_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | __ \ (_) | (_) | | _ | | (_) | | | | | | | | ___ _ __ ___ _| | ___ __| |___(_) | | _ __ _| |__ | |_ | | | |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | |/ / |/ _` / __| | | | |/ _` | '_ \| __| | |__| | __/ | | | | | | <| | (_| \__ \_ | |____| | (_| | | | | |_ |_____/ \___|_| |_| |_|_|_|\_\_|\__,_|___(_) |______|_|\__, |_| |_|\__| __/ | |___/ __ __ _ \ \ / / (_) \ \ / /__ _ __ ___ _ ___ _ __ \ \/ / _ \ '__/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \ \ / __/ | \__ \ | (_) | | | | \/ \___|_| |___/_|\___/|_| |_| D E M O N A R Y A quick runthrough on the Demonary status. #001 Aminoz LV 4 HP:55 MP:27 Atk:7 Def:8 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:8 Lck:6 Skills: Aqua, Aqua Cut, Heal, Cure, Heart Wrench, Aquaburst Class: Common Type: Good Align: W Cute maiden and a very good dancer. Her adorable looks mask the tongue of a shrew. Team Spirit - Cheers allies to spur them on to victory. Habitats - Wind Valley, Gateway #001 - The number that a demon is in the Demonary. Aminoz - The name of the demon. LV - The LV that a demon will be at. Besides partners, this number never changes. Stats - The base stats of a monster. While fusing will allow you to get stronger, this is what you will have when you recruit a monster. Skills - The skills a monster can have by fusing with only its own kind. Class - What class the monster is in. King demons can only be summoned in the King Demiloc. Type - What type the demon is. Align - The alignment that a demon is, whether it be evil, neutral, light, or somewhere in between. Description - The recording that a demon has to describe it in the Demonary. Powers - A special effect the demon may have on battle. Habitats - A place where the demon may be found. Only includes physical locations. #001 Aminoz LV 4 HP:55 MP:27 Atk:7 Def:8 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:8 Lck:6 Skills: Aqua, Aqua Cut, Heal, Cure, Heart Wrench, Aquaburst Class: Common Type: Good Align: W Cute maiden and a very good dancer. Her adorable looks mask the tongue of a shrew. Team Spirit - Cheers allies to spur them on to victory. #002 Thundar LV 5 HP:69 MP:30 Atk:6 Def:7 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:6 Lck:8 Skills: Shock, Numbing Claw, Heal, Mystic Bind, Cure, Shockdeus Class: Common Type: Good Align: T A demon that dwells among the clouds and occasionally generates rain and thunder. Habitats - Foggy Marsh, Lair Area #003 Seth LV 8 HP:85 MP:48 Atk:11 Def:9 Mgc:9 Res:11 Spd:8 Lck:10 Skills: Hex Coma, Venom Claw, Hex Bind, Reflect, Double Hit, Chaos Foam Class: Common Type: Good Align: W A demon with a long beak that is best-suited for picking the bones of a fallen enemy. #004 Windhook LV 9 HP:88 MP:32 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:9 Res:9 Spd:15 Lck:7 Skills: Cyclone, Spellprone, Mystic Bind, Cyclo Burst, Hyper Drain, Purge Class: Common Type: Good Align: N Leisure-loving animal said to bring fortune and prosperity to whomever owns it. Windwall - Reflects Wind-attacks back to enemy. #005 Windlord LV 10 HP:107 MP:56 Atk:10 Def:10 Mgc:13 Res:11 Spd:7 Lck:8 Skills: Cyclone, Heal, Attract, Revive, Cyclodeus, Painsplit Class: Common Type: Good Align: N A generous, cloud-riding demon with amazing powers of healing and comfort. Habitats - Duvegs Trail #006 Laksmi LV 12 HP:132 MP:58 Atk:10 Def:11 Mgc:13 Res:13 Spd:11 Lck:10 Skills: Distract, Aqua Flood, Heal All, Revive, Chaos Foam, Healmor Class: General Type: Good Align: W Fame, riches, beauty, and luck - This is one lovely demon who has it all. Aroma LV1 - Sweet scent sometimes tempts an enemy. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Rem Park, Duvegs Trail #007 Speedy LV 13 HP:138 MP:62 Atk:12 Def:12 Mgc:11 Res:11 Spd:15 Lck:10 Skills: Cycloburst, Tornado, Doppelganger, Cycloblast, Sonic Boom, Speedblast Class: Elite Type: Good Align: N The fastest demon alive. Quick to engage in battle, and just as quick to retreat. Hyper Speed - Very hard to see due to extreme speed. #008 Shogun LV 16 HP:172 MP:68 Atk:16 Def:15 Mgc:14 Res:14 Spd:13 Lck:13 Skills: Ram, Rake, Heal All, Desperation, Powerboost, Shockburst Class: General Type: Good Align: E This agile cat-demon was once a sword-master before he was transformed by an evil wizard. Deadeye - Seldom misses with sword or fist. Habitats - Limbo #009 Indra LV 17 HP:182 MP:69 Atk:17 Def:16 Mgc:16 Res:15 Spd:14 Lck:15 Skills: Shockburst, Doom Flash, Shockstab, Spellboost, Heal All, Shockdeus Class: King Type: Good Align: T A cool and level-headed demon known for its quick and precise attacks. #010 Dredogs LV 20 HP:209 MP:91 Atk:19 Def:17 Mgc:16 Res:15 Spd:16 Lck:15 Skills: Petraburst, Holy Flare, Repel, Healmor, Pyroburst, Petradeus Class: Common Type: Good Align: L Twin canine demons that are often found guarding the gates of shrines. Fem Appeal - Improves persuasiveness with talkative female demons. #011 Pegasus LV 20 HP:210 MP:91 Atk:18 Def:18 Mgc:17 Res:17 Spd:16 Lck:16 Skills: Bite, Doom Flash, Teleport, Healmor All, Glowdeus, Cycloburst Class: Common Type: Good Align: L A winged horse that can only be mounted by a warrior who is pure of heart. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Rem Park #012 Osiris LV 21 HP:225 MP:101 Atk:16 Def:17 Mgc:18 Res:20 Spd:13 Lck:18 Skills: Petraburst, Earth Crush, Healmor All, Teleport, Hex Comadeus, Healmax Class: Elite Type: Good Align: E A demon that is nearly invincible. Travels the world in search of peace. EarthProof - Prevents death by Earth-Attacks. Habitats - Galin Plains, Wind Valley, Sword Cave #013 Scout LV 24 HP:265 MP:121 Atk:22 Def:21 Mgc:25 Res:20 Spd:17 Lck:18 Skills: Petraburst, Holy Mute, Powerboost, Petradeus, Healmor All, Revive Class: King Type: Good Align: L Cloaked in the hide of a lion, this ancient demon is gifted with a bounty of wisdom. Alert LV1 - Wary eye prevents some enemy 1st hits. #014 Agni LV 24 HP:248 MP:121 Atk:21 Def:19 Mgc:25 Res:21 Spd:18 Lck:17 Skills: Pyrodeus, Hex Bind, Heal All, Fire Breath, Silence, Healmor Class: Common Type: Good Align: F Not so much a demon as a huge receptacle that houses immeasurable power. #015 Lord Ton LV 24 HP:254 MP:116 Atk:21 Def:19 Mgc:21 Res:20 Spd:19 Lck:18 Skills: Cycloburst, Holy Mute, Teleport, Spell Boost, Healmor, Tornado Class: General Type: Good Align: N One of the four overlords who protect the world. Known as Lord Ton of the East. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #016 Lord Nan LV 28 HP:295 MP:124 Atk:27 Def:24 Mgc:23 Res:23 Spd:23 Lck:21 Skills: Pyroburst, Double Hit, Powerboost, Reset, TNT, Pyrodeus Class: General Type: Good Align: F One of the four overlords who protect the world. Known as Lord Nan of the South. Habitats - Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #017 Poseidon LV 29 HP:312 MP:134 Atk:26 Def:24 Mgc:26 Res:26 Spd:23 Lck:22 Skills: Tidal Wave, Spellguard, Double Hit, Healmor All, Defboost, Chaos Foam Class: King Type: Good Align: W The mighty monarch of the seven seas and the absolute ruler of all sea demons. WaterHoard - Absorbs the power of Water-attacks. #018 Lord Sha LV 31 HP:332 MP:145 Atk:27 Def:25 Mgc:27 Res:25 Spd:23 Lck:24 Skills: Petraburst, Defboost, Revive, Healmor, Healmor All, Petradeus Class: General Type: Good Align: E One of the four overlords who protect the world. Known as Lord Sha of the West. Habitats - Polar Wastes #019 Lord Pey LV 35 HP:365 MP:170 Atk:31 Def:28 Mgc:30 Res:26 Spd:30 Lck:27 Skills: Aqua Flood, Aquaburst, Healmor All, Tidal Wave, Lucidity, Resurrect Class: General Type: Good Align: W One of the four overlords who protect the world. Known as Lord Pey of the North. Habitats - Valk Desert, Temple/Past #020 Warbolt LV 38 HP:412 MP:179 Atk:38 Def:34 Mgc:31 Res:30 Spd:37 Lck:31 Skills: Shockburst, Double Hit, Doppelganger, Lucidity, Healmor All, Guillotine Class: General Type: Alt Align: T A warlord of some renown that can turn his hands into some very lethal weapons. Deadeye - Seldom misses with sword or fist. #021 Whiskers LV 39 HP:408 MP:192 Atk:32 Def:34 Mgc:38 Res:35 Spd:32 Lck:32 Skills: Divine Blow, Doom Flash, Shockbolt, Shockblast, Revive, Healmax All Class: King Type: Good Align: L Contrary to its appearance, this demon is overflowing with love and compassion. Habitats - Dune Desert, Light Path, Light Temple #022 Bounty LV 42 HP:432 MP:195 Atk:40 Def:38 Mgc:37 Res:36 Spd:34 Lck:35 Skills: Pyroblast, Sacrifice, Intox, Defdrain, Petrablast, Healmax All Class: Common Type: Good Align: F A giant of a demon with a hardy appetite. Carries his own pot of rice into battle. #023 Ishtar LV 43 HP:495 MP:200 Atk:41 Def:38 Mgc:42 Res:40 Spd:38 Lck:42 Skills: Hand of Fate, Hex Comadeus, Shockblast, Revive, Healmor, Hex Prone Class: Elite Type: Good Align: T A demon whose poise and charm can enslave even the strongest of rivals. Anti-Holy - Feared by the Holy who will run upon contact. #024 Hades LV 46 HP:495 MP:231 Atk:42 Def:41 Mgc:46 Res:44 Spd:44 Lck:40 Skills: Hex Chaos, Venom Blade, Hex Venom, Pandemonium, Silence, Hyper Drain Class: Common Type: Good Align: D The king of the dark realms who is fearsome to behold, but is actually kind and benevolent. Darkboost - Draws strength from the power of the Dark. Habitats - Old Tower 1F, Old Tower 2F #025 Amon LV 46 HP:505 MP:234 Atk:43 Def:44 Mgc:48 Res:46 Spd:47 Lck:45 Skills: Pyrolok, Reflect, Hex TNT, Pyro Bomb, Hex Leech, Pyroblast Class: Elite Type: Good Align: D An ancient demon said to have once ruled over the skies, the seas, and the sun. Darkwall - Reflects Dark-attacks back to enemy. #026 Marduk LV 48 HP:517 MP:228 Atk:45 Def:42 Mgc:48 Res:44 Spd:46 Lck:45 Skills: Holy Flare, Golden Mute, Spellblock, Healmax All, Desperation, Resurrect Class: King Type: Good Align: L A strange demon that summons storm after storm in an attempt to destroy evil. LightHoard - Absorbs the power of Light-attacks. #027 Ares LV 48 HP:532 MP:235 Atk:49 Def:45 Mgc:46 Res:44 Spd:47 Lck:40 Skills: Pyrolok, Blast Claw, Frenzy, Lucidity, Healmax All, Dark Spear Class: General Type: Good Align: F The mightiest of warlords among demons. A true leader who's decisive in battle. Anti-Dragon - Feared by Dragons who will run on contact. #028 Vishnu LV 50 HP:531 MP:245 Atk:50 Def:49 Mgc:50 Res:48 Spd:47 Lck:48 Skills: Spellblock, Cyclomax, Petramax, Polarmax, Shockmax, Glowmax Class: King Type: Good Align: L A four-armed demon that can adopt a form that best suits its particular mood. Focus LV1 - Remains focused for a bit of magic boost. #029 Chefros LV 4 HP:58 MP:25 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:7 Res:6 Spd:8 Lck:6 Skills: Hex Coma, Pyro, Powerdrain, Defdrain, Mystic Bind, Pyroburst Class: Common Type: Evil Align: D Charismatic demon from Dem who loves preparing delicious meals. Darkwall - Reflects Dark-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Tower Area, Time Tower, Fanda Plains #030 Two-Tail LV 5 HP:66 MP:28 Atk:9 Def:7 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:8 Lck:8 Skills: Cyclone, Venom Claw, Distract, Slumber, Hex Coma, Cycloburst Class: Common Type: Evil Align: D Long-living cat with two tails. This demon can change into a girl and walk among humans. #031 Dark Imp LV 8 HP:81 MP:45 Atk:6 Def:6 Mgc:11 Res:7 Spd:6 Lck:10 Skills: Hex Coma, Shock, Distract, Shockburst, Countdown, Shockdeus Class: Common Type: Evil Align: D A child-demon who serves a witch. Enjoys playing tricks on humans to pass the time. DarkHoard - Absorbs the power of Dark-Attacks. #032 Tik Tok LV 11 HP:118 MP:54 Atk:12 Def:9 Mgc:9 Res:8 Spd:12 Lck:9 Skills: Petra, Venom Claw, Slumber, Reflect, Paralyze, Petraburst Class: Common Type: Evil Align: D A rabbit-demon that can distort time by using its special timepiece. #033 Arachnia LV 12 HP:128 MP:57 Atk:13 Def:9 Mgc:11 Res:11 Spd:11 Lck:9 Skills: Petra, Venom Claw, Slumber, Distract, Mystic Bind, Petraburst Class: Elite Type: Evil Align: E A maiden who now has four extra arms because of a mistakenly cast spell. Habitats - Duvegs Trail #034 Temptina LV 14 HP:140 MP:61 Atk:14 Def:12 Mgc:13 Res:11 Spd:12 Lck:11 Skills: Cyclone, Cycloburst, Venom, Silence, Pandemonium, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Evil Align: D A very shy, minor demon that is quick to run when confronted in battle. #035 Kali LV 16 HP:171 MP:65 Atk:15 Def:13 Mgc:14 Res:12 Spd:12 Lck:12 Skills: Cold Voice, Magic Drain, Powerdrain, Pandemonium, Heal All, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Evil Align: I A four-armed goddess of destruction that wields a set of deadly swords. Habitats - Limbo #036 Vrtra LV 17 HP:189 MP:71 Atk:17 Def:15 Mgc:17 Res:15 Spd:15 Lck:14 Skills: Pyroburst, Guillotine, Flare, TNT, Speed Stab, Pyrodeus Class: King Type: Evil Align: F A fierce demon that worships power and lives to enjoy the heat of battle. #037 Abaddon LV 18 HP:195 MP:81 Atk:17 Def:16 Mgc:15 Res:15 Spd:17 Lck:13 Skills: Aquaburst, Magic Drain, Spellguard, Healmor All, Mystic Bind, Tidal Wave Class: General Type: Evil Align: W A ninja-demon cloaked in darkness. Few have seen him and lived to tell the tale. #038 Paimon LV 21 HP:228 MP:116 Atk:20 Def:18 Mgc:19 Res:17 Spd:19 Lck:18 Skills: Polarburst, Magic Drain, Slumber, Healmor All, Spellboost, Polardeus Class: General Type: Evil Align: I Mounted on a jewel-covered camel, this flashy demon is both loud and obnoxious. Amazon Charm - Improves persuasiveness with proud female demons. #039 Isis LV 24 HP:251 MP:118 Atk:23 Def:19 Mgc:25 Res:20 Spd:16 Lck:17 Skills: Flare, Hex Coma, Hyper Drain, Distract, Pyroburst, Pyrodeus Class: King Type: Evil Align: D A demon capable of foretelling the future with her mystic deck of all-seeing tarot cards. Rogue Charm - Improves persuasiveness with bad male demons. #040 Belial LV 28 HP:298 MP:124 Atk:27 Def:24 Mgc:25 Res:23 Spd:22 Lck:20 Skills: Pyrodeus, Shockburst, Double Nova, Guillotine, Hex Comadeus, Pyroburst Class: King Type: Evil Align: D A war-loving demon that manipulates the unwary in order to achieve its own evil goals. #041 Shadomas LV 31 HP:327 MP:145 Atk:28 Def:25 Mgc:28 Res:24 Spd:25 Lck:22 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Cycloburst, Dark Spear, Distract, Powerdrain, Tornado Class: Elite Type: Evil Align: D An evil demon who despises life, wreaking havoc where his path may lead. Repulse - Tough attitude seems to keep away demons. #042 Pyrosia LV 32 HP:337 MP:150 Atk:26 Def:24 Mgc:31 Res:26 Spd:24 Lck:23 Skills: Pyroburst, Fire Breath, Magic Drain, Distract, Mystic Bind, Venom Breath Class: General Type: Evil Align: F A very nasty fire-demon with a bestial face that strikes terror into the hearts of men. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes, Polar Wastes #043 Doombors LV 34 HP:372 MP:157 Atk:34 Def:31 Mgc:28 Res:30 Spd:29 Lck:30 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Hex TNT, Pyro Bomb, Pyroburst, Temptation, Hyper Drain Class: King Type: Evil Align: D A demon of the darkest nature who despises beauty and seeks to destroy it. Habitats - Ice Temple #044 Nue LV 35 HP:382 MP:165 Atk:34 Def:30 Mgc:28 Res:26 Spd:32 Lck:25 Skills: Shockburst, Hex Bind, Defdrain, Shockbolt, Healmor All, Petrablast Class: Elite Type: Evil Align: T A snake-tailed tiger-demon who rides across the skies on the back of a thundercloud. ThunderBoost - Draws strength from the power of Thunder. #045 Evil Eye LV 36 HP:386 MP:177 Atk:35 Def:30 Mgc:27 Res:29 Spd:28 Lck:27 Skills: Terror Gaze, Paralyze, Chaos Foam, Hyper Drain, Magic Drain, Hex Leech Class: King Type: Evil Align: D A dark demon with an evil eye that can knock an enemy senseless with just one look. #046 Wartak LV 37 HP:381 MP:192 Atk:32 Def:31 Mgc:37 Res:33 Spd:32 Lck:25 Skills: Cyclolok, Windblast, Powercharge, Healmor All, Cycolmax, Distract Class: General Type: Evil Align: N A chivalrous demon-knight, Dem's ultimate master of warfare and tactics. #047 Mammon LV 38 HP:402 MP:188 Atk:34 Def:32 Mgc:37 Res:34 Spd:31 Lck:30 Skills: Shockburst, Helm Buster, Speed Stab, Pandemonium, Reflect, Pyrolok Class: King Type: Evil Align: D A greedy demon who loves to gamble and cheat others of whatever they value most. #048 Rhanda LV 42 HP:445 MP:202 Atk:39 Def:39 Mgc:42 Res:40 Spd:38 Lck:39 Skills: Magic Drain, Heart Wrench, Double Hit, Hex Leech, Temptation, Petralok Class: King Type: Evil Align: D An evil witch of many guises that uses its deadly powers to destroy its enemies. Rogue Charm - Increases persuasiveness with bad male demons. Habitats - Jude Plains, Rainy Woods, Mount Falos, Tyrnanog #049 Astar LV 43 HP:461 MP:201 Atk:42 Def:37 Mgc:41 Res:38 Spd:36 Lck:44 Skills: Pyrolok, Hex Comadeus, Pyroblast, Magic Drain, TNT Flare, Death Breath Class: King Type: Evil Align: D Mounted on the back of a fire-spawned dragon, this black-clad demon is highly destructive. DarkHoard - Absorbs the power of Dark-attacks. #050 Scatha LV 45 HP:482 MP:192 Atk:40 Def:42 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:40 Lck:41 Skills: Pyrolok, Sacrifice, TNT, Pyroblast, Pandemonium, Reflect Class: General Type: Evil Align: D A queen of the nether realms, this caped demon is a master of weapons. Habitats - Dark Rift #051 Boltar LV 47 HP:500 MP:224 Atk:45 Def:44 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:41 Lck:41 Skills: Shocklok, Cycloblast, Mjollnir, Windblast, Shockblast, Mega Cyclone Class: General Type: Evil Align: T Exiled from the skies, this demon of the seas now rules over wind and thunder. Anti-Good - Feared by the Good who will run upon contact. Habitats - Old Tower 1F, Old Tower 2F, Old Tower 3F #052 Krak LV 56 HP:605 MP:279 Atk:60 Def:55 Mgc:54 Res:51 Spd:58 Lck:55 Skills: Aqualok, Chomp, Death Breath, Maelstrom, Powerdrain, Mystic Bind Class: King Type: Evil Align: W This humongous squid-demon attacks enemies with its long, bone-crushing tentacles. #053 Azel LV 58 HP:618 MP:265 Atk:60 Def:55 Mgc:62 Res:59 Spd:60 Lck:51 Skills: Aqualok, Hex Comadeus, Hyper Drain, Distract, Polarlok, Polarmax Class: Common Type: Evil Align: D A mighty demon whose presence is enough to frighten most enemies into retreating. Cliffhanger - Holds own even when seemingly down and out. #054 Cupid LV 4 HP:55 MP:25 Atk:7 Def:5 Mgc:7 Res:5 Spd:9 Lck:8 Skills: Heal, Holy Flare, Teleport, Glow, Cure, Glowdeus Class: Common Type: Holy Align: L Cute demon that runs errands of mercy and delivers messages of love. LightHoard - Absorbs the power of Light-attacks. #055 Mariner LV 5 HP:61 MP:30 Atk:6 Def:7 Mgc:9 Res:8 Spd:6 Lck:8 Skills: Aqua Cut, Aqua, Heal, Aqua Flood, Hyper Drain, Venom Foam Class: Common Type: Holy Align: W A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Pisces. WaterHoard - Absorbs the power of Water-attacks. Habitats - Foggy Marsh, Lair Area #056 Nikare LV 8 HP:85 MP:40 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:11 Res:10 Spd:9 Lck:9 Skills: Polar, Cure, Heal, Teleport, Heal All, Polarburst Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: L A demon with an angelic voice for singing sweet songs of victory. Habitats - Foggy Marsh, Lair Area #057 Angel LV 12 HP:128 MP:52 Atk:10 Def:10 Mgc:12 Res:11 Spd:12 Lck:9 Skills: Cyclone, Summon, Heal All, Spellguard, Cure, Cycloburst Class: Common Type: Holy Align: L Sweet creature that flies the heavens, delivering happiness and peace to all. #058 Aquarios LV 13 HP:128 MP:62 Atk:12 Def:10 Mgc:14 Res:11 Spd:14 Lck:10 Skills: Ice Pillar, Cold Voice, Heal, Frostbite, Defboost, Ice Breath Class: Common Type: Holy Align: I A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Aquarius. Habitats - Duvegs Trail, Hydra Mine #059 Sea Ram LV 15 HP:162 MP:78 Atk:13 Def:13 Mgc:12 Res:10 Spd:10 Lck:11 Skills: Cyclone, Lucidity, Teleport, Revive, Heal All, Cyclodeus Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: N A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Capricorn. Habitats - Hydra Mine, Inferno Pit, Limbo #060 Irontaur LV 16 HP:174 MP:72 Atk:14 Def:13 Mgc:14 Res:12 Spd:15 Lck:14 Skills: Ram, Petra, Heal All, Glow, Healmor, Petradeus Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: E A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Sagittarius. Habitats - Limbo #061 Prince LV 19 HP:193 MP:89 Atk:16 Def:15 Mgc:16 Res:13 Spd:14 Lck:14 Skills: Holy Flare, Divine Blow, Heal All, Healmor, Cure, Resurrect Class: King Type: Holy Align: L Royal guardian demon who is committed to the protection of statesmen and kings. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Limbo #062 Power LV 20 HP:214 MP:88 Atk:19 Def:17 Mgc:15 Res:15 Spd:15 Lck:14 Skills: Holy Flare, Holy Mute, Shock Stab, Healmor, Lucidity, Shockdeus Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: L An angelic demon whose sole purpose in life is to defeat the forces of evil. #063 Libra LV 20 HP:211 MP:97 Atk:18 Def:19 Mgc:17 Res:19 Spd:16 Lck:17 Skills: Petradeus, Charge, Powercharge, Petraburst, Summon, Desperation Class: General Type: Holy Align: E A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Libra. EarthWall - Reflects Earth-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Rem Park, Wind Gate, Gateway #064 Leo LV 22 HP:228 MP:95 Atk:18 Def:19 Mgc:19 Res:18 Spd:26 Lck:20 Skills: Shockburst, Teleport, Quick Spear, Thunderbolt, Revive, Healmor Class: General Type: Holy Align: T A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Leo. ThunderBoost - Draws strength from the power of Thunder. #065 Virtue LV 24 HP:253 MP:110 Atk:25 Def:22 Mgc:21 Res:20 Spd:17 Lck:16 Skills: Cycloburst, Lucidity, Heal All, Cyclodeus, Spellboost, Resurrect Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: L A dashing demon who is fully committed to saving any damsel in distress. #066 Virgo LV 24 HP:245 MP:122 Atk:22 Def:20 Mgc:25 Res:22 Spd:18 Lck:19 Skills: Pyroburst, Spellblock, Lucidity, Revive, Miracle Cure, Healmor Class: King Type: Holy Align: F A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Virgo. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #067 Dominion LV 27 HP:285 MP:138 Atk:22 Def:22 Mgc:26 Res:22 Spd:23 Lck:22 Skills: Holy Flare, Glowdeus, Shock Stab, Healmor, Lucidity, Shockdeus Class: General Type: Holy Align: L Hard-working demon and a trusted leader that will not tolerate any laziness. #068 Amurtert LV 28 HP:290 MP:142 Atk:23 Def:20 Mgc:26 Res:23 Spd:22 Lck:24 Skills: Aquablast, Lucidity, Venom Foam, Revive, Healmor, Glowdeus Class: Common Type: Holy Align: L An ancient and immortal demon that breathes new life into dying plants. LightWall - Reflects Light-attacks back to enemy. #069 Haurvata LV 30 HP:310 MP:152 Atk:25 Def:22 Mgc:28 Res:25 Spd:22 Lck:25 Class: Glowdeus, Reset, Divine Blow, Wildstorm, Quick Spear, Golden Mute Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: L A very unusual demon that draws its strength from the beauty of flowers. #070 Ironhoof LV 33 HP:357 MP:152 Atk:33 Def:29 Mgc:33 Res:28 Spd:27 Lck:26 Skills: Holy Flare, Divine Blow, Heal All, Resurrect, Pyroburst, Healmax Class: General Type: Holy Align: L An iron-hoofed demon that gallops across the skies to protect the sick and weak. #071 Cancer LV 33 HP:356 MP:154 Atk:27 Def:33 Mgc:29 Res:31 Spd:23 Lck:28 Skills: Aquaburst, Holy Flare, Chaos Foam, Revive, Tidal Wave, Healmax Class: King Type: Holy Align: W A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Cancer. WaterProof - Prevents death by Water-attacks. Habitats - Polar Wastes #072 Muslexx LV 26 HP:381 MP:160 Atk:35 Def:32 Mgc:31 Res:30 Spd:28 Lck:30 Skills: Holy Mute, Powercharge, Aquablast, Venom Foam, Summon, Polarlok Class: Common Type: Holy Align: L Nobody knows what's behind the mask of this massively muscled, giant demon. #073 Gemini LV 38 HP:400 MP:182 Atk:35 Def:34 Mgc:35 Res:33 Spd:33 Lck:30 Skills: Cycloblast, Spellblock, Defboost, Hex Coma, Cycloblast, Revive Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: N Pair of demons that turned evil. Currently rule over the House of Gemini. WindHoard - Absorbs the power of Wind-attacks. Habitats - Sword Cave, Kibra Woods, Wind Shrine, Peril Forest, Underworld #074 Pathlite LV 39 HP:408 MP:194 Atk:32 Def:34 Mgc:36 Res:35 Spd:35 Lck:31 Skills: Healmor All, Revive, Petrablast, Spellblock, Gaia Buster, Maelstrom Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: L A caring demon who spares no effort towards protecting nature and her own life. #075 Puritus LV 41 HP:449 MP:199 Atk:27 Def:36 Mgc:39 Res:38 Spd:37 Lck:38 Skills: Pyrolok, Healmor, Powerboost, Pyroblast, Resurrect, Cyclomax Class: King Type: Holy Align: L Armored warrior and keeper of the sacred flame. A demon that refuses to fall. Final Wall - Blocks most attacks when near death. #076 Cherubim LV 42 HP:434 MP:200 Atk:29 Def:38 Mgc:36 Res:36 Spd:35 Lck:37 Skills: Pyrolok, Healmor, Divine Blow, Light Lance, Pyroblast, Holy Blast Class: General Type: Holy Align: L Four-winged guardian angel that brandishes a might sword which burns all it touches. Habitats - Jude Plains, Rainy Woods, Mount Falos, Tyrnanog #077 Asmodeus LV 42 HP:451 MP:164 Atk:41 Def:38 Mgc:35 Res:34 Spd:36 Lck:37 Skills: Pyrolok, Doom Flash, Healmor All, Healmax, Spellboost, Resurrect Class: King Type: Holy Align: F A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Taurus. FireProof - Prevents death by Fire-attacks. #078 Aries LV 44 HP:469 MP:211 Atk:38 Def:39 Mgc:42 Res:41 Spd:40 Lck:42 Skills: Shocklok, Shockbolt, Mjollnir, Resurrect, Hyper Drain, Shockblast Class: King Type: Holy Align: T A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Aries. Habitats - Dark Rift #079 Vomana LV 45 HP:492 MP:188 Atk:44 Def:41 Mgc:44 Res:41 Spd:42 Lck:38 Skills: Golden Mute, Healmax, Pyrolok, Pyromax, Healmax All, Resurrect Class: General Type: Holy Align: L A king angel that protects animals, but is a little scary-looking. #080 Raphael LV 46 HP:485 MP:223 Atk:41 Def:42 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:41 Lck:40 Skills: Glowmax, Holy Mute, Healmax All, Spellblock, Cyclolok, Resurrect Class: King Type: Holy Align: N A king, caring angel who spares no effort towards curing the sick and injured. WindProof - Prevents death by Wind-attacks. #081 Uriel LV 46 HP:492 MP:210 Atk:45 Def:44 Mgc:41 Res:40 Spd:42 Lck:40 Skills: Divine Blow, Holy Blast, Powercharge, Sacrifice, Pyrolok, Healmax Class: King Type: Holy Align: F An unforgiving angel that punishes evil demons with the blazing flames of justice. FireProof - Prevents death by Fire-attacks. Habitats - Old Tower 1F, Old Tower 2F #082 Seraphim LV 47 HP:508 MP:216 Atk:46 Def:44 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:45 Lck:42 Skills: Divine Blow, Purge, Heal All, Healmax, Spellboost, Resurrect Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: L An airborne demon whose sweet songs can soothe the soul of any hardened warrior. Habitats - Old Tower 2F, Old Tower 3F, Old Tower 4F #083 Guardian LV 48 HP:522 MP:218 Atk:48 Def:45 Mgc:47 Res:45 Spd:44 Lck:44 Skills: Hand of Fate, Holy Blast, Mjollnir, Pyromax, Pyrolok, Aquamax Class: King Type: Holy Align: L A champion of champions and a natural-born leader with the heart of an angel. Habitats - Old Tower 3F, Old Tower 4F, Old Tower 5F #084 Scorpio LV 52 HP:558 MP:249 Atk:52 Def:53 Mgc:50 Res:49 Spd:55 Lck:48 Skills: Subzero, Holy Blast, Ice Breath, Polarmax, Spellblock, Resurrect Class: Elite Type: Holy Align: I A demon who turned from good to evil. Currently rules over the House of Scorpio. #085 Michael LV 58 HP:640 MP:269 Atk:60 Def:56 Mgc:62 Res:58 Spd:59 Lck:62 Skills: Glowmax, Holy Blast, Healmax, Healmax All, Resurrect, Light Lance Class: King Type: Holy Align: L Drawing his power from the sun, this angel is the leader of the forces against evil. #086 Tsunami LV 4 HP:58 MP:26 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:6 Res:8 Spd:6 Lck:7 Skills: Aqua, Mystic Bind, Heal All, Pandemonium, Defboost, Aquadeus Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: W Enormous snake that inhabits the sea. It can cause major floods and tidal waves. Habitats - Tower Area, Time Tower, Fanda Plains #087 Makara LV 8 HP:85 MP:42 Atk:10 Def:9 Mgc:8 Res:9 Spd:11 Lck:9 Skills: Aqua, Mystic Bind, Cure, Heal All, Defboost, Aquadeus Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: W A colossal demon with the head of a deer, dragon horns, and the body of a fish. Habitats - Foggy Marsh, Lair Area #088 Sizzard LV 11 HP:115 MP:55 Atk:12 Def:11 Mgc:10 Res:10 Spd:11 Lck:7 Skills: Pyro, Fire Breath, TNT, Defdrain, Pyrodeus, Purge Class: Elite Type: Drgn Align: F A lizard-like creature that feeds on fire and prefers sizzling hot e nvironments. #089 Basilisk LV 14 HP:148 MP:58 Atk:14 Def:12 Mgc:12 Res:11 Spd:14 Lck:13 Skills: Petra, Venom Claw, Paralyze, Attract, Petraburst, Pyroburst Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: E This lizard-demon has a gaze that can turn any living thing into stone. Habitats - Hydra Mine #090 Bearlord LV 17 HP:176 MP:73 Atk:16 Def:15 Mgc:13 Res:15 Spd:12 Lck:15 Skills: Ram, Powercharge, Healmor, Temptation, Hyper Sense, Desperation Class: Elite Type: Drgn Align: E A bright demon that lives in the mountains and runs around with bears and other animals. Beast-Tame - Friendly with Animal-type demons. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Limbo #091 Hydra LV 19 HP:204 MP:79 Atk:16 Def:14 Mgc:15 Res:12 Spd:15 Lck:14 Skills: Frostbite, Ice Pillar, Distract, Venom, Polarburst, Venom Claw Class: Elite Type: Drgn Align: I A nine-eyed demon that is enormous and just about impossible to kill. Anti-Beast - Feared by Beasts who will run upon contact. #092 Kokatris LV 20 HP:210 MP:96 Atk:18 Def:18 Mgc:18 Res:17 Spd:21 Lck:19 Skills: Pyroburst, Chomp, Mystic Bind, Paralyze, Teleport, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Drgn Align: F Bird-like demon bron from an unusual egg. Everything it stares at turns into stone. Survival - Will run from battle if near death. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Rem Park #093 Neptina LV 23 HP:234 MP:118 Atk:18 Def:19 Mgc:24 Res:20 Spd:16 Lck:18 Skills: Aqua, Aquaburst, Healmor, Distract, Aqua Flood, Healmax Class: General Type: Drgn Align: W Gorgeous sea queen who rules the seven seas from her palace deep under the sea. Demon Magnet - Popular nature seems to attract demons. Habitats - Wind Valley, Sword Cave #094 Orochi LV 24 HP:254 MP:116 Atk:23 Def:21 Mgc:20 Res:20 Spd:19 Lck:18 Skills: Thunderbolt, Chomp, Venom, Defboost, Shockburst, Powerboost Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: T Huge snake-like demon that can generate large earthquakes simply by moving. #095 Trinos LV 26 HP:275 MP:122 Atk:25 Def:24 Mgc:22 Res:19 Spd:20 Lck:18 Skills: Shockdeus, Stun Shot, Thunderbolt, Venom Claw, Powerdrain, Purge Class: King Type: Drgn Align: T A vile three-headed dragon said to be a master of spells. Battle Rage - Goes beserk against mean foes. #096 Bushido LV 26 HP:271 MP:118 Atk:26 Def:22 Mgc:23 Res:21 Spd:18 Lck:20 Skills: Charge, Powercharge, Petradeus, Revive, Earth Crush, Healmax Class: General Type: Drgn Align: E A regal, master swordsman who is fully protected by his bulky samurai armor. Anti-Ogre - Feared by Ogres who will run upon contact. #097 Necrodon LV 27 HP:291 MP:125 Atk:27 Def:25 Mgc:21 Res:24 Spd:20 Lck:18 Skills: Pyrodeus, Fire Breath, TNT, Venom Claw, Spellprone, Hex Comadeus Class: King Type: Drgn Align: D A gargantuan thunder-dragon born from the darkest reaches of the netherworld. Habitats - Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #098 Hydron LV 29 HP:315 MP:132 Atk:26 Def:24 Mgc:25 Res:25 Spd:24 Lck:20 Skills: Aquaburst, Tidal Wave, Chomp, Glowdeus, Healmor All, Sonic Wing Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: W A majestic, emerald dragon with armor-like scales and a pair of massive wings. #099 Octorex LV 31 HP:335 MP:137 Atk:30 Def:28 Mgc:26 Res:25 Spd:23 Lck:23 Skills: Petraburst, Grand Crush, Mystic Bind, Revive, Shockburst, Petrablast Class: King Type: Drgn Align: E Enormous dragon with eight heads and eight tails. Guards a magical sword. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes #100 Tiamat LV 32 HP:346 MP:145 Atk:29 Def:27 Mgc:28 Res:27 Spd:24 Lck:26 Skills: Venom Foam, Venom Claw, Healmax, Heart Wrench, Wild BLows, Reflect Class: King Type: Drgn Align: W A cruel, short-tempered demon who can send the mightiest demon to its knees. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes, Polar Wastes #101 Lindwurm LV 35 HP:371 MP:166 Atk:34 Def:30 Mgc:27 Res:32 Spd:34 Lck:26 Skills: Shockburst, Hex Bind, Teleport, Shockblast, Silence, Healmax Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: T An awesome flying dragon with the nose of a lion and the jaws of a crocodile. Escape LV1 - Sometimes handy when trying to escape. #102 Solarius LV 38 HP:405 MP:178 Atk:36 Def:34 Mgc:32 Res:33 Spd:35 Lck:32 Skills: Cycloburst, Summon, Spellboost, Sonic Boom, Powercharge, Teleport Class: General Type: Drgn Align: N With a body that glimmers like the sun, this demon is a sight to behold. #103 Seryu LV 39 HP:402 MP:189 Atk:38 Def:36 Mgc:28 Res:37 Spd:35 Lck:37 Skills: Polarburst, Venom Claw, Ice Breath, Resurrect, Healmor All, Polarblast Class: General Type: Drgn Align: I Guardian beast of the east. A dragon armored with beautiful scales of the darkest blue. Battle Rage - Goes berserk against mean foes. #104 Rahab LV 41 HP:438 MP:192 Atk:37 Def:35 Mgc:37 Res:34 Spd:33 Lck:35 Skills: Aquadeus, Hex Bind, Spellprone, Purge, Hex Comadeus, Aqualok Class: King Type: Drgn Align: W A gargantuan serpent with a body largely made of water. Can generate rain or snow. Stamina - Seldom fazed by battle and quick to recover. #105 Quetza LV 41 HP:435 MP:195 Atk:39 Def:38 Mgc:36 Res:37 Spd:35 Lck:36 Skills: Sonic Boom, Healmor All, Teleport, Glowdeus, Cure, Shockblast Class: General Type: Drgn Align: N Winged serpent-like demon who rules the skies with powers drawn from wind and sun. #106 Batos LV 43 HP:472 MP:202 Atk:41 Def:37 Mgc:38 Res:38 Spd:34 Lck:42 Skills: Cyclolok, Silence, TNT, Death Breath, Mega Cyclone, Revive Class: King Type: Drgn Align: N A serpentine demon with a third eye that can see the past and the future. #107 Kaleidos LV 44 HP:472 MP:209 Atk:44 Def:41 Mgc:40 Res:38 Spd:39 Lck:37 Skills: Chaos Foam, Blur, Healmor All, Aquaburst, Repel, Aquablast Class: Elite Type: Drgn Align: W A beaked serpent that leaves a rainbow trail when soaring the skies. WaterBoost - Draws strength from the power of Water. Habitats - Dark Rift #108 Urboros LV 45 HP:483 MP:192 Atk:42 Def:43 Mgc:45 Res:46 Spd:42 Lck:40 Skills: Petralok, Gaia Crush, Mystic Bind, Petrablast, Purge, Repel Class: General Type: Drgn Align: E An invincible snake who lives by feeding on its own regenerating tail. EarthWall - Reflects Earth-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Dark Rift #109 Lamia LV 46 HP:492 MP:229 Atk:44 Def:42 Mgc:42 Res:42 Spd:45 Lck:41 Skills: Ice Breath, Terror Gaze, Defboost, Magic Drain, Polarblast, Resurrect Class: King Type: Drgn Align: I This is one demon that you definitely do not want to meet in a dark alley. #110 Firetung LV 48 HP:522 MP:219 Atk:48 Def:45 Mgc:46 Res:44 Spd:48 Lck:41 Skills: Pyrolok, Darkfire, Venom, Spellboost, Cure, Pyroblast Class: General Type: Drgn Align: F Fire-breathing dragon with a strong sense of justice and deadly claws to enforce it. Hyper Speed - Very hard to see due to extreme speed. Habitats - Old Tower 4F, Old Tower 5F #111 Armasnak LV 49 HP:538 MP:219 Atk:50 Def:49 Mgc:44 Res:41 Spd:43 Lck:42 Skills: Aqualok, Tidal Wave, Healmor All, Revive, Spellboost, Aquablast Class: General Type: Drgn Align: W A dragon said to swim the sea whenever the world approaches its final hour. Habitats - Old Tower 4F, Old Tower 5F #112 Jormung LV 53 HP:565 MP:248 Atk:53 Def:55 Mgc:52 Res:55 Spd:50 Lck:54 Skills: Polarlok, Venom, Death Breath, Maelstrom, Polarmax, Temptation Class: King Type: Drgn Align: I A colossal demon living in the sea, who just keeps growing and growing. IceWall - Reflects Ice-attacks back to enemy. #113 Hooty LV 4 HP:57 MP:25 Atk:8 Def:7 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:6 Lck:6 Skills: Glow, Pyro, Defboost, Heal, Cyclodeus, Teleport Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: L Baby owl demon with a cry that is frequently mistaken for that of a human infant. Habitats - Tower Area, Time Tower, Fanda Plains #114 Krane LV 7 HP:81 MP:36 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:6 Res:8 Spd:9 Lck:8 Skills: Flare, Powerboost, Heal All, Repel, Lucidity, Pyroburst Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: F A troublesome one-legged demon that burns almost anything that it touches. FireProof - Prevents death by Fire-attacks. Habitats - Foggy Marsh, Lair Area, #115 War Lion LV 11 HP:126 MP:47 Atk:12 Def:10 Mgc:7 Res:8 Spd:11 Lck:10 Skills: Windburst, Chomp, Teleport, Powerdrain, Powerboost, Cycloburst Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: N Lion-headed demon capable of summoning storms. Has a pair of razor-sharp claws. Mood-Swing - Willing to fight harder when the mood is right. #116 Gargoyle LV 13 HP:132 MP:58 Atk:12 Def:13 Mgc:9 Res:10 Spd:11 Lck:8 Skills: Polar, Venom Claw, Ice Breath, Silence, Paralyze, Polarburst Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: I A winged demon of stone that sits on roofs to protect homes from disaster. Freeze LV1 - Lame jokes sometimes freeze the enemy. #117 Apsaras LV 15 HP:158 MP:56 Atk:12 Def:11 Mgc:13 Res:12 Spd:16 Lck:13 Skills: Cycloburst, Teleport, Speedboost, Big Wing, Repel, Healmor Class: Common Type: Bird Align: N With tremendous speed and lightning-fast reflexes, this bird is an ally to depend on. WindProof - Prevents death by Wind-attacks. Habitats - Inferno Pit #118 Redwing LV 17 HP:181 MP:72 Atk:16 Def:14 Mgc:15 Res:15 Spd:14 Lck:12 Skills: Pyroburst, Windburst, Healmor, Attract, Cure, Cyclodeus Class: King Type: Bird Align: F Crimson demon with multi-colored wings. Believed to be a messenger of the unknown. FireHoard - Absorbs the power of Fire-attacks. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Limbo #119 Horus LV 18 HP:185 MP:76 Atk:17 Def:16 Mgc:15 Res:15 Spd:14 Lck:15 Skills: Petraburst, Teleport, Silence, Hex Comadeus, Spellboost, Heal All Class: General Type: Bird Align: E Immortal demon with a falcon's head. Its eyes harness the powers of both sun and moon. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Limbo #120 Frezberg LV 20 HP:213 MP:98 Atk:19 Def:18 Mgc:15 Res:16 Spd:20 Lck:14 Skills: Cycloburst, Windburst, Magic Drain, Sonic Boom, Mystic Bind, Venom Breath Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: N A massive eagle with huge wings that can create destructive, gale force winds. #121 Talon LV 22 HP:232 MP:98 Atk:22 Def:17 Mgc:20 Res:17 Spd:22 Lck:18 Skills: Earth Crush, Teleport, Hyper Drain, Defboost, Petradeus, Petraburst Class: General Type: Bird Align: E A silver-clawed demon whose astrological readings often provide an edge in battle. Stealth LV1 - Stealth might allow a 1st hit. #122 Ra LV 26 HP:274 MP:125 Atk:21 Def:21 Mgc:25 Res:24 Spd:25 Lck:19 Skills: Cycloburst, Spellboost, Heal All, Healmax, Teleport, Repel Class: General Type: Bird Align: L A falcon-headed demon that rules the sun and despises anything that's dark and evil. Male Ego - Improves persuasiveness with proud male demons. #123 Harpy LV 30 HP:331 MP:156 Atk:25 Def:24 Mgc:29 Res:24 Spd:25 Lck:25 Skills: Cycloburst, Slumber, Heal All, Distract, Venom, Cyclodeus Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: N Winged demon with a lovely voice that can sway the loyalty of an opponent. Windboost - Draws strength from the power of Wind. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes #124 Bloodbat LV 33 HP:358 MP:151 Atk:28 Def:28 Mgc:31 Res:27 Spd:34 Lck:26 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Cycloburst, Venom Claw, Distract, Hex Leech, Sonic Boom Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: D An evil demon who died once, returned as a vampire, and is now stalked by Kresnik. DarkProof - Prevents death by Dark-attacks. Habitats - Ice Temple #125 Kresnik LV 36 HP:374 MP:165 Atk:31 Def:31 Mgc:30 Res:29 Spd:35 Lck:28 Skills: Cycloburst, Holy Flare, Pyroburst, Revive, Divine Blow, Healmax Class: King Type: Bird Align: L Vampire-hunter in search of Bloodbat. Supposedly, he can transform into animals. Habitats - Sword Cave, Kibra Woods, Wind Shrine #126 Argos LV 35 HP:384 MP:184 Atk:32 Def:30 Mgc:36 Res:31 Spd:32 Lck:28 Skills: Cyclolok, Glowdeus, Cycloblast, Healmor All, Doppelganger, Reflect Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: N A multi-eyed demon that sees all and knows all. Sleeps with his eyes open. #127 Suzak LV 38 HP:412 MP:175 Atk:38 Def:36 Mgc:35 Res:35 Spd:38 Lck:30 Skills: Blast Claw, Sonic Wing, Lucidity, Resurrect, Purge, Teleport Class: General Type: Bird Align: F Holy fire-demon that guards against invasion from the south. FireWall - Reflects Fire-attacks back to enemy. #128 War Crow LV 40 HP:428 MP:190 Atk:35 Def:35 Mgc:38 Res:37 Spd:35 Lck:33 Skills: Cyclolok, Dark Spear, Spellguard, Purge, Sonic Wing, Cycloblast Class: Common Type: Bird Align: N This demon-crow never gets lost thanks to an outstanding sense of direction. WindProof - Prevents death by Wind-attacks. Habitats - Jude Plains, Rainy Woods, Mount Falos, Tyrnanog, Old Tower 5F #129 Garuda LV 42 HP:435 MP:192 Atk:42 Def:40 Mgc:38 Res:38 Spd:40 Lck:36 Skills: Sonic Boom, Divine Blow, Heal All, Revive, Cycloblast, Healmor All Class: King Type: Bird Align: L This golden king of birds soars the skies and is feared by serpentine demons. Habitats - Rainy Woods, Tyrnanog #130 Siren LV 43 HP:441 MP:218 Atk:37 Def:36 Mgc:41 Res:38 Spd:39 Lck:36 Skills: Windblast, Silence, Distract, Aquablast, Healmax, Revive Class: General Type: Bird Align: W A cruel demon who leads ships to their doom with her seductive singing. Male Appeal - Improves persuasiveness with talkative male demons. Habitats - Tyrnanog #131 Boltbird LV 46 HP:491 MP:215 Atk:42 Def:41 Mgc:40 Res:42 Spd:45 Lck:40 Skills: Shocklok, Thunderbolt, Sonic Boom, Teleport, Shockblast, Defdrain Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: T Big, strange bird with wings of lightning. Believed to bring happiness to its master. Habitats - Old Tower 1F ThunderHoard - Absorbs the power of Thunder-attacks. #132 Pazu LV 54 HP:598 MP:262 Atk:53 Def:51 Mgc:51 Res:52 Spd:58 Lck:52 Skills: Cyclomax, Dark Spear, Distract, Whirlwind, Healmax All, Resurrect Class: King Type: Bird Align: N Evil demon who uses warm winds to carry deadly diseases far and wide. Repugnant - So scary demons keep their distance. #133 Lava Rat LV 3 HP:54 MP:24 Atk:8 Def:5 Mgc:6 Res:5 Spd:9 Lck:7 Skills: Pyro, Heal, Bite, Cure, Spellguard, Pyroburst Class: Common Type: Bst Align: F Rat-like demon with skin of burning flames. Often found sleeping in volcanoes. #134 Mermount LV 5 HP:70 MP:25 Atk:10 Def:9 Mgc:5 Res:5 Spd:7 Lck:8 Skills: Aqua Cut, Aqua Flood, Heal, Silence, Venom Foam, Bite Class: Common Type: Bst Align: W With the tail of a fish and the body of a stallion, this sea-demon makes a fine steed. WaterBoost - Draws strength from the power of Water. #135 Centaur LV 6 HP:76 MP:27 Atk:11 Def:8 Mgc:11 Res:7 Spd:10 Lck:12 Skills: Petra, Double Hit, Slumber, Reflect, Paralyze, Petraburst Class: General Type: Bst Align: E Spear-wielding, bearded demon with the body of a horse and the torso of a warrior. #136 Shoklam LV 9 HP:90 MP:34 Atk:12 Def:10 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:12 Lck:8 Skills: Stun Shot, Numbing Claw, Cure, Heal All, Repel, Wildstorm Class: General Type: Bst Align: T An adorable little demon with the body of a sheep and the face of a human. #137 Unicorn LV 11 HP:112 MP:48 Atk:12 Def:11 Mgc:11 Res:10 Spd:11 Lck:9 Skills: Shock Stab, Powerboost, Teleport, Shockburst, Cure, Doom Flash Class: Common Type: Bst Align: L Sacred horse with a single horn that is capable of destroying the forces of evil. Lightwall - Reflects Light-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Duvegs Trail #138 Catclaw LV 13 HP:132 MP:52 Atk:13 Def:11 Mgc:10 Res:13 Spd:11 Lck:9 Skills: Rake, Glow, Heal All, Attract, Spellboost, Cycloburst Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: L Gifted with the power of love, this feline demon rules both the sun and the moon. Anti-Bird - Feared by Birds who will run upon contact. #139 Firemare LV 13 HP:131 MP:54 Atk:12 Def:11 Mgc:14 Res:12 Spd:14 Lck:10 Skills: Glow, Holy Mute, Charge, Spellblock, Pyrodeus, Cycloblast Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: L A horse with a golden mane that lights up the world when he flies over the skies. Habitats - Duvegs Trail, Hydra Mine #140 Windmare LV 17 HP:182 MP:70 Atk:17 Def:15 Mgc:14 Res:13 Spd:14 Lck:14 Skills: Hex Coma, Chomp, Guillotine, Reflect, Venom Blade, Cycloburst Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: D A white-maned horse that gallops across the skies, bringing night in its wake. #141 Orthros LV 21 HP:28 MP:95 Atk:21 Def:18 Mgc:17 Res:15 Spd:18 Lck:16 Skills: Pyro, Pyrodeus, Chomp, TNT, Defboost, Fire Breath Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: F Fire-breathing demon and brother of Nex. Can burn foes to a crisp. FireWall - Reflects Fire-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Rem Park #142 Warseal LV 23 HP:245 MP:111 Atk:22 Def:20 Mgc:19 Res:20 Spd:14 Lck:19 Skills: Polarburst, Cold Voice, Slumber, Defdrain, Healmor, Polarblast Class: Common Type: Bst Align: I A demon of the sea that is often mistaken for a seal by other creatures in the ocean. #143 Airavata LV 25 HP:262 MP:119 Atk:23 Def:21 Mgc:22 Res:20 Spd:18 Lck:17 Skills: Shockburst, Powerboost, Glowdeus, Defboost, Pyrolok, Golden Mute Class: King Type: Bst Align: L King of elephants which was born from a sea of milk. Able to fly. LightProof - Prevents death by Light-attacks. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #144 Boltrift LV 25 HP:262 MP:124 Atk:21 Def:20 Mgc:24 Res:22 Spd:24 Lck:18 Skills: Shockburst, Chomp, Heal All, Shockdeus, Revive, Thunderbolt Class: General Type: Bst Align: T Charged with electricity, this demon descends from the skies on a lightning bolt. Electro LV1 - Stores electric power to sometimes shock an enemy. #145 Humba LV 28 HP:318 MP:132 Atk:29 Def:27 Mgc:24 Res:26 Spd:24 Lck:24 Skills: Gaia Buster, Hyper Sense, Purge, Chomp, Death Breath, Petrablast Class: Common Type: Bst Align: E One-eyed demon who watches over the woods and will attack any who seek to harm it. Final Wall - Blocks most attacks when near death. #146 Leogard LV 28 HP:295 MP:127 Atk:27 Def:25 Mgc:23 Res:22 Spd:24 Lck:20 Skills: Bite, Holy Flare, Powerboost, Healmor, Defboost, Pyroburst Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: L Guardian demon that resembles a lion. Known far and wide as the protector of homes. Habitats - Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #147 Nemea LV 28 HP:288 MP:135 Atk:23 Def:24 Mgc:27 Res:23 Spd:24 Lck:22 Skills: Glow, Holy Flare, Pyrolok, Spellboost, Pyro Bomb, Healmax All Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: F With a mane of flaming locks, this demon can repel arrows, clubs, and other weapons. #148 Fenrir LV 29 HP:314 MP:132 Atk:28 Def:24 Mgc:26 Res:25 Spd:24 Lck:22 Skills: Ice Breath, Chomp, Mystic Bind, Frenzy, Hyper Drain, Purge Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: I A vicious demon with a set of razor-sharp fangs that can even tear armor to shreds. Habitats - Orgel Room #149 Anubis LV 33 HP:352 MP:160 Atk:31 Def:29 Mgc:29 Res:27 Spd:28 Lck:29 Skills: Flare, Slumber, Mystic Bind, Hex Comadeus, Paralyze, Pyroburst Class: General Type: Bst Align: D A demon with a jackal's head that serves as judge and jury over those in the afterlife. Male Ego - Improves persuasiveness with proud male demons. Habitats - Ice Temple #150 Slepnir LV 33 HP:345 MP:163 Atk:30 Def:27 Mgc:30 Res:25 Spd:32 Lck:26 Skills: Cold Voice, Doppelganger, Spellboost, Speedboost, Healmor All, Petrablast Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: I A super-fast, eight-legged horse in blue armor that runs at incredible speeds. Hyper Speed - Very hard to see due to extreme speed. #151 Barone LV 37 HP:405 MP:178 Atk:35 Def:35 Mgc:33 Res:35 Spd:28 Lck:27 Skills: Bite, Fire Breath, Glowdeus, Pyroblast, Defboost, Repel Class: General Type: Bst Align: L A lion-like demon with powers that rival those of Rhanda, its sworn enemy. Habitats - Sword Cave, Kibra Woods, Wind Shrine #152 Byako LV 40 HP:437 MP:179 Atk:40 Def:37 Mgc:32 Res:36 Spd:26 Lck:35 Skills: Shockblast, Rake, Powerboost, Divine Blow, Shocklok, Healmax Class: General Type: Bst Align: T A tiger-demon that guards against invasion from the west. #153 Gembu LV 40 HP:433 MP:189 Atk:41 Def:38 Mgc:38 Res:38 Spd:35 Lck:36 Skills: Tidal Wave, Gaia Buster, Defboost, Hex Comadeus, Aqualok, Resurrect Class: General Type: Bst Align: W A tortoise-like demon that guards against invasion from the north. #154 Kyra LV 40 HP:415 MP:196 Atk:36 Def:33 Mgc:36 Res:32 Spd:27 Lck:35 Skills: Shocklok, Doom Flash, Healmor, Shockbolt, Shockblast, Resurrect Class: General Type: Bst Align: L This one-horned demon has the speed to cover thousands of miles in a single day. Anti-Fiend - Feared by Fiends who will run upon contact. Habitats - Jude Plains, Mount Falos, Old Tower 5F #155 Tior LV 43 HP:464 MP:198 Atk:40 Def:38 Mgc:36 Res:38 Spd:37 Lck:35 Skills: Petralok, Slumber, Mystic Bind, Defdrain, Petramax, Attract Class: General Type: Bst Align: E A demon of the plains who leads an army of undead animals against its enemies. EarthBoost - Draws strength from the power of Earth. #156 Ocelot LV 44 HP:474 MP:203 Atk:45 Def:40 Mgc:38 Res:37 Spd:42 Lck:38 Skills: Polarlok, Healmax, Chaos Foam, Spellblock, Paralyze, Subzero Class: King Type: Bst Align: I A ruthless demon whose powers nearly drove mankind to extinction years ago. Habitats - Tyrnanog #157 Brute LV 52 HP:574 MP:252 Atk:54 Def:51 Mgc:50 Res:50 Spd:48 Lck:51 Skills: Petralok, Grand Crush, Venom Breath, Hyper Drain, Desperation, Glowmax Class: King Type: Bst Align: E Nobody can stop this legendary beast who has the power to destroy worlds. #158 Gnome LV 1 HP:35 MP:13 Atk:6 Def:6 Mgc:4 Res:4 Spd:6 Lck:6 Skills: Petra, Cure, Heal, Defboost, Slumber, Petraburst Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: E Dwarf-demon who lives below the earth's surface and guards rare gemstones from unworthy hands. EarthHoard - Absorbs the power of Earth-attacks. Habitats - Rem School #159 Pixy LV 3 HP:48 MP:21 Atk:5 Def:5 Mgc:7 Res:6 Spd:6 Lck:7 Skills: Cyclone, Cure, Heal, Heal All, Slumber, Cycloburst Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: N Fairy-like demon who is quick to lend assistance in return for a glass of milk. Habitats - Rem School #160 Windling LV 4 HP:58 MP:25 Atk:9 Def:6 Mgc:5 Res:9 Spd:7 Lck:5 Skills: Cyclone, Tornado, Slumber, Rage Melody, Cure, Cycloburst Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: N A smaller-than-average ogre that loves to play tricks on anyone it encounters. Cliffhanger - Holds own even when seemingly down and out. #161 Yeti LV 6 HP:78 MP:29 Atk:11 Def:9 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:9 Lck:9 Skills: Polar, Cold Voice, Pandemonium, Heal All, Polarburst, Healmax Class: General Type: Ogre Align: I This massive snow giant of the mountains is often seen attacking the unwary climber. Freeze LV1 - Lame jokes sometimes freeze the enemy. Habitats - Foggy Marsh #162 Arakneus LV 10 HP:114 MP:52 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:13 Res:11 Spd:8 Lck:10 Skills: Petra, Ram, Slumber, Spellboost, Spellguard, Purge Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: E A demon that resembles a spider. Said to have a human face on its underside. Habitats - Duvegs Trail #163 Thumurai LV 12 HP:124 MP:58 Atk:12 Def:12 Mgc:11 Res:10 Spd:13 Lck:9 Skills: Aqua, Cure, Mystic Bind, Lucidity, Aquaburst, Anti-Demon Class: Elite Type: Ogre Align: W Fairy-tale warrior armed with a needle for attacking enemies' vital areas. Fem Appeal - Improves persuasiveness with talkative female demons. #164 Talos LV 13 HP:140 MP:48 Atk:14 Def:14 Mgc:10 Res:10 Spd:11 Lck:15 Skills: Double Hit, Frenzy, Powercharge, Defdrain, Mjollnir, Shockburst Class: General Type: Ogre Align: T A metal demon created by a wizard to guard and protect his vault of mystic treasures. #165 Iceraith LV 13 HP:140 MP:48 Atk:14 Def:9 Mgc:10 Res:9 Spd:9 Lck:11 Skills: Polar, Chomp, Cold Voice, Hex Coma, Bite, Slumber Class: Elite Type: Ogre Align: I A steel jaw lined with metal teeth makes this one dangerous demon. #166 Golem LV 15 HP:154 MP:62 Atk:14 Def:12 Mgc:13 Res:12 Spd:15 Lck:11 Skills: Petra, Ram, Defboost, Lucidity, Powerdrain, Petraburst Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: E A marriage of science and the occult resulted in creating this soulless robot-demon. Habitats - Inferno Pit, Limbo #167 Sylph LV 16 HP:172 MP:60 Atk:15 Def:15 Mgc:13 Res:13 Spd:10 Lck:13 Skills: Windburst, Cure, Heal All, Pandemonium, Silence, Cyclodeus Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: N A maiden spirit of the winds who hopes to some day find a partner to share her life. WindBoost - Draws strength from the power of Wind. Habitats - Inferno Pit, Limbo #168 Bibisana LV 19 HP:198 MP:78 Atk:18 Def:15 Mgc:18 Res:14 Spd:16 Lck:14 Skills: Cycloburst, Windblast, Cure, Lucidity, Heal All, Sonic Boom Class: King Type: Ogre Align: N A wise and benevolent demon that fights for the cause of peace. #169 Skeltos LV 20 HP:212 MP:88 Atk:19 Def:17 Mgc:16 Res:15 Spd:18 Lck:14 Skills: Quick Blade, Venom, Mystic Bind, Petradeus, Powerdrain, Pandemonium Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: E An undead skeletal warrior that can rebuild its body when it is torn asunder. Invincible - Tough and strong, seldom falls in defeat. #170 Bifrius LV 23 HP:238 MP:114 Atk:21 Def:18 Mgc:22 Res:20 Spd:18 Lck:19 Skills: Pyrodeus, Sonic Boom, Venom, Defboost, Pyroburst, Heal All Class: General Type: Ogre Align: F A mischievous demon who loves to unleash its twisted pranks on any unwary victim. Habitats - Galin Plains, Wind Valley, Sword Cave #171 Minotaur LV 27 HP:295 MP:118 Atk:28 Def:24 Mgc:21 Res:22 Spd:22 Lck:25 Skills: Earth Crush, Charge, Speedboost, Hyper Sense, Powercharge, Petradeus Class: General Type: Ogre Align: E Labyrinth-dweller that is half man and half bull. Very powerful and violent. Habitats - Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Royal Tomb #172 Dydra LV 29 HP:321 MP:122 Atk:27 Def:28 Mgc:24 Res:23 Spd:19 Lck:24 Skills: Ram, Stone Shot, Earth Crush, Charge, Teleport, Frenzy Class: General Type: Ogre Align: E Colossal demon whose head reaches the clouds. None will dare tread in his path. Odds Breaker - Goes for the win when the chips are down. Habitats - Orgel Room #173 Silgra LV 30 HP:308 MP:152 Atk:25 Def:23 Mgc:28 Res:25 Spd:25 Lck:24 Skills: Cycloburst, Paralyze, Tornado, Hex Comadeus, Wild Blows, Hex Bind Class: General Type: Ogre Align: N Ogre-demon with a mighty sword that is said to cut to the very souls of demons. Mood-Swing - Willing to fight harder when the mood is right. Habitats - Icy Wastes #174 Harkai LV 31 HP:335 MP:134 Atk:29 Def:26 Mgc:27 Res:24 Spd:20 Lck:23 Skills: Numbing Claw, Speed Stab, Intox, Helm Buster, Slumber, Pandemonium Class: Elite Type: Ogre Align: T A demon who was punished by a wizard and turned into a pig with a huge appetite. Camaraderie - Goes beserk when an ally falls. Habitats - Luna Prairies, Polar Wastes #175 Saggath LV 33 HP:348 MP:175 Atk:28 Def:25 Mgc:30 Res:28 Spd:24 Lck:30 Skills: Aquaburst, Venom, Pandemonium, Aquadeus, Blur, Speed Stab Class: Elite Type: Ogre Align: W An amphibious demon with a plate on his head to keep him supplied with water. Camaraderie - Goes beserk when an ally falls. Habitats - Polar Wastes #176 Gogra LV 34 HP:365 MP:154 Atk:34 Def:31 Mgc:27 Res:30 Spd:24 Lck:25 Skills: Thunderbolt, Powerdrain, Dark Saber, Shockdeus, Healmax, Revive Class: General Type: Ogre Align: T Ogre-demon with a strange gourd for storing the souls of those who have fallen in battle. Windfall - Wins more cash than normal due to luck. Habitats - Ice Temple #177 Dwarf LV 35 HP:361 MP:175 Atk:32 Def:31 Mgc:28 Res:27 Spd:26 Lck:30 Skills: Petraburst, Guillotine, Powerdrain, Intox, Mystic Bind, Petrablast Class: General Type: Ogre Align: E Bearded demon whose creative hands can mold just about anything it desires. EarthHoard - Absorbs the power of Earth-attacks. #178 Bulmax LV 36 HP:362 MP:165 Atk:34 Def:31 Mgc:27 Res:29 Spd:32 Lck:25 Skills: Blast Claw, Speed Stab, Venom, Terror Gaze, Hex TNT, Frenzy Class: King Type: Ogre Align: F A violent, bull of a demon that blows away his opponents with a single swipe of his club. Magnify LV1 - Causes a bit more damage than usual. #179 Goku LV 36 HP:378 MP:176 Atk:34 Def:33 Mgc:32 Res:33 Spd:29 Lck:32 Skills: Polarburst, Double Hit, Aquaburst, Defdrain, Slumber, Aquablast Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: W A fierce monkey warrior who lives in exile for eating a forbidden fruit. Camaraderie - Goes beserk when an ally falls. #180 Groid LV 37 HP:394 MP:162 Atk:35 Def:34 Mgc:32 Res:35 Spd:30 Lck:25 Skills: Shockburst, Distract, Heal All, Shockblast, Powerboost, Healmor All Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: T A soulless, mechanical solder that is immune to pain and obeys every command. ThunderProof - Prevents death by Thunder-attacks. Habitats - Sword Cave, Kibra Woods, Wind Shrine, Peril Forest, Underworld #181 Witch LV 38 HP:402 MP:175 Atk:38 Def:35 Mgc:33 Res:34 Spd:32 Lck:32 Skills: Hex Coma, Death Breath, Silence, Cyclolok, Distract, Shockblast Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: N An ancient demon armed with deadly knives that can cut almost anything. Habitats - Valk Forest, Dune Desert, Light Path, Light Temple #182 Mummy LV 40 HP:432 MP:185 Atk:38 Def:34 Mgc:36 Res:35 Spd:28 Lck:32 Skills: Petraburst, Venom, Ice Breath, Mystic Bind, Silence, Gaia Crush Class: Common Type: Ogre Align: E Guardian demon of an ancient tomb in which an emperor has been laid to rest. Plague LV1 - Toxins sometimes poison a foe. #183 Ogre LV 41 HP:435 MP:181 Atk:39 Def:38 Mgc:37 Res:37 Spd:38 Lck:35 Skills: Petraburst, Powerboost, Defboost, Petrablast, Pyrolok, Attract Class: General Type: Ogre Align: F Though fearsome to behold, this powerful demon is actually very kind and sensitive. #184 Shudozi LV 42 HP:433 MP:194 Atk:37 Def:36 Mgc:40 Res:37 Spd:38 Lck:40 Skills: Charge, Distract, Intox, Healmor, Teleport, Desperation Class: General Type: Ogre Align: E A violent and extremely dangerous demon that enjoys a good party. Camaraderie - Goes beserk when an ally falls. #185 Hekaton LV 44 HP:478 MP:198 Atk:44 Def:40 Mgc:40 Res:40 Spd:38 Lck:41 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Distract, Petralok, Silence, Petrablast, Reflect Class: Elite Type: Ogre Align: E An awesome demon with six arms that can crush the life out of any opponent. Habitats - Tyrnanog #186 Cyclops LV 52 HP:572 MP:241 Atk:54 Def:52 Mgc:51 Res:51 Spd:49 Lck:47 Skills: Petralok, Charge, Chomp, Grand Crush, Pandemonium, Final Blow Class: King Type: Ogre Align: E A mighty giant who is skilled at shipbuilding as well as the crafting of weapons. EarthProof - Prevents death by Earth-attacks. #187 Mekra LV 54 HP:592 MP:253 Atk:53 Def:51 Mgc:53 Res:50 Spd:52 Lck:49 Skills: Pyromax, Hex Comadeus, Distract, Terror Gaze, Frenzy, Countdown Class: Elite Type: Ogre Align: F Dangerous and destructive, this massive elephant can crush anything in its path. #188 Shepp LV 2 HP:40 MP:18 Atk:7 Def:6 Mgc:5 Res:5 Spd:5 Lck:5 Skills: Shock, Slumber, Defdrain, Spellboost, Pandemonium, Shockburst Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: T A demon who puts people to sleep by summoning one sheep after another. ThunderHoard - Absorbs the power of Thunder-attacks. #189 Undine LV 5 HP:65 MP:30 Atk:7 Def:6 Mgc:9 Res:8 Spd:8 Lck:7 Skills: Aqua, Aqua Flood, Heal All, Spellboost, Aquaburst, Aquadeus Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: W A pure-hearted, timid water-spirit who tends to hide behind whatever is nearby. #190 Elphine LV 9 HP:125 MP:57 Atk:9 Def:9 Mgc:12 Res:10 Spd:12 Lck:6 Skills: Stone Shot, Heal All, Mystic Bind, Cure, Hex Drain, Petraburst Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: E A child-demon who dwells in old houses and is believed to bring luck and prosperity. Invisibility - Seldom targeted due to lack of presence. #190 Caitsith LV 10 HP:104 MP:56 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:12 Res:10 Spd:10 Lck:9 Skills: Cyclone, Powerboost, Heal All, Repel, Lucidity, Cycloburst Class: General Type: Ghst Align: N A fashionable, feline fairy who is given to spouting polites phrases of wisdom. #192 Pilox LV 13 HP:137 MP:54 Atk:13 Def:12 Mgc:10 Res:13 Spd:12 Lck:10 Skills: Petra, Ram, Slumber, Purge, Cure, Petraburst Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: E A house fairy that steals a pillow to curse its victim with sleepless nights. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Rem Park, Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes #193 Vampire LV 13 HP:132 MP:58 Atk:15 Def:13 Mgc:13 Res:13 Spd:14 Lck:14 Skills: Shock, Magic Drain, Distract, Intox, Shockburst, Shockdeus Class: Elite Type: Ghst Align: T A bat-winged, blood-sucking demon who roams the night in search of tasty victims. Stealth LV1 - Stealth might allow a 1st Hit. Habitats - Hydra Mine #194 Slumber LV 17 HP:183 MP:65 Atk:16 Def:15 Mgc:14 Res:14 Spd:11 Lck:15 Skills: Cyclone, Blur, Slumber, Cycloburst, Hyper Drain, Purge Class: King Type: Ghst Align: N Carries a bag full of magic sand that can send almost any creature off to slumberland. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Limbo #195 Demipyre LV 18 HP:184 MP:79 Atk:15 Def:14 Mgc:17 Res:15 Spd:11 Lck:14 Skills: Pyrodeus, Sacrifice, Silence, Pyroburst, Cure, Spellboost Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: F A fireball that appears in graveyards. Believed to be a guide to the netherworld. FireBoost - Draws strength from the power of Fire. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Limbo #196 Phantom LV 20 HP:203 MP:98 Atk:17 Def:16 Mgc:17 Res:15 Spd:18 Lck:17 Skills: Polar, Silence, Healmor, Frostbite, Heal All, Cyclodeus Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: I A considerate spirit that appears to warn folks of any impending disaster. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Playground, Galin Plains, Lost Forest, Wind Gate, Gateway #197 Inkubus LV 22 HP:225 MP:108 Atk:19 Def:17 Mgc:20 Res:19 Spd:16 Lck:18 Skills: Shock, Magic Drain, Purge, Shockburst, Shockdeus, Cycloburst Class: Elite Type: Ghst Align: T A mischievous demon who feeds on the fear generated by nightmares. Vixen Allure - Improves persuasiveness with bad female demons. #198 Banshee LV 22 HP:224 MP:113 Atk:20 Def:18 Mgc:22 Res:19 Spd:17 Lck:20 Skills: Aquaburst, Heal All, Spellboost, Healmor, Polardeus Class: Elite Type: Ghst Align: W A weeping ghost that appears unexpectedly when something sad is about to happen. WaterProof - Prevents death by Water-attacks. Habitats - Galin Plains, Lost Forest, Wind Gate, Wind Valley, Sword Cave, Gateway #199 Baku LV 24 HP:248 MP:114 Atk:22 Def:21 Mgc:22 Res:20 Spd:15 Lck:19 Skills: Aqua Flood, Venom Foam, Slumber, Defdrain, Healmor, Aquadeus Class: Elite Type: Ghst Align: W An adorable and cuddly demon who transforms nightmares into sweet dreams. Habitats - Rem Blvd., Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Orgel Room #200 Hanuman LV 27 HP:288 MP:120 Atk:24 Def:21 Mgc:24 Res:21 Spd:20 Lck:24 Skills: Flare, Teleport, Powercharge, Glowdeus, Painsplit, Pyroburst Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: L An armored monkey-warrior with powers that are ideal for intense battles. #201 Lich LV 27 HP:288 MP:128 Atk:24 Def:21 Mgc:26 Res:23 Spd:18 Lck:22 Skills: Pyroburst, Shockburst, Petraburst, Aquadeus, Cyclodeus, Polardeus Class: King Type: Ghst Align: D A sorceress who maintains her immortality by feeding on the life-force of others. Mood-Cast - Repeats a spell if in the right mood. Habitats - Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Royal Tomb #202 Succubus LV 30 HP:308 MP:145 Atk:25 Def:22 Mgc:28 Res:24 Spd:25 Lck:21 Skills: Shockdeus, Magic Drain, Distract, Temptation, Hyper Drain, Heart Wrench Class: Elite Type: Ghst Align: T A parasitic demon who lives in dreams and feeds off the imagination of its host. Male Appeal - Improves persuasiveness with talkative male demons. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Polar Wastes #203 Seaboz LV 32 HP:330 MP:151 Atk:29 Def:27 Mgc:27 Res:25 Spd:25 Lck:27 Skills: Aquadeus, Aquaburst, Pandemonium, Spellboost, Tidal Wave, Healmor All Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: W A giant sea demon that rides on the crest of a massive tidal wave. WaterWall - Reflects Water-attacks back to enemy. #204 Mokoy LV 32 HP:344 MP:146 Atk:28 Def:27 Mgc:29 Res:25 Spd:24 Lck:25 Skills: Desperation, Petraburst, Spellboost, Defboost, Cure, Petradeus Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: E A greedy earth demon that preys on the spirit of those with many years ahead of them. Last Resort - Tries to drag a foe down when defeated. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes #205 Artemis LV 34 HP:358 MP:156 Atk:31 Def:28 Mgc:27 Res:28 Spd:29 Lck:30 Skills: Shockburst, Venom Blade, Dark Saber, Cycloburst, Defdrain, Cycloblast Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: D A legendary huntress who prowls the woods with her trusty bow in hand. #206 Akerr LV 38 HP:407 MP:152 Atk:37 Def:34 Mgc:34 Res:35 Spd:31 Lck:30 Skills: Charge, Hex Comadeus, Chomp, Venom Claw, Darkfire, Blur Class: General Type: Ghst Align: F More boat than demon, this creature has traveled to the four corners of the world. FireHoard - Absorbs the power of Fire-attacks. #207 Earthlok LV 38 HP:399 MP:184 Atk:34 Def:37 Mgc:33 Res:37 Spd:29 Lck:31 Skills: Petralok, Desperation, Spellguard, Defboost, Hyper Boost, Petramax Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: E An elemental blessed by nature with powers to rule over land. Thick Hide - Stands up to pain. Might be strong... or just dense. (Note that this is the first Power that actually has a comment!) Habitats - Valk Desert, Dune Desert #208 Aqualok LV 38 HP:393 MP:199 Atk:33 Def:34 Mgc:36 Res:37 Spd:30 Lck:31 Skills: Aqualok, Binding Fog, Spellguard, Powerboost, Powerdrain, Aquamax Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: W An elemental blessed by nature with powers to rule over the sea. Thick Hide - Stands up to pain. Might be strong... or just dense. #209 Airlok LV 39 HP:415 MP:178 Atk:36 Def:35 Mgc:36 Res:36 Spd:39 Lck:32 Skills: Cyclolok, Sonic Boom, Speedboost, Lucidity, Spellprone, Cyclomax Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: N An elemental blessed by nature with powers to rule over the skies. Thick Hide - Stands up to pain. Might be strong... or just dense. Habitats - Valk Desert, Dune Desert #210 Flarlok LV 39 HP:415 MP:184 Atk:39 Def:34 Mgc:33 Res:34 Spd:35 Lck:32 Skills: Pyrolok, TNT Flare, Powerboost, Spellboost, Spellprone, Pyromax Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: F An elemental blessed by nature with powers to rule over fire. Thick Hide - Stands up to pain. Might be strong... or just dense. #211 Nitemare LV 42 HP:433 MP:194 Atk:37 Def:36 Mgc:40 Res:37 Spd:38 Lck:40 Skills: Cyclolok, Slumber, Mystic Bind, Defdrain, Polarblast, Attract Class: General Type: Ghst Align: I A winged horse-like demon said to have the ability to strip an enemy of its powers. IceProof - Prevents death by Ice-attacks. Habitats - Rainy Woods, Tyrnanog #212 Dullahan LV 46 HP:482 MP:227 Atk:43 Def:42 Mgc:43 Res:41 Spd:41 Lck:43 Skills: Pyrolok, Pyroblast, Guillotine, Tornado, Mystic Bind, Cycloblast Class: General Type: Ghst Align: F A distance relative of the Grim Reaper. Her visits are bad omens. Habitats - Old Tower 1F, Older Tower 2F #213 Kyuki LV 46 HP:494 MP:220 Atk:46 Def:43 Mgc:40 Res:40 Spd:42 Lck:40 Skills: Pyrolok, Pyro Bomb, Powerboost, Healmax All, TNT, Revive Class: King Type: Ghst Align: F Winged tiger-demon that appears from out of the sky to swoop down on its enemies. #214 Namtar LV 48 HP:512 MP:228 Atk:46 Def:43 Mgc:48 Res:45 Spd:43 Lck:45 Skills: Shocklok, Hex Comadeus, Mjollnir, Resurrect, Hyper Drain, Doombolt Class: General Type: Ghst Align: T A horrible demon whose very existence is the cause of sickness and disease. Vixen Allure - Improves persuasiveness with bad female demons. Habitats - Old Tower 3F, Older Tower 4F #215 Ankuu LV 50 HP:538 MP:234 Atk:49 Def:46 Mgc:47 Res:45 Spd:47 Lck:45 Skills: Pyrolok, Hex Comadeus, Distract, Powerdrain, Pandemonium, Death Breath Class: General Type: Ghst Align: D Few can escape this demon who walks among the living in a deadly hunt for souls. DarkProof Prevents death by Dark-attacks. Habitats - Old Tower 4F #216 Surt LV 58 HP:628 MP:256 Atk:61 Def:58 Mgc:59 Res:54 Spd:59 Lck:54 Skills: Pyromax, TNT, Blast Claw, Hex TNT, Wild Blows, Triple Nova Class: General Type: Ghst Align: D A warrior-demon who wields a mighty sword of fire that the legends call "Laevateinn." Repulse - Tough attitude seems to keep away demons. #217 Mini Icy LV 1 HP:36 MP:14 Atk:7 Def:6 Mgc:5 Res:4 Spd:4 Lck:6 Skills: Polar, Blur, Cure, Intox, Heal, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: I A small demon created from snow. Quick to smile and fast with his ice spells. IceHoard - Absorbs the power of Ice-attacks. #218 Windfrag LV 3 HP:52 MP:23 Atk:6 Def:6 Mgc:7 Res:5 Spd:7 Lck:5 Skills: Cyclone, Windburst, Lucidity, Powerdrain, Spellprone, Cycloburst Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: N Ninja-demon who is very agile and can glide long distances like a flying squirrel. WindHoard - Absorbs the power of Wind-attacks. Habitats - Rem School, Tower Area #219 Garum LV 5 HP:64 MP:26 Atk:8 Def:7 Mgc:6 Res:7 Spd:7 Lck:7 Skills: Flare, Venom Claw, Powerboost, Lucidity, Defdrain, Pyroburst Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: F With eyes like burning coal, this relentless hunter never rests until it nails its prey. #220 Ice Baby LV 8 HP:82 MP:44 Atk:8 Def:9 Mgc:11 Res:9 Spd:7 Lck:10 Skills: Polar, Cure, Heal, Intox, Silence, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: I A sweet-looking demon made of snow. Attacks enemies with a cold barrage of ice spells. IceProof - Prevents death by Ice-attacks. Habitats - Foggy Marsh, Lair Area #221 Razor LV 9 HP:94 MP:36 Atk:11 Def:9 Mgc:12 Res:11 Spd:9 Lck:9 Skills: Cyclone, Lucidity, Windburst, Teleport, Windblast, Heal All Skills: Polar, Cure, Heal, Intox, Silence, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: N Deadly weasel that moves at hyper-speed and wields a razor-sharp sickle. #222 Midion LV 10 HP:110 MP:52 Atk:13 Def:10 Mgc:11 Res:10 Spd:11 Lck:8 Skills: Stun Shot, Hex Bind, Heal All, Pandemonium, Defboost, Shockburst Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: T A proud and dignified subterranean demon armed with shield and spear. ThunderWall - Reflects Thunder-attacks back to enemy. #223 Leprak LV 13 HP:132 MP:52 Atk:14 Def:12 Mgc:10 Res:13 Spd:8 Lck:9 Skills: Petra, Ram, Powerdrain, Heal All, Distract, Petraburst Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: E A creative fairy whose origin can be traced back to a long line of craftsmen. #224 Punkin LV 12 HP:130 MP:49 Atk:13 Def:10 Mgc:12 Res:11 Spd:10 Lck:8 Skills: Pyro, Sacrifice, Pandemonium, Pyroburst, TNT, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: F Flame-demon with a pumpkin head. Lures enemies into a bottomless swamp. Cliffhanger - Holds own even when seemingly down and out. Habitats - Hydra Mine #225 J. Frost LV 15 HP:154 MP:58 Atk:14 Def:12 Mgc:13 Res:12 Spd:13 Lck:16 Skills: Polar, Frostbite, Lucidity, Polardeus, Blur, Defboost Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: I Cheerful little snow-demon with a unique sense of humor that can send chills down the spine. IceBoost - Draws strength from the power of Ice. #226 Skare LV 16 HP:172 MP:60 Atk:15 Def:10 Mgc:15 Res:11 Spd:12 Lck:11 Skills: Cyclone, Silence, Heal All, Cycloburst, Attract, Cyclodeus Class: General Type: Fnd Align: N Though cursed with a body of straw, this demon is blessed with intelligence. Target - Often targeted due to irritating presence. #227 Icyberry LV 17 HP:182 MP:67 Atk:12 Def:14 Mgc:16 Res:13 Spd:12 Lck:13 Skills: Polardeus, Aquaburst, Intox, Polarburst, Heal All, Distract Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: I Strawberry-flavored snowman that looks cute but is really not so sweet. Habitats - Hydra Mine #228 Icylemon LV 18 HP:192 MP:73 Atk:13 Def:13 Mgc:14 Res:11 Spd:15 Lck:18 Skills: Frostbite, Hex Coma, Hex Venom, Polarburst, Venom, Mystic Bind Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: I Lemon-flavored snowman clad in yellow clothes. Can be an aggressive opponent. #229 Icymelon LV 19 HP:199 MP:89 Atk:14 Def:15 Mgc:17 Res:16 Spd:16 Lck:14 Skills: Holy Flare, Glow, Polarburst, Heal All, Spellboost, Attract Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: I Sweet, melon-flavored snowman. Close friends with Icyberry and Icylemon. IceBoost - Draws strength from the power of Ice. Habitats - Hydra Mine #230 Ice Maid LV 21 HP:218 MP:89 Atk:18 Def:17 Mgc:21 Res:18 Spd:14 Lck:16 Skills: Ice Pillar, Polarburst, Distract, Attract, Polardeus, Heal All Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: I An alluring maiden with a heart of ice and cold breath that can freeze her enemies. IceWall - Reflects Ice-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Galin Plains, Lost Forest, Wind Gate, Wind Valley, Gateway #231 Icy Ace LV 23 HP:235 MP:112 Atk:22 Def:18 Mgc:17 Res:17 Spd:19 Lck:18 Skills: Cold Voice, Spellboost, Heal All, Polarburst, Healmax, Polardeus Class: General Type: Fnd Align: I A hero of the snowmen clan who flies to the rescue when summoned for help. Habitats - Sword Cave #232 Dwelgar LV 26 HP:257 MP:127 Atk:24 Def:21 Mgc:24 Res:19 Spd:15 Lck:20 Skills: Earth Crush, TNT, Hex Venom, Hex Comadeus, Spellboost, Heal All Class: General Type: Fnd Align: E Dark and dreary demon with surprisingly strong hands that can snap thick logs. EarthBoost - Draws strength from the power of Earth. Habitats - Heldun Flats, Dark Palace, Royal Tomb #233 Lusarka LV 26 HP:266 MP:132 Atk:20 Def:21 Mgc:24 Res:24 Spd:22 Lck:21 Skills: Venom Foam, Slumber, Heal All, Mystic Bind, Aquadeus, Cycloburst Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: W A water-demon that looks like a fountain at first sight. Loves to dance under the sun. Fog LV1 - Makes dodging attacks a bit easier. #234 Icy Trio LV 28 HP:290 MP:131 Atk:27 Def:25 Mgc:24 Res:24 Spd:25 Lck:22 Skills: Intox Punch, Polarmax, Heal, Shockburst, Cure, Shockdeus Class: General Type: Fnd Align: I A bone-chilling combination of three flavors, teamed for maximum performance. IceHoard - Absorbs the power of Ice-attacks. #235 Vorgia LV 30 HP:319 MP:138 Atk:24 Def:29 Mgc:23 Res:29 Spd:24 Lck:25 Skills: Hyper Sense, Mystic Bind, Aquadeus, Attract, Cure, Healmax Class: General Type: Fnd Align: W Water-demon that lurks in the swamps and attacks anybody who foolishly approaches it. Habitats - Luna Prairie, Icy Wastes #236 King Icy LV 33 HP:352 MP:162 Atk:32 Def:26 Mgc:30 Res:25 Spd:24 Lck:36 Skills: Polarlok, Cold Voice, Pandemonium, Spellboost, Polarblast, Healmax All Class: King Type: Fnd Align: I King of the snowmen whose clothing is designed to maintain cold temperatures. #237 Mandrake LV 34 HP:360 MP:161 Atk:29 Def:27 Mgc:32 Res:27 Spd:29 Lck:27 Skills: Aquaburst, Distract, Heal All, Blur, Defdrain, Aquablast Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: W Shaped like a human, this plant-demon has properties that can turn the tide of the battle. Aroma LV1 - Sweet scent sometimes tempts an enemy. #238 Bludkap LV 34 HP:362 MP:163 Atk:31 Def:28 Mgc:31 Res:29 Spd:34 Lck:28 Skills: Speed Stab, Hex Drain, Blast Claw, Intox, Pyroblast, Guillotine Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: F Violent, elven demon with a pair of claws that can rip the toughest armor. FireWall - Reflects Fire-attacks back to enemy. Habitats - Ice Temple #239 Jimna LV 36 HP:372 MP:176 Atk:24 Def:30 Mgc:34 Res:29 Spd:32 Lck:28 Skills: Shockburst, Stun Shot, Venom, Cure, Repel, Healmor All Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: T A quiet little forest demon that prefers to sleep during the day and hunt at night. Windfall - Wins more cash than normal due to luck. Habitats - Peril Forest, Underworld, Valk Desert, Temple/Past #240 Mermaid LV 26 HP:275 MP:122 Atk:25 Def:24 Mgc:22 Res:19 Spd:20 Lck:18 Skills: Chaos Foam, Spellblock, Defboost, Tidal Wave, Aquablast, Revive Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: W A demon that dwells in the deep seas and dreams of walking among humans. #241 Berzerk LV 38 HP:407 MP:176 Atk:37 Def:35 Mgc:34 Res:33 Spd:34 Lck:34 Skills: Double Hit, Venom Blade, Defdrain, Guillotine, Frenzy, Mystic Bind Class: General Type: Fnd Align: D A fierce and violent warrior that cannot be stopped once he is on the rampage. #242 Tamlin LV 39 HP:407 MP:185 Atk:36 Def:34 Mgc:36 Res:32 Spd:32 Lck:34 Skills: Cycloblast, Tornado, Windblast, Hex Drain, Rage Melody, Healmax Class: General Type: Fnd Align: N A young fairy in knight's armor who is dedicated to protecting forests. Amazon Charm - Improves persuasiveness with proud female demons. Habitats - Mount Falos Habitats - Valk Desert, Dune Desert, Light Path, Light Temple #243 Karfu LV 42 HP:438 MP:192 Atk:40 Def:37 Mgc:37 Res:36 Spd:38 Lck:36 Skills: Shockblast, Quick Blade, Stun Shot, Purge, Healmax, Shockmax Class: Common Type: Fnd Align: T An honorable and trustworthy demon-knight armed with his mighty lance, "Gaiborg". Odds Breaker - Goes for the win when the chips are down. Habitats - Mount Falos #244 Konton LV 43 HP:452 MP:205 Atk:40 Def:38 Mgc:36 Res:34 Spd:37 Lck:35 Skills: Shockblast, Chomp, Pandemonium, Defboost, Purge, Shocklok Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: T Dog demon that bites down on its own tail to make itself go into a frenzy during battle. Electro LV1 - Stores electric power to sometimes shock an enemy. Habitats - Tyrnanog #245 Tork LV 44 HP:469 MP:202 Atk:42 Def:39 Mgc:39 Res:37 Spd:35 Lck:40 Skills: Shocklok, Thunderbolt, Heal All, Shockblast, Slumber, Powerboost Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: T A relentless tiger-demon who hates to lose. Windfall - Wins more cash than normal due to luck. #246 Goblin LV 47 HP:502 MP:221 Atk:46 Def:44 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:44 Lck:42 Skills: Shock Stab, Helm Buster, Silence, Revive, Shockblast, Petrablast Class: General Type: Fnd Align: T A flying demon-warrior with enough fancy moves to keep its enemies guessing. Linguist - Improves persuasiveness with demons who can't be understood. Habitats - Old Tower 2F, Old Tower 3F #247 Paramese LV 2 HP:44 MP:21 Atk:8 Def:6 Mgc:7 Res:5 Spd:5 Lck:7 Skills: Aqua, Blur, Heal, Cure, Venom, Aquaburst Class: Common Type: Alt Align: W An intelligent, worm-shaped demon that draws its power from the pits of Dem. WaterWall - Reflects Water-attacks back to enemy. #248 Mecci LV 5 HP:72 MP:30 Atk:10 Def:9 Mgc:6 Res:7 Spd:8 Lck:8 Skills: Shock, Distract, Heal, Shockburst, Cure, Shockdeus Class: Common Type: Alt Align: T A cute little demon that is currently a popular pet among the kids of Dem. Demon Magnet - Popular nature seems to attract demons. #249 Dagon LV 56 HP:598 MP:292 Atk:55 Def:52 Mgc:61 Res:56 Spd:54 Lck:58 Skills: Aqualok, Venom Breath, Wild Blows, Healmax, Repel, Maelstrom Class: Elite Type: Fnd Align: W A formidable, amphibious demon that can easily attack from under or above the sea. #250 Korbacle LV 7 HP:80 MP:40 Atk:7 Def:7 Mgc:8 Res:7 Spd:5 Lck:8 Skills: Polar, Powerdrain, Cure, Defboost, Attract, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Alt Align: I A gentle demon that loves the simple things in life and prefers to stay out of sight. Invisibility - Seldom targeted due to lack of presence. #251 Mokele LV 9 HP:105 MP:51 Atk:12 Def:10 Mgc:8 Res:8 Spd:9 Lck:12 Skills: Shock, Ram, Stun Shot, Repel, Hex Expose, Shockdeus Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: T Nearly the size of an elephant, this legendary beast is said to control thunderstorms. Electro LV1 - Stores electric power to sometimes shock an enemy. #252 Kesra LV 10 HP:107 MP:51 Atk:10 Def:11 Mgc:15 Res:12 Spd:9 Lck:6 Skills: Cyclone, Rage Melody, Spellboost, Heal All, Powercharge, Sonic Boom Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: N A very strange creature that rides on the wind and floats down from the sky. Linguist - Improves persuasiveness with demons who can't be understood. #253 Agathion LV 13 HP:142 MP:57 Atk:14 Def:14 Mgc:12 Res:12 Spd:11 Lck:9 Skills: Stun Shot, Shockburst, Powercharge, Heal All, Healmor All, Distract Class: Common Type: Alt Align: T A wish-granting demon that is often found inhabiting magic lamps and mysting rings. Focus LV1 - Remains focused for a bit of magic boost. #254 Fairy LV 16 HP:163 MP:70 Atk:14 Def:11 Mgc:16 Res:11 Spd:15 Lck:14 Skills: Cycloburst, Windburst, Healmor All, Teleport, Repel, Healmax Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: N A flower fairy with the wings of a beautiful butterfly. Very moody and prone to anger. Escape LV1 - Sometimes handy when trying to escape. #255 Kobold LV 20 HP:221 MP:105 Atk:20 Def:19 Mgc:18 Res:18 Spd:19 Lck:17 Skills: Polarburst, Slumber, Healmor All, Lucidit, Ice Breath, Healmax All Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: I A seldom-seen mischievous demon that inhabits the rooftops of dwellings. #256 Valkyrie LV 22 HP:232 MP:98 Atk:23 Def:19 Mgc:21 Res:17 Spd:24 Lck:18 Skills: Shock Stab, Hex Coma, Double Hit, Distract, Divine Blow, Shockdeus Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: T A maiden who guides the spirits of warriors who've fallen on the battlefield. ThunderProof - Prevents death by Thunder-attacks. #257 Nezhog LV 23 HP:245 MP:108 Atk:23 Def:20 Mgc:17 Res:17 Spd:14 Lck:22 Skills: Chomp, Earth Crush, Gaia Crush, Hyper Drain, Defboost, Petradeus Class: King Type: Alt Align: E An insatiable dragon-demon that will feed on anything that may stray in its path. #258 Amphius LV 26 HP:282 MP:121 Atk:26 Def:23 Mgc:22 Res:21 Spd:24 Lck:20 Skills: Aquaburst, Venom, Pandemonium, Aqua Flood, Blur, Tidal Wave Class: Common Type: Alt Align: W An excellent swimmer, this playful demon is commonly found in rivers and lakes. #259 Morton LV 30 HP:318 MP:139 Atk:27 Def:24 Mgc:25 Res:22 Spd:24 Lck:28 Skills: Shock Stab, Thunderbolt, Powerboost, Petradeus, Defboost, Shockdeus Class: Common Type: Alt Align: T A powerful and fearsome cyborg created by a renowned mad scientist from Dem. #260 Erdin LV 33 HP:354 MP:182 Atk:30 Def:26 Mgc:32 Res:28 Spd:29 Lck:26 Skills: Cycloblast, Healmor All, Spellguard, Revive, Distract, Sonic Boom Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: N A compassionate maiden who wanders the world, carried by her delicate wings. WindWall - Reflects Wind-attacks back to enemy. #261 Teskarot LV 35 HP:260 MP:175 Atk:31 Def:26 Mgc:32 Res:28 Spd:30 Lck:27 Skills: Hex Leech, Silence, Flare, Magic Drain, Hex Comadeus, Countdown Class: King Type: Alt Align: D A well-dressed courteous demon who will take any opportunity to reflect on his appearance. Mute LV1 - Strange laughter sometimes silences the enemy. #262 Brahmana LV 36 HP:374 MP:179 Atk:32 Def:30 Mgc:35 Res:34 Spd:29 Lck:26 Skills: Shocklok, Divine Blow, Thunderbolt, Shockblast, Healmax, Revive Class: King Type: Alt Align: T Strange and powerful demon that defies description and challenges the imagination. ThunderWall - Reflects Thunder-attacks back to enemy. #263 Kai LV 37 HP:386 MP:183 Atk:36 Def:33 Mgc:35 Res:33 Spd:32 Lck:30 Skills: Petralok, Silence, TNT, Petrablast, Lucidity, Revive Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: E A cross between a lamb and a unicorn, this demon can sense the intentions of others. #264 Boldar LV 38 HP:395 MP:194 Atk:32 Def:31 Mgc:35 Res:37 Spd:35 Lck:29 Skills: Polarburst, Ice Breath, Spellboost, Summon, Hex Venom, Painsplit Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: I Queen of the iron forest who carries the spirits of fallen warriors to the moon. Focus LV1 - Remains focused for a bit of magic boost. #265 Thor LV 39 HP:425 MP:184 Atk:37 Def:35 Mgc:36 Res:34 Spd:35 Lck:37 Skills: Mjollnir, Quick Spear, Heal All, Shocklok, Silence, Healmax Class: General Type: Alt Align: T A warrior with a powerful, mythical hammer that magically returns when it is thrown. #266 Nemesis LV 41 HP:430 MP:192 Atk:35 Def:35 Mgc:38 Res:37 Spd:37 Lck:34 Skills: Ice Breath, Polarblast, Healmor All, Defboost, Hyper Drain, Polarlok Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: I An inscrutable demon whose vengefule nature is legend among those who've felt his wrath. Fog LV1 - Makes dodging attacks a bit easier. #267 Clotho LV 42 HP:445 MP:215 Atk:38 Def:37 Mgc:42 Res:39 Spd:39 Lck:40 Skills: Glowmax, Divine Blow, Spellblock, Golden Mute, Healmax, Resurrect Class: King Type: Alt Align: L One of three sisters of fate who weaves the threads of destiny that govern life. Alert LV1 - Wary eye prevents some enemy 1st hits. #268 Atropos LV 43 HP:468 MP:204 Atk:43 Def:39 Mgc:38 Res:38 Spd:41 Lck:40 Skills: Pyro Bomb, Distract, Doom Flash, Binding Fog, Healmax, Resurrect Class: King Type: Alt Align: F One of three sisters of fate who clips the threads of destiny to terminate life. Aroma LV1 - Sweet scent sometimes tempts an enemy. #269 Scylla LV 44 HP:468 MP:213 Atk:42 Def:39 Mgc:40 Res:39 Spd:42 Lck:39 Skills: Pyroblast, Fire Breath, Mystic Bind, Healmax, Powerdrain, Cyclolok Class: General Type: Alt Align: F A demon whose lower body was changed into six killer dogs by a mystic potion. #270 Lachesis LV 44 HP:475 MP:225 Atk:43 Def:40 Mgc:42 Res:39 Spd:41 Lck:42 Skills: Hex Leech, Magic Drain, Subzero, Dark Spear, Guillotine, Death Breath Class: King Type: Alt Align: D One of three sisters of fate who weaves the threads of destiny to shape life. DarkBoost - Draws strength from the power of the Dark. #271 Karon LV 47 HP:501 MP:224 Atk:46 Def:45 Mgc:45 Res:44 Spd:43 Lck:44 Skills: Pyrolok, Dark Spear, Powerdrain, Pyroblast, Powerboost, Shocklok Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: F Demon oarsman who ferries lost souls across the River Styx for a price. #272 Nesha LV 52 HP:562 MP:252 Atk:52 Def:51 Mgc:50 Res:49 Spd:45 Lck:47 Skills: Petralok, Petrablast, Divine Blow, Healmax All, Revive, Shockblast Class: General Type: Alt Align: E A strong and intelligent demon known far and wider as the "Prince of Elephants". #273 Helldog LV 53 HP:578 MP:252 Atk:51 Def:50 Mgc:52 Res:50 Spd:51 Lck:47 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Pyrolok, Chomp, Blast Claw, TNT, Pyroblast Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: F None have seen and lived long enough to tell the tale of this ghostly, evil hound. Anti-Ghost - Feared by Ghosts who will run upon contact. #274 Loki LV 53 HP:580 MP:255 Atk:52 Def:50 Mgc:54 Res:52 Spd:50 Lck:49 Skills: Subzero, Hex Leech, Reflect, Dark Spear, Powerdrain, Countdown Class: General Type: Alt Align: I A master of deception and trickery who can transform into any shape he desires. Mood-Burst - Moody and changes tactics on the fly. #275 Odin LV 54 HP:587 MP:264 Atk:55 Def:53 Mgc:54 Res:51 Spd:50 Lck:51 Skills: Shocklok, Guillotine, Powerboost, Cycloblast, Shockmax, Hex Comadeus Class: King Type: Alt Align: T A warlord and spellcaster who roams the field of battle with his trusty spear, Gungir. #276 Zypher LV 56 HP:610 MP:259 Atk:60 Def:55 Mgc:51 Res:52 Spd:58 Lck:52 Skills: Doom Flash, Spellblock, Golden Mute, Light Lance, Healmax, Cross Nova Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: L A legendary hero in shining armor who is armed with a sword called Gram. Magnify LV1 - Causes a bit more damage than usual. #277 Roog LV 56 HP:614 MP:262 Atk:58 Def:55 Mgc:51 Res:53 Spd:63 Lck:55 Skills: TNT Flare, Ice Blade, Healmax All, Pyromax, Holy Blast, Maelstrom Class: Elite Type: Alt Align: L Karfu's loard and master. An excellent fighter and a master of the spear. Magnify LV1 - Causes a bit more damage than usual. #278 Nemeazom LV 20 HP:212 MP:95 Atk:18 Def:15 Mgc:19 Res:14 Spd:17 Lck:15 Skills: Pyro, Fire Breath, Bite, TNT, Defboost, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: L Fire-maned demon who awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #279 Humbazom LV 20 HP:222 MP:88 Atk:21 Def:19 Mgc:17 Res:17 Spd:18 Lck:13 Skills: Petradeus, Venom Claw, Bite, Powerdrain, Defboost, Petraburst Class: Common Type: Zmb Align: E One-eyed demon who awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #280 Argozom LV 26 HP:258 MP:128 Atk:23 Def:21 Mgc:24 Res:22 Spd:26 Lck:22 Skills: Cycloburst, Slumber, Heal All, Distract, Big Wing, Cyclodeus Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: N Multi-eyed demon who awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #281 Nuezom LV 26 HP:278 MP:126 Atk:26 Def:24 Mgc:23 Res:24 Spd:23 Lck:22 Skills: Shockdeus, Spellboost, Stun Shot, Quick Spear, Teleport, Repel Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: T Tiger-demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #282 Seryuzom LV 29 HP:324 MP:138 Atk:29 Def:26 Mgc:27 Res:25 Spd:25 Lck:22 Skills: Polarburst, Ice Breath, Icicle, Hyper Drain, Defboost, Polarblast Class: General Type: Zmb Align: I A resurrected dragon-demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #283 Suzakzom LV 29 HP:325 MP:138 Atk:28 Def:25 Mgc:28 Res:27 Spd:30 Lck:28 Skills: Pyroburst, Windburst, Pandemonium, Pyrodeus, Blur, Cyclodeus Class: General Type: Zmb Align: F A resurrected bird-demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #284 Gembuzom LV 31 HP:335 MP:136 Atk:31 Def:33 Mgc:30 Res:33 Spd:24 Lck:27 Skills: Aquaburst, Hex Bind, Tidal Wave, Guillotine, Aquablast, Mystic Bind Class: General Type: Zmb Align: W A resurrected beast-demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #285 Byakozom LV 31 HP:332 MP:136 Atk:30 Def:29 Mgc:30 Res:28 Spd:32 Lck:28 Skills: Shockburst, Spellboost, Numbing Claw, Stun Shot, Teleport, Repel Class: General Type: Zmb Align: T A resurrected tiger-demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #286 Batozom LV 32 HP:355 MP:142 Atk:31 Def:28 Mgc:27 Res:26 Spd:24 Lck:25 Skills: Rage Melody, Chomp, Slumber, Cycloburst, Reflect, Sonic Wing Class: King Type: Zmb Align: N Serpent-demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #287 Astarzom LV 32 HP:352 MP:162 Atk:32 Def:28 Mgc:29 Res:27 Spd:30 Lck:28 Skills: Hex TNT, Fire Breath, Venom Claw, Guillotine, Hex Comadeus, Intox Class: King Type: Zmb Align: D Destructive demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #288 Amonzom LV 38 HP:415 MP:182 Atk:35 Def:35 Mgc:37 Res:36 Spd:34 Lck:30 Skills: Pyroburst, Temptation, Blast Claw, Pyroblast, Gaia Buster, Hex TNT Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: D A resurrected ancient demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #289 Lamiazom LV 38 HP:412 MP:195 Atk:36 Def:33 Mgc:36 Res:35 Spd:31 Lck:30 Skills: Polarburst, Silence, Frostbite, Spellprone, Ice Breath, Powerdrain Class: King Type: Zmb Align: I Frightful demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #290 Brutzom LV 41 HP:442 MP:185 Atk:39 Def:36 Mgc:38 Res:36 Spd:38 Lck:37 Skills: Pyroburst, Paralyze, Spellprone, Shockdeus, Hex Comadeus, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: D Beast of legend who's forgotten he's got the power to summon Doomsday. #291 Neshazom LV 41 HP:445 MP:178 Atk:41 Def:38 Mgc:41 Res:36 Spd:38 Lck:41 Skills: Petralok, Death Breath, Holy Mute, Desperation, Healmax All, Resurrect Class: King Type: Zmb Align: E Elephant-demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #292 Pazuzom LV 45 HP:476 MP:214 Atk:45 Def:39 Mgc:42 Res:40 Spd:45 Lck:40 Skills: Cyclolok, Hex Venom, Intox, Cycloblast, Healmax, Windblast Class: King Type: Zmb Align: N Diseased demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #293 Mekrazom LV 45 HP:484 MP:218 Atk:45 Def:40 Mgc:42 Res:41 Spd:38 Lck:41 Skills: Pyrolok, TNT Flare, Hex TNT, Pyro Bomb, Healmor, Hex Prone Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: F Fierce elephant that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #294 Krakzom LV 48 HP:525 MP:214 Atk:49 Def:45 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:43 Lck:42 Skills: Aquadeus, Wild Blows, Tidal Wave, Pandemonium, Summon, Aquablast Class: King Type: Zmb Align: W A resurrected squid-demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #295 Dagonzom LV 48 HP:522 MP:224 Atk:47 Def:47 Mgc:48 Res:46 Spd:49 Lck:47 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Aquadeus, Distract, Aquablast, Frenzy, Countdown Class: Elite Type: Zmb Align: W A resurrected mermaid-demon with unknown powers that have yet to be awakened. #296 Azelzom LV 50 HP:541 MP:242 Atk:49 Def:45 Mgc:50 Res:47 Spd:45 Lck:46 Skills: Polarburst, Hex Bind, Spellprone, Cold Voice, Hex Comadeus, Polarblast Class: King Type: Zmb Align: D A demon who was locked away ages ago, but has returned as a powerful zombie. #297 Surtzom LV 50 HP:554 MP:248 Atk:51 Def:49 Mgc:48 Res:50 Spd:48 Lck:48 Skills: Guillotine, Double Hit, Distract, Powerdrain, Pandemonium, TNT Flare Class: King Type: Zmb Align: D Warrior-demon that awoke from a long sleep. It has yet to recover all its powers. #298 Rox LV 5 HP:72 MP:28 Atk:12 Def:11 Mgc:7 Res:9 Spd:8 Lck:6 Skills: Dark Howl, Crush Claw, Heal, Heal All, Powerboost, Polardeus Class: Common Type: Myth Align: D A DemiKid's best friend. Protects its master with a sharp set of claws. #299 Arch Rox LV 17 HP:178 MP:96 Atk:14 Def:15 Mgc:19 Res:16 Spd:18 Lck:10 Skills: Dark Howl, Miracle Cure, Heal All, Spellguard, Powerdrain, Defboost Class: Elite Type: Myth Align: D A DemiKid's best friend. Boosted its powers to better protect its master. #300 Wing Rox LV 30 HP:305 MP:164 Atk:25 Def:27 Mgc:30 Res:29 Spd:25 Lck:20 Skills: Dark Howl, Reflect, Heal All, Healmax, Revive, Hex Leech Class: Elite Type: Myth Align: D A DemiKid's best friend. Learned new spells to better protect its master. #301 War Rox LV 45 HP:468 MP:231 Atk:42 Def:41 Mgc:47 Res:45 Spd:45 Lck:40 Skills: Dark Howl, Healmor All, Resurrect, Hex Leech, Healmax, Healmax All Class: King Type: Myth Align: D A DemiKid's best friend. Teeming with dark power to better protect its master. #302 Tupon LV 8 HP:97 MP:30 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:9 Res:8 Spd:12 Lck:6 Skills: Cyclone, Windburst, Heal All, Hex Drain, Hex Leech, Cycloburst Class: Elite Type: Boss Align: N The sleeping ruler of the winds whom none dare to awaken for fear of his wrath. #303 Kibra LV 38 HP:404 MP:179 Atk:32 Def:34 Mgc:38 Res:37 Spd:34 Lck:39 Skills: Cycloburst, Hex Bind, Cyclodeus, Resurrect, Healmor, Mystic Bind Class: King Type: Boss Align: N A demon of the jungles who protects all animals from the hands of hunters. #304 Oberon LV 34 HP:360 MP:161 Atk:31 Def:30 Mgc:29 Res:27 Spd:29 Lck:25 Skills: Petraburst, Frenzy, Earth Crush, Petradeus, Mystic Bind, Pyroburst Class: King Type: Boss Align: E King of the fairies and a self-proclaimed authority on beauty and love. #305 Nex LV 5 HP:76 MP:28 Atk:12 Def:9 Mgc:7 Res:9 Spd:9 Lck:7 Skills: Pyro, Fire Breath, Heal, Heal All, Powerboost, Pyrodeus Class: Common Type: Bst Align: F Loyal to its master, this fierce wolf-demon guards the gates of Dem. Odds Breaker - Goes for the win when the chips are down. #306 Gef LV 5 HP:72 MP:28 Atk:11 Def:9 Mgc:8 Res:9 Spd:11 Lck:6 Skills: Windburst, Sonic Boom, Heal, Heal All, Defboost, Cyclodeus Class: Common Type: Bst Align: N With the body of both eagle and lion, this winged demon is a fast and deadly force. #307 Sphinx LV 26 HP:278 MP:125 Atk:26 Def:26 Mgc:23 Res:22 Spd:20 Lck:20 Skills: Holy Flare, Fire Breath, Heal, Glow, Heal All, Spellboost Class: Common Type: Bst Align: L With courage far exceeding its size, this small demon is a force to be reckoned with. Anti-Evil - Feared by the Evil who will run upon contact. #308 Kem LV 5 HP:76 MP:28 Atk:12 Def:8 Mgc:7 Res:9 Spd:9 Lck:7 Skills: Shock, Distract, Heal, Shockburst, Cure, Shockdeus Class: Common Type: Bst Align: T Horned demon with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake. #309 Phoenix LV 5 HP:69 MP:30 Atk:11 Def:9 Mgc:8 Res:9 Spd:11 Lck:6 Skills: Windburst, Sonic Boom, Heal, Heal All, Defboost, Pyrodeus Class: Common Type: Bst Align: F A crimson bird-demon that is reborn from burning flames each time it dies in battle. FireBoost - Draws strength from the power of Fire. #310 Dephinx LV 30 HP:323 MP:148 Atk:30 Def:27 Mgc:27 Res:26 Spd:22 Lck:25 Skills: Glow, Holy Flare, Fire Breath, Purge, Spellboost, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: L Few can stand before the blazing inferno generated by this brave, holy lion. #311 Meta Gef LV 17 HP:182 MP:87 Atk:20 Def:16 Mgc:14 Res:15 Spd:16 Lck:11 Skills: Sonic Boom, Cure, Heal All, Defboost, Hyper Drain, Cyclodeus Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: N A mutant griffon who now has the power to control wind spells. #312 Meta Nex LV 17 HP:178 MP:88 Atk:20 Def:16 Mgc:14 Res:16 Spd:14 Lck:12 Skills: Fire Breath, Cure, Heal All, Powerboost, Purge, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: F A more powerful Nex with sharper claws and fangs. #313 Meta Nem LV 17 HP:183 MP:84 Atk:20 Def:16 Mgc:14 Res:16 Spd:14 Lck:12 Skills: Thunderbolt, Cure, Heal All, Spellguard, Powerdrain, Shockdeus Class: Elite Type: Bst Align: N A mutant chimera that can scorch its foes with a more powerful lightning bolt. #314 Denix LV 17 HP:183 MP:84 Atk:20 Def:16 Mgc:14 Res:15 Spd:16 Lck:11 Skills: Sonic Boom, Cure, Heal All, Defboost, Hyper Drain, Pyrodeus Class: Elite Type: Bird Align: F A mutant phoenix. Now flies so fast that it can confuse its enemies. #315 Helphinx LV 35 HP:380 MP:171 Atk:35 Def:33 Mgc:35 Res:30 Spd:25 Lck:28 Skills: Shockburst, Holy Flare, Fire Breath, Revive, Pyrodeus, Healmax Class: General Type: Bst Align: L The unbridled power of this mighty lion is a force to be reckoned with. #316 Neo Gef LV 30 HP:315 MP:149 Atk:31 Def:30 Mgc:26 Res:25 Spd:25 Lck:20 Skills: Sonic Boom, Hyper Drain, Heal All, Cyclodeus, Healmax, Revive Class: General Type: Bst Align: N Aided by the dark forces of Dem, this griffon can control the wind itself. #317 Neo Nex LV 30 HP:312 MP:149 Atk:32 Def:30 Mgc:25 Res:26 Spd:24 Lck:21 Skills: Fire Breath, Purge, Heal All, Pyrodeus, Healmax, Revive Class: General Type: Bst Align: F A more powerful Nex which can now unleash and control scorching flames. #318 Neo Kem LV 30 HP:317 MP:143 Atk:32 Def:30 Mgc:25 Res:26 Spd:24 Lck:21 Skills: Thunderbolt, Powerdrain, Heal All, Shockdeus, Healmax, Revive Class: General Type: Bst Align: T A chimera who mutated and grew larger wings with the power absorbed from Dem. #319 Helnix Lv 30 HP:317 MP:143 Atk:31 Def:30 Mgc:26 Res:25 Spd:25 Lck:20 Skills: Sonic Boom, Hyper Drain, Heal All, Pyrodeus, Healmax, Revive Class: General Type: Bird Align: F A phoenix that has mutated and become even faster with the power absorbed from Dem. #320 Neuphinx LV 50 HP:545 MP:245 Atk:50 Def:46 Mgc:50 Res:48 Spd:47 Lck:45 Skills: Shocklok, Shockblast, Fire Breath, Resurrect, Healmax, Healmax All Class: King Type: Bst Align: L The ultimate sphinx who now seems to have the ability to travel across time. #321 King Gef LV 45 HP:482 MP:215 Atk:45 Def:43 Mgc:45 Res:44 Spd:41 Lck:40 Skills: Cycloblast, Sonic Boom, Heal All, Resurrect, Healmax, Healmax All Class: King Type: Bst Align: N The ultimate griffon. Now a majestic demon whose powers exceed those of the ancients. #322 King Nex LV 45 HP:477 MP:215 Atk:46 Def:45 Mgc:43 Res:42 Spd:41 Lck:40 Skills: Pyroblast, Fire Breath, Heal All, Resurrect, Healmax, Healmax All Class: King Type: Bst Align: F Nex at this most powerful incarnation. A foe which no demon would like to face. #323 King Kem LV 45 HP:484 MP:210 Atk:46 Def:45 Mgc:43 Res:42 Spd:41 Lck:40 Skills: Shockblast, Thunderbolt, Heal All, Resurrect, Healmax, Healmax All Class: King Type: Bst Align: T The ultimate chimera with both the head of a dragon and the head of a goat. #324 Neonix LV 45 HP:484 MP:210 Atk:45 Def:43 Mgc:45 Res:44 Spd:41 Lck:40 Skills: Pyroblast, Sonic Boom, Heal All, Resurrect, Healmax, Healmax All Class: King Type: Bird Align: F Rise from the flames, this is the ultimate incarnation of the fire-winged phoenix. #325 Urd LV 51 HP:541 MP:241 Atk:51 Def:51 Mgc:48 Res:49 Spd:54 Lck:49 Skills: Aquamax, Resurrect, Healmax, Maelstrom, Distract, Healmax All Class: General Type: Boss Align: W The eldest of the Trichros who control time. She represents the past. #326 Skuld LV 52 HP:554 MP:249 Atk:50 Def:50 Mgc:52 Res:51 Spd:49 Lck:52 Skills: Pyromax, Guillotine, Heart Wrench, Death Breath, Speed Stab, Countdown Class: General Type: Boss Align: F The youngest of the Trichros who control time. She represents the future. #327 Verdani LV 53 HP:574 MP:251 Atk:53 Def:53 Mgc:54 Res:50 Spd:50 Lck:52 Skills: Glowmax, Spellblock, Golden Mute, Healmax All, Resurrect, Star Dust Class: General Type: Boss Align: L The second-born of the Trichros who control time. She represents the present. #328 Dredalus LV 54 HP:585 MP:266 Atk:55 Def:54 Mgc:54 Res:52 Spd:51 Lck:49 Skills: Shocklok, Dark Spear, Silence, Shockmax, Pandemonium, Hyper Drain Class: King Type: Boss Align: D This epitome of evil uses its dark power to dominate or destroy all life forms. Repugnant - So scary demons keep their distance. #329 Gilgamis LV 52 HP:562 MP:252 Atk:52 Def:51 Mgc:50 Res:49 Spd:45 Lck:47 Skills: Shocklok, Stun Shot, Quick Buster, Shockmax, Dark Spear, Healmax Class: General Type: Boss Align: T Part human and part demon, this creature seeks to find the secret of immortality. #330 Shiva LV 55 HP:603 MP:255 Atk:58 Def:52 Mgc:54 Res:53 Spd:57 Lck:52 Skills: Wild Blows, Frenzy, Doombolt, Temptation, Hex Expose, Pyromax Class: King Type: Boss Align: D A powerful demon with four arms and a third eye that provides it with foresight. DarkBoost - Draws strength from the power of the Dark. #331 Verrito LV 51 HP:558 MP:251 Atk:50 Def:47 Mgc:50 Res:48 Spd:49 Lck:47 Skills: Death Breath, Dark Saber, Hex Chaos, Heart Wrench, Venom Blade, Pyromax Class: King Type: Boss Align: D None will dare to stand in the path of this crimson knight and his might steed. #332 Phegor LV 53 HP:580 MP:255 Atk:53 Def:50 Mgc:52 Res:51 Spd:51 Lck:49 Skills: Subzero, Frenzy, Speed Stab, Dark Spear, Venom Breath, Polarmax Class: King Type: Boss Align: D A deceptively powerful demon who leaves a horrible trail of victims in his wake. #333 Zebul LV 55 HP:600 MP:271 Atk:58 Def:55 Mgc:58 Res:56 Spd:55 Lck:56 Skills: Dark Spear, Wind Dance, Shockbolt, Hyper Drain, Desperation, Shockmax Class: King Type: Boss Align: D King of flies and lord of spirits. This demon's power rivals that of Lucifer. #334 Norn LV 60 HP:665 MP:278 Atk:62 Def:65 Mgc:67 Res:64 Spd:65 Lck:67 Skills: Pyromax, Shockmax, Polarmax, Petramax, Cyclomax, Aquamax Class: King Type: Boss Align: L An immortal demon that physically exists in the past, present, and future. #335 Lucifer LV 62 HP:695 MP:295 Atk:65 Def:66 Mgc:67 Res:65 Spd:66 Lck:65 Skills: Hex Leech, Dark Saber, Inferno, Darkfire, Cross Nova, Pyromax Class: King Type: Boss Align: D This six-winged lord of Dem is feared far and wide for his devastating power. #336 Roksaur LV 25 HP:271 MP:118 Atk:22 Def:24 Mgc:22 Res:24 Spd:18 Lck:18 Skills: Petradeus, Silence, Polarburst, Mystic Bind, Defboost, Magic Drain Class: Common Type: Drgn Align: E Protected by a rocky shell, this demon is nearly impossible to damage. Mute LV1 - Strange laughter sometimes silences the enemy. #337 Raykon LV 38 HP:411 MP:161 Atk:35 Def:35 Mgc:36 Res:34 Spd:33 Lck:30 Skills: Polarblast, Ice Breath, Magic Drain, Reflect, Paralyze, Polarlok Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: I The lost souls of evil demons. They often gather in groups and attack as one. #338 Wyregg LV 10 HP:116 MP:53 Atk:13 Def:12 Mgc:8 Res:6 Spd:11 Lck:7 Skills: Aqua Cut, Bite, Spellboost, Aqua Flood, Silence, Aquaburst Class: Common Type: Alt Align: W Often mistaken as an easy meal, this egg has surprised many a hungry demon. #339 Ludra LV 10 HP:116 MP:53 Atk:14 Def:12 Mgc:8 Res:6 Spd:11 Lck:7 Skills: Cyclone, Bite, Intox, Chomp, Windblast, Heal All Class: Common Type: Bst Align: N A crimson wind-demon who appears out of nowhere, riding on the back of a pig. #340 Coperia LV 18 HP:184 MP:79 Atk:15 Def:14 Mgc:17 Res:15 Spd:11 Lck:14 Skills: Polar, Venom Claw, Distract, Cure, Pandemonium, Polarburst Class: Common Type: Ghst Align: I Doll that was tragically brought to life without a soul and forced to be a demon. Last Resort - Tries to drag a foe down when defeated. #341 Mad Hat LV 43 HP:478 MP:208 Atk:43 Def:40 Mgc:40 Res:38 Spd:33 Lck:40 Skills: Dark Spear, Petrablast, Healmor All, Hyper Drain, Desperation, Resurrect Class: General Type: Fnd Align: E A humourous demon who hides an array of weapons in his mysterious magic hat. Battle Rage - Goes berserk against mean foes. #342 Morrigan LV 45 HP:482 MP:192 Atk:40 Def:42 Mgc:45 Res:43 Spd:40 Lck:41 Skills: Cycloblast, Slumber, Teleport, Hex Drain, Sonic Boom, Spellguard Class: King Type: Bird Align: N Few can stand against the onslaught of this vengeful, power-hungry war-bird. #343 Skyfish LV 18 HP:186 MP:82 Atk:15 Def:14 Mgc:17 Res:14 Spd:18 Lck:14 Skills: Shockburst, Intox, Healmor All, Repel, Polarburst, Shockdeus Class: General Type: Fnd Align: T A missile-like, high-speed demon measuring approximately eight inches in length. Survival - Will run from battle if near death. #344 Starhair LV 50 HP:550 MP:246 Atk:50 Def:48 Mgc:51 Res:48 Spd:47 Lck:48 Skills: Resurrect, Countdown, Healmax All, Alpha Wave, Reset, Star Wind Class: King Type: Boss Align: L Few can resist the unharnessed energy of love wielded by this goddess of creation. #345 Ikona LV 16 HP:174 MP:72 Atk:14 Def:13 Mgc:14 Res:12 Spd:15 Lck:14 Skills: Polarburst, Hex Coma, Ice Breath, Icicle, Silence, Polarblast Class: General Type: Ghst Align: I A very evil, fish-shaped demon that spreads disease above and below the sea. #346 Chot LV 8 HP:96 MP:32 Atk:12 Def:9 Mgc:9 Res:9 Spd:8 Lck:10 Skills: Petra, Heal, Chomp, Glow, Stone Shot, Teleport Class: Common Type: Bst Align: E A pair of hogs that hide in a watermelon patch to attack any unwary travelers. #347 Pandora LV 22 HP:234 MP:122 Atk:22 Def:20 Mgc:24 Res:21 Spd:19 Lck:20 Skills: Hex Comadeus, Mjollnir, Heart Wrench, Reflect, Wild Blows, Countdown Class: King Type: Ghst Align: D A curious maiden who unsealed a jar, releasing evil and leaving only hope. Fog LV1 - Makes dodging attacks a bit easier. #348 Lucifroz LV 60 HP:665 MP:278 Atk:52 Def:65 Mgc:67 Res:64 Spd:65 Lck:67 Skills: Polarmax, Blizzard, Healmax, Resurrect, Spellblock, Healmax All Class: King Type: Boss Align: L A legendary snowman who appears in Dem when snowmen are in trouble. #349 Glasyabo LV 16 HP:173 MP:80 Atk:15 Def:12 Mgc:13 Res:13 Spd:15 Lck:15 Skills: Chomp, Pandemonium, Venom Breath, Hex Venom, Terror Gaze, Cycloburst Class: General Type: Boss Align: N A violent dog-shaped demon who soars above the clouds with its griffon wings. #350 Andromus LV 22 HP:224 MP:112 Atk:17 Def:21 Mgc:18 Res:15 Spd:18 Lck:20 Skills: Pyroburst, Pyro Bomb, Hex Venom, Hex Comadeus, Spellboost, Heal All Class: Elite Type: Boss Align: F A grim demon who wields a living whip for delivering punishing blows. #351 Grevir LV 14 HP:162 MP:65 Atk:12 Def:13 Mgc:16 Res:14 Spd:15 Lck:15 Skills: Pyrodeus, Shockdeus, Polardeus, Healmor, Mystic Bind, Slumber Class: Elite Type: Boss Align: D Devious witch of Dem who is believed to be not only powerful but invincible. #352 Kanos LV 25 HP:264 MP:120 Atk:20 Def:22 Mgc:24 Res:23 Spd:19 Lck:21 Skills: Frenzy, Reflect, Hex TNT, Blast Claw, Hex Leech, Double Nova Class: King Type: Boss Align: F A demon with an enormous set of antlers. Has the power to communicate with animals. #353 Harborim LV 16 HP:173 MP:80 Atk:15 Def:12 Mgc:13 Res:13 Spd:15 Lck:15 Skills: Pyroburst, Speed Stab, Distract, Pyrodeus, Spellprone, Mystic Bind Class: General Type: Boss Align: F A fire-loving demon mounted on a deadly viper. Wields a spear that can burn anything. #354 Forlo LV 32 HP:338 MP:152 Atk:25 Def:27 Mgc:29 Res:30 Spd:25 Lck:26 Skills: Hex TNT, Fire Breath, Pyroburst, Guillotine, Hex Comadeus, Intox Class: General Type: Boss Align: D An enigmatic demon cloaked in a dark flame that will never burn out. #355 Crosel LV 26 HP:274 MP:125 Atk:24 Def:23 Mgc:21 Res:23 Spd:24 Lck:21 Skills: Polardeus, Double Hit, Heal All, Mystic Bind, Polarburst, Cycloburst Class: General Type: Boss Align: I Armored demon who wields a pair of long ice-swords with blades that never melt. #356 Kyme LV 8 HP:95 MP:47 Atk:9 Def:8 Mgc:10 Res:7 Spd:7 Lck:8 Skills: Aqua, Aqua Flood, Defdrain, Heal Al, Pandemonium, Defboost Class: General Type: Boss Align: W A cowardly demon who is quick to take any advantage whether it be fair or unfair. #357 Nergul LV 36 HP:371 MP:165 Atk:35 Def:30 Mgc:28 Res:34 Spd:33 Lck:30 Skills: Shockburst, Hex Bind, Heal All, Shockdeus, Silence, Healmax Class: King Type: Boss Align: D A demon protected by dark armor that can extinguish flames. #358 Bifronz LV 38 HP:404 MP:179 Atk:32 Def:34 Mgc:38 Res:37 Spd:34 Lck:39 Skills: Petrablast, Hex Bind, Petralok, Guillotine, Healmor, Mystic Bind Class: General Type: Boss Align: E Mystic demon that revives the dead for its own dark purposes. #359 Grimlee LV 45 HP:480 MP:194 Atk:40 Def:39 Mgc:43 Res:41 Spd:42 Lck:40 Skills: Cyclolok, Cycloblast, Guillotine, Speed Stab, Healmor, Heart Wrench Class: General Type: Boss Align: N A usually calm demon that goes berserk the moment she loses her temper. #360 Ozemos LV 45 HP:484 MP:218 Atk:45 Def:40 Mgc:42 Res:41 Spd:38 Lck:41 Skills: Shocklok, Shockblast, Quick Blade, Healmor, Shockbolt, Powerboost Class: General Type: Boss Align: T A very vicious demon that resembles a leopard. Its claws can slice anything. #361 Empio LV 46 HP:502 MP:218 Atk:45 Def:43 Mgc:41 Res:41 Spd:43 Lck:41 Skills: Guillotine, Dark Saber, Hyper Drain, Dark Judge, Mystic Bind, Reflect Class: King Type: Boss Align: D Dark warrior of Valhalla, and its mightiest hero. He hopes to one day reign supreme. #362 Empra LV 46 HP:498 MP:228 Atk:44 Def:43 Mgc:44 Res:43 Spd:42 Lck:42 Skills: Glowmax, TNT Flare, Hyper Drain, Golden Mute, Pandemonium, Reflect Class: King Type: Boss Align: L White warrior of Valhalla that swings a mighty sword tempered by sorcery. .-. .-. (_ \ / _) __ | _.._ _ o (_ |_ ._ _ | (_|| | || __)| ||_||\/(_)|_| / This Demonary FAQ is Copyright 2004-2007 Yami Shuryou.