing Crash:Purple and Spyro:Orange. Sig Software - For their super-cool E-mail Effects software. Toshiba-EMI - Dancemania keeps me going strong ^_^ CJayC- Once again, for maintaining THE best video game site out there. If you see something incorrect or wish to contribute info, feel free to e-mail me at shdwrlm3 (at) wariocompany (dot) com You'll be credited if I use your info. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 11 | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 11 | |______|/ \|______| Wanna know what's been added since the last version? Check here every time I update to find out what's new and what's coming up. V 0.1 - June 7, 2004 - First release. Basic structure completed and began work on the walkthrough. V 0.2 - June 9, 2004 - Walkthrough completed up to Arctic Cliffs. V 0.3 - June 16, 2004 - Walkthrough completed up to Fire Mountains. V 0.4 - June 22, 2004 - Walkthrough completed up to Dragon Castles. V 0.5 - July 3, 2004 - Walkthrough completed up to Tech Park. V 0.6 - July 6, 2004 - Walkthrough completed. Trading Card section updated with info on where to find all of the Cards. More secrets added to Secrets section. /¯¯¯¯¯¯/|___________________________________________________________|\¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | C O P Y R I G H T I N F O | |¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 12 | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 12 | |______|/ \|______| Copyright (c) 2004 by ShdwRlm3. Anyone EXCEPT Cheat Code Central may host this FAQ, as long as it remains unaltered and does not appear with any advertisements. GameFAQs will always have the latest revision of this FAQ. GameFAQs- http://www.gamefaqs.com Also, make sure to visit my site dedicated to Wario Ware, Inc.: Wario Company- http://www.wariocompany.com "It is pointless and annoys me."