=============================================================================== || || || CUSTOM ROBO GX || || || =============================================================================== At a later date, this guide can be found complete with images at: http://infiniterush.palgn.com.au ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS: SEARCH CODE: 1. Version History 001VRHIS 2. Introduction 002INTRO 3. Controls 003CONTR 4. Battle System 004BATTL 5. Story/Characters 005STORY 6. Walkthrough 006WALKT a. The Beginning 06ABEGIN b. C Cup Tournament 06BCCUPT c. B Cup Tournament 06CBCUPT d. A Cup Tournament 06DACUPT e. The Plot Thickens 06EPLOTT f. Mysterious Mansion 06FMYSTM g. Cups Revisited 06GCUPSR h. Mansion Tournaments 06HMANSI i. The Evil Guy 06IEVILG j. The Escape 06JESCAP Walkthrough ends here due to a JAPANESE PASSWORD >< Just our luck eh? Anyone that can decipher the password in Japanese please send in an email listed at the end of the guide with it and you will be credited in this FAQ!!! 7. Quick Info 007QUICK 8. Body 008BODY- 9. Guns 009GUNS- 10. Bombs 010BOMBS 11. Pods(Sub) 011PODS- 12. Chips 012CHIPS 13. Custom Robos 013CUSTM 14. Shopping 014SHOPP 15. Misc - FAQ/Translations/Credit 015MISC- 16. Disclaimer/Contact 016DISCL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________001VRHIS______/ 1. Version History / ___________________________/ v0.15 - Tuesday, November 02, 2004 Completed C Cup Tournament. Submitted partially finished guide. v0.00 - Saturday, October 30, 2004 Began working on the guide. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________002INTRO______/ 2. Introduction / ___________________________/ I am Rush152 and I will be your guide for the duration of this FAQ =) This is the first FAQ/Guide that I have ever made, even though it is based on a game completly in Japanese, it's still a good game, and as such deserves a guide to help people get the most out of it. I can't stress enough that I am not Japanese so anyone who has played the game and can read Japanese, please tell me where I have gone wrong in my ongoing ramblings of "don't know what's happening, moving along.." You can find my contact details at the end of this guide. OK, with that out of the way lets begin! _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________003CONTR______/ 3. Controls / ___________________________/ While in game you can change the button settings by going to: Start > 4th Option (Options) > 1st Option (Controls) A. Configuration A: Perform a Dash B: Primary Weapon Fire L: Activate Pod R: Launch Bomb R+B: Secondary Weapon Fire L+R: Activate Chip B. Configuration R: Perform a Dash A: Primary Weapon Fire B: Activate Pod L: Launch Bomb A+B: Secondary Weapon Fire L+R: Activate Chip C. Configuration A: Perform a Dash R: Primary Weapon Fire L: Activate Pod B: Launch Bomb L+R: Secondary Weapon Fire R+A: Activate Chip Custom Configuration You can set up your own specific controls here. Restore Defaults(?), Go Back(?), Cancel(?) I wouldn't have a clue what this option does heh.. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________004BATTL______/ 4. Battle System / ___________________________/ This will basically be where you'll be spending most of your time in this game. Your robo is pitted against someone elses robo to battle it out until either robo has been defeated. Each battle begins with a mech in the middle with two arms that will launch both players' cubes into the stage. The cubes are, of course, carrying the little robo fighters. Once launched, the cubes (or should I say, dice) are rolled and a number from 1-6 is randomly selected and will begin to count down. Who ever rolls the lowest number will be able to strike first while the other robo is still in its cube and has to wait for its timer to finish, leaving it widely open for any attacks. You can physically speed up yours and your opponent's count down by repeatedly pressing any button. The good thing about this is that you can quickly lower your time if you're on say 5 or 6 and your enemy is already out and after you. While fighting, both robos have just about 5 different attacks. B is used for primary weapon fire, L is used to deploy Pods, R for bombs, R+B for a special attack with the primary weapon (usually goes through walls), and finally L+R is used to perform a physical dash attack (depending on chip equipped). Although most weapons are locked onto both robos fighting, the key to winning battles is to dodge the enemy's fire. Various stages have small obstacles or walls to hide behind. Using the A button to dash in any direction comes in very handy when trying to get in close or to dodge attacks. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________005STORY______/ 5. Story/Characters / ___________________________/ Well I am certainly not going to go into very much detail of the story or characters so I'll just put down the jist of what I think is happening. Plot: - Someone or some robo was caught on surveillance (probably stole something) - You become involved with the police to try and catch this theif - Later on you find a mysterious building that holds (illegal) tournaments - They are somehow linked to a powerful man that wants world dominance =P By all means email me if you have a better theory! I'll certainly add it to the faq, but once cleared up by someone who can read Japanese I'll place them in another section just for fun viewing =) Characters: Mother/Mrs. ???? - She can be found at your house where you start. I couldn't quite get a translation out of her name.. Yuusuke - I would have to say that he is your best friend. Either that or he is your brother but most games don't have brothers related to your character heh.. Yuusuke follows you pretty much where ever you go and comments on most of your responses. He's the guy with white hair and slightly tanned skin. Keeping in mind that this is not your character as the world overview screen and several tournaments have your avatar as a little character with blue hair. Yuusuke also mentions your name several times which confirms this. Hitomi - One of your lady friends that follows you aswell on your journey. Mamoru - Police officer friend. This section will be completed a bit more later on.. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________006WALKT______/ 6. Walkthrough / ___________________________/ Okay, we'll start right from the beginning and I'll walk you through the menus with as much detail as I can give. The game starts with a brief clip of a robo flying around as a ship form then flips itself into robo form. That's basically it for the opening heh.. At the title screen Press Start. The one and only option on the screen is to: - Create a New Game |- Select Save Slot 1 |- Select Save Slot 2 |- - Name your Character (or robo) Looks like a big mess of Japanese characters eh? No need to worry, you don't have to punch in some jibberish name in Japanese. To the right of the screen there are a few options: - Japanese Characters - Capital/Small(?) characters - English Letters - English/Japanese swap - Numbers and Misc - Numbers/English swap - Finished Once you've typed in your name press start or select the Finished option. Then you'll be asked to confirm your name: - Yes - No And here you will arrive at a flashy looking menu. - Single Player Game - Versus Mode (link with other GBA/GBSP) - Start OK! - Handicap Settings - Bleh I wouldn't have a clue what those options are - Go Back - Records - Single Player - Sorting option - Sorting option - Versus Mode - Sorting option - Sorting option - Sorting option - Options - Control Settings (Check 3.Controls section) - I have no idea.. Second time around (if you've already started a game) you'll be taken to a slightly different menu (from the beginning): - Create a new game - Continue previous - ?????? - ?????? Third time around if you have created two games the menu looks like: - Continue previous - Delete Game Okay okay, enough with the menus, select the single player game and lets begin! - The Beginning ------------------------------------------------06ABEGIN------- You start in what looks like your humble abode occupied by yourself and your mother (I pressume). No I refuse translate! lol When you hit a menu the options are: - Rest(?) - Go to the Lounge Room If you select the first option the screen will go black and you'll be asked to select the same options over again. So select the second option. You will then receive 5 items from your mother, Robo, Gun, Bomb, Pod and a Chip. Then enter, Yuusuke (check 5. Characters section) and up comes an option: - Recap(?) - Finish Select finish and a bell will sound. (Don't know what those 3 boxes mean.) The bell probably indicates that it's time for school(?). You then receive some item, probably a town map so you can now reach the overworld view. Head right to go to the Robo Station(Battle Center). Once inside the receptionist/teacher(?) will give you a brief rundown of the place. Yuusuke will then teach you the basics of how to fight using robos. Then he challenges you to a practice match. The options are: - Robo Setup - Enemy Robo - Stage/Map View - Glossary(?) - Begin Yuusuke barely fights back at all so it gives you a good chance to get a feel of how battles will go. Enter, Hitomi, one of your good friends. The next two options that you can pick have something to do with general conversation, it doesn't matter which one you pick, I guess. Hitomi gives you a few extra tips on using the B+R move, and also a special ABLR attack (which I have no idea how to use at all). Then she challenges you to a battle, the menu is the same as before. The battle is still easy but this time the Hitomi actually fires back. Another one of your friends, Hikomaru, strikes up a conversation which gives you a new gun and, of course, ends up with a battle. Who would have guessed eh? Before the battle starts, equip your new weapon (GATORINGU(Gatling) Canon). The battle with Hikomaru is something that you should start getting use to as it is the final practice session before moving onto the real tournaments. Be advised that his robo is partially invisible so firing your standard pods will help track him down. After the battle a bell sounds and you appear back at home for a brief moment as your mother speaks to you, then you're back in the Battle Center. The menu that appears to you has about 5 options, basically information about the tournaments. Select the last option to cancel it, then you will reach the main menu. - C Cup Tournament ---------------------------------------------06BCCUPT------- You will be spending most of your time here at the beginning of the game so familiarise yourself with it =) First of all, let me go through the menus found in the Battle Center. Battle Center Menu - Tournaments - C Cup Tournament - B Cup Tournament - A Cup Tournament - S Rank Tournaments(?), Link Battle(?) - Information/Help - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Go Back - Go Back - View Stages - Stage Listing - Help(?) - Go Back - Information/Help desk - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Go Back - Lobby(?) - Talk (To A and B kids?) - Go Back - Exit OK, lets get straight into the C Cup and win some trophies! Select the first option, then the first option again and now you're at the cup select screen. You can only enter in the other grade tournaments after you have comepleted the ones before it, ie, complete all of C cup to get into B cup. A brief explaination of the details found in the bottom left: - Entry Fee: #### - Rewards: 1st place #### 2nd place #### - Prize: ######## - Information: # Competitors, Bracket Type Just in the box to the right: - Press (R) to view competitors - Press (A) to select cup - Your Cash Select the first cup to begin the battle fun! It's free and you earn 500 points for it. The cup details: - Entry Fee: 0 - Rewards: 1st place 0500 2nd place 0000 - Prize: Wide BARUKAN (Gun) - Information: 4 Competitors, 2x2 Small Bracket In the small menu: - Accept - Cancel You will then be shown the bracket and then you can begin! This menu you should really familiarise yourself with because before almost every battle you will come up with this menu: - Customise your robo - View enemy robo - View the stage - View the bracket - Exit the tournament - Cancel - Exit tournament - Glossary(?) - Save Game - Save - Slot 1 - Save - Cancel - Slot 2 - Save - Cancel - Cancel - Begin You can select Begin or press Start to fight in your first ever tournament. It helps to head back up to the Battle System section(004BATTL) of the guide which goes over how battles are played in this game. Otherwise just jump in and have some fun! I'm unsure if the battles are predetermined or are completly random so I'll just go through the order with the battles that I go through. (By the way, the screen where you view your robo is listed as, body, gun, bomb, sub and chip, but I prefer to call the Sub weapon as a Pod because that is what it is called in the GameCube version.) All details about these items can be found in the sections just after the walkthrough. Yuusuke (your buddy) Body: Photon Gun: Basic Gun Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Standard PODDO (Pod) [R] Chip: Shoulder Tackle This battle isn't like the training ones before so it may be a little tough for the first time players. Yuusuke has just about the same weapons equipt as you do so concentrate on dodging his bomb attacks first and foremost. Once you get him down, launch everything that you have at him until he gets back up. General rule of thumb is to stay away from the enemy just before they are about to get up because they will unleash a whole lot of pain to get back at you. Next in line for the final battle of the first cup, Shinsaku. Shinsaku (guy with blue hair) Body: [G] GARAPON Gun: Basic Gun Bomb: Standard Bomb [P] Pod: Trap GANNA (Gun) Chip: Shoulder Tackle This battle shouldn't be too hard. Just be sure to stay out of the way of his turret. It doesn't do much damage but it is annoying. Congratulations you've just won your first tournament and received a new gun (Wide BARUKAN (Bazooka?)) and 500 points which you can now spend at the newly open store at the shopping center! Since this is your first time there you will be automatically taken straight there into the store. Details on what you can buy can be found in the Shopping Section of this guide. Shopping Center menu: - Basic Shop - Medium Shop (opens later) - Advanced Shop (opens later) - Exit If you want to buy anything then by all means do so =). Once you're done head back over to the Battle Center and begin the next cup. Cup details: - Entry Fee: 50 - Rewards: 1st place 0700 2nd place 0000 - Prize: Trap GANNA (Gun) - Information: 4 Competitors, 2x2 Small Bracket Small menu: - Accept - Cancel Shinsaku (guy with blue hair) Body: [G] GARAPON Gun: Basic Gun Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Standard PODDO (Pod) [P] Chip: Shoulder Tackle Same as the last battle without that turret he had before. Ikeda---- (shiney teeth guy) Body: Eye ANREO Gun: Energy DAGA (Dagger?) Bomb: Standard Bomb [P] Pod: Standard PODDO (Pod) [R] Chip: Shoulder Tackle Keep your distance away from him as his weapon can immobilise you for short periods of time. This does make things a bit more frustrating. He will usually dash try and right up to you and fire slowly instead of using his shoulder tackle. When you defeat Ikeda you will receive a new turret pod and 700 points! Then you'll run into a guy called Maezumi who doesn't really say much at all.. Anywho, back to the main menu and onto the next cup. Cup details: - Entry Fee: 100 - Rewards: 1st place 0800 2nd place 0500 - Prize: RIZADO Bomb [P] - Information: 4 Competitors, 4x4 Table Bracket Small menu: - Accept - Cancel Hitomi (lady friend) Body: RUNA Gun: Wide BARUKAN Bomb: Standard Bomb [P] Pod: Standard PODDO (Pod) [P] Chip: Shoulder Tackle Much more difficult than before, Hitomi's gun is very strong so don't let it hit you too many times. She can also dodge your bullets fairly well. Yuusuke (your bestest buddy) Body: Photon Gun: GATORINGU(Gatling) Canon Bomb: Standard Bomb [P] Pod: Trap GANNA Chip: Shoulder Tackle This battle shouldn't be too hard. Just keep out of range of his turret. Ikeda---- (shiney teeth guy) Body: Eye ANREO Gun: Energy DAGA (Dagger?) Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Standard PODDO (Pod) [R] Chip: Shoulder Tackle Much like before, but now Ikeda will use the secondary fire on his main gun which fires a single shot but goes almost twice the distance. Once he has hit you, he won't stop till you're down so be careful. Also keep in mind that his robo can dash through walls. After you collect your prizes you will then run into Maezumi. Since Yuusuke spells out his name it seems as if there's an evil presence about him.. lol Just a quick few words and in comes Mamoru. I'm guessing it's someone that Hitomi and Yuusuke havn't seen in a long time. An announcement is made and Maezumi leaves. Onto the second last cup! Cup details: - Entry Fee: 150 - Rewards: 1st place 1200 2nd place 0600 - Prize: Speed PODDO [P] - Information: 8 Competitors, 2x4 Bracket Small menu: - Accept - Cancel Yuusuke (your bestest buddy) Body: Photon Gun: Bubble Smasher Bomb: RIZADO Bomb [P] Pod: Seeker GANNA Chip: Shoulder Tackle Not a very tough battle as he doesn't fire as often. Introducing his new Seeker Turret that will follow you where ever you go, but it's easy to avoid because of its slow speed. Shinsaku (guy with blue hair) Body: [G] GARAPON Gun: Basic Gun Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Speed PODDO [R] Chip: Shoulder Tackle Prepare yourself for a very offensive battle! This guy just won't stop shooting so constantly dash around the platforms to keep yourself alive. Yaiba (guy with Tenchi markings), Tsurugi (James of Team Rocket) Body: JABERIN Mk II (Javelin) Gun: Wide BARUKAN Bomb: Standard Bomb [P] Pod: Seeker GANNA Chip: Shoulder Tackle These guys like to get up close to you so the occasional bombing should keep them away for most of the match. One more tournament to go and we've completed the first grade tournament!! Straight out of your battle comes in some big dude in a jacket Koushiru, and he seems a little interested in you, probably a battle challenge? He leaves then Takehiro joins the convo. Anywho, small chat and back to the main menu. Time for you're final battle in the C Cup Tournament! By the way, feel free to head into the shopping center to buy new guns inbetween cups! Make sure you keep a few hundred points in your wallet though cause you'll need it to enter in other cups! Cup details: - Entry Fee: 300 - Rewards: 1st place 1500 2nd place 0000 - Prize: Seeker GANNA - Information: 3 Competitors, 3 Separate Rounds Small menu: - Accept - Cancel Battle order: Hitomi, Ikeda, Hikomaru Hitomi (lady friend) Body: RUNA Gun: GATORINGU Canon Bomb: RIZADO Bomb [R] Pod: Seeker GANNA Chip: Shoulder Tackle Not very difficult match. Watch out for her Gatling Canon but that's much it. Ikeda---- (shiney teeth guy) Body: Eye ANREO Gun: Bubble Smasher Bomb: Standard Bomb [P] Pod: Speed PODDO [P] Chip: Shoulder Tackle He fires very often and can dash through walls. The bubbles are slow moving so you should be able to dodge those easily. Hikomaru (guy with smug face and purple hair) Body: MASAKADO Gun: Shotgun Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Speed PODDO [P] Chip: ENAJIPUROTEKETA (Energy Protector) Okay, three things! He's invisible, he has a VERY strong gun and he has a shield. Do not let him get up close to you or else you'll lose large chuncks of health from his shotgun. If you're unsure where he is just launch away your bomb which will lock on to exactly where he is. The rest of the time, keep dashing about and randomly firing. Also, you might be woundering what that green bar is next to his life. That is his sheild meter. When he enables it you can hear a sort of laser sound effect and anything that you fire at him will go to the shield bar. When it goes empty, a short while later it will refill. But don't worry, he won't be using it too excessively. ================================================================= CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've just finished your first tournament!! You receive 1500 points and a new pod!! ================================================================= Once you're out of the battle Mamoru comes up to you and says congrats I assume then he takes you to the police station to help out, or something. You meet the General who I'm guessing is telling you all the yummy plot details. Menu time! - ?????? - ?????? - Leave(?) Of course you can't leave when he's trying to tell you something very important so selecting the first option gets you into a lengthy conversation that gets you back to the menu again with the second option changed. Either way select any option till you hear some evil sounding music. After that select the first option. Then later on you reach a yes/no menu. Selecting No will send you back to the first menu, so no matter what you're going to have to accept. He disappears and comes back with surveillance footage of what looks to be a robo dashing across the screen. Select the first option 3 times then leave. Mamoru takes you back outside and you come up with a menu for the police station: - Talk(?) - Talk to Mamoru - Talk to the General - Exit Exit and now you're back outside! - B Cup Tournament ---------------------------------------------06CBCUPT------- Before you go anywhere, head back into the Shopping Mall and a new shop will be open MIDIAMU(Medium) Shop with more guns, bombs, pods and body parts! Yuusuke will ask you if you want to check it out Yes/No, if you select No you'll just head back to the normal shopping menu. The new shop is the second option. Once you're done, lets power onto the B Cup! Cup details: - Entry Fee: 0 - Rewards: 1st place 1200 2nd place 0500 - Prize: PIRA Bomb - Information: 8 Competitors, 2x4 Bracket Small menu: - Accept - Cancel Takehiro (guy with green hair and glasses) Body: JABERIN Mk II (Javelin) Gun: Wide BARUKAN Bomb: PIRA Bomb [U] Pod: Twin GANNA Chip: Shoulder Tackle Not too hard of a battle. Watch for his turret and wide gun. Karin (usual anime chick with pink hair) Body: Flare Mk II Gun: GATORINGU Canon Bomb: JIEMINI Bomb (Gemini) [D] Pod: Satellite Pod [P] Chip: Tornado Beat Karin's pods serve as an explosive shield, the Gemini Bomb launches two small bombs about 60 degrees from where she fires, and her Gatling Canon can take out anything inbetween. Close to mid-range combat is not very recommended. If you can keep a safe distance from her, constantly fire away your bombs and use the secondary attack for your main weapon (B+R) as most can go through walls. Toraji (sushi chef with a head band lol..) Body: Tiger GUREA Gun: Bar NINGU Shot (Burning Shot) Bomb: RIZADO Bomb [R] Pod: Side Way Pod (Spider Pod)[R] Chip: Shoulder Tackle Do not get anywhere near hist flamethrower attack! If every shot lands you will lose a large chunk of health. Toraji is able to dash through walls and will occasionally use the secondary fire which is a blue flame. Alright! You win 1200 points to spend at the new store! After the battle an announcement is made and Yuusuke asks you a question: - ?????? - Not interested After the first selection you have another 3 options. Picking the first will make Yuusuke happy, while the other two not very happy and leaves Hitomi laughing about something. Either way, the receptionist at the Battle Center tells you that you have a visitor. Surprise, surprise it's Mamoru with more info and he tells you to meet him at the station. Back to the main menu, now head over to the Police Station. You begin talking with him then evil music goes on when 3 options appear. Choosing the first, second or third option all end up with the same responses so keep selecting the first option till everything's over. Between the option selections you will be given some key item. Yuusuke will then ask you something and you'll have another 3 options to pick from. Selecting the first two will get Hitomi angry with Yuusuke while selecting the last option means refusing. The game won't let you refuse so jsut go with it lol.. Anywho, Mamoru will give you a PMT (mobile phone I'm guessing). Then you move on back outside and it's night time. Hitomi thinks it's getting late so she leaves leaving you with Yuusuke. 2 options appear, either one you pick will get you into this test so bare with it. Yuusuke will start quizzing you to recap on what's happening. (And different peaceful music is played!). Select the second option, second, third, third, PMT, first, second. Whew.. The screen goes black and you wake up the next morning in your room. Menu: - Go to the living room - Save Game Once in the living room you meet Hitomi waiting to chat with you. Last menu is the normal menu you get when you enter your house. - Go to your room - Talk with mother - Exit Okay, after you've left your house another place has opened up on the overworld map just above your house. (Possibly unlocked before when Mamoru gave you an item.) If you head over to the mansion select either of the options until an evil green zombie looking guy appears. He then walks you up to the mansion and into the main area. When faced with two options you can't select the second so pick the first and go through each item on the list in order till you reach the last. After that you'll arrive at the main menu with a new option. Selecting the first will get you back to the 4 items before, while selecting the second takes you to a crowd cheering on a robo battle. Select the first option, then the second option twice and then finally the last to leave the stadium. The menu that you return to at the lobby is the main menu for the mansion: - Tournaments - Blue Cup - Yellow Cup - Green Cup - Red Cup - Information - Stadium - ?????? - ?????? - Leave - Leave You can't go just yet so try entering yourself into the first Blue Cup on the list. The zombie explains that you cannot enter, then you are taken to the stadium. Exit the stadium and exit the mansion, Yuusuke asks "Are you sure" Yes/No. Now you're back outside: - Enter Mansion - ?????? - Leave Get outta there and head straight over to the Police Station to tell Mamoru everything (second option). Select the first option after the evil music, then the second one to exit. When at the main menu, select the third option, then first, then the second. Okay everything's done!! Head back over to the Battle Center and win a few cups!! Cup details: - Entry Fee: 200 - Rewards: 1st place 2000 2nd place 1000 - Prize: Burning Shot (Flamethrower) - Information: 4 Competitors, 4x4 Table Bracket Small menu: - Accept - Cancel I'm not quite sure who that old guy is.. Probably the cup manager?? Tsurugi (James of Team Rocket)/ Yaiba (guy with Tenchi markings) Body: Javelin Mk II Gun: Shotgun Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Seeker Pod [R] Chip: Energy Protector As long as you keep your distance from their shotgun everything should go along just fine. Fukashi (the guy with his tongue out) Body: DODEKAN Turbo Gun: RIFUREKUTO Laser (Reflect) Bomb: RIZADO Bomb [P] Pod: Satellite Pod [P] Chip: Shoulder Tackle The first time up against this guy can be a little difficult. Because the walls are arranged in a sort of box, if you're near or between any wall, chances are you're going to get hit by his Reflect Laser. There will be very few times where Fukashi will get close to you so once you get him down, be sure to launch everything you have to maximise the damage. He can also dash through walls which doesn't help you much.. Between this battle and the next, Yuusuke will tell you what the P, R, U, D and S symbols mean next to a bomb or pod. If it's something similar to the GameCube version then these symbols effect the way your enemy reacts to the blast or how long a blast explosion will last for. Robo Kitty (odd translation.. old man with cap) Body: Crossing Bone (Cross Bone) Gun: Burning Shot (Flamethrower) Bomb: Gemini Bomb [D] Pod: Speed Pod [R] Chip: Turnado Beat This battle is quite tough since he is invisible, plus he has the mega damage dealing flamethrower equipped. Very rarely would he come right up close to you so as soon as you see the flamethrower being fired, dash in the opposite direction! Congratulations you've just won the flamethrower! Oh look it's a phone call from Mamoru telling you to go to the Police Station. Once there select the second option to talk to him and he'll give you a key item. (Translates out to be a Nano Searcher.. what ever that is..) Select the first option once, second option twice, and the third option twice. A fourth option will then appear, select it twice then you'll get back to the main Station area. Be sure to talk to the General before you leave (3rd option). Head back into the Battle Center and notice how the receptionist isn't there =O Ohh look it's Koushiru, the evil lookin guy and Maezumi is there too. Hikomaru is looking a bit sad because someone stole something(?). Then Takehiro joins in the convo, then back to Koushiru. I think he's challenging you to a duel when Jirou steps in. Either option will get the same result. When Jirou talks to you you can select the first option a couple of times before Yuusuke gets bored. Select the second option for a flashback image, awww.. I'm thinking it goes, Koushiru on the left, Mamoru in the middle and Jirou on the right. Back to the selections, the first two have been done so select the third and the screen will then go all blank then back to normal. Select the second option then the second again. After that everyone's gone and Hikomaru still looks sad. The menu then returns to the Lobby with the A and B kids. Select the second option to exit. Cup details: - Entry Fee: 300 - Rewards: 1st place 2300 2nd place 0000 - Prize: Side Way Pod [R] - Information: 8 Competitors, 2x4 Bracket Small menu: - Accept - Cancel Hikomaru (guy with smug face and purple hair) Body: MASAKADO Gun: Bubble Smasher Bomb: PIRA Bomb [R] Pod: Twin GANNA Chip: Energy Protector Even though his robo is invisible this match isn't very hard. He doesn't fire very often and spends time getting close to you. Kanzaki (guy with big purple hair) Body: NRU Mk II Gun: Wide BARUKAN Bomb: Gemini Bomb [U] Pod: Speed Pod [P] Chip: Tornado Beat That Wide gun and Gemini Bomb really work well together against you. So dashing out of the way could lead you into his bomb, but standing still well get you hit from his wide gun. Meh, you should be able to take him down in time before he kills you. Either he receives a phone call or one of your items start to ring. Kanzaki is one of the people that you will have to defeat to receive a password (or something) to be able to comete in the mansion tournaments. You then talk to Mamoru and it's back to the tournament. (Note: I'm starting to think the battles are random because I don't remember getting this specific conversation when I've played through before..) Anywho.. Cattleya(?) (girl with purple hair and pigtails) Body: KUNAI Gun: Hornet Buster Bomb: Standard Bomb [R] Pod: Seeker Pod [P] Chip: Energy Shield Her Hornet Buster can be very annoying. Don't try to get too close to her or she will easily knock you down. When she fires the two blue hornets try to dodge out of the way because they can reach much further and can go though walls. However, the trade off for that is that she becomes immobile, leaving her wide open for bomb attacks. After the last battle Mamoru calls you and you are taken directly to the Police Station. Select the second option to talk to him, then the first and he'll give you a key item. Once your done you can exit. Since you got that key item you can head over to the mansion and participate in the first cup only. Okay now this is becoming very odd.. In the event that the tournaments are all random, I'm going to have to redo this section of the guide. For now, every battle you come across with an evil looking person in the B, or A grade tournaments will have a phone call. If there is a ringing noise before the battle talk to Mamoru to receive the special item after the tournaments. These people usually come up in the middle rounds of a cup. Once you have comepleted all 3 tournaments and received FOUR key items you can then battle in all of the mansion tournaments. After defeating all of the enemies there, you'll pretty much be up to where I am, stuck with a password.. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________007QUICK______/ 7. Quick Info / ___________________________/ For some reason the translation for the normal gun comes out to be "Basic Cancer" which I think should be Basic Gun since that word probably has the same spelling but different meaning eh? I'll list everything that doesn't translate out properly in capital letters. If some things don't translate out correctly then I may take a punt at what the words could be. Setting: Name I made up / Transliteration (What it would sound like in Japanese) _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________008MBODY______/ 8. Main Body / ___________________________/ When you customise your robo's main chassis there are several pages from which you can choose from, each with a different title. If anyone can get a translation out of the list of specs would be very great =) - Shining Fighter - X RAY Info ?????? Style: Normal ???: 5 ???: 5 ???: 5 ???: 5 Notes: ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Aerial BIETI - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Metal GURAPPURA (Grappler?) - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Lightning SUKAIYA - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Misty Mirage / Misty MIRAJIE - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - x Illegal?? x - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - x Illegal?? x - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - * Special * - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________009GUNS-______/ 9. Guns / ___________________________/ We need guns.. Lots of guns.. And here we have, lots of guns.. I'm not sure what the last stats item means but it isn't secondary fire. I'll just list it there till we can get things straight. These weapons are equipt on the right hand of your robo. For Primary fire press B For Secondary fire press B and R - PAGE 1 - 3 Shot / Basic Gun/Cancer - ???: 3 - ???: 2 - ???: 1 - ???: 2 - ???: 2 - Secondary Fire??: 3 Shots at once - Gatling Gun / GATORINGU Canon - ???: 4 - ???: 3 - ???: 2 - ???: 2 - ???: 3 - Secondary Fire??: More powerful bullets, goes through walls - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 2 - ?????? - Wide Arrows / Wide BARUKAN - ???: 3 - ???: 3 - ???: 4 - ???: 3 - ???: 2 - Secondary Fire??: Fires 3 sets of 2 arrow beams - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 3 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 4 - ?????? - ?????? - Flamethrower / Bar NINGU Shot (Burning Shot) - ???: 5 - ???: 2 - ???: 2 - ???: 2 - ???: 3 - Secondary Fire??: Weaker flames but can go through walls - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 5 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________010BOMBS______/ 10. Bombs / ___________________________/ Bombs are equipt on the left. As I've stated before I'm not quite sure what the letters at the end of the names mean. Yuusuke does explain it to you, but still it's in Japanese.. To fire bombs press R - PAGE 1 - Standard Bomb [P] / Standard BOMU - ???: B - ???: 1? - ???: B - ???: ?????? - ???: ???????????? - Standard Bomb [R] / Standard BOMU - ???: B - ???: 1? - ???: B - ???: ?????? - ???: ???????????? - Standard Bomb [U] / Standard BOMU - ???: B - ???: 1? - ???: B - ???: ?????? - ???: ???????????? - Standard Bomb [D] / Standard BOMU - ???: B - ???: 1? - ???: B - ???: ?????? - ???: ???????????? - ?????? - ?????? - Wall Bomb [U] / PIRA BOMU - ???: C - ???: 1? - ???: B - ???: ?????? - ???: ???????????? - PAGE 2 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 3 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - Seeker Bomb [P] / RIZADO Bomb - ???: B - ???: 1? - ???: B - ???: ?????? - ???: ???????????? - ?????? - PAGE 4 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 5 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - PAGE 6 - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? - ?????? _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________011PODS-______/ 11. Pods(Subs) / ___________________________/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________012CHIPS______/ 12. Chips / ___________________________/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________013CUSTM______/ 13. Custom Robos / ___________________________/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________014SHOPP______/ 14. Shopping / ___________________________/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________015MISC-______/ 15. Misc / ___________________________/ Release Dates Japan: July 24, 2002 US: None Europe: None _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________016DISCL______/ 16. Disclaimer/Contact / ___________________________/ Contact: someguy152@hotmail.com This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The only websites that this guide can be found is at: http://www.GameFaqs.com http://infiniterush.palgn.com.au If you have found any other website using this guide that isn't listed above, please contact me and send me the link of the website. If you would like to use this guide on your website please notify me first and I will add your website to the list. CUSTOM ROBO GX Copyright 2002 NOISE/Nintendo FAQ/Guide Copyright 2004 Kent Nguyen