CT SPECIAL FORCES: BACK TO HELL BOSS GUIDE Version 1.0 By Weiss Kreuz weiss_kreuz6@hotmail.com This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ========= CONTENTS ========= 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BOSSES 2.a Arum Baya 2.b Igor Kalash 2.c Riyad Al Jahid 2.d Petra Jugovich 2.e Lin Tao 3. STRATEGIES 4. CONTACT 5. CREDITS ============ INTRODUCTION ============ This FAQ is made to help you beat the bosses in the game easily. There are only five bosses in the game which is not that hard to beat after you've finished reading this FAQ ^_^. ======= BOSSES ======= --------- ARUM BAYA --------- This boss shoots you down with a gatling gun while in a helicopter. Use a machine gun with at least 200 bullets. When you see the front nose of the helicopter point your gun up and shoot when he passes. Then the helicopter will go higher and disappear in the screen but don't stop shooting you'll see that he still lose life. After he disappears he will send his 7 henchmen. Kill them with your machine gun while crouching down. Crouch down while shooting so you can dodge their shots because the enemies shoot while standing up. Just watch out for the guys using the sword because they can hit you even though your crouching down (hmmmm...they look like Jason Vorhee). ----------- IGOR KALASH ----------- I think this is the one of the hardest boss in the game. I suggest that you use a machine gun with at least 250 bullets or a shot gun with 20 bullets and some grenades. You need to shoot the glass window of his spaceship. It's not easy to kill him because he got two guns at the side shooting at you, he uses a missile which takes out 3/4 of your life and henchmen that shoot and throw grenades (lucky there are no guys with swords wanting to kill you). The best thing to do is at the start shoot the glass window with a shot gun before he sent out his henchmen. When the henchmen comes out (they usually come out from the right), throw grenades to kill them fast or use a machine gun and don't forget to crouch down. When you have killed the henchmen use the shot gun and shoot the window again. When he sents out his missile just jump and run away from it. Use the shot gun when shooting on the window for more damage. -------------- RIYAD AL JAHID -------------- This is another hard boss. He and one of his henchmen shoot you and he also sent out some Arabian knights with schimitars to kill you. At the starting Al Jahid will shoot you so jump to the top of the truck and get the machine gun ammo. Then both of them will shoot and jump down and crouch and shoot Al Jahid until he stops, don't waste your time killing the guy with the machine gun because it's a waste of bullets if you use it to shoot Al Jahid he will lose 1/2 of his life. When he sent 6 Arabian knights use the machine gun to kill them all. When he loses half of his life he will use his missile, just dodge it by jumping. -------------- PETRA JUGOVICH -------------- This boss is quiet hard because of the claw that takes half of your life. At the start, just wait for her to get into the machine. Change to machine gun and climb up the ladder then shoot on the red thing. Don't shoot the body because it doesn't help. Keep out of the ground to prevent getting hit by the red explosive that also takes half of your life. Don't forget about the claw when changing platform when trying to shoot the red thing on the machine and you'll be fine. -------- LIN TAO -------- I think this is the easiest boss in the game. Make sure you're equipped with 45 grenades. Just go close to the shield and jump then throw your grenades and keep on doing it till it blows up. Don't worry about the barrel and the bombs falling down it won't hit you if you're close to the shield. Don't worry about your life because this is the last boss (except if you only got x1 left). =========== STRATEGIES =========== Just some tips to help you through the game: -Crouch down to prevent getting hit by the shooting enemies when their standing up. -Try to save ammo and grenades for the boss. -If there's enemy all over you just crouch down and roll, its good for escaping but sometimes they can still hit you by kicking. -Always hide behind the boxes and barrels for cover. -Its easy to kill the big, bald, muscular guy with the gatling gun with a grenade. -Try to save all the hostages to get a bonus life. -Don't let the enemy crouch down and shoot you -Kill the enemy with a flame thrower with a grenade; don't get too close to him if you don't want to get fried -When enemy with parachute is going to land roll to their landing spot then use the knife. -Read other FAQs for help. ========= CONTACTS ========= If you have any question or want to make a contribution just e-mail me. Comment and suggestions are also appreciated. This is my first FAQ so improvements would probably needed. Don't send me spam or any useless things; it should be about the game or this FAQ. ======== CREDITS ======== Thanks to: *Happybuddha311 for giving me some tips on making a FAQ *FAQ makers for inspiring me to make my own *Gamefaqs for posting this FAQ *LSP for making the game *You for reading this