/¯¯¯¯\ |¯| (¯) |¯¯¯¯¯(¯) | /¯\/_ _ ___ _ _ __| |__ ¯ _ __ __ _ ¯| |¯ ¯ __ _ ___ _ _ | | | '_/ _ \| | | |/ _| '_ \|¯| '_ \ / _` | | | |¯|/ _` |/ _ \ '_| | \_/\ || (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | (_| | __/ | \___/_| \___/ \__,_|\__|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | \_/ |_|\__, |\___|_| __/ | __/ | |___/ |___/ |¯| |¯(¯) |¯| |¯| |¯¯¯¯¯\ | |_| |¯ __| | __| | ___ _ __ | |¯| |_ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ | _ |¯|/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \ | | | | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \ | | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | | | | |/ /| | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | \_| |_/_|\__,_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |___/ |_| \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| __/ | |___/ Name: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon System: GameBoy Advance Date: January 24 2004 E-mail: Devis0r@hotmail.com ==================================================================== ----------------------------- Contents ----------------------------- ==================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Game Basics 2.1 Controls 2.2 Menus 2.3 HUD 3. Characters 4. Walkthrough 4.01 City - Level 1 4.02 City - Level 2 4.03 City - Level 3 4.04 City - Level 4 4.05 City - Level 5 4.06 City - Level 6 4.07 Desert - Level 1 4.08 Desert - Level 2 4.09 Desert - Level 3 4.10 Desert - Level 4 4.11 Desert - Level 5 4.12 Forest - Level 1 4.13 Forest - Level 2 4.14 Forest - Level 3 4.15 Forest - Level 4 4.16 Forest - Level 5 4.17 Forest - Level 6 4.18 Mountain - Level 1 4.19 Mountain - Level 2 4.20 Mountain - Level 3 4.21 Mountain - Level 4 4.22 Mountain - Level 5 4.23 Mountain - Level 6 4.24 Medicine Run - Level 1 4.25 Medicine Run - Level 1 5. Boss Guide 5.1 Yu Shu Lien 5.2 Lo 'Thundercloud' 5.3 Li Mu Bai 5.4 Jade Fox 6. Enemy Guide 7. Extras 7.1 Cheats 7.2 Moves List 7.3 Item List 8. FAQ 9. Guide Disclaimer Press Ctrl+F, enter your chosen area's number and press the Enter key to be taken to the section. ==================================================================== ---------------------------1. Introduction-------------------------- ==================================================================== .......... Hundreds of years ago, ancient China The mystic, beautiful land Warriors fight through history with their swords Among them is a legendary one... Green Destiny A long time ago in China there was a mythical warrior who had fought so many years he could not remember when he first began his career. But now, this warrior, Li Mu Bai is tired of all the blood and violence, and he asked a long time friend Yu Shu Lien, also a warrior, to take his famous sword, the Green Destiny, and to bring it to safety in the city. Li Mu Bai hopes that this sword will rest forever and will never be used again. He just can't know that the greatest adventure of his former sword is just about to begin... .......... ==================================================================== -------------------------- 2. Game Basics -------------------------- ==================================================================== ==================================================================== - 2.1 Controls - ==================================================================== -------------D-Pad Move in the direction pressed. -------------A Button: Select Option Jump Tap A while in the air to do a double jump -------------B Button: Cancels Command Attack -------------L Button: Rid of Poison (needs max Chi) -------------R Button Perform special attack (needs max Chi) -------------Start/Pause Button: Opens in-game menu -------------Select Nothing ==================================================================== - 2.2 Menus - ==================================================================== -------------Kung Fu Guide View interactive tutorials on how to do special moves and combos. -------------New Game Start the game. -------------Continue Continue your game through password save. -------------Credits View the names of the people who made the game. -------------Options - Music Toggle the Music On or Off. - Sound Toggle the Sound On or Off. -------------Start/Pause Brings up a menu, you can choose to do a few things here. - Password Displays your current password for the level. - Resume Continue your current game. - Command List The same as the Kung Fu Guide. - Exit Quit current game. ==================================================================== - 2.3 HUD - ==================================================================== Otherwise known as the on-screen display. =================================== - Standard Display - =================================== This is the area you usually play in. __________________________________________________________________ | ___ ____________ __ | | | |____________| 3. | | | | |___|____________| 4. 5. |__| | | | | 2. | | | | | | 1. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. Area of Play. 2. Displays the amount of lives you have. 3. Displays your Health. 4. Displays your Chi. 5. Displays how many Dragon Symbols you have. ==================================================================== -------------------------- 3. Characters --------------------------- ==================================================================== =================================== - Jen - =================================== Trapped in an aristocratic world of wealth and privilege, Jen found refuge training with the notorious martial artist, Jade Fox. Along with her master, she’s been using the secret book of the Wudan, which Jade Fox stole many years ago. Jen has great talent as a swordswoman, but no understanding of the warrior code - sacrifice, integrity, and above all - ethics. Now in Beijing, Jen is being forced into an arranged marriage with a man from the prominent Go family, even though her heart belongs to another. =================================== - Lo - =================================== Having the heart of a dreamer, Lo was abandoned as a child. One night he witnessed a meteor shower and followed it into the desert. He lives there now, surviving as the bandit leader of a gang, robbing unsuspecting convoys passing through the wilderness. Known as “Thundercloud,” he is feared and respected by all who pass through his desolate lands. =================================== - Li Mu Bai - =================================== The legendary warrior and wielder of the great sword, Green Destiny, Mu Bai has been attempting to kill Jade Fox for years and avenge the death of his master, Southern Crane. But now Mu Bai has grown weary of fighting and death. He has given the Green Destiny to Shu Lien to deliver to Mu Bai’s patron. Mu Bai wants nothing more than to proclaim his love to Shu Lien and find a pupil worthy of training in the secret powers of the Wudan. =================================== - Shu Lien - =================================== The greatest swordswoman of her day, she works as a merchant, but trains in martial arts with her master, Mu Bai, the man she loves with a secret, forbidden passion. Jade Fox murdered Shu Lien’s fiancé, who was the best friend of Mu Bai. They feel it would dishonor his memory if they became lovers now. Shu Lien has sworn revenge against the woman who killed her fiancé and stole her chance of happiness. ==================================================================== -------------------------- 4. Walkthrough -------------------------- ==================================================================== ==================================================================== - 4.01 City - Level 1 - ==================================================================== After the scenario, run to the right and kill the two minions. In the open sheltered area (In front of a house), kill the running minion and jump up above the recently shot arrow and towards the archer, kill her. Continue right while killing the next few minions. In the next sheltered area are two axe-throwers, don’t jump over the axes, instead go underneath them and slice the axe-throwers. On the right is a clubber, attack him continually before he gets a chance to attack you. On the right of the clubber is an example of how to perform a double jump (tap air while in the air). Now Double jump onto the roof. Grab the chicken and sword, then jump onto the roof to the right of you, collect the two dragon symbols and defeat the clubber. Jump down then go to the right, jump over the clubber and try to land behind the archer, kill the archer first then kill the clubber. Jump onto the roof to collect a dragon symbol then jump onto the other roof and kill the archer. Jump down to collect two more dragon symbols, then jump up to the roofs and continue east. Jump down and kill the clubber and axe-thrower. Go to the right of the pointing finger to finish the level. ==================================================================== - 4.02 City - Level 2 - ==================================================================== Go right to find some dogs, kill them and then go through the sheltered area to meet a skilled Lance carrier. Go through the door with the blue shadow pointing to it. Go left to collect a small chicken, then when you see a table jump up to dodge it then kill the axe-thrower, behind him is a dragon symbol. Now go up the stairs, kill the axe-thrower (from now on he will be known as axe guy or axe minion), behind him is another dragon symbol, then jump across the gap to enter a easy battle against four clubbers, when you’re done go through the door. On your left are two dragon symbols, on your right is a clubber. Continue right to find a red magic adept, dodge his magic ball then kill him. Jump over to the roof to find a large chicken, go right a bit more to see two more adepts jump up to you (when they go up, slice them before they land). Continue right to enter another battle with some enemies. Go east and grab the large chicken then kill the adept. On the roof are two adepts, two dragon symbols (you should have gained an extra life if you’ve been following this guide) and a sword power-up. There’s some dogs on the right, either kill them or dodge them, enter the sheltered area then go through the door. On your right is a clubber, on your left is a chicken along with a lance user who will kick a table at you. Go up the stairs then kill the axe guy to get a dragon symbol, go right to get a small chicken. Continue right to enter another battle, kill the axe guys first then kill off the others. Now go through the door to the balcony. On both sides are clubbers, kill them then go left to find a axe thrower and a dragon symbol. Continue east to finish. ==================================================================== - 4.03 City - Level 3 - ==================================================================== Go right to find some purple running adepts, dodge or kill them then go right to find some more enemies including a poison bat, don’t let the bat touch you or else you will be poisoned (to cure yourself, hold down L, only works when you have Max Chi). Continue going east killing the enemies. You’ll eventually come to a wall with another diagram of what to do, so do what it shows you what to do (jump up to the wall then press A to do a wall jump, do this a few times to get to the top). When you are on the roof, jump to the left roof to find an adept and two more dragon symbols then go back right. When you see a hand pointing down, fall down to the ground and go right to kill some more enemies. You will have to wall jump up again. On the left roof is a dragon symbol and an archer. On the right roof is a bat and archer, drop down when you see another hand. Kill the bats and archers then wall jump up again. Jump onto the left roof to get a small chicken, an archer, two more enemies and two more dragon symbols, go back east now. There are some adepts here along with the finish hand thing. ==================================================================== - 4.04 City - Level 4 - ==================================================================== Kill the adept then dodge the magicians sword and kill him. Kill the lance guy then go all the way to the right to collect a dragon symbol, then go back and go through the door. Kill the enemies in the battle then go right. Kill the adepts and go up the stairs, kill the bat then collect a dragon symbol on the right, then exit through the door on the left. On the left of the balcony is an adept and another dragon symbol. Kill the enemies then drop down onto the ground. You can get a large chicken through the left door otherwise continue east. Kill the enemies and on the Far East corner of the building is another dragon symbol, when you’re done enter the building. Kill the adepts, then claim the dragon symbol on the far right (second floor). There’s also a small chicken in the south-east corner. Exit to the balcony. On the left is a sword power-up (with some enemies). On the right is a progressive battle, beat them then go down onto the next roof (there’s a small chicken in the gap between the roofs). Continue east to finish this level. ==================================================================== - 4.05 City - Level 5 - ==================================================================== From the start of the level you will be chased down by someone, don’t stop and take a break keep heading east no matter what you do. Continue right collecting the dragon symbols, jump over any enemies you see so you won’t be slowed down. The level is pretty short, and you finish by jumping off a tall building. ==================================================================== - 4.06 City - Level 6 - ==================================================================== =================================== - City Boss Battle - - Yu Shu Lien - This battle is pretty easy, the enemy has a pretty obvious routine; slide attack, then jump kick combo and repeat. Jump when he slides then stay away from the combo, when he’s landing attack him. When he does a special attack at you, just do a double jump to dodge it. He sometimes might do a flying kick, just jump over him to dodge it. - - =================================== ==================================================================== - 4.07 Desert - Level 1 - ==================================================================== When you start a thief will steal your comb. Head east, kill the Monk and other enemies. There’s a dragon symbol on the right, then jump up to the platform to collect another dragon symbol, now jump up to the next platform and kill the axe guy. Drop down to collect a small chicken, kill the monks then enter a battle with more enemies. Continue east to get another small chicken, kill the monks, then kill the swordsman. Continue east and up the platforms, kill the axe guy (there’s a small chicken on the left platform). There’s a dragon symbol above the axe guy, drop down and go left to collect a sword power-up. Continue east to a battle with more swordsmen, then go right some more to find two axe guys, kill them to get to some more monks and a small chicken. Go right while killing the enemies, on the wall do a wall jump to get up, kill the enemies to find a dragon symbol then go right to finish this level. ==================================================================== - 4.08 Desert - Level 2 - ==================================================================== Go right to kill a bird and some monks, to not sink through the quick sand you have to keep on jumping, I suggest you start off with a double jump then when you land do another double jump, repeat until you get to the end. Try to dodge the claw people, then keep going through the quick sand. Wall jump the wall onto the platform then go all the way to the left to find three dragon symbols. Go all the way to the right to find a large chicken and more enemies. Make sure you get on the platform with the lance guy so you can get a dragon symbol at the end of it. Drop down and go to the left for a sword power-up, kill the claw guys, then continue east. Go through the quicksands while killing the enemies. Go through the platforms to get a dragon symbol, now go back right to finish. ==================================================================== - 4.09 Desert - Level 3 - ==================================================================== Kill the axe guys then go on the quicksand, kill the sand adept (he burrows underneath the quick sand so watch out). Continue east over the next quicksand, kill the enemies, get the sword power-up. Kill the lance guys during the battle. Continue east killing the enemies, and getting the dragon symbols. Eventually you will have to enter a battle with sand adepts, wait until they’ve attacked and start spinning, kill them while they are spinning and when they have just popped up from the sand. After the battle you will finish the level. ==================================================================== - 4.10 Desert - Level 4 - ==================================================================== Your first level on horseback; you automatically move so don’t worry about that, you can stay near the middle to have a nice view of the field. Kill the enemies that come into view, grab the dragon symbols and jump over the wooden poles so you won’t get hurt. There really isn’t much I can say about this level, except for to be on the lookout, and make sure you get a lot of daggers, because those are useful for the killing of your enemies. ==================================================================== - 4.11 Desert - Level 5 - ==================================================================== =================================== - Desert Boss Battle - - Lo 'Thundercloud' - You’ll be on horseback again, so pay attention. Lo will shoot a bunch of fire arrows at you, either individual, in pairs or triples, you can jump the individual and pairs, but for the triple you’ll need to duck down. When he gets close he will drop a fire arrow on you, just jump over it. He will disappear from the screen then suddenly appear from the left side, when he’ll get close he’ll try to slice you, but simply jump over it and go backwards behind him, then attack him with the daggers. Repeat the process until he’s gone. - - =================================== ==================================================================== - 4.12 Forest - Level 1 - ==================================================================== Continue right while killing the enemies, there’s a small chicken atop a tree, then kill the next few enemies and get on the roof, then jump onto the tree to get some more dragon symbols, drop down to get another one. Go ahead and kill the enemies, collect the sword power-up, climb a top the roof then go over the trees to collect two more dragon symbols. Go right some more, then climb the next few trees to find a batch of dragon symbols (with a magician). Go down and head east to finish. ==================================================================== - 4.13 Forest - Level 2 - ==================================================================== Go to the right onto a bridge to get into a battle, defeat the enemies, continue east collect the small chicken, kill the minion coming from behind then kill the lance guy. Dodge the magic and kill the magician to get two dragon symbols. Continue east, defeat the enemies in the battle then collect the small chicken, head to the right to get two more dragon symbols, defeat the enemies on the path. Head east some more to find another magician guarding a large dragon symbol, to the right of that is another dragon symbol and a small chicken. Defeat the enemies then grab the sword power-up, go right to another battle on the bridge, defeat them then go right to finish. ==================================================================== - 4.14 Forest - Level 3 - ==================================================================== This level and all the other levels where you have to jump water have one of the most annoying enemies; the Fish. The fish jumps around getting in your way and makes you fall down, It’s just plain annoying. As you start you will see another diagram of what to do, just do what it says and you should get across. Grab the dragon symbol, the jump across the next water part. Continue heading east jumping across the water, collect the sword power-up, the dragon symbols and the chickens. Eventually you’ll see another diagram of what to do, jump up, hold Down and press B to kill a Clubber. Above the water near the diagram is a large dragon symbol, kill the next clubber the same way. The next clubber has a dragon symbol above him. Continue east to finish this level. ==================================================================== - 4.15 Forest - Level 4 - ==================================================================== Head east killing the enemies and collect the dragon symbols on the roofs. On your right will be an Undead, watch out for his hat and his special attack. There’ll be a small chicken after that encounter, continue heading east into a battle, defeat the enemies then climb the tree to get a dragon symbol, jump to the next tree to get another. Defeat the enemies then get the large chicken on the roof, jump to the top branch and collect the dragon symbol, jump to the right to get a sword power- up. Go right, defeat the enemies, collect the chicken then jump up to the branch to get a dragon symbol. Kill the sword Magician then get a dragon symbol on top of the next tree, keep jumping trees to get some more dragon symbols, then kill the next magician and continue eastward. Finish up the battle here to finish the level. ==================================================================== - 4.16 Forest - Level 5 - ==================================================================== This is basically the same as the last time he chased you, but now it’s much harder. The water jumping makes it much harder because of the Fish, Bats and you may have the wrong timing to do from water to water. There isn’t really much else I can tell you about the level, except for keep on running and jumping, don’t stop to attack. ==================================================================== - 4.17 Forest - Level 6 - ==================================================================== =================================== - Forest Boss Battle - - Li Mu Bai - Mu Bai will start off by causing massive blue things to come out of the ground and come towards you, just double jump over them. He will the jump around and slice at you, watch out for his special attack which makes you confused. And watch out for his sword stabs. Attack him when he lands or is in the air, better yet, attack him from behind. - - =================================== ==================================================================== - 4.18 Mountain - Level 1 - ==================================================================== You will be on a small boat floating on a river, if you go into the water you will die, so watch out. There isn’t much you can do except for a whole lot of slicing and standing still. Kill the fish and bats, jump up to the Claw people and slice them. Duck to get some dragon symbols, get the sword power-up, some chicken. This level is quite boring and you don’t need to do much, so you should get the idea of how it works. By the way, when you see people hanging on the ceiling, jump towards them and kill them before they have a chance of landing on your boat. ==================================================================== - 4.19 Mountain - Level 2 - ==================================================================== Back on land now. Head east, kill the enemies, then wall jump up to the next floor. Defeat the next few enemies then wall jump up, continue west now defeating the enemies, you’ll eventually come to some blue bars going up and down, get your timing right and you’ll be able to get through. Wall jump up then go to the north-west corner to get a sword power-up. Go through the hand to get to the next area. -------- ? Defeat the sword magician, then go through the bars, continue following the linear path defeating the enemies. ==================================================================== - 4.20 Mountain - Level 3 - ==================================================================== This level will make you think on your feet, acid is rising and you have to get to the top of the room. Jump up to the platform on your left, then climb up the next few platforms, watch out for the archer up here. Keep climbing up the platforms while defeating some enemies and collecting the dragon symbols and sword power-ups. ==================================================================== - 4.21 Mountain - Level 4 - ==================================================================== Go east into a battle, defeat the enemies then go into the next room. Continue east climbing the platforms, there are dragon symbols around here as well, take the north-eastern door out of here. Go right to get into another battle, defeat the enemies, go right for a small chicken then go through the door (with the hand). Kill the axe guys then go up and kill the Claw people, continue climbing up ignoring the trick doors. The real door is at the very top. Go right into a battle, kill them, then continue east to get a small chicken then go into the next room. In this room you will have to wall jump up to the top without hitting the spikes, this is quite hard if you don’t wall jump in the proper places (away from the spikes), there’s also a dragon symbol on the right near a trick door. There’s some chicken and two dragon symbols, at the half-way point. Get to the top to finish. ==================================================================== - 4.22 Mountain - Level 5 - ==================================================================== You’ll be on the boat again, but this time there will be water adepts, stay near the left edge to get a clear view for a killing. Just make sure you pay attention to it all or else you might die. ==================================================================== - 4.23 Mountain - Level 6 - ==================================================================== =================================== - Mountain Boss Battle - - Jade Fox - Fox will start by teleporting around the room, you can slice her just after she finishes moving and shooting up some shots of magic. Soon she will change colors then shoot out some confusion emblems at you, just jump around to dodge the emblems. She will also throw some knives at you, just dodge them. She is much harder to hit when she is red though. - - =================================== ==================================================================== - 4.24 Medicine Run - Level 1 - ==================================================================== You’ll be back on a horse now, you have to get to the end to finish the game. It’s basically the same as the other horseback levels, attack and dodge. This one isn’t hard at all. ==================================================================== - 4.25 Medicine Run - Level 2 - ==================================================================== You will have a timer on this level as you’re back on foot. Head east, jump over the spikes and kill the archer, double jump up to kill the sword magician, land and kill the archer. Kill the monks then defeat the lance guys in the battle. To the right of it is a chicken, skip the next few enemies until you get to the next progressive battle, defeat the enemies. Skip the enemies then go to the next room. You’ll have to jump across water most of the time here, it’s pretty linear, get the flower at the end to finish. Enjoy the ending. THE END ==================================================================== -------------------------- 5. Boss Guide --------------------------- ==================================================================== 5.1 Yu Shu Lien =================================== - City Boss Battle - - Yu Shu Lien - This battle is pretty easy, the enemy has a pretty obvious routine; slide attack, then jump kick combo and repeat. Jump when he slides then stay away from the combo, when he’s landing attack him. When he does a special attack at you, just do a double jump to dodge it. He sometimes might do a flying kick, just jump over him to dodge it. - - =================================== 5.2 Lo ‘Thundercloud’ =================================== - Desert Boss Battle - - Lo 'Thundercloud' - You’ll be on horseback again, so pay attention. Lo will shoot a bunch of fire arrows at you, either individual, in pairs or triples, you can jump the individual and pairs, but for the triple you’ll need to duck down. When he gets close he will drop a fire arrow on you, just jump over it. He will disappear from the screen then suddenly appear from the left side, when he’ll get close he’ll try to slice you, but simply jump over it and go backwards behind him, then attack him with the daggers. Repeat the process until he’s gone. - - =================================== 5.3 Li Mu Bai =================================== - Forest Boss Battle - - Li Mu Bai - Mu Bai will start off by causing massive blue things to come out of the ground and come towards you, just double jump over them. He will the jump around and slice at you, watch out for his special attack which makes you confused. And watch out for his sword stabs. Attack him when he lands or is in the air, better yet, attack him from behind. - - =================================== 5.4 Jade Fox =================================== - Mountain Boss Battle - - Jade Fox - Fox will start by teleporting around the room, you can slice her just after she finishes moving and shooting up some shots of magic. Soon she will change colors then shoot out some confusion emblems at you, just jump around to dodge the emblems. She will also throw some knives at you, just dodge them. She is much harder to hit when she is red though. - - =================================== ==================================================================== -------------------------- 6. Enemy Guide -------------------------- ==================================================================== - Archer Primary Attack: Fire Arrow Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Common Description: A generic green character with a large bow. Strategy: Jump over the flaming arrow then land in front or behind them and kill them. - Bird Primary Attack: Swoop Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Common Description: A large brown bird, sounds like a falcon. Strategy: Kill them when they go down for a swoop. - Blue Minion Primary Attack: Running Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Common Description: A generic blue minion running around like crazy. Strategy: Jump over them, or just slice them. - Clubber Primary Attack: Twin clubs Secondary Attack: Roll Attack Rarity: Common Description: A large man with two clubs. Strategy: Direct attacks work best, don’t give him a chance. - Fish Primary Attack: Chomp. Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Common Description: A large fish that jumps out of the water. Strategy: Attack it when it comes towards you. - Horseback Archer Primary Attack: Fire Arrow Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Uncommon Description: The same as Archer but on a horse. Strategy: Hold Down to dodge their arrows, then slice them. - Magician Primary Attack: Magical emblems. Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Uncommon Description: A floating person with emblems around him. Strategy: Dodge the emblems then attack him. - Monk Primary Attack: Jump. Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Common Description: A floating person with emblems around him. Strategy: Dodge the emblems then attack him. - Sword Magician Primary Attack: Fire Arrow Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Uncommon Description: The same as the Magician but with a sword. Strategy: Dodge the swords then attack him. - Undead Primary Attack: Hat Throw Secondary Attack: Quick Confusion Rarity: Common Description: An annoying person who throws his hat at you, he can also confuse you with his special attack. Strategy: Dodge the hat then slice him. - Water Adept Primary Attack: Magic Secondary Attack: - Rarity: Common Description: The same as the other adepts but for water. Strategy: Dodge the magic then slice them when they jump up or go down. ==================================================================== -------------------------- 7. Extras ------------------------------- ==================================================================== ==================================================================== - 7.1 Cheats - ==================================================================== Enter these passwords in the Continue Screen. The passwords do not contain the spaces inside them. ________________________________________________________ | Level Passwords | |__________________ __________________ __________________| | City | Desert | Forest | |_______ __________|_______ __________|_______ __________| | Level | Password | Level | Password | Level | Password | |-------|----------|-------|----------|-------|----------| | 1-1 | J / C B | 2-1 | 6 F 3 X | 3-1 | 1 M F 4 | | 1-2 | 8 X D D | 2-2 | F N R T | 3-2 | 1 W F 5 | | 1-3 | K P K F | 2-3 | F X 5 / | 3-3 | 9 W 9 5 | | 1-4 | K 5 3 2 | 2-4 | 0 K D Z | 3-4 | 3 N 1 Z | | 1-5 | J Z M / | 2-5 | N M Z Q | 3-5 | 3 X 3 / | | 1-6 | 6 F 3 P | 2-6 | N X K 7 | | | | | | | | | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | Mountain | |______________________________ _________________________| | Level | Password | |------------------------------|-------------------------| | 4 - 1 | N Q 2 9 | | 4 - 2 | 5 / 0 R | | 4 - 3 | 0 6 2 H | | 4 - 4 | D / N 3 | | 4 - 5 | 8 / 4 D | | 4 - 6 | 8 Q 4 4 | | 4 - 7 | H Z 7 5 | | 4 - 8 | H Z 7 D | |______________________________|_________________________| ________________________________________________________ | Boss Cheats | |______________________________ _________________________| | Boss | Password | |------------------------------|-------------------------| | Yu Shu Lien | 6 Z M K | | Lo 'Thundercloud' | N / 2 8 | | Li Mu Bai | 3 1 D 4 | | Jade Fox | H Z 7 5 | |______________________________|_________________________| ________________________________________________________ | Endings (not really cheats) | |_____________ __________________________________________| | Ending | How to Unlock | |-------------|------------------------------------------| | Bad Ending | Finish the level in time on Level 4 - 7 | | Good Ending | Let the time run out on Level 4 - 7 | |_____________|__________________________________________| ==================================================================== - 7.2 Moves List - ==================================================================== Name: Antidote Type: Magic Weapon: Hands Description: (Max Chi) Press L. Name: Flying Kick Type: Neutral (Combo) Weapon: Feet Description: Jump in the air then hold Down and press B. Name: Flying Kick 2 Type: Magic Weapon: Feet Description: (Max Chi) Jump in the air then press Down and R. Name: High Slice Type: Neutral Weapon: Sword Description: Jump in the air then press B to slice. Name: Low Kick Combo Type: Neutral (Combo) Weapon: Feet Description: Hold Down on the D-Pad then tap B three times. Name: Roundhouse Sweep Type: Magic Weapon: Sword Description: (Max Chi). Press R to perform this action. Name: Spinning Sword Type: Magic Weapon: Sword Description: (Max Chi) Jump in the air then hold press R Name: Spinning Sweep Sword Combo Type: Magic (Combo) Weapon: Hands Description: (Max Chi) Run then press Down the quickly tap Right and press B. Press A to jump then press R to do a Spinning Sword attack.\ Name: Sword Combo Type: Neutral (Combo) Weapon: Sword Description: Press B three times to perform the Sword Combo. Name: Sword Sweep Type: Neutral (Combo) Weapon: S word Description: Run then press Down the quickly tap Right and press B. Press B again to slice while the enemy is in the air. ==================================================================== - 7.3 Item List - ==================================================================== - Chicken (Small) A small chicken, replenishes some of your life. - Chicken (large) A large chicken, replenishes a lot of your life. - Dragon Symbol (small) Collect 10 to gain a new life. - Dragon Symbol (large) These are worth 5 Dragon Symbols. - Sword Power-Up Collect these to gain a power-up to your sword for a limited time. ==================================================================== -------------------------- 8. FAQ ---------------------------------- ==================================================================== If you have any questions e-mail me (The link is at the bottom and follow The guidelines) 1. I don't understand your guide, what do I do!? A: Sometimes I might have gone a little bit further, just try to go on with the game, if you still don't know what to do, e-mail me and I’ll revise the section(s). 2. Eh? A: Yup. ==================================================================== ------------------------- 9. Guide Disclaimer ---------------------- ==================================================================== =================================== - Sites That Are Allowed - =================================== Sites that are allowed to use my guide are: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.ign.com http://www.neoseeker.com This FAQ may not be referenced or altered without permission from myself. This FAQ is an exclusive to the above website(s) and may not be hosted elsewhere. Alteration of this Copyright is punishable under Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506(d) of US Copyright Law for a fine of up to $2,500. =================================== - Reproduction - =================================== I don't mind if this guide is posted somewhere. But please include the copyright, and read the warning in the previous section. Copyright (c) 2003 Oscar C. - http://pub82.ezboard.com/bbirdbrainsboard Or The HTML version (make sure you get rid of the asterisk's *) <*a href="http://pub82.ezboard.com/bbirdbrainsboard"*> Copyright (c) 2003 Oscar C. <*/a*> =================================== - E-Mailing Me - =================================== - No Spam/flaming/pathetic hacking attempts. - Must not be answered in the Guide already (Make sure you look carefully) - Make sure it's about this game. I have enough Spam as it is. - Using proper grammar and spelling might enhance your chances of being answered. - Comments/Criticism/Something that should/needs on the guide be changed are allowed. Please include the games name in the Subject for a better chance of been replyed to, otherwise it might be considered as spam. My E-mail: Devis0r@hotmail.com =================================== - Credits - =================================== - UbiSoft for making the game - crouchingtiger.ubi.com for information on the characters.