Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced Game Script Version 1.0 Created by: knuckles_sonic8 ************************************** Table of Contents: 1. Disclaimer 2. FAQ Information 3. Game Information 4. Version History 5. Prologue 6. Scene 1 - Tutorial 7. Scene 2 - Post-Tutorial 8. Scene 3 - Post-Evil Crunch Battle 9. Scene 4 - Post-Evil Coco Battle 10. Scene 5 - Post-Fake Crash Battle 11. Scene 6 - Pre-N.Trance Battle 12. Scene 7 - Post-N.Trance Battle 13. End - Post-N.Tropy Battle 14. Thank You ************************************** 1. Disclaimer I give permission to to use my FAQ on their site. No other site, nor individual person, may use my FAQ in its entirety, or part of it, by ripping off, copying and pasting, selling, rewriting, redistributing or in any way shape or form duplicating or taking part of this FAQ without documented permission from me. To violate any of the above is a serious crime and you will be dealt with by the law. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. FAQ Information This is a Game Script for Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced. As this is a Game Script, this guide contains numerous spoilers. However, if you are viewing this guide right now, you probably don't even mind! But, be warned that there ARE spoilers in this guide and at the risk of spoiling the game for yourself, turn back now... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Game Information Title: Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced Platform: Game Boy Advance My Rating: /10 Number of Players: -Main Game: 1 Player -Bonus Games: 1-2 Simultaneous/Alternating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Version History Version 1.0 – Has all scenes inputted into the guide. Hardly any room for improvement in the guide. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Prologue Deep in the heart of hyberspace... Uka Uka: That incompetent N. Cortex. He cannot do anything right! His last scheme to shrink the Earth failed miserably! You have been a great asset to the cause of eveil over the years N. Tropy. N. Tropy: Thank you, my lord. Uka Uka: That is why I trust you with the task of aiding me in universal domination. N. Tropy: Great Uka Uka, I am honored! And I have the perfect scheme. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Scene 1 - Tutorial N. Tropy: Allow me to harness my powers of time and space to peer into the future... N. Tropy: Of course! Since those wretched bandicoots keep thwarting us, the solution is to get them on our side. And I know just the fellow for the job. Uka Uka: A new recruit? N. Tropy: Indeed. Meet my secret weapon. N. Trance: I am N. Trance, master of hypnotism! Meanwhile... (We arrive back on Earth where Coco is seen relaxing whilst Crunch is weightlifting.) (Sudddenly, a blue vortex captures the two.) Coco: Crash, heeeeeelp! (Switch over to a close-up of Aku Aku.) Aku Aku: Crash! Wake up! Coco and Crunch have been abducted! Find me a Power Crystal so I can look into what's going on! Hurry! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Scene 2 - Post-Tutorial (The same blue vortex that captured the other two bandicoots appears to capture Crash.) Aku Aku: Oh, no! Watch out Crash! (Switch over to a shot where we see Aku Aku using his powers to try to save Crash from getting sucked into the vortex.) Aku Aku: I've got you Crash! (We arrive at the base where N. Tropy and Aku Aku are in space.) N. Tropy: Something is holding on to Crash. We need more power! (Shot goes back to Aku Aku who is still struggling to save Crash.) Aku Aku: This vortex must be the work of N. Tropy. (Shot goes back to the base.) N. Tropy: I've finally captured that infernal bandicoot! (We see a shot back at the base where a Fake Crash appears in place of Crash as Aku Aku successfully rescues Crash.) N. Tropy: I finally got all you obnoxious bandicoots! Would you do the honors, N. Trance! N. Trance: With pleasure! Somewhere else in hyperspace... Aku Aku: That took almost all the power I had, Crash. Good job getting the Power Crystal before you were pulled into the vortex. But, I'll need a lot more crystals if we are to put an end to N. Tropy's plans. Aku Aku: That floating island up ahead will allow us to go to different worlds and find crystals. Hopefully we can find Coco and Crunch and stop N. Tropy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Scene 3 - Post-Evil Crunch Battle Crunch: Oohh man...brainwashed again! Thanks for saving me Crash. Aku Aku: Good news Crash. The Crystals you've collected have allowed me to open up a new area of the island. We can get to new worlds from there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Scene 4 - Post-Evil Coco Battle Coco: Oh, Crash, thank you. How did you break out of N. Trance's hypnosis? Aku Aku: Something strange happened when you were being pulled into the vortex, Crash. Coco saw someone in N. Tropy's secret base that looked like you. I'll try to find out who while you go collect more Crystals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. Scene 5 - Post-Fake Crash Battle N. Tropy: N. Trance, you blundering idiot! That was not Crash! It was some sort of... Fake Crash! N. Trance: How was I supposed to know? He fooled you too. Besides, they will never find our hideout. Not in a million years! Aku Aku: Good job Crash! With a few more crystals, I'll be able to open the vortex to N. Tropy's hideout! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. Scene 6 - Pre-N.Trance Battle Aku Aku: Yes! We've made it to N. Tropy's secret base. N. Tropy: N. Trance, you fool! They have found us! Destroy them! N. Trance: It should have taken a million years to find us... How? Aku Aku: Time does not pass in the vortex... I had all the time I needed to find you! N. Tropy: You have one last chance to stop them. Do not disappoint me again. N. Trance: Destroy all bandicoots! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. Scene 7 - Post-N.Trance Battle N. Tropy: Noooo! I can't defeat all these wretched bandicoots myself! N. Tropy: But mark my words. I'll be baaaack! (A) Scene 7.A - All Gem Shards Not Collected Aku Aku: Good job, Crash! You've rescued the other bandicoots from N. Tropy and defeated N. Trance! Too bad N. tropy got away. If only we had all of the gem shards, I could re-open his space vortex and you could go after him! (Words appear on-screen.) The End?? (Credits are shown.) (B) Scene 7.B - All Gem Shards Collected Aku Aku: Good job, Crash! You've rescued the other bandicoots from N. Tropy and defeated N. Trance! Lucky thing you collected all of the gem shards. I can use them to re-open his space vortex and you can go after him! (Words appear on-screen.) The End?? (Credits are shown.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13. End - Post-N.Tropy Battle Aku Aku: Congratulations everyone, for defeating N. Tropy and capturing him! Let's take a picture to celebrate! (Shot goes back to Uka Uka who is still in space somewhere.) Uka Uka: That's it! No more underlings! Next time you will face a real adversary! (Words appear on-screen.) The End... For now... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14. Thank You Thanks to those who helped make this guide possible: -You, for reading my guide. -GameFAQs, for hosting this guide. -My fingers, for typing this guide. I hope you enjoyed my guide!